whysojiminimnida · 3 years
At 34.35 did jimin really say to jk that call me brother???
Nope. Not the way you mean it. It's a bit of a mistranslation that gets tossed around because there is not a good equivalent term in English. We don't use age-system honorifics. They do. See, the Korean "hyung" does not translate exactly. The closest we have is "brother" but it doesn't mean biological brother, which is why translators often shorten it to "bro" - another word that doesn't mean actual brothers. It's... closer. But it's not there. And this causes Westerners no end of headaches because people do just what you did and use "hyung" as "biological brother" exclusively, when it is used between brothers but also between friends - and lovers.
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Hyung" is used between people who are close. It's a casual honorific. It's used between men only. Older men to younger men can, but don't have to, use the gender-neutral suffix "-ah". So, correctly, because they are close, Jungkook should call Jimin "Jimin-hyung" and Jimin should call Jungkook either just Jungkook or "Jungkook-ah". That happens maybe 50% of the time.
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Big dongsaeng energy with bonus honorifics
My friend Kev's boyfriend of several years refers to him as "Kevi-hyung" or even "Kevi-ssi". And I assure you they are very much a couple. The word "hyung" or the honorific -ssi does not negate romantic involvement. In fact, it is unusual (I'm told) for a younger partner - even a romantic one - to use complete banmal (casual) speech. According to my guys, Kev uses hae-che speech with X - but X uses haera-che banmal (with "you" but without dropping the -hyung) with Kevin. Confused yet?
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That whole -ssi thing is an entire other issue but it's adorable. Jungkook uses haera-che (half casual) speech with members pretty often because they're friends. But he uses hae-che banmal (completely casual) speech with Jimin quite often. AND THAT'S WEIRD.
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Not just the -ah suffix but the "where are YOU going" was banmal, here. In public. And I'm told that everyone there would have known what that usage meant. (It means "we banging" in case you weren't sure).
The only time it is acceptable to drop honorifics with your elder is if you are in a romantic, established relationship with that person AND/OR the elder party has allowed it.
Literally, if you are dropping honorifics you are assumed to be and very likely ARE having sex with that person. That's nearly the ONLY TIME IT'S DONE unless the elder party has suggested it. And Jimin never seems to suggest it - if anything, he teases back with the "be polite, call me hyung" thing. So instead of getting hung up on the translation of the word "hyung" maybe pay attention to when it ISN'T used.
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Jungkook uses banmal here. Basically, "hey you". RUDE LOL Kevin explained it to me by saying it would be like me walking into my boss's office and instead of calling her "Doctor", I said "Hey you, babe." THAT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN. Not if I wanted to keep my job. But Jungkook does it often. He does it in public. And what's more, he GETS AWAY WITH IT. Look at him grin when Jimin calls him on it here:
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"That's not how you address your elder", or, basically, "be polite" - and Koo just gives him a shit-eating grin and says "well how else do I say it", with all that implies. He might as well have said "what should I call you then, baby", because that is exactly what he meant. LOOK AT THAT BRATTY FLIRTY GRIN.
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And Jimin, well aware they're on camera in public, says, "Call me hyung" And Jungkook goes, sassy AF, "Okay, hyung" That little shit. I love him. I love them both. ETA AND WELL SHIT KEV HAS CORRECTED MY ASS. I got haera-che and hae-che speech mixed up. THIS IS WHY YOU WANT A NATIVE SPEAKER KIDS. Okay so it is now edited and correct but if you reblogged me on the first run, might wanna make a note. Haera-che is the half-casual, less formal (6th on 7 levels of speech). Hae-che is level 7 or complete banmal. DAMN KOREAN IS HARD.
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jumoonjae · 4 years
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Pairings: Ji Changmin (Q) X Reader X Jaehyun (Hyunjae) Ft Kevin Moon  Genre: Fluff x Angst X SLIGHT SMUT  Word count: 21,562 words
Summary: A talent show will take place in three week times and you still struggling with putting emotion in the song that you choose, a masterpiece by Lady Gaga, ‘I’ll never love again’. You meet Changmin who you fall for instantly after he jumps in to help you figuring out how to perform the song. Will he manage to help you? Or will he be the one who cause you to sing the song for him? Image are not mine. Credit to Google.
