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REALLY bad Keteks inspired by Dalinar Kholin
Blade swings silent, fierce
Fire burns proud.
Deprived of Thrill,
Deprived of pride
Fire fierce silenced a swinging blade.
Oathbound, Honour lights the path
White Assassin strides to the king
Passes to the Brother,
A Kings striding Assassin in White
Pathing in light, honour bound by oaths
A proud voice calls strong, defiant
Its strength finds purpose
Bonds forge unity
Forged bonds find purpose
Defiant strength cries out, voicing pride
General thoughts on Keteks:
Els Ketek in RoW is noted as being strange for placing the weight on the final line whereas a typical ketek places weight on the middle line. After attempting to write several I'm coming to the conclusion that perhaps I am just bad at it but I find it much easier to place the weight on any line with the exception of the middle.
Id be very interested in hearing Sandersons opinion on why it's considered typical for the middle line to carry weight.
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A Mysterious Girl Shares Another Beautiful Set of Her Stunning Armpits
Exclusive her viral videos on: CLICKHERE
A mysterious girl shares with us again this nice set of her beautiful armpits. You already know who you are, so from the bottom of my heart, I thank you very much for your trust and collaboration.
#axilas, #axila, #latina, #armsup, #beautifulgirl, #armpit, #armpits, #sexyarmpits, #armpitselfie, #sexyarmpit, #hotarmpits, #cleanarmpits, #selfiearmpit, #femalearmpit, #cleanarmpit, #shavedarmpit, #beautifularmpits, #femalearmpits, #lindasaxilas, #lindaaxila, #kilikili, #kilikiligoals, #pinaykilikili, #ketek, #waki, #paisa, #colombiana, #colombiangirl, #colombianpits, #colombianpit
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Daily Poem 11/6/24
Standing, so tall. Are we remembered together? Remember, we are tall. So stand.
#This is a ketek#Meant to read the same forwards and backwards (allowing for different verb forms)#ketek#Stormlight Archive#Cosmere#daily poetry#11/6/24#poetry
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Love, hearts beating rhythm, awakens the wandering. The awakening: rhythm, beating hearts' love.
#ketek#the stormlight archive#if you recognize this <33 hi and im being vulnerable elsewhere. but still wanna see if these resonate with anyone else#stormlight archive#mayalaran#adolin kholin#the punctuation is iffy i went back snd forth on all of this. figured only i care that much probably#i don't think most of you get how emotional mayalaran and adolin make me#it is love and life and revival and almighty#keteks#cosmere#poetry
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How does the amount I weigh affect my health?
Being overweight or obese can be bad for your health in many ways. Some of the ways that being overweight hurts your health are:
Chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers are more likely to happen if you are overweight or obese.
Extra weight can cause metabolic problems like high blood pressure, too much cholesterol, and resistance to insulin.
Extra weight puts extra stress on your joints, which can lead to conditions like osteoarthritis.
Weight problems can lead to sleep apnea and other breathing problems.
Depression and low self-esteem may also be caused or made worse by being overweight.
People whose weight is healthy can expect to live longer than those who are overweight or obese.
It's important to keep in mind that being too skinny can also be bad for your health. A healthy weight is one that is right for your height and body type and helps you stay healthy all around.
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accidentally made my qunari inquisitor really hot and i'm fanning my face with my hand
#dai#dragon age inquisition#uh#his name is ketek#sketchy sketch#yes the subliminal bull jumped out but it is KETEK
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Sorry this is so funny actually, can’t wait to read Knights of Wind comma Truth next year
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Really bad Keteks inspired by Kaladin at different times
In the Warcamps:
Leaves drift away,
Wind carries change.
Farewell, Honour.
Farewell, changes carried on winds
Away, drifting leaves!
In the Urithiru during RoW:
A scar marked soul
Hunted by vengeance
Pursued vengeance
Hunted that soul,
Unmarked by scars
Returning to Hearthstone in Oathbringer:
Damnations storm lingers
A spear shields all
Not called to return
Hearthstone returns a shield,
A spear to pass the everstorm into Damnation
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Mysterious kEEYONA Girl's Beautiful Hairy Armpits: A Grateful Collaboration
A mysterious girl shares with us again this nice set of her beautiful armpits. You already know who you are, so from the bottom of my heart, I thank you very much for your trust and collaboration.
