#kells đȘŽ
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Minden 2. hĂ©ten az miatt a 13 nĆ miatt veszekszem. ĆszintĂ©n leĂrom mennyire nincsen közöttĂŒnk semmi, nincsen közöm hozzĂĄ, Ă©s semmit nem csinĂĄl!
>> HozzĂĄ kĂ©pest a legtöbb csaj ismerĆsöm, milliĂĄrdszor több, normĂĄlisabb, emberibb. Ăs nem tĂșlzok! Hihetetlen mennyit ismertem meg, aprĂĄnkĂ©nt, Ă©s nĂ©melyik tĂ©nyleg elkĂ©pesztĆ! Tök jĂł adogatni, Ă©s kapni is. <<
ĂllandĂłan ahhoz a nĆhöz igazĂtanak, kĂ©nyszeresen hozzĂĄ kavarnak! Miközben kurvĂĄra hazudnak! Ăn nem szeretem annyira a szĂnhĂĄzat, a rĂ©gi verseket, a 90-es Ă©vekbeli feminizmust, Ă©s nem Ă©rdekel a metoo, Ă©s az ĂĄldozatvĂ©delem! <- sosem volt a vilĂĄgom! Ahogyan a legtöbb online emberkĂ©nek, nekem sem azaz Ă©letem!
ValahĂĄnyszor kiakadok, vannak akik megĂ©rtik, elgondolkoznak Ă©s rĂĄjönnek tĂ©nyleg valami nincsen rendben a ghöthes Facebook oltogatĂĄsokkal. Ăs kĂ©pesek befejezni, intelligens, felnĆtt, felelĆs ember mĂłdjĂĄra Ă©s bĂ©kĂ©n hagynak minket! Nekem is jobb, Ă©s nekik is.
MĂĄsok pedig a kezdetektĆl fogva nem is mentek bele, hiszen a kĂ©pernyĆ idejĂŒket az utolsĂł mĂĄsodpercig szĂĄmukra FONTOS dolgokra akarjĂĄk eltölteni, nem pedig annak a nĆnek a magĂĄnĂ©letĂ©vel! Nem akarnak helyette cselekedni, nem akarnak helyette ismerkedni, nem akarnak helyette Ă©rezni, helyette gondolkozni, helyette flörtölni, Ă©s helyette dönteni! - igazuk van?
50/60 Ă©vesek vannak többsĂ©gben rĂĄbetegedve. UnatkozĂł, depressziĂłs idĆsek. A 80-as Ă©vekben bentragadt idĆsek.
MiutĂĄn erĆltetnek hozzĂĄ, valahĂĄnyszor rĂĄ nĂ©zek... EskĂŒszöm annyi van hogy Ă©ppen a MandĂneres PhestĂĄt, JosikĂĄt, ErnĆt lincselteti, vagy szavakat javĂtgat...
A homo Ă©s transzfĂłb nemzet csĂłtĂĄnyĂĄra "szeretettel gondol"... miközben a Hide the pain Harold zavarja hogy ott volt (bĂŒszkĂ©n) egy mozgi âż dĂjĂĄtadĂłn. Tele van ilyen hĂŒlyesĂ©gekkel, amit mozgi vesz Ă©szre, vagy egy LMBTQ szemĂ©ly!
Csupa alja, Ă©rtelmetlen szĂ©lmalomharc DK-rĂłl leszakadt nyugdĂjasok örömĂ©re! Az elmĂșlt ĂŒnnepeket is vĂ©gig, vĂ©gig, vĂ©gig bunkĂłskodta! "F@szom". - Ez szĂ©p volt?
- NĂĄlam, Ă©s sokunknĂĄl SOHA nem volt mĂ©g annyira ultragĂĄz a net! Semmi közös nincsen bennĂŒnk! Semmi! Olyan mint egy lecsĂșszott, gyermektelen, megkeseredett alpĂĄri 50-es nĆ! Miközben egĂ©sz napokat kommenntel, mĂĄr senki nem segĂt neki!
Mi, itthon Ă©ppen filmeket\rajzfilmet nĂ©zĂŒnk. Vagy đ„§đȘđ© sĂŒtögetĂŒnk, vagy öleljĂŒk egymĂĄst, kutyĂĄt sĂ©tĂĄltatunk (halenne), đźđźjĂĄtszunk, đolvasgatunk, kertet đ±đȘŽ pakoljuk rendbe... IdĆseknek segĂtĂŒnk... !?!?!? Nem könnyƱ. Ezt hĂvjĂĄk kapcsolĂłdĂĄsoknak, Ă©s Ă©letnek!
