#keeks watches streams
calumhoodgoss · 5 months
horror story of a teenage 5sos blogger
let me set the scene - its the mid 2010s, I'm 17, in the height of my 5sos fan career, im watching keek compilations all day and scrolling tumblr all night. Life is good.
Fast forward a few months and I start talking to this cute boy at school. we start going on dates, having first kisses - and first everything elses. we're falling madly in love. it's intense (and so cringy to look back at as an adult) but again, life is good! not a worry in the world!!
eventually.. it somehow comes up that my boyfriend and i both have tumblrs (of VERY different nature's mind you). we wanted to show eachother things we'd found online but we were both adamant we didn't want to see eachothers blogs (FOR OBVIOUS REASONS). instead of following each other, we would send each other screenshots of funny textposts, pictures, etc. - blacking out our respective blog names and url's to protect our online anonymity. life is good!
now by day, I'm spending all hours messaging my totally hot boyfriend but by night... by night, I'm reblogging hot gifs of calum hood, smut fanfics, imagines, general gifs of hot couples making out (ifykyk). it's the HEIGHT of tumblr fanfiction and imagine culture and I could not get enough. i was exploring things in real life with my boyfriend while also exploring online through fics. reblogging every single thing along the way. i was having my cake and eating it too and it was a fucking good time to be alive. life is so good!
of course, like any normal person, I was using my tags as a stream of consciousness. a way to get out my feelings about cal, about my boyfriend, about being a teenager, about LITERALLY EVERYTHING. Unfiltered, hormonal, teenage girl writing about the boys she likes. every. damn. night. life! is! good!
until.. all until.. my boyfriend and i were lying together in a park, under a tree, light filtering down on us as we talk and laugh and kiss - a perfect afternoon UNTIL he says there's something he has to tell me. 'what does *name of my blog* mean?'
TURNS OUT, the very first time I sent him a screenshot of something, I didn't black out my url properly and he had been SECRETLY STALKING MY BLOG FOR MONTHHHSSSS.
Literally just months worth of calum hood smut, so.much.smut, smut requests too!!!, soft porn gifs WITH TAGS LITERALLY EXPLICITLY ABOUT MY BOYFRIEND, countless text posts about our dates and whatever the fuck I was thinking or feeling that day, 5sos drama, EVERYTHING. EVERYTHINGGGGG. ABSOLUTELY EV ER Y THIN G
needless to say that blog was immediately scorched from the surface of the earth. and since then, I virtually haven't been on 5sos tumblr - until now. I was so mortified that I wasn't just throwing my thoughts into the void, I was literally scarred.
we're still together though lol I guess he some how liked me enough to look past the 5sos blog HAHA. he's a much stronger person than I because if the roles were reversed and he had some obsessed teenage fan blog, I think i would have gotten the ick straight away. Especially since I literally NEVER talked about 5sos with him because I was soooo embarrassed that I was obsessed with them (this was album one era guys HAHA and my boyfriend was way cooler than me in highschool). now I don't care, I play them in the shower all the time - he can deal with it hahaha
moral of the story is, idk don't tell your teenage boyfriend you have tumblr cause he will find your blog
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ghost-of-you · 11 months
Why do people feel the need to produce break up rumors out of thin air after every tour/album 🫥 the expectations of some people in this fandom are wild to me.
What do people think they should do? Even if it weren't for Michael's baby, they released an album last year and played two tours, of course they'll need some time to recharge now. Why would you expect new music or ANOTHER tour now already?
And they have not said or done anything that would indicate that they are thinking about breaking up and still people choose to be paranoid instead of putting some trust in them and just let them rest.
Idk maybe I'm the opposite of those people who are still traumatised by 1D or whatever but my other favourite band just had a 5 year gap between albums, they didn't play any live shows for like 4 of those years (partly bc of the pandemic od course) and the front man did a solo album + tour in the meantime. One other band member did some stuff as a producer and from like 2 of them I think I saw a total of 4 social media posts during that time lmao. I didn't see a single person worried that they would break up. That never came up as a possibility anywhere. And then I go to 5sos fandom spaces and people are freaking out when the band goes on a break because one of them will have to care for a damn newborn like please 💀
Sorry for ranting, I'm sure you have a lot of this stuff in your inbox now. No need to respond, I just needed to express to someone how truly baffled I am by this behaviour.
Honestly, I blame one direction for a large part of it. Obviously not the boys in 1D but the whole culture and the intensity around them. I like them but I was never in really invested in them so I did watch everything that happened from the outside and I keep seeing the effects of it. A lot of people did not handle their break up and since 5sos has this connection to them that ended bringing fans over to 5sos people get triggered. But it's bullshit because 5sos is a band that wanted to be the band they are. To act as if 5sos is doomed to follow 1Ds footsteps is stupid because 1D was a bunch of kids who didn't want to be in a band, who got put in a band package and explored until they broke. And all of them are doing the thing they wanted all along, which is be solo acts, so the comparison is not fair. You can't compare 5sos to the boyband curse, because they are no are not a boyband. And this is the dumbest argument ever but it is true, 5sos has a lot more freedom with each other to do other things while still keeping the 5sos project alive. Everything they do that's not exactly like the 17 yo posting keeks and doing twitcam from a mansion creating a constant stream of content creates a wave of mass histeria and honestly, I am so tired of it. Even if 5sos were about to take a decade long break, which I don't think they will, they like making music with each other too much to just stop, they can. They gave us over a third of their lives already. They are allowed different dreams.
Also I think there's this layer of desensitization surrounding famous people in general, that makes people not see them as real people with real feelings or see them as this character they get mad won't follow the script they made in their heads. And the whole way some parts of the music industry just want a really fast rotation that's not really possible and things like K-pop that end up having a higher rotation that creates a bigger stream of content that's not really sustainable in a healthy way for very long but creates a weird expectation anyway. And people think they're allowed to demand shit just because (and this goes from the temper tantrum for the lack of tour to the obnoxious hbg chanting)
5sos already did the killing themselves for the band. Now they live and have a band. I rather to see things this way. They are happy, they are thriving in other aspects of life. If that means waiting another 2, 3, 5, 10 years for new music, so be it. To use 5sos own metaphor, they're driving the bus, we're just along for the ride so whatever stops and turns they want is what goes. They can do whatever they want because is their life and it's their band. And I'm not worried they're gonna break up. Not even a little bit. If not seeing them for a year while Michael settles into being a father is what it takes for them to be happy and healthy, then so be it, let them exist outside the band.
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ravendruid · 2 years
Vaxleth + Sleepy Prompt #16
Let’s face it: they’re both afraid to sleep because of nightmares. Vax especially.
Just a warning for this drabble: it contains a dream sequence in which Keyleth has a lot of self-doubt and guilty feelings. 16. “Are you afraid to fall asleep because you think you’re gonna have a nightmare?”
Keyleth tossed and turned in bed, kicking back the covers when she felt too warm, then pulling them up when the cold bit her skin. After what seemed like hours, she finally felt herself drift off, only to be awakened by a sudden jerk of her body.
She sat up with her back against the headboard and her heart racing in her chest after feeling like she was about to fall from a great height. She felt a body stir next to her, and a warm, calloused hand rested on her thigh. 
“Are you okay?” Vax’s sleepy voice asked in a whisper. Keyleth nodded, willing her tears down with a knot in her throat. “Are you sure?” Vax didn’t buy her lie. Of course, he wouldn’t.
“I can’t sleep. I’m… I’m scared, Vax,” she let herself cry, pulling her knees to her chest. Vax sat up next to her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. 
“Are you afraid to fall asleep because you think you’re gonna have a nightmare?”
Keyleth nodded again. She had been having a recurring nightmare the past week, and Vax had been woken to her screaming or crying several times. 
“I can’t do it, Vax. I can’t go to sleep and dream about it again.” She sobbed into his shoulder.
Standing under the cherry tree that centered Zephrah was a family of half-elves. The mom had long curly red hair and was well-equipped with all sorts of traveling gear, and the father, a tall man with long hair, held a little girl on his hip, whose hair was so red it seemed like she had been kissed by flames.  
Keyleth held on to her father, tears streaming down her face. She didn’t understand why her mom was leaving, she was scared and sad, but most of all, she felt it was her fault. Maybe if Keyleth behaved better, if she had eaten all her veggies and paid attention in class, her mom wouldn’t be leaving her.
The scene changed, and a teenage Keyleth sat under the cherry tree, crying by herself. It had been a decade since she last heard about her mother, and while she understood why Vilya had left, she couldn’t understand why she hadn’t returned yet. Maybe her mom didn’t love her enough, or maybe Keyleth wasn’t good enough a reason for her mother to return.
Another change. This time, Keyleth saw herself and her father under the cherry tree, wearing her mother’s old leather armor and staff. Korrin reminded her of her obligations, what she was setting out to do – her Aramenté – and how much was at stake. As Keyleth crossed the portal her father opened on the trunk, she felt like she was thrown out into the wild and wasn’t ready for it – even though she had years of training.
The dream changed again, and Keyelth saw herself surrounded by fire and screams. Her friends were laying on the ground next to her, and she saw their faces, one by one, and the pain they were in as they were engulfed by flames. She led them to this hell. It was her fault.
One last change, faster and more sudden, hitting her like a punch in the gut, and Keyleth saw Vax in the tentacles of the Kraken, the air leaving his lungs as he drowned, while Keyleth did nothing but watch in fear. She did this. She killed him, the one she loved the most. Just like her mother, she led her friends to their death, and she was next. She failed again and again and again.
“Keyleth, it’s just a dream. I’m right here.” Vax rested her hand on his beating heart.
“You died.” She sobbed again. “And it was my fault.”
“No, Kiki. I live because of you. I wouldn’t be here if you hadn’t saved me. I’m real. This is real, not your dream. You did not fail anyone, and you did not disappoint anyone. You are more than enough! Fuck! If someone isn’t enough, it’s me! I don’t deserve you, Keeks.”
Keyleth let out a wet chuckle of disbelief. “You keep saying that.”
“Because it’s true,” Vax pulled her away from him and kissed the tears in the corner of one eye. “You are strong,” he followed the path of her tears down to her cheek. “You are amazing,” he kissed the corner of the other eye. “You are fierce,” he pressed soft, tender kisses down her other cheek. “And most of all, you are more than enough.” He finished with a long, deep kiss on her lips. 
Keyleth felt warmth rush through her body as if Vax had just cast a healing spell, and she leaned into him. She knew her doubts emerged from exhaustion, from not having rested all week, and she knew she would feel like an idiot the tomorrow for even thinking that way.
“Ready to try to get some sleep?” Vax asked, laying down and bringing her with him. Keyleth nodded and nuzzled against his neck, feeling his soft and warm breath atop her head. 
“Thank you, Vax,” she sighed. “I love you.”
“I will always love you, Kiki.”
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gheysnakeredacted · 4 years
Wow, I guess Quackity never truly got over Schlatt huh
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Come Hell or Helwater - Part Sixteen
Claire comes back to the past with Brianna and arrives at Helwater looking for Jamie—but must confront the Dunsanys first.
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven, Part Twelve, Part Thirteen, Part Fourteen, Part Fifteen
This installment is kind of inspired by and therefore dedicated to all the parents out there who have been put into the position of homeschooling their children due to current circumstances. ~ Mod Lenny
With Lady Isobel gone to stay with her sister, Brianna’s education fell back to Claire and Jamie. 
At first, Claire worked with Brianna during the day while Jamie was busy with the horses. She reviewed mathematics and gave Brianna some problems to solve before changing their attention to science. Even if Brianna hadn’t requested it, Claire would have insisted upon teaching her daughter as much 20th century science as she could. 
When Jamie returned for lunch and dinner, Brianna would tell him about what she had learned and then in the evenings, he would work with her on languages, reading and classical history. 
Brianna and Claire played a game when Jamie wasn’t around where she would toss out a historical event and Brianna had to guess whether or not it had happened yet. Once, Brianna asked about changing history and whether it was possible. Claire offered an abridged account of her own attempts at changing things with Jamie’s help.
“Perhaps it was only that we tried to change an event that was too large,” Claire admitted with a shrug. “There were too many forces pushing it to happen and we couldn’t stop enough of them. Perhaps, if we’d tried with something smaller and more insignificant, we would have succeeded and eventually its consequences would have snowballed into larger changes decades from now. Or perhaps it isn’t possible at all.”
“Maybe the things you could change of the ones that don’t make it into history books at all,” Brianna guessed. “Then you wouldn’t know if you were changing anything or not.”
“Maybe,” Claire agreed with a smile. 
But while Jamie would probably have happily skipped learning the history-yet-to-come that fueled their game, his curiosity got the better of him when it came to Brianna recounting what Claire was teaching her of science. 
“And why are ye growin’ mold on bread?” Jamie asked, turning from Brianna to Claire. But Brianna answered. 
“There’s a special kind that squirts out stuff that keeps you from getting sick,” she explained, causing Claire to laugh and Jamie to quirk an eyebrow.
“Lord John has agreed to help me acquire a microscope,” Claire told him. “And if it works well enough, I should be able to find — or at least try to find — the strain that secretes what will one day be called penicillin. It’s an antibiotic that can help prevent and cure infection.”
“The wee bit of mold will do all that?” he asked in wonderment. 
Claire smiled, carrying a plate with freshly cut (and mold free) bread to put on the table before him. She stayed standing behind him, resting her hands on his shoulders and leaning in close to add, “And it’s a Scot who’ll discover it. In about a hundred and fifty years’ time.” She kissed his cheek and gave him a pat on the back before moving to take her own seat and dig into the meal.
“And you plan to find it and… use it?”
“Of course. I’ll need to fashion some kind of hypodermic needle eventually, but an oral administration is better than nothing. The acid in the stomach breaks it down a bit so its effects aren’t as fast or strong,” she rambled. 
Jamie sat nodding, watching her as he chewed. 
“When did you say Lord John would send you the microscope?” Brianna asked around a full mouth. 
Claire frowned at her and swallowed her own mouthful before replying, “Within the month. I’m hoping it will be closer to a fortnight but either way, it doesn’t hurt to start a few cultures so I have something to try right away. As soon as it arrives, we’ll go around collecting samples we can use to calibrate the microscope. Trough water, goat’s milk… we’ll see if we can find some algae on the rocks in the stream and maybe some plant spores or flower pollen…”
“I can bring ye some of the muck from the stalls if that would be of interest to ye,” Jamie offered. 
Claire beamed while Brianna grimaced at the thought. Jamie laughed, joined by Claire when she saw Brianna’s disgusted expression (only some of which was about Jamie’s offer and the rest by her mother’s obvious intention to take him up on it). 
“I cannae wait to see what ye find wi’ the microscope,” he said with excitement. 
The microscope arrived from Lord John about three weeks later, when Brianna’s frustration at its delay had begun to negatively affect her attitude (and Jamie and Claire’s by extension). 
It arrived while Jamie was busy at the stables. When he returned to their small cottage for his midday meal, he instead found Claire bent over the table setting it up and Brianna hovering like a butterfly, too excited to land anywhere for long. 
“Shall I fetch something from Cook in the kitchen then?” he asked, announcing his entrance. 
“Would you?” Claire asked gratefully, adjusting a mirror and inching a candle (burned to a low nub) closer. “I’ve got it nearly there… I don’t want to move it to lay anything out yet.”
“Bree,” Jamie jerked his head back toward the door. “Come help me carry it.” 
“You don’t need help carrying anything from the kitchen,” she whined. “I wanna stay and look through the microscope when Mama’s got it ready.”
“She’s like to have it ready by the time we return and we can find something from Cook tha’s worth a keek through the microscope,” he assured her, heading into the room and herding her out of the cottage. 
He glanced to Claire as he reached to close the door behind them. She was watching him leave mouthing, “thank you,” and smiling. It warmed him through, easing the tired tension in his arms and back from his morning’s work. 
Brianna chattered away as they walked to and from the kitchens, fetching some bread, cheese, and cold meat left from Lord and Lady Dunsany’s meal. 
“Insist on the full spread though Lady Isobel’s away,” Cook muttered as she picked over the parcel she packed for them, retrieving stray bones she needed for making stock. 
Brianna carried the basket while Jamie carried some bottles with ale.
“I wonder if Mama will let us look at that under the microscope,” she mused, nodding to the bottles.
“I’d dinna ken as I want to see that just yet. If I’ve just had it to drink and the sight turns my stomach, I may see it in a still less flattering way… or if it would turn my stomach and I havena drunk it yet, then I’ll just go the day thirsty and I cannae do that wi’ an afternoon yet ahead of me,” he told her.
“Ugh, no. Nothing food or drink then for a while,” Brianna grimaced. 
Jamie chuckled, amazed at just how much the expression matched a common one of Claire’s. It was a constant wonder to watch and listen to Brianna. She was at once the embodiment of Claire, the mirror of himself, and yet something – or rather, someone – entirely her own. 
Claire didn’t look like she’d moved at all since they’d stepped out, but when she raised her head at their entrance her face was alight with triumph. 
“Care to take a look?” she asked Brianna. 
Jamie successfully grabbed the basket from her hands before Brianna could drop it or toss it aside in her haste. 
Claire gave him an apologetic look as she showed Brianna what to do and reminded her not to jar the table or the device. 
“Whoa… what is that?” Brianna gasped. 
“I had a vial on me the last time I went looking for mushrooms in the woods,” Claire explained. “There’s that shallow spot near the stream that’s basically a small stagnant pond. Since I had the vial and there was water in it, I thought I might as well take a sample.”
“Holy cow, they’re moving!”
Instincts startled into action by Brianna’s exclamation, Jamie darted to her side but Claire was grinning. 
“I know! I was worried anything alive in the sample would die before the microscope arrived. You’re looking at a paramecium. They live in the water and feed on bacteria, algae, that sort of thing.”
“I think it’s eating another one,” Brianna said with horror and panic in her voice. She looked to Jamie while Claire swept in to peek.
“It’s not eating the other one. It’s dividing. That’s how they reproduce,” she explained. 
Brianna looked again. “Da… you have to see this.” 
