#keep in mind this is just what i've found so far!
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Transfem butch here! Happy to add in a few tips that help get butch masc vs. dysphoric masc
One thing that really helped me was finding a balancing-act line between men and women's clothing. Where that line is for you will differ depending on your body and frankly, how far along you are in transition. I've been on E for over 6 years now, and as a result certain clothing just straight up fits different.
Take jeans for example. I exclusively wear men's boot-cut jeans because 1) They're comfier. 2) They fit better. 3) They're more durable than most women's jeans, especially for a thicker set butch like myself. And 4) The flare of the boot cut coming down from a tighter fitting pant *really* rides that line between masculine clothing, and showing a little more "figure" for your body.
In the women's clothing vs. men's, a lot of my button ups are specifically women's blouses/button ups/flannels, not men's. Women's shirts will have a cut out portion on the hips that *really* feminizes your figure, and from there you can masc the look up with things like how you roll your sleeves, wife-pleaser undershirts, how you button it, etc. My only caveat is that most women's button ups are *horrid* for tucking in, so either make sure they're long enough to tuck, your pants are higher waisted, or use men's shirts for tucked in looks.
Another tip is don't be afraid of tighter fitting clothing, especially T-shirts and tanks. Before transitioning I often bought myself a Unisex XL or even 2XL. Partially because of dysphoria, but also partially because that's just how the clothing was supposed to fit. It was supposed to be looser on the body. Nowadays I'm usually a Unisex L, or even M. If you're earlier into transitioning and your figure has you dysphoric, that's where your open flannels and button ups come in. But trust me, tighter t-shirts are your friend.
Accessorize. My daily is three rings, septum piece, ear piercings, a very large bear paw pendant, a belt or suspenders, 1-3 bracelets, a watch, and a carabiner with enough hanging on it that I sound like a cowbutch with spurs on while I walk. Hell, most days I have more accessories on than my femme. Obviously find the balance that works best for you, but most men don't accessorize much at all. Most butches do.
While it isn't a clothing bit, hair is a big factor as well. Find the style that works for you, and hone in on that shit. Prettyboy-butch who preens their hair constantly is a beloved thing for a reason. Use it.
The other aspect is frankly, if you're a fresher out transfem butch, it's no different than other trans people and finding the right clothes for you, which is that annoying portion of time. If you're medically transitioning, you may find that the look you desire won't be achieved for quite a few years while HRT works its magic.
The final part I want to add to this is for those who may initially react negatively to some of this advice. I'm very aware that these feel like a lot of facets to constantly keep in mind when trying to be butch that feel antithetical to a lot of what butch is. And if this were a perfect world, I would agree. But we live in a world where transfem butches like myself are playing this constantly balancing act of passing as a butch, not a man, while still being masculine. Finding the line of masculine strength, and butch safety in women's spaces. Finding the ability to frankly, pass.
Being true to ourselves while being respected in lesbian spaces, larger queer spaces, and the world overall means needing to be much more intentional than some of my other butch peers may need to be. Many days I put on the more feminine clothing and try to butch it up because frankly, it let's me pass as a woman first. I found with a lot of my TME butch peers, the biggest area that we differ in fashion is just how much more masculine they can dress than I can without fear of being misgendered. One of my best friends, a cisgender butch, will never need to worry about someone refusing to view her as a woman. Never need to worry about entering a space for women while dressed firmly in nothing but men's clothing and a shaved head. That's a privilege that unfortunately transfem butches don't really get. One day perhaps...
I do hope this advice is helpful. Finding your niche in butch fashion can be difficult baseline, but especially as a transfem. Weirdly enough though, I found that once I really found said niche, I actively got misgendered less than I did before. Which I think speaks to the role self love and confidence plays in the whole equation. But that's a whole other thing.
Probably a silly thing to worry about, but as a recently out transfem butch, I'm getting stuck on how to dress masc in a butch way, as opposed to just masc in a guy way. As someone into butches, do you have any advice?
oh my god yes absolutely 🥰 also, putting out the call to my transfem butch mutuals and followers, if you have any advice or input please reply to this post or rb!!!
i think a lot of looking butch is just curating your particular style, and finding the right accessories. your butch energy will come through. but here are a few items/materials that strike me as particularly butch (some of these may be worn by more of the normie cishet population depending on where you live, i’m in the pnw):
bolo ties
vests of any kind
big fuckoff belt buckles
leather (🤤)
butch jewelry!! rings, chains, a double venus pendant, stud earrings, leather bracelets/chokers
vintage clothing that looks vintage
clothing for a specific activity/sport when you’re not doing said activity: motocross jacket, fishing vest, etc.
bandannas (super cute around your neck or your head if you have long hair)
wallet chains
paisley patterns, florals, any intricately patterned fabrics
unusual/old watches
doc martens or any big stompy dyke boots
western shirts
belts (with the shirt tucked in!!!!)
if you’re in a casual setting or trying to be slutty, open button down showing off the sports bra is SUCH a look
these are just kinda my own taste and what i’ve seen butches wearing that makes me go ‘oh yeah that’s butch’ but if there’s a specific lane of alternative fashion that calls to you, follow it. i think specificity and intent, combined with that butch je ne sais quoi, really come through when it comes to personal style. and being a little bit vain about your hair 😘
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doyouknowthisbook-poll · 3 days ago
Do you know which book this is from?
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Please reblog the polls, but KEEP IT SPOILER-FREE to make people read the excerpt with an open mind 💖📚 Title and author will be revealed after the poll's conclusion.
Note: this excerpt is too long for Tumblr’s alt text character limit, so for this poll, the alt text is below the read more.
When we reached the camp, we set about replacing obsolete or damaged equipment with what we had brought and putting up our own tents. We would rebuild the sheds later, once we were sure that Area X had not affected us. The members of the last expedition had eventually drifted off, one by one. Over time, they had returned to their families, so strictly speaking they did not vanish. They simply disappeared from Area X and, by unknown means, reappeared back in the world beyond the border. They could not relate the specifics of that journey. This transference had taken place across a period of eighteen months, and it was not something that had been experienced by prior expeditions. But other phenomena could also result in “premature dissolution of expeditions,” as our superiors put it, so we needed to test our stamina for that place.
We also needed to acclimate ourselves to the environment. In the forest near base camp one might encounter black bears or coyotes. You might hear a sudden croak and watch a night heron startle from a tree branch and, distracted, step on a poisonous snake, of which there were at least six varieties. Bogs and streams hid huge aquatic reptiles, and so we were careful not to wade too deep to collect our water samples. Still, these aspects of the ecosystem did not really concern any of us. Other elements had the ability to unsettle, however. Long ago, towns had existed here, and we encountered eerie signs of human habitation: rotting cabins with sunken, red-tinged roofs, rusted wagon-wheel spokes half-buried in the dirt, and the barely seen outlines of what used to be enclosures for livestock, now mere ornament for layers of pine-needle loam.
Far worse, though, was a low, powerful moaning at dusk. The wind off the sea and the odd interior stillness dulled our ability to gauge direction, so that the sound seemed to infiltrate the black water that soaked the cypress trees. This water was so dark we could see our faces in it, and it never stirred, set like glass, reflecting the beards of gray moss that smothered the cypress trees. If you looked out through these areas, toward the ocean, all you saw was the black water, the gray of the cypress trunks, and the constant, motionless rain of moss flowing down. All you heard was the low moaning. The effect of this cannot be understood without being there. The beauty of it cannot be understood, either, and when you see beauty in desolation it changes something inside you. Desolation tries to colonize you.
As noted, we found the tower in a place just before the forest became waterlogged and then turned to salt marsh. This occurred on our fourth day after reaching base camp, by which time we had almost gotten our bearings. We did not expect to find anything there, based on both the maps that we brought with us and the water-stained, pine-dust-smeared documents our predecessors had left behind. But there it was, surrounded by a fringe of scrub grass, half-hidden by fallen moss off to the left of the trail: a circular block of some grayish stone seeming to mix cement and ground-up seashells. It measured roughly sixty feet in diameter, this circular block, and was raised from ground level by about eight inches. Nothing had been etched into or written on its surface that could in any way reveal its purpose or the identity of its makers. Starting at due north, a rectangular opening set into the surface of the block revealed stairs spiraling down into darkness. The entrance was obscured by the webs of banana spiders and debris from storms, but a cool draft came from below.
At first, only I saw it as a tower. I don’t know why the word tower came to me, given that it tunneled into the ground. I could as easily have considered it a bunker or a submerged building. Yet as soon as I saw the staircase, I remembered the lighthouse on the coast and had a sudden vision of the last expedition drifting off, one by one, and sometime thereafter the ground shifting in a uniform and preplanned way to leave the lighthouse standing where it had always been but depositing this underground part of it inland. I saw this in vast and intricate detail as we all stood there, and, looking back, I mark it as the first irrational thought I had once we had reached our destination.
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fabled-lady-twilla · 8 months ago
Twilla's Ever Growing ShigaDeku Fanfiction Recommendation List
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Before diving in, please be advised that this list has everything from platonic friendship, soft and fluffy romance, omegaverse fics, problematic or dead dove content, fantasy, scifi, and horror fics, some fem Izuku and fem Shiga, and of course, plenty of smut. I'm open to reading (mostly) anything as long as I think it's well-written and it's something I find interesting or compelling. These fics are just the ones I've found so far, and eventually more will be added.
Please read the warnings on the fics themselves! All of the following recommendations can be found on AO3. I hope you enjoy! 😊
Queerplatonic Friendship
FGAP (Four Games about Pain) by 13thStep
reconcile by whatagoodegg
Cherry Milkshakes by smol_bird
Marks and Ties by GrowingAHead (shelleyk0503)
ShandMan18 by ShotoTodorhoeki
Rebuilt Anew by em_proxy
it's all fun and games till somebody falls in love by orphan_account
The Push And Pull Of Death And Life (But Which Is Worse Depends On Your Perspective) by Otaku6337
Some Degree of Romance
Baby Spice by MidnightTrashGoblin
Logical Ruse by AngeliaDark
Ask me if you dare by Niftyhope
Losing Definition by LittleLady95
Reach for me. by Lubylu1989
Lovers of Lost Dimensions by miss_nighteye (terryh)
A Home Within The Light by MissMidnightsPlace
Lusus Naturae by TenkonoTama
answer me. by supercrunch
To Depend on the Enemy by AMedicalMistake
What the Heart Wants by erza_mikazuki
Sleepwalking (When You're Gone) by ReadingToMusic
Total Simp Behaviour by ReadingToMusic
Mind-melting by ReadingToMusic
Red Ledger by AdoxographicGrim
What Baking Can Do by ACafeofSandandBones
Resthaven by StarsGarters
Don’t give strangers on the internet your name (you might fall in love with them) by IchiroIsCoolGuy
Don’t give strangers on the internet your name (you might want to marry them) by IchiroIsCoolGuy
Dead Dove, Problematic, or Smut
Wicked Ties by A_Single_Cactus (Dub-con)
Push and Pull by A_Single_Cactus (Dub-con)
good boy by a_sentimental_man (Dub-con)
Prince and Pauper by 13thStep (Obsession)
Hatakikomi by 13thStep (Captivity)
Made for me by overwhore (Captivity)
Corrosion by ReadingToMusic (Corruption)
Step It Up by AdoxographicGrim (Step-siblings)
How to Court a Broken Omega by StarsGarters
Changes by A_Single_Cactus
“Can’t You See That You’re Lost?” by DerpressoResso
It's Called Public Service by AdoxographicGrim (Mild Dub-con)
Dear Agony by miss_nighteye (terryh) (Dub-con)
praying mantis by adipocere (Non-con, probably the darkest fic)
Adventure, Scifi, Fantasy, Horror
What Grows Here by Aravis
The Last Dragon by celebisaur
Castaway by StarsGarters
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea by StarsGarters
Hidden in Plain Sight by A_Single_Cactus
Female Izuku + Male Tomura
According to Persephone by MamaDonovan (Very Dub-con)
Queen of the Underworld by MamaDonovan
Beautiful Disaster by miss_nighteye (terryh)
Female Izuku + Female Tomura
tell me lies, lies, beautiful lies by miss_nighteye (terryh)
i’m yours to keep by miss_nighteye (terryh)
A Familiar Sensation by A_Single_Cactus
Sad or Tragic Ending
and my one true love called me a monster by orphan_account
Nothing Else in the World but One Another by tristeza
Let me know if you have a recommendation to add! 💚💚💚
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danielsarmand · 4 months ago
haven't watched the eps yet so i might regret saying this but i've already seen a bunch of people reverting back to jayce hate because apparently he offs viktor (or it looks like he does) and i'm like... girl viktor literally told him he should have let him die. he brought viktor back from death and viktor came back wrong you won't catch me mad at him for trying to fix it idc
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e-the-village-cryptid · 16 hours ago
Bix. I truly don't know how to start talking about all the things I love about Bix. I've been sitting here just staring out the window for ten minutes now. I relate to her so deeply and augh it is difficult to express all the things I love about her character but I will try.
