#kenny edmonds
freshthoughts2020 · 1 year
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kelly-clarksons · 7 months
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kellyclarksonshow: Today on Kelly we're feeling the love with @ danaigurira, @ danandshay and our friend @ babyface has a huge surprise for @ musicwill PLUS Oscar nominee @ seanswang!
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mervynbunter · 2 months
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TIME BANDITS (1981), dir. Terry Gilliam
I just love the idea of taking guys that are small and treating them like heroes, treating them like Alan Ladd, almost as tall as Alan Ladd, I think he was about three inches taller than those guys. That’s what the joy of doing it was and giving these guys a chance to get out of their fucking Womble costumes and R2-D2 tin cans and be people. And they all rose to the occasion, they were all brilliant. —Terry Gilliam
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thecraggus · 2 months
Time Bandits (1981) Review
Terry Gilliam's Time Bandits owes a little to J R R Tolkein and a lot to Gilliam's own unconvential imagination.
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yurigoggles · 1 year
Vid - Wonderful Tonight [GAP ~ The Series]
Here be the final video in my #GAPyuri course - Just Desserts! Okay, this series has just won me over as my favourite yuri series, and it only took three days!!!!
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ladykailitha · 1 year
All My Roads Lead Back to You Part 3
The part you’ve all been waiting for. Steve and Eddie! We also get the explanation of Edith’s names. True story: A friend of mine got his girlfriend  pregnant and she called their daughter Josephine, but he HATED it, so when they broke up, he started calling her Jo to piss the mom off because she hated the nickname.
Part 1 Part 2
Eddie Munson got out of his car and was impressed by the members of Harri’s band. It was four member group with a guitarist, a bassist, a drummer and a keyboardist. Not quite like his boys, but they seemed like they knew what they were doing.
He opened his mouth to say hello when he stopped dead in his tracks. Standing up from the drum kit was the female version Steve Harrington. Down to the honey colored hair, the hazel eyes, and the freckles. Her hair was shorter than Steve ever kept it, one side half-shaved and the half over her left eye, but it was the same wild locks that made Steve famous in school. He quickly took a couple of pictures with his phone before his son spotted him.
“Dad!” Harri cried, practically throwing himself at his dad.
Eddie gave him a big hug. 
“Sweet place you’re friend’s got here,” he said, looking around the garage, slipping his phone into his back pocket. The house couldn’t have been further from the Harrington place in Loch Nora. It was warm browns and cool blues. And that was just what he could see of the garage.
“Come meet her,” Harri said bouncing on the balls of his feet excitedly. “She kicks ass.”
Eddie laughed and allowed his son to drag him over to the drum kit. “You know Mandy, and this Kenny Grant. And this is the queen of the castle, Miss Thing.”  
Edith laughed and shoved her sticks back into the bucket she kept close by. “Hi, Mr Munson.” She stuck out her hand for him to shake and he took it.
“What’s with the moniker?” Eddie asked, shoving his hands into his pockets with a grin.
“Most of my friends call me Miss Thing because when I was little I was mute and I loved the Addams Family movies, so because I could sign Uncle Dusty called me Miss Thing,” Edith explained. “But everyone else calls me Edie.”
Eddie’s grin grew bigger. “Edie, huh?”
“My full name is Edith Barbara Harrington,” Edie explained. “My dad wanted to name me Lilian, but my mother overruled him. So when she fucked off, Dad started calling me Edie to piss her off.” She pursed her lips and looked at the ground. Eddie was struck by how much she looked like Steve. “At least he got to chose the middle name.”
Eddie’s smile grew fond. “Barbara’s good name.”
Edie just shrugged her shoulders, “Aunt Nancy was pissed Dad got to it first. But as Dad pointed out she told everyone who would sit down for longer than five minutes that she wasn’t going to have kids so...”
“So your dad won that argument,” Eddie finished. “Losing once and while is good for her.”
Edie laughed. “That’s what Dad said. So when her and Uncle Jon had a little girl while doing some expose in Europe somewhere, she stole Lilian from him.”
Eddie chuckled. “Sounds about right.” He looked around. “I want to let you kids get back to practicing so where’s your dad?”
Edie jerked her thumb at the house. “If it’s as bad as it looked, just follow the sounds of retching, you’ll find him.”
Eddie nodded and made his way to the house but as he turned she could have sworn Mr Munson said, “Still getting migraines, the poor bastard.”
Once he was gone Edie turned to Harri. “Does your dad already know my dad?”
Harri frowned. “I’ve never heard my dad mention a Steve or even the last name Harrington in my life.”
Edie looked at the door that led to the house in confusion. “And I’ve never heard of the name Munson before either.” She turned to him. “What did you say your dad’s first name was?”
