#keith kogane/reader
theghoulgirl · 8 months
Keith Kogane/Reader Headcannons- Section I
For these headcanons, this is specifically for Keith after the war. Therefore, I am going to make this an 18+ post because it would be super fucking weird if someone under that age read this. This is also the first part to an (currently) endless headcannons that I have.
Otherwise, enjoy! And please feel free to comment about any challenges against them or to apply your own for others to read! 
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In a friendship…
Would befriend someone who is either affiliated to the group or would be in ‘forced’ proximity with, such as work
He would connect well with someone who is a little bit of a goober, like Hunk or Lance.
Keith would also most definitely befriend a stoner and connect to them through trauma bonding
Home dude lost a lot throughout his life, he would absolutely use drugs and alcohol recreationally. 
He also connects really well with individuals who are intelligent in ways that contrast his own. 
Keith does not befriend someone based on physicality, but whether it’s on how much of an asshole you are. The less judgemental you are, the closer he will want to befriend you 
It takes a looong time to break down his walls. Before you are able to, he’s generally awkward and aloof. But once you either prove or he can see you are trustworthy, he’ll start to occasionally drop a hot piece of trauma to see your reaction to it. If you react well and don’t judge him, he’ll open up more. But if you become uncomfortable with it, he will probably keep you an arms distance away. 
Once you two are closer, most likely through quality time together (ex. Studying while he trains), he would get more and more playful with you. 
Specifically also slowly reveal more and more of his silly side. 
Poking you when he wants your attention and then pretending he didn’t poke you. Blames it on the air. 
Keith would absolutely spar with you in the kitchen using utensils 
He would occasionally crack a joke here and there as well
I also fully believe that Keith has ADHD, and if you have ADHD too, then it would just ricochet between the two of you. This would drive everyone absolutely insane. 
One moment Keith could be discussing battle plans and then you walk into the room and make a random noise, and he would repeat it back thus losing all sense of authority and seriousness. 
Eventually, as you two grow closer, Keith might also develop some feelings…
In a relationship…
He would not be the first person to confess. 
Unless someone were to give him confirmation, then he’d contemplate it. Otherwise, the other party would have to approach him 
Once y’all talk it out and are officially an item, he is going to be a little awkward and aloof again.
This man did not engage in courting behavior when he was in highschool. Sure, I’ll entertain the idea that some of his peers were infatuated with him, but he never actually pursued those relationships since he was focused on his own life problems and emotions. 
Therefore, he does not know how to flirt or how to date someone. 
But that does not mean he is not willing to try, especially for you. 
But in other news, Keith has matured with time and is an amazing communicator. 
He will let you know when he is uncomfortable with something, such as PDA. 
Speaking of PDA, he would prefer to keep most physical touches in private. 
Especially kissing.
But he does not mind holding your hand or resting his on your back
He would also let you know when he is getting nervous over not messing up the relationship. But all he needs is a little assurance that he is doing amazing and all he needs to do is be himself. 
Once he relaxes more into the relationship and gets more comfortable, he would be unabashedly affectionate towards you. In private though. Outside of seclusion ? He would mostly stick to teasing you or light touches. 
Section II coming soon!
Please also feel free to comment on more head cannons that you have! Or to give a contradicting thought!
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dorkiborkii · 6 months
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☕️ "So, would you like a coffee with this revelation, or..." ⭐️
@heavilycaffeinatedsblog IVE DONE IT AGAIN,,, fanart based off ‘Dear Reader’ by @heavilycaffeinatedsblog on AO3 !!! go read it now!
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poeticghostbaby · 8 months
terrible year so far
but then i remember fanfiction exists
life ain't so bad now
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starhrtz · 6 months
When he has facial scars, emotional issues, introverts with red colour scheme.
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foolinafable · 5 months
It's for the best .ೃ࿐
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Keith Kogane x Fem!Reader Synopsis: locked in a cell, the white paladin remembers her happier times and hopes that she can make it back to a certain black paladin. Word count: 3.7K Tags: slight angst, flashbacks, mentions of torture but not graphic, set tentatively around season 4 Notes: Apparently, vld is having a resurgence so send in some requests!
You knew it was for the best. Sat cross-legged in the confines of your cell with a small smile on your lips, contented, knowing that you have done everything you could, that this wasn't in vain- rather it was what was supposed to happen. For the betterment of the entire universe, sometimes sacrifices need to be made. You remember telling Keith something similar during one of his many brooding moments. Now wishing that you could remember which conversation it was or maybe just that you had paid more attention to your time together, especially now you didn’t think you would ever see the boy with the mullet again. 
You were sat next to Hunk, the pair of you looking up giddily at Takashi Shirogane, the famed astro explorer. He was speaking to the class about his recent accomplishment as he had just broken the record for the fastest orbital velocity. Everyone had tried the flight simulator and despite not being able to get passed level 3- like the rest of the class you were still excited by the prospect of meeting the youngest pilot to ever lead a mission in space. Even more happy that you had done better than James Griffin in the simulator- as he never stopped going on about his good grades and how much better he is. So to wipe that smirk off his face made it all worth it. As you and Hunk were fangirling in the corner you heard Griffins whining causing your attention to go back to the simulator, where apparently one more person was having a go. The pair of you walked towards the commotion as the annoyed brunette sounded out “No way! Keith made it past level five?! Thing's got to be broken.” That was the first moment you saw him, well properly at least. The young boy with a mullet and a ‘disciplinary issue’ if you were to listen to what your teachers told you. He walked away from the training simulator with a grin on his face and you couldn’t help but smile too. Especially when he looked your way as he walked off. 
‘He doesn't even know you're gone’ you muse to yourself, and it’s true. The last you had heard from him was on the other side of a screen during a planning meeting with the Blade surrounded by your teammates, who similarly had yet to know the fate of the white paladin of Voltron. They would soon realise when you don't return through the wormhole and when they find your lion broken and alone. But then it will already be too late, as the galaran ship that held you prisoner was already galaxies away taking you towards inevitable doom. You think you're pathetic, as you are already giving up but what else can you do, your weapon is gone, lion missing,  and you are locked in a cell with only your body inside of it with nobody even knowing where you are- not even you. Worry roots deeply inside of yourself as you think of your friends, a lump in your throat growing at the thought of them discovering that you're gone- they have all lost enough already. You’re sure Lance would try to be enthusiastic, claiming that they found Shiro so they could find you. Still, even he would know the saddening truth that the galarans won’t make the same mistake twice as he tries to hide his tears from Pidge who would be clinging to Hunk, begging him to tell her it’s not true- she only just got her brother back and now she has lost her sister- blood related or not. You knew it would destroy the team if you couldn’t get back to them and what worries you is that you're struggling to see a way that you can.
It was nerve-wracking, waiting to find out who Iverson and the rest of the teachers decided to team you up with for the simulators. It was a big deal, as this was going to be your team for the rest of your time in the Garrison. Last year you couldn’t wait for this moment, but maybe that was because you were certain that the boy with the mullet would be by your side as you were as Shiro put it “the only person that can put up with him” but he left, dropped out without so much of a goodbye, and you could understand, the loss of Shiro, Matt and Sam was difficult for everyone but nobody took it worse than Keith and you suppose it made sense as Shiro was all the boy had. You shook the thoughts of him out of your mind when Iverson finally came into the room, twiddling the rings on your rings on your fingers as you stood near Hunk who looked ghostly pale and going on queasy as you both prayed that the older man would do you both a solid and put you two together. You listened as he called names into groups, feeling somewhat better when Griffin was put in a group that didn't include you. Then your name was called and you were told to stand next to a tall Cuban boy wearing blue, you smiled as you walked up to him and he smiled back seemingly just as nervous as you were, then a smaller boy with round glass and a green jumper joined the group, your eyes squinting when looking at him, almost as if you had seen him before but you couldn’t place where. But before you could question it Hunk's name fell out of Iverson’s lips, you looked up in alarm as you saw Hunk coming towards your group, shocked that your prayers had been answered. The fear that was eating away at you was dulled slightly as he came to stand next to you. Sure it wasn’t the team that you wanted but maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.
Being in space has always made your internal clock question how long has passed, but it seems to be worse when alone in this cell. You believe it has been a few days based on the number of trays of food delivered to your cell, the only interaction with another you’ve had this whole time. At least you think, as you find yourself waking up exhausted with pains and aches all over your body, but you have no memory of doing anything or even anyone coming into your cell in the first place. You thought you would've been face to face with Zarkon or his witch by now, but as time passes, you struggle to believe that would happen at all, which causes a pit to develop in your stomach as the unknown of your future begins to dawn on you.
You can still hear the conforming hum of your lion in the back of your head, trying to reassure you that all is well but as the days pass by you begin to believe it less and less simply repeating to yourself that it was for the best.
