#kenna's art tag
kantraels · 3 months
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normal behavior, functional strike team etc etc
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speckeltail · 6 months
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"I think they're like, a big dog that doesn't think anyone can pick them up anymore. and then Faustus picks them up when they're moping on the ground and they're like what the fuck."
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bloodyvenomboy · 11 months
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Random assortments of sketches and shit. Bunch of older ones on here that i need to redo. Some Ken(na)s, Ajara, and @knivesnkisses Mark, and @rigorwh0retis Quinn
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herringdoodle · 7 months
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OCs doing cute OC things in a secret garden 🌷
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makenna-made-this · 2 years
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Hey folks~ it's Holiday/New Years season once again and I have DnD and Character Design Commission Slots available ヾ(^w^)ノ
Whether it's something for a friend/party member or just a gift for yourself, if you are wanting a character design in time for end of December or new years, lemme know soon!
(will draw player characters, npcs, ocs, or general character designs)
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B&W Sketch
Bust $40
Half $45
Full $50
Flat Color
Bust $50
Half $60
Fulll $75
Shaded and Colored:
Bust $60
Half $70
Full $85
Extra weapons, familiars, steeds/mounts, backgrounds, etc. also available for additional prices~
Payment in USD via paypal.
Contact me at: [email protected] or shoot me a DM or order on my ko-fi commissions page
~Links for everything in pinned post~
Have any questions? Don’t be afraid to ask!
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lostandbackagain · 2 years
I miss rlain so bad
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samael-n · 9 months
Hello Luca tag scroller!
Excited by Kenna's recent post and looking for fanart? Well look no further! Here is a short list of fan-artists to explore:
Beksboys draws the two often and has done a couple cute seasonal pieces the past few months. Here is a link to their latest Christmas one! They're style reminds me of candy - colorful, glossy, and very sweet.
CandyKale has done an entire series of arts for Tara Zamir's fanfics and both ship and individual arts of both Luca and Alberto. Here is one of my favorites of Alberto. They're style is reminds me of professional paintings and have very cool colors reminiscent of watercolor, which is fitting for the characters.
2Angelisimo has drawn them multiple times, and I really love his take on older Luberto. Here is a link to one of my personal favorites of them sharing a raincoat. His style strikes a balance between cartoon-ish and realistic while having strong colors and shading. (He does tend to draw some "spicier" stuff though, so if that's not you're thing, keep that in mind).
Koinotea has done a lot of really cute drawings of these two as kids. Here is a recent drawing of them sharing gelato~ His style reminds me of a sandbox - soft and fun!
Mochiiparadise has posted some cute art of them as well. Here is a collection of doodles she's done.
Kitsunecrows also did a piece of the boys in the roles of Ponyo here!
Feel free to add any artists you'd like to mention or mention yourself here if you've drawn them!
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hawkbutt · 5 months
I’m Kenna
35 - They/Them/Any - Queer - Married - Twitter │ Instagram
→ Pro-Choice → Black Lives Matter → Trans Rights Are Human Rights. → Free Palestine • I draw, I use Photoshop, and I enjoy writing occasionally. • Multi-Fandom, though I do have hyper-fixations • I am a multi-shipper, so if you see multiple ships from the same show... then yes you did cause that's how I roll • I am a Hockey fan (Dallas Stars) • An avid collector and fan of Monster High
My Writings: AO3 Account -- Tape to Tape (Hockey AU) -- You're in a League of Your Own (Hockey AU meets Tattoo Shop AU)
Tags: Art Tag Manips Writing My Gifs 911 Hockey AU
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court-jobi · 2 years
Feel like jumping onboard to a high-stakes, cyber-synthwave hacker mystery in the stars? Or do you wanna cozy up and tuck into an adventure tale from the back of a trusty horse- with swords and magic on your side?... Just want to deep dive into headcanons from your favorite worlds?? I'm sure there's something for you here!
My plans currently sit within 4 main storylines in my favorite fandoms, though there will be one shots and headcanons welcome for any and all of these. I'm also not limited to the fanbases I'm currently writing for... There's plenty more I'd love to dabble in. Let's see where the writing adventure takes us, shall we?
Take a peek at my stories to come, or send me your burning questions about the fandoms below... I'm always up for a chat!
For my Star Wars | Mandalorian Masterlist, check it out here!
For my My Hero Academia Masterlist, check it out here!
Stay a while and read on, friends~
A Stroke of Luck: The Witcher AU
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Art Credit: Pinterest
What if the Butcher of Blaviken had a stroke of good luck for once- or if fate can let him have it, twice? Let him catch his breath in the form of an un-problematic woman: one without decades of emotional baggage and mutagen-festered turmoil wrenching into his love life… A lass graced with charm and humour in droves... but with a soulful, caring spirit unlike any he'd ever met.
There's no magic to be seen in her- but instead a crafty skill set and sound mind has kept her alive, only with a gentle touch in a cruel world. He can hardly believe the reprieve he's found in this unsuspecting friend- an herbalist with a listening ear for a man who’s heard and seen it all. What if Geralt of Rivia just had something nice for once... and that made all the difference in the hellscape of monsters that is the life of a Witcher?
