#kell is one of the best characters ever
I love Holland's faith in Kell being good, and how he uses it to push through with his not every good plans. Like in A Darker Shade of Magic when he knew that Kell would come back to save Lila even through how much she protested that he didn't care about her. Or in A Gathering of Shadows, when he hears from Ojka that Kell ran away, Holland is confident that he will come back because he always does. This is a great antagonist/protagonist relationship if I've ever seen one.
Not really the same but I really like the detail of how when Ojka asks him who the collar is for, Holland says "an old friend."
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OC Profile tag.
Thanks @saturnine-saturneight for the tag!
I will answer for Xaeren because I have been writing him recently.
Name: Xaeren (Z-eye-ren)
Nickname: Xae, but only by the hidden king or maybe Kell.
Kind of being: Human. (Runic)
Age: For the majority of story he is 32-33 but he was held is stasis for quite a few years so his body is only like 25.
Gender: Male
Appearance: Light tan skin and a sparkle in his eyes when he is thinking. He wears a dark blue sailing coat with a strange number of pockets that seem to move and shift depending on his need. The buckles on the coat and all of his jewellery is engraved with runes so he can cast with them if he is ever in need. His hair is black matching his black boots made for running across Zaireli rooftops.
Occupation: Hand for the house of Hiresias then godkiller.
Family members: His parents were Saire and Morden Teyri and they were taken by Schaeres when they attempted a necromantic ritual. He was then raised by the runic cult: the Ponturesi.
Pets: He bound all of their souls to Schaeres’s realm in practice.
Best friend: The hidden king’s son Arlei.
Describe their room: He has a small wooden loft space in Zairel with a slanted roof and piles of books in tall piles on the one desk. In one corner is a small wooden slab covered in a thin blanket where he sleeps (when he can justify it) and he has a workbench with clay, carving knives and metal casting tools for making runes.
Way of speaking: He learnt Zaireli from criminals of a higher house so he speaks with a lower Zaireli accent but can easily fake nobility. He speaks Altic like a higher scholar becuase of the Ponturesi
Physical characteristics (posture, gestures, attitude): He moves with a quiet grace as a trained runic and spy of the House, but he still finds himself standing straight with his hands behind his back when stressed from memories when he was with the Ponturesi. His hands move as fast as his mind crafting and writing while he talks.
Items in their back pocket/purse: With his many pockets in his coat, he carries more than most people. He has two full sets of runes and a knife to carve more if he needs to. He also carries a sharper knife for rituals or combat if he needs it. His pockets are full of notes and he always has at least 3 Hiresisian clocks used as a secret form of communication in the house.
Hobbies: He loves sailing. That was one of the main reasons he stayed in Zair to research for so long, because of the large port and sail boats he could travel on.
Favorite sports: Sailing and runic jumping.
Abilities/Talents/Powers: He is the most powerful mortal runic who has ever lived. He wrote 42 of the 47 runes during years of magical research.
Relationships (how they are with other people): It depends on how he views you. Before he returned from the Demi-plane, he would look for stories in people and travel the continent learning about the people there, but after he returned he had a debt to settle and all that mattered was if you were useful or not.
Fears: Faliure. He is running out of time as the goddess gets closer and he needs this plan to work or his life loses meaning.
Faults: He is incredibly focused which means he can ignore those around him while he is trapped in his work. This makes it hard to maintain relationships and means he often ignores his physical needs, forgetting to eat for days at a time.
Good points: Alternatively, that singular focus means he can achieve incredible things if he sets his mind to it, including writing 42 runes and killing a goddess.
What they want more than anything else: He would say he wants to kill Schaeres, but deeper than that he wants to fulfil a purpose. He latches to meaning with everything in his being, hoping to do something useful with all of his talents.
That was a lot. I really like Xaeren as a character, he is a fun figure to play with.
Tagging @tildeathiwillwrite, @somethingclevermahogony, @sunflowerrosy, @the-golden-comet, @kaylinalexanderbooks
and @drchenquill
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hollywoodxwhore · 1 year
Mine | Chapter Four
Colson x Original Female Character
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Synopsis: Presley may look sinful on the outside, but deep down, she's innocent, guarded, and terrified of intimacy. Colson, on the other hand, is living up to his womanizer reputation as a way to cope with heartbreak. When his new guitarist invites his twin sister to join them on tour, Colson discovers that he's actually capable of feeling. Will Presley and Colson be able to push past all of the barriers trying to prevent them from happening?
Warnings/Content: swearing, brief mention of weight, col and presley being cute and pining for each other, surprise surprise kells talking about his dick
The first thing we do when we arrive in Florida is go to the beach.
It’s gorgeous outside and the show isn’t until tomorrow, so it’s a no brainer. Ashleigh manages to find a private beach that we’re able to rent out so no one bothers us. 
I’m so ready to get my toes in the sand, to dive into the ocean. Living in Michigan, I have access to the beach whenever I want, but what’s sad to admit is that I didn’t get to the beach one time last summer. I was too engrossed in my work. 
It’s been so nice not having to work while I’m here. I guess I didn’t realize just how little free time I’d been giving myself. I could work whenever I wanted at the shop, and more often than not, I’d decide to go in on a Saturday or a Sunday for some extra money. As head piercer, I could do that. 
But I’ve been feeling so relaxed that I don’t feel in a rush to return to that. I don’t really miss the loneliness of it all, the nights when I’d be all alone in my apartment. I’m a homebody and I like to be alone, but there’s a difference between alone time and loneliness. What I was experiencing was some pretty painful loneliness and I’m only just now realizing it.
It’s like I’ve come back to life in the short time I’ve been on tour. Feelings I didn’t realize I could feel have surprised me, and although I can’t act on them, it’s nice to know I can even feel that way. My little crush on Colson has grown into something a little more real, but I can’t help it. 
How could I when he’s secretly the sweetest person ever? Kind, selfless, and comforting, I’ve come to love being in his presence. Sleeping next to him was the best night I’ve had for as long as I can remember. How often do I wake up in the middle of the night seized by anxiety or loneliness and have to fight to get back to sleep? Every single night. But not the night I slept beside — well, on top of — Colson. 
All of this has me humming happily to myself as I slip into my bikini, gathering what I need for the beach. Once I’m changed, Cash comes out of the bathroom and gathers his things, too. The entire reason I joined everyone on tour was to be closer to Cash. I didn’t think I would end up loving everyone else, too. 
“Ready?” Cash asks and I nod, grabbing my bag. We head down to the lobby where we meet the others and get into the cars. I’m happy when Cash gets into the car where Colson is already. I can’t have him. I know this. But that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy his presence while I can. 
I turn around and wave Olivia over. I think she and Cash would be so cute together and I want to make it happen.
“Good call,” she whispers as she climbs into the car, taking the seat beside Cash. That leaves a seat open next to Colson and I sit down, smiling shyly up at him.
“Hey,” he says with a little smirk. God, he’s so handsome. He didn’t bother to put a shirt on so he wears black and pink swim trunks, sunglasses, and nothing else. His body is a work of fucking art, covered in tattoos that only slightly camouflage lean muscle. I have to force myself not to stare.
“How far away is the beach?” Colson asks. 
“About an hour,” the driver answers. Colson nods and slumps in his seat a little, trying to relax, but there isn’t nearly enough room for his legs.
I can’t help but snicker and he looks over at me, arching a brow. “What’s funny?”
I shrug and glance at his legs. “I can imagine you never have enough leg room,” I say.
Colson chuckles and nods, shrugging. “I’m used to it. Been tall my entire life,” he explains. “It’s a pain in the ass but it has its benefits.” He glances at me. “You’re pretty tall, too.”
“I shouldn’t complain. You’re at least five inches taller than me,” I say. 
“How tall are you?” He asks, looking me up and down. It makes me feel a little dizzy.
“Somewhere in the 5’9”-5’10” range,” I answer with a shrug. “Doctors tell me something different every time.”
“In that case,” Colson says with a little smirk, “I’m six or seven inches taller.”
I’ve never really cared that much about height, but thinking about our height difference makes me feel…safe? Excited? Small? It’s something I’ve never really thought about before. Being a tall woman, I’m used to taking up more space than I want to, used to feeling too big for lots of men. But not Colson. And I like that. 
“Yeah, we hear you, Jolly Green Giant,” Cash teases from the seat behind us, flicking Colson in the ear.
Colson whips around and snatches Cash’s hat off his head to place on his own head, backwards, and Jesus, he did not need to look sexier. “Shut up, Carver,” Colson says. “You’re only a little shorter than I am.”
“How tall are you?” Olivia asks.
“6’2”,” Cash answers with a smirk and I stifle an eye roll. Cash loves being tall. Loves the way women love his being tall. Hearts practically pop in Olivia’s eyes and Colson and I meet each other’s eyes, exchanging knowing grins. 
“Shorter than me,” Colson says, and his slight arrogance is sexy. He hands Cash his hat back and laughs when Cash flips him off. Colson turns to me and shakes his head. “Was he this difficult as a child?”
“Worse,” I say, glancing back at my brother, whose smirk fades a little. “Let me tell you about how he got, like, three babysitters fired.”
Cash groans. “Pres, no,” he pleads.
“What did he do?” Olivia asks delightedly. 
I giggle. “Which time?” I tease, and Cash smacks his forehead with the palm of his hand. “One time, he got on the roof. Another time he ran through the sprinkler in his clothes. Left the house without permission and the poor babysitter couldn’t find him. Oh, and there was that time you broke my wrist—”
“It was an accident!” Cash whines, cheeks flushed. His eyes narrow at me and my smile fades.
“Oh shit,” Colson mutters.
“I thought you said he was sweet,” Olivia says. 
I laugh. “For the most part, he was. But he had his moments.” 
“Alright, Pres,” Cash says, sitting up straighter. “What story of yours should I tell?”
I smirk. “I don’t have any embarrassing stories. Good try, though,” I say.
“What about that time you peed your pants at Matt Carlson’s bonfire?” And, fuck, I do have an embarrassing story.
“Cash!” It’s my turn to groan and cover my face. 
“Oh, this I gotta hear,” Colson says, and I groan more loudly.
“I love hanging out with siblings,” Olivia says.
“It wasn’t my fault!” I insist. “That’s one of the reasons I don’t drink.”
“Wait, how old were you?” Olivia asks.
“Seventeen,” Cash chirps.
I moan.
“Too much Smirnoff cherry,” Cash sighs dramatically, “and a trampoline don’t mix.”
“Oh god,” Colson says with a snicker. I glare at him and he only laughs harder, head falling back to reveal that gorgeous neck. 
“There went any chance I had with Matt Carlson,” I mutter. My cheeks are red, but I have to admit that it is a funny story. I can’t help but giggle as I lean over the seat to try and hit Cash. He laughs and evades any attempt I make, so I settle back into my seat and flip him off.
“Remind me to ask you for more stories later,” Colson tells Cash.
“Deal,” he says. 
“Do you know any embarrassing Colson childhood stories?” I ask Olivia.
“No, but Ashleigh and Slim do,” she says.
I grin wickedly at Colson who winces. “Good to know,” I say, raising a brow at him.
He shakes his head. “You’re an evil woman,” he says sagely, and I grin, shrugging innocently.
We all talk nonstop the rest of the way to the beach, and when we get there, we’re all energized and ready to enjoy the day. We pile out of the car and join the others who are already setting up on the beach. 
Cash tosses his stuff onto the ground and peels off his shirt. He tosses his hat on top of his shirt. “I’m swimming. Who’s with me?”
“Me,” Colson says, setting his stuff down, too. He turns to me. “Pres?” I’m so surprised by his use of the nickname that I almost lose my speech. Something about it makes me feel all gooey inside. 
“I’ll be there in a second. Just want to get my towel out and stuff,” I say. Colson nods at me and then follows Cash out into the water. 
I lay out my towel and then Cash’s, too. Olivia settles her towel beside Cash’s and smiles at me sheepishly when I smirk at her. “What?” She asks innocently.
“Just so you know, I heavily support it,” I tell her, and her smile widens. 
“Really?” She asks quietly, and I nod. She looks out into the water at Cash, sighing quietly. “Dammit. Why does your brother have to be such a good guy?”
I grin. “He is, isn’t he?”
“And so fucking hot.”
“Can’t say I agree with you there,” I say dryly. 
Olivia giggles and steps out of her clothes. “Come on. Let’s go swim with them.”
I nod and toss my cotton dress onto my towel, glancing down at my suit to make sure I look okay. I follow Olivia out into the water where a couple of others have already joined Cash and Colson. 
