#keith is such an adorable mess i love him
sukisheadlights · 1 year
hey there!!! could you make headcanons for all the Voltron guys for when they realize that (she/her) reader is like actually someone they could date/ end up with? like they get turned on by something she did or something like that? you don't have to but thanks for reading anyway </3
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Voltron Paladins realizing Reader is someone they could end up with!
req: yes words: 873 pairing: voltron x reader content: fluff a/n: I was actually planning on writing something similar so thanks for the ask anon! <3
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Keith isn’t interested in love (until he realizes he can date you) BUT FOR THE MOMENT HE’S NOT!
Both of you are still determining when you got close as well. You protected him once in battle, and since then, you’ve just stuck together.
And he of course protects you when he can because he's grateful you saved his life.
So you guys became friends,,, that was news to Lance btw.
Slowly you let each other into your lives, and now you train together often.
You were never ‘better’ than him at fighting (you actually just made yourself lose sometimes) and Keith sometimes ‘lost’ to make you just a little happy (little did he know hehe)
But today? Oh, you weren’t playing that’s for sure. He was super confused at first, then he was impressed, and then he was turned on. Which is fair because you looked straight out of a magazine, the ‘hot’ sweaty and perfectly messy hair.
When did you get so hot?
And boom. He felt he was on earth again because realization hit him like a TRAIN.
You were his age, and you were hot, and you could totally be a thing. And wtf is wrong with Keith? He's never thought of you like this.
Yeah, so that’s that.
And then he gets all awkward around you, and you guys haven't had a training session together since then. He always conveniently has something to do when you try to ask him.
You’ve been friends with him since the good old garrison days.
You grew to like the dork’s presence
You’ve always known he’s flirty, that’s just Lance.
Getting you flowers (sometimes), flirting with you in the hallways, and even when you’re fighting with the galra.
You always rolled your eyes, scoffed at him, or brushed him off but today?
You were so ready to mess with him too
You woke up with mischief on your mind
And mischief you created
Lance was flirting with you while fighting the galra
And he expected you to react normally but nooooo
You flirted back
AND LEAVE !???!!?!!!?!?!?!!?!?
Like lance.exe has STOPPED working
Keith’s snickering in the background! (And Shiro too but he won’t admit that, for Lance’s sake)
“Shut it.” is all Lance says for like 10 minutes
You’re hot, He’s hot, and you guys could end up together
You’re a woman now
And you could have him ENTIRELY at his knees.
Hunk misses earth
So much
He stops talking as much and wanders around the castle
He didn't think anyone noticed
But you did
And you felt SO bad for him
So when you stop at the mall to get teleduv lenses you seek away
And get the closest possible ingredients to make his favorite treat
Ice cream sandwiches (real)
You’re testing weird white heavy cream adjacent substances and so much more all for him
You might get sick
Oh well
You sneak back and he gives you a weird “Where were you?” look,
But you just ignore
And then you slave away in the kitchen and finally end up with something that’s ice cream sandwich adjacent 
“What’re you making?”
“Ice cream sandwiches”
“Oh for the team? You should have let me help”
Confused hunk
“It’s just for us” and you hold up an ice cream sandwich for him
His face LIGHTS up and he gladly accepts it
Then you guys sit on the floor and just talk about life and how both of you feel
All night.
It's freaking adorable
He realises how much he adores you, and how he absolutely loves you and all of your little quirks
It doesn’t even matter when the ice cream starts melting, he’d much rather focus on you and talk. Only occasionally taking bites when you do
Pidge always knew you were datable
And an amazing person
But she started falling for you when the paladins were trying to tell her to not go find Matt
You stepped in a stood up for her, gaining Shiro’s support.
And then when she was ready to leave she saw you putting your stuff into your lion
“You don’t think I’ll leave you alone, do you?”
She knows it’s because someone will need to be there for her in case Matt is gone
But she doesn’t complain
It’s a silent brewing of love and appreciation
And she’s so grateful to have you in her life
When Keith was confused and stuck without Shiro, you stepped up and found him
He was surprised at first
But you took care of him and helped him out as he got better
You were there for him to lean on. Always.
Literally and figuratively 
His appreciation turned into adoration and then his adoration turned into pure, genuine love
Once he was fully healthy again
He’d try to pay it back to you
By protecting you when you went against any threats
ESPECIALLY when you were out of your lion
And then it just becomes a thing where you protect each other
It’s adorable
He loves you and he protects you
And vice versa
Adorable, I say.
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“Well, that’s upsetting.”
Keith rubs his eyes in the vain hope that when he opens them again, the scene in front of him will change.
No luck.
Still a pile of ashes.
“So when you said you made reservations at the fanciest restaurant in town way in advance…” Lance starts.
“I did so before the building burnt to the ground, yes.”
Lance’s mouth twitches. “And you didn’t, like, call to confirm, or anything.”
“I didn’t think I had to! There was — in what world could I have predicted this?! It’s not like anyone did a news report on it!”
Lance says nothing for a second, tapping away at his phone. Keith turns his attention back to grand scene of disappointment in front of him, wondering if he can maybe get his deposit back.
Probably not.
“Says here it was burnt down two weeks ago by three former employees who were fired for attempting to form a union,” Lance says, flipping his phone over to show Keith the screen. “If that makes you feel better.”
Keith glances at the article. “…It does, actually. Good for them.”
Lance laughs, tucking his phone away and then leaning over to press a kiss to Keith’s cheek. He grabs their hands, twining them together and carefully pulling them away from the ruins of the restaurant. “It’s okay, babe. I appreciate the gesture. Let’s head to my apartment and watch movies; Hunk’s gone till late so we can bang on the couch if you want.”
“What?” Keith protests. “No!”
Lance pauses, frowning. “You love banging on the couch.”
“No, not that.” He squeezes their hands together so Lance doesn’t get the wrong idea. “That’s great. I just mean…I feel like we always just chill in your apartment. It’s great, and there’s no one I’d rather hang out with than you, but I wanted to do something. I had plans. I wanted to treat you.”
A close lipped smile appears on Lance’s face; small, like he’s trying to contain it, making his nose scrunch adorably. He glances down at his sneakers, kicking slightly at the concrete, and his ears are delightfully red. He looks embarrassed and pleased — maybe Keith’s favourite expression on him.
“Alright,” Lance says eventually. He squeezes back. “Let’s go somewhere. Got any other fancy-schmancy places that aren’t burned down? We’re dressed for it, at least.”
Keith frowns, trying to think. It’s true that they’re both decently dressed up — Keith is wearing the slacks that make his ass look fat as hell and Lance is wearing his least scruffy converse — but Keith genuinely can’t think of a single fancy place that will let them in on such short notice on a Friday evening. The best place he can think of is the particularly well-maintained Dairy Queen on the other end of town, and that won’t cut it. Not that Lance would mind (he likes to be treated but has made it abundantly clear that he just likes spending time with Keith), but they’ve just done that before. Keith wants to do something special.
He brightens as the idea dawns on him. It’s no high-dining, but he knows Lance will like it.
“C’mon. Get in the car, I’ve got an idea.”
Lance grins. “Aye-aye.”
He lets Keith open the door for him, although he does roll his eyes (Keith knows his goober romantic ass is preening on the inside), and messes up Keith’s pre-set radio stations the second he has his seatbelt on.
“You could just plug in the aux, you know,” Keith grumbles as he carefully pulls onto the street.
Lance waves a dismissive hand. “The music is more enjoyable when I know I’m inconveniencing you later.”
“You’re such a brat.”
“You’re so in love with me that it’s embarrassing for you.”
Keith sticks out his tongue, but doesn’t argue, because he can’t. Instead he reaches over and grabs one of Lance’s hands again, listening idly as Lance hums along to the radio.
Twenty minutes later, Keith pulls into a massive parking lot, stopping a couple spots away from a silver minivan.
“Costco?” Lance questions, looking out the window like if he stares hard enough the building in front of him will change. “Why are we at —”
“Be right back,” Keith interrupts, leaning over and pecking his boyfriend on the lips. “Don’t go anywhere.”
“Wasn’t planning on it,” Lance trails off, confused.
Keith dashes off without a backwards glance, ducking in through the exit doors so he doesn’t get asked for a membership card.
Twenty minutes later, he rushes back out of the building, getting to his car as quickly as he can. He taps the passenger door gently with his foot, hands full, making Lance jump.
“We you trying to hotwire my car again?” he asks as soon as he opens the door.
Lance shrugs unapologetically. “You took too long. I got bored.” He squints at Keith’s bounty. “Did you buy…six hot dogs?”
“And two drinks!“
Lance’s brows crease, torn between amused and exasperated. “That’s nearly a pound of hot dog meat each.”
“We’re both gonna fuck up a bathroom tonight.”
“Most likely.”
“Those things cost less than a dollar. They’re probably made of possum.”
“And they’re delicious.” He waves a hotdog enticingly at Lance. “Come sit on the hood with me.”
Finally, a grin breaks out on Lance’s face, wide and toothy and fucking breathtaking. “Okay.”
He steps out of the car, following Keith over to the front of the vehicle and heaving himself up on it. Keith sets the food and drink beside him, then digs out his keys and steps back.
“Hold on a sec,” he says.
Lance picks up a hot dog and unwraps it. “Absolutely not waiting for you. Hurry up or I’m gonna eat your hotdogs, too.”