“Things could’ve been a lot worse” you theorised. Sat with Pidge in this trash heap with your lions completely shut down. At least you were together and there were (up to now) no enemies trying to kill you both. To be honest, you wouldn’t want to be stuck here with anyone else. After Pidge finally revealed to everyone that she was in fact a girl, something you had figured out back in your garrison days, not long after you had become a team and saw the photo of her and Matt taken prior to the Kerberos mission, but you only knew because he had shown it to you first, during one of his many tutoring sessions with you. You liked to think that while Shiro was Keith’s mentor, Matt was yours. A sentiment he very much enjoyed, so much that Pidge later told you that she had already known who you were when she met you. A fact that made your heart swell. Your friendship with Matt was one of the many reasons that Pidge thought of you like a sister and the main reason you looked after her so much- you wanted to look after her for him while he couldn’t and while this mindset got you into many arguments with Keith over putting her safety over your own you wouldn’t change a thing because you knew it was the right thing to do (Also Keith couldn’t really say anything as he constantly put himself in harms way for everyone on the team.) You couldn’t help but feel protective over her as she was the youngest out of your ragtag bunch and was annoyingly the only one you could baby as you were the second youngest of the group as Lance loved to remind you. While being here with Pidge definitely made you feel a little better, you couldn’t help but be relentlessly worried for the rest of the group, as they always found some way to get into trouble- especially Lance and Keith. It was like trouble sought them out, always getting into some sort of issue whether it be with aliens or with each other. So you couldn’t help but double over in laughter when Pidge using her junk-made paladins started an argument between the fake Lance and Keith.  Eventually, you both decided that you had waited around for help long enough and decided to try and find your own way back to the castle. Pidge made you gather together materials to make a home beacon signal in hopes that it could reach the castles of lions to allow them to find you two. No surprise to you Pidge’s brilliance worked its magic as the castle of lions appeared in the sky from a wormhole, the pair of you hugged each other happy knowing that you weren’t going to grow old on a trash pile as you had both dramatically claimed. You two were more than ready to return to the fight against Zarkon to save the universe and hopefully, find Pidge’s family.      
You dream of him, black hair, violet eyes and his grumpy temperament clouding your thoughts as you try to rest. But, when you wake cold and alone in that dark cell you are reminded of the present and how you need to try and stop yourself from dreaming of the past.
Thought it was “just goodbye for now” you bitterly mumbled as you awoke from another dream of him. This time the memory sticks with you- of the goodbye you shared as he left to find himself with the blades, those were the words he uttered to you as you blanketed him in your embrace. That it was temporary, that you two would come back together again and you remember how you smiled through your sadness nodding at his words, believing him truthfully- as you always did. But you are now struggling to believe it anymore and you don't know if you are more mad at him for uttering those words or yourself for trusting them to be true. Up to now, all attempts to contact your lion have failed miserably but you can still hear your lion if you concentrate enough- as though you two are connected to the same string and you pray that it never snaps, clinging onto it like a lifeline.
You were buzzing, tapping your hands against your legs as you bounced on the balls of your feet, waiting for Pidges Lion in the cockpit while the rest of the team looked at you, amused. Lance, clearly feeding off your joyous attitude, ruffled the hair on your head, messing it up slightly. You turned to the boy, pouting as he withdrew his hands, using your own to try to flatten whatever mess he had made as he giggled at your reaction. A smile quickly returned to your face when Pidge stepped out of her lion with a familiar boy following behind her, you ran towards the pair, wrapping your arms around Matt’s shoulders in welcome, your smile only increasing when he hugged back with just as much gusto, you could hear Lance muttering something about someone being jealous if they were here to Hunk and Shiro but you weren’t paying close enough attention to anything he said, instead, you were very happy that the man who you would call a brother was really okay and just like Shiro had survived the Kerberos mission. When the family reunion had ended Pidge introduced Matt to the rest of the group, except for Keith as he was yet again away on some mission with the Blades. You watched amused as Matt’s eyes landed on Allura and something similar to what you see in a romcom played out as he screamed “You are so beautiful!” you struggled to keep the giggles to yourself as you saw Coran turn red in anger, clearly seeing this as an inappropriate way to talk to the princess and finding humour in Lance’s clear jealousy as Hunk made the boy walk away from the group. You decided to do something similar telling Pidge to give Matt a tour of the castle ship as you walked away with Coran and Allura, pulling both the alteans away with your hands.
Calming down an angry altean was albeit harder than you expected, especially when Allura was of no help at all as she was just laughing at how worked up the older man had become, but you understood it was because he felt so protective over her especially since there was no Alfor to help him and she was like Coran’s little girl so nobody would ever be good enough, you whispered just as much to him as Allura was talking to her mice and that seemed to make him less annoyed, knowing that somebody else understood him. It wasn’t until later when gossiping with Allura about your lives before all this, that she mentioned that it wasn’t just Matt’s interaction with her that annoyed Coran but also his interaction with you, claiming that he always got annoyed when others in his eyes tried to “flirt” with you, her or Pidge. However, she quickly noted that he never got annoyed or got Lance and Hunk to intimidate Keith like he did anyone else when it comes to you a comment made your cheeks burn.   
You startle awake to the sound of your cell door being opened, eyes darting towards the light, confused when the door continues to open, eyes squinting from the light now surrounding you for the first time in weeks as you try to identify the body in front of you when a voice gasped out and a familiar voice spoke your name. All worry evaporated from your body as Matt Holt wrapped you in a hug and you knew for the first time in weeks that everything would be okay and that maybe Keith was right- it was just goodbye for now.
You now sat in the control room of the ship you had been captured in surrounded by freedom fighters. After hearing over hacked intercoms about it carrying ‘precious cargo’ for the emperor, they had infiltrated and taken control of the ship.
“And that was me was it?” you mused looking towards the Holt boy to which he cracked a smile sending you a simple nod in response. You had changed into your white and silver spacesuit and your bayard had been retrieved for you. Now more than ready to return home to the castle of lions, to the paladins and to him. 
The first thing you saw, unsurprisingly, as the ship came out of the wormhole was your lion, growling in happiness, bounding towards her paladin only stopping when she was at the front of the ship, eyes locked onto you. You smiled gleefully at your lion feeling your connection stronger than ever, as though the string that attached the you two was unwavering, unbreakable. As soon as the ship reached the castle of lions you were enveloped in the paladin’s embrace, you would’ve fallen over when Pidge launched herself into your arms, legs wrapped around your middle like a koala,  if weren’t for Lance keeping you balanced by surrounding you in a hug from behind. Hunk joined the misfit group of cadets finishing off the group hug similar to how they used to in the Garrison when they, for once, completed the training simulator much to Iverson’s shock. Thoughts of worry could be seen swimming through Shiro’s eyes as you caught them when looking up, he nodded at you, the tension flinging off him like water down a hill as you turned back to your family holding Pidge and Lance by the backs of their heads, smiling and reassuring them that this was real, that you were real as tears dropped from the twos eyes. You could feel Hunk’s laboured breaths, clearly trying to stay strong for the group as the rest were blubbering messes. Walking away from your embrace and towards the freedom fighters with Shiro shaking hands and thanking them for getting you back to them as the trio dropped towards the floor, holding onto each other like it was the last time. 
It was only later when you had changed into your everyday wear, speaking with Allura and Coran holding both of their hands, stroking them gently that the paladins noticed the new scars decorating your arms and some scorch marks adjourned your neck along with bruising that you wouldn’t comment on. Or rather that you couldn’t as you claimed to not remember anything except for the dark room you were kept in and then Matt saving you. Another change was your hair, which had a white streak in it, you simply chuckled at the development turning to Shiro claiming "We match now" causing everyone to laugh and they supposed it fit you well - “As she is the white paladin” Lance claimed.
It was only when Coran transferred your memories temporarily into a crystal that they all saw what you endured on the ship, you were beaten and tortured for answers, electrocuted, burned for sport and tested on by some druids. At that point, they stopped watching as Shiro was looking rather green, probably from remembering his own time with those vile creatures. But you mused that you were lucky as you still had all your limbs and according to Coran who looked at your scan results from the healing pod whatever they were trying on you didn’t work as you were the same as you were before, “except for a few scars and a new hair colour that is” He pondered twiddling his moustache. And he was right of course you didn’t feel any different, maybe a bit more anxious at night and a few more nightmares but who could blame you after being trapped in a dark room for weeks. Of course, the memory loss was slightly concerning but they all believed it to be a coping mechanism to keep you sane and you were glad that you could only properly remember the dark room, that it was all that really haunted you at night and that those things you saw on the screen projected from your mind didn’t and you hoped it stayed that way.
The entire universe that was apart of the coalition let out a sigh of relief when it was revealed by Allura on comms to the members of the alliance that the white paladin of Voltron had been found and returned mostly unharmed.  However, nobody’s relief could be felt greater than that of Keith Kogane who had been fighting with Kolivan for weeks when they received the information of your disappearance and probable capture, he remembers the way his legs nearly gave out from under him when during a meeting with Allura the altean claimed that Voltron couldn’t come to the rescue this time as they were missing a paladin- missing you. He Surprisingly didn’t even need to sneak out on a blade ship to try and find the castle of lions to see if it was true, rather Kolivan who was probably fed up with his moping simply turned to the boy and gave him ship and co-ordinates simply asking him to back in time for the next meeting. The older Galaran didn’t think he'd see the boy move so fast, mumbling annoyed about how much more work would get done if he did. 
You didn’t hear him on comms asking for Coran to allow him into the cockpit, too busy in the training deck with Shiro and Allura showing them that despite being out of action for a few weeks you were ready to get back out there because as you told them “the galra don’t wait for anyone” and that “this revolution wasn’t going to fight itself.” You didn’t even hear your teammates asking for you to come to the control room over comms, far too busy fighting the training dummies and your comms device left on the side. What you did notice was when you were lifted from behind, a pair of pale arms grabbing you by the waist causing a gasp to erupt from your throat, You spun around ready to attack until your eyes met his, and then your sword dropped to the floor as Keith held you in his arms, staring intensely at you as if you would disappear if he dared to look away for even a second. You quickly returned the embrace, arms circling his back as you threw your head onto his chest, almost unbelieving that he was there, his arms moved, crowding around your head pulling you impossibly closer to his body as he noticed the white strand of hair, his fingers pressed against it confused as he rested his nose atop your head, breathing you in, reminding himself that this was in fact, real and not just one of his sick dreams he has been having since finding out you were gone. 