The first thing I noticed about Bix is the way she carries herself. She shrinks from nothing and holds her chin high, but in a way that feels more like armor than natural confidence. She's always tense. She's always looking around, taking in her surroundings, listening and watching and on alert. She tries not to let herself feel any strong emotions. She smiles at her friends and neighbors, but the expression is quick to drop away. She has a strong temper, but she reins it back quickly so we only see glimpses of it— a moment where she advances on Timm, eyes blazing, or punches the wall after unsuccessful hours spent hanging off the ladder in the radio tower. She shoves despair down too, casting about instead for a solution, or a distraction, or anything to keep her moving.
Because Bix is always, always on the move. She has a salyard to run and a smuggling operation to manage and a community to look out for. She works hard and walks fast, but still finds the time to see Maarva and look after her health. And if there's half a chance that her actions could fix something, she absolutely can't stand still. A soldier's turned back, a radio signal, a gap in the crowd— and she's off and running whether she really believes she stands a chance or not. She knows she can't fix everything, but she tries, she always tries, because there's no giving up when it comes to protecting the people she loves.
And there's so few of those people left. Her parents died young, leaving her with a salyard to run all on her own by her early 20s. Maarva has been something of a mentor figure to her, but by the time we meet her, Maarva's health is failing, too. She found a friend in Cassian when they were children, but he's rarely around these days, and when he is, she can't depend on him. The Paaks note they haven't seen her around much, and though she waves at her neighbors as she passes by, she doesn't stop to chat. She starts dating Timm even though she doesn't really love him and she knows it, just for some grasp at connection and a semblance of a normal life, some kind of stability and constancy. And then he's gone too, murdered right in front of her, and she blames herself, and Salman is tortured and killed, and she blames herself, and Maarva dies when she wasn't there to care for her, and if Bix felt alone and afraid of vulnerability at the beginning of the season, I don't know how to describe how she must be feeling now. She tries, she tries so hard to do the right thing, to be loyal and dependable and to use all her skills and smarts to wrangle the pieces of her life back together, only to watch it all crumble before her at the hands of the Empire, then to feel her own body and mind subjected to the same fate.
And yet, she still doesn't stop. She stares down the threat of torture rather than willingly betray Cassian or Luthen. She survives. Even in the haze of pain and broken reality, she pulls together what scraps of awareness she can to observe, to keep one eye on the camera that watches her, to cast about for an anchor in this place. And when she hears the beat of a far-off drum, strands of familiar music on the breeze, she pulls herself to the window, clawing hand over hand with whatever strength she has left, drawing her face into the light to join the music and the chant, to let the song of her community reach her, even here.
Bix clings fiercely to what she loves. In other people, in her community, in herself. It's not easy for her to allow herself to express it, but her actions speak far louder than her words. No matter what, Bix holds onto a hope that simply cannot be killed. It's not an optimistic type of hope, not joyful, certainly not naive. Most of all, it's not passive— it's not the kind of hope that sits back and believes things will get better. Bix's hope is the fierce, dogged, stubborn kind, the kind that says "Maybe things could get better, maybe they can't, but if I don't try, I'll never know." It's the kind that believes there's always something out there that's worth fighting for. She never stops forging ahead, whatever the circumstance, whatever has happened to her, whatever she's feeling, whatever the odds. And I love her so, so much for that.
Character Appreciation Friday - Bix Caleen
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Name: Bix Caleen Played by: Adria Arjona Appearances: Kassa, That Would Be Me, Reckoning, Announcement, Narkina 5, Nobody's Listening!, Daughter of Ferrix, Rix Road
Happy Friday gang! Today we get to appreciate a businesswoman, a rebel, a friend, a true daughter of Ferrix. Bix is a smart and capable character who deserved better than what the Empire brought her, and I know we're all excited to see her fight for it soon.
Tell me what you love and appreciate about Bix in a reblog, comment, or ask!
Next week: B2EMO
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starakex · 5 days ago
I realized something last night when, scrolling Youtube for entertainment, I got recommended a penguin video from 13 years ago. Just a guy sitting around observing penguins in the wild. I was kind of struck by how long it has been since I last just watched a nature documentary. Most animals I see today are, like, funny pet videos or passing-bys "storytime" clickbaits with added music and robot voiceovers. I just, genuinely, hadn't seen a nature documentary in years. Or I guess the term would be "given", considering our algorithm-centric web. As a kid, I'd get my hands on every animal show and book I could find. I'd look up animal facts online and ask my parents to go to zoos or museums. I remember getting really mad when the nature channel kept putting up other programming like dog training stories or extreme vet visits. I'd been taught about the concept of TV Reality shows, and the most I got from it at the time was "it's boring shows for adults with made up stories" and, more importantly, it didn't have the wildlife footage I wanted to see. But I guess I got caught up in it, in the end. I only have the subscription page active on youtube, but here I am clicking on whatever looks entertaining to fill in space instead of impatiently waiting for shark week or whatever upcoming channel animal special was announced. New age media content online basically turned into the "popular filler shows" that was getting in the way of my "animal tv" and I stopped choosing what I wanted to watch. It was kind of a sobering discovery. I looked up a bit online, picked up a David Attenborough-narrated nature documentary, and just. Man. At first it felt a little slow and silent until I realized that was always the case, quiet time to let the footage take center stage, before the internet pivoted to creating a whole business around fast-paced, short videos with aggressive audio and quick cuts and automatic skips to keep you stimulated. Took a few minutes of focused watching at first, but then I was engrossed in it for the rest of its hour long runtime. Anyways, here I am doing a huge clear of my youtube subs and carefully picking out a few good documentary channels on specific interests so "watching something" can return to being an active, curated activity again.
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fxrheisenn · 5 months ago
Andrus Laansalu talked about making Disco Elysium at EKA (Estonian Academy of Arts)
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"Initially, the church wasn't a focal point. There were certain characters that needed to visit this location, and I asked, "Seriously, what do we have in our church?" The others replied, "Nothing at all. Our church is completely bare—just a wheel, really. It's quite basic."
That's when I decided to unleash my creativity in the design. For example, they chose to install a glass structure at the top of the church to create a reflective surface. It was like placing an optical clock up there. Therefore, one of the most crucial aspects of designing the church was ensuring the lighting was just right to create the desired atmosphere."
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"Let me show you an example of Baroque architecture, which is rich in detail. We're also designing the interior of the church based on large cathedrals. However, the foundation you use might not yield the expected results, because the church itself doesn't require such intricate details. Sometimes, it's about simplifying the design."
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"I used Articy for the initial scriptwriting of Disco Elysium. The image only represents a tiny fraction of the text and choice variables involved. This system was also the reason I eventually abandoned the project after a year of outlining the script and shifted my focus to becoming a sound designer. My mind struggled to keep up with the dynamic graphic rules, but fortunately, a more talented writer took over afterward."
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"In terms of sound design, it's essential to develop different layers to bring out the charm of the church as a cohesive space. Although this represents only a small portion of the overall design, each layer actually requires a significant amount of time to compose the whole....... Whenever there's a shift or a change due to the dialogue itself, you need to adjust the background sounds. Each time you modify the details in the dialogue, I have to refine the background audio, ensuring that these elements build upon each other like an intricate layer of work."
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"It's funny how many scenes involve characters getting smacked in the face. My job was to recreate those, so I locked myself in the bathroom with a recorder and hit my forehead until it turned red.
As a sound designer, I really dig those unsettling, drill-like sounds. So, I mixed in creepy lectures, metal scraping, moans, and cries of pain—because I just love that stuff! (laughs)
Players will be moving through all kinds of areas, so it's super important to make the sound transitions feel natural, trying to create a more immersive vibe in certain spaces.
With all the scenes featuring big cranes, you can hear them from far away, and I wanted to capture that eerie ringing in your ears. That's going to be a thing throughout most of the game. I've found ways to really mess with players while they're playing!"
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"I've come across a lot of old objects (like phones and radios) that I needed to perfectly replicate the sounds. I started to become a bit of a hoarder, buying up different models of old phones whenever I found one to add to my collection. The sound effects I can simulate from them are really impressive."
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"Some of the devices don't actually exist in real life—just a mix of architecture and tech. When I need to create sound effects, I first look for something similar that exists in our world, then I try to simulate what the sound and appearance of that thing might have been like a century ago.
Towards the end of the game, there's a character carrying a fuel canister. We needed the sound of the canister, so we dug one up from our garage—it had been sitting there since it was five! I realized this would make the sound perfect. So, it had been there for 50 years, and after 40 years, it finally found its purpose.
In some places, I needed unique sound waves, and recreating them was a real headache until one day I happened to walk by a swimming pool and stumbled upon an old wartime torpedo. You can rotate the torpedo's probe, and it slowly rises up, like a proud zombie head. The sounds it made were exactly what I needed!"
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🙋How did you manage to get funding?
"Well, since we're in Estonia, you just need to know a wealthy person. You don't need five people—just two who can network, hang out together, and convince them to keep investing! (laughs) Back then, we constantly ran out of money and would tell them, 'Oops, looks like we spent it all! Can you invest a bit more?' That's how we made it through!"
🙋How did you all come together to make the game?
"Luck. It usually doesn't happen this way, and that's the key difference. It has to be. If not, you couldn't create a game of this scale - well, I mean in terms of budget. But creatively, Estonia definitely has writers and artists who can pull it off. With such a small population, there are a lot of quirky folks who are good friends. We were really lucky, though - lots of fortunate circumstances came together. It brought the right people together, allowing those talented fools to collaborate with us. They had experience but hadn't tackled projects of this magnitude before. So yeah, luck is pretty important!"
Lecture experience shared by 白兔YIYANG SUN on 小红书, reposted & translated by me with her permission.
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deathbxnny · 3 months ago
Loved your writing of arcane characters saying things they regret during an argument. Would you be willing to do a version with Jayce, Viktor and Silco? I apologize if you don't prefer to write about these characters, you can ignore this
Arcane men saying things they'll regret during an argument. | Viktor, Jayce, Silco x Gn!Reader
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Oh, I absolutely am willing to do that, Anon!! These are going to be pretty irredeemable, though, so there is not going to be a part two to this... anyways, enjoy!!<3
Content: Season 2 spoilers!!, heavy angst, hurt/no comfort, break ups, swearing, gaslighting, toxic behavior, sfw
Reader has no mentioned pronouns.
((Not proofread))
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"This... isn't you anymore, Viktor. A-And I refuse to keep lying to myself like this either!" You hissed out one night, unable to keep it in any longer. You were losing your mind in this compound of his, unable to understand how seemingly no one was able to recognize how wrong everything was. People who were "healed" by him weren't the same after. They turned into robotic and uncanny husks of their old selves.
A terrifying sight that unnerved you deeply. And only you here.
The nail in the coffin was perhaps the skeptical appearance of Councilor Salo. Never in your life had you ever seen him give a damn about anyone but himself. He lived a life of riches and materialism, far from the selfless and minimalistic lifestyle found here. But after your boyfriend healed him of his inability to walk, he suddenly preached the same ideals that everyone else did.
