#keep in mind these girls know me as the assistant county attorney
shirawords · 3 months
I figured out why none of the fanart of Coronabeth Tridentarius seems right to me, it's cuz she looks like my friend Audrey who sat two seats over from me in torts class my first semester of law school
Audrey is the second-most physically attractive person I've ever seen in my life (first place goes to my appropriately-named college friend Helen, who I know mostly from burlesque club) (it was a lot, guys) so I really understand where Gideon was coming from. Like if Audrey asked me to participate in an inadvisable sword fight against someone way more practiced than me I would totally do it
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onechicagorpf · 4 years
Equal Justice Under Law
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader (Prosecutor)
Requested? Yes -  Are you still accepting requests? If you are can you do one where the reader is a prosecutor and working a case alongside intelligence. She gets in trouble and jay is the one to save her?
Warnings: Mentions of sexual abuse and murder. Swearing, the usual cuss words.
A/N: Okay so this is HELLA long. I really meant for all my requests to be blurbs (i.e. short fics) so please note that future requests will probably be much shorter than this! I just got carried away on this one! 😅
Also I realise the anon asked for the reader to be working alongside Intelligence, but in mine she’s kinda taking over after the police case is done, which is what happens in the episodes of Chicago Justice most of the time so that’s what I had it my head - hope y’all still like it! I also tried to switch it up this time and write in past tense, which I realise is sooo not my thing because I kept instinctively writing stuff in present tense and then having to go back and change it lol Let me know if you have a preference one way or another because I’m very curious as to how people feel about this! 
Up next? 3 more  Jay x Reader requests to fill!
PS: Send me asks/messages/leave a note if you liked this and want to see more!
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You sighed, dropping your face in your hands. Some days, you wished you hadn’t taken up the job as the Cook County Assistant State's Attorney. The late nights and high stress situations sucked, but more than that your job had a way of bringing to light the worst things about humanity.
Looking down at your desk, you ran your fingers across the scattered pictures. Amelia Langstrom, age 16. Pamela Park, age 18. Lacey McDonald, age 19. Julia Sanderson, age 15. Maggie Thane, age 16. Every photo of the girls, smiling at the camera, came with another one. This other photo wasn’t as well-lit, as happy, as pretty. It was an emotionless, clinical photo taken of their naked bodies, covered with injuries and bruises and cuts, surrounded by leaves or trash depending on where they were dumped.
It was an awful, awful thing. 5 young girls, all missing for over a week before their bodies were found. All with signs of sexual assault, yet no DNA left behind to trace back to the killer. All of this, by itself, would be enough to turn your stomach over. Which it did, but above that, watching your boyfriend come home every night with his head down, shoulders sagging, looking completely distressed as he and his team were no closer to finding the perpetrator of these crimes…it was terrible.
“You guys will get him. I know you will, Jay.” You said, brushing his dark brown hair out of his eyes as the two of you laid in bed together. Your boyfriend’s green eyes, usually bright and full of life, were dark and distant in a way you hadn’t seen in a long time.
“How many more girls does he have to kill before we find him?” Jay whispered, not even looking at you, as his frown - one that seemed to have made itself at home in his forehead over the last two weeks - deepened.
It was a week later when Anna Valdez, your second chair, knocked on your door. Her face was dark, and her lips were tight.
“Another girl?” You asked, your voice cracking.
Anna shook her head. “Intelligence got the guy.” She replied, still looking troubled.
You frowned, tilting your head at her. She paused, crossing her arms across her chest, trying to shrink herself. Like as if she didn’t want to say the next words. You stood up, now beginning to fear what was coming.
“What is it?”
Anna swallowed. “They’re saying he confessed.”
“Jay - ”
“You don’t believe me?! Seriously?!” Jay’s eyes were wide with outrage on the other side of your desk.
“It’s not about whether I believe you! It’s about - ” You lowered your voice, remembering that there were many, many people who were working right outside your office. “ - it’s about the fact that Voight is saying this guy confessed. Hank Voight. He’s not exactly a shrinking violet. And all this on top of the fact that - ”
Jay opened his mouth to cut in, but you silenced him with a raised hand and bulldozed onward.
“ - On top of the fact that there just so happened to be no one else in the room with Voight when Dylan Rhodes confessed? Hmm? And it happened in a - in a cage that’s in basement of your district? No cameras, no audio, no video?” You glared at Jay, barely hiding the seething rage that was boiling under your skin. You leaned across the desk, shoulders tight, voice now raised without a care about what anyone outside was going to hear. “Not to mention he’s got cuts and bruises all over his face from ‘resisting arrest’ even though he’s a 20 year old who’s maybe 120 pounds soaking wet and there were seven of you cops, all armed with guns when you went to arrest him!” You yelled, flinging several of Dylan Rhodes’ mugshots across the table, some of them flying all the way over to hit Jay’s body and land at his feet.
There was nothing in the air but the soft whirring of the ceiling fan, and the squeaking of wheels as you dropped back into your chair, exhausted.
Jay called your name, his voice different now - softer and sweeter. You tried not to look at him, tried to let him know just how angry you were…but you weren’t angry at him. Not really. You were angry at the man he worked for. When your eyes connected back with Jay’s, you could see that he knew that. He placed his palms on your desk and leaned towards you.
“You know that I have issues with Hank sometimes, with the way he does things. You know that. But Y/N, you gotta believe me on this one. I looked in that kid’s eyes. I know he did this.” Jay whispered, and you ducked your head, letting your vision graze over the one remaining photo of Dylan Rhodes on your desk.
You just sighed. Looking back up at him, you shook your head.
“It’s not about him, Jay. I know he did it too, I can feel it. But if I’m putting him away, it needs to happen the right way.” You offered, your voice almost didactic.
Jay’s jaw clenched. “Needs to happen the right way, or not at all?” He straightened, pulling away from you. The look he was giving you was one that you could only describe as fervent disapproval. Like he hated what he was seeing in you.
You decided you were done with the argument. Leveling Jay with a cold, emotionless stare, you spoke.
“Yeah. Because there’s some of us who still believe in the law. Who choose to serve and protect in the right way.”
The words spilled out of your mouth so matter-of-factly that they became so harsh. Jay was speechless, and in the beat of silence that followed, you regretted your words.
Your door opened and you jumped, too absorbed in your tête-à-tête with Jay to even give notice to the outside world. Anna looked over you and Jay - who was staring at his feet, jaw tight - with concern in her eyes.
“What is it?” You asked Anna for the second time in a day, just as terrified as the first time.
“Defense counsel just filed a motion to suppress the confession.”
“Mr Howard, if you’re ready we can begin - ”
“Sorry to interrupt, your honour, but it won’t be necessary.” You announced, standing up in the courtroom. Everyone’s eyes were on you, even the court stenographer’s.
The judge raised his eyebrows.
“The People will not object to Mr Howard’s motion to suppress the defendant’s confession.” You said, and a flurry of excitement broke out in the gallery - reporters shouting questions, members of the public yelling, camera flashes going off.
“So,” Anna began, facing you as you stopped to grab a cup of water from a dispenser in the hallway. It’d taken about five whole minutes of gavel banging by the judge to settle everyone down, before she dismissed the session. “Your boyfriend and some of his coworkers are at the end of the hallway, and they keep shooting us looks but no one’s coming.”
You tipped the paper cup into your water, swallowing the ice cold water, flinching a little at the tingly sensation it left in your mouth.
“Do you want to go the other way, or do you want to go talk to them? To him?” Anna asked, softly. If anyone else had been saying it, you would’ve snapped at them to mind their own business. But it’s Anna - Anna, who from day one has been by your side, who’s practically made it her mission to be the person you count on.
You shot Anna a gentle smile, squeezing her shoulder. “I’m good. I’ll take the south exit. Meet you back at the office after lunch?” Anna nodded, trying but failing to hide the concern in her eyes.
Side-stepping her, you walked down the hallway, away from where Jay and the rest of Intelligence must be gathered. A part of you hoped, strangely, that he’d come after you, even though you knew that there was no way he wouldn’t be pissed at you. You’d been with him long enough to know how he operated. How he felt everything so intensely, how he was wired through the heart. Jay lived and died by his instincts and his emotions, and there was something to be said about the simplicity of it. The man was a soldier, and maybe in war you didn’t have the time to think about procedure and precedent, about the sharp edges of red tape and the rules and regulations in a bureaucracy. The cosmetic battles didn’t matter to him – he didn’t care what something seemed like, he cared what it was.
But you weren’t Jay. You loved him, but you were not him. You weren’t a soldier - you were a lawyer, and your battle was in the courtroom, not Afghanistan. And in the courtroom, almost just as much as what something was mattered, what it looked like mattered too.
Dylan Rhodes had to be brought to justice, yes. But it had to be done the right way, not by way of coerced or falsified confessions. Equal justice under law was what you swore to uphold, and damn Voight if he thought you couldn’t put Dylan away while doing your job the right way. And damn Jay too, then.
“So, how’s the case coming along?” Will Halstead asked, pouring maple syrup over his waffles.
You leaned against the red leather seats in the diner, in an example of truly terrible posture. Shrugging, you answered him: “You know I can’t really talk about that.”
Will scoffed, picking up a fork and knife. “I think you’re allowed to tell me how you’re doing.”
You raised at eyebrow at the doctor, a smile starting to creep onto your face. “But those aren’t the exact words you used, and you actually asked me something completely different - ”
Will threw his hands in the air:‌ “Okay, we get it, you’re a lawyer and I shouldn’t argue with you.” He rolled his eyes exaggeratedly, and you laughed, leaning forward to swat at his arm.
“Really, though.” Will said eventually, and you just nodded. “I’m feeling good. I think I’ve got motive, and I think I can get him to snap if I put him on the stand.”
Will smiled wide. “Attagirl.”
As you sipped your coffee, you kept going over your question in your head, trying to find the best way to phrase it. But just like his brother, Will could practically read your mind.
“Jay’s…you know how he is.” Will said, in a gentle tone.
“Stubborn, adamant, refuses to think he’s wrong about anything, ever?” You shot back in a grouchy tone, and Will raised his eyebrows. “Wow, you just said the same thing three ways - you must be pretty pissed!” He commented dryly, and you glared at him. Chuckling, Will waved you off before leaning across the diner table. “Y/N, he knows he shouldn’t have pushed you the way he did. He knows that. And he’s sorry.”
“He can’t come say that to me? Send me a message, come by my office, come home? He’s still gotta crash on your couch?” You shook your head, struggling to contain the hurt in your voice.
Will shot you a sympathetic look. “You know us Halstead boys; it takes a little while before the mea culpa can come out of our mouths.”
You stirred the spoon in your coffee, watching the little bits of foam go round and round and round, before dragging your spoon across in the opposite direction. The foam still swirled around a few times before stopping. Too slow.
“My bed’s been empty for a week, Will. I miss him.”
Will didn’t say anything; the good doctor just slid over a piece of tissue, and that was when you realised you’d started crying.
“You’ve got this.” Anna whispered, as the defense attorney took his seat. The judge turned to you and called for you to make your closing argument.
This was usually your favourite part - getting to talk directly to the jury, showing them the facts of your case, walking them through every step of the process with all the detail in the world so that they could get to the conclusion that you knew to be true.
But today was different. You shoved your hands in your pockets to hide that they were shaking. And when you looked over your shoulder at the gallery, you couldn’t see Jay.
He’d never missed any of your closing arguments. Ever.
Until today.
“Ms Y/L/N? Can we begin?” The judge tossed a concerned look your way.
Your eyes landed on Dylan Rhodes, who was smirking at you like he’d won.
Smiling back, you calmly turned to the judge. “Let’s begin.”
Starting from Dylan’s teenage years, where he racked up countless misconduct records in high school for all sorts of problems, you traced the development of this man, this awful human being. You painted a portrait of him as needy, sad, and lonely, and connected that to his need to hurt and attack girls who were otherwise unattainable for him. As you spoke, you could see the jury process your words and go where you were taking them.
Dylan had, by this point, dropped the cocky smirk. Instead, his face was red, his jaw was clenched, and veins were popping in his neck. You knew you had him - you knew it was over.
“Members of the jury - I have just one final request to ask of you. Today, you have the opportunity to see that justice is served to a man who more than deserves it. A man - a boy, who decided that raping and killing girls was the only way he could live with himself, because that was the only way he could have these girls.” You paused, turning to look at Dylan, who was shaking with rage.
“A boy who decided to hurt girls to cover up the fact that he is so weak, and so pathetic.” You punctuated the tense air in the courtroom with words so sharp they felt like the final nail in Dylan Rhodes’ coffin.
There was a moment of bliss, you knew you’d done your job, you knew you’d brought the jury over, you knew you’d succeeded - but just as quickly as things came together, it all came crashing down.
It happened so quickly - Dylan roared, lunging over the table towards you. Everyone started screaming, and you froze in shock and in fear.
The bailiff intercepted Dylan on his way over to you and tackled him to the ground. It all seemed settled for a second, but they kept struggling on the ground, and all you saw was Dylan’s hands reaching around the bailiff’s and - and his fingers wrapping around - oh god - 
“Gun!” Anna yelled, and the release of that one syllable was followed immediately by a gunshot. And then another.
“You gonna talk to Y/N? She’s closing the Rhodes case today, you know?” Hailey Upton asked, lifting her feet up to place them on the dashboard of the GMC Sierra.
Jay shrugged, fiddling with the radio in his hand.
“This is the part where you use your words.” Hailey remarked in a slightly sarcastic tone, smiling and Jay just shot her a look. Reaching over, he shoved her feet off the dash petulantly, and Hailey laughed.
Moments later, she turned back, cheek pressing against the headrest of her seat. “Jay.” She said, her tone gentle but still a little pushy. It was what he needed then, and she knew it. The last few days had been tough on him - he hadn’t talked to her about it, other than updating her that he was staying over at Will’s, but his entire demeanour was off - he’d been down and depressed.
Jay shrugged again, frowning. “I don’t know what to say. I screwed up, and I know it and she knows it and - I don’t know. I’m starting to think…” Jay ducked his head, eyes scanning his fingers as they traced the outlines of his radio. “…starting to think maybe she can do better than me, you know?” When he finished, his voice was much lower, much softer than it was when he began.
“Oh, she can definitely do better than you.” Hailey grinned, her dimples showing and Jay just reached across, punching her shoulder. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding,” Hailey chuckles, before turning to face her partner again.
“Seriously though, I’ve seen the way she looks at you - that girl is one hundred percent in love with you.”
Jay’s heart felt full hearing that, and he knew it to be true, too.
“So get your shit together, stop sleeping on your brother’s couch, go back to her and apologise for being an idiot.” Hailey advised. Before Jay could say anything, his radio went off.
“10-1, 10-1, shots fired at the Third Municipal District, hall 5! Dispatch, get Intelligence on the scene now!”
“Isn’t that where - ” Hailey started to ask, frowning. She didn’t have to finish her question, because she got her answer when Jay, who suddenly went as pale as a ghost, turned on the lights and sirens and floored it.
“Dylan…just - think about this, okay?”
Your hands were out in front of you, shaking.
Dylan Rhodes was about 10 feet from you, with a gun in his hand. The gallery had cleared out and the people on the jury had managed to escape to their deliberation room, separated from the courtroom with a thick wooden door. The only people who were left with you and Dylan were the judge, Anna and Mr Howard.
Your eyes flickered down to where the bailiff laid in a pool of his own blood. Dylan had fired two shots straight through the bailiff’s chest. You didn’t need to be trained in medicine like your boyfriend’s brother to know that the bailiff was dead.
You’d said hi to him once, in an elevator. He’d smiled back, and asked you how your day was.
You can’t remember what you told him.
“You’re scared now, aren’t you?” Dylan asked, and you snapped back to him. He had a deranged smile on his face.
“Dylan, please, it doesn’t have to be like this - ” You started speaking, but the judge - Judge Kinnaman - cut you off.
“Son, I swear if you don’t drop that gun now, you will never see the light of day. I will personally ensure that.” Judge Kinnaman’s voice resounded in the empty courtroom with authority. Dylan turned to him, gun following his line of sight.
“Fuck you.” Dylan punctuated his words with a squeeze of the trigger. Anna screamed, and you heard a loud thump. When you turned over your shoulder, you couldn’t see Judge Kinnaman at his seat behind the counter anymore - all you saw was blood splatter on his chair and the wood behind him.
The numbness you’d felt until this point suddenly gave way to waves upon waves of fear. It felt like a chill going down your spine - your body was cold, your mind was racing, and you were absolutely terrified.
“Dylan - Dylan, listen to me.” Jon Howard, the defense attorney, spoke softly from the defense table. “Just - just put the gun down, okay?”
Dylan’s eyes practically went red with rage. “You - you fucking…you’re useless, you’re pathetic, you know that?” Dylan swings back around, yelling at you and Anna. “He asked me to make a deal! A deal! What kind of a shitty lawyer gives up before he even tries to win, huh?!” He yelled at Jon, spit flying out of his mouth. Jon flinched, leaning back as Dylan moved closer to him.
