#kennedy seresin
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sarahsmi13s · 5 months ago
"maybe kennedy brings it up, asking when she'll get to be a big sister because while she loves being the apple of her brother's eye -- she wants to be what grayson is to her for someone else" - I love this!!!! How would Grayson feel about another little sibling?
hi nonny!
grayson would 100% make some dark jokes and tease them about replacing him after he was in a car accident -- with only slight genuine feelings about this (but it would be talked about because that's how the seresin's do it)
i think he may also tease them about the age gaps between the kids. but as someone whose oldest sibling is 15 years older than her, it's not too bad.
but overall? if it makes his mom and dad happy to have another child, then he's happy for them. and when that baby comes into the world or into the home, he's gonna love on them and make sure they know big brother gray is also going to have their back.
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faun-the-fawn77 · 8 months ago
Note: Basically just anyone that I want cause it's just one or two from the show/movie.
Another Note: DO NOT request NSFW for minors. I will not age them up unless it's specified in the request and for SFW reasons!
Another Note: I will hopefully go back through and rewatch/replay some of these to get a feel for the characters!
Request Status: Closed for now:)
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might add more in the future:) cause right now im watching Game of Thrones with my mom considering I had made her watch what I like(she loves the shows tho so she can't be mad)
I love introducing her to shows I like cause I already know she'd like them but it's always a struggle to get her to start cause she is always likw "I won't like it. It looks boring/not good" But... now she's obsessed with them.
The shows in question: Criminal Minds, The Walking Dead(and spinoff shows), The Last Of Us, Supernatural, Once Upon A Time, The 100, Lucifer, Knuckles, and lastly I'm trying to get her to watch The Boys>:)
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agender-wolfie · 2 years ago
For fucking real
Im so sick of coming across a fic that's tagged with either "AFAB oc" or "AFAB reader" and it just turns out to be a female oc/reader. ESPECIALLY for smut. just to clarify, AFAB = assigned female at birth and means they have female body parts, heavily implies that the character is trans or nonbinary, does not 100% = female Female = that's woman person, does not 100% = AFAB (that's what AMAB is for) to me, and a lot of other people, "afab!reader" sounds like "oh cool an ftm/ftnb reader" not "oh cool a female reader" You don't have to write trans/nb ocs and readers, but if you're going to use AFAB tags at least use gender-neutral pronouns pls
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ereardon · 1 year ago
Snowed In || Friday [Jake Seresin x OC]
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A Jake Seresin AU miniseries
Summary: When a massive storm shutters every airport in New York, you receive an unexpected call. Jake Seresin, the ex-boyfriend of your college roommate, is stranded at JFK with nowhere to go. Somehow you find yourself hosting Jake for a long weekend in your studio apartment. What happens when you realize that maybe your long-standing hatred for him was covering up something else? 
Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin x OC [Ella Finnley]
Trope: Forced proximity; enemies to lovers
Warnings: Cursing, references to cheating, eventual smut
Wordcount: 3.2K 
Masterlist here
“And this just in. More than a foot of snow is expected in areas across the Tri-State, with Scarsdale already at seven inches and counting. LaGuardia has shut down their runway, with Newark and John F Kennedy airport soon to follow.” 
You groaned, flicking off the TV and opening the cabinets. They were predicting the worst storm in two decades and somehow all you had in the cupboard was a lifetime supply of ramen noodles and red wine. 
Outside, the snow was falling in soft clumps. You looked out the window which overlooked Fifth Avenue. Very few cars or taxis were on the road, and the people who were outside looked miserable. 
And then the phone rang. You dove for it, expected it to be your mom with yet another tidbit of news that she thought was groundbreaking, as if you didn’t already know that Diet Coke was bad for you, but the male voice on the other end startled you. 
You squinted, pulling the phone back and registering the caller ID. Jake Seresin. You groaned. “What could you possibly want, Jake?” 
“Nice to hear from you, too,” he replied and you rolled your eyes. It had been a decade since you last heard from Jake Seresin. He was just as obnoxious as you remembered. 
“Listen, Seresin, if you called just to give me shit, I didn’t need a reminder that you’re a dick. Memory serves well enough. Goodbye.” 
“El, wait!” 
You frowned. “What?” 
His voice softened. “I’m sorry to do this,” he said and you felt your stomach tightening. “But you’re the only person I know in the city.” Jake paused. “I’m stuck at JFK.” 
“Don’t eat the egg sandwich,” you said, recalling a moldy sandwich you had gotten once at the airport on the way to Berlin. “Have a good flight, Jake.” 
“Ella, I’m stranded,” he said and you groaned. “Can I stay with you? Just until the airports open back up.” 
You looked outside. In the two minutes since Jake had called, snow had started to fall faster, coating the streets and sidewalks and innocent pedestrians. 
“I’m sorry,” he said and for perhaps the first time that you had known him in almost fifteen years, Jake Seresin sounded genuine. “I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t my only option.” 
Jake Seresin. The last time you had seen him, he was standing in the doorway of your college apartment with a bouquet of flowers that Suzannah had grabbed and trampled on in fury. 
“Ella? Are you still there?” 
“Fine,” you said, surprising even yourself. “Fifth and 12th Street. Apartment 4B.” 
“I owe you, El.” 
“Two days, Seresin,” you replied. “Anything more and you get a hotel.” 
“I’ll see you soon.”
You had hated Jake Seresin for as long as you could remember. Or at least, since the first time you saw his smug face in a poli sci lecture. He was sitting in the back, drinking a cup of coffee and doodling on a notebook. At the end of class, he had come right up to you and asked if he could copy your notes. When you said no, asking why he hadn’t taken his own notes, he had called you sweetheart and shot his best grin. 
You turned on your heel and walked away. 
Two years later, your roommate Suzannah has been stupid enough to fall for his charm, and you were treated to the unfortunate experience of having to listen to the two of them having sex behind the thin walls of your apartment. More than once you had stumbled into a shirtless Jake in the bathroom, smelling like sex and acidic cologne. Once he had walked in on you naked and instead of hurrying out like a normal person, he had leered. 
You had doubled down on your hatred for him from that moment on. 
When the doorbell buzzed you sighed, peering at the small ring camera before pressing the buzzer. “Come up.” 
The minute between buzzing him in and Jake knocking on the door felt like a century. It always did. There was something so awkward about shuffling around, waiting for the door but not wanting to be too eager to open it when the knock finally came. 
Taking a deep breath, you swung the door open. 
Jake Seresin in the flesh. The same goofy, brilliant grin from a decade before. Sandy blond hair dotted with melting snowflakes, cheeks ruddy and pink from the cold. He wore a light jacket, far too light for the extreme weather, and held a duffle bag in one hand, cowboy boots soggy and wet, dripping on your doormat. 
He smiled, leaning in for a hug and you pulled back at the last second so he stumbled over the threshold. Jake righted himself. “Ella. Still hate me, I see.” 
You turned, shaking your head. The sound of the door closing was followed by the plop of Jake’s bag on the ground. “Shoes off,” you called out, and there was a clattering as he kicked off his boots. 
Jake appeared a moment later, his jacket removed, revealing a tight henley shirt and a pair of jeans. He took a look around the studio. It was surprisingly large, for New York standards. Not Sex and the City unrealistic, but nice, with an alcove to the right that held your queen sized bed, a large couch against one wall and a dining area in the center. 
The galley kitchen off the main hallway was large and the bathroom was relatively spacious for a studio. It had just been you for so long that you didn’t think twice about the size. But something about Jake in your space made you realize maybe it wasn’t as spacious as it looked to your smaller frame. He hulked in the hallway. 
“Nice place,” he said. “Been here long?” 
“Four years.” 
He tipped his head. “Always knew you were going to end up in New York, didn’t you?” 
You sighed, plopping down on one end of the couch, crossing one leg over the other. “What are you doing here, Seresin?” 
“I told you, I was stranded at the airport,” Jake replied, stepping forward and taking a seat on the chair opposite of the couch. You grimaced. His outdoor pants were touching your indoor furniture. That was the downside of having guests. If Jake could even be considered a guest. Don’t guests have to be invited? Or wanted. 
“On your way to where? Somewhere without extradition laws?” 
Jake rolled his eyes. “Ten years, Finn. Ten years and you haven’t changed.” 
“Have you?”
The words clung to the air. The elephant in the room. It didn’t matter that it had been nearly a decade since the last time you had seen Jake Seresin. 
His betrayal still stung, even if it had never been directed at you. 
“Ella,” he whispered. Outside, the sky was darkening. Without the constant bumper-to-bumper traffic that was a given on Fifth Ave, the street was uncomfortably dark. There was a dampness that chilled your bones, even from the comfort of being inside. “Please. Can we just put aside the past for the next few days?” He looked older. Small lines at the corners of his eyes. Jake Seresin had a loud, boisterous laugh, you remembered that about him. The way he could liven up a party. The way he could make you feel like you were the only person in the room. 
This time you were. 
He leaned forward, elbows on his knees. “Finn?” he said, bringing back your nickname from college. “Truce?” 
You leaned back against the soft white couch cushion. “Fine.” 
Jake grinned. It was magnetic and you hated him for it. “Well, let’s celebrate then. Got anything to drink?” 
“Been here one minute and you need a drink already?” you asked, standing up. Jake’s eyes roamed over your leggings and sweater as you made your way into the kitchen, emerging a moment later with a bottle of wine and two glasses. “Someone never got over their frat days I see.” 