Peace, love, and community.
Those were the important pillars of this idyllic place Viktor had created, and yet you couldn't see past the clear red flags that weaved themselves in their white attire. You were never much of a genius like he was, but it didn't take much brainpower to understand that this was not a great place to be in. No matter how hard he attempted to convince you of that.
"... I'm sorry you feel that way. But I'm afraid I can not follow your reasoning for this claim. I am myself... just someone greater. More meaningful. Isn't that beautiful?" His voice was so gentle and patient in comparison to yours. Something that wasn't unusual to him. But the way he used that tone now made you sick. "Terrifying is a better word, actually... Why can't you see that this is just wrong? You're not healing anyone-" "-But I am. Look around you. Is that not enough for you to finally believe me, my love? I want to create a better world... one in which we can live freely together." Your mind spun, his words ringing in your head dangerously. And you hated every second of it.
This isn't the man you loved anymore. He must have died that fateful day when the sky fell from above, and he covered you with his body to save you. His last act of kindness as your boyfriend and lover before he perished and left behind whoever he was. And you'd be damned if the last good memory got tainted too.
"No. I will not let you play with my mind anymore. I've had enough." You pushed past him, wanting to finally escape this borderline cult. Originally, you had only followed after him because you couldn't bear being without him. Jayce was right, though. He really was different now.
"Hm... it seems like I was right about you after all." You stopped in your tracks yet didn't dare face him. "You truly are not worth saving... you can't grasp the beauty of what I have made. I suppose everyone's claims for your low intelligence were, unfortunately, right. What a shame." How could a devil have such a soothing, loving voice? Why did the monster that now lurked in your shadow have to have your lovers face? The cruelty was too much to bear.
Who would have thought that you'd finally leave him for good after all the years you've taken care of him? This moment felt so surreal and yet ironically freeing as well. The end was near. "Did you... ever even love me?" You asked aimlessly, but didn't wait to hear his answer.
Perhaps if you had, however, you would've seen that sudden spark of surprise in his eyes, as you slipped out of his fingers for good at last.
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You had looked everywhere for him. And after also asking everyone under the sun if they had seen your boyfriend, you had eventually determined that he must've somehow gone missing. Worried sick, it pained you knowing that there wasn't much you could do either, considering that everyone was too busy getting ready for a borderline war and Caitlyn became unreachable as a result. Yet just as you began to lose hope, your dear lover finally returned... but he wasn't the same.
He didn't look the same, nor did he act the same, in fact. He looked so different that it even visibly startled you when you found him rummaging through his once shared laboratory. You had just returned from another wrap around the building in hopes of finding it, and whilst you'd consider yourself lucky this time around, all you now felt was genuine dread.
"Jayce...? What happened to you? I looked for you everywhere and-" You stilled at the intense look he gave you, his face flinching for a moment, as though his mind couldn't comprehend your image. Glancing over at his peculiar weapon of choice, you felt unnerved at how even that looked uncanny. The entire situation was unnerving you deeply, to say the least. "You... You shouldn't be here." He finally muttered, his voice deeper and colder than it ever was. Jayce always had such a fun and warm voice. If you didn't know any better, you would've questioned who he was a while ago.
"Hey... tell me where you were, okay?" You said, trying a more gentle approach as you neared him, eyes focused on his clearly injured leg. Had he been kidnapped? You doubted it. So what made him end up like this? Nothing you could come with explained his appearance. His hair and beard were way longer than they should have gotten in the short span of time he was gone, too.
Reaching down carefully, you tried to inspect his leg, but he seemed less receptive to the idea. Or so you assumed, after he shoved you away roughly and held the hammer to your face at impressive speed. His eyes were glossy, as though he wasn't entirely all there. He was reliving a terrifying moment in his mind, unaware of the horror you were going through. Never could you have ever thought of ending up in this position with him. "Jayce! What the hell are you doing-?" "-Get away! I know what you are... you've been sent by him too, weren't you?" You let out a shriek when he swung the hammer at you, only giving you a fraction of a second to jump out of the way.
Falling onto your behind, you quickly crawled backward and away from him, tears welling up in your eyes. Your scream seemed to at least wake him up, though, as he finally lowered his weapon and blinked at you in surprise. "Fucks sake! What is wrong with you?" You yelled out, yet as fast as his face softened, it hardened again. "... Sorry... I need to leave." Quickly making his way past you, he only barely escaped your presence before you grabbed onto the fabric of his pants. "Why? Where are you going? Why can't you tell me anything?"
The look in his eyes made you shrink away. This wasn't your Jayce anymore. "... The future of everyone in Piltover hinges on me being there on time. Now, make yourself useful for once and get out of my way." Shaking you off harshly, he left you crying on the cold floor of the once lively laboratory, not once looking back.
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When you first met Silco, you were both still leading simple lives in the last drop with his brother and all of your other friends in Zaun. The lanes were harsh and, at times, cruel, yet you fought through the agony of it all together. Years down the line later, you find yourself still reminiscing on those heavenly days, particularly those of your lover who had turned for the worst in the time being. And the question of why you didn't listen to Vander's warnings came to mind again then. Perhaps you were just too used to excusing everything his brother did, especially after he had attempted to drown him so horrifically, which left him permanently injured.
But even so... why didn't you just listen? Why did it take so many years for you to finally throw the towel and leave for good? Finally realise that the man you loved was a monster? A disgusting and evil monster who was willing to use the plight of others for his own gain. And for what? Money? Fame? Power? It was all an ego trip you had far more than enough of. Zaun was his playground, and an escape was impossible. You'd be, however damned if you didn't at least try to anyways. Even if just in Vander's honor as a long-awaited apology.
Pushing past the crowd in the stuffy, full Last drop, you finally reached his office upstairs. Not caring about formalities anymore, you knocked and opened the door without awaiting a reply. If death met you behind it, then so be it. "Ah, darling, in a hurry today, aren't you?" "We need to talk. Alone." Short and straight to the point. Raising a brow, he shared a look with Jinx, who was just done giving him his daily "medicine". Oh, how you hated your lover's dearest creation. Shimmer. The exact thing that had ruined your lives for good. But you pushed away your disdain for the task at hand.
Giving Jinx a dismissive wave of his hand, you waited for her to be gone for good before taking a breath to speak. But Silco beat you to it. Always so painfully perceptive. "The answer is no, if you're here asking to leave. I refuse to let you go, dear. You have no one else but me after all. You wouldn't survive on your own." He always underestimated you, so this wasn't an all to surprising response. And if you were just a couple of months younger, you would have maybe agreed and backed off. But you were sick of his games.
"I didn't come here to ask for permission, Silco. I'm here to say goodbye." The slightest, softest crack at the last word gave you away horribly. You certainly didn't expect your feelings for the man to betray you, but even that won't stop you now. Said man just hummed in response as he stood up to face the window. His hands calmly lit a cigar, very much unbothered. But you knew that your sentence had gotten to him anyway with how his hand shook ever so slightly. Out of anger, most likely.
"So you think you can do whatever you want? Leave after you've spent so many years at my side? Your hands aren't as clean as you think they are, darling. Even yours are a bright violet." A reference to the shimmer vials on his desk. He knew how much you hated it, so this felt like a jab. A jab at the deep guilt you felt every day for enabling the death of all of your friends indirectly. If only you had stopped him from the start... then maybe you wouldn't have to feel the dread that ruined you from the inside anymore.
"I've accepted my flaws and sins a long time ago. I may not be better than you... but sometimes, in order to end the cycle, you have to walk away and leave some things behind." You suddenly felt so content, his cold and terrible words not reaching you anymore. You were so close to leaving. So close to leaving Zaun and Piltover like you've always dreamed. But Silco just scoffed in disbelief.
"Hah, don't give me that self-righteous shit... I've been there for you for so many years, dear. I've taken care of you, fed you, and loved you to my best ability for so long. The least you could do is be grateful for my kindness." "So you think I'm a burden?" The silence was deafening, but it was enough to confirm your long-standing suspicions. He had lost his love for you a long time ago. Perhaps the side that loved you so purely drowned in the river with him.
"... Goodbye. I hope one day you can walk away too." You turned and began walking out then, suddenly realising that it's finally over. Shoving your hands into the pocket of your coat, you felt the ticket for the skyship you had to take. "Don't you dare leave. Don't you dare it-" All bark and no bite as usual. There was no stopping you now, and he knew it. He was letting you go after all. You could just hope that one day he'd listen to your words and end the cycle, too.
What a shame that you won't be there at his side to see it, however... maybe in another life then.
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thatpyroblogs · 22 hours ago
Oh man, rereading that disclaimer made me realize it does a lot for the story. There's still bits there that I personally don't care for, but can easily reconcile with my headcanons for Odysseus.
I can see Odysseus considering himself an adulterer even though I believe what happened to him with Circe and Calypso should not be seen as such. Its a coping mechanism. A very bad coping mechanism, but it still would give Odysseus a feeling of control over what happened to him.
And the bit in the disclaimer where Odysseus talks about God and God's love I can see making sense in a way. Odysseus is a very devout follower of the Greek gods so I can see him learning about another religion's god and going full 'Got to learn everything about this other divine being so I don't accidently piss them off somehow', which when it comes time to write his little fanfiction means he can spout off whatever he thinks will appease this Abrahamic god. Also can see him researching the Abrahamic religion just to add credibility to his fanfic because in Odysseus's mind if he was to ever convert to another religion he knows he would always be the most devout follower.
Honestly the idea of Odysseus in the Underworld somehow getting his hands on The Divine Comedy, reading it, and deciding he should write fanfic of it is hilarious. It also makes his actions in the book 1000% funnier in my opinion.
Like I can see an interaction between him and Diomedes when he is writing it going like this:
Diomedes: What are you doing?
Odysseus: I recently found this book where you and I get condemned to another religion's version of Tartarus. A lot of new shades keep talking about it. So I decided the best course of action was to write the story of how we escape from it. Of course I've made sure to research the other religion so we shouldn't need to worry about divine wrath. Here, read what I've got so far.
Diomedes (after skimming a couple pages): … Not going to lie this is pretty dumb.
Odysseus (snatching back the pages): That's it. I'm rewriting it and making you an idiot.
I love love love love love your new way of drawing Odysseus. Also I was thinking about reading the eighth arrow and I’ve seen very little discussion of it so it’s hard for me to know if it’s worth it or not, I was wondering if you could give some insight on that. A whole book of Odysseus and Diomedes escaping hell together sounds too good to be true, so I’m a bit suspicious
I love your silly doodles, have a good day ❤️
For me personally it was worth it, and I think if you like Odydio then you'll probably enjoy it. For me personally, their dynamic and banter are definitely its biggest strength, and it also has a lot of goofy cartoony ass moments that make it a fun read. I DO have. quite a few gripes with it though. I didn't like how they characterized Diomedes and Odysseus at times, (in some part because it doesn't match with how I personally perceive them, Diomedes is characterized to be a little stupid and I cant really excuse it for being Odysseus' narrator bias because I don't buy that Odysseus thinks he's stupid lol). Odysseus has a weird pseudo-christianity arc where he gets told there's only one god actually and he's just chill with that despite like. his entire lived experience. And there's also just a bunch of little things about how it interprets the myth that aren't to my personal preference but I cant really hold that against it objectively lol.
Overall I had fun with it though, it really just felt like reading an ok fanfic that makes some weird choices ngl
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catt-nuevenor · 1 month ago
A Brief Guide on Uploading ChoiceScript Demos to Itch.io
Since Dashingdon is shutting down, and there will be a lot of folks wanting to host their ChoiceScript demos elsewhere, I thought it'd be a good idea to provide a brief guide on how to do so for itch.io.
This is for Windows in the folder actions, but it shouldn't be too difficult for folks to translate for Mac. This also assumes you haven't changed any of the files within your game folder other than those found under 'scenes'.
Within your game folder, locate the 'web' subfolder, right click it and select 'Send to' then 'Compressed (zipped) folder. Name your newly compressed file something sensible, and I recommend moving it to a new folder outside of your game files, just to keep everything neat and tidy.