Colson’s hair is wet already, as is his skin, and it glistens under the hot, midday sun. Shit. Even though the water is somewhat cool, I feel flushed just looking at him. 
And then, he turns to look at me.
He has sunglasses on, but those can only conceal so much, and they do nothing to hide the way that his jaw quite literally drops when he sees me. He recovers quickly, clearing his throat as his mouth snaps shut, but behind the dark lenses of his glasses, I can see the way his eyes are slowly, subtly wandering my body. 
All at once, it’s very clear. Colson 100% wants me. And I want him, too.
“Hey, let’s play chicken,” Cash says, and when I look over, I catch him checking out Olivia, way less subtly than Colson was checking me out. I bite back a knowing smirk. Anything for him to get closer to Olivia. But I’m fine with it. Happy about it, even. 
Cash has had flings, but he’s a romantic at heart, and all he wants is someone he can spoil. Someone he can show off to our parents and his friends. Someone to treat like an absolute queen. And I really like Olivia. I’d be happy if it was her. 
“Ooh, me and Cash versus Presley and Kells,” she says, and dammit, because Olivia’s almost imperceptible smirk in my direction tells me she’s well aware of my crush on Colson.
And I’m happy, trust me, I am…but what if I’m too heavy? That’d be an instant mood killer. If Colson really is into me, being unable to put me on his shoulders would kill that real quick. Colson looks confident, though. He smiles at me as he walks over to me. 
“You good with this?” He asks, and I nod. He nods, too, and disappears under the water. I squeak in surprise when his head slips between my legs and he settles me easily onto his shoulders, hefting me up as he stands tall. Like he’s holding nothing at all. 
“Shit,” I say, grabbing his hair gently to steady myself. “You’re strong.”
Colson chuckles. “You wouldn’t know it with how skinny I am,” he says. “Not like you’re heavy,” he adds quickly, and I blush. 
Cash gets Olivia on his shoulders, too, and she looks at me with a little smile. I smile right back and keep my hold on Colson’s bleached locks as he walks over to them. 
“I’m getting on your shoulders next, Liv,” Cash says, and Olivia throws her head back with a laugh. Cash smiles widely and I feel a rush of affection for my brother. It’s so good to see him happy. 
Olivia and I grab each other’s hands once we’re in close enough proximity, and we giggle as we fight weakly, neither of us going too hard. We’re clearly both enjoying being on the shoulders of the boys beneath us. I’m glad I shaved my legs today because Colson’s wet hands are secured on my thighs. The warmth of them has me feeling flustered. 
“Are you guys even trying?” Cash asks after a few minutes. Olivia and I are basically just holding hands, and when we look at each other, we laugh.
“Alright, Cash, it’s up to us, I guess,” Colson says, and Olivia and I shriek in unison and we start to teeter as the boys grab hands and start trying to wrestle us off their shoulders.
“Cash, if I get hurt, I’m gonna kill you!” I shriek, tightening my thighs a little. 
“I’ve got you!” Colson assures me. He shoves Cash’s chest, and Cash wobbles. Olivia screams as she and Cash tumble into the water. 
I clap happily and Colson reaches up his palms so we can high-five. “Nice job,” I tell him. “Thank you for making sure I didn’t die.”
Colson laughs. “Any time,” he says. “Give me your hands.” I let him take my hands and he squeezes them as he bends down and pops me off his shoulders. I’m surprised when he wraps an arm around my shoulder. “I’m super competitive. Thanks for helping me win,” he says.
I smile and wrap my arm around his waist. “Me too,” I confess. “Like, madly competitive.”
“She sure fucking is,” Cash pipes in. “Many family fights were had over Sorry games.”
“You any good at beer pong?” Colson asks me. “Oh, right. You don’t really drink.”
“I’m still good at beer pong,” I assure him.
“Oh bet,” he says. “Another thing we can beat Cash and Liv at.”
“Hell yeah,” I grin.
Cash narrows his eyes. “I don’t like the alliance forming between the two of you,” he says, gesturing between me and Colson. “Kells, you and my sister can’t gang up on me.”
“Hey, not my fault your sister is cool,” Colson says, and I grin cheekily at Cash, who rolls his eyes. I’m really enjoying Colson’s arm around me. Enjoying all of this, really. I can’t actually remember the last time I had this much fun. The last time I was this happy. 
Today at the beach, I was happier than I’ve been in a very, very long time, and there’s no one else to thank but Presley.
It’s getting harder and harder to heed Cash’s warnings. Not only is she the baddest girl I’ve ever seen, but I actually really enjoy her company. She’s funny, sweet, and our personalities just vibe together. I haven’t gotten along with a girl this well in a long ass time.
And maybe I could ignore it, stay away from her like Cash said, but now that it’s three in the morning and I’m wide awake in bed, all I want is her next to me. 
I’ve been wanting to text her for two hours now. She was added to the group chat, so now I have her number, and I shouldn’t use it, but fuck, I want to. I’m tired as shit, and I know if she were here, I’d sleep. It’s such a slippery fucking slope, though. What if she tells Cash I begged her to come sleep in here? He’d be furious.
I groan and rub my eyes until I see stars. Not good. Not good at all. But, fuck, I’m an adult, and so is Presley, and who is Cash to tell me what I can and can’t do? 
It’s with that thought that I finally text Presley. I don’t ask right away, just let her know that It’s Colson.
She might be asleep for all I know, and I’ll regret the hell out of this in the morning. But there’s no way I misinterpreted the looks she’s been giving me. She’s into me. She has to be. Unless I want her to be into me so badly that I’m imagining things. I don’t think I am, though.
I jolt when my phone buzzes on my chest, and sure enough, there she is. What’s up? 
Colson: Can’t sleep. You?
Presley: Same…
Colson: What are you doing?
Presley: Laying here getting more and more frustrated that I can’t sleep. You?
Colson: Same. 
Colson: Want to be awake together?
Presley: Sure. Can I come there? Cash is sleeping like a baby as usual.
Colson: Come on over. Room 313.
I hop out of bed, hurrying to make myself somewhat more presentable. I brush my teeth, which is totally unnecessary since, one, I haven’t eaten anything since I brushed my teeth two hours ago, and two, it’s not like she’s going to get close enough to me to notice whether or not I brushed my teeth. 
I throw a pair of shorts over my boxers and roll on another swipe of deodorant. I check my hair in the mirror and then clean some food wrappers off the nightstand. By then, there’s a knock on the door. I open it to reveal Presley, looking cozy in a matching set that looks way too big for her. It’s probably Cash’s. “Hey,” I tell her. “Come on in.”
She follows me inside and I lead the way to my bed, sitting against the headboard. She curls up with her legs beneath her and faces me, sighing. “You an insomniac too?” she asks.
I nod. “Yep.”
Presley sighs quietly and nods, too. “It sucks.”
“That it does,” I agree, but now that she’s here, I feel tired. So tired. I know if we were to lie down in bed together, I’d be asleep in minutes. 
“The worst part is that I’m tired as fuck,” she says, “but I can’t sleep. It’s like every thought in existence enters my brain as soon as I lay down and close my eyes.”
“Fucking mood,” I agree with a chuckle. I take a deep breath, knowing I shouldn’t say more, shouldn’t admit it, but I do. “The only time I’ve actually slept well recently is when you were here.”
She looks up at me with those green eyes, so green they almost look fake, and for a second, I’m worried I’ve freaked her out. That I’ve said too much. But then she takes a deep breath, too, and nods as she looks away from me. “Yeah. Me too,” she mutters, glancing up at me again. 
We’re both quiet for a few moments, challenging each other to say it, to initiate, but she might be more stubborn than I am because she stays quiet. I wipe my suddenly clammy palms on my shorts. “Want to try and sleep here?” I ask.
Perfect, white teeth sink into the corner of her bottom lip as she studies me. “Are you sure?” She asks. “I don’t want to impose.”
“You’d be doing me a favor,” I point out. “If I don’t sleep I’ll be a wreck at the show tonight.”
Presley wets her lips and nods. “Okay. Then, sure.” She hops off of the bed to remove her sweatshirt as I pull back the blankets. 
She hesitates, toying with the bottom of her long t-shirt. “You okay?” I ask as I crawl beneath the blankets.
“Yeah. I’m fine,” she says. “I just.” I raise a brow, waiting. “I can’t sleep in these big ass pants. Do you care if I take them off? My t-shirt is long enough….”
Her voice tapers off and her cheeks flush. Damn, she’s cute. She has no idea just how little I care if she sleeps without pants. Actually, that’s a lie. I care a lot. She’s making it so hard not to want her. But I shake my head. “No, I don’t care at all,” I say. “To be honest, I can’t sleep in anything but boxers anyway.”
”Oh,” she says, relaxing slightly. “Okay, cool.” She drops the sweats to the floor and I shuck off my shorts, tossing them to the floor. I glance over at her and my heart squeezes. She looks beautiful, the hem of her t-shirt falling just above where she has a rose tattoo on her thigh, and I’m reminded for the thousandth time just how gorgeous those legs are.
She crawls into bed beside me, careful to keep her shirt down, and settles onto the pillow, facing me. Suddenly, she looks exhausted, and I feel it, too, stifling a yawn behind my hand. I reach over to turn off the lights, throwing us into darkness.
“Pres,” I say quietly.
“Hm?” Her eyes find mine as we adjust to the darkness.
I bite my lip. “I’ll do my best to stay on my side of the bed,” I murmur, “but I failed at it last time.”
“Or I did,” she says quietly. “One of us did.” She’s quiet for a while, and I’m starting to think she’s asleep, but then the blankets rustle and her toes nudge against my shin gently. “We could just…not bother. Trying to keep our distance.” Her voice is so soft, but I heard her clearly. I swallow hard. 
“Yeah,” I say, my voice coming out in a bit of a croak. “Whatever you want.” After a brief pause, we both gravitate towards each other, and then her back is against my front, my arm draped over her waist, and she’s pulled one of my legs between both of hers. Her impossibly smooth skin brushes against mine. Jesus. A wave of electricity seems to swim through me and I swallow hard, trying to stay composed. This is so wrong. We shouldn’t be doing this. Cash would kill me if he knew. But I’m following her lead. She needs to sleep and so do I. This is serving a purpose. That’s all. 
I tighten my arm around her waist, then slide my hand to rest against her flat belly. I feel the hitch in her breath and then she begins to breathe slowly, deeply. I nuzzle a bit closer, my forehead against the back of her head, and all at once, I feel so completely at peace that it’s almost alarming. Presley is warm and soft and fits with me like we were made for each other. My eyelids are so heavy I can’t hold them open anymore.
“Night, Pres,” I whisper.
“Night, Col.” I love the use of my nickname and the soft, raspiness of her voice. Before I know it, I’m asleep. 
More often than not, I wake up far before my alarm, so I’m surprised when it rouses me this morning. Rolling over, I quickly turn it off, all too aware that Presley is in my bed. 
I swear we barely moved all night, other than her rolling slightly onto her belly. I know we touched all night because I’m warmer where our bodies were touching. And the morning wood I have is not a run of the mill boner. No, this is from cuddling up to a girl to whom I’m extremely attracted. Shit. 
A glance at Presley tells me she’s still asleep, so I adjust myself, tucking my cock into my waistband until it decides to behave. Sun peeks through the curtains, casting a warm glow over Presley’s sleeping frame. We must’ve gotten warm because the blankets are shoved down, and that’s when I realize that her shirt has ridden up, all the way to her lower back. 
I hold back a whine, feeling like a total prick, but fuck, I can’t help but look at her ass. She wears tiny boy shorts that have also ridden up, the perfect crescents of her ass perfectly visible. I cringe, feeling like a total douche, and gently roll her shirt back down, covering her up. But then, she starts to stir.
I freeze with my hand hovering over her, not wanting to touch her without her permission. She lifts her head, confused, then looks over her shoulder. Her eyes widen slightly when she realizes the state of her clothing, and then she yanks her shirt down, whipping her head over to look at me.
My eyes widen a little and I hold up my hand. “I-it rode up. I was just trying to roll it back down,” I assure her, but she’s already scrambling out of bed to pull on her sweats. I feel sick with guilt. She must think I was checking her out or trying to get her naked or something. “Presley,” I say.
“It’s fine,” she mutters as she pulls the sweatshirt over her head. “What time is it?”
I don’t understand why she’s acting so weird, why she’s so desperate to cover herself. She’s beyond gorgeous. “Um, noon,” I say. “We have to leave around one for the venue.”