Completely aware that Lance is not kidding, Keith sprints to the trunk, unlocking it and digging out the supplies he needs. He slams it shut and sprints back, hopping on the hood next to Lance and fluffing the blanket he grabbed on top of them, making Lance nod approvingly.
“Nice touch.”
Keith sets the other item he got in front of them.
Lance squints at it for several moments.
“A…megaphone,” he says slowly.
Keith nods. “Yes.”
“That you just…have in your trunk.”
“From pride,” Keith explains. “Pidge likes to sit on my shoulders and make fart noises at protestors.”
“Ah, makes sense.” He pops the last bit of his first hot dog in his mouth, wasting no time to open the second. “And you have brought it out because…?”
Keith unwraps his own hotdog, using it to point at a guy in horrible (even by Keith’s standards) cargo shorts who is abandoning his shopping cart in the middle of the street. “Figured you might like to heckle some assholes as you devour your possum meat hot dogs.”
Lance lights up. He carefully sets down his hotdog on the blanket, then picks up the megaphone the way a mother might pick up her newborn baby.
“Keith,” he says seriously, “this might be the best date I have ever been on.”
Keith grins. “I’m glad.” He takes a long, obnoxious sip of his soda as Lance gleefully turns on the sparkly rainbow megaphone and holds it to his mouth.
“Excuse me, Cargo Shorts,” he shouts. Cargo Shorts jumps out of his skin. “You are being a massive jackass. Please return your cart to the cart area.”
Cargo Shorts scowls at him.
“There’s a big red sign that says ‘Cart Return Area’,” Lance continues, unbothered. “In case you’re having trouble reading that, it’s the big cage with other carts in it, to your left, good sir.”
Cargo Shorts looks like he’s debating stomping up to Lance and strangling him. He glances at Keith, who glares harshly at him, and then wisely reconsiders, stomping his way to the cart return and then stomping over to his obnoxiously massive pickup truck.
Lance turns to Keith, beaming. “Seriously. This is the best. I love you.” He leans over and places a smacking kiss to Keith’s cheek, making an exaggerated ‘mwah’ noise. Keith turns his head to catch him in a real kiss.
He tastes like hotdogs. Keith is sure he does, too. It’s nasty.
He doesn’t care.
“Can’t take credit for it,” he says, polishing off his second sandwich (are hotdogs sandwiches??). Lance winces at his full mouth, but doesn’t say anything. “Shiro took Adam to do this very same thing many years ago. It’s where he proposed, actually.”
Lance looks at him in disbelief. “And that worked for him?”
Keith snorts. “He’ll never admit it, but Adam is down bad. He always has been. He likes to say his proposal had that small town charm that made him say yes, but everyone knows it’s just because it was Shiro who did the asking.”
Lance opens his mouth to say something, then he notices a woman who’s trying to leave her cart in the middle of a disabled parking space. The megaphone is on and wailing faster than Keith can blink.
“Absolutely not, lady! Keep ‘er moving! Yep! That’s it! Cart goes to the cart return area! Just like a matching game! There you go!”
He sets the megaphone back down as the lady huffily returns the cart — as if she has been so wronged — and turns back to his meal, poking his straw into his soda cup.
“You better not have a ring in your pocket, Kogane,” he warns. “It might have worked for your brother, but I’ll tell you right now I’m gonna say no. Absolutely not.”
Keith blinks at the subject change, then laughs a little too loudly, unable to hide the slight hurt bleeding through his voice. They haven’t talked about marriage yet, sure, but that seems a little…final. A little like the mere idea is ludicrous.
They’ve been dating for two years now. Keith has been subtly looking for a way to get Lance’s ring size. Is it really so strange for them to want to make things official in the eyes of the law?
“‘Cause I want the whole nine yards,” Lance continues, oblivious to Keith’s crisis. “The secretive bullshit, the talking to my parents, the cheesy speech. I know you have it in you. I am hereby forbidding the small town charm. I love you, and I also love being treated like I’m hot shit.”
“You are hot shit,” Keith says reflexively. Then the rest of Lance’s rant finally clicks, and he grins, wider than he knew he was capable of, turning to his boyfriend. “You want to get married?”
“Obviously,” Lance scoffs, rolling his eyes, but he’s avoiding Keith’s gaze and his cheeks are just slightly red. “Doofus.”
“Hey. Lance. Sweetheart. Look at me.”
Keith wipes his hand on a napkin the reaches out and rests two fingers under Lance’s chin, gently turning his head so they’re facing each other. “Look at me, my love.” He waits a second, heat pouring off his boyfriend’s face, for those brown eyes to flick up and meet his own. “I want to marry you too, you know.”
Lance rolls his eyes. His mouth twitches. “I know. I borrowed your laptop the other day and you had a tab open for a jewellry store. Coincidentally, my grandmother’s ring has gone missing, and I know I didn’t lose it, so.” He clears his throat. “I’m a size six. I’m rings. In case you were wondering, for no particular reason.”
Keith grins. “Noted.”
“This doesn’t count as a proposal. Or as me saying yes.”
“I want you to kiss me now.”
“If you say ‘noted’ one more time I am going to fucking say no when you ask me for real.”
Keith hesitates.
“Do not,” Lance orders.
He bites his lip.
“Keith, I fucking swear to God.”
“Noted,” he says, laughter bubbling out of him, and Lance is whacking him repeatedly before he can even finish.
“Okay! Okay! Stop! I’m sorry! Stop!” He grabs Lance’s hands, pushing him back and pinning his wrists against the window.
“Cut it out,” he murmurs, leaning in close.
“Make me,” Lance whispers back.
Keith does. Or he tries to. He closes the gap between them, pressing their lips together, but both of them are smiling too widely to kiss properly, giggling nonstop, chest shaking and bumping with the effort, skin covering in goose flesh.
Keith hates giving his brother credit for anything, but Lance is right — this is the best date they’ve ever had. Not-proposal and all.
based on this post (seventh slide)
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clownhara · 4 months
is there like a jester ocs 101 i do wanna learn about them
Putting these under a read more because this might get long
My family :)
Edward Roberts-Rosales: I made too many jokes about this bastard being my dad and now he's my dad. High key wants to fuck plants. Evades taxes like no ones business. Kind of a shit guy but it's funny to watch him mess up everything so we keep him alive for that alone Max Rosales: My better dad. Can really do so fucking much better than Edward but he settled </3. Is a plant man. Likes baking. Is the dad that actually loves me. Heron Rosales: I don't do to much with her but I'm trying to do more. Max's trans sister. Wants Edward dead and honestly, we don't blame her. Average chronic pain haver tbh please get her some Ibuprofen. Boaty McBoatface: My brother who is a boat. Edwards favorite son, despite being terrified of being on boats after he was the sole survivor of a ship wreck. I fuckinh hate this thing
Project Moon adjacent ones
Despise Domek (Or just Des): Local Enkphalin hooked rat. Goes by it/they but people close to it can call them she/her. There are two remaining people who can call them she/her. Steals things from people it likes to keep a piece of them, so don't invite them to your house. Things WILL go missing. Says the phrase "Well it didn't kill me so I'm fine" way to god damn often. Ambrose Domek: Not actually related to Des at all his parents just stole Des's parents last name. We heart religious fanaticism to the point of self harm!!!!!! Has two boyfriends and has convinced himself neither of them like him. Him and Des are besties :) Keith: Real Jester-heads remember Keith. I made this bastard before Ruina came out and he keeps fucking staying relevant to whatever game is out. How does he do it. Lobcorp him is Geb and Myo's adopted son, a Rabbit, and had a complex where he's gotta prove himself 24/7 and ends up getting his leg ripped off. Ruina him is trying to find Gebura again after the whole Library situation happened, and is wildly distraught after learning Myo's whole deal. Limbus Keith is content, much older, runs a weapons shop, and is gay married to Heathcliff. Jesus Christ I made him before the new translation of Lopcorp happened I think HOW LONG HAS HE EXISTED WHAT THE FUCK
Damien Domek: Also not related to Des, just took it's last name because he liked it. They are qprs though. Also is broke as shit but mostly stays out of the Rat lifestyle by just old fashioned robbing people. Loves lying to people for fun and profit, but he is honestly a pretty nice guy. Minus the lying
Arlo: Disgusting rancid cyborg scientist who needs to bathe and touch grass. I adore him though. Ellie: Arlos little sibling. She/they user. Kills people for money and feeds the bodies to the eldritch horror that follows her around Hector: The eldritch horror that follows Ellie around. usually just looks like a dilf tbh its easier for Ellie to explain. Can't actually speak so he usually just talks telepathically while making a bunch of hums, chirps, and clicks to mimic speaking.
Oleander: Local unethical scientist that unethicaled a bit too hard when trying to revive his even worse older brother and turned off most of his emotions manually to avoid coping with the mental toil. Sad! Many such cases. Can't feel any emotions other then joy now. Kinda sucks but he certainly doesn't seem to upset about it :)
Simon: Oleadners brother. Kinda. Moreso a robot piloting Oleanders brothers body. Fucking hates Oleander but after Oleander lobotomized himself Simon begrudgingly takes care of him now. Despite his complicated feelings, he's wildly overprotective.
Cybel: A robot Oleander made! They are meant to gather as much information as they possibly can in case some horrible event happens that kills off humanity. is quite literally indestructible. Likes ice cream.