She backed away, offering him her spot. He looked to Claire with uncertainty, but she nodded and walked him through how he should adjust the scope to focus as he needed. She knew he found the right setting when she heard his quiet gasp. 
“And that wee thing lives in the water?” he asked carefully. 
“Not all water. But some microorganisms like this can make people ill. That’s why I always boil water for drinking and sterilize my medical instruments in boiling water. It kills the kinds of microbes that cause infection.” 
“So it’s one of yer germs, then… this paramecium…” 
“Not exactly. But it does eat some kinds of germs. I’m afraid this microscope isn’t strong enough to see the bacteria it feeds on. But it should do just fine for examining the molds to find the right one for penicillin,” she declared. 
“I’ll never again dip my hand to drink from a loch wi’out seein’ that wee thing in my mind’s eye,” Jamie said, sounding haunted and perhaps a bit queasy. 
“What’d you two fetch for lunch?” Claire asked, hungry now that success was achieved.
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the1weliveinnow · 4 years
There’s almost nothing I hate more than seeing old fetus 5sos content. When I was a kid and had a crush on them during that era it was fine but I feel so uncomfortable watching their old live-streams and keeks and stuff now.
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mrs-all-amukeian · 5 years
I can't tell if you just ship muke and have your own theories or just a general 5sos fan?
I have mentioned this before but I will go on in detail about what I believe.  I love the friendship Michael and Luke have, especially since they went from two boys who wanted to kill each other to two men who have nothing but love for each other. Now I know some people will say that only sossies still ship muke (rather its their friendship or an actual relationship) but I do have my own little theories about them. Watching their old content, I come to believe that maybe, just maybe, at some point these two actually had something going on. First, Michael did mention in a keek that he was bisexual (he said it quietly to Calum but everybody heard it clearly) which some fans just sweep under the rug. Michael also tried to kiss Luke publicly at the summertime ball (green hair era), where Luke pulled away and looked around to make sure nobody was looking. Michael also had a phase where he was attached to the hip to Luke (during both his red hair eras) and also mentioned on a streaming cam that he has a boyfriend (you can find it on my blog and masterpost). All of Michael’s leaked videos for some reason only consist of Luke (like the Bali cuddling where Luke was laying on top of him, he clearly did not want that public) and their cute NYE cuddle where they both look completely wasted. Now, I know it could be just a friendship thing going on but I have never seen 2 friends act the way they do no matter how close they are. Something obviously went down and they seemed a bit distant for a bit (this is where arzaylea suddenly popped up). Before anyone assumes that I just don’t like their current partners because “I WaNt tHem foR mYseLf” (I want nothing more than to support these guys and whatever, or whoever, makes them happy) but their choice of partners is terrible and seem too controlling. While I do believe that Michael and Luke are not a thing now, I’m not fully convinced that they are happy with their current relationships. 
Forgot to add that no matter what anyone says or thinks, Wrapped Around Your Finger is the one and only Muke song k thx
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meyhew · 6 years
remember when Niall came onto Harry’s live stream of one of his tour nights? Do you think he was like ah this is pretty cool, must do this for the fans!
oh yea definitely! back in the dark ages we watched concerts through keeks and vines, and live streaming entire shows is a relatively new thing tbh and not many fandoms do it. i’m like 95% sure he popped in for that stream, saw how many people actually suffer through them and how shit the quality is, and decided to do a proper one for everyone at home. 
he didn’t charge a penny, which is so nice of him, but i keep saying it: if artists stream their concerts for a teeny tiny cost, they could make so much money. o many people can’t afford to buy concert tickets but can probably pay a small fee for a quality experience from home. nialls onto something here, i hope the other boys do something like it as well
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angeltriestoblog · 4 years
I Miss 5 Seconds of Summer???
A few days after 5 Seconds of Summer held their concert in the Philippines last 2016, I wrote a blog post with this exact same title then went on to elaborate that I missed the version of them that I fell in love with. I’ve unarchived it so anyone who bothers to read this has a salient starting point, but be warned: I seriously can’t make it through the entire thing without suffering from a chronic cringe attack—who ever told 16-year-old me that she could write?!
I have listened to 5SOS’ entire discography almost exclusively today. But my Spotify followers wouldn’t know. In an expert attempt to evade their judgment, I go on Private Mode so I can cry to their music in peace. I’ve also been watching a couple of their videos too. My favorite is this live performance of Ghost of You where Calum Hood does some immaculate vocal blending at the 1:26 mark. I have my watch history paused though so I don’t get bombarded with more recommendations and end up spiraling further down the hole.
It’s funny how I think that removing every trace of related activity on my corner of the Internet could also erase it from my own memory, render it as a mere figment of my imagination instead of a clear manifestation that I’m starting to like them again. And it might seem even funnier that I am convinced that people care! But then again, I did unstan them pretty publicly a few years back following a misogynistic interview they did for an issue of Rolling Stone, which also featured all four of them almost fully nude on the cover.
To this day, I continue to dissect the piece with one part of me thinking that I might have overreacted, having seen and read it for the first time when I was 14 and much more of a prude, and the other knowing that I did not. In one paragraph, Luke Hemmings admits that during the early years of the band, they took advantage of the amount of female attention they were at the center of. “They were wildest on their early tours, when they’d go to bars to mingle with fans after shows,” it read.
In another, Hood talks quite nonchalantly about his infamous dick pic that made its rounds on the Internet the year before, and how it surprisingly gave the band a lot of publicity. “Now I’m just working on the sex tape,” he jokes. “I’ll call Pamela up, like, ‘Hey, it’s been a while. We really need to hype this band up!’”
Having risen to fame as the opening act of the clean-cut British-Irish group One Direction, 5SOS was immediately touted as a boyband—next in line to 1D’s throne, or competing with them for the crown, depends on which magazine you read. Though this exposure granted them a huge teenage fanbase (myself included), they hated the label that came with it. They constantly asserted that they played their own instruments and wrote their own songs, and behaved in a way that well-curated, expertly marketed groups would not: carefree, loud, playfully and forgivably naughty. No one would believe them though. People would say it’s the curse of being conventionally attractive in the music industry. You were almost always expected to be a popstar, a commodity that catered to the masses. But they tried anyway: maybe a lip ring and a couple of tattoos would do the trick, sprinkle some curse words here and there in interviews, get caught smoking or drinking.
That interview was their final act: their big-time effort to break away and hopefully land a spot amongst the rock bands they looked up to and wanted so desperately to impress. Even if it meant objectifying, mocking, and taking advantage of the girls who propelled them to stardom in the first place. Simply put, that interview was them desperately trying to get rid of fans like me. And so, I obliged.
Now that I’ve been staying at home for almost three months straight, I have revisited a lot of old favorites: poorly written fan fiction I used to eat up in my early teenage years, full seasons of Nickelodeon TV shows (only the good ones) downloaded off sketchy places on the Internet, my childhood journals filled with my loopy handwriting and family of stick figures. I know I’m not alone in this pursuit: it seems like we’re all holding on to remnants of our past to remind us that we have experienced better days, and they will surely come again soon.
I felt like it was inevitable I’d return to 5SOS because they had released their fourth full-length album during the first few weeks of the quarantine. Everywhere on social media, I was reminded that one single was out, and then another, and then another and I figured that it wouldn’t hurt to give it a try. After all, I did give Youngblood, their third record, a spin when it first came out as well. I thought their attempts at experimentation bordered on pretentiousness, and figured that if this was the musical direction they wanted to take, I’d surely hate every succeeding record as well.
But the problem was I really liked it. Although it wasn’t a no-skip album, each track was different from the rest, all showing a level of inventiveness and mastery of musical technique not present in previous releases. After playing the entire thing again and again, even the songs I didn’t vibe with at first started to grow on me. Turns out the beauty of Easier and Teeth is in the details: the thrumming bass at the beginning, the unconventional vocal inflections, best appreciated in an enclosed area with the volume on high. My amazement at how their musical style had progressed over the years led to me listening to all of their albums in chronological order, then rewatching some of their funniest interviews which were alarmingly easy to retrieve from memory.
During these times, I’ve wondered why I still remain curious about what they’re doing, why I still give their music a shot when I see it on my Release Radar. They never apologized for the article and I assume that they talk about things of that sort even more now that they’re older.
And I guess the answer is simple. Besides the fact that the music is honest to God amazing, they kind of made me who I am. Having found them during the height of my teen angst phase, I reveled in having idols who were open about rebelling against the system and forging our own paths despite being looked down on by those older than us. It was through them that I was introduced to bands that further diversified my taste in music, that I started experimenting with a more introspective type of writing that led to the style I employ to this day. I made so many good friends because of them, some of which are still in my life today. Looking back, I wouldn’t consider it the best version of myself but she was different. More importantly, she was really happy.
I am well-versed in the discourse surrounding problematic faves, and I know that if I ever find myself in such a situation, I have two options: either go down the productive, politically correct road and steer clear from them, or continue to consume their work but with the knowledge that what they did was inexcusable. I teeter between boycotting their music altogether—because even Spotify streams can be translated into revenue and there’s nothing that powers oppressors like financial stability and fame—and choosing to separate the art from the artist so I can appreciate good work without the reputation of its creator clouding my judgment.
I guess at this point, I probably am looking at them with rose-tinted glasses. I heard that some victims of even the most abusive and toxic relationships look back at their time with their former significant others with fondness. Though what I had with Calum, Ashton, Luke, and Michael was nowhere near romantic, and their transgressions far from a personal attack, maybe it applies to my situation too. I look at 5SOS now through the lens of the 14-year-old who embedded watching Keeks into her daily routine, or fell asleep listening to Heartbreak Girl on repeat and rejoiced when it hit 1,000 plays on her iTunes. They are no longer that band, and I am no longer that girl. And while it doesn’t hurt to remember the times when we were those people, I must remind myself that things can never go back to the way they were.
Maybe this doesn’t have to be as dramatic as I’m making it. But that’s the good thing about keeping this blog despite getting published on other corners of the Internet—I can make it as dramatic as I want to be.
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baggubuggu · 7 years
Music on the wind 1 -- Drabble
OK. SO. After what I wrote last night, I decided I wanna write more with Ipo and Idk I guess I put the spotlight on Link because he’s the ultimate wingman lbr. 
Anyway enjoy this. No idea when I’ll have the next part done ‘D
Link gave one last sweeping glance to Sidon, who was enthusiastically waving him farewell as he descended down the stairway to the Great Zora Bridge. He smiled in return and eagerly waved back to the Zora prince before continuing on his way. It was nice to see the Zora people out now in the few weeks since Ruta had been calmed. Several of the guards were smiling and nodding at him as he passed and the children giggled and scampered around him.
He passed by Ledo, who was diligently repairing the luminous column on the bridge. Dunma and her father, Rivan, were standing watch at the main entry and both Zora nodded to Link in acknowledgement. It was a nice, cool morning and the sun was still climbing over the mountains directly behind Link, to the north. A gentle wind followed Link as he paced himself along the path of the Great Bridge.
Link tilted his head to one side when he spotted the captain of the Zora guard, Bazz, standing about halfway down the walkway. He looked distracted and was staring at something to the right of the bridge. Link jogged the remaining distance between he and Bazz and placed his hands on his hips. Bazz didn’t look too surprised by Link’s arrival and sent a pensive stare with his golden eyes.
“Ah. Master Link,” Bazz greeted, though his voice sounded very distant and lost in thought. “It’s good you came to visit us again. Everything is as it should be since Ruta was dealt with,” he explained, the grip on his silverscale spear loosening. However, Bazz slowly lifted his gaze back to whatever he was looking at before and frowned.
Link made a confused hum and followed Bazz’s stare for a second. He then approached the Zora, canted his head to one side and quickly signed a ‘...But?’ to him.
Bazz blinked, caught off guard by Link’s actions, and he cleared his throat. “Ah, no. No, no. Nothing is wrong, Master Link. In fact, we’re holding the Festival of the Wind Fish soon!”
‘Festival?’ Link replied, casually gesturing with his hands. ‘Wind Fish?’
“I suppose you don’t remember, huh?” Bazz tapped the blunt end of his spear against the ground. “It’s an annual celebration for we Zora. We have a big feast, put on a play dedicated to our guardian deity of ages past--the Wind Fish--and celebrate with music. I believe this one will be one of the biggest festivals we’ve had in years!”
‘Is that a problem, then?’ Link signed and nodded down to Bazz’s fidgeting hands.
“No...I--ahh…” Bazz sighed and pinched at the bridge between his eyes. “Please, pay no mind to it. It’s a miniscule thing compared to the trouble we had with Ruta and I can’t bother you with this.”
Link shook his head. ‘I don’t mind helping. What’s wrong?’
Bazz only groaned. “It’s just that Prince Sidon has personally assigned me to making sure this is our best festival possible. He has faith that you’ll defeat Calamity Ganon, Master Link. As do I. So, he wants to inspire everyone and keep up hope. Things are going well; preparations are in order. It’s just…” his voice trailed off as he glanced up again. “A few days ago, I was patrolling near the Veiled Falls and I heard this wonderful music. It sounds crazy, but it was coming from behind the waterfall!”
‘You’re concerned about music?’ Link asked, signing in response at a slower pace.
“Not at all!” Bazz replied and held up one hand. “I want to ask whoever was playing the music to be a part of the festival.”
‘But, you aren’t sure who it is?’ Link guessed, quickly piecing the problem together.
Bazz shook his head and frowned again. “I’ve tried asking around, but no one seems to know who it could be either.” He rested his finger against the curve of his chin and studied Veiled Falls, lingering overhead on the cliffside. “I’m afraid with all of my duties at the moment, patrolling as well as making all the arrangements for the festival, I’m at a loss.”
Link nodded in understanding. ‘You don’t have time to investigate the waterfall.’
“Exactly. I couldn’t ask you to look into this though, Link,” Bazz began, the frown leaving his face. “You’ve already helped us out so much.”
Link shrugged and flashed a warm grin at the captain. ‘I said I don’t mind.’
The black Zora smiled in return and bowed respectfully. “Thank you, Link! It would mean a lot.”
He gaze Bazz a thumbs up before he whipped out his Sheikah slate. He studied the map for a moment and decided to teleport to the Dagah Keek shrine, since it was practically the Veiled Fall’s neighbor. Link heard a surprised gasp from Bazz before he vanished into a stream of light.
Instantaneously, he arrived at the entrance of the Shrine. Link turned on his heels and faced the cascading waterfall and swiftly approached the small pool of water the bottom of the falls. He stepped into the water, wadded against the gentle currents as it came past his knees, and propelled himself forward. The drop off of the water pounded into his back, but Link shrugged it off with a grunt and swam through to the other side. He collided with a long, Zora-built wall instead of usual rock--and from the looks of it, the wall went all the way to the top of the waterfall.
He studied the wall and ran his fingers along the metal as he followed from one side to other, tapping and knocking. He paused when a portion of the wall sounded much more hollow compared to the other wall. Link snapped his fingers and pulled out the slate again. He activated his magnesis rune. Just as he thought, the hallowed wall glowed in the presence of the Sheikah slate and Link used the energy beam to nudge the metal sheet to the side.
Link crept closer and peered through the opening. Inside was a dark tunnel, leading to somewhere unknown. He perked up when he heard an echo of music; it was some sort of stringed instrument.
Eyes narrowing, to adjust to the darkness, Link crept forward and followed the music.
Part Two here!
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
keek never deserved this...