“I should go get ready,” she says, relaxing as soon as she’s fully clothed. She bites her lip and smiles at me a bit sheepishly. “Thanks for letting me sleep here.”
I relax just a little, then nod slowly. “Of course. Any time,” I say. “Thanks for sleeping here.”
“Did you get some sleep?” she asks.
“Oh yeah,” I say. “I feel great.”
She smiles softly. “Okay, good. I’ll see you at the venue later, okay?” With that, she grabs her phone and hurries out of my room.
Slowly, I roll onto my back and blink at the ceiling. There are so many little quirks about Presley when it comes to sex and her body. First, there was the weird conversation we had about sleeping around. Now, she freaks out about her shirt riding up. How could she possibly be insecure? 
I try to push it out of my head as I get ready, but warning signals pop up in my brain. Did something happen to her? Did someone hurt her? Why else is she acting this way? I don’t like the way anger flares in me at the thought of someone hurting this perfect woman. I want to find out, but I don’t want to push.
Besides, I promised Cash — and myself, for that matter — that I wasn’t going to be anything other than her friend. But friends care about friends, right? This is a friendly concern.
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thoughts-of-kel · 8 months
keller kelling kel kel orange joe kel kel basketball kelsey kel kelvin kelson kelan kle kels kels keeeeeeellllllllllllll kelony
enough of me joking around i'm gonna ask some questions BECAUSE I'M BORED answer them or no free orange joe /j /nf
I wanna know so do you have any favorite side character in omori :3
eeeeeeuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr euuuuurrrrrrrrrrr eur eeeeeeeuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I know this is lame sorry but uhhhhh favoirte color
do you have any music recommendation if you have one
idk if someone ever asked this but any favorite food
another one kinda related to the one over this but any favorite drink
ANY SHIP????????????????????????? do you SHIP ANY???? it's fine if not
do you
orange joe or orange jo
least favoirte boss in omori if you've ever played ut
what do you think is the best thing in this universe (sweats I think the answer is so obvious I will not tell you what I think you;re gonna answer ANSWER IT)
I think people asked some of these already but idc okay that's 10 questions I ran out of them bye this is awkward uhhhh errrrrrrrr have a good day or noon or evening or night or midnight or midday *runs away at full speed*
thank u for these questions!!!!! i will be sure to spend them wisely :3
1. fav omori side character has to be humphrey!!! rlly random pick ik but u gotta stick w me on this one
2. fav colour is red!!! all my fav candy flavours are red!!!!!!!!!
3. for music recommendations - id highly recommend cherry waves by deftones. pretty random but it goes hard imo
4. TWO QUESTIONS IN ONE!!!! fav food is absolutely pepperoni pizza... fav drink?!? fruit punch juice...
5. im not rlly a shipper when it comes to omori, i just like the silly little guys ^_^ (nothing outside of canon anyways, stuff like hero x mari)
6. ORANGE JOE!!!!!
7. (i havent played omori so i cant exactly say which boss is my least favourite)
8. the best thing in the universe are the friends we made along the way
goodnight tiny person in my ask box!!!!
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 1 year
Oooooh. Roxy didn't answer this because she's very done with the insanity and I'm over it too but at the same time... I don't think people realize what it does to people. Because of the shit last night I ended up with assault nightmares because that's how my brain deals with transphobic attacks. I just want everyone to see the type of humans that follow Megan. I think it speaks so much of her character.
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I genuinely don't even know how to cover this point by point and you know I don't like negativity but this? Go fuck yourself. This is the most fake "apology" I've ever seen.
1. You had to have seen my page and my trans flag and my pronouns to make some of the jokes you did. You knew and you did it anyway.
2. You proceed to say "suck pussy juices" which... Do I have to say how that too is transphobic? Do you think I claim to have one? I mean I'd say you can suck my dick but I don't want you anywhere NEAR me. Ever.
3. I'm the least misogynistic person around, all my best friends are incredible women. But guess who likes to throw around that word to trans people? Terfs.
4. I have never seen someone be such a bully while "helping people be better humans". You sound like a lot of Christians I've met and that should say something to you.
I don't feel like picking this entire thing apart enough to go against every point. I didn't want to give this a moment of my life again because I genuinely hate being negative but this was too much. I'm truly horrified people like this exist. You speak of human decency but I don't think you've had a moment of it in your life. You remind me of a Trump supporter the way you can't question your goddess. That's the difference here, when Kells fucks up I say so. But when he's being hurt I back him up because people like you exist who let her spread lies about him.
Genuinely no one was even attacking her. @triplexdoublex made a tiny joke. Much in the same way I made a joke about Col's hairline. See how that works? We don't mindlessly suck his cock. Although...
But guess what? No one actually has to accept any nonsense replies! That's the magic of this being her or my blog. That's the magic of the internet. It's our personal safe spaces you're invading with your negative bullshit. I don't like being angry, it takes all my energy. You could have blocked Roxy or me but you didn't because you feed off this! You love hurting others. I'm sorry for you.
At least you can rest assured in one thing- you're exactly like your fucking idol. I hope that keeps you warm at night.
Edit: also... Did they imply it was bad to support each other? Like as friends? That's... Genuinely depressing. I'm sorry they don't have anyone to have their backs (see how easy this 'they' shit is?)
I've just got a lovely group of friends who I would protect because no one deserves getting attacked like that, and they obviously support me too. Trying not to make a platonic harem joke.
Who's personal life were we attacking? We were commenting about a public picture and if you think she didn't have input about it before it was posted you're fucking delusional. You're the only one attacking people's personal lives here and we're just defending ourselves.
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cosmererambles · 1 year
Kelsier songs...
So many great songs that just scream him.
Sanderson says he embraces the darkness inside of him, and that makes him dangerous. Fuck yeah it does; Kelsier isn’t afraid of doing things other people find distasteful.
“Call me insidious, sadistic, narcissistic demon child But tell me what's in a name, tell me it's all the same And no one's ever gonna take my side Ballistic, egotistic, homicidal animal I got a predator's mind, I'd rather leave it behind And never let it infect my skull “
-This is War, Five Finger Death Punch
I think a lot of people, including characters in the story, forget that Kelsier is at war. It’s not a typical boots on the ground war, but it’s a slow built one where yes, nobles and noble supporting skaa will die. I don’t get why people get so hung up on the fact he kills nobles; it’s rather insane to me. Remember what Elend said? That about a third of nobles are fucking disgusting? He’s probably low balling it.
“Ladies and leeches, welcome to the game Everyone's invited 'cause everybody plays All ya gotta do is sign away the things you love the most One day, they're beating down your door The next, they're pissing on your ghost
Yeah, everyone knows it, but no one does a thing You've gotta get dirty to ever get clean I'm a bona fide pirate, best of the worst Kicking and screaming, scorch the fuckin' earth, ah “
-Making Monsters, Five Finger Death Punch
This song is one of my favorite songs, like ever. It’s fucking insane and raw power. The drums are FIRE. And it fits Kelsier to a T. Read this lyric:
“ You call me a disease, treat me like an infection You'd hoped I'd fade away, that is my motivation This isn't bending knee, this isn't self-reflection What did you think I'd do? This is retaliation “
Kell to the Lord Ruler? Kell to Hoid when he finally beats his ass? Say goodbye Hoid! :)
There are so many more but these are the two that have stuck in my head. Feel free to add your own. Honestly I wanna do this for all my favs, but as you know my brainrot is on the blond crew leader.
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berenices-commas · 7 months
After the Forest - 2023 - Kell Woods
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So this is a retelling of a classic fairytale – words which strike fear into the hearts of the wise. This time it’s Hansel and Gretel! And also Snow White, kind of. But this was, if not actually good, at least not painful. Woods is clearly influenced by The Bear and the Nightingale, which is a great book, and this steers her in something approaching the right direction. This is very definitely historically grounded – we’re in the aftermath of the Thirty Years War, in a backwoods village in the Black Forest, in which there just so happens to be magic going on. And so we get a split between the historical fantasy and the fairytale.
The former doesn’t quite come up to Katherine Arden’s standards, but Woods is trying! The best part of this book is its portrayal of a young peasant woman, without parents or much of an inheritance, trying to make a living for herself and her brother who has never really recovered from their shared childhood trauma. I think to a large degree this succeeds in presenting a world where people’s life choices, and their understanding of those choices, are genuinely different from our own society. For me this is the key to good historical fiction – Woods’ occasional lapses in accuracy don’t really pose a problem. (She joins the hallowed ranks of fantasy authors, going back to Tolkien himself, who don’t quite know what a pike is. But this is fine! Shelley Parker-Chan writes amazing historical fantasy, and I’m still not convinced they’ve ever actually heard of crossbows.)
There are maybe two big stumbling points. First is in the treatment of Christianity – the people of this village all go to church, they swear by Christ, etc., but you don’t get the impression that any of them really believe in God, or have much investment in the religion that structures their whole world. This rather dismissive attitude to religion then exacerbates the second problem, which is how the book places witchcraft in a social context. Because Woods takes pains to emphasise that this society has a constant, bubbling fear of witches that can boil over into murderous panics. And yet she doesn’t really explore why people think like that – for her it’s just foolish superstition. Which is very weird because in the world of this novel witches are actually real. There literally are a bunch of evil witches who live in secret and go around cursing people, and the curses can only be lifted by killing the witches. The book never squares its very reasonable condemnation of witch-burning with the fact that Greta saves the day by burning a witch! It’s odd.
The fairytale side of the book shades into urban fantasy – we get werewolves, witches with different schools of magic, etc. None of it is terribly interesting here, though it should be – a Burgundian noblewoman who becomes immortal and lives dozens of false lives across Europe! A family of werewolves created by a pagan Norse priestess who have now forgotten their ancient purpose and hire themselves out as mercenaries in the wars of religion! (The last one is also a great RPG premise.) But throughout everyone is just a little too matter-of-fact about the magic shaping their lives – it comes across neither as wondrous nor horrifying, and we don’t go nearly deep enough into the characters’ experience of it.
Overall this is not a bad book, and a good debut effort. The characterisation is never really exciting but rarely actually thin. The plotting is fine, and only gets away from the author right at the end. It’s certainly better than most in this subgenre, and manages to tell a much better feminist story for not being conceived as a Feminist Retelling. But I don’t think it ends up making the most of its premise.
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ramblings-of-lola · 7 months
For the character ask, Kell Maresh?
Why I like them: Sarcastic, kind, loyal
Why I don’t: He can be a little whiny sometimes
Favorite episode (scene if movie): I've only read the series once... I don't know if I have a specific one... Oh any of his interactions with Alucard, they're hilarious
Favorite season/movie: I don't know...
Favorite line: Also don't know 🙃
Favorite outfit: His red coat
OTP: Him and Lilia obv
Brotp: Kell and Rhy or Aluchard and Kell
Head Canon: That he might one day regret choosing to not figure out who his parents are
Unpopular opinion: I don't think I have one
A wish: That he finds happiness and purpose
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Him loosing Rhy
5 words to best describe them: Sarcastic, kind, loyal, powerful, brutal
My nickname for them: Dont have one
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writingforfun0714 · 1 year
Hi all
I’ve seen Ahsoka eps 1+2 twice now and I’d like to share my thoughts on the show.
Warnings: Spoilers for Ahsoka ep1 and ep2, not a fic, contains thoughts/personal opinions and guessing ages
Here’s what I like about the show in general: I like it, and wanna see where it goes.
Overall I’m interested. While I don’t think the show is bad, I definitely don’t think it’s the best show I’ve ever seen. The effects were decent and I loved the sets. I also loved the scores of music—though I don’t think I’ve ever hated the sound design/music for any SW show. The mural looked a little different from Rebels’ version but personally I still think it’s good, though I was hoping for more shots of the whole mural instead of mostly closeups of Ezra. I also liked the costume designs but the only change I would make would be having Ahsoka show up in white robes at the end of ep2 to match Rebels’ finale. I loved that when Sabine’s not wearing her Mando armor, she wears things almost identical to Hera and had a similar hair-cutting scene to Kanan 😍
Now for the story. I think the main story of finding Thrawn+Ezra is great. It’s something I’ve wanted since Rebels’ finale. I also love the new characters introduced. Baylan Skoll, his apprentice Shin (Hati?) stole the show anytime they were on screen. I love everything about them so far. Their personalities, their costume designs (Baylan wears all black while Shin wears more neutral colors and still has her padawan braid) and especially Shin’s unspoken body language has been amazing. I’m super curious about their dynamic, since it seems like any time Shin is unsure, she looks to Baylan. I’m wondering, since Ahsoka and Anakin had a sibling dynamic going on, if they’ll go opposite and make Baylan and Shin have a more father/daughter type of relationship cuz I’ll be honest and say when I first saw them, I immediately thought of Silco/Jinx from Netflix’s Arcane.