“I didn’t,” Harri said with grim expression. “It’s Edmond, but everyone calls him Ed or Eddie.”
Edie’s eyes went wide. “Holy shit. No wonder I’ve never heard the name before.”
Harri just nodded.
Mandy spoke up. “Hey, guys can we get back to practice?”
Harri and Edie looked at each other and then nodded.
Eddie heard the retching and his heart ached. He hadn’t thought about Steve Harrington for years. Not since Jay’s funeral. They had fallen out long before then, but Steve had been on his mind that rainy day in Hampshire. Mostly cursing him, but a thought nonetheless.
But now he was so far from that man that knelt there sobbing in the rain begging for Jay to come back, maybe this was the universe’s sign that it was time to mend bridges.
He found Steve right where Edie said he’d be, curled in front of a toilet retching his very empty guts out. He crouched down to the side of him and tapped his shoulder.
“Harri?” Steve murmured.
Eddie huffed out a laugh and signed. “Flatterer.”
Steve rolled over to prop himself against the side of the tub and looked at him more closely. “Eddie?”
Again he signed, “Where’s your hearing aid, rock star?”
“On the sink,” Steve muttered. “And I can hear just fine out of my right ear. It’s just the left one that’s a bitch.”
Eddie laughed and reaching behind him grabbed the aid off the vanity top and put in his pocket. “I don’t think you want this to fall into the toilet or the sink for that matter.”
“Dustin would kill me,” Steve agreed warily.
Eddie flushed the toilet and got a washcloth wet. He handed it to Steve.
Steve flushed a bright pink and used it wipe off his face and some of his shirt where he hadn’t made it to the bathroom in time. He washed his hands and threw it in the laundry basket.
“You know I used to make jokes about basketball being nothing more than shooting balls into laundry baskets,” Eddie teased. “Way to prove me right, Harrington.”
Steve gave a half smile. “Don’t make me laugh, I’ll throw up again.”
“And we definitely don’t want that,” Eddie agreed. “Do you think you’re done with your porcelain throne, your majesty?”
Steve rubbed his face and looked down awkwardly. “If you mean to ask if I’m done throwing up, I should be.”
It came out harsher than he meant to, but he didn’t need Eddie bringing up King Steve, not now.
Because he was looking down he missed the flicker of emotion skitter across Eddie’s face.
“Can you stand?” Eddie asked softly.
Steve tried but ended up lurching his direction instead. Eddie scrambled to catch him.
“Whoa there, Harrington,” Eddie murmured. “I’m going to help you up and then get you to your bed. Please tell me it’s not upstairs.”
“It’s not,” Steve murmured. “It’s just down the hall, third door on the left.”
Eddie got his arms under Steve and lifted him to his feet. He propped him against the wall and then lifted him bridal style. Steve merely moaned and buried his aching head into Eddie’s neck to block out the light that would hit his face once they exited the bathroom.
“All right, sweetheart,” Eddie whispered. “Let’s get you to bed.”
Steve nodded.
Eddie slipped out of the bathroom and followed Steve’s directions to the bedroom. The door was open so Eddie was able to walk right in without disturbing Steve.
The room was a far cry from the soulless monstrosity that was Steve’s teenaged bedroom. It was blues and greys and soft downy covers. He had pictures of Edie on his night stand and a large white wardrobe.
“Can you make it to the bed if I set you in front of it?” Eddie murmured.
“I should be able to,” Steve said, strained. “I just had a hard time getting up because I’d been on the floor for so long.”
Eddie pursed his lips. Yep. Yep, that was more likely than Steve not being able to walk. Yep.
“But thanks for the assist,” Steve continued, oblivious of Eddie’s internal panic.
Eddie gently let him down and waited until Steve was able to stand on his own before letting go. Eddie turned down the covers and Steve slid in with a sigh of relief. Eddie draped the blankets over him and tucked him in. He pulled out the hearing aid and placed on the nightstand next to Edie’s picture.
“I’ll send Edie to check on you when they’re done with their practice,” Eddie said softly.
Steve nodded and Eddie turned to leave.
“I didn’t name her after you, you know,” Steve whispered.
Eddie’s shoulders sagged and turned back to face him. “So she said.”
“The nickname though...” Steve said with a chuckle.
Eddie’s eyebrows shot up. “Really?”
Steve snuggled further into the pillow. “Mhmm. Did it to piss Addison off.”
There was a story there, Eddie could tell but he didn’t want to press Steve while he was in pain.
“Go to sleep, rock star,” Eddie said instead.
And as he closed the door, Eddie swore he heard Steve murmur, “I missed you.”
Eddie pulled out his cell phone and pressed and held down the number two.
“Eddie!” Dustin greeted. “How are you on this fine spring evening?”
