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innerdreamercollective · 10 months ago
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🎧🎧 Whispersync Blitz 🎧🎧
Epic Sci-Fi Space Opera Fans! I have an Audiobook Deal for you!!!
Narman’s Pyke (An Eamon Tauk Space Odyssey, Book 1) by @jeparkauthor
Narrated by Keith Brown Published & Produced by @fireside_audio
⚠️Get the E-Book for $4.99 (or free in KU!!!) and Add Audio Whispersync for $7.49!
Amazon US 📘 https://amzn.to/4czfXXn
Audible US 🎧 https://adbl.co/3vAraGx
Featured on @the_flock_on_tour
Eamon Tauk was literally born into the Space Corps. They spent two decades forging him into a Marine. Training him to be a killer. Twisting him into a fanatic. Then they assigned him to protect Dr. Jella Duverii, a mildly subversive alien zoologist who could very well undo all the work they put into him.
When the young cadet and his charge crash land on Kanaris with the survivors of their Recon battalion, they find themselves leagues away from their objective, marooned in an environment so hostile even the trees seem hellbent on killing them. After the Marines are denied rescue for no other reason than to protect the reputation of a high-born coward, Jella begins to educate Tauk on the dynamics at play that have the Kyperion League teetering on the brink of civil war.
As Tauk watches over Dr. Duverii during the long slog to Narman’s Pyke, she teaches him how to combat the horrific creatures stalking them through the rainforest. He must figure out for himself, however, that the biggest threats to their lives are not the beasts lurking beneath the Kanarisian underbrush.
It is the monsters who sent them to Narman’s Pyke in the first place.
#NewRelease #NowLive #WhispersyncBlitz #FiresideAudio #TheFlockonTour #NarmansPykeAudioTour #JEPark #KeithBrown #EpicSciFi #SpaceOpera #SpaceMarineSciFi #FirstContact
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keithbfitness · 2 years ago
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mrmedia · 6 years ago
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yo4HY0WmrQM)
Happy Birthday to Keith Brown! Celebrate by watching the 2018 Mr. Media interview with “The Wages of Sin” cartoonist! (Conducted by Bob Andelman) KEITH BROWN podcast excerpt: “We can disagree politically. But what’s going on now is not remotely normal. … It does matter who we elect. The people who keep blinders on in the face of what is known refuse to accept reality. I don’t get it.” YOUTUBE: https://youtu.be/yo4HY0WmrQM AUDIO: https://mrmedia.com/2019/01/keith-brown-the-wages-of-sin/ #TheWagesofSin #WagesofSin #Sin #KeithBrown #cartoonist #comicstrips #comics #comicbooks #politicalcartoons #politicalhumor #editorialcartoons #Trumphumor #Trumpjokes #PresidentTrump #DonaldJTrump #Individual1 #TheWhiteHouse #PresidentDonaldJTrump #Missouricartoonist #AssociationofAmericanEditorialCartoonists #ClayBennett #GarryTrudeau #DarylCagle #MSNBC #CNN #FoxNews #dailycartoonist #parody #satire #AAEC
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wmathison · 6 years ago
RT @theoutlawlife: @washingtonpost @PostEverything Too bad Emmett Till can't weigh in on this
Too bad Emmett Till can't weigh in on this
— keithbrowning (@theoutlawlife) September 20, 2018
via Twitter https://twitter.com/wmathison September 20, 2018 at 04:36PM
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jerrydoby · 8 years ago
#soundcheck #grammywinner #keithbrown during @thehypemagazinenetwork #thehypemagazine #industry #showcase #hype s/o @thereal88fingaz #MimiAcosta @kief_brown (at Sal's Restaurant)
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innerdreamercollective · 11 months ago
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🎧🎧 Release Blitz 🎧🎧
Epic Sci-Fi Space Opera Fans, This one's for you!
Narman’s Pyke (An Eamon Tauk Space Odyssey, Book 1) by @jeparkauthor
Narrated by Keith Brown
Published & Produced by @fireside_audio
Audible US 🎧 https://adbl.co/3vAraGx
Audible UK 🎧 https://adbl.co/43C2n1r
Featured on @the_flock_on_tour
Eamon Tauk was literally born into the Space Corps. They spent two decades forging him into a Marine. Training him to be a killer. Twisting him into a fanatic. Then they assigned him to protect Dr. Jella Duverii, a mildly subversive alien zoologist who could very well undo all the work they put into him.