Akutagawa: *shivers* teacher: mr araragi? Akutagawa: "Sorry...Just a draft..." *pulls his coat closer* teacher: well, do try and pay attention. Akutagawa: =______= "I said I'm cold, and you criticize me? Maybe fix the heat in here." -elsewhere- Iida: *stretching* -elsewhere- Mifune: *sips tea* yuma: *coloring* angela: *nom nom* Mifune: *looks at Yuma's coloring* -it's of the three of them- Mifune: *smiles* "Got enough crayons?" -elsewhere- keek: *coming to* nng....huh? ...am i... Hawthorne: "..." keek: mr hawthorne? zoey: ... keek: ??... *she looks down.......* ah- -her legs have been amputated- keek: *screaming* Hawthorne: *closes his eyes, covering his face* zoey: .... Shousaku: *looks pale, like he will vomit* zoey: i guess....you wont be running anywhere now~ keek: *sobbing* Shousaku: "What the hell is wrong with you people?!" Hawthorne: *clutching his cross* zoey: i only did as master fyodor asked of me... FD: "And that is why you will not try again...or I'll take more from you, child." keek: *hic* *trembling* Hawthorne: "...Could you please leave?" *looks at FD and Zoey* zoey: i havent finished with you, pastor...master, shall i correct him? Hawthorne: "?!!!" FD: "Proceed." zoey: *dragging hawthorne into a separate room* Hawthorne: "L-Let go!" *tries to summon his ability--* -the door slams behind them- barkova: *whine* Shousaku: O______O "..." *shudders* keek:.....w-why are you doing this? FD: "..." *leans down* "If you want something, I need something in exchange..." *rests a hand next to her head on the bed* "Your legs were that price." keek: *trembling with fear, tears streaming* FD: "I'm sure your mother will be grateful to have you back...Most of you back. And if you want to still be recognizable when she picks you up, you better do as I say. Understand?" keek: *tears falling* FD: "I'll take that as a yes." *taps Shousaku* "Get her to stop crying already. It's pathetic." Shousaku: "??!!" FD: *exits* -elsewhere- Poe: Q_____Q *holds up a crucifix* karl: o^o~? ghost: you look startled, is everything alright? Poe: "Just considering ways to dispel that awful Touma...I heard crucifixes work on those kinds of demons." ghost: ah, i see. i take it you heard that from your sister rowena? Poe: *nod nod* "She's a good authority." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *curled up in bed* "..." kim: everything ok? Jacqueline: *shakes her head, touches her throat* kim: sore throat? Jacqueline: *nods* kim: hold on, i know a remedy for this. Jacqueline: "???" kim: try gargling with salt water. Jacqueline: =____= *tries to sit up and get out of bed...she's wobbling* kim: *holding her up* steady now. Jacqueline: *walks with her to the kitchen...takes a glass and salt* -elsewhere- Vulcan: *adjusting jetpack propulsion* "..." -elsewhere- Todoroki: *staring at his left arm* -...- {Todoroki: "I don't want to!"} {???: do you really think you have a choice?} {Todoroki: "I-I should! I didn't want to do this! Please! It hurts!" {-SMACK-} {Todoroki: *holds his face* tears falling* } -...- Todoroki: *he's now touching his cheek* {ochako: *smiling*} Todoroki: "..." =\\\= -elsewhere- Bakugo: *holds up a pair of shoes* "How 'bout these? Not too expensive. Soles feel alright." eijiro: plus they look hella punk rock! Bakugo: "Eh, worth a try. I'll get them." -elsewhere- Izuku: "Your sister keeps looking taller every time I see her." tsuyu: yeah, they sure grow up fast, dont they? Izuku: *nods* "Like tadpoles. ..." *covers his mouth* o\\\\o tsuyu:...*small chuckle* i suppose you're right. Izuku: ^\\\^; "I-I'm sorry..." -elsewhere- Aizawa: *asleep...in a sleeping bag...that is hanging from a tree branch* yuuji: are you even comfortable like that, old man? Aizawa: *eyes snap open* "Watch who you're calling old, kid." yuuji: um... 7-7; Aizawa: "I can sleep anywhere...it's just a matter of--" *CRACK* Aizawa: o_____O "GRAVITY!" *falling* -elsewhere- Hibana: o_____O "...Did it hurt?" mikami: i-i dont think so.... gabriella: *handing her a glass of water* ryuuko: *worried* Hibana: "Stay off your feet. That's an order." mikami: *she nods and lays back in the bed* Hibana: "How did this happen?" gabriella: could it have something to do with that 'adora burst'? Hibana: *nods* "I want increased security." gabriella: understood. mikami: ...*asleep* Hibana: "...Poor girl." -elsewhere- Black Star: "..." *pats Tsubaki's hand* tsubaki: hmm? *small blush* Black Star: "You doing okay?" tsubaki: *she nods* of course i am. Black Star: "..." *big smile* "Great to hear!" *hug* tsubaki: *hug* ^///^ Black Star: *pat pat* "We're here for you, Tsubaki." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form...bandages...digging* "..." -silence- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *jabs his paw again through the dirt* -elsewhere- Arthur: "So many dining options at the Festival...What will you have?" -elsewhere- Hyde: *fishing in the river* "...I got a bite!" romina: awesome! licht:....what the heck is that? Hyde: "It's either a Sea Bass, or a new species of fish..." julian:....good lord. tamaki: ....YOU! Hyde: OWO;;; "Who, me, talking fish?" -elsewhere- Mephisto: "And how are we doing~?" felisia: *whiiiiine* TT~TT Mephisto: owo;; "That badly, huh?" *holds up hot water bottle* felisia: *clutching it* TT3TT Mephisto: "..." *rubs her shoulder* felisia: thank you. Mephisto: "Whatever I can do..." -elsewhere- Relan: "Thanks for sparring with me, Maki." ^__x *he has a bruised eye* maki: *giving him an icepack* Relan: "Thanks..." *carefully applies it to his eye* "A-Ah!" -elsewhere- Gin: "??? Q? What's wrong" Q: TT~TT higuchi:... !!! he's running a fever... Gin: "I'll get medicine. Get him some water." higuchi: *nods* Gin: "Just lie down, Q...You'll be okay." Q: *hic* w-why do bad things always have to happen to me? Gin: "These are...difficult circumstances. But many people go through colds--" Q: *crying* Gin: "..." *puts on a medical glove and mask, pats his hand* "It's okay...You'll be fine..." -elsewhere- Dazai: TTWTT "Can you buy my lunch today?" atsushi: me? Dazai: "Please? Kunikida and Mole Guy ate me out of wallet and socks!" *shakes his sock* "See? No coins." atsushi: ^^; Dazai: *his stomach growls so loudly it shakes the floor* -elsewhere- Joker: *pins photos to bulletin board* "Adora Link..." ivy: myeh? Joker: "This is what I've been trying to figure out...I thought it'd just be Kusakabe and his brother. It seems like there are more." scarlet: ....more what? Joker: "More people holding this Link." scarlet: ...... {mikami: big sis!} .... *grips fist* Joker: "We find the common denominator, we figure out this Link, we learn what the Preacher wants with it--then we see what that Link can do." -elsewhere- Faustus: "I'VE DONE IT!" metsu: ?? doctor? Faustus: *holds up a clear liquid* "Crystal-clear cola!" -elsewhere- chie: *rocking toru and humming* toru: =w= Yohei: *smiles* io: *yawn* Tool: "Time for a nap for you, kiddo." -elsewhere- Karim: *sneezes* pearl: you arent getting a cold too, are you? Karim: "That, or someone's talking about m--" *sneezes again* =____= pearl: D8> dia:....*cold chill* -underground- katya: they cut off a girl's legs then they screw. talk about merciless. yana: do they have to play it over the intercom? pushkin: *pokerface* bruh. FD: "How is that?" zoey: it hurts so good~!<3 FD: *pinches her bottom* "Oh?" zoey: ah~<3 FD: "What if I filled up every hole of you with my seed?" yana: *urk* katya: welp. time to pull out the big guns. *gets out a flask and starts drinking* Shousaku: Q____Q keek:.....*laying on her side, still in a state of shock* ..... Hawthorne: *shackled to a wall...stripped down...bloodied* "..." leo: ....... FD: "I should tie you up and cut into you..." zoey: p-please...p-punish me how you see fit... ivan: *biting a hanky and growling* FD: *pulls out ropes, tying her to the bed...* -elsewhere- Kid: *shudders* stocking: *hugs him* .... Kid: "Th-Thank you..." *sniff* stocking: *hums* Kid: *closes his eyes, shudders* stocking: *rubs his back* Kid: =~= *his breathing calms* stocking: *kiss* Kid: *small sob* "Th-Thank you..." stocking: i love you, ok? Kid: *nods* "I-I love you, too..." -elsewhere- Monoma: *grabbing groceries...'dinner for one'* TT_TT ???: "Elise, please!" elise: why? Mori: "Because you need calcium! And they are buy one get one free!" Monoma: "???" ("...That doctor needs a shave. Weird lab coat, too...") *turns and heads to the check-out line* Mori: *eye glint at Monoma, his back turned to him* elise: ?? Monoma: "Thanks." *takes his change, heads to the exit* -elsewhere- Akitaru: "...The heck happened to you?" tamaki: *wrapped in a towel* ....i dont wanna talk about it. Akitaru: "Ah...Well, Takehisa has your meal in the fridge. Just heat it up when you're ready." tamaki:....thanks. Akitaru: "You're welcome! Now, go change, and I'll heat you up some tea." -elsewhere- Meme: *yawn* mio: *yaaaawn* Meme: *closes her eyes...her head rests on Mio's shoulder* mio: O////O Meme: "Zzzz..." *leans over and...SMOOSH* mio: O/////////O *KO* Meme: *and as Mio is KO'ed, Meme in her sleep leans more over until--*CRASH** -elsewhere- Poe: *cooking fish* "..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Then we put the pizza into the oven..." sonia: *watching* Chuuya: "Give it 20 minutes to see how quickly the cheese melts...I hope you like the vegetables on it." -elsewhere- Belkia: "YOU WANT A PIECE OF ME, MOTHERFUCKER?!" twain: ?? *peeeek* *Belkia is yelling at a mime* mime: OuO ?? ayami: ^^; Belkia: "I WORK THIS STREET CORNER WITH MAGIC TRICKS! YOU JUST PRETEND TO BE AN INVISIBLE BOX!" *grabs the Mime by the collar* "WHERE'S YOUR BOX NOW, YOU MONOCHROMATIC CLOWN?!" twain: *filming it on his phone* huck: you should probably do something about this. sawyer: no way man, this is hysterical! Belkia: "How 'bout I make you my magician's assistant..." *summons a giant top hat* twain: WOAH! Belkia: *drops the hat over the Mime--then pulls out a sword* "Watch, as the sword goes in--" -elsewhere- Shamrock: Y~Y *he has cactus needles in his backside* tsubaki: *pulling them out* Shamrock: "Thank you for--OUCH! ...So embarrassing..." tsubaki: ^^; Shamrock: "I was tending to the garden...It was like it came out of nowhere." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *sips orange juice* -elsewhere- Kyoka: *sips milkshake* -elsewhere- Arthur: *staring at sundial* -elsewhere- Kid: "Zzz..." stocking: zzzz Kid: *hug* stocking: u///u Kid: *sleep smooch* -elsewhere- Vulcan: *sleep hammering an engine* "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Gin: "How is he?" higuchi: a little better. he's asleep right now... Gin: "...I'll stay up to keep an eye on him." higuchi: ok. Gin: *nods* "...Don't wait up for me. Get some sleep." higuchi: night. Gin: "..." *smooch* higuchi: u////u Gin: *packs her back, smiles* "Later." -elsewhere- Touma: *smirks* mitsuba: ?? *peering past the corner* Touma: *has files spread out* mafura: ?? *There are surveillance photographs of the hotel and Tsubaki's house* -elsewhere- Papa Uraraka: "Ochaco? I'm almost done with dinner." ochako: awesome. Papa: "You doing okay?" ochako: *nods* Papa: "That's good...Excited for the next round?" -elsewhere- Hiro: *sets out plates* "Got the dinner." hime: awesome Hiro: "Which dish you want?" *sets out Chinese boxes* -elsewhere- Dazai: =w= "So full..." *pats his belly* atsushi: TTwTT my wallet. odasaku: ^^; Dazai: "Who's up for dessert?" -elsewhere- Yumi: "Zzz..." lord death: u////u *hugs yumi* Yumi: =w= *hug* -elsewhere- heibito: ?? Asura: *looks at Heibito* "..." heibito:...*arms up* mm! >.< Asura: *his scarves scoop Heibito up* "Is this better?" heibito: =w= Asura: "..." *small smile* "Good." *small bounce* heibito: ^o^ Asura: "Hee hee..." *lifts him over his head* mikan: hey sweetie. *smiles* i brought dinner home. *holding up a jar with a few souls in it* Asura: *smiles* "Yummy. Right, Heibito?" heibito: *nom* ^u^ Asura: TTWTT -elsewhere- Giriko: *pats Anna's back* anna: zzzz arachne: *smiling* malaria: ^^ Giriko: *whispers* "Time to put her down..." *hands her to Malaria* -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *looks at the Moon* fang-hua: there you are. *climbing onto the roof* Tsukiyo: *smiles* "Here I am! What's up?" fang-hua: something on your mind? Tsukiyo: "...You ever wonder why the Moon is always laughing?" fang-hua: ....*shrug* it always looked so different back at home. Tsukiyo: "No kidding...Maybe it's a nervous laugh, like when you want to impress someone..." *pulls up her knees to herself* fang-hua: *looks up at the sky* ... Tsukiyo: "...How you think the kitsune will do out there?' fang-hua: ....im sure he'll do just fine... Tsukiyo: "Hope so...Those creeps stalking people in town need to get punched in their tiny bits." -elsewhere- mary: *humming to herself on her walk* *Suddenly, there are numerous squirrels and birds...someone is feeding them* mary: *peeek....and immediatly attacked by squirrels* oh hi! Kouji: ouo;;;; LK: mary: are you out here by yourself? Kouji: *blinks...waves his hand at the animals, as if to say, 'No, they're here, too."* mary: i see. hiya friends! squirrel: *nomming on her arm* mary: hehe ^^ Kouji: o__O;;;; *points at her arm* -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Zzz..." {higuchi: chuuya....} {-rain's body lay limp in his arms-} {Chuuya: *shakes his head*} {hirotsu:...we can...take her from here-} {Chuuya: "I'm not letting you take her!"} {hirotsu:....} {higuchi: .....} {Chuuya: "W-We can...We can do something..."} {mafioso: chuuya....she's gone....im sorry...} {Chuuya: "SHE CAN'T BE!"} {mafioso: !!} {mafioso 2: look at her, she's not moving, not breathing...} {Chuuya: "Fix this! She can't...She just can't! It's not fair!"} {higuchi: chuuya! get a hold of yourself!} {Chuuya: *sobs, holding Rain*} {-no one said anything...-} {Chuuya: *cradles her, just crying*} {-a sound comes from her...the rest of her air leaving her lungs-} {Chuuya: "!!!"} {hirotsu: .....} {Chuuya: "..Rain...?"} {-her head just slumps forward-} {Chuuya: "..." *wails*} {hirotsu: ....*closing his eyes*} {higuchi: *wiping her tears*} {Chuuya: *lets out sobs, just holding her...*} {-no one said anything...-} {Chuuya: "..." *lets go of her*} {mafioso: *goes to pick up the body*} {Chuuya: *doesn't try to hold on...just collapses on his knees*} -...- Chuuya: *shudders, opening his eyes* -silence- Chuuya: "..." *sits up...gets out of bed...opens Sonia's door a crack* sonia: *asleep, holding her teddy bear* Chuuya: *sigh of relief... enters the room quietly...tucks her in* sonia: =u= Chuuya: *looks at the window...some light pokes through* -early morning already?- Chuuya: "!!!" ("I have to get her breakfast ready...") sonia: zzz -elsewhere- keek: ...... *under the blankets, exhausted* ...... Shousaku: "..." *folding paper* keek:......*dragging herself to the laptop....begins typing* Shousaku: "...???' keek: ....... Shousaku: "..." keek:.....*rubbing her eyes, still typing* Shousaku: "...What are you..." keek: ........ Shousaku: "...Kid, come on..." keek:.....*looking up at him with a dead look* Shousaku: "...Y-You got to...I mean, you can't just..." keek: ...... Shousaku: "...What are you even working on?" keek: .......... Shousaku: "..." *glances at her screen* -elsewhere- Kid: *stretches* stocking: morning kiddo~<3 Kid: *smiles* "Well, hello..." ^\\\^ stocking: *huuuugs and pulls him onto the bed, on top of her* Kid: o\\\\o "...Oh." stocking: hmhm~ *kiss* Kid: "Mmmm..." =\\\\= *smooch* stocking: did you have plans this morning~? *wrapping her legs around him* Kid: "Well, I think I have an opening..." *puts his hands along her sides* stocking: *smirks and kisses him again* Kid: *moans...lifts up his head, exposing his neck* stocking: *kissing his neck and jawline* Kid: *slight shudder...* "So good..." *his hand slides down to her bottom* stocking: *blush* mmmh~ Kid: *starts massaging her cheek...his fingers slide around...* stocking: *small gasp* ah! f-fuck! Kid: o\\\o "...Too much?" stocking:....*rubs her knee between his legs* Kid: o\\\\\\o "I guess not...?" =\\\\= *small moan, as he lowers his head to hers, kissing her lips* -elsewhere- Gin: *asleep in a chair next to Q's bed* Q: *clutching his doll, asleep* Gin: *yawn...* *opens her eyes...sits up, looks at Q...* Q: *he seems content...* Gin: "..." *rests her hand on his forehead to check his temperature* Q: *shifting slightly.....he's a bit warm, but better than he was yesterday* Gin: ("Another day of sleep...") Q: *muttering* mama.... Gin: "..." *holds his hand* -elsewhere- Relan: =_= *dragging himself through the hallway* shinra: you sure you're ok? Relan: "More or less...Just not the best sleep. You?" shinra: a little exhausted, but i can power through it. Relan: *nods* "Sure you can...Maybe a shower and a good breakfast will wake me up." -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *turns on hot plate* mary: *nomming on pancakes* bram: *muffled muttering into pillow* Fitzgerald: "??? Bram?" bram: im too exhausted to get out of bed today... Fitzgerald: "...Need something to help you wake up? Tea?" -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *snoring* fang-hua: *streeetch* Tsukiyo: *yawns...sits up* "...What time is it?" -elsewhere- Yohei: *putting on his tie* chie: do your best today, hun. *kiss* Yohei: ^\\\^ "For you and Toru, I will." *smooch* -elsewhere- Poe: "Zzz..." karl: *looking at the calendar*... -today is marked 'ranpo's birthday!!'