I also liked Morgan Elsbeth. I wasn’t sure about her in Mando and because she wasn’t super important like Moff Gideon or something, I didn’t really give her a lot of thought. But I liked her revealing to be related to the Night Sisters and I loved the Night Sisters Temple. I’m also interested in Inquisitor Marrok. I definitely think Marrok is Starkiller but we’ll have to wait and see.
I loved seeing familiar characters as well. Of course Hera, Chopper and Huyang were confirmed to come back from the trailer so I knew I’d love seeing them, but I was pleasantly caught off guard by Ryder Azadhi aka CLANCY BROWN, and Jai Kell. I loved that they got who they could to come back for their characters (Clancy Brown, David Tennant, Lars Mikkelsen). I loved Huyang’s scenes as well and I know some people were on the fence about MEW as Hera, but I actually liked her (though we gotta talk about THOSE CONTACTS). That being said Vanessa Marshall is still Hera to me. Her voice, her character in Rebels, will always be Hera.
AND CHOPPER!!! Need I say more?❤️
Now for what I didn’t like. These will be more specific instances/scenes compared to the show in general since, as stated above, I do like the show.
Of course I noticed the ‘Former Jedi Knight’ in the opening crawl. She was never knighted, just like Luke in the OT.
There is one part I didn’t mention above. Ahsoka and Sabine’s relationship. I get that it’s the first 2 episodes. However, I think it’s really jarring to go from Ahsoka and Sabine being friends in the Rebels’ finale to look for Ezra+Thrawn now to cold and snippy with each other, especially given that Sabine is supposed to be like 30?? And Ahsoka at like 45-47? There was no indication of what happened between them for most of ep1, just that SOMETHING happened between the two until it’s revealed that Ahsoka walked away from Sabine, like she did with Anakin. But this also plays into another problem I have with Sabine. She is Mandalorian and was not force sensitive in Rebels. She had a whole arc about reclaiming her culture and training with the Dark Saber w/ Kanan. There was no need to make her a Jedi. Not only does that disrespect Sabine’s character, it also disrespects the Jedi. The Jedi were originally a religion that was meant to be a safe place for select few across the galaxy born with the connection to the Force. It’s not something to ‘train/work towards’.
Yes, Ahsoka ‘is not a Jedi’ however times when being referred to as one, she does not refute it or say otherwise like she did in Rebels. It seemed out of character for her.
I know some people love the idea of ordinary people/beings being able to train hard enough to gain a connection to the Force, but I personally think that Jedi are those born with the ability. Huyang even says that she sucked as a Padawan.
I also know that Dave Felony has a habit of changing canon but that’s no excuse for poor writing. In fact, I believe he’s been at the head of Star Wars for so long that he’s just gone unchecked about what makes a good story.
Aside from those aspects of the show, I enjoyed it and am interested to see where it goes nonetheless. If you made it this far, thanks for your time.
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nimata-beroya · 1 year
MY THOUGHTS ON AHSOKA - Part 1 "Master and Apprentice" & Part 2 "Toil and Trouble"
(ok let's do this again, bc I posted the previous post before I was finished by mistake, and the power went out right at that moment which means I had no Wi-Fi to fix it 😣😣)
The first thing I can say is that I liked this premiere a lot, but it didn't blow my mind to smithereens. It was a pretty decent start and I can see the potential, I'm invested. But I'd rather remain cautious for the moment. I don't want to hype myself too much, fearing a big disappointment down the road.
There were surprises (very good surprises), some confirmations of things I suspected or have seen others speculating about, and a thing or 2 that I'm iffy about. and also I liked the pace. It's not too slow, nor too fast. It seems deliberated, and I think that's a good thing.
Let's dive into the details…
Part 1 - Master and apprentice
Watching a New Republic transport losing yet again a prisoner, makes me think the NR needs to work on this problem. Because so far, there've been 4 different prisoner breakouts that we know of (2 of those were the same guy!!)
Ahsoka in the ancient temple looking for the map was cool. I love the video game treasure hunt/solve the puzzle kind of feel about it (it made think about Jedi fallen order/survivor). And Huyang roasting Ahsoka for not having a padawan with her was the best.
I loved the subtle hint that Ahsoka made about Morgan Esbelth hiring mercenaries in the past (AKA: Din. I wonder if he could have a small cameo)
My first reaction to Hera believing that Ezra is dead was shock, especially since in the Rebels finale seemed that she knew he was just lost not dead, but after thinking about it, it does make sense. First, because she never had the confirmation that he was actually alive. There's no trace of him or Thrawn in the galaxy (we learned why later), and second, and maybe more importantly, it's much easier to continue living on with a loved one's death than a disappearance. The not-knowing, the constant yearning can be exhausting. With death come pain, but eventually with healthy grieving you should accept it and move on.
Omg! I can't believe Ryder Azadi and Jai Kell were there!! And the mural’s dedication to Ezra 😭😭😭😭 I love that everyone still have him so present even after all this time 💕💕
Sabine is commander, huh? Nice! But the fact that she wasn't in the ceremony doesn't surprise me at all.
Her Loth cat is the most adorable thing ever. I want one!!!
That Morgan Elsbeth being a Nightsister wasn't the biggest surprise for me, bc I had seen people speculating about. In fact, I like the idea of another surviving Nightsister. My only nickpicking about this is that her skin is too pink for a Witch of Dathomir. I guess she's either half-human/half-zabrak, or she's using some cloaking spell on herself.
Ezra's message just for Sabine 😭😭😭
(I have to make a pause here to confess something. When I watched Rebels for the first time, I was happy that Ezra and Sabine didn't end up being a thing. That doesn't mean I didn't see the signs that they could be more than friends/siblings, because there were signs, but I feel that media loves to put first love as if it should be the love of the characters' life always, when in real life it's much less common. It happens, but usually you don't marry your first love. And I thought it was ok to leave the romantic plot out of it. I mean, they were kids fighting a war, they had enough on their plate.
But now, as adults who have grown and gotten vastly different experiences in life and all that? I won't be mad if, when they find Ezra, they declare romantic love for each other. And regarding the message when Ezra says he sees her as a sister, I have the strong feeling that he said that because that was what he thought she wanted to hear. He accepted he was in the "friend zone" and respected that, not knowing Sabine was pinning for him, you know, like idiots in love.
It could be just as he said, they love each other platonically as siblings, and I'm ok with that too. But my heart goes out to all the Sabezra shippers. I know your pain, and as Kalluzeb shipper we might share the same boat soon. I'm fearing that they'll put even harder the "Only friends" sticker on Kallus and Zeb. But just like you, I'll ignore it. So, ship away, my dears. Who's going to stop you? Not me!)
Ahsoka should've known that Sabine would take the map! That was a very Sabine (and a very padawan) thing to do. She should know. How many times she disobeyed Anakin?
And Sabine should've known something like that would happen. When something goes as planned?
The fight between Shin and Sabine was great, but it was painful how rusty Sabine has become. Come on, girl!! and OUCH!!! I didn't expect she was going to be impaled. And thank goodness episode 2 was next because I would've hated that cliffhanger.
Part 2 - Toil and Trouble
Ahsoka's reaction about Sabine losing the map, altho understandable, got on my nerves. Really Ahsoka? have you never done something wrong? I know, I know!! her reaction stems off her trauma and all that, but idk, I didn't like it.
On the other hand, Mom daughter moment with Hera and Sabine was so precious 😭 That really took me back to Rebels. I always love when Hera is the best mom in the galaxy, showing Sabine unconditional support. Despite the physical aspect of the character that it's taking me a bit to get used to it, I think Mary Elizabeth Winstead is doing a pretty good job embodying Hera personality.
For one glorious second, I thought we were going to see live-action Kallus, I swear. I mean, who could've been better to accompany them to Corellia to found out if there were Imperial spies, hmm? I didn't even need him to be in the whole thing, just 5 seconds of screen time, giving them intel on the shipyard or something. Is that too much to ask?!!
OH!! So Ezra and Thrawn are in another galaxy! That explains why nobody found a trace of them. So I guess Peridea is a thing now. And what if Mortis is in that galaxy --or in another-- and Anakin , Obi-Wan and Ahsoka traveled in one of those paths back in TCW? Ok, this is getting interesting.
Thrawn calling Morgan?! Sounds unlikely. But if it's not thrawn, then who? Oh! OH! 😳 I just remembered, The Grysk can manipulate other people's minds!!! I thought we weren't going to touch on the Grysk on this show, like ever, but what if?!!! (i'm sure I'm wrong, but if I'm right? OH MYYY GOOOOSSSHH!!! This show could be soooo so good)
Chopper!!! There he is!!! My beloved war criminal!! I missed him so much!
Yes, yes!! that's general Syndulla I know. Taking shit from nobody!
Thank you, Huyang for easing my mind! Thank the force that Sabine is NOT force sensitive. Like this, I can get behind of the whole idea of Ahsoka being her Master. It's not my favorite thing, but I can tolerate it like this.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Chopper in the chase in the phantom was absolutely great!!
😭 Sabine cutting her hair just like Kanan did. Stop it with feels, dammit!!
Ok now we have caught up with the epilogue, and I'm excited for what's to come.
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hcneysins · 2 years
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 DRACO  MALFOY  ✶  xiao  dejun,  24,  cisman,  he/him,  pureblood,  fourth  year,  potionmaking.  member  of  slytherin  quidditch  team,  competitive  potions,  competitive  dueling,  junior  editor  of  aurelius  tribune  and  swim  team.  can  be  described  as  capricious,  debonair,  clever,  &  machiavellian.
full  name:  draco  lucius  malfoy
age:  twenty4
birthday:  june  5,  1998
sexuality:  bisexual/biromantic
pronouns:  him/him/his
blood  status:  pureblood
born:  whiltshire,  england
zodiac  sign:  gemini
spoken  languages:  english,  mandarin,  italian,  latin,  &  cantonese 
house:  slytherin
specialization:  potionmaking
previous  school:  thiudreiks  school  of  witchcraft  and  wizardry
positions:  seeker  of  the  slytherin  quidditch  team  &  junior  editor  of  aurelius  tribune
pets:  an  eagle  owl  named  ulysses  &  a  siamese  cat  named  zora
wand:  10"  long,  made  of  hawthorn  wood,  and  has  a  unicorn  hair  core
noticeable  features:  white  blonde  hair,  sharp  cheekbones,  &  grey  eyes
hobbies:  reading,  writing,  mixing  potions,  &  judging  those  around  him
 canon  changes:  draco  is  still  the  same  insufferable  primadonna  that  he  was  in  the  series,  but  the  external  factors  of  feeling  pressure  to  support  voldemort  and  not  let  his  family  down  by  failing  to  do  what's  needed  are  gone.  in  it's  place,  draco  shares  the  same  pressure  in  a  similar  vein,  but  it's  more  so  based  out  of  his  father's  expectations  for  the  prodigal  son  than  anything  else.  from  being  told  that  he's  the  best  and  everyone  else  should  aspire  to  be  like  him  by  his  parents  from  a  young  age,  his  ego  is  still  high  on  a  pedestal.  though  the  stress  from  familial  expectations  has  cracks  in  his  armor  threatening  to  spread. 
 character  inspiration:  blair  walforf  (  gossip  girl  ),  nikolai  lanstov  (  shadow  &  bone ),  kell  maresh   (  shades  of  magic  trilogy  ),  tony  stark  (  marvel  ),  naksu/mudeok  (  alchemy  of  souls  )
full biography:
 born  as  the  sole  heir  of  the  malfoy  legacy  between  narcissa  and  lucius,  it  came  only  natural  for  draco  to  be  the  center  of  attention  from  the  moment  he  came  into  the  world.  the  silver  spoon  fed  into  his  mouth  was  one  of  opulence,  proving  to  draco  from  an  early  age  that  the  finer  things  in  life  were  always  meant  to  be  readily  available  for  a  malfoy.  ❝  as  a  malfoy,  people  will  always  be  envious,  wanting  to  be  one  of  us  but  only  ever  settling  for  scraps  of  association,  ❞  are  words  often  spoken  by  lucius  to  a  young  and  doe-eyed  draco,  drinking  up  any  information  his  father  gave  him  like  bees  flocking  to  honey.  it  would  go  unseen  by  draco  as  he  was  held  by  his  mother,  her  lips  pursed  in  displeasure  but  remaining  silent  as  the  importance  of  the  malfoy  lineage  was  instilled  into  draco.