He came late to his group gathering after sending her back to her dorm after another sleepover last night which he had a hard time saying goodbye with a long make out session in his car before he had to let her go and promised to meet her after her class end tomorrow evening.
“Changmin-ah.” Jaehyun call as soon as he get into the restaurant.
“Hyung.” He smiles and walk straight to him giving him a long manly hugs before greeting the other and Kevin who was oddly silent.
“How are you? Isn’t it your semester break too? If you told me you’re here during your break, I’m not going back and hang out with you instead.” Jaehyun pat his shoulder as he took the seat between Jaehyun and Kevin.
“Yeah it was. But I’m helping my girlfriend out with her performance next week, then I’ll be spending the rest of my break with Ghana afterwards.” He didn’t realize how Kevin’s eyes almost popped out from its socket after he heard the words girlfriend. He leaned forward to get Changmin’s attention asking for explanation but the guy just pushed him away playfully and there’s a glint of shyness plastered on his face.
“Girlfriend? Wow. I’m happy for you. Finally, its almost a year now am I right?” Jaehyun smiles at him and he nods. Its no that can’t move on from his ex or anything, its just tiring dealing with the heartbreak. He needs to start over in relationship again sooner or later and she just came into the picture. He was more than happy to claim her for himself.
“Yeah. We just made it official. I think you know her too because she’s Kevi..” He stop at his words when he saw the name of the girl he has spent the whole weekend with a heart emoji and a candid picture of her smiling so sweet holding a flower bouquet admiring it pops on Jaehyun’s phone waiting for Jaehyun to answer, his heart drop dangerously a thousand feet, free falling. The picture probably taken way back because her hair was black and she still look exceptionally beautiful that it hurts him so bad.
“Excuse me guys. Baby hey, why aren’t you answering my calls?” Everything around him seems like a picture that it has stop for a moment, he didn’t move or say anything it's like his body is shutting down, a shock is an understatement to describe how he feels, he was numbed that he couldn’t process what was happening, it was happening so fast that he think that maybe what happened during the weekend was only a dream. Or was it really? He felt a hand squeezing his shoulder and look to his right to find Kevin giving him an apologetic look and that was when he felt the pain, and then anger.
“Kevin. What is this?” His voice came out shaky but loud enough to make the other stop talking and all the attention was on him. He couldn’t believe that the girl he fell hard for which he spent his whole weekend with was the one who his hyung always brag about all the time. How he wish he could turn back time and.. he don’t even have a clue what to do if he turns back time. Falling for her was never an option, it was not something he can control. Maybe it was his fault for falling for her and he has no idea what to do or how to react. He was hurt. No. He felt betrayed and he had to control himself so he wont snap on anyone by balling up his fist tightly until his knuckles turns white.
“Its not what you think Changmin. You need to give her chance to explain. It’s a lot more complicated than what you think.” Kevin grab his shoulder gently try to calm him but he felt otherwise. He was furious but he want to heard it from Kevin if its not from her. Well at least he has a clue about the situation.
“Tell me then Kev. Tell me the truth.” He was about to lose his mind but he couldn’t snap at Kevin because it wasn’t his fault and he couldn’t blame her either because he needs to know from her side of story too.
“I can’t because I’m not in that place to tell you or him. She needs to tell you both herself. But I promise that all her feeling for you is genuine.” Kevin try to talk him out while the other has no clue what was going on. But his answer wasn’t enough, it drive him to the edge even more.