Jake reached out, taking the bottle from your hands and turning it on its side. “You must be doing OK,” he said. “This is a one hundred dollar bottle of wine.” You handed him the wine opener and he undid the top easily, sliding out the cork and laying it on a stack of magazines on the marble coffee table. 
“Anything is better than that Franzia shit you used to love.” 
Jake ignored your comment, instead turning the bottle and reading the label. “I did a wine tour in Lebanon a few years ago. This was one of my favorite vineyards.”
You frowned, holding out a glass and he tipped the neck of the bottle against the thin rim, dribbling it into your glass. “So did I. That’s where I got that bottle.” You pointed to the 2015 Chateau Musar in his hand. 
“What were you doing in Lebanon?” 
“Writing a story,” you replied. “What about you?” 
“Went with a friend,” Jake said. “We met in Portugul and decided fuck it, let’s go to Lebanon.” 
“Still wildly dependable I see.” 
“I have a job, Ella. I’m an adult.” 
You laughed, tugging your knees to your chest. “Oh yeah?” 
Jake nodded, setting the bottle of wine down. You let your eyes roam over his fancy jeans, cashmere socks, shiny watch that you hadn’t noticed before. Maybe he wasn’t lying. Maybe he was doing OK for himself. 
“Fine,” you said, taking a sip of your wine. “You have a job. Slow clap. Who doesn’t?” 
Jake shook his head. “Still bitter,” he replied, tilting his glass to his lips. “Whatever happened to you and Connor Gray?” 
“Oh God,” you muttered. “Fuck no. Do you know what he’s doing now? He’s a fucking DJ in Bushwick.” You mimed gagging. “I’d rather eat my left foot than date some Chelsea-boot-wearing guy who drinks craft beer and tries to serenade me on a hot rooftop in Brooklyn on his shitty guitar.” 
Jake tipped his head back with a laugh. It filled the room. You had almost forgotten how boisterous his laugh could be. 
“What about you?” you asked. “Any poor unsuspecting women?” There was no ring on his finger, no tan line or dent to show that perhaps he was divorced instead. 
“Nope.” Jake put his glass down. “Single.”
“Really? Jake Seresin, single.” 
“It’s hard out there, Finn,” he said, his voice hitting a register you couldn’t quite place. Something between sadness and begging for understanding. 
“You were never without a date to a formal in college. Couldn’t even go out without girls throwing themselves at you.” You shrugged. “I don’t know. I didn’t think the player in you would just shrivel up and die the minute we hit thirty.” 
“I’m still twenty nine,” Jake corrected. “And I don’t know what to tell you, El. It was fun for a while. But then I started to feel kind of gross. Like Leo DiCaprio. A new girl all the time. I couldn’t go to a single wedding without people asking about the girl who I had brought to the last one. But she was long gone.” He paused. “Couldn’t tell you the last time I saw the same girl for more than a month or three dates.”  
You frowned. Jake Seresin, a reformed manwhore? Not possible. 
He shrugged. “There, is that my dues for the night? Told you my dating life so now you owe me shelter from the storm?” 
“For now,” you said, standing up. “Interrogation can resume later. I’m hungry.” 
“Then let’s eat.” Jake looked outside. “It’s pretty shit out.” 
“What do you have for food?” 
You winced. “Honestly? I mostly eat out, so not much.” 
Jake stood up, brushing past you so closely you could feel his broad chest press against you for a second on his way toward the kitchen. “I’ll figure something out. You relax.” 
“Relax? With you in my apartment? Fat chance, Seresin.” 
He rolled his eyes. “Going to be a long weekend, isn’t it, Finn?” 
Jake somehow managed to make a perfectly edible dinner out of the almost-expired food in your fridge and what was left in the pantry. The two of you sat at the small two-person table you had pressed against one set of windows overlooking Fifth Ave. 
Anyone looking in might think it was a date. Even though Jake had dated Suzannah for almost a year, you two had barely spent any alone time together. That’s how you always tried to keep it with your friends’ significant others. A simple conversation here and there, usually while your friend was showering or getting ready or coming back from the store. 
Never like this. 
After dinner, Jake insisted on cleaning. As if it would make up for the countless times he had left shit in your apartment sink in college. You stood at the window, watching the snow pummel from the sky, coating the street in a thick blanket that it couldn’t shake. There was no one outside walking around. It felt apocalyptic and you cringed knowing that you still had at least a day alone with Jake and nothing to do but be in each other’s presence. 
“It’s dark in here,” Jake said, startling you. You turned as he reached for the overhead light. 
“Stop,” you said and he froze. “Lamps, dumbass. Why do men always want to use ceiling lights? Do you like being bathed in fluorescent light?” You strode over to the dresser along one wall, flicking on a candle warmer lamp and another small lamp on the far side of the room. Warm light spilled out into the room. 
“Does it matter?” Jake asked. 
Jake shook his head. “Alright, Finn. I’m all yours. What do you want to do?” 
“You mean other than throw you out in the snow on your ass?” 
Jake stepped closer. “Am I really that bad?” he whispered. 
You looked up. Clear green eyes, perfect almond tanned skin. Hair swept back in a carefree manner. You could tell why Suzannah has lost her fucking mind over him all those years ago. He really was too pretty to be true. “Maybe.” 
Jake looked around. “Well I would say I can get out of your hair for a few hours, but there’s not really many options.” He was right. Minus the alcove where your bed sat, the apartment was a pretty open floor plan. 
“Let’s just watch TV and watch the minutes tick by on the longest day known to mankind.” 
Reluctantly, you settled down onto the couch and flipped on the TV. After scrolling for a solid five minutes, Jake groaned. 
“What, Seresin?” you demanded. 
“Take longer,” he complained. 
“Fine, you do it.” You shoved the remote into his chest, trying to ignore how nice his chest felt beneath his shirt. 
Jake took the clicker and flicked through the apps before settling on a movie. 
“No,” you argued. 
He turned to you with a grin. “It’s a guilty pleasure. Humor me, Finn.” 
You grimaced as Twilight started. Jake laughed his way through the serious parts of the movie, cackling out loud at the spider monkey bit and you found yourself laughing along next to him. God, Carlisle really was hot. So was Charlie. That’s how you knew you were almost thirty. 
By the end of the movie, the two of you had shifted comfortably on the couch. You were no longer three feet apart. Instead, your feet were crossed over each other, almost precariously touching Jake’s where they sat propped up on the coffee table. 
It was the first time in years that you could remember sitting through an entire movie without some guy trying to feel you up or make a movie. 
The credits started to roll and you reached for the remote just as Jake did. You pulled your hand back like it was on fire and he handed it to you. “Sorry,” Jake said softly. His voice had grown huskier in the hour and a half since the movie started. “Your TV. Your remote.” 
“It’s fine,” you said and it was gentle. He smiled. There was something devilish about Jake Seresin’s smile. It was too perfect. You cleared your throat. “I, um, should get to bed
“Me too.” 
You stood up, clicking off the TV. The room felt darker without it, just the soft lamps illuminating small circles of light. “I’m going to shower. I’ll get you some blankets and pillows. The couch should be big enough for you.” 
“Thanks, El.” There was something so genuine about the way he said it that threw you off. Who was this stranger and what had he done with the dickwad from Stanford? “For letting me stay.” 
“See how much you like me after a night of sleeping on that,” you replied, digging in the closet near the hallway for pillows and a comforter, dumping them in Jake’s arms. “Do you, um, need to use the bathroom first?” 
“I’ll go after you.” 
In the shower, you were acutely aware that no more than twenty feet away, Jake Seresin was fiddling around in your apartment. You had spent hundreds and hundreds of hours with him at Stanford, but this was different and you both knew it. When you entered the living room, steam pummeling out of the bathroom door, Jake looked up from where he stood shirtless in the living room. “Oh, God!” you exclaimed, holding one hand up to your face. “What the fuck?” 
“Fuck, fuck, sorry!” Jake grabbed for his t-shirt on the couch, tugging it on. “OK, you’re safe. All clear.” 
“This isn’t Barcelona, Seresin,” you complained, stepping toward the dresser and sliding open a drawer, pulling out a pair of silk pajamas. “Or a rave in someone’s basement.” 
He sat down on the edge of the couch cushion. “Been that long since you’ve seen a shirtless guy, huh, El?” 
You hated that he was right. “Fuck off.” 
Jake chuckled. “Sorry, couldn’t help it.” 
“Maybe that’s why no girl wants to date you for more than a week,” you snapped. “Because you’re a dick.” 
Silence hung in the air, thick like the snow clumping on the streets outside the window. You held your breath, letting your lungs sit there and burn. Jake’s eyes haunted yours. 
You felt bad. Never had you ever expected to feel bad for Jake Seresin. Golden boy. Womanizer. Player extraordinaire. But this was obviously a sore spot and you knew it. 
He looked sad, sitting in your apartment living room in the near-dark, face drawn and quiet. An unease squeezed at your stomach. 
“Jake, I–”
Jake stood, cutting you off. “It’s fine. I’m going to use the bathroom if that’s OK.” 
“Yeah, sure.” 
You watched his frame disappear down the hallway, rounding the corner into the subway tiled bathroom. As you sat down in your silk robe at the edge of your bed, the silence in the apartment, usually so comforting as an alternative to the bustle of the city outside, felt stifling. When Jake returned in the dark, flicking off the final light and settling onto the couch, you held your breath, waiting for him to say something. 
But nothing ever came. The two of you laid there, ten feet apart, separated by a wall of silence. 