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2. Assuming you already have an itch.io account, navigate to your dashboard, and click the 'Create New Project' button.
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3. Name your project as you like, and under 'Kind of project', select the 'HTML' option.
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4. Set the 'Pricing' to 'No Payments', you cannot use ChoiceScript for profit unless it is with the Choice of Games or Hosted Games publishing labels. No one wants to get in trouble unnecessarily here.
5. In the Uploads section, upload your newly zipped file we made in step one. After it's finished uploading, you'll be given one drop down and two tick boxes. You need to tick the 'This file will be played in the browser' option.
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6. I've found so far that 'Viewport dimensions' work quite well for desktop at 1080 x 640. Either use these numbers or experiment and find what works best for you.
7. You must tick the 'Enable scrollbars' option for your game to display properly, otherwise options, text and buttons can be clipped off the bottom of the viewport.
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8. Continue filling out the rest of the form, or skip it for now and scroll all the way to the bottom to the 'Visibility & access' section. Here make sure you have 'Draft' selected. This prevents others from finding your game until you're ready, and I always recommend play testing things before you make your work public.
9. Finally, hit the 'Save' button, then go and have a look at your creation by hitting the 'View page' link. And there you go! When you're ready for public release, just change the option in section 8 to 'Public'.
A few things to bear in mind about hosting on itch.io:
There isn't currently any way for your readers to save their game. I'm sure someone could write in a plugin similar to Dashingdon's at some point, but as for right now, this isn't available. See addition/edit below.
Make sure you properly tag your game with the 'choicescript' and 'interactive-fiction' tags. There are an awful lot of games on itch.io and it's easy to get lost in the crowd. Make sure folks can find you by having the right tags.
I hope this brief guide was useful to folks.
Best of luck to you with your writing!
Thanks to @hpowellsmith for bringing this to my attention. You can add save functionality to your game by using this addon:
The ChoiceScript Save Plugin
Just tried it out on my own game and it works perfectly.
Rather than run through the addon author's own tutorial here, I'll just forward you to the Readme on their Github page.
One small note I would add is when it asks you to make the two small additions to your index file, make sure you right click the file and open it with your coding program, don't double-click it as this will just open it in an internet browser, and it won't give you the access to what you need to change.
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avelera · 26 days ago
So apparently, Fortiche shared concept art where Jayce's Hexcorization in the cave would extend all the way to his face:
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And this is really interesting to me from a narrative perspective, here's why:
Much of S2 Jayce's arc is incredibly... punitive. Like, he is really being punished step by step for everything he did wrong in S1. From Renni terrorizing and almost killing him for the death of her son, to Viktor leaving him "for another woman" (the Hexcore as represented by Sky) much like Jayce left him for politics as represented by Mel, there's really a sense of the narrative not only tearing Jayce down to his bare essentials (something that's very common for TV writing to do, by the way, it's very common that you want to see characters reduced down to who they are for their "long night of the soul" moment before they learn the lessons of what they really stand for before going into the climax armed with those lessons), but Jayce's time in the cave really goes even further than that and not only does S2 take away his political career, his Hextech ambitions, his state as someone able-bodied, much of his strength, and certain other gifts, it looks like in this draft they considered taking away his beauty too.
I think it would have been interesting either way if they had, but I want to dive into the narrative structure of action and punishment in Arcane, why Hexcorizing Jayce's face might have been a step too far and not really addressed a lesson he needed to learn, and my thoughts on punitive character arcs in general in Arcane (or lack thereof), specifically with regards to Jayce and Caitlyn.
I've mentioned elsewhere that I always found it interesting that much of the hate directed towards Jayce by the fans was for his perceived incompetence in difficult moments, rather than at how naturally gifted he seems to be at everything.
When I first watched S1 on my own, I thought Jayce was a bit unbearable because everything comes so easily to him (after Viktor becomes his partner and Hextech takes off as a result, that is). He is naturally beautiful, he's built like a god but doesn't appear to do any sort of exercise routine to maintain this other than working in the forge, he becomes the Man of Progress and rockstar of Piltover pretty much without trying, girls are literally sighing dreamily as he goes by.
He's also naturally a genius, from what we see, revolutionizing multiple industries with one invention. Even his rescue as a child is a literal miracle and it spurs him to create an invention that makes him a rockstar. When he enters politics, he immediately dominates, to the point where he's able to get a unanimous vote to overthrow the founder of the city within weeks of going there. Even in battle he's naturally gifted and naturally lucky during the raid of the Shimmer factory (up until the death of Renni's son), even though he has no prior skills as far as we know. He also wins the love of arguably the most beautiful woman in the series, again, seemingly without trying.
Then, S2 doesn't just take all of this away from him, it seems to go a step further into actually punishing Jayce for how easy and miraculous his life was in S1.
I'm of two minds about the Hexcorization reaching his face, but I have a hypothesis. I think it would have looked fucking rad but, I kinda get why they didn't do it:
Because Jayce's good looks are not something he can control, unlike the other things the narrative punishes him for.
Insofar as he can control his looks, he gives up on the clean-cut, immaculate "Golden Boy" image. Even in the idealized astral plane, he keeps most of the marks of his time in the pit like his hair and beard. I think it's because Jayce likes who he became down there. The clean-cut version of him was always the mask of him trying to please others, Jayce's appearance after he emerges from the cave is him shedding the opinions of others (contrast this with how Viktor idealizes himself in the astral plane, removing all marks of his illness. This isn't a criticism, just an interesting point of contrast).
So basically, my theory is Fortiche may have pulled back on Hexcorizing Jayce's face on the one hand to soften the visuals a bit, but secondly because it keeps the focus on punishing Jayce for things he chose to do, rather than things he doesn't really have control over.
But make no mistake, the narrative comes down hard on Jayce in S2, for every little thing the fans could and often did hate him for in S1. He pays for all of them, arguably in excess of what he maybe deserved, since as he says he didn't ask for any of this. But he did go along with it, and there's where the hammer of consequence (quite literally) comes down on him, tears away all his privileges, drags him down to literally the level of Viktor when he first left the undercity and says, "You have to do it all again but now focused on what really matters, and it's going to be ten times harder than it ever was."
This, in my opinion, is why Jayce is so popular coming out of S2. It is a hell of an arc, it's a hell of a redemption! You gave the man everything any man could want, then you took it all away, and then as his crowning moment of showing he has truly learned these lessons and made up for his mistakes, he makes possibly the most loving gesture possible, puts his weapons down, and reaches out to the person he loves most and literally sacrifices himself on the altar of his mistakes to make things right and show Viktor he is loved, and to protect Viktor from the horrifically lonely fate of his future self. It doesn't get any more noble, loving, or self-sacrificing than that.
Because more than we like to see a character punished we like to see them learn from their mistakes and come back better. Jayce's S2 nobility is earned, perhaps even to excess, no one can question whether he suffered enough to make up for what he did in S1 but even the most uncharitable read of him in S1, his biggest hater, would have to agree his time spent starving to death in agony, alone in that cave for months, has got to be just about the worst punishment a human can face and live.
Which is one reason I must add that I find it a little puzzling that Arcane's creators didn't predict the hate that Caitlyn would get in S2.
Keep in mind, because this is very important, the Arcane creators did not make S2 in response to fan reactions to S1. S2 was already in production and the script was locked in and done before anyone outside their organizations saw S1. So nothing that happens in S2 is as a result of fan response.
But, the creators did understand that Jayce was going to need to suffer narrative punishment for what he did in S1 in order to be redeemed, whether they predicted how hated he would be after S1, they did predict that redemption would be necessary. And boy-howdy, did they give him a hell of a redemption arc!
But Caitlyn's S2 actions are almost in lock-step similar to Jayce's S1 actions, being manipulated (by a Medarda!) into accepting power, but maybe not having a choice in the matter, but still maybe expanding that power on their own because it is useful in its own right. Caitlyn also makes terrible mistakes. A child doesn't die but people in the undercity do get hurt during her rage-fuled raids, even if most of them are mob bosses and their goons. The narrative asks, does that make it right? Caitlyn like Jayce hurts the person closest to her who is from the undercity and uses bigoted language against the people of the undercity to Vi's face in much the same way that Jayce did to Viktor on the bridge, though in Jayce's defense, he apologized immediately after.
So, seeing how hated Jayce was coming out of S1, to the point where there's still barely any merchandise of him, I'm shaking my head rather ruefully that there was so much merch made for Caitlyn this time around. And I get it! Caitlyn and Vi were very popular after S1, they are intentionally THE main romance of the show and it was a very popular romance coming out of the innocence of their meet cute in S1.
But it's a romance that dearly needed a longer third act if you wanted Caitlyn to be as embraced after her mistakes as Jayce was after making up for his all through S2. You need to give her as long or at least as in-depth of a redemption act with as much suffering and acknowledgment of her mistakes if you want Vi and Caitlyn at the end to get celebrated the way Jayce making it up to Viktor is, because as much as I understand the choice to focus on pacing instead of exposition, and I do think Caitlyn's apology and realization of her mistakes are there on the page more than people complain, I do also agree that it is a bit "blink and you'll miss it" even if it's there. Jayce got a whole episode of being thrown into the Torment Nexus for his mistakes, real or imagined, if you didn't like him or his choices, you definitely got the sadistic glee of watching life kick the stuffing out of him for what he did in S1.
But besides her fight with Ambessa, which was a result of a confluence of many events in the story, not just Caitlyn's mistakes, Caitlyn doesn't really suffer much for the mistakes she made to those she loves. Her losing an eye to Ambessa didn't happen because she said bigoted things to Vi or became a short-term puppet dictator of Piltover. It was a result of Ambessa's actions and maneuvering more than it was a result of Caitlyn's personal mistakes to her loved ones.
In contrast, Jayce's time in the pit gave him the chance to reflect on and suffer for the the mistakes he made that led to the Anomaly that led to him being down in this pit, and what he would do to make it up to his loved ones like Viktor when he returned. Caitlyn never got a moment like that and from what I'm seeing of the vitriol directed towards her, so similar to what Jayce got after S1, it seems like she really needed it if we were going to like her to the same extent again, in a way uncomplicated by lingering questions about whether she ever truly learned the lessons her character needed to learn to grow as a person.
And it's just funny to me that a narrative that was so aware that this whole huge punishment arc was needed to rehabilitate Jayce wasn't aware that we'd need one for Caitlyn too, at least if they're going to move all that merch they made for her (please give us Jayce merch, Riot, I'm begging).
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dyingswanpavlova · 1 month ago
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"Your girl" - Part 6 | The Salesman x Reader
Summary: You make a mistake and get punished. You try to hate him, but there's something inside of you, clearly working against you. Stick to the plan. Play along, get his trust, get the hell out.
Warnings: dead dove do not eat, kidnapping, mentions of sexual abuse and other traumatic events in the past, numbness, helplessness, violence, threatening, mentions of blood, mentions of murder and rape, body issues, trauma talk, stockholm syndrome, forced relationship, unhealthy relationship, depression, manipulation, mentions of sexual activities and desires, not beta-read, if I've missed any please tell me! mdni 18+!
"Your girl" - The Salesman x Reader Masterlist
“Where the fuck are you?! Get your ass over here, this instant!”
You froze when his angry voice cut through the silence.
It wasn’t really all too silent. Your thoughts had been keeping you entertained all morning, if you didn’t count the whole night to that as well. Unfortunately, you did. Not a wink of sleep, again.
And all because he didn’t approach you. The door to your room stayed closed, which was something that should have been a good thing in your book. He didn’t bother you, didn’t attack you, didn’t seduce you.
It was more than good, it was heaven-sent. It was a good thing, whenever he granted you a little bit of peace, a tiny ounce of normality.
And yet you found yourself tossing and turning all night, filled with the sinking feeling of...
Why on earth would you be disappointed?
Because he didn’t come into your room in the middle of the night with the intention to do unholy things to you and your body?