Being held in his arms made everything real, and you thought that if you had to through everything all over again just to have this moment, in his arms, you would. It was all be for the best if you ended up in his arms at the end of it all.
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tsuvvy · 11 months
"I won't let you fall"
Pairing: Keith Kogane x gn!reader
Summary: You are scared of heights, but Keith promises to catch you. And he keeps his promise.
Warning: Reader scared of heights ig?
A/n: I thought of the words "you gotta jump" and immediately heard his voice in my head 😭
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"You gotta jump y/n!!" Keith yells.
"I-I can't!" You yell back, looking down at big drop with anxiety growing in your stomach like weeds would in a garden.
"I will catch you!" He yelled slowly and carefully, making sure you understood and heard what he's saying.
"I'm scared, Keith!" You yell.
Your bottom lip quivered as you shuffled your foot forward and stared over the edge you froze when a small pebble fell off the side of the small ledge you were on.
"What if I can't jump that far!?" Tears started to well up in your eyes. "Or what if you-"
"I am going to catch you!" Keith cut you off quickly. He knew exactly where you were going with that sentence. "Just trust me!" He held a hand out to you.
You gulped. He was so serious. Keith had looked directly into your eyes, no hint of hesitation in his voice what so ever. You looked down the mountain one more time before backing up to the rocky wall behind you.
Pidge was behind him piloting the Green Lion, keeping it in the air so you could jump onto it from the cliff you were on.
You looked up at Keith, and he nodded.
You took a deep breath before unlatching your hands from the wall behind you and taking a step forward. You took a deep breath before you leaped off of the edge. You stuck your hand out as far as you could reach it. You had closed your eyes tightly, in case you didn't make it.
You felt a hand grasp your own, nothing beneath your feet. You still didn't dare to open your eyes.
Keith pulled you up into the Green Lion. He let out a breath of air he didn't know he was holding and circled his arms around your waist, holding you against him. Keith was sitting on the ground, watching the Green Lion's mouth close.
He regained his composure before looking down at you in his arms. You still had your eyes tightly shut, and you were now holding onto Keith for dear life.
Keith smiled softly, his eyes softening. He stroked your back gently with his hand. You had calmed down with his soothing movement and opened your eyes slowly. You looked up at him with tears welling in your eyes. You quickly threw your arms around his neck, hugging him tightly as you buried your face in the crook of his neck.
"Thank you.." You said quietly into the crook of his neck.
"Anytime." Keith responded, still stroking your back gently.
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jiyansthesis · 1 year
hey, i love your writing, could you write keith x reader headcanons for when they reveal to the rest of the team that they're a couple? thank you, and it's totally okay if you don't want to do this :)
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i'm stalling too much on my other keith fics ☠️BUT I'LL GET THIS ONE OUT TOO!! probably took me around 10 minutes tops. tbh i haven't watched vld since like 2018, so i'm def a bit rusty when it comes to events
i also suck at this type of concept so oops
very short/not proofread
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of course, the two of you weren't hiding your relationship at first, it just hadn't been a priority to tell the rest of the team
keith wasn't one for pda, so it wasn't very obvious from the start.
shiro definitely knew though
occasionally you'd sneak him a kiss in dark corners, hidden away from the team
majority of your time with keith was spent in his room or in the training room, and no one bothered you during those times
behind closed doors, he was a lot more soft and loving
you will never convince me he doesn't like being the little spoon
outside, he treated you the same as the others, since that was simply his personality, and also meant that no one would catch on
lance didn't know the two of you were dating, and didn't even have a slight suspicion (he's always clueless)
this led to him still constantly flirting with you, always with that goofy grin you'd grown to love
you never really dragged it on, but sometimes you'd entertain him (he always confessed his love for allura to you, so you weren't worried about leading him on)
but keith definitely did not like it. he didn't blame lance, but he was still always looking over with a glare and shadowed eyes
"you want to go get food together? are you asking me on a date?" lance winked at you as he lazily draped his arm across your shoulders
that was his last straw
at this, keith walked over and took your hand, dragging you towards him so you woud be right against his chest
"she already has a date," he began to lead you straight out the room, and when you turned back to sheepishly apologize to lance, you saw almost everyone staring with their jaws dropped
shiro had his arms crossed with a knowing smile, compared to lance who looked like he was a statue, his arm still raised in the spot your shoulder was
pidge was dumbfounded, and hunk looked betrayed
"we always tell each other everything! why'd you hide this from us?" he whined dramatically. "especially during our sleepovers!"
hunk would be pouting and fuming about this for at least a day
allura and coran looked like they were gossiping, shooting glances your way with coran's hand held up between them
the door shut behind you, and you heard them talking about it
"you knew about this, didn't you shiro!" lance accused
he was 100% confronting you about this later
looking back toward keith, you asked,
"you really decided now to make everyone know we're dating?"
he shrugged. "at least lance can finally focus on getting his little girlfriend."
"you're cute when you're jealous, y'know that?"
he face turned red and he looked away, and you playfully swung your hand entwined with his back and forth. you were going to tease him about this forever
"shut up."
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Keith dating hcs please!! and im so glad that their is people still doing voltron! i love that show so so much and I feel like the fandom is dying so quickly😭
ofc i can do keith dating headcanons lovely! im so glad you like voltron too, its taken over my life once again and its sad coming back to the fandom with just a little of us left but i want to continue posting/writing about voltron to keep it alive on tumblr with some other talented creators!!
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✦before confessing his feelings to you, he had to ask lance for some help
✦it took a lot of contemplating and hyping up but he finally got there!
✦keith would struggle a little at the beginning of the relationship since he's worried you'll leave him for someone better. he would spend nights just staring at his ceiling and thinking how much better off you would be with someone else.
✦though overtime those thoughts would fade away but not completely.
✦he would try to flirt with you, but he'd become very flustered and awkward but you thought it was very adorable by the effort he'd put into it!
✦he is very against PDA (aka public display of affection)!!
✦if you break it, expect a very grumpy, pouty and flustered keith.
✦keith is VERY clingy in your relationship, he’ll just want to constantly be near you especially in social situations.
✦keith gets jealous, he just does. he's scared people are gonna steal you from him.
✦once while on a mission with him, this alien took it upon themself to start flirting with you (because who wouldn't😍), keith caught up on this and let me tell you, he was mad.
✦he completely broke the 'no PDA' rule. he wrapped you around in his arm and said "excuse me, but she's taken" with a deadpanned face. man was not having it.
✦i feel like his galra side would make him very territorial, which includes things that belong to him and his personal space.
✦your his and he's yours.
✦surprisingly the only thing that he let pass from his 'no PDA' rule is hand holding, ONLY if he knows that no one else notices (especially Lance or Pidge, they just love to tease him).
✦but they know, they're just snickering quietly to themselves, but shiro keeps them quiet for keith's sake(space dad!!)
✦okay if you guys sleep together, keith demands morning kisses. its the first thing he needs wants. when he wakes up don't be surprised to be showered in kisses!
✦this man does NOT care about morning breath, he just loves you so much!!
✦though, if you sleep in your own beds let say, he'll just brush his teeth (as will you🫵)
✦i feel like keith's hugs will be super comforting and long, especially if he's feeling a little sleepy (and he may just hug you around the other paladins if he is really tired)
✦(yk sometime you just got to break the rule, he just can't resist hugging you. it just makes him feel so warm and comforted.)
✦we all know that keith loves you to bits but he does get embarrassed about what the others will think when they see him so lovey dovey and intimate.
✦he needs to keep the tough guy act okay, its a full-time job (its really not)
✦but just keep reminding him to be himself ☻!!
✦(im sorry i just love cuddles💗 ahhhh)
✦this man would sell his soul for a cuddle from you. IN PRIVATE sadly.
✦he loves little snuggles before drifting off to sleep after an exhausting day.
✦he loves when you pepper kisses all over his face, neck, collarbone and shoulders
✦he also loves when you play or run your fingers through his hair, he finds it so soothing.
✦also don't deny any of his affection! IT WILL SEND THIS DUDE INTO SEVERE POUTY-NESS.
✦he just loves you so so so much!! so it will break his heart (not literally).
✦your the definition of the sun to his moon.♥︎
(i dont think i used that correctly ☹︎ but trust the thought process)
✦you always have to remind him that if he dies, you die too. in hope to make him less reckless on missions (he's still reckless).
✦also before he leaves for a mission he always gives you a sweet little kiss at the forehead/temple and definitely expect a kiss when he gets back!!
☾ ⋆・゚:⋆・゚
✦in the end he loves you dearly and would do anything for you ☻♥︎
. marra✧˖*°࿐
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yandere-voltron · 3 months
Love Gone Bad
Summary: Lance wants to impress one of his classmates, but it seems she has her eyes set on another student Pairings: Lance McClain x Fem! Reader/ Keith Kogane x Fem! Reader Tw/Cw: One-sided Romance, Jealousy, V-style Love 'Triangle'
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Lance's eyes were drawn in by a girl across the room. She was out of his league in looks, sure, but he was a Voltron Paladin, so that had to count for something. He was about to approach you when someone beat him to it. He frowned when seeing the black-haired mullet.