Octavius: I made this guy to be a danganrompa villain back in high school and I succeeded too well. I fucking hate this fake ass bitch
Tabb: This fucking guy. Trapped in a time loop but he doesn't know and its technically not a time loop. Met his (now) husband ages ago but died shortly after meeting him, so he revived Tabb, then the two got married, then Tabb died again so Halt (the husband) revived him again but he lost his memories then halt died and Tabb revived him the Tabb died again so Halt revived him but he lost all his memories so they dated again and got remarried then Tabb died again and you get the idea. Very nice guy, a bit anxious, perfectly normal minus the dying thing. If it wasn't for him losing all his memories and Halt tampering with shit so he was in love with him i uh. Don't think he'd actually like Halt all that much tbh
Halt: Just wants to be happy with his husband :(. Sad he unethicaled all over that science. Hey are you noticinga theme here. Also he's a cat boy but thats really not relevant to his depression issues
Urge: Halts kinda milfy twin sister. Really sick of all of this loop bullshit because she gets to watch her bestie Tabb die repeatedly, so she packed up her bags and left. Can't be in the same room as Halt without them getting into a fist fight. Do you see the themeing with their namesan d their ideals. Halt is kinda halted in place but Urge keeps pushing forward because she has the urgeto move on. Do you see it. It is almost 1 am
Russel: A kid that got roped into this whole mess because he walked in on a Tabb revival tube without permission. Sticks around Urge most of the time. Had a bad homelife to put it mildly, so Urge took him in.
Theres way more of these bastards but these are the most relevant ones. I am going to bed now. Goobnight
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kissorkill16 · 1 month
Hello Neighbor: Kept Secrets
Summary: With Nicky missing, and no one around to help, it's up to Trinity and the rescue squad to investigate the neighbor and save their friend.
Chapter 1
Me and Enzo held hands as we walked out of the school.
Enzo was my boyfriend. He was such an adorable dork, and I loved him for it.
We walked to the sidewalk of Raven Brooks Elementary and waited for Maritza, Enzo's little sister.
When we saw her walk out, Enzo let go of my hand and held hers.
Maritza rolls her eyes.
Despite being almost 11 years old, Maritza loved it when Enzo was so protective of her. Not that I blame him, when you've got a younger sibling, you have to go out of your way to protect them.
As we walked home together, I started randomly thinking of Nicky.
After we went to his house yesterday, basically no one wanted to see him after that. I felt kind of bad. I turned the corner and started walking down the street of Friendly Court while Enzo rambled about his homework. He stopped rambling when he saw me turn the corner.
"Trinity, where are you going? Home is this way.", said Enzo, pointing down the street of Newtown.
I nodded, "I know, I just wanted to make a quick stop.", I said, already walking away from the two. They caught up to me, and just like that, we were all walking down the street of Friendly Court.
Enzo seemed to pick up quickly where we were going.
"Are we going to Nicky's house?", he asked, "Trin, you know what he did."
"I do know what he did, but I just thought that maybe it'd be nice to see him after that whole mess.", I said. I turned to Maritza, and she was staring down at the sidewalk as she walked.
"Well I don't want to talk to him, I don't even want to talk about him.", she said, her voice bitter. She turned around to go back to Newtown, "I'm going home, I'll wait for you, Enzo."
"What makes you think I want to talk to Nicky either?"
Then they both started to turn back, but I caught up to them and grasped both of their hands.
"Guys, in case you both forgot, we're the ones who made him so angry to begin with. We went there to apologize, and we never even got a chance before...well..."
I didn't need to say anymore, we already knew what I was going to say. How we found so much incriminating evidence under his bed. Aaron and Mya's missing posters, a llama farm sign, and broken VHS tapes. While I was still sort of angry at him, I didn't want to give him the silent treatment.
"Let's just go to his house and see if he'll accept our apology."
We turned back around, but I could feel Enzo and Maritza's faces still blank.
I knew neither of them wanted to talk to Nicky, especially Maritza. But I just wanted to see him.
As we made it to Nicky's house, we were shocked to see a police car and a huge crowd of people. Covering the front lawn, and pretty much half the sidewalk.
What the hell was going on?
I asked a blonde lady standing next to the police car, "Excuse me, ma'am. What's going on?"
"Someone's kid ran away or something. I'm not really sure, I just got here like 5 minutes ago."
My eyes widened.
Immediately, I ran inside the house, praying that this missing kid wasn't who I thought they were. In the living room, I saw Officer Nielsen and Officer Keith standing across from Mr. and Mrs. Roth, a notepad in Officer Keith's hand. Mr. and Mrs. Roth looked panicked, like the end of the world was happening.
"As I've told you two, the search is underway.", said Officer Keith.
"This is a fucking waste of time!", Mrs. Roth nearly shouted.
"Why aren't we out there looking for him?! He's our damn son!", said Mr. Roth.
"Mr. Roth, please. We'll be happy to answer all of your questions in due time. But right now, we just need information on where anyone has last seen Nicky."
That was the stupidest thing I've ever heard all day. Why were they asking where they've last seen Nicky if Officer Keith was literally here yesterday, investigating under his bed?
Last seen Nicky...?
I dropped down to my knees, feeling my heart sink in my chest.
Nicky was missing.
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jaidens · 1 year
And What Would You Do Baby, If You Only Knew
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pairing [s] : two-bit mathews x trans!Soc!male!reader
warning [s] : | mentions of homophobia | fighting | kissing | secret relationship | I made the reader I guess jock? | blehh he's so silly | probably a little ooc.. dunno
a/n [s] : requests are open!!
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Two-Bit Mathews has been explained to always put his two bits in a conversation, and the wise cracker of the Greaser gangs. However, when he met you, he's sure you ate him up and threw his brains and voice-box out of the window. You're sitting at the lunch table, chewing on whatever school food was made that day, with your jockey friends. He was warned about that group by Johnny and Ponyboy, how they always tried to take down Greasers that roamed the school.
However, Johnny mentioned how you were in his English and Chemistry class, and how you defended him a couple times after one of your “friends” picked on Johnny. People could've sworn all of the mischief and constant seek for danger left his eyes that day. Now, it was filled with adoration and wanting to find out about the boy he fell in love with that day.
Two-Bit immediately begins his venture of messing with you. Your friends stuck up for you, ending up with some bruised lips and eyes out of school grounds. However, on those particularly hard days, you stayed back with Keith and picked him up for running back to your friends. God, did that send him further back into the constant need to feel his hands on his face again.
Finally, he caught you alone, sitting away from people at the drive in theater. Two-Bit rubs his hands together and walks over to you, flipping up his leather jacket up further his neck: you're not sure how, but he figures out how to. He slides in the seat next to you, but you keep your eyes on the beach movie in front of you. “What are you doing around here? Where are you little Soc-y friends huh?” You turn your head at his words, and can't help but feel a little cheesy as him. He's puckering his lips out and smiling at you.
“They’re drinking and stuff. I actually wanna get home tonight.” You mumbled, head sitting on your fist as your attention falls back to the movie. Two-Bit slides back closer into you, arm wrapping around your shoulder and his hand rests. “Oh yeah? Need a ride home then? I can walk you.” You turn your head to look at him, with his hair greased enough to let a car slide on top and his eyes staring into yours. “Nah, I'm fine. I can just walk.” The Letterman jacket you're wearing suddenly feels too warm for the night and you pull it off.
Two-Bit is still there, arm wrapped around you. “You can’t walk round’ here.. lemme walk you home.” Two-Bit is almost begging to you, and he sits his head in your lap to look at you. You can't help but feel your cheeks warm at the sight of him. He smells like smoke and beer, but for some reason, it pulls you in deeper. “C’mon baby. I don't bite..” That's the sentence that started everything, that started the endless secret nights of holding and everything that you always needed and what you dreamed of.
You had to keep everything on the down low, your parents especially could not find out about Two-Bit and yours relationship. So, it ended with sneaking around past doors and out of windows, or holding hands under tables and interlocked pinkies. You couldn't lie and say the adrenaline rush wasn't absolutely amazing, after the constant things happening with the same business conversations or what football team won that week.
Two-Bit made your life ten times better than usual, but always incidentally, people find out about everything.
Two-Bit decided to take you out to a picnic and you were absolutely so excited. You wore your best Madra and jeans and you did your hair the way you knew Two-Bit liked it. He picked you up at your front door, and he and your father had a conversation. Two-Bit said he was giving you a ride to a football meeting, and surprisingly, your dad believed him. It was surprising to you for the fact that Keith was successfully able to lie to your parents.
Keith takes your arm and starts walking with you. His hands are in his jacket and he's talking about school and the gang. “I missed hanging out with you. Ever since the rumble everything's been so tight. The guys, man, they wont let me even look at a Greaser without getting my ass kicked.” Two-Bit straightens up and his arm wraps around your waist. “I know, Dally almost ripped my head off a couple days ago cause of it. I went out to see you, and man, was he mad.” You smile at the thought of Two trying to see you when he knows the circumstances between Greasers and Socs.
“I wish we could tell people, y'know. I wanna be able to do stuff with you in school.” Two-Bit nods and slips his pinky into yours. “Me too.” Two-Bit responds, gently cradling your hand in his and giving it a small kiss. “You’re the best thing that's ever been mine, and one day, I swear everyone will know.” That gives you a sense of relaxation as you lay your head on Two-Bit’s shoulder.