“Oh, I’m fine,�� Eddie said in that tone that immediately set Dustin’s teeth on edge. It was the tone that said something had gone horribly wrong and it was up to Dustin to fix it.
“What’s up?” he asked, his voice cracking a bit.
“Well, Uncle Dusty,” Eddie said with a malicious grin on his face. “You’ll never guess where I am.” He turned his phone around and sent the two pictures to him.
“Hold on I got a couple pictures here...” Dustin said trailing off. “Holy fucking shit! Is that Harri with Edie Harrington? At Steve’s house?!”
“It most certainly is,” Eddie continued. “Would you care to tell me why I wasn’t informed OUR KIDS WENT TO THE SAME SCHOOL!” he whisper-screamed, knowing that Steve was just down the hall and his kid was in the garage.
Dustin pulled the phone away from his ear and rubbed his ear with his finger. “Sheesh, dude. You’re loud. Even when you’re trying to be quiet.”
Eddie pushed his fingers into his eye as he fought to tamp down on his temper. “Dustin...” he said, slow, dark and sharp.
“Look, man,” Dustin said. “I don’t know what you want me to tell you. I warned you that if you moved back to Indy there was a chance you’d see Steve. And as for your guys’s kids going to the same school, you had to know that was possibility. You moved into the richest neighborhood. Which is where Steve has lived for the last five years.”
Eddie ground his teeth and seethed. Because Dustin was right, the little butthead. He had been warned. A lot of people had warned him.
“Fuck!” Eddie hissed into his phone. “What am I supposed to do? I can’t uproot Harri again. It’d kill him.”
“So don’t,” Dustin said. “You don’t have to interact with Steve outside your kids being in the same band and going to the same school. I don’t think my Mom and Joyce ever spent more than five minutes in each others’ company at time and they liked each other.”
“I don’t think I can do it,” Eddie whispered. “When I came over he was in the throes of one of his migraines and from the look of it, it was one of the bad ones. You know what a bleeding heart I am...”
Dustin sighed. “So you helped with a migraine. You remembered how to do it. Congrats. I still don’t see how you can’t just avoid him in the future. You know,” he said bitterly, “like you have for the last twenty years.”
“Hey,” Eddie bit out. “You know why. You fucking know why.”
Dustin scoffed. “And I still think it’s bullshit. So go on then, why can’t you ignore him now?”
Eddie took a deep breath and let out in a shuddering sigh. “As I was leaving after helping him get back to bed, he said...”
“Wait, wait, hold up,” Dustin said. “You helped him to bed?”
“Fuck, Dustin,” Eddie snapped. “Not like that. I just made sure he didn’t fall down.” Which was a lie. But that’s what Dustin got when he insinuated there was more to it than that. “Anyways, he said that he missed me and that though Edith wasn’t his choice, calling her Edie was definitely in honor of me. How the hell am I supposed to walk away from that?”
There was silence on the line for a moment or two and Eddie thought he’d lost the connection.
“No,” Dustin agreed, soft and solemn. “I don’t think I would’ve been able to walk away either.”
“What do I do?” Eddie whined.
“I think you know what to do,” Dustin said. “Stop running away.”
Eddie let out another shuddering breath. “Yeah. It’s time.” 
Part 4 Part 5  Part 6 Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10 Part 11  Part 12  Part 13 Part 14  Part 15  Part 16 Part 17  Part 18  Epilogue
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk​ @trashpocket @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @mightbeasleep @thedragonsaunt @chaoticlovingdreamer @trashpocket @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666  @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @steddie-as-they-go @lillemilly @callas-shitshow @bisexualdisastersworld @renaissan-vvitch @immortal-iratze @bookbinderbitch
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demifiendrsa · 8 months
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Grammy Awards 2024 Winners:
Album Of The Year: Midnights, Taylor Swift; Jack Antonoff & Taylor Swift, producers; Jack Antonoff, Bryce Bordone, Zem Audu, Serban Ghenea, David Hart, Mikey Freedom Hart, Sean Hutchinson, Ken Lewis, Michael Riddleberger, Laura Sisk & Evan Smith, engineers/mixers; Jack Antonoff & Taylor Swift, songwriters; Randy Merrill, mastering engineer
Record Of The Year: “Flowers,” Miley Cyrus; Kid Harpoon & Tyler Johnson, producers; Michael Pollack, Brian Rajaratnam & Mark “Spike” Stent, engineers/mixers; Joe LaPorta, mastering engineer
Best New Artist: Victoria Monét
Song Of The Year: “What Was I Made For? [From The Motion Picture Barbie],” Billie Eilish O’Connell & Finneas O’Connell, songwriters (Billie Eilish)
Best Pop Vocal Album: Midnights, Taylor Swift
Best R&B Song: “Snooze,” Kenny B. Edmonds, Blair Ferguson, Khris Riddick-Tynes, Solána Rowe & Leon Thomas, songwriters (SZA)
Best Country Album: Bell Bottom Country, Lainey Wilson