You had spent ten years who knows how many miles away from Jake Seresin and never given him another thought. Why was it that ten feet now felt like a lap around the equator? 
The chill in the room wasn’t in your head and it wasn’t from the blizzard outside. You and Jake had created frost all on your own. 
Tag list [using my list from The Off-Season since it's my most up-to-date Jake list but if you're not interested in these types of fics just let me know!):
@double-j @topguncultleader @momc95 @hangmandruigandmav
@teacupsandtopgun @xomrsalliej4787xo @xoxabs88xox @blue-aconite @seresinhangmanjake @eminyourjeans @shawnsblue @babyminghao @sadpetalsstuff @angelbabyange @taytaylala12 @wkndwlff @mygyn @oneelleandaneye @averyhotchner @rosiahills22 @djs8891 @rxmtoon @valkyrja-siren-blog @horseshoegirl @abaker74 @clancycucumber230 @theharddeck @redbarn1995 @shanimallina87
@memeorydotcom @joaquinwhorres @bobfloydsbabe @gretagerwigsmuse @djs8891
@blackcatdhisgf @fangirlvoice @buckysteveloki-me  @eli2447 @bellaireland1981 
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trickphotography2 · 2 years ago
I would LOVE to know what went through Jake’s head when he heard the word “pregnant”! I know he’s so loving and supportive and gives theeee biggest “family man” vibes, so was his first thought “she’s mine forever now and she’s having my baby!” or was it “oh fuck, we’re having a whole ass human” or maybe both??
Okay, this got away from me. You get some angst and additional Jake backstory (including why he stayed married to his ex even after they separated)! Here's 1.8K words of Jake's POV of finding out Darlin's pregnant.
Jake was drinking his coffee on the couch, trying to motivate himself to get up and shower when you called.
“Can you come get me?”
Those five words and your shaky voice made his heart stop. As you explained what happened, he was sprinting across the house to throw on a pair of jeans and grab his wallet and keys. It was only after you assured him a few times that someone was with you that he was willing to get off the phone.
His fingers drummed on the steering wheel as he waited in line for the gate guard to scan his ID, teeth grit as he fought against screaming at them to move faster. It took all his training to block out that little voice in his head that whispered something was wrong. He needed to focus on the mission - get to the hangar and the hospital. Point A to Point B. He couldn’t spiral because you needed him.
His boots slapped against the concrete as he bolted out of the truck towards the Bounty Hunter's hanger. As he raced across the parking lot, he heard someone call out his name.
Fucking shit. Admiral Tritz. Jake skidded to a halt as the uniformed officer approached, snapping a quick salute and standing at attention. Impatience warred with insubordination as he stood there, watching Tritz stroll closer. “Out of uniform, Hangman?”
“Sorry, sir… my girlfriend works here, and I need to… she’s not feeling well.” Tritz frowned. 
“Another officer?”
“No, sir. She’s a civilian. Contracting specialist.”
“Ah. Well, don’t want to keep her waiting then. I hope she feels better.”
“I’m taking her to the hospital, sir. I… I’m not sure how long that’ll take. I’m due back for mids.”
“I’ll let Kennedy know he might be getting a call and to have another pilot on standby.”
“Thank you, sir.” With a jerk of his head, Tritz dismissed him, and Jake took off, mumbling apologies as he ran through the hanger to your office. The sight of you in your office chair, head in your hands with a trashcan between your feet, greeted him as he skidded to a halt outside your door. “Darlin’?”
Your watery gaze rose to meet his, eyes dark against your pale skin. “I’m okay,” you whispered. 
“You still need to get checked out,” another woman said, and his eyes swung to the woman leaning against the wall. She waved before tipping her head towards you. “Going to need paperwork for the occupational health report, and worker’s comp is probably going to call to make sure they don’t need to worry about a lawsuit.”
“I’m not going to sue,” you grumbled.
“We’ll worry about that later,” Jake huffed, walking towards you and moving the trashcan away with his foot before kneeling in front of you.
“I’ll let the boss know you’re out for the rest of the day. Take care of yourself.”
“Thanks, Armitage,” you said softly. With a nod, the woman left just as Jake spotted the paper towel darkened with blood on your foot. He wrapped his hand around your ankle and rested your foot on his thigh, gently pulling away the towel and hissing.
“Damn it.” 
“It’s not as bad now,” you observed. He ignored the droplet of blood that saturated his jeans as he rewrapped your foot.
“Let’s go.” The words came out like an order, and you shrunk back into your chair. He mentally kicked himself - you didn’t need Lieutenant Seresin right now. “Fuck, I’m sorry, darlin’,” he sighed, running his thumb along your ankle. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah. I… I don’t know what happened. I just woke up on the floor.” 
“Let’s go get you checked out.” 
“I need to clean up first. I can’t leave… that,” you said, glancing at the trashcan. He peeked into it and saw that you’d been sick. He didn’t hesitate before grabbing the sides of the bag and tying it off. 
“I’ll get rid of this. You stay right here - don’t move.” He jogged to the men’s room, threw the bag away, and grabbed a few more paper towels for your foot.
You were leaning against the desk when he got back, work bag slung over your shoulder. Jake raised an eyebrow and darted forward when you took a limping step towards him. “I’m fine,” you mumbled. Without a word, he took your bag and crouched, bracing one hand under your knees and the other across your back as he swept you off your feet.
Red stained your pale cheeks as he carried you out of the hangar and across the parking lot.
Jake hated hospitals. Hated the smell of antiseptic, the constant overhead pages that never meant anything good, and the hurry up and wait.
He tried not to think about the other times he’d been in the emergency room - the night Lina fell off the roof and broke her arm trying to sneak back into the house drunk, the too-close calls with his friends nearly burning in, and when his ex had a bad epileptic seizure. He’d gotten a few calls from her needing to be picked up from work or a friend’s house after having a seizure, and getting that call from you had put him right back into it. So he held you tighter and pressed his lips to the top of your head, assuring himself that this wasn’t the same. Fainting wasn’t a seizure. 
That didn’t mean he was less irritated when a medical student was sent to take your medical history. If they’d been on base, you would have already seen a doctor, not some kid in a white coat pretending he knew more than he did. You could have gotten to a hospital sooner, period. Because you weren’t his dependent, he had to drive back off base to the closest civilian hospital. If something like this happened again… if it was the start of something serious, he needed to know that there wouldn’t be a delay in your getting help. That was unacceptable. As much as you wanted to wait to get married, it would offer more protection. This wasn’t a matter of wanting you to have his last name and the promise of forever. It was a practicality. It was the rational thing to do - why put off something you’d both agreed to just because of the arbitrary decision about how long you had to be dating? You were a rational person. 
That’s what he would argue when you got home. Getting married - the benefits of being a military spouse - would be his selling point. He’d be willing to trade almost anything else for you to agree to let him put his ring on your fingers and share his last name. 
As you dozed against his shoulder after the EKG, he took out his phone and typed your symptoms into Google: headache, fainting, and nausea. The first result said it was low blood sugar. Others said it was a migraine, but you’d have known if it was that. It could definitely have been stress or anxiety. Vertigo was an option, and so was low blood pressure. He didn’t want to consider it a brain injury or tumor. Pregnancy came up a few times, which gave him pause, but you’d had your period. 
So when the doctor came in almost three hours after you’d gotten to the hospital, Jake tried not to be too anxious. If it was bad, they would have done more tests. 
Vasovagal syncope. Low blood pressure probably triggered by your hormone fluctuations. “So she’s okay?” Jake asked, squeezing your hand. The doctor smiled at him.
“Yes, she’s okay. I wanted to discuss some of the symptoms you were experiencing before the syncope. You mentioned being nauseous - was that just before the syncope?”
“No, it’s been a couple of days.”
“Have you vomited?” Nod. “Have you been keeping food down?”
“Not really. I’ve mostly been eating crackers the last couple of days.” Jake frowned, frustrated that you hadn’t told him what you’d been dealing with. If you’d been honest, he would have pushed you to go to the doctor earlier instead of waiting this long. 
“Have you been more fatigued recently?” Brow furrowed, you nodded again. “How about any other physical symptoms?”
“Any tenderness in your breasts?”
“Yes,” Jake answered. You’d turned down shower sex over the weekend, cringed when he’d brushed your nipples while reaching for shampoo, and shielded your chest from the water pressure. As much as he’d wanted to enjoy your being shirtless all day, knowing that it was because you were hurting put a damper on his enjoyment of seeing your breasts. 
“The labs show that your HCG levels are elevated, which probably triggered the vasovagal syncope.” Her eyes darted between you before she added, “HCG is what we look for to confirm a pregnancy.” 
The world stopped as Jake’s hand flexed around yours. 
“P-pregnancy?” you stuttered.
“Yes. I would recommend setting up an appointment with your OB in the next couple of days…” Jake tried to listen to the doctor but couldn’t hear past the ringing in his ears.
You were pregnant.
A baby wasn’t in the plans. It wasn’t even something you would discuss for another couple of years. There was too much you both wanted to do before having a kid. 
Don’t be stupid enough to knock up some tag chaser, his father had ordered. 
You’re married already - I want grandbabies while I’m young enough to enjoy them, Jacob, his mother had told him.
Come on, I want a baby, baby! His ex had begged.
But you, you were just as shocked as he was. This wasn’t part of the plan - the only part that hadn’t needed negotiations. No kids for a couple of years, if ever. It was you and him, a team of two. The Seresins. 
A baby…
“I’m pregnant?” you asked softly. 