Suddenly, a voice on loudspeaker boomed from outside the closed doors of the courtroom.
“Dylan Rhodes! This is Jay Halstead of the Chicago Police Department. We have the courtroom surrounded!”
Your knees almost buckled as you heard Jay’s voice. Relief flooded your veins, but you were still scared as you watched Dylan suddenly turn around, eyes wide.
“We do not want you or anyone in there to get hurt, okay? Just let the people in there come out, and I swear I will help you.” Jay finished, and Dylan just grabbed his head in his hands.
“No, no, no, no!” Dylan whispered to himself, tears springing out of his eyes. You turned to Anna, both of you equally terrified. Suddenly, Dylan raised his head, almost like a lion that had suddenly spotted a gazelle over the lines of grass.
Dylan surged towards you. Screaming, you flattened yourself against the witness stand, but it was to no avail - Dylan’s left hand grabbed your throat, and he pulled you to him, turning you so that you were in front of him, his left forearm like a bar going across your neck. You felt the cool metal of the gun against your temple, and you gasped.
“I have a hostage! I’m coming out, and I want everyone to stand back!” Dylan barked, before walking you to the door. You were shaking against him, tears streaming down your face at this point. The pressure of the gun against your head seemed to be drilling into you. As you reached the door, and Dylan instructed you to open it, all you could think about was that at least you’d get to see Jay before you died today.
The door opened with a loud creak, and you were stunned to see so many fully uniformed police officers with assault rifles standing right outside. Per Dylan’s instructions, they were all standing back, but still it was absolutely terrifying seeing all those guns pointed at you.
Your eyes immediately found Jay, who had his head tilted, looking down the sight on his rifle but the moment Dylan had brought you out, he picked his head up. His mouth was open slightly, his eyes were wide and wet, and he looked to be completely distraught.
Seeing him finally after days apart…it made every argument you’d ever had feel so inconsequential. You were so full of love for him and the only thing you wanted to do was run, run to him and wrap your arms around him. Unable to do any of that, you just mouthed “I love you” as you tried to hold back sobs.
“I want a car, and - and I want a - a jet fueled at O’Hare!” Dylan shouted.
Jay just shook his head. “You need to let her go first, alright?”
Dylan tightened his hold on you. “I’m not a fucking idiot!”
“We know that, okay?” Hailey spoke up, from a few feet to the right of Jay. “We don’t think you’re an idiot. We just want to make sure you don’t do anything you don’t want to do.” She said, putting her rifle down. Raising her hands, she took a couple of steps towards Dylan, who at this point had completely turned to face her.
“No - no, I don’t want you to move! Just - just stay where you are!” Dylan snapped, his voice raging. Your heart was beating so loudly that you could almost hear it in your ears. Closing your eyes, you just prayed silently.
“I know you don’t want to hurt her. So let’s just make sure - ” Hailey spoke gently, but Dylan cut her off, laughing sharply.
“You stupid bitch! You’re all stupid bitches! Damn right I want to hurt her! This bitch - ” Dylan shouted, pulling in his forearm, the immense pressure against your neck strangling you, “ - called me pathetic! I’m gonna show her how fucking pathetic she is when I get her somewhere alone and I - ”
A loud bang goes off, and you jumped. Your eyes flew open just in time to feel Dylan sag against you, and you instinctively leaned out of the way so that he fell to the ground. 
Arms wrapped around you, and your first reaction was to flinch, to scream, to turn with eyes wide, trying to claw away from whoever it is. But then you heard his voice.
“Baby! Baby - it’s me, it’s Jay!” Your boyfriend’s eyes were wide and teary. His eyebrows were furrowed deeply, and he looked like he was in pain.
Everything clicked in your head.
“Jay,” You moaned, shaking fingers clutching his vest as you engulfed yourself in him. Jay’s arms wrapped around you tightly and you soaked in his scent, his warmth, his safety. Sobbing into his neck, you refused to let go, still not really believing this to be real. Jay didn’t say anything for a while and you weren’t sure why. But then you heard him crying into your hair, and you pulled back to see him. His eyes were wet, pooling with tears, and you immediately brought your hands up to hold his face. Jay leaned down as you got on your tip toes and you kissed, wet and soft and scared. Jay’s hands cradled your face, and when the two of you eventually split to breathe, you just looked up at him, speechless, shaking your head.
“I’m so sorry,” Jay whimpered.
“It’s okay. We’re okay. Just - just come home, please,” You begged, running your thumb over his jaw.
“Of course. Of course. I’m never leaving you like that again, okay? No matter what. Y/N, I love you so much. When he came out with you - I - I almost died right where I stood.” Jay told you as his face contorted into something painful. You pressed your lips to his again, quick and chaste. Pulling back, you smiled up at him.
“I love you too, Jay.”
The rest of the day was a mess - the cops moved Dylan’s body, as well as the bailiff’s and Judge Kinnaman’s, while paramedics cleared you medically. You flung yourself at Anna when they brought her out, swearing to her that you were okay and asking repeatedly if she was fine. The two of you held on to each other, crying, as Jay kept rubbing your back. In fact, he never left your side, not even for a second. After you were done giving your statement, Jay took you home, and the two of you got undressed and sat in a warm bath together for a while. You kept thinking at times that you were fine, but then you’d remember the feeling of the gun against your head, or the way the bailiff slumped over, and you started crying again. Jay brought his arms around you, pulling you to his chest and peppering your face with kisses as he soothed you.
At night, you curled into each other. The two of you drifted asleep, in the safety and warmth of your embrace.
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gavinrutherforda · 3 years
Those factors, combined with the Great Depression, proved to be more than Falk could endure.
Those factors, combined with the Great Depression, proved to be more than Falk could endure. 3. The district attorney''s office spent five days in court in September and October building a case against Pastor Lusk. Everything has to be a lot nike jean jacket more balanced. Three days before I went away he noticed that I was depressed, and he became so depressed himself that it made him ill, and — would you believe it — to divert my mind he proposed taking tickets for the theatre! . You are to be faithful and honest to your masters and mistresses, not purloining or wasting their goods or substance, but showing all good fidelity in all things.... John Connor in this movie is like Batman without the costume or the character development. These risks and uncertainties are detailed neve e sale amazonin the reports filed with the SEC including forms 8 K, 10 K and
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10 Q.. There is also not a lot of traction on the outsole this also makes it just right for the type. But as the two women climbed out of the car, a man emerged from the shadows of the Federal Building across Hancock Avenue, walking quickly toward them. Clary started in Traverse City Ultimate's spring league this year. The wine, she told herself. 4586. Sometimes we turned the ordinary people we were there to defend into targets simply by our presence. It seems to me something like the anguish of people who are afraid of the dead. "Beverly, Scott and Brad bring to their new positions a wide range of skills and experience in leadership, engineering and program management," said Shanahan. In August of 2009, the brand was strengthened when the franchisor, CK Franchising, Inc. Let's see what happens in the first 2 games but I think he should now be back in to mentor this side that now has little international experience.. New visitors and regular customers alike usually go for something more normal from the eatery's massive menu. Join acclaimed Boston magician and mentalist Mlis for a special evening of astonishing magical effects, comedic fun, mind bending mind reading, and a mysterious spirit sance a common theatrical practice from Bryant's era. The author desires to express her thanks particularly to those legal gentlemen who have given her their assistance and support in the legal part of the discussion. 25 and 26, in Webb Theatre of St. And if this early shot of Summer isn't a disco duro externo pita welcomed sightrest assured the 60s may stick around for a day or two. Nash shot into the empty net. “We all must choose,” she proclaimed. Cersei had torn up the first shift they gave her, demanding the return of her own clothes, but that only left her naked and shivering. Moths had been at them too. My enemies are legion. Kwinton Estacio arrives for the start of his court marshal at Lackland Air Force Base. They see it as a problem we are not.Poland doctor found not guilty of more serious homicide chargePoland doctor found not guilty of more serious homicide chargeUpdated: Wednesday, July 19 2017 2:44 PM EDT2017 07 19 18:44:27 GMTDr. The shoe I tried was size 11, but I felt that I could have taken zimski delavski kombinezon a half size down. Blair are engaged in this good work (of enlightening the negroes) systematically and constantly in Mississippi.” The former clergyman batteria ai polimeri di litio amazon is characterized as an “aged and indefatigable father.” “His success in enlightening the negroes has been very great. That was supposed to be the easy part.. The Canucks have dropped four in a row, they impressive early season form has meant that the losing streak hasn dropped them too far down the standings.. The Manderlys ran from the south once, hounded from their lands and keeps by enemies. He had stolen, killed, raped. JADEJA along with ASHWIN can play sensible as well as firing cricketing shots. Joey is the easiest target but it is clear there is chemistry in the room between she and Lenny. Could possibly call it baseball. The screws should be holding the index cards in place now.. “First to fly the battle, he was. We are fighting shrubbery, Asha thought as she slew a man who had more leaves on him than most of the surrounding trees. Last fall, they made an even more interesting discovery: a loaded 1840s Colt revolver. The fact that your vehicle needs to be checked regularly can be repeated every time, because it is just that important. You geci de fas dama scurte could tell from his manner and speech that he had probably been partaking of the local "white lightning" that the county was known for. The Schroeders started with their own table biciclete pret of curios. It doesn't hurt that Redner's is employee owned, giving employees an extra incentive to take care of the customers.. She’d such fair hair in those days, all fluffy. Natasha will help us. Seattle, WA. Before you know it, the Millennials batteria ai polimeri di litio amazon will be sharing and distributing information about your and your brand.. Boys, girls, gold, whatever you want, if you’re man enough to take it. I know that he did so much of the work there and put so much of his time into developing it and making it work. Boston, San Antonio and Houston were also chasing Bogut hard, hoping the 7 foot center could bring his gritty defensive chops and slick passing to bolster their playoff hopes. “Even the smallest scratch can prove mortal, lord Captain, but if you will allow me, I will heal this. Rowand. To sum up his brief and frequently futile plea for foot health: Humans are meant to walk heel to toe, with the leg at about a 90 degree angle to the foot and the ankle joint employing a 60 degree range of motion during normal daily activities. In 2011, the number jumped to 3.9. The residence offers a bay view and is priced at $1.498 million.. You should be ashamed of yourselves for passing any judgement about this mom parenting abilities. And to be that in touch with yourself and your deepest emotions is nothing short of an endless romance.. It’s true. You want to promote a healthy way of living for yourself, your children, your family, and your friends. That's what young people do whatever the old people complain about them bikes btt usadas doing. Together, the three consultants helped build the Cooksey Council between 1985 and 1988, considered by some to be one of the strongest environmental councils in city history (others remember it as the council which approved more suburban development than any other council in history). Perhaps the biggest concern for the Greyhound D is losing shortstick d middies Pat Laconi and Kyle Duffy. The hair beneath her arms went next, then her legs, and last of all the fine golden down that covered her mound. !st of all, what about out the unfounded "separation of Church and State" the liberals have hung their hats on for so long to insist Government not Churches can do the job better than Churches, when it comes to education, social services and aid to the poor or disabled. Poor old man! From the first line one could tell what and to whom he was writing.
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words-and-seeds · 5 years
🖊 i want to have a few sentence summaries of each oc you have and what fandom they’re for!!
Lawd have mercy, this is An Ask. I have so many babies. This is going behind a cut because it will be long.
🖊  - Del is my original deputy, born out of taking one look at Joseph and having the “oh no, he’s hot” reaction. Plus, Joseph as a character gives my heart a boner, so I had to do an oc to love up on him. She is the epitome of chaotic good. She only joined the sheriff’s department to pay the bills and because childhood bff Staci Pratt did. When they’re together, they have to share three braincells between them. They’re always getting into stupid shenanigans.
🖊  - April was my second. She’s a surgeon/child prodigy/was in medical school at age 16. She’s a little emotionally cold because of her background - emotionally neglectful parents, going right into a physically abuse marriage. She has three children from that marriage, and she moved to Hope County after being blackmailed asked by John Seed. She owed him a favor from when he was still John Duncan. She sees to the overall health and wellness of the Peggies - she does so many stitches, you guys. So many - and is also responsible for overseeing their medical supplies.
🖊 - Mavra is my captain, and she’s a stone cold badass. You know the phrase, “she would kill you as soon as look at you?” Well, Mav would much rather kill you than look at you. She’s the longtime partner (as in before the bombs even dropped) of Thomas Rush, and the mother of his daughter Mila. She is also pregnant during the events of FCND, but that comes out later (and I headcanon that baby will be a SuperBaby tm because of Eden’s Gift). As the Shepherd, she moves her children to New Eden and tries her best to get the two communities to cooperate, because they either all live together or die separately.
🖊 - Uli is another non-deputy oc. He’s an assistant district attorney in Missoula, and not really aware of the problems developing in Hope County. All he knows is he keeps getting files coming across his desk of people being arrested for serious crimes and represented by a lawyer who graduated from an ivy league school. This intrigues him and he decides to do a little digging. That’s how he meets John and it’s hate at first sight. It’s also lust at first sight and they end up hatefucking quite a lot. That is, until they both catch feelings. 
🖊 - Jessie is my main rdr2 girl. She’s pretty much a self insert into rdo who travels all around with her posse (her fam) doing jobs as the need strikes. She’s chaotic neutral. Killing, kidnapping, and destruction of property, right alongside rescues and recovery of property. She is a bounty hunter, again, as the need strikes. She’s happiest hunting and searching out treasures, and she avoids other people like the plague. That is, until she gets ambushed by a bunch of O’Driscolls and is assisted by one Arthur Morgan (as in, he’s riding through the aftermath and shoots the last remaining guy right before she sticks a hunting knife in his neck). Since she’s separated from her posse for the time being, she accepts his offer of safe harbor with the VDL gang.
🖊 - Lovisa is my other one. She’s a Swedish transplant into Saint Denis and she’s a doctor. At least, she practices medicine, even if the stupid rich old men on nob hill refuse to acknowledge her. She’s protected from charges of quackery charges by grateful patients who would otherwise be turned away from “decent” hospitals and doctors. She lives in a slum and is mostly paid in food, but at least she eats well.
🖊 - Evaline is my last rdr2 oc (so far). She’s got kind of a sketchy background right now because she’s so new, but so far I know that she was abandoned by her parents at a train station. There wasn’t an orphanage or anything she could go to, but she was taken in by the owner of a hotel in exchange for cleaning and helping out around the place. As long as she minded her Ps and Qs and avoided a beating, it wasn’t a bad life. She works as a bath girl now, and she hoards her money in a sack under her bed. As soon as she has enough saved for a decent horse, she’s going to ride out of town and never look back.
🖊 - Berenice is my FO4 baby. And boy, is she dealing with a lot. She did not cope well with the initial events of the game and spent most of the time internally screaming. But she pulls up her big girl stockings, gathers her group of ragtags, and turns into a capable leader. She and Danse totally get it on.
🖊 - Foxtrot-5 is my exo hunter. She’s a Gunslinger who travels The Way of A Thousand Cuts. She’s a bi disaster, or bisaster. She has a crush on Zavala, and it’s honestly embarrassing for everyone involved. EVERYONE. Ultra reliant on her ghost, Sammy, to curb her dumber ideas. Cayde-6 was her best friend. She was wounded on Titan in a Hive nest and it took hours before she died and could be resurrected. It was very traumatic for her and Sammy, and she hasn’t been quite the same since. He’s afraid she might need to be rebooted, but he doesn’t want to lose her. Who knows what Foxtrot-6 will be like. She took off for the Tangled Shore as soon as they announced they were looking for a Hunter Vanguard.
🖊 - Neza is my awoken warlock. She’s a Voidwalker following the Attunement of Fission. She’s a Gensym scribe, a member of the Praxic Order with the Cormorant Seal, and she is married to Banshee-44. They’ve been together for like 80 years, since he was Banshee-15, and they’re very happy, tyvm. She is the apprentice of Asher Mir - whether he likes it or not, she’s not going to let all that knowledge die with him. She was furious after the Pyramidion debacle and barely spoke to him for like three years. He pretended to love it, but missed his “assistant”.
🖊 - Lia is my human titan. She’s a Striker and follows the Code of the Missile and is a little punch happy. She and her strike team mainly hang out on Nessus and keep the remnants of the Red Legion and the Vex from causing too much trouble. She is the: Captain, Godslayer, Iron Lord, Young Wolf, Hivebane, Kingslayer, Crota’s End, Rivensbane, Shadow of Earth, MMXIX, VIP #2014, etc etc etc. She’s lost track of her titles, thinks they’re a bit stupid really, but she has an overactive sense of duty and she rushes into a fight without really thinking it through. She is currently working for the Praxic Order to take down The Drifter, and she might be a teensy weensy bit compromised. But he better keep away from her ghost.