You should have been thrilled and relieved. But instead you felt empty. So empty, that once you got out of bed and realized he wasn’t anywhere to be found, you made a mistake. A grave one.
You snuck into his room.
It wasn’t like you had any bad intentions. You were actually trying to find him, to talk to him, to ask him-
Ask him what exactly?
However, your main intention was to find him. See him. Instead you found…nothing.
An empty room with an untouched bed. The second you saw that he wasn’t there, you should have turned on your heel and left. But some devilish kind of curiosity forced you to place one foot before the other until you ended up in the middle of his bedroom.
His bedroom.
Not yours.
Nothing about it had been all too uncommon. It was a room with a bed and a wardrobe, a bookshelf, some notebooks. One caught your interest in particular.
A red notebook which you found underneath his pillow. Like a little girl and her diary.
What the hell was even going through your head to touch his pillow?
At first you didn’t want to, you truly didn’t. You just wanted to get a short, small peak into the room of the man who controlled every aspect of your life, even after he had explicitly forbidden it. So far you had obeyed him, but that morning some devil drove you to get inside and take a look around.
And God, how embarrassing was the reason. You were already half on your way out, when his scent caught your attention. The subtle perfume, this gentle note of him.
And that was when your mind went blank and you were so incredibly stupid. You had felt like a stalker, leaning down and pressing your face against his pillow. Inhaling his sweet scent like a lunatic.
But you didn’t really have the time to ask yourself what the hell you were doing, because that was when you found the notebook. And your hands, well, they acted like they weren’t really your own, like they were somehow disconnected from your brain.
They opened it. And what you saw confused you terribly.
On top, your name written in capital letters and crossed out.
And below that countless names. Female names. None of which you knew.
Some were Korean, you could tell. Others French. English. Slavik. Italian. Spanish…
When you heard a faint sound from the hall, assuming he came back from wherever he went, you quickly pushed the notebook back where you found it and scurried out of the room like the devil himself was after you.
Which he, kind of, was.
But he hadn’t been home yet and still, you couldn’t get back into his room. You were far too afraid that he might come back and catch you. So you stayed out of it, went back to your own bedroom and went back to waiting.
And now you were certain. He knew. He knew.
Before you even had the time to get up from the bed, he was already there. The door to your room flew open and he came in like he was indeed the devil.
His eyes were blazing with anger. You hadn’t ever seen him that angry before. Not even that one time, after you called him out on being oh-so unlovable.
And now you were sure.
He was going to kill you.
Your initial reaction would have been to beg and plead, to crawl and butter up, even negotiate.
But no. You could tell the severity of the situation had changed drastically.
So you did the only reasonable thing. You jumped up and hurried to the bathroom. You didn’t even have the time to catch on his reaction, because you were too busy slamming the door shut and locking it.
It seemed to catch him off-guard, because it took him a moment to move, but when he finally did, he pounded against the door like a madman.
You couldn’t tell why you were even able to lock it. Maybe he didn’t think about it when he made his apartment kidnapping-safe. But now you were more than grateful for that circumstance.
“If you don’t open the door right now, I’m going to kill you!”
You slowly backed away against the wall, glancing at the window. You knew it was pointless, but you decided to still try it. Maybe, just maybe, you’d get the mercy of a quick death, jumping from the twenty-third floor.
“I will gut you and then I will kill you!”
He pounded even harder against the door and you were sure it was going to give in soon. All the while the window didn’t move an inch. You started pounding against it as well, desperate to find a way to survive this godforsaken hell, but it just wouldn’t move. You felt tears sting your eyes when you realized it.
There were so many things you hadn’t done yet.
You never sailed on a boat. Never saw Prague in December. Never saw the ballet or swam in the ocean.
Never told anyone you loved them. Never loved anyone. And you never got loved in return.
You didn’t even have sex yet.
It wasn’t fair. It simply wasn’t fair.
But it was your life and maybe this was how it was supposed to end.
Maybe this was how it was going to end.
But you didn’t have more time to think about it, because suddenly there was a loud cracking sound and you witnessed in horror as he broke the door down. Your eyes widened and you stifled a sob, while he stepped into the bathroom. He was breathing heavily and moving slowly, like a predator stalking its prey. The look in his eyes was…murderous.
But the only thing you could truly focus on was the blood on his cheek. How had you missed it earlier? Probably due to the adrenaline. But now you watched intently as you saw the small cut on his cheek, messing up the perfection that was his face.
“Please.” You whispered breathlessly, but it was barely audible under choked sobs and gasps for air. “Please, I…What did I…”
He stormed forward and pushed you against the wall, so hard that your head banged against it with a fervor that made you go dizzy. His fingers wrapped around your neck, squeezing tightly.
“What should I do with you?” He whispered in a low voice. It was less of a whisper and more of a growl.
You opened your mouth to beg some more, but all your words were getting lost under a veil of tears and the symphony of your desperate, breathless sobs.
“Should I cut you open and watch you bleed to death?” He whispered as he squeezed your neck a little tighter. You coughed up and dug your nails into his wrist in a desperate attempt to get some air.
“Should I fuck you to death?” He whispered in the same feigned thoughtfulness, all the while you were ferociously fighting for your life.
“Should I make you-“ He stopped and let go of your neck. You doubled over and desperately gasped for air.
“No.” He whispered and his lips curved up into a twisted smile. “I know now.”
He looked you up and down in a way that made you less uneasy and more terrified, before he spoke in a tone that resembled gentleness.
“I’ll take something from you.”
After you finally regained your ability to breathe and gingerly touched your neck, trying to assess the damage he had done on you, you slowly looked up at him. And again, your whole focus was on the cut on his cheek. Only then you realized the blood on the collar of his shirt.
It wasn’t your fault, you suddenly realized. Not entirely. He had a bad day. And you found yourself aching to ask what had happened. Despite him taking his anger out on you, unfortunately.
But after all, it was you who went into his room, despite the clear instructions not to. Never to.
Silly girl.
“And give something else to you.” He whispered while he reached out and gently ran his fingertips over your neck. The touch made you wince.
When his words made you shake your head in confusion, he smiled slowly.
“Your name, sweet girl. It’s about time you got a new one.”
Oh, and how it hurt. How it hurt not knowing what was worse. Dying? Life hadn’t ever really been your thing, it seemed. You just weren’t good at it. But your name? At least you were someone. And now he was going to take that, too?
A small part of you was relieved. He wouldn’t gut you and hang you from the window. But he’d strip you of the little identity you had left.
Your lip quivered in an attempt to say something, but he just shook his head, the crooked smile still on his lips.
“You just made me break down my goddamned bathroom door and you think you got any right to complain?”
You stared up at him with wide, horrified eyes, your vision blurry with tears.
“That’s why you wrote all the names down.” You whispered in the voice of a timid mouse.
He hummed in response. “I was going to give you a say in choosing one. But that deal is in the past, sweet girl. I have the perfect name for you.”
He leaned in and murmured: "Kneel."
You didn't need to be told twice. You would have done anything, however degrading, if only it meant he wouldn't perform heinous crimes on your body.
You were shaking in silence, only interrupted by a few occasional sobs, as you watched him pick up the pair of scissors from the drawer.
Suddenly you didn't feel so safe anymore.
He shot you a look that instantly shut you up. There was no way out and nothing you said or did could save you.
He stalked around you like a tiger, ready to pounce. And when you expected him to land a blow and knock you out, he instead gently played with a strand of your hair. And suddenly you were painfully aware of what was about to happen.
It's better than death, you kept trying to tell yourself. Better than torture, better than not being allowed to pee, better than being paraded around-
You gasped loudly when you felt the sharpness of the scissors press against your jugular.
"I bet you look beautiful when you're bleeding." He whispered.
You squeezed your eyes shut. A part of you wanted to continue begging, but you knew it was pointless. Not when he was like this.
Instead of stabbing and cutting you to death and watch you collapse under a fountain of your own blood, he took your hair into a deadly chokehold between the scissors. You gasped again.
"Hana." He purred. "It's the perfect name."
He tugged on your hair, making your head jerk back.
"Hana is the first girl, here in Korea. One. First. My first girl.”
He ran the scissors up the length of your hair until it nearly reached your shoulders. You held your breath. This was it.
The girl you once were was about to be murdered.
"Hana", he murmured, "makes you a fresh, new thing. With no past and no strings attached. All you are now is my sweet girl. My Hana."
You squeezed your eyes shut so hard that you got a headache when you felt the metal of the scissors scrape against your hair.
"My sweet, darling Hana." He murmured.
And then he murdered you.
You kept trying to tell yourself that you got lucky. He barely even cut anything off, right? At least he didn't cut it to your chin or shoulder length.
At least he didn't kill you.
But he did kill you. The part of you that had been you, a little stubborn, a little defiant, was gone now as well. All that was left was this obedient, sobbing mess.
He had cut off just enough to make it noticeable. It didn't even look horrifying. You knew your hair would grow back.
But would your name ever grow back?
Would your soul ever grow back?
Hana, Hana, my sweet Hana. My first girl.
The second he released you, you found yourself marching back to your room. You didn't even feel the need to run and hide. And what for? What more could he do, how much more would he take?
"I'll cut it off, piece by piece, every time you deceive me, until you look like a Young-hee doll."
You had seen the ugly, little creature in a Korean store before.
You could already picture it. You with your hair cut down to your chin, wearing a yellow shirt and an orange dress. What was left of your hair, bound in pigtails.
You hated pigtails.
"I've been too soft on you, Hana. It's about time you learned how things work around here."
And after you finally managed your death-march to your bed, you collapsed on top of it like a lifeless doll. You couldn't even cry anymore. You were too exhausted after not sleeping all night and then this.
Maybe you would never feel well-rested again.
Maybe you would never smile again.
Did you smile much before all this? No. But at least you did sometimes.
That was all gone now.
Now you were Hana.
And Hana didn't smile.
The day dragged on like that. You didn't even get up to pee when you felt you had to. It was all pointless. Why not torture yourself a little more? Maybe you deserved it. Maybe you deserved it for going in his room, for reading his notes, for deceiving him, for taking his fucking hand after he just threw someone on the train line.
You should have known.
Looking back, you should have known.
Good people don't just go around, breaking other peoples' necks. Only sick psychopaths did.
So what had driven you to take his hand?
Was it his charming, reassuring smile?
Was it the fact that he rescued you from being raped at the train station?
Was it the excitement he promised, the new way of looking at things? The prospect of breaking out. Out of your dead, numb haze.
God, how you longed for a sitcom now.
Sitcoms usually ended in Happy Endings. Unlike you. You just ended.
The way the door flew open would have made you wince, was there any fight or any life left in you.
Instead, all you did, was slowly lift your gaze. Your red, puffy eyes meeting his in the dim light of your bedroom.
"Still sulking, are we?" He sounded cheerful. Fucking bastard.
"Come. It's about time you ate something."
You didn't move. Didn't even blink. It wasn't to spite or challenge him. Instead you simply felt you couldn't move. Getting up, eating. Water. Teeth. Shampoo. It all sounded so distant. So useless.
You had felt like this before. More than once.
Every time your mother finished beating you with the belt.
Each time you woke up in your tiny, South Korean apartment and realized there was not much to live for.
It was mostly phases. On other days you got up just fine.
But today was such a phase, far more prominent than it had been in long.
His brows furrowed and he tilted his head to the side. A part of you expected him to chase you to the kitchen with a chainsaw.
"Don't be like that. Don't give me that look."
When you still didn't move or blink, his frown deepened and he slowly moved closer until he was crouched down by your bed.
He reached out and touched your chin.
"Are you going to kill yourself now over some hair?" He mocked.
"It'll grow back." He sighed impatiently. "You know you can't starve yourself anyway. I'll make you eat."
You didn't protest, but you also didn't react.
His frown stayed in place, but eventually he sighed and leaned back.
"Come." He said in a softer tone. "I'm making Hotteok. You're going to like it."
And suddenly, just like that, you sobbed again. Very quietly. You didn't move. But something inside of you was aching so terribly.
You expected him to get angry, furious even.