“You’re pregnant.” 
And Jake felt a mixture of terror and hope he’d never experienced. 
Fuck. We’re having a baby.
We’re having a baby.
Your hand shook in his, and Jake forced himself to look at you. Your eyes were wide with shock as you nodded to whatever the doctor said. His gaze drifted down to where your hand pressed against your stomach.
That small, protective gesture told Jake everything he needed to know.
No matter how terrible a father he would be, the baby would always have you. They would have at least one parent in their corner against the world.
So if you were in, he would do it too.
We’re having a baby.
Jake’s hand itched to cover yours, adding his protection to the little person growing inside you. 
Baby Seresin.
The thought made tears spring to his eyes, and Jake blinked them away, refocusing on what needed to be done to ensure you were taken care of.
Tagging the usual suspects, even though it's not a chapter because it gives additional backstory.
Tag list: @memeorydotcom; @alldaysdreamers; @kmc1989; @djs8891; @caitsymichelle13; @dempy; @midnightmagpiemama; @lovelyladymayyyy; @caidi-paris; @a-court-of-roscoe-and-baby; @bellaireland1981; @lethargicluv; @mayhemmanaged; @tenderclio; @lucypaulette; @abaker74; @trhett21; @misshoneypaper; @schreksdoubledeckerhomechecker; @eternallyvenus; @mavrellover91; @chloeforde; @thatbitcily; @rest-of-brazilian-wax; @percysaidnever; @harperdoodle
242 notes · View notes
aliorsboxostuff · 2 years ago
Come check out my works bellow!
I've seen how devastatingly little male!reader fics are in my big fandoms, and as a gay man i feel like i should provide us with said fics! Which is why I'm opening my ask box for any and all male!readers and gn!readers requests! (Including anon requests!)
I WON'T ACCEPT FEMALE!READER FICS REQUESTS. I’m a trans-masc genderfluid, so male!Readers or gn!Readers are the ones that I usually write and am comfortable with. It’s hard looking for male!reader fics, especially in female-dominated fandoms, that's why I'm opening requests for any and all sad and touch-starved dudes out there! If these don't fit your preferences then you are free to leave, and if you're a female user/reader entering my blog, I hope you remain respectful about the fics I write or get requests for, thank you.
NOTE: I NEVER USE ANY FORM OF Y/N IN MY FICS. Please be aware that i write based on my current fixations. Fixations may vary in how much i want to write them so i’ll be ranking from the MOST interested to the LEAST interested but will write. Please be patient in waiting for your fics as i, sadly, have IRL work to worry about too! 
What i will write:
gender-neutral reader
Ftm! Reader
Platonic or Romantic relationships
Kid!reader (ONLY platonic-parental relationships)
nsfw alphabets
What I Won't write:
underage characters (anyone under 17)
real people
age play
offensive/harmful things
Current immediate fixation:
HOUSE MD (Up to s2)
Gregory House 
James Wilson
Robert Chase
Lisa Cuddy
Ezra (prospect)
Joel Miller
Javi Gutierrez
Javier Peña
Frankie Morales
Whiskey (Kingsman)
Johnny Cage
Kenshi Takahashi
Tomas Vrbada
Dr. Ratio
Satoru Gojo
Nanami Kento
Higuruma Hiromi
Ryoumen Sukuna
Yuuji Itadori (Fluff)
Toge Inumaki (Fluff)
Less interested (but will write) Fixations:
Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin
Simon 'Ghost' Riley
John 'Soap' Mactavish
Connor (RK800)
Nines (RK900)
Chris Knight (Real Genius)
Hannibal (NBC)
The Corinthian (Netflix Sandman)
Leon S. Kennedy (RE4 Remake)
Luis Serra (RE4 Remake)
Understand that these are all works of fiction; I am perfectly fine with writing for topics including mafias, mobs, murder, organized crime, war, mental illness, abuse, etc.; but please do not romanticize them in any way. Reading it is fine; please don't romanticize them in your head.
If any of this provided information may seem confusing or have any questions, feel free to drop a DM and I will explain further! I will try to post fic requests as regularly and as fast as I can!
For refrence, these are fics i've written and uploaded to my AO3!
Steven Grant/Male Reader fluff
XMEN Family Pride Fic
Steven Grant/Male Reader Smut #1
Steven Grant/Male Reader Smut #2
Deadpool/Male Reader Fluff Confession
Deadpool/Ftm Reader Smut
Robert 'Bob' Floyd/Male Reader Fluff
Robert 'Bob' Floyd/Male Reader sunshine x grumpy
Tangerine/Male Reader Fluff/Angst Mature
Tangerine/Male Reader Mature
Tangerine/Male Reader (Escort Fic) Mature
Tangerine/NB Reader Teen&Up
Tangerine/Gender-Fluid Reader (Coming out fic)
Francisco "Catfish" Morales/Husband Reader
Joel Miller/Ftm Reader & Ellie Fluff
Joel Miller & Kid Reader
Joel Miller/Ftm Reader & Tess Fluff a bit Angst
Miguel O'hara/Male Reader Fluff
Miguel O'hara/Male Reader Spicy Fluff
Miguel O'hara/Male&GN Reader Spicy Fluff
Miguel O'hara/Male&GN Reader Fluff slight Angst
Din Djarin/Boyfriend Reader Smut
And the Short Fics/Drabbles on Tumblr!
Pulse (Tangerine/M!reader)
Deep Dive (Namor/M!reader)
Hold Tight (Tangerine/gn Reader)
Ner Mesh'la (Din Djarin/Male Reader)
Trinkets (Kurt Wagner/Gender-fluid Reader)
"Anythin' you wanna be." (Hobie Brown & Ftm Reader)
Little Nap! (Meows Morales Drabble)
Anyone that starts an argument about me writing exclusively for men and gender neutrals alike will get a very passive-aggressive and sarcastic reply to your request. There is an abundance of female!readers fics and writers who provide them; I am just here for people that takes a whole day searching for good male!reader fics. IF you do start an unnecessary rant about my fics or my writing preferences at a given moment; I’ve been in fandom spaces for the last 7 years of my life and run on pure manic adrenaline, I will throw hands. 
316 notes · View notes
stupendouspizzacomputer · 6 months ago
INSANITY (Hellaverse x isekai male reader) Winners (Part 3):
•Nancy Drew (Nancy Drew)
•Nick Sturniolo (Youtuber/Sturniolo triplets)
•Chris Sturniolo (Youtuber/Sturniolo triplets)
•Matt Sturniolo (Youtuber/Sturniolo triplets)
•Italy (Hetalia)
•Harrier "Harry" Du Bois (Disco Elysium)
•Ian Hecox (Smosh/Youtuber)
•Anthony Padilla (Smosh/Youtuber)
•Jung kook (Bts)
•V (Bts)
•Jimin (Bts)
•Suga (Bts)
•RM (Bts)
•Jin (Bts)
•J-Hope (Bts)
•Paige Bueckers (Paige Bueckers)
•Megan Thee Stallion (vmas)
•Chappell Roan (vmas)
•All the Venezuela's people who died and suffered because of Maduro's tyranny (Venezuela/U)
•The monk (rain world)
•The survivor (rain world)
•The hunter (rain world)
•The watcher (rain world)
•The Gourmand (rain world)
•The Artificer (rain world)
•The Rivulet (rain world)
•The spearmaster (rain world)
•The saint (rain world)
•??? (rain world)
•Leon Kennedy (Resident Evil)
•Marcelyn (Adventure Time)
•Jeremy Heere (Be more chill)
•Alice Dyer (Magnus protocol)
•Phoenix Wright (Ace attorney/Narumitsu)
•Mia Fey (Ace attorney/Narumitsu)
•Miles Edgeworth (Ace attorney/Narumitsu)
•Herlock Sholmes (The great ace attorney)
•Eddie Brock (Venom/Venom the last dance/Symbrock/Venomthelastdance)
•Chell (Portal/Portal 2)
•Jake Seresin (Glen Powell)
•Lewis Hamilton (F1/Formula 1/oscar piastri/Ferrari/Austin gp 2024)
•Charles Leclerc (F1/Formula 1/oscar piastri/Ferrari/Austin gp 2024)
•Franco Colapinto (F1/Formula 1/oscar piastri/Ferrari/Austin gp 2024)
•Carlos Sainz Jr (F1/Formula 1/oscar piastri/Ferrari/Austin gp 2024)
•Yuki Tsunoda (F1/Formula 1/oscar piastri/Ferrari/Austin gp 2024)
•Daniel Ricciardo (F1/Formula 1/oscar piastri/Ferrari/Austin gp 2024)
•Mclaren (F1/Formula 1/oscar piastri/Ferrari/Austin gp 2024)
•George Russel (F1/Formula 1/oscar piastri/Ferrari/Austin gp 2024)
•Marc Marquez (F1/Formula 1/oscar piastri/Ferrari/Austin gp 2024)
•Charles-Haden Savage (Only murders in the building)
•Oliver Putnam (Only murders in the building)