Az a 13 nĆ tĂ©nyleg ĂŒres. Semmi szeretnivalĂł Ășgy nincsen benne! Aki annak lĂĄtja, az VAK! A rohadt hazug oltogatĂĄsok miatt tƱnik annak! MitĆl szeretnivalĂł? Mert Ă©letĂ©bĆl naponta 8 ĂłrĂĄt elb@sz a mandineres PestĂĄra?!?! Meg 6 ĂłrĂĄt az elb@szott kormĂĄnyra? Meg 3 ĂłrĂĄt a JolĂĄnra aki kisbetƱvel mert Ărni egy nevet?
Nem normĂĄlis hogy öreg Ă©s tönkrement nĆk, ĂrĂłk, közben jĂĄtszanak, szĂłrakoznak rajtunk, miatta a leribancozzĂĄk, vagy pornĂłzzĂĄk a FlĂłrĂĄt sunnyogva. Vagy abortusz tablettĂĄt adatnĂĄnak be neki! <- Ăs ez nem vicces! Az utolsĂł/se aki olyanokat mƱvel!
Ăs ain'tudom ti hogy vagytok vele, de nekem felfordul a gyomrom attĂłl hogy 60 Ă©vesek a nemi Ă©letĂ©re vannak mĂĄr beakadva! = Egyre igĂ©nytelenebb, Ă©s undorĂtĂłbb a net!
>> Ti örĂŒlnĂ©tek annak ha 60 Ă©vesek a sajĂĄt lĂĄnyotok nemi szervĂ©n, Ă©s nemi Ă©letĂ©n pörögnĂ©nek, nyakig a magĂĄnĂ©letĂ©ben? Ăs azon mikor szaporodik-e mĂĄr? Szerintetek az rendben van hogy az a nĆ tolerĂĄlja Ćket? NormĂĄlis? <<
Ăs ezek jönnek feminizmussal, vagy anti-zaklatĂĄsos tĂ©mĂĄkkal - Pfffffffff
Nekem ilyenre nincsen szĂŒksĂ©gem, akik kerĂŒlik, nagyvalĂłszĂnƱsĂ©ggel szintĂ©n ezen a vĂ©lemĂ©nyen vannak! Akiknek pedig az tetszik, az kell, egĂ©szsĂ©gĂŒkre!
A SzĂŒletett felesĂ©gek is egy 25 Ă©vvel ezelĆtti sorozat, Ă©s az is fantĂĄzia, ami valĂłjĂĄban senkire sem igaz!
Hogy van az, hogy vannak akik Ă©rtenek, Ă©s kurvĂĄra Ă©rtenek. MĂĄsok pedig teljes csĆlĂĄtĂĄssal elfogultak???
Ha annyira kurvåra jó, akkor miért kell hazudva, és betegesen ållandóan hozzåm kavarni?
MiĂ©rt nincsen normĂĄlis Ă©lete, Ă©s csalĂĄdja? MiĂ©rt kell minden mĂĄsodik hĂ©ten Ășjrakezdeni?
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FelĂ©nk is mĂĄr elkezdĆdött "Ăh Tavasz".
TudjĂĄtok ezt olyan jelekbĆl lehet tudni, mint pĂ©ldĂĄul
amikor a reggeli kĂĄvĂ© helyett, az ablakra tapadva hangosan Krrrva anyĂĄzod azt a nagy kövïżœïżœr galambut ami az ĂĄrtatlan Ă©s az angyali macskĂĄd szĂ©tfeszĂtett szĂĄjĂĄba prĂłbĂĄlja magĂĄt beleerĆszakolni...
Vagy amikor kinyitod az ajtĂłt korĂĄn reggel, Ă©s a kĂŒszöbön a tavaszi kis RigĂł meglepi vĂĄr rĂĄd... felöklendezve.
Ăs amikor a kiszĂĄradĂĄst ellensĂșlyozva, csĂșszĂłsra krĂ©mezet önmagad közelĂ©be kerĂŒl a brutĂĄlisan vedlĆ macskĂĄd.
SzĂłval jah, igen đ±đȘŽđżđ· Tavasz van.
Mi eléggé szkeptikusak vagyunk, és bår ne legyen igazunk.
Két éve Anyum baråtja meglepetésként tele szórta a kertet Napraforgó maggal. GyönyörƱ volt.