🖊 - Ursella Cousland is my Hero of Ferelden. I think we’re all very familiar with the Cousland background by now. She tried to honor her parents by using their teaching in all of her dealings, like when to be diplomatic and when to solve a problem with a knife. Dual wield rogue. She marries Alistair and becomes Queen of Ferelden and lives happily ever after. Let me ended it there, bioware you assholes
🖊 - Marilyn Hawke is the Viscountess of Kirkwall. Purple Hawke, my dudes. Another rogue here (I have a type, okay.) Fenris is her boo. Anders critical because, I as her creator, find Anders repulsive. She definitely kills him in the end. As much as she would love to, she is no longer able to follow Fenris around on his adventures. She gets stuck in the Fade, but you bet your ass she’ll be out and ready to kick Fen’Harel’s ass in jig time.
🖊 - Adelais Trevelyan was my first Inquisitor. As the youngest daughter of many, many siblings, she feels like she has quite large shoes to fill. Dedicated Andrastian. I headcanon that she was basically starting from scratch, combat wise. She’s would much rather be curled up with a book than out drilling in the snow. Cassandra definitely has to chase her down for training, but they bond over smutty literature. She’s reliant on Vivienne to keep her from embarrassing herself with her country bumpkin ways. They’re the land rich cash poor kind of nobility. She’s related to like…everyone. Family members all over the place. She’s madly in love with Cullen.
🖊 - Haletelbana (Bana) Lavellan is obvs my Elven inkie. I know they say the Lavellan clan roams the Free Marches, but I decided to make canon my bitch and say they were a desert clan based in the Western Approach. She joins Dorian in bitching whenever she gets cold. Eventually they just decide to share a bedroll for the warmth anytime they’re anywhere the temperature drops below sweltering. She sees the ocean for the first time in the Storm Coast and falls in love. Stupid sexy Solas breaks her heart. She also puts Briala in a position of power fuck you Celene
The Arcana
I blame @pabstbeerpussy for this.
🖊 - Sadb (pronounced Sayv) is the name of my apprentice. I don’t have much of a backstory for her yet, but she and Asra are in every kind of love it’s possible to be in, okay? Her familiar is a red panda named Batsa.
I have more, but I think this has gone on more than long enough, plus tumblr has already crashed once. But I’m always happy to scream about my babies!
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wilderun · 6 years
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I am horrified and disgusted to have to share this, but EVERY avenue has been attempted by the most experienced people in the community since mid last year, to no effect. In a last-ditch effort, this situation has now been made public in hopes of preventing people from supporting this breeder by purchasing puppies (of which she has 3 litters planned for this year). PLEASE do not message/harass this person, as I said the best of the WDC have been trying to no success. I am sharing George Stapleton & Sara Movahedi’s experiences here.
George: “This post is about a dire situation for Wolfdogs in Cherokee County Texas, and may be one of the hardest things I have ever had to do…
Let me tell you what we experienced….nothing could have prepared me for what I saw and felt at Lynn Savage’s place. For years I had heard the stories, going back to the mid 90’s about how bad it was out there. I never took much stock in it and assumed others would deal with whatever was going on out there if there were a need. I mean how bad could it be? Little did I know. 
I was approached by some folks in July of last year and they wanted my help placing Lynn’s animals. It was never going to be that simple and it still is by no means, that simple. They sent me pics and told me their experiences and I said I would help and even tried to get out there but could not at the time. Fast forward to the end of August and I was getting ready to go to the Pawty at FMF and I get a call. Jimmy Mantel has become a very good friend of mine and this is what has happened to us, others were involved initially, and they can say who they are if they want. Jimmy calls me and says, Lynn has had a stroke and now the need to place her animals is urgent. The reason the animals needed placement goes way beyond Lynn having a stroke, the neglect and abuse I saw was systemic and comes from years of those behaviors. Enclosures knee deep with bones and feces as well as some puppy skeletons, containments that are hardly standing, water green with weeks of algae, canines with so many fleas and ticks on them that one died. Dead canines in trash cans, and canines that died years ago in no longer working freezers. (Note from me: in addition, a dead canine’s decomposing body was used to block a breach in containment to prevent his mate from escaping) Pretty much the worst situation that an animal could have to endure. 
(pictured below, the remains of 3 dogs who were put into a freezer when they died)
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Some of this may have to do with Lynn’s choice of how to live, she is a hoarder, and, in my opinion, that is her choice. I saw everything that first trip and spent the better part of the 1st day feeding and cleaning water buckets and securing canines enclosures. I also did a physical assessment of each animal for rescue. At the time I had no idea where Jimmy and I were going to place them. Lynn had given Jimmy verbal permission to place the animals, she just had a stroke and knew it needed to happen. 
From the moment that Lynn went into the hospital, Jimmy drove 4 to 5 hours 3 times a week to feed and water Lynn’s animals. Those animals never ate so good and certainly by the end of 8 weeks of care he gave they did not look emaciated anymore. Before then we had the 2nd trip planned, and we were bringing out the folks from Wolf Connection in California and St. Francis Wolf Sanctuary in Texas to do their own assessments and help plan the rescue. The folks from those orgs spent a lot of time with us there and in the end agreed to take all the Wolfdogs. Jimmy and I had done it!! We found a place for all of them, USDA licensed facilities to boot, and they agreed to not make a shitshow in the press about it. Do you have any idea how hard that is? 
And then, Lynn said we could not save them, something happened to her at the hospital and only Lynn can tell you what, then she was released back into living in her dog kennel. So that stopped us in our tracks….for the next couple of months we tried offering Lynn money, we begged and pleaded, we went to the USDA and the County Attorney and Deputy Sheriffs and no one could make Lynn give her animals up or take them. It is now puppy season and she has 3 breeding pairs and intends to sell them. 
Here is the deal; that is not going to happen. I may not be able to save Lynn’s animals from the horrid place they are in, but I can damn well make sure everyone knows and does not buy from her. You want the proof, here are some pics. What do Jimmy and I want; we want you all to help Lynn understand the danger she is putting Wolfdogs, herself and her local community in; and to let us place her animals before something bad happens to her or the animals. Or you can find places for them, or you all can chip in and fix her enclosures and provide her an animal caretaker because even before the stroke she could not take care of her animals properly. 
For you old timers, it is time for this to end. For the new breed, please learn from our mistakes. We need to make sure that nothing like this ever happens again. You may ask who am I to pass judgement on Lynn Savage like this, all I can say is I am not the only one person that knows the truth. And I would never act on my own, not like this, not for something so serious. I have also been there and seen all of it, and I mean all of it as well as some others. I am worried about the Wolfdogs, how is she feeding them, does she change the water or just throw bleach in, what about the fact she cannot even get in the enclosures, what happens when puppies are born will they drown in the rain, how many Wolfdogs must die, what is it going to take for Lynn Savage to do the right thing?
Let these names burn into your brain as they have mine….Nootka and Sheeba, Ripley and Smokey, Ranger and Walks, and a very old girl with a broken leg or shoulder since at least August; Enya. I am haunted day and night by what I saw there, and it hurts my soul that Lynn will not see the truth and let me help. No animal should have to live like that and I am tired of knowing about it and being unable to save them….please help us, please help Jimmy and I save these animals.”
Sara Movahedi: “When this situation first came to my attention, Lynn agreed to let me find homes for some of the animals, and said she would let me take two pups she had left from an unplanned Smokey/Ripley litter to bring to our sanctuary here in Florida. I contacted some folks in Texas with knowledge of the situation to assist with the lows and dogs she had on property and had agreed to give up, since it made no sense for me to head up a rescue of that magnitude from several states away. None of these animals had ever seen a vet, none had been vaccinated, none had been altered. At some point in the first few days of discussion, Lynn changed her mind about letting us take the two babies, and said she would only allow one to leave... the little female. She wanted to keep the male (for breeding when he would be of age I’m assuming) and despite my pleas to keep them together and let us take them both, she refused. In the end, we were only able to save the little girl, but that one little life was still one less that had to endure those conditions. About Maya... Lynn didn’t pull them, and she wasn’t touched or handled until she was 4 weeks of age. After suffering some kind of accident involving the fence, Lynn took her and her brother out and placed them in a round pen (similar to a puppy play pen) with a GP pup she had acquired at some point. Maya and her brother were never bottle fed, instead, they went right from their mother to canned Pedigree at 4 weeks of age. As a result..... Maya was a tiny little ball of paralyzed fur. She literally wouldn’t move from the back of the crate during transport, and remained shut down during the days she was fostered by someone in Tx for us. I will let the transporter and the foster come forward if they wish, I won’t name them without their blessing. Maya was completely broken, and it was unlike anything I had ever seen in a 6-7 week old baby. For weeks, she remained isolated and distant from the other pups at the sanctuary. Her fear and insecurity about the world around her prevented her from playing, from interacting with our staff, or really doing anything a normal, healthy puppy that age would do. We were fortunate to find a social hc pup almost the same exact age as her, and brought him to the sanctuary in hopes of bringing her out of her shell a bit... but to illustrate how damaged and broken this baby was, her insecurities and fears instead made her social buddy become shy and slightly skittish just from being around her all the time... But with time, she has slowly started to play, and interact with other pups her age, but the damage is unmistakable when you see her and watch her with other animals. Her first few weeks at Lynn’s undeniably scarred her for life and that is something that she will always live with... my only regret is not being able to keep her and her brother together, and not being able to get the other animals out when we got her.”
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brownnesscrew · 7 years
Backstage at the Fantasy Springs Resort Casino in Indio, California, on May 23, 2015, J. was thrilled that her 19-year-old daughter’s music career was going to make a major leap forward from recording demos and performing at talent shows to the chance of stardom — thanks to the help of an R&B superstar.
“When we got to go backstage with R. Kelly, we stayed there over two hours,” said J. “One-on-one with just me and my daughter and him. We went back to talk about the music. He listened to her CD. He was going to help her with her CD, and I was really impressed with him at first, because I have always been an R. Kelly fan.”
J. said that Robert “R.” Kelly, who turned 50 in January, met her daughter backstage at a concert in Atlanta earlier that month. Soon enough, he’d invited her to fly out to the Indio concert on his dime. J. said she’d heard about past sexual misconduct accusations against Kelly, but wasn’t overly worried. She is a fiercely devoted stage mom — she and her husband of 22 years, Tim, a car dealer, had moved from Memphis to Atlanta to help their eldest child’s career — and was confident she could protect her daughter.
“In the back of our minds, we were thinking [my daughter] could be around him if I was with her,” J. said. “It didn’t really hit home. Even with the Aaliyah situation, now that I think about it, ‘Age Ain’t Nothing But a Number’ ... but you don’t think about that. You grew up with the song, and you like the song.”
Two years later, J. and Tim are in a desperate fight to bring their daughter home. (BuzzFeed News verified their identities and full names in public records, but is withholding the alleged victim's full name and her parents' last name to protect her privacy.)
“It was as if she was brainwashed.”
As part of their efforts, the mother closed her businesses, became a relentless amateur detective, and shared her findings with the FBI and police in two states. But their daughter isn’t a missing person — at least not in the eyes of the law. She still lives with Kelly and says she’s doing fine, despite her parents telling the police that she is “being held against her will” in what they call a “cult.”
Three former members of Kelly’s inner circle — Cheryl Mack, Kitti Jones, and Asante McGee — provided details supporting the parents’ worst fears. They said six women live in properties rented by Kelly in Chicago and the Atlanta suburbs, and he controls every aspect of their lives: dictating what they eat, how they dress, when they bathe, when they sleep, and how they engage in sexual encounters that he records.
The last time J. saw her daughter was Dec. 1, 2016.
“It was as if she was brainwashed. [She] looked like a prisoner — it was horrible,” she said. “I hugged her and hugged her. But she just kept saying she’s in love and [Kelly] is the one who cares for her. I don’t know what to do. I hope that if I get her back, I can get her treatment for victims of cults. They can reprogram her. But I wish I could have stopped it from happening.”
J. and Tim said they have only heard from their daughter twice since they last saw her. They got a one-sentence text from her on Christmas Day: “I hate Christmas has to be this way this year.”
And J. received another text on May 14: “Happy Mother’s Day from me and Rob.”
Kelly has sold nearly 60 million albums during his 25-year career, and though his relevance is fading somewhat from the heyday of “I Believe I Can Fly” and “Trapped in the Closet,” he remains a major star in high demand for concerts, endorsements, television and radio appearances, and glossy magazine profiles. When he’s not performing, Kelly splits his time between his suburban Atlanta home and Trump Tower in Chicago. Extensive interviews with Mack, Jones, and McGee and a review of legal documents by BuzzFeed News paint a picture of what Kelly’s life offstage is like today.
The women in Kelly’s entourage initially think “This is R. Kelly, I’m going to live a lavish lifestyle,” said Mack, who worked as Kelly’s personal assistant for a year and a half starting in 2013 and has remained in touch with some members of his inner circle. “No. You have to ask for food. You have to ask to go use the bathroom. … [Kelly] is a master at mind control. ... He is a puppet master.”
“He is a puppet master."
Jones and McGee both said they lived with Kelly and had sexual relationships with the star at different times over the past five years before leaving. Their documentation of this time is limited, however, as they said Kelly controlled their phone and social media use while they were under his roof, and they were not allowed to take photos with Kelly or of the rooms where they were living.
According to Mack, Jones, and McGee, the women living in Kelly’s Duluth, Georgia, “guest house” or his Chicago recording studio last summer included:
A 31-year-old “den mother” who “trained” newcomers on how Kelly liked to be pleasured sexually. She had been best friends since high school with the girl in the videotape for which Kelly was tried in 2008. She recently parted ways with Kelly, these sources say.
A 25-year-old woman who also has been part of Kelly’s scene for seven years.
A recent arrival, a 19-year-old model who has been photographed in public with Kelly and named on music gossip websites — a rarity among the women in his circle.
An Atlanta songwriter who began her relationship with Kelly around 2009, when she was 19. (She is now 26.)
And an 18-year-old singer from Polk County, Florida. Mack said the Florida singer is Kelly’s “favorite — his number-one girl.”
Mack, Jones, and McGee claim that women who live with Kelly, who he calls his “babies,” are required to call him “Daddy” and must ask his permission to leave the Chicago recording studio or their assigned rooms in the “guest house” Kelly rents near his own rented mansion in suburban Atlanta. A black SUV with a burly driver behind the wheel is almost always parked outside both locations. Kelly confiscates the women’s cell phones, they said, so they cannot contact their friends and family; he gives them new phones that they are only allowed to use to contact him or others with his permission. Kelly films his sexual activities, McGee and Jones said, and shows the videos to men in his circle.
Mack, the star’s former personal assistant, said Kelly almost always tells the women to dress in jogging suits because “he doesn’t want their figures to be exposed; he doesn’t want them to look appealing.” She said when other men are in the same room, Kelly “would make the girls turn around and face the wall in their jogging suits because he doesn’t want them to be looked at by anyone else.”
If the women break any of Kelly’s “rules,” Mack and Jones said, he punishes them physically and verbally. For example, Jones claimed that Kelly held her against a tree and slapped her outside of a Subway sandwich shop in spring 2013 because she had been too friendly with the male cashier there. McGee said she never saw Kelly hit anybody, but also said he was running a “cult” and manipulated her emotionally and sexually.
“R. Kelly is the sweetest person you will ever want to meet,” McGee said. “But Robert is the devil.”
Of course, the law says that consenting adults may take part in any relationship they want, no matter how nontraditional. Welfare checks by police in both Illinois and Georgia in the past year didn’t lead to any charges; in January, the aspiring singer from Georgia told Cook County police she was “fine and did not want to be bothered.”
And all of the women in Kelly’s inner circle are of legal age — the age of consent is 17 in Illinois and 16 in Georgia — despite Kelly’s history of allegations against him regarding his sexual conduct with women. He was last tried in 2008 in Illinois, where he was acquitted on 14 charges of making child pornography. The case, which took a record six and a half years to go to trial in Chicago, focused only on a single videotape that prosecutors alleged showed him having sex with a 14-year-old girl. (While he was a reporter at the Chicago Sun-Times, this reporter received the tape anonymously and turned it over to the police; called by Kelly's attorneys to testify, he took the Fifth Amendment rather than revealing sources.)
The trial, however, excluded claims made by girls or their parents that alleged Kelly regularly abused his position of fame and influence to pursue illegal sexual relationships with underage girls — which has also been the subject of a dozen or more civil lawsuits against Kelly that were settled out of court with cash payments from Kelly. The girls signed nondisclosure agreements when they accepted the payments. Also excluded was evidence of Kelly’s marriage in 1994 to his then-15-year-old protégé, Aaliyah, for whom he wrote the album Age Ain’t Nothing But a Number.
Chicago attorney Susan E. Loggans declined to say how many settlements she has negotiated with Kelly before lawsuits were ever filed, but she said they were “numerous,” and recently included one for a 17-year-old aspiring singer from Chicago’s West Side who is said to have been part of Kelly’s inner circle. Loggans gave no other details, citing attorney-client privilege and the terms of the settlement.
Kelly also has been sued by other attorneys representing women over the age of consent in their respective states. In 2002, an Illinois lawsuit was filed by Montina Woods, a dancer who toured with Kelly’s friend Ronald Isley, in which Woods claimed she was unknowingly recorded by Kelly during sex. (Kelly eventually settled the suit, paying Woods an undisclosed sum.) And on April 21, a Mississippi lawsuit was filed by Hinds County sheriff’s deputy Kenny Bryant over an alleged affair between Kelly and Bryant’s wife.