The moment is sweet and gentle, and you stare between your feet on the ground or the stars that collide against the dark sky. That was one of your favorite nights with Two-Bit, no matter how many more you shared, that night will always be etched in your memory forever. The way he held you and the way he told you that everyone would know.
The next day at school, it hurt to not hold him or even speak to him. Two-Bit didn't care however, and would still continue to talk to you and be around you at all times. It worried you and if the chance your friends found out, you would be torn apart quicker than you could even yell. Whenever Two-Bit tried to walk you home, you didn't even realize one of your friends had been traveling far behind and you decided to hold Keith's hand in yours and let him give you a soft kiss against your cheek.
At some point, your friend sped up and slammed his hand on Two-Bit’s shoulder and slammed him onto the ground. You yelled out Two-Bit’s name as your “friend” threw a punch against Keith's face. You pulled Two-Bit away from the fight and told him to go away. Your friend is standing there, holding his fist, and he's huffing in breaths. “What the fuck was that?” You asked and your friend looked up at you. “The Greasers need to get away, always being in your business, man. We're buds, we gotta protect each other.”
You stared at him like he was speaking a different language. “So, your thought to protect me, someone who is fully capable of getting someone away, is to throw them on the ground?” However you're sure your friend is more confused than you are and grumbles before walking away. “Man, sorry, I just lost it. But, don't tell anyone, I'm with Two-Bit. We're.. dating.” That makes your friend stop walking and turn to look at you. “Aw shit man. I'm sorry too, I should've let you handle it if anything was happening. So.. you're like gay?” The word almost burns, but you know he's just trying to figure it out. You nod at him and he gives you a soft smile.
“I won't tell anyone, your secrets are safe with me.” You smile at your friend after he reassures you. You hug him and he smacks your back. “See you at football practice next week.” Now, it was time to find wherever your boyfriend had ran off too. Eventually, you find Two-Bit, he's wiping the blood off of his nose and you can see him angrily rubbing tears off his face. “Two, hey honey.” You sit down next to him and pull his hands away from his face.
“Dickhead hit me right in the nose.” He huffs out and he lets you hold his handkerchief to his nose. You frown at him and give him a tight hug and he tenses up. “He apologized. It's just... we're all protective of each other. Just like how you are with Johnny.” You pull away from the hug and Two-Bit has a soft smile on his face. “I just, I really wish we could be more open,”
You sigh and give Two-Bit a soft kiss on his forehead. “I know, soon.” He hugs you once more and lays on your shoulder. “Thanks for fighting him.” You laugh with Two-Bit as he runs his thumb over your knuckles. “Always, I would fight everyone for you, I’ve done it before.”
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[ @itzwilby ]
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lilflowerpot · 1 year
You probably already know about this, but i was reading an old post where you said how weird it is that Lotor and Keith are perfect narrative foils and I just wondered if you knew there was actually a reason for that? I think (as we can only speculate from what the people involved in the show said) that was by design. However as Shiro was a fan favourite and had unexpected popularity he was written back into the show earlier, despite the fact they had already storyboarded/written at least parts of s4 so they kind of replaced Keith with Shiro in s4 and sent Keith to the BOM. I feel like re-inserting keith back into the narrative though makes so much more sense in some scenes as it explains why some parts felt so *not* lead-up to and out of character and why a lot of loose ends weren’t tied off (Naxzela fallout, Keith being a hybrid never really developed, why the paladins never really mention Keith leaving to the BOM much, Shiro trusting Lotor after very little lead up and giving him the bayard which seems like a much more keith-ey instinctive thing to do, Keith & Lotor’s narrative foils and potential friendship as well as being a perfect way to get the audience to trust and like Lotor even more before his betrayal, Shiro being written suddenly as hot-headed and using Keith’s mannerisms, like his wall leaning thing etc)
There’s an interesting video that explains it a lot better here if you are interested: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iiFiVFxR_Q8
(Also to be clear absolutely no hate to anyone who made the show, it was still great.)
Also thanks so much for writing little blade! Your attention to detail in world building is amazing and really gives an extra depth to the story and makes it so engrossing.
As you say, we can only really speculate the ins and outs of why certain decisions were made and narrative directions taken, and honestly the fact that there's so much that we as fans simply don't know makes it really hard to comment, but ultimately, whatever the writer's reasoning for doing what they did,,, they messed up.
I'm not even saying this as someone who, obviously, loves Lotor blindly, but to use him as an example, his character arc didn't make sense; I can accept absolutely everything (alteans being used as batteries included) as a valid and narratively-supported exploration of his character up until his declaration that he wanted to commit genocide and wipe out the entire galra race,,, because that went against literally everything his character had been built upon. It wasn't a "twist" that served to prove he'd been pulling a long con, it was just... bad writing, plain and simple. Lotor, who'd been actively working to undermine everything his father had become, is ~revealed~ to want to commit the same atrocity that Zarkon did, just in reverse?? Lotor who begged on his knees for the lives of Ven'tar and her people- Lotor who was so gentle when talking to Allura about everything he'd lost in the past and everything he wished to build in the future- Lotor who was trying to create a second Voltron not as a weapon but rather as a means of supplying an endless source of clean energy for the Empire so that it would no longer have cause to devastate and destroy entire planets... that Lotor?
And look, here's the thing, so they'd planned to kill Shiro off only to be surprised that he was popular and so bring him back, fine, they had enough time to do that and do it well... but did they? Because frankly, Kuron got more dedicated screen time than "resurrected" Shiro, and all they really succeeded in doing was shove an obsolete character into a narrative that no longer had room for him, which was d e e p l y unsatisfying no matter how you slice it. I say this as someone who //adores// Shiro, and wanted nothing more than for him to be alive, but from an authorial perspective it felt deeply disingenuous and like an obvious after-thought. Not to mention, as that video says, "team voltron" didn't feel like a team at all, by the end—they barely knew each other let alone liked one another. Keith's ousting from the squad had so much potential from a "Kuron is a double-agent actively working to destabilise voltron" sort of way, but if they wanted that to work then there needed to be some recognition of what happened? Some apologies from the other paladins for never really fighting for Keith at all? Never understanding he was grieving not only Shiro but Regris too (sans, of everyone, Allura, who was the only person to actually recognise & acknowledge that Keith was in pain)?
Speaking of Allura, she's another character who suffered from what I can only assume was the writers repeatedly changing their minds on the direction of the story and simply shoving her into whatever box best fit. She & Keith at first seemed to be building something important, and while I'm not especially a kallura shipper, god, at least they had an actual foundation for a relationship (in whatever form) hard-won,,, having her throw herself at Lance, who she'd shown ZERO interest in before that point, immediately after her former lover (1) reveals he has a secret colony of her people that he's been using as living batteries, and (2) dIES RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER...? She should have been grieving, and //slowly// healing, but instead she jumps straight into a new relationship that the narrative treats as if it's some sort of epic yet tragically doomed romance rather than an ill-thought rebound?
It just.. it wasn't even a good plot, let alone a satisfying one.
Hunk was originally implied to be the beating heart of the group, except they gave him next to no screen-time only to realise in those last couple of seasons "shit, people are supposed to care about him, errr have a tragic family rescue mission". Lance was treated as a joke from day one, despite being set up to (I personally suspect) become Keith's right hand and emotional support in more than just battle. Keith himself was repeatedly given all the foundations for genuinely solid and satisfying plots only to never quite follow through in the end (learning to let down his walls, to trust, to love- until the entire team casts him out never to apologise for it and only takes him back when they lose their replacement once more / becoming a confident leader and Shiro's successor only for it to be undermined and then thrown back together again when convenient / finding and building a relationship with his mother, except they speed-ran it in one montage and had Krolia leave again soon after).
Truthfully, Pidge is probably the only core character who managed to come out at the end with what felt like a properly concluded arc.
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calswildflcwer · 9 months
Cop Car !
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Pairing : Carlos × fem!reader.
Warnings : I don’t think any apply, other than a mention of a killer.
Plot : You and Carlos had been dating for five months and now Carlos had offered to take you on a date. However, this doesn’t exactly go to plan at all. And the police know that they shouldn’t mess with you.
Pronouns used : He/him for Carlos, she/her for reader.
Note : I am not a Spanish native and I don't know any Spanish, all Spanish nicknames mentioned in this story are translated from google. If anything is wrong PLEASE let me know and I will correct it.
Info : This is inspired by this song here! Also, this fic is kinda modern and there is also no magic in encanto at the time!
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Carlos watched you from the alleyway, flicking his knife open and closed, as you crouched down and laughed with the children.
“You look adorable, Juancho.” You poked the little boys nose.
Carlos headed over, his slender shadow scaring off the group of seven year olds. You cocked an eyebrow, staring at your boyfriend, “You know, you really need to stop scaring the kids.” You said, standing up.
“It isn’t my fault. If they’re used to chico de oro, that’s not my problem.” Carlos shrugged.
You had begun dating him around five months ago, on his eighteenth birthday. Nobody expected it, you were the sweet good girl and he was the town's bad boy. It was a shock to everybody.
You planted a kiss to his cheek before grabbing his hand, intertwining your fingers with his as the pair of you walked together. “So, I wanted to ask you something.” Carlos began, ignoring the stares from the townspeople.
“Okay, go on.” You nodded, glaring at the townspeople as you noticed their stares.
“Would… Uhm… Would you want to go on a date tonight?” He asked.