Tavaly is megpróbåltuk, de egyetlen egy sem maradt meg. Azért mert nem volt fagy, és a kårtékony bogarak nem ritkultak. (Vannak amik a föld alatt cseperednek, és gyökereket zabåljåk fel).
Az idĂ©n sem volt igazĂĄn hideg, Ă©s ez azt jelenti, mĂ©g több kĂĄrtevĆre szĂĄmĂthatunk. Pedig szeretnĂ©k lopĂłtökĂ©t is ĂŒltetni ă
NĂĄlunk a Bambusz, Jukka (2.kĂ©p) mĂ©teres virĂĄggal, GrĂĄnĂĄtalma, Medvetalp kaktusz, aloe vera kĂ©pes lassan Ă©letben maradni. đ€ Valszeg mert ezeket a bogarak sem eszik Ășgy.
A szĂĄrazsĂĄg. Itt SunCity-ben ez kiemelten fontos tĂ©ma szokott lenni. Hogy Ă©rtsd, mi mĂ©g nem szereltĂŒk fel az öntözĆ tömlĆket, Ăgy locsolva mĂ©g nem volt. Esik nĂ©ha keveset... de nem elĂ©g, Ă©s mĂĄr most el van sĂĄrgulva a fƱ. SzĂĄraz, mint a szĂ©na.
SzĂłval, a klĂmavĂĄltozĂĄs miatt vidĂ©ken most azaz Ășj divat, hogy az emberek kirakodĂł vĂĄsĂĄrokban, vagy bolha piacokon pĂĄr szĂĄz forintĂ©rt egyedi virĂĄgtartĂłkat vĂĄsĂĄrolgatnak. = Ăjra divat lett az ĂŒltetgetĂ©s, csak menĆbb edĂ©nyekben. KerĂĄmia, fĂ©m, fonott tĂĄrolĂłk = bohĂ©men mediterrĂĄn Greek stĂlus. Ha mĂĄr nem sikerĂŒl mindent zöldebbĂ© tenni, legalĂĄbb ennyi legyen itthon.
Ăs a szĂĄraz dekor is Ășjra nĂ©pszerƱ. = Ingyen van, csak Ă©szre kell venni! Nagyon jĂłl mutat a sarokban, a falon, vödörben, felcsĂptetve egy kötĂ©len...
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hey soph, dropping by again đł
could i get an appearance matchup with one of the jjk boys? you already know what i look like but i'll dm you đ
UGH MY QUEEN MY SOULMATE WHY ARE YOU SO DAMN HOOOTTOTOTTTKKTTKKRFN pLS youâre literally stunning gorgeous bEAUTIFUL the world cannot handle this much perfection đ©đ
i match you up with sukuna!
thank you for participating in sophâs match up event!
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can i get my story with kita? (surprise surprise wkfjjsjfjsj)
two things i love about him are: how consistent he is, and how he's both soft yet direct and straightforward.
two things i love about myself are: my emotional intelligence, and my creative eye! (picking out what looks good whether it be design, color, outfits, etc.)
hehe, ily bb! đ
how you met: you met at his grandmotherâs flower shop. he works there to help her out and youâre a regular customer, but that was the first time you saw him. his grandmother introduced you guys and you realised you go to the same school. you became good friends after, meeting in the school library to study together and youâd see him more often when you visited the flower shop
how he confessed: heâs usually calm and self-assured, but something was off as he walked you home from school that day. he was more quiet, nervous, and you could tell. âi need to tell you something,â he said suddenly, and you could hear the slight tremble in his voice as he spoke. âi like you, kelley,â he confessed, looking into your eyes meaningfully, his gaze loving and soft, yet a little bit scared and unsure. you smiled and blushed before saying you liked him back
how he knew he loved you: you were having a picnic and watching the sunset together. he watched as you admired the view and held the bouquet of your favourite flowers heâd brought for you in your hands. as the sun bathed you in its golden light, heâd never felt more happy or lucky to be with the most beautiful girl in the world
thank you for participating in sophâs match up event!