When the young cadet and his charge crash land on Kanaris with the survivors of their Recon battalion, they find themselves leagues away from their objective, marooned in an environment so hostile even the trees seem hellbent on killing them. After the Marines are denied rescue for no other reason than to protect the reputation of a high-born coward, Jella begins to educate Tauk on the dynamics at play that have the Kyperion League teetering on the brink of civil war.
As Tauk watches over Dr. Duverii during the long slog to Narman’s Pyke, she teaches him how to combat the horrific creatures stalking them through the rainforest. He must figure out for himself, however, that the biggest threats to their lives are not the beasts lurking beneath the Kanarisian underbrush.
It is the monsters who sent them to Narman’s Pyke in the first place.
#NowLive #NewRelease #ReleaseBlitz #FiresideAudio #TheFlockonTour #NarmansPykeAudioTour #JEPark #KeithBrown #EpicSciFi #SpaceOpera #SpaceMarineSciFi #FirstContact
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keithbfitness · 2 years ago
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#keepgoing #keepmovingforward #neverquit #nevergiveup #yougotthis #bodybuilding #bodybuildingmotivation #gymlife #bodybuildinglifestyle #whateverhappenshappens #goals #dreams #bodygoals #fitnessgoals #strength #strengthtraining #fitover40 #fitand40 #liveyourlife #keepdoingyou #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #keith #keithbrown #kabrown_20 #chesday #inclinebench https://www.instagram.com/p/CqSVdnqughd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mrmedia · 6 years ago
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yo4HY0WmrQM)
I can’t remember how I first came in contact with Missouri cartoonist Keith Brown, but I’m pretty sure Facebook or Twitter was involved.
Keith is the creator of a short-lived, self-syndicated daily comic strip called “The Wages of Sin.” Funny thing is, the strip – which takes place in the bowels of red-hot Hell – got funnier and funnier in its final year as Keith’s frustrations with President Donald Trump boiled over and he let loose in the cartoon panels of “Sin.”
KEITH BROWN podcast excerpt: “We can disagree politically. But what’s going on now is not remotely normal. … It does matter who we elect. The people who keep blinders on in the face of what is known refuse to accept reality. I don’t get it.”
And some time since the 666th and final strip appeared, Keith’s view of Trump’s indiscretions, lunacy and general bad behavior have been revealed to be more on target than ever before.
Since our paths first crossed online, I have gone from frequently sharing his more political strips in social media to publishing them via Mr. Media Books. You can now own a little bit of Keith by ordering The Wages of Sin, Vol. IV, available in full-color from Amazon.com.
I fully expect “The Wages of Sin” will have a glorious after-life.
In addition to being a cartoonist, Keith is also a children’s author and earlier this year published "It’s An Extra Spooky Creepy Heebie-Jeebie Halloween."
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/yo4HY0WmrQM
AUDIO: https://mrmedia.com/2019/01/keith-brown-the-wages-of-sin/
#TheWagesofSin #WagesofSin #Sin #KeithBrown #cartoonist #comicstrips #comics #comicbooks #politicalcartoons #politicalhumor #editorialcartoons #Trumphumor #Trumpjokes #PresidentTrump #DonaldJTrump #Individual1 #TheWhiteHouse #PresidentDonaldJTrump #Missouricartoonist #AssociationofAmericanEditorialCartoonists #ClayBennett #GarryTrudeau #DarylCagle #MSNBC #CNN #FoxNews #dailycartoonist
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innerdreamercollective · 11 months ago
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🎧 🎧 Pre Order Alert 🎧 🎧
Calling Epic Sci-Fi Space Opera Fans!! This is one you are not going to want to miss! Pre-Order Now!
Narman’s Pyke (An Eamon Tauk Space Odyssey, Book 1) by @jeparkauthor
Narrated by Keith Brown
Published & Produced by @fireside_audio
Goes Live Friday April 12!