 as  childhood  blooms  into  adolescence,  the  adoration  draco  holds  for  his  father  is  one  that  begins  to  dwindle  as  his  rose-colored  glasses  come  off.  any  recollection  of  fond  moments  spent  with  his  father  were  few  and  far  between.  most  memories  consisted  of  vitriolic  words  thrown  draco's  way  when  he  misbehaved  or  acted  unbecoming  of  a  malfoy,  or  when  he  would  arrive  through  the  doors  just  as  dinner  would  start  with  little  to  offer  in  conversation  other  than  a  bitter  recounting  of  his  day  at  ministry  with  insults  thrown  in  of  people  draco  could  only  understand  to  be  ministry  employees.
 his  mother's  disdain  for  his  father  soon  became  apparent  to  draco.  he  could  easily  understand  why.  lucius'  blood  purity  beliefs  and  callous  disregard  for  other's  bled  into  domestic  life,  alienating  draco  to  the  point  where  his  relationship  with  his  mother  flourished  while  his  relationship  with  his  father  turned  brittle.  it's  hard  for  draco  to  feel  anything  but  resentment  for  the  elder  malfoy  seeing  as  he  was  raised  predominantly  by  his  mother,  yet  received  scalding  reviews  of  what  to  do  better,  how  to  act,  and  what  he  should  think  of  others.  it's  his  mother's  dedication  to  keep  draco  from  becoming  anything  like  his  father  that  he  hasn't  turned  into  a  mirrored  reflection  of  lucius.
 while  draco  is  unafraid  to  admit  that  he  has  a  superiority  complex,  it  has  less  to  do  with  believing  in  his  father's  assertion  of  blood  superiority  ( which  he  doesn't ),  but  more  to  do  with  the  fact  that  he  is  better  because  he's  intelligent,  attractive,  and  rich.  it's  only  natural  that  he's  better  than  most  because  of  such  a  combination.  draco  credits  the  malfoy  showboating  at  pureblood  family  events  that  he's  able  to  tolerate  the  domineering  nature  of  his  father,  contorting  his  features  into  indifference  and  feigned  politeness  when  the  plans  for  his  future  are  brought  up.  draco  can  say  for  certain  that  if  it  hasn't  been  for  his  mother  in  his  corner  than  he  would've  turned  put  a  lot  worse  than  he  has.
 thiudreiks  offers  draco  a  sense  of  freedom,  a  breath  of  fresh  air  compared  to  the  serene  stillness  of  malfoy  manor;  suffocating  when  his  father  was  there  and  only  tolerable  when  he  wasn't.  even  so,  the  hallways  framed  with  the  portraits  of  malfoy's  past  served  enough  of  a  reminder  that  he  was  always  being  watched.  while  in  school,  draco  would  strive  for  the  highest  grades,  aiming  for  nothing  but  the  best  not  only  for  himself,  but  to  make  his  mother  proud.  if  he  wasn't  perfecting  his  grades  through  studying,  he  could  be  found  on  the  quidditch  pitch  practicing  as  one  of  the  chasers.  despite  his  accomplishments,  it  doesn't  keep  from  the  weekly  owl  arriving  at  breakfast  with  a  letter  from  his  father,  outlining  what  he  needs  to  approve  upon  next  and  ❝  chaser  ??  what,  you  didn't  practice  hard  enough  to  achieve  seeker  ??  ❞.  it  seems  a  forever  losing  battle  but  draco  has  reached  a  point  of  accepting  that  any  attempt  of  earning  praise  from  his  father  is  unachievable  and  not  worth  striving  for.  and  why  should  he  when  he's  the  darling  boy  to  his  mother  ??
 enter  aurelius  —  the  next  chapter  of  his  life  that  the  best  is  yet  to  come.  draco's  natural  affinity  for  potionmaking  makes  it  the  obvious  choice  as  his  specialization  before  settling  into  the  slytherin  quidditch  team  as  seeker  and  becoming  a  junior  editor  at  the  aurelius  tribune.  when  it  comes  to  the  aurelius  social  scene,  it  doesn't  bother  draco  to  know  at  all  how  his  reputation  precedes  him.  his  tolerance  for  idiocy  and  mediocrity  is  slim,  so  is  it  all  so  bad  wanting  to  surround  himself  with  fellow  like-minded  intelligent  people  ??  if  the  qualification  for  such  predominantly  fit  the  slytherin  students  then  draco  would  argue  it's  worth  the  rest  of  the  student  body  to  work  on.  silver-tongued  with  an  ability  to  drip  honey  when  he  so  chooses,  draco  puts  an  effort  toward  friendships  he  sees  value  in.  while  he  may  not  agree  with  the  blood  purity  beliefs  of  his  father,  the  malfoy  name  still  means  something  and  has  a  legacy  that  he  must  uphold.  draco  views  each  interaction  as  a  chess  game,  unafraid  to  do  what  he  must  to  achieve  the  best  possible  outcome  for  himself.  a  true  slytherin  to  the  core,  draco  believes  the  end  justifies  the  means.
wanted  connections:
slytherin  squad:  pretty  self  explanatory  but  any  fellow  slytherins  who  can  tolerate  draco  being  a  primadonna  half  the  time  and  overall,  they're  his  closest  friends.  these  people  are  whose  opinions  matter  most  to  draco
someone  he  tutors:  pretty  self  explanatory  but  in  the  case  that  they're  not  a  slytherin  i  can't  promise  that  draco  will  be  the  most  sunshine  and  rainbows  tutot.  it  could  be  whichever  professor  suggested  draco  as  their  tutor  and  while  the  two  necessarily  would  rather  Not  be  working  together,  they  are.  his  patience  runs  thin  on  a  good  day  so  he  may  not  be  the  most  encouraging  during  their  sessions.
an  ex  fling:  your  muse  was  one  of  the  few  people  that  draco  tolerated  and  ended  up  enjoying  being  around  enough  that  they  ended  up  involved.  it  could  be  a  mere  friends  with  benefits  situation,  casual  hookup,  or  even  maybe  they  briefly  dated,  but  whatever  it  had  been  it  was  short  lived.  whether  they  ended  on  good  or  bad  terms  can  be  discussed
anyone  who'll  be  subjected  to  draco  being  a  twat:  pretty  self  explanatory  bc  draco  thinks  the  sun  shines  out  of  his  own  ass,  so  your  muse  who  gets  the  brunt  of  his  snarky  comments  and  condescending  attitude.  very  much  so  could  call  him  out  which  could  be  fun,  or  they  could  roll  their  eyes  and  not  give  him  the  validation  of  responding.
sibling-like  relationship:  seeing  as  draco  was  brought  up  as  an  only  child,  he's  never  known  what  it  was  like  to  have  someone  that  he  views  as  close  as  his  mother.  so  your  muse  could  be  someone  that  draco  grows  to  enjoy  their  presence  and  views  them  as  a  sibling  that  he  never  had  and  cares  about  how  they're  doing  and  if  there's  anyone  he  needs  to  hex  for  them.
enemies  w  sexual  tension:  like  draco  with  most  of  the  hogwarts  population,  the  two  of  them  do  not  get  along  and  your  muse  is  one  of  the  few  who  call  draco  out  on  his  shit  when  he's  being  a  twat.  mayhaps  there's  some  underlying  sexual  tension  that  neither  wish  to  address  but  can  pick  up  on  regardless.  does  something  come  of  it  ??   who  knows  !!
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adrihelle · 2 years
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J'ai publié 1 104 fois en 2022
C'est 1 102 billets de plus qu'en 2021 !
6 billets créés (1%)
1 098 billets reblogués (99%)
Les blogs que j'ai le plus reblogués :
J'ai étiqueté 954 billets en 2022
Seulement 14% de mes billets ne comportaient pas de tag
#bridgerton - 132 billets
#mcu - 132 billets
#moon knight - 121 billets
#the witcher netflix - 99 billets
#the amazing devil - 98 billets
#bridgerton season 2 - 94 billets
#joey batey - 89 billets
#the witcher - 88 billets
#jaskier - 87 billets
#steven grant - 80 billets
Longest Tag: 54 characters
#please i want the season 3 to be about him and sophie!
Mes billets vedette en 2022 :
Thank you for tagging me @seidenbros! 💜 
I never really participate to that kind of tag before because of my shyness (even on the Internet). But why not trying something new for a change?  
Fav color: violet/black
Currently reading: I’m reading a bunch of things for my master about movies, tv series and monster’s concepts. But when I don’t do my master, I’m reading the fifth volume of The Witcher. 
I live in Canada and I’m speaking French (it’s my first language), so I read some Quebec writers; currently I’m reading Roux clair naturel of Fanie Demeule. It’s about a girl that construct her entire identity on a lie; she’s not naturally a ginger. The character is obsessed to keep that secret down but she’s feeling guilty about it and she develop an identity crisis. It is beautifully written. 
Last song: Say it - girl in red
Last series: High School Musical The Musical The Series - Disney+
Last movie: Thor: Love and Thunder
Currently working on: I’m currently working on my master (and trying to survive it!)
*Sorry for my poor writing. English is not my first language and it's been a while since i wrote in it!*
Tagging (no pressure!): @kell-be-belle @soundsfaebutokay @bridgertonland
3 notes - publié le 12 septembre 2022
Hello again, hehe. For The Horror and the Wild album ask game, 12 and 15?
For the 12: What song do you always sing along with?
I'm not going to be original, but it's definitly the song Fair. Whatever I'm doing (most likely writing my master that doesnt want to be finished) I wil stop myself and just sing peacefully the lyrics. They help me to calm myself and to believe that I will share one day a love like this with someone. It encapsulate the certainty of a tomorrow (something an anxious girl like me crave everyday).
For the 15: If you could recommend only one THATW song to your followers, what would it be?
I would certainly recommend That Unwanted Animal for the extraordinary performance of Madeleine Hyland. She have an incredible strenght and sensitivity in that song (that she have in all the songs of that album and others) but it's really remarquable in that one. Her voice is ethereal and splendid in it. And the song is really good and, in my point of vue, talks of another way of the anxiety and the depression that Joey and Madeleine talk in Farewell Wanderlust. The one coming from within that you didn't suspect was there but wait the most unexpected moment to eat you alive, destroying you and everyone you love and adore.
*Sorry for my poor writing. English is not my first language and it's been a while since i wrote in it!*
4 notes - publié le 9 septembre 2022
4. What song from Love Run do you always sing along with? for the album ask game. :)
Again, that's a tough one! I sing along all of them (or more particularly, part of them). Doing lipsync on the ''Fuck you'' in ''New York Torch song'' with a mask in a public bus is one of the best thing to do ever (you all have to try it someday). But if i have to choose one song that I always sing along, it would be Love/Run. I sing the whole eight minutes with my heart and my soul - when Joey sing the first Unemployed, my knees go weaks...
The melody and the lyrics are juste soooo fine! It's the promise for adventures, for fun, for lazy day without culpabilities, for love, for dead, for life, for everything. That the only thing worth to move, to do something, is LOVE.
4 notes - publié le 27 juin 2022
2 and 18 for the Love Run asks!
For the 2 : What song from Love Run gradually grew on you?
I would say Little Miss Why So.
I don't know really why, but at the first listening, I didn't understand the song. In fact, I didn't see where the song was in the story of these humans, what she meant for the two of them, what she was saying about them, about their relationship, about their past, present and future.
It's been only a few weeks that I really, but really listened to the lyrics and saw what that song meant for the protagonists in the vague and vast story of them that I made up (even that story change with time, with my endlessly listening of these songs).
For the 18: If you could pick one Love Run song to watch performed live, what would it be?
Oh my god! It's so difficult to choose! Like is it even possible to choose between one?
I would like to see King be performed just for that line, that I found absolutely beautifully written and sang:
The sea and its waters , every unwanted daughter (is that you're here)
Or even for the whole performance that must be to listen in live of New York Torch Song. Or even just for the comfort of listening Not Yet-Love Run in live.
Sorry, I didn't pick one song; it's just impossible to choose between all of them!
*Sorry for my poor writing. English is not my first language and it's been a while since i wrote in it!*
9 notes - publié le 9 septembre 2022
Mon billet n°1 en 2022
His hands thightened, and the space between them diminished by several inches. ''What do you see?'' he asked.  Sophie stumbled, but she never took her eyes off his. ''My soul'', she whispered. ''I see my very soul''.