#I WENT OFF ON THIS LOL DHEIDJEKSKS ITS SO CUTE PLS I COULDNT STOP đđđ#sophs matchmaking service#my babies â€ïž#kells đȘŽ#our story
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@meliorist-midoriya this your man? đđđ
just wanted to say that your twitter pfp is hilarious đ
thank u i colored horiâs sketch of treedoriya and i think it looks great đ HDJAKKXC IM GLAD U NOTICED MY TWT PP HAHAHA
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you threatened me first this is self defence đ„°
#soph banters#my babies â€ïž#kells đȘŽ#LOLOL I HAVE THE UPPER HAND đ€©đ€©đ€©#jk i wont do you dirty like that bc i am a nice person đ
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thank you for being one of my best friends on tumblr too iâm literally so grateful for you and i love you so frickin much maam it pains me that we live so far apart otherwise iâd be visiting you and your plants every day and screaming about skz đ„Čđ„Č thank you for bringing me so much serotonin in the shitshow that was 2020 LMAO i love you forever and always my soulmate â€ïž
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MY SOULMATENEJEJSNSJDBS đđđđ THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BEING ONE OF MY CLOSEST FRIENDS HERE i really treasure our friendship i feel like i can tell you anything and you wont judge me or the stupid shit i say BAHAHAHAHA I LOVE YOU SOOOOO SO MUCH KELLEY AND I WILL SUPPORT YOU TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH đ€đ€đ€©đ€©â€ïžâ€ïž
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L. favourite fic of yours?
ITS TOO HARD TO PICK A FAV but i have a few comfort fics that are my go-tos when iâm feeling overwhelmed đ„șđ€§
R. link your favourite fic of all-time
omg i have so many that i aLWAYS THINK OF ALL THE DAMN TIME LOL like a love letter to her by @mrs-kuroojinguji and ghosts can whisper too by @velvetfireworks and i wish i were her by @todosweetheart I REALLY CANT PICK
i just realised theyre all angst LOL if itâs fluff i think itâs probably take a chance by my very talented twinkie đ„ș and a lovely night by @peach-pops
U. when did you start writing fanfic?
6 july 2020, the same time i started this blog!!
ask game: fanfic asks!
#my babies â€ïž#soph banters#kells đȘŽ#im so sorry i gave so many i literally cannot pick </3#there are so many fics i love and these are just a few that i always think about đ€§đ€§
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as someone who wrote bakuy/n death, i am legally certified to say that bakugou would literally have to be torn away from y/n's body, but he clings to them as long as he physically can until he finally has to say goodbye. for ~extra~ drama, he passes out from the exhaustion of the battle with you in his arms. the first thing he asks when he wakes up is where you are, and will continuously spiral further into furious denial until someone hits him with the truth, then he withdraws into himself.
i totally agree. i think bakugo would be in denial for a long time. heâs stubborn as heck so even when people tell him youâre really gone, heâll scream at them to shut up and then just slam his door in their face and start crying. then one day when it finally hits him, the ache in his heart would be so deep it cuts straight through his soul, and he wouldnât be able to function normally anymore. he wouldnât have any energy to scream, he wouldnât have any energy to train or do any work, he wouldnât eat, he wouldnât do anything. heâd literally just spiral down into the depths of despair because heâs finally realised that the love of his life is gone. that youâre gone for good, and that youâre never coming back. and itâs all because heâd failed to protect you.
#my babies â€ïž#kells đȘŽ#âïž dying in their arms#bakugo headcanons#bakugo x reader#bakugo imagines#i think it were really bad he might have even considered quitting being a hero#ugh why do i inflict pain on myself#you started this ;-;
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KELLEY MY FRICKIN SOULMATE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH đđđ i am aSHAMED to have hit 1k instead of you because i know you deserve it sO MUCH MORE THAN ME đ€§ i will continue to support you forever and i will never stop screaming about how much i love your writing đđ€© iâm so glad that dragonâs blade is almost at 800 notes bc itâs sO GOOD and you deserve it and iâm stiLL waiting for your marching band smau to be updated bc i am hOOKED (wow big surprise from someone as talented as you i know đ€§) i enjoy every single one of our conversations and you are truly one of my closest friends here đ„° i love you sm kells â€ïžâ€ïž
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also the way i spent five full minutes trying to find that damn emoji and stILL BEING UNABLE TO FIND IT so i just copy and pasted it from the ask LMAOOO đđđ
oop joining in
I WANT TO SAY KELLEY SOLELY BECAUSE OF THE đż EMOJI HAHAHAHA IS THAT TOO RASH LMAO SHE USES IT ALL THE TIME EVEN IN HER BAND SMAU đđđ but those heart emojis are really throwing me off oml... could be pilar but i think shes asleep rn,,, hhh idk im just gonna say kelley and hope im right
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ahhh, i was thinking of that too, which was why i decided against the name "kei" since the plant is supposed to be named after you, love. (tsukki prolly punching the air rn soph lmfao)
haha, bokuto chose a really cute name, he named the little thing hoothoot. hmm, i'm still drawing a blank on what to name the plant... any ideas?
