#keiko wright
squeamishnerd · 8 months
The Brights
Chapter 23: Crushes, Part 2
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Armand: I didn't know you worked with this too, Serena.
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Julia: Or you, I'm sorry but I don't know your name, but you're in our yoga class, aren't you?
Keiko: Yes, I'm Keiko.
Serena: We're a bit short on staff.
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Julia: I need advice. I've noticed that my best friend has a crush on me, but I don't feel the same. What do I do?
Armand: Maybe I'm not the best person to ask, I woohooed with my best friend, and we're just friends.
Patina: And I've never been in a relationship.
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Julia: We live together and we celebrated both Winterfest and New Year's Eve together, so it's starting to get a bit awkward.
Armand: Maybe you could just tell them that you've noticed, and that you're not interested?
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Julia: But I don't want to hurt her feelings.
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Armand: Something my therapist has told me is "you choose for you". You shouldn't have to feel uncomfortable about something just because of someone else. Pick the option that would make the situation better for you.
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Julia: I guess hurting her feelings is the only way then…
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Grace: Lin-Z, is it alright if I send you some code to check? It won't compile.
Lin-Z: Of course!
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Lin-Z: Let us see… You missed a semicolon on line 59.
Grace: Thank you!
Lin-Z: You are welc-… *shuts down*
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Grace: Oh? So you're here again, Flower?
Flower: I heard Lin-Z's voice.
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Flower: Sul sul, Lin-Z, how are you doing?
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Grace: Flower, please, they're still not interested in you and they will continue to ignore you until you stop flirting with them.
Flower: And what do you know about flirting!?
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Tomax: If there's someone who knows something about flirting, it would be Grace. Do you know how many partners she has?
Flower: No.
Grace: Let's not turn them into mere numbers.
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Tomax: Point is, she understands boundaries well and can manage several relationships.
Flower: Wait, is that why you lock me out of here so often? You are doing hanky-panky! Ew!
Grace: Don't be so judgemental.
Tomax: You're not the only one who gets locked out every now and then.
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Morgan: I just have to ask, are you not interested in love? Most people are, but you don't seem to be.
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Beren: Not the first time I've heard that. Sure, I haven't felt ready for a relationship, but it's not like I'm not interested. Do I give off the vibe that I'm not interested at all?
Morgan: Oh, I see…
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Morgan: Who's the lucky one?
Beren: What?
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Morgan: The way you said "haven't felt ready" kinda makes it sound like you're ready now, and maybe even have found someone you like.
Beren: No, I haven't found someone… and I'm not sure if I'm ready for a romantic relationship, but…
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Morgan: Did we just lose to the computer?
Beren: Sorry, I got distracted…
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Beren: Ugh. Why does Morgan have to be so good at noticing things?
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Beren: I'm glad that she was so focused on the game that she forgot that I was in the middle of a sentence though.
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Beren: It's getting so difficult to concentrate on things! Again!
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Beren: Different reason than before, but still annoying. Are other people like this? I'm not used to feeling this desperate.
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Beren: I want my first relationship… -well, hopefully only one, but most people go through more than one in their lifetime, so we gotta be realistic- …But anyway, I want it to be a romantic one, but I don't think I can do that yet.
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Beren: Okay. Focus now.
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asian-heart-92 · 27 days
Street Fighter fancast (part 6)
Joe Keery as Luke Sullivan
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Lindsay Kay Hayward as Marisa Rossetti
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Shahadi Wright Joseph as Kimberly Jackson
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Sofia Boutella as Menat
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Adam Beach as Necalli
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Andy Serkis as Sodom
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Art Hsu as F.A.N.G.
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Kevin Durand as Abigail
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Ryan Potter as the young Zeku
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Hiroyuki Sanada as the old Zeku
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Miya Cech as Akira Kazama
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Julie Estelle as A.K.I.
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Kristanna Loken as Eliza
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Karen Gillan as Roxy
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Ian Anthony Dale as Antler Inoki
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Alexander Skarsgård as Axl
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Michael Nouri as Azam
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Zac Efron as Bred
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Josh Gad as G. Oriber
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Austin Butler as J
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Rena Kutoba as Keiko Asano
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Ken Jeong as Kenichi Kakutani
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Charlie Hunnam as Scott
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Daniel Kaluuya as Max
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Tony Jaa as Somsak
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J. August Richards as Thrasher Damnd
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brothers Johnson lady flash willie bobo danny cox Cornelius brothers the independents intergalactic touring ace spectrum bar-kays Margie joseph klymaxx mandrill stephanie mills melba moore Maxine nightingale timex rumors rumors three degrees betty wright & carter abbey Lincoln esther Philips leon thomas alice Clark Angela bofill palberta Johnnie taylor keiko higuchi guruguru brain ice fuse dee dee thelma houston dionne nona hendryx millie jackson
paul simon Bowie n Simone Gaynor c Bradley isley Chaka sade Pointer ronnie cab billie donna paul soft cell dee lite foundations kraftwerk aimee ochs
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startrekreviews · 6 years
DS9 Novel #19: The Tempest
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DS9 #19: The Tempest by Susan Wright Book Jacket’s Summary:      “When a ferocious plasma storm strikes the entire Bajoran system, Deep Space 9 becomes a port under siege, filled to overflowing with stranded space travelers, unpredictable aliens, and Klingon smugglers. Worf and Odo find themselves tested to the limit as they struggle to control the chaos that has consumed the station. But even greater danger faces Dax and botanist Keiko O'Brien when they must fly a runabout into the very heart of the storm – and encounter a strange new form of life!” Yeaka’s Notes:     The Tempest is one of those could-be-an-episode novels set right after Worf’s transferred to the station, and at first, it even contemplates his transition and reminisces on the Enterprise. In its frequent downtimes, this book is a good character study on him, Odo, Sisko, and the O’Briens. One of this book’s unique features is that it gives Keiko central stage—her and Jadzia wind up off together on an important mission, where they science it up, get sick, and talk relationships. As the main plot is an in-coming plasma storm, a lot of the dialogue is technobabble. There are a few easier-to-understand side-plots going on with rowdy Klingons and difficult aliens bothering Worf on the station. Easily the most charming plotline is Odo’s small babysitting adventures with Molly—who knew he was really a big softie inside.     Despite the constant threat of danger, this book doesn’t feel particularly dark. The scientific nonsense gets a tad difficult at times, but mostly, the characters are well used and enjoyable. It has a lot for Worf fans and gives more of the O’Brien family than most. All together, it’s a good read. Noteworthy moments: (below cut)
Ch1/p18 Worf protects Dax from a console fire
Ch2/p22 Keiko picks Molly up from holographic horse riding lessons, Molly’s now dressed obsessed with ponies, they run into Leeta who fawns over Molly, Quark tries to sell Keiko massage programs
Ch3/p45 O’Brien and Keiko visit and talk parenting while Molly has a tantrum, O’Brien gives Keiko higher computer clearance to her delight
Ch4/p57 Klingons mock Worf and tell him his family’s lands and possessions have all been given away
Ch5/p78 When Keiko wants to go on an away mission, Sisko asks what her husband will think, she just looks at him and he corrects himself; Sisko keeps worrying about Kasidy
Ch8/p108 Worf has a bad Klingon drink that’s a gift fro Deanna
Ch8/p118 O’Brien has Rom emergency beamed over to help him
p121 O’Brien rescues Molly, then leaves her with Odo to babysit without asking
Ch9/p132 Worf finds Odo giving Molly piggyback rides
Ch11/p155 Odo babysitting Molly, he grows fond of her and is vaguely disappointed when he thinks O’Brien’s taking her back
Ch13/p192 Sisko has a cute moment with Jake, Jake offered their quarters to Kasidy when hers were taken
Ch14/p199 Dax talks about how joint Trills are often exhibitionists, Keiko mentions directing plays on the Enterprise, they discuss the last gratitude festival (DS9: “Fascination”)
p209 Dax and Keiko question if she should really be with O’Brien
Ch15/p225 “Worf felt something and looked down. Molly was standing right next to him. “Nice pony,” she told him, patting his knee. “Good pony.””
Ch16/p239 Because reasons, Dax insists Keiko leave O’Brien, but Keiko thinks “she and Miles belonged together.”
Ch17/p245 Bashir medically treats Dax; O’Brien comforts a sick Keiko
Ch19/p263 Odo thinks of Kira and hopes they can be together someday; Sisko visits Kasidy
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bibaybe · 2 years
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itsclydebitches · 5 years
So the story goes like this: I’m in London for the month, popping into every used bookstore I find, and while in one I spot Captains' Logs Supplemental: The Unauthorized Guide to the New Trek Voyages. Though baggage weight limits won’t let me buy it (I have already bought so many books) I did snap pics of the “Past Prologue,” “Cardassians,” and “The Wire” entires. And then transcribed them. Because I thought the other Garak stans might enjoy this info!