#axilas #axila #latina #armsup #beautifulgirl #armpit #armpits #sexyarmpits #armpitselfie #sexyarmpit #hotarmpits #cleanarmpits #selfiearmpit #femalearmpit #cleanarmpit #shavedarmpit #beautifularmpits #femalearmpits #lindasaxilas #lindaaxila #kilikili #kilikiligoals #pinaykilikili #ketek #waki #paisa #colombiana #colombiangirl #colombianpits #colombianpit
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This book. This storming book. Devastated. Finished the last 600 pages in the last 8 hours.
#wind and truth#knights of#it was almost a ketek but we'll allow it#Brandon Sanderson#why did you do this#I am ruined but amazed but frustrated#because there's 7 more STORMING years until this starts to resolve itself again#MAN this guy can write character arcs and build a climax#mayalaran
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Loves sweet embrace; reverence and soft intimacy—home. Intimate, soft and reverent! Embracing sweetly, love.
#ketek#stormlight archive#poetry#its well its okay its embarrassing but its fine im GOING to write these if it kills me#[gripping the sink] your second ketek isnt going to be miraculous don't worry#in my mind this is kadolin but you know do whatever#the stormlight archive#i am gay (:#sensing a theme here. was going to start with lovers but love works better#you dont know HOW many reworks this had.#cosmere#keteks
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Guys I’m already losing it at the contents page I feel like I’m gonna lose my mind by the time I’m done reading this
#no ketek?? 10 parts?????#like I had guessed it was gonna be over the 10 days but this is gonna be a CRAZY book if we have over 1300 pages dedicated to just 10 days#and a postlude??? it really is the end of the arc isn’t it#I’m already so stressed and I’ve not even got to the actual book yet hahhaha#wind and truth#wind and truth spoilers#stormlight archive
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Jangan Susahkan Orang Lain dengan Bau Badanmu!
Hai, gaes! Kali ini kita mau ngobrolin soal bau badan, nih. Siapa sih yang nggak risih kalau lagi deket sama orang tapi baunya nggak sedap? Nah, yuk kita bahas gimana caranya biar nggak nyusahin orang lain dengan bau badan yang nggak oke, pake gaya bahasa yang santai dan islami. Let's go!
Apa Itu Bau Badan?
Jadi, bau badan itu kondisi di mana tubuh kita mengeluarkan bau yang nggak enak. Biasanya ini gara-gara bakteri yang ngerusak keringat di kulit. Keringat sebenernya nggak bau, tapi pas ketemu bakteri, nah disitulah masalahnya!
Penyebab Bau Badan
Ada banyak penyebab bau badan. Kalau untuk remaja biasanya karena faktor hormonal. Sedangkan untuk orang dewasa, biasanya karena stress.
Keringat Berlebih
Kalau kita keringetan parah, terutama pas cuaca panas atau abis olahraga, bakteri jadi lebih aktif dan bikin bau.
Kebersihan Diri
Ini nih yang penting. Kalau kita males mandi atau jarang bersihin diri, bakteri jadi makin betah di kulit kita.
Makanan dan Minuman
Makanan yang pedes, bawang, atau minuman beralkohol bisa bikin bau badan kita tambah nggak enak.
Kondisi Medis
Beberapa penyakit kayak diabetes atau masalah hormon juga bisa bikin bau badan.
Cara Ngatasin Bau Badan
Nah, sekarang nih kita bahas cara ngatasi bau badan yuk!
Rajin Mandi
Yang pertama, mandi dua kali sehari pake sabun antibakteri bisa ngurangin bakteri penyebab bau badan.
Pakai Deodoran
Deodoran bisa bantu ngontrol keringat dan bunuh bakteri. Pilih yang cocok sama kulit kita ya, gaes!
Pakai Pakaian Bersih
Ganti baju sering-sering, terutama kalau abis aktivitas fisik. Pakaian bersih bisa mencegah bakteri nempel di kulit.
Jaga Pola Makan
Hindari makanan yang bisa bikin bau badan. Makan lebih banyak sayur dan buah bisa bikin tubuh kita lebih fresh.
