keeperofanswers · 3 months
@a-hell-of-a-time from Starter Call
Duke Gusion stood waiting in Andrealphus's solar as if he had always been there. He had decided to wear the thicker coat for the trip; the icy peacock's inhospitable manse was famous for being comfortable only to its owner. The rest was just a matter of waiting. A teleportation sigil was etched in the frozen floor at his feet.
He waited for the exact time he knew Andrealphus would come into the room and turned to face the door, ready to issue a greeting once he walked in.
Once the door opens, he issues a respectful bow. "Andrealphus. A moment of your time if you would be so kind."
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autarchi0s · 24 days
If there had ever been a time where Stolas wished a yearly Cleanse came and tore his heart out at spearpoint, this would be just such an occasion.
Somehow, and without conducting any previous audits, the heft of a heavy accusation now weighed upon the prince's shoulders. And with it came the inevitable scrutiny of his very own family - namely, his father. The last person Stolas wanted sticking their beak into his business. There was no shortage of reasons as to why he would prefer to keep it all under wraps. It showed in the smallest cracks behind the owl's otherwise near-perfect poker face.
A grand number of Goetia, father and son included, took the evening off to gather at a round table meeting. On one end sat Stolas, spine straightened in a fine angle, shoulders stiff, and elbows off the table. As instructed. Always. On the other, the disapproving gaze of Paimon, who lounged more comfortably upon his own throne with a glass of wine in hand. And at a point of convergence in between them both, surrounded by other imposing members of the royal court, is where their trusty mediator would be sat.
Their debate had yet to begin, and the tension in the air felt so permeable, a blade could slice through it. Behind Stolas' prim, proper and mild-mannered visage, the man inside was crumbling, feeling as though he could vomit... and he probably had, minutes before arriving at this reunion.
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"...well, this is awkward. Are you going to lead off this bloody meeting or what? I've no time for badinage." the king deadpans, leaning and glancing towards their stand-in as he awaits the officiation of the usual formalities. Knowing the discourse could become heated, all parts had convened on allowing Gusion to serve as an arbitrator, a middle party of sorts. It remains to be seen if he will, indeed, serve to qualm any potential discourse of an unruly persuasion.
|| -- @keeperofanswers
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keeperofquestions · 2 months
You know what? I'm still up and muse is active. Blow up either Phel's inbox or Gusion's at @keeperofanswers
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copaceticjillybean · 2 months
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Tagged by: I stole this from @doublejango >:3
Tagging: Andrealphus at @a-hell-of-a-time, Pentious at @demondads, @statiicstag, @radioiaci, @keeperofquestions, @keeperofanswers, Luxury at @thehazbins, and anyone else who’d like to do this!
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thehazbins · 3 months
OOC // Okay, so I got to all but one inbox thing tonight, and no replies but we're getting there on my backlog!
I am participating in ArtFight though so if anyone here in the hazbin community is... uhhh hit me up. I'm Team Stardust annndd I'd love to peek your profiles. :D
keeperofquestions x3
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keeperofanswers · 3 months
Starter Call
I'm going to take care of a few things but let's get the new character rolling. Hit this up for a new starter. I will likely get to posting these over the course of this upcoming weekend depending on what my writing mood is.
If you're a multimuse blog, please let me know who you'd like the starter for.
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keeperofanswers · 3 months
@thehazbins from Starter Call
This was a routine expectation by this point. Gusion knew when it would start. He also knew that trying to make finding him more difficult was a fruitless endeavor for this visitor in particular. It was bet to just keep the schedule cleared for days he knew she would show up unannounced.
This time the Duke had taken up time in a personal study, reading through something other than his grimoire. He was not going to have a tome with that many secrets in it out and about in front of King Purson's children.
He stared up at the door the moment he knew it was going to enter as Princess Theodora, his future daughter-in-law, stormed in yet again.
He knew what she wanted, but the rule was for her to ask the question first. He locked eyes with the diminutive princess with businesslike disinterest. "Speak."
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keeperofanswers · 2 months
Answers for Heaven
Duke Gusion ignored most invitations that came his way. More often than not the grimoire gave him some less than thrilling news about what would occur. Social visits there, politicking there, some dispute that would resolve itself without him. Most of the time he only left his manor for the most pressing of reasons.