You picked at your food, before sighing and leaning on your hand.
"Is this seat taken?"
You looked up to the voice, your face turning a light pink.
"Uh, no. It's open."
Keith smiles, something you hadn't seen much of before he disappeared with the other students. It was nice, he seemed happier than he ever was.
"Uh, Y/n... right?"
"Yeah," You quickly nod. "We had pilot classes together."
"Right. Um," He sighs, looking away from you. "You know, I know I wasn't... the greatest person in the world-"
You looked at him confused, not knowing where he was going.
"And I wanted to apologize for not being the nicest person in the world."
"Oh... Uh, well, you were never mean to me. In fact, I really liked you."
"Yeah?" He smiles, leaning in. "Well, that's good to hear."
Lance watched the two talk as he crushed his food under him.
"Hey, Lance, uh what's going on?"
Lance looked up at his older sister, Veronica. Lance sighs, "It's nothing."
"Sure doesn't look like nothing." She looks up to follow Lance's line of sight. He was looking at Keith? And Y/n? "Do you not like Y/n?"
"Not like?" Lance's eyes widen as he quickly shakes his head. "No, no, no. Of course I like Y/n... It's Keith I don't like."
"What? Why? I thought you two were friends now."
Lance doesn't respond and Veronica quickly picks up on what Lance's problem was. She smiles wide as she finally takes a seat next his and elbows him.
"You like Y/n."
Lance quickly straightens up and shakes his head, "No! No, no, no-" Lance tried to deny it, but it was to late, Veronica already knew. He sighs and leans back. "Maybe a little."
"Well, it looks like Keith is already making his move, so maybe you should pick up the pace."
"Thanks, Veronica. Really appreciate it."
"No problem, Lance."
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theghoulgirl · 9 months
Adoration (Keith Kogane/Reader)
A 1,300 word oneshot that takes place after the war in which Keith and the reader both live together. Pretty much a slice-of-life in which they both get ready for bed on a cold winter night. (18+)
I also know I am writing for a pretty lifeless fandom, but alas, I wrote this because I wanted to. Not because I expect much traffic to come across it. If you do happen to stubble upon it, then I hope you enjoy!
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As the sun wore down on the horizon, it covered the small town in a frigid chill. Luckily the two lovers were tucked away indoors in a desperate attempt to fend off the cold that crept outdoors. But despite their attempt, the youngest of the love birds could not effectively beat the freezing temperatures that had washed over the country. 
“Keith, my dearest?” 
“Yes hon?”
“I actually cannot feel my hands anymore.” Keith and (y/n) were snuggled up on the leather loveseat that sat in the living room of their house, with the memories of war behind them in the not-so-distant past. To further prove her point, she decided to stick an ice-cold hand under his shirt and rest it on his stomach.
Keith let out a surprised gasp and gently shoved her away with a bellowing cackle. “Dear god, go take a hot shower or something! What the actual hell, how is that human? Are you human? That’s not human. ” 
(Y/n) let out a giggle at his rapid fire comments. “I’m not so sure I am anymore. Or maybe you’re not human, especially considering you are still as fiery as a furnace.” 
“Yes. I am not fully human, we know this.” Keith waved his hand in a small circle. 
“But that?” He pointed down at her hands “That is not human. I know human, and this ain’t it.” (Y/n) rolled her eyes at his antics and sat crossed legged next to him with her arms stretched above her head. 
“Well it’s nearly a blizzard out there! You also won’t let me turn the temperature up, so I’m cold!” Although he is right about taking a shower. It’s nearly time for bed and my face feels incredibly gross. (Y/n) stared at Keith’s face in contemplation. 
In a moment of courage, she whispered “Take a shower with me?”Keith shot her a gleeful smirk.
“There wouldn’t be any actual bathing if I joined. So, unfortunately,  I am going to have to pass on your tempting offer.”
“But it would be fun and then I’d get to have, not one, but two different heat sources.” A crimson heat spread across her cheeks at the suggestiveness of her first comment. The corner of Keith’s eyes crinkled as his grin widened, and he patted her on as a sign to get up. 
“Now. Go get a shower. You’re an ice cube and I do not have a nuclear core to keep you warm.”
“Fine. Fine. I’m going.”
After her vision cleared from standing up too quickly, (y/n) wrapped her jacket closer to her and waddled to the shared bathroom. She turned the shower nozzle to the highest setting, which could be equated to the surface temperature of the sun. While waiting for the water to warm, she removed her makeup that has been resting on her skin for far too long. Keith decided at the moment the mascara was being removed, to walk in and lean against the door frame with an adoring expression. 
“Your eyes look like a raccoon.” 
“Fuck off Kogane.” He let out a playful ‘no’ in response and squeezed her waist with one hand as he passed by to grab his toothbrush and toothpaste. Keith nudged her hip with his to get her to scoot over so he had access to the sink. During the time that Keith began to brush his teeth, (y/n) had removed the rest of her make-up, racoon eyes included. She then began to notice the toothpaste foaming around Keith’s mouth. 
“Keith, my love, have you been out in the woods recently?” He cocked his head to the side in confusion at the strange question and spit a wad of toothpaste into the sink. 
“Not recently, but I did go this past weekend. Why?”
“Because you look like you caught rabies. Think we may need to get the vaccine for it.” (Y/n) smiled mischievously at her punch line and started to undress. Keith rolled his eyes at the joke and rinsed out his mouth. He grabbed the edge of his shirt and wiped off the excess water from his face. 
“Ha-ha.” Keith sarcastically replied. “Very funny. Truly, a master comedian. Seriously, we should sign you up for the giggle hut.” 
Now in the steaming hot water, (y/n) replied. “Oh yeah? Well I think you and I should do a dou act. We could call ourselves ‘The Racoon and the Rabies Virus’! Our entire act is just Steven King’s Cujo, but with a rabid raccoon instead.” Keith let out a genuine laugh at the comment and began to exit the room. 
“Well, while you’re in there, I’ll be sure to send an email about our inquiry.” He shut the bathroom door with a soft ‘click’. 
After the shower, (y/n) emerged into the bedroom with two towels wrapped around her hair and body. She began to rifle through her closet looking for pajamas, but also kept an eye on Keith’s side of the closet. 
Keith sat on the bed with his legs bent and a tablet resting on his thighs, but his attention was solely on his partner the moment she waltzed in. A bright blush unfurled across his face as (y/n) tossed clothes onto the bed. With the last throw of a shirt, that does indeed belong to him, he snapped his attention back to the tablet and cleared his throat. 
“I-um.” Keith bit his lip and began to fidget with his hands. “You know you’re indescribably beautiful, right?” 
A wide smile bloomed across (y/n) face at the compliment, which normally is not verbally expressed by Keith since he uses physical touch or action as a medium of love. Though, along with the smile, her face also began to flush and she vocalized “I know my love. But it will always mean a lot coming from you.”
The two lovers gazed into each other as they got lost in the wonderment and adoration of the other. 
What have I done to deserve someone as wonderful as her?
How in the world did I find someone like him?
As the sweet moment passed, a slow awkwardness began to settle in the air. (Y/n) started giggling. “It’s going to be very weird now when I take off my towels to put on my clothes.” 
Keith laughed along at her comment as a playful look shot across his eyes. “No, it’s only weird if we make it weird. And my dear, this is not the first time you’ve gotten dressed in front of me, let alone have been nude.” He let out a sound of surprise as he dodged the towel that came flying at his head as (y/n) took off her hair towel. 
“Put that over your head. I do not want you to look at me while I get dressed.” Keith, while laughing, obliged her request and draped the towel over his head. (Y/n) swiftly got dressed. 
Keith looks like a sheet ghost. 
“Okay, you’re in the clear.” Keith pulled off the towel and chucked it into the hamper. He picked up his tablet and put it on the side table before he opened up his arms as an invitation. (Y/n) approached the bed with a shy composure and lifted the duvet to crawl in and cuddle into his arms. She turned and rested her cheek against his shoulder and pressed a small kiss to his collarbone. Keith in response pressed a lingering kiss atop the crown of her head. They both took an individual inhale and exhaled as they sunk into the soft comfort of each other. Keith rubbed his hand up and down her shoulder as he said “Want me to turn off the lights?” 
(Y/n) nodded in reply. Keith slapped the switch that was above the headboard and settled deeper into the pillows. 
Despite the frost that was forming spirals on the window, the cold that was seeping through the floorboards, and the radiator rumbling in the basement, the lovers were both toasty between the heat that had formed between them. As the night wore and the wind grew colder, they dozed off into a dreamless slumber.
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bagerfluff · 10 months
Keith's A What?
Keith Kogane x Non-Binary Reader
Prompt - "Your hair is so soft"
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“Keith got turned into a what?” You asked Shiro. Tilting your head has if that would help you hear better. The team left for a mission a few hours ago and just got back.
You were excited to see your boyfriend, but when he didn’t come up out of his hanger, you were worried. But the Shiro told you something that made you realize that space is weirder than you thought.
Shiro had explained to you that the Galra had some new magic and used that magic to turn Keith into a cat? At first, you didn’t believe, but when Pidge walked out of the red lion’s hanger with a black cat with extra hair on their head, you thought you had seen it all.