hoot hoot... thatâs so... him. heh. what about lazuli? as in lapis lazuli. you said it reminded you of my eye colour and i think it sounds pretty nice :)
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ah, it's called a cebu blue pothos! it's quite pretty and pictures don't do it justice. mm, what should i name it once i get it? kaashi...? kei? what do you think, any ideas?
and aaaaa bokuto was sad because i was bummed?? that's... really cute and endearing, but i feel guilty because it affected his performance ( ÂŽâłïœ) i hope you managed to improve his mood like you always do! i swear, it's almost like a special skill you have.
oh, and all my plants are doing well! the one i was worried about still looks a little rough but it's putting out new growth!! so i'm not super concerned anymore since it's well enough to be making new leaves :) (the plant's kind of notorious for being a brat, anyway)
heh, kei reminds me of this middle blocker i played with from karasuno. heâs scary good. heâll go far for sure. anyway, iâm not sure what to name it... what did bokuto-san name his plant?
ah yes, he was down for a while but he picked himself up in the end, as he always does :) thank you my dear, you flatter me ^^
oh, thatâs good to hear! iâm sure bokuto-san would be glad to hear that as well. iâll tell him when i see him in school on monday :)
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aaaa i'm just worried i won't have room. although, i could always just make more room on my desk... ah, the color reminds me of your eyes, too... i think i might get it.
and i did! shall i name this one after you once i get my hands on it? âșïž
and "sunshine" oh my god sOPH i'm going to combust pls fhsjhdd
oh, whatâs it called? do you have a picture? iâd loved to have a plant named after me! thatâs pretty cute :) how are the rest of your plants doing? i remember bokuto-san saying one of them wasnât doing well and you were pretty sad about it. i think it made him sad too because he wouldnât play properly during training
#my babies â€ïž#character interactions#bokuto interacts#HAHA PERKS OF KNOWING HOW TO PUSH ALL MY FRIENDS BUTTONS KEKEKEK#kells đȘŽ
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omg kells thank youuuu đ„șđ«¶đŒđ iâm so happy youâre enjoying your reading experiences and that you like the way I write Carmy. thank you so much for the support and for reading! đȘŽđ
â đđđđđ, đđđđđđđ. â
summary: you and carmy go on a little adventure through the antiques shops that Chicago has to offer.
pairing: boyfriend!carmen berzatto x fem!mena!reader
genre: smut with plot. wordcount: 2K
warnings: 18+ only. oral sex: fem + male receiving. carmy with rings. heavy spanking kink. public sex//exhibition kink. wrap it before you tap it kids. hair pulling kink. dirty talk. huge praise kink. a hint of jealous!carmy. petnames: âbabyâ, âsweetheartâ and âcowgirlâ. creepy men alert.
w.note: this is connected to bebadadobe but this takes place way into the future. reminder that reader is middle eastern north african (thatâs what mena stands for). hope you guys enjoy reading, make sure to reblog and give some feedback. muah!
âShhh, baby we need to stay quiet if this is gonna work.â the stroke of your maybelline lips makes Carmen Berzatto obey with a shiver in delight.
you taste sweet â is the first thing that comes to his mind when you place a single manicured finger to his lips. sweet like the pinkness of a fig â he canât get enough as he laps up your essence that shimmers under the golden lights of the antique shop.
Gazing down on him, you drink in each motion of his lips with attention. Admiring the way he throws his head back against the green velvet of the sofa as his thin lines of pink open to release their restrained moans. Relishing in the way they close quickly afterwards to slip groans that send vibrations up and down your core.
It makes your pussy hotter, needier as you brush the lips of your cunt against his standing dick. Carmyâs hips thrust forward in response to the contact and you giggle in his ear, slipping your finger out of his mouth.
I know you know I need more of you â he internally pleads, his eyes reflecting off of yours as you mold your lips against his. I want you always, I need you to know that â Carmy wants to say but heâs kissing you harder to get rid of every sentiment of neglect your seemingly harmless finger coated in your cum riddled him with.