The music industry has a history of stars using their fame to gain the trust of young women — and their parents — who expect professional relationships but end up in sexual ones. But numerous sources, including women who left his inner circle, made on-the-record allegations suggesting ongoing mental and physical abuse of several women in Kelly’s entourage far beyond that of the groupie culture. For two decades, Kelly has been accused of a similar pattern of mistreating women — some have called it “predation” — but because of his acquittal on the child-porn charges and the nondisclosure agreements in his numerous civil cases, the charges have remained in the realm of gossip instead of derailing his career. Major record companies, television shows, and other stars continue to work with Kelly. Lady Gaga recorded the duet “Do What U Want” with Kelly in 2013, Lil Wayne, Ty Dolla Sign, and Juicy J made cameos on Kelly’s 2015 album The Buffet, and he performed on The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon last December. He recently starred in a digital campaign for Alexander Wang.
“I got trapped,” said former insider Jones. “I had people telling me I was an idiot. But it took me a long time to realize they were right, and I’m talking now because I hope I can help some of these other girls.”
After her backstage visit with Kelly in Indio, California, the aspiring singer from Georgia began secretly talking with Kelly on her cell phone, her mother said.
“As far as I know, we weren’t talking to [Kelly] anymore,” J. said. “Or at least I wasn’t talking to him anymore.”
In June 2015, J. and Tim said, their daughter lied to them about taking a weekend trip to visit a Georgia university. Instead, Mack arranged for her to fly to Oklahoma City, where Kelly was performing.
After the show, she had sex with Kelly for the first time, she later told her parents and at least two friends, including a record producer who goes by the stage name TONE.
As the Georgia singer and Kelly became closer, TONE recalled her saying she was frustrated with Kelly. She thought every time she tried to bring up her music career Kelly changed the topic to sex — and she wanted proof. So TONE and the woman decided to secretly record a phone conversation between her and Kelly.
BuzzFeed News was later given a copy of the recording. On the tape, it’s not just what Kelly said that shows his pattern of behavior with the women close to him. It's how he said it, which is immediately clear from listening to the audio.
“I miss my baby,” Kelly told the woman, before asking her what she was wearing. After she replied, he told her: “I want you to get in the habit of telling me what color panties you got on every day,” he instructed repeatedly, revealing in his own words the early stages of their power dynamic and the demands her parents say have become criminal.
When she tried to turn the conversation to a song she was working on, however, Kelly seemed less engaged.
“Hello?” she asked him at one point, to make sure he was still listening.
After a few minutes, Kelly changed the subject. “I’m more interested in developing you. Songs are not an issue. We can always do a hit song.”
In June 2016, the daughter enrolled for summer classes at Georgia Gwinnett College in Lawrenceville and began living in the dorms. Her roommate at the school, who is being identified by the initials T.S. to avoid retaliation, told BuzzFeed News that, at first, she did not believe her new friend really knew R. Kelly. But, T.S. said, the Georgia woman would often call the superstar and put him on speakerphone during their explicit sexual conversations.
The Georgia woman also began visiting Kelly at his homes in nearby Duluth and sometimes traveled with him to Chicago, according to T.S. She recalled the woman telling her that Kelly took away her cell phone and replaced it with a new one, with instructions that she should only use it to communicate with him and needed to obtain his permission to use it to communicate with others.
“I’m more interested in developing you. Songs are not an issue. We can always do a hit song.”
T.S. also recalled the woman telling her that one time, Kelly sent a cab to pick up the women at his guest house and bring them to a club where he would meet them. The Georgia woman told her roommate that she laughed when the cab driver told a joke, and one of the other women in the cab texted Kelly to report this violation of his “rules.” When the Georgia woman arrived at the club, T.S. said, Kelly “bent her over and he whupped her behind because she laughed at the cab driver, who happened to be a man.”
By the middle of the 2016 fall semester, the Georgia woman’s appearance started to change: She began losing weight, and she cropped her long hair short, permed what was left, and dyed it blonde, said her parents and the former roommate. T.S. recalled her friend telling her that’s how Kelly liked her hair to look.
The Georgia woman eventually began skipping all of her classes, and she did not show up to take her finals in mid-December. Her parents confirmed the school considers her a student who is “no longer in good standing.”
She had already broken off all contact with her mother and father before she started skipping school. “My calls were all forwarded to voicemail,” J. said.
In the middle of the fall semester, during their quest to bring their daughter home, J. said she called the new cell phone Kelly had given her daughter, who broke one of Kelly’s “rules” by texting her parents from the phone to say she was fine.
J. said Kelly himself got on the phone after the daughter picked up and denied anything was wrong.
Two of R. Kelly's rental properties near Atlanta.
The parents filed a missing persons report with the Gwinnett College campus police. A spokeswoman for the school confirmed the report and the case number, but said that when an investigator called the parents and learned that they knew their daughter was with Kelly in his suburban Atlanta homes no action could be taken. Their daughter was not technically missing, and at 21, she is of legal age to do what she wants, campus police said.
The last time her parents saw her was in December 2016. “What we really wanted to do was an intervention,” J. said, but her daughter would not listen.
On Dec. 27, 2016, J. and Tim requested that the Johns Creek Police Department, which is responsible for the section of Duluth where Kelly rents the two houses, perform a well-being check on their daughter at the guest house. The police report obtained by BuzzFeed News said J. believes her daughter is part of the R. Kelly “cult” and that he is “abusive and is controlling her daughter.”
When police arrived, the report noted, the “door [was] open, house clear, no one there.” No further action was taken.
“What we really wanted to do was an intervention.”
A month later, the Cook County Sheriff’s police performed a well-being check in Chicago. The Georgia singer told officers she was “fine and did not want to be bothered with her parents because her father was threatening people,” according to the police report. (Tim denied this.) She told officers she instead keeps in touch with her grandmother, who she calls Nana.
When reached by BuzzFeed News, Nana said that she had spoken to her granddaughter by phone only two or three times since December, most recently on July 11. She said her granddaughter emphasized that she’s an adult in a consensual relationship with Kelly, and was mad at her parents for intervening. In text messages reviewed by BuzzFeed News, the granddaughter said she thought her parents were trying to ruin Kelly’s career.
Despite her granddaughter’s insistence, “I’m gravely concerned about her,” Nana said, echoing J.’s belief that she is being held against her will. If she could talk to Kelly today, Nana said, “I would tell R. Kelly to send my granddaughter home. He knows it’s not right and he would not want anybody doing this to his daughter.”
Multiple attempts by BuzzFeed News to reach the Georgia woman on her Kelly-issued cell phone were unsuccessful.
J. and Tim said they even reached out to the FBI about their daughter and spent hours being interviewed by an agent. Special Agent Stephen Emmett, an FBI spokesperson in Georgia, said the bureau’s policy is to neither confirm nor deny investigations into specific people or matters. But the parents are hopeful that perhaps federal law enforcement can help where local police have not.
“It’s not about my daughter, per se. It’s about all the girls,” Tim said. “It’s about my daughter, and I understand that. But the abuse that my daughter is actually enduring, nobody should go through.”
Kelly leaving the Cook County Criminal Court Building on June 13, 2008, after a jury found him not guilty on all counts in his child pornography trial.
Two other parents are fighting to get their daughter back. The parents of an aspiring professional singer from Florida said their daughter met Kelly when she was 17 years old, and she moved into one of his rental properties once she was over the age of legal consent. (BuzzFeed News verified their identities and full names, but is withholding the alleged victim's full name and her parents' last name to protect her privacy. Her mother asked to be called by her middle name, Theresa, for the same reason.)
Theresa said she initially let her daughter spend time with Kelly because it was “supposed to be a music relationship.” She now regrets that decision.
“My thing was I trusted. I have never been in the music industry before, ever,” Theresa said. “He is a lyrical genius — he is R. Kelly! And the fact is he went to court, he was never found guilty — he was acquitted — and we were led to believe there was no truth in it. Now I got all of these people asking about why my daughter is there, telling me, ‘All of that, the charges against Kelly, was true.’ Well, how come you didn’t tell me that before?”
The Florida singer first met Kelly when her parents took her to see him perform at Funk Fest in Orlando on April 18, 2015.
“The fact is he went to court, he was never found guilty — he was acquitted — and we were led to believe there was no truth in it."
“During the show, they were pulling people out of the audience,” Theresa said. “A guy said, ‘Oh yeah, her.’ He pulled her up onstage.”
After the show, a member of Kelly’s entourage gave the star’s phone number to the then-17-year-old high school senior, Theresa said.
“We called, but he wasn’t answering, so we left it alone,” she said. “Then I guess he must have got back later on or texted her later on.”
As with the Georgia woman, the relationship between Kelly and the Florida woman developed over phone calls and text messages that were kept secret from her family, the parents said.
“And then one day we were looking for her because she should’ve been coming home from school,” Theresa said. “Then finally we get a text message saying that she’s OK, that she had met up with R. Kelly in his hotel. And I’m like, ‘You met up with R. Kelly at his hotel?’”
Theresa and her husband, Angelo, said they rushed to the hotel and called the police, who advised them to deal with hotel security. Their daughter finally came down to see them, they said, but Kelly refused to talk with them.
After the incident at the hotel, the Florida teen “was only [supposed to be] talking to him when one of us was around,” Theresa said.
“We needed to make sure it was about music, because he was going to mentor her,” she said. “And then from there he wanted her to travel with him so she could see how the music game really was. ... We thought it could be an opportunity, and that she was going to be with a guardian — a female guardian that would keep an eye on her.”
But that may have been wishful thinking. Soon enough, the Florida singer was living with Kelly. Angelo said he initially received short text messages from his daughter every few weeks saying she was fine and the parents should not worry or try to contact her. Those have stopped.
McGee, one of the women who left Kelly, said the Florida woman is “head over heels” for Kelly. And McGee said Kelly is “obsessed” with the Florida woman, noting that he “would go into the kitchen and cook for her.”
But McGee’s feelings about the Florida woman were nuanced. “I have a 17-year-old daughter myself,” she said. “When I saw [the Florida singer] with him, it took me back. This could be my daughter. I just knew that it was not right and I just couldn’t understand what a man almost 50 is doing having sex with someone the same age as his daughter. That’s when I realized it was more of a mind-control thing.”
McGee also said she witnessed Kelly punish the aspiring Florida singer for breaking his “rules.”
“I just couldn’t understand what a man almost 50 is doing having sex with someone the same age as his daughter.”
“He left [the Florida woman] on the [tour] bus for, like, three days and she was not allowed to come out,” McGee said. “He said she didn’t do her homework — that’s why she was punished — which was very confusing, because she had just graduated [high school] over the summer.”
Multiple attempts by BuzzFeed News to reach the Florida woman on her Kelly-issued cell phone were unsuccessful.
Theresa said she is frustrated that lawyers and police have said they cannot help, and she fears that even if the relationship ends, she may not get her daughter back. On Dec. 24, 1996, Kelly was sued for $10 million by Tiffany “Tia” Hawkins, an aspiring singer and then–high school student in Chicago, who claimed she met the star when he lectured her choir class. According to the lawsuit, Hawkins began having sex with Kelly in 1991, when she was 15 and he was 24. The relationship ended in December 1994, when she was 18, the court documents state; distraught, she slit her wrists in an attempt to kill herself.
“I desperately want my daughter back but I’m not [sure] what will [be] the repercussions if she doesn’t come willingly,” Theresa said. “These girls think this man loves them. Matters of the heart are a touchy subject.”
The parents said they’ve tried numerous other tactics to bring their daughter home.
In August 2015, the daughter texted Angelo that she was in Chicago with Kelly, the parents said. On Aug. 26, 2015, they sent their older daughter to Kelly’s recording studio to check on her sister, according to her parents. Kelly and men in his entourage allegedly got involved in an altercation with the older sister when she tried to take her younger sister away, said the parents, who claimed the star and the other men pushed, shoved, and hit the older sister.
A police report obtained by BuzzFeed News indicated that one person allegedly struck the Florida singer’s sister in her face, but she did not seek medical attention. The case is classified as a simple battery and nobody has been arrested, according to the report, which said the investigation was initially suspended until a detective could contact the victim. A supplementary report was filed more than a year later, on Jan. 18, 2017.
“I have not talked to my daughter in more than a year,” Theresa said, adding she has left countless texts and voicemail messages that have not yet received a response. “We’ve had deaths in the family, birthdays, and I haven’t heard from her and she hasn’t been here for any of it. I didn’t even hear from her on Mother’s Day. All I want to do is bring her home.”
On Friday, July 14, after Kelly and the Florida woman had been asked for comment on this story, Angelo said he got a surprise phone call from his daughter, who invited him to come to see Kelly perform in Indiana on Saturday. Wary of Kelly’s motivations, Angelo said he declined the invitation. He also is angry over the other surprise news from his daughter: She said Kelly had recently paid for her to have breast enhancement surgery.
“I am beyond furious,” Angelo said. “I said to her, ‘How could you do this? What the hell were you thinking? What if you died on the operating table?’ I don’t even know what we can do anymore. I just know we got to get her home."
R. Kelly performing at Bass Concert Hall on March 3 in Austin.
Kelly has long maintained his innocence on allegations of underage sex, and in recent interviews he has either persistently dodged questions about his past behavior or stormed offwhen he was unable to do that.
Multiple attempts to reach Kelly were unsuccessful. Kelly’s RCA Records publicist Theola Borden, who was promoted to senior vice president of publicity for the label in 2014, did not respond to multiple emails and phone calls requesting comment.
“I suppose that is the price of fame. Like all of us, Mr. Kelly deserves a personal life.”
Linda Mensch, a civil lawyer in Chicago who represents the superstar, responded via email to the accusations outlined in this story. Mensch was asked about the on-the-record allegations that Kelly physically and mentally abuses women and that Kelly allegedly met one of the women in his inner circle when she was 17.
“We can only wonder why folks would persist in defaming a great artist who loves his fans, works 24/7, and takes care of all of the people in his life,” Mensch wrote. “He works hard to become the best person and artist he can be. It is interesting that stories and tales debunked many years ago turn up when his goal is to stop the violence; put down the guns; and embrace peace and love. I suppose that is the price of fame. Like all of us, Mr. Kelly deserves a personal life. Please respect that.” ●
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the-record-columns · 5 years
April 10, 2019: Columns
Mule, Calvin, Jim, and Kyle...
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Record Publisher
One Monday night after my Rotary meeting I returned to the offices of The Record and Thursday Printing to do the eternal paperwork that I stay behind on. 
I heard the bell on the front door and went up front to greet my visitors, a man and his young daughter.  The man said they were looking in the windows and his daughter was fascinated by the fan that was slowly turning in the middle of the building. 
Of course I told them they were welcome, and to quote Sonny Church, they were a "...fresh set of ears." 
I explained to them that the airplane propeller on the fan was a gift from Harold "Mule" Ferguson, a Korean War veteran who was, for many years, a fixture I the skies over Wilkes County, whether it was in a hot air balloon or one of the various airplanes he owned from what I call a "flying lawn chair" on up. 
After being gifted with the propeller, I was going to bolt it on the wall when I decided instead to send it to Calvin Linville in Roaring River and have him make something with it.  Calvin, a World War II Marine, was well known as something of a folk artist and was most often referred to as the "Red Baron of Roaring River" for his own exploits as a pilot. In no time he showed up with the fan I enjoy so much--which comes on each time I turn on the lights, and reminds me of two of my favorite folks every time I walk by.
From there the young lady and her dad asked a gazillion questions which I cheerfully answered, including queries about an old leather-covered camera, a 1925 portable record player which still plays shellac records perfectly, old bottles, typewriters, adding machines, and they even suffered politely through the long version of my Miss Mary Finley story.
One item in particular seemed to catch their eye was a 1907 Trogdon's Map of North Wilkesboro, which, at that time, I had just recently acquired.  The map hung in the offices of Attorney E. James Moore from 1957 until his retirement in 2014.  The map was produced by the Winston Land and Improvement Company and is really a great piece of history I remain very pleased to have.  It was, in effect, a sales brochure for the town with lots marked as occupied or vacant as well as a treasure trove of geographical and business facts that would hopefully entice folks to come visit and then move to North Wilkesboro.
The day I picked up the map was the day of his retirement. Heather Dean was with me and she took a photograph of Jim Moore next to the map to use in his retirement story.  As he stood by the map he asked if we would like to hear the story of how he came by the map.
Of course we did!
A veteran of World War II and Korea, Jim was unmarried in the 1950's and most days he would have lunch with his mother who lived on E Street close to the Presbyterian Church.  On one of those days, he heard a commotion outside and when he walked outside, he saw that a wreck had happened at the corner of Ninth and E streets.  A lady was injured, though not badly, and Jim patched her up and sent her to the hospital.
