#kevin and radford would be the best dads trust
zaccosnacco · 5 months
Caramel popcorn ship child,,
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His name is Jake and he loves magic shows!! He aspires to be a real magician, his dads are really supportive-
He also has Ethan and Streber as like cool actor uncles even of they aren’t related to either Kevin or Radford but they definitely gave him his little cape since they themselves love their caped vampire outfits
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Look at him go!
Magic !!
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Au thoughts and info
So, I'd thought I'd share info on some of the characters for the Spooky Month Daycare AU, at first it was just a dumb little thought but now it's a fully(?) functioning AU I love-
Anywho character info plus current designs (if they have one) and design ideas (if they don't have one)
This is basically a huge info dump lmao
And some characters are not included for right now
In uniform:
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.Out of uniform idea:
He technically does not have an out of uniform design yet but I have ideas, I'm thinking maybe a black t-shirt and pink pants
.The AU does not Technically have a protagonist but Kevin could be classified as one
.He's 23-27
.Ross's dad in this AU
.Girlfriend dumped him immediately and I mean IMMEDIATELY after Ross was born, she wanted to dump him sooner cause she was a she-devil that REALLY hates kids and never wanted any but she had to wait until Ross was born because she wanted to ya know- Do the baby removal (I'm trying to say it in a nice way- But there is no way to make that sound good-) but it was too late when she found out about Ross/She was way too far into the pregnancy so it was illegal and Kevin begged her to not give Ross up for adoption
.Kevin's just trying to give little Ross his best life, at first he blamed him but as soon as he actually held him (His EX GF shoved him there) Kevin's heart just melted and he knew he had to protect him, he loves his son very much
.He runs the daycare but he does not own it, like he has a boss that tells him if there's anything wrong and choses the uniforms but he's in charge of almost everything else pretty much
.His job is not 24/7 only night shift which is 5pm to 12am for all the other hours they have another person come in who's literally just there to care for kids
.He get's payed much better than you'd think
.Jaune's now his (younger) sister
.Kevin is canonly Pansexual and Demisexual in this AU, he likes everyone and would date anyone but he'd only really be interested in doing "That" with someone he's strongly personally/emotionally bonded with
.He's a bottom
.He's good friends with most of the other parents/guardians that drop the other kids off (Except John and Frank, he's scared of cops and he's scared by Frank's freakish height)
.He's got a crush on Radford but he's too tired from the kids to show any emotion really and he think's Rad is straight he's not. He's as straight as the hair on his head.
Design idea:
Ross does not have a design but I like picturing him in frog like clothing, like frog overalls and a blue undershirt, black toddler shoes and a gray toddler/small child beanie
.He was an oops baby
.He's 5, which is technically a small child but I still refer to him as a toddler for some reason-
.He knows how to talk and can talk he just doesn't, like you can ask him something but he'll just sit/stand there and stare at you while Kevin answers
.Ross only really talks around people he trusts, which is his dad and aunt, to everyone else he will probably say a word or two but that's it, but he'll be more talkative as a teenager, actually he'll say more as a teenager than he does in canon-
.He's friends with Roy and Robert, baby hatzgang
.He'll have a different design as a teenager in this AU than in canon
.When he's a teenager he'll be Bi
.Sometimes he'll ask Kevin if Radford is his boyfriend and Kevin will just become a mess- While Ross just becomes confused
.Ross knows how to walk (I mean? what 5 year old does not???) but sometimes he'll crawl instead
Design ideas:
I- actually don't have one-
.Now Ross's aunt and Kevin's sister
.Younger in this Au, 19-23
.All fun no rules kind of person
.The cool aunt
.Cares deeply about Ross and his safety but she does dangerous stuff with him sometimes
.Would DEFINITELY go and has indeed at some point went: "If you don't tell your dad we'll get ice cream-" but only if for something like letting Ross use an axe and damaging something but she'll fess up if it was serious like they got stuck in a fire or someth-
.Lila's girlfriend, also best friend
.Hair's naturally black she just dyes it blonde
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.Around 23-25
.He has ADHD and is not on medications for it, and he does not want to be cause he does not trust it, and he has a right too