•Mabel Mora (Only murders in the building)
•Madoka Kaname (Madoka Magica/Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
•Wei Wuxian/Wei Ying (mdzs/mdzs wwx/mxtx mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Wen Ning (mdzs/mdzs wwx/mxtx mdzs/Mo dao zu shi)
•Lan Wangji/Ian zhan (mdzs/mdzs wwx/mxtx mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Wei Changze (mdzs/mdzs wwx/mxtx mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Cangse Sanren (mdzs/mdzs wwx/mxtx mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Jiang Fengmian (mdzs/mdzs wwx/mxtx mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Jiang Cheng (mdzs/mdzs wwx/mxtx mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Jiang Yanli (mdzs/mdzs wwx/mxtx mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Jin Ling (mdzs/mdzs wwx/mxtx mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Lan Sizhui (mdzs/mdzs wwx/mxtx mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Lan Xichen (mdzs/mdzs wwx/mxtx mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Lan Qiren (mdzs/mdzs wwx/mxtx mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Iang Wangji (mdzs/mdzs wwx/mxtx mdzs/mo dao zu shi)
•Princess Celestia (my little pony/mlp/mlp fim/Mylittlepony/mlpinfection/infection)
•Princess Luna (my little pony/mlp/mlp fim/Mylittlepony/mlpinfection/infection)
•Twilight Sparkle (my little pony/mlp/mlp fim/Mylittlepony/mlpinfection/infection)
•Applejack (my little pony/mlp/mlp fim/Mylittlepony/mlpinfection/infection)
•Pinkie Pie (my little pony/mlp/mlp fim/Mylittlepony/mlpinfection/infection)
•Fluttershy (my little pony/mlp/mlp fim/Mylittlepony/mlpinfection/infection)
•Rarity (my little pony/mlp/mlp fim/Mylittlepony/mlpinfection/infection)
•Rainbow Dash (my little pony/mlp/mlp fim/Mylittlepony/mlpinfection/infection)
•Hua Cheng (tgcf/Heaven official's Blessing/ghosts)
•The Knight (Hollow Knight)
•Ekko (Arcane/League of legends/Zaun/Timebomb/Arcane edit/Arcane spoilers/Arcane season 2/leagueoflegends/League/Worlds2023)
•Caytlin Kiramman (Arcane/League of Legends/Caitvi/Arcane edit/Arcane spoilers/Arcane season 2/leagueoflegends/League/Worlds2023)
•Jayce Talis (Arcane/League of Legends/Jayvik/Arcane edit/Arcane spoilers/Arcane season 2/leagueoflegends/League/Worlds2023)
•Vander (Arcane/League of Legends/Vanco/Arcane edit/Arcanr spoilers/Zaun/Zaundads/Arcane season 2/leagueoflegends/League/Worlds2023)
•Flandre Scarlet (touhou)
•Remilia Scarlet (touhou)
•Sakuya Izayoi (touhou)
•Ruby Rose (rwby/rwbyfairytales/rwbyft)
•Yang Xia Long/Yang (rwby/rwbyfairytales/rwbyft)
•Weiss Schnee/Weissschnee (rwby/rwbyfairytales/rwbyft)
•Blake Belldonna (rwby/rwbyfairytales/rwbyft)
•Jaune Arc (rwby/rwbyfairytales/rwbyft)
•Pyrrha Nikos (rwby/rwbyfairytales/rwbyft)
•Nora Valkyrie (rwby/rwbyfairytales/rwbyft)
•Lie Ren (rwby/rwbyfairytales/rwbyft)
•Yami Yugi (Yugioh)
•Sonic (Sonic/Sonic the hedgehog/Sth/Sonadow/Sonic x shadow generations/Sonic3/Sonicthehedgehog3/Sonicexe/Sega)
•Tails (Sonic/Sonic the hedgehog/Sth/Sonadow/Sonic x shadow generations/Sonic3/Sonicthehedgehog3/Sonicexe/Sega)
•Knuckles (Sonic/Sonic the hedgehog/Sth/Sonadow/Sonic x shadow generations/Sonic3/Sonicthehedgehog3/Sonicexe/Sega)
•Shadow (Sonic/Sonic the hedgehog/Sth/Sonadow/Sonic x shadow generations/Sonic3/Sonicthehedgehog3/Sonicexe/Sega/Shadowthehedgehog)
•Maria (Sonic/Sonic the hedgehog/Sth/Sonadow/Sonic x shadow generations/Sonic3/Sonicthehedgehog3/Sonicexe/Sega)
•Link (Legend of Zelda/Botw/The Legend of Zelda/Loz/Linked universe/Linkeduniverse)
•Zelda (Legend of Zelda/Botw/The Legend of Zelda/Loz/Linked universe/Linkeduniverse)
•Eddie Munson (Joseph Quinn/Stranger things)
•Wynonna Earp (Wynonna Earp)
•Harry Potter (Harry potter)
•Hermione Granger (Harry potter)
•Ron Weasley (Harry potter)
•Minerva McGranitt (Harry potter/Maggie Smith)
•Rock Lock (Black tumblr/Black lives matter/bnha/My hero academia/MHAVigilantes)
•Shuri (Black tumblr/Black girl magic/Black lives matter/Disney)
•All Might (bnha/My hero academia/boku no hero academia/Myheroacademia/MHAVigilantes)
•Deku (bnha/My hero academia/boku no hero academia/Myheroacademia/MHAVigilantes)
•Eraserhead (bnha/My hero academia/boku no hero academia/Myheroacademia/Erasermic/MHAVigilantes)
•Presentmic (bnha/My hero academia/boku no hero academia/Myheroacademia/Erasermic/MHAVigilantes)
•Tahliah Debrett (Fka Twigs)
Shang Qinghua (svsss/mxtx svsss/svss/Ren Zha Fanpai Zijiu/Ren Zha Fanpai Zijiu Xitong)
•Shen Qingqiu/Shen Yuan (svsss/mxtx svsss/Qijiu/svss/Bingqiu/Ren Zha Fanpai Zijiu/Ren Zha Fanpai Zijiu Xitong)
•Luo Binghe (svsss/mxtx svsss/svss/Bingqiu/Ren Zha Fanpai Zijiu/Ren Zha Fanpai Zijiu Xitong)
•Yue Qingyuan (svsss/mxtx svsss/svss/Ren Zha Fanpai Zijiu/Ren Zha Fanpai Zijiu Xitong)
•Osamu Dazai (bsd/bungou stray dogs)
•Atsushi Nakajima (bsd/bungou stray dogs)
•Chuya Nakahara (bsd/bungou stray dogs)
•Princess peach (Super Mario)
•Pricess Rosalina (Super Mario)
•Princess Daisy (Super Mario)
•Siffrin (In stars and time)
•Odile (In stars and time)
•Homer (The odyssey/Poets on tumblr/Writeblr)
•Alexia Putellas (arsenal/arsenal fc/arsenal wfc/woso/Uswnt)
•ThunderClan (Warrior cats)
•WindClan (Warrior cats)
•ShadowClan (Warrior cats)
•RiverClan (Warrior cats)
•SkyClan (Warrior cats)
•Gerard Way (My Chemical Romance/mcr)
•Mikey Way (My Chemical Romance/mcr)
•Frank Iero (My Chemical Romance/mcr)
•Ray Toro (My Chemical Romance/mcr)
•Bob Bryar (My Chemical Romance/mcr)
•Matt Pelissier (My Chemical Romance/mcr)
•Jarrod Alexander (My Chemical Romance/mcr)
•Pete Parada (My Chemical Romance/mcr)
•James Dewees (My Chemical Romance/mcr)
•Jamie Muhoberac (My Chemical Romance/mcr)
•Rhea Ripley (wwe/aew/nxt/wrestling/fight club/wwe raw/Monday night raw)
•Roman Reigns (wwe/aew/nxt/Wrestling/Fight club/wwe raw/Monday night raw)
•Gordon Freeman (Hlvrai/Halflifealyx/Halflife/Halflife2)
•Azi (Scavengers reign)
•Spock (Star Trek/Ds9)
•Hikaru Sulu (Star Trek/Ds9/John Cho)
•Michael Huang (tpot)
•Cary Huang (tpot)
•Satomi Hinatsu (tpot)
•Bae Seok-Ryu (Love next door)
•Kris (Deltarune)
•Professor Hershel Layton (Professor Layton)
•Joy (Pixar)
•Anger (Pixar)
•Sadness (Pixar)
•Fear (Pixar)
•Disgust (Pixar)
•Envy (Pixar)
•Anxiety (Pixar)
•Embarassment (Pixar)
•Ennui (Pixar)
•Miriam (Dragon Age the veilguard/Dragon Age Inquisition/Dragon Age/Dragon Age 4/Da4/Dragon Age 2/Dragon Age Fan Art/Dav)
•Roland (Dragon Age the veilguard/Dragon Age Inquisition/Dragon Age/Dragon Age 4/Da4/Dragon Age 2/Dragon Age Fan Art/Dav)
•Qwydion (Dragon Age the veilguard/Dragon Age Inquisition/Dragon Age/Dragon Age 4/Da4/Dragon Age 2/Dragon Age Fan Art/Dav)
•Lacklon (Dragon Age the veilguard/Dragon Age Inquisition/Dragon Age/Dragon Age 4/Da4/Dragon Age 2/Dragon Age Fan Art/Dav)
•Neb (Dragon Age the veilguard/Dragon Age Inquisition/Dragon Age/Dragon Age 4/Da4/Dragon Age 2/Dragon Age Fan Art/Dav)
•Varric Tethras (Dragon Age the veilguard/Dragon Age Inquisition/Dragon Age/Dragon Age 4/Da4/Dragon Age 2/Dragon Age Fan art/Dav/Hawke x Varric)
•Ralph (Wreck it Ralph/Wreckitralph/Wreckitralph2)
•Felix (Wreck it Ralph/Wreckitralph/Wreckitralph2)
•All the Ukraine's people who died and sufffered beacause of the war (Ukraine)
•Sayori (ddlc)
•Yuri (ddlc)
•Natsuki (ddlc)
•Lottie (Yellowjackets)
•Abraham Van Helsing (Dracula daily)
•Sidney Crosby (Pittsburgh Penguins)
•Mitchell Marner (Toronto Maple Leafs)
•April Ludgate (Aubrey Plaza)
•Commander Shepard (Mass effect)
•Maia (Roblox/Cluckys/Gametoons/Robloxshorts)
•Marinette (Miraculous Ladybug/ML/Miraculousladybig/Miraculous)
•Adrien (Miraculous Ladybug/ML/Miraculousladybig/Miraculous)
•Sakura (Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle)
•Alex Hirsch (Gravity falls/The book of Bill/Gravityfalls/10yearsofgravityfalls)
•Niall Horan (One direction/1d)