“With you?” You questioned.
“No, with Isabela! Of course, with me!” He responded, cocking a brow at you.
A giggle escaped your lips, “I’d love to.” You grinned, staring at him before planting a kiss to his cheek.
“Meet me at the fountain tonight, after your chores.” He smiled, planting a quick and soft kiss to your forehead before disappearing off into the shadows, leaving you standing with a soft pink tint painting your cheeks.
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You met Carlos at the fountain after all of your chores were over, you folded your arms over your chest as he approached you, grabbing you by the waist and placing a quick kiss to your cheek before dragging you towards his car.
“Where are we going?” You questioned, sitting in the passenger seat as he began to drive away from the small town.
“You’ll see.” He smirked, as he drove. You quickly noticed a sign that said ‘no trespassing’ and you were currently trespassing. Your eyes widened slightly as you looked over his features, his signature smirk still stood cockily on his lips.
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He soon parked the car, the pair of you climbing out as you both sat on the bonnet and began to watch the planes take off. He had brought you to an airport, to a place where you could watch the planes take off. He knew you’d always had a fascination for planes.
He thought you’d have all night, there was no need to rush… However, it wasn’t long before the sound of sirens and flashing blue lights filled your ears. Carlos threw his head back, “Man, ain’t this some shi-” Carlos groaned.
You cocked a brow, “We could always run for it, that’d make the best story!” You grinned. Carlos smiled, shaking his head slightly. He was too busy watching you going wild, to be worried about going to jail. The blue lights shone, illuminating the freedom in your eyes.
The police approached the pair of you, you eyed them. They weren’t playing at all, they were quick to slam the cuffs onto both you and Carlos. Carlos watched as you tried to talk your way out of it with the police, one looked younger and the other much older. The younger one was definitely a rookie. Your mouth kept moving, trying to sweet talk them, they didn’t fall for it but Carlos? Oh, Carlos did, big time. Hearing your sweet words would always make him fall for you over and over again.
Carlos was pushed into the car, the rookie then pushed you in, reading you your rights. “Yeah, I understand. I just have one question.” You asked, the police officer stopped at the door giving you a pointed look. “Do you have a light? I’m due a smoke any moment now.” You questioned.
Carlos eyed you, biting back his laugh, knowing that you didn’t smoke. You smiled sweetly as the officers face contorted in anger before he slammed the door. Carlos watched you as you leaned your head back against the headrest of the backseat, a smile still painted across your lips.
“I swear your dad’s gonna kill me.” Carlos groaned.
“Maybe so, but if it makes you feel any better, you won’t be the only one.” You grinned.
“That doesn’t make me feel better.” Carlos chuckled slightly, shaking his head.
“Look Carlos, I want you to know that if we do both survive tonight, I wouldn’t change one thing.” You let him know, smiling as you tried to adjust your hands in the cuffs. It was the most uncomfortable sitting position, your hands cuffed tightly behind you.
“Not even this part?” Carlos cocked a brow.
A laugh sounded in the back of your throat, “Not even this part.” You grinned.
Carlos watched you as you stared out of the window as the police conversed with one another. You were so innocent but you were stealing his heart. Carlos couldn’t help the feeling within his chest as he watched you, something felt warm and sweet; a feeling he wasn’t used to.
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The older officer soon approached the car, opening the door and allowing you to go. “You’re free to go.” He spoke.
“We won’t be so easy on you next time.” The rookie officer shouted out, causing you to stop walking.
You slowly turned back, “You should know better than to threaten me, Officer...” You glanced down at his badge, “Diaz.” You snarled. “Officers like you have gone missing for less.” You let him know, turning on your heel and heading towards Carlos’ car. The pair of you climbed in.
The rookie attempted to follow you, anger crossing his every feature but was held back by his partner. “Don’t.” He spoke.
“She just threatened an officer!” Diaz argued back.
“And legally, we can’t touch those kids.” The officer let him know.
“Who the hell are they anyway, Hernandez?” Diaz questioned.
“The boy? That’s Carlos Madrigal, he’s the grandson of one of the most powerful people this side of Colombia. The Madrigal’s are the most powerful family this side of the country.” Hernandez let the younger officer know.
“And the girl?” Diaz questioned.
“You don’t recognise her?” Hernandez asked, earning a shake of the head from Diaz, “That’s (Name) Fuentes. You might recognise the name. Her father is the biggest crime boss in all of Colombia.” Hernandez told him.
“Not Sergio Fuentes?” Diaz asked, his eyes almost bugging out of his head.
Hernandez nodded, “Yeah, Sergio is her father. We can’t touch those kids, many officers have gone missing or turned up dead due to Sergio.”
“Why hasn’t he been arrested?” Diaz asked.
“Nobody’s ever been able to prove it was him. He never gets his hands dirty, but myself and every other officer this side of Colombia know that it was him. We’ve been off his radar for a while, since his wife’s death. We stay off his radar, he’ll stay off ours.” Hernandez explained, watching as the headlights from Carlos’ car disappeared from view. “Sergio Fuentes is a dangerous man, and let me tell you, his daughter is just as dangerous.”
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Carlos parked the car back up in the town, a smile plastering across his lips as the pair of you climbed out. “I hope you’ve been treating my daughter tonight, young man.” You suddenly heard your fathers voice.
Carlos jumped slightly, turning to the older man, “I did, sir.” He mumbled.
“I mean, we spent most of our night in the back of a cop car, but it was fun.” You laughed.
“WHAT?!” Your father yelled, his anger making Carlos jump as he turned towards him.
“Dad! Dad!” You yelled, grabbing the man by his shoulders. Your father scared everybody in town. Everybody, that was, except you. The older man stared at you, his eyes softening slightly, “It’s fine, they let us go. Plus, it wasn’t Carlos’ fault, okay? Now, go home and think about your cholesterol.” You told him, smiling slightly.
“You sure you’re okay?” He asked.
“Positive. Now go.” You told him. He nodded, planting a soft kiss to your forehead before sending a nod to Carlos and walking away.
You turned to Carlos, grabbing his hand and beginning to walk the street with him. “That was one of the best nights of my life.” You grinned, swinging your joined hands back and forth, “Watching the planes, getting arrested, messing with the cops…” You grinned.
“Falling in love in the back of a cop car.” Carlos mumbled, instantly stopping you in your tracks. Freezing.
Carlos was yanked back, almost dislocating his arm in the process as he turned to you, his eyes immediately widened as he saw the unreadable expression on your face and quickly realised what he’d said. You’d never once told each other you loved one another, in your five months of dating. “(Name), I’m so sorry. So, so sorry. I didn’t… I’m not… I-” he stuttered along his words before you lunged forward, throwing your arms around the taller boy.
He stumbled back slightly, quickly regaining his balance once again before wrapping his arms around your torso, “I’m in love with you too.” You smiled into his neck, running your fingers through his curls as you did.
Carlos stared down at you, a smile making its way onto his features as he leaned forward and planted a chapped kiss to your lips, “You’re my forever girl, (Name).” He let you know pulling away.
You grinned, dragging him along the street as you did, “And just think, if I’m not, we’ll always have the cop car.”
Carlos stopped, yanking you back into him so that your body collided with his, kissing you roughly on the lips, his hands gripped your waist so tight that they were bound to leave bruises,
“Don’t ever say that again, not even as a joke.” He snarled.
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- Hey, hi, hello! Welcome back to another one of my fics! I’m baaack baby! Anyways, I hope y’all have been well and I’m sorry if this isn’t the best. I tried. I do have a little series coming out soon so if you’re interested, pls be on the lookout for that! Make sure to remember the drink something, eat something, please stay hydrated and remember you’re loved more than you’ll ever know! Mwaaah! <33
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Summary of Leon's Sexy Scandal Story
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Luke's summary here (I'm not summarizing Keith since a certain mutual probably has him covered ^^ I love you Ellen!)
Tags: suggestive content, scent kink
I read using a translator and I've added embellishments here and there so take this recap with a huge grain of salt
One day Emma overhears a pair of palace servants gossiping about how lately the palace seems to smell of a different perfume everyday. Almost as if it's a different perfume from a different woman each time.
"What's Prince Leon thinking when he has Lady Emma right here?"
Emma freezes in place. Because now it's clear that she hasn't just been imagining things. Even though Leon smells perfectly normal in the mornings before he heads out, he'd been returning to his room smelling of different perfumes almost every night.
Naturally Emma wonders if something's up. She certainly can't think of any normal reason why Leon would come back every day smelling the way he has. So she decides she'll ask him about these rumors this evening.
Or so she had planned, except come nightfall after Leon comes to her room, she finds herself sitting restless beside him, unsure of how to even broach the topic.
"What's wrong, Emma?" asks Leon.
His raises his brows. "You've been on-edge this whole time, so I figured you had something you wanted to ask me. Am I wrong?"
Of course Leon would notice.
But since Leon himself is the one asking, Emma finds she has no choice but to proceed. So she takes a deep breath to calm her nerves.
"Yeah, you're right on the money. There is something I want to ask you." She continues. "You've been coming home wearing different perfumes lately, right? At first I figured it was just the scent of someone who'd been with you during official business. Then I started to wonder if you'd been wearing the fragrances yourself. The scents were just so vivid."
Leon smiles. "You're exactly right. I've been applying the perfumes myself."
Emma's curious now. "Why all these different kinds all of a sudden?"