Best Musica Urbana Album: MAÑANA SERÁ BONITO, Karol G
Best Pop Solo Performance: “Flowers,” Miley Cyrus
Dr. Dre Global Impact Award: Jay-Z
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thealmightyemprex · 9 months
80's Fantasy month :Time Bandits
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Welcome to 80's Fantasy month where I shall look at classics of 80's fantasy ,starting with a personal childhood favorite
A young boy named Kevin(Craig Warnock ) is whisked away by the Time Bandits (David Rappaport ,Kenny Baker,Jack Purvis ,Malcolm Dixon ,Mike Edmonds and Tiny Ross ) ,servents of the Supreme Being (Ralph Richardson)who have decided to use a map to various holes in time to get stinking rich ,unfortunately they are being watched by Evil (David Warner )who wants to use the map to take over the universe
This is a film that feels diffrent watching as a kid then as adult .As a kid the creativity and imganitive visuals are what stood out to me ,but as an adult its the cynical humor . I love the tactile look of the world,you feel the grime and dirt ,and I adore the costume design from the Bandits whose costumes are made of bits and bobs from diffrent eras to Evil who has a biomechanical look fitting his obseeion with technology .CErtain visuals have stuck with me since I was a kid like the giant with a ship as a hat ,or the minotaur who I cant tell is just a guy wearing a dead bull head or is a legit minotaur .The cynical humor really stands out to me as an adult from the fact the great figures,mythical and historical tend to not be as great as youd expect them to be ,to God being less this wise beneovlent being and more a grumpy kind of distracted guy ,to the Bandits not really being heroes but just a bunch of guys trying to make a quick buck to the ending which didnt work for me as a kid but works now for me
The film is full of guest stars who do their small parts really well with IAn Holm as a height obsessed Napoleon, John Cleese as a faux friendly Robin Hood ,Michael Palin and Shelley Duvall as starcrossed lovers ,Peter Vaughn as an Ogre with a bad back,Katherine Helmond as his wife (Apparently it was her idea for her to be human while he is an ogre,and that makes it even funnier that they are just so lovey dovey ) ,legendary Shakesperian actor Ralph Richardson appears as the Supreme Being ,and even Sean Connery appears perfectly cast as Kevins pseudo father figure Aggamenon (If I have a complaint with the film I do wish they were able to do the finale as originally intended with him coming to aid Kevin in the final battle but cest la vie )
David Warner is scene stealing as Evil.Warner is perfectly cast being both sinister but really funny as he discusses how understanding digital watches ,Car telephones and VCR's will help rule the universe .He balances the comedy well while still being a classic fantasy bad guy .I love the final battle where he is just easilly taking down every attack thrown at him
Kevin is a solid lead,a kid interested in history who is the voice of reason among chaos.The Bandits themselves are great,all 6 actors are wonderful,though I think the standouts have to be David Rappaport as the egotistical Randall ,Jack Purvis as the tough Wally and Kenny Bakker as the friendkly Fidget
Overall this is a funny and wonderfully creative movie and if you havent seen it give it a watch
@amalthea9 @angelixgutz @the-blue-fairie @ariel-seagull-wings@princesssarisa@makingboneboy@themousefromfantasyland @theancientvaleofsoulmaking
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99griffon · 2 years
Dezi Lore!! Done on mobile, bear with me!
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Dezi - She/They
Old World Ghoul, aged approx. 227
Dezi grew up in the OKC metro area, though they refuse to go into specifics on their background, including their given name. They ran away when they were still a teenager. Luckily, they found their way to the Rainbow Garden when they were fourteen, having heard about it while bouncing around homeless camps in the city. And, boy, when I say lucky, I mean it. A young teen on the streets of a post-recession Oklahoma was very dangerous. They had their fair share of scares and close calls before making it to Arcadia with the help of some hitchhiking. When Dezi made it to Rainbow Gardenz, Jolene took the kid in, gave them food and shelter.
Russ was living there on and off at the time, eighteen at the time, and assisted Kenny in educating Dezi to the best of their ability. They weren't teachers, by any means, but they worked with that they had. Dezi learned how to help care for the animals on the property, goats, chickens, barn cats, and a dog. They took an immediate shine to the animals, and it was nigh impossible to miss how much living surrounded by nature helped them. They came out of their shell before long. Dezi called the Garden's residents "uncle" and "auntie" often, though Jolene had the coveted title of "mamma" from the teen.