•Liam Payne (One direction/1d)
•Zayn Malik (One direction/1d)
•Harry Styles (One direction/1d)
•Louis Tomlinson (One direction/1d)
•J.Martin (Motogp)
•Earth Wind and Fire's crew (Earth Wind and Fire/21st of September)
•Tamsyn Muir (Gideon the Ninth)
•Din Djarin (Pedro Pascal)
•Darius Bowman (Jurassic World Chaos Theory/Netflix/Jurassicparkvhs/Cenozoic/Paleo)
•Brooklynn (Jurassic World Chaos Theory/Netflix/Jurassicparkvhs/Cenozoic/Paleo)
•Kenji Kon (Jurassic world chaos Theory/Netflix/Jurassicpqrkvhs/Ceneozoic/Paleo)
•Yasmina Fadoula (Jurassic world Chaos theory/Netflix/Jurassicparkvhs/Ceneozoic/Paleo)
•Ben Pincus (Jurassic world Chaos theory/Netflix/Jurassicparkvhs/Ceneozoic/Paleo)
•Sammy Gutierrez (Jurassic world Chaos theory/Netflix/Jurassicparkvhs/Ceneozoic/Paleo)
•Charlie Spring (Joe Locke/Heartstopper)
•Carolina Hurricanes (Hockey/Nhl)
•Joker (Persona/Persona 5/shuake)
•Utena Tenjou (Revolutionary girl utena)
•Fry (Futurama)
•Leela (Futurama)
•Corrine Dollaganger (Flowers in the attic)
•Jin Kamurai (Tokyo Debunker)
•Rollo Treadway (Buster Keaton)
•Castiel (My Candy Love/Amour Sucre New Gen)
•Arthur Lester (Malevolent)
•John Lennon (The Beatles)
•Paul McCartney (The Beatles)
•George Harrison (The Beatles)
•Ringo Starr (The Beatles)
•Pete Best (The Beatles)
•Stuart Sutcliffe (The Beatles)
•Jimmy Nicol (The Beatles)
•Chas Newby (The Beatles)
•Norman Chapman (The Beatles)
•Tommy Moore (The Beatles)
•Mal Evans (The Beatles)
•Jennie (Jennie Kim)
•Elsa (Frozen)
•Anna (Frozen)
•Olaf (Frozen)
•Kristoff (Frozen)
•Sven (Frozen)
•YoRHa No.9 Type S (Nier Automata)
•YoHRa No.2 Type B (Nier Automata)
•YoHRa Type A No.2 (Nier Automata)
•Vince Dun (Seattle Kraken)
•Trent Alexander Arnold (Liverpool fc)
•Charlie Watson (Hailee Steinfeld/Transformers/Transformers one/Transformersprime/Maccadam)
•Musketeer (CardEvolution)
•Hayden Silas Anhedönia (Ethel Cain)
•Joel Miller/Joel (The Last of Us/the last us hbo/Pedro Pascal characterd/Tlou hbo/Joel tlou/Tlou joel/Joel Miller imagine/Tlou Fanfiction/Joel and ellie/Ellie and joel/joel Miller x you/Joel Miller one shot/The last of us Fanfiction/Tlou Smut/Tlou fanfic/Hbo tlou/The last of us game/Tlou game/Dark!Joel Miller/Joel the last of us/Joel miller smut/Joel miller x reader/Joel Millerx f!reader/joel Miller Fanfiction/joel miller the last of us/Pedrohub/Pedropascal edit/Tlou2)
•Ellie Williams/Ellie (The Last of Us/the last of us hbo/Pedro Pascal characters/Tlou hbo/Tlou Fanfiction/Joel and ellie/Ellie and joel/The last of Us Fanfiction/Tlou Smut/Tlou fanfic/Hbo tlou/the last of us game/Tlou game/Pedrohub/Pedropascal edit/Tlou2)
•Tommy Miller (The last of Us/the last of us hbo/Pedro Pascal characters/Tlou hbo/Tlou Fanfiction /The last of us Fanfiction/Tlou Smut/Tlou fanfic/Hbo tlou/the last of us game/Tommy miller x reader/Tlou game/Pedrohub/Pedropascal edit/Tlou2)
•Abby Anderson (The last of Us/the last of Us hbo/Pedro Pascal characters/Tlou hbo/Tlou Fanfiction/The last of Us Fanfiction/Tlou Smut/Abby x reader/Abby the last of us/Abby Tlou/Tlou fanfic/Hbo tlou/the last of us game/Tlou game/Pedrohub/Pedropascal edit/Tlou2)
•Parvana (Reupload the war is coming/thebreadwinner)
•Brennan Lee Mulligan (Dropout)
•Glinda/Glinda the good witch (Wicked/Wicked movie/Gelfie/Ariana Grande/Wicked the Movie)
•Elphaba (Gilfie/Wicked/Wicked movie/Wicked the movie/Cynthia Erivo)
•Groverunderwood (Percy Jackson/Greek Mythology/Percy Jackson and the Olympians/PercyJacksonandthe/Olympians)
•Tanjiro/Tanjirokamado (Demon slayer/Demonslayer/Kimetsunoyaiba/Kny/Kimetsunoyaibaedit)
•Nezuko (Demon slayer/Demonslayer/Kimetsunoyaiba/Kny/Kimetsunoyaibaedit)
•Nikola Tesla/Nikolatesla (RecordofRagnarok/Shuumatsu/Ragnarok/RecordofRagnarokseason2)
•Qin Shi Huang/Qinshihuang (RecordofRagnarok/Shuumatsu/Ragnarok/RecordofRagnarokseason2)
8 notes · View notes
sarahsmi13s · 5 months ago
I adore your writing! It is so good!!! I have a question, if it's okay. Would Jake and wifey have more kids in the Tell Them Universe?
oh my goodness nonny! thank you so much 💜🥹 that means a lot to me, i'm so glad you're enjoying your time here in my little corner of the internet! and questions are more than okay, encouraged even (as long as they are kind!)
it's been a while since i've talked about the tell them universe! but to answer your question, jake and wifey may or may not have more kids. in my head, they are content with only having two. however, they are not actively preventing pregnancy -- the occasional condom here and there but never something they're obsessing over.
there is a possibility of having that talk of having more kids -- whether it be adoption, fostering, or pregnancy. or maybe kennedy brings it up, asking when she'll get to be a big sister because while she loves being the apple of her brother's eye -- she wants to be what grayson is to her for someone else.
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that-one-random-writer · 2 years ago
Chasing You Chapter 7 {Complete}
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Summary: Jake retires from the military honorably. He steps into a new roll, ready to settle down in his hometown of Texas. He is placed on your shift. Your current relationship is stable until the dust settles, revealing cracks in the foundation.
Warnings: Cursing, violence, police experiences based on truth, Be aware of blood, drugs, and all things law enforcement.
Chapter 1. Next Chapter. Masterlist
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"He's got it bad for you." Kennedy chuckled, sipping his glass of champagne.
"No, he doesn't. We just know each other's family, so we're just comfortable around each other." Your lips loosening up due to the liquid truth serum he was feeding you.
"Yes, he does. I'm telling you, a man doesn't walk around shirtless cooking breakfast for any woman. I can find out. Just give me a day." Kennedy boasted, knowing he could get information from people. It was his specialty.
"I wish you would. God he is so fucking fine. Id climb that man like a tree. You know how long it's been since I've had sex with James. A month and before that it was two months. I've got at least another month long dry spell and a piece of meat on a stick dangling in front of me. Just sex no emotions or anything, I'm not into him. I'm just dying for sex." Your intoxicated brain couldn't stop your mouth. "But James, we used to have sex like that. You know the railing all night long and dirty dancing to country music. It's like he just completely fell out of love with me. We never talk. He plays his games all the damn time." You continued rambling, starting to tear up.
"Alright, you've had enough." He picked up your glass and poured the rest down the drain. "Come on honey, it's time for bed before your inhibitions get too low."
You whined but went to bed. Kennedy held you as you cried. This wasn't the first time this had happened. He wanted nothing more than to fix it, but you just wouldn't leave James no matter how hard he tried. Seresin was a new pawn, a card he shuffled into his deck. This no house rule was just a hiccup.
This was a normal thing for both of you, honestly. Kennedy had come out to you in a drunken sadness when you were both alone at a bar after the rest of the shift left from a social gathering.
He still remembers the hug you gave him, as if he were going to waste away in thin air. Depression was hard. You knew better than most. Depression was a symptom of your sickness. You once faced it yourself during your cancer fight. You went back home with him the night at the bar and just held him so he didn't feel so alone. You knew that not knowing who you were as a person in such a critical way really stood in the way of happiness.