He rub his face harshly out of frustration while Kevin still try to calm him down but when he look out, he saw her outside walking towards Jaehyun. She look fresh with no make up on, nothing. Not even her signature red lips. She wears her black hoodie and matching back ripped jeans and he hates it because he still admires her for it and it kills him to think that she was more comfortable showing her raw side to Jaehyun than him. He prayed hard that it was all a lie. That she was just trying to pull a prank on him and hoping that she’ll walk into the restaurant and run to his embrace instead. But it wasn’t. Because she was walking into another man’s arm making his heart shattered into a million pieces. That was it. That’s the answer he’s been searching for and he wont need any explanation from anyone anymore. He couldn’t stand to look any longer before mustering all the strength he got left and stand abruptly wanting to leave.
“Changmin wait. Please let her explain.” Kevin grab his wrist but he pull away harshly. He was mad. Mad at her, at Kevin and at anyone who already knew about her and Jaehyun but just let him fall for her. Everyone is at fault.  
“You and your best friend can just go to hell.” He growled before walking to the main door towards her and Jaehyun. He saw how her tensing up when Jaehyun pull out a dark blue velvet box from his pocket making Changmin stop walking and as by looking at her in another man arm couldn’t hurt enough, this time he felt like dying is a better option than watching another man was about to propose to her. He saw how she covered her mouth and she frowned when he reveals a diamond ring to her, she looked uncertain and he was disinterested to know why because he was too clouded by his anger. He was about to give up on everything because the pain was unbearable. Her eyes suddenly wanders and caught his who was staring, taking in all the hurt she had caused that he will later will use it against her while she was in shock that she didn’t even look away when Jaehyun shook her body lightly trying to get her attention back to him, the velvet box was closed and Jaehyun followed her line of sight to find him, Jaehyun was confused that he keep looking back and forth at Changmin and her. With the last strength he could muster in his numb body, he walked out the door heading the opposite way from where they both were standing.
“Changmin wait.” He heard her sweet voice calling for him while Jaehyun calls for hers but he didn’t stop even how much he want to. He fight the voice inside his head that asking him to stay and listen to her explanation, but his heart was hurting and he don’t want to cry or fall back into her, what if she tell lies? No. He wont stop or look back or even gives her the chance to play him. He got into his car and speed up without looking back to save himself from breaking apart and refuse to cry in front of her or anyone. He bit his quivering lips hard before hitting the brake stop by the park when he’s sure that he’s far enough from everyone else where he finally break down into tears. He press his eyes hard using his palm to stop himself from crying.
“How could you.” He cries letting it all out. His heart was broken beyond repair and even she couldn’t fix it. She’s broken glass that he had thrown himself into, and falling for her was like walking on a shattered broken glass, the more he tries to pull the pieces out, the more damage it causes.
You smiles closing the door to your room before plopping into your bed shrieking excitedly. You rolled on your back and smile again staring at the ceiling and how you wish that you still staring at his ceiling instead of yours. You decided to take a bath before doing your assignment and call Changmin afterwards. You took out your phone to charge it and realize it was dead for almost 2 days, you smiles again reminiscing the past two day when nothing else matter as long as you have him with you. You turn it on after connecting the charger and it was bombarded by texts and dozens of miscall from Jaehyun washing your smile away. You had forgotten about him for the past two weeks when you were too occupied with Changmin. You were happy and you’re determined that you’ll tell Jaehyun the truth as soon as you can. You decided to check all the text before heading to bathroom.
‘Y/N I’m at Seoul now. Where are you?’
And few asking the same thing but the last and the most recent was the one that made you broke a cold sweats.
‘I love you. I have a surprise for you and for our future. Please call me back. I missed you baby.’
You know what he was about to do because before his semester break, he keep asking about what kind of jewelry do you like and keep showing you a video of man proposing and shit like that and even ask how would you feel if someone proposed to you like that. You suddenly regret for not telling him earlier and making him wait for years. You went to the bathroom to take a shower before calling him as you head out from your room.
“Baby hey, why aren’t you answering my calls?” You stop at your tracks when he greets making inside of you churns at the pet name that he gave without your permission and it somehow made you disgusted with yourself for letting another man other than Changmin calling you that.
“We need to talk. Where are you?” You said urgently, putting on your Vans before walking out of your dorm.