With a sultry smile in place, Leon slowly begins to close the distance between them. "Why do you think?"
Emma's heart begins to pound. The scent of perfume in the air makes him seem even sexier than usual. "I've tried to think of reasons, and I have no idea. But..."
"...I overheard the servants gossiping about how the fragrances match those worn by the women you meet."
Leon smile never leaves his lips. "And is that what you think too?"
"No, I don't." Emma believes in him. "Even if there are women involved, I figure there has to be something about the situation that makes it unavoidable."
For some reason her answer only makes Leon's smile deepen. "So in other words, my first attempt was a success."
Emma stares at him. "Wait, what are you talking about?"
Leon explains. "I started wearing perfume because I wanted you to be more conscious of me."
Emma is taken aback by this reveal. She hadn't imagined this whole thing had to do with her.
"But I'm conscious of you even if you don't wear perfume?" And that's why she'd been particularly worried about this change in Leon in the first place.
"You always say the most adorable things." And with a sensual air Leon presses his lips to her forehead.
Then pulling back he tells her: "I know how you are, but it just makes me want even more."
He kisses the tip of her nose this time, and Emma's cheeks slowly fill with heat from just how easily he sees through her. Still, she tries to hide her embarrassment so she can ask him again, just to confirm. "Leon, was there any other reason for this so-called 'first-attempt'?"
To which Leon just grins. "Yeah. What do you think of today's fragrance?" And then as if messing with her heart, he places a hand on her waist and draws her in close.
Emma finds herself enfolded in a scent that seems stronger than the ones up until now. Each breath she takes only serves to send her pulse racing faster and faster. After a moment, she speaks. "Oh... it feels sweet and refreshing, but like it's also got a solid base." She looks at him. "It totally suits you."
With her honest response, Leon loosens his grip and gazes at her with satisfaction. "Then of all the scents I've worn so far, which is your favorite?"
Emma falls into thought as she walks back through the memories of each scent from the past few days. One that was sweet. One that was reminiscent of the gentle night air. One that gave the feel of warm sunlight. The scents come alive in her lungs once more, and she can't help but think that each one brings out Leon's charms. "Hmm... I can't decide because they all suit you."
Leon closes his eyes. "I'm happy to hear that, but it kinda puts me in a bind. Because I was thinking of marking you with your favorite one."
"Yep." He looks at her again. "If you decide on a fragrance for me and I keep wearing it whenever we're together, it'll naturally transfer over to you, right? And that'll make the people around us understand when they smell it." His smile turns mischievous. "That you're mine."
"Leon..." Emma's whole body grows hot as she looks into the possessiveness flickering behind Leon's gaze. She can only imagine how much more of her heart he'll steal away. "I'd love to be coated in your scent. That way I'll always be able to feel you with me."
Leon's smile softens. "You keep saying adorable things. It just makes me want to make you even more aware of me, beyond just my scent."
Emma bites back a small moan as Leon strengthens his embrace and begins to lightly nibble on her neck. Then onto her shoulder, her chest, placing deliciously audible kisses as they sink into sheets together with his guiding hand.
"Maybe we could even change up the way we make love," he muses, "depending on the scent of the day."
And Emma's picking up what he's putting down. Because if they do that she'll have no choice but to recall the respective night's activities whenever she smells that scent. It's a flustering thought but she finds her body trembling with need and betraying her true desire.
Emma gives in, and just as the lion declared, the two of them share a passionate night together. One that Emma could never divert from her awareness of Leon.
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princessallura052 · 1 month
So I've been struggling to find inspiration and giving myself a break allowed me to figure out why. Ever since the loss of my admittedly fake friends, it's been hard to talk about my main fandom Voltron. Today I'm going to let out all the thoughts I've been wanting to ramble about and have no one to ramble about to anymore because it's hurting my inspiration.
I don't have a particular order to this so I'll just begin. My favourite character and Paladin is Keith Kogane. His journey is very much something I can relate to. Someone the world decided to give up on but there was one person who never gave up on him and asked for nothing in return. Like Keith had Shiro I had my Mom.
Unlike most others, I actually prefer Keith as the Black Paladin. I don't hate him as the Red Paladin and thought Red's fierce protectiveness over him was both adorable and hilarious, however I also enjoy character growth being a writer myself. I feel as the Red Paladin, he remained quite the lone wolf and hotheaded. The Red Lion is someone who would have encouraged that impulsiveness because as we saw King Alfor was the same way.
Being in the Black Lion forced him to grow and mess up then learn from his mistakes. He's more similar to Shiro than to Lance which is interesting because he's younger than Shiro and we don't know what Shiro would have been like at Keith's age. Perhaps Shiro adopted him because he saw a bit of himself in Keith and wants to support that. I won't go into too much detail on why Keith makes a great Black Paladin because I have a whole post on that already.
Another thing I love is the brotherly relationship with Keith and Shiro. The society nowadays has become a little bit corrupt because we cannot have two men say I love you even if they add you're my brother without it being made into something sexual. Before the gays come after me (not that I care but you guys take up so much space in the dang comments) I would feel the same if Shiro was a girl and Keith said you're my sister I love you. I would not ship them together but that said the platonic relationship between them is beautiful. The I will die for you or I will die protecting you that is mutual between them. The way Keith was able to pilot Black to save Shiro despite not being her Paladin was so hot! He looked so cool...oh gosh I'm fangirling now hehe. Ok moving on from how hot Keith is. He is hot though right? Anyhoo!
I ship Keith with Allura. Ironically I shipped them together before I knew about the 80s Voltron and although it took me awhile to accept how much I love these two together due to bad fans. Our fandom is toxic guys. It's sad but true. But I feel this show is too good not to ramble about.
Season 7 is my favourite Voltron season. I don't like that they made Shiro gay but that's also because I feel in a reboot you shouldn't change a character's original sexuality. It's like me deciding to do a rewrite of the Harry Potter books and have it be a TV show on Netflix and I decided to make Hermione a lesbian. It's so disrespectful because it's like it's a fanfiction that's actually official which does not feel fair. Also I may not like the whole LGBTQ+ agenda but even if I did, it's cheap representation. I wouldn't want a woman of colour in media if it was just for brownie points and it's not going to make any difference if the character was a white woman.
But back to positivity!! I like season 7 because it feels like a war story. People die. The stakes are higher and heck the Paladins almost die at the end. But my two biggest reasons are Keith and Kallura. It was wonderful to see them address that Keith basically did what he was terrified of his team doing to him. He left them and that being thrown in his face dang that was powerful for his development. He was a complete different person after that. Being there for Hunk, supporting his team wherever they needed him to be.
The second reason is this season to me showed that Keith loved Allura and how much this was sadly a missed opportunity. When the Paladins are captured by Sendak and Keith regains consciousness for like a couple of seconds, the first person he checks on is Allura. She is the first person his eyes travel to and then he falls back unconscious. Dang it was not only a missed opportunity for Kallura but it also showed Keith was more physically resilient than the others even Allura. Are half-Galrans stronger than Alteans? That certainly makes Lotor pretty powerful then.
So I let out a lot of my thoughts in here but there will be more specific posts later. Character analyses and all, pairing stuff, villain stuff etc. this feels good.
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annachronisme · 10 months
Wip Wednesday
The King is dead, Long live the King
Living in a trailer was something he was not used to quite yet but loved nonetheless. He had spent almost twenty years living in Loch Nora in a house too big for him alone so moving out had been quite the experience, despite the circumstances. 
Unlocking the door, he could hear the happy screeches coming from inside and the sound of feet running clumsily toward the door. He opened the door and kneeled down to catch the little bullets coming at him. 
"Hi baby." he said around the mouthful of dark curly hair. Arthur's hair was becoming longer and messier day after day. He still remembered the day he got him in his arms; all tiny and soft in his little onesie, looking all adorable with his cute tuft of black hairs. He had grown quite a bit since then. 
Arthur was trying to climb on him like he was a jungle gym, clingy little shit that he was. He got up, Arthur still in his arms and went to his room to put his bag down.
"Someone sneaked into my bedroom, again." he said looking at his messy bed, cover thrown around. Arthur ignored him, busy playing with his hair. He should think about cutting that too.  
Max was conked out on the sofa, probably took a nap with Arty. He mustn't have been awake long then. Fuck, he's not going to go back to sleep in hours. 
Putting the toddler down near his toy box, he went into  the kitchen to start dinner. He thought about what he could make -for himself, arty and Max- he opted for some mac'n'cheese, easy and quick; perfect for a toddler. He didn't like the premade stuff though he kept boxes of the stuff around because the kids did like it and Arty did too.It was almost done when Max came stumbling in the kitchen half asleep with Arty up in her arms. He's going to become one clingy toddler with all the holding people are doing. 
"Hey kid. You can put him in his highchair, take your plate and it's almost ready."
"Thanks" she mumbled as she sat down. He sat down once he served everyone. He asked how babysitting Arthur went. 
"Went fine. Having a hard time putting him to sleep, he gave up around an hour or so ago. Did you find someone?"
He sighed. Everything had been wonderful, he was happy -happier than he had been in years- but it didn't mean it was easy. Hadn't been then and still isn't now. The problem right now was that he needed a babysitter. Feels like a joke, the babysitter needing a babysitter. The kids were starting school in a few days, Robin and he were sharing most of their shifts now and she would start school soon too. He was running out of options, apart from taking Arthur with him to Family Video but he wasn't sure Keith would appreciate that.
