#kenny i don’t know if i should thank you or not man
daisynik7 · 11 months
“Earned it” by The Weeknd for Levi Ackerman- Smut + Fluff
thank you
Earned It
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Pairing: Levi Ackerman x f!reader
Word Count: ~7.0k
cw: yakuza au, modern setting au, adult themes, gang-related violence, mentions of blood, explicit language, fluff, smut – fingering, cunnilingus, PIV sex (doggy style), cream pie, unprotected sex
Summary: Levi is the current leader of a Yakuza organization called the Ackerman Clan. Fearless, ruthless, cold-blooded. Your deadbeat father owes a debt to his Uncle Kenny after borrowing a sum of money to gamble on horse races many years ago, a debt that hasn’t been forgotten. He has since abandoned you and one day, the Ackerman Clan tracks you down, claiming that you are now the owner of this debt. Without the means to pay for it out of pocket, Levi employs you to be his personal housekeeper until you’ve earned the money to pay it off. 
Author’s Note: Wow okay my first Levi fic EVER and I totally got carried away! I had so much fun writing this one, so I hope the rest of you enjoy it! Thanks for the request for the y2k karaoke party! This gave me the perfect excuse to finally write for Levi. MDNI divider credit to @/cafekitsune. Thank you for reading! Tagging @crazychaoticizzy!
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It's an average Wednesday when you receive a call from your mother in the middle of your workday. She usually doesn’t call unless it’s important, so you answer, already nervous for what she’s about to tell you. “Mom? Are you okay?”
Her tone is somber. “Honey, please come home. Now.” You can hear other people speaking in the background, alarm bells immediately ringing in your head. It’s been you and your mother alone for the past decade now, abandoned by your father before your high school graduation. You have no idea who would be in your home at this time. Freaking out, you ask, “What’s going on? What’s happening?!”
Before she can respond, there’s shuffling, then a man you don’t recognize on the other line. “You should listen to your mother.” His voice is cold, terse, sinister. It sends a chill down your spine.
Immediately, you excuse yourself from work, briefly describing a family emergency to your boss. You hop on the closest train, jittering in your seat, sweating bullets, stomach tight with anxiety. All you need to know is that your mom is safe. As soon as you’re out of the station, you remove the heels off your feet to run home. When you arrive, you notice a black car with tinted windows parked in the driveway and the front door already swung open. Winded and out of breath, you double over with the impulse to vomit, already expecting the worse. You swallow down the urge, collecting yourself, and walk inside.
You’re met by three strangers: two men and a woman. She looks young, gaze cold on yours, studying you carefully. The taller of the men is significantly older, hunched over, lanky, with a cigarette between his crooked smile. The other is short, but his domineering presence seems to overwhelm the rest of them. The cold gaze, the stagnant frown, the tightness in his brows. There’s an aura to him that shows he’s not one to be messed with. Before you can even confirm, you know that this man is the one who spoke to you earlier on the phone. Their leader. 
Your mom is seated on the couch, cowering in fear when she calls out to you. “Honey!”
You step towards them, wanting to approach her, but you’re stopped by the woman, staring daggers at you, her hand concealed inside her jacket, ready to attack if necessary. It’s a warning: Don’t come any closer or else. “Mikasa, relax. She ain’t even armed,” the older man says. He points to her, winking at you. “Sorry about my niece; she’s got some anger issues. Runs in the family, actually.”
Without removing her gaze from you, she mutters, “Shut up, Kenny.”
He laughs, puffs of smoke escaping his mouth. He removes the cigarette, tapping the ashes onto the hardwood floor of your living room before stepping closer towards you. “I should be the one upset here.” His eyes scan your figure up and down, smirking. “Right, Levi?”
You shiver from his wicked expression, glancing at your mother who stares wide-eyed at you in a panic. “What’s the meaning of this?” you ask shakily. 
The shorter man, apparently named Levi, comes forward, glaring at you. “You owe the Ackerman Clan money. Two million yen with all the interest that’s been accruing for the past ten years.” 
“We never borrowed money from you!” you argue. 
“You didn’t. But your father did,” Kenny interjects. “The dumbass didn’t know how to gamble on the right horse. Lost each race and came crawling back to me for more and more money. I gave him two years to pay me back without interest, but I suppose he ran off on you and your poor mother before he could pay it. Now, it’s way past due. I need my money back.”
That no-good, deadbeat father of yours. Of course he’s the one behind this. He’s always had a gambling addiction, ever since you were little. Borrowed money left and right from distant relatives, friends, coworkers, and apparently strangers. You thought he’d at least have the decency to pay them off on the occasions he actually scored big, but who are you kidding? All he spent his winnings on was more booze to drown out the fact that he never cared or provided for his family. You shake your head, tears welling in your eyes. “You should be asking him for the money, not us.”
Levi’s eyes narrow. “You don’t think we already tried looking for him? We can’t find him. He’s gone. Someone else has to be responsible for it now. And that means his wife and his kid. You.”
“We don’t have that kind of money just laying around,” you say, hoping that somehow, this Yakuza gang is nice enough to forgive the debt.
Kenny barks a laugh. “Well, you’re shit out of luck then, huh? Just like your lousy father.”
You wince at his harsh words, simultaneously agreeing with him. Levi sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. “If you can’t pay off this debt within the next three months, we’ll be forced to take more severe action.”
“What do you mean?” you stutter. A variety of cruel punishments flash through your head, causing your knees to wobble in fear, though you manage to stay upright. 
“You don’t want to find out,” he threatens with a dark look.
You swallow loudly, unable to hide your dread any longer. Crying, you fall to your knees in a begging position, peering up at Levi with weepy eyes. “Please. I’ll do anything. Just don’t hurt my mom. Leave her out of this.”
Your mother sobs into her hands, your name muffled against her palms. Even through your blurred vision, you notice Levi’s expression waver just the slightest. 
“Maybe she can work for you,” Mikasa suggests. Her tone has changed to one of sympathy, unexpectedly considering her intimidating demeanor moments ago. 
Levi scoffs. “And what would she do for me? I doubt she can fight.”
There’s a pause as you watch them contemplate your fate. Kenny is the first one to offer an answer. “Housekeeper. She can be your housekeeper!”
Levi grimaces at the suggestion. “Excuse me?”
Kenny walks towards him, ruffling his nephew’s hair, much to his dismay. Levi swats him away, scowling as his uncle explains, “You spend so much goddamn time cleaning your own house, it’s about time you hire someone to do it for you. You’re the leader of the Ackerman Clan now. Time is money. You can’t be wasting it dusting when you can just make someone else do it for you.” He squats, legs spread wide, meeting you face-to-face. “Can you clean?”
You wipe away the tears streaming down your face, nodding.
“Can you cook?”
You nod again, more confidently this time. 
He slaps his knee. “Well, there you go! Looks like we found the solution. You’re hired. Levi will pay you at the end of each day. Your wages after three months should be enough to cover the debt you owe me. If you work overtime, you’ll earn extra cash. Sound good?” He sticks his hand out, waiting for you to shake on it. 
Three months of housekeeping and cooking for the leader of a Yakuza gang, who already looks like he despises you? It’s either that or whatever punishment he originally has in mind, which sounds much more painful and ominous. 
Before you agree, you ask, “What about my regular job?”
He strokes his chin, thinking. “Damn, forgot about that. Well, Little Levi here can compensate you for that as well. You’ll have to quit it in the meantime, but this gig is much better, don’t cha think?”
Levi raises his voice, angry now. “Don’t I get a say in this?! Who said I have the money to pay her?!”
Kenny waves him off, smirking. “You don’t drink, you don’t gamble, and you don’t fuck. So what else are you doing with all that money?”
At this, Levi gapes at his uncle, blushing. “I’m the fucking captain here, aren’t I? I won’t allow this.”
Kenny rolls his eyes, standing up to stretch his back. “Fine. Got a better idea? We don’t have all fucking day to argue about this, you know.”
After a few more disgruntled huffs from Levi without any other real suggestions, you are officially hired as Levi Ackerman’s housekeeper. 
Levi doesn’t need a fucking housekeeper. He’s the cleanest goddamn person in this entire godforsaken planet. Sure, he spends at least two hours at the start of his morning doing household chores to ensure that everything in his home is spick and span. But what’s so wrong about that? It’s the only solace he finds in this cruel world. The only aspect of his life that he can control. 
So, when his new hire arrives to his house seven o’clock sharp the very next day, Levi’s already in a bad mood. And when she smiles brightly at him, greeting him, “Good morning!” in an all-too-cheery voice that drips with enthusiasm and spirit despite the shitty situation she’s in, he can’t help but become even more irritated. She can’t possibly be excited about this. It’s all a façade, an act. Fake. He’s seen it before, from so-called friends, family members, strangers on the street. People only connect with him if there’s something to gain from it. And in this case, the money to pay her father’s debt is her end-goal, and nothing else. He reminds himself that she’s not here for him. No one ever is.
He doesn’t respond to her, turning on his heel to lead her inside. Without saying so, she removes her shoes, tucking them into an empty slot on the shoe rack, following him. Unfortunately, Kenny’s been here since half an hour ago, taking his usual breakfast: a cup of black coffee and a frozen waffle, toasted until lukewarm. And of course, there’s already crumbs on the table, but Levi ignores it, knowing that she’s responsible for this mess now, not him. 
“Morning,” Kenny drawls, raising his mug to her. She waves, still nervous around them, naturally, but her smile stays on. 
Levi hands her a sheet of paper, typed out with proper instructions. “Everything you need to know is on here. Unless you’re illiterate and can’t read, I won’t need to explain anything to you, right?”
She scans the document quickly, shaking her head at the end. “Seems simple enough.” 
“My nephew here likes things spotless,” Kenny adds, spit flying out of his mouth as he chews the rest of his breakfast. “Total clean freak and perfectionist. He’ll be on your ass about a simple speck of dust.”
“It’s not clean if there’s still dust,” he emphasizes. 
Her attention goes to the fridge. “What about meals? What do you like to eat?”
“I’m not picky. I usually don’t eat breakfast and lunch is brought to me at the office. So dinner is the only meal you have to cook. Like I said, I’m not picky. But it better not be instant ramen or something. I’m not paying you to feed me that processed shit.” Truthfully, he already eats that junk for lunch, often opting for fast food because it’s quick and easy while he’s out on a job. But what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her. He shoots a glare at his uncle when he notices him snickering to himself, clearly aware of his less-than-ideal diet. 
After a brief tour of the house, not including his bedroom, which will remain off limits, him and Kenny leave to start the day. Levi is reluctant at first, unsure if she can live up to his high standards of tidiness, but even he can admit that it’s more productive when he arrives to their headquarters on time. 
The day goes by smoothly; the extra two hours that Levi gains by entrusting another person to his usual morning ritual proves to be beneficial for both him and his gang. They are able to add an extra stop to their daily rounds, collecting owed money from sleezy businesses and seedy underground organizations. They only resort to violence once, with Levi squeezing a man’s head between his shoe and the pavement until he coughs up the dough. In his eyes, today was a good day. 
Kenny drops him off back home around eight when it’s already dark out. The lights are on, glowing through the shaded windows. He digs into his pocket for the keys, retrieving them to unlock the door, his nostrils immediately hit with a sensational aroma wafting from the kitchen. Sliding out of his shoes, he steps further inside, following the scent. 
She’s leaning over the stove, steam puffing from whatever pan she’s cooking in. He drops his keys on the counter, clearing his throat to make his presence known. 
“Hello, Mr. Ackerman,” she says, turning to face him. “Perfect timing. Dinner is just about ready. I’ll serve it to you now.”
He slides a chair out from the dining table, taking a seat, watching as she moves around the kitchen. She scoops white rice into a bowl, then the food onto a plate, setting it front of him. It looks delicious; glazed meat scattered with a variety of fresh vegetables. “It’s chicken stir fry,” she explains. “It isn’t gourmet or anything, but it’s hearty and filling. I hope you like it.”
He remains silent, holding a piece of broccoli at the end of his chopstick, blowing on it before putting it in his mouth. The sauce is savory, pairing well with the typically bland vegetable. He digs into the chicken, enjoying how juicy and flavorful it is. It’s nothing he hasn’t had before, but still; it’s tasty. 
She stands beside him, watching him eat with a small grin on her face. “What would you like to drink?”
He swallows, replying, “I like tea. Hot tea. Decaf.”
“On it,” she says, heading back into the kitchen, filling a kettle with water to heat on the stove. Within ten minutes, she returns with a cup in one hand, the kettle in the other, pouring him freshly brewed tea. 
It’s quiet, Levi eating peacefully while she continues to observe him. He’s not quite sure what to say; do they make small talk? Does he compliment her cooking? How do people engage with others during a time like this?
Her stomach growls loudly, which he immediately notices. He raises a brow at her, pointing his chopsticks towards the kitchen. “You should eat too. If you’re hungry.”
“Is that alright?” 
He nods, looking down at his plate. “It’s better than watching me eat while you’re starving, right?”
She laughs, going back into the kitchen once again. “Yes, of course.” She comes back, sitting across from him to start eating. Not knowing what else to discuss over dinner, Levi asks her about the chores she should have accomplished today, to which she reports back in detail. It sounds as if she went through eat item on the list, though the true test will be when he inspects it himself. Their conversation flows well; he usually hates conversing with people when it isn’t necessary. He can’t remember the last time he shared a homecooked meal with someone else. He’s always at home after work, alone. Mikasa is too busy with her own family, and Levi can hardly stand his uncle’s presence to begin with, so he always preferred being alone. 
This, however, this he doesn’t mind. Surprisingly. 
Before he gets too comfortable with the idea, he reminds himself once more that this is simply the deal they agreed to. There’s no room for sentimentality. She’s here because she was forced into this role, not because she wants to be here. This is business. This is temporary.
And with that in mind, Levi strengthens the integrity of the walls he barricades around him, determined not to let anyone but himself in.
Your first month of employment go by as smoothly as you hope it would be, given your circumstances. Every day, you arrive at Levi’s house seven in the morning on the dot, greeting him with a smile. You figured it wouldn’t do you any good to show your fear of the Yakuza in front of the leader himself. And, in all honestly, you weren’t actually that scared of him. While he’s cold and blunt most of the time, he hasn’t done anything to frighten you yet, aside from your initial meeting. It helps that you only see him for a few minutes in the morning when he lets you in, and at most an hour at the end of the day, when you share dinner together. Before you leave, he hands you an envelope with your day’s wages, and that’s that. Based on the lack of criticism, you assume that you’re doing a good enough job.
On the second month, you begin to make lunches for him in addition to your usual routine. Uncle Kenny had mentioned several times in secret that Levi eats fast food because of the convenience. Sometimes, he skips a meal all together when they’re especially busy. 
When you arrive to his home, you greet him with your usual smile, while he gives you a curt nod, avoiding your gaze. He shouts behind him, “Kenny, let’s go!”
Before he walks out the door, you stop him, saying, “Oh, Mr. Ackerman! Before you leave, I prepared lunch for you.”
He whips around to face you, eyes narrowed as if you just insulted him. “What?”
Nervous now, you stammer, “I made you lunch. I heard that sometimes you skip meals, so I thought – ”
He steps towards you, glaring, not letting you finish. “This isn’t part of the list. I don’t need it. I don’t want it.” He turns on his heel, leaving you stunned as he heads for the car, slamming the door shut. 
You scurry into the kitchen, face hot, reeling over his unpleasant reaction to your simple gesture. Kenny leans back in his chair, feet up on the table, chugging the rest of his coffee. “Morning.”
“Hi Kenny.” You wash your hands at the sink, processing what just happened, growing increasingly upset. 
Kenny gets up, sliding his used mug beside you. “Thanks, darling.” Not wanting to waste your efforts, you call out to him, opening the fridge to retrieve the bento you prepared, handing it to him. 