“I’m at the restaurant near your dorm, you want me to come and pick you up?” You know the restaurant located few minutes away just by walking from your dorm and you run. You run hoping that it won't be too late for you to tell him before Kevin does or Changmin. You pretty sure they both hang out together because you knew they both know Kevin and Kevin only have one group of friend. You run without cutting the call until you saw him standing outside the usual restaurant they always went to.
“Oppa.” You call out finally cutting the phone call and he smiles widely as you walked towards him. It kills you that you has to hurt him after knowing what he will do. But you have to, you need to choose between him or Changmin and you didn’t even need to think twice to choose Changmin over anyone else. You stare at him trying to smile back at him, trying blurt out the words you’ve been trying to tell him. But you couldn’t, you were very fond to him, he was your first best friend before he decided to confessed and scared you away. But he never stop chasing you, maybe because you never dare to hurt him or push him away. You love him as a friend but now you need to tell him to stop. You need to tell him the truth.
“Y/N. Oh my god I miss you.” He pulls you into his embrace but you didn’t wrap your hands on him like you always did when Changmin hugs you. You push him away lightly not wanting to hurt him and you hate yourself for doing so. Because you keep on giving him hopes. You don’t mind before because you didn’t have Changmin. But now you have him and you want to cut this non-existent relationship that you and Jaehyun has caught in. You want to stop giving him hopes even if you have no clue how to. You will try anything for god sake.
“I bought something for you.” He pulls out a dark blue velvet box from his pocket and your world came crushing down even you know this will come. You covered your mouth to hide the quivering of your lips when he open the box revealing a diamond ring inside it. If people who doesn’t know your situation they might be feel happy for you. But you almost broke into tears when the guilt started to eat you up. How could you push him when all you could see inside his eyes was sincerity. You stare at his sweet smiley face that was gleaming and it rip you apart because you’re going to take his happiness away. You are the one to blame when his smiles fades and you are the bad guy who will break his heart.  
“Can you please marry me? You still can take your master if you want. We can sort things out just like we always did when we’re in high school.” And at the moment you prayed to god that the ground swallowed you whole and you try to avoid his eyes but somehow your eyes found at a pair of eyes that you adores so much from inside the restaurant standing still probably saw the whole thing. You could feel your heart and head stop working and all your senses numbed when you saw the hurt in his eyes. He look away and walked out the door to the opposite side from where you and Jaehyun were and you started to panic.
“Changmin-ah.” You called and started to run after him. But luck wasn’t at you side when he got into his car and drive away leaving you behind.
“No please. Changmin.” You scream on top of your lungs running to the busy road and almost got hit by a speeding car if it wasn’t Kevin who pull you away from the road.
“Kevin.” You whispered as he grab your both arms trying to get you on your senses.
“Just let him settles first. Just let him be.” He pulls you into his embrace as you break down in tears.
“Y/N.” You heard Jaehyun calling your name but you refuse to look up. You afraid that you’ll lash him out when it was your fault in the first place. You know you just broke his heart too and it will kill you to see his face now. You can’t even apologize to him. Its too late now for everything. Its too late to apologize, its too late to explain. Its too late to fix thing and everything was your fault.  
“Take me home please Kevin. Take me home.” You plead and you could feel he’s turning his head to Jaehyun.
“I’ll call you later hyung. I’m sorry.” He said before starts walking to your dorm leaving the guy behind.
“I should have warned you yesterday I’m sorry. I just don’t think..” you both were almost at your dorm when he breaks the silence between you two which made you stop walking.
“You knew?” You push his body away from you to take a look on his face. You felt you scalp tightens and got goosebumps from his words.
“Why didn’t tell me Kevin?” You snap at him and trying to throw all the blame at him entirely because you’re being denial. You cant register what you have lose in the span of just thirty minute and now you’re going to lose your best friend too. He was taken aback by your sudden rage at him.