- Poe: *yawns* "...!!! HIS GIFT!" *pulls it, wrapped, from under the bed* karl: ^o^ Poe: *sets the gift on his desk, dashes into the bathroom to shower and shave* karl: *standing guard* Poe: *after completing his bathroom regiment, gets dressed...looks in the mirror* "Do I look appropriate?" karl: *thumbs up* Poe: ^\\\^ "Yay." *takes the gift* "We're off!" -elsewhere- Kyoka: "...Won't he just predict what is in each birthday present?" atsushi: even if he does, he at least pretends to be surprised. ^^; Kyoka: "Hmmm...Will there be cake?" atsushi: definitely. Kyoka: "...Let's get some before Ranpo goes through it all. -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "Zzz..." -...- {Akutagawa: *wounded...but running, his blood dripping on the road*} {-the woods are silent....-} {Akutagawa: *runs into the woods* "..." ("Hate...I hate them all...")} {-.....there is a man not too far off......with several others dead at his feet-} {???: "..."} {Akutagawa: "?!!!" *watches...* ("How...They were armed...How could he kill them all? Is he...a demon?"} {???: *turns, stares at Akutagawa* "Hello."} {Akutagawa: "?!!"} {???: "I've been waiting for you, Akutagawa. I am Dazai."} {Akutagawa: "...These are your subordinates..."} {Dazai: "You had thought this would be a good spot to ambush them, right? I figured. That's why I came here. These guys were one of our subordinate organization, killed kids to keep them quiet about info they discovered. But they let one get away--and I figured that kid would come back. And if that kid tried to kill them...Well, sure, he'd be able to kill six of them, but not without dying in the process."} {Akutagawa: "...These are your subordinates..."} Death the Kid: {Dazai: "You had thought this would be a good spot to ambush them, right? I figured. That's why I came here. These guys were one of our subordinate organization, killed kids to keep them quiet about info they discovered. But they let one get away--and I figured that kid would come back. And if that kid tried to kill them...Well, sure, he'd be able to kill six of them, but not without dying in the process."} {Akutagawa: "...How--"} {Dazai: "I was promoted today. Executive Member. Kind of a pain--increased responsibilities and all that. One perk, though: I can do whatever I want to underlings."} {Akutagawa: "...But why--"} {Dazai: "A gift. For you. You don't seem the type to be bought off with money or flowers."} {Akutagawa: "..."} {Dazai: "I want you to join the Port Mafia--"} {Akutagawa: *forms a blade--and stabs it into Dazai's neck*} {Dazai: "...Impressive."} {Akutagawa: "?!!!" ("It should have pierced his neck!")} {Dazai: *looks up, having not moved at all* "..."} {Akutagawa: "..." ("He anticipated the attack...") *leaps back* "H-How did you...kill them?"} {Dazai: "I started some discord among them. Whisper the right words in their ears...Feel free to reject this offer. Whatever happens, I'll give you enough money to give your friends a proper burial, make sure you and your sister never have a want again. And I'll never bother you again. And if you take up my offer...It will be hell. But if you can walk that road..."} {Akutagawa: *stares at Dazai's eyes*} {Dazai: "What do you desire?"} {Akutagawa: "...Meaning...to my life."} {Dazai: "I will give you one."} {Akutagawa: "..." ("...Teacher...Mentor...")} {Dazai: "What is your answer?"} {Akutagawa: "..." *pulls back his head, and howls into the night*} {Dazai: "...Good answer."} -knocks on the door- Akutagawa: *eyes break open* "...Yes?" gin: *creaks the door open* im home. Akutagawa: "..." *sits up in bed* "Welcome back. How is Q?" gin: well, he's doing a little better. hirotsu said he'd look after him for a bit. Akutagawa: "...That's good..." =_= gin:....is everything ok? Akutagawa: "...Just remembered something." gin:....oh.... {gin: please...do whatever you want to me...but please, dont hurt ryu!} {Akutagawa: *bloodied*} {Mafioso #5: "Oh, 'whatever', huh?"} {???: dont be a pervert. *smacks him across the face* my apologies, young lady. his behavior could be improved by a margin.} {gin: .....*looking at the bandaged man* ....} {"Bandaged Man": "...This your brother?"} {gin:......*she nods* please....please dont hurt him...} {"Bandages": "...Let the boy go. And his sister. We're done here."} gin: .... Akutagawa: "...Gin?" gin:...just thinking. -elsewhere- zoey: ...*anxious* FD: "???" zoey: will i be able to bring our baby home soon? FD: "..." *smiles, strokes her cheek* "Soon." zoey: ah~ FD: "Please be patient, just a little longer." zoey: of course, master fyodor. if it pleases you, i will wait years! FD: "I hope not so long, but thanks." zoey: ah~ Ivan: "S-Sir?" FD: "???" zoey: ... Ivan: "How may I serve you, Master?" zoey: ......*yandere glare* FD: "...Tea, please." Ivan: *shiny eyes* "Yes, master!" zoey: ... ==# Ivan: *rushes to the kitchen* FD: *looks at Zoey* "...Displeased?" zoey: *hugging his arm to her chest* FD: "...I am not ignoring you." zoey: ... Ivan: *brewing tea* =w= FD: *pats her knee* zoey: ah~<3 FD: *cheek kiss* zoey: *soft moan* Ivan: "I'M BACK WITH THE TEA!" zoey: ..... Ivan: *hands the tea--and "accidentally" spills it onto zoey* zoey: !! *scalpel out* w-why...y-you....- Ivan: *blocks with tea tray* FD: -_-;;;; "Stop." zoey: ......of course.... FD: "Ivan, apologize." Ivan: owo; "But, sir, I--" zoey: *scalpel shine* FD: "Zoey!" zoey:...*puts it away, still glaring at ivan* FD: "Ivan, get her dress cleaned." zoey: ... Ivan: "...Yes, Master." FD: *hands Zoey a towel* zoey: ...... -elsewhere- Patty: *lifts a wrench* "DIIIIIIIIIE!" *smash a giant rubber ball in the backyard* kirika: *dodge* Patty: *knocked back* -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *wearing women's sunglasses* bram: a bold look, sir. Fitzgerald: "Thank you! Another sale! For $9.99 per month, they send new sunglasses in the mail." -elsewhere- Lucy: *in sunglasses* =\\\= classmate: nice sunglasses! Lucy: "...Thanks. A friend mailed them to me..." *takes them off* -elsewhere- Belkia: *sitting in a jail cell* ._. otogiri: -.-; what did you do _this_ time? Belkia: "Beat up a mime." otogiri: *sigh* of course. Belkia: "HOW IS THAT EVEN A CRIME?! It's a public service!" -elsewhere- Todoroki: *glares at vendor selling Endeavor masks* vendor: you interested? Todoroki: *chilled voice* "No." vendor: ....ok then. Todoroki: "Unbelievable...Selling masks of-of him?!" vendor: well, he is number 2 hero- Todoroki: "And if he was a wife beater, would he still be?!" vendor: er- ???: todoroki? Todoroki: *shaking, his breath getting cold* ochako:.....are you ok? Todoroki: "..." *turns away from the stand* "Fine. I got to go." ochako: ah-..... ....... Todoroki: *fast walking to the stands* -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *passes bowl of soup* -elsewhere- Kid: =w= stocking: *panting* Kid: *sighs* "G-Good day for staying in~?" stocking: y-yeah....*panting* Kid: *kisses where he bit her shoulder* stocking: ahhh~<3 Kid: "Stocking..." *licks to the crook of her neck* stocking: ahhhh~ Kid: *slowly gets on top of her, as he kisses her lips* stocking: mmmn~ Kid: *slides a hand to her lower back, lifting it up so he kisses her more deeply* stocking: *licking his lips* mmnh~ Kid: "Mmm..." *lets her lick his lips, as he traces his fingers along her leg, lifting it* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "Happy birthday." ranpo: ^^ kirako: ^^.... *notices someone at the door* may we help you, sir? Poe: .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\. *shaking* kirako:....sir? ranpo: hey poe! how's it going? Poe: "DAPPY HIRTHBAY!" *holds up gift* ranpo: *take it* is this another manuscript or something? Poe: owo *shakes his head 'no'* ranpo: *unwraps it* Poe: o\\\w\\\o "D-Do you like it?" ranpo: hmmm... cool. Poe: >\\\\\\< karl: ^o^ ranpo: so did ligeia help ya pick it out? yosano: -_-; (thinking: i thought we were over that joke...) Poe: owo;;;; "...Who?" ranpo: that girl from the hotel? Poe: "...Lana? Oh! Sh-She's great! Super great! Magical!" ^\\\^ ranpo: oh cool.....you pop the question or something? yosano: 0_0 (thinking: that's blunt! even for you!) Poe: O\\\\\\\\\O *broken* "HA-BAH-WHAH-FUH-HUH?!" kirako: .-.;; Poe: *steam coming off his head* "...May I have water?" -elsewhere- Arthur: *feet stuck in hardening sidewalk cement* "...Huh." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "How's Q?" higuchi: he seems to be doing better... Chuuya: "That's good...You look kind of tired." higuchi: a drink is totally needed... sonia: *peeeek* Chuuya: ^^; "I'll have to pass on that...Maybe call up Gin?" higuchi: ok...you sure you'll pass? Chuuya: "I should keep an eye on Sonia, so I'll have to take a rain check on that--" *stops* "..." *trembling* higuchi: ….poor word choice there. Chuuya: "Y-Yeah..." *wipes his tears* "Sorry." higuchi:.... *glancing at sonia* hard to believe that she's... Chuuya: "???" higuchi:...n-nevermind. just thinking out loud. Chuuya: "..." *pats Sonia's head* sonia: hiya auntie. higuchi: *small wave* ^^ Chuuya: "Sonia, want to show her your drawing?" -elsewhere- lana: *at work* Bellhop: -_-; "Yuck. Guests in 304 made a real mess..." lana: oh boy. Bellhop: "Get ready to give them the bill--and call the cops if you need to..." ???: "More beer!" lana: noted. ???: *approaches the desk* "Hey! I just said 'more beer'! And I don't see no 'more beer' yet!" *he smells like he was sleeping in a bed of garbage* lana: um... ???: "Where's the beer, ma'am?! And get me some ladies! Like, make them 10's!" lana: sir, could you not lean on the desk? *covering her nose and mouth* ???: "?!!! I'LL LEAN WHEREVER THE HELL I WANT, YOU DUMB C--" security: *tazers him* ???: *random twitches and grunts before passing out on the floor* x_____X lana: thanks regina. regina: *shakes her head* honestly, some people... -elsewhere- Mori: -_-;;;; miura: sir? Mori: "Why do I have a reimbursement form for 'lemons'?" miura:....*looks at kajii* Kajii: *holding lemons in his arms* "MY BABIES!" elise: so uncool. Kajii: *has already drawn a baby face on one lemon--shoving it towards Elise* "YOU SHOW RESPECT TO KAJII JR!" elise: .... Mori: "Kajii...Do you like tarts?" Kajii: owo "Yes. Yes, I do." miura:....please cut my head off again. Mori: ^^ "Good..." *demon eyes* "BECAUSE I'M GOING TO TURN YOUR BABIES INTO TARTS." Kajii: Q___Q *holds up Miura as a shield* miura:....*siiiiiiigh* Kajii: "Never!" *throws a lemon--that hits Elise* elise: OWIE! >3< Mori: *death glare, as he picks up a lemon to throw--* "...Why is this lemon...ticking?" Kajii: "...Oh, shi--" -elsewhere- Lucy: "...Poe still hasn't left the closet?" *knocks on the closet door* Kyoka: *shakes her head no, takes another bite of cake* Poe: Q______Q -knocks on the door- atsushi: oh. hey...um... rowena: brother? are you in there? Poe: "!!! R-Rowena?" rowena: are you alright? did something happen?? Poe: "I DON'T KNOW HOW TO WRITE MY VOWS!" rowena:....what? *blinks* Poe: "Or the dress! Or the ring! Do you have something blue on you?" *points at Atsushi* "GIVE ME THE BLUE!" atsushi: s-sir please, please calm down. ranpo: i didnt think he'd take it _this_ seriously. ._.; rowena: calm down, brother! breathe! Poe: *reaches under Ranpo's hat, pulling out a brown paper bag, starts breathing in and out of it* ranpo:...wha-how- atsushi:...*looks at lucy for answers* Lucy: *shrugs* "Poe is a detective. He probably figured there would be something under Ranpo's hat--" Poe: *deep inhale* "...Why are there jelly beans in here?" ranpo: hey! that's my stash, man! atsushi: maybe he could join the agency one day? Poe: *hands it back to Ranpo* .\\\. "S-Sorry...I just did not expect you to pop the question--about me popping the question to Lana." Kyoka: "...Two know-it-all detectives in one agency?" rowena:..... *looks at ranpo* ranpo: what? it's obvious you like her from what i can tell. atsushi:...i think poe is a bit more modest than ranpo is. Poe: o\\\\\o "B-But I can't just ask her! I haven't followed all steps--" *pulls a list--which rolls out onto the floor* "First there is courting her--" rowena: brother, just take it easy and think this through, ok? Poe: o_o "...But the list is how I think this through...See? Step 1,782 is 'house in the country for a dog, a cat, and 2.5 children.'" -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *humming* Bakugo: "Oh, there you are--" Jacqueline: "???" Bakugo: "...Oh. Sorry. Thought you were someone else." -elsewhere- Hyde: "So I just shake the tree to get the fruit..." *shake shake shake* -BAM- tamaki: whyyyyy X-X Hyde: OWO;;; "Oh, God, I killed again!" *shrugs* "At least there were no bees--" -elsewhere- Sakuya: *napping on the couch* -elsewhere- lana: im home! Mr Shephard: "Welcome home!" lana: *sniff* you already got dinner made? Mr Shephard: "Uh huh! I had to, for our guest." lana: guest? *she enters.........her stomach drops* Touma: *holds up a glass* "We've been waiting for you." lana: ......*shaking, eyes wide with fear* Touma: "Please, have a seat! Your father has made such a good meal for us..." lana:......... -elsewhere- Hawthorne: "..." -...- Hawthorne: *flips open his Bible for a passage* -Bible: "Blessed are those who walk not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but their delight is in the law...- -elsewhere- Poe: *knocks on Lana's door* "I can do this. Just tell her the truth. Don't make any sudden gestures--I have learned people tend to act badly when I move suddenly--" *knocks again* lana: *opening the door, tears in her eyes* e-edgar.... *she seems....afraid...* Poe: "!!! Lana? What's wrong?" lana: h-he...h-h-he's- Poe: "Is-Is it your father?" Touma: "Lana? I had asked for more mineral water... Poe: "!!!!" *shakes* lana:....... Touma: "More company...How pleasant. I'm sure your father can set another plate at the table..." Mr Shephard: Q______Q -elsewhere- Lucy: *hair blown back* o_____O;;;; "...Why did Poe run so fast?" ranpo:...i think someone important to him is in danger... Lucy: "...Shouldn't we follow him?" ranpo: you're more than welcome to. but i still have a birthday party to enjoy! atsushi: D8 Lucy: -_-;;;; Kyoka: "...You'd probably be useless anyway." ranpo: >3< i still have super deduction! Kyoka: "Yes, a super dick if I ever saw one." ranpo: slang for detective so not an insult! Kyoka: "I meant 'dick' as in a 'penis.' Which is what you are. You penis." ranpo: .... *looks down his pants* atsushi: weeee should get going now by! *picks her up and flees* Lucy: "About time!" *follows* Kyoka: "???" ranpo:...technically speaking, she's not wrong. atsushi: >///~///< kyouka why? Kunikida: -_____-;;; odasaku: ......no comment. Kyoka: "I merely speak the truth." -elsewhere- Poe: *death glare* "Stay behind me, Lana..." lana:.... Touma: "Oh, how precious...And what happens to him?" *points at Lana's father* Mr Shephard: Q____Q "...Lana? Stay calm...It's going to be okay..." *Beeping is heard* lana:....why are you here-....WHAT IS THAT?! mafura: ?? Touma: *holding a remote* "I learned this trick from one of Mr. Poe's associates...That bombing incident in the subway. I thought that would be a good way to get you to behave...Mafura, remove the gentleman's shirt." mafura: ok! *doing so* lana: !!!!!! Mr Shephard: "Eep!" *tries to cover his chest--as there is a bomb strapped to his stomach* Poe: "!!!! You demon!" lana:....w-why are you doing this? Touma: "Well, I still need you to complete some tasks for me...and it seems you needed motivation. Maybe keeping your father alive is one method..." *traces his finger along the remote's button* "...or keeping him in one piece...mostly." Mr Shephard: "Don't listen to him, Lana! Whatever he's asking--" Touma: *sighs--and cold-clocks her father in the jaw* lana: DAD!! Poe: *looks around the room...* *light bulb* "...Why sacrifice that old man, Touma? He's going to die anyway." Mr Shephard: *whimpering, collapsed on the floor from the punch* "R-Rude..." mafura: ~? lana: ???.... Touma: "What are you suggesting, Mr. Poe?" Poe: "Lana loves me. My suffering would motivate her to complete whatever tasks you want done." *removes his jacket, letting it fall to the floor...removes his tie, unbuttoning his shirt* "Put the bomb on me instead..." lana: ??!!! Touma: "...Hmm...I don't see a reason to--when I can have you both. Mafura, bring him here--he'll be a hostage as well." Poe: "!!! W-Wait!" *holds up his hands at Mafura* "At least let me give Lana...my last gift." mafura: okay! lana: edgar, please dont do this to yourself, your sister- Poe: *sniffs, tears in his eyes* "L-Lana...I'm sorry. Please, watch Rowena...And I...I made you this..." *hands her a book...* "I-I wrote it myself. I didn't get to proofread it, and my peer editor is slow as a glacier reviewing it, so it's rough..." *puts it into her hands* lana: ...*realizing*... *opening it* the setting is in a castle in the European countryside, long thought to have been abandoned... Poe: *smiles, tears in his eyes* "I love you." Touma: *rolls his eyes* "Mafura, bring him over here already. I'm going to vomit..." mafura: *looking* uu~? Touma: "?!!!" Mr Shephard: "???" Poe: *looks over his shoulder at Touma...and smirks* *The book glows* lana: *grins and slams the book onto mafura, trapping her* Touma: "?!!!! You bastard!" *removes a gun, aiming at Poe--* Poe: "Hold that thought." *stamps on the floor--causing a floorboard to lift up, right where Touma was standing* Touma: "?!!!" *the gun fires--the bullet bounces around the house* lana: *reaching for the gun* Papa: *sees the bullet coming* Q______Q "Oh God--" *The bullet passes through the bomb--de-activating it* Mr Shephard: "..." QWQ "Yay!" Touma: *trying to push Lana back* "Back, you dumb bitch!" lana: *punches him in the nads* Poe: *while Lana wrestles Touma, he whistles, taking up his tie, twirling it...