Well, it turns out that the lady I question was Miss Ina Myers, longtime secretary to the legendary North Wilkesboro attorney Kyle Hayes, who, among other things ran for governor in 1956.  The week after the accident, Mr. Hayes had this map delivered to Jim Moore's office as a "Thank You" for being so kind to Miss Ina.
So, indeed, this map is not just a piece of history, but its travels are somewhat historic to me as well.
I will forever be grateful to the late Jim Moore for the map and for the late Miss Ina Myers for her fortuitous bump-up in 1957.
My friend, Freddie Land, an American Hero
Record Reporter
How do you start a column about a friend that you recently lost?
Record Editor Jerry Lankford reminded me that Pete Mann always said, “Tell the story like you were talking to a friend.”
I hope I do him justice.
Freddie was my friend, and a friend to many. A good old Boomer boy, we always had plenty to talk about, but upon reflection, not much of it was ever about him.
I met him several years ago, as he and Charlie and Greg would come in every Wednesday for lunch at The Dispensary, and I would see them at the various events at our VFW.
Like Charlie, Freddie served in Vietnam. They both wore woven cord bracelets with the colors of the Vietnam flag, and Freddie told me he made them- that’s how he passed his time in the evenings when his PTSD would flare up. He gave me one for my birthday that year.
In 2017, I attended the Purple Hearts Ceremony in Welcome, N.C., with Charlie, Greg, and Freddie – we loaded up in Charlie’s SUV, and listened to do-wop 50’s radio all the way down. Freddie, Charlie, and several of our VFW Post 1142 members were receiving this prestigious award on this occasion and even thought I was covering it for the paper, (Edition Aug. 23, 2017) I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.  I didn’t know the circumstances on why they received them, and they didn’t say, so I didn’t ask.
Knowing I have friends who are brave and went above and beyond the call was enough for me. The three of them even came with me to the N.C. Society of Historians’ awards ceremony when I received an award for the article I wrote about it. (Even though the three of them hate sitting still, they did for the several hours it took, and seemed pleased as punch to be there with me, and for that I will be ever grateful.)
One of the things I do in my job here at The Record is the obituary page. It amazes me every week how much you find out about a person when they die. So many of them have wonderful stories, and I wonder why they were never told until now. Probably because they were like Freddie, humble people who never considered themselves extraordinary, just doing what they had to do, never mind they were making history in the process.  
On Friday, March 29, we held a Welcome Home Vietnam Day at the VFW Post, to honor those brave men and women that served and did not come back to a heroes welcome, and to hold space for those that didn’t come home. On Saturday Freddie passed away unexpectedly after having surgery.
At the funeral, I met the family he often spoke of. I had met his granddaughter before, as she came with him to lunch sometimes. We talked about Montana and horses. As I went through the line and introduced myself to the family, it turned out I didn’t need one. They knew me as Heather: The Girl from The Record, The Girl from Boomer, or The Girl that was a big help to local Veterans, and his family thanked me for being a friend of his. Now it was my turn to be pleased as punch.
I also found out how decorated Freddie was. In fact, many of his comrades didn’t know he had a shadowbox full of medals.  No less than 15 full medals, and several smaller devices. In the box were two yellowed newspaper paper clippings.
Freddie served a year in Vietnam. He participated in more than 120 aerial flights in three months over hostile territory, from October 1968 to February 1969, garnering him the Air Medal.
March 13: Bronze Star with “V” device was awarded for heroism in connection with military actions involving conflict with a hostile force.
August 14: Second Bronze Star awarded with “V” device and First Oak Leaf Cluster for heroism while serving as a machine gunner on top of a jeep as he provided security for a convoy. The convoy came under attack, and our Freddie stood exposed and fired back. Even though the machine gun jammed three times, he did not retreat. He cleared the jams and continued firing. The fourth time it jammed, he couldn’t get it cleared. Did he run? Hell no. He picked up an M-16 rifle off the ground and continued firing at the enemy, still exposed, still covering the convoy, effectively and accurately.
His citation read: “His bravery and devotion to duty under extremely hazardous conditions was in keeping with the highest traditions of the military services and reflects great credit upon himself, his unit and the United States Army.”
January 2: While serving as a rifleman as an ambush patrol, he captured a Viet Cong Soldier, for which he received the Army Commendation Medal for Heroism with “V” device for Valor. Later he received a second Army Commendation Medal with “V device while serving as assistant gunner helping over-run an enemy force.
March 14: Freddie was wounded and stayed in the hospital (Camn Ranh Bay) for 28 days. This is what earned him the Purple Heart. Upon his dismissal he did not go home. He volunteered his last six months of service and went to Long Binh and joined the 64th Quartermaster Battalion where he becames Sp-5, drove a tanker and was yet again, a machine gunner on top of a jeep. (Again)
This assignment is when he was awarded his third Bronze Star, and second Oak Leaf Cluster. His citation stated: “By direction of the president, the Bronze Star Medal second Oak Leaf Cluster is presented top Sp-4 Frederick A. Land, United States Army who through unwavering efforts and professional ability obtained outstanding results despite the adverse conditions incident to combat involvement, during the period of October 1968-January 1969, with sense of urgency to complete the mission, he set an example that inspired his associates to strive for maximum performance. His outstanding actions, materially contributed to the efforts of the United States in the role of the Republic of Vietnam. His praiseworthy achievement and dedicated initiative are in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself, the Ninth Infantry Division and the United States Army.”
His other awards included a Combat Infantry Badge, National Defense Medal, Vietnam Campaign Medal, Vietnam Services Medal, Meritorious Unit Medal, Presidential Unit Citation, and Expert Rifleman’s Badge. Upon leaving Vietnam, Freddie came home for 30 days, and then went to Oklahoma, where he trained with missiles.
Now, ask me how much of this I knew while he was living. But also ask me who I know I could call to get me out of a Boomer ditch at 3 a.m. if need be.  Freddie Land, that’s who.
For Zion’s sake I will not be silent
Special to The Record 
April 9th was election day in Israel.  As of this writing which is April 8th, it is uncertain who will be the next prime minister of Israel.  Loyalties and the polls have been changing almost minute by minute. By the time this goes to print,  I pray Israel's prime minister remains Benjamin Netanyahu and there are good reasons for this however since I am not a citizen of Israel, why should I care?  Let me explain.
As an American Christian who has had the privilege of working in senior level positions for three U.S. presidents and who has enjoyed a close association with three of Israel’s prime ministers, I have had the opportunity of experiencing behind-the-scenes workings thereby gaining insight not colored by the anti-Israel media. 
Without question, evangelical Christians are Israel's strongest supporters and a vast number of American evangelical Christians believe as I believe.  Because I am not an Israeli citizen, and not even a Jew, I realize that injecting myself into the Israeli election is a highly sensitive act.  However, for Zion's sake, I will not be silent.
Around the world people are seeking "change" however change just for the sake of something new or different is not necessarily a good idea.  It is incumbent upon all who have the privilege of voting in any country around the world, to carefully consider the credentials of all those seeking election to public office. Personalities are not what’s important.  What’s important is the outcome of what will, or will not be, accomplished through their leadership.  This applies in Israel, the United States and in every democratic country around the world.
For the past several months I have talked with Israelis and others who have vested interests in the future of Israel.  Opinions vary greatly. However, the consensus is that there is only one candidate who is deemed to be able to move Israel forward considering the current political climate and the hostile world stage.  While logic and reason do not always prevail in this world where a person such as AOC is given headline coverage on an almost daily basis, I pray Israel is (remains) in capable hands. 
Under Netanyahu’s leadership, Israel has enjoyed unprecedented economic success.  Since the 2009 elections, when he began his second term in office, the standard of living in Israel has risen by 55 percent in real terms; GDP has increased 40 percent from $30,000 to $42,000; unemployment has dropped from 7.5 percent to under 4 percent.   Therefore, Israeli citizens are far better off than they were before Netanyahu took office:  average wages have increased by 25 percent; restaurants are full and record numbers of Israelis are vacationing overseas; inequality has narrowed; and the percentage of the budget devoted to education, health and welfare has increased significantly. Netanyahu is the only Israeli leader with a proven economic track record.  Gantz, Ya’alon and Ashkenzazi have no experience to draw upon.  And, Lapid’s record as finance minister was not impressive.  
Netanyahu has greatly improved Israel’s international standing.  He has translated Israel’s growing economic and technological prowess into impressive diplomatic achievements.  He has restored ties with several African nations, including Muslim countries.  He has created regional alliances with Greece and Cyprus and has hosted a non-stop stream of foreign leaders.  Under Netanyahu Israel has become a regional power, developing ties with Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states thereby harnessing common interests—primarily the fear of Iran.  This occurred in spite of protestations that such ties could not be developed without progress on the Palestinian issue.  In addition, Netanyahu has also strengthened Israel’s ties in Asia and has upgraded relations with Japan and India.  He has produced a dramatic increase in trade with China and also opened new markets in the region.  As if that weren’t enough, thanks to Netanyahu, ties with South America have also blossomed.  And, in spite of the complex situation in Syria, he has strengthened relationships with Russia.
One of Netanyahu’s greatest achievements is the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital by the United  States and other countries.  In addition, the United States and other countries are in the process of formally recognizing Israeli sovereignty on the Golan Heights.  Another success is that the label “occupied territory” has been removed in official U.S. State Department language on the West Bank.  No other Israeli leader has had the tenacity and long-term vision to create such dramatic changes in Israel’s diplomatic standing nor would they have been willing and able to achieve these strategic foreign policy goals.  In addition, Netanyahu has demonstrated an iron-willed backbone stance to international pressure.  He faced down President Barack Obama on the settlements and on the nuclear deal.  Netanyahu’s influence and effort enabled a reversal of the Iran nuclear deal under President Trump.  No other Israeli leader could have generated such achievements on the international stage.  
Think about all the critical defense and strategic challenges that Israel constantly faces.  During his tenure, Netanyahu has stood up to and handled them very well.  For example, he has exercised caution in the use of force, but at the same time he has not hesitated to act on multiple fronts where necessary.  The Gaza belt has experienced significantly fewer numbers of rockets firing at Israel.  In fact, residents of the Gaza belt enjoyed the most extended quiet period since the 2005 disengagement, except for the 2018 use of incendiary balloons.  In Syria, Netanyahu has managed to keep Iranians from building up capabilities to use against Israel through both extensive strikes on Iranian targets and weapon deliveries to local proxies.  In addition, he leveraged diplomatic influence via Russia.
The future of Israel is of vital importance to the world, to the United  States, and to the evangelical Christian community.  While only Israeli citizens have the right to vote in Israeli elections,  all Christians have the responsibility to pray for Israel and her people.  What happens in Israel has an impact on the entire Middle East and, in fact, the entire world.  Having the right leadership at the helm is vitally important to the safety and security of Israel by keeping rogue nations of the Middle East in check from which we all benefit.  So, while I pray that Benjamin Netanyahu remains the prime minister of Israel, no matter who the Israeli people have elected to serve as their leader, I know I have a responsibility to pray daily for the peace of Jerusalem as God directs and to pray for all of Israel.  But, this is not just my responsibility.  It is the responsibility of all who love the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It's in the Bible!
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jasonheart1 · 6 years
Debate over adult charges for Colorado juveniles
Editor's Note: Denver7 360 stories explore multiple sides of the topics that matter most to Coloradans, bringing in different perspectives so you can make up your own mind about the issues. To comment on this or other 360 stories, email us at [email protected]. See more 360 stories here.
DENVER – The court case involving the 16-year-old Denver girl who is accused of killing her 7-year-old nephew in August has rekindled discussions in Colorado over whether teenagers accused of serious felonies, such as murder, should be charged as adults or as juveniles.
A judge will decide after a January 2019 reverse transfer hearing whether to continue to try 16-year-old Jennie Bunsom in district court as an adult or to send her case back to juvenile court, which her defense attorneys have requested.
Denver District Attorney Beth McCann direct-filed adult charges of first-degree murder after deliberation and first-degree murder by a person in a position of trust against Bunsom in August in connection with the death of her 7-year-old nephew, Jordan Vong.
But at the reverse transfer hearing, her attorneys will get to discuss Bunsom’s emotional and mental well-being in front of a judge, who will then decide if she is fit for adult charges.
The Bunsom case has reinvigorated discussions of whether teenagers should face the same penalties as adults for committing crimes like murder, or if they should face lesser penalties because their brains and emotions are not fully developed.
“It is absolutely one of the most difficult parts of the DA’s job – to make a decision that may send a tender-aged person into an adult prison,” said former Adams County District Attorney Bob Grant. He says that one of the considerations that should be taken into account when determining what kind of charges and sentence a juvenile will face is the seriousness of the crime and its effect on the victim and their family.
“It’s one thing to make a mistake and pick up a candy bar and walk out of the store,” he said, “but it’s another thing to pick up a gun and shoot someone.”
Apryl Alexander, a clinical assistant professor at the University of Denver’s School of Psychology, says the brains of adults and adolescents are vastly different and can’t be treated the same. She is an expert on the forensic assessment of the brain and says that juveniles are more likely to be rehabilitated than adults.
“We’re starting to take a different lens in our approach for juveniles in the justice system,” she said.
Colorado changed its laws in 2006 so that juveniles who are convicted of murder can’t be sentenced to life in prison without parole, but several juveniles who received such a sentence prior to that were still stuck behind bars for the rest of their lives.
Until last year, Trevor Jones was one of 31 inmates in Colorado who still fell into that category. He received a life sentence without the possibility of parole after he confessed to killing 16-year-old Matt Foley in 1996, though he called the shooting accidental.
In 2017, Jones was resentenced to 42 years in prison, so he no longer faces life without parole. He will be eligible for parole after he completes 75 percent of his new sentence. But his original sentence has had wide-ranging effects on him, his family and the family of the man he was convicted of killing.
Jones says that when he was sentenced he had “no idea” just exactly what life in prison without parole was going to be like. But he says even after he was resentenced that he isn’t sure if he deserved a different sentence—or even a second chance.
“That’s a very difficult question for me to answer because what I did … I killed someone and that life has value,” Jones said. “Matt and his family and loved ones never get a second chance because of what I’ve done to them.”
But Jones’ sister, Jennifer Jones, says she doesn’t feel her brother should have received the sentence he originally did. She now works as a public defender and says that seeing the way her brother was originally treated in the criminal justice system impacted her decision to pursue law herself.
“I just don’t understand why it didn’t matter that he was a teenager because everybody knows that teenagers don’t make decisions the same way as adults,” she said. “Even if [juveniles] did something horrible, that doesn’t mean they are not kids anymore, and there has to be more flexibility and discretion in what we are doing to these kids.”
She says she believes that her brother has served the necessary time after more than 20 years in prison, though he has close to a decade left before he is eligible for parole.
“He’s been in prison for 22 years. He went in when he was 17 … I think he’s been punished,” she said. “It’s such a waste and it’s not fair that these innocent victims lost their lives, but it’s not fair to keep these kids in prison forever either.”
But Foley’s family doesn’t agree. They testified to state lawmakers in recent that they believe Jones should continue to spend the rest of his life in prison.
Still, Trevor Jones believes his sister has a point.
“I would just ask people to consider the evidence,” he said. “Pretty much anyone who is over [age] 25 knows that when they were 17 or 16 or 15, or younger, they’re not the same person.”
The January hearing in Bunsom’s case is sure to keep the discussion going. If the judge decides she should continue to face adult charges, and if she is subsequently convicted at trial, she would face a minimum of 40 years in prison. But if the judge decides to send her case back to juvenile court, she would face a maximum penalty of just 7 years behind bars if she is convicted.
“There’s a big disparity there and that’s difficult to wrap their heads around,” Grant said. But he told Contact7 Investigates he believes that Vong’s age could also be a factor in the case and the judge’s ultimate decision.
“The fact of the matter is 40 years from now, that 7-year-old is still going to be dead,” he said. “That 7-year-old was not going to have the opportunity to have his frontal cortex develop. That 7-year-old doesn’t care whether the killer was 16 or 60 – he’s still dead.”
Bunsom’s preliminary hearing and the reverse transfer hearing are currently set for Jan. 28, 2019.
from Local News https://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/360/should-colorado-juveniles-face-adult-charges-for-serious-crimes-like-murder-
0 notes
marauds2lives · 6 years
Why was George Stinney executed?
Executing teens wasn’t uncommon in the 1940’s. So executing a 14-year old Black boy in 1944 for killing two White girls may have been seen as fair and acceptable at the time, especially in the South Carolina. However, the ends of justice wasn’t when George Stinney was killed at the hands of his jailers. Because October 2013, supporters of George Stinney asked a South Carolina judge to hear a motion requesting a new trial for Stinney, who had been dead for 69 years by that time. (visit: delawareonline.com for specific article)
I bring up Stinney, not because I am a relative, but because I too am seeking a new trial. And, although I am not facing execution in the segregated south, I am questioning the vigor of our country’s judicial system and its fact finding capabilities. I think you should too.