Your boyfriend holds you closer in his lap, rough hands soften in pressure when he runs them over the curves, hips, dips of your body. They stop at your lower back and embrace you with a rough spank on your ass, the coldness of his rings sting just a slight but it makes you crave that pain more.
âHarder baby, harder please.â you whine against his lips, one of your hands twining into his hair as the other holds onto his bicep that flexes underneath your touch.
âI should know by now how much of a pervert you are but you always surprise me sweetheart.â Carmy whispers as his rough hands come down on your ass hard, his slender fingers spread as his fingertips dig into your flush.
again baby, again â you know those words are all due to the jealousy that clouds his head in shades of green the same color of his eyes. give me more, you know I need more â your lips seperate from his to give you room to breathe, hot breath wafting between your parted mouths.
âOnly good surprises I hope. You know how much I love working you up.â you whisper, your arms hung around his neck whilst your hips rotate in a dirty grind that makes Carmy groan and grip your hips harder.
âYou didnât say a single thing when I was gripping this ass for those creeps to see and youâre getting off to the idea of us getting caught by them?â Carmen whispers those words against your lips. âCâmon cowgirl, explain yourself.â he plays with you before spanking your ass roughly this time to make you whine against his mouth.
God the very thought about the owner of the antique shop and his little band of friends catching you both fucking on one of the sofas did get you special kind of excited. Of course, Carmen knew you both were going to spiral in this mess the moment you two stepped into The Malachite Butterfly.
The Malachite Butterfly was the third antique shop of today, hidden behind the green trees and brownstones of Bridgeport. His girlfriend was in desperate need for furniture for her apartment, although she had a knack for restored items and with her looks and negotiation tactics she got them for a much cheaper price.
As you entered the store hand in hand, you were astounded by the grandeur of the interior and the array of bright, shiny, and polished antiques, trinkets, curiosities, and treasures that were hanging from the walls and ceilings as well as expertly arranged on glass cabinets and wooden shelves arranged in a labyrinth of aisles.
The musty smell of old fabric, wood polish, and candle wax hit Carmenâs nose as his eyes continue to take in the endless sceneries. Heâs getting dizzy just from looking everywhere until he snaps to attention when he hears you laugh, although he knows that laugh isnât genuine at all.
âHello hello, cowgirl.â is what Carmen thinks he caught from a series of voices in the shop, your grip on his hand tightens a slight and he looks at you after instinctively squeezing back.
âWhat brings a southern flower like you up here in Chicago?â the voice belonged to a man that stood behind the register counter, Carmen correctly assumed that he was the owner as he inspects the other faces in the venue of the shop.
Four other men either sit or stand around the crowded space near the counter, grinning grins that Carmen knew were nothing but bullshit as they all latched there eyes onto you.
âOh no no, Iâm from here. Born and raised actually.â you give a little smile, your fingers twirl the charms of your shoulder bag. âI just like to get dressed up in my boots whenever I have the chance.â you laugh a little as you halfheartedly kick your black and white cowgirl boots in the air.
The little action gets a crowd of wolf whistles and hollers from them, Carmen scoffs â fucking creeps. He gives them an untamed glare of disgust, they donât even catch onto the way your smile turns into a straight line of discomfort.
âThatâs even better, we donât see many cowgirls âround here. You could be our Chicago cowgirl.â They speak but not directly to you, more so amongst themselves as they have their own little fucked side conversations and laughs that make Carmenâs blood boil.
Carmen wants to say something but youâve spoken to him about this, you love him with all heart but heâs not your knight in shining armor when it comes to handling these situations. Youâre more than capable to deal with weirdo creeps like them and you donât want Carmy to throw unnecessary punches no matter the pick up lines.
âYeah, no. Iâm actually here with my boyfriend. Weâll just be looking through, if we have any questions weâll let you know.â you speak up, all ounce of sweetness that usually is ingrained in you gone and replaced with a very reserved politeness.
âNo no that shouldnât be a problem, Iâll assist you and your friend. I know the whole shop like the back of my hand.â the owner of the shop speaks up, not even catching onto your words as he maneuvers from behind the counter to make his way towards you.
thatâs because you fucking work here, fucko â Carmen takes your arm in is and you lock it as you hold onto his bicep. Those hands so warm to the touch, they give you a comfort as you anxiously play with the thick rings on his fingers.
âDonât worry that isnât necessary. My boyfriend and I are more then capable of getting around a store.â the fakest smile Carmy has ever seen you smile spreads sourly on your face as you both make your way through the entrance of the store.