Dezi learned more about politics as they grew, unsurprisingly, most interested in environmental issues. From ages sixteen to eighteen, they were engaging in protests with some of her Auntie Gray and other friends of the Garden. When Dezi turned eighteen, however, they took on their biggest challenge.
A public park, previously funded by the city, was to be turned into a Chinese internment camp by the US government. Protests lasted for weeks, with the gov refusing to give way. As the protester numbers began to dwindle, Dezi decided they'd had enough. There was a champion tree in the park. While it wasn't the tallest in the world, it was among the tallest in the state. Dezi gathered up some gear and headed up into the tree, set on staying until the project was canceled. Jolene was not entirely on board with Dezi's plan but wasn't going to leave them on their own and ended up sending up supplies on a line when she could. All in all, Dezi was up there for two years. Eventually, the state governor set up another place for the camp to be built. By then, though, Dezi was exhausted and returned to the Rainbow Garden instead. They didn't attend protests for a year, allowing themselves time to recharge. However, during that year of rest, the war began and ended within a single day.
After the war, Dezi was relieved to see the people who had sheltered in the house had lived, including Jolene, Auntie Gray and her family, Russ, and Betty, as well as a few others. Kenny wasn't there, however. Due to that, Dezi stepped up and helped Jolene rebuild the best they could. Kenny returned by the time the illness had come around. Radiation sickness, brought in by the winds, had taken hold of the hippies in Rainbow Garden. The animals that had survived were suffering, too. Casualties began to spike, yet Dezi lived. Dezi had become a ghoul.
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Dezi was relieved to see that wildlife had survived, as mutated as it was. They continued to care for the livestock. Their near-famlial bonds continued to hold true. As things settled on the surface, Dezi began to explore, finding their way to the dog food plant (gotta come up with a name) in the nearby suburb of Edmond. The place was overrun with dogs, but also had all sorts of odd equipment. This sparked a curiosity in Dezi and planted a few ideas in her head-- idead that quickly led a desire to learn a thing or two about science. They had Russ gather whatever surviving books he could during his outings to the city, and the older ghoul was happy to oblige, glad to see his little pupil eager to learn once more after the tragedies they had seen. When Snakebite joined their happy crew, they were able to vanish for longer periods of time and, with the help of the horses Snakebite wrangled in for them, was able to travel longer distances to other facilities.
Due to Dezi's severe lack of combat knowledge, however, they were not able to explore those locations themselves. Despite that, Dezi took note of the facilities and what they hoped they could learn there. They want to be able to allieviate the pain mutated animals must feel-- after all, two heads can't possibly be comfortable! Dezi isn't quite sure how they would do it. They know their goal is lofty and unlikely to come to pass. The animals will never be the same as they once were, anyway, but they still want to do research. After all, maybe someone, someday, could use their studies!
Until then, Dezi takes care of the animals at the house and the dogs at the factory. They also assist Kenny with making medicine, though they're still learning in that department, they're doing their best! They're good friends with the newer human folk that moved into the garden, as well as Melon the super mutant.
In a hypothetical game situation, the player would be able to help Dezi learn more about biology and chemistry, and as a result, gain access to the dogs in the factory as well as Dezi's trust and appreciation.
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Dezi spent their younger years on a reservation up until the courts decided that the state needed to have control over tribal land in order to gain more control over Oklahoma post-recession. It was sometime after that change that Dezi had been removed from their home and placed with some people with views far different from their own. Dezi was forced to change for a long time until they decided to finally run away.