On April 18, 2018, I finally got enough documented proof to establish a fact in my criminal case that had been ‘suspiciously’ elusive up until recently.  I stapled 20 years of letters together along with an affidavit written by me, and mailed it to The Advisory Committee on Access and Fairness. But to give you a complete understanding of why this was even necessary, I first have to take you back.
It was April 5, 1996, while at Alexander Hamilton Housing Projects in Paterson, NJ, I was involved in a n altercation which lead to someone’s untimely death. After my initial arrest for homicide, additional charges were lodged against me. Four counts of armed robbery and various weapons offenses. (State v. Robinson, 165 NJ 32).
Several plea offers were made by the county prosecutor’s office. No agreement had been reached, so a trial was scheduled. Not just one trial, but two.
I went to trial for the four robberies first. Unfortunately, I lost. I was considered a ‘persistent offender’ because it was believed that I had several priors that supported the states claims to that fact. At my sentencing, the prosecutor presented a bunch of hearsay as evidence of my prior alleged criminal history. No documented proof. And the sentencing judge accepted the prosecutor’s hearsay as facts and gave me a life sentence! I ultimately got two-life sentences in the end.
I wrote the advisory committee on Access and Fairness to establish a series of miscarriages of justice. And my letter to them is as compelling as Stinney’s story.
I too filed a motion with the Court of Passaic County requesting a new trial for both of my criminal cases. Primarily because I was not given an investigator to assist in developing adequate defense to the charges that I had been indicted for. Without the assistance of an advisor, and competent counsel, my being convicted was an obvious guarantee. The reason I state that is because I have learned that the state of New Jerseys’ criminal records archival system has a flaw. It keeps vague and ambiguous records of the men and women it maintains files on. I know because it’s happened to me. And it has been happening since as early as 1998.
The difference between my cases and the Stinney case is vast in that I am not too proficient with the laws concerning juvenile defendants. I am however, very proficient with the policies concerning fair representation of Black criminal defendants. As it stands today there is no fairness comparable to that of White Americans. Continue reading on as I explain.
ON July 25, 2012, Jeffrey S. Chiesa, New Jersey’s Attorney General at the time passed along a memo to all county Prosecutor’s informing them that the procedures regarding identifications by eyewitnesses had changed. Apparently scientific data had proven that witnesses had a tendency to ‘mistakenly’ pick innocent people during out-of-court line ups and photo array packets. Often times at a rate as high as 90 percent. Which brings me to my point and basis of my motion to the court requesting a new trial.
I argued my innocence during my entire trial for robbery. I even testified on my own behalf. My defense counselor was of no help. He no investigations into my claims. So imagine my surprise when I got to prison and began receiving mail from the court related agencies about processes and pleadings I had never heard of. To top it off, my personal appeals were snubbed due to inaccurate filings. For two decades I had been under the assumption that every document that I received in the mail was related to my case. But, I was wrong. There’s another man in prison whose general description on paper is similar enough to mine, only worse! Ironically the government cannot distinguish his file from mine without the use of biometric codes and secret hand signals. Can you believe it? I know I couldn’t. Not even with my imaginative mind. S, I reached out to Sen. Corey Booker, Jennifer Kmieciak (the Deputy Attorney General) and the ACLU of New Jersey, hoping that someone will help me. Because the new guidelines concerning misidentifications do not extend to mistaken identities due to clerical mishaps. There is no guideline for that in existence. Not even for identity theft victims.
Welcome to the Matrix. A new world. One where individuality no longer exists. Gratefully, New Jersey hasn’t executes anyone in years and hopefully they won’t start. But, then again, they could decide to.
Visit: https://sgatlin1.wixsite.com/gofficial for information on my upcoming memoir ‘First Supper.’ I detail my entire prison experience inside. As well as the saga of living life as a hustler on the streets. Learn how I grew to become a jailhouse lawyer and crime novelist.
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henrykaiello · 6 years
Our New York Sexual Harassment Attorneys Fight for Employees Working in The Bronx
Why You Need a Sexual Harassment Attorney in The Bronx
If you’ve been sexually harassed in the workplace, our The Bronx sexual harassment attorneys can help you. You think you should put up with lewd and offensive suggestions from your employer or coworkers? Have the advances of a coworker made you feel uncomfortable on the job? Are you comfortable filing a complaint about these matters to H. R. ? Have you been prevented from filing complaints about harassment? Do you need to have a consultation with our The Bronx sexual harassment lawyers to review your case?
Sexual harassment occurs too frequently in today’s world. Our sexual harassment and employment discrimination attorneys assisting clients in N. Y. are here if you are sexually harassed.
It is Definitely Not Acceptable When Sexual Harassment Happens in The Bronx
var map_pw_map_5a96e73fc865a; function pw_run_map_pw_map_5a96e73fc865a(){ var location = new google.maps.LatLng(“40.8447819”, “-73.8648268”); var map_options = { zoom: 15, center: location, scrollwheel: 1, disableDefaultUI: 0, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP } map_pw_map_5a96e73fc865a = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById(“pw_map_5a96e73fc865a”), map_options); var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: location, map: map_pw_map_5a96e73fc865a }); } pw_run_map_pw_map_5a96e73fc865a();
Despite tens of millions stepping up in opposition to sexual harassment, it carries on. Unfortunately, recent stories of sexual harassment against women are showing just how pervasive the problem is. This isn’t happening just to you. Workplace sexual harassment happens each day in The Bronx. Sexual harassment is not the fault of the victims. Individuals that commit sexual harassment are wrong. You ought to take the first step to force them to end their unlawful activities. When you really need assistance, call the New York sexual harassment attorneys at www.sexualharassmentlawyer.com/.
Seek Advice from Our Skilled Sexual Harassment Attorneys
If you’re experiencing sexual harassment at work, talk to our employment discrimination and sexual harassment lawyers.
Using skilled sexual harassment attorneys can certainly help you defend rights you might not know that you have. A seasoned team of lawyers will be in your corner and negotiating on your behalf. Workplace discrimination is nerve-racking. Your attorney can certainly help reduce that stress. Is your manager violating your rights? A colleague? It is alright to call for assistance. Speak with our sexual harassment lawyers today.
When You Have Concerns About Sexual Harassment, We Will Help
Those who have been sexually harassed may have a lot of concerns on their minds. Our sexual discrimination and The Bronx sexual harassment attorneys can certainly help respond to them and give you a framework in which to process the critical legal issues.
As you think about the situation, you can be wondering: Is it just me? How can I know if this is even sexual harassment? I’ve said absolutely no, and the individual will not listen. How can I take care of this? Should I file a complaint? Who do I need to talk to in order to file a report about this? What can I do today to end the harassment? What if I am punished or encounter retaliation?
We have attorneys who file claims for valued clients in The Bronx and throughout the NY metro region. Our attorneys focus on sexual harassment and discrimination at work and can provide particular advice for you in pursuing your claim. It’s critical you recognize your legal rights. We can explain them to you.
Our New York Sexual Harassment Attorneys Understand the Laws, Regulations, and Procedures
The laws and regulations associated with sexual harassment are complicated. For example, sexual harassment falls under federal, state and city laws. Under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, sexual discrimination is unlawful. This has been interpreted by the courts to include sexual harassment. For plaintiffs in New York, they also have rights under the New York State Human Rights Law (NYSHRL), which similarly forbids sexual harassment and discrimination. Employees in New York City may also receive protection from New York City Human Rights Law (NYCHRL). Are your legal rights going to be protected by the federal, state or city law? We have to determine which laws will provide you the most beneficial remedies in your circumstances. Can the outcome be different determined by which laws are applied? Professional sexual harassment attorneys representing clients in The Bronx can help you make this determination.
Under the various laws, there are distinct approaches you have to take. Sometimes, you must file an administrative claim, for example. The NYSDHR, the NYC Human Rights Commission or Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) may need a filing related to your claim. All these agencies enforce employment discrimination laws. Nonetheless, there are relevant distinctions between the city, state and federal agencies. All claims are different, you should initiate your claim using the laws that can provide the best chance of a favorable outcome. If you do not initiate your claim in the proper venue, you may not receive the recovery you are trying to obtain.
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace in The Bronx Needs to be Handled Professionally
If you’ve been sexually harassed on the job in The Bronx, our sexual harassment attorneys can certainly help.
You need to formulate a strategy, and our sexual harassment lawyers can certainly help with this. Depending on the circumstances, you may choose to report the problem to human resources. Your company may have procedures and policies that will require you to do this in a very precise way. To make a claim for sexual harassment, you might need to comply with their documented policies. Ensure that as soon as you file a grievance, you have retained important documents and make copies of all responses from your employer. An investigation should be conducted when an employee informs the boss of sexual harassment. Throughout the analysis, our The Bronx sexual harassment attorneys can keep track of the advancement of your claim. If the matter is not advancing, our lawyers will act on your behalf.
More often than not, instead of doing a comprehensive analysis, employers punish the employee. Have you been fired, demoted, or transferred? Were you forced to resign after bringing a complaint regarding sexual harassment? One of the most successful cases involve retaliation by the boss. Our The Bronx sexual harassment attorneys can help you recognize this kind of illegal conduct. We can counsel you on documenting all behavior and replies by your manager to help establish your claim.
Sexual Harassment at Work in The Bronx: What are Your Remedies?
You might be able to win different outcomes based upon the laws applied to your case. Under the various laws, you may be entitled to lost wages, and compensatory damage awards for emotional distress, lawyers’ fees, and punitive damages.
For those who were sexually harassed at work, significant damages can be obtainable. Contact us now. Talk to one of our knowledgeable lawyers handling sexual harassment claims in The Bronx to see if we can help you.
Call Our Sexual Harassment Attorneys Helping Workers in The Bronx Today
The consequences of sexual harassment on the job can be extremely difficult to cope with. Depression or fear frequently materialize after sexual harassment. The pressure and strain can be even greater if you must remain in the workplace. You can be frightened to speak up because you are afraid of retaliation. Where do you turn? Do not try to get through this on your own. Our attorneys can certainly help.
Our sexual harassment lawyers can answer your concerns. Our attorneys’ dedication to our clients is second to none. Call us today for a free claim analysis. We have to review the facts to determine if you have an actionable case against your employer.
Our team can be reached at (646) 846-2800, 24/7 to talk about your case and your needs.
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The post Our New York Sexual Harassment Attorneys Fight for Employees Working in The Bronx appeared first on Sexual Harassment Lawyers in New York | Leeds Brown Law PC.
Our New York Sexual Harassment Attorneys Fight for Employees Working in The Bronx published first on https://leedsbrownlawpc.wordpress.com
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leedsbrownlawpc · 6 years
Sexually Harassed on the Job in Glen Cove? Our New York Sexual Harassment Lawyers Serve Clients Harassed on the Job
Experiencing Sexual Harassment in Glen Cove? Our Attorneys Can Enforce Your Rights
Sexual harassment is never acceptable. Our Glen Cove sexual harassment lawyers can protect your legal rights. How do you handle it whenever lewd sexual suggestions are directed at you in the workplace? What happens when your supervisor invites you on a date and becomes angry because you decline? Should you lodge a complaint regarding these things? What happens if you are confronted with retaliation or branded a “rat”? Would you like to talk with our Glen Cove sexual harassment attorneys to examine your case?
Sexual harassment takes place all too often these days. Our N. Y. employment discrimination and sexual harassment lawyers are prepared to talk to you and determine how we might help you.
Sexual Harassment in Glen Cove is Clearly Unacceptable
var map_pw_map_5a96e53e870bd; function pw_run_map_pw_map_5a96e53e870bd(){ var location = new google.maps.LatLng("40.8623217", "-73.6337389"); var map_options = { zoom: 15, center: location, scrollwheel: 1, disableDefaultUI: 0, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP } map_pw_map_5a96e53e870bd = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("pw_map_5a96e53e870bd"), map_options); var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: location, map: map_pw_map_5a96e53e870bd }); } pw_run_map_pw_map_5a96e53e870bd();
Everybody knows sexual harassment is never acceptable. Yet it carries on in all types of jobs. Unfortunately, recent stories of sexual harassment against women are showing just how pervasive the problem is. If you have been the target of sexual harassment, you’re not alone. Throughout Glen Cove, sexual harassment at work is prevalent. Sexual harassment is not the fault of the target. People that perpetrate sexual harassment are those to pin the blame on. The time is now to protect your legal rights. When you really need assistance, call the New York sexual harassment lawyers at www.sexualharassmentlawyer.com.
Consult with Our Skilled Sexual Harassment Lawyers
Consult our knowledgeable employment discrimination attorneys if you are experiencing sexual harassment in the workplace.
You should have lawyers accessible to wade through the legal and emotional issues you are facing. Your experienced sexual harassment attorneys can certainly help negotiate on your behalf and move your lawsuit to the resolution you want. If you have been harassed, you are coping with a stress filled situation. Let an experienced lawyer help with the legal issues. Are your legal rights being disregarded by a colleague or your manager? Our sexual harassment attorneys are here to assist you and to discuss your options.
Our Sexual Harassment Attorneys Can Address Your Concerns
Those who have been sexually harassed may have a lot of concerns on their minds. Our Glen Cove sexual harassment lawyers can respond to your concerns and help you recognize relevant legal issues.
Victims of sexual harassment have many questions to be addressed, such as: How does someone determine if what they are doing is unlawful? I do not really know if I have a case, exactly what is sexual harassment? I want the person to stop harassing me. What do I do? Should I lodge a complaint? Who do I meet with? I do not want to lose my job. But exactly how should I protect myself from harassment? Can retaliation occur if I stand up for myself?
We have a team of sexual harassment attorneys servicing Glen Cove and areas throughout NY. Our attorneys can provide you with advice and support unique to your sexual harassment lawsuit. It is important you understand your rights. We can clarify them for you.
Our New York Sexual Harassment Lawyers Fully Understand the Laws, Regulations, and Procedures
The laws are complicated. If you know how to proceed, you may be able to take advantage of federal and state, and city laws to assert your legal rights. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 safeguards workers from sexual harassment. It is considered and interpreted to be part of sexual discrimination. The New York State Human Rights Law (NYSHRL) also provides protection against sexual harassment and sexual discrimination. Employees in New York City may also receive protection from New York City Human Rights Law (NYCHRL). Do the laws and regulations apply to you regarding sexual harassment? Your situation is distinctive from another person’s. Which laws work best in your case? When applying the law to your situation, what would work best for you? After we understand your circumstances, our sexual harassment attorneys can recommend a plan of action for your claim in Glen Cove.
Based on your claim, you may have to bring administrative claims prior to the lawsuit. You may have to file a federal claim with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), a state claim with the New York State Division of Human Rights or claim with the NYC Commission on Human Rights. They all enforce sexual harassment and sexual discrimination laws. Although they want to address the same needs, you will find critical distinctions between the agencies. The likelihood of success can be totally different in distinct agencies. We help you to be able to file on time with the right group. Failing to do this can keep you from attaining the remedies to which you may be entitled.
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace in Glen Cove: Investigating and Reporting
If you’ve been sexually harassed in the workplace in Glen Cove, our sexual harassment lawyers will help.
You will need to come up with a strategy, and our sexual harassment lawyers can certainly help with this. You might file a report about the problem. Your employer may have policies requiring you to do so in a very precise way. You might need to follow their procedures and policies to preserve your rights. Once reported, you must document everything you used to support your claim as well as your employer’s reply. An investigation is appropriate when an employee informs the manager of sexual harassment. Our Glen Cove sexual harassment lawyers can monitor this process and help make sure there is a reasonable examination. In case your complaint just isn’t being dealt with properly, we can respond accordingly.
Some managers will incorrectly retaliate against the individual who filed a complaint regarding sexual harassment. Some supervisors may have transferred, fired or demoted an employee who files a report about sexual harassment. Did your boss demand you resign after making a report for harassment? When your supervisor retaliates against you, that can be your best claim. Indications of retaliation might not always be as obvious as being dismissed, and our Glen Cove sexual harassment lawyers can certainly help identify signs. To prove your claim, you need to record the retaliation. We will help with this.
What Remedies are Available If You Have Been Sexually Harassed in Glen Cove?
You might be able to recover distinct outcomes based upon the laws and regulations applied to your case. Making use of various laws for your case, you might be in a position to win compensatory damage awards for emotional distress, back pay, and future compensation.
Compensation can be obtainable for those sexually harassed on the job, and the amount can be significant. Please call our attorneys now. Talk to our sexual harassment lawyers servicing Glen Cove and see if we can help you.
Call Our Sexual Harassment Lawyers Helping Workers in Glen Cove Today
It can be incredibly distressing to deal with the consequences of sexual harassment. The physical or verbal abuse of employees can lead to stress and depression. The pressure and strain can be even greater if you must remain on the job. Retaliation is a concern for those who need to lodge a complaint concerning sexual harassment. What can you do to protect your job and rights? You don’t have to endure this on your own.
Our sexual harassment attorneys can answer your concerns. We take pride in our work. We provide a risk free, no-obligation, free consultation. Find out how we can assist you to pursue a sexual harassment claim against your company.
We are here for you 24/7. Please call (646) 846-2800 to discuss your case.