“What’s this?” he asks, smirking.
“I made it for Mr. Ackerman, but he doesn’t want it. I don’t want it to go to waste,” you explain.
He smiles, genuinely grateful, the expression you were mistakenly expecting from Levi. “Thank you. Take care.” 
When he’s gone, you take a minute in the kitchen to relax, reminding yourself to stick to the list and not do anything extra just because you think he’d appreciate it. You’ve leaned your lesson based on today: Mr. Ackerman doesn’t appreciate anything or anyone. And you won’t be an exception.
Levi sulks silently in the car with his arms crossed over his chest, staring out the window while Kenny drives them to HQ. He’s replaying the interaction from earlier, recalling the hurt look in her eyes as he spat those harsh words to her. He’s an idiot. All he could have said was no thank you. He shouldn’t have berated her for doing something nice for him. At the same time, he didn’t want to appear vulnerable, like he needed her to do it for him. He doesn’t need her pity. He doesn’t need anyone to take care of him.
He catches Kenny shooting glances at him, but doesn’t say anything, knowing better than to rile his nephew up when he’s in one of these moods. They make it to headquarters as normal, and Levi goes about the day, almost forgetting about the incident. Almost.  
Around noon, Kenny drives Levi and two of his henchmen across town to collect money from a client who’s been skipping out on payments recently. Levi doesn’t expect to resort to violence, so he stays inside the car while the two muscles go out and fulfill their orders. Kenny reclines, reaching his long arm towards the backseat, retrieving a small bento box. “Grub time.”
Levi scowls. “What are you doing?”
“Eating lunch, what do you think?” He uncovers it, licking his lips as his picks up a tamago sando from inside. It looks delicious, from the soft bread to the golden yellow filling. Levi’s stomach growls as he stares at his uncle bite into it. “Damn, that’s good!”
“Where did you get that?” he asks, already knowing the answer.
He shrugs, engulfing the rest of the sandwich into his mouth. “Your housekeeper. Said you didn’t want it, so she gave it to me instead. Shit, that’s good!”
Levi huffs through his teeth, annoyed, but also very hungry. He snatches it from his uncle’s lap, inspecting it himself. Kenny doesn’t protest, only chuckles, licking his fingers. It’s truly an enticing sight, much better than the typical burger and fries he’s used to. He picks it up delicately, relishing how pillowy the bread is between his fingers. It’s devoured quickly, and Levi regrets watching his uncle eat part it, hoping he had it all for himself. In the bottom layer of the bento box are baby carrots and sliced cucumbers, which Levi munches on until his crew comes back, knuckles a bit bloodied and a stack of cash in their hands. 
At night, Levi enters the door, a pang of guilt in his chest. He doesn’t plan to mention it; he’d rather forget and move on, pretend it never even happened. Tonight’s dinner is yakisoba, a meal she has since perfected since starting a month ago. She serves it to him, pouring hot tea into his mug, then takes her usual spot, her expression neutral. She reports on each task she completed today, starting with the kitchen, where she cleans up whatever disgusting mess Kenny leaves at the table. She scrubs the counters until they’re sparkling, mops the floors, reorganizes the refrigerator, unloads the dishwasher from the night before. Next is the living room, where she vacuums the carpets, dusts all the drawers, wipes each and every appliance with a specialized solution to prevent streaks. Then It’s laundry, and she never mentions the splatters of blood that are sometimes on his dress shirts depending on what kind of day it is. She uses the exact method he uses to wash them until they look good as new, as if he isn’t part of the gang life. 
She finishes her list, looking at Levi, waiting for his nod of approval, which he gives. She’s done a decent job so far; in fact, his home looks just as tidy as it did when he spent two hours each morning doing it himself. He stares down at his plate, eating the rest of his noodles in silence.
“Mr. Ackerman?”
His jaw clenches at the sound of his name, anticipating whatever she’s about to say. Without looking up, he mutters, “What?”
She clears his throat nervously. “Earlier today, about lunch. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to overstep my boundaries. I hope you can forgive me.”
He senses her gaze on him, but he’s too embarrassed to meet it, slurping the rest of his food without responding. She doesn’t say anything else, leaving it at that. When he’s done, she gathers the dirty dishes and loads them into the dishwasher, starting the cycle. Levi goes into his room, stuffing her payment for today in an envelope, staring at his reflection in the mirror. Just say it. Don’t be an asshole. She doesn’t deserve it.
She waits for him at the doorway, coat and shoes on, ready to leave. He hands her the money, keeping his grip on it when she accepts it. “You don’t have to apologize. I ate it, and it was delicious. So…thank you.” He looks at her this time, wanting to convey to her that he truly means it. 
Her eyes widen, clearly surprised by his sudden change in demeanor. He’s surprised himself; he just couldn’t let her leave thinking she didn’t anything wrong. “I’m sorry,” he adds. “For the way I reacted. I’m not used to people doing things like that for me.” He knows she doesn’t need an explanation from him, but he tells her anyways. 
She smiles. “It’s okay. I’m happy to do it. I prepared another one for tomorrow.”
Nodding, he lets go, watching her slide the envelope into her bag. “Goodnight, Mr. Ackerman.”
He opens the door for her. “Levi. You can call me Levi. It makes me feel old when you call me that. We’re around the same age, right?”
She giggles, making his chest swell. “Right. Well then, goodnight Levi.”
He waits until she disappears into the distance, heading to the nearby train station. With the door shut, he leans against it, sighing heavily, his heart beating rapidly.
This is bad. 
On the third month of working as a housekeeper and cook for Levi Ackerman, something extraordinary happens. 
You’ve gotten more cordial with each other in the past few weeks, ever since you began making lunches for him on a regular basis. You know he isn’t picky when it comes to food, but you’ve noticed subtle differences when he thanks you for the meal, which he always does now. If it ends in a simple thanks, you know that it was ordinary. If he adds in a compliment, you know that he really likes it. So, you cook more of the foods that he particularly enjoys. 
You’re still getting used to calling him by his first name. It still sounds foreign out of your mouth, almost like a treasured word you’re only supposed to say on special occasions. You still mostly call him Mr. Ackerman, though he doesn’t seem to mind. 
Other than what you see of him in the mornings and nights, you have no idea what Levi gets up to the rest of his day. It’s an unwritten part of the deal; you keep your private life to yourselves. And, knowing he’s in the Yakuza, maybe it’s better you don’t know. 
Tonight, you finish cooking dinner before Levi comes home. You cover the pan, keeping the oyakodon you prepared warm until he arrives, all the plates set up on the counter, ready for him. You sit in your usual chair, checking the clock: 8:30 PM, thirty minutes past his usual time. By nine, you start to worry. And by ten, your finger hovers over his contact information on your phone, tempted to call him, to make sure he’s okay. You debate with yourself for several minutes if you should go through with it. You were given this number only to use for emergencies. Would this be considered one? Surely, he has an entire team of people who look after him, being the leader and all. Why would he need you, his lowly housekeeper, looking out for him?
Deep down, it’s because you care. You care about him. You want him to be happy. And it’s not because he pays you at the end of the day. It’s because you truly, genuinely believe he deserves it. Even in the short time that you’ve known him, it’s plain to see how miserable he is in this life of crime. Dead eyes, permanent frown on his face, tense muscles from having no moment throughout his day to relax. No one, not even a Yakuza leader himself, deserves to be under this much stress.  
You’re about ready to dial his number when you hear the distinct jingle of keys from the front door. Levi walks in, hunched over with his jacket tossed over his shoulder, big splotches of blood painted on his shirt. You can see it clearly even from the end of the hallway. He doesn’t greet you, doesn’t look at you, as he drags his feet into the living to plop himself onto the couch, sighing. 
“Mr. Ackerman?” you call out, trembling. You’ve never seen him like this before. Is he injured? Or is he the one who did the injuring? Does it matter to you what the answer is? All you know is that you’re concerned about him and you want to be by his side. 
Levi hears her but doesn’t respond. He sinks deeper into the couch, eyes shut, hoping she ignores him, not wanting her to see him in this sorry state. He listens to the sound of her footsteps approaching closer, then feels her sit beside him. With one eye open, he peeks at her, surprised to see her staring at him with genuine concern, a steaming mug of tea in her hands. “Mr. Ackerman,” she repeats.
“What do you want?” he asks tersely. He doesn’t mean for it to come out rudely. Or maybe he does to push her away. He doesn’t want her to witness this vulnerability, this weakness.  
“I brought you some tea,” she answers quietly.
Before he can spit out an argument about how the caffeine will prevent him from sleeping, she adds, “It’s decaf, of course.”
He’s speechless for a moment, unable to come up with a smart response. His heart beats against his chest and he’s not sure what’s happening to him. Is he going into cardiac arrest? Or is this something different? Something good? Too exhausted to maintain the same frigid persona he puts up for her, he relaxes, reaching for her hands to grab the handle of the mug. He grazes her fingers wrapped around the ceramic, lingering for a second longer, then brings it to his lips, blowing air across the surface before taking a sip. It’s hot down his throat, filling his tired body with warmth and comfort. 
He peeks at her once more, focusing on the gentle smile on her lips. “What are you so happy about?” he asks, taking another sip. 
She looks down at her lap, shy now that she’s been called out. “I’m just happy you’re back in one piece.”
He scoffs, displaying his bruised and stained knuckles. “You call this one piece?”
She stares at his hands with terror or fascination, maybe even both. Levi can’t tell. All he knows is that she isn’t flinching away from him like he’s some monster; she leans closer, inspecting it carefully. “Hold on,” she says, standing up to retreat back into the kitchen.
Levi rests his head against the couch, stomach grumbling with hunger. He hasn’t eaten since lunch, and beating the shit out of people takes a toll on him. But the job is done and now he’s home. And for the first time, he realizes how grateful he is not to be alone. 
Minutes later, she returns with a tray, carrying a steaming bowl of oyakodon and two warm towels beside it. She sets it next to him on the couch, kneeling on the floor in front of him, beside his knees. He gulps, suddenly aware at how compromising this position may seem. Though, he doesn’t mind it. He slowly reaches over to grab hold on the chopsticks, digging into the bowl of food to take a bite. It’s warm and soothing in his mouth, exactly what he needed. 
“May I?” She peers up at him, pointing to his other hand, holding the damp towel. 
He’s hesitant at first, aware that she’ll be touching him. This is definitely crossing a line, right? However, the thought of being pampered in this moment when he’s so fucking tired is too enticing to refuse. He stretches his arms out, offering his fist to her. She surrounds him in the soft fabric, rubbing gently between his knuckles, wiping away all the grime from tonight’s violence. His skin is on fire from her indirect touch and he can’t help but wonder what effect she could have on his body if she were actually touching him. 
Skin in pristine condition, despite the temporary bruises, she switches to the other hand once he’s finished with his meal. He watches her in silence, holding back a moan, embarrassed at how much he’s enjoying this. She finishes him off with the second towel, the clean one, giving both hands a little massage. “Is that better?”
He nods, muttering a tired, “Thank you.”
She smiles, gaze flickering to the stains on his shirt. “I can wash this for you tomorrow. Just leave it in the laundry room.”
He nods again, unsure what else to say. She gets up, carrying the empty bowl and soiled towels back into the kitchen to clean up. It’s almost eleven now when Levi flips his wrist to check the time on his watch. Trains stop running by midnight, so he shouldn’t keep her here any longer. “You should head home now. It’s late,” he says, loud enough for her to hear. He stands up, slightly limping towards his bedroom to give her the payment. He slides an extra couple of bills to compensate for working overtime. Noticing how horrid he looks with blood all over him, he strips out of his shirt, thankful none of it seeped directly onto his skin. Without thinking, he rushes towards the front door, where she waits for him in her coat and shoes. 
He hands her the money. “I’m giving you a small bonus today, just in case you’re wondering why there’s more in there.” 
She glances at his chiseled abs before looking down at her feet. Heat rushes into his cheeks, finally aware that he’s shirtless in front of his housekeeper. This is definitely crossing a line. 
“It’s okay, I don’t want the extra money,” she says.
“Take it. You’ve earned it,” he insists.
“I didn’t do it for that. I did it because I care about you. I want to - ” She gazes at him, swallowing hard, afraid to finish her thought. 
There’s a flutter in his stomach as he steps closer to her, eager to hear it. “What?”
“I want to take care of you, Mr. Ackerman.”
It happens so fast that as soon as he realizes it, his lips are already on hers, kissing her passionately. His immediate reaction is to stop because he’s sure this isn’t what she intended. But when she places her hands on his chest, clinging to his bare skin to deepen the kiss, he can’t resist. 
Clothes are discarded on the way to his bedroom. By the time you’re lying flat on his mattress, you’re both completely naked, him on top of you, caging you between his muscular arms. He kisses your figure, from your neck trailing down to your chest, his lips puckered at your nipple, sucking on it until it’s taut in his mouth. One hand travels along the curve of your hips, then the plush of your inner thigh, until he’s pressed to your throbbing clit. “Can I touch you here?” he asks, his voice low and trembling. 
“Yes,” you breathe out, completely enraptured by him.
He flicks your bud with his middle finger, tapping on it until it’s puffy against him. He glides down to your wet slit, collecting your arousal to smear onto your clit, rubbing it faster. Pleasure courses through you as you whine into his mouth, kissing him sloppily. Soon, he slips inside you, pumping two of his fingers in and out of your pussy. You squirm for him, so close to your climax.  
“You like my fingers inside this fucking cunt, huh?” he growls into your ear. He pulls out, stroking your clit with his wet digits. “How about here? You like them on your little clit too, right pretty girl?”
Your tongue lolls out of your mouth, eyes glazed over in a daze. “Yes, Mr. Ackerman. Fuck.”
“Levi,” he grunts, circling your bud. “I told you to call me Levi.” He slips back in, pummeling your pussy while his thumb taps on your swollen core. 
You grab the bedsheets beneath you, clenching it between your fists, bucking your hips towards him, approaching your orgasm. “Coming,” you manage to whimper, unraveling. He slows his pace, riding it out with you until you relax in his hold, spent and blissed out. 
There’s a wild look in his eyes, animalistic almost. He removes himself from you, bringing his wet fingers to your mouth, inching them past your lips. “Taste yourself for me.”
You obey, opening wide for him to swipe your own cum across your tongue. He sticks it further down your throat while you surround him, sucking your slick off. His erection is hard against you, begging for attention. You slide your hand between his thighs, palming at his stiff cock, twitching at your touch. 
“Fuck,” he swears under his breath. You start stroking him, his cock hot and pulsating in your fist. He bucks into your grasp, moaning as you rub your thumb over his glossy tip, making him shudder. “You’re driving me fucking crazy, fuck. Get on top of me. Please. Need to taste you.”
You obey, readjusting yourself to straddle his face, lowering yourself carefully until your pressed to his open mouth. “Just enjoy it, sweetheart. You’ve earned it,” he says before lapping you up greedily. You ride his face, dragging your pussy lips across his flattened tongue, moaning when he puckers around you, suckling on your swelling bud. He’s sloppy and noisy, exactly how you like it. You find yourself unraveling quickly above him, convinced you can come just like this, without him entering you at all. He senses this, grabbing firmly to your ass cheeks, guiding you to rock against him faster. “That’s it, princess. Come for me,” he muffles against your skin, slurping at your leaking cunt. No longer able to resist, you moan loudly, reaching your climax, gushing all over his face. He smacks your ass, licking off every drop of your arousal before removing himself from you. “I need to be inside you. Need to fuck this pretty pussy right fucking now.”
All control lost, you whine, “Fuck me, Levi. Fuck me, please.”
He positions himself behind you, dragging your bottom towards him, rubbing his erection between your ass cheeks. “Think you’ve earned this cock? Think you deserve it?”
You nod frantically. “Yes. I’ve been so good.”
