kalyxhistory · 6 years
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Behold these cult figurines! We suspect them to be depictions of gods and they're mostly to be found in the settlement areas of germanic, celtic and slavic tribes. People made these from the stone age up until the middle ages in different styles with different amounts of details. There are seven places in Germany where they found depictions like this. They're called "Pfahlgötter" in german by the way, which translates as "pole gods" :D I think I need some of these, gotta put 'em on my crafty to-do list! 💪 #pagan #heathen #asatru #paganism #asatro #heathenry #celts #germanic #pfahlgötter #latene #vikings #slavic #kelten #celtic #tradition #archaeology #gods #paganstyle #pagansofinstagram #medieval #mythology #norsemythology #celtes #norse #witchythings #kelter #keltarar #celta #woodwork #statue
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