* Touma: .___. *whimpers...then clutches Lana's head...his fingers are so weak he can't even do anything* "Y...You...cunt." lana: well that's just your opinion. Poe: "May I cut in~?" *stands behind Touma, flipping the tie around his neck--and tugging* Touma: *his eyes bulge* O____O lana: dad, are you ok? Mr Shephard: "...I'm so confused..." *rips the bomb off of him--even as the tape rips at his skin* "Owie..." *...The bomb lights up--numbers counting down* Poe: O______O Mr Shephard: Q_______Q Touma: "..." *smirks* "You don't think...I haven't thought of everything?!!!" atsushi: what the heck is happening? lana: *grabs the bomb and throws it out the window* Lucy: "!!!!" *looks around* "Hang on, everyone!" *pats her hands onto the floor* "I hope this works..." *An explosion seems to engulf the entire apartment building, then...* *Light surrounds all of them* mafura: *released from the book* pyon!...??? *The light fades...* lana:..... ??? where? Poe: *he had wrapped his arms around Lana and her father* "..." *opens one eye* "...Oh, God, we're in the afterlife! We're dead!" atsushi: no, it's just anne's room. Mr Shephard: Q___Q *looks out the window* "...Heaven looks...like a My Little Pony episode." Kyoka: "I never thought she could transport so much..." Touma: -____-;;; "How saccharine. I think I'm going to vomit." Lucy: >~< "N-Not before me..." *collapses and vomits rainbows* lana:....is anyone else confused....again? atsushi: nah. Poe: ^^;;;; "Kind of typical." Kyoka: "I try not to think about it. Do you have ice cream?" Papa: Q____Q Neighbor #1: "WHO THE HELL TRANSPORTED US TO ANOTHER DIMENSION AGAIN?!" Neighbor #3: "This is going to make our rent go up!" pixiebob: im not supposed to be here yet! Lucy: *glares at Atsushi* "Soda...crackers..." -elsewhere- Izuku: o_____o "...I thought there used to be an apartment here. What was that explosion?" ochako: isnt it still there, though? lower floor resident: the windows look pretty fucked up. Izuku: "??! But it was just--It had disappeared when--I'm just...What even...How?" Bakugo: "Obviously, this is all Deku's fault." Izuku: Q___Q -elsewhere- Akitaru: "All in the van? We got the explosion report..." tamaki: here. shinra: *nods* Relan: "..." Arthur: "I'm here." *has cement caked along his trousers* Takehisa: *gets into the driver's seat* Vulcan: *hops in* Victor: *waves* "We'll hold down the fort!" -elsewhere- lana: alright, start talking. Touma: "...I want mineral water." lana: ...*splashes it in his face* what do you want out of me? Touma: "..." *spits out the water* "Always looking for new recruits for surveillance on some 'pet projects.'" atsushi:...just who are you people? Touma: "...We research vampires." atsushi: ...what? mafura: and monsters, and werewolves, and- Touma: "They get the idea, Mafura." Lucy: o~o atsushi:....C3, huh? Touma: *nods* "I am tracking vampires right now. Ones I could have brought out into the sunlight if Lana had cooperated--" lana: but i dont know what i have to do with any of this! Touma: "...Bait, more or less." lana:... atsushi: bait for what....or who exactly? odasaku: i could say the same thing... Touma: "She has what is needed: right dimensions, height, weight...blood type." lana: you're scaring me. Touma: "...We have had dangerous vampires escape. You could be key in attracting them for my team to capture them." -elsewhere- Sakuya: "Sweet! I got to Gumdrop Pass!" *moves his Candyland piece* -elsewhere- Kid: *purrs...* stocking: =///w///= Kid: *hugs* "Thank you..." stocking: mmmm~<3 -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *coughs* naoya: you alright there, kiddo? Akutagawa: *shakes his head* "T-Tea..." naoya: ok, gotcha. Akutagawa: *his hands are shaking as he tries to pour water...* naoya: *sighs* let me...jeez, it's like im your mom or something. =3= Akutagawa: *coughing hard, trying to stay upright* naoya: !!... do you need to go to medical? Akutagawa: *shakes his head, points to the teacup* -and so, she carried him to medical ala piggyback- Death the Kid: Akutagawa: >\\\\\<;;; naoya: aw, you arent seriously _that_ embarrassed, are you? Akutagawa: *coughing* "W-Water..." naoya: *hands him some* here you go. Akutagawa: *sips, calming down* naoya: feeling better yet? Akutagawa: "A...bit..." *his knees wobble* naoya: *holding him up and getting him to a bed*.... (thinking: it's just like back then...) {naoya: the hell is your problem, dazai?!} {Dazai: "He lived, didn't he?"} {naoya: there is a difference between training him and outright abusing him. *grabs dazai by the shirt collar* dont you think the kid's been through enough shit in his life?!} {Dazai: "...I warned him."} {naoya:...tch-, i doubt you're going to be changing your ways anytime soon. just know that even though you're an executive, i cant stand you and your high and mighty attitude.} {Dazai: *knocks her hand away* "And as I am an executive, you know what powers I may execute, as I desire."} {naoya:....thus i have heard...} naoya: .... Akutagawa: *lying in medic bed, struggling to inhale* naoya:..... Medic: "Hang on..." *puts an oxygen mask around Akutagawa* Akutagawa: *struggles...then his breathing eases* naoya:....*sigh* (thinking: i think he's getting worse....cant imagine how gin's handling it...) Akutagawa: *closes his eyes...* "Zzz..." naoya:....*pets his head* rest up, kid. Akutagawa: "Zzz..." -elsewhere, after touma and mafura escaped...- lana: at least it was just the windows that were destroyed.... Poe: "...A small blessing." Mr Shephard: *asleep on the couch* lana:......*hugging her dad* im just....glad he's ok now....*trembling* Poe: "..." *nods* "...You were brave." lana:....*hugging him tightly* i was....really scared....*tears falling* i-i didnt...want to lose him too.... Poe: "..." *holds her* "He's safe. You're safe." lana: ......i...*hic* i dont know if i feel safe in this apartment anymore....h-he knows where i live...w-what if he comes back? Poe: "...We get you out of here." lana:...g-good idea.....but....c-could you stay the night? Poe: *nods* "Of course." lana: thank you... -in her room, there is also a noteboard with several photos- Poe: "You fish?" lana: that was from a family fishing trip when i was 8. Poe: "What did you catch?" lana: well, that big fish....and sea bass. *excalibur face* lots...and lots....of sea bass. -there is another picture of a younger lana with 7 other girls in scout uniforms- Poe: "And scouts?" lana: oh yeah! that was a long time ago. i think iwas around 10-11? *looks at the names below the photo* -the names listed are; Cassandra Wallace, Cassidy Wallace, Tambry Flowers, Umie Sakanaki, Marcia Vasquez, Lana Shepard, Stephanie Park, Zoey Lewis- Poe: *smiles* "I guess you knew a lot of survival skills. Kind of evident today." lana: yeah. most of these girls i barely remember. i think zoey mentioned wanting to be a doctor when she grew up. i wonder if she did...then again, we were just passing acquaintances, i guess. Poe: *nods* "Given the 'social media networks' on the 'Internet,' you could probably look her up." lana: i could. maybe in the morning. Poe: *nods* "..." *looks at the floor* lana:...edgar? Poe: "I think here is good enough for me to sleep." lana: ?? Poe: "I can sleep on the floor." lana: *sigh* edgar...i wouldnt mind you sleeping in my bed with me. i've slept in your bed before, havent i? Poe: "I-I just didn't want to be forward." ^^; lana: *small chuckle and kisses his cheek* Poe: ^\\\^ -elsewhere- Kyoka: *yawn* atsushi: what a day.... Lucy: "Zzz..." atsushi:....*sighs and looks up at the ceiling* Kyoka: *rests her head on his lap* atsushi:.... *pap pap* Odasaku: "Relaxed?" atsushi: yeah, seems so. *phew* busy day today.... Odasaku: "No kidding...You were lucky you had people with you to prevent extensive damage." atsushi: *nods* at least no one died...s-sorry. ._.; Odasaku: "Eh, you aren't lyin’. That's because...you're a tiger." atsushi: ....*facepalm* really? Odasaku: "...I thought it was funny..." atsushi: t-thanks. ^^; -elsewhere- Touma: *bandaging himself* "Damn it..." mafura: did mafura do good today? Touma: *glares* mafura:.....mafura's really sorry... *looks down* Touma: "How did you get captured by that book?" mafura: mafura doesnt know. it was pretty scary. maybe mr poe is a magic user too? Touma: "...That book...And the other book..." -elsewhere- Sakuya: "Congrats on winning the game!" naho: ^^ Sakuya: *sigh of relief* "Just feels a lot calmer around here now." -elsewhere- Yohei: *looking over blueprints...* "Odd work." -elsewhere- Monoma: Q___Q "...I want a hug." hiryuu: ..... *siiigh* *awkward hug* better, man? Monoma: Q______Q "...Surprisingly, yes. Thanks." -elsewhere- Takehisa: "That was a waste of time." Akitaru: "At least the damage was minimal." shinra: and no one died, so that's good. Arthur: "I swear, I saw a unicorn--" -elsewhere- Izuku: *reviewing his notes* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *breathing, but still with an oxygen mask* gin: .... Akutagawa: *opens his eyes...looks at her* "...Hello." gin: ....doing better? Akutagawa: *nods* "Just breathing..." gin:..... Akutagawa: "...Are you okay?" gin: well, im worried about you, for one thing... Akutagawa: "...I'll breathe." gin:.....*sighs* just dont over exert yourself, ok? Akutagawa: "...I won't. Promise." gin:....*faint smile* Akutagawa: "..." -\\\- "Could I have water?" gin: sure thing. Akutagawa: "...Do you have missions coming up?" -underground- katya: *shooting* leo: *pulling bullets out from her body* nice shot as per usual. Ivan: "..." leo: ... !! ivan, good evening. i didnt see you there. Ivan: T___T "No one does." leo: is there something you need at the moment? pushkin: how about we get some drinks, gon? its on me tonight! Ivan: TT_TT "Drown my sorrows..." leo: i'll join you. Ivan: "Okay..." leo:...*weak smile* katya: yeah, im parched as fuck. Ivan: *opens up a door, pulling out a bottle* katya: <here here> *starts chugging* pushkin: *drinking* leo: ... katya: whoo! <that's some quality booze!> pushkin: <you'll get no arguments from me.> Ivan: *sips--grimaces* leo:...<is miss lewis heckling you again, ivan?> Ivan: *nod nod* katya: <if it helps any, the boss doesnt really feel a single thing for her.> Ivan: <??? But he keeps her so close--> katya: <that's the idea. she's the means to an ends. she's so screwed in the head, he could easily get her to do what he wants in a second. same could be said for you, but at least the boss has some amount of respect for you, more or less.> Ivan: <...> *something snaps in his brain* *creepy griiiiiin* leo: <is something wrong?> Ivan: <...I'm going to win.> leo: .... <oh.> Ivan: <And I'm going to wipe that psychotic smile off that scrawny bitch's face...> katya:... (thinking: says the guy smiling in a similar fashion...) Ivan: *takes a long sip, then chuckles* pushkin: owo; Ivan: <Drink up, comrades! This is the first day of a new era!"> katya + pushkin: <HELL YEAH!> leo: <yaaaay.> Ivan: *downs another drink, slams the mug onto the table* <More!> -elsewhere- Poe: "Zzz..." -early morning- Lucy: *snore* atsushi: *yaaaawn* Kyoka: "Zzz..." Lucy: *turns over, her breathing improving* atsushi:...breakfast.... *getting up* Kyoka: *sits up abruptly* "Food?" atsushi: yeah. *yaaaawn* Kyoka: *quickly goes into the kitchen, pulling out a carton of orange juice* Lucy: *slight shiver* -elsewhere- Poe: =w= lana:....*yaaaawn*....*small smile and kisses his forehead* Poe: *yawn* *opens his eyes* "..." .\\\. lana: morning. Poe: "M-Morning...How are you?" lana: a lot better now...*hug* Poe: =\\\w\\\= *hug* Mr. Shephard: "Hi, honey! I got pancakes cooking and--" lana: ....... Poe: o________O Mr. Shephard: *serene smile...as his grip tightens on the doorknob* "...Well, Young Edgar...What are you doing with my daughter?" Poe: O______O lana: WE ARENT DOING ANYTHING LEWD! >////< Mr. Shephard: ^w^##### "...Okay! Thank you for letting me know, Sweetie. Now hurry up, you two--your breakfast will be getting cold." *shuts the door...footsteps are heard...then a muffled shout into a pillow* lana: .////////////////. ;;;;;; Poe: X_______X *falls off the bed* -elsewhere- Kunikida: *sets his breakfast table* "There. Perfect. Nothing can interrupt this moment--" Dazai: "That looks delicious! Are those fresh strawberries?" Kunikida: "...How did you get in here?" Dazai: "I have my ways. Also, your door is broken." *The door is splintered* aya: an intruder??!! Dazai: owo "You have a tiny home security system? Hello, tiny person!" aya: ... *looks at kunikida* Kunikida: "...Aya. Remove him." aya: *kicks dazai in the junk* Dazai: D: *collapses* "My jimmies!" Kunikida: "...Good work. Let me get you some chocolate milk." aya: awesome! Kunikida: "Do you like strawberries?" Dazai: *whimpering on the floor* -elsewhere- Relan: *humming* -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Ready to head out?" sonia: *nod* Chuuya: *hands Sonia her coat* sonia: *putting it on* Chuuya: *smiles* "Be sure to thank Grandma for the coat, okay?" sonia: i will. Chuuya: *opens the door* "...What the hell?" sonia: o.o~? Motojiro: *glued to the wall* Q___Q sonia: uncle kajii? Motojiro: "Hey, kiddo...My protégé was playing around with chemicals. Now I'm stuck." sonia:....*looks up at chuuya* Chuuya: -_-;;;; "I doubt household cleaning chemicals will get you un-glued?" Motojiro: QWQ "...It's worth a try!" Chuuya: "...I'll get some baking soda. Sonia, watch him." sonia: ok. Chuuya: *goes to cupboard* Motojiro: "...So, Sonia, how old are you now, 12?" sonia: ..... *looks at the floor* it's a secret. Motojiro: "...Oh! That'll be tricky for picking the number of candles to put on a cake! I'll go with one--can't go wrong with that!" sonia: ... Motojiro: "You like lemon cake?" -elsewhere- Aizawa: *sits down* yuuji:....yo. Aizawa: "Hey. You ready for today?" yuuji: i guess so. -elsewhere- jirou:... oh... my god. -there is a booth that says 'cheerleader sign ups'- mina: ooh, sounds fun! sign me up! jirou: O///O m-mina! Mineta: QWQ "I've died and gone to Heaven..." Relan: ._. -elsewhere- Izuku: *spots a note* "???" Note: "I want to talk to you." Izuku: "???" *looks around* -there is a side note- Izuku: "???" -meet me in the entryway to the locker rooms- Izuku: "Oh, well, that's clearer instructions." *walks to the lockers* -and so- ochako:... ??? *peeek* ?? (thinking: todoroki and deku?) Izuku: owo;;; "...So, you wanted to talk? I mean, we can talk in the dining hall. Food's going to get cold--" Todoroki: *stare* Izuku: "!!! I-I wasn't telling a joke!" Todoroki: "..." Izuku: "...How's your hand?" Todoroki: "Fine, thank you...In the competition, your power took me by surprise--so much so, I broke my pledge." ochako: ?? Izuku: *glances* "...That left hand controls fire...Why don't you--" Todoroki: "That power of yours had a force to it, a pressure, like something I felt before, when All Might released his true power." Izuku: o_o ("Oh crap oh crap oh c--") Todoroki: "Are you All Might's illegitimate child?" Izuku: "..." *brain broken* "Wha?" ochako: *JAWDROP* (thinking: a-all might? and deku's mom?? EHHHHH?????!!!!!) -meanwhile- inko: *ACHOO* i better turn the heater on...* -back with todoroki and izuku- Izuku: "--so I can see why you see it that way--especially when my father hasn't made many appearances--but it's not like that--and me denying it doesn't sound very convincing--" Todoroki: " 'Not like that'...Interesting phrasing--which shows you are hiding something." ochako: ?? Izuku: o____________o Todoroki: "I have a father. Endeavor." Izuku: "!!! Right! The Number 2 superh--" Todoroki: "He's garbage." Izuku: ._. ochako: ...... *remembering what endevour had said* ..... (thinking: todoroki...) Todoroki: "But if you are connected to the Number 1 superhero, All Might, then you, Izuku, are my rival. That powerful bastard thinks of only one thing: strength. He sees All Might as the one obstacle in his path to Number 1. And since he couldn't out-class All Might on his own, he had another plan...Quirk Marriages." Izuku: "!!!" ochako: ??? (thinking: i think we had a class on that. fusing quirks through genetics....) momo:......*awkward glance at iida*.... *looks away* (thinking: i shouldnt say anything now....let it be natural, momo....) Iida: *staring at his cans of orange juice* "Drink, drink, drink!" Izuku: "Right...When Quirks were discovered, people started to seek out marriages...sometimes by force to get the Quirks they wanted, especially rare Quirks or rare combinations that could--" *light bulb* !!!!!! Todoroki: "...Yes. Endeavor used his wealth to pressure--force--my mother to marry him, just to get her Quirk." ochako: !!!!!! Todoroki: "Combine the right Quirks, get the child you wanted. Raw materials, fashioned into what my garbage father wanted out of his...garbage son." ochako: ......*too stunned to say anything*.... Todoroki: "Mother...always crying...'I can't stand to see that left side of yours'...My father's face...She said that, before...throwing scalding water in my face." Izuku: "!!!" ochako:...