He knew it was going to be there and he knew how long he was going to sit on it, of course. That was the curse of clairvoyance; life had no spontaneity. It was almost the appointed time, ten more minutes of staring at that letter from Sera that had arrived a week ago before finally picking it up and reading it. He already knew what it was going to say, but doing it in person always felt different from foreseeing it in the grimoire. There were certain limitations to his future sight that could never be accounted for- internal feelings of himself or others being one of them.
Whatever it was the high seraphim needed, it was urgent.
And he had refused to divert his predetermined course and kept her waiting. He didn't need his grimoire to know what kind of greeting he was going to get after leaving the woman to wait for so long.
It was best to go at once.
Gusion picked up his grimoire and tucked it into his large feathered cloak. Then he traced a sigil into the air. "Ubi."
The portal appeared in front of him right at the entrance of the Heaven Embassy in the center of the Pride Ring. He stepped through, bypassing the front doors and marching forward past an attendant. "I have an appointment." He says with a casual imperiousness as he passed by the poor angel at the desk.
He knew which way to go and when to announce himself. He knew what he was going to say and the initial reaction. He didn't dare read further- not yet. None of this was going to make this conversation any easier after all these thousands of years. He opened the door.
"Hello, Sera."
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keeperofanswers · 3 months
@copaceticjillybean from Starter Call
Great Duke Gusion of the Ars Goetia was notable for many things, but most well known of all was the expansive magical library that made up his abode. Its labyrinthine halls promised answers and knowledge to all with the proper fortitude to seek it.
Gusion was the closest thing to all-knowing the goetia had at their disposal thanks to his grimoire and subequent mastery of the clairvoyant arts, and it was his duty to answer true any question asked of him if he was sought out. As such, the door was open to all visitors, which the caveat that if they did not treat those halls with the respect it deserved, he would come find them and a very different fate awaited them.
The main hall held an expansive network of shelves and imp servants darted back and forth with stacks and carts of books. At the main desk one looked up at the newcomer. "What can we help you with, Miss Jillian?" Of course, her arrival was already recorded in the notes for the front desk. Gusion always knew of his guests ahead of time.
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keeperofanswers · 25 days
Starter Call
Like this post for a starter with Duke Gusion. It will presume a fresh interaction if there is not already a verse or previous threads going on with your muse.
If you want to plot something or set up a preexisting relationship with our characters, my IMs are open.
Multis and sideblogs, please tell me who you want this for.
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keeperofanswers · 2 months
Gusion Ars Goetia (Mobile-Friendly Version)
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Name: Gusion Ars Goetia Title: Great Duke of the Ars Goetia Age: Several thousand years old Height: 8’ 7" Species: Goetia Demon (Eagle Owl) Gender: Cisgendered male (he/him) Sexuality: Unknown Occupation: Commander of Forty Legions, Keeper of Knowledge and Time, Negotiator
Great Duke Gusion Ars Goetia is the commander of forty legions of Lucifer’s forces and is most known for willing to answer correctly any question given to him so long as it is in his ability to do so.
Gusion serves two primary functions to the Ars Goetia. First is as a keeper of knowledge past, present, and future. Gusion’s estate takes the form of a massive arcane library. The library contains one of the largest collections of information the Goetia have access to. Its halls are a dizzying arrangement of the earliest tomes to ever have existed- and even some yet to exist if you know where to look. The content of the tomes is ever changing and shifting depending on the understanding and desires of who is perusing its shelves. This is where Gusion spends a majority of his time, deep within the confines of his library often reading through material on guests yet to arrive to seek him out.
Gusion’s other role, and one that is more important to the Ars Goetia internally is his role as a mediator of disputes. He is called to mediate issues between members and use his skills in moderation and de-escalation to ensure infighting does not start to any serious degree.
Gusion, like most goetia, is extremely tall and thin though broader of shoulder than most of his contemporaries. His feather pattern is a mixed combination of black, dark brown, and grey with a close crop swept back “haircut.” His eyes are a red with a yellow pupil and have a white outline around them with a small streak pointing downward from the sides. He usually wears a dark military-style dress uniform decorated with gold rope keeping a large thick black feather cloak over it. He has a steel pointed crown he rarely wears except to formal occasions where it is necessary.