Gunakan Inspired Parfum
Kalau suka parfum mewah tapi nggak mau keluar duit banyak, coba deh pake inspired parfum. Harganya lebih murah tapi kualitasnya nggak kalah bagus.
Gaya Hidup Islami untuk Mengatasi Bau Badan
Sebagai muslim, kita diajarin untuk selalu jaga kebersihan. Rasulullah SAW juga ngajarin kita buat selalu bersih. Nih beberapa tips islami untuk ngatasin bau badan:
Wudhu bisa bikin kita lebih bersih dan segar. Lakukan wudhu nggak cuma pas mau shalat aja.
Mandi Junub
Setelah berhubungan suami istri atau mimpi basah, jangan lupa mandi junub. Ini bisa bantu bersihin tubuh secara menyeluruh.
Rasulullah SAW sangat menganjurkan kita buat bersiwak atau gosok gigi. Ini bisa bikin nafas kita lebih segar dan ngurangin bau mulut.
Menggunakan Parfum
Rasulullah SAW suka banget pake parfum. Kita juga bisa ngikutin sunnah ini dengan pake parfum yang wanginya lembut. Nah, buat yang pengen wangi mewah tapi hemat, inspired parfum bisa jadi pilihan yang oke!
Etika dalam Berinteraksi dengan Orang Lain
Selain jaga kebersihan diri, kita juga harus ngerti etika berinteraksi sama orang lain, terutama soal bau badan. Nih beberapa tipsnya:
Jangan Malu Bertanya
Kalau kita merasa bau badan kita kurang oke, tanya deh ke teman atau keluarga. Mereka pasti jujur ngasih tau.
Pakai Pakaian yang Sesuai
Pilih pakaian yang cocok sama cuaca dan aktivitas kita. Pakaian yang terlalu tebal bisa bikin kita lebih keringetan.
Jangan Mengganggu Kenyamanan Orang Lain
Kalau lagi di tempat umum atau acara penting, pastiin kita udah jaga kebersihan diri. Jangan sampe bau badan kita ganggu orang lain.
Pelajaran yang bisa kita ambil
Nah, itu dia gaes, tips-tips biar nggak nyusahin orang lain dengan bau badan kita. Ingat, jaga kebersihan diri bukan cuma buat kita sendiri, tapi juga buat orang lain di sekitar kita. Dengan begitu, kita bisa berinteraksi dengan nyaman dan percaya diri.
Buat cowok, coba deh pakai parfum pria yang awet, yang penting aromanya gak nusuk idung dan gak bikin puyeng. Gak jamin bikin cewek jadi klepek-klepek, tapi seenggaknya kita terhindar dari mengganggu orang lain karena bau badan.
Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat dan bisa jadi motivasi buat kita semua untuk selalu jaga kebersihan diri. Stay fresh and clean, bro and sis!
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Sanderlanches so far
Twok: Dalinar is in trouble, Kaladin jumps in and saves him. Dalinar then helps him in return
Wor: Dalinar [was lashed upwards and] is about to fall from a great height, Kaladin flies in through a highstorm and helps him
Ob: Kaladin rushes to save Dalinar, who ends up saving himself
Row: Kaladin is about to fall from a great height, Dalinar flies in through a highstorm and helps him
Kowt: ?
#this was in my drafts#mostly because it is mildly ridiculous how many times sanderson has ‘dalinar is damsel in distress and kaladin rushes to save him’#in a sanderlanche#also he did a ketek with names why not here
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literally so normal until the adolin in your brain wants to write a type of poetry that only has 5 canon examples then you go a little crazy
#still literally mid writing two keteks but we have to be awake 24+ hours its gotta be specific also we miss maya#bloodletting#do my mutuals know about keteks theyre literally so cool okay developing enthusiasm for this or stealing it from adolin#like im a leech haha get it bloodletting anyway#do you. do you know bc theyre good.
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#ok so i made this for my best friend now boyfriend#and wrote a ketek about us#and learned the womens script to write it all calligraphically#my dude DIED#also theres a glow in the dark willshaper glyph in the middle cause thats his vibe#the stormlight archive#brandon sanderson#cosmere#cosmere fanart#polymer clay#incense
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