Worth the read imo 💜
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Episode #3 “Past Prologue” Original Airdate: 1/11/93 Written by Katharyn Powers Directed by Winrich Kolbe Guest Starring: Jeffrey Nordling (Tahna), Andrew Robinson (Garak), Barbara March (Lursa), Vaughn Armstrong (Gul Dunar), Richard Ryder (Bajoran Deputy), Susan Bay (Admiral), Gwynyth Walsh (B’Etor)
“We didn’t want your typical Cardassian in there,” says director Winrich Kolbe of the creation of one of DS9’s break-out characters, the Cardassian spy Garak. “Obviously it would have been hard to put a real Cardassian soldier in a clothing store. Perhaps it would have been terrific, who knows, but what we felt we had to deal with was somebody abnormal—at least as far as the Cardassians were concerned. It was one of those things where I wasn’t quite sure whether Andy Robinson would be the right guy. I had a different idea as to what type of actor I wanted, but Andy Robinson was available and turned out to be terrific. What I wanted, which shows how far off I was, was Sydney Greenstreet. I have to admire an actor who has to come in at three in the morning and stay in that kind of makeup for the rest of the day and still be able to give a performance.”
Comments Michael Piller, “One of the things about ‘Past Prologue’ that bothered me was that Bashir’s performance was in a very broad range—and this was newness. I believe we have strange aliens, strange makeup, spaceships, explosions and wormholes and costumes that are crazy, so that the people within them have to be entirely credible. If those people get too big in their performances, then you go into opera, and it becomes space opera, foolish and unbelievable. Patrick Stewart really led the way with us in Next Generation, which is to underplay. When you think you’re going to go big, you come down, and it has much more power and credibility. You believe there’s a space station or a spaceship like Enterprise. The biggest problem with the early shows is that some of the performances were too big or too restrained. We had to find the even tone for the ensemble to work together. Our voices weren’t quite right, and the performances were uneven. The first episode hurt the character of Bashir because he was so broad in those scenes with Andy Robinson that he looked like the greenest recruit in the history of the Starfleet, and that hurt him for two or three episodes. If we were shooting it today, his performance would be much more credible, and he wouldn’t have the same reaction from the audience that he has now.”
Klingon renegades Lursa and B’Etor, of course, were introduced in the Next Generation two-parter “Redemption,” and were used as part of an attempt to tie Deep Space Nine into existing Trek continuity. The characters eventually perished in battle against the Enterprise in the feature film Star Trek: Generations.
“The creative synergy allows you incredible opportunities,” remarks Piller. “It’s interesting how we used them. Essentially, we had a story and, in the case of Lursa and B’Etor, we said, ‘Hey, we’ve got a real kind of Casablanca spy story and we need someone to really be doing double dealings and bringing money and doing gun exchanges; why don’t we use the Klingons—and use those characters that we love so much? It works out just fine to use those guys because then there’s a connection and an identification. There’s a backstory, there’s a history, and all of these things make for such a richer series.”
Says Ira Behr, “There’s no doubt that people like [TNG characters like] Lwaxana [Troi] and Q and Vash and a bunch of others. They have a certain life to them as characters and an energy that certainly helped The Next Generation and helps us too. The characters that don’t have to be Starfleet and don’t have those strings we have attached so often. A lot of times you have people performing those characters who take a lot of relish in doing them, so they’re fun to have come back.”
Piller doesn’t feel that in exploiting The Next Generation’s voluminous history Deep Space Nine has an unfair advantage, appealing to those already familiar with Trek lore. “You have to look at the shows themselves,” he insists. “There’s no question in my mind that conceptually, each of these shows would work because they’re about the new characters. In ‘Past Prologue,’ there’s a moral dilemma for Major Kira where she has to confront her loyalty to her past life and what her new life is going to be. It’s really about her. It’s illuminating our new characters. As I’ve always said, the guest stars are catalysts. There have been times when I have not been satisfied, more prior to my arrival, that the shows have been about the guest stars, but ultimately the shows that succeed are when the guest stars are serving as catalysts to illuminate our characters.”
Episode #25 “Cardassians” Original Airdate: 10/25/93 Teleplay by James Crocker Story by Gene Wolander and John Wright Directed by Cliff Bole Guest Starring: Rosalind Chao (Keiko O’Brien), Andrew Robinson (Garak), Robert Mandan (Kotan Pa’Dar), Terrence Evans (Proka), Vidal Peterson (Rugal), Dion Anderson (Zolan), Marc Alaimo (Gul Dukat)
“I didn’t have a lot of faith in this show at first,” admits Ira Behr. “It was such an issue-oriented show that I thought we would oversimplify a complicated issue, but what got me into the show was when I realized this was not only a chance to bring back Garak but to do this whole weird little number with what’s going on between him and Dukat. To me, that nailed the character and I knew after that happened we were going to see a lot of Andy Robinson, who’s become quite popular on staff. What did not work for me was the kid and O’Brien. I thought that was very obvious stuff compared to the rest of the episode. Sometimes we have a tendency to overload the stories. Ultimately, who cared about this kid? It was weak compared to the rest of the episode.”
“As an actor, when I got the script, I didn’t realize Dukat was being set up to take the blame,” says Marc Alaimo, who portrays Gul Dukat. “But I played him as a man who was being set up. A man who was taking the dive because he had wanted to remove the children but his orders were to leave them. I never really understood that story. It seemed complicated to me, and I never quite understood how he got blamed for it.”
Episode #42 “The Wire” Original Airdate: 5/9/94 Written by Robert Hewitt Wolfe Directed by Kim Friedman Guest Starring: Andrew Robinson (Garak), Jimmie F. Skaggs (Glinn Boheeka), Ann Gillespie (Nurse Jabara), Paul Dooley (Enabran Tain)
“It just so happens some of the best shows are the least expensive, because we’re forced to be concise,” Ira Behr comments. “Our conceptual thinking of two guys in a room who are struggling for survival, or against each other, frequently makes for very good drama. This episode was an opportunity to show Bashir with a real strength that he hasn’t had before.
“[Story editor] Robert Wolfe talked passionately about doing this show, and we had always talked about the fact that Garak might have been George Smiley back in Cardassia and maybe we should explore that. Then I went to the movies and came back and said, ‘He’s Schindler.’ Why don’t we do Schindler and Smiley, and then Michale [Piller] said do all four stories, every one different. Robert came up with the idea that he tells this story about his best friend and it turns out to be him. Then you meet his mentor and best friend, who says, ‘I hope he dies, but tell him I miss him.’ That’s perfect; it’s all great stuff.”
Admittedly, “The Wire” could be perceived as an attempt to repeat the success of first season’s “Duet,” and the staff was aware of the similarities. “‘Duet’ was Kira’s crisis as much as the guy’s crisis, and this was much more Garak’s show,” offers Behr. “I thought that was a little dangerous, and we knew we were doing it, but let’s face it, the Cardassian monologue is great and Cardassians like to talk. They’re also great fun to write.”
Says David Livingston, “It’s a bottle show. It’s basically Andy Robinson in a room, but it’s very compelling because it’s one man intervening. Kurt Cobain needed Siddig. If he had had Sid he might have pulled through, because Sid knocks some sense into Andy’s head and says, ‘You’ve got to get off this stuff.’”
According to director Kim Friedman, “‘The Wire’ was kind of a challenge because most of the episode was two people in a room, Sid and Andy Robinson. It’s very hard to create pacing and energy for a show that is basically set in a room. But ultimately I was very pleased with the whole episode. I think my favorite moment was the implant withdrawal scene, which results in a fight between Bashir and Garak. It was just a very powerful moment.”
Paul Dooley, who played the menacing Enabran Tain, returned in DS9’s third season two-parter “Improbable Cause” and “The Die is Cast.” He is known for his role as Martin Tupper’s gay father in the HBO sitcom Dream On.
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goxinsane · 5 years
Wanted Opposites!
This isn’t a very important post, especially when I should be doing drafts but if anyone has these faceclaims to go against any of mine, platonically, romantic, strangers, etc. HMU! (MESSAGES!) I will probably already be attached because I just adore ocs, but even better with these fcs. Don’t be discouraged though if you have none, it’s just a post to put out there if you’re interested in checking it out. I will roleplay with the majority of faceclaims except the ones on my banned list. Of course I’ll be open to writing against these faceclaims with any of my other muses, these are just first thoughts. 
** Please bring me your underused faceclaims, poc, ladies, nb, older, etc! They don’t get much love in the indie rpc.
I tried my hardest not to repeat as there are several fcs I’d like for other characters too, but, 
Below the cut is the list:
Angelica Ward:
Dominique P. Chalkley, Kat Barrell, Shamir Anderson, Paige Turco, Natalie Krill, Jodelle Ferland, Megan Follows, Zoie Palmer, Anna Silk, Ksenia Solo. 