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mr-e-gallery · 1 year
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Edmond Simpson 'Caged Bird' v1 (Kenny-Stern) (07-20)
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lingyunxiang · 8 months
The 66th Grammy Awards will start at 9:30 am on February 5, 2024. The list of winners is as follows
Production of the Year: Flowers - Miley Cyrus
Album of the Year: Midnights - Taylor Swift
Song of the Year: What Was I Made For? - Billie Eilish
Best Newcomer: Victoria Monét
Non-Classical Producer of the Year: Jack Antonoff
Non-Classical Lyricist of the Year: Theron Thomas
Best Pop Vocal Performance: Flowers — Miley Cyrus
Best Pop Group/Duo: Ghost In The Machine - SZA Featuring Phoebe Bridgers
Best Pop Album: Midnights - Taylor Swift
Best Rock Artist: Not Strong Enough – Boygenius
Best Rock Song: Not Strong Enough – Julien Baker, Phoebe Bridgers & Lucy Dacus, songwriters (Boygenius)
Best Rock Album: This Is Why - Paramore
Best Alternative Music Vocalist: This Is Why – Paramore
Best Alternative Album: The Record – Boygenius
Best R&B Vocalist: ICU – Coco Jones
Best R&B Song: Snooze – Kenny B. Edmonds, Blair Ferguson, Khris Riddick-Tynes, Solána Rowe & Leon Thomas, songwriters (SZA)
Best R&B Album: Jaguar II – Victoria Monét
Best Rap Artist: Scientists & Engineers"– Killer Mike featuring André 3000, Future and Eryn Allen Kane
Best Melodic Rap Artist: All My Life – Lil Durk featuring J. Cole
Best Rap Song: Scientists & Engineers – Andre Benjamin, Paul Beauregard, James Blake, Michael Render, Tim Moore & Dion Wilson, songwriters (Killer Mike featuring André 3000, Future and Eryn Allen Kane)
Best Rap Album: Michael – Killer Mike
Best Jazz Vocalist: Tight – Samara Joy
Best Jazz Vocal Album: How Love Begins – Nicole Zuraitis
Best Jazz Performance Album: The Winds of Change – Billy Childs
Best Country Vocal Performance: White Horse – Chris Stapleton
Best Country Group/Group: I Remember Everything – Zach Bryan featuring Kacey Musgraves
Best Country Song: White Horse – Chris Stapleton & Dan Wilson, songwriters (Chris Stapleton)
Best Country Album: Bell Bottom Country – Lainey Wilson
Best Classical Instrumental Solo: The American Project – Yuja Wang; Teddy Abrams, conductor (Louisville Orchestra)
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saraminia · 11 months
I'm not going to make any predictions, but here's a list of MY Grammy winners aka those I hope and think deserve to win. (Only the categories I care about):
Record of the Year: Kill Bill - SZA
Album Of The Year: SOS - SZA
Song Of The Year: Kill Bill - SZA
Best New Artist: Victoria Monét
Best Pop Solo Performance: Flowers - Miley Cyrus
Best Pop Duo/Group Performance: Ghost In The Machine - SZA Featuring Phoebe Bridgers
Best Pop Vocal Album: Endless Summer Vacation - Miley Cyrus
Best Pop Dance Recording: Rush - Troye Sivan
Best Rock Performance: Not Strong Enough - Boygenius
Best Rock Song: Not Strong Enough; Julien Baker, Phoebe Bridgers & Lucy Dacus, songwriters (boygenius)
Best Alternative Music Album: The Record - boygenius
Best R&B Performance: Kill Bill - SZA
Best Traditional R&B Performance: Love Language - SZA
Best R&B Song: Snooze; Kenny B. Edmonds, Blair Ferguson, Khris Riddick-Tynes, Solána Rowe & Leon Thomas, songwriters (SZA)
Best Progressive R&B Album: SOS - SZA
Best R&B Album: JAGUAR II - Victoria Monét
Best Rap Performance: Players - Coi Leray
Best Melodic Rap Performance: Low - SZA
Best Music Video: Count Me Out - Kendrick Lamar
In addition to this I want JAGUAR II to get producer of the year and best engineered album. Also it is so cruel to make me choose between SZA and Victoria Monét. I love both of my girls so so so much.
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dontsweatthefresh · 1 year
Babyface: Tiny Desk Concert
NPR Music is celebrating Black Music Month with an array of brand new Tiny Desk concerts. Together, these artists represent the past, present and future of Black music. This month of carefully curated shows is a celebration of Black artists expressing themselves in ways we've never seen before, and of the Tiny Desk's unique way of showcasing that talent. 
Nikki Birch | June 9, 2023 I was working late when Kenneth "Babyface" Edmonds first arrived at the office to rehearse for his Tiny Desk concert. Within moments, it was clear it would be an exceptional performance. The next day, my colleagues waited patiently to see the legendary singer, songwriter and producer. Because when it comes to matters of the heart, Babyface has turned our angst, our triumphs, our devastation, into timeless love songs that have scored the romances of more than one generation. Joined by top-tier talent — Tank, Chanté Moore and Avery Wilson — 
Babyface came out swinging. From the songs that put him on the map, to those he wrote or produced for other icons, around the room hit after hit was met with swoons, sighs and not a few tears. (Ok, maybe that was just me.) Babyface is a titan of the music industry: with numerous top 10 hits, 12 Grammys (50 nominations) and a jaw-dropping roster of collaborations. In 2022, he assembled a stellar ensemble of women for one of my favorite albums of the year, Girls Night Out. To watch this master of pen and sound behind the Tiny Desk was truly epic and nothing short of a dream come true. 