Julia Quinn, ��’An Offer from a Gentlemen’’
15 notes - publié le 25 avril 2022
Obtenez votre année 2022 en revue sur Tumblr →
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hollywoodxwhore · 1 year
Mine | Chapter Fifteen
Colson x Original Female Character
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Synopsis: Presley may look sinful on the outside, but deep down, she's innocent, guarded, and terrified of intimacy. Colson, on the other hand, is living up to his womanizer reputation as a way to cope with heartbreak. When his new guitarist invites his twin sister to join them on tour, Colson discovers that he's actually capable of feeling. Will Presley and Colson be able to push past all of the barriers trying to prevent them from happening?
Content/Warnings: very brief mentions of smut, swearing, the sappiest fluffiest shit you've ever read
Tag List: @triplexdoublex @jaxbreaker @mgklove99xx @jinx-on-mars-19xx @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker @missamericanaxx @anonymousme86 @whiteleoqueen @feroniakutenpuu
And with that, Mine has come to an end. I cannot thank you all enough for reading this and showing me so much love and positive feedback. I loved every second of writing this fic and I'm not ready to be done with it. That being said...
OURS COMING SOON! You all asked for more smut and more Presley and Colson cuteness, so @triplexdoublex had the idea of writing a second series that follows Presley and Colson in their new life together living in LA. You can expect smut and fluff, minor angst (unless I decide I need some. Ya girl loves writing angst). Serious shoutout to Roxy for the title idea and the idea to write a second series! I can't wait to see what y'all think of it. Thanks again for all the love you've shown Mine. Enjoy this last chapter!
It’s the last night of the tour and I couldn’t be happier.
Our biggest tour yet. A new guitarist who we all love. And the best part for me – the girl waiting backstage for me to finish performing so she can jump into my arms. 
It’s become our little routine since we’ve been ‘out of hiding’ from our friends. The world doesn’t know yet, and we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. But every time I come offstage, Pres is there, and she jumps into my arms, wrapping her long limbs around me, and I swear, nothing makes me happier than kissing her and holding her in front of our friends, showing everyone how happy I am. 
Cash came around quickly. He and I are closer than ever, and all of the tension has melted away. These past couple of weeks have been a great time, and I’m a little disappointed that the tour is ending. But now, Presley and I can figure out our lives, and that makes me really excited. 
After our encore, we leave the screaming crowd behind and head backstage. My eyes search for her immediately, almost frantically, and there she stands, intent on taking my breath away. 
She wears her hair in twin buns, soft tendrils of her black hair framing her face, and she wears leather pants (my favorite) with boots and a crop top. Her face lights up when she sees me and I open my arms. She grins wider and runs to me, throwing herself into my arms. I grin widely as I snuggle her, supporting her weight with my arms tucked beneath her butt. 
“You did so good!” she gushes, and her breath smells like bubblegum. I shiver a little, fighting the way my dick already wants to harden in my pants. 
“I love you,” I mumble into her neck, pressing  a kiss to her skin.
“I love you, too,” she says, resting her head against mine. “I’m so proud of you, baby.” I smile, heart bursting. 
“Yo, Kells, Presley,” Sam calls. “Can I take some pictures?”
“Hell yeah,” I say. Pres pulls back from the hug a little and I raise a brow questioningly. She nods, smiling, and presses her cheek to mine as we face Sam. We smile and then he takes one of us kissing. I let her down onto the floor and she hugs my waist for another picture. We fit so perfectly together. Suddenly, I want the world to know. I want to post those pictures on the internet for everyone to see, so everyone knows I’m spoken for. 
Arm around Presley’s shoulder, we head back to my dressing room where I strip out of my sweaty clothes and go into the adjoining bathroom for a quick shower. I’m sweaty as hell, and we’re going out tonight. Presley sits on the couch with her phone while I shower. 
I’m singing in the shower, so fucking happy with my life. Once I’m done, I towel off and then head over to my girlfriend. She lifts her eyes from her phone and drags them from my head to my feet. Jade eyes darken and her pretty lips quirk into a little smirk. It sends a shiver through me and I give the base of my cock a squeeze, gulping. Not now. Everyone’s eager to go out. Maybe I can sneak her into the bathroom again.
Presley giggles with satisfaction and sits back, looking at her phone again. Flustered, I quickly get dressed in a pair of black jeans and a t-shirt, sliding into my Vans. “You ready?” I ask, and she nods, getting to her feet. I offer my hand and she takes it, but when she starts to leave the room, I tug her back into my chest. My arm goes around her waist and I rock her slightly, looking down at her. She softens immediately and smiles up at me.
“Hey, pretty girl,” I murmur. 
“Hey,” she says, cheeks pink with pleasure. I smile and lean down to kiss her softly, slowly. She sighs and presses on her toes to get closer, her hands going to the back of my neck. “Mm, do we have to go out?” she asks against my lips.
I chuckle. To be honest, I don’t really want to go out. Pres, Cash, Olivia, and I leave tomorrow to head back to Michigan. We’re going to help Presley get packed and Cash is going to be able to grab a few more things to bring back with him to LA. I want a good fuck and a good night’s sleep before that happens, but it’s the last night of the tour, and it’s tradition. I sigh and she nods, resolved. 
“I promise we’ll have so much time just the two of us,” I say, twisting my fingers gently around the strands of hair framing her face. Fuck, I want to grab one of those buns while I’m behind her– “With the tour ending, it’s all us, baby.” I interrupt my own dirty thought process, knowing how easy it would be to hole up in the hotel with my girl. 
“Alright, let’s go,” she mutters, and I bite my cheek to stop a grin. She’s cute when she pouts. 
We leave the dressing room and go out to one of the waiting cars, climbing into the back. As we settle in and the driver takes off, my phone vibrates and I pull it from my pocket. It’s Sam. Thought you might want these bro! See ya later! I scroll up slightly and my chest warms. They’re the pictures of me and Pres backstage.
“Hey,” I say, tapping her thigh. “Look.”
She leans into me, looking over my shoulder, and smiles. “Aw, those are so cute!” she gushes. “Send them to me!”
“Can I post one of them?” I blurt. 
Presley looks surprised, lips parting a little as she looks up at me. “You…you’re ready for that?” I nod, studying her expression. “Are you…not?”
Presley considers, trapping her bottom lip between her teeth. Then, slowly, she nods, meeting my eyes again. “I think so,” she says. “I mean, I don’t want to hide us.”
I grin and lean in for a kiss. “Me neither,” I agree. “I want the world to know you’re mine.”
Pres grins and nuzzles into my shoulder, giving my thigh a squeeze. “I love you, ya big sap,” she tells me, and maybe I am a sap, but I don’t give a fuck. It’s worth it for Presley. 
As we head to the bar, I take my time creating an Instagram post. My caption is all about the tour and how thankful I am for how it went. I don’t include anything about Presley in the caption, but I figure the pictures of us kissing and me holding her are enough for people to get the idea. “Can I tag you?” I ask, and she nods. I add the tags, scroll through the photo set once more, and take a deep breath.
“You sure about this?” I ask her.
“Positive,” she says. “If you are.”
With that, I hover my thumb over the post button and then tap. 
By the time our flight lands in Detroit the following evening, all four of us are running on fumes. 
It’s late and the airport isn’t very busy, so it’s easy enough to grab our luggage and find our way to where Presley and Cash’s parents are waiting for us. I’m a little nervous about meeting them for the first time, especially with how exhausted I am, but I’m excited, too. Presley is my future, and I want to know her parents. 
We walk outside into the frigid, early December air and immediately, Cash starts laughing. He drops his bags and jogs over to a waiting car where a tall woman with short, black hair hops out of the car with open arms. Presley runs over, too, and an even taller man circles the car with a grin identical to Presley’s. 
“There’s my girl,” he says and catches Presley as she throws herself into his arms. He kisses her cheek and I can’t help but smile. I follow her as Cash introduces Olivia to his mom, waiting a bit anxiously. Presley lets go of her dad and turns to me, putting a hand on my back. 
“Dad, this is Colson,” she says, looking up at me lovingly. “Colson, this is my dad, David.”
“Colson,” her dad says, reaching out a hand. I take it and shake it firmly. “It’s so great to finally meet you.” He pulls me in for a hug and I’m surprised but relieved. “Thank you for being so great to my kids.”
“My pleasure,” I tell him. He pulls back and gestures for his wife to join us. 
“Colson, this is my mom, Scarlett. Mom, Colson.”
Presley’s mom is just as gorgeous as her kids and she smiles brightly when she sees me. “Wow, you’re even cuter in person,” she says, stepping forward to hug me.
“Mom!” Presley hisses, embarrassed, but I just snicker. 
“Oh, Pres,” her mom tuts, reaching out to fix a loose piece of her daughter’s hair. “I’m old, not blind.”
“What do you expect?” David says. “We send our kids on tour with a band and they come back with beautiful partners.”
“Exactly,” Scarlett says, wrapping an arm around Cash. 
“Can we go now?” Presley asks around a yawn. “I’m about to fall asleep standing up.”
“You got it,” David says, going back around to the driver’s seat. We all pile into the SUV, Presley and I taking the far back. My legs are squished and I’m so tired my eyes burn but I don’t even care. I’m so happy right now I could burst. 
Presley looks over at me once her dad starts driving, and her smiles is so affectionate and loving that it turns my heart to mush in my chest. I wrap an arm around her and tug her close, pressing my lips to her forehead. “I love you,” I murmur, loud enough so only she can hear over the other conversations happening in the car.
“I love you, too,” she replies quietly, resting her head on my shoulder. 
Before I know it, we’re pulling into an apartment complex. Presley straightens, which tells me that this is her apartment complex. We’re at her home. David parks in front of a building and he and Scarlett both hop out to help us get our things. 
“We’ve got it,” I assure them, but Scarlett shakes her head.
“I insist,” she says. “I know you kids are exhausted.”
I can’t argue there.
We say our goodbyes to Cash and Olivia, and then Presley leads the way up to her second story apartment, unlocking the door. She flicks on a light and immediately, I love it here. It’s so Presley. 
“Alright,” Scarlett says, wrapping an arm around Presley. “We’ll see you tomorrow for dinner, right?”
“Right,” Presley says, hugging her mom. “Thank you so much for the ride, you guys.”
“Of course,” David says, giving her a squeeze. 
“Yes, thank you so much,” I add, and Scarlett hugs me tightly.
“Thanks for taking care of our girl,” she says, and my heart warms. 
“Always,” I tell her. We share a little moment, her expression one of admiration, and then we bid her parents goodbye. 
Presley locks the door behind them and sighs heavily, slumping. “Holy shit,” she mutters. “I need to go to bed, like, five hours ago.”
I chuckle and nod. “Come on. Show me your bedroom,” I insist. 
She flicks off the light and uses her phone flashlight to illuminate the way. She flicks on her bedroom light which is somehow wired to be from a lamp rather than the overhead fixture. “Wow,” I say as I look around. No wonder she never wanted to leave the house.
Her bed looks like the comfiest bed I’ve ever seen in my life, full of well broken-in pillows and soft blankets. The decorations are tasteful and comforting, and it smells sweet, just like Presley. I come up behind her and wrap my arms over her shoulders, squeezing her. “I like your room,” I tell her.
“Me too,” Presley agrees. “I love my room. I love my bed.”
“Yeah, that looks like an amazing bed.”
Pres turns in my arms and wraps her arms around my neck. “Let’s get ready for bed,” she says, giving me a kiss. I nod and let her go. 
Ten minutes later, after brushing our teeth and taking off most of our clothes, Presley’s fan is on and we’re snuggling up under her blankets. It’s a little cold in here; Presley had the heat turned down to save on energy, but the bed is warm and so is Presley. I snuggle up to her, pulling her back to my chest, and sigh, closing my stinging eyes. 
“Thanks for letting me come home with you,” I murmur, kissing her shoulder.
Presley hums. “Thanks for coming with me,” she says sleepily. “I love you,” she adds after a moment.
“I love you,” I agree, smiling. Minutes later, we’re asleep in her bed, and it excites me knowing her nights here are limited. Soon, we’ll be falling asleep together in our bed. 
Leaving home is going to be bittersweet. There’s no doubt about that.
As Colson and I drive into the city to my shop, I can’t help but take my fill of my surroundings. I’m going to miss all the pine trees, the heavy snow. I’ll miss my quiet apartment complex with its pool and its noisy air conditioner. I’ll miss being so close to my parents. But honestly, that’s about it. 