Brooklyn Nash:
Cameron Monoghan, Shanola Hampton, Emma Greenwell, Laura Slade Wiggins, Jane Levy, Joel Kinnaman, Ruby Rose, Dermot Mulroney.
Cody Jane:
Zendaya, Sydney Sweeney, Alexis Demie, Margaret Qualley, Elliot Fletcher, Noel Fischer, 
Corrine Walker:
Charley Weber, Viola Davis, Matt McGorry, Tom Verica, Karla Souza, AJA Naomi King, Alfred Enoch, Alexis Bledel, Barry Sloan, Keiko Agena.
Dionne Davis:
Kristen Bell, D’Arcy Carden, jode Comer, Sandra Oh, William Jackson Harper, Jameela Jamil, Manny Jacinto, Emma Stone, Tiya Sircar, Adam Scott, Leslie Grossman, Stephan Merchant.
Fitz Stevens: 
Emmy Raver Lampman, Marin Ireland, Drew Barrymore, Robert Sheenan, Laverne Cox, Trace Lysette, Alexandra Billings, Indya Moore, MJ Rodriguez, Jamie Clayton, Gaby Hoffmann, Ritu Arya.
Ireland Magneri: 
Dave Franco, Aubrey Plaza, Gillian jacobs, Joel McHale, Carey Mulligan, Mary Holland, Mackenzie Davis, Bo Burnham.
Kendall Reid:
Alison Brie, Kristen Stewart, Kathryn Hahn, Rashida jones, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Michael Cera, Clea Duvall, Oscar Isaac, Pedro Pascal, Taika Waititi.
Koko Gallagher-Yang:
Ashley Tisdale, Shay Mitchell, Rooney Mara, Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus, Kat Dennings, Brianne Howey, Ruby Rose, Cara Delevigne, Natalia Tena, Oona Chaplin, Ashley Benson, Lucy Hale, Troian Bellisario, Lucy Boynton.
Leona Langford:
David Harbour, Keanu Reeves, Ethan Hawke, Sean Astin, Christian Slater, Anthony Michael Hall, Johnny Depp, Millie Bobby Brown, Carla Buono, Joe Keery, Sadie Sink, Brett Gelman, Davis, Alex Baldwin, Michael Keaton, Catherine O’Hara, Dacre Montgomery, Francesca Reale, Angelina Jolie. 
Lillian Fitzgerald: 
Lili Reinhart, Milo Ventimiglia Sarah Paulson, Patrick Wilson, Evan Peters, Jessica Lange, Hamish Lanklater, Kyle Breitkopf, Connie Britton, Cody Fern, Zachary Quinto. 
Lorelai Bajwa Kapoor:
Mindy Kaling, Sara Ramirez, Tom Hopper, David Casteneda, Jake Epstein, Zoe Kravtiz, Perry Mattfield, Jode Whittaker, Pearl Mackie, 
Opal Riverand:
Cole/Dylan Sprouse, Camila Mendes, Reese Witherspoon, Molly Ringwald, Charles Merton, Madelaine Petsch, Mark Consuelos, Karlie Kloss, Keke Palmer, Vanessa Morgan, Marisol Nichols, Madchen Amick, Molly Ringwald, Skeet Ulrich. 
Penelope Banks:
Matt Czuchry,  Liza Weil, Lauren Graham, Samira Wiley, America Ferrera, Ashley Graham, Blake Lively, Amber Tamblyn, Amanda Seyfried, Lily James, Rosamund Pike, Chris Pine, Chris Pratt, Chris Evans.
Samantha North: 
Bonnie Wright, Natalia Tena, Kristen Stewart, Emilia Clarke, Piper Perabo, Lena Headey, Evanna Lynch, Mae Whitman, Kate Walsh, Ellen Page, Demi Moore, Jennifer Connolly, Cate Blanchett, Mandy Moore, Jennifer Gardner. 
Victoria Wilson: 
Rainn Wilson, Ed Helms, Steve Carrell, John Kransinski, Idris Elba, Jenna Fischer, Amy Ryan, Creed Bratton, Kate Flannery, Rachael Harris.
Zainab Abbott: 
Jim Howick, David Tennant, Hannah Waddingham, Jason Isaacs, Idris Elba, Benedict Cumberbatch, Juno Temple, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Jeff Goldblum,  Willem Dafoe, Elizabeth Mitchell, Emily Blunt, Anne Hathway, Jon Hamm, Stellan Skarsgaard, Helena Bonham Carter, Sarah Lancashire, Siobhan Finneran, Dev Patel. Catherine Zeta Jones. 
Hunter Schafer, Bella Thorne, Hailee Steinfeld, Jennifer Tilly, Barbie Ferreira, Maya Hawke, Maude Apatow, Diana Silvers, Saoirse Ronan, Talulah Riley.
Faces I’d love to interact with anyways: Lily Rabe, LP (the singer), Lana Del Rey, Winona Ryder, Stefanie Scott, Billie Ellish, Natalia Dyer, Natalie Portman, Natalie Dormer, Stella Maeve, Thomas Sangster, Most Drag Queens, Asia Kate Dillon, Halston Sage, Haley Lu Richardson, Shane West, Chris Meloni,  Selena Gomez, Jamie Bell, Charlie Rowe,  Kit Harrington, Matt Smith, Himseh Patel, Ansel Elgort, Lily Collins,  Katie Leung, Brendan Gleeson, Lea Seydoux, Rupert Grint, Domnhall Gleeson, Tom Felton, Allison Scalglotti, Ben Hardy, Chloe Sevigny,  David Tennant, Catherine Tate, Michael Sheen, Melanie Laurent, Rami Malek, etc.
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ao3feed-wrightworth · 5 years
the spiky twink strikes again
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/31vmSME
by Salty_Sam
gobo: mia i killed him boobitch: WHAT gobo: i killed the spiky twink gobo: forgive me boobitch: on a scale of 1 to 10 how dead is he nicknackpattywack: 15 nicknackpattywack: i thought you were blind how do you hit so accurately boobitch: he has a magical mask that lets him see twinks gobo: twinks and twunks im inclusive
Every fandom needs a good chat fic. And as I didn't find one for Ace Attorney, I decided to create one.
Ace Attorney High School AU Chat Fic - That's a mouthful...
I wrote this for myself and sent it to my friend. And she said it was good. And then she said I should post it. And finally, I have caved. Personally, I think it's awful. But she said it was okay. So here we are...
All spelling mistakes are totally intentional to symbolize kids who lack auto correct... Totally... Not like I turned off spell-check because it was annoying me with the amount of red lines on the usernames... It's all in god's plan.
If all else fails... #Blame Pigeon-Senpai. It's all her fault.
I am so, so sorry for this... But someone had to do this.