He chuckles, guiding himself inside you, stretching you out slowly as he inches his way deeper. “You’re right. You’ve been very good. You are good. So fucking good to me.” He pounds into you, fucking your sweet spot, chasing that high you’re both so desperate to reach. After a few more thrusts, your pussy squeezes around him, coming once more. He follows with his own orgasm, shooting his load inside you, filling you up with his cum.
He pulls out, rolling beside you, breathing heavily. You turn to your side, facing him, your senses gradually returning. He glances at you and breaks into a smile, the first you’ve ever seen from him. “Don’t look at me like that.”
You grin, scooting closer to nuzzle your nose with his. “Like what?”
His eyes gaze into yours, flickering down your lips. “Like you want to kiss me.”
You inch closer. “Why is that so bad?”
“Because I won’t be able to stop,” he whispers, closing the gap, kissing you.
On her last day, Levi leaves her final payment on the top of his dresser. It’s next to a thicker envelope that she’s collected the entirety of her father’s debt in, ready to hand over to Kenny first thing in the morning. She could have paid it off sooner, a week sooner, to be exact. But she decides to finish the remainder of the month employed as Levi’s housekeeper. She doesn’t explain why, and he doesn’t ask. 
They snuggle together in his bed, ready to sleep after fucking each other stupid just minutes earlier. This is another added part of their routine. Sometimes, she leaves to check in on her mother back home. Other times, she stays the night, which Levi prefers, though he won’t admit it out loud. It’s the best sleep he’s gotten in years.
He can tell she’s on the verge of sleep by the way her eyes flutter closed and how her head falls into his chest, relaxed. His mind is racing with thoughts, so he’s wide awake, wondering what tomorrow will hold. Will she say goodbye to him forever? Is this really over? What will he do when she’s gone?
He realizes his true feelings for her almost immediately after they begin sleeping together. He’s never relinquished control to anyone else before. But for him, giving it to her was easy. Maybe because he knew he could trust her. Though, now with her employment coming to an end, he’s not so sure what to think.
“Levi?” Her soft voice surprises him. 
“Hey,” he whispers. “Go back to sleep.”
She tips her chin up, peering at him. “Not yet. I want to say something to you.” 
He stares at her, confused and anxious, listening. “I care about you, Levi. I don’t want this to stop just because whatever arrangement we had before is over.”
He swallows hard, trying to maintain a neutral expression as his heart races with joy. “So, what then? Do you want to keep being my housekeeper? I already feel weird paying you because of what we do.”
She giggles, shaking her head. “I don’t want to be your housekeeper. I want to be your girlfriend.”
“Yes, Levi. Your girlfriend,” she reiterates, smiling. 
He lets out a small laugh. “That sounds so normal.”
She cups his face, squeezing his cheeks. “Well, maybe Mr. Ackerman deserves a little something normal for once.”
He chuckles, nuzzling into her touch. “So, how is this going to work, then? You being my girlfriend.”
“Well, I’ll get my old job back. And in the meantime, I can move in here so I can still do all the cooking and cleaning.”
“No,” he interjects. “Together. We’ll cook and clean together. Like a normal couple.”
She beams at him. “Alright. Together it is, then.”
He allows himself to smile completely now, pressing his forehead to hers. “Can it really be this simple?” 
“I think it can,” she replies. “It’s worth a shot, right?”
For most of his life, Levi has never had it easy. Thirty years later, he finally has a chance at something normal, something good. Does he deserve it? With her by his side, holding his hand so lovingly in hers, he actually believes it. “Yeah. You’re absolutely right.”
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Kyle and Kenny x reader meeting
(all characters aged up to 18-20)
“Oh! God… fuck!” You haphazardly wiped your keyboard before the water could seep further in. Bebe snorted and you smacked her, trying not to laugh.
“Girl, what is going on with you? You’ve been all distracted since lab this morning?”
“I knowww.” You groaned, “I keep thinking about how much work that class is going to be.” Wendy rolled her eyes playfully.
“We all know that it’s because Kyle’s in that class and your hoping to be his partner.” She sang at you, taking another bite of her salad.
“No… no. Why would you think that?” You closed your laptop, looking away.
“Y/N, it’s ok! Kyle’s actually really nice. Just a bit standoffish to girls. He’s got trust issues, thanks to Eric.” Wendy tried to reason.
“Yeah, no shit. He won’t even look at me.”
“He’s just insecure! I bet if you asked him out-“
“Absolutely not!” You interrupted Wendy, “I can’t even talk to him normally! How am I supposed to ask him out? I’ve never been good at talking to guys! Let alone someone who’s actually smart and attractive, like Kyle.” Your comments were met with silence, actually, more like barely-held-down laughter, “What?” Bebe stared pointedly to your left. You mentally cursed yourself a million times before glancing carefully where Bebe had indicated. Stan and Kyle stood there, bags and books in hand. Stan was smirking at Kyle and Kyle had looked up and away from you.
“Kyle, you should be Y/N’s lab partner! She’s really smart! And nice!” Wendy quipped, quickly breaking the tense silence.
“Uhm, what? Oh! Yeah, sure. If… uhh… she wants to.” You stared down at your water bottle, feeling the awkwardness in your teeth. You could feel the girls looking at you before Wendy responded,
“She would love to.”
You leaned against the wall, watching Craig blow smoke into Tolkien’s face, making him cough while the rest of you laughed.
“Goddamn… Fuck off.” Tolkien coughed at Craig.
“You should’ve driven us to KFC, man.” Craig shrugged.
“Your lunch is almost over anyways, we’ll go after Y/N’s last class.”
“Sweet!” You smiled excitedly.
“So… Y/N…” Tolkien looked at you mischievously.
“Soooo what?” You responded, taking a drag of Craig’s joint.
“I heard Mccormick wants to talk to you.”
“I don’t know!” Craig snorted and Tolkien smacked his arm before continuing, “Stan told Wendy and Wendy told Bebe, who told Clyde, that he’s wants to talk to you in your English class.” You furrowed your brows at him and sighed.
“Well, I guess I’ll find out. Doesn’t he, like, hoe around a bit?”
“That’s what it seems like, but he’s a good dude. Much nicer than Cartman. I honestly don’t know why they hang out.” Craig huffed. You nodded and shrugged as you checked the time. 12:49. English class. You guessed you would find out what the hell was going on in about ten minutes.
“Ok, I gotta roll. See you guys at 4? Tolkien’s car.” They all made various sounds of assent as you wandered through campus to your class.
As you sat down next to Jimmy and pulled out your notes, you heard someone pull out the chair to your right. Looking up, you realised it was Kenny… with is hood down for once.
“Hey…” He sat down and began tapping his foot nervously.
“What’s up?” You asked, leaning back in your chair.
“Well, I missed yesterday’s class and I need some help catching up. Can you, like. Uhh… maybe help me out? I just missed, like, all of the stuff about the essay topics and requirements.” He seemed to be looking everywhere but at you. And you knew damn well that stuff was all on the Powerpoints.
“Sure, why not. My place, tomorrow? Just bring me coffee and its a deal.” You figured you may as well take what he said at face value. He seemed to have lost his laid-back and confident facade.
“Awesome! Uhh. Just let me know what time.” He gave you a bright smile and pulled out his notebook as the teacher started the lesson.
pls pls be nice, i havent ever written for south park before but i want to get back into writing <3
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word-scribbless · 11 months
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Opie X female OC (Dakota/Kodi)
Summary: Opie and his love talk about her feeling towards his Donna tattoo (it’s very sweet and fluffy)
Note: It’s been FOREVER since I posted and this is a new character and show for me to post about. I have probably a hundred half written SOA fics (most about happy) but this one just really hit me as something I needed to post so enjoy!
Kodi and opie lay in bed after an incredibly busy day and maybe finally in joying each other. She lay facing the man that never fails to make her smile and very satisfied. They had been together for almost 3 years now.
The first 2 they didn’t label what they were they just knew they needed and loved each other. Kodi was happy with that and it was what Opie needed then. After losing Donna and the mess that was how his relationship with Lyla ended, it was nice to just focus on the feelings not the expectations. I was Kenny and Ellie that finally pushed them to put a name to what they were.
The kids loved Kodi (or Koko and they lovingly named her) and her ability to add to their lives with out making things weird. A feat Opie was baffled by.
As they laid there Kodi began tracing her finger over his many tattoos as he watches her. Her finger trails over his tattoo of his wife with DONNA in beautiful through it. Asmile finds its way onto her face.
Ope breaks the post bliss silence “It never seems to bother you” she hears his deep voice rasp. Kodi’s eyes meet his and answers “It doesn’t. I like that you have it” she says lazily bringing a slightly confused smile to her biker’s face. “Why?” He can’t help but ask. Now it’s Kodi’s turn to look confused, thinking it’s obvious. “She’s a part of you opie, and this perfectly shows that.” She runs her fingers over the tattoo again. “She’s a part of this family and your life that should never and will never go away.” She tells him before adding, “Selfishly I like that I see a glimps of how you saw her and what she is to you.”
Opie can’t help the smile her words cause as he continues to listen to the woman in his arms. “I know I don’t really know her, or have the right to, but I’m thankful for all that you and the kids choose to share with me. “How are you real?” Opie whispers as he cups her cheek in his hand leaning to kiss her forehead in the way she loves.
Kodi only answers with a smile and small smirk before Opie recalls “I didn’t want to let you in at first…didn’t want you near the memory of her.” She sees the hurt of his past and slight guilt in his face.
Kodi nods kisses his nose. “I know and that was okay too… I’m honored to know what I do, but she’s yours and the kids fully. My only goal is to keep her memory alive for all of you, that doesn’t have to include me” she declares honestly.
Opie chuckled and said “you showed me pretty quick I could trust you with her.”
Causing Kodi to smile, and tear up just a little, knowing how much that statement meant from him.
They lay there snuggled for a few more minutes before opie says, “Do you ever get jealous?”
Kodi shrugs “Jealousy is a natural reaction… I think it’s more that I worry I won’t be enough for you guys.” She admits. “You had the love of your life, those beautiful kids had thier mom. I’m okay not being those things. I’m your Kodi and their koko and that’s exactly who I wanna be. Sometimes my brain just tells me you need more than I’ll ever be. But I’m never jealous of her or her memory.” She says looking up at the man she loves from his chest.
He brushes her hair from her cheek and says “Dakota there is no one on this planet as good for us as you.“ before pulling her up for a kiss and whispering, “I love you so much.”
“I love you” Kodi whispers back.
Opie, still holding her cheek says “i dont want you to not feel like you have my whole heart or aren’t the love of my life.” He says thinking about how much he loves knowing he has all of her.
She surprises him with a beaming smile before confidently saying “I’m a love of your life and I’m happy with that. Plus if I’m sharing your heart I’m glad it’s with Donna, she sounds like she was a badass and incredible mom”
They both are smiling now as Opie answers “she was”, enjoying the fact that this woman in front of him can embrace the first woman he loved.
“She will always be a welcome topic and presence in this life I share with you,and I will forever leave space for her.” Kodi says before reaching to run her hand over his tattoo again “So that’s why the tattoo doesn’t upset me. I want you to always have her.” Opie’s smile somehow turns serious and loving at the same time before kissing her and saying “I don’t know what I did to deserve you”. Kodi smiles while answering “you loved me” again this lips.
“always.” Opie tells her before Kodi adds “forever” before pulling him back into a kiss.
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gojo-enthusiast · 5 months
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You, Me & Malaysia - Nanami Kento
Read Part 1 Here
mlist<3 | smut | MDI
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2 months later 
“Yes, the rocking chair right there.” You smiled at the movers. Kento and you had finally moved to Malaysia and you were 8 months pregnant. Your husband refused to let you do any work unless you were bossing someone around, including him. “Kento, I’m hungry.” You groaned, “okay dear, let me get you something to snack on for the mean time.” He says, as he opens the lunch box he prepared for the move. “Here’s some peanut butter crackers.” He says, handing it to you. “Ughhhhh I want pizza.” You groan, “I know I know, we are almost finished dear.” He kisses your cheek, finishing up the last bit of furniture. You saw the way his muscles bulged as he wore a light blue v neck, and jeans. You felt your core heat up like as if the moment you peered at the man, something turned on.
You hadn’t realized that the last time you and Kento were intimate, was before he went to Shibuya. With his injury, and the moving, and all the baby stuff, it wasn’t something you thought about, until this very moment, when you saw your husband naturally flexing. You looked at his back, seeing the definition, and the way he was sculpted, he had been working out everyday since before Shibuya. “Damn when did my husband ass get so juicy.” You said out loud not realizing you actually thought out loud. You instantly covered your mouth, and your husband looked back at you and chuckled. “You good baby?” He sees your ears and cheek redden. “I’m fine.” You say shyly, sitting on the freshly built bed, as you squeezed your thighs together. “You look kind of red, are you sure you’re good?” He laughs, he knew exactly what he was doing, and he knew exactly how you were feeling. Standing up he waltz’s over to you, standing in between your legs. “You’re a little hot right now.” He touches your forehead. “I’m not just hot on my forehead.” You mumble. “Oh is that so? Where else would you be hot?” He smirks. You felt your cheeks blush. “Kenny— don’t tease me please.” You moan, pushing your clothed heat to his upper leg, you felt the muscles there flex and tense up. “You want to do this now? With people in the house?” He questions with a chuckle. You nod— “Just shut and lock the door.” You moan into his ear, biting it gently. You see the way his eyes instantly widen and they start to blow out in lust. “Oh you nasty nasty woman.” He groaned, clutching onto his cock. Your husband stood up, walking out the bedroom door, you sat there puzzled at his sudden disappearance.
“Hey guys, you guys are good. If everything is in the house, I’ll finish it up.” Kento says to the movers, who had just put in the last bit of furniture. You hear the men thank your husband, and wish him luck. You hear his feet walking into the room. “I should shower first.” He kisses your cheek. “Kento…” you moan. “I’ve been moving furniture all day, let me just freshen up.” He says, walking to the bathroom. You had already set everything up, while the men did all the heavy work.
You hear the shower run, and hear him going in. You stand up, waddling into the bathroom, stripping, getting in the shower with him. “Now what are you doing?” He laughs. “I’m freshening up.” You wink. As you soap up your body puff, rubbing it against your breast. “Baby.” He moans, leaning down to kiss you. “Kenny, touch me.” You moan, spreading your legs a little, putting his burned hand against your core. “Y/n, the burns don’t scare you?” He questions. You frown, “Kento, burns or no burns, you’re sexy as fuck. Honestly the burns are just a reminder to me that my husband is a fucking bad ass.” You smile, kissing his lips. “What about my eye?” He questions. You didn’t see his eye a lot because of his patch, but you saw the scarred eyelid, and the way the eyelashes didn’t all grow back, only a few. “I love your eyes.” You smile, pulling his face down, to kiss his scarred eye. He smiled, kissing you. "Unless you just don't love me anymore." You say smartly, trying to get a rise out of him. "You haven't touched me in a little while, you think you still know how to take care of your aching, deprived, wife?" You tease, poking his pecs. "You been so focused on the gym, that maybe you are just a muscle brain now, and forgot all about how to please your wi-" You said before your husband turned off the water and stepping out the shower, pulling your arm out the shower. "Dry off, I don't need you getting sick." He says in a strained voice, you looked down at his fully erect cock, it was throbbing and pre cum was leaking from the tip. "Kento." You neverously chuckled as you saw his jaw clench. "Get. Dried. Off. Now." He says louder this time. You knew what that tone of voice meant, your husband who had probably the hardest year of his life, he was not going to fully restrain himself, he was going to remind you of the man you married, and the only reason why your husband would not destroy you right then and there, is because of the unborn child you are carrying.