*her stomach drops*....(thinking: so that's why.....) {mrs uraraka: careful, it's hot. *holding a pot of hot water*} {Todoroki: *stunned*} {mrs uraraka:...hmm? you alright?} {Todoroki: "F-Fine..."} ochako: .... Todoroki: "I will never use that rotten Quirk. I will let it die with him. Rising to the top without it, without him--I'll deny him everything." -elsewhere- Baby: *crying, pointing at a person wearing an Endeavor mask* All Might: *in his de-powered form* o_o;;; yuuji: .....(thinking: dabi really hates that endevour guy...and not just because he's a hero....wonder why that is...?) All Might: "Hey, little guy...It's okay!" *smiling, in de-powered form* "Because I am here!" mother: *smiles* you almost sound like all might. All Might: ^\\\^ "I get that a lot...Certainly don't have the build, though." *flexes his de-powered arm* -elsewhere- Endeavor: *glaring at children, holding up autograph books* fang: ugugu...*pointing to the tv, where endevour is on the screen* Dabi: "..." *shaking* fang: *looks up* dada? Dabi: *walks to the TV...and smashes it* fang: o.o ?? Dabi: *kicks the TV down* "...Needed a new one anyway." -elsewhere- Bakugo: "--and then he tried to hide the magazine." eijiro: wow. that sounds pretty awkward. Bakugo: "Dude tries to do that 'nice guy' routine, but you know he's a giant perv-bag." eijiro: unbelievable. Monoma: "YOU!" Bakugo: "Speak of the perv-bag." hitoshi: O-O; *jumps into the pond* Monoma: "You keep spreading those rumors, and you just see what will happen!" Bakugo: "Everyone will laugh at you and keep small children away from you?" Iida: *looking at the pond* ._.;; hitoshi: *makes an 'X' with his hands to say 'do not tell him i am here'* Bakugo: "--and you did!" Monoma: "I did not! I don't remember doing anything like that!" Bakugo: "BULLSHIT!" itsuka: just ignore him, katsuki, he's just trying to rile you up again. Bakugo: =\\\\= "F-Fine..." Monoma: D: "Itsuka--you believe me, right?" itsuka: well, there's no evidence to prove you guilty or not guilty. Monoma: "THEN TELL HIM TO STOP SPREADING RUMORS ABOUT ME!" Bakugo: "Maybe if you stopped _shouting_..." itsuka: katsuki, are you _certain_ you saw him hiding something? Bakugo: "??? Yeah. It was one those girly magazines. Saw the cover, the girl winking--" denki:... OwO;;;;;;;;;; um..... Monoma: "???" *glares at Denki* Bakugo: "..." denki: i uh... have a phone call from my mom, gtg- itsuka: *grabs him via big hand* where do you think you're going, ka-mi-na-ri~? ^^# denki: .....mama? -elsewhere- yana: *watching over the festivities from an observation tower* .... FD: *text message* [report] yana: [i got some intel on student quirks. sending them your way] -there is a TXT file attached- FD: *glances over it* -it shows the students participating in the games, along with info regarding age, quirk, class, blood type, date of birth, etc- FD: [good. which quirks stand out?] yana: [todoroki's, monoma's, yaoyorozu's, and shinsou's.] FD: [you know any of them personally?] yana: [not yet, but soon.] FD: [okay. keep me updated] -elsewhere- Todoroki: "And now you know." Izuku: "..." ochako: .....*wiping her tears* Todoroki: "Keep your connection to All Might a secret if you wish. Either way, I'll defeat you with just my right side. Sorry to waste your time." Izuku: "..." ("He's like a comic book protagonist...") "Todoroki...I-I've always had help..." Todoroki: *back faced to Izuku* ochako: ?? Izuku: "I owe them...and for that reason...I'm not going to lose! I will repay them! So let me tell you...I will beat you!" Todoroki: "..." *looks back...then walks away* ochako:.... *sighs and walks off* (thinking: talk about a rock and a hard place...) Izuku: "..." *loud sigh of relief* Q___Q -elsewhere- Iida: " 'Games'?" momo: looks like it. Iida: "While that is helpful for people not moving onto the next round of the competition, I do not see it as valuable for those of us who are still in competition--" Sero: "Sweet! They have a scavenger hunt!" hiryuu: nice! Iida: -_-; -elsewhere- Tokoyami: *hiding in the tree branches from the sunshine* -elsewhere- hakagure: im super hyped! Ojiro: .\\\\. "...Okay?" -elsewhere- Dazai: *ice on his junk* >____< yosano: what have we learned from this? Dazai: *squeaky voice* "Get breakfast somewhere else?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: *tosses the ball* sonia: hehe! Chuuya: "Great catch! Toss it back now..." sonia: *toss* Chuuya: *catches* "Good one!" Motojiro: Q___Q *his hair is ripped, his clothes torn* sonia: ^o^ Chuuya: *spins the ball on one finger* -elsewhere- Mori: *puts on a glove* -...- {tomoe: .....} {Rintarou: *sniffles*} {ougai sr: something wrong, son?} {Rintarou: "I-I tripped..."} {ougai sr: *picks him up* now now, let papa take care of that. *smiles and carries him to the clinic room* now, where exactly does it hurt?} {Rintarou: "M-My knee?"} {ougai sr: *examining his knee*} {*There's a light scrape*} {ougai sr: ah. let's patch that right up. *bandaging him* there we go!} {Rintarou: *sniffles* "Th-Thank you..."} {ougai sr: *smiles and ruffles his hair* any time, son.} -...- Mori: "..." *removes his glove, now bloody, speaks into recording device* "Specimen shows signs of cardiac arrest..." person: *twitching* Mori: "...How was this even possible?" *takes out a flashlight, examines the subject's eyes* "Possession?" -soon, the person stops moving...- Mori: "...Nuts." *kicks the garbage can* "No closer..." -elsewhere- Joker: "Who you betting on?" -elsewhere- Cheerleader Coach: "Okay, folks, line up!" mina: ^^ hagakure: ^^ momo: .////.;; atsushi: =u=; how did i get into this? Relan: ^_^ Coach: "We start with some stretches...Really stretch it out..." Student: *stretches their limbs to touch their toes without bending over* "...Now what?" atsushi: o.o; Coach: "...Without the Quirk, to start. Need to build up to it..." Relan: *trying to stretch* -elsewhere- Kyoka: *nom nom nom* kirako: *has the tv on* Announcer: "We're here live at the Sports Festival with some superheroes serving as security. Let me try to get an interview with one. Excuse me! Care for an interview!" mt lady: why of course~ *wink* anything for the fans <3 Announcer: ^\\\^ "Now, Mount Lady, a lot of these students are trying to impress the agencies. As a newer recruit in an agency, any advice?" -elsewhere- Poe: "...Better?" lana: a lot better now. *smiles* dad said he'd talk to the authorities about the incident and maybe get someone to look out for us. Poe: *nods* "..." ("But what if the police are influenced...?") *nervous smile* "I-I would advise additional protections..." lana: ...good call... Poe: "...I have some new manuscripts? I-I can give you and your father each one to carry with you...?" -elsewhere- Hyde: *holds up a novelty talking fish wall-mounted toy* "Decoration!" -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *covered in dirt, panting, shivering* -.....- {Mr. Tsubaki: *holding Sensei, sobbing*} -...- Mr. Tsubaki: *shakes his head* ("Survive...Live...Get out...") *walking aimlessly in fox form through alley* mary: hmm? hey lil fella. ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: "??" *looks up* mary: *offering him some bread* hungry? Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *stomach growling* -\\\\- *small nom* mary: ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *collapses from exhaustion* mary: !!! -elsewhere- Shamrock: "!!!" himawari:... ?? lavender: you ok? Shamrock: "...I-I think I need some water..." himawari: *getting some* Shamrock: *shaking* -elsewhere- Sakuya: "???" *looks around the Festival* "...You hear something?" naho: hmm? like what? lilac: ?? Sakuya: "...Nevermind. Just in my head." *picks out red bean pastry* -elsewhere- Izuku: *sitting alone at the dining hall table* "..." tsuyu: hey izuku. Izuku: "!!! H-Hey!" *pushes his lunch tray to the side* "S-Sit?" -elsewhere- Bakugo: *sips his drink* "Not bad." -elsewhere- Kid: >~< liz: *patching him up* there ya go. *pap pap* good as new. ^^ Kid: *sniff* "Am-Am I?" liz: .... *sigh* yes, kid. stocking: there you ar-....kid! did you get hurt?! Kid: *covers his head* stocking: kid...*holding his hands* Kid: TT__TT "Am I still symmetrical?" stocking: yes kid. *kisses his forehead* Kid: =\\\\= *sniff* stocking: i love you, hun~ Kid: "I love you, too." *hug* -elsewhere- momo: ..... Relan: "Good training!" hagakure: yeah, im working up a sweat. Relan: ^\\\^ "...You hide it well, ma'am." momo: ..... hagakure: well, im going to go hit the showers now. ^^ Coach: "Sounds like a plan. Good work, folks! We'll check in tomorrow!" Relan: "??? Yaoyorozu, is it?" momo: y-yes? Relan: "...I think you did great out there in the previous round." momo: um, thanks koizumi. Relan: ^^;;; "...Just wanted to say that. Great quirk!" momo: thank you. -later- momo: .........*sigh* Iida: "Yaoyorzu?" momo: *almost jumps out of her skin* iida! good evening! OwO;; Iida: *nods* "Evening. How was cheerleading practice?" momo: it went well.....say, if you have any free time in your schedule this weekend at all, do you think maybe you and i could go to the movies and hang out together? OuO;;;; Iida: "A movie?" *hand to his chin* "Hmm...I should have time this weekend. Which one were you thinking?" momo: hmmm. i'll have to see what's playing. i think they're doing a showing of top gun? Iida: "Oh, my brother loves that film!" momo: great! see you then? OwO;;; Iida: *nods* "Text me the time. I'll buy the popcorn." momo: ok! Iida: "Well, then, see you later." *departs* momo:... *phew* (thinking: you can do this momo.) -elsewhere- Todoroki: "..." ochako: .... Todoroki: "I know you're there." ochako:.... OwO (thinking: busted) hey todoroki! what's up? Todoroki: "Clouds." ochako: *awkward laugh*...right....sooooo... Todoroki: "...What do you want?" ochako: .....is something bothering you? Todoroki: "...No. Just focused on the next round." ochako:... hey...todoroki? promise you wont get mad? Todoroki: "???" ochako:...i kind of...overheard your talk with deku.... Todoroki: *freezes...in place* ochako: .......you're mad, arent you? Todoroki: ….. ochako: *sigh* i understand. i listened in on a personal conversation, and that was really selfish of me. Todoroki: "That is not how I wanted you to learn about this!" ochako: todoroki? Todoroki: *Iida-levels of hand gestures* "I was not ready!" ochako: were you going to tell me this? Todoroki: "Y-Yes?! I don't know how I could w-when you have a normal f-family--" *oh crap he's crying* ochako:......*she doesnt respond.....she just hugs him* Todoroki: *stunned* "...I didn't want you to know." ochako: .....well, no going back now, right? Todoroki: "...My family is..." ochako: did you try calling social services? Todoroki: "How the hell would I?!" *shaking* "On the Number 2 hero...Which cop would ever show up?" ochako:....do you have a place to stay right now? Todoroki: "...My sister, now and then." ochako: that's something, right? Todoroki: "..." *nods* ochako: .....maybe sometimes....you could stay at our place? maybe? 7///7; Todoroki: "...Would your parents mind me sleeping on the couch?" ochako: i could ask. Todoroki: "...Okay." -elsewhere- Yohei: *yawns* chie: tired? Yohei: *nods* "Weird work plans..." chie: ah. Yohei: "Some new radio tower..." mana: you arent disassembling any graveyards, are you? Yohei: o_o; "...No. Why?" mana: just checking. Yohei: "...It is an odd outfit...I've been trying to figure out what kind of transmissions are going through these towers..." -elsewhere- Lucy: "Found you." atsushi: hey lucy .///. Lucy: "..." -\\\- "How did it go?" atsushi: ....flowy... .////. Lucy: "...Sounds about right. You eat?" atsushi: yeah. Lucy: "Oh...I hadn't yet..." -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "...What an odd breed of canine." louisa: i believe that's a fox, lord francis. Fitzgerald: "Oh! Like in hunting!" *pulls out a gun* mary: *hugs mr tsubaki* Q^Q louisa: O_O;;;; w-where did he even get that?! Mr. Tsubaki: Q____Q Fitzgerald: "The hunt commences!" *aims at Mr. Tsubaki* bram: *blood shield* sir please. Fitzgerald: ._. "..." *shrugs, tosses the gun* "Okay!" ^^ *the gun fires, knocking down the chandelier behind him* louisa: O-O;;;;;;; -elsewhere- Benimaru: *serves tea* kirei: thank you. Benimaru: "You're welcome. How do you feel?" -elsewhere- pushkin: [gon, send a car for us. on the run from cops. help] Ivan: "..." <Shit.> pushkin: [hiding in old paper mill in port district. kati's sobering up now.] Ivan: [fine. got your GPS signal. sent the car] pushkin: [good news, the authorities dont know we're with the rats.] Ivan: [small favors. just avoid them] pushkin: [noted.] katya: *mumbling* <sunnuva bitch was...askin fer it....shit talkin...> -after the car arrived- katya: zzzzzzz pushkin: *phew* <thanks again.> Driver: <What did you do?> pushkin: <long story short. kati got into a fight with a street lamp...again.> Driver: <...Jeez.> *turns into an alley* <Why not just talk it out?> pushkin: <you know how kati can be. throw punches first, ask questions later> Driver: <Try asking questions while punching?> -elsewhere- Todoroki: "..." fuyumi: welcome home. Todoroki: "...Thank you." -elsewhere- sonia: zzzz Chuuya: *tucks her in* sonia: *holding her teddy bear* Chuuya: *smiles, strokes the hair off her forehead* -she seems content- Chuuya: *small forehead kiss* ("Sleep well, kiddo.") mito: *asleep at the foot of sonia's bed* Chuuya: *pets Mito* mito: *purrs* Chuuya: “…..” {kouyou: *silently weeping*} {Chuuya: "..." *tugs on her sleeve*} {kouyou: *sniffs and looks, tears streaking her face*} {Chuuya: "Kouyou? May I …call you 'Mom'?"} {kouyou:....*she hugs him* i would....like that....t-thank you, chuuya...} {Chuuya: ^^ *hug* "I love you, Mom."} -...- Chuuya: "..." ("If only I could be half as good...") rain?: you already are. Chuuya: "?!!!" *looks around* -nothing...- Chuuya: "..." *holds his hands over his heart* -silence- Chuuya: *sits on the couch...looks at a photo of Rain* -silence- Chuuya: "...I wish you were here." -...- {fyodor: if you help me, i can help you bring your beloved back...} Chuuya: *sighs* "If only..." -elsewhere- Poe: *pets Karl* "Did you miss me?" karl: ^o^ rowena: i made sure he was fed. ^^ Poe: ^^ "I know you would. Thank you, Rowena." rowena: ......are you certain you're alright? Poe: ^^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; "I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!" rowena: brother, did something happen?? Poe: o\\\\\o "I'M NOT PREGNANT!" rowena: ..... *confused* Poe: "...I got close to Lana. No closer than before, but almost dying kind of does that..." rowena: ALMOST WHAT!??! Poe: "DON'T PANIC! I'M NOT DEAD! ...Am I?" *taps his wrist* "...We fought a man in charge of a vampire organization, trapped a vampire in a book, ripped a bomb free from Lana's father's chest, then got transported somewhere that I can't quite remember but there was a unicorn and vomit--" rowena: ................................................................................... *'what?' intensifies* Poe: "--and so we managed to scare him and the vampire away, and I stayed overnight to offer protection, but that's not going to be enough if we need to make sure Lana and her father are safe--" rowena: ... Poe: "--so I was thinking whether to move Lana and her father here--" rowena: ...... o-o Poe: "--and perhaps set up rooms for them, maybe a room for Lana to pursue her hobbies, a spot for her father's music collection, perhaps a breakfast nook--" rowena: brother. breathe. Poe: *long inhale* "...Okay." -elsewhere- Iida: *enters front door* bee maid: welcome home, young master tenya. *bows* Iida: "Thank you. Is anyone else home?" bee maid: your mother and brother are here. Iida: "Then I shall make introductions." *hands her his coat, enters to where his mother is* mama iida: welcome home, son. ^^ Iida: "Good evening, Mother! How are you?" mama iida: i've been well, and you? Iida: *nods* "Well, thank you. Looking forward to advancing in the next round of the competition!" -elsewhere- Dazai: *turns carefully...sighs* -....looks like odasaku's birthday is coming up on the calendar...- Dazai: "..." *sniff* -...- {Dazai: *shiny eyes* "That's your b-day?"} {odasaku: yeah.} {ango: just a few days after mine.} {Dazai: *slamming fists on the table* "Double-birthday! Double-birthday!"} {ango: o_.o;} {odasaku: ...we'll have the party at the curry shop} {ango: THAT WAS A QUICK RESPONSE!} {Dazai: "YAAAAAY! Spicy or not?"} -...- Dazai: *tears falling as he weeps* -silence- Dazai: *hugs his pillow, cries* -elsewhere- FD: "..." leo: ....sir? FD: "What?" leo: something on your mind? FD: "Just tracking the location of some targets..." *taps a hand on his console, displaying a holographic map* leo:....i see..... FD: "Recognize them?" leo:....somewhat... {-a young prostitute is hiding under some sacks to keep warm-} {leo: .......*shivering* <am i.... going to keep suffering this way?>} {???: "??? Hardly the best material for keeping warm."} {leo: *she looks up, her eyes tired and lifeless* ....?} {FD: "I would think you would steal clothes rather than stay frozen in this environment."} {leo:........<they'd just be torn away again...>} {FD: <Ah...> *removes his coat*} {leo: ?? } {FD: *sets it over her shoulders*} {leo: ......<why are you....being so kind to me?>} {FD: <I recognize that dead look.