Words: 11261, Chapters: 5/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 逆転裁判 | Gyakuten Saiban | Ace Attorney
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright, Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth, Kaminogi Souryuu | Diego Armando, Ayasato Chihiro | Mia Fey, Ayasato Mayoi | Maya Fey, Karuma Mei | Franziska von Karma, Ayasato Harumi | Pearl Fey, Naruhodou Minuki | Trucy Wright, Odoroki Housuke | Apollo Justice, Garyuu Kyouya | Klavier Gavin, Kidzuki Kokone | Athena Cykes, Morizumi Shinobu | Juniper Woods, Aoi Daichi | Clay Terran, Yuugami Jin | Simon Blackquill, Ban Gouzou | Bobby Fulbright, Nahyuta Sahdmadhi, Dhurke Sahdmadhi, Kidzuki Mari | Metis Cykes, Yuugami Kaguya | Aura Blackquill, Miyanagi Chinami | Dahlia Hawthorne, Outorou Shingo | Matt Engarde, Garyuu Kirihito | Kristoph Gavin, Minami Namina | Alita Tiala, Mayudzuki Daian | Daryan Crescend, Kitaki Takita | Wocky Kitaki, Ayame | Iris (Gyakuten Saiban), Ese Makoto | Vera Misham, Amano Yurie | Celeste Inpax, Kamiya Kirio | Adrian Andrews, Karuma Gou | Manfred von Karma, Ganto Kaiji | Damon Gant, Rayfa Padma Khura'in, Houzuki Tomoe | Lana Skye, Houzuki Akane | Ema Skye, Koike Keiko | Lisa Basil, Arumajiki Zaaku | Zak Gramarye, Arumajiki Yumi | Thalassa Gramarye, Arumajiki Varan | Valant Gramarye, Arumajiki Tensai | Magnifi Gramarye, Odoroki Sousuke | Jove Justice, Shinoyama Kanenari | Roger Retinz, Uwasa Atsume | Myriam Scuttlebutt, Oosawagi Natsumi | Lotta Hart, Nanano Kiki | Betty de Famme, Nanano Mimi | Bonny de Famme, Ichinotani Kyouka | Angel Starr, Zaimon Naoto | Neil Marshall, Zaimon Kyousuke | Jake Marshall, Tobaayu Maki | Machi Tobaye, Atsui Chishio | Robin Newman, Yahari Masashi | Larry Butz, Kouhei Yamada | Maximillion Galactica, Tachimi Rika | Regina Berry, Ichijou Mikumo | Kay Faraday, Ichiyanagi Yumihiko | Sebastian Debeste, Shigaraki Tateyuki | Raymond Shields, The Phantom (Gyakuten Saiban)
Relationships: Ayasato Chihiro | Mia Fey/Kaminogi Souryuu | Diego Armando, Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth/Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright, Ayasato Harumi | Pearl Fey/Naruhodou Minuki | Trucy Wright, Ayasato Mayoi | Maya Fey/Karuma Mei | Franziska von Karma, Miyanagi Chinami | Dahlia Hawthorne/Outorou Shingo | Matt Engarde, Garyuu Kyouya | Klavier Gavin/Odoroki Housuke | Apollo Justice, Kidzuki Kokone | Athena Cykes/Morizumi Shinobu | Juniper Woods, Ban Gouzou | Bobby Fulbright/Yuugami Jin | Simon Blackquill, Ayame | Iris/Ese Makoto | Vera Misham, Amano Yurie | Celeste Inpax/Kamiya Kirio | Adrian Andrews, Kidzuki Mari | Metis Cykes/Yuugami Kaguya | Aura Blackquill, Dinigeru Dattsu | Datz Are'bal/Dhurke Sahdmadhi, Kitaki Takita | Wocky Kitaki/Minami Namina | Alita Tiala, Arumajiki Yumi | Thalassa Gramarye/Arumajiki Zaaku | Zak Gramarye, Kouhei Yamada | Maximillion Galactica/Tachimi Rika | Regina Berry
Additional Tags: Chatting & Messaging, chat fic, Alternate Universe - High School, High School, Alternate Universe - Normal High School, Some Plot, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Angst, Fluff and Humor, Crack, Fluff and Crack, Everyone is in highschool or a teacher, this makes no sense, This Is STUPID, I'm Sorry, I Don't Even Know, I'm Bad At Tagging, I Can't Believe I Wrote This, I Tried, so basically:, groupchats, Most couples established, I made some plot but it good lost excuse me while I look, Apparently this is good my friend said so, she made me post this, #Blame Pigeon-Senpai, I hurt Klavier and i wont apologize, but it gets better, Trucy invites strangers for a sleepover, Godot makes up nicknames for everyone, Please Kill Me, Mia is a mother to all, Everyone Is Gay, (Even Diego ikr what the hell), Past relationships that i didnt tag:, iris and feenie, lana and mia, clay and apollo, diego and simon (keyes), Feels, Angst and Feels, Abuse, Physical Abuse, Verbal Abuse, Blackmail, Bullying, some dark stuff from time to time but most of this is very light, What Was I Thinking?, might continue this might not we will see, everyone is out of character, fite me, Swearing, a lot of swearing, Bad Jokes, youve been warned, news flash: local polish girl pretends she knows what american high schools are like, (spoiler alert: she has no idea)
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/31vmSME
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ao3feed-narumitsu · 5 years
the spiky twink strikes again
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/31vmSME
by Salty_Sam
gobo: mia i killed him boobitch: WHAT gobo: i killed the spiky twink gobo: forgive me boobitch: on a scale of 1 to 10 how dead is he nicknackpattywack: 15 nicknackpattywack: i thought you were blind how do you hit so accurately boobitch: he has a magical mask that lets him see twinks gobo: twinks and twunks im inclusive
Every fandom needs a good chat fic. And as I didn't find one for Ace Attorney, I decided to create one.
Ace Attorney High School AU Chat Fic - That's a mouthful...
I wrote this for myself and sent it to my friend. And she said it was good. And then she said I should post it. And finally, I have caved. Personally, I think it's awful. But she said it was okay. So here we are...
All spelling mistakes are totally intentional to symbolize kids who lack auto correct... Totally... Not like I turned off spell-check because it was annoying me with the amount of red lines on the usernames... It's all in god's plan.
If all else fails... #Blame Pigeon-Senpai. It's all her fault.
I am so, so sorry for this... But someone had to do this.
Words: 8750, Chapters: 4/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 逆転裁判 | Gyakuten Saiban | Ace Attorney
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright, Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth, Kaminogi Souryuu | Diego Armando, Ayasato Chihiro | Mia Fey, Ayasato Mayoi | Maya Fey, Karuma Mei | Franziska von Karma, Ayasato Harumi | Pearl Fey, Naruhodou Minuki | Trucy Wright, Odoroki Housuke | Apollo Justice, Garyuu Kyouya | Klavier Gavin, Kidzuki Kokone | Athena Cykes, Morizumi Shinobu | Juniper Woods, Aoi Daichi | Clay Terran, Yuugami Jin | Simon Blackquill, Ban Gouzou | Bobby Fulbright, Nahyuta Sahdmadhi, Dhurke Sahdmadhi, Kidzuki Mari | Metis Cykes, Yuugami Kaguya | Aura Blackquill, Miyanagi Chinami | Dahlia Hawthorne, Outorou Shingo | Matt Engarde, Garyuu Kirihito | Kristoph Gavin, Minami Namina | Alita Tiala, Mayudzuki Daian | Daryan Crescend, Kitaki Takita | Wocky Kitaki, Ayame | Iris (Gyakuten Saiban), Ese Makoto | Vera Misham, Amano Yurie | Celeste Inpax, Kamiya Kirio | Adrian Andrews, Karuma Gou | Manfred von Karma, Ganto Kaiji | Damon Gant, Rayfa Padma Khura'in, Houzuki Tomoe | Lana Skye, Houzuki Akane | Ema Skye, Koike Keiko | Lisa Basil, Arumajiki Zaaku | Zak Gramarye, Arumajiki Yumi | Thalassa Gramarye, Arumajiki Varan | Valant Gramarye, Arumajiki Tensai | Magnifi Gramarye, Odoroki Sousuke | Jove Justice, Shinoyama Kanenari | Roger Retinz, Uwasa Atsume | Myriam Scuttlebutt, Oosawagi Natsumi | Lotta Hart, Nanano Kiki | Betty de Famme, Nanano Mimi | Bonny de Famme, Ichinotani Kyouka | Angel Starr, Zaimon Naoto | Neil Marshall, Zaimon Kyousuke | Jake Marshall, Tobaayu Maki | Machi Tobaye, Atsui Chishio | Robin Newman, Yahari Masashi | Larry Butz, Kouhei Yamada | Maximillion Galactica, Tachimi Rika | Regina Berry, Ichijou Mikumo | Kay Faraday, Ichiyanagi Yumihiko | Sebastian Debeste, Shigaraki Tateyuki | Raymond Shields, The Phantom (Gyakuten Saiban)
Relationships: Ayasato Chihiro | Mia Fey/Kaminogi Souryuu | Diego Armando, Mitsurugi Reiji | Miles Edgeworth/Naruhodou Ryuuichi | Phoenix Wright, Ayasato Harumi | Pearl Fey/Naruhodou Minuki | Trucy Wright, Ayasato Mayoi | Maya Fey/Karuma Mei | Franziska von Karma, Miyanagi Chinami | Dahlia Hawthorne/Outorou Shingo | Matt Engarde, Garyuu Kyouya | Klavier Gavin/Odoroki Housuke | Apollo Justice, Kidzuki Kokone | Athena Cykes/Morizumi Shinobu | Juniper Woods, Ban Gouzou | Bobby Fulbright/Yuugami Jin | Simon Blackquill, Ayame | Iris/Ese Makoto | Vera Misham, Amano Yurie | Celeste Inpax/Kamiya Kirio | Adrian Andrews, Kidzuki Mari | Metis Cykes/Yuugami Kaguya | Aura Blackquill, Dinigeru Dattsu | Datz Are'bal/Dhurke Sahdmadhi, Kitaki Takita | Wocky Kitaki/Minami Namina | Alita Tiala, Arumajiki Yumi | Thalassa Gramarye/Arumajiki Zaaku | Zak Gramarye, Kouhei Yamada | Maximillion Galactica/Tachimi Rika | Regina Berry
Additional Tags: Chatting & Messaging, chat fic, Alternate Universe - High School, High School, Alternate Universe - Normal High School, Some Plot, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Angst, Fluff and Humor, Crack, Fluff and Crack, Everyone is in highschool or a teacher, this makes no sense, This Is STUPID, I'm Sorry, I Don't Even Know, I'm Bad At Tagging, I Can't Believe I Wrote This, I Tried, so basically:, groupchats, Most couples established, I made some plot but it good lost excuse me while I look, Apparently this is good my friend said so, she made me post this, #Blame Pigeon-Senpai, I hurt Klavier and i wont apologize, but it gets better, Trucy invites strangers for a sleepover, Godot makes up nicknames for everyone, Please Kill Me, Mia is a mother to all, Everyone Is Gay, (Even Diego ikr what the hell), Past relationships that i didnt tag:, iris and feenie, lana and mia, clay and apollo, diego and simon (keyes), Feels, Angst and Feels, Abuse, Physical Abuse, Verbal Abuse, Blackmail, Bullying, some dark stuff from time to time but most of this is very light, What Was I Thinking?, might continue this might not we will see, everyone is out of character, fite me, Swearing, a lot of swearing, Bad Jokes, youve been warned, news flash: local polish girl pretends she knows what american high schools are like, (spoiler alert: she has no idea)
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/31vmSME This is an automatic feed of all new stories posted to the Miles Edgeworth/Phoenix Wright tag on AO3. Because of that, it is not guaranteed that Miles and Phoenix are the main characters in the story, nor the only ship. Please verify content upon clicking through to AO3.