“A cat” Shiro answered your question as you walked closer to Pidge. The cat in their arms looked up at you. The cat was fluffy and somehow had Keith’s same signature glare. 
They had the same purple eyes that Keith did. “I think with the help of Allura, I should be able to turn him back” Pidge said with a tilt of their glasses as they placed Keith on the ground.
“But I don’t know how long that will take,” Pigde noted “I’m not even sure if Keith is Keith”. “What?” Hunk said as he looked over at Pidge. “Well I’m not sure if Keith got turned into a cat with the mind of a cat or with the mind of Keith” 
Pidge said as they looked over at Hunk and then back at Keith. “Well someone needs to take care of him,” Shiro said as he looked around. “Well I’m not. I have stuff to do”
Lance said before walking off to his room. “Maybe Y/n should do it,” Hunk pointed down to your legs “I mean, look at Keith”. Everyone looked down as did you to see that Keith was rubbing against your legs.
Like a real cat. “Maybe he does have the mind of Keith” Pidge noted with furrowed brows as they moved their glasses. “That’s fine with me if it’s okay with Y/n”. You looked down at Keith before looking up at everyone else with a smile.
“Yeah I’d love to” You reached down and picked Keith up, Keith immediately resting in your arms. You then walked back to your room. This week might be weirder than you thought.
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It had been a couple of days since Keith got turned into a cat, and it was differently weird. Pidge had decided that Keith still had the mind of Keith but just a cat body. Though, Lance did not appreciate that since when he tried to pick Keith up, he scratched him.
Pidge said that it should only take a couple more days, but you like cat Keith. He was still Keith, but cuter. You didn’t think Keith could look cuter.
Though he was a cat, he was still Keith. Moody, hot-headed, and only really tolerated you.
Since Keith couldn’t go on missions or train and you didn’t do any of that to begin with, Keith hung out with you. You spent most of your time fixing stuff around the castle. You were an engineer, like Hunk.
But you liked Keith’s company. He just slept and watched you work, but you liked it. You normally did all of this alone, so you liked it. Sometimes, Keith also did the cutest things, in your opinion.
Like he would cuddle up with you. When you were working, sleeping, or just resting. But you kinda wanted your boyfriend back. You wanted to cuddle him.
You wanted to talk to him. You slumped in your chair at your desk as you thought about this. You wanted your boyfriend back. You let out a sigh as he leaned forward on your desk with your arm.
Keith walked over from your bed and jumped on the table when he heard you sigh. “Hey love” you said and reached up to pet Keith’s hair.
Keith mewled as he walked into your hand and sat in front of you. You continued to run your hand through Keith’s fur. That was something you and Keith liked.
You because it gave you something to do with your hands. As an engineer, you were kinda handsy, needing to do something, or maybe you had ADHD. Keith liked it because he liked the comfort he felt when someone did it. 
Keith’s hair was also soft and fluffy. You loved it. “Your hair is so soft” you said with a small smile. “Or should I say fur” you said with a laugh, and your smile grew. Somehow, Keith looked annoyed as a cat.
You laughed at that as Keith looked away from you. “Come on” you laughed as he moved closer to Keith. “You know you love me” Keith looked back at you and placed his nose on yours.
Your nose wrinkled at the feeling but you loved it.
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You held Keith in your arms as you walked into the bridge. Pidge had finally finished the cure with the help of Allura. And it was time to give it to Keith. It was in a needle, and you were also tasked with holding Keith still.
“Ready Y/n. Ready Keith” Pidge said as they walked closer. “Ready” you said, and Keith meowed. Pidge looked around, and everyone else nodded as Pidge walked closer and shot Keith with that needle. 
For a while nothing happened and everyone thought it wouldn’t work. “It didn’t work Pidge” Lance said but was quickly proven wrong as Keith started to shake.
Everyone looked at Keith, who is still in your arms. A couple ticks later a human Keith laid in your arms. He quickly wrapped his arms around your neck. You laughed as you placed a kiss on Keith’s forehead.
“You looked cute as a cat,” you said as Keith blushed from your statement. 
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Keith x reader ~ Childhood friends to lovers ❤️‍🔥
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You met at the garrison when you were barely teens, when Keith’s hair was shorter and he NEVER opened his mouth in public.
It’s not that he didn’t like you when you first met, he just didn’t want to like you. He was comfortable being a loner and didn’t want to put in the effort a friendship requires
But you were just so nice to him. He lowkey loved and hated it at the same time. He wanted to ignore you like he did everyone else but you wouldn’t leave him alone and he felt too guilty to tell you to go away. You noticed he was always alone so you tried to offer him some kindness.
He kinda wanted you to leave him alone but you didn’t and eventually, he started to looked forward to seeing you everyday. Seeing you run to him with a smile on your face and an extra lunch bag in your hand for him made him feel important. He’d never admit any of that to you tho.
One day, you weren’t at school and the whole day was just off. He didn’t feel right, he felt sad and invisible as he walked past all his classmates in the hall. He felt like no one truly saw him besides Shiro, who was often too busy to really give Keith attention, and you.
The next day when he saw you, he came up to you first!!!
“Where were you yesterday?” “I had a doctors app-“ “Next time, tell me you’re gonna be gone. I was worried.” He reached out for your hand, holding it between his own cold hands. “Oh…okay. I-I’m sorry, Keith.”
Omfg he was worried about you? After one day??? How cute!
From then on, you two were inseparable, the best of friends. He went to you every time he was really sad and needed support or when he was extremely angry and needed to just rant and yell to you. He confided in you so much, he trusted you more than anyone else. He told you the ugly and embarrassing secrets he’d never told anyone else before.
That day that he punched Griffin, after going to the dean’s office he found you outside reading. You could tell he was upset as he stomped over to you, making you immediately toss your book aside and give him your full attention.
“Keith? You okay? What happ-“ He flopped down in the grass beside you, laid on his side with his head resting on your thigh and began crying. He made sure to keep it quiet and keep his face hidden from you but you could feel him shaking. Unsure of what to say, you just began playing with the hair covering the nape of his neck. He LOVED the physical affection. He didn’t talk to you at all that afternoon, he just cried in your lap for a while then hugged you tight and went home.
That moment was when you both began to catch feelings. He loved that you were so kind and accepting of him, always so comforting. You never pressured him to talk to you, your presence alone was enough to calm him down.
You loved that he trusted you and always protected and checked up on you. He would do anything for you, all you had to do was ask with your pretty smile and soft eyes and he’d comply.
As you both grew up, he came to love your praises. You always told him how smart he was and how amazing he was at piloting, he couldn’t get enough. You fed his ego so much.
He was and still is terrible at returning the compliments. He’d often offer you constructive criticism instead, which took some getting used to but made you realize that he genuinely cared for you and only wanted the best for you.
You’d often walk hand in hand around the garrison and if anyone gave you two a weird look or tried to tease y’all about being a couple, Keith would literally bark at them while keeping your hand in his grip. “Fuck off! Mind your business…” and you liked his fiery personality. He was your scary guard dog.
When Keith got kicked out of the garrison, it broke both of your hearts. He was completely lost without you or Shiro around and you couldn’t sleep well at night for over a month bc you were so worried about him. Just like that, he had disappeared.
It was a while until you finally found him in that shack in the desert. You had gotten a tip from a teacher at the garrison while they were talking about him being a recluse and how he would sneak out to that shack in the middle of the night just to be alone and enjoy the quiet.
You found it one day and sort of just barged in, catching him half dressed and sleepy in his bed. “Keith?” He sat up abruptly, fists up defensively. “(Y/N)? How…what…?” His hands dropped to his sides as he stared at you in surprise. You ran and hugged him tightly, smiling as he hesitantly hugged you back.
He looked different…his hair was longer, he looked like he had been working out a lot and the bags under his violet eyes were very prominent.
You decided the garrison just wasn’t for you and you’d rather be with Keith. It just wasn’t the same there without him so you left it all behind and began visiting him every day.
He had never been so depressed and anxious before you found him and now that you were back in his life, he slowly but surely began to smile and eat more and act like his normal moody self.
The night finally came that you helped him rescue Shiro and he told you he’d be forever in debt to you for helping him save his brother. After getting Shiro to safety and settling everyone down, he pulled you outside his little shack so you could be alone together and he hugged you so tight it almost hurt as he cried on your shoulder. This time, his tears seemed to be from happiness and relief. He finally had his support system back ❤️‍🩹
Once you found yourselves in space together, his attitude changed a bit. He was much more busy and irritated and quiet all the time. Being a young adult out in space with the tremendous pressure of defending the universe took its toll on him.
You just gave him space and tried to keep yourself busy as well. He wasn’t sure if he liked the space or not.
As you all began to get into the swing of life out in the cosmos, Keith began coming around to you more often.
“Wanna come train with me? It’s boring by myself.” You were way too excited to spend time with him. You missed him so much while he was being distant. This moment changed everything. You two were inseparable again.
The whole team noticed that you had a way of getting him to soften up and relax when he was really frustrated. Everyone knew that you two loved each other but would never admit it to the other.
Finally, loverboy Lance steps in. He had to get y’all together. Keith is so dense and only seems to open up to you. You both just need a push from Lance the matchmaker.
He goes to Keith first and Keith shuts down the whole idea. He is terrified to lose your friendship by pushing a relationship on you so he totally rejects Lance’s help. He even tries to tell Lance that he only sees you as a friend but we all know he’s a terrible liar.