You quickly grabbed the towel, drying yourself off, your husband watched as he stroked his cock, you watched as he dried his hair with another towel, and then threw it to the side. As soon as you got done, he picked you up, then tossing you on the bed. "Kento!" You yelped. "Shut the fuck up." He hissed. He leaned over you, his mouth to your ear. "You think just because it's been a while and that you're pregnant, I would forget so easily? Let me remind you exactly who you are talking to." He hisses. In a swift movement, he dragged your bum to the edge at the bed, and spread your folds apart, instantly attaching his mouth to your hot wet core. "Ah, Ken-" You moan instantly, "Ah, ah, ah. Address me accordingly." He slaps your thigh. "Daddy- more." You moan in frustration. "Good girl." He smirks, sucking your clit, you felt his index finger push into your tight hole, thrusting, adding a second finger, you felt him curl his fingers up at your g-spot. "Oh fuck- right there!" You groan out. "Yeeeesssss." You roll your eyes back, arching your back. At that moment you completely forgot you were even pregnant, so when you go to look at your husband, you couldn't see him from your bump. Kento thrusted his fingers quicker, sucking your clit so deliciously- "Daddy yes, right there baby." You moan out, wrapping your legs around his neck. “You taste so good.” Nanami groans into your cunt. “Missed it so much.” He slurps. He curled his fingers perfectly into your cunt. You felt your orgasm coming close. “I’m cumming, I’m cumming!” You moaned loudly, at that moment you felt wetness squirt out of you, and when your orgasmed subsided, you saw your husband lean up, and your juices dripping down his face. “Baby, I’m so sorry” you cover your face in embarrassment. “Do it again.” He groaned, stroking his cock to your heat. “Squirt on my cock baby.” He moaned as he lined himself up to your hot core. “You teased me so much, doubting that I could please you. This is evidence that I know your body more than you do.” He sucked on your neck, leaving love marks. “Kentooooo, fuck me please.” You groan. Your husband lifted you up, turning you over, and putting pillows around you to get comfortable. “Arch that back for me baby. You comfy?” He questions sweetly. You nod in approval, and that’s when you start to feel your husbands cock entering into you slowly. “Fuck— you’re so big daddy.” You moan out. Kento lost all restraint from just these mere words, he stuffed you full, thrusting roughly and quickly into your tight cunt. “Fuck— yes yes.” He groaned, holding your hips and slamming into you. You hadn’t felt this good in months, you missed the way his hands held you, and the way his cock fit into so perfectly. “Dirty mama, you’re bad bad bad. Gotta teach my girl a lesson.” He thrust harshly, “Yes daddy, yes.” You moan, laying your head on the mattress while your husband is throwing his head back moaning. “Fuck I’m close.” He groans, your husband was relentless when he was thrusting in and out, he was chasing something he hadn't felt in months, with his movements getting sloppy. You feel him wrap his arms around, turning you over on your back, and he’s rubbing your clit while brutally pounding into you, you’re moaning so loud that you wouldn’t be surprised if anyone heard from miles away. This was true bliss, finally you were feeling your husband after months. Feeling the burning stretch, feeling the way he was flicking your nipples with his index finger and thumb. Finally after a few thrust, you were squirting all over your husbands cock, and he came deep inside. Pulling out, he watched as his seed dripped out your cunt. He smiled, feeling proud of himself.
"Oh how this sight is my favorite." He groans, you sit up to look at your husband. The man, who just had his release was once again hard, and pulsating with need. "You better take a breath, we are not done." He smirked, your husband lifted you up, your back was against his chest, and he had both his arms under your legs. "Watch as I fill you once again, grab my cock baby, line it up for me." He bites your ear. "Oh Kenny." You moan, grabbing his cock form under your belly, lining it up to your core. You could not fathom how your husband was lifting you and your pregnant belly up right now. All you thought about was how thankful you were he worked out as much as he did.
"Watch baby, watch our union." He whispers into your ear, as he thrust up into you, hitting your G-spot so beautifully. You instantly moan out in pleasure, taking the overstimulation, the tightness in your stomach was wanting to snap once again. He thrusted into you again and again, rubbing your clit while thrusting into you. You looked away, shy at the presence of you two's union. "I am showing you how much I know your body, don't you want to see? You must see for yourself my dear." He nipped at your shoulder. You felt your release fast approaching, "So close Ken." You moan out, watching him thrust into your red puffy cunt. "Me too, watch how I fill you, watch how I show you my love for you." He groans. This man was truly a romantic. And finally after that, he released once again, and pulled his softening cock out, and then holding you bridal style.
“Let me run you a bath my love.” He smiles kissing you gently, your body had gone limp, and you had no energy but to smile, and lay your head on his sweaty chest.
Everything was different than it was 6 months ago, you worried about Kento and wanting to get back into the field, but after you saw the way he held both of yours healthy baby BOY, and living in Malaysia, living the life you both always dreamed, you knew he could never go back to that life.
“I love you Kento, burns and all. You are my husband, my friend, my one and only.” You smiled as you drifted off to sleep with the baby boy named Haibara in your arms. He smiled, slipping off his eye patch and kissing your cheek. “I love you too angel.” He kisses your forehead before he fell asleep, holding you and his new baby boy.
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 5 months
Asking this knowing it will break my heart- Stan being a Vet Tech while being the biggest animal lover and extremely sensitive must be ROUGH.. is there any specific times he’s been really affected by something that happened at work 💔💔
I know Ky and Moose will help their boy though 🤓
Oh my god YES holy shit our boy OJV Stan gets so attached to every animal he works with and like Wendy runs the front desk and has totally implemented a rule that Stan does NOT get to see any pets coming in for euthanasia. The whole clinic squad knows that would break his heart. Stan is such a good pet doctor man and his patient’s humans love him too, like a sweet old lady with a cat coming in and he’s like “uh oh Fluffy did you get into the yarn box again” “I’ll tell ya, I don’t know if she ate any of it this time but I figured you could check” lmao. The main vet handles most of diagnosing and everything, but a lot of the regulars request Stan to assist because he’s AWESOME at keeping the patients calm. They all adore him as they should.
Like even when a patient is super nervous and panics and even hurts someone (I’m never getting over the fact that this boy got his ribs broken and was more worried about the horse than himself lmfao) he LOVES those animals.
It does destroy him when there’s an emergency and he can’t save the critter. I’m a lot like Stan in that I’m a vegetarian animal lover fantasy dork, which this why I’ll never write out an animal death (hence why we’ve just decided Moose is immortal), and I have a headcanon about a time a pet death really upset him.
Someone had been a regular for years at the clinic with a parrot named Quito. Quito was old as hell, his favorite word to squawk was “fuck”, and he would trill the national anthem and Stan found him FUCKING HILARIOUS. but Quito had lived a longggg life and his human eventually had to make the decision to put him down because he was dying. Stan was devastated for real. Like yes it comes with the job, and the staff knows him well enough to make sure he doesn’t see any of the dead animals, like this is the man who starts crying because a sick puppy on the exam table wagged it’s tail at him (oh my god y’all he’s so good at petting creatures he knows exactly where to scratch fuck ojv Stan is the most precious boy) and after that parrot passed on, he started sobbing in the back room, had to go home early.
My boy called Kenny on the drive home and THANK GOD it was a Saturday and Kyle wasn’t at work, bc Stan immediately wrapped himself around Ky and just held him, one hand on Moose’s little head, begging them both to “please never die” (holy fuck i am crying. It is 4 in the morning and I’m genuinely struggling to see because I’m crying) and if you’re familiar with the Moose origin story, u know that that kitty is named Moose because Stan, in a depressive slump, had been reading his favorite kids books and “Thidwick The Big Hearted Moose” was the one he’d been reading the day before someone brought a certain little brown kitten into the shelter he was volunteering at. And Kyle, ever perceptive, knowing his sbf inside and out, seeing he’s really in need of comfort, reads him (and Moose) that Dr Suess book, about the moose who let all the woodland creatures make a home in his antlers. Because that’s Stan.
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fromepiximagines · 1 year
Can you keep a secret? (Kenny Liu x f!reader)
Summary: Hiding a relationship isn't easy, even more so when your mom is Donna.
Word count: 1.6k. oops.
Request: "HEY! How are you? Kenny stories are fr limited to NONE in here like I've only seen you write about him or the series in general:( so I wanted to request if it's possible smth about reason being Donna's daughter that has a secret relationship with Kenny? And Donna finds out?:) thank you!❤️‍🩹"
Rating: M
Warnings: spoilers for season 1ep7 of From, canon compliant violence, blood mentions, implied some sexy times but nothing explicit, swearing, use of (Y/N).
A/N: This turned out angstier and longer than I expected. Hope you guys enjoy it!!
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The station was quiet, for once.
Boyd left early in the morning to check the houses, as usual. The only person who was supposed to be there was the freckled deputy, loitering around waiting for something to happen – ‘Do not go visit the infirmary, please’ asked the sheriff, tired of the one-sided pining going on.
Little did he know, the actual person whom he should be worried about was a little ways far away from town.
“Oi, Kenny!” Boyd’s voice echoed within the station, reaching all possible spaces – including the evidence room, cluttered to the brim with boxes and unused junk,
and the two people who were currently making out furiously in it.
The couple broke the kiss with a gasp; Kenny groaned lightly, panting onto the woman’s neck. The giggle that escaped her was barely stifled, and she reluctantly pushed the man away from her own body, always with the utmost gentleness.
“Go on, before he comes inside.”
Kenny whispered her name, almost in a whine, but gave in as soon as their noses touched and she rubbed them together twice. “I’ll see you tonight, my love.”
A light flush made itself home on Kenny’s cheeks. He kissed the woman one last time, lingering for a few seconds, before he heard Boyd’s footsteps entering the station.
“Over here!” The freckled man shouted back, leaving the room in a hurry and fumbling with his pants. “Was in the bathroom.”
Boyd’s forehead creased slightly. “Do you not flush?”
Kenny blinked.
The older man smiled. “I’m fucking with you. Come on, I need you at the Matthew’s house.”
“What’s that on your stomach?” (Y/N) jumped. Her mom had the worst habit of sneaking up behind her at terrible times.
Donna did it without a single ounce of regret, though; as if out of a protective instinct or pure sadism, the young woman didn’t know.
“My stomach?” Play dumb, play dumb.
“Yes, your stomach.” Donna crossed her arms over her chest, with that suspicious expression on her face: eyes narrowed, eyebrows up high on her forehead, mouth pressed into a thin line. “Those very dark marks right over there.”
Think fast-
“Oh, the bruises.” She hummed, with an awkward grin threatening to show on her lips. “I bumped into the couch, and the table. You know how clumsy I can be, mom.”
Donna leaned onto the doorframe, watching as her daughter pulled a large t-shirt over her head; a large t-shirt that was not hers, but also didn’t belong to anyone on colony house. “I know you’re a klutz, and I could’ve believed you if those hickeys weren’t fucking patterned.”
The woman felt her cheeks burn, and an embarrassment she never felt before took control of her own body. She tugged at the hem of the olive-green shirt – Kenny’s shirt – and noticed she set herself up to failure.
She could never lie, anyway.
“No, no. Do not ‘mom’ me.” Donna finally uncrossed her arms, in favor of grabbing her daughter’s shoulders. She looked up at (Y/N), green eyes full of worry. “I’m not angry because of that. I’m not a prude, and I don’t care if you’re getting it on, but I know it’s not someone from colony house because you’ve been sneaking into town for weeks now.”
The blonde breathed in deeply, as her daughter kept silent.
“You know that place only has crazy people.”
The young woman huffed, shrugging off her mother’s hands. They fell limply by her side, and Donna felt the storm oncoming as (Y/N) narrowed her eyes.
“Mom, you know I love you and everyone here.” The young woman said, fists clenching. “But no one, no one in this place is stable. We live with literal monsters; you know what that does to a person, and we’ve seen the worst happen.”
She stepped around Donna, stopping by the door; with a heavy sigh, she touched the slight bulge on the pocket of her jeans. “Please, can you trust me this once?”
A beat of silence followed, and then, the blonde was the one who walked out the door. “If I find out who it is, I’ll shoot them.”
The older woman’s back was all (Y/N) saw as she stood rooted to the ground by her bedroom door. She could hear people cheering, and Fatima’s voice as her anniversary rolled by.
She didn’t have any energy left.
A small sigh left the woman’s lips as she closed her door. She sat down then, her back to it as she took the round object out of the jeans’ pocket; one of the talismans, the one Kenny gave to her as a protective measure.
(“You worry too much.” She mumbled, but grinned nonetheless.
“Better safe than sorry.”)
A scream tore through the air.
A scream of pain; fear, horror, sheer panic.
(Y/N) scrambled to her feet, and opened the door with a harsh yank.
It was dark, but they were inside, right? No one opened anything, right?
A grinning face stared at the woman from across the hall.
A pale face, with lips pulled a little too wide apart to be normal. From somewhere outside her door, a loud shriek sounded and droplets of blood hit her right cheek.
That was enough to make the young woman stumble back and close the door with a loud thud, locking it with such speed that startled herself; on her other hand, the talisman felt heavy. The string tied around it was thin, but firm enough to loop the end around the doorknob three times without falling. A simple knot kept it in place, and (Y/N) stepped back as the doorknob jiggled once.
The footsteps retreated, and another scream echoed downstairs.
It worked.
It fucking worked.
The woman stumbled back, falling on her ass as she heard all the commotion throughout the place she learned to love after all the tragedy that hit her life; her mom, her aunt-
She just hoped they didn’t get Donna.
Boyd was the first to shout when the van arrived in front of the station.
“What the fuck happened?!”
Donna ushered people in, panicked. “They got in.”
“Where’s Ellis?”
“I don’t know.”
“Where is he?!”
“I don’t know. I’m sorry.” The blonde finally cracked, hands trembling. “My kid was in there too, Boyd. I don’t know where she is either.”
The sheriff’s eyes softened.
“Let’s get these people inside."
The screams stopped a few hours ago.
The things didn’t try to get inside the room again; they just loitered around, mocking (Y/N) with familiar voices and honeyed promises, hoping she’d be swayed enough to let them in and do their little bloody fuck fest with her disemboweled body laying on the floor.
She knew how they acted; she was there on the first day in the van, she hid in the bushes with Donna as her aunt screamed and screamed-
The first voice she heard was Boyd’s.
It was the only thing that brought (Y/N) back to here and now, as she looked outside her window and saw the sun rising up, up, up in the sky. With trembling legs, the young woman stood up and walked to the door. She undid the knot, tugged on the string and pulled the talisman toward herself.
With a ‘click’, the door was unlocked and pulled open.
There’s so much blood.
On the floor. The walls. The rails.
She tried to step around the crimson puddles, but gave up near the top of the stairs. Slowly, as if trying not to slip and tumble down, (Y/N) descended the steps; the voices grew louder, and a sigh left her lips as she heard Fatima and Ellis amidst the others.
Finally, she arrived at the entrance of colony house, and breathed deeply as she walked out the entrance door.
The voices stopped.
Harsh, bright sunlight hit the young woman’s eyes as she looked out towards the crowd of people standing on the grass. Her eyes flitted around the familiar faces quickly, until two of the most familiar voices shouted her name.
She almost fell down the last step to the lawn as a body tackled hers; the smell of peppermint and sawdust took over her senses as the sturdy, warm body of her boyfriend enveloped hers.
“You’re alive.” He whispered, relief flooding through his voice. “You’re-”
“I’m here, love.” She answered softly, talisman still clutched tightly on her left hand. “It worked. The talisman- you- you saved me.”
Warm droplets slid down her neck as Kenny sniffled against her; he had gone through so much in such little time, lost so much.
He couldn’t lose her too.
Donna walked up to the couple, her eyes meeting (Y/N)’s. The young woman smiled at her, teary eyed, as she untangled herself from the freckled deputy. The relief that washed over Donna was overwhelming; she thanked every possible deity out there that kept her kid safe in such a shitshow.