“I didn’t know you already made it official with Changmin Y/N. All of you three are my friend. It wont be fair for Jaehyun hyung If I told you about his plans. Do you think I have the choice? Even if I have I cant choose sides. You all are my friend. I didn’t choose to stuck in your love triangle Y/N. But I have warned you about Jaehyun’s hyung feeling and you did nothing about it. You left the poor guy standing on cliff for god sake.” You cover your mouth as his words hit you hard and pull you back to reality. He was right. It was your fault. It will always be your fault. You throw yourself into the mess.
“Don’t blame me for things that you have started. I’ve done my part Y/N.” He lashes out on you making you broke harder into tears. You feel bad for lashing on him and you run back to your dorm leaving him behind and lock yourself in your bedroom crying all night.
You didn’t attend class the next day, you decided to drive to Changmin’s apartment to apologize and explain everything to him. But when you’re sure you saw his car parked on the parking lot, you went up to his floor and rang his bell. When he didn’t answer the first four time you called him, you knock his door on repeat. But his neighbor came out instead greeting you.
“He went to his parents just now.” He said.
“But his car is downstairs.” You force a smile when you felt yourself frowning to his answer. You’re still being denial. Your sleep deprivation didn’t help much when you’re at your most fragile state that you almost broke down at every mention of his name. But you fight it because you need to find him.
“Yeah he usually take the train whenever he head to his parents. I think you can still catch him now.” He said again watching his watch and you thanked him before rushing to the station looking for him franticly. You know you’re on the right place as his neighbor told you. You force yourself to run everywhere looking at people faces even your energy was drained. You stop to catch your breath almost losing hope after running here and there for a few round. You straightens your back when you sense someone was looking at you. When you look up inside the train, you saw him looking at you without any emotion. As if you’re a stranger to him, you were holding back another sets of tear mouthing ‘please’ to him, begging for him to stay, to listen to you just once. You began to panic when the train door was closing and started moving.
“No. No please. Changmin-ah.” You call as you break down again chasing after him banging the side of the train and running dangerously close to the train. While him, he just looked away from you.
“Changmin please.” You pleaded before stop when you reach the end of the platform. You fall to your knee crying shamelessly ignoring the people who was looking at you. You prayed so hard that you have enough courage to just jump on the railways and kill yourself.
You cried and cried and cried as if no one was watching you until you feel someone wraps a jacket over your shoulder and you look up to see Kevin who was looking back at you.
It was during class when he got a call from Jaehyun asking him to pick her up at the station that he had to rush out and take a taxi and sprint to the platform where he saw she was still crying on her knees hands covering her face. He took off his jacket and walked to her covering her petite body and it break him when she look up to him with her swollen eyes from crying. He pulls her up and keep her face covered because some people already taking video of her and take her away from the crowd.
“What are you doing there?” He asked after they both arrives at his shared apartment with Jacob and Eric. He help her settles on the couch before sitting down next to her.
“I was trying to looking for Changmin.” She said in between her sobs.  
“Was he there too? Why are you alone then?” He was irritated at Changmin for leaving her alone crying like that. But he can’t blame him either after what happened last night.
“He left. For good.” She cries harder at her own word and it hurts him too to see her like that. How he wish he could just told her about Jaehyun plans or told Jaehyun about her feeling on her behalf. He had nothing to say because he know how much she love Changmin even before they started dating. He pulls her body closer to him letting her cry on his shoulder.
“How did you know I was there?”
“Jaehyun was looking for Changmin too, but he saw you came out from Changmin’s apartment building and he followed your car. He wanted to comfort you, but he’s afraid that he’ll end up messing up your emotion more. So, he called me.” She didn’t react to his explanation but he know she was lost too. This is her first heartbreak and to put all the blame on her isn’t fair because it's like blaming her for being innocent. For being too nice not daring to reject Jaehyun because she was afraid, she’ll hurt him. But in the end, everyone is hurt.
“I’m sorry Kev, for everything I said last night.” He pat her head slowly.  
“Its fine.”
“I’m sorry for dragging you along with this shit that I made.”
“Hush. Just stop crying. You’ll find another one.” He know it was impossible for her because she’s kind of reserved whenever she is around strangers and it’s a miracle that Changmin could get through the thick wall that she have built up to separate her from others. Even Jaehyun who she have known for years couldn’t make it into her heart after years of trying.