When Lance approached you, you couldn’t help but confess your burning love for Keith. You love him more than anyone in the world and you were also scared of making the friendship awkward by confessing to him. But Lance is the best wingman in the world. He would never let you fail.
Lance helped you come up with the right words to say and also tried to get you to practice some pick up lines, to which you just scoffed at him.
Finally, the day had come. You were gonna tell him how you really feel, how you’ve been feeling all these years.
You approach Keith’s door, waiting a few seconds before your shaky hand knocks.
The door slides open and a small smile grows on his lips. “What’s up?” You walk past him and into his room without asking permission, finding a seat on his bed. He was confused as to why you didn’t even smile at him like you normally do. “(Y/N)…are you okay?” He came to sit beside you, watching you with worried eyes.
“Listen…I uh…I have something to tell you but you have to swear, promise me that you’ll always be my friend…” Keith’s cheeks begin to flush as he nods slowly. He’s pretty sure he knows what’s about to come out of your mouth. “I promise.”
“I…I’m in love with you. I’ve loved you since we were kids. You…you mean the entire universe to me and I just want to call you my boyfriend. I don’t want to ruin our friendship so I understand if you don’t-“
“Shut up. I love you too…more than anyone. Let’s just date already.” And now his face is burning red hot as he avoids your gaze.
You guys fell into it so quick and smooth. It was an easy transition from best friends to lovers. You shared your first kiss just a few days after making it official.
“I’ve been wanting to kiss you ever since that day you told me you were worried about me when I wasn’t at school.” This makes him smile bigger than you’ve ever seen him smile before.
“Yeah? Funny…that’s when I first wanted to kiss you too.”
There’s no one else he’d rather be with. You are his person and he is yours, forever and ever and ever ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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I know this has already been done but I want YOUR take on this…can I pretty plz get headcanons of the paladins (or just Keith Pidge and Lance) accidentally hurting their s/o bad enough to send them to the healing pods…? How would they spend their time while waiting for them to wake up? Angsty with a fluffy ending…? THANK YOU ILYSM 🥹❤️‍🔥
Paladins Accidentally Injuring Reader
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STOP CUZ IM A SUCKER FOR ANGSTY STUFF LIKE THIS💀💀💀 I decided to do ALL of them cuz why not💯💯 also sorry for taking so long to answer, this was sitting in my drafts for awhile, procrastination is not fun😔🙏💔💔 another also, I didn’t proofread this yet but I promise I will💔
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It all happened so quickly Keith had no idea what had happened
He remembered he was fighting one of Zarkon’s men, relentlessly attacking him with his sword when all of a sudden you came into the picture
While he was on overdrive, the Galra general had taken ahold of you when you tried attacking him from his side, swinging you in front of him
In front of Keith’s brutal attacks…
Using you as a human shield, Keith had no time to stop his sword from swinging down on you
While you did try to stop his attack with your dagger, his force was too strong, resulting in his sword slicing into your shoulder all the way down to your stomach
Keith could never forget the piercing scream you let out
Frozen is shock and horror, he was kicked backwards by the Galra, hearing his footsteps quickly fading from both of you
He is a MESS when he gets to you
His hands shake as he tries to apply pressure to your wound, but it’s just too large
His vision just zeros on your face as tears stain your cheeks. Despite whimpering in pain, you want to reassure him that you’re fine, but he doesn’t let you move an inch
By the time the rest of the group gets to him, Keith is too frantic and a bit unstable for him to think correctly
The group has no idea how to handle this situation as they watch him cradle your now passed-out body, his body shaking from the adrenaline of needing to protect you from anything else
“Keith, listen to me. We need to take Y/N to the castle now if we want them to survive. We can’t do that if you won’t let us help you.”
Shiro is literally the only person who can bring Keith back to earth, words hitting him like a train as he looks down at your body, watching as you take shallow breathes
Keith does not let anyone near you, not in your fragile state. He carries you all the to the castle, whispering apologies as your face twists in pain from every move
Once getting you to the pod room, he only allows Allura and Pidge in the room to help him set up your body and change you into a bodysuit
While you’re in the healing pod, he’s always sitting nearby, waiting in silence for you, hating himself for hurting you so badly
Despite you being out of commission, Voltron still needed to continue its mission
During this time, Keith pushes himself to the absolute MAX
Purposely puts himself in danger, not caring how hurt he gets because nothing can compare to what you had to go through
In a way, this is his own way of punishing himself for hurting the person he cared for
Keith won’t even listen to Shiro, brushing him off whenever the man offered to help patch him up after a more brutal mission
The team definitely gets worried when he begins straying from missions entirely, almost purposely trying to find danger at every corner
So once he finds out you’re out of the healing pod, he is extremely hesitant to see you
But he practically runs to you when Allura tells him you wanted to see him
Seeing him all bruised up upsets you once you find out what he’s been doing
He doesn’t care though, he’s immediately groveling at your feet, apologizing as his eyes slowly filled with unshed tears
“I’m sorry Y/N. I’m so sorry, I hurt you, worse than anyone else I-“
You pull him into a crushing hug, feeling him tense up but slowly relax in your embrace
“None of this was your fault, ok Keith? You may not forgive yourself but I never blamed you for anything.”
You need to comfort Keith so much because this boy almost lost the last familiar person he loved
It takes some time for him to feel secure with you again but the progress you make is enough to set him back in motion
Lots of physical contact occurs now since Keith needs to know that you’re actually with him
He is 100% more protective over you now, always keeping an eye on you when out on missions and protectively standing in front of you during battles
Lance felt like he was going to throw up
He watched as you quickly were thrown down to the ground, breath caught in his lungs as you laid there unmoving
He was trying to aim for one of the guards that was originally standing in your place, but they had moved last second once they saw him aiming at them
He had no idea that you were right behind the guard, so all he could do was watch in horror as his blast hit your chest, knocking you out in one swift moment
Oh,how he hoped it only knocked you out
Shiro had quickly ran over to your body, checking your neck for a pulse before he abruptly got up, attacking one of the sentries who was aiming at you
Lance was already running to you, sliding over and immediately clutching onto your body
His eyes watered, not able to focus on anything else except your short, shallow breaths
Shiro’s voice brought him back to reality as he picked your body up bridal style and made a dash for his lion
Lance would be so worried over you once they put you in one of the healing pods
He would distance himself from the group immediately afterwards, almost running to his room to just let out the emotions
Oh god, he almost killed you
Lance would be inconsolable during all this, he wouldn’t eat any of Hunk’s food, ignore Keith’s comments that would normally set him over the end, and just not focus on Shiro’s attempts in comforting him
He would spend the days you spend in the pod wandering and moping around the halls of the castle, feeling absolutely terrible for what he did to you
He would sit quietly as your pod door opened, watching from afar as Pidge helped you from falling over
You would notice how everyone around you seemed relieve you see but the one person you really wanted to see stood by the entrance of the room
Lance would not be able to look you in the eyes
Now he’s a crying mess💔💔
“Y/N! I’m-I’m sorry! If you had actually-“
He just feels awful for what he had done, accident or not
You would stumble over to him, hugging him and feeling as he clutched onto you
His sobs sound throughout the room, the group looking with remorseful eyes, seeing how much this had actually affected him
“You didn’t know Lance. No one could have known that would happen.”
Lance would not be able to leave your side for a few days afterwards
He would still be quiet, but he would slowly begin going back to his usual self
Though during the night, he would get nightmares on the event, only your sweet whisperings could lull him back to a peaceful sleep
After the near death experience, he feels much more aware of his surroundings and how he used his gun
He just cares so much for you, he doesn’t know what he would do if you got hurt like that again
Things were going rough for the paladins during their mission, they were slowly losing control on the battle
Seeing an opportunity in front of her, Pidge noticed an electric column near her, already devising a plan
She would wrap her bayards cord around the column, making it an electric extension and have it thrown to their large enemy
It was perfect, until it wasn’t
Not getting the timing right, Pidge quickly threw her bayard to the column, watching the electricity travel through the cord and flying straight to the beast
Except you had jump in front of the beast, hoping to get a hit in, not even realizing the electric cord heading your way
All Pidge could do was yell out your name in horror
“Y/N NO!”
You quickly turned around, eyes wide when you saw what was heading towards you and unable to dodge the electrified weapon
The group could only watch with shocked faces as you screamed out in pain, watching the electricity course through your body
Being the one near a control panel, Keith slashed the entire system, hoping that would at least turn off the electricity
Shiro ran towards you, picking up your limp body from the ground and pushing Pidge to run out of the room and into their lions
Her hands shook with fear
She didn’t mean for this to happen. She thought she would be helping everyone. But all she could envision was your body twitching from the last of the electricity leaving your body
Tears formed in her eyes as she let out sobs, ignoring everything else around her, even the concerned words of her paladins
She would be the first one out of her lion, watching with puffy eyes as Shiro quickly took you to the healing pods, not bothering in changing you into a body suit
She would do anything Allura and him asked her to do regarding you
She would ask if there’s anything she can do
She just feels awful like this poor girl :(
Once hearing how long you’d have to stay in the healing pod, she definitely shuts down
It’s almost like she’s a robot, choosing to lock herself away in her room not wanting to see anyone
To distract herself from her guilt and remorse, she buries herself in any new and old projects
Despite clicking away at her laptop, she wouldn’t be able to stay away from you.