.Still Robert's older brother but in this AU he's the only sibling of his, their parents only had two kids, Radford than Robert
.He's Robert's legal guardian, their parents passed in a car crash a few years ago and since Radford is a legal adult and related to Robert he became the new guardian, the court said so
.He has a crush on Kevin, and he gets all flustered and sweaty around him, he can act normal but it's not very easy and Kevin is oblivious and takes it as Radford being clumsy and getting embarrassed about it
.He is kind of clumsy, not super but he is
.He used to work at a movie theater like in canon but in the AU canon the theater recently got shut down/he was fired (I'm still deciding) so now he's a daycare worker with Kevin, they work at the same time/exact same shift, so now there's one person to care for the day drop offs and two people to care for the night drop offs
.He eventually becomes Ross's step dad
.In this au he's Bi with a dude preference and trans (Female to Male) (that's why he has eyelashes- My rule with eyelashes is, No eyelashes for males (Unless it's Spongebob), one eyelash per eye for character wearing eyeliner (Goes for both females and males) or trans female characters and two for female characters or trans male characters)
.He's good friends with the other parents/guardians (Except Frank, he finds him scary) and Kevin
.He likes painting his nails but never uses the clear top-coat so he almost always has chipped black nails
.Type of person who'd say heck is a bad word/censor heck but would not censor/say something like Fuck face just fine
.If he's fighting you and you pull the "You wouldn't hit a guy with glasses right?" trick on him he will literally pull his glasses off and hit you with them
.He and Robert live in a small apartment
Design idea:
I feel like he'd just wear the same crap he does now-
.He's also 5
.He's a little chatterbox
.He's friends with Roy and Ross, baby hatzgang
.He's really tall for his age, he's the size of an average ten year old-
.Nice baby, he'd be the 'Nicest kid of the week for being quiet and cuddling all day'
.He was taught about death early do to what happened but he seams fine about it, he's sad about it and misses their parents but otherwise he's fine
.He FEARS Happy Fellas, in this AU he will even fear them as a teenager
.He'll also have a different design as a teenager than in canon
Design idea:
I think his outfit would be a mix between his canon normal and canon winter-
.He's 6
.He's a little shizz
.He likes to bite people, he'll bite anywhere but his favorite place to bite is the ankles
.He also kicks peoples shins
.C H O N K Y B A B Y
.Roy loves cookies and will constantly go "Gimmi cookie"
.The only person he'll be an angel for is his uncle or older brother (yes my oc Jarek exists in this au), no it's not to be evil he just misbehaves around people he does not trust, he'll only behave for you if he trusts you, it's kind of a fear/defense thing
.He sucks on RingPops like pacifiers (to be fair I do the same thing-)
.He's best friends with Ross and Robert, baby hatzgang
.He steals the other kids toys in the daycare, except Ross and Robert, he actually shares with them
.Would be the 'naughty kid of the week' for 'bit my ass'
.Constantly ends up in timeout
.Would also have a different design as a teenager in this AU
Other random unorganized info stuff:
.Roy's uncle is named Phill
.Frank adopted the kid from The Stars
.The kid is named Joey
.Phill is no longer a nasty ass mofo and is now a sweet loving uncle, but to stay kind of close to canon he still looks menacing, so you look at him and your like "OH NO HE'S GONNA DO BAD THINGS TO ME-" but in reality he'd do something like bake you cookies and expect nothing in return
.The eyes and moloch still exist but they don't really do anything?
.Dexter is the day shift guy, he murders the bugs and keeps the rats as pets on the side
.Dexter has over 10 pet rats
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zaccosnacco · 5 months
Whats up guys, Look at this silly child
This is a Kevin x Radford ship kid! His name is Jake and he’s in love with magic shows, you could say he fixates on them even
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He’s a little guy with big dreams and supportive parents, he also will never take that cape off its just who he is!
He honestly turned out so well I hope you guys enjoy this Caramel popcorn child
Feel free to reblog <3
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zaccosnacco · 4 months
Family photo
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Kevin and Radford with their son Jake!
Heres some little doodles of him too, don’t mind the inconsistency of his hair style
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Feel free to ask me about everyone’s dynamic with little Jake!
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