Gusion is considered honest and straightforward, but also extremely blunt. He is one of the least casually social of the goetia, preferring instead of keep to his library and sending messages via letter when needed. It is a very rare occurrence to see him at a social function when he is not needed to mediate something and even rarer for him to approach someone for conversation. While not unwilling to speak, it is common for others to have to come to him.
Despite his general seclusion, Gusion’s skill in navigating a tense social situation is notable among the Ars Goetia, being known to turn enemies into friends and to ease the tension of most situations.
Clairvoyance Gusion is capable of seeing the past, present, and future through his grimoire. While not the only member of the Ars Goetia to do so, he is the most prolific with it and tends to never go into a stiuation without having read up on the possibilities beforehand. Seeing the future for Gusion is a matter of being shown the most likely possibilities of a given situation and what actions taken will actually make an impact on them. This is something he spends sizable portions of his time in any given day doing- reading.
Magic Gusion, like any holder of a grimoire is a gifted sorcerer and holds a great deal of magical influence. His preferred expression of this magic is via written arcane symbols and wards often inked onto paper or etched into walls or floors. His own manor is covered in these various magical symbols and sigils.
Combat Skill Gusion is, lastly, a talented swordsmen preferring to wield two black scimitars in combat. Each of the blades is also etched with different sigils he can use to imbue his weapons with spells.
These are headcanons I operate on when writing unless canon eventually overwrites them. I by no means require people who write with me to abide by these. If you have your own ideas or just dislike any of these, let me know and we can work things out. Most of these are goetia-adjacent for the sake of giving my character some internal consistency.
We’ve seen that the demons of the Ars Goetia has multiple kings and families, even though we’ve only seen like… five characters in the show and most of them are related. I personally operate on the idea that the goetia demons involve this massive web of noble families and political connections that have more members than just the listed names in the Lesser Key of Solomon. See below for how I like to arrange that.
Avian demons may eat small stones to help with digestion. There’s nothing I base this off of other than that some birds of prey do this in real life and I found it an interesting detail to include.
The Ars Goetia are the demons that possess the means to travel to and monitor the human world; as a result, whenever mortals talk about summoning and making deals with demons- the Ars Goetia are those demons and can claim souls before they die if one were in the market to sell, gaining power in much the same way as the Overlords of the Pride Ring.
The Ars Goetia is divided not only by rank and station, but by three separate generations (with canon examples for reference): - The Kings. The kings of the ars goetia are among Hell’s most active political players and vie for supremacy in a way much like the Overlords of the Pride Ring. However, they prefer politics and schemes to raw force and one-sided deals. Most have an avian bent and are phenomenally ancient as several were among the angels that fell to Hell with Lucifer. (e.g. Paimon) - The First Generation. The numerous children of the kings. In order to jockey for power and spread their influence, they were arranged off to one another and given high royal titles. This is the generation mostly in control of the grimoires alongside the kings that sired them. No two grimoires belong to the same nuclear family, however to keep a balance of power. (e.g. Stolas, Stella) - The Second Generation. The heirs meant to serve as a backup holder of the grimoires should anything happen to their parents. While the goetia can be killed, it’s extremely difficult most of the time so many of the Second Generation have lived lives of responsibility-free luxury. Arranged marriages still happen here but aren’t as common. What has happened instead is the birth of debutante balls that many families attend with their children for the purposes of networking, scheming, and matchmaking courtship. Some revel in the politics or social gossip while others are forced to attend to meet their family’s political ambitions. (e.g. Octavia)
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keeperofanswers · 25 days
@holyfurnace from Starter Call
Another visitor.
A glance through the grimoire in the morning always gave Duke Gusion at least a cursory glance at who would be arriving, as well as a few glimpses of who might be arriving.
He looked over the name again. Zalgaras, one of Paimon's untitled spares, technically a prince but with no official bearing, raised in Wrath- and one that had a complicated future. The old Duke set his beak and closed the grimoire for the time being. This time he would prefer to see how the cards were dealt rather than catch a glimpse of them ahead of time. If he knew too much then the young man might ask too much.
This one was better to head off personally. He outstretched a talon and an intricate glyph appeared in front of him. "Ubi." The glyph flared with a gout of arcane flame and he vanished, only to appear in one of the waiting rooms of the library. There he waited for the page to bring the young man here. If he read correctly they would already be on the way.
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keeperofanswers · 25 days
Send '🤝' for a pro and a con to befriending my muse!