Sits out of your pod staring off into space
No matter how many times the group asks, she never tells them how she truly feels
No, they shouldn’t be asking her if she was ok
This was her fault. It was her fault that you had to stay in there, hopefully no longer in pain
Pidge would be the first to know that you’re out since she’s been waiting this entire time
Doesn’t speak a word to you as she helps you out and settles you on one of the stairs
Both of you would sit in silence before you decide to take her hand
“That wasn’t your fault Pidge. It was a smart idea, I was just there at the wrong time.”
Tears would down her face as she would lean her body against yours
“I’m sorry…”
Pidge would lose some confidence in herself, needing your help in building it back up
She would linger behind you now, not wanting to make the same mistakes
Would hold your hand to help her calm down, to know that you’re ok now
Give her lots of hugs man, she needs the support cuz her brain is not the best place to be when she still blames herself for hurting you :((((
The Galra took the entire team by surprise while they were busy helping the residents of the planet they were on
Chaos fell throughout the area, the paladins rushing towards the lions to protect the innocent civilians
Despite you being sent to help shelter civilians, Hunk couldn’t help but worry over your safety
Normally you two would be hip to hip next to each other, so not having you near him really put him on edge
While attacking Galra fleets, the yellow paladin wouldn’t be conscious of the small figure running by a cliff nearby
It would be too late for Hunk to react to the rocks that were blasted by his lions beams as they came crashing down on you
His eyes widen in horror as he saw the pieces of rock fall around, watching as you held your shield up in a pathetic way of protecting yourself, only to lose sight of you when a particularly large rock fell over you
His panic would be through the roof as he would leave the rest of the paladins to fight off the galra
Shaky breaths from him are louder than the voices he hears from the comms of his helmet
“Hunk where are you going?!”
“Hunk we need you here now!”
“Guys I need some backup!”
This poor boy would be so overwhelmed with the others voices and trying to find you under all the rubble he unknowingly blasted on you
Yanking his helmet off and tossing it, he would instead focus on digging you out, sighing in relief once he finds you battered up, yet still breathing
Silent tears would travel his face as the yellow lion gently takes you in its mouth, making the difficult decision to leave behind his friends
He could only hope they would forgive him as he hears the panicked and furious yells coming from his helmet
Once at the castle, he would run through the halls to the healing pods, being careful to not hurt you any further
Hunk would fully blame himself
He just feels awful about the condition you’re in, babbling out what had happened as Coran propped you in a pod
“There was nothing you could have done, Hunk.” Coran’s reassuring hand on his shoulder wouldn’t help with his inner turmoil, especially once the rest of the team barges in
“Hunk! You just totally left us out there!” Lance hadn’t a clue what had happened
Overwhelmed, the team could only watch as tears and sniffles came from Hunk
After the event, Hunk would definitely be distant from the team
While the others would try to cheer him up, nothing could really bring him out of his head
The team would notice how he almost resembled a zombie during meetings and missions, on autopilot since that fateful day
In order to distract himself from his own feelings, Hunk would spend most of his free time cooking and baking
Though no matter how much dishes he cooks, everyone notices how each meal seems to be a bit off, never really tasting or looking right
He would also spend a lot of his time sitting in front of you, kinda having mini conversations with you (even though you can’t respond💔)
Hunk can’t sleep at night either since he gets waken up by his nightmares, constantly seeing your fragile body hiding underneath all the rubble in his dreams
I feel so bad for him because literally no one could have expected you to be caught in the crossfire of the battle
Shiro would try to talk to him, but his words would go in one ear and out the other, resulting in Hunk staring off into the distance with a reminiscent look im his eyes
One particular night though, his nightmare would scare him too much, not allowing him to go to sleep anymore
Rubbing his eyes in exhaustion, Hunk walks to the kitchen in the dead of night, needing to snack on something to distract himself from his pounding heart
Hearing footsteps, he would look over his shoulder from the fridge to see who else needed something to eat only to widen his eyes
Leaning on the entrance, your tired eyes met with his tired ones, and you would stumble towards him
Hunk puts down his food to quickly run over to you, helping you to a seat as his eyes shined with unshed tears
“What’s wrong Hunk? Did something happen?”
The way your hands rubbed under his eyes did not stop even when he closed his eyes, allowing his tears to finally fall
The room, lit only by the open fridge, filled with the sounds of Hunks sniffling as you drew him into a hug from your seat
“I thought that I had k-killed-“
“Hey. Don’t say that. I’m here, I’m alive, and that’s all that should matter.”
Taking a shaky breath, Hunk would pull away, bringing your hands back to his face as his head leaned into them
“I know. I’m just really, really sorry. I should have payed more attention.”
“It’s ok Hunk. If anything, I should be sorry, I shouldn’t have run into a clear danger zone.”
Hunk preps you a quick meal before taking you to bed, insisting you need as much rest as possible
He sleeps peacefully at last once he has you in his arms💔💔💔
Expect lots of hand-holding and hugs from this dude
He needs a lot of reassurance from you to remind him that you’re actually there next to him
Cooks you so much food, putting so much effort into each meals and making everything beyond your standards
(The team is definitely happy over this, now that they don’t have to eat any more space goo💀)
Would be protective of you the first few days since you’ve woken up, he’s just really paranoid of you getting injured like that again :(
Since that event, Hunk would be extremely cautious of his surroundings, making sure to avoid any more preventable injuries to those around him
He has no idea what had happened
One minute he’s fighting alongside you against the sentries shooting at the two of you and the next he’s slammed you against a wall
He tries fighting himself from hurting you any further but the loud whisperings in his head seem to take control of his body
In that moment, you don’t recognize the man standing in front of you
Ducking and stumbling away, you quickly evade Shiro’s glowing hand, watching in horror as it goes through the wall
His crazed eyes makes contact with yours, once again rushing towards you
In the corner of your eye you see a figure vanishing in thin air, realizing it might have been the witch Allura had told you all about
Distracted, Shiro manages to land a blow on your side causing you to grunt in pain and go tumbling towards the ground
You barely roll away before his fist meets the spot you once were at
You’re words don’t seem to have any affect on him as he’s up once again and heading straight towards you
As much as you hate the thought, you know you have to protect yourself from him as he’s too dangerous in the state he’s in
You’re dagger clashes against his metal arm, his strength slowly over powering you because of your injured arm
Kicking your side, Shiro’s narrowed eyes meet yours before he’s picking you up the ground
You grip his metal hand as it tightens around your neck, your breathing becoming shallow as he cuts off your airway
“Shiro… I forgive you…” You knew this wasn’t you’re Shiro, the man you knew coming out for a moment when you saw his eyes widen in surprise before going straight back to the dull black ones that stared straight through you
It was only when Lance began shooting at him out of no where did he throw you against a wall, officially knocking you out
Keith slammed his body against Shiro’s causing the two of them to crash on the ground, trying to over power the other
Then that’s when his head was finally able to clear up and stop fighting against Keith
“What’s going on? Why are we fighting?”
Everyone would stare in disbelief before quickly explaining what happened, Hunk already carrying your body towards the group, shielding you from the eyes of Shiro
He would stare in shock at the state of your body though, flashes of what might’ve happened going through his mind
Heading back to the castle, everyone would still be on edge around him
Seeing what he had done to you, this man does some serious evaluations on himself
How could he possibly hurt you, someone he cared for, this much?
Seeing the bruises forming on your neck scares him
If he did this to you, Shiro can’t imagine how far he would’ve gone if he wasn’t stopped in time
During your time in the healing pod, Shiro would distance himself from the team as he doesn’t fully trust himself enough around them, fearing he might hurt them all as well
He visits you daily, but once one of the other paladins enters the room he’s quickly excusing himself and walking away
He feels EXTREMELY guilty over what he did, going through many sleepless nights
He had almost killed you
He is harsher on the team during missions as well since he doesn’t want a repeat of what had happened with you
He is way harsher on himself too
Spends his time in the training room, tiring himself out with the gladiator, pushing his body past its limit
Still remembers what you said to him, so while you said you forgave him, I don’t think he would ever be able to forgive himself for hurting you
The team would notice the strain on them when Shiro began distancing himself from them
He was the one who put them all together so it really hurt them to see him struggle with the recent event
Once you finally awake from the pods, Shiro is the last one to greet you
You notice how he stands at a distance which causes you to narrow your eyes
“What’s wrong Shiro?”
The way you immediately notice his coldness causes his fake smile to strain
It never ceased to amaze him how you could see past him
He would explain his concerned to you once everyone decided to give you both privacy, how he was afraid of losing control again, how he had almost killed you
What had happened made him uncomfortable, knowing the power he held with his arm
You smile sadly as him reaching for his metal hand, faltering when he slightly moved it away from you
Sadness filled his eyes as he glanced to his arm before letting you take his hand
“I don’t blame you for anything Shiro. I know that wasn’t you, I know the real you. You would rather sacrifice your own life to save one of us, so please don’t be so harsh on yourself. You couldn’t control what happened.”
“Exactly. I couldn’t control what happened, I couldn’t control my own body.”
Your reunion was bittersweet to say the least
He is much more cautious around you
Keeps his distance for a few days before ultimately choosing to stay by your side
He wants to do anything to make up for your injuries
Much more softer around you and the others now that he knows you’re ok💔
“Allura what are you doing?!”