I’m not sad about leaving the tattoo shop. I loved it here and it served its purpose, but I’m ready to move on. I used my job as a way to hide from life, and I’m not interested in hiding anymore. I want to embrace my life, to enjoy my twenties with the man I love in a city I love. 
Colson’s hand rests on my jean-clad thigh as we drive into the city. He stares out the window the entire time. “It reminds me a lot of home here,” he says. “Cleveland.”
“Yeah?” I ask. “How so?”
Colson shrugs. “I don’t know,” he admits. “Just does. It’s nice.”
“Do you miss it?” I ask, glancing over at him.
Colson nods. “I do,” he says. “I mean, I’m happy to be out of there, don’t get me wrong. But I do miss simpler times.”
“That makes sense,” I reply.
“Are you going to miss it here?” he asks.
“Not really,” I admit. “I’ll miss my parents. But otherwise, I’m not really sad to be leaving this behind.”
Colson looks over at me and smiles, and I steal a glance at his gorgeous face, cheeks pink from the cold. “Good,” he says. He lifts my hand to his lips and kisses my knuckles. 
I pull into the tattoo shop and park in my usual spot in the back lot. No one knows I’m coming today, but it’s a Sunday, so I know several artists will be here, as well as the other piercer. I lead the way inside, Colson’s hand in mine, and Emmy behind the front desk spots me first.
She gasps. “Presley!” she says, hurrying around from behind the desk to hug me. “Oh my god! You’re back!”
“Hey, Emmy,” I say, smiling as I hug her. “It’s so good to see you!”
“Wait, Pres is here?” Derek appears from his room and opens his arms for a big bear hug. 
“Hey,” I tell him. “It’s so good to see you guys.”
“You too,” Derek says. He raises a brow. “Um, Presley?” he asks.
“Yes?” I ask, pulling away to study his face curiously.
“Did you bring Machine Gun Kelly into our tattoo shop?” he asks, his eyes on Colson.
I grin widely and go over to my boyfriend, wrapping my arm around his waist. “I sure did,” I say. “Emmy, Derek, meet Colson. My boyfriend.”
Emmy’s eyes widen. “Are you fucking serious?” 
“Shit, we heard the rumors but I didn’t know it was true!” Derek says. “That’s awesome, Pres! Welcome to the shop, man.” He reaches out a hand and Colson shakes it.
“Thanks, man,” he says. “It’s dope as fuck here.”
“We like it,” Emmy says. 
“Is that Presley?” Blaze calls. I can hear the sound of his tattoo gun buzzing.
“Sure is!” I call. “Come say hi when you have a break!”
“She brought Machine Gun Kelly with her!” Derek calls, and I stifle a laugh.
“No she didn’t!” Blaze calls.
“Come see for yourself!” 
Blaze’s machine turns off and he appears around the corner, peeling off his gloves. He freezes mid step when he sees Colson, and Emmy, Derek, and I burst into laughter. “Hey, B,” I greet.
Blaze looks shocked as he hugs me. “Holy shit,” he says, reaching out to shake Colson’s hand. “Welcome, dude. It’s so cool to meet you.”
“Yeah, you too,” Colson says, smiling. I know he’s wary about meeting new people. Not everyone has a very positive opinion of my boyfriend, even if their opinions are unfounded. But I know Blaze is a fan. He played Tickets almost every single day in the shop when he found out Cash was going on tour with them. 
Gracen appears from the back and her eyes are wide. “I heard Machine Gun Kelly was here,” she says. “Oh, and you too, Presley.”
“Bitch,��� I say with a grin, and my other piercer smiles widely as she hugs me. “It’s good to see you.”
“You back for good?” she asks. “Because no offense, but I’m making good ass money.”
“Keep on making it,” I say. “I’m moving to LA.”
“What?” Emmy and Blaze say in unison.
“Shit, Pres, that’s awesome,” Derek says with a grin. “I’m really happy for you.”
“Can I come visit?” Emmy asks. 
“Of course. Is anyone else here?” I ask.
“Sadie,” Emmy says. Sadie is who I brought with me to the show. She’s another tattoo artist here. “She’s finishing up right now. Should be out soon.”
“Taking care of our girl?” Gracen asks Colson, a stern look on her face.
Colson chuckles and nods, looking over at me. “Doing my best,” he says.
I smile and wrap my arm around his waist again. “To be honest, I’ve never been happier,” I say. My friends all look delighted for me, and a part of me is a little sad to be leaving them. Colson drops a kiss to the top of my head and I know I’ve made the right choice to move in with him. 
“Well, I just came to get some of my stuff and say hi and bye to you all,” I say. 
“Damn,” Derek says, shaking his head. “How life has changed.”
“It certainly has,” I agree. 
We all chat for a while longer, and after goodbye hugs all around, Colson and I leave the shop. We spend the rest of the day packing up my apartment with the help of Cash, Olivia, and my parents, and with all of us working together, we get everything packed. Most of it is going to my parents’ house, but some of it is coming to LA with us. 
We eat dinner at my parents’ house, watch movies together, stay up late talking, and finally, Colson and I retire to my old bedroom. The bed is far too small for us, but we don’t mind snuggling so we can both fit. We had very sneaky and hopefully very quiet sex, and now we’re lying naked in bed, wrapped up in each other’s arms. I’ve never been so happy in my entire life.
“Are you ready to leave tomorrow?” Colson asks me, his fingertips stroking lightly up and down my arm. 
I nod. “Yeah. I am,” I say. “It’s bittersweet, like I said, but I’m ready to start a new life with you.”
Colson smiles against my hairline. “Can’t wait,” he says. “My house is so lonely with just me living there. It’ll be nice to have you with me.”
I smile and press a kiss to his chest. “I can’t believe this is real.”
“Me neither,” Colson agrees. “I never thought anything like this would happen. Thought I’d be alone forever.”
“Me too.” I trace one of the tattoos on his chest. “You sure you’re ready for a lifetime of this?”
Colson smiles and kisses my lips. “Yeah, Pres. I’m positive.” 
In less than 24 hours, we’re standing in the doorway of Colson’s house, now my house, too. The sprawling staircase that leads up to our bedroom is welcoming. A gigantic sectional in the living room promises endless days of reading and snuggling. The pool in the backyard tempts us to go for a late night swim. And even though I haven’t even officially moved in yet, this feels like home.
Colson wraps his arms around my waist and rests his chin on my head. “I love you, Presley,” he says. “Thank you for taking a chance on me.”
“I love you, too,” I say happily, covering his hands with my own. “Man. I can’t believe this is even real life.”
“Look around, baby,” Colson says, rocking me in his arms, reminding me that I’m home. “This is all ours.”
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paullovescomics · 9 days
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The Fragile Threads of Power
Back around 2017, I started to read the first trilogy in this series. I read it fairly quickly, and got into the unusual set up of alternate Earths linked by each having some version of London and the Thames. Delilah Bard was my favorite character, with Kell and his magic multiform dream coat a fairly close second. Holland was an intriguing adversary with nicely complicated motivations and backstory. There are times when the alternate Londons thing doesn't quite gel with me, but it's not a stumbling block. Overall, I liked the original trilogy quite a bit.
So I was excited when the series came back. We get a very cool new character, Tes, who can see the threads of magical power that run through her world, and manipulate them directly. This is very rare. Most of the magic users in these worlds can work with one element. A small minority can use two. A tiny number can access all of the elements. Only one other character we've met can even see the threads, much less bend and bind and twine them together like Tes can. And she has a weird pet. There's also a pair of bad guys who reluctantly have to work together, who are fun when they're not terrifying. Lilah is living her best pirate life. Kell is having a hard time, but sometimes a character has to go through one of those arcs.
Then our focus turns to the royals. Lilah and Kell were very involved with them in the first trilogy. The king does not have any magical ability (unusual for Red London), which makes some of his subjects so uneasy that they have formed an underground revolutionary movement to kill and replace him. Alucard, who serves as the king's advisor, bodyguard, and consort is doing his best to protect the king and track down the rebels. It's difficult because they are strongly motivated, and have an effective cell structure. I do like the new queen, Nadiya. I don't totally trust her, but in a way that makes her more interesting.* However, king Rhy and Alucard aren't very interesting to me, and when you've got a rebellion against a monarchy, I'm just not gonna be rooting hard the royals, even if they are part of the main cast. It's not like the rebels here want to set up a democracy, but the nobility fighting over the throne, as compelling as it sometimes is in fiction and history, still counts as rich people problems. Worse, the kind of rich people problems that get lots of regular people killed.
*(It also just struck me that the queen fits a pattern of women in this series who have a strong vocation. Lilah starts off as an accomplished thief, and grows more powerful and versatile from there. Tes has her own business and loves her work. Maris runs the most awesome magic shop ever. Now we have a queen who spends most of her time crafting new magical items. This is cool.)
We also spend a lot of time with Kosika, the new queen of White London. She is actually interesting for reasons I won't go into now (this is ramble-y enough as it is). My point is, I like Lilah and Tes much more than the royals, and I was keen to see some pirate adventures, not court intrigue. So, I lost interest and set the book aside for a while. A few weeks? I don't remember exactly. But I decided that I'd finish the book, and skip the rest of this new trilogy.
However, when I got back to it, the focus of the latter half of the book was more to my liking, as Lilah and Kell get involved in defending the king, and Kosika's story gets more intriguing as it goes. There are some cool magical fights. All that means I probably will read the rest of this trilogy, but I'm in no big hurry. (Especially considering the size of my TBR pile.) I wonder if part two will be around when B&N have that hardcover sale after Christmas?
0 notes
tleeaves · 23 days
❤️💛💚💙🌙💉📺 🧟‍♀️ 🍓 🍊 🍐
Hi, lovely!! Thank you for sending in the ask!
❤️ how tall are you?
I am juuust scraping five foot one (5'1"). No use telling me any short jokes, I've heard them all already throughout my entire life so far. I was born on the tiny side and that never really changed.
💛 what is your favourite feature on yourself?
Hm, I'd have to say my hair. I really like all the ways it can sit/behave depending on when I washed it, if I let it dry naturally, what length it's at and so on. Also, I love how soft and fluffy it can feel. I have a bad habit of touching my hair actually, from like brushing/combing it back with my hands to twirling it around my fingers (not in a flirty way, just in a "wow I love the texture" way). Growing up, a lot of people were fascinated with my hair because of how thick it was too, and that kind of rubbed off on me maybe?
💚 where are you from?
Originally, a farm in Australia. Currently, in coastal suburbia, still Australia!
💙 do you have any siblings?
Yes! Three. They're all younger than me.
🌙 your zodiac (Sun, Moon, Rising)
Capricorn Sun, Leo Moon, and also Capricorn Rising (I think, I'm not totally knowledgeable about astrology)
💉 do you have tattoos and/or piercings
No tattoos (yet, I fully plan on getting some) and just single ear piercings. I'm not a huge fan of ear piercings (on myself) if I'm honest? Plenty of my friends and family get way more. The only other ones I've been considering are a nose stud and naval piercing.
📺 last show you watched
I think it was The Umbrella Academy? Season 4, incomplete, mostly cause I've seen some spoilers floating around and now I'm scared to finish it and be further disappointed by how it ends. Oh wait, I have been watching Jojo's Bizarre Adventures but I can't remember out of the two which was more recent. Still like early on in the first season of that, but I'm enjoying it.
🧟‍♀️ scariest thing that's happened to you
Hmm. Jokingly? Life. Or public speaking and confessing to crushes. Realistically? The lamest but most honest answer I can think of to say without going into my troubled childhood is self-injecting medication (prescribed and with instructions, don't worry, it wasn't anything that wasn't supposed to happen). I still get weird echoes of the pain in my thighs at the injection sites even though it's been almost a year since I went unmedicated. I used to majorly dread injection days, to the point where I made myself feel sicker than ever. I've now developed a phobia around needles which sucks since I still need regular blood testing. Even if I think about it now, I start feeling horribly sick and dissociate. Or, you know, learning to drive tended to kick my body into fight/flight/freeze. I fucking hate driving. Can we return to horseback as the main mode of travel? Or trains??
🍓 favourite food
How do I answer this?? I love food! Maybe chocolate? Waffles? Chocolate on waffles? Cold spanakopita? Pizza? Makaronopita/pastitsio? Aaaaaa all of the above. That's the best you're gonna get out of me.
🍊 favourite season?