PRO: Gusion is easy to talk to and is a skilled listener. He's good for giving useful advice.
CON: When he's around. He spends massive amounts of time secluded in his enormous library and often has to be tracked down.
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keeperofanswers · 25 days
Send '🤝' for a pro and a con to befriending my muse!
PRO: The benefit to befriending a clairvoyant is that Gusion will always know when you're showing up and there's usually a place already set aside with fresh tea and treats and all the servants will already know what you're going to need when you arrive. It's like coming to a place you're a common regular of even on your first visit.
CON: That damn grimoire is always open. If you're spending any amount of casual time with him, he might still be glancing at it from time to time on whatever future he's become fixated on.
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keeperofanswers · 2 months
Blog Rules (Mobile-Friendly Version)
Hello, my name is Skye (she/her, age 30+) and I’m the mun here. I’ve been RPing for nearly 20 years across fandoms and formats. Mun is LGBTQIA+ and thus this blog is queer-friendly. This characters is meant to RP in the universe of Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss; no relation or affiliation to the creators.
Rules are subject to change and will always be announced.
This is a sideblog that follows back from @keeperofquestions. You do NOT have to be following or interacting with that blog to do so with this one.
Last Revision: 07/10/2024
The Obvious. Respect one another and our characters. I expect we will write with each other and not for each other, not presume anything about each other’s characters, and generally be here for the love of storytelling. This blog is non-exclusive. I do not require my writing partners to be mutuals with me for interaction, however I do reserve the right to choose who to write/RP with. I often do not follow personal blogs. By that extension, I don’t have exclusives or “mains” when it comes to interacting with canon characters. If you follow back from a blog that isn’t your RP one, please let me know who you are.
Mutuals-only blogs: If I follow you (and you’re active) and after a week or so I don’t hear back, I am operating on the presumption that you’re not interested in interacting and I will unfollow. Unless specified or requested, I won’t be blocking anyone, though. If you just don’t get around to it and you follow me later on even after this, I’ll very likely check you out again. There is a non-zero chance I will forget something and refollow someone who I unfollowed through this process at some point. If this happens and you find it annoying, please feel free to block me.
Communication is a must. I’m almost certainly going to be jumping into your IMs on first contact unless you have rules about not using it. Either way, I highly request that we chat a little out of character before the first thread is written so we can hash out dynamics ideas and headcanons to avoid conflicts or confusion. I may not always answer new asks/starters right away if we haven’t done this yet. My IMs are always open. Always. If there’s a question or concern you have about anything, feel free to bring it up- within reason. Criticism is fine, harassment is not. I reserve my discord contact for consistent writing partners if we’ve been writing for a bit feel free to ask. If we’re fresh mutuals, expect a greeting in your IMs unless you have in your rules not to.
Mutuals are always permitted the following, including but not limited to: Send whatever nonsense you want through asks and submissions. Steal my memes. Reference my muse and our threads outside of them. Tag me in whatever memes or posts you wish. Send in random starters.
This blog is multiverse. There is no singular canon to this blog. Interactions with one character will not change interactions with another character unless all parties involved want a shared story. Multiple versions and do-overs are always perfectly fine. I do RP with duplicates of canon characters, but for the sake of keeping my verses and plotlines straight, if we’re planning a thread and I already RP with another version of a canon character, your version must have a different dynamic with my character than the first one does. I will inform on this ahead of time when plotting.
No crossovers with other franchises/original settings and lore. I just find them messy to deal with. This blog is meant to exist inside the world and setting of Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss entirely. I do accept random asks and commentary from just about anyone, though. If you have a Hellaverse version of another character, I will make an exception to this rule.
I prefer to plot things out. This goes for both story ideas and character dynamics. By default I presume Duke Gusion to be recognizable by members of the Ars Goetia and others who would know a lot about them but the extent of which is determined by you.
You do not have to match my post length. I tend to be wordy in my replies, but this does not mean you have to do the same. If your style is an icon and a few lines, that’s perfectly fine. I enjoy quick one-liner interactions as well as the larger posts. Not everything has to be a grand story after all.
I have a post queue. Currently this means that plotted threads will be in a daily post delay with one post coming out a day. I may change this if the queue is backed up by over two weeks. However, roughly a week or so is the time expected for replies. However, don’t expect a hard timeline or ETA. You are always free to ask me where a post is in terms of drafted vs queued if it’s been a while. I will usually write the post, then talk to you about what’s in the queue in case we want to plan out any other details ahead of time. I do not limit how many threads I can have with any one person.