While he himself was a special case, he met her during registration when he and she both came late and almost got into trouble if wasn’t for him who talked the dean out saving both asses from penalties. He’s been the only person she ever talked to and became best friend ever since. He helped her deal with her anti social even she didn’t change much, but he helped her out with gaining confidence while singing by forcing her to sing with his friend Jacob every weekend. He met Jaehyun through her when she constantly avoiding the guy by hiding behind his back and he had to make up tons of excuses for her to get away from him.
“I wont say that I know how you feel because it would be a lie. But lets just focus on this week. Its your long awaited solo. Lets focus solely on that. Okay?” He caress her hair gently and she nodded.
“You can sleep upstairs, Jacob and Eric will be back soon and I don’t want them to see you like this.”  
“Thank you Kevin. What would I do without you.” She lifts her head from his shoulder and he could feel his heart suddenly beating abnormally harder at the close proximate of her face with his chin that he could feel her breath tickles his skin.
He straightens his body up pushing her gently away from his shoulder to shake any feeling from forming inside him even he know it was always been there.
“You’ll live Y/N. I promise.” He looked into her red eyes and then to her red nose making him chuckle.
“What.” She whined adorably still so fragile.
“You look like a clown. Your nose.” He was about to poke it but stop himself from doing so afraid he would fall by such a simple gesture.
“You should get some rest.” He exhaled still looking at her wearing his jacket and she still look good even when she’s a mess and it hurts him to see her like that. He sent her to his room before decided to call Changmin himself. But all his calls goes straight to the voicemails.
A/N: This one a bit long but thank you anyway for reading it. Ahh Kevin, my second bias, i just couldn’t help to put some back story about him and how he’s been crushing on reader for quite sometimes. But that’s just it. He might be getting his own fics later. but i hope you enjoyed this one. Two more chapter will be shorter i promise. Thank you again.
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whysojiminimnida · 3 years
Unless you're me and your friend is Kevin From Itaewon and you already know he's already taken the whole week off work to get older and eat rice cake soup with brisket of all things. So it went kinda like this:
Me: Kev hey Kev oppa, I need a proper Korean, can you help me with some numbers and shit? KFI: You want help with MATH because I'm ASIAN?
Then this happened, metaphorically:
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But after I recovered from being facepunched over FaceTime and Kev allowed as how he is actually very good at numerology type things (and also math but that's NOT RACIST I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT IT WAS A CULTURAL QUESTION OKAY DAMN) I explained about the whole furor over Jungkook's cover... sort of thusly:
Me: NO BITCH BUT I need numerology help with this Jungkook cover because apparently KARMY in your local area is all atwitter.
KFI: OH god, you're on the bird app again. I told you to stay off the bird app.
Me: X is on the bird app is he home?
X, kind of blearily, walks up behind his man and waves. Y'ALL X IS SO CUTE HE'S KIND OF LITTLE AND JIMIN-DORABLE
Me: Oh hey X sorry, I suck. I'm bothering oppa about numerology as it relates to the Jungkook cover of "I Hate Everything" At this point Kev gets up to make his boyfie some tea and X and I chatter about the Jeon-Parks and Jimin's unfortunate erstwhile appendix and how COVID sucks and X allows as how Jimin will probably stay in hospital until the weekend because HE HEARD that Jimin's COVID was complicated. Probably due to the appendix. We have no receipts, this is just on the ground gossip. (Apparently HIPAA does not exist in Korea but okay).
ANYWAY tea is served and links are shared and X is working but only tomorrow afternoon for a few hours (today) so he decides to join us for a bit. I like having X around and actually being allowed to talk to him so I try VERY HARD TO BEHAVE MYSELF AND FAIL. MISERABLY. Like I do. We'll get to that later or not. Anyway I bust out the numbers like so: Me: So the video was cropped to 1:18 and 11/8 is the date of GCF Tokyo and this seems to be IDK kind of a thing. Is it a thing?