>} {leo:.......} {FD: <Life slowly ebbing from your body...yet, despite you initiating the process of dying, you still hold on.>} {leo: ........<i....want to....but i cant....>} {FD: *buttons up the coat on her* <Why not? What is stopping you?>} {leo:....<my ability.....keeps me from dying....no matter how many times im cut, shot, beaten, burned.....i keep surviving....they say im a gifted....but really im cursed...> *trembling*} {FD: "..." *smiles* <The difference between a gift and a curse is how you use it...>} {leo: ......<i have nothing to return to. no family, no friends.....im alone in this place.....i just....want to die...but i cant...> *tears falling* } {FD: "..." <I know how.>} {leo: ?? *she looks at him*} {FD: <A book...>} {leo: ??} {FD: "..." *smiles* <Let's get you a meal. And we can talk about it.>} leo: ..... FD: <--at which point, that should reveal a path to the book.> leo: r-right. FD: "??? Something wrong?" leo: ?? n-nothing. FD: *nods* "I'll need you to be ready for some combat, so go train." -elsewhere- Relan: *looking at a diagram* "..." *tries to match the poses* iris: *watching* Relan: *takes the pompoms* "Um...'See that score? Now it's more! See our boys? Make some noise!" iris: *claps* shinra: ^^ Relan: "Th-Thanks. I just hope I can remember it all." ^\\\\^ -elsewhere- Kid: "Zzz..." stocking: *stroking his cheek* .... Kid: *slight stir, small whimper* stocking:....*kisses him softly* i love you... Kid: *calms down...sleep hug* stocking: ... (thinking: i know i cant cure your depression.....but just know you arent alone, ok?) Kid: *his breathing calms...* =\\\\= -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *snoring* rashomon: zzzz Akutagawa: *shivers* rashomon:....*acting as a blanket* Akutagawa: =\\\\= *he stops shaking* -early morning- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form* "Zzz..." mary: morning lil fella. Mr. Tsubaki: *yawns* *looks around* "...???" mary: *she has some chicken out* hungry? Mr. Tsubaki: *stomach growl* .\\\\. *hesitantly approaches...sniffs the chicken* -it's ok to eat, dont worry- Mr. Tsubaki: *nom* =\\\= mary: you must have been hungry, lil guy. Mr. Tsubaki: *devours the chicken, licking the remains* mary: *smiles* ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: *small pant* mary: ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: *tries to sit up...but he keeps holding out his tongue, parched* mary: i'll get you some water now! Mr. Tsubaki: *collapses back down, exhausted* -elsewhere- Kid: *yawn* stocking: zzzz Kid: "..." *cuddles* stocking: =///= Kid: "You're here..." stocking: *yawns* yeah. *kiss* Kid: "...I was scared..." stocking: im right here, ok? Kid: "..." *holds onto her* stocking: !!.... *hugs back, stroking his back* i'll always love you kid. Kid: "I will always love you, Stocking..." *sniffs* TT__TT stocking: *kiss* Kid: T\\\\T *closes his eyes* stocking: *holding him close* Kid: *his breathing calms down...he stays limp in her arms* stocking: *humming* Kid: *leans against her* =\\\\\\\= -elsewhere- Todoroki: =_= fuyumi: whats up? Todoroki: "...A lot going on." fuyumi: is it....you know who? Todoroki: "...Yeah. He came up in the discussion." fuyumi: ..... Todoroki: "...He'll just keep appearing at each round." fuyumi: *pats his back* you're going to be ok. Todoroki: "...Thank you." *holds her hand* -elsewhere- Akitaru: "Morning, Doc." karin: mornin' commander! Akitaru: "How're your new inventions coming along?" -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *brushing his teeth* =_= -one message from; naoya cell- Akutagawa: *continues brushing, checks the message* naoya: [morning akuta ^^ you got a big day today] Akutagawa: "..." [that sounds ominous] naoya: [=3= i meant the sports festival] Akutagawa: "..." [right. i'm getting ready to head out now] naoya: [i think today is the 1-on-1 battles] Akutagawa: "..." [then i will win] -elsewhere- Lucy: "You better win!" atsushi: we will! Kyoka: *battle face* Lucy: "...* double hug* atsushi: ^////^ Kyoka: "..." *pat pat* Lucy: *sniff* "I'll be in the stands..." -elsewhere- Sakuya: "Eggs are done." *drops them onto plates* naho: awesome! Sakuya: "Dig in!" *spreading some jam on toast* "Want to be full and ready to watch the games." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *inhales* shinra: you ready for this, ozaki? Chuuya: "As ready as I'll ever be." -outside- Izuku: "Long line to get in..." -and so- atsushi: O-O; (thinking: looks like akutagawa and kyouka are the first match...if akutagawa wins, and _i_ win....we'll be facing each other...) *gulp* Kyoka: "...I'm going to break him." atsushi: please do. Kyoka: *pats his arm* "Done." atsushi: ^^; *glances at akutagawa* Akutagawa: *staring at a wall* -a few matches later, it was kyouka and akutagawa's turn- Akutagawa: "...Rashomon." Kyoka: *pulls out her phone* "Demon Snow." atsushi: come on kyouka! kick his ass! Chuuya: "???" Akutagawa: "...Swarm." yana: *in the audience, recording* *Rashomon divides into multiple limbs, swatting at Kyoka* Kyoka: "!!!" announcer: and araragi is going all out already! *Demon Snow slices the limbs away--but one comes at Kyoka* Kyoka: "!!!" *leaps out of the way* Akutagawa: "..." *smirks* "Spider Web." *Rashomon appears as a spider web beneath Kyoka's feet* atsushi: !!! Kyoka: *tries to leap--but the web crawls up her legs* "Demon Snow! Help!" demon snow: !!! *SLICE* Kyoka: *leaps and rolls away, taking off on a run* Akutagawa: *sighs* "Jaws." rashomon: *SCREECH and gives chase* ochako: woah! impressive! dark shadow: 💗 u 💗 Tokoyami: -__-; "Down, boy." Kyoka: *passing along the edge of the ring* "..." *heading for Akutagawa* Akutagawa: "...???" -CLANG- Akutagawa: *blocks Demon Snow with Rashomon* Kyoka: "..." *shuts her phone, runs forward, slides along the ring--* Akutagawa: "?!" Kyoka: *kick in his balls* atsushi: *wince* announcer: OOOOH that's _gotta_ hurt! momo: ok, even _i_ felt that. Kyoka: "..." *sighs* announcer: THE ROUND GOES TO KYOUKA IZUMI! kouyou: *OVERJOYED* AHHHH MY BABIES WON! Motojiro: "...His balls are RIP." higuchi:....ow. Gin: D8> -back at the tournament- Lucy: *loud applauding* "WOOOO!" Akutagawa: x_____x -and so- atsushi: looks like we'll be battling in the next round, kyouka. Kyoka: "...Are you pleased your stalker is removed?" atsushi: yeah. Kyoka: "Then may the best person win." atsushi: right. i wont be holding back, either! Kyoka: "Nor I. Watch your balls." atsushi: ._.; noted. Lucy: "Atsushi." atsushi: hey lucy. Lucy: "I got you a good luck charm." atsushi: oh. thanks. ^^ Lucy: *puts the necklace around his neck* "Kick some butt out there." atsushi: ok. -elsewhere- Chuuya: *inhales* classmate: great job out there, ozaki! Chuuya: "Oh...Th-Thanks." ^^; yana: .... Chuuya: "..." *glare* yana: ..... *walking into an alley* Chuuya: "..." *follows* yana: ... evening.....*shaft head tilts to look back at him* mr executive. Chuuya: "Why are you here, rat?" yana: why not? just thought i'd get some fresh air, is that illegal or something? *she chuckles* Chuuya: "For your kind, it should be." yana: jeez, hostile much? and who do you think _you_ are, some caped crusader? like in the comic books? Chuuya: "What do you want?" yana: im just here to have a good time and enjoy the festivities, just like anyone else would be. Chuuya: "That's a lie. You have other intentions." yana: wow, you're pissy today. did you get enough sleep last night? Chuuya: "...If I don't see you out of here by the time this next round starts, how about I send someone to blow your brains out?" yana: tsk-tsk...y'know....fyodor's right about you. you're a man who goes by his emotional impulses. you never think things logically....unlike your former partner...what was his name now? dazai? was it? Chuuya: "..." *turns around* yana:...*rolls eyes and walks off* well that was disappointing... Chuuya: *clenching his fist* yana: oh...tell sonia that uncle fyodor says hello. Chuuya: *growls, shaking the ground around her* -she's gone...- Chuuya: "..." *slams his fist against the wall* -on the roof- yana: *walking along, looking at her grappling hook* rip sasha, we'll make sure your pet projects get put to good use...*smile* *students are milling around below* yana:....*checking her vantage points* .... *Some teachers and security have guarded exits* yana: ...<shit. looks like im gonna have to parkour it...> -elsewhere- Black Star: "Bye-bye, motherfucker!" *grabs the opponent by the wrist and ankle, picking them up and swinging them around* opponent: >3< game vendor: damn, he's really getting into it. tsubaki: ^-^; Black Star: *tosses the opponent away* -ding ding- vendor: we have a winner! Black Star: *victory pose* "Oh, yeah!" -elsewhere- Kid: "..." julie: ?? Kid: "Oh. Hello, Julie." julie: hiya, uncle kid. *hands him something made out of play-doh* it's supposed to be a squirrel. Kid: owo; "...I can see that. The tail looks like one." ("Although this isn't symmetrical...") julie: ....*hug* are you happier now, uncle kid? Kid: "..." *hug* "Y-Yes. Thank you." julie: ^^ Kid: *pat pat* "...Let's get Mr. Squirrel something to eat." -elsewhere- Ponera: *baby vomit on her dress* T____T grimoire: *handing her a towel* so what's our next move? Ponera: "You know that Festival in Death City?" grimoire: the sports festival? Ponera: *nods* "The security is focused there. And one remaining relic we need is a bit harder to gain when it's in Death City..." grimoire: shall we send someone to crash the party? Ponera: "Not 'crash,' per se, but let the Festival be a distraction..." *slight sneer* "Or did you have an attack on the Festival in mind to create a bigger distraction?" grimoire:...i think it's time we reunite our little false reaper with his...other half. -elsewhere- Bakugo: "...I can do this..." *puts another coin into the crane machine* -elsewhere- justin: *shivering* Yumi: "??? Cold?" *approaches from the pew* justin: just...just the autumn chills, i suppose. ^^; Yumi: "...We knitted something for you." *pulls out a scarf* justin: ah. why thank you. *puts it on* oriko: ^^ h-hello... child: hiya mrs yumi! Yumi: ^^ *waves* "Hello. How are you?" child: my new family is picking me up tomorrow! Yumi: "Oh? You excited?" child: *he nods* im really nervous too.... justin: *head pats* it's understandable. but they'll take care of you. child:..y-yeah....*hug* im gonna miss you, big bro. you and the other kids. Yumi: *smiles* -elsewhere- Lucy: *tense* atsushi: something up? Lucy: "Just thinking about the rest of the competition..." atsushi: yeah. the second round is tomorrow... Lucy: "...You're going to do great." atsushi:... (thinking: i fought kyouka once before....it feels like so long ago, now...) {Kyoka: "--I killed 35 people."} atsushi: ... (thinking: she felt like...a completely difference person...but yet...} {Kyoka: *crying* "I don't want to kill any more!"} atsushi: ....*sigh* (thinking: tomorrows going to be a busy day for me...shit.) Lucy: "..." *rubs his head* -elsewhere- Hibana: *napping on the couch* {ivy: ....*watching from behind a wall*} {clematis: wow! so pretty!} {iris: *in awe*} {Hibana: *beaming with pride* "Of course! Wait 'til you see the sunflower..."} {ivy: ..... *lighting a match, drawing a small snake from it* .....} -elsewhere- Joker: *drawing a map* "...You listening?" ivy: ..yeah. scarlet: hard not to be. misora: can we make it quick? the others are gonna get suspicious. Joker: *nods* "While the 8th is in the tunnels, we have someone stationed outside for surveillance and rescue. This also gives us prime time to go through their headquarters." misora: hehe, just leave that part to me~<3 i'll convince commander tsurumaki to let us keep watch on home base for them~ seems the and commander oubi are on good terms. ^^ Joker: "Go work your magic, then." misora: can and will do, mr manager~<3 Joker: "...Right. Now, Red, Ivy--you know what to do?" ivy: of course... scarlet:...yeah. -elsewhere- Dazai: *grunts* -...- {mafia boss: *laying dead....with dr mori standing above him* } {Dazai: "Wh-What the hell...?"} {mori: *chilling smile* this is our little secret, understood, son? tell them, that with his dying breath, the boss appointed me as the new head of the mafia} {Dazai: "..." *silent...stoic*} -...- Dazai: "..." *shudders, falls to his knees* -be on the side that saves people...- Dazai: *stares at his hands...they are bandaged and trembling* -knocks- atsushi: dazai? you ok? Dazai: "FINE!" atsushi: *startled* Dazai: "...Sorry." atsushi: should i come in? Dazai: "...Whatever." atsushi:...*enters* ..... Dazai: "..." *lies on the floor* "Howdy." atsushi:....*goes over to him* Dazai: "...I was making too much noise?" atsushi:...just instinct to check on you, i guess... Dazai: "..." *turns over* "Good instincts." atsushi:.....*hug* Dazai: "..." *pat pat* atsushi: you ok? Dazai: "...Just remembered something." atsushi: .... Dazai: "...I don't want to go back to that. Dying...let's me escape the past." atsushi: hey, it's gonna be ok, alright? Dazai: *whimpers* atsushi:......*rubs his back* Dazai: *curls up into a ball* "Oda..." atsushi:.....*hums* Dazai: *sobs* atsushi:..... *remembering how dazai hugged him at the train station* ...... {Dazai: "This isn't your fault."} atsushi: ...... -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: =w= bram: do you think he's someone's pet? louisa: it's possible... Mr. Tsubaki: *lies on his back* mary: *belly rubs* Mr. Tsubaki: =\\\\\= *happy pant* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *weak growl* naoya: *giving him some figs* happy? Akutagawa: "..." *nom* *mouth full* "No." naoya: sure, akuta, sure. Akutagawa: "...I don't even know whether I can procreate now." naoya: you wanna see the doc? Akutagawa: *nods* -elsewhere- Chuuya: "..." sonia: *asleep* Chuuya: *shudders* ("The hell does that crazy brat want?") -message on phone from; naoya- Chuuya: "..." *pulls it up* naoya: [ey, congrats on the win!] Chuuya: [thanks. how's akutagawa?] naoya: [doing better. good news, his balls survived] Chuuya: "..." [truly good news] naoya: [bad news, he's akutagawa-ing harder than usual.] Chuuya: [need me to take over seeing him?] naoya: [if u think u can handle it. sure] Chuuya: [i'll stop by tomorrow. watch sonia?] naoya: .///.; [can do] Chuuya: [thanks. we'll be by tomorrow morning] naoya: [k] Chuuya: "..." *lies back in bed, staring at the ceiling* naoya:.... sssssshit i dont know the first thing about child care 6_9; *Images of Sonia walking into on-coming traffic, putting a fork into an electrical outlet, juggling chainsaws* naoya: o___________________o;;;;;;;; *dialing hirotsu* old man how do i mom? hirotsu:.....what? -elsewhere- Emine: "I told you taking care of babies is easy." *holds up Toru...who has a diaper on his head* chie: *cracks knuckles* ^^# Emine: "..." *hands the baby to Lin* "I must go now." *runs* io: mama, toru got a worm on him. saki: OwO;;;;;;;;; Yohei: *stifling his laughter* mana: *facepalm* chie: *fixing the diaper* *sigh* akaderu: =_=; *looks at nea* good luck. medea:....*closes the door* -elsewhere- Hawthorne: *shackled to the walls* "..." zoey:.....*she has a crowbar* ....... Hawthorne: *closes his eyes* "Lord, give me strength..." zoey: i wonder......*pant* what should i....*pant* break first~? Hawthorne: "I don't have to worry about tomorrow. If you just give me the strength that I need today that is all I need..." zoey: .....*raises the bar....and swings it onto his right ankle* Hawthorne: *grimaces...keeps his eyes shut...* "I admit that it's hard, Lord. Sometimes I feel like I can't go on..." zoey: ....this wont....be enough......*she gets a fire poker....a very hot...fire poker* Hawthorne: *shudders* "I-I know that I can come to you, Jesus, and that you will hear my prayer." zoey:.....*malicious smile as she jabs the sharp end of the poker into his side* Hawthorne: *howls in pain* zoey: *jabs harder* Hawthorne: *sobbing* "ARRRRHHHHH!!!" zoey: hehe~ *stomps on his stomach* Hawthorne: *shaking in the chains, convulsing* zoey: oh? have you....had enough already...pastor? Hawthorne: *coughs up blood* zoey:....master....shall i....*pant* continue? FD: "...We're done here." zoey:....*drops the poker and exits with him* Hawthorne: *hot tears streaming down his face* FD: "Are you satisfied?" zoey: only if you are, master.... FD: "I am..." *touches the hem of her dress* "You got blood on yourself." zoey: is that...good? FD: "It's messy." zoey: do you want me to...clean it off? FD: "Immediately." zoey: of course...*goes to do that* FD: *bites along his thumb* Ivan: Q____Q katya: now's your chance. go go! Ivan: "..." *nods* *inches to FD* "M-M-M-Mas-Mast-Master--" FD: "Hmmm? Ivan. Did you finish the task?" Ivan: *nod nod nod* "...I am ready for the next one?" FD: "...Hmm...I'm sure there is work you can take over for Zoey." katya: *peeeeeek* leo: ..... Ivan: Q_Q "...Just something you already assigned to Zoey?" FD: "Yes. She will have a busy schedule for the next few hours. So please proceed with torture, filing, medical aid--" Ivan: "I-I could do what you were going to have Zoey do for the next few hours!" FD: "...I'm sure you could." Ivan: QWQ FD: "Well..." zoey: ivan....pleasure....t-to....see....you....