I don’t do NSFW RP. I mostly mean this in terms of smut RP. The source material can be fairly raunchy, yes, but I don’t prefer to write it. I also don’t write/reference anything extreme in terms of gore or taboo sexual content (I won’t list specifics here but if it would get someone arrested in the real world, it’s safe to assume it won’t be here.)
I don’t do fights or shipping scenes at the start. I don’t mind writing either of these but it shouldn’t be the first interaction our characters have. This is entirely a matter of my personal preference. I may occasionally make exceptions if it’s very well planned out.
I’m flexible with canon. Everyone has headcanons and parts of a series lore they don’t know or like. I don’t expect perfect lore knowledge or strict adherence to Hellaverse official lore out of my RP partners. However, unless someone’s headcanons or blog details specifies otherwise, I’m going to be operating on all available defaults for the shows as presented. If I assume something incorrect about your character, please feel free to correct me! I will always go through canon character profiles with the same bespoke care I would give to OCs. Everyone’s portrayal of a character is different, or even wholly canon-divergent, and I have no trouble RPing with canon duplicates as a result.
Please discuss any triggers or boundaries with me ahead of time. I don’t have any particulars that need to be brought up immediately, but I do assume that anything that goes on in the shows that inspired this character is an expected default in terms of subject matter and tone addressed. If there’s any subject matter you don’t want brought up, just say so. I want this to be a fun and safe time for everyone. Followers are always free to ask something be tagged for any reason. I tag my triggers as “tw ”
I have a day job schedule. I likely will not be able to be contacted, let alone post on most weekdays before the evening. Furthermore I have other obligations so there may be days I will be inactive. I ask you please be patient with me if I’m not there for a while. My time zone is EST (GMT -5).
I always plan fight scenes out ahead of time with RP partners. When writing fight scenes, I always want to plan out the outcome ahead of time in a way that will tell an interesting story rather than simply to showcase one character’s power over the other. However, Gusion is a powerful warrior and sorcerer that isn’t meant to be taken lightly.
A note on shipping. Gusion is an ancient, ageless being much like other known Ars Goetia in Hell and is likely to treat sinners and lesser Hellborn with finite lifespans more as children than as equals. With that keep the following in mind. However I have no issues with one-sided affections toward my character. ICly, Gusion is Ars Goetia and follows the strict rules and taboos regarding dating outside of the caste and its arranged marriages. Getting his attention on a personal level requires giving a very good reason for him to ignore those rules. OOCly, I don’t often plan ships and prefer muse chemistry develop over the course of a story. Though, I am also okay with one-sided ships and if your character winds up feeling a certain way toward mine (positive or negative) go for it.
THE DO NOT INTERACT LIST Here is the list of blogs I will not interact with:
Minors: This is a character set in a very mature franchise intended for adults and some kinds of mature content are inevitable. Personal Blogs: Questions are okay but I want to focus on writing/roleplaying with Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel characters and other OCs. Blogs that contain hateful content/ideals: Specifically if it’s the mun who expresses intolerant/hateful views. Characters can be huge assholes so long as it’s acknowledged. This blog is to be an inclusive and accepting space and a refusal to also do so is a no go from me. Tolerance requires rejecting intolerance.
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keeperofanswers · 3 months
@nebula-gaster from Starter Call
Gusion was rarely seen in public at all, let alone amongst his contemporaries. Most of the time those who wanted to seek him out would have to not only show up but find him in his labyrinthine library.
He would make an exception for Astaroth.
It wasn't simply the fact that they both held the rank of Great Duke, and thus could speak on equal footing without concern, nor that refusing an audience with a contemporary was extremely poor form. The reality was far simpler; he liked Astaroth and counted him as one of his only real friends in the Ars Goetia. Gusion could appreciate the company of a fellow man of integrity which was becoming an increasingly rare sight in Hell as time went on. It was as expected but the fellow duke was reliable and he did not wish to waste that connection.
He still found it both ironic and fitting that a man known for his fairness ran a casino- but all things are equal in the face of luck after all.
He waved away the imp that placed the tray of coffee and assorted small snacks on the table. "To what do I owe the pleasure, my friend?"
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