SET LIST "Two Occasions" "Whip Appeal" "Superwoman" "Take A Bow" "Not Gon' Cry" "Can We Talk" "Change the World" "Thnks fr th Mmrs" "I'll Make Love To You" "End Of The Road" "Exhale (Shoop Shoop)" MUSICIANS Kenny 
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lboogie1906 · 2 years
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Kevon Edmonds (born February 25, 1958) is a singer and actor. He is a member of the R&B group After 7 and the older brother of singer, songwriter, and record producer Kenneth "Babyface" Edmonds. After 7 scored three platinum- or gold-selling albums, several R&B hits, and multiple Billboard Hot 100 hits. He released the solo album 24/7 in 1999. The album's title track was certified gold and was a #2 R&B hit and reached #10 on the Billboard Hot 100. The second single, "No Love (I'm Not Used to)" was a moderate R&B hit. He was a member of the quintet Milestone along with his brothers Babyface and Melvin Edmonds and K-Ci & JoJo. The group only released one single, "I Care 'Bout You", for the Soul Food movie soundtrack. He was born in Indianapolis to Marvin Edmonds Sr. and Barbara Edmonds. He is the fourth born of six sons. He had three older brothers Marvin Jr., Melvin, and Michael, and two younger brothers Kenny "Babyface" and Derek. He graduated from North Central High School and Indiana University Bloomington. At Indiana University he was a member of the Soul Revue, where he met his future After 7 groupmate Keith Mitchell. They decided to form a group as a hobby and add his brother Melvin. He worked at Eli Lilly and Co., but he would come together with Keith and Melvin to perform locally. Babyface had built a successful career singing, writing, and producing. He invited Melvin, Kevon, and Keith out to Los Angeles, named them After 7, and got them a record deal with Virgin Records. His second solo CD, Who Knew, was released in 2009, through Make Entertainment/Image Distribution. The first single was released in early August and is titled "Oh." #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence https://www.instagram.com/p/CpFqGTdrvCv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fantasy football draft cheat sheet 2022 mod menu 6MY+
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Fantasy Football Draft Rankings, Consensus Draft Rankings, Overall Cheat Sheets | FantasyPros. RK, Player Name, POS, BYE, SOS. Here's a collection of downloadable, printable cheat sheets for the fantasy football season, including PPR, non-PPR and dynasty/keeper. Fantasy Rankings Top cheat sheet for standard fantasy football drafts ; 10, Ja'Marr Chase, Bengals, WR ; 11, Alvin Kamara, Saints, RB. PFN's fantasy football cheat sheet is here to help you with your tough Week 4 decisions and also to provide you with Underdog Pick'em advice. NFL Fantasy Football Draft cheat sheet for standard scoring format · 1. Justin Jefferson · 2. Cooper Kupp · 3. Ja'Marr Chase · 4. Tyreek Hill. Up to date Fantasy cheat sheet for standard scoring. No need to prepare your Draft, whether you're a beginner or experienced player, just use this list and you'll be set. In Standard Scoring Leagues you don't get points for receptions, so you will have to prioritize touchdown-heavy players. In this format, running backs are going to be a priority, so they have a slight edge over wide receiver. However, a receiving running back is also important because you have double the chance to score. If your league allows it, I would start three RBs every week. These will get you the most touchdowns besides a quarterback. So, remember to do after those red zone threats. In the end, they will make the difference when it comes to Standard Scoring formats. Josh Allen 2. Patrick Mahomes 3. Justin Herbert 4. Joe Burrow 5. Lamar Jackson 6. Jalen Hurts 7. Matthew Stafford 8. Kyler Murray 9. Russell Wilson Dak Prescott Derek Carr Tom Brady Aaron Rodgers Trey Lance Kirk Cousins Tua Tagovailoa Trevor Lawrence Jameis Winston Matt Ryan Ryan Tannehill Deshaun Watson Jared Goff Zach Wilson Daniel Jones Carson Wentz Justin Fields Baker Mayfield Marcus Mariota Mac Jones Mitch Trubisky Jimmy Garoppolo Drew Lock Davis Mills Kenny