"I'll find something. Don't worry." he tried to reassure her. He knew he wasn't fooling anyone but he was the adult here. She didn't need to know that he was struggling to find someone to watch over Arthur, someone that he could trust. 
They finished eating without bringing the subject back on the table. Arthur made a mess -for a change- he wiped his hands and face quickly before pulling him out of the highchair and sitting him down on the floor. He put the plates in the sink to watch later. He put on his coat and put one on Arthur. 
He walked Max back to her trailer. She told them goodnight, made some faces to Arthur making him giggle before she went in. He turned around ready to go home himself and spent another sleepless night when he saw someone else outside. He jumped, hugging the toddlers closer to his chest. He sighed in relief when he recognized his neighbor. Wayne if he remembers right. 
"Hello sir." he said as he walked closer to the older man. 
"Just Wayne's fine, kid." the other man snorted. "Ya out late. And who's that?"
Sometimes he forgot that he had Arthur for less than a few months. 
"Yeah I had a closing shift today. And this Arthur, say hi Arthur !" Arthur had started to imitate people, it started with winking which he couldn't do so he just blinked really hard and then he started to wave hi and goodbye when asked him to. Arthur lifted his head to wave at Wayne (in the wrong direction of course) making the other man chuckle and wave as well. "I was just walking Max back home, she was babysitting for me." 
"Heard ya had trouble finding one too."
He grimaced. He knew exactly where he heard that but he had to give it to him for not ratting them out. 
"The kids' are helping but school is starting really soon, yeah. Bit of a deadend on this part." 
"If ya need one, ya know where I am." 
"What? No, I couldn't bother you with that, you already work night shift I can't-"
"I'm offering, kid. I already have enough noise with my nephew, I'm sure this little guy can't beat that."
"I'll think about it. But, thank you Wayne. That's really nice." he didn't want to outright refuse, it wouldn't be polite but he still felt uneasy about using Wayne's like that.
"Don't worry about it.If ya need anything, me and my nephew are happy to help." 
He smiled, waving goodbye. Once home he set Arthur back down, letting crawl around. 
He swore to himself that night that he would not bother Wayne with his shit. He will find something eventually, he always does.
A week or so later he was knocking on Wayne's door to ask for help except that it was not Wayne who answered the door, it was Wayne's nephew. 
And then he realized that his neighbor with whom he was talking and the nephew said neighbor had was Eddie Munson. 
Arthur is an OC child, he's around 1yo and he's Steve half brother. For the background story : Steve's Dad cheating wasn't new to anyone but at least he was careful until he wasn't. First they wanted to just give Arthur to Steve to take care off. Away from the eyes, away from the heart or some bullshit like that but without saying too much that didn't work out like he wanted. Arthur is very similar to Steve physically speaking beside the hair. He could pass as Steve's son better than Steve's brother. I've been sitting on this idea for weeks and now that i'm back in the game (unfortunate since its exams weeks now) I will try to work on chapter three of Ghost on Film.
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itsmaferart · 2 years
SpyxFamily · · Ep 14 · · Best Moments!!
Attention: This has Spoiler from the anime, the second part of the first season!!
Simply, when I think I love Yor, she makes these beautiful expressions that make me fall more in love with her!!
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Just look at her beautiful blush for remembering that she married Loid that year!!! Protective mother and beautiful wife!!!!
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Here we see the transition from Yor modo: Sweet, tender, adoring mother comforting her baby to Yor modo: IF YOU COME NEAR ME AND ME DAUGHTER I WILL DESTROY YOU INTO PIECES AND EAT THEM UP!!!!
You know: if you mess with Yor, you get your teeth!
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Keith for kicking Bond literally deserves to die by thousands of Yor's flying kicks, let's wait for the next chapter so you get what you deserve!!!!!
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Yor bomb detector!
I love the Bond and Anya duo, she makes the best excuses to escape while Bond her faithful friend watches over her.
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Team Bond and Anya back in action as Yor enters "Relentless Search" mode for the second time.
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Twilight looks great in those glasses!!!!
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Twilight: Undress
Minister: What?
I find it amusing to think that Twilight asked nicely for the clothes and surely the very confused minister saw this spy come in, take his clothes and get naked.
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Terrorist watching a 60-year-old man displaying his incredible physical condition!!
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And the icing on the cake with Twilight taking off his mask in a very fiery way, and wielding her weapon!!! A dramatic, action-packed sequence that concludes this great chapter!!!
I want to make a whole separate post talking about all the drama in this chapter, so I preferred to leave all the exciting and funny scenes for this post and will only make brief comments about it:
I saw that many anime viewers criticize Yor, that despite being an assassin she is a careless mother for always losing Anya. I find that somewhat accusatory, since actually to me Yor is an amazing mother. Obviously, it's convenient for the plot that Anya is lost because she needs to help her parents without having to reveal her powers. For many parents losing their children or being kidnapped is a sad reality, and this is not because it is careless, for anyone it is impossible to control every aspect around them.
Surely Yuri as a child did not run away from Yor, and she learned to trust him. But Anya is different, and circumstances make her disobey as she has no options. But Yor always desperately seeks her out, and appears to annihilate anyone who dares to harm his daughter.
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Clearly Anya felt terrible for worrying her mother, and making her feel guilty for actions she does. This scene is very sweet and very melancholy. Because while Yor may not be perfect in her role as a mother, no one is…. She was really worried, but she understands that this is not the time to reprimand her, just be thankful that her daughter is ok.
While Yor is sloppy in some respects, Twilight is sloppy in others. They both complement each other in that way as parents. At the end of the day they are both there to protect her.
Finally, it was a great chapter, with hilarious, exciting moments but with a very dark undertone that I'll talk about later!!!
What did you think?
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chaifootsteps · 1 year
My toxic trait is believing that alot of sappy country love songs, when looked at in a certain context, can either be seen from the point of view of someone absolutely adoring their horse and sees them as a platonic/familial life partner, or from the point of view of a horse with human-like intelligence that loves their human with all their heart and willing to do anything for them, and there's nothing that can change my mind.
Some examples:
5 foot 9 by Tyler Hubbard (this one reminds me of a horse just basically listing all the things he loves about his human and how lucky he is to have her)
Wild as you by Cody Johnson (this one reads as a cowboy wanting to tame a wild mustang and slowly gaining its trust to the point that the horse is comfortable with him, but he knows in his heart that the horse deserves to stay wild and free)
Home to me by Tenille Townes (I personally see this one as a horse going on a cross-country 'homeward bound' esc adventure to reunite with its rider, or a wild horse that bonds with a human and comes to see them as home and keeps returning to them, no matter how far it travels)
Beautiful Crazy by Luke Combs (same reason as 5 foot 9. Just a horse adoring how crazy his human is and how much he adores her for it.)
My Girl by Dylan Scott (this one's a bit iffy, but again, I can see it as being a horse (possibly even a rescue, by the 'she saved me' line) just adoring his human and knowing that she's his girl, she's his human, and no other human will take that away)
Hard to Love by Lee Brice (this one can kinda have two different ideas depending on how you look at it. If you look at it coming from the humans pov, it could be a guy trying to train and work with a mare with less abrasive methods than what he's been taught to use, but he messes up and slips back into these abrasive methods at times. But even then, the mare still comes back and wants to work with him cause she recognizes that he's trying and is willing to forgive. From a horse pov, this could be a horse that has behavioral issues due to a bad past, which causes him to lash out at his human, but despite this, she continues to work with him and love him, despite him having problems and being hard to love)
The Good Ones by Gabby Barrett (this one works except the one t-shirt line, but if you ignore that and look at it from the horses perspective, it's reads like a mare that previously been abused and mistreated until a kind cowboy takes her in and treats her with kindness and love for the first time, and she realizes she's finally found one of the good humans who genuinley cares about her and loves her)
Run to You by Lady Antebellum ((yes I know the shit they've tried to pull and fuck them for that, but I still need to bring this up cause this is what started this weird obsession of mine) this one always felt like a horse and rider who find comfort in eachothers company and use their bond as an escape from the stress of the world)
Somebody like You by Keith Urban (this one I have a very specific story for. This gives me the vibes of a lesson horse/lease horse that finds a human that they love and they feels is their person, and how they wants to love somebody like them cause they push them to be the best it can be.)
Some of these have their flaws, but Im willing to look past those to make a point. There's definitely more, and I'm currently working on a playlist. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk
I've been listening to country music all my actual life including while riding horses and I shit you not a whole world just opened up. This is fantastic. Thank you for this.
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chibi-pix · 11 months
Chibi watches V3D 11
Another night of Voltron: The Third Dimension!
Episode eleven. “Pidge Gets Iced”!?!?! Pidge-centric episode?!
Ooh! Excited for this!
“When nature threatens life, man must intervene.” But… uh… no? That is how life goes? And with a star collapsing and going supernova, what are you gonna do? Divert the energy? Stop it? The best you can and should possibly do is just evacuate if possible? But. These are just preliminary thoughts. I’ll find out what happens as I watch.
“-inhabitants who cannot be evacuated.” Oh… never mind. People can’t be taken from there. And they found a way to stop it. Well. Hopefully it works for the sakes of those inhabitants.