Autumn!! Used to be summer because I really love the thunderstorms, but it's gotten waaay too hot where I now live for me to actually enjoy the season.
🍐 if you could make one character real, who would it be
Tough question, I love sooo many characters (I have long lists). Maybe Kell Maresh from the Shades of Magic series. I'd marry that guy. From Tokyo Debunker which you know me from? Either Sho or Tohma. Maybe Haru. Of the three though, I'd probably pick Sho.
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tartrazeen · 5 months
My thoughts have started up again 👏🏽
I had that post the other day about a concept I'd been toying with: Rohan potentially being autistic. I'm still a little nervous to commit to that, because I'd want to do it justice, but the one thing I can commit to is that he grew up on the outside of all the other children.
That's really stuck in my head. I'm honestly not sure if he's ever had an interaction with someone on the show - other than Angus - where it actually started as something positive. Think about it:
Deirdre starts off yelling at Rohan to remember his place, you lowly apprentice
Ivar starts off stringing Rohan up by his foot, you lowly thief
Garrett starts off by immediately offering to kick his ass, you lowly braggart
Lugad comes out IMMEDIATELY swinging, you lowly weakling
Even Conchobar yells at him a little. Fin Varra tries to crush him between some rocks. Cathbad technically starts off defending him, but also summons a skeleton - which Rohan thinks is cool, so I guess we'll still count that as positive.
... I am just noticing now that every time Rohan met another one of the Mystic Knights, Angus was there too.
Interesting 👀
I digress uwu
Rohan's grown up - and still lives a life - with people coming at him with hostility for this reason or that one. And he takes it in stride. It's really like he's used to it, along with disappointing everyone. That's where the people pleasing side shines. He's so weirdly accepting of everyone thinking he's weird or unworthy or someone to put back in his place, and it's truly only Angus who's been at his side. That's why he emphasizes it when Angus is enchanted into fighting Rohan: he needs his best friend beside him. Not Cathbad, not his team, but Angus specifically. Angus is Rohan's rock.
(tee-hee pun)
r u thinkin wut im thinkin
What if Angus was just as bad?
We know how Rohan and Angus met Cathbad. By then, they were already friends. But as I was writing that post about Rohan coming across as autistic-coded, and Cathbad thinking Angus was another village kid taking advantage of Rohan's kind nature...
And then there was some other random post about character dynamics, where two people were each other's guard dog and actually enjoyed it or didn't care. Angus is so loyal. Rohan's loyal right back, but Angus is SO LOYAL.
That mashed together into me remembering that much older idea (was it this post? 🤔) of Rohan getting knocked out in a forest after a storm, then waking up to see Angus peering down at him, the first thing Rohan sees when his vision comes back. And from there, they're friends.
So I'm picturing Rohan being in a village. Not one near Kells yet (I still adore the idea of Angus moving them from place to place to stay ahead of the Temran army), but one where Angus and some other kids live.
And they bully him.
He's weird. He's strange. Maybe he's new to the village. He's too trusting and sincere. He's the easiest target to be picked on, even with a stupid sword, because what's he gonna do? Fight them? They're innocent villagers, and 'knights' don't hurt those. Except he's not a knight and never will be.
I'm imagining a time where Deirdre actually asks Rohan how he and Angus became such good friends, while she's watching him grind herbs for Cathbad at the druid's How're. Maybe she's realizing how hard true friendship is to find, and muses that it must be because she's a girl. Surprisingly, Rohan says it can be just as difficult for boys. That catches Deirdre off-guard; he and Angus are practically inseparable. But Rohan shrugs and says it's different now from how it was back then. Now, yes, they are inseparable. Growing up...
She pries into it until he admits none of the other kids liked being around someone who never stopped talking about being a knight. Some kids would even be cruel. Dangerous. Deirdre thinks that surely he can't mean Angus, but Rohan says Angus used to be the worst one. Everybody liked him, and he had so much influence over the others that Rohan couldn't escape it. Angus would get the others to come up with 'warrior training' for him, trapping him in caves or throwing dirt or whatever little mean thing they thought might be fun.
This is beyond shocking for Deirdre to hear. I doubt she'd even believe it. But Rohan might mention that it's part of the reason Cathbad's been so reluctant to fully accept Angus. Rohan's moved on from those scars, and Angus has made up for everything that happened when they were kids a hundred times over, but memories take longer to fade for druids, and Rohan had eventually told Cathbad everything.
Deirdre asks what changed for them. Rohan says he 'won' Angus' friendship. There was a witch, apparently, that lived in a particular forest. Angus had dared Rohan to prove himself to the kids by going to that witch's house. The trouble was, the witch's house didn't exist. The forest where it was supposed to be was known for being almost endless - so many had been lost before, and Rohan might've been the next one. But he was prepared to brave it if it meant he'd win something.
Angus had laughed and asked what Rohan wanted for this.
Rohan said he wanted a friend.
Angus and everyone else absolutely howled. But sure enough, he agreed, saying that if Rohan went to the witch's house and brought back proof, Angus would be his best friend.
Rohan had said it had to be forever.
Angus promised they'd be best friends 'til the day they died.
So they agreed.
The day Rohan went in, he left a trail for himself, carving into the trees to find his way back. But he wouldn't be returning until he found this witch's house. The day faded, night set in, and still nothing. Another day passed, and that one brought a storm.
Rohan was blinded by the rain, none of the trees offering any shelter from it. The pain of its cold sting kept him awake at least, enough to keep searching. On and on he looked until finally, the worst happened: a tree shattered from lightning and landed on Rohan, pinning him under it.
Another day passed as Rohan passed out.
He wakes up to someone gently slapping him. With the sun overhead and his vision blurry, it's like some otherworldly, glowing shape of light. A few more smacks, and Rohan's eyes adjust to see Angus, standing over him and asking if he's dead. Rohan's woozy, not dead, but definitely trapped.
Angus says he followed Rohan's trail after there was no sign of the boy returning. There wasn't really a witch's house, but there was a storm, and Angus wasn't so cruel as to let Rohan die out here just because he wanted a friend. (He would wait two days before going in after Rohan, though.) It kind of stopped being funny when it turned out Rohan was that desperate.
He says all this while digging Rohan out from under the tree. When Rohan's loose, Angus shrugs and says they should head back, but Rohan says he isn't leaving until he finds the witch's house.
Angus is annoyed. He'd just said there was no witch's house. That was a joke. No sense dragging it out anymore, so time to go back.
Rohan asks if Angus will be friends with him. When Angus laughs, Rohan says he's staying until he finds the witch's house. And then he starts walking (limping) deeper into the forest.
Angus, genuinely confused, starts running after Rohan, saying there's no witch. After Rohan ignores him, Angus just... trails along, eventually asking why Rohan has to be so weird all the time. Maybe he'd have some friends if he knocked it off with all the big talk about being a knight. Kids like them didn't become knights. All Rohan ever seemed to do was rub that in their faces.
It'd be a slow, careful conversation. The two would talk for the first time ever, and Rohan - still weird - might say a few odd things that actually get Angus to laugh. A nice laugh. Not the cruel one he'd only ever had before. But no matter how many times Angus brings it up, Rohan refuses to go back until he's found the witch.
They stay another night in the forest. Angus doesn't hate it. Rohan notices how different Angus is when he's not surrounded by the other kids, and Angus shrugs, not getting into it.
When Angus wakes up the next morning, he's alone. And he instantly panics, thinking he's been abandoned in the forest. It'd be the perfect revenge, actually. And in the minutes of terror flooding his head, he thinks he's a fool to let his guard down like that. This was a stupid idea, and he's doomed himself with it.
Then Rohan appears. He's brought breakfast. He was foraging while Angus was asleep.
All is instantly forgiven once Angus is fed - and Rohan's very proud of himself for finding something Angus likes.
But he still isn't going back. Not until he finds the witch.
Angus sighs and says fine, they can be friends if they just go back. Rohan asks if they're going to be best friends - for life, like the deal said. Angus is very, very hesitant to openly yell 'no,' but that hesitation is all Rohan needs to pack up and keep searching the forest.
Angus comes along, because at this point, he may as well. But Rohan has to stop for him a lot. He doesn't ever do this much walking.
There's no witch's house. But there were people who went missing in this forest forever. Rohan's not afraid - not as much as going back to that village - but Angus is starting to get creeped out. Just before he can ask Rohan to leave for the hundredth time, they suddenly hear it.
The witch.
Except it's not a house. It's a cave.
And that witch is a very, very big wolf.
(👀 loving that Angus has to fight the Rock Wolf when he's older to get his armour)
Angus freaks out and goes up the first tree he can. Rohan tries to climb up a different tree, but he's still hurt from when he got pinned. He has to duck under a different log, just barely getting away from the wolf's teeth, but it's started digging its way towards him.
There's not much time. Rohan's trying to slash at the wolf with his sword, but he can't seem to hit it hard enough from the angle he's at. But Angus, in the trees, some having been freshly struck and still smoldering from the storm's lightning, sees a massive tree limb that could fall if he could just get to it.
He's climbing over, moving as fast as he can, only to see a glimmer of metal in the leaves below him. That's Rohan's sword. What Rohan's fighting the wolf with is just a stick; he must've dropped it as he tried and failed to get up the tree. But that's almost lucky, because Angus can jump down now to get that sword. He snatches it up, getting back to the tree he needs to hack at to get the limb to fall.
As soon as the limb plummets to the ground, Angus drops the sword for Rohan to get. It's the perfect combination - the tree limb was a direct hit, and in the yelp of pain and confusion from the wolf, Rohan grabs his sword and finally scares the thing off.
They're breathless. They're tired. They're scared. But Rohan asks if that means he's won the bet.
Angus - out of instinct - says that wasn't a witch. But at the look of despair in Rohan's eyes, Angus finds himself saying, "... Well, I know knights can't lie. But I can. So... let's just say it was a hairy witch."
The walk back is just as weird as Angus expected, but there's an infectious joy and energy in how weird Rohan is. It's nice. Angus almost feels like he has someone keeping up with him for once, who doesn't mind how much Angus likes to talk, too.
Getting back to the village is a different story. The kids are cruel. Angus tries to awkwardly get them to ease off, but the moment they start to turn on him, Angus puts that down fast. Before morning, he's already decided he doesn't need to be here anymore. And him and Rohan are best friends now, right? So if Angus wants to go to another village, Rohan would come too, right?
I'm a little sleepy now (it's almost 2 am 😭) but the idea of this being a flashback episode to fully emphasize how close they are now absolutely delights me. I'd love to have some little callback after this, where Angus walks in to hear a short bit of Rohan's tale, right as Rohan's saying how loyal and caring and important Angus is to him. It's flattering, right up until Angus understands what they've been talking about.
Deirdre says at least they've outgrown all of that. It gives her hope for finding another princess to be best friends with. Maybe someday. But she leaves, happy to know friendship can blossom even under the worst environment.
In the quiet moment that follows, Angus shyly apologizes for everything that happened when they were kids. Rohan tries to brush it off, saying he's forgotten, but Angus tells him knights aren't supposed to lie. The small smile that earns gets Rohan to admit that it hurt to grow up with everyone thinking he was weird. He's glad to have Angus in his life, but he wishes it hadn't taken so much to earn it.
Angus says Rohan's always been gentle that way. He takes too much from people that shouldn't ever dare to give him that grief. But as Rohan agrees, he says it doesn't happen anymore. That's because of Angus.
There's a moment where Rohan stumbles to talk, but finally asks if Angus really is only friends with him because of a bet.
Angus thinks. The bet is what gave him the chance to get to know Rohan, of course. But no. He loves Rohan, and that's because of who Rohan is as a person. He's Angus' favourite, weird ball of fire who actually became the knight he said he'd be.
Rohan asks if Angus is telling the truth.
Angus says of course he is. He's a knight now, too.
Rohan, on a lighter note, says that as long as Angus is sticking with that, what happened to the snack he'd left on the table for later?
Angus says he cannot lie.
And then he leaves.
Rohan has a good laugh at that. It's one of the many ways - big and small - that Angus has done so much to bring him joy. Maybe there's a pang of anxiousness as the feeling of "It was only a bet" comes back to him, but in the next moment, he hears Angus calling to him to stop doing chores and come home fun. Possibly as Angus finds a brand-new power on Cathbad's shelf to play with. 🥲
What I especially love about this is how it still ties into my 'Rohan Villain Arc' idea. It's further fuel for the fire: the specter of Angus' childhood bullying can so easily rear its head in that fight, slamming a wedge between them with it alone.
ok i am actually very tired i need to sleep now
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