How dare you complain? You’re my Hana, my first girl. My Hana doesn’t complain. My Hana just takes it.
But instead he resumed the notion of gently caressing your hair.
He would hit you.
Somehow magically make a chainsaw appear.
Instead he whispered. Deadly. Menacing. Scary.
"You're still beautiful."
The first bite was hard. The second one way easier. You only ever realized how famished you were, after you bit into the warm, juicy piece of heaven. It tasted sweet and nutty and buttery.
For a second, you allowed yourself to forget about it.
All you could think about was the heavenly taste of whatever it was he had prepared for you.
And then it came back to you, stealthily at first and then suddenly hitting you like a brick.
He watched you while you ate, his eyes unreadable. He leaned back and rested his ankle over his knee, watching you in quiet contemplation.
That didn't stop you from chewing your way through three more Hotteoks.
You had these issues, these unhealthy habits of being unable to eat infront of other people. Your mother had always demanded of you to act like a porcelain doll who didn't eat or use the bathroom.
But the longer you were here, the quieter her voice became.
Until all you could hear was his voice.
Hana. My sweet Hana. My first girl.
Your tiny eating disorder slowly dissolved into nothingness, your neuroses turning into ash and dust.
You ate to survive. You ate because it gave you comfort.
And any kind of comfort was a great distraction from the cruel farce which your life had become.
“You know”, he suddenly said after he took a sip of his tea, “no matter how short your hair is, you would always be beautiful.”
You slowly looked up at him with a frown. Suspicious.
“It’s true.” He hummed. “So deceive me all you want and maybe I can prove to you.”
There it was. No kindness without a jab to follow.
You looked back down at the food on your plate. You weren’t all too hungry anymore and your appetite turned back to what it was before. You slowly reached out and took a sip of your water.
“I’m curious though.” He said calmly. “What made you go inside there, hm? What made you disobey me? Were you looking for something?”
You stiffened. What were you supposed to tell him? Hopefully he wouldn’t mention the notebook. The pillow.
“Underneath my pillow, anyway.”
Fucking shit.
“What? Were you trying to set a trap for me, hm?” His voice stayed as calm as ever, but the look in his eyes only ever got colder.
“No.” You whispered.
He leaned forward, looking at you with an disturbing intent.
“Then what?”
He clenched his jaw tightly and grabbed a knife from the table. It wasn’t big, but enough to kill you. He squeezed the handle tightly in his hand and rammed it down against the table.
Poor wood.
The cold fury in his voice felt almost as unsettling as the scissors had.
No, actually more so.
“I was looking for you.” You said quietly, unable to look at him.
What kind of idiot were you? What were you trying to do, admit to that? But maybe it was better than to have him believe that you went in there with some ill intentions. Like placing a blade under his pillow and hoping that maybe somehow he managed to stab himself by accident.
He narrowed his eyes and leaned even closer. All you could look at was that cut on his skin.
“Looking for me.” He repeated and the disbelief in his voice was obvious.
What the hell was he so furious about? He had been so calm, just a minute ago.
But with him, you could never really tell.
You finally looked back into his eyes and nodded. “I thought you would-“ You immediately stopped yourself.
Oh God.
Oh God.
You thought what? That last night, he’d come in your room and sleep with you? Were you about to just say that out loud?
You took a shuddery breath, trying to come up with some other excuse. But it was too late. He already seemed to grasp your thoughts. And he wasn’t laughing or coming off somewhat amused about it, no, the thought seemed to make him even angrier.
Whatever had happened last night must have been horrible if it turned him into that.
More horrible than what happened to you just earlier that morning? You doubted it, but still, something like concern gnawed at you.
“You thought what?” He said slowly. “That I’d come in your room and fuck you? Is it that?”
You immediately looked down at your hands like you’d been struck. Your face flushed furiously and you suddenly felt the need to throw up.
“Are you that desperate? Are you that needy? I thought you were a fucking virgin.” He practically spat the words out. And you felt more and more nauseous with every word that came out of his mouth.
“I am.” You choked out.
“And still you crave my attention so desperately that you go inside my room, even though I told you you’d get punished if you ever did? Stupid girl. Such a stupid girl. Hana, you should know better than to-“
“That’s not my fucking name!”
You didn’t know if it was the use of that name or the other thing, but something inside you snapped and your depression crumbled down just like that. You could sit here and let him insult you or you could take action and find out what the fuck was going on here.
All the while you tried to ignore the bitter feeling of disappointment and shame that welled up in you, after he tried to shame you for what? Missing him?
You nearly shuddered. Missing him? Him?
You had a mission here.
Play along. Get him to trust you.
Get the hell out of here.
Right? That was the plan. Why did everything feel so…unstable then? Especially your own thoughts. You weren’t supposed to miss him. You were supposed to run. Grab his gun, shoot him and then shoot against the lock of the door until it fell apart.
And maybe then you’d finally find peace.
Instead you sat in silence, as you watched the expression in his eyes change. The bitterness and the man that had stooped down to insult you vanished and the monster who had cut your hair and punched your gut took his place.
“What did you say?”
“I said”, you gritted out in a fit of rage, so intense it left you breathless, “that’s not my fucking name.”
And just like that he snapped. But he didn’t snap like a normal person would, no. He snapped so hard, his head nearly exploded. And he lunged at you. He lunged forward and knocked you off the chair in the heat of the moment. Your head came down onto the floor with a thud, but what was far worse was the pain that shot through your back when it hit the ground.
He was on top of you, straddling you, before you even had the time to cry out in pain. But this time, something was different. You were different.
Before he could wrap his claws around your neck, you pushed him back, with such roughness that it left you surprised by your own strength. And before he had the time to recover and slap the hell out of you, you did something even more surprising. And probably stupid. 
You punched him. Right in his face, bruising his unharmed cheek. Your eyes shot wide open, but it was nothing in comparison to his own eyes.
First he looked surprised. Caught in a cloud of disbelief. And then the look changed. And just like that he was back to furious.
He got a hold of your wrists and pinned them down to the ground, ignoring the wince that shot through you and the cry of pain that left your lips, when he dug his nails into your skin.
“Such a stupid girl.” He hissed. “I really thought you learned your lesson. But it seems you didn’t. But don’t worry. You will in time.”
He reached out a hand to slap you, but before he could, you kneed him right in the stomach.
He let out a grunt of pain and momentarily loosened his grip on your wrists. But it took him no longer than two seconds to regain his balance and pin you down even harder.
You writhed underneath him, fighting as hard as you could to free yourself before he got the opportunity to damage your already damaged kidney, but he was on his best way to. He balled a fist and gritted his teeth, ready to make you pay.
“What happened last night?” The question sounded so incredibly ridiculous, coming from your trembling lips, underneath him, fighting for your life. And it was so ridiculous that, indeed, he paused for a moment.
“Yes.” You gasped out. “What happened last night? What happened to your face?”
He blinked slowly, his grip on you never wavering.
“You don’t get to ask me questions.”
“Yes, I do! Where were you?”
He had trouble to control his temper, while he gripped your wrists so hard that his knuckles were white and his hands were shaking. He pressed his thumbs against the insides of your wrists so hard that a sharp pain flared through your arms and up to your shoulders.
“I was working. I had work to get done. And you don’t get to ask me questions!” He growled.
“Yes, I do!” You repeated, growing more and more impatient. His grip on you was so painful, that your legs kept kicking into the air, desperate to find some kind of relief from the pain. But it never came. And yet you forced yourself to stay angry. Don’t budge. Don’t beg. “What happened to your fucking face?!”
“Why?! Are you worried about me?!” He hissed and suddenly he was so far up in your face, you felt his breath on it.
“No!” You hissed back, still kicking into the air like a fool. You released something akin to a shriek of frustration, struggling against his grip, but he wasn’t even trying and he was so much stronger than you. “But I know nothing about you! I don’t know what you do! I don’t know what you are! I don’t know who you are! What’s you fucking name?! What is even your name?!” You were out of your mind, yelling furiously and pushing back against him, until he actually had to apply more pressure to keep you pinned against the ground.
“You want to know my name?” He gritted out. “I don’t have a name, silly girl. All you need to worry about is that you belong to me.”
“To a ghost.” You spat out. “Because that’s what you are, isn’t it?  You’re nothing but a ghost. You don’t have family or people who care about you. All you have is your job and yourself and this soulless place with no windows to open and let some sunshine in. All you have are these walls covered in sunny colors and yet there is no real sun here. It’s a façade. Everything is a façade. Because you’re nothing but a fucking ghost. You could be dead and no one would care.”
You gritted your teeth like a feral animal, ready to rip his throat out with your teeth if he’d let you, but of course he didn’t. Instead he met your deadly glare with one of his own, except that his was far more menacing than yours, more dangerous. Crazier.
“I may be a ghost, but you still belong to me.”
“What happened to your face?” You whispered in the same, angry tone.
He leaned further down until the tip of his nose nearly touched yours and slammed your hands against the floor.
“Why do you care?” He hissed back.
“What happened to your face?!” You nearly shouted.
“Why do you care?!” He shouted back.
“Because I do!”
It was true, you suddenly realized.
You cared.
Not in a curious way.
Not in a matter-of-fact way.
It was eating away at you. You needed to know what had happened, because you cared, you cared so much, it made your insides twist painfully. Ever since you had seen him that morning, you were in pain.
Not because he cut your hair.
Not because he demanded you to take a stupid name like Hana.
His first girl.
Were there others? Were you truly the first? Why not the last? Why not the goddamn last?
Was that jealousy?
The cut on his cheek made something inside of you ache and you were dying to know who the hell had dared to put his hands on him.
He seemed to have the same thought, because something in his expression changed. But you couldn’t tell what it was. Not yet at least.
“You care.” He spat out incredulously. “Idiot girl. Are you falling in love with me?”
You scoffed. “Not in a million years.”
“Good.” He whispered and leaned closer.
“I could never fall in love with a monster like you.” You whispered back and tilted your head up towards his.
His breath tickled your lips, but not half as much as his gaze did, as it slowly slid down to them.
“Stop.” You whispered, suddenly breathless.
“Tell me that you mean it and I will.” He whispered back. His brows furrowed and he took in a shuddering breath. It sounded like an exhale, it sounded like a moan.
Oh God.
“Stop.” You whispered again.
He stopped tormenting your wrists and you stopped struggling against thin air.
You didn’t know how but somehow his touch was almost gentle.
You didn’t realize when but somehow your legs wrapped around his waist.
“Don’t.” You whispered.
Oh, fucking hell.
Fuck it.
Author's note: I'm dying, you are all too sweet to be true! Thank you so, so, so much for your sweet, kind words and I love you all so incredibly much! Just a few days ago, I had a moment when I was feeling like everything was going pretty shitty, but then I thought about this story and all the kind and loving support I'm getting from you and it cheered me up beyond belief. Much, much love! Lana ❤️
Tag list: @mitsuki-dreamfree @kpopsmutty69 @heroine-chique @vkeyy @mizuwki @blu-brrys @z0mbi345 @yourpointbreak @ayieayee @freddyzeppsworld @lola11111111 @indifitel6661 @salesmanlover08 @laurenbenoit70 @lalalaa2210 @lila-marshal @auspicious-lilana @0-aubrie0 @lovelyaegyo @theredvelvetbitch @violentbluess @muriels-lover @dorayakissu @eviebuggg @muchwita @ririgy @strxlemon @obsessedwthdilfs @kiwilov3 @misty-q @whitefeathers @ennvfv @heartzxx @yourpointbreak @hell0kittt @salesmanlover08 @pascalislove @nina357 @ing9449myu @vamplivivi @tvbais @ilovenana00 @misswannadiesworld @glads-stuff @chunkzdeluluwife @estreiiuh @lokis-lovely-muse @zaimeskuna @lalalaa2210
also thanks to @i-might-be-vanny for the name issue inspiration!
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tadc-harlequin-au · 8 months ago
New Puppet Unlocked: Pomni, the Last Harlequin!