He didn't want a girlfriend, and he was too afraid to openly date men. His parents were accepting, but the world seemed so mean and hateful. Emotions were difficult, but with you, they seemed easier, like you understood him. Kennedy would always stay by your side as a protective best friend. Anyone that was close with you knew that. You didn't fix his longing for a partner, but you gave him someone to talk to about life, and that was more than enough for now.
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You got ready at Kennedy's house. You always kept a uniform there. Kennedy dropped you off to grab your car. You drove off to the police department. James wasn't there, so you didn't worry about stopping inside.
"Good morning." Seresin smiled as you sat down in your normal seat.
"Good morning." You seemed closed off, not in a joking mood. He didn't press he knew it had to be home life with James.
"I'm having a bonfire, pool party at my house." Kennedy smiled. "I'm inviting the shift."
"God sounds like a bad orgy porn video." You laughed gently. "Eleven men and one woman how innocent." Your head leaned back down. You still weren't all there, but Kennedy knew how to lift your mood. You did love a party.
"We can all take turns, Marilyn." Kennedy chuckled.
"Absolutely not, but I'm definitely down for a party." Your eyes perked up.
As heavy as the sex jokes were layered constantly, it was all a part of the straight facade. You never took offense to his less than lady like jokes. You started a lot of them, too. Covering his ass for him. You always had his back.
"Then it's settled. Seresin, are you in?" Kennedy smirked, raising his brows at Seresin.
"Yeah, that sounds good, man." He nodded. His mind laced into the pool portion of the party. His mind wondered into the pajamas you were wearing the night you were with him and what was underneath them. He knew it was wrong, but it felt so right.
"Party at my place tomorrow!" Kennedy called out in the squad room. All the guys cheered.
The night was uneventful. Just a few dui's, thankfully, no one got hurt. College kids were running amuck, a little party got out of hand, and one fight at a bar between two men. They had made up and bonded out by the time shift change happened.
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You were packing some stuff up for the party. You got your bag packed. You had your bikini on under your outfit. It was simple, black, high waisted, and looked incredible on any figure, especially yours. You grabbed your bag, leaving a note for James. You hadn't really made up, but this wasn't the first fight swept under the rug.
You parked up the driveway. You were staying the night, so you weren't worried about being blocked in. You opened the door, hugging Kennedy. No one else was there yet. "You just wanted this party so you could have eleven half-naked men in your backyard."
"I can say they used the backdoor too." He laughed evilly.
"God, just don't stare too much." You giggled.
"They do it to you, I'm just extending the uncomfortablity." He raised a brow.
"Yup, I can drink to that." You cheer your next shot with his beer bottle. Drunken behavior was absolutely going to be your cope mechanism for your pain.
You both drank and set up your lounge chairs. Knocks at the door came quickly.
"Dinner is here." He laughed quietly before opening the door, and groups flocked in.
Seresin came in confidently. His aviators sat over his eyes. He had a Longhorns t shirt and a pair of black swim trunks.
"Hook 'em." You called out. Seeing him so casual and cool mixed with not even talking with your boyfriend for a day made you forget your troubles. The shots you took before people arrived also helped a little with easing your mind around seresin.
Seresin held out his hand in the sign. With his two fingers up like horns. "Hook 'em." He tried his best to keep his eyes as tame as he could keep them. Your body was just calling him, and his shades were acting as shields, giving him prime opportunity. Your bikini was tight in all the right places. He watched as you leaned over in the cooler, grabbing a beer. Your ass hanging out of the itty bitty bikini bottoms. He had to think of anything else just to keep himself from growing in his shorts. It's so bad, but it feels so good.
He grabbed the beer as you offered it to him. He popped the top no opener needed. He grabbed his towel and walked on the back deck behind you and Kennedy. He laid his towel at the lounge chair next to yours.
"Isn't this the best, the three amigos, by the pool, all the sunshine." This was a happy place for you. The sun and water could always make you smile. The two boys with sunglasses nodded in agreement.
"Yup, sure is." Kennedy kept his glasses on they were dark enough no one could see his view. He watched as the men played volleyball. He leaned his head back, just taking in the view.
"Babe, we need music. Where is your speaker?" You got up from your seat and broke his view from the boys.
"It's on the counter in the kitchen." He spoke quickly so you would move.
"Thanks." You called dancing to the door with a laugh. The shots were setting in giving you a glow of joy.
"I'll go with you. I need another beer." Seresin got up following you.
"Already? Damn Jake, did you chug it?" You laughed. He could tell that you were slowly getting drunk from your drinks. He wanted to test waters to see what exactly and how much you would say. Last night at work, Kennedy was sowing seeds in Jakes mind. You both entered the kitchen, and the playful yelling was muffled by the door.
"No, I just wanted an excuse to be alone with you again." He's smirk was bold. You liked bold, especially when intoxicated.
"Jake!" His name whined out in a bubbly giggle. "You know I'm with James." You stepped closer, pulling him into a hug. His shirt smelled like gain and whiskey style cologne. "You smell really good."
"Thanks, honey." He held you just enjoying the contact he thought he lost when your face dropped from the phone call at his house. He knew the look on your face. He knew the trouble you were in. He saw the situation in a boyfriend's eyes. A single hot, successful, dangerous man, just innocently letting a gorgeous woman come stay for just sleep. It was the truth, but it sure didn't look good, not to a broken relationship, at least.
You looked up in his eyes. He held the smirk, his hair a little messy, his arms bulging in the sleeves of his shirt, his seafoam eyes whisking you away on a stormy day at the ocean far away from James.
"Jake, damn it... Jake, don't do this to me."
You stepped away. "I am not a cheat, never been a cheat. No matter how drunk you get, bitch you hold yourself together." You said out loud to yourself.
Seresins smirk only grew. You, a faithful woman, drove him mad. It was forbidden fruit. He never would cheat with a woman in any situation, but you saying this gave him evidence of more in your brain than you would let on sober. Kennedy was being truthful. He had got his information, and this next decision was just for fun.
"What are you thinking right now?" He leaned over you, placing his hand firmly on the wall above your head. His leg relaxed, taking a nonchalant stance like he wasn't committing sin.
Your eyes lifted up his body to his eyes. "It's bad. It's immoral. It's not anything that I can possibly take back. I want you so bad. Why are you wearing a shirt it's a pool party?" You were starting to dip your toes in a body of water filled with glass. Everyone would get hurt if you jumped in.
"Tell me that again when you're sober." He took off his shirt with ease. His toned body, positioned back over you, tossing his shirt to a chair.
Kennedy had seen the bright orange shirt in the window flying across the room. The no house rule wouldn't extend to his. He knew your bond with him was untouchable to James. "Fuck you, James." He said with a smirk, softly pulling his beer to his lips taking a sip.
You looked back up at the man in front of you. His dog tags loose around his neck, hanging over his chest.
You grabbed the metal in your hands, reaching out to his chest. Your eyes peered down his abs. "Jake, I can't. I want to be so bad. You have no idea. I just can't. I could never hurt him like that."
Jake nodded. "I know, and that's why I'll wait. I'll wait for you at the bottom, I'll stay away if he pulls you back up himself, but until then, I'm here... I'll wait." Jake reaches a hand out, pulling you closer around the waist. Open water surrounding you, James was floating at the top, unwilling to pull you back up to the top as you drowned. Jake stood at the bottom waiting for you to fall down. You knew you were safe with him. You knew he would pull you back up and save you from drowning. You just couldn't let go of the rope laced with cancerous memories tethering you to James.
You wrapped your arms around him, just allowing yourself to let go only for a moment. Your hand searched low to his abs, it grazed up his chest, searching for stability. The room around you was spinning. You leaned up, looking in his eyes. Your gaze shifted to his lips, back to his eyes then over to the speaker. You let go of him slowly and grabbed the speaker. "Come on, Ken's gonna get worried."
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A/N: no the hell ken ain't.
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Join the tag list! Message me, comment, reblog, wherever you want to ask. I got you, babe! 😘
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faun-the-fawn77 · 10 months ago
ꜰᴀᴜɴ'ꜱ ꜰᴏʀᴇꜱᴛ🌲🦌
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💚Masterlist Here!
💚Commission Info Here
💚Request/Taglist Info Here
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Boundaries for what I will and will not write!
Will Do:
Sometimes dabble in SH/sewerslide
Character x reader
Character x OC
Will try to write for all genders
Won't Do:
Scat/piss kink
Threesomes(It just confuses me honestly)
Honestly just the most horrid things you could think of and I won't do
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Fandoms That I Write For:
✞Hazbin Hotel✞
-Angel Dust
☠︎︎Helluva Boss☠︎︎
𓆸Harry Potter𓆸
-Draco Malfoy
-James Potter
-Sirius Black
-Remus Lupin
-Tom Riddle
✿LOTR/The Hobbit✿
꧁Jujutsu Kaisen꧂
-Gojo Satoru
-Geto Suguru
-Toji Fushiguro
-Sukuna Ryoumen
✵Stranger Things✵
-Eddie Munson
-Steve Harrington
-Robin Buckley
-Billy Hargrove
-Dean Winchester
-Sam Winchester
❦The Walking Dead❦
-Daryl Dixon
-Rick Grimes
-Negan Smith
⚔︎Demon Slayor⚔︎
-Rengoku Kyojuro
-Shinazugawa Sanemi
-Uzui Tengen
✧My Hero Academia✧
-Aizawa Shouta
-Dabi/Todoroki Touya
-Todoroki Shouto
-Bakugou Katsuki
-Hawks/Keigo Takami
࣪ ִֶָ☾.SONIC(MOVIEVERSE!)࣪ ִֶָ☾.