Leaving the owner and his friends behind, not bothering to look behind your shoulders but Carmy hopes those fucking creeps see him lay a hand and take a handful of your ass before you two disappear behind the large ceiling high paintings.
One little thing led to another as you written down all the things youâre considering on your little notepad. Carmy couldnât keep his hands to himself, the store was huge and it seemed like you two were practically on your own planet so he just couldnât help but grab at your ass every now and then.
The more he groped at it, the smoother and arousing his remarks he whispered in your ear became. Of course, this game wasnât as fun than when you both took turn getting the other to make the first move and you ultimately won when you straddled his lap on this very couch.
Of course, you didnât think that you were going to be taking your game this far but you arenât complaining now. It was exhilarating, the thought of someone walking into this corner of the shop literally sent electric sparks of pleasure up and down your spine.
Carmen licks his lips and you know youâre done for. âCarmy stop fucking doing that.â you whisper shifting in his lap, grinding against his throbbing cock. Those hands in his hair pull at his curls, not soft enough but hard for him to moan in pleasure as his blue hues meet your sweet mascara one.
âDoing what? This?â Carmen says as he licks his lips again, he knows it drives you crazy and he stands correct when you pull his hair harder. âItâs a bad habit sweetheart, I canât help it. Why donât you like my little imperfection?â Carmy playfully comes back softly but the quick slap he gives you on your ass is anything but soft.
You yelp into his neck at the impact, bracing your hands on his broad shoulders when he spanks you once then twice, not caring anymore if those bastards at the counter hear. Right now it seems as though you both understand what you need without having to express it because your limbs, motions, and lips work in sync.
Taking his cock in one hand as his other cups your waist and racks up the hem of your satin slip. You know itâs going to wrinkle by the time you both are done but you donât say a word as Carmen guides your pussy just over his leaking tip.
âBecause your little imperfection drives me absolutely mad, thatâs why.â you whisper and he laughs, before giving him two quick kisses on his lips before you slowly bring your hips that Carmyâs hands possessively hold down, taking his thick, throbbing cock into you.
One reason is because you know Carmyâs mouth gets so lonely when you give his dick your undivided attention. Second reason is because you love the way he spills his moans into your mouth when youâre walls squeeze around him.
Biting your bottom lip when you see how deep his blush has spread from his face to his neck. The way his blue hues close shut, those brown lashes curtaining the skin under his eyes. Taking your finger, you trace down from his hairline down to the hill-like slope of his nose, then down the space above his lips then stopping at his open mouth.
Carmenâs lips curve into a smile at the action, he maintains his hold on your hips, and your own trace the tattoos on his fingers, forearms, and biceps. His rings reflect the light of hundreds of gleaming chandeliers above you both, casting gleaming glimmers across the mirrors and polished vases.
âGod Carmy, you feel so fucking good.â you cry a moan into his neck, continuing the up and down motion of your pussy enveloping each inch of his cock. âYouâre so perfect baby, everything about you is perfect.â youâre praise ignites a match within him, turning his bloodstream into fire.
more, more of your sweet words please â that thought flickers on and off in his mind as both his hands slap on your ass before gripping your hips. iâll do anything for them, I know you know that â his hands help rock you, finding a rhythm that helps make you both whimper and moan into each otherâs mouths.
âYou feel soâ fuck, so so good sweetheart, youâre so fucking good. Donât stop, please donât.â Carmen rasps, wanting you closer and closer but with so little time and the knot twisting inside his belly heâs instead thrusting his dick deeper and deeper into you.
âIâm close, shit Iâm close. Keep doing that, yeah baby just like that. Youâre doing such a good job.â you moan in his ear following a little yelp when he speaks your ass again, your breath hitched in your throat when his cock rubs against your sweet spot just fucking right you tighten around the thick width of him.
âFuck! Y/n sweetheart please do that again. Fuck me, do that again please.â your boyfriend whimpers into your mouth, his hips thrusting forward with a single purpose and itâs to see you crumble into nothing in his arms.
âLike this baby? This is what you want? Take it baby, itâs all yours. All of me for you.â you whisper as your grind increases, the velvety wetness enfolding his cock with every compression of your walls.
Carmyâs teeth grit at the burning pressure building up in his abdomen, heâs swimming in a sea of pleasure and heâs happy to let the waves swallow him up when you bite that little bit of ear that makes his cock jump and his weight melt into the couch.