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aki-chan2014 · 6 years
And So It Begins playlist
imiSome of you might know that I started a new DanganRonpa fic called ‘And So It Begins’, which happens to be an SYOC. A lot of songs have inspired my writing of it so far, as well as some of my planning, so I figured I may as well begin a playlist of sort. It is a work in progress, so more songs will be added over time, and the links (put in the song name) to the videos will also only be put in as and when I can. But yeah, I hope you enjoy: (Quick note 11/11: I have also decided to add some quick notes next to certain songs to explain why they have been chosen for the playlist, where I did have specific things in mind for them. If anyone else has interpretations of how certain songs relate I’d be all for sticking those in here too-with credits, of course)
Mafumafu-Keep Out
Fantastic Youth- DAYBREAK FRONTLINE (rap arrange ver) (This song is for the happier moments in the story, particualrly those between the whole group/ larger parts of the group, and any moments that, in a different story, would have simply been carefree and youthful. Also check out this dance version, as I will be making an Ending Song chapter based on it)
Nuyuri ft flower-Proto Disco (This song is meant to be reflective of how the characters are descending down a dark path in the choices they make and the events that draw them closer to creating a killing game.)
HENSHIN ft GUMI- One Moment’s Crime (This song can relate somewhat to the system Hope’s Peak has in this story. It is also the ‘opening song’ for the story, as you may have noticed)
Jonas Blue ft Jack and Jack-Rise (This one is about the rebellion aspects of the story)
Police Piccadilly ft Miku Hatsune-Separate (This song is meant to relate to certain pairs and possibly trios in this story, and the bittersweetness of the fact they have developed such closeness in such bad circumstances. I’d say I have Mizuki and Mokomichi in mind particularly here, but it could easily apply to others too. This is also the first ED song of the story)
Do As Infinity-Kenshin no Kemono
Foreground Eclipse-When Innocence is Just a Mask (This one is definitely also about the rebellion aspects of the story, but perhaps at a later stage of the story, where some characters may be more fatalistic about it. When they are further down the rabbit hole, so to speak.)
Natsushiro Takaaki-Endroll (also check out this chorus cover done by CATINABOX for round 2 of the Ascencion Chorus Battle 2019-my personal headcanon is that Reirei’s voice is like Emiko’s singing voice)
brave elements-Bakudan Ma (cover)
Zutto Mayonaka de ii no ni-Humanoid
Wowaka-Unknown Mother Goose
Luschka-Moratorium (This song is related to the remorse some people might feel from being involved, wondering if they’d ever be forgiven)
Sayuri x MY FIRST STORY-Reimei
Dima Lancaster ft BrokeN-Feed the Fire (cover) This one is definitely related to the point of the story where everything gets awful and there’s no turning back
ONE OK ROCK-We Are (This song can relate in some ways to how some characters see themselves as doing something good in the situation. Also a song for how they may have started off feeling when setting off on this endeavour, or the general feelings of Reserve Course oppression. )
AmaLee-Again (English Cover) (This song could link to some relationships within the story)
Cepheid ft Un3h-Chronos (this one is about feeling helpless about the situation, and how some characters are having regrets about it)
AViVA-Blame it on the kids
Hanatan-Niwaka Ame
Misumi ft flower and Miku Hatsune-FAKE (see also this cover)
Dean Lewis-Waves
nameless-Toumei Elegy (cover)
HarryP- 泥中に咲く(blooming in the mud)
MurasagiYT-Little Parade (English Cover)
DECO*27 ft Miku Hatsune-Otome Dissection
Three Days Grace-Riot (Thanks to tobi-is-an-artist-too for this one. I am sure the reason for it’s inclusion is self explanatory lol)
Yunosuke ft Miku Hatsune-Spiral
2NE1-Come Back Home (Japanese unplugged ver)
Tears of Today-Corregret
Zutto Mayonake de ii no ni-mabushii DNA dake
Pizuya’s Cell X Barrage Am Ring ft Meramipop -my temperature is zero degrees
Rupert Pope and John Robertson ft Isla Meller-Coming Round
After the Rain (Soraru x Mafumafu)-yuudachi (evening rain) (this one could relate to some of the character dynamics between certain pairings, particularly between cast members and some side characters as the relationships become more distant/deteriorating. It can also relate to the feeling some characters might have at their youth slowly slipping away as the story continues)
ONE OK ROCK-Mighty Long Fall
Akiakane-FlashBack (I am planning to use this for a second OP song chapter at some point ^.^, and the actual PV of the song will inspire the sequence I write for that. Also, this is such a good song about falling apart and grief and betrayal so it fits really well with later events)
*Luna ft  來 -Epilogue (Also check out the chorus cover done by EncripT for round 1 of the Ascencion Chorus Battle 2019. Anyway, this one is about being able to make one’s own choices and how the idea of doing this has served as a motivation for some characters)
Fractured Light Music-These Final Words
Fractured Light Music-We Dream of Stars
Fractured Light Music-Goodbye
Ludovico Einaudi- I Giorni
Tokyo Teddy Bear English Chorus Cover
Eve-This World To You (For the bittersweet moments and the bereavement)
CYPHER-Redmoon (another one for the rebellion themes, and also the theme of doing something that you cannot go back from)
Misumi ft Hatsune Miku-Weird Beast
chorus cover of ‘Bolero’
Zutto Mayonaka de ii no ni-Seigi (justice)
After the Rain (Soraru x Mafumafu)-The equation for the beginning of love (a particular couple relationship is what I have in mind with this song, because the song characters are sweet awkward dorks and so are the characters of the couple)
Fantastic Youth-Mairieux (acoustic arrange)
Nathan Wagner-Innocence (because well, they will end up losing it, won’t they?)
Fantastic Youth-I thought I was an angel (cover and rap arrange) (Kinda self explanatory-they started out trying to do the right thing, thinking they were the ‘angels’ in this. Of course, they aren’t really, are they?)
Jayn-With Love (for the slightly more supportive/positive aspects of various character relationships, both platonic and romantic) UVERworld-Touch Off Dasu x Ensou ft Len Kagamine-Jet Ammo
Memai Siren-Ajisai
Crusher-P ft Miku Hatsune-Propaganda! (both about the elitism of Hope’s Peak and how they’re trying to present this very particular image, and also how dangerously close-knit the cast get)
ALEXANDROS-Pray (There’s a lot of cases of characters wanting to help each other, and not knowing how. So this song is about that, and those particular relationships)
FELT-Until Tomorrow
Aron Wright-How You’ll Be Remembered
JubyPhonic- Häagen-Dazs Ika no Sappuukei (English Cover) (This inspired the scene with Keiko on the roof in Party Time, part 1. I guess this could be a song for the main event of Preparation/Party Time in general)
BRAVES ft Nikki Reed-World’s On Fire
Fantastic Youth-Totemo Suteki Na Rokugatsu Deshita (cover)
Wolpis Kater-1% (Melon soda no hoshizora wo)
Studio Yuraki-Mukanjyo(English cover) (this fits with the themes of the story so well in general)
Misumi ft Hatsune Miku -Alter Ego (there’s something about the darkness of Misumi songs that fit so well with ASIB aaaaa)
chorus cover of ‘0verf10w’
Raon Lee X KOBASOLO-Philosophy of Adversity
chorus over of ‘Yankee Boy Yankee Girl’ 
Eve x Rib-Lear
Pizuya’s Cell-Midnight Liberty
Studio Yuraki-MAYDAY (cover)
Mitei no Hanashi-Drown in the Night
YOASOBI-Racing into the Night (check out this group cover too)
Fantastic Youth cover of no title
chorus cover of Los!Los!Los!
Sou-Mr Fixer
Techniken ft Lollia and Sohly-Make Me, Hate Me
Eve - ‘Love & Destroy’ (cover ver-originally by Mi8k ft GUMI) There are a fair few good covers of this really, but I picked this one because Eve.
FUZI x Neru ft Luschka and Mas Kimura-Optimi2er
Chorus cover of ‘RENEGADE’ (come on, tell me this isn’t a Shino song. Or even an Emiko song, for that matter. I dare you.)