They met halfway; the blonde wrapped her daughter in a tight embrace, and they just held each other there, on the lawn.
“’m sorry, mom.” (Y/N) sniffled, lips trembling. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s not your fault, kid.” Donna replied, noticing the talisman clutched tightly on the young woman’s hand. Kenny looked at her a few steps away, and she pursed her lips in understanding. “I’m sorry, too.”
“I know.” The blonde let go of her, and beckoned the deputy over.
He stopped right beside (Y/N), and took her hand in his, lacing their fingers as if it was second nature.
“Thank you, Kenny.” Donna said, loud and clear. The freckled man smiled, but she held up a finger to silence him. “But if you do anything that makes her upset,”
She looked straight into his eyes. “I will not hesitate to shoot you.”
Donna held in a smile.
She’d let it slide this time.
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Permanent taglist: @tiredwritersworld
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kendallroydefender · 9 months
Somewhere only we know - Chapter 12 (Kendall Roy x Reader)
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Series summary: You met Kendall when you were six years old. You have spent every summer together and now years later you and him are still just as close.
This story follows Kendall and his best friend through their lives. Will they realize their feelings for each other before it’s too late?
Chapter summary: It’s the night of Kendall’s 40th birthday but the big party ends differently than you all thought.
Authors Notes: Hope you all had a great Christmas! 🤍
Wordcount: 2.9K
”Happy birthday Kenny!“ you smile as you give him a long hug.
”Thank you, honey.“ he squeezes you
”Look at you, old man.“
”Yeah I’m, I’m ancient now.“ he chuckles knowing you’re only half a year behind him.
You brought him a small cupcake that you made yourself with a candle. But you have to leave soon enough and you know Kendall has to plan a lot for tonight too.
The guestlist was stacked with big names but only a handful people you knew and liked. Stewy had told you that he wouldn’t attend the party so you were looking forward to seeing Rava and Willa again.
Rava introduces you to Gary, who she’d told you about. He’s nice and funny and you’re glad she has found him, she seems happy.
”Soo? Any news on Kendall?“ she asks with a grin that tells you exactly what she’s hinting at
”Well, he’s still with Naomi so no?“ you say
”Hm.“ she makes an unsatisfied sound
”We haven’t seen each other these last days much anyway. He was in Virginia I was in LA for work and oh do you know that he thought Stewy and I were fucking?“
Rava laughs ”Seriously?“ by you nod
”Oh he’s so clearly into you… also that explains the room.“
”Rava no. I told you he doesn’t like me..“
”No, y/n I’m telling you. He wouldn’t act like that if he wasn’t, he was clearly jealous.“
”Well it’s not like he’s showing me so he wouldn’t have a say in this even if I were fucking Stewy. Wich im not.“
”Maybe you should.“ she shrugs with a grin
You chuckle a little before you remember something
”Wait, what room?“
When you find the room with the fake tabloid headlines, you see that there’s one of you too. It’s a picture of you and Stewy titled with "Y/n y/l/n and Stewy Hosseini spotted leaving motel together"
You chuckle at it and snap a picture to text to Stewy. Your not mad, it’s obviously a joke and yours is way nicer than the others.
'What exactly am I looking at?' Stewy texts back
'Kendall’s party decor :)'
'What? Were all the balloons sold out?'
You go to explore more of the party. You don’t really want to go to the treehouse because you don’t really vibe with Matsson and also because it breaks your heart. Kendall obviously had build his childhood treehouse to feel some kind of comfort.
You hang out with Rava and Gary for some time until Kendall wants to see her and you and Gary go look around.
You go into the tree house but it’s rather boring. You don’t really vibe with Matsson and you don’t want to be around his siblings, especially Shiv after the letter.
It’s later, Kendall had cancelled his performance and you last saw him with his girlfriend.
”Where are you all? You’re missing the performance of the century, Shiv is totally losing it on the-" the word dancefloor gets stuck in your throat. You just stumbled into the room where the presents are stored, when you see Kendall kick at the gifts before he sinks down to the ground. Naomi is standing next to him. Are they fighting? You ask yourself. You crouch down next to Kendall. "Hey Kenny, hey.“ you say softly, touching his shoulder. He buries his head in his folded arms. "It’s okay. I’ve got you." You tell him in an attempt to calm him a little. "I just wish I was-" he cuts himself off. "What?" You ask him kindly, your hand gliding over the back of his head. "I just wish I was home.“ he says as tears gather in his eyes. He looks so broken and you can feel your own heart crack. "Okay… okay let’s get you out of here, yes?" You ask him and he nods. You get up, holding your hand out for him to take, wich he does and you help him up. You remember Naomi is standing next to you. She looks at you with one eyebrow pulled up slightly. You can’t tell if she’s worried or condescending you. You turn back to Kendall "Do you want Naomi to take you home?“ you ask, voice low so she can’t hear you over the music. He looks at you and shakes his head a little "Can you?“ he asks and you nod "Of course Ken.“ you squeeze his hand.
"Hey Naomi? I think I’ll take him home." You tell her, she gives you a tight lipped smile before pressing a kiss to Kendall’s cheek "I’ll call you tomorrow.“ she tells him and she follows you out of the party.
"Birthday Boy!“ Roman calls out "Happy Birthday Man!“ And you let out a huff of air. You had hoped not to run into his siblings on your way out. "Not now, Roman.“ You say a little curd. "Yeah sorry! Goodnight!“ His brother calls out and you hope he will leave it at that. But you guess you aren’t that lucky today. Because its Kendall who starts speaking now. "Neither of you should be in here.“ Kendall says, he sounds exhausted. "Can we get them out?“ You’re friend requests to no one in particular before repeating the sentence louder towards one of the security guys. "Its a little late for that, buddy. I already spoke to Mattson, who hates you by the way and laughs at you constantly.“ Roman says while you make eye contact with Shiv, who looks away awkwardly. "Just stop.“ She says to Roman, who answers her immediately "Oh what? Go easy on birthday boy?“. Now its Kendall who speaks again "Did you come here to see me, at all? You didn’t, did you Shiv?“ He asks the red haired woman. "Well.. look we haven’t been getting along that great lately so what do you think?“ She tells him and you just wish for this conversation to be over. They fight for some moments, Roman admits that they were spying on Kendall’s kids.
You see Kendall get closer to his brother, you want to stop him but you can’t move. "You’re not a real person. You know that? You’re not a real person! You’re not real!“ Kendall says. "Come on why don’t you hit me? Come on, shitty Jesus. You know you want to. Just fucking hit me.“ Roman dares him "'You’re not a real person’ fuck you.“ he adds and Kendall moves away. He walks a few step and you and Naomi follow him quietly. "All right sorry, have a good birthday. Okay, fuckface?“ Roman says while patting his back two times before he pushes him. Kendall stumbles and falls. You and his girlfriend rush to his sides as you hear his brother say "Oh shit are you okay?“ While laughing. He calls another "Happy birthday!“ As you help Kendall up. "Everybody take it easy? Okay?“ Connor calls out. ”For fuck sake“ you mumble under your breath. Roman is still laughing his hyena laugh as you get Kendall on his feet again. He looks around, he looks absolutely devastated. He grits another "Take your fucking coat off.“ At Connor before he takes off towards the exit. You don’t spare another look at his family members as you make your way out of this birthday party from hell.
”Yeah, Ken take your girlfriend and your life long side piece and fuck off.“ Roman calls after you. You turn back around with a frown ”Oh come on Roman, really?" You say to the younger man who just chuckles. You pull Kendall with you out of this party. Saying goodbye to Naomi, you give her a hug. Tonight is not the night for weird tensions between you two, at the end of the day you two care about Kendall. She seems content with you too, hugs you back and tells you to take care.
Fikret is already there when you get outside. He holds onto your hand for the whole drive back home and you let your thumb glide over his knuckles .
'I just want to be home' is playing on your mind. He sounded so upset, it makes you want to tear up just thinking about it.
You tell Fikret to drive to your address.
You arrive and the house and the doorman lets you in. The way up is silent like the drive here was. Once in the apartment he lets go of your hand. ”Do you want to drink anything? Or something to eat?“ you ask but he shakes his head. Kendall walks over to your window and opens the door to your balcony. You get him a glass of water anyway. You follow him outside, just standing there for a few moments looking into the city at night. It looks beautiful but your eyes rest on your friend. Trying to read his mind, what he’s thinking about. It probably would break your heart. You have grown more concerned about Kendalls mental health in the last months. You worry constantly about him, wanting to help somehow. You could tell he was on the edge the whole day. His strive for the perfect party, him being an ass to Greg, Comfry and Rava. You even had a small argument yesterday, telling him he can’t make Comfry sell all those lunchboxes on ebay and store them in her apartment. You felt bad for the girl, she was his PR and not some intern. Him possibly loosing the case against his dad weights heavy on him too.
It’s colder now than it was in the daylight, so you go back inside to grab a blanket.
You take the soft fabric and wrap it around his shoulders. "Let’s sit down.“ he follows you to the big lounger and after you sit down he sinks his head down until it rests on your lap. You tangle your fingers in his hair automatically, scratching his scalp, something that had always gave him some comfort.
You wish you could take his worries away. You know Kendall is not in a good place mentally but there’s nothing you can do except from being there for him.
”Uh, Dad, he gave me the opportunity to cash out.“ Kendall speaks up, it’s the first thing he said since you arrived at your place.
”Wow, seriously?“ you ask
”So what do you want to do?“ you ask still caressing his hair. He turns onto his back so he can look up at you
”I don’t, I don’t know.“
You hum
”Maybe I should do it.“ he says
”Maybe, yes.“ he studies your face for a moment
”I could be free.“
”Could do your own thing or just travel or something.“
He nods a little
”You’re a better person than him, Kendall. I know he’s your dad but he’s not a nice person. But you are. You’re a good man.“ he blinks a few times taking a deep breath.
”Thank you.“
You wake up the next morning from a phone ringing. "Ken?“ you ask and he groans as an answer. He gets out of bed in his shirt and sweatpants, he has more of his things at your place than at Naomi’s. He searches for his phone in the pocket of yesterdays pants. Naomi is calling and he knows he shouldn’t feel annoyed by it, she’s just worried, she’s caring about him. ”Who is it?“ you ask and he tells you ”Nay.“. After a few more moments he answers the call. "Yeah?… sorry… I’m alright… Uh, no, no I don’t think so… what about tomorrow? Yeah okay, bye." Is what you hear from the dialogue. You can’t help to ask yourself if they’re doing alright as a couple. Kendall puts the phone down on your bedside table before he climbs back under the covers, arms going around your middle as he buries his face into the back of your neck. "Everything okay?“ you ask your hand going up to caress his head. He hums as an answer. You just lay with him for another hour, drifting in and out of sleep.
You make him breakfast, coffee and pancakes and bring them back to your bed. Afterwards while you’re laying back under the covers of your bed, you remember something. You get up and walk towards the bag you carried with you yesterday. ”Where you going? Don’t leave.“ Kendall says and you send him a soft reassuring smile, grabbing the item you wanted to give to him. You climb back in the warm bed and look at the wrapped gift in your hands. ”I forgot to give you my present yesterday.“ you say before adding ”Well, I didn’t forget, I just wanted to give it to you in person.“ you explain. You didn’t want to put it on the present table to all the other presents that seemed to hold no real meaning. He looks at you with big eyes and you hand him the small wrapped box. He looks at it intrigued, slowly tearing off the paper. Carefully because he can tell you wrapped it yourself. In it is a cassette, he reads the label 'Kendall & Y/n‘s mixtape 00' is written in hand and under the plastic case is a pic of the two of you. You must have been around 20 when the picture was taken, it’s from a photobooth that was in the bar near college. It came out as a strip but you cut it up so that you both could have the pictures, his is still in his wallet. It must have been right at the time you two started to sleep with each other, when you were crushing hard on the other. He turns the case and his assumption is confirmed, all the songs you two liked in college are written on the back, some in your writing some others in his. He can feel himself tearing up. After all these shallow things he was given yesterday and the disappearance of his children’s present, the only other present that meant something to him. Even his girlfriends present seemed as if she didn’t knew him.
You cup his cheeks to wipe away some of the tears. ”Thank you. Uh, thank you so much.“ he chokes out. He crumbles then, clinging to you and you feel like crying too. ”Shh, Kenny. It’s okay, I’ve got you.“ you whisper into his hair. ”You will be okay, I’m not gonna leave.“ you caress his neck. When he calms down a little, you just lay there his head resting on your chest, your arms around him. He feels absolutely miserable, his birthday was a disaster, his family hates him, he lost his kids present. All these thoughts circle around his head and he feels empty. Empty and just so tired. He doesn’t know if he has any fight left in him.
The weekend was spend with Kendall in your apartment but today you have to go back into work for a bit, there’s a meeting that is fairly important. But what is important, when your best friend is obviously not doing well? You have contact with Jess who you asked to call you should anything happen.
Work is okay, you talk a bit to your friend Michelle who works in PR and you sort through your emails, listen to a few demos that have been sent in and get a few stage plans sent out. The meeting is boring and nothing that couldn’t have been done in an e-mail. At some point you get a message from Kendall asking you if you want to hang out later. Of course you say yes, but you are confused since he wanted to meet Naomi today and you assumed he would stay at hers.
On the way home you buy some food from a place you know Kendall likes.
You call out his name, wondering if he’s already back or still with Naomi. Your thoughts are interrupted when he comes out of his bathroom and you stop in your tracks. Your eyes going wide "Y/n! You’re back!“ he says and you just nod with your mouth slightly agape. His hair is gone. "Wow- okay, what happened to you?“ you ask with a humorous tone in your voice "I thought I needed a change. How do you like it? I think it’s kinda cool, right?“ he asks you while scratching his head. It was probably a manic impulsive decision and that worries you but you can’t deny that he looks hot. "Yeah you look good, really.“ you say slowly coming close to him a grin on your face "Can I?“ you ask as you reach your hand up "Uh-huh.“ he answers and you let your hand go over his head, it feels different but not bad. ”Yeah, it’s really nice.“ he smiles at your words.
"How was you day? How is Naomi?" You ask when you retread your hand "Oh, yeah about that.“ he says and you brace yourself for what could come next "Uh, we kind of broke up.“ he tells you and your eyes widen "Oh I’m so sorry-" he shakes his head "No don’t be, it’s better this way.“ he seems genuine "We weren’t good for each other we would destroy each other.“ he tells you and you have to admit he’s right. "You’re probably right but that doesn’t mean you can’t be sad." He nods but tells you "I’m not- not really. I- uh, there are some things I need to work on.“ you understand that he’s not talking about a deal or work in general, this is more a mental kind of work and you’re proud of him for accepting that he needs help.
You don’t know it but Kendall also had to break up with Naomi because it wasn’t fair towards her to stay with her when his feeling for you are getting harder and harder to bury.
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Warning: none, I think. Let me know please.
MB stands for Mama Bear, the reader's nickname.
+ 550 words no proofread.
A/N: It's @princessmisery666 fault with her quiz who is your soa boy. 😑
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The sound of your voice couldn’t reach him. You called him again and again, but it was like he was deaf and around a minute or two, standing next to him he finally look at you with sadness and horror in his eyes.
- “Hi! Did you know women could feel pain, a week before and a week after their period. And the pain during it, is equivalent to a heart attack for a man. This is awful. You barely have just a few days of peace. It sucks, man.”
- “And did you know that I broke my water several minutes ago, but you were so deeply focused on this magazine you never heard me calling you.”
- “You what?” He tried to understand looking at your belly and noticed you were dry. “Fuck! Babe, you should yell or snatch this stupid magazine instead of watching me. Where are the bags again? Wait here? I’m looking for the keys."
- “Where do you think I could go in my condition?”