Wouldn’t that be a welcome change of pace for the body and mind and heart- to have something sweeter to look forward to at the end of a contract…
A/N: Enter Ken'elrena of Dun Dâre- or Kenna, as the kiddos call her. The nickname is much easier to slip off the tongue- Geralt’s especially. He’s finding he likes that name more and more each time they cross paths. And now? Well, now he's not so sure he ever wants to go separate ways from her for long…
ASoL: main story (multi-chapter) ~ Release TBD will be weekly installments!
ASoL: Character sheet | Kenna ~ Release TBD
ASoL: Character sheet | Geralt ~ Release TBD
Teaser One-shot: ~ Behind the Bar
Teaser one-shot: ~ Night Walks and Good Talks
ASoL: The Midland Years ~ Release TBD
Dropped in Middle Earth: Sanâzyun
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Art Credit: 'The Hall of the Mountain King's JeiWo on DeviantArt
Sanâzyun: perfect love
That's what Thorin began calling this woman in secret- 8 months ago. She'd wrapped up bits of leftovers for the Company in a thoughtful move, calling them all to 'pack snacks and make tracks, gents!' From that day on, something warmed him deep inside his hardy chest when she snuck his treat into his jacket pocket with utmost care. Good thing their Agreement is still on, and she doesn't suspect a thing-- yet.
To Tessa, wizards were fabled as a bunch of kids going to a school to learn their magic or a mouse dressed in a blue, starry hat making brooms come to life~ not dinner guests by the name of Gandalf. She calls this whole turn of fate 'wizard shit'; but doesn't question it and tagged along the Company of dwarves for the ride. But perhaps there's more at work -and more within her- that is magical, and only just out of reach- or just out of key. Time will tell when the dust settles after the Battle of the Five Armies to find out what brought her here, and how the quest for home didn't end when the Company arrived to Erebor.
A/N: DiME: Sanâzyun is my take on a modern lass gets dropped into Middle Earth-- but there's no craving to go back to 2022 anytime soon! While figuring out this plot twist only ever heard of in the movies, Tessa DeVon makes sense of the new life she's making with her Dwarven found family and takes each day as it comes. The clash of cultures and learning curve is both jarring and laughable; because if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Plenty of feelings, fix-its, and lore-ridden fantasy in this expansion of the Hobbit Epilogue: the beloved Durins Live AU is in full swing here!
One-Shot: Erebor is your Rome
One-Shot: Better Angels
One-Shot: A Scar and its Story
One-Shot: Want for Nothing
DiME: Sanâzyun timeline~ Release TBD
Journal Entries: song list ~ Release TBD
Journal Entries: animals ~ Release TBD
Letters from the Shire (collection) ~ Release TBD
Story One-shots (Collection): ~ Release TBD
DiME: Sanâzyun character sheet: Tessa DeVon ~ Release TBD
Fili Headcanons ~ Release TBD
Kili Headcanons ~ Release TBD
Rex: Heart of a Soldier
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Art Credit: Pinterest
At the bustling center of our favorite galaxy far, far away lies Coruscant: the center of the Grand Army of the Republic's operations and home to the Jedi Temple alike, but also the start line of a greater danger than a mere galactic war between Republic and Separatist politics... The holonet brings even the most unlikely of allies together, but is also the perfect chance to be the playground of havoc and chaos if tampered by the wrong hands.
To stay a step ahead of the bad guys, a charming, tech-savvy lone wolf is called to action with a team of unlikely friends for an even more unlikely job: slice for the good guys. Until now, she's operated in a world of gray- this shift into army life is sure to test her ties and trust. Though maybe the 501st's star Captain can help her rise to the occasion... and perhaps he can learn more in turn about this big 'ole galaxy he's been exposed to. With enough encouragement, hope, and examination of the heart, Rex may even try his hand at imagining a life after the war.
A/N: This story's got it all: a beautiful, sassy, Angel-Eyes love story for our dear, darling Captain Rex (who deserves the world), a hacker race-to-the-finish saga with twists and turns across the galaxy, easter eggs for Star Wars fans young and old, and a platonic soulmate thread that spans long after the war is over.
Love Found the Captain (snippet)
Quit Flirting? Not a Chance. (one-shot)
Rex: HOAS (multi-chapter) ~ Release TBD will be weekly installments!
HOAS Arc 2 | ((unnamed Book 2) ~ Release TBD
HOAS Arc 3 | ((unnamed Book 3)) ~ Release TBD
Rex: HOAS character sheet: Sawyer Lyubava ~ Release TBD
R: HOAS character sheet: Root ~ Release TBD
R: HOAS character sheet: Agent ~ Release TBD
R: HOAS character sheet: Bootstrap ~ Release TBD
R: HOAS character sheet: Query~ Release TBD
Tea Time (one-shot) ~ Release TBD
Who doesn't know how to make caf? (drabble) ~ Release TBD
501st Headcanons ~ Release TBD
HOAS Spicy Headcanons ~ Release TBD
Slicing for Nerf-Herders | resource guide
My Hero Academia: Triple Threat
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One text from a former mentor led to a chain of emails...Then a four hour phone conference... Then an impromptu, three-way Zoom call between a language ambassador, an ex-hero turned teacher, and a quirk doctor who all agreed to some wild terms and set a plan in motion. Given the resources among the three, they posed an unlikely– but deadly– Triple Threat.