The mission the team was on was extremely crucial since, if successful, they would be able to retrieve valuable intel on Zarkons plans (ooo so original)
And it involved taking down his witch, Haggar
Allura was all for the plan and took it very serious
She believed this was one of their most important missions yet
So while it did surprise the group on how brutal the princess was in fighting her way to Haggar, no one really tried to stop her, knowing just how much it meant for them to get this information
Yet you could see the danger her aggressive behavior was dragging her in
You’d jump in front of her, trying to stop her from pushing herself too far
“Y/N what are you doing?! We must stop that witch from getting away!”
Allura was on a one track kind, take down Haggar and get any useful info from her, but you were making it extremely difficult to do so
Blinded by her own needs, she didn’t take into account of how hard she had thrown you to the ground away from her when she managed to wrap her bayard around you
Running from your injured self to Haggard, she was yanked to the ground
“Allura watch out!”
She could only watch in shock as you dashed in front of her from the ground to protect her from the blast Haggard sent
Her hands shook as she watched your body hit the ground
Haggar was getting ready to blast you both again, forcing Allura to attempt to drag you away before a searing pain filled her body, causing her to crumble down to the ground beside you
Tears filled her eyes as she watched in pain as your breathing became ragged
You both were in this situation because of her
Allura was forced to watch as the witch made her escape, the mission resulting in a failure
After getting help from the paladins and returning to the house of lions, Allura would immediately distance herself from everyone
She’s not only disappointed in herself for costing the team their mission, but she feels terrible for putting your life at such a high risk, all because she didn’t know when to stop
She would mostly lock herself up in her room while you spend your time in the healing pods
Whenever someone tried to approach her door, they would only be met with the sound of her soft sobs
When she isn’t in her room though, Allura is extremely harsh and temperamental with the others
She doesn’t know how to properly release her emotions which causes her to lash out often to those around her
She would be too afraid to visit you in the healing bay
She feels too ashamed to face you, even if you aren’t really conscious
I also think she would brush aside any concern the team may show for her, instead, trying to keep up her image as a strong leader
(Which isn’t working out, everyone can see she’s basically a ticking time bomb)
Allura pushes herself even harder now during missions and battles, which is lowkey kinda hypocritical of her since that’s what got her in that position in the first place
After briefly talking with Keith, Allura would find herself in the training deck, hoping to relieve some of her pent up emotions with the gladiator
Maxing out to the highest possible level, the princess managed to tire herself out, not having enough energy to beat the machine
Grunting in pain, she waited for the gladiator to land a hit on her before she heard the voice of the person she was dreading to see
“End training sequence!”
You would run to her and cradle her body, concern written all over your face
Despite putting you in danger and managing to hurt you in the process, you still cared for her well-being
Tears well up in the princesses eyes before she gave you a crushing hug
Feeling her body shake against yours, you gently wrap your arms around her, whispering soothing words
“I almost got you killed…”
“I’m still here, are’t I?”
Allura would definitely learn a lot through that experience
She would stop pushing herself so hard and begin relying on her team to assist her during missions
She would also linger around you more often than not
She still feels incredibly guilty for what she put you through, but doesn’t tell you (you know though💔)
I also think that she MIGHT be more open to physical affection in front of the others since she needs to confirm that you’re still alive and popping
Holding your hand is something that she does a lot now since it soothes her heart knowing you’re still with her
Expect her to be a little more protective of you though, she does not want you to be in such a critical state again
She doesn’t want to lose you too :(
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iloveboysinred · 3 months
Hiiii how are you ??
Hope your okay, would it be possible to have a lil smuty keith x afab reader fic, at the episode where they go to the pool that allura told them about (I don't remember wich episode it was), and like he gets all flustered from seing reader in her bikini, and a lil jealous cus lance tries flirting with reader.
Ofc take ur time, and I hope you rest well !!!!<3<3
Rendezvous | [Keith Kogane]
mdni 18+ content | Keith Kogane x afab! reader
cw; explicit sexual content, p in v sex, jealous Keith, rough sex, mean Keith, spanking, semi-public sex, orgasm denial, not really canon adjacent.
hi! I'm doing okay, it took a lot of will (and spliffs) to write this since writers block and lack of motivation has been whooping my ssssaa. Anywho, I hope you enjoy!
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Landing on a tropical planet for a temporary break was like a dream come true for you and the other paladins. The warm, humid climate almost made it feel like you were all back home on a regular sunny day. The whole crew had decided to spend their break time differently, fully taking advantage of the few hours of peace, savoring every second of paradise before you were up and running around space again.
Shiro had decided to take the productive route, opting to spend his time strengthening his bond with the black lion, deeming it absolutely necessary after the recent battle against Zarkon, where he almost took complete control of the vessel. Pidge and Hunk spent there's in the kitchen, no doubt creating new recipes with the food items collected on weekly supply hauls from local planets. Allura had been in her room all day, playing games like dress up and hide n' seek with her mice, the castle walls echoing her laughter while Coran made some maintenance repairs to the castle.
You, Keith and Lance had mutually agreed to share the pool, the rising temperature of the castle prompting you to finally wear your bikini. It was a simple but sexy red once piece, the panty accentuating the curve of your hips and the connecting top snuggly holding your breasts in place.
Keith shamelessly eyed you down as soon as he saw you, his face slightly flushing at the sight of your exposed skin. It was fun, seeing him so flustered-- especially knowing he had seen it all before. You played coy, bending over in front of him to pick up something you had "dropped" and adjusting your breasts in the bikini top over and over again, making sure he caught the way they settled back in to place, knowing exactly what was going through his mind, his hungry gaze making it all the more obvious.
You knew you took it too far, though, when you began to play around with Lance. The two of you splashed at each other, swimming around the pool competitively. Lance's natural affinity to water made it hard to keep up. He swam circles around you, calling out flirty little comments as he doused you in water whenever he got the chance. Keith remained in rigid silence, watching the both of you interact with a furrow in his brow. You could tell he was irked, his expression twisting into one you knew well the closer you got to Lance. He was Jealous. Brazenly so.
It was that same jealousy that had you where you were now-- bent over in the pool storage room, your hands gripping onto the wire shelf in front of you. The shelf rattled against the wall from the movement of your bodies, Keith rocking you back and fourth on his dick. The grip he had on your hips was bruising, his fingers digging into your skin as he fucked into you, his teeth grit tight, trying hard to keep his groans of pleasure concealed. You had less self control, your moans and whines for more echoing through the room, all shame and fear of getting caught out the window the second he entered you. He pressed his chest to your back, the bikini you had been wearing discarded and forgotten somewhere in the room, leaving your body completely open to his touch. He huffed and groaned into your ear, his hands leaving your hips to roam up and down your body, coming up to knead and fondle your breasts, squeezing them roughly while he thrust into you.
"Keith s-slow down" you gasped, the breath barley able to escape your lungs, your mouth hanging open in ecstasy when his fingers found your clit, rubbing tight circles over the bud and effectively putting a pause to your pleas. "Slow down, baby?" he grunted, his voice a deep rasp in your ear, sounding nothing like the gentle lover you knew so well. "I thought this was what you wanted" he pulled you closer to his body, grinding his hips into your ass, the tip of his dick pressing into you deep. The vicious pace of his hips combined with the euphoric stimulation on your clit was starting to make your vision blur. "Parading around that asshole in that tight, fucking bikini." he sunk his teeth into the flesh of your shoulder, making you cry out. "You think he could fuck you better than me? huh?" his hips snapped into you, hitting your sweet spot with abandon, the obscene squelching of your pussy made you flustered, the erotic noises made you cover your face from his view as your body fell apart beneath him.
He took in a breath, delivering a stinging swat to your ass when you didn't speak. "What, you don't hear me talking to you?" he sneered, smirking in satisfaction as you trembled beneath him, your quivering pussy gushing from your still building arousal. His hands came down to your ass, kneading the fat in his hands to soothe the sting. "C'mon baby, tell me what I wanna hear" he panted against your ear, his hips never ceasing their assault, the thick head of his dick abusing your sweet spot over and over and over. "A-ah, ah! no, k-keith no" you answered, your words fading from coherency to mindless broken words and babbles, your brain foggy from the pleasure buzzing up and down your veins. "mmmh, good girl" you felt him smile against the nape of your neck, grabbing your chin to swing your face around, leaving a bruising kiss against your swollen lips. You whined into his mouth feeling your body begin to tense, your swollen clit pulsing from the continuous stimulation from his fingers.
Right when you were on the brink of your high, your body contorting in pleasure from your impending orgasm--he pulled out of you quicker than you could blink. You whipped around to look at him in shock, eyes glossy with unshed tears. He acted oblivious, casually tucking his still hard dick away into his swim trunks. You watched him in silent outrage as he picked up the forgotten bikini, setting it down on the shelf in front of you.
"Keith, you can't be fucking serious" you gasped, your boyfriend giving you a sheepish shrug in response, "What, can't take what you dish out?" you scowled at him, frustration shooting up your spine at his snarky remark, your legs shakily holding you up as you struggled to slip the bikini back on. Keith chuckled, pressing one last needy kiss to your lips. "I think I'll head back to my room..I've had enough swimming for today" he whispered against your lips, his words holding a double meaning, an invitation. He pulled away from you, rendering you breathless as he walked out the door, leaving you no choice left but to follow, pouncing on him as soon as you reached his quarters.
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sodafiizz · 5 months
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[six piercings on the left and five on the right]
Although it’s not of any specific scene, this was my take on Keith’s Lazy Bean uniform from Dear Reader by @heavilycaffeinatedsblog on ao3 <3
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curlymeme · 6 months
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keith kogane
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