-Sonic The Hedgehog
-Knuckles The Echidna
-Tails The Fox
-Shadow The Hedgehog
-Joel Miller(TLOU)
-Leon Kennedy
-Jake Seresin
-Bradley Bradshaw
-Soldier Boy(The Boys)
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About Me:
My name is Faun:) pronounced like the baby deer.
I'm in my early 20's
I'm a self taught artist!
I live in Alaska! Fun fact: It's a place that one of the brothers from Brother Bear was named after
My fav colours are cerulean blue and moss green
I have a black cat and his name is Enoki!
My fav food is halibut!
Boba is my go-to drink
I'm in a lot of fandoms(might write for them in the future)
I have seven piercings which are all on my head and four tattoos!
I love to go fishing!
I dye my hair a lot! And I wear the same 5 rings:)
I'm sensitive to hurtful words but I'm working on that
I'm bipolar:)
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Please be respectful towards me and those who send in asks! I want this community to be kind and to encourage others!💚
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imnotafckingnott · 3 months ago
Querido Daddy Noel, para esta navidad (y próximo año) quiero rolear…
Series TV
Andreas de Eraklyon x Saul Silva (Fate: The Winx Saga) -- Canon o Au's.
Sky de Eraklyon x Riven (Fate: The Winx Saga) -- Canon o Au's.
Steve Harrington x Billy Hargrove (Stranger Things) -- Au's, principalmente.
Daryl Dixon x Rick Grimes (The Walking Dead) -- Canon o Au's.
Jay x Harry Hook (Descendants) -- Canon o Au's.
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Jake "Hangman" Seresin (Top Gun: Maverick) -- Canon o Au's. Dios, mato por un au o canon divergente de almas gemelas.
Simon "Ghost" Riley x John "Soap" MacTavish (Call of Duty) -- Canon o Au's.
Oc o Canon (masc.) x Gavin Reed (Detroit: Become Human) -- Canon o Au's, me vale que sea por cualquier masculino del juego u original.
Oc o Canon (masc.) x Leon S. Kennedy (Resident Evil) -- Canon o Au's. Mi mayor ship es con Chris Redfield, pero aceptaría casi cualquier masculino acoplado a Leon, la verdad, canon u original.
Oc or Canon (masc.) x Theodore Nott (Harry Potter) -- Canon o Au's, especialmente historias alternas en el mismo universo. Mi ship más fuerte es con Blaise Zabini, pero aceptaría casi cualquier propuesta masculina.
Sirius Black x Severus Snape (Harry Potter) -- Canon o Au's, principalmente en su juventud.
Remus Lupin x Severus Snape (Harry Potter) -- Canon o Au's, principalmente en su juventud.
Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes (Marvel) -- Canon o Au's, me valen también cualquier cruce de Chris y Sebastián de otras peliculas también u originales.
Logan x Scott Summers (Marvel) -- Canon o Au's, de las pelis, de las series, de los comics.
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infectedhusband · 6 months ago
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[Updated: 9/29/24]
This list will be updated when necessary!
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Reaper Fandom(s): The Mandela Catalogue F/O(s): Mark Heathcliff Tag: #💀🦴
Archer Dayton Fandom(s): Top Gun / Top Gun Maverick F/O(s): Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw, Jake “Hangman” Seresin, Natasha "Phoenix" Trace, Robert "Bob" Floyd Tag: #🏹✈️
Everett Carter Fandom(s): Resident Evil F/O(s): Leon Kennedy, Ethan Winters Tag: #🐾🪻
Shepherd Fandom(s): Cry of Fear F/O(s): Simon Henriksson Tag: #🐕🐾
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peachypoem · 8 months ago
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**Updated 10/3/2024**
i didn't write any of these! i recommend everything of course!
i made this post for me because tumblr search doesn't function, but anyone is welcome to go through the list.
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Captain John Price
Johnny "Soap" Mactavish
Keegan P. Russ
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Roldofo Parra
Simon "Ghost" Riley
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Bruce Wayne
Clark Kent
Dick Grayson
Jason Todd
Tim Drake
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Billy Russo
Frank Castle
Logan Howeltt
Matt Murdock
Miguel O'Hara
Moon Knight
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Comandante Veracruz
Dave York
Javi Guiterrez
Joel Miller
Marcus Moreno
Marcus Pike
Max Phillips
Pero Tovar
Zach Wellison
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Axe Woves
Boba Fett
Din Djarin
Fennec Shand
Paz Vizsla
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Geralt of Rivia
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Bradley Bradshaw
Jake Seresin
Tom Kazansky
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Benny Miller
Frankie "Catfish" Morales
Santiago "Pope" Garcia
Will "Ironhead" Miller
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Tyler Owens
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Anders Lassen
Donald Pierce
Jaime Tartt
Leon Kennedy
Nathan Bateman
Quinn Mckenna
Raymond Smith
Roy Kent
Thomas Shelby
Tommy Miller
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agender-wolfie · 2 years ago
Guys. AFAB does not mean the reader is a woman, it means they have female body parts.Stop tagging and labeling fics as such if you really mean for your reader to identify as a woman. Ffs 🙄
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anniesocsandgeneralstore · 3 years ago
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COHaOM Pairings + First Words
-> Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Ronnie Bradshaw
-> Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Ji-Yung "Tsunami" Minn
-> Robert "Bob" Floyd x Ruth Kennedy
top gun taglist: @oneirataxia-girl @arrthurpendragon @pasta88love @theforevermorereject @sqrlgrl22 @townley-29 @alittlelostalittlefound @fenderenderender @chaoticassidy @capswife @marrianena @luckyladycreator2 @fulla02 @fangirlofallthings22 @dempy @imagineyneyjr @blue-aconite @commxnderwolffe @darkestbeforethedawn16 @sopheeg @mizzy-pop @loveforaugust @hope-love-equality2
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bobfloydsbabe · 3 years ago
11-20 for the holy trinity of couples 🥰
Lyra, @natrace, you are a darling! If it was anyone else, I would have no idea which of my OCs and ships you're talking about, but it is you, so here are the answers for Jas & Jake and Kennedy & Rooster. I've already answered these for Abby & Bob here.
Placed the answers under a "read more" so I don't clog up people's dash.
Jas & Jake
11. Who likes horror movies/who likes romantic movies?
Jas doesn't really care about horror movies. Her attitude is very much "eh, they're fine, and the people in them are dumb." Hangman watches them and pretends he isn't freaked out. He is, though, and would much rather watch a romantic comedy. Jas likes to poke fun at him for it, but she enjoys them too.
12. Who is smol/who is tol?
They're both tol, and they both exude that energy.
13. Who is considered the scaredy cat?
Neither, but you could make an argument for Jake. Jas would have to think things through to be scared, and we all know that's not her strong suit. What terrifies both of them the most is how much they care about each other. Idiots in love, I tell you.
14. Who kills the spiders?
15. Who is scared of the dark?
Neither, and I don't think they ever were.
16. Who’s scared of thunderstorms?
Jake doesn't love it, but he's not afraid.
17. Who works/who stays at home?
They both work themselves to the bone. Jas wouldn't know what to do with herself if she didn't have something to get up for every morning. Jake takes so much pride in his work that he wouldn't give it up. I think Jas may leave the Navy and get a job at a local hospital once they decide to adopt, but she would never give up working.
18. Who is a cat person/who is a dog person?
Jas is a dog person and really wants a Golden Retriever. I also believe Jake to be a dog person, but he strikes me more as a German Sheperd guy.
19. Who likes to call the other cute nicknames?
This one undoubtedly goes to Jake. He'll use every nickname in the book (baby, babe, honey, sweetheart, darling, ma'am, Doc), which is why she eventually comes to love it when he calls her Jas or, even better, Jasmine.
20. Who is dominant/who is submissive?
Jas and Jake both have dominant personalities that demand to be seen and heard, and they both like to have the upper hand. It's one of the reasons I think they're a good match - they challenge each other. Jas is terrible at following orders, which is ironic considering she's in the Navy.
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Kennedy & Rooster
11. Who likes horror movies/who likes romantic movies?
Kennedy is a horror movie gal, no doubt. She enjoys them, even the shitty ones, and tries to convince Bradley to watch them with her. He openly admits that they terrify him and would much rather watch a romantic movie.
12. Who is smol/who is tol?
Kennedy is smol but gives very clear tol vibes. Rooster is tol.
13. Who is considered the scaredy cat?
Bradley. He's scared of small and insignificant things, but flying a jet for the Navy? No problem.
14. Who kills the spiders?
Kennedy. See the answer above.
15. Who is scared of the dark?
Bradley used to be. I don't make the rules.
16. Who’s scared of thunderstorms?
... Bradley.
17. Who works/who stays at home?
Rooster would be a stay-at-home dad, I don't care what anyone says. He loves his job and flying, but if he and Kennedy have kids, he'll give it up in a heartbeat. Kennedy would think about it, but they'd decide together that she should keep working.
18. Who is a cat person/who is a dog person?
They are both the ultimate dog people.
19. Who likes to call the other cute nicknames?
They're both guilty of this! Bradley goes for baby and ma'am, while Ken goes for babe.
20. Who is dominant/who is submissive?
I think they're pretty equal, actually. If we're talking in the bedroom, Bradley is definitely the dominant one.
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