SYND!CATE-In The Elegy (a chorus cover mash-up of ‘In the End and ‘愛迷エレジー ‘. Yes, really.)
Nathan Wagner-New Horizon
Neru ft Len and Rin Kagamine-Becoming Potatoes
Wild Fire- Everybody Knows (cover)  (about the elitism, obvs)
Harry-P- 徒花の涙
Ivy Adara-Rebels
GRIMES- We Appreciate Power (feat Hana)
Opening song for ‘Get Even’ (BBC drama)
THE BINARY- 花に雨を、君に歌を
Mafumafu- 悔やむと書いてミライ
Sou’s cover of ‘Penguin’s Detour’
MARETU- ドクハク  (The link leads to a dance cover because why not? But this one would link to the more violent events and mindsets that develop over the story)
Stray Kids-District 9
KIRA-RISE UP NATION (Quite a few of the cast could be seen as misfits in some way, and they are all for causing trouble and making changes)
*Luna ft GUMI-Black Out Stray Kids- SLUMP (English Ver) (Deteriorating relationships of all sorts, and the emotional conflict that some of the characters are going through especially as they realise that they are at the point of no return.)
Red-The War We Made (Well, it’s more or less a war anyway)
Citizen Soldier-Hope It Haunts You (I’ll let you all theorise over this one lol) Citizen Soldier-Would Anyone Care? (Suggested by PainX65, as fitting certain characters, moments and even Hope’s Peak’s actions over the story)
Eve-How to Eat Life
MYTH&ROID-Remembrance (Goes without saying that Remembrance is in a way one of the stronger motives behind what our cast are doing, in a macabre way)
No Resolve-What You Deserve
Nine Lashes-Guilty Hands (They all have them)
Nathan Wagner cover of ‘The Kill’
Mako Niina-Sensen no Realism (The implications/consequences of what they are all doing hitting them)
After the Rain-Kono Yubi Tomare
Mashiro cover of ‘That Summer Saturates’ (the heady fallout of being involved in a crime with friends, and the general intensity of adolesence, and how the two combine)
chorus cover of ‘Nocturnal Creatures’
Fumiko Uchimura-Dotte Koto Nai Sympathy
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otakunews01 · 6 years
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"Ace Attorney" S2 anime announced for Fall 2018 !!
The official website for the television anime adaptation of CAPCOM's Ace Attorney (Gyakuten Saiban) games announced on Friday that the series will get a second season titled Gyakuten Saiban ~ Sono "Shinjitsu," Igiari! ~ Season 2 (Ace Attorney ~To That "Truth," Objection! ~ Season 2) this fall. The website revealed a visual featuring Godot.
Original game director Shu Takumi is collaborating on the anime. A-1 Pictures is again handling animation production, with returning staff members director Ayumu Watanabe, series writer Atsuhiro Tomioka, composer Kaoru Wada, and character designer and chief animation director Keiko Ōta. Yukiko Imai is serving as assistant director.
The returning cast includes:
Yuuki Kaji as Phoenix Wright/Ryūichi Naruhodō
Aoi Yūki as Maya Fey/Mayoi Ayasato
Masashi Tamaki as Miles Edgeworth/Reiji Mitsurugi
Chie Nakamura as Mia Fey/Chihiro Ayasato
Masami Iwasaki as Dick Gumshoe/Keisuke Itonokogiri
Tooru Nara as Larry Butz/Masashi Yahari
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tepiddreamer · 6 years
Its the Seattle Times reporting incorrectly again, so going to try not to take this news too literally.
The endangered southern resident killer whales, of which just 74 remain, aren’t getting the help they need from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, speakers said at a Saturday meeting in Friday Harbor and another the following day in Seattle. The agency has also not been transparent in its efforts to bring the mammals back from the brink of extinction, they added. 
There is a great deal of discourse and anger being thrown at NOAA right now, and let me say that from what I have read and talked to people about, it is more the higher ups can’t make a decision and those below them (who are doing the actual work) are getting the brunt of the hate. I’m not sure how much more transparent you want them to be when they had a running log of sightings, agencies they were working with, and public hearings. I mean that is more than you will ever get with any other agency. I do have to applaud ANY attempts that were made such as the darting with antibiotics and fecal sampling. All agencies involved in that went above and beyond than any other group before them, just sad that it has taken how many years for it to be done.
The public hearings were initially planned to discuss an emergency rescue plan for J50, a southern resident killer whale that was critically ill before being presumed dead on Thursday. Speakers demanded that NOAA take drastic steps to save the orcas, including shutting down fishing for Chinook, creating a whale sanctuary in known foraging areas so the orcas can hunt without vessel traffic, and breaching the Lower Snake River Dams to boost fish returns for the whales. 
The fishing ban is difficult because many tribal people rely on the salmon for food. And don’t say ‘oh they can go to the grocery store or hunt other food.’ Not how it works. You are breaking a tradition and standard of living, not gonna happen. So yeah maybe a limitation of sport fishing or license given out to tourist or residents, but again for the most part the issue goes way deeper than just fishing tallies. The Chinook has suffered from polluted waters, loss of spawning grounds, commercial fishing operations, and over fishing. Also the changing of shipping lanes wouldn’t make much of difference in the short term if there aren’t enough fish to eat in the first place. Breach the dams, restore the fish, then we can talk about freighter traffic.
Attendees criticized NOAA for coordinating the now-canceled rescue effort with SeaWorld, the entertainment park that had for decades profited from capturing the animals for use in its aquariums. Lynne Barre, director of southern resident recovery for NOAA, said the agency wanted to take advantage of SeaWorld’s “expertise and resources.” “NOAA has a huge credibility problem with the southern residents. You have known for over a decade they don’t have enough food and now SeaWorld is involved,” Sandy Wright, a Seattle resident, said at the Sunday meeting. “We will not be silent while SeaWorld tries to repair their reputation using the southern residents once again for their own selfish greed.” 
There are 18 agencies listed in the NOAA J50/J35 projects. Seaworld is listed as one of them. In reality Seaworld had very little to do with this current case, they may have offered insight in the group think tank such as what medications to use or dewormer, but had little to add to the project. What they have contributed is funds to NOAAs Killer Whale Research and Conservation Project. Science isn’t free. Equipment such as boats, fuel, cameras, lab time and supplies, and payroll is not free. The grants that have been given by Seaworld and Hubbs Institute have helped fund these research efforts and various projects over the years. I don’t know why people constantly point fingers at Seaworld as ‘destroying the SRKW’ when it was multiple billings from several oceanic parks that wanted killer whales. Only 8 of the billed whales actually went to Seaworld, and Corky II and Orky II were originally bought by Marineland. It just happened to be that a former member of Seaworld worked during these operations, and yes it did have a detrimental affect on the population. Although said population did rebound in the 1990s with over 109 confirmed members, but declined again due to pollution and lack for food sources. So I understand that people dislike Seaworld, I get it, but don’t put all the blame on Seaworld when there was 17 other agencies working on the same thing {that did all the work honestly, not Seaworld}. At the same time the person who they are against  also works for the WSP, was operations director for Keikos rehabilitation and release, and also oversaw the entire Springer project. So before you bring up sins of the past, think of what he has done in the past few decades to rectify the past and teach the newer generations on the correct capture and release protocols.
Also no one, not NOAA or Seaworld or any other facility wanted J50 to be brought into permanent care. No one was signing checks or bidding on her. There was no secret plan to capture her and ‘place’ her into a park. The only prospect of J50 being brought in for rehabilitation was if she was separated or stranded. Which did not happen.
In a community grieving ceremony for the whales by the Samish Nation in Bowman Bay, mourners  paddled offerings of salmon in a canoe out to the waters of the Salish Sea, to honor the whales’ spirits amid song and prayer. 
This is interesting and I am interested in learning more. I am glad that the Lummi and Samish nations are working for a future for the SRKW.
So now what?  I’m sure news agencies will continue to pump out more bad information and discourse will continue between both sides.You could vote tomorrow to breach the dams, but politics are a slow process and it could take months/years for funds and a work force to be appointed to destroy the dams. Local residents can sue the government and slow the process down even further. We have other issues as well with the GOP defunding the EPA, encouraging new pipe lines on tribal lands or building of more shipping ports, decreasing limitations on CO2 emissions and waste dumping. Also fish populations do not repopulate over night. Restoring the critical spawning grounds is the first step, but there are other plights out there for the Chinook Salmon. Over catch and pollution. Hatcheries giving up or not working with NOAA and other agencies. Commercial Fishing operations spray and feed their fish herbicides and medications, and fecal matter collects below the nets. This creates a toxic cloud around the area and could be a contributing factor to the decline of both the native mammal species and fish. If these enclosures fail then thousands of non-native fish or heavily toxic/parasite ridden fish are released into the area. Pipelines being built that leak and increase in shipping lane traffic affects the animals. Harassment from whale watching vessels. Its a long string of problems that the SRKW face, not just one. These things take time and they don’t have it. Keep educated pressure on the politicians, but don’t use misinformation and lies. That creates more problems in the long run.