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The post Sexually Harassed on the Job in Glen Cove? Our New York Sexual Harassment Lawyers Serve Clients Harassed on the Job appeared first on Sexual Harassment Lawyers in New York | Leeds Brown Law PC.
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petersburns · 6 years
Sexual Harassment in Manhattan is Unlawful – Talk to Our New York Sexual Harassment Attorneys
Speak With a Sexual Harassment Attorney Representing Employees in Manhattan
Sexual harassment is not acceptable. Our Manhattan sexual harassment attorneys can safeguard your legal rights. You think you must tolerate offensive comments from your manager or colleagues? Did a coworker get angry with you when you refused his or her advances? Are you comfortable making a report concerning these things to your supervisors? Did your employer make threats against you for making a report about the harassment? Should you have a conversation with our attorneys?
While progress has happened, sexual harassment continues to occur all too often, in all areas of work. Our Sexual Harassment lawyers are able to help if you are sexually harassed.
It is Invariably Wrong When Sexual Harassment Occurs in Manhattan
var map_pw_map_5a85c4d2cdeef; function pw_run_map_pw_map_5a85c4d2cdeef(){ var location = new google.maps.LatLng("40.7830603", "-73.9712488"); var map_options = { zoom: 15, center: location, scrollwheel: 1, disableDefaultUI: 0, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP } map_pw_map_5a85c4d2cdeef = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("pw_map_5a85c4d2cdeef"), map_options); var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: location, map: map_pw_map_5a85c4d2cdeef }); } pw_run_map_pw_map_5a85c4d2cdeef();
Why should sexual harassment continue on when we understand it is never acceptable? Unfortunately, recent stories of sexual harassment against women are showing just how frequently it occurs. The victims of sexual harassment are not alone. Unfortunately, job holders in Manhattan are sexually harassed on the job on a daily basis. You should not blame yourself.  People that commit sexual harassment are those to pin the blame on. The time is now to defend your rights. Our New York sexual harassment lawyers are here to help you get started.
Seek Advice from our Knowledgeable Sexual Harassment Attorneys
Seek advice from our skilled employment discrimination attorneys when you are facing sexual harassment in the workplace.
Having a knowledgeable legal team working for you may make the difference in your sexual harassment claim. A seasoned team of lawyers will be on your side and advising you with your interests in mind. Without a doubt it is a highly traumatic time for you. Your attorney will help alleviate some of this. Is your coworker or employer violating your legal rights? Our sexual harassment attorneys are here to assist you. .
There Are Answers Available to All Your Questions About Sexual Harassment
People who are being sexually harassed have a lot of questions. Our sexual discrimination and Manhattan sexual harassment attorneys will help answer them and provide a framework where you can process the actionable issues.
Those who have experienced sexual harassment often ask  questions, which include: How does someone determine if what they are doing is illegal? I do not really know if I have a claim, what exactly is sexual harassment? How should I react to the individual harassing me? Am I required to file a complaint? What exactly is my next step? I feel that I need protection, and do not know in what direction to go. If my manager retaliates against me, what legal rights do I have?
Our attorneys take care of lawsuits in Manhattan in the New York metropolitan region. Our attorneys concentrate on sexual harassment and discrimination at work, and can provide particular advice for you in filing your claim. Our skilled attorneys are here to instruct you and represent you.
Sexual Harassment Litigation is Complicated in New York
The laws and regulations regarding sexual harassment are complicated. For instance, sexual harassment falls under city, state and federal laws. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects against sexual harassment as a form of sexual discrimination. There is also a state law called The New York State Human Rights Law that does the same. Employees in New York City may also receive protection from New York City Human Rights Law (NYCHRL). Which law covers your claim? Which law affords the best chance of success with your set of facts? For your circumstances, how do you know which law to apply? We will need to comprehend the specifics of your lawsuit. Our sexual harassment attorneys can then advocate a strategy for your matter in Manhattan.
Under various laws and regulations, there are distinct approaches you have to take. In some cases, you have to file an administrative claim, as an example. Should you file with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the New York State Division of Human Rights or the New York City Human Rights Commission? All these agencies enforce employment discrimination laws. Nevertheless, these are distinct agencies in independent areas of the government. You should bring your claim under the laws that provide you with the greatest chance of success based upon your circumstance. If you don’t start your claim in the correct forum, you might not receive the damages you are trying to obtain.
Investigating and Reporting Sexual Harassment in Manhattan
If you’ve been the target of sexual harassment and employment discrimination in Manhattan, there are several advantages to having our sexual harassment lawyers on your side.
With experience managing these lawsuits, the initial step is to assist you to come up with a plan. Depending on the facts and circumstances of the claim, you may choose to file a complaint about the issue with your company. Your company may have policies requiring you to do this in a very particular way. To make a claim, you may have to follow their procedures and policies. Your employer’s answer to your complaint is vital. You have to document and keep copies of everything you present to your employer as well as all responses. When an employee notifies the employer of sexual harassment, somebody really should examine it. Through the investigation, our Manhattan sexual harassment lawyers can keep track of the advancement of your claim. Our attorneys advocate for you and act if the process is not proceeding.
In some lawsuits, the employer punishes the worker who brought a complaint about the sexual harassment. Some bosses punish the victim, and they can be demoted, fired or transferred. Because of lodging a complaint for sexual harassment. Were you made to resign from your job? Your most robust claim can be against your supervisor for retaliation. Not all retaliation is obvious. Our Manhattan sexual harassment lawyers can certainly help identify the indications or signs of retaliation. To demonstrate your valid claim, you must document the retaliation. We can help you.
After Being Sexually Harassed in the Workplace in Manhattan, What Are Your Remedies?
Our Attorneys will also help you realize what solutions are accessible to you. Back pay, and compensation for emotional distress, among other things, may be available under the laws.
Substantial damages may be available for people who were sexually harassed in the workplace. Simply call now if you have questions. Speak with one of our experienced lawyers handling sexual harassment claims in Manhattan to see if we can help.
Please Call Our Office and Speak with Our Sexual Harassment Lawyers to Protect Your Rights in Manhattan
If you are the target of sexual harassment, it could be incredibly distressing. Sexual harassment is nerve-racking, and can lead to anxiety or depression. Continuing to work with those involved with the harassment may make matters even worse. People who experience sexual harassment oftentimes fear retaliation on the job. What should you do? There is absolutely no reason to withstand this by yourself.
By speaking to our sexual harassment lawyers, you will get hands-on, experienced representation from legal professionals who really care. Our lawyers proudly serve clients throughout New York. We offer a free consultation, with no risk or obligation. We have to review the facts to determine if you have an actionable claim against your employer.
We are available 24/7 at (646) 846-2800 to discuss your case.
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If You Are Being Sexually Harassed in Ronkonkoma Talk to Our Sexual Harassment Attorneys
Our New York Sexual Harassment Lawyers Protect People Working in Nassau County
For Those Sexually Harassed at Work in New York City, Our NY Lawyers Can Help
Our Sexual Harassment Attorneys Representing Clients in Mineola Who are Targets of Harassment
If You Are Being Sexually Harassed in North Woodmere Speak to Our Sexual Harassment Attorneys
Obtain the Help of Our Sexual Harassment Lawyers Serving Employees in Hauppauge
Sexually Harassed at Work? Our NY Lawyers are Helping Workers Employed in Hewlett
Our Sexual Harassment Lawyers Representing Employees in Jericho Who are Targets of Harassment
Additional Blog Posts
Diddy Sued For Unpaid Wages and Sexual Harassment
New York Police Officer Plans to Sue for 15 Million
Sexual Harassment Is All About Power
Owner of “Golden Girls” Restaurant Accused of Sexual Harassment
NYC Corrections Officer Complains of Sexual Harassment
Former Waitress at Jewel Sues For Sexual Harassment
The post Sexual Harassment in Manhattan is Unlawful – Talk to Our New York Sexual Harassment Attorneys appeared first on Sexual Harassment Lawyers in New York | Leeds Brown Law PC.
Sexual Harassment in Manhattan is Unlawful – Talk to Our New York Sexual Harassment Attorneys published first on https://leedsbrownlawpc.tumblr.com/
0 notes
henrykaiello · 6 years
Our Sexual Harassment Attorneys Representing Employees in Carle Place Who are Victims of Harassment
In Carle Place, Receive Help from Our Sexual Harassment Lawyers
There is absolutely no excuse for sexual harassment. Our Carle Place sexual harassment lawyers can fight for your rights. Where do you turn if you are at work, and somebody makes offensive suggestions to you? Has your boss demanded a night out and you declined? Does the business have a procedure set up so that you can lodge a complaint concerning these issues? Did coworkers pressure you or attempt to deter you when you complained about sexual harassment? Should you have a discussion with our lawyers?
Sexual harassment occurs too often these days. Our NY sexual harassment and employment discrimination lawyers are in a position to talk to you and find out how we might help you.
Sexual Harassment in Carle Place is Truly Wrong
var map_pw_map_5a96cb293e772; function pw_run_map_pw_map_5a96cb293e772(){ var location = new google.maps.LatLng(“40.7526008”, “-73.6104058”); var map_options = { zoom: 15, center: location, scrollwheel: 1, disableDefaultUI: 0, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP } map_pw_map_5a96cb293e772 = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById(“pw_map_5a96cb293e772”), map_options); var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: location, map: map_pw_map_5a96cb293e772 }); } pw_run_map_pw_map_5a96cb293e772();
Sexual harassment is not acceptable, yet it persists in offices everywhere. Unfortunately, recent stories of sexual harassment against women are showing just how pervasive the problem is. Many people think they’re alone. They are not. Employees in Carle Place face workplace sexual harassment each day. Sexual harassment is not the fault of the target. The people to blame are the ones who carried out sexual harassment. You ought to take the initial step to force them to end their unlawful activities. When you want assistance, call the New York sexual harassment attorneys at https://www.sexualharassmentlawyer.com/.
Consult Our Skilled Sexual Harassment Attorneys
Sexual harassment in Carle Place is never acceptable and our lawyers will help you put it behind you.
Instead of handling the situation by yourself, knowledgeable sexual harassment lawyers can counsel you on how to proceed. An experienced team of lawyers will be working for you and negotiating with your interests in mind. Discrimination at work is traumatic. Your lawyer can help reduce that stress. As member of the workforce, you have rights. Is your boss violating them? Contact us today and talk about your claim with our sexual harassment lawyers.
Sexual Harassment is Difficult and You Very Likely Have Questions
Those who are being sexually harassed have many questions. Having aided many, many individuals who experienced sexual harassment, our lawyers handling cases in Carle Place are able to create a framework for you to organize your thoughts and focus on actionable issues.
As you think about the situation, you may be wondering: Am I looking at the matter wrong? Is this even unlawful? Exactly what is sexual harassment? I want the individual to quit harassing me. What do I do? How do I lodge a complaint regarding this with my manager? Exactly what must I do? I really need to not lose my job. How can I protect myself? Would they retaliate against me?
Our attorneys take care of claims in Carle Place in the New York metropolitan area. Our attorneys can provide advice and support unique to your sexual harassment lawsuit. We can work with you to learn what options you’ve got and just what your rights are.
Understanding and Applying State and Federal Law to Your New York Sexual Harassment Claim
Sexual harassment laws are complicated. For example, sexual harassment falls under city, state and federal laws. Discrimination based upon sex is illegal in the federal law called the Civil Rights Act of 1964. At the state level, New York State Human Rights Law (NYSHRL) prohibits sexual discrimination and sexual harassment. New York City Human Rights Law (NYCHRL) may also provide protection. Which laws would apply to your claim? Every situation is unique. Which laws will safeguard you the very best? Are you able to get greater protection under one law or some other based upon your situation? We must know what happened. Once we do have the details, our Carle Place sexual harassment attorneys can propose an approach.
Based on your circumstances, you may have to file a claim with an administrative agency before initiating a civil action. Should you file with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the New York State Division of Human Rights or the New York City Human Rights Commission? For those who have been sexually harassed, they all provide protection. Although they want to address the same issues, you will find critical differences between the agencies. You may be entitled to a totally different result or have better final results under federal or state law. Our skilled sexual harassment attorneys will direct you through the process. In order to prevail and maximize your damages, you will need to bring a claim under the correct laws and in the right venue.
Reacting to Claims of Workplace Sexual Harassment in Carle Place
There are numerous benefits to having our Carle Place sexual harassment lawyers counseling if you have been a target of sexual harassment and employment discrimination.
You have to create a plan, and our sexual harassment attorneys can certainly help with this. You may need to file a report about the situation with your employer. Your employer may have policies requiring you to do this in a very particular way. Written procedures and policies might need to be adhered to to file a sexual harassment claim. Document and keep duplicates of whatever you use to support your claim in addition to all responses you receive after you file a complaint regarding the sexual harassment. If you inform your employer of the harassment, someone is obligated to take steps to look into your allegations. Once we help you notify your company, our Carle Place sexual harassment attorneys continue to be actively involved. Our lawyers can take additional steps in the event your claim isn’t going forward.
Some bosses choose to retaliate against the employee instead of conducting a comprehensive analysis. Have you been fired, demoted, or transferred? Did your employer demand you resign after making a report for harassment? Your most robust claim can be against your supervisor for retaliation. Our Carle Place sexual harassment lawyers can help recognize this kind of illegal action. We can assist you to prove retaliation and help you record relevant evidence.
What Remedies are Available If You Have Been Sexually Harassed in Carle Place?
You might be able to recover different outcomes depending upon the laws applied to your case. For example, you can be eligible to obtain monetary damages which include lost wages and compensatory damage awards for emotional distress, pain and suffering, lawyers’ fees and punitive damages.
Substantial damages can be available for people who have been sexually harassed on the job. If you feel you’ve been harassed, contact our attorneys immediately. Our sexual harassment attorneys, handling claims in Carle Place can go over your claim with you.
Contact Our Sexual Harassment Attorneys Today for Help With Your Claim in Carle Place
It can be incredibly painful to deal with the effects of sexual harassment. The physical or verbal abuse of employees can lead to fear and depression. Continuing to work with those mixed up in harassment may make things worse. You can be frightened to speak up for fear of retaliation. How do you safeguard your rights? We have experience and will help. There is absolutely no reason to endure this on your own.
Our compassionate sexual harassment lawyers are here to answer all your questions. Our New York attorneys proudly serve our clients’ needs. If you would like a free case analysis, call our offices now. Talk with us to determine if you have a case against your employer.
We are here for you 24/7. Please call (646) 846-2800 to discuss your case.
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The post Our Sexual Harassment Attorneys Representing Employees in Carle Place Who are Victims of Harassment appeared first on Sexual Harassment Lawyers in New York | Leeds Brown Law PC.
Our Sexual Harassment Attorneys Representing Employees in Carle Place Who are Victims of Harassment published first on https://leedsbrownlawpc.wordpress.com
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henrykaiello · 6 years
Sexual Harassment in Manhattan is Unlawful – Talk to Our New York Sexual Harassment Attorneys
Speak With a Sexual Harassment Attorney Representing Employees in Manhattan
Sexual harassment is not acceptable. Our Manhattan sexual harassment attorneys can safeguard your legal rights. You think you must tolerate offensive comments from your manager or colleagues? Did a coworker get angry with you when you refused his or her advances? Are you comfortable making a report concerning these things to your supervisors? Did your employer make threats against you for making a report about the harassment? Should you have a conversation with our attorneys?
While progress has happened, sexual harassment continues to occur all too often, in all areas of work. Our Sexual Harassment lawyers are able to help if you are sexually harassed.
It is Invariably Wrong When Sexual Harassment Occurs in Manhattan
var map_pw_map_5a85c4d2cdeef; function pw_run_map_pw_map_5a85c4d2cdeef(){ var location = new google.maps.LatLng(“40.7830603”, “-73.9712488”); var map_options = { zoom: 15, center: location, scrollwheel: 1, disableDefaultUI: 0, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP } map_pw_map_5a85c4d2cdeef = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById(“pw_map_5a85c4d2cdeef”), map_options); var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: location, map: map_pw_map_5a85c4d2cdeef }); } pw_run_map_pw_map_5a85c4d2cdeef();
Why should sexual harassment continue on when we understand it is never acceptable? Unfortunately, recent stories of sexual harassment against women are showing just how frequently it occurs. The victims of sexual harassment are not alone. Unfortunately, job holders in Manhattan are sexually harassed on the job on a daily basis. You should not blame yourself.  People that commit sexual harassment are those to pin the blame on. The time is now to defend your rights. Our New York sexual harassment lawyers are here to help you get started.
Seek Advice from our Knowledgeable Sexual Harassment Attorneys
Seek advice from our skilled employment discrimination attorneys when you are facing sexual harassment in the workplace.
Having a knowledgeable legal team working for you may make the difference in your sexual harassment claim. A seasoned team of lawyers will be on your side and advising you with your interests in mind. Without a doubt it is a highly traumatic time for you. Your attorney will help alleviate some of this. Is your coworker or employer violating your legal rights? Our sexual harassment attorneys are here to assist you. .