Hopefully this new robot, Igor, doesn’t turn on Pidge in this. And telling Pidge that he can’t have the rest of the force with him… that’s Zarkon’s idea, ain’t it? SUS! It’s adorable. The droids on that planet don’t seem to know how to greet Pidge.
“I’ve got clearance for Area 52.” Keith calling it that, the last time I heard “Area 52” was in Looney Tunes: Back in Action; it was amusing in that, too. Okay, moving on.
Oooh. Zarkon swapping the calculator’s chip. That’s not good. And. It makes me wonder how things were in the past episodes.
Oh no, Igor messed up the other droids! Poor droids. Poor babies…
“Green lion. What did he do to you?” Uh. Froze her, obviously.
Oh great. Why does it not surprise me that Lotor showed up on the frozen planet? Jeez. Just when I hoped we’d go an episode without him. Pity.
Igor isn’t the sharpest tool in the sheld telling them what became of Pidge. Well, hopefully the fiery red lion can help thaw Green. And poor Pidge! He’s all cold! Someone hug him til he’s warmer! “We gotta find Pidge-buddy fast!” I love the emphasis on Pidge being Hunk’s buddy.
“No one butts heads like a black cat.” Small deviation from the episode, but. After finally having a black cat in my life? I can feel this is accurate. My cat picks more fights with the others just for looking at her or snuggling me than not. She’s feisty with them. Okay, back to the episode.
Igor falling from the ship, and all I can think is “I’m free, freeFAAAAAAAALLING!”
It was a little concerning when Red’s first strike didn’t melt the ice. But hey! She got it in the end! Good job, Red! And they may need her for that icy robeast.
Ooooh! Using the shield to collect the ice from the robeast and then to use on the star is interesting. I didn’t expect that one as a delivery system. Nicely done! I enjoy that little surprise.
Proof that meets alliance standards? Jeez… Damn calculator and altered chip. I hope they can get solid proof soon. Because Zarkon needs to be outed.
Well, with that? Here we are. The eleventh episode. I actually enjoyed this one.
Anyway! That's it for the night! Until next time!
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Omg omg can I ask you all the questions 🙏
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
🦈 Which character is the toughest to write?
🍬 Do you write for multiple fandoms? If yes, what is your favorite fic of yours for each fandom?
💛 What is the most impactful lesson you’ve learned about writing?
🎨 If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
(Feel free to answer as many or as few of these as you like!!)
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
Today was a fucking mess, but.
What else is new. 
Everything fades as he slips down, deep, unconsciousness enfolding him. It’s a soothing warm embrace. Like the touch of a mother. There’s a phantom kiss to his forehead. 
Your whole life has been a fucking mess. 
But you endured.
🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
GOSH I THINK I ALTERNATE BETWEEN KEITH AND SHIRO PRETTY EVENLY DEPENDING ON WHICH ONE SERVES THE IDEA MORE??? Shiro is fun to write because I just fucking adore him and I think I find it a little more cathartic because I can project onto him a bit more. IT'S LIKE HE'S THE MAN I WANT TO BE. But writing Keith is so fun too because he's a sloppy mess and I feel more free to write false starts/stops and just generally salty cynical nonsense.
🦈 Which character is the toughest to write?
With Sheith I find Shiro a bit harder to write because he's way smarter than me. 🤣 Like I always want to fold in fucking, quantum physics humor like in canon but I can't just think of it myself cause idk anything about that stuff.
🍬 Do you write for multiple fandoms? If yes, what is your favorite fic of yours for each fandom?
I've been writing fic for 20 years so I've dabbled in many fandoms LOL but my current AO3 incarnation I'd say: Sheith: Tonight the Stars Revolt! (I'm sorry I update this like once a year but I think about it every day and it's my baby but it's canon compliant so idk what's the rush, we all know where it's going LOL) Vampire Chronicles: So Falls the World Yuri on Ice: Crashland 💛 What is the most impactful lesson you’ve learned about writing? I wanted to give this one some breathing space so I answered here :)
🎨 If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
I answered this one early but I'd also love to see any art of one day we'll find our way because it's FemSheith and I made Keith such a fucking hot milf imo
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lak27 · 2 years
Finished Six Feet Under…that was…without a doubt the best series finale I’ve ever seen. It wrapped but everything and everyone perfect. Of course it was absolutely heartbreaking that Nate had to die and that David was an absolute mess without him. I loved that David was the only one by his side when he died..it was extremely telling. Although the wedding was nice..Nate knew that he and Brenda would never be together…I think he would have loved Willa no matter what. Nate was 100% right about Brenda and Billy being together…that’s all either of them truly wanted…only they understood each other. David being haunted by Jake was terrifying and then realizing it was him all along was crazy. Ugh Ted…I know that Claire desperately needed mature boyfriend but I wasn’t a fan of him. David and Keith were adorable with Maya but I still think those kids needed more than they could ever give them..and I’m surprised it worked out in the end. The new Fisher and Sons sign made me ugly cry…no matter what it was always going to be that…David wouldn’t have accepted anything else. I love that they made a home there…it was always going to be David’s home. Outstanding acting from Michael C Hall and Peter Krause the entire series.
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A dumb first-world-problems ramble from an exhausted autistic chick
I know I don't normally make original posts on Tumblr much, but I just need to vent somewhere I can't be followed. The individual in question doesn't have a Tumblr, as far as I'm aware. I feel like an ass about vague-posting, but my patience has been running thin for a while now. And they're not really a bad person, but I can't exactly confront them about this without things escalating into a fight. And I know this is my general account & not my new 14-exclusive account, but I just need to release some steam.
You ever get those moods where, in spite of your best efforts to tune people out & ignore the bullshit, it can be really hard to keep loving your special interests/hyperfixations? Like, it's one thing when it's coming from random strangers you don't know on the internet. But it's another thing entirely when it's coming from the people you consider close friends.
Specifics under the cut, because it's a doozy:
Shit like this has happened to me before. That's how I fell out of love with old hyperfixations like Steam-Powered Giraffe & the Gregory Horror Show, & even Pokemon for a bit before the siren songs of ScarVi & Legends: Arceus lured me back in. People I considered close teasing me about super niche stuff (in regards to the former two) & saying my taste was garbage or that I was a sheep & a shill (the latter.) And you'd think that, "Huh, maybe if I happen to hyperfixate on something mainstream, I won't run into this issue again, huh?"
Well, imagine finding someone in FFXIV to geek out over some of the more obscure & niche questlines with. Of course, I adore the MSQ! If I didn't, I wouldn't be playing this game!
But it is BEYOND frustrating for me to want to be able to enjoy this game while simultaneously acknowledging its flaws & areas it needs to grow without constantly having the mainstream parts of this thing that I love being trashed by this person I befriended.
My mainstream favs being constantly misinterpreted & treated like garbage? The favs of my other friends getting this same treatment? Having the AUDACITY to try & defend them only to be met with such (paraphrased) lines like, "Then perhaps it's just due to JRPGs being so dogshit at writing. Padding out their stories with such convoluted, needless fluff that means either I'm too stupid to understand or I can see right through the bullshit they're trying to hide through their tangled mess." Surgically nitpicking other Final Fantasy properties I bring up out of my excitement for a Gilgamesh cameo while also bashing Keith Szarabajka's voice work because he isn't the guy who voiced him in ARR? Constantly assuming the worst out of all the writers/localizers & even wishing them IRL harm for doing something with the writing you don't like? Demonizing Naoki Yoshida like he's a monolith responsible for personally slighting you every time you don't like something in the story? Hell, they've stated on numerous occasions how much they outright LOATHE the MSQ and all the main characters! Only the side characters seem to escape their ire.
Half of the time, I can't even talk with this person about the niche things we both share without them inevitably bringing up something to complain about. And I just keep telling myself to not engage, ignore it, & walk away.
But this Twitter QRT has just been the final fucking straw.
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So, me just wanting to enjoy this game in spite of its shortcomings makes me a simp for a cliche & unoriginal pile of slop.
Me being both excited & nervous for the upcoming expac makes me a simp.
How the fuck dare I enjoy myself. How the fuck dare I not be miserable & let the shortcomings I have overtake my genuine love of this little thing that brings me joy & helped me make so many new friends.
I just keep wondering why this person even keeps playing if it's only the small bits of side content that bring them any amount of joy? And I can't even ask that because it's rude of me. I can't ask them to tone down the constant harping or being more decisive about picking their battles because, "I'd be telling them to suppress themselves, cutting themselves into pieces to try & not be a nuisance."
The thing is that this person isn't stupid. They're not even a bad person. And I do happen to agree with a lot of their points when they aren't being so outright hostile. They just have social struggles & autism like I do, but in the opposite direction. I'm a meek, heavy masker who represses herself out of wanting to not pick or escalate fights (growing up used to having my words habitually twisted by bullies & authority figures, being a chronic mediator amongst past friend groups leaving me with compassion fatigue), while they've taken the opposite approach & are very bold & outspoken with their opinions to the point of jumping the gun with unintended aggression. As well as the aforementioned, "immediately assuming the absolute worst about of everyone involved in this property."
I don't know.
I'm just so tired of having the little things I like be constantly shat on by people whom I'm close to. It makes ME feel like I'm the idiot with no media literacy for finding joy in these things. That I've been gaslighting myself into thinking that the things I like are actually good or hold any modicum of value. It's been 26 years, & I haven't learned to tune out all the bullshit around me. I'm still so sensitive after all this time.
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