- “Don’t panic babe, everything is going to be okay! Where are these stupid keys.” He growled.
You were looking at your Grizzly running and swearing into the house and throwing away pillows, stuff or unfolded clothes laid in the hallway. From time to time he heard some rattling but didn’t realize they were in your hand and you played with.
- “Kenny farted in the car and it’s getting hot even with windows open. Um .. MB? What’s daddy doing?” Asked Ellie, concerned about the mess, in the living room, absent when she left the house approximately ten minutes ago. “Daddy! She has the keys in her hand. Can we go now?”
- “It was funny.” You said, following your stepdaughter.
- “We should've been in the hospital for a while now, why are you playing like kids? Ugh!”
Opie’s head appeared on the frame of the door to understand what was going on, squinted at the keys you rolled between your fingers. He wasn’t amused at all. He snatched them, kissed your forehead and drove to the hospital in silence while you couldn’t stop laughing about how cute and funny and panicked, he was.
Hours later of work and you gave birth to an amazing, beautiful and healthy girl, you could rest but you saw something in your husband’s bag. It took all your attention that time it was you who didn’t hear him coming into the room.
Sure, it was the middle of the night, the kids wanted to stay with you and they were sleeping on a futon, but it was like Opie spawned from nowhere, you bit your lips to hold back a scream.
- “I can’t believe you did that without me!” You showed him the magazine opened on a quiz page and the betrayal in your voice hurt him. “You did it wrong. See, on which planet you are like Freddy Krueger, at least as a tough man you could be Michael Myers.”
- “Really!” He asked disappointed. “I can scare people”
- “Dude! Why do you think I always choose lovely and cute petnames? You’re literally a bear or Chewbacca”.
He climbed on the bed to tingle you, not happy with the comparison but the baby started to cry, time to feed her.
You took her and breastfed her while Opie with a pen and the mag asked you some questions to know which movie serial killer you were.
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Thanks for reading it. Hope you like it. My Masterlists .
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korizzybee · 1 year
|| Something New || C.2: StarSpider & SpiderPunk ||
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Currently reading: C.2
Previous chapter: C.1
Next chapter: WIP
(Inosuke’s theme song is her theme song)
I sat in Chemistry class, bored out of my mind. I really didn’t have a reason to pay attention to the teacher, I understand the whole lesson without her having to explain anything to me. Honestly, I don’t even see the point in me coming to school because, not to brag, but I’m the smartest student here. No one else comes close. I sighed softly, looking out of the window.
‘When is this class going to end…?’ I thought to myself. I looked at the school garden noticing a strange clash of colors appearing. ‘A portal!’ I thought to myself excitedly, that meant someone from the Spider Society was coming to see me. I kept looking out the window and noticed Hobie walking out of the portal. He saw me in the window, motioning me to come outside.
I gave him a small thumbs up, the bell rung meaning class was over and it was lunch time. I quickly packed up my things before anyone could ask me to have lunch with them and ran out of the building to the garden. I decided to leave my bags in the office, shooting Darla a text to get my stuff because I had to go to the Spider Society for something and she would just make an excuse to my Aunt as to why I wouldn’t be at practice.
“‘Sup Kenny, Gwendy and Pav’ seem to be having a li’l trouble with a’ anomaly without us there. Le’s pay them a li’l visit, shall we?” Hobie said to me, putting a arm around my shoulder, having to bend a bit because of our height distance. (For anyone who doesn’t know, Hobie is canonly 19-20 and 6’3 so there’s going to be some big brother Hobie in this story. And Kendra is 14 and 5’2.)
“Alright Hobie, let’s go.” I said, running through the multicolored portal. It felt weird traveling through the portal, like my body would be taken apart and put back together but it never hurt at all. As Hobie and I landed in a crummy looking building we heard voices. “Should we help?” “Does this power have a name or…?” “Will you guys just let me do this!?” It sounded like Gwen’s and Pav’s voices, there was another person there whose voice i couldn’t recognize, but it sounded like a guy.
Before I knew it, Hobie went charging in and I had to sprint to keep up with him. I could then see a bright light and the backs of Gwen, Pavitr, and the unknown guy, they were around some barrier. Hobie broke the barrier using his guitar, it could play such hard vibrations to even break a wall. “Hobie!” Pav and Gwen yelled in relief. I used my webs, swinging to land beside him. “Kenny! You’re here too!” Pavitr said.
“Heh, look at that two other ones. I love how many different variations of you there are.” The guy, who I’m guessing is the bad guy, said seeming amused at how many spiders were in his presence.
“Wait that’s Hobie? And Kenny is a…girl?” The unknown guy said in confusion. I looked at the unknown guy and tilted my head in confusion. “The name’s Kendra Sullivan, I’m from Earth-1340 and I’m known as SpiderWoman. The people from my town call me StarSpider. My friends call me Kenny.” I said, giving a quick introduction.
“Hobie my guy!” Pav said as he walked over to Hobie and started roughhousing with him. “My man Pav, big steppa!” Hobie responded. “What’s this guy’s name?” The strange boy asked Gwen. “It’s English for ‘we get along great and we’re close friends’!” Pav responded as Hobie put his around around him. “Is this the young’un from 1610?” Hobie asked. “Do you understand this guy?” The boy asked Gwen once more.
“Hey Hobie, thanks for breaking the shield!” Pavitr said as he started flipping over to the white figure, “Uh I loosened it.” The boy said in what sounded like slight offense. I rolled my eyes slightly under my mask as I swung to Pav’s side. “Bit of advice, use the palms not just ya finger tips.” Hobie said to the boy who I’m assuming must be Miles Morales, the one Gwen spoke so fondly of.
“What’s up with his suit? Is he bleedin’ from his armpits?” Hobie asked Gwen, I snorted a bit at Hobie’s words as I threw something at the villain. “Miles, Hobie, Hobie, Miles.” Gwen said, giving them a quick introduction to each other as she swung around them. “Uh, I’ve never heard of you because Gwen rarely ever mentioned you.” Miles said. “Hey, my name’s Hobie, Hobie Brown.” Hobie said to Miles.
I tuned out the rest of his introduction as I helped Pavitr fight the guy known as ‘The Spot’. Such a dumb ass villain name if you ask me, but you didn’t so I won’t give the rest of my opinion. This Miles boy seemed interesting, he had a cute voice I’ll give him that. Is he cute under that mask as well, well that’s a question I’ll continue to think of another time when I’m done fighting the white and black bastard in front of me.
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pinkrifle · 1 year
If you're still taking requests, could I please get headcanons for the main 4 boys, Butters, and Wendy reacting to finding out reader is aro/ace? If that's too many characters then just Kenny, Butters, and Wendy would be fine.
— Kenny, Butters and Wendy finding out reader is AroAce! —
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cws/tw’s: sex jokes/questions made by kenny
a/n: heyyy! thank you for the option of just the 3, i was kind of having trouble with writing cartman and kyle 😭 <3 i hope u enjoy this!! i loterally love writing for tyese 3 ty for requesting them ☹️☹️🫶🫶🫶
misc. notes: characters can be interpreted as any age, this is not supposed to be a sexual post at all!! gender is not specified, post will be platonic since not specified ^^ :3
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— Kenny !!
doesn’t really care what you identify as as long as your not cartman (/j) but he’s still kinda clueless on what aro/ace is.
when you explain it to him he specifically listens to the asexual part of it, surprised when he finds out it means you have no sexual drive.
“YOU CANT HAVE SEX?? ☹️” “i mean your kind of on the right track?.. i just, dont want to”
definitely does not get it at all since he’s a big F-boy, but respects your nonchalant life. at least you won’t have to put up with annoying wives or nagging husbands forever.
gets more low-key with the dirty jokes, acts like it’s a deathly offense to you and says sorry when he says something dirty (or just whispers it to his friends), even if you don’t mind it he’s still cautious.
doesn’t know if he should talk about relationships that much with you, but you really don’t care since it doesn’t, and won’t involve you.
when someone flirts with you he sweeps in infront of you and acts all super man 😭 “VERY FINE CHOICE OF ATTRACTION BUT THEY ARE OFF LIMITS FOREVER 🙅‍♂️😙” it makes u giggle a little, then you tell the person your super not interested and kenny’s happy and pats himself on the back for his “hard work”
if you make a dirty joke around him he’ll laugh 100x more than before you came out to him, it’s just funny watching you make those jokes when he 100% knows you mean none of it (unlike him)
a little dumb on the subject but he’s got the spirit, hates when people flirt with you as much as you do!!! if your shy and get hit on he’ll drag you away and blow a muffled raspberry to the person
ACTS LIKE MYSTERION WHEN SOMEONE FLIRTS WITH YOU OR TRIES TO GET WITH U 😭 and if he is mysterion and he see’s someone doing that he’ll stand next to you and put his hands on his hips, motioning for the person to go away (even if you can perfectly do it by yourself)
kind of just goes on with his life after you tell him, he doesn’t really care but he does think your neat!! even tho he’s prone to crushing on everyone he probably loses his (romantic) love for you after a while.
— Butters !!
gets the hang of it super fast and is kind of protective of you when hanging around clyde and stuff, is okay with you “not being able to like someone”
kind of gets it mixed up with you not wanting to date FOREVER instead of just feeling very slow/little attraction, but the more you remind him he more he tries to screw it in his head.
he doesn’t focus much on sex and stuff like kenny does, so the asexual part is mostly just extra info from you. but he is a little bit of a lover boy (to other girls/boys) so he does get confused on that little to no romantic attraction part, (he’s still respectful <3 MY BELOVED)
if someone flirts with you he’s all like “woah fella !! they are off limits today!! move along please!!” and hates when people do dirty pick up lines on you, he just tugs on your sleeve and makes an angry face at the person
sympathizes with you more than anyone else, but he still has no idea what it is. he’s just happy his friend wanted to share a piece of sacred information with them, and just because of that he feels much better revealing his marjorine side to u. (are u lgb cuz ur gun pink… /ref)
accidentally outs you to a few people, thinking it’s a good thing but it kinda makes you upset since you don’t want it to be shared with EVERYONE. definitely apologizes 100000 times <\3 butters just wants to give the world to his bestie, but sometimes he does weigh you down
looks it up on his computer every once in a while, just to learn more about it. googles how to make a lgbt friend feel comfortable and he does some of the steps pretty wonky 😭
asks you about your identity a lot, like when you figured it out and what are the pro’s and con’s? this man is such a talker, he loves his friends and would do anything to make them feel okay (even tho nobody does it to him ☹️)
when his parent’s think you guys are dating he almost explains it to them without asking, but he encourages you to tell them you have no attraction to anyone at all. and if your uncomfortable saying it then he does it for you!!
educates himself on more things in the lgbtq community rather than aroace, it kind of bores him but anything to keep his little brain going!!
tries to not talk about it when your upset, or jus not to much in general since he doesn’t wanna look like he’s just getting gay bff points. he doesn’t care about your sexuality!! he just wants to have someone to play hello kitty adventure with, and being aroace doesn’t stop you from doing much 🫶
— Wendy !!
UNDERSTNDS IT SM since she is super educated on a lot of things and is an expert at comforting her friends, she has no problems figuring out what it means and trying to help you in the best ways possible.
doesn’t know if she should talk about her relationship with stan/bebe (depending on if u like either ship LAWL) and isn’t afraid to ask if your comfy with her talking about her struggles and non struggles.
if your comfortable with it then she’ll talk about it but tries to not be so bold about it, just small problems and if you give her advice on how to deal with them she’s forever grateful.
if your uncomfortable with it she reassures you it’s no problem and she’ll try her best to sympathize with you and your identity as much as she can.
if someone flirts with you she politely tells them your off limits, and if they keep doing it she goes mama bear mode and tells them to stop. she won’t hesitate to kick someone’s ass to make you comfy!!
never dares to even think about outing you, makes sure your comfortable and feel welcome whenever your coming out to more people with her. doesn’t push you to do anything regarding coming out!!!!
she feels like she doesn’t know more about it and always takes time out of her day to research more on the topic, what’s offensive and what’s not so she won’t fuck up and make you upset one day.
makes sure all her friends know not to flirt with you, trying her best not to out you. let’s you come out to her friends yourself and always corrects someone if they try to make a move on you.
always takes care of people if their making you upset, nobody fucks with her besties >:(
supports u during pride month and buys you all this pride stuff, she’s the typa girl to see something rainbow and text it/ show it to you saying “it’s rainbow i thought of you :)”
buys you all pride flags you want, if you have homophobic parents that don’t like the fact your being accepted for your identity she offers to keep the pride stuff at her house and jus gives it to you when you want it.
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THIS WAS SO FUN TO WRITE !!! I HAD LIKE LITTLE TO NO TROUBLE FOR THESE 3 <3 sorry this was like 8 hours late omfg ☹️ i try to get everything done within one day ^^
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cocogrrrl · 1 year
Chapter 3: Rough Starts
the story kicks off as kyle and yn get a drink while the black stones also brews a fun idea in the process
wc: 2328 cws: drinking (very light), mentions of rehab and drugs (brief) check the series master list here! previous chapter
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All eyes were on Kyle that very moment—including YN’s. Kenny was right; she did seem like she was about to head out. He needed to act fast. 
All the attention garnered on Kyle made him rather uneasy, though. ‘Your name is Brad Plum. Kind of like Brad Pitt, but, like, the pits of plums.’ Kyle mentally told himself, reminding himself what he was here for.
He’ll be playing as Brad Plum, an overconfident, almost annoying man who’s a coward. He is a hiring manager for some food company, an awful one at that. He’s too caught up in his own business to be listening to others. He has no girlfriend, no pets, nothing. He invests his time in something stupid, like phrenology. He acts tough when really he’s a coward inside. In short, he’s kind of a fucking disappointment. Yeah, that’s who Brad Plum will be.
Is there anything good about Brad Plum? Yeah! He’s not hateful of others for something they can’t control, but that’s the bare minimum for humans. I guess you could call him shrewd to some extent. He definitely has confidence, to say the least. He’s a proud but a full of shit man. That’s kind of funny.
That was just to let the reader know who he’ll play, though. Kyle wasted absolutely no time standing and thinking. He made his way to YN with a confident stride. Luckily, the door slam had caught her attention as well, so her eyes were fixated on him. The longer time went on, the less people started to care about Kyle's existence. Thank god as well.
He took a deep breath in before he met eyes with her, a smug grin on his face. “You think I can buy you a drink, pretty?”
YN seemed taken aback, to say the least, but she seemed to be intrigued by Brad’s outwardness. Score. “Huh, well, why not?” She chuckled, getting back in her seat.
The two girls accompanying her, Red and Bebe, seemed entertained by Brad as well. She quickly turned to them, most likely asking if it was okay if she were to spend time here. They seemed to nod in reply, Bebe and Red quickly moving a few seats away from YN, giving Brad space to sit beside YN—which he took gladly.
“So, what’s your name?” He asked.
“I’m YN,” she said, leaning her upper body weight on the counter with her arms tucked under her chest, her head leaning to the side as she looked at Brad. “What’s your name?”
“Brad Plum.” He started to rethink the identity he took upon. It sounded like shit.
“You don’t look like a Brad or a Plum.” She replied, a small giggle following after.
“I know. I get that a lot. It’s what my parents picked, though.”
“Really? Where’d they get the name from?”
“My mom loves Brad Pitt.” Mom being Kyle. Well, he didn’t love Brad Pitt, he just loved him in Fight Club, Inglorious Bastards, and even Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Did you know Brad Pitt was Metro Man from Megamind? Kyle knew. He kinda liked Brad Pitt.
“Mhm.” She hummed.
The air felt stale. Brad's dry and seemingly disinterested replies, even if he was the one who asked YN for a drink, seemed to be failing. Maybe the overly self-assured and cold personality he’s putting up won’t get him so far. He should be a lot nicer.