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Pomni's character description:
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"Pomni" is the most recent, and last model of the Combat Harlequin series; P-1210. A Harlequin puppet who doesn't have a sense of purpose due to a broken string of commands, and thus, acts loosely based on what remains of it.
After hunting down The Puppetmaster and a duel ensues between the two, it ends with the Harlequin and The Puppetmaster forming an alliance in order to fix the destroyed City; or at least, the remaining "residents" that have succumbed to Madness. The Puppetmaster now has an ally to help him in his mission, and she gets a purpose that relates to her commands. What more could one want?
Now, Pomni spends her time sparring, sharpening her sword, bantering with the Puppetmaster, hunting down bosses and eliminating manic Marionettes. The list becomes bigger as the story progresses, and Pomni unlocks more and more secrets about herself.
Fun facts about Pomni:
She likes sandwiches. Specifically, salmon.
She REALLY hates it when someone eats it. (It's Bubble)
She finds some things annoying in other Puppets, and will be blunt about it.
But that doesn't mean she doesn't care. In fact, far from it.
Pomni may come off as cold and jerkish due to her hot-temper, but in reality, her emotions simply have ahold on her more than anyone would ever really think.
Caine thinks that a therapist would benefit her. (honestly though)
She hasn't explored any hobbies outside from anything involving combat. (yet.)
Pomni occasionally gets glimpses of visions when she dies; she is unaware of what they mean.
Pomni rarely gets drunk; she'll only indulge in alcohol when there's an occasion. Aside from that, she tends to limit Caine's alcohol intake (reasoning that he smells like booze), much to the Puppetmaster's dismay.
She shuts down any form of philosophical advices, thinking they're "typical" and "unnecessary".
She tends to be careless and rude in battle.
When push comes to shove, Pomni can and WILL use her sharp teeth to her advantage.
Pomni initially disliked Ragatha. She found the doll's positive demeanor eerie, and even uncanny, borderline inhuman. Thankfully, a few interactions and heart-heart conversations later, she's changed her mind since.
Bubble usually accompanies her when she's out on missions, a condition she had to agree on just so Caine would let her fight overburdened Puppets. Even though she hates the blimp's nonsense, she knows that his presence is out of necessity, since Bubble is the only way keeping in touch can be possible.
She initially started off rarely ever apologizing. In fact, Caine would've been lucky to have a simple acknowledgement from her.
She once stole Caine's cane to try and figure out how his attacks work. She immediately lost interest once she found out it's just a plain, and boring metal cane.
She unlocks the first stage of enlightenment after the fifth boss.
"Yeah, yeah, shut up."
"I didn't come here just for you to act like a wuss!"
"You. Me. This sword. In your head."
"That was pretty stupid of you to do."
"Between you and me, I prefer still having my head on my shoulders."
"This is getting annoying!"
"I've had it with you idiots!"
"I'm gonna celebrate with a Puppet head kebab once I'm done."
"I like the sounds of a sword slashing, and heads bashed in."
"Keep (talking/screaming), and I'll crack your skull open."
"Ah! What the fuck!"
"You're gonna pay for that!"
"Eye for an eye, motherfucker!"
"I normally wouldn't mind... Actually, I always mind."
"When I'm done, you're gonna be unrecognizable."
"Fucking marionettes!"
"Useless scrap!"
"I really, really, REALLY wanna hurt you right about now."
"Ohohoho, you're picking the WRONG fight, BUDDY."
"Who do you think you are!?"
"Are you sure this is even safe?"
“You can’t be serious. Me? Tone it down? I’m a Puppet DESIGNED to fight. My entire purpose IS to fight. I don’t tone down anything, for anyone. Don’t forget, we might be familiar with each other now, but we’re still only getting along because you’re giving me targets.”
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glow-in-the-dark-death · 10 months ago
Creations Dance
Danny likes to dance in the night sky while flying in his new ghostly form which is very ethereal holding glimpses of different parts of space and creations unknown, this continues even after he moves to Gotham.
The sky around him becomes his stage,
A stage that matches him and follows his lead.
Gotham has never had such clear skies, able to see each and every star shining brightly.
Twinkling in many colours almost seeming to dance alongside Danny,
Sharing his joy in their existence.
Duke had seen the new phenomenon that was Gotham's skies, who hadn't it was all he would hear people talking around him anytime he left the house, speaking of which were also discussing the same.
Bruce, Tim, and Barbara all researching to see what had caused the change, their bet so far was on magic but not sure who or what was causing it or the reason why.
He had seen the others also poking around seeing if they could find a lead.
But the most curious of all being Jason's new demeanor, ever since the night skies had changed he seemed to calm down almost seeming peaceful.
Which don't get him wrong was a great thing to happen but the timing of it all was too weird, honestly even Bruce was tense about the sudden turn around in demeanor.
So with everyone else occupied he decided he might as well go and enjoy the night sky, it was a very amazing view to miss out on.
He had discovered a new spot a bit far from home but it was quiet and private and would make the perfect spot to stargaze comfortably without being interrupted.
He had fallen asleep accidentally but something had woken him up.
He noticed that it was cold, cold enough that he could just barely see his breath in the air in front of him which should not be possible since it was almost summer, had Mr.Freeze escaped?
Looking around now alert he caught a flash of something up above his head.
Looking up he saw..light and darkness and so many things that his mind couldn't comprehend rather less describe.
His eyes shifted trying to make out what he was seeing, in the center was a being..dancing?
The being seemed to feel his eyes on them because in the next moment they turned to stare at him.
He could feel the weight of their eyes on him their entire presence focused around him radiating power and joy.
Continuing to stare at each other the only thing Duke could think of was,
"You're gorgeous.."
Duke snapped back realizing he had said that out loud his face warming, but the being in front of him seemed delighted.
"Thank you! I'm surprised you're able to see me."
"It's hard not to, you were dancing so happily I could feel it in my chest."
They-he? floated closer
"If you liked my dancing so much you could continue to visit me here to see."
" If you're okay with it then I would really like that, my name is Duke."
"It's a date then Duke! You can call me Danny."
God what was he going to tell the others? He found the cause for the change in Gotham but Danny seemed to be good, not a villain.
Well he'll keep it a secret for a while more right now he had to prepare for his date!
Duke sees Danny dancing around in the sky: "We'll have a winter wedding."
Duke seeing the Bats stressing and losing sleep trying to figure what's going on: "Should I say something? Hm nah."
Danny Dancing around in the sky while Duke is in the background being a supporting bf cheering him on with pom poms: "That's my boyfriend woo~!"
The bats for some reason arguing about each other's past relationships and crushes
Steph pointing at Dick: You're the one with the strangest taste seriously out of everyone in this family Duke and I are the only ones with normal taste! Right Duke!"
Duke " My Boyfriend is a Being/Ancient Ghost of Space That Most of the Time Doesn't Look Human/Humanoid" Thomas: * face sweating while he tries to sneak out of the room* "Umm..*voice crack* y-yeah."
I really enjoyed writing this one, I don't see a lot of Duke/Danny, but the works I've read are all so wonderful ♡
Just an Idea
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mintfullyyours · 23 days ago
Past Lives
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summary: the past always finds a way to haunt you
PS: honestly probably shouldn't have been a one chap fic. I had so much more I want to write. Also had to look up this man's bio to get the cannon ages right. I guess also older reader but Si and reader are around the same age. Thank you for reading!!
For your consideration: angtybf!price drabble, Amnesiac!Simon, wallpaper w/simon
tags: tattoo inaccuracies, fluff, angst
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“This is dumb.” You giggled, as Simon Riley held his arm out for you.
No one ever said it was a good idea to tattoo your significant other but when you’re both 17 and in love, everything seems like a good idea. That's why you're both sat on the floor of your room with a tattoo gun in hand that Simon pawned off somewhere.
"You want to be an artist." He gestured towards his bicep, "Make some art."
It was a pipe dream -- Become a famous tattoo artist and make enough money to get out of this small town.
“You sure about this?” You ask, leaning forward as the sound of the machine whizzed to life.
“Sure.” Simon shrugs, pulling his sleeve higher up. “Why wouldn’t I be?” He puffs out his chest, “Life is too fucking short to care."
His words caused your cheeks to tint pink. You leaned forward and started permanently etching the key template you two had drawn together. This night marked the first tattoos of many and there wasn’t anyone else you wanted to share this moment with than him.
Smiling at your finished key, Simon lifts his arm examining it with a scrunched face. “I've seen worse.” He purses his lips and you smile, quickly pecking his.
“By the way, have I told you about this thing called chapstick?” You tease, handing over your arm to the table.
Simon scoffs and takes over, drawing onto your skin: a heart-shaped lock.
You watched as he diligently shaded the areas, heart swelling with pride. Simon was everything you could’ve asked for in a partner. He admires his work as he wipes the excess ink and knowing you’re staring, he asks,
“What’s on your mind, love?”
Shaking your head, you give a smile, “Nothing, nothing.”
“It’s something.” He takes cling wrap to protect your new tattoo, just as you had for his own, “Tell me.”
Silence as you rest your arm flat on the table and he does the same, heart and key. Two halves of a whole. It’s not that you were ignoring him, you just didn’t know what to say. 
“Just that you'll always have a piece of me” You smile down at the fresh ink.
“As you for me.” Simon cups your cheek gently guiding you to look up at him. You were weak against his touch, “So what’s wrong?”
A sigh escapes your lips, knowing the truth has to come out eventually. “We can’t keep this up forever, you know? Secret meetings. Midnight getaways. I just… I want to be with you but not like this.”
“Alright. Then tell me.” His thumb brushes away the tear that fell from your cheeks, “What can I do?”
A moment of silence as the truth wracks your brain. “Come with me!” You blurt out, “I’m moving… To the States for Uni. And I––” The thought of getting away from this small town brought comfort to your mind.
“I want you to come with me, Si.”
The blonde pauses for a moment as he lets your request sink in. Leaning forward his lips capture yours in a gentle kiss, you closed your eyes allowing him to take the lead. Far too soon, he separates your lips and presses his forehead against your own. Eyes still closed as you let your lips curve into a smile, you’ve never felt more loved than right here in this moment. 
“Wherever you go, I’ll follow.” He states.
But that was then and this is now.
Two decades and some years later, you found yourself as an owner of a tattoo parlor in Los Angeles. The place was in a neon-lit, upstairs studio. Cozy and intimate. If you looked close enough flecks of Manchester littered the room.
But you could never go back, not after what he did.
In the break room you were putting on a fresh pair of gloves, Javier the cashier knocks on the door with the clientele briefings.
“Just one. Booked the whole day.”
You arch a brow but Javier nods and leaves the room. Taking one last glance into the full-length mirror, glad you chose to work in a tanktop that showcased your tattoo sleeves. Most clients felt at ease knowing you have the experience of being tatted so you wasted no time blending in one piece with another.
Exiting the break room, you look up and come to a complete stop.
He wore a leather jacket, smelled of gun powder and smoke with a black KN95 mask to cover his lips. But you knew this man.
Every fiber of your body knew this man all too well. Teenage lovers that whispered secrets against bare skin. There was something in the air, something electric between two passing bodies.
There was a slight squint in his eyes, you couldn't tell if it was a smile. You couldn't remember the last time he smiled.
The fucking nerve.
He thought he could waltz in here after all this time and what? Think nothing of it?
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” You mumble, turning your heel. “Cancel it. I’m sick.” You emit a fake cough and head back into the break room.
You’d rather be anywhere than here. 
Javier rolls his eyes, “I’ll leave you to close up.” He says, heading out. You stop and weighed your options. You could close. Losing the money was no big deal, especially if it means saving your sanity.
But accidentally stabbing Simon a little too harshly with a tattoo gun also seemed like a good idea.
You chose the latter and make your way over to your ex. He’s watching you, ever vigilant. Your spine straightens ever so slightly. You haven't heard much of his whereabouts since he left for the military but it wasn't pretty.
“Don’t hey me.” Your hand reaches for his broad shoulder and forcefully pushes him down onto the leather seat. Simon Riley had filled out and by the looks of the ink on his skin, he'd added to his collection of tattoos. Dark black ink covers his once blank canvas.