The pleasure is blinding, fluttering rapidly deep within you like a plethora of butterflies caught within a jar. With every stroke Carmenâs girthy cock has against your walls makes you pull harder on his curls, and with every hit his fat tip has against your golden spot springs tears in your eyes.
âYouâre so good to me Carmy, always so good.â you moan as he kisses up and down the space of your neck. âCarmy baby, your cock feels like heaven inside of meââ Carmyâs hips drive upwards, inciting a gasp to escape from you when he pulls you off his lap to lay you down on the couch.
One of his hands hold onto both of yours as he pins them above your head, your legs wrapped around his waist as his other bends your leg to dig his cock deeper into you. âI love your pussy, it wraps around me so fucking good. Fuck! Fucking love you.â
Those golden brown curls curtains both your hot faces as your noses bump into each other, your teeth catch his bottom lip and he canât help but grunt into your mouth as his thrusts get tougher.
âMy pussy loves you too, baby.â you giggle and that sweet sound makes him delirious, he rocks into you harder to the point where youâre mistaking the lights above you as stars.
Each one of the butterflies within you are on fire and you cum all over his cock hard and heavily. Singing your sweet noises as Carmy pumps his cock so deep into you as he reaches his own ending high.
âIâm so close sweetheart, so fucking close.â he pants into your mouth, the ruthenium of hips getting sloppier by the second. âGo on then baby, come for me.â those words go perfectly when he slips your tongue in your mouth and you embrace it as he pulls out and spills each drop of his cum onto your exposed, messy clit.
Spots cloud Carmenâs vision, itâs taking all his power to not let all his tired weight drop o to you but you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him into you. A symphony of your pants and sighs play in the space, his face in the crook of your neck inhaling you.
âCarmy?â you whisper to him, his head lifts up in attention as he looks at you. âY/n?â He responds, you tuck a lock of hair behind his ear and he smiles at the action.
âI know I havenât told you this before but I adore your imperfections.â thereâs a shade of guilt within your voice, Carmen easily can catch it but he eases your worries with a stroke of his thumb on your cheek.
âEven when they drive you mad?â he teases, his lips lightly hovering yours, spreading warmth over them like butter. âEspecially when they drive me mad.â the tip of his nose touches yours and you feel your heart flutter.
A soft kiss is exchanged between you both and you both clean yourself ups. Getting off the couch, you and Carmen look at the scandalous mess that youâve left on it. âYep, this is it. This is the couch.â you grin and take Carmenâs hand as you walk with him to the register.
âSo you enjoyed youâre search, cowgirl? Find anything ya like?â The man behind the counter says with a sleazy smile and the same faux southern accent that make his friends cackle.
âYeah actually,â you smile to Carmen, getting out your wallet from your shoulder bag after kissing Carmenâs cheek and rejecting his offer to pay for you.
âIâm thrilled to hear that. Say, between you and meââ the man leans over the counter, giving you wink. âIâll give ya forty percent off. This place is a bit busy around this time of the year but since no oneâs around Iâll give ya the deal.â he attempts to slide his hand over yours but itâs at a lost when you pull your body away and take the clipboard within his other extended hand.
Carmen doesnât care that his smirk is really apparent. âThatâs amazing! Thank you.â you reply as you write down all the necessary shipping details on the spreadsheet. âItâs the green velvet couch with the wood detailing for $400.â
âYouâre gonna have to be a bit more specific cowgirl. I think me and you are gonna have to take a look in the back together to see what you want me to give you. I got a whole buncha green couches.â
itâs the only one with a cum stain â Carmy wants to snap, annoyed that they still have the audacity to continue to pursue you. However, he snaps his head to you in shock because itâs you who says it.
âItâs fresh too, you wouldnât mind cleaning it up for me before you ship it would you?â you say in such a matter of fact tone that the owner and his friends canât help but shut up for a second to register it.
Finishing up with the clipboard and hand it right back to the owner who fumbles as he hands you your receipt. âI-I guess I can give the cleaners a call before I do.â he stammers.
Finally, you grin a genuine smile and take the receipt from him. âThank you! Iâll spread the word about the shop.â you smile at Carmy as you take his hand and guide him out of the shop.
The bell attached to the door jingles for the last time, letting the owner and his friends know youâre finally gone.
âCowgirl, we cannot show our faces back on those terrains again.â Carmy laughs and you grin, âI donât mind that at all.â
carmen berzatto tags: @squidlywiddly87 . @celestianstars . @emilykjh .
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