KFI: It might have been an accident, but I doubt it. If he did it on purpose it is definitely a thing. Did he do it on purpose? Me: I have no idea, oppa, do I live in the man's brain? But is that something that would, like, get done on purpose? Because KARMY seems to think that these two are always up in secret number code land doing secret number code things. X: That's true, they do! It's very popular here with couples. Kevi-hyung doesn't fully get it because he was raised in America. When we had our 2000 day anniversary I folded him 2000 origami swans and all I got was a week in Guam. Which was nice, but it wasn't TWO THOUSAND SWANS. Y'all I wish I had pictures of Kevin's face I feel like this is a thing that has come up more than once. I may have laughed out loud. KFI: .... Anyway. It might. Has he done things like this before? X: Kevi-hyung remember? I was telling you about this.
Me: Abouuut?
X: Just recently, when Jungkook did the Keep It On The Low cover!
And I did, I had this in my inbox from @kkhluvsbts from WEEKS AGO that got hung up in piles of crazy anons (and I apologize):
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X goes: YES! That’s it!
And KFI goes: Oh. That’s very specific and a 1000 day or 1500 day anniversary is very significant. That Tokyo film is very romantic, I've seen it several times.
KFI: I think that Jungkook must put thought into everything he does. A man who believes so strongly in destiny is very likely to do all those things on purpose, and their special numbers are clearly very important to both of them.
X: OMG Kevi-hyung we talked about this …
KFI: Sorry, I thought this whole thing was going to be about Life Path Numbers. Did you know you're a Life Path 4 with a Master Builder Number 22? Me: No. I don't know what that means. I DIDN'T GO TO SCHOOL FOR MATH OKAY X: You ARE? Hyung never told me that! Here, do Jimin and Jungkook! It devolved from there. And if it's important to you Jungkook is a 9 and Jimin is a 2 with a Master Number 11 and I still don't know what it means except I haven't reached my full potential as a person. ANYHOO VERY LONG STORY SHORT (this turned into a two part call)... WHAT WE LEARNED IS THAT: If you are a native Korean AND you were raised in Korea, number code is an actual thing that gets actually used and therefore probably none of this is a coincidence. The Jeon-Parks DO THIS SHIT ON PURPOSE. If you are Kevin and were raised in America you're more like I-ARMY in that way and it takes a minute to click. We also learned that X is more fun than Kevin when it comes to stanning BTS in general and the Jeon-Parks in particular, he knows how to fold a lot of swans, and I still don't know what Life Path numbers are. And that I just wrote a really long post for what is, essentially, information y'all already knew. SEND HELP IT'S GONNA BE ANOTHER LONG DAY
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whysojiminimnida · 3 years
I have to jump on this number discussion because another indicator that Jungkook knows what he's doing is when he mentioned how he didn't meet his girlfriend for 200 days meaning he's definitely knowledgeable about dating + numbers. Jimin exposed himself in the RUN! BTS EP when he used the anniversary calculator. The math is literally always mathing. Did you see this one already? twitter(.) com/JAKSAL_5813/status/1480419365451595776
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OKAY WOW ANON THAT IS A WHOLE THREAD OF MATH MATHING AND NUMBERS NUMBERING I really wish my brain worked better, today. Most days but definitely on today. Because there's a lot to unpack there.
I'mma send it over to X so he can look at it this weekend since Kevi-hyung has been relegated to He Who Does Not Appreciate 2000 Origami Swans and X is my new Jikook Jikookery BFF. Because Kuku Day is A Thing Apparently, and Kuku Day is Jan. 9 because Jungkook said so
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And while I realize that Jungkook may have chosen Jan 9 because 01/09 is the opposite of 09/01, it is also 58 days from November 13, which means maybe nothing, or 158 days from August 5 (08/05 or 05/08 depending on how you write it) and 5=8=13 is A Big Thing For The Jeon-Parks and I am NOW UTTERLY LOST
ANYWAY I think if you're into Jikook Number Code this is a great place to start. And do lots of mathing. And let me know what you find out.
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