He looks shaken, as though the sudden touch and command woke something in him. 
You take the seat across from him, the table dividing you both. Glad the partition was there otherwise you might strangle him yourself, which was still an option. You unpack the tools, feeling his eyes glued to your every movement. Heart pounding in your chest, why did he still make you feel this way? 
“Whatever you have to say, don't.”
“Okay, ” He says, handing over his left arm to rest on the table. He lowers the KN95 mask too. You took a look at him and your breath hitches at the sigh of scars that marred his face.
He was still so beautiful to you.
“Just something simple. Something that says… I’m sorry.”
Your ears burn at his apology. He had no right to bring back feelings from so long ago. So you point at the blank skin, “How about  Idiot instead?”
Simon chuckles deep and your lips slightly tug upwards, you missed that. From his jacket he pulled out a template, it was a complex design that you estimated would take three hours. You rubbed your temples, knowing he did this on purpose. 
“Fine. But no talking. I don’t want to hear a word come out of your mouth.” You state, dipping the gun into the ink cartridge and getting to work. 
Finishing the last touches, both of your arms rested on the table as you shaded in his piece.
He cleared his throat as though to begin a conversation.
“Not a word, Riley.” You warn, gaze locked on his arm. 
“Hear me out.” Simon pleads. 
“No, I––”
“I went to the airport!” He cuts you off. Your eyes snap to his at his admission. 
Simon took your silence as a cue to continue his statement. There was stirring in the pit of your stomach. 
“The day you left for the States. I was there too. I made it so far to the gates but…” His eyes clouded over with a memory so clear in his mind. “Got scared. Fucking scared of uprooting my life and then holding you back from something greater."
Simon sighed, "I joined the military not long after you left."
"Oh so much for not being scared of war torn countries." you quip.
"We have different definitions of fear."
He had a point but you were stubborn and would be damned to let him change that.
“You wanted this.” He gestures around the parlor. "You needed it."  
“No, I needed you.” You interrupt him. You couldn’t continue to hear how he was so close yet so far away the day you left Manchester. The day you both were supposed to leave. “You didn’t think I was scared? I loved you and the day you stood me up crushed me into a million pieces. Fuck, two decades later and I’m still putting those shattered parts back together.”
The anger bubbled in you as did the pain of having to live a life without him. No rhyme or reason until today. But you also understood how important family was, for both of you. So you weren’t punishing him for not coming but rather for not telling you. 
You sigh with defeat, “What made you think you could make that decision for me, Si?”
With his free hand, he gently turns your right arm over to reveal the heart tattoo. Smiling as he lines it up with the key that was on his own. 
Two halves of a whole.
“I know your strength.” He admitted, "A bond like ours, once in a lifetime."
Silence falls between you. Anger was a heavy heart to bear for all these years.
“'m sorry, Love.” Simon leans down to place a kiss on top of your inked heart like it would heal the wounds on your own. Heat built in your core from the simple act of intimacy. 
“I will spend the rest of my life apologizing and making it up to ya.” Your man-child sighs, “You’re right, 'm an idiot. But I love you and will continue to love you if you let me.”
You allow his words to sink in. Love. You loved the man in front of you even after all these years. 
Still, one question remained, “Why now?”
Simon looks at you with the smallest smile, “I've seen a lot of shit. Killed men. Died, m'self. Came back... A ghost." He admits, the words falling freely. "Maybe doing all of that so to make the world a better place for one person who never left my mind."
With that, his hand reaches for the back of your neck as he pulls you into a kiss. You close your eyes and find yourself reacting to him. His tongue slips inside your own as you both battle for dominance. Exploring each other and trying to unravel secrets with such a kiss. He felt like a dream against you, one you never wanted to wake from.
You moan and whimper, realizing how long it had been without his touch. The kiss satisfied every need you had.
The kiss grew urgent, long gone was the gentle embrace. Lips still connected, you moved the portable easel that separated you both, and Simon guided you to straddle his lap. Clumsy, sure. But soon enough your legs secured both sides of his waist and never once did you break. 
He tasted like whiskey and cigarettes. 
Simon leaned back on the chair as his hands roamed underneath your shirt to touch bare skin. His touch felt like fire to your skin. You moaned in his mouth at his touch and ground your hips against his cock, feeling him harden beneath you. He bucks upwards and you relish in the control. 
You felt his fingers reach to pull the hem of your shirt up but placing a hand on his chest, you gently push him back. He groans with protest. You inhale a sharp breath, “I’m not doing this unless you commit to me, to this life. And if you can't, tell me right fucking now because we're both too old for this."
He leans up to press his forehead against yours. It’s his next words that cause your own emptiness to fill fully and wholly with love. 
“Wherever you go, I’ll follow.”
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gghostwriter · 27 days ago
Hi!! I saw your requests are open for fluff and I love your writing and have an idea currently plaguing my mind if you are interested (but no worries if not!) 🩵
There’s this girl on tiktok who does rejection therapy where she makes little requests to strangers with the expectation of being denied, but sometimes the outcome is super sweet. I think it would be cute for a kinda shy reader to be doing rejection therapy and ask Spencer (or any of the BAU) to like play rock paper scissors or hold their badge or something with the expectation of being rejected, only to be pleasantly surprised when she isn’t rejected
Spencer Reid x Fem! Reader Trope: Fluff! Just fluff w.c: 1.33k A/N: Slowly defrosting my request box purely for fluff. I do feel a bit rusty in writing again, it's a muscle I've forgotten to exercise on the daily. I am no chess player so I honestly don't know how to write a game. Anon, I hope this still lives up to your imagination! Main masterlist
Intermezzo. // Spencer Reid
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Hushed adult chatter and boisterous children’s laughter filled the greening park, once cold and barren from the winter past. The sun, as if still shy to take center stage, peeked behind a cloud of white curtains. Vibrant hues of picnic blankets scattered all over the green grass, books and wicker baskets keeping them from going with the windy breeze. 
Over the past few weeks, you’ve gotten comfortable in the new city you now call home. Bringing the tumbler of coffee against your moistened lips, the corners of your mouth lifted to form a soft smile, marveling from how far you’ve come. This city now contained your coffee shop down the block, your bookstore tucked between alleyways, and your park nestled in the middle of the bustling city. 
Your therapist was excited for this new chapter of your life, coaxing you to take baby steps away from your cocoon and enjoy what it had to offer. Filled with slight trepidation a few weeks ago, you sat on the exact same bench, back rod straight and hands wringing from the unknown when a group of men, ages of all varying degrees, had caught your eye. They were gathered under the shade from two great trees, seated and hunched over, playing various states of chess.
They kept to themselves, something you could relate to. As Saturdays and Sundays passed on, you found yourself wondering why there seemed to be no women or any newcomers, to be exact, that join in the fray. Do people not feel the draw? Is it only you who found them intriguing?
Movement caught the corner of your eye.
A new face walking towards the gaggle of men—or to be exact, hobbling towards with crutches under his armpits, to an unoccupied chess table. His eyes scanning along the throng of players before briefly looking down and tapping his uninjured foot to an inconspicuous beat.
You observed him with fascination and anticipation, wanting to see if any of the usual faces would join in on his table, allowing him to be absorbed into the otherwise impenetrable group.
Five minutes.
Then ten, the seat in front of him remained empty. 
You briefly wondered if you could do it—you weren’t after all bad at chess, being a past player in high school. Not that you won more than three competitions, joining the team was purely an excuse for extra credits and to get out of physical education. 
Could you do it?
Could you walk up to a complete male stranger and ask for a game?
Could you take the rejection that may come with it?
Gnawing on your lip, you found yourself moving closer and closer, steps quiet and hesitant but each shuffle ringing in your ear. His eyes, feeling the change in the wind and your upcoming presence, met yours—both wide-eyed and unsure.
He seemed to be just like you, a doe-eyed deer stepping out of their hiding for predators lying in the wait. A gust of breath escaped your lips, a measly amount of strength returning to your tightly strung body.
“H-hi,” you whispered. 
He blinked before clearing his throat. “Hi, how can I—” his gaze tracking the path of your gaze, the opposite black pieces on the chess board. “Do you, do you want to play?”
You timidly smiled. “If you’d have me, yes.” 
“Yes,” a smile forming on his face, hands fighting to push the wayward curls behind his pinking ears. “Of course, please.” 
Gingerly seating on the marbled seat, you muttered a ‘thank you’ under your breath, one you were sure he didn’t hear.
No words were exchanged further as he moved his white pieces with grace. It was a complete contrast to yours, rusty and unsure even to that moment as to what you were actually doing seating in front of a chess genius. That was who he was, you realized, as he ate another of your pawn. Perhaps this was why no one dared to occupy the seat. He was no outsider or meek prey, he was the king (or prince) and the predators of all chess enthusiasts in the group.
You could feel the heat from the gazes of the spectators, other tables long abandoned to view and scrutinize the eventual downfall of the challenger. Whispers of strategies under their breaths and shakes of their head as they predict the next thirty-seventh move. 
Briefly you wondered if you should just call it quits, wanting to hide from the pressure. But isn’t this a prime opportunity to take further steps away from your comfort zone? Isn’t that was your therapist would have wanted? Perhaps, you were expecting rejection in the beginning and now that you were in the thick of it, you wished that it had come instead. The sweet ‘no’ from his handsome stranger’s lips rather than feeling your nerves fray from the trap laid in front of you—a pawn in perfect position to take his queen on c1. 
“Would you like to take a break?” he asked, expecting his voice to be filled with mockery and superiority, but rather was coated with the sweet, worrying tone you’d expect from a doting grandmother. 
Shaking your head no, moving your king away from endangerment—g8 to h7. 
Your opponent smiled before quickly taking his turn with a pawn. 
The game continued on in such manner, give and take, between two strangers turned opponents. You could feel the end coming as his moves further stalled, now requiring the handsome stranger to assess the remaining pieces on the board to his gain. In turn, you studied him. 
The ends of his hair brushing against the middle of his long neck. Its’ roots sticking to his forehead, shiny from perspiration. Sleeves of his button down haphazardly folded to expose his forearm and one subtle vein that disappears and appears as he moves. You doubted he was any older but the underlying confidence brimming underneath his humility made you think he’d been exposed to the underbelly of the world, long before you did. 
Seven moves later, he flashed you another smile—bigger and more joyous than you’ve seen. “Draw.”
The spectators stilled into silence. A rarity, one of the older gentlemen whispered under their breath before everyone brought into an applause. 
It happened in a flash causing breath to be caught in your throat. You’ve done it. The game was over. You’ve gone above and beyond from what your therapist had asked you to do—her “rejection therapy” leading you to an unknown you couldn’t wait to explain.
“Good game,” he breathed out.
You nodded, watching as his right hand reached out in between, casting a shadow on his knocked over king. “Oh—” lifting your hands in front of you to act as a barrier. “I’m not much of a—the number of pathogens passed during a handshake—”
“Is staggering. It’s actually safer to kiss,” he continued on before chuckling to himself, hand still extended out regardless of the trivia being shared between you two. “Not that I’m saying we should but yeah, I’m not much of a ‘handshake-r’ myself.” 
Giggling, you slowly reached for his awaiting hand, giving him a way out before both palms met and fingers locked around it. 
It was warm, like the sun that was no longer hiding behind the curtain of clouds, like a tumbler of freshly brewed coffee made by your favorite barista. 
“I’m Spencer. Spencer Reid.”
Your cheeks heated. “Nice to meet you, Spencer Reid. I’m Y/N.”
Hands still firmly connected across the chess game long forgotten, both of you seemingly unwilling to let go of the physical connection.
He cleared his throat. “Would you like to play again sometime?”
“If you’d have me again, yes.” Briefly biting your lip before taking another brave step, creating another ‘rejection therapy’ moment. “Or we could have coffee or tea sometime?”
You waited with bated breath. 
The corners of his eyes crinkled and another breathtaking smile painted his face.
“I’d like that. I’d really like that.” 
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