keitoz · 5 months
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“The Last One is Mine”
Because otherwise he wouldn’t have an excuse to talk to the cute girl working at the cashier that day. Grimmjow almost ruined it for him!
Can’t get enough of BBS High School Warfare AU Ulquiorra!!
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☀️ Usually my type are kinda loving dorks that are pretty chill/can go along with things and also are sweet! Sometimes they seem kinda intimidating but they're really just big 'ol dorks (maryoffmain)
HMMM :) ok im cheating by giving u 2 pickz buuuuut 
from bnha i think u might like Tenya Iida 4 some reason !!! he givez off v much kazuma vibez but also hez class 1a’z class rep n a general sweetheart even tho he comez off as like. a v strict person who followz the rulez closely....
but 4 enstars i think u might like Adonis Otogari or Keito Hasumi !!! :) adonis seemz v intimidating n closed-off but.... oh my g*d he is just such a sweetie intenrally and *startz crying* HE IS SO GOOD !!!!! tho keito followz the glassez stereotype so i wanst 100% sure but *putz him on here just bc*.... he n tenya r v similar bc keitoz basically the class rep n is v uptight n..... yea :)
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stereoheartrukia · 11 years
In responce to Keitoz-chan
keitoz said: Added you! I’m Princess Rukko lol. It’s my gaming FB
You have been added :D to thy FB feel free to comment and message when ever you like and don't be a stranger :D
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beyondtheeluvian · 11 years
((also, keitoz, i've begun to work on that Ulquiorra blog!! :D))
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mooksmookin · 11 years
keitoz replied to your post: funny how people tell me to post up art but they...
ikkkkkkkkkkk I never see your art??
i like just posted this just now
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keitoz · 4 months
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“Something on your face, onna.”
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bertolts · 11 years
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stereoheartrukia · 11 years
In responce to Keitoz-chan:
keitoz said: Q.Q I want nice looking boobies wahh. Darn it for being asian. And I would love to see you with blonde hair!
Lol Have hope maybe once you have children or massage them often they will grow.  Also if you have facebook you can add me, my name on it is Rukia Aurora Kurosaki.  (Aurora is my middle name).  You can see my hair blonde there better.
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Yes yes yes choose Ulquiorra! He can only live on through his fan's work~ Plus, they would also have a beautiful, heartwarming/heart-wrenching back story. And I think their children would be more dynamic in character knowing both Orihime's and Ulquiorra's personalities. More... room for creativity, you know?
My poor Ulqui baby ;_; I’m still hopeful that Kubo will bring him back, though the chances are slim.
I’m getting a lot of pro UlquiHime feedback so it looks like UlquiHime is going to be the winner! :D
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xiafeng · 12 years
HALE NAW. ULQUIHIME FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111 Sorry but now you've seen the fiery passion I have for my OTP so I'm not holding back until you support them too! (and even when/if you do, I won't stop)
nobody even watches naruto anymore
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mooksmookin · 12 years
keitoz replied to your post: wait is this one where Lucy gets beat up
The first time? Or the second? Or maybe you mean the third or fourth time? LOLOL. Poor Lucy.
the one in the water where Mirvana or w/e beats her up and Natsu's all like STOP IT and LUCYYYY and then im sitting here screeching as i read it
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keitoz · 4 months
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There’s a woman in my photo…
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stereoheartrukia · 11 years
In responce to Keitoz-chan:
keitoz said: Looks good!! You have blonde hair and big boobs though!?!?!?!
I dyed my hair blonde earlier this year and my breasts have growing a lot through out the year all thanks to my husband ♥ Oh and just reblog&add.
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beyondtheeluvian · 11 years
keitoz replied to your post: keitoz started following you
gurl, I’ve noticed you way before I got better with my art (~=w=)~ But you’re so cute and inspiring!
*just clings to*
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xiafeng · 12 years
keitoz replied to your post: keitoz replied to your post: Writer’s Block ...
psh. I write fanfiction for goodness sake. So yeah, writer(?) to writer? I guess. LOL. But yes, you write very, very well. I would love to see more from you. I could surely use it as inspiration too!
omg but fanfiction is leagues ahead of me. Writing a full-on story? Holy crap I shudder at the thought. Only capable of my couple-paragraph writing </3
I HONESTLY FEEL LIKE I WRITE SO MUCH ALREADY THO LIKE HAVE YOU SEEN MY WRITING TAB IT'S A BOTTOMLESS PIT. But your kind words have given me the strength to add to the tab. I shall try my best to write more ^^ PFSHT ME BE INSPIRATION TO YOU I am unworthy of such an honor but my quantity as well as quality will be improved upon NOW THAT I KNOW THAT YOU ARE WATCHING T_T
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