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newsintheshell · 6 years
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“Gyakuten Saiban ~ Sono ‘Shinjitsu’ Igiari! ~ Season 2″
Serie TV anime, 6 ottobre 2018
Seconda stagione di “Ace Attorney” (Gyakuten Saiban), l’anime ispirato alla famosa serie di videogiochi pubblicata da CAPCOM. Il game director Shu Takumi collabora al progetto.
Regia: Ayumu Watanabe
Assistente di regia: Yukiko Imai
Sceneggiatura Atsuhiro Tomioka
Character design: Keiko Outa
Musiche: Kaoru Wada
Studio di animazione: A-1 Pictures
Sigla di apertura: Tomohisa Yamashita "Never Lose" Sigla di chiusura: halca "Starting Blue"
Phoenix Wright: Yuuki Kaji
Maya Fey: Aoi Yuuki
Miles Edgeworth: Masashi Tamaki  
Mia Fey: Chie Nakamura
Dick Gumshoe: Masami Iwasaki
Larry Butz: Tooru Nara
Godot: Hiroaki Hirata
La storia segue il neo-avvocato Phoenix Wright e la sua assistente Maya Fey nella difesa dei suoi clienti in tribunale. Riuscirà Phoenix, con una manciata di prove e la sua logica come uniche armi, a ribaltare le sorti del processo quando tutto sembra andare a suo sfavore?
La prima stagione di 24 episodi ha fatto il suo debutto nell’aprile del 2016 ed è disponibile, sottotitolata in italiano, sulla piattaforma di streaming Crunchyroll.
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thatothercosplayer · 7 years
Has anyone else noticed that deities in Super Sentai tend to be giant mechas?
“Wait, wait, wait!” Yuna cried out. “What about Magiranger!? All the deities in that are definitely not mecha!” 
“OBJECTION!!” Shouted Ikura, dramatically pointing.
“They’re not that common in Sentai, honestly. Magiranger has more deities than the rest of the shows combined! DaiZyuJin, DaiJinRyu, Muteki Shogun, Kakure Shogun, Tsubasamaru, and GaoGod are all gods.” In her hands she holds a piece of paper with the aforementioned deities all listed. She taps it with her hand. “They are certainly more memorable due to being mecha! However...there’s a flaw in your testimony!” 
She slams her hands on the bar. “There are far more deities that aren’t mecha!”
“Kami-sama in Dobutsu Sentai Go-Busters, the Infershia Pantheon, Deboss, the Destruction God of Gordom, Kami-sama in Abaranger, The Omnipotent God, Torin, the Questers, Super Majin Boma, General Kar, Dezumozorlya, not to mention the many gods mentioned in myths and legends throughout the franchise!”
The audience is going nuts over this, and begins to get rowdy. 
“Order! Order!” Shouts Keiko, banging her gavel repatedly.. “Ikura, are you insinuating that gods are evil? Many of your examples are villains!”
Ikura shakes her head. “Not the case, your honor. While it’s true, ‘god’ is used as a power descriptor often times in Sentai, literal gods tend to come from the pantheons of the villains. Oftentimes, in the heroes’ case, it is added to mecha names as an exponent!”
“Thereby proving that not all gods in Sentai are giant mecha!” 
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bibaybe · 2 years
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thefacelesswanderer · 7 years
In honor of my amazing collab with @triwizard-tardis​,  Molten Magic, I have updated that insane ship list I posted a year or two ago..... It got REALLY long, sorry! 
21. Who do you ship? 
Harry Potter:
Draco/ Harry
Draco/ Hermione (very rarely, but occasionally there’s a REALLY well-written fic)
Draco/ Ginny
Harry/ Hermione
Harry/ Ginny
Ron/ Luna
Ron/ Hermione
Krum/ Oliver Wood
Seamus/ Dean
Neville/ Luna
Neville/ Hermione (Only seen it once or twice, but it worked for some reason)
Blaise/ Draco 
Draco/ Daphne Greengrass
Remus/ Sirius /James (Marauder era)
Remus/ Sirius (Marauder era and now)
James/ Sirius (Marauder era)
Remus/ Nymph
Blaise/ Pansy
James/ Lily (obvs)
Luna/ Ginny
Hermione/ Ginny
Fred/ George
Harry/ Draco/ Ron
Fred/ George/ Harry
Alice/ Frank Longbottom
Bellatrix/ Voldemort
Crossover with Harry Potter:
Harry/ Ed Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Harry/ WuFei Chang (Gundam Wing A/C)
Severus Snape/ Zechs Marquise (Gundam Wing A/C)
Harry/ Duo Maxwell (Gundam Wing A/C)
Hermione/  Duo Maxwell (Gundam Wing A/C)
Hermione/ WuFei Chang (Gundam Wing A/C)
Draco/ Duo Maxwell (Gundam Wing A/C)
Luna/ Stoll brothers (Percy Jackson)
Harry/ Edward Cullen (Twilight)
Draco/ Jacob (Twilight)
Hermione/ Prince Adam (Beauty and the Beast)
Ron/ Belle (Beauty and the Beast)
Gundam Wing A/C:
1x2x1 (Heero/ Duo)
3x4x3 (Trowa/ Quatre)
1x2x3 (Heero/ Duo/ Trowa)
3x2x3 (Trowa/ Duo)
2x5 (Duo/ WuFei)
5x6 (WuFei/ Zechs)
5x13 (WuFe/ Treize)
5x6x13 (WuFei/ Zechs/ Treize)
6x13 (Zechs/ Treize)
6x9 (Zechs/ Noine)
5xSally (WuFei/ Sally)
Dorothy/ Relena
1x2x3x4x5 (Heero/ Duo/ Trowa/ Quatre /WuFei) 
6x1 (Zechs/ Heero)
9xSally (Noine/ Sally) 
Fullmetal Alchemist:
Ed/ Winry
Ed/ Al (I’m shipping trash, I’m so sorry)
Roy/ Riza
Roy/ Ed
Ed/ Lust
Havoc/ Lust
Izumi/ Sid
Maes/ Gracia
Lin Yao/ Lan Fan
Al/ May Chang (panda midget princess)
Al/ Winry
Ed/ Rose
Ed/ Envy
Hoenheim/ Trisha
Ed/ Greedling (Greed and Lin once they’re combined)
Ed/ Lin
Crossover with Fullmetal Alchemist:
Ed/ WuFei (Gundam Wing A/C)
Avatar the Last Airbender:
Zuko/ Katara
Toph/ Aang
Suki/ Sokka
Sokka/ Yue
Mai/ Ty Lee
Pakku/ Gran Gran
Suki/ Katara
Azula/ that jackass from Ember Island (It’s Chen or something)
Azula/ Mai/ Ty Lee
Yue/ Jet
Azula/ Teo
Mai/ June
TyLee/ Haru
Steve/ Bucky
Steve/ Tony (bonus if Peter Parker is their kid)
Clint/ Natasha
Bruce/ Tony
Thor/ Jane
Loki/ Tony
Loki/ Thor
Sif/ Thor
Sif/ Jane
Darcy/ Maria Hill
Peggy/ Angie
Peggy/ Colleen
Steve/ Peggy
Tony/ Pepper
Peter/ Mary Jane
Peter/ Gwen Stacy
Peter/ Harry Osbourne
Steve/ Sam
Bruce/ Clark
Bruce/ Dick
Bruce/ Jason
Dick/ Wally
Dick/ Koriand'r (Starfire)
Dick/ Jason
Dick/ Damien
Dick/ Roy Harper
Dick/ Tim
Jason/ Tim
Jason/ Damien
Tim/ Kon-El
Cass/ Barbara
Cass/ Steph
Wally/ Artemis
Jaime/ Bart
Tim/ Kon/ Bart
Roy/ Jade (Chesire)
Roy/ Koriand'r/ Jason 
Dinah Lance/ Oliver Queen
Dick/ Kaldur'ahm
Clark/ Lois Lane
Garr/ Raven (Beast Boy)
Kaldur’ahm/ Tulla
Bart/ Secret
Jason/ Roy
M'Gann/ La'gaan
Roy/ Wally
Bart/ Clarion (ICE CREAM– this is for you daveyjacobskemp)