“Sorry. This is getting awkward.” He shook his head, laughing at himself to relieve some awkwardness that had risen. ”What do you want?” He said, head nodding to the assortment of drinks presented before them.
“Hmm, I think I’ll just get a Riesling.”
“Really?” He raised a brow.
“What’s wrong with it?”
“It’s very light.” In Kyle’s honest opinion, he thought that she’d go for something a little more strong—like a marsala or some vodka. 
“I’ve had some to drink already, and I gotta do something later. Can’t waste your offer on something completely boring.”
“Yeah?” He asked, not quite getting where she was heading at.
“Like, I can’t just go for some water, you know?. Although I’d be fine with it, I don’t think it’s worth the confidence you mustered up earlier. Everyone was looking at you, and I’d hate it if the person I asked out just wanted water after all the effort I gave.”
A surprised look was on Kyle’s face. Huh. He didn’t think that the city-infamous YN would be so considerate. Was this the right guy? I mean, she sure sounded like her, but the YN he’s taking down is the underbelly of the crime scene here. “How thoughtful of you.”
“Of course.” She said, giving him a polite smile.
The drinks would come later, though, since it seemed like Brad and YN were quickly caught in a string of conversations back-to-back. She seemed already very interested in him, to his luck. Perhaps she was just being nice to him as well, feeling some pity for a guy who got stoned by the harsh eyes of many people when he set foot in the bar.
Whatever the reason may be, it seemed like things were going well for him. From Drew Barrymore to airline food to the best dog breed, it seemed like their first 15 minutes together never had too many awkward silences.
“Personally, I’m more of a miniature dog lover, but we can always agree to disagree.” YN sighed defeatedly, raising her hands up.
Brad had just made an argument as to why golden retrievers were far better than Shih Tzus, even if Kyle didn’t really have much of a strong love for goldies. He was much more of a Borzoi type of guy. I mean, their long noses really sell it for him.
“Yeah? Shih Tzus are always just two things: a show dog or an Asian family’s common household pet.” Brad spat back.
“Well, golden retrievers are the white-picket fence of dogs! At least I’m not that boring.” You pouted, crossing your arms.
Out of nowhere, Bebe walked up to YN and gave her a tap on the back. Her attention was quickly diverted to hers. They exchanged a few words—none that Kyle could make out, unfortunately–—but YN turned back soon after.
“Hey, I’m just gonna go to the bathroom for a bit, okay? You go order our drinks while I’m at it.” She said, already getting up from her seat.
Brad aptly nodded. “Oh, sure.” Well, it’s not like he had much of a choice anyway.
You headed to the restroom with Bebe and Red, much to Kyle’s confusion. Why were you going there as a pack? Maybe it’s just a girl thing, he thought.
⋆。˚ ✧ ˚ ༘ ⋆。˚
Snickers and giggles filled the empty restroom as you went inside with the girls.
“Okay, so what do we think of the guy?” Red started.
“Hmm, I think he’s cute.” You hummed, looking in the mirror as pulled out your lip gloss to touch it up. 
In all honesty, you didn’t think that much of Brad yet. You thought he was kind of dorky, which you found adorable. He was also a bit too self-assured for your liking as well, but he was cute nonetheless.
“I’m pretty sure he’s a fucking narc, though,” Bebe said with a visible pout you caught by the corner of your eye, resting her back on the surface of the sinks.
“Huh? How do you know?” You asked, looking at the blonde through the mirror as you raised a brow.
“Remember Stan? The guy I met at rehab a few months ago and sold molly to?”
“I got close to him at one point, and he said that his best friend was the one who pushed him to go there. He told me he was a cop, then he showed me a pic of the guy. He looks exactly like that Brad guy you’re talking to.”
“Shit.” You said, clicking your tongue.
“Dude. I think he’s undercover. You know, he’s probably trying to get some dirt on us.” Bebe noted.
You sighed, shaking your head in disappointment. You thought you were gonna have some fun tonight. “Yeah.”
“Well, he definitely did his research well since he went for you, YN,” Red said.
“What do you mean?” You hummed
“You’re the only one in our group who’s single.”
“I guess you do make a point.” You chuckled, putting your lipstick back in your purse. Bebe was with Clyde, and Red was with Heidi, but most likely Brad was taking a lucky guess going for you. It’s best to strike at the head, right?
“Are you gonna ghost him, YN?” Bebe asked, raising a brow as you.
“No,” you answered as an idea started to form in your head. “Bebe, try to get in contact with Stan if you can. Red, Heidi grew up here, right?” They both nodded, sharing a slightly confused look. “I want you guys to look further into this ‘Brad’ guy we’re dealing with. I want to have some leverage as well.
“I think we should play around with him, see how far he’s willing to go get that dirt. You know, just for shits and giggles.” If you were going to end up getting arrested in the end, you might as well have fun while you’re at it.
Yet this seemed like a weird position to put him in. I mean, a few girls dragging a guy somewhere? If you played your cards right, you might be able to convince Brad to come. At the same time, though, what if the guy you got was wrong? You hoped what Bebe said was right.
If your guesses were correct, you were going to have to go the long route with Brad. Make him think that he's gonna have you by the end of tonight, when really you're gonna fake a "hard-to-get" thing that you know he'll never get.
Red already got on her phone texting her girlfriend whilst Bebe shared a devious grin with you. “We should bring him with us tonight,” She said with a giggle.
“You think he’ll come?” Red asked, cautiousness lacing her face.
“If he’s desperate enough, maybe. ” You smiled. 
⋆。˚ ✧ ˚ ༘ ⋆。˚
 After a while, Kyle finally catches YN exiting the restroom with the two girls, who made their way back to where they were earlier.
“Hey, Brad,” she greeted, taking her seat. Kyle noted the more cleaned-up look on her face. She must’ve retouched her makeup while in the bathroom. He wondered why. Maybe because she must’ve taken a liking to him already? Well, he’d hope so. “Sorry for taking so long. Girl things.” She said with a laugh.
“Don’t sweat it.” He gave her a reassuring smile, passing her the riesling she ordered.
“Thank you,” she nodded, taking the drink in hand. “Cheers?” She asked, raising the glass.
“Cheers,” Brad reaffirmed, clinking his glass of whiskey on the rocks with her glass of wine.
“So, uh, Brad,” he answered you with a hum. “What do you do for a living?”
“Huh?” He was taken aback by the randomness of the question.
“Sorry, I’m just trying to break the ice.” She laughed, placing a hand on top of his as her thumb rubbed on the back of his hand.
He was not drunk enough for this. “It’s totally fine. I’m a hiring manager.”
“Really? For what company?”
“Oh, Whole Foods Market.” He said, Whole Foods was the first company that came to his mind. It’s probably not like she was going to fact-check him anyway. ”What do you do?”
“I’m a storage facility worker or was. Recently got blown off.”
“That sucks.” He said, giving her a sympathetic frown. “Where’d you get money since then?”
“Comission side gigs.” 
“I’m an artist.” Not quite the answer he was expecting.
He expected that she was going to say that she was on the streets dealing whatever substances she had, but maybe she was going to hide it from him for now. I mean, that’s why undercover missions take a while so that you can wait to slowly break the target.
“Yeah? Could you show me some of your art?”
“My phone’s almost dead, so I can’t show it.” What a convenient excuse. “Maybe some other time? I’d love to showcase it.”
“I’d love to see it as well.” He gave her a grin, placing his hand on top of hers.
“Thanks.” You caught a faint smile tugging at the end of her lips. “Say, Brad,”
“The girls and I have some business to tend to—if you know what I mean.” She said, dragging a finger on his forearm, a smug look on her face. “Do you wanna come with us?”
Had he already hit a gold mine? No, a diamond mine? As a first-time undercover cop, he felt incredibly lucky. Many of his higher-ups had told him how difficult it was to have their guys break and let them in. This had to be a joke. There was no way she was already inviting him to go commit some atrocities and shit with him. 
Be it a joke or not, it was best to take up the offer than not. If he gets in some deep shit already, then good for him. If not, at least he’s already building rapport with the three.
But what would this mean in a context if he weren't undercover? Shit, was he going to be brought to some weird orgy?
“Are you sure? I mean, I really hope I’m not interrupting anything.” He said worriedly, hoping it wasn't actually the latter.
“Don’t worry,” she smiled, the finger on his arm finding itself to now be her hand cupping his cheek. He held back everything to not blush. He couldn’t let physical affection break him like this. “We’d love to have you with us.”
“Sure, then.”
“Just so I could spend more time with a pretty face like you.” He smiled, hooking his finger under her chin.
next chapter.
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loyalpromise · 6 months
🎲 lee & carley :3
29: a kiss to the back of the hand ...
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life  as  it  was  now  was  becoming  more  and  more  normal  for  them  and was  almost  alarming.  carley,  as  much  as  she  missed  the  days  of  being  able  to  sink  into  the  couch  of  her  apartment  and  watch  reruns  of  old  90s  sitcoms  after  a  hard  day  of  work,  found the  memories  were  also  becoming  fuzzier;  replaced  with  old  musty  motel  rooms  and  the  smell  of  mold  and  decay.  it  was  true  what  they  said:  once  you  smelled  a  dead  body,  you���d  never  forget  that  stench  for  the  rest  of  your  life.
she  also  didn’t  think  she’d  forget  all  the  times  lee,  kenny,  and  mark  would  leave  to  go  hunting  and  foraging,  only  to  come  back  with  some  bad  news—be  it  an  injury,  no  food,  or  another  mouth  to  feed.  they’d  hit  the  BINGO  that  day:  lee  cut  his  hand,  they  didn’t  manage  to  bring  back  any  food,  and  a  band  teacher  and  one  of  his  students  became  two  more  mouths  to  feed—or  would  have,  had  katjaa  been  able  to  save  the  man.
it  had  been  a  lot  to  deal  with.  carley  had  gone  to  her  dingy  room  to  decompress,  surprised  to  hear  a  knock  at  the  door  and  even  more  surprised  to  find  lee  standing  there.
“ hey, ”  carley  greeted,  eyes  dropping  down  to  lee’s  hand.  “ i’m  alright;  you  sure  you  don’t  wanna  keep  that  jerky  for  yourself ? ”  it  was  so  like  lee  to  worry  about  the  needs  of  the  others  of  the  motor  inn  before  himself.  carley  didn’t  know  how  he  did  it;  especially  to  the  likes  of  lilly  and  larry.
she  only  ended  up  taking  the  jerky  upon  lee’s  insistence,  before  changing  the  subject  to  ask  about  his  hand.
“ how’d  you  manage  that ?  get  it  while  trying  to  save  those  other  two ? ”
‘something  like  that…’
“ always  so  cryptic  with  you, ”  carley  said,  rolling  her  eyes,  before  reaching  for  his  injured  hand  and  bringing  it  up  to  eye  it,  ignoring  lee’s  hiss  of  protest.  “ but  it  doesn’t  look  too  bad.  you’ll  live. ”
a  thought  crossed  her  mind  then,  and  before  she  could  think  better  of  it,  carley  brought  the  back  of  his  hand  to  her  lips,  pressing  a  featherlight  kiss  to  the  scratchy  bandage  for  a  moment  before  pulling  away.  still,  her  hold  on  his  hand  remained,  and  her  gaze  lifted  once  more  to  meet  lee’s,  holding  it  in  a  lingering  stare  for  a  few  moments  too  long  before  she  suddenly  released  his  hand  and  averted  her  eyes.
she  shoved  down  the  butterflies  fluttering  in  her  stomach,  and  willed  her  cheeks  not  to  flush  as  she  made  a  show  of  clearing  her  throat  and  said  in  a  preemptive  warning,  “ not.  a.  word.  everett. ”
in  one  swift  moment,  she  guided  him  out  of  her  room,  standing  in  the  doorway  as  she  added,  “ it’s  supposed  to  make  it  feel  better.  you  should  be  thankful  i  even  thought  enough  of  you  to  do  so,  y’know.  you’re  welcome. ”
then,  she  moved  back  into  her  room  and  closed  the  door,  prepared  to  spend  the  rest  of  the  day  kicking  herself  for  behaving  like  a  silly  school  girl  with  a  crush.
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daysofxavierspast · 4 months
Prompt: Loss Crubbles
Here you go, @sweaterkittensahoy!
“Lieutenant Crosby, sir?” Bubbles glanced over at Major Harding, afraid of what he was going to say. He knew the Bremen mission was going to hell in a handbasket, and the kernel of hope he held that his best friend would make it back alive was quickly fading.
“I’m sorry, son. He didn’t make it.” Harding reached out and placed a hand on Bubbles’ shoulder.
Bubbles felt like the world was shattering around him. They were supposed to stay together forever. They were supposed to travel the world together. They were supposed to grow old together. All of that, gone in an instant. He couldn’t disguise the crack in his voice or hide the tears threatening to spill from his eyes.
“Thank you, sir.”
He turned on his heel and walked away.
“Bubbles? Are you okay?” Ken had found Bubbles sitting in the shadow of She’s Gonna’s wing, the metaphorical bird shielding her chick from the world, knees pulled up to his chest, cap pulled low over his eyes.
“Harry’s gone, Kenny.”
“Oh buddy…c’mere.” Ken sat down next to Bubbles and gathered him in his arms, feeling the other man collapse into his embrace.
“This wasn’t supposed to happen. It shoulda been me up there! What the fuck am I supposed to do now?!”
“Bubbles, we gotta believe that Harry and the rest of the crew are okay. They might’ve ditched and gotten found by the Resistance. Hell, they might be somewhere in England. You gotta trust me. Blakely would do anything to make sure they got down safe.” Ken gently wiped away Bubbles’ tears.
“And what if they didn’t? I-I was gonna confess to him tonight. I don’t know what I’m gonna do without him. He was my better half.”
“Look at me, Joe. They’ll be fine. Come on, let’s go to the base chapel. You a praying man?”
“Not in combat, but I’ve been praying all day.”
“God will hear you.”
Bubbles let Ken lead him to the chapel, an arm slung around his shoulders keeping him from falling to the ground in despair. They lit candles and prayed. Ken turned to Bubbles and gave him another hug.
“I’ll be outside, Joe. You tell God whatever you need to say.”
Bubbles nodded and knelt on the floor, closing his eyes and bowing his head.
“God, I know I’m not the best man here, not by a long shot. I’m loud and I swear too much and I know I don’t pray as much as I should. I try to do my best to follow You, even though I know I trip a lot. I just need one thing today. Bring Harry back to me.”
That night, Bubbles sat at a table in the officers’ club, trying to drown his sorrows. The men knew he was grieving, and let him be. Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice and looked up. He could barely believe his eyes.
“Hey Joey. Why the long face?”
Harry was covered in cuts, but he was alive. Wonderfully alive. Bubbles stood up, nearly knocking over his drink. He grabbed onto Harry and pulled him close, holding him as tightly as he could.
“Harry? Is it really you?”
“‘Course it’s me. What, do you think I’d come back and forget to hug my favorite person in the world?”
“I don’t know whether to slap you for making me think you were dead or kiss you because you came home. Don’t ever scare me like that again, you hear me, Harry? I love you too much to lose you.”
Bubbles stopped, suddenly realizing the gravity of what he just said. The reply he got was all he ever needed. He could drop dead right then and there and it wouldn’t even matter because Harry was here in his arms and he was alive and they both knew they’d fallen in love.
“I love you too, Joey. Too much for words to express.”