Audible US 🎧 https://adbl.co/3vAraGx
Audible UK 🎧 https://adbl.co/43C2n1r
Feature on @the_flock_on_tour
Eamon Tauk was literally born into the Space Corps. They spent two decades forging him into a Marine. Training him to be a killer. Twisting him into a fanatic. Then they assigned him to protect Dr. Jella Duverii, a mildly subversive alien zoologist who could very well undo all the work they put into him.
When the young cadet and his charge crash land on Kanaris with the survivors of their Recon battalion, they find themselves leagues away from their objective, marooned in an environment so hostile even the trees seem hellbent on killing them. After the Marines are denied rescue for no other reason than to protect the reputation of a high-born coward, Jella begins to educate Tauk on the dynamics at play that have the Kyperion League teetering on the brink of civil war.
As Tauk watches over Dr. Duverii during the long slog to Narman’s Pyke, she teaches him how to combat the horrific creatures stalking them through the rainforest. He must figure out for himself, however, that the biggest threats to their lives are not the beasts lurking beneath the Kanarisian underbrush.
It is the monsters who sent them to Narman’s Pyke in the first place.
#PreOrder #PreOrderBlitz #FiresideAudio #TheFlockonTour #NarmansPykeAudioTour #JEPark #KeithBrown #EpicSciFi #SpaceOpera #SpaceMarineSciFi #FirstContact
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keithbfitness · 2 years ago
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keithbfitness · 2 years ago
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#keepgoing #keepmovingforward #neverquit #nevergiveup #yougotthis #bodybuilding #bodybuildingmotivation #gymlife #bodybuildinglifestyle #whateverhappenshappens #goals #dreams #bodygoals #fitnessgoals #strength #strengthtraining #fitover40 #fitand40 #liveyourlife #keepdoingyou #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #keith #keithbrown #kabrown_20 #backday #latpulldown https://www.instagram.com/p/CqSVDLKOBWD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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keithbfitness · 2 years ago
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#keepgoing #keepmovingforward #neverquit #nevergiveup #yougotthis #bodybuilding #bodybuildingmotivation #gymlife #bodybuildinglifestyle #whateverhappenshappens #goals #dreams #bodygoals #fitnessgoals #strength #strengthtraining #fitover40 #fitand40 #liveyourlife #keepdoingyou #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #keith #keithbrown #kabrown_20 #legs #legday #rdl #squats https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp7z35WOSaj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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keithbfitness · 2 years ago
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#keepgoing #keepmovingforward #neverquit #nevergiveup #yougotthis #bodybuilding #bodybuildingmotivation #gymlife #bodybuildinglifestyle #whateverhappenshappens #goals #dreams #bodygoals #fitnessgoals #strength #strengthtraining #fitover40 #fitand40 #liveyourlife #keepdoingyou #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #keith #keithbrown #kabrown_20 #legs #legday #hamstrings #legcurls https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp7zvUzucjp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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keithbfitness · 2 years ago
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#keepgoing #keepmovingforward #neverquit #nevergiveup #yougotthis #bodybuilding #bodybuildingmotivation #gymlife #bodybuildinglifestyle #whateverhappenshappens #goals #dreams #bodygoals #fitnessgoals #strength #strengthtraining #fitover40 #fitand40 #liveyourlife #keepdoingyou #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #keith #keithbrown #kabrown_20 #legs #legday #legpress https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp7ziWkOOrP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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keithbfitness · 2 years ago
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#keepgoing #keepmovingforward #neverquit #nevergiveup #yougotthis #bodybuilding #bodybuildingmotivation #gymlife #bodybuildinglifestyle #whateverhappenshappens #goals #dreams #bodygoals #fitnessgoals #strength #strengthtraining #fitover40 #fitand40 #liveyourlife #keepdoingyou #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #keith #keithbrown #kabrown_20 #shoulders #lateralraises https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp0KgQwOQSf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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keithbfitness · 2 years ago
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#keepgoing #keepmovingforward #neverquit #nevergiveup #yougotthis #bodybuilding #bodybuildingmotivation #gymlife #bodybuildinglifestyle #whateverhappenshappens #goals #dreams #bodygoals #fitnessgoals #strength #strengthtraining #fitover40 #fitand40 #liveyourlife #keepdoingyou #mentalhealth #mentalhealthawareness #keith #keithbrown #kabrown_20 #shoulders #reardelts #reardeltcablefly https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp0KO7pOZhM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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