Cassie/ Cissie
Anita/ Slobo
Zatana/ Dick
Jack/ Davey (Newsies)
Jack/ Davey/ Katherine (Newsies)
Sarah/ Katherine (Newsies)
Sarah/ Hannah (Newsies)
Katherine/ Hannah (Newsies)
Specs/ Romeo (Newsies)
Specs/ Race (Newsies)
Spot/ Race (Newsies)
Raoul/ Christine (Phantom of the Opera)
Christine/ Meg Giry (Phantom of the Opera)
Fantine/ Jean Valjean (Les Mis)
Enjolras/ Grantaire     (Les Mis)
Marius/ Cosette (Les     Mis)
Cosette/ Eponine (Les     Mis)
Joly/ Musichetta/ Boussett (Les Mis)
Jean Valjean/ Javert (Les Mis)
Enjolras/ Courfeyrac (Les Mis)
Jehan/ Combeferre  (Les Mis)
Bahorel/ Feuilly (Les Mis)
Fairy Tail:
Natsu/ Lucy
Gray/ Juvia
Erza/ Jellal
Gajeel/ Levi
Evergreen/ Elfman
Natsu/ Lisanna
Freid/ Evergreen
Freid/ Mirajane
Mirajane/ Reedus
Loki/ Lucy
Loki/ Aries
Bisca/ Alzack
Austria/ Hungary
Austria/ Switzerland
Belarus/ Russia
Denmark/ Norway
France/ England
Germany/ Italy
Hong Kong/ Iceland
Poland/ Lithuania
Prussia/ Austria
Prussia/ Hungary
Prussia/ Canada
Russia/ China
Russia/ America
America/ Belarus
Sweden/ Finland
Asian orgy
Nordic orgy
France/ England/ America/ Canada
Spain/ Romano
Taiwan/ Japan
Rome/ Germania
Holy Roman Empire/ Italia
Switzerland/ Lichtenstein
France/ Scotland
Sealand/ Wy
World orgy
Lord of the Rings/ The Hobbit
Legolas/ Gimli
Frodo/ Sam
Merry/ Pippin
Tauriel/ Kili
Thorin/ Bilbo
Galadriel/ Gandalf
Galadriel/ Elrond
Aragorn/ Legolas
Aragorn/ Arwen
Merlin/ Arthur
Arthur/ Gwen
Lancelot/ Gwen
Lancelot/ Gwaine
Gwaine/ Percival
Gwaine/ Elyan
Merlin/ Lancelot
Merlin/ Gwaine
Gwen/ Morgana
Morgana/ Mordred
Percy Jackson and the Olympians/ Heroes of Olympus:
Percy/ Annabeth
Jason/ Piper
Percy/ Nico
Jason/ Nico
Leo/ Calypso
Frank/ Hazel
Hannibal/ Will (bonus if Abigail is their kid)
Jimmy Price/ Brian Zeller (Science Husbands)
Jack/ Bella aka the Crawfords
Rave Master:
Haru/ Elie
Musica/ Reina
Let/ Julia
Cattleya/ Shuda
Go/ Rosa
Range/ Sopra
Remi/ Musica
Musica/ Belnika
Sieg/ Elie
Jegan/ Janna 
Clea Maltese/ Alpine Spaniel
Rise of the Guardians/ How to Train Your Dragon/ Tangled/ Brave/ Frozen:
Jack/ Hiccup
Jack/ Merida
Jack/ Rapunzel
Jack/ Elsa
Hiccup/ Rapunzel
Star Wars:
Han/ Leia
Luke/ Mara Jade
Padme/ Anakin
Obi Wan/ Dorme
Robin Hood BBC:
Robin/ Marian
Much/ Eve
Will/ Djaq
Yugi/ Yami
Bakura/ Ryo
Kaiba/ Jonouchi
Marik/ Malik
Yami/ Bakura
Bakura/ Marik
YuYu Hakusho:
Yusuke/ Keiko
Yusuke/ Kurama
Yusuke/ Botan
Yusuke/ Kurama/ Hiei
Kurama/ Hiei
Kuwabara/ Yukina
Genkai/ Younger Toguro
Shizuru/ Sakyo
Shinobu/ Itsuki
Mukuro/ Hiei
Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir:
Marinette/ Adrien
Nino/ Alya
Alix/ Kim/ Max
Chloe/ Nathaniel
Chloe/ Sabrina
Juleka/ Rose
Ivan/ Mylene
Check Please!
Bitty/ Jack 
Lardo/ Shitty 
Holster/ Ransom  (Bonus points if it’s the AU that must not be named)
Nursey/ Dex 
Nursey/ Dex/ Chowder 
Chowder/ Farmer 
Questionable Content
Bubbles/ Faye 
Martin/ Dora 
Martin/ Claire 
Faye/ Sven 
Momo/ May 
Tai/ Dora 
Dale/ Marigold 
Clinton/ Brun 
Wilde Life 
Oscar/ Lorelei
Oscar/ Sylvia 
Eliza/ Darcy 
Oscar/ Clifford (I’m trash, I’m well aware)
El Goonish Shive
Tedd/ Grace 
Elliot/ Ashley 
Nanase/ Ellen 
Elliot/ Sarah
Catalina/ Rhoda 
Disney/ Close to It:
Belle/ Adam (Beauty and the Beast)
LeFou/ Gaston (Beauty and the Beast) (Only really works if Gaston isn’t being a dick anymore)
Anya/ Dimitri (Anastasia)
Vlad/ Sophie (Anastasia)
Elsa/ Kristoff (Frozen)
Elsa/ Hans (Frozen)
Anna/ Kristoff (Frozen)
Ariel/ Eric (The Little Mermaid)
Cinderella/ Her Prince Charming (Cinderella) (Bonus points for genderbending)
Mulan/ Shang (Mulan) (Bonus points for transgender Mulan)
Rapunzel/ Flynn (Tangled)
Anime/ Manga:
Saitama/ Genos (One Punch Man)
Phoenix Wright/ Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright)
Victor/ Yuuri (Yuri on Ice)
Yurio/ Otabek (Yuri on Ice)
Yuuri/ Phichit (Yuri on Ice)
Todoroki/ Yaoyoruza (My Hero Academia)
Deku/ Uraraka (My Hero Academia)
Deku/ Bakugo (My Hero Academia)
Todoroki/ Deku (My Hero Academia)
Light/ L (Death Note)
Matt/ Mello (Death Note)
Dante/ Nero (Devil May Cry) (only cause of @triwizard-tardis)
Gon/ Killua (Hunter x Hunter)
Gon/ Kurapika (Hunter x Hunter)
Hisoka/ Leorio/ Gon (Hunter x Hunter) (Damn you amazing NSFW fanart)
Canary/ Killua (Hunter x Hunter)
InuYasha/ Kagome (InuYasha)
Miroku/ Sango (InuYasha)
Sesshomaru/ Rin (InuYasha) (aged up Rin)
Sesshomaru/ Kagome (InuYasha) (ONE good fic and fanart)
Tsuna/ Gokudera (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)
Mukuro/ Chrome (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)
Takeshi/ Gokudera (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)
Tsuna/ Kyouko (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!)
Bulma/ Yamcha (Dragonball)
Bulma/ Vegeta (Dragonball Z and Z Kai)
Goku/ Krillin (Dragonball)
Goku/ Chichi (Dragonball)
Riku/ Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Sora/ Kairi (Kingdom Hearts)
Axel/Roxas (Kingdom Hearts)
Ciel/Sebastian (Black Butler)
Ruby/Jaunne (RWBY)
Jaunne/ Pyrrha (RWBY)
Yang/Blake (RWBY)
Blake/ Weiss (RWBY)
Ruby/ Weiss (RWBY)
Ren/ Nora (RWBY)
Ozpin/ Glynda (RWBY)
Blake/ Sun (RWBY)
Soul/ Maka (Soul Eater)
Black Star/ Tsubaki (Soul Eater)
Death the Kid/ Patty/ Eliza (Soul Eater)
Stein/ Medusa (Soul Eater)
Maka/ Chrona (Soul Eater)
Stein/ Marie (Soul Eater)
Haruhi/ Tamaki (Ouran Highschool Host Club)
Tamaki/ Kyoya (Ouran Highschool Host Club)
Hikaru/ Kaoru (Ouran Highschool Host Club)
Mitsukuni/ Takashi (Ouran Highschool Host Club)
Haruhi/ Hikaru/ Kaoru (Ouran Highschool Host Club)
Ranma/ Akane (Ranma ½)
Mortal Instruments/ Infernal Devices
Clary/ Jace
Clary/ Simon
Simon/ Isabelle
Jace/ Alec
Jocelyn/ Luke
Simon/ Maia
Tessa/ Will
Will/ Jem
Will/ Magnus
Sherlock BBC
Sherlock/ John
Sherlock/ Molly
Lestrade/ Mycroft
John/ Mary
Sherlock/ Irene
John/ Anthea
Mycroft/ Anthea
Teen Titans
Robin/ Starfire
Beast Boy/ Raven
Cyborg/ Bumblebee
Aqualad/ Terra
Beast Boy/ Terra
Bella/ Edward
Alice/ Jasper
Rosalie/ Emmet
Carlisle/ Esme
Bella/ Jacob
Renesmee/ Jacob
Edward/ Jacob
Edward/ Bella/ Jacob
James/ Victoria
Quil/ Embry
Jacob/ Leah
Sam/ Emily
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