Pickett Sam Darnold Desmond Ridder Jacoby Brissett Gardner Minshew Teddy Bridgewater Andy Dalton. Jonathan Taylor 2. Najee Harris 3. Joe Mixon 4. Derrick Henry 5. Austin Ekeler 6. Christian McCaffrey 7. Dalvin Cook 8. Javonte Williams 9. Nick Chubb Cam Akers D'Andre Swift Alvin Kamara Aaron Jones Saquon Barkley Josh Jacobs Ezekiel Elliott Elijah Mitchell Breece Hall James Conner Leonard Fournette David Montgomery Damien Harris Dobbins AJ Dillon Miles Sanders Antonio Gibson Devin Singletary Travis Etienne Kareem Hunt James Cook Chase Edmonds Clyde Edwards-Helaire Ken Walker James Robinson Dameon Pierce Melvin Gordon Tony Pollard Raheem Mostert Rhamondre Stevenson Ronald Jones Isaiah Spiller Michael Carter Rashaad Penny Alexander Mattison Jamaal Williams Marlon Mack Chuba Hubbard Cordarrelle Patterson D'Onta Foreman Damien Williams Tyler Allgeier Kenyan Drake McKissic Nyheim Hines Darrell Henderson Tyrion Davis-Price Rachaad White Gus Edwards Khalil Herbert Keaontay Ingram Zamir White Mark Ingram Sony Michel Hassan Haskins Samaje Perine Zack Moss Kenneth Gainwell Pierre Strong Giovani Bernard Duke Johnson Boston Scott Kene Nwangwu Myles Gaskin Benny Snell D'Ernest Johnson Jeff Wilson Kyren Williams Rex Burkhead Ke'Shawn Vaughn Matt Breida Joshua Kelley Eno Benjamin Jaret Patterson Snoop Conner Tevin Coleman Anthony McFarland Ryquell Armstead Craig Reynolds Darrynton Evans Mike Boone Dontrell Hilliard Tony Jones DeeJay Dallas Jermar Jefferson Trey Sermon Chris Evans Jerome Ford Justin Jefferson 2. Cooper Kupp 3. Ja'Marr Chase 4. Tyreek Hill 5. Davante Adams 6. Deebo Samuel 7. Stefon Diggs 8. Terry McLaurin 9. Mike Evans CeeDee Lamb Brown Keenan Allen Michael Pittman Courtland Sutton Mike Williams DK Metcalf DJ Moore Amari Cooper Diontae Johnson Tee Higgins Brandin Cooks JuJu Smith-Schuster Michael Thomas Chris Godwin Allen Robinson Amon-Ra St. Jerry Jeudy Chase Claypool Brandon Aiyuk Gabriel Davis Adam Thielen Mecole Hardman Jaylen Waddle DeAndre Hopkins Kenny Golladay Darnell Mooney DeVonta Smith Treylon Burks Allen Lazard Rashod Bateman Marquise Brown Jarvis Landry Christian Kirk Drake London Tyler Lockett Elijah Moore Michael Gallup Chris Olave Robert Woods Hunter Renfrow Christian Watson DeVante Parker Tyler Boyd Skyy Moore DJ Chark Corey Davis Alec Pierce Marvin Jones Marquez Valdes-Scantling Garrett Wilson Green Terrace Marshall Randall Cobb Jameson Williams Robbie Anderson Jamison Crowder Jakobi Meyers Jahan Dotson David Bell Kadarius Toney Nico Collins Russell Gage Sammy Watkins Van Jefferson Byron Pringle Bryan Edwards Zay Jones Odell Beckham Jr. Parris Campbell Jalen Tolbert Kendrick Bourne Rondale Moore Joshua Palmer Devon Allen Sterling Shepard Donovan Peoples-Jones Julio Jones Curtis Samuel John Metchie George Pickens Marquez Callaway Cedrick Wilson Darius Slayton Nelson Agholor James Washington Romeo Doubs Tyquan Thornton Josh Reynolds Tre'Quan Smith. Travis Kelce 2. Mark Andrews 3. Kyle Pitts 4. George Kittle 5. Darren Waller 6. Zack Ertz 7. Dallas Goedert 8. Dalton Schultz 9. Hunter Henry Hockenson Pat Freiermuth Mike Gesicki Dawson Knox Gerald Everett Albert Okwuegbunam Noah Fant Logan Thomas Cole Kmet Austin Hooper David Njoku Robert Tonyan Tyler Higbee Evan Engram Cameron Brate Mo Alie-Cox Uzomah Jelani Woods Irv Smith Hayden Hurst Adam Trautman Howard Jonnu Smith Harrison Bryant Ricky Seals-Jones Donald Parham Trey McBride Will Dissly Dan Arnold Tommy Tremble Tyler Conklin Brevin Jordan Foster Moreau Blake Bell Isaiah Likely Drew Sample John Bates Greg Dulcich. Justin Tucker 2. Daniel Carlson 3. Matt Gay 4. Harrison Butker 5. Tyler Bass 6. Evan McPherson 7. Younghoe Koo 8. Ryan Succop 9. Matt Prater Brandon McManus Rodrigo Blankenship Jason Sanders Dustin Hopkins Greg Zuerlein Robbie Gould Jake Elliott. Buffalo Bills 2. San Francisco 49ers 3. Indianapolis Colts 4. New England Patriots 5. Tampa Bay Buccaneers 6. Los Angeles Rams 7. Denver Broncos 8. New Orleans Saints 9. Miami Dolphins Kansas City Chiefs Los Angeles Chargers Dallas Cowboys Cleveland Browns Green Bay Packers Pittsburgh Steelers Baltimore Ravens. Fantasy Football.
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