#kenzou yamayagi // night terror
nicosbrainrot · 3 years
thank you so much @korissideblog for your beautiful art & help with this man's visual design as well as brainstorming ideas with me <3
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a lot more info under the cut
Night Terror - Kenzou Yamayagi
Kenzou is a former police detective, and he used to live a happy life. He was married to a woman whom he loved more than anything in the world, she was the center of his life, and one of the kindest people you will ever meet. At some point he got assign to a case chasing after a certain nefarious gang leader, and she was kidnapped in an attempted to get him to drop his pursuit. They said they would let her go if he dropped the investigation, but he didn't believe them. He did everything in his power to find her, bringing in anyone remotely related to the gang and nearly torturing information out of them. Eventually he got a little too close, and they killed her as a last attempt to shake him, knowing it would break him and hoping that they would now be of no interest to him without her. And they were right, it did break him, it fundamentally psychologically broke him. He had one accomplice in custody when he received evidence of her death, who unbeknownst to him was the person with the information that caused the gang to panic, and he turned all of his rage and despair onto that person, killing them violently. He of course had to go into hiding after that. He moved to a discreet and run down part of the city, going by the name Ayumu Shizumi, so the very organization he had once worked for couldn't find him. He continued his pursuit of the gang on his own, blinded by rage and a need for revenge. Eventually his memory started fading and he began to lose sight of what it was he was after, developing an addiction to torture and a taste for blood, turning his anger and pain onto anyone unfortunate enough to cross his path. As of now, the high he gets from hurting people is the closest thing to happiness he's felt since losing his wife.
additional info
- he lives in a shitty apartment unit with a basement, which has been soundproofed to prevent anyone from hearing the screams of the people he torments
- hurting people is an addiction for him, it's like a drug, he has to have someone locked up at all times to fuel that need, & because he is terrified of being left alone
- he enjoys physically torturing people, but his favorite thing to do is use his quirk to give them horrifying nightmares which keep them up for days, & watch their mental state slowly crumble from extreme sleep deprivation
- he actually used to be a very kind & gentle person, but that part of him has long been buried under a deep and painful trauma, hidden in an area of his brain I don't believe even the most skilled psychiatrist could unearth
- his mind is often scattered & his thoughts are sporadic, barely being able to hold a conversation with anyone other than the people he kidnaps, in which case his speech is convoluted & hard to follow
- his memory has been deteriorating, & he's slowly been forgetting important aspects of his past life, even about his time with his wife, but he'll never forget what an angel she was, how much he tuly deeply loved her, & how much he misses her every day
- as a side-effect of his quirk, he's always had very vivid & intense dreams, which now are often nightmares, reliving the moment he lost his wife over & over again, which leaves him with little sleep, ironically
- he's capable of giving people good dreams as well, which is something he used to do occasionally for his wife, but he hasn't been even close to the pleasant emotional state required to do that in quite some time
- in his prior life, he had shoulder length hair that his wife would often brush & put up for him, & after losing her he just let it grow, partially out of a lack of care, but partially because it reminds him of her slightly
- he has a locket with a photo of his wife in it that he wears at all times, if anything were to happen to it I'd feel pity for anyone who happens to be nearby
- he spends most of his recreational time hunched over his radio, listening mostly to music but occasionally just to the people, not necessarily what's playing
- yes he has arms, he just likes his little poncho, it's something he wore often before losing his wife & he finds it comforting
- his wife's name was Mayu, & she really was the sweetest, most gentle person in his life, to him she represented everything good in the world, & when he lost her it was as if the rest of the world lost that kindness too
& how could I forget this song that kori suggested as a voice for him, the vibe of the music is also very fitting
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gamergirlshelby · 3 years
Hello everyone!
Today I bring to you some character opinions from the perspective of Dr. Kowai Crow.
As a word of warning though, Kowai can be extremely violent. I won't be describing anything graphic, but its still worth pointing out how she likes to talk about all the people she's killed. Also some mentions of drug use, but only of stuff that is actually in MHA canon (mainly quirk enhancing drugs).
Fumiko Sumiye (@smol-hibiscus)
Fumiko is probably one of the MANY people that Kowai goes to to buy equiptment, materials, etc.
Kowai doesn't often go to Fumiko when it comes to enhancing her performance however, often preferring to go with other methods, like Trigger.
Probably the most calm when talking to Fumiko because most of their conversations are business transactions, and Kowai needs the parts and support items to use for her "experiments".
Kowai still is having a fun time, since she is practically only ever hysterically happy, so she'd probably be laughing the whole time.
Kenzou Yamayagi (@rescue-hero-cardiac)
There's a high likely hood that Kenzou might be familiar with Kowai depending on how the timeline would line up in terms of when he became a villain and before Kowai had got arrested and sent to Tartarus.
I mean its pretty likely for most detectives to have heard of at least one of the cases that she was involved in, since Kowai is a serial killer, and she would often leave clues that it was her, like how her fear smog would often still be in the victims system when the body is found, or how the victim would be covered all over with cuts.