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emocatkeith · 2 months
ok thanks to @shining-bewear i decided to go ahead and watch the first episode of big brother season 26. idk if i'll do this for future episodes or what but still it was p fun lol
“Hello, Julie.” “Hello! :))))” < scared out of her fucking life at whatever the fuck this blue thang is
I wonder when the Brazen Bull will be introduced as a new punishment
“No! …I mean, yes!” Girl with some of the shit I’ve heard that they pull on this show, you’ll probably be meaning that first part soon
God I love Joseph’s brother
Rubina be teeny
They should hire the people who do the VFX on this show to Marvel. They’d fit right in with how their VFX look in recent movies /s
Asides from that, the watermelon cocktail looks delicious
“And you put anybody in front of me, I’m gonna’ win. Because that’s how I’ve been trained as a person, to win.” Has there ever been a contestant on this show that’s been like,,,,”Yeah I fucking suck my ass is probably going to be the first one to get evicted.”
Makensy feels like a gatekeep gaslight girlboss to me
I’m sorta’ stanning Joseph ngl
With the sunglasses on, Jo looks like he’d be a target in a Hitman game
I think Angela’s kinda goofy. I like her but at the same time she’s giving me Youtube Mommy Vlogger vibes
Kimo’s art is so cute AUGHHHH
I fuck with Kimo 
No comment on Chelsie since idk if she actually is a zionist or not. Honestly to anyone reading this please give me some clarification because I have NO CLUE on what’s going on there
Tucker tempting fate I feel like
“I can’t wait to use the bathroom” < people with IBS (me)
Rubina automatically screaming as she walks in is SO funny to me like yes queen!!! Screech!!!!!!
Cannot relate to Makensy. The shorter the man the more easier it is to pick him up and hug him like a teddy bear
I really hope they don’t do this whole “choose whether or not to let this person be a contestant” in future seasons. I know this time it was for an “AI”, but to do it with an actual person seems a bit too cruel to lead them on with the possibility of joining. Though, if they HAVE to do it, I’d like to maybe have a losing contestant still be a part of the show, but in a more “antagonist” kinda way. Like they have the opportunity to tell secrets over an intercom to a specific person or something like that to stir up drama but have there be some sorta’ limit to the interference. Idk this is prob a really stupid idea lol
Ainsley is going to fucking kill them
It may just be me, but I feel like the “No” door is a bit of a better choice here. I have bad memory problems and get dizzy easily so my ass would NOT handle the “Yes” door well.
Them adding the stupid ass mouse sound effects with the cockroaches I’m-
I hope Kenny dies and goes to hell
Why does it feel like everyone else gets relatively normal intros (asides from the pig) except for Leah starting with her being a chubby chaser??? Producers????
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 8 months
(Yes I still got OrangeJuiceVerse Stan on the brain)
It is so important to me that OJV Stan is the most accident prone loser on the PLANET! Like other than Kenny, he’s cooonnnnstantly a disaster magnet also fucking South Park (Patrick Stump Voice: “STOP BY THIS DISASTER TOWN”) this man just forever is a victim of minor injuries. Ojverse Kyle may be the one with chronic pain, but Stan is out here getting hurt in the dumbest ways.
Like he’ll show up to school with one of those cvs finger splints and Kyle will go “dude how’d you break your finger, football?” And Stan is embarrassed as shit like “nah I uhhh opened the door wrong” “how the fuck do you open the door wrong” “idk I just did” smh loser dumbass.
Not to mention that he’s Tall and tall people are very at risk of hitting their heads on shit, he’s definitely *bonked* himself on cabinets and doorframes, also the amount of concussions this man sustained growing up it’s a wonder he has any brain cells left.
Thank GOD the fucker gets sober at 25 because he’s even clumsier when he’s drunk, there was this whole incident in college where he and Kenny, absolutely plastered, wandered over to a nearby park to do drunk parkour while dressed in their Halloween costumes (Kenny was dr frankenfurter and stan was eddie, they did Rocky Horror that year) (also this was referenced here) Kyle was PISSED bc Stan bruised the shit out of his back and yeah he and Ken were in Trouble for like two months.
This guy has totally burnt himself starting fires on camping trips, cut himself washing a knife, got too excited about the sword he bought for his wedding and fully put a hole in the wall slinging it around like stan you loser that thing is SHARP goddamn who let this man get a sword just so he could cut the cake with it (that thing (he definitely named it something stupid) was under Sharon’s protection right up until the ceremony bc my queen knows her fantasy dork son would probably slice his leg open if left unattended lmao)
Literally he’s also such a horrible patient when he gets hurt enough to actually affect his life, like he falls down the Widowmakers in the SP Survivor college house and totally should be wearing a neck brace for a little bit but he WONT bc “marj chill out the dr said it was just encouraged” bruh it literally took Cartman telling him he was a “goddamn hippie-hypocrite” bc everyone knows Stan’s overbearing as hell when anyone else is hurt or sick. When Stan broke his arm in high school he absolutely tried to get kenny to cut the cast off way too early bc it was itchy and stupid lmfao Kyle caught them with a pair of pliers down the plaster and almost lost his shit smh the Disaster Duo is the sole fuel to his high blood pressure hdasfjdhkl.
He really is such a hypocrite too, he’ll be out here running a high ass fever and ignoring it until he stands up and collapses and then he gets mad when someone else does the same shit. On god someone’ll trip and and skin their palms and Stan will be like “dude you gotta be CAREFUL when it’s icy outside” and then they’re just like “Stan I literally watched you eat shit in the parking lot racing Kenny to your truck like, yesterday.” Smh. Also this man does not remember to drink water ever he’s convinced any liquid counts and he SO fainted from dehydration at a student council blood drive in hs (Wendy was working the checkin station and got so mad at him lmfao he was like “wends pls don’t tell Kyle” and she told kyle and then the Red Cross worker is taping his stab hole closed while this boy she didn’t think would be a problem is getting chastised by both of them lmao. But of course he’s on Kenny’s ass to remember to hydrate. And lord during his stint as the school mascot for that one spring semester he’s out here at cheerleading practice reminding all the girlies to drink water and Bebe is like “pack it up Superman” (he totally looks like Superman) “did YOU drink water?” (This dumbass did not)
Anyway OJV Stan my sweet boy he’s well meaning but also accident prone and maybe a little adhd <3
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theworldofotps · 2 years
Jealous Loving (NSFW)
Pairing: Kenny Omega x Oc Bee Word Counter: 1,850 Description: A night out at the club to celebrate his girlfriend’s birthday, ends in a jealous Kenny giving her some special love.
Warning: 18+, oral smut(female receiving)
A birthday fic for my beloved @omg-im-such-a-masochist wishing you the happiest birthday babe you truly deserve it! Thank you for your friendship, the countless conversations and laughs. Here’s to hoping the next 364 days are the best ones. I hope you enjoy this little smut. Love you so much!💋🧡
Huge thanks to @new-zealand-chic for beta reading this you saved my ass I appreciate you so much love!
Warning if you like Sammy, you may wanna skip this one lmao _________ Tag list: @omg-im-such-a-masochist @damnnhausen @new-zealand-chic @writtingrose @sjwrites22 @sassymox @mrsacklesevansmgk @xladyxfatex @biforrollynch @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @demonqueen29 @itsicantbelievethis666 @lilred91 @xbreezymeadowsmunsonx @rebellious-desires @thiccc-rider-mcintyre @letsgivethisonemoreshot @mcreignsera @ava-valerie @shortyiceheart @serpantscorpio8497 @thatpanpal @thatnerdwriter @wrestlersownmyheart @vebner37 @cuzimacomedian @auburnwrites @aews-four-pillars @seeingstarks @cherrytheeredheadmamaclaymore @whenimakeitshine1234 @melblacc @alliwant456 @elevennbloom If you wanna be added to the list lemme know. ________ Kenny knew he should have kept Bee home this evening and just celebrated her birthday together alone. Instead of allowing the guys to talk them into going to the bar with a group of coworkers. Now here he was drinking a club soda since he was the designated driver and his sweet kitten was out on the dance floor. Shaking her ass with some of the girls, it didn’t bother him that she was having a good time. What did bother him was the group of guys ogling his girlfriend. He was positive that his friends meant no harm; it was the guys he didn’t know so well that he didn’t trust.
 “You okay there Omega? You grip your glass any harder it’s going to bust in your hand.” 
Looking up, Kenny spots his friend Adam Page and shakes his head. 
“Yeah I’m fine just sitting here is all.”
“Is it the way those guys are drooling over your girl?”
“A bit, I want her to have fun, you know because it’s her birthday. She deserves to have a good time but I hate how they’re looking at her.” 
Sipping his drink he scoots over in the booth so Adam could join him. 
“Why aren’t you out there shaking ass with her?”
“The girls said they wanted to have a few dances with her.” 
Nodding Adam turns and watches the group of women. He knew Kenny was feeling more frustrated as time went on. His gaze kept drifting over towards the dance floor. 
“Yeah definitely don’t leave her alone for too long.” 
The two friends watch their coworkers and friends, the song changing to a sensual song. Bee laughed happily as she looked around for her boyfriend. She wanted to get him on the dance floor to enjoy this song with her. Feeling a hand on her arm she stops looking behind her. 
“What do you want Sammy?” “Couldn’t help but notice you were lonely and figured I could give you someone to dance with.”
“Oh, no thanks I’m just looking for Kenny to dance with. But it was kind of you to offer.” 
She says pulling her hand free, she didn’t talk to  Sammy much. Mainly because she couldn’t really stand him but she was more concerned about locating her boyfriend.
“Well, I don’t see him anywhere so come on let’s do a dance before the song is over.” 
He places his hands on her hips drawing Bee closer to him, shaking her head she denies the offer.
“No thanks I’d rather not so if you could unhand me that would be great.” She says, feeling his hand slip down and grab her ass, she goes to tell him to fuck off. When suddenly another arm is wrapping around her waist and pulling her back away from him. Kenny glared at the other man his expression darkening, if looks could kill Sammy would probably be six feet under. 
“Keep your hands off my girlfriend and off her ass before I break every fucking bone in them. Along with your neck” 
“Sorry dude just trying to keep her company, you shouldn’t leave a gorgeous woman like this by herself. Someone may try and claim her for themselves.”
Sammy smirks eyeing Bee as she looks between the two, she had a tight grip on Kenny’s arm to keep him from doing anything that could get him in trouble.
“I’d like to see them try, I’m warning you Guevara if you try anything with my girlfriend I’ll kick your ass and that’s a promise.”
“Come on babe he’s not worth it, we can just go back to the booth.”
Gently rubbing his arm Bee looks up at his face watching as the lights move across his features. She could tell he was pissed and that was the last thing they needed right now, giving a firm tug she tells Sammy to piss off and leads Kenny back towards their table.
“Why don’t we go home?”
“No, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to spoil your night.”
“Hey, you didn’t it’s okay let's head home and spend the last few hours of my birthday alone. Please?”
Nodding he places a kiss on her head. Bee grabs her bag both bidding Adam goodnight and making their way to the car. Holding her door Kenny waits till she’s settled then walks around getting in the car himself.
“Are you okay?”
Bee whispers softly watching him start the car and back out.
“I will be, I didn’t mean to make you want to leave that wasn’t my intention at all. I wasn’t going to come over, and then he put his hands on you and I hated it. You don’t belong to him so he has no business touching you like that.”
Watching as Kenny frowns to himself she sits silently for a moment then leans over and kisses his cheek.
“You didn’t do anything wrong curly, I’m glad you came over when you did. I don’t like anyone’s hands on my waist or ass but yours. You know I’d never go for someone like Sammy, I’m yours and that’s not going to change.”
Settling back in her seat, Bee takes his free hand holding it in hers she knew exactly how she wanted this night to end. She just needed to figure out a way to get Kenny in the mood, unfortunately, she would have to play a little dirty. Spending the rest of the ride thinking they soon arrive back at their house. Slipping out of the car she shoulders her bag and follows Kenny to the front door.
“Glad to finally be home.”
“Yeah me too.”
Kenny nods removing his shoes and placing his keys in the dish on the hallway stand.
“I’m going to get comfortable.”
Bee shimmies out of her dress leaving her in nothing but a pair of black heels. Hearing Kenny groan she looks over her shoulder at him.
“Everything okay?”
“You didn’t have anything on under that thing?”
“No, I just felt like being a bit more free under it.”
Shrugging lightly Bee makes her way towards the stairs swaying her hips with every step she takes. Kenny locks the door and quickly follows after her taking the stairs two at a time into their bedroom.
Bee can’t help but smile when she feels him encircle her waist with his arm pulling her back against him. His lips find her neck kissing and nibbling it as his hands slide over her body. Along her stomach cupping her breasts. He gives both a squeeze rubbing her nipples with his thumbs.
“Can’t believe you didn’t let me know sooner you were bare under that dress.”
“Wanted it to be a surprise.”
She whimpers as her head falls back against his shoulder. Kenny tsks letting one of his hands slide down her hips to cup her mound. His finger dragging along her slit before dipping in.
“It’s your birthday bumblebee, you’re the one who’s supposed to get the surprises.���
He chuckles quietly as he lazily circles her clit. Bee gasps as he walks her over to the bed, his fingers still moving inside her.
“I’m going to spoil you rotten, and I’m going to make the image of that dickhead touching you dissapear.”
Kenny growls picking her up and laying her on the bed licking her wetness clean. Making sure she’s comfortable he parts her thighs kissing the soft skin.
“He could never love you the way I do, couldn’t handle what it takes to make you scream and moan. He could never fuck you the way daddy does.”
“Never never.”
Bee whines, feeling his warm breath fanning over the heat of her. His words were driving her crazy, her want and need made her head spin.
“Going to remind you just whom you belong to.”
As he speaks Kenny’s tongue flicks out tasting the sweetness she offered. A soft groan floats down to his ears as he begins slowly working his bumblebee with his mouth. Her little whines and moans always drove him crazy.
Bee gasps when he parts her lips and takes a full lick of her most sensitive spot. Her fingers reach down tangling in his curls to hold him close. Kenny’s hands rest on her hips as he plays her like an instrument.
Dipping into her core with a sharp prod of his tongue he smirks to himself feeling her clench and whine louder.
“Please fuck daddy feels so good.”
Bee moans clenching the sheets to keep her body from floating away as his mouth worked her into a tizzy. If there was one thing she loved it was the sex when Kenny was jealous. The possessiveness, the need to remind them both that nobody could bring her body to aching pleasure the way he could. Every moment of it brought her to such an earth shattering climax every time.
Her attention is brought back to the present when Kenny swirls his tongue over her clit.
Moaning when she gives a slightly hard tug to his hair Kenny picks up the pace of his mouth. His lips wrap around the sensitive nub as he sucks and taunts her. He couldn’t help the jealousy he felt when Sammy had his hands all over her. But he was going to make sure that by the time he was finished she wouldn’t know what a Sammy even was.
He could feel her body clenching and tightening as he slipped two fingers inside her. Stretching her sweet cunt out, he planned to fuck her right into exhaustion.
“That’s it baby, you wanna cum for me?”
“Yes yes please I’m so close.”
Kenny brings his mouth back down to her nub as he sucks harder, lightly tugging and listening to the moans that left his pretty girl’s mouth.
“Cum for me bumblebee let me hear you scream my name.”
He whispers, continuing his actions until her back arched off the bed. Her walls clamping tightly around his fingers as he worked her through the orgasm. He could see her chest rising and falling quickly. Listening to her scream his name sent a thrill through him. The sedated look on her face when her body went limp made him smile.
“You look so pretty baby.”
He whispers sliding up the bed and laying beside her after he pressed a kiss to her lips. Bee mewls tasting herself on him. Rolling over so she’s laying on his chest she smiles softly looking down at him.
“So are you curly, give me five minutes and we’ll see what other fun we can get up to.”
She winks feeling his cock pressed against her core. He was still in his boxers so she shifts her hips grinding the fabric against him.
“You’re going to wish you hadn’t made that offer.”
Kenny groans as his hands grab her ass giving a squeeze. Bee smirks leaning close.
“It’s my birthday I can offer and take what I want. And what I want is you.”
She whispers before slowly sliding down his body thus starting another round of birthday fun.
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