A/N: Three powerhouse women-- whether they believe themselves to be or not-- are teaming up for a triple threat force heading to Japan. Plenty of Marvel and DC content to bring this story to life, all in the current world of Kohei Horikoshi's My Hero Academia. The Hero Worlds of East and West collide; readers will find little bits and pieces from your heroes around the world in this fic! Plenty of Marvel and DC content help bring this story to life.
MHA: Triple Threat (multi-chapter) ~ Release TBD
Prologue ~ Release TBD
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feybeasts · 1 year
New to your blog, could you write or link an intro to your characters so I and people like me could get to know them?
UNDERSTAND that would be a LOT of work on my end, so all I can really suggest for folks are to look through character tags for any art or lore posts I've done of 'em- a lot of that is in flux too, so... honestly, my main four, Callie, Lena, Kenna, and Kami are the only ones I have any sorta lore on- you can find their tags at c:callaghan, c:lena, c:kenna, and c:kamila respectively!
Even general questions are fine tho! And to give the elevator pitch, really all my Vague OC Lore revolves around the vague maaaaagical world folks like them end up isekai'd to and turned into their Truest Selves, in this case, of course, anthros of some stripe. All save for Kami come originally from what is essentially our own world, but all have ended up on different paths and live out different lives. Callie's a bit of an advisor and veteran who has taken it upon herself to train the denizens of the world to defend themselves from threats external and internal, Kenna is a prideful craftswoman who was turned into a rabbit to teach her humility (a lesson that Has Not Stuck,) and Lena is the curator and bound protector of a timeless library full of ancient secrets and wisdom!
....Kami is a lesbian biker. Who fights people. Bless.
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bran-writes · 2 years
Next Week on The Sunfall Tomb: Episode 6- The Gunslinger
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As Kenna searches a swanky club known as The Crystal Bluff for an art collector who unknowingly holds the map to the Sunfall Tomb, Niko stays outside to keep watch.
Unfortunately for the duo, Black Nebula pirates have tracked them down and enemies come out of the woodwork. It's time for Niko to put his gun skill to the test!
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Read episodes of The Sunfall Tomb here: The Sunfall Tomb | Kindle Vella (amazon.com)
Tag List:
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kantraels · 4 months
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presented without comment
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mayapenelopes · 2 years
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#MAYAPENELOPES ; an    independent,    private,    and    selective    exploration    of    the    character    maya    penelope    hart   from    disney    channel’s    girl    meets    world.    studying    themes    of    losing    childhood    to    trauma,    rebel    with    a    heart    of    gold,    dedicating    your    life    to    art,    the    beauty    in    the    breakdown,    and    more.    penned    by    hales.    29.    she/her.    eastern timezone. 
find me elsewhere: @wylmn , @girlsings , @inspotlight​ ​, @trackstahr , @k1mpossibl3 affiliated with: @shadowbrn, @melodyplucked + all of kenna's blog, @lovemaim + all of holly's blogs, @antihcroes, @id0ls,
001. you can call hales, and i’m 21+. i will not interact with anyone under 21 for my own peace of mind. 002. i am mutuals only and only follow people i intend to interact with. if i follow you, i am interested in roleplaying with you. 003. please do not control my character, and i won’t control your character. no godmodding. 004. just ask if you need me to tag something for you, i’m more than happy to. i’ll do my best to tag everything, but i may slip up, so just pop into my dms or inbox and i’ll get it taken care of. 005. i do not own, or claim to own, maya. i am simply playing a character that i like. the only thing that i own are my headcanons and my writing. 006. activity on this blog will fluctuate. maya is a major comfort character for me and i won't do anything to burn myself out writing her. if the muse isn't here, catch me on nini's blog.
credits: dash icon by polarizerps , so fetch by @ariapsds, 432 by vc-resources
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bloodyvenomboy · 1 year
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Babygirl you are so hot and so very insane
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mozzys-studio · 2 years
wip ask game (thanks for the tag @botherkupo!!!)
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. (You can make your own post or reblog this one!)  I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
my wips:
The Lady of Winter
LoW Bk 2
You Never Know
before // after
kenna collab 1 & 2
perfectly broken aikren
good grief
place in me
i have five million wips that i really need to finish lol but i'm limiting myself to 10 here!
i'm tagging @carpisuns @anna-scribbles @taliaxlatia (or whatever other blog you wanna use!) @picayunearts @mooonlightsonata (no pressure to join, just taggin to see if i get some juicy lil tidbits of art or fic 👀)
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rosiek5 · 5 years
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Worm on a string!
i want one reallllly badly
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