There Are Answers Available to All Your Questions About Sexual Harassment
People who are being sexually harassed have a lot of questions. Our sexual discrimination and Manhattan sexual harassment attorneys will help answer them and provide a framework where you can process the actionable issues.
Those who have experienced sexual harassment often ask  questions, which include: How does someone determine if what they are doing is illegal? I do not really know if I have a claim, what exactly is sexual harassment? How should I react to the individual harassing me? Am I required to file a complaint? What exactly is my next step? I feel that I need protection, and do not know in what direction to go. If my manager retaliates against me, what legal rights do I have?
Our attorneys take care of lawsuits in Manhattan in the New York metropolitan region. Our attorneys concentrate on sexual harassment and discrimination at work, and can provide particular advice for you in filing your claim. Our skilled attorneys are here to instruct you and represent you.
Sexual Harassment Litigation is Complicated in New York
The laws and regulations regarding sexual harassment are complicated. For instance, sexual harassment falls under city, state and federal laws. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects against sexual harassment as a form of sexual discrimination. There is also a state law called The New York State Human Rights Law that does the same. Employees in New York City may also receive protection from New York City Human Rights Law (NYCHRL). Which law covers your claim? Which law affords the best chance of success with your set of facts? For your circumstances, how do you know which law to apply? We will need to comprehend the specifics of your lawsuit. Our sexual harassment attorneys can then advocate a strategy for your matter in Manhattan.
Under various laws and regulations, there are distinct approaches you have to take. In some cases, you have to file an administrative claim, as an example. Should you file with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the New York State Division of Human Rights or the New York City Human Rights Commission? All these agencies enforce employment discrimination laws. Nevertheless, these are distinct agencies in independent areas of the government. You should bring your claim under the laws that provide you with the greatest chance of success based upon your circumstance. If you don’t start your claim in the correct forum, you might not receive the damages you are trying to obtain.
Investigating and Reporting Sexual Harassment in Manhattan
If you’ve been the target of sexual harassment and employment discrimination in Manhattan, there are several advantages to having our sexual harassment lawyers on your side.
With experience managing these lawsuits, the initial step is to assist you to come up with a plan. Depending on the facts and circumstances of the claim, you may choose to file a complaint about the issue with your company. Your company may have policies requiring you to do this in a very particular way. To make a claim, you may have to follow their procedures and policies. Your employer’s answer to your complaint is vital. You have to document and keep copies of everything you present to your employer as well as all responses. When an employee notifies the employer of sexual harassment, somebody really should examine it. Through the investigation, our Manhattan sexual harassment lawyers can keep track of the advancement of your claim. Our attorneys advocate for you and act if the process is not proceeding.
In some lawsuits, the employer punishes the worker who brought a complaint about the sexual harassment. Some bosses punish the victim, and they can be demoted, fired or transferred. Because of lodging a complaint for sexual harassment. Were you made to resign from your job? Your most robust claim can be against your supervisor for retaliation. Not all retaliation is obvious. Our Manhattan sexual harassment lawyers can certainly help identify the indications or signs of retaliation. To demonstrate your valid claim, you must document the retaliation. We can help you.
After Being Sexually Harassed in the Workplace in Manhattan, What Are Your Remedies?
Our Attorneys will also help you realize what solutions are accessible to you. Back pay, and compensation for emotional distress, among other things, may be available under the laws.
Substantial damages may be available for people who were sexually harassed in the workplace. Simply call now if you have questions. Speak with one of our experienced lawyers handling sexual harassment claims in Manhattan to see if we can help.
Please Call Our Office and Speak with Our Sexual Harassment Lawyers to Protect Your Rights in Manhattan
If you are the target of sexual harassment, it could be incredibly distressing. Sexual harassment is nerve-racking, and can lead to anxiety or depression. Continuing to work with those involved with the harassment may make matters even worse. People who experience sexual harassment oftentimes fear retaliation on the job. What should you do? There is absolutely no reason to withstand this by yourself.
By speaking to our sexual harassment lawyers, you will get hands-on, experienced representation from legal professionals who really care. Our lawyers proudly serve clients throughout New York. We offer a free consultation, with no risk or obligation. We have to review the facts to determine if you have an actionable claim against your employer.
We are available 24/7 at (646) 846-2800 to discuss your case.
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Additional Blog Posts
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Former Waitress at Jewel Sues For Sexual Harassment
The post Sexual Harassment in Manhattan is Unlawful – Talk to Our New York Sexual Harassment Attorneys appeared first on Sexual Harassment Lawyers in New York | Leeds Brown Law PC.
Sexual Harassment in Manhattan is Unlawful – Talk to Our New York Sexual Harassment Attorneys published first on https://leedsbrownlawpc.wordpress.com
0 notes
leedsbrownlawpc · 6 years
Sexual Harassment in Manhattan is Unlawful – Talk to Our New York Sexual Harassment Attorneys
Speak With a Sexual Harassment Attorney Representing Employees in Manhattan
Sexual harassment is not acceptable. Our Manhattan sexual harassment attorneys can safeguard your legal rights. You think you must tolerate offensive comments from your manager or colleagues? Did a coworker get angry with you when you refused his or her advances? Are you comfortable making a report concerning these things to your supervisors? Did your employer make threats against you for making a report about the harassment? Should you have a conversation with our attorneys?
While progress has happened, sexual harassment continues to occur all too often, in all areas of work. Our Sexual Harassment lawyers are able to help if you are sexually harassed.
It is Invariably Wrong When Sexual Harassment Occurs in Manhattan
var map_pw_map_5a85c4d2cdeef; function pw_run_map_pw_map_5a85c4d2cdeef(){ var location = new google.maps.LatLng("40.7830603", "-73.9712488"); var map_options = { zoom: 15, center: location, scrollwheel: 1, disableDefaultUI: 0, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP } map_pw_map_5a85c4d2cdeef = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("pw_map_5a85c4d2cdeef"), map_options); var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: location, map: map_pw_map_5a85c4d2cdeef }); } pw_run_map_pw_map_5a85c4d2cdeef();
Why should sexual harassment continue on when we understand it is never acceptable? Unfortunately, recent stories of sexual harassment against women are showing just how frequently it occurs. The victims of sexual harassment are not alone. Unfortunately, job holders in Manhattan are sexually harassed on the job on a daily basis. You should not blame yourself.  People that commit sexual harassment are those to pin the blame on. The time is now to defend your rights. Our New York sexual harassment lawyers are here to help you get started.
Seek Advice from our Knowledgeable Sexual Harassment Attorneys
Seek advice from our skilled employment discrimination attorneys when you are facing sexual harassment in the workplace.
Having a knowledgeable legal team working for you may make the difference in your sexual harassment claim. A seasoned team of lawyers will be on your side and advising you with your interests in mind. Without a doubt it is a highly traumatic time for you. Your attorney will help alleviate some of this. Is your coworker or employer violating your legal rights? Our sexual harassment attorneys are here to assist you. .
There Are Answers Available to All Your Questions About Sexual Harassment
People who are being sexually harassed have a lot of questions. Our sexual discrimination and Manhattan sexual harassment attorneys will help answer them and provide a framework where you can process the actionable issues.
Those who have experienced sexual harassment often ask  questions, which include: How does someone determine if what they are doing is illegal? I do not really know if I have a claim, what exactly is sexual harassment? How should I react to the individual harassing me? Am I required to file a complaint? What exactly is my next step? I feel that I need protection, and do not know in what direction to go. If my manager retaliates against me, what legal rights do I have?
Our attorneys take care of lawsuits in Manhattan in the New York metropolitan region. Our attorneys concentrate on sexual harassment and discrimination at work, and can provide particular advice for you in filing your claim. Our skilled attorneys are here to instruct you and represent you.
Sexual Harassment Litigation is Complicated in New York
The laws and regulations regarding sexual harassment are complicated. For instance, sexual harassment falls under city, state and federal laws. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects against sexual harassment as a form of sexual discrimination. There is also a state law called The New York State Human Rights Law that does the same. Employees in New York City may also receive protection from New York City Human Rights Law (NYCHRL). Which law covers your claim? Which law affords the best chance of success with your set of facts? For your circumstances, how do you know which law to apply? We will need to comprehend the specifics of your lawsuit. Our sexual harassment attorneys can then advocate a strategy for your matter in Manhattan.
Under various laws and regulations, there are distinct approaches you have to take. In some cases, you have to file an administrative claim, as an example. Should you file with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the New York State Division of Human Rights or the New York City Human Rights Commission? All these agencies enforce employment discrimination laws. Nevertheless, these are distinct agencies in independent areas of the government. You should bring your claim under the laws that provide you with the greatest chance of success based upon your circumstance. If you don’t start your claim in the correct forum, you might not receive the damages you are trying to obtain.
Investigating and Reporting Sexual Harassment in Manhattan
If you’ve been the target of sexual harassment and employment discrimination in Manhattan, there are several advantages to having our sexual harassment lawyers on your side.
With experience managing these lawsuits, the initial step is to assist you to come up with a plan. Depending on the facts and circumstances of the claim, you may choose to file a complaint about the issue with your company. Your company may have policies requiring you to do this in a very particular way. To make a claim, you may have to follow their procedures and policies. Your employer’s answer to your complaint is vital. You have to document and keep copies of everything you present to your employer as well as all responses. When an employee notifies the employer of sexual harassment, somebody really should examine it. Through the investigation, our Manhattan sexual harassment lawyers can keep track of the advancement of your claim. Our attorneys advocate for you and act if the process is not proceeding.
In some lawsuits, the employer punishes the worker who brought a complaint about the sexual harassment. Some bosses punish the victim, and they can be demoted, fired or transferred. Because of lodging a complaint for sexual harassment. Were you made to resign from your job? Your most robust claim can be against your supervisor for retaliation. Not all retaliation is obvious. Our Manhattan sexual harassment lawyers can certainly help identify the indications or signs of retaliation. To demonstrate your valid claim, you must document the retaliation. We can help you.
After Being Sexually Harassed in the Workplace in Manhattan, What Are Your Remedies?
Our Attorneys will also help you realize what solutions are accessible to you. Back pay, and compensation for emotional distress, among other things, may be available under the laws.
Substantial damages may be available for people who were sexually harassed in the workplace. Simply call now if you have questions. Speak with one of our experienced lawyers handling sexual harassment claims in Manhattan to see if we can help.
Please Call Our Office and Speak with Our Sexual Harassment Lawyers to Protect Your Rights in Manhattan
If you are the target of sexual harassment, it could be incredibly distressing. Sexual harassment is nerve-racking, and can lead to anxiety or depression. Continuing to work with those involved with the harassment may make matters even worse. People who experience sexual harassment oftentimes fear retaliation on the job. What should you do? There is absolutely no reason to withstand this by yourself.
By speaking to our sexual harassment lawyers, you will get hands-on, experienced representation from legal professionals who really care. Our lawyers proudly serve clients throughout New York. We offer a free consultation, with no risk or obligation. We have to review the facts to determine if you have an actionable claim against your employer.
We are available 24/7 at (646) 846-2800 to discuss your case.
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The post Sexual Harassment in Manhattan is Unlawful – Talk to Our New York Sexual Harassment Attorneys appeared first on Sexual Harassment Lawyers in New York | Leeds Brown Law PC.
0 notes
henrykaiello · 6 years
Sexually Harassed on the Job? Our New York Lawyers are Serving People Working in Bellmore
Why You Need a Sexual Harassment Lawyer in Bellmore
When sexual harassment occurs on the job, you have to have a discussion with our Bellmore sexual harassment attorneys. What should you do when you are at work, and somebody makes offensive suggestions to you? Did someone get angry with you when you turned down their advances? Are you comfortable bringing a complaint about these things to management? Is it time to speak with our lawyers? Do you want to talk to our Bellmore sexual harassment lawyers to analyze your claim?
Despite advancements made, sexual harassment persists on the job. Our NY Sexual Harassment attorneys are prepared to talk to you and find out if we can help you.
It is Clearly Improper When Sexual Harassment Happens in Bellmore
We agree it is not acceptable, yet it continues in all industries. Unfortunately, recent stories of sexual harassment against women are showing just how pervasive the problem is. The victims of sexual harassment are not alone. All through Bellmore, sexual harassment in the workplace is common. Victims often pin the blame on themselves. You can’t feel humiliation. Sexual harassment just isn’t your fault. The people to blame are the ones who carried out sexual harassment. You will need to fight for your legal rights. Our New York sexual harassment lawyers are here to help you begin this process.
Seek Advice from our Knowledgeable Sexual Harassment Lawyers
If you’re experiencing sexual harassment in the workplace, talk to our employment discrimination and sexual harassment lawyers.
Having a skilled legal team working for you could make a major difference in your sexual harassment lawsuit. Your professional sexual harassment lawyers can certainly help negotiate and advance your claim towards the outcome you seek. Sexual harassment is stressful and emotional; a knowledgeable sexual harassment lawyer will help you through these challenges. As a worker, you have rights. Is your supervisor violating them? Call us for an explanation of your rights.
Find The Answers to Your Concerns About Sexual Harassment
Those who have been sexually harassed may have a lot of questions on their minds. Our Bellmore sexual harassment lawyers can address your concerns and help you identify important issues.
Those who suffered sexual harassment have of concerns such as: Is it only me? Exactly what is sexual harassment? Is this sexual harassment? I want the person to stop harassing me, however I don’t know how to deal with the situation. How do I file a report concerning this with my employer? How do I deal with this? I do not want to be fired. But how should I protect myself from harassment? Can retaliation take place if I defend myself?
We’ve got seasoned Bellmore sexual harassment attorneys to help protect your rights. Our attorneys have practical experience taking on sexual harassment claims, and can supply you with specific information and assistance to assist you with your claim. Sexual harassment claims may be complex and our lawyers can help explain your legal rights to you.
Our New York Sexual Harassment Lawyers Fully Grasp The Laws and Procedures
The laws and regulations regarding sexual harassment are complicated. For people who have been sexually harassed, there are several sections of law that defend them. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 forbids sexual harassment. It is considered and interpreted to be part of sexual discrimination. There is also a state law called The New York State Human Rights Law that does the same. New York City Human Rights Law (NYCHRL) may also provide protection. Based upon what is happening, which laws apply to your circumstance? Based on your situation, which offers you the greatest probability to succeed? Which law, federal, state or city would provide you the best outcome? We have to understand the specifics of your lawsuit. Our sexual harassment attorneys can then recommend a course of action for your matter in Bellmore.
Depending upon your claim, you may need to bring administrative claims before the action. Various commissions can be involved. The New York City Commission on Human Rights, The New York State Division of Human Rights or Equal Employment Opportunity Commission may require filings. The city, state, and federal agencies enforce anti-discrimination and anti-sexual harassment laws. Nonetheless, there are important distinctions between them. Our seasoned sexual harassment lawyers are aware of the laws and procedures, and assist you to submit your claim promptly with the appropriate group. Selecting the most appropriate venue is relevant to improving your opportunity of success.
Investigating and Reporting Workplace Sexual Harassment in Bellmore
Sexual harassment on the job in Bellmore is truly serious and our lawyers will help when it impacts you.
One way our sexual harassment attorneys might help is to help you to come up with a plan. Based upon the details and circumstances of your claim, you may choose to file a report regarding the situation with your company. Your company may have documented procedures and policies in place that require you to file a complaint about sexual harassment. You may have to adhere to their policies to protect your rights. Once reported, you have to document everything you used to support your claim as well as your employer’s response. When an employee informs the employer of sexual harassment, someone should check into it. Through the investigation our Bellmore sexual harassment lawyers can keep track of the advancement of your claim. If the company is delaying, we are able to act appropriately.
In many cases, the employer does not investigate and may even retaliate towards the sexually harassed staff member. You may have been demoted, fired or transferred. You might have been required to resign after you filed a report about harassment. As you move forward, your best assertion may be for retaliation against your manager. Our experienced Bellmore sexual harassment can help you recognize indications of retaliation. We can advise you on documenting all actions and reactions by your supervisor to help build your claim.
After Being Sexually Harassed in The Workplace in Bellmore, What Are Your Remedies?
Different remedies can be accessible to you under the law. Various laws include remuneration for emotional distress, lawyers’ fees, back pay and punitive damages.
If you’ve been sexually harassed at work, you could be eligible for significant compensation. If you have been sexually harassed, call today. Look at the details of your case with one of our sexual harassment lawyers, helping clients in Bellmore.
Call and Speak with Our Bellmore Sexual Harassment Attorneys
For many, it is extremely distressing to deal with sexual harassment. The abuse, irrespective of whether it is physical or verbal, can result in anxiety and depression. The pressure and strain can be even greater because of those who must remainon the job. People who face sexual harassment oftentimes fear retaliation in the workplace. What approach should you take? We have experience and can help. There is absolutely no reason to endure this by yourself.
Our sexual harassment lawyers can answer your questions. Our attorneys proudly serve valued clients throughout New York. Contact us today for a free claim analysis. Let us help determine if you have a case against your company.
We are available to talk with you 24/7. Call (646) 846-2800 now.
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