Kowai definitley thinks its hilarious that all these detectives are trying so hard to catch a single killer.
But again, Kowai thinks everything is hilarious so its somewhat morbid in a way.
But if they where to meet after Kenzou had became a villain, things would be pretty different.
Kowai would definitley be the one doing all the talking (like in most situations) but she would probably be nonchalantly giving him advice on how to torture his victims.
Since she is also one to be very... extreme in her killing.
Kowai also has this habit of trying to guess secrets? Its mainly a habit she developed to help get under people's skin. This is a thing she does for everyone but I feel like its notable here since I feel like this would infuriate Kenzou.
What often happens is Kowai keeps guessing, then hits the nail right on the head, and then goes "Nah there is no way that's the secret, its so stupid!", and then keeps guessing increasingly inaccurate answers.
Lorien Renaud (@residentquirksupport)
I'm gonna keep Lorien and Rene seperate since, at least from my understanding they're technically different people? They're at least different personalities anyways.
Kowai finds Lorien to be SOOOOO boring.
Kowai only started looking into him since she heard he was a suspect for a bunch of murders, so in her head she thought "Ooooohhh murder friends! So fun!"
She only ever watched him during the day, since she tends to like to get her work done at night (both in her experiments and her killings), missing the most crucial detail every night.
Was tempted to kill him due to her disappointment of how boring he was, but decided against it since boring people are no fun to kill for her.
Rene Arsène (@/residentquirksupport)
Rene on the other hand interests Kowai a good bit.
As I've briefly mentioned, Kowai loves to get to the bottom of secrets, since knowledge is power after all.
And Rene being so mysterious other than being this person that just roams the night, doing... something!
Kowai not knowing a lot about Rene bugs her a bit, since she loves to know everyone's secrets, backgrounds, whatever, as long as it can be used in some way.
But the mystery is so intriguing to her, so she wants to figure it out, but never has the time to since they are both active during the same time, both working at night.
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nicosbrainrot · 3 years
*Night Terror is confused at the sight of such a strange beast - a grinning, bat-like creature with no eyes or nose, and a large, laughing mouth opening from its belly. Its short legs hold a black letterz branded by a large, red eye seal.*
Kenzou stood in front of the strange creature, he didn't know what on earth it was and that confusion irritated him slightly. The way it hovered in place while holding a particular envelope made it seem as though it were here to deliver it, although it didn't get any closer. He staggered forward hesitantly before snatching the letter out of its claws, after which it flew up into the night sky and took off, likely heading back to wherever it came from.
He watched it for a moment before it quickly sank into the darkness of the night, and he turned to walk back inside his worn down home. He slammed the door behind him, checking twice to make sure the old broken door locked properly, before sitting down on the tattered sofa in the middle of the empty living room.
He tore open the envelope carelessly, pulling the letter out and gazing at the bright red lettering on the black paper. His eyes skimmed over the writing once, quickly, and then darted back and forth across the page, as if he was trying yo make sense of something he didn't quite understand. He scoffed and threw the letter down on the table, leaning back on the chair and staring down at it.
After a moment he bent down and picked up a key that was hidden under the sofa. He went around the corner and down a short hallway to a horizontal door leading down to the basement, and unlocked it. He stepped down into the lower room before shutting the door tightly behind him.
The letter laid on the table, supposedly abandoned. However, if he was truly uninterested he would have crumpled it up and thrown it away, but there it was, laying face up on the old coffee table. Perhaps he would return to it later, with deeper consideration.
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nicosbrainrot · 3 years
I caved & made a villain playlist, here you go
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nicosbrainrot · 3 years
any song lyrics that fit your villain?
ohhh this ask my beloved <3
I'll put it under the cut to not clog your dash
I Am Machine - Three Days Grace
here's to being human
all the pain and suffering
there's beauty in the bleeding
at least you feel something
. . .
I wish I knew what it was like
to care about what's right or wrong
My Demons - Starset
mayday mayday
the ship is slowly sinking
they think I'm crazy
but they don't know the feeling
. . .
I cannot stop this sickness taking over
it takes control and drags me into nowhere
I need your help I can't fight this forever
. . .
take me high and I'll sing
oh you make everything okay, okay, okay
we are one and the same
oh you take all of the pain away, away, away
save me if I become my demons
Bones - Ms Mr
dig up her bones but leave the soul alone
boy with a broken soul
heart with a gaping hole
dark twisted fantasy
turned to reality
kissing death and losing my breath
One For The Money - Escape The Fate
let me see you start a war
start a riot
when there's nothing left to burn
hear the silence
hate me you can't escape me
and you ain't ever gonna change
I can't stand it I've fuckin had it
oh I'm about to blow
Light 'em Up - Fall Out Boy
be careful making wishes in the dark, dark
can't be sure when they've hit their mark
and besides in the mean-meantime
I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart
I'm in the de-details with the devil
you know the world can never get me
on my level
I just got to get you out the cage
I'm a young lover's rage
gonna need a spark to ignite
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