*shaking* Ivan: "...You as well, Miss Lewis. You done freshening up?" zoey: why yes....yes i am.... Ivan: "Hmm. Master was asking I take over some tasks for you. I guess he assumes you cannot handle it all and wants you to have time off." zoey: master, do you want me to take it easy today? FD: "I think it may benefit you." zoey: then i shall do as you ask of me. FD: "Good. Ivan, take care of her tasks, while Zoey and I call it a night." Ivan: owo;;;; zoey: shall i, go to your room then? FD: "Yes." Ivan: D8 leo:.... Ivan: Q~Q katya: ouch. that sucks. FD: *pats Zoey's bottom* "We go." Ivan: Q____Q *looks at clipboard of work* "...Darn it." leo: i could....help you if you need me too. Ivan: *sniff* "I'd appreciate that...Let's start with clean up work." -elsewhere- Poe: *making a bed* -knocks- Poe: "Yes?" henry: surprise. molly: ^^ emilia: UNCLE EDDIE! *hugs his leg* Poe: o\\\\\o "...Wh-When did you all get in? Welcome! Hello! H-How are you?" henry: well, we did just get into town. molly: mind if we come in? Poe: "P-Please, do! Have you told Rowena?" molly: we'll call her shortly. ^^ emilia: hiya karl, hiya kitty. Poe: owo "???" lana: *coming from upstairs* ok, i think i got most everything set up-.... um. hi? molly:... 7w7 eddie, you didnt tell us you had a lady friend visiting~ henry: ^^; Poe: o\\\\\o "Sh-She's not visiting! She's just moving in." molly: *griiiiiin* Poe: "...!!!" *waves his hands* "I-I have done nothing untoward! This is Lana! She's my girlfriend!" lana: hello. *waves* henry: a pleasure to meet you. im henry, edgar's elder brother. this is my wife, molly, and our daughter, emilia. emilia: *wave* Poe: "H-How about I make some t-tea?" -elsewhere- Melville: "..." moby dick: *tiny whale noises* Melville: "..." *rests his hand near Moby* moby: =w= -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: "...You miss him?" hinata: is he ok? Benimaru: -_-; "He's fine. Just relax." -elsewhere- Kid: *sets the squirrel statuette on the shelf* stocking: cute. ^^ Kid: *smiles* "It was very nice of her to make it." stocking: *smiles* i bet our kids will make cute stuff like that too someday. Kid: .\\\\. "...I only hope so..." *reaches for Stocking's hand* stocking:.... *warm smile and kisses him* Kid: *smooch* =\\\\= -elsewhere- Vulcan: *lying in bed, looking up at the ceiling* "..." ("Lisa...") nozomi: vulcan? Vulcan: *sits up* "Yeah?" nozomi: is everything alright? it's getting pretty late.... Vulcan: "...Just not sleeping. Thinking about Lisa." nozomi:...we'll find her soon, dont worry. ^^ Vulcan: "...Easy to say." nozomi: ... Vulcan: "I just want her to come back. Just knowing what Giovanni is about, he's a menace." nozomi:....the commander told me that squad 0 will be visiting soon, maybe commander tsurumaki and commander agni know something? Vulcan: "Maybe...Any info would help." nozomi: i think commander tsurumaki mentioned she used to be in the 3rd along with commander agni. Vulcan: "...You never saw Giovanni's real face." nozomi: ?? Vulcan: "Those eyes...like coals of fire." nozomi:..... Vulcan: "I thought he'd pull my eyes out when I was a kid..." nozomi: eep! Vulcan: "...Sorry. He's just a dangerous dude." nozomi: i-i'll keep that in mind. Vulcan: "...Here." *hands her a frog-shaped paperweight* "Keep this with you." nozomi: o-ok. -elsewhere- Kunikida: *marking charts* aya: *asleep on the couch* Kunikida: "..." *goes to the closet, removes a blanket, lays it onto Aya* aya: =w= Kunikida: "..." ("I wonder how her family is...") -elsewhere- Tachihara: "Hmph." hirotsu: is something wrong? Tachihara: "Bored." hirotsu: of course. Tachihara: "Can we at least get some slushies?" hirotsu: very well. Tachihara: "Yay!" -elsewhere- Sakuya: "..." otogiri: something bothering you? Sakuya: "Nothing more than usual...Just feeling down." otogiri: *making tea* Sakuya: "..." *small shudder* "Some hot tea will be good." -elsewhere- Gin: *sets down binoculars* naoya: see anything good, gin? Gin: "Occupants at this hour are finally going to bed...except those on the 27th floor." naoya: ah. *takes a look* lets see here... Gin: "Might be their supplier, waiting for the meeting." naoya: ... let's see. the distance should be right.... -perspective- *Inside the room is a man, looking at himself in the mirror as he adjusts his white suit, a table full of money and cocaine...and a woman, injured, strapped to a chair* naoya: mother fucker. he has a hostage. Gin: "!!! Can you identify him?" naoya: hold a sec. *looking through the woman's eyes* one of our suppliers. piece of shit's holding out on us. *The woman lets out a whimper* Gin: "...Is the hostage expendable?" naoya: ...... Gin: "...Backup?" naoya: ....send 'em in. Gin: *talks into communicator* "Go in." -mafioso's storm the apartment- Dealer: "?!! The fuck--" mafioso: so what ya got there buddy? Dealer: "..." *pulls out his gun, fires* mafioso 2: *tackles him* mafioso 3: *on the communicator* we got a hostage here, what do we do with her? Gin: "Administer medical aid." mafioso 3: got it. Woman: *wide-eyed, struggling to breathe* mafioso 3: *undoing restraints* it's alright now, ma'am. we have it under control, just breathe, and we'll take you to medical. Woman: "..." *passes out* -elsewhere- Poe: OWO; henry: so, how's the city treating you both? rowena: it's wonderful here, i even have a familiar now. lenore: -.- henry: well i'll be. Poe: "...I feel content." =w= molly: have you kept contact with those other people from..the guild i think it was? Poe: ._. "...Not too much...Lucy is still around." molly: ah, i see. emilia: can we meet her? Poe: "Sh-She works at a local cafe, so yes." emilia: yay! Poe: ^^ "You like chocolate chip cookies? They have some good ones." -elsewhere- Dazai: "Zzz..." atsushi: ....*sigh* Dazai: *turns over in his bed, breathing calmly* atsushi:...*exits* Dazai: =w= Kyoka: *cooking ramen* -elsewhere- Mephisto: *leans his head* "Kicking?" -bump- felisia: sure sounds it. Mephisto: owo "Yay!" -elsewhere- Todoroki: "Hmph." fuyumi: you ok? Todoroki: "...I want to win." fuyumi: ... Todoroki: "And I will--without his power." -elsewhere- Monoma: "--and he's not even that attractive! He looks like that Guy Fury guy on the Food Network!" hiryuu: *squints* Monoma: "I'm much more attractive! And I smell nice..." manga: <"credit where credit is due, my dude"> Monoma: "Thank you! See? Manga agrees with me!" manga: <"personality wise, you need work."> Monoma: "..." *puts Post-It Notes on Manga so the statement reads "Personally, wise, you are."* manga: < "D8<" > Izuku: "--and the milkshakes are so good!" -elsewhere- Relan: *snore* -early morning- Kid: =w= stocking: zzzz Kid: "..." *cheek smooch* stocking: morning, hunny~ *smooch* Kid: ^\\\^ "Good morning, my sweet." *hug* stocking: this is nice. =////= Kid: *nods* "It's almost perfect..." stocking: oh~? Kid: *kisses her lips lightly* stocking: mmmn~ u/////u Kid: *kisses behind her ear* -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Be good for Naoya today, okay?" sonia: ok. naoya: plus you got grampa hirotsu here too! hirotsu: 7.7; Chuuya: "And Akutagawa and I will talk." Akutagawa: -____-# sonia: uncle aku, get well, ok? Akutagawa: "...Hmph." -elsewhere- Medusa: "A distraction?" grimoire: indeed. Medusa: "..." *sneers* "Sounds like fun." -elsewhere- FD: *sighs* leo: sir? FD: "Have the two of them stopped yet?" leo: *looks out the door yet* Ivan: "DUMB COW!" zoey: stringy haired swine! FD: -_-;;; leo:...im afraid they're still at it... Ivan: "Your dugs are as sour as your disposition, you twat!" FD: -_-# zoey: at least im not a waste of bandages like you! katya: want me to stop them? FD: "If you don't mind." Ivan: "At least I'm not a semen deposit!" katya: -10 seconds- *tranqs them both* zoey: *collapses* Ivan: X_X FD: "Very good. Katya, bring Zoey to my quarters." katya: *drags her* you owe me for this. leo: *carrying ivan to his room* FD: "Of course..." Ivan: X~X *moaning* leo: ... .////. Ivan: "Master..." leo: ..... *sigh* Ivan: *drooling, asleep* leo:....*tucks him in* get some rest, ivan...i-...*shakes head and exits* (thinking: i shouldnt say it...i know he'll never say it back, so best not to torture myself further...) Ivan: "L-Love me..." leo: !!! *turns, blushing* i-ivan? o////o Ivan: *talking in his sleep* "Please, Master...Love me..." leo:....*walking away, her heart cracking slightly* Ivan: "Zzz..." FD: "..." leo:...sir? FD: "I need to keep those two in line. This is getting out of hand." leo: understood, sir. FD: "Watch Ivan today. Don't let him out of your sight." leo: o///o m-me? sir? katya: maybe give ivan some attention so he'll stop his bitching? FD: -_-# "Katya, please. I do have a full agenda. And yes, Leo--guard him. I anticipate Zoe will kill him at this rate." leo: ....understood. katya: i really hope this plan gets finished soon. FD: "All in good time. Just translating." katya:.....oookay then. FD: "Now, if you excuse me, I have to tend to Zoey before she awakens." leo: ... Ivan: *snore* "Little Mister..." katya: lev, im gonna give you some life advice. in every company, every group of a bunch of people, there's one person that no one even fucking likes. in our case. zoey is the one no one likes. not even the boss. FD: *stares at the unconscious Zoey* "..." zoey: ..... FD: *pats her face* yana: you thinkin about killin her or nah? FD: "No. Just have to re-educate her." yana: ... FD: "Make her realize my word is law." yana: oookday then. im just gonna get back to my work then. lates. FD: "Yes, later." *removes a strap* "..." -elsewhere- Vulcan: *shivers* karin: hey. *pats his back* it's gonna be alright, you hear? Vulcan: "Just been seeing his face at night, Doc..." karin: need some warm cinne-milk? Vulcan: "...Yes, please." karin: ok. *getting out the mug, milk, and cinnamon* Vulcan: *staring at the table...* {Vulcan: "Dad! Look what I made!"} {vulcan's dad: looks great, kiddo. *head pats*} {Vulcan: "Hee hee. Can we make something together, Dad?"} {???: "Ahem. I had an appointment..."} {*It's Giovanni*} karin: here you go, kiddo. *smiles and hands it to him* Vulcan: *shivering* karin: .....whenever me or irina couldnt sleep, our mom would make this for us. Vulcan: "D-Dad would just have me have a cola." karin: hmm...well, wouldnt kill ya to try something new, kiddo. Vulcan: "...How I ended up here in the 8th." *sips* karin: life's pretty unpredictable like that, i guess. Vulcan: "No kidding...This isn't bad." karin: *smiles* Vulcan: "..." *small smile* "Th-Thanks." -elsewhere- Dazai: "I brought donuts!" kirako: ^^ good luck you two in the match today. Kyoka: *bows* "We will bring honor to the Agency with the tears of our opponents and the cheers of the crowd." atsushi: ^^; Dazai: "..." *pats Atsushi's head* atsushi: ....^^ Dazai: ^^ "And thanks for last night!" atsushi: no problem. Kyoka: "..." *eyebrow raise* atsushi:... .-.; dazai had one of his, um... dazai? do you feel comfortable with me telling them or...? Dazai: ^^ "I had a night terror." kirako:.... *pats his back* Dazai: "...Thanks." T\\\T -elsewhere- Chuuya: "...You're quiet." Akutagawa: "..." Chuuya: "..." *sips his tea* -...- Chuuya: "..." *nervous laugh* "I have new photos of Sonia--" Akutagawa: "I don't care." Chuuya: "...You want to say that again?" Akutagawa: "I am not interested in photographs of your child or this inane, mindless chatter." Chuuya: ^^# *10 minutes later* Akutagawa: *strapped to a chair, Clockwork Orange style* O_____O Chuuya: "And here's Sonia with her first root beer float." ^^ classmate: jeez, ozaki doesnt mess around ._.; Classmate #2: "Cute kid, though." Akutagawa: "Make it stop!" Chuuya: " 'Make it more'? Sure!" *pulls up next photo on his phone* "And here's Sonia with her new teddy bear--" Akutagawa: "Didn't Dazai force that onto you?" Chuuya: "..." -_- *slap* -elsewhere- Todoroki: *walking to the Festival* ochako: hey, todoroki! Todoroki: *shudders* "Wh-Where?" ochako: hmm? ....did you sleep well last night? Todoroki: "...Sorry. I guess I'm still waking up. Hello. How are you?" ochako: im good. did you want to get some funnel cake? Todoroki: "...Okay? Sure." ochako: ^^ Hyde: *working at the funnel cake stand* "Welcome! What can I get you two?" ochako: one large funnel cake please! Hyde: "One funnel cake for the lovely couple, coming up." Todoroki: .\\\. -elsewhere- Gin: "Update on the mission from last night?" naoya: well, we brought the hostage to interrogation. Gin: "Any useful information?" -elsewhere- Belkia: *in an orange jumpsuit* -_-# "Stupid community service..." *picks up trash* -elsewhere- Yohei: *carrying Toru in the baby carrier* "I think Daddy needs some coffee, maybe a cinnamon bun. What do you think, kiddo?" toru: ah. Yohei: "I'll take that as a yes." ^^ *enters Deathbucks* -elsewhere- Patty: *curled up in bed* -~- roxanne: feeling better, kiddo? Patty: *shakes her head* "Can I have more ginger ale?" roxanne: of course. heather: i told her not to eat so fast, but she doesnt want to listen. -_-; Yumi: "Far more capable have tried to, and they failed." -elsewhere- Arthur: "You'll be watching the Festival?" tamaki: yeah. shinra: wish me luck! Relan: "I'll be rooting for you." ^^ shinra: ^///^ i wont let you guys down! -elsewhere- Aizawa: "Leave it there." yuuji: *putting the box down* cool. Aizawa: "And you'll need these." *hands him a bottle of eye drops* -elsewhere- Rin: "All set?" kyouko: yeah. *she's running one of the game booths* Rin: "Cool...STEP RIGHT UP, AND WIN A PRIZE!" -elsewhere- Kyoka: "..." atsushi: *nervous* Kyoka: *opens her cell phone* "Demon Snow." atsushi: *breathes* ok, i can do this. *dodge* Kyoka: "Pursue." demon snow: *chasing atsushi as he runs* Kyoka: "Strike." -slice- atsushi: ACK! *tiger arms and catches the blade* OwO;; Kyoka: "?! Demon Snow--fling him!" atsushi: O-O;; -toss- atsushi: *SCREAMS* Kyoka: "!!! Demon Snow! Bl--" -Cell phone smash- -KO- atsushi: X~X.....d...did i win? Kyoka: X_X "M-My phone...I wasn't done with payments..." classmate: so who one? Announcer: "With no phone left, the winner is...Atsushi Nakajima!" atsushi: congrats kyou-...wait a minute what? ._.; Kyoka: Q____Q "My phone is dead." atsushi: we'll get you a new one. kouyou: *points to a mafioso* send a new phone to kyouka's apartment ASAP! announcer: with that, our semifinalists are; Atsushi Nakajima, Chuuya Ozaki, Kirika Kure, and Shinra Kusakabe! Chuuya: *watching on TV* "...Huh." Akutagawa: *gag in his mouth, still tied up* "HMPH HMMM FMMM!" Arthur: "...Disappointed you aren't competing, Tamaki? Or that the girl was defeated?" tamaki: at least the kure kid got in. she's pretty tough from what i've seen. Arthur: "Tough enough to take down Shinra?" shinra: i've been practicing! >3< although... (shinra thoughts!kirika: MOTHERFUCKINGMOTHERFUCK!) yeesh. Arthur: "If you burn down the stadium, that's an automatic defeat." shinra: that's....not exactly inspiring. ._.; Arthur: "It wasn't meant to be. I am seriously worried you will burn the stadium down. I hope they have fire insurance." -elsewhere- Joker: "Good for Kusakabe..." scarlet: that ozaki kid.....he lives in this building... o_o; why the hell is a mafia boss posing as a student?! Joker: "...Given what I have heard about the Mafia's leader, I'm not surprised." scarlet: i think i saw a show like this scenario once. Joker: "But that was fiction. This is real life." *turns, stares at the wall* ivy: what are you looking at? Joker: "...This wall is filthy." *takes out a spray bottle and a rag* -elsewhere- Gin: "How is babysitting going, by the way?" hirotsu: TTuTT naoya: oi, you can put her down now. sonia: ?? Gin: "...How are you, Sonia?" sonia: ok. Gin: "That's good. Has Naoya done a good job taking care of you?" sonia: *nod* Gin: *smiles at Naoya* "See? You can handle children." naoya: ^^; hirotsu helped. Gin: "...He may need a nap." naoya: yeah....given he did most of the work >->; Gin: "And he is at that age." naoya:.....old man? are you crying? hirotsu: TTuTT (thinking: i feel like an actual grandfather...) Gin: "...Maybe some warm tea and a blanket?" hirotsu: *nod* -elsewhere- Todoroki: =_= "...That was filling." ochako: ^u^ want to go for a jog? Todoroki: "...Yes." ochako: awesome! us heroes in training gotta keep in shape, you know! actually, i think i slimmed down a bit since starting here. Todoroki: "..." ("I DON'T KNOW HOW TO RESPOND WITHOUT COMING OFF AS CREEPY.") ochako: ?? you ok? Todoroki: "Let's just jog." ochako: alright! -underground- leo: .... Ivan: *hugging his pillow, sleeping* =3= leo: .... .///. *looking away* (thinking: is it too creepy for me to watch him sleep?) Ivan: *slight movement in bed* "More..." leo: o//////o;;;;;; Ivan: "Like that...Lower." leo: *steam coming off her head* >////////////< *covers face with her hands* <v-vanya, please...> Ivan: "Master...Lev..." leo: *FAINTS* X///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////X Ivan: *yawns, wakes up* "...??? Leo? Are we in the medical ward?" leo: X////////////////////X Ivan: "...???" *gets out of bed...drops blanket over her* leo: o//////////////////o um...um... are you...w-w-well? Ivan: "...I think I need breakfast." leo: o-of course. right away. anything in mind? Ivan: "Porridge?" leo: very well. Ivan: "And please make sure Master is safe." =w= leo:...of course.......*sigh* FD: *at computer console* zoey: *clinging to his leg* ah~ leo: ..... FD: *pets Zoey* "Leo. I see you are awake." leo: vanya has recovered, i'm getting him breakfast now. FD: "...Get me potato pancakes, too. And some milk for Zoey." leo: very well. katya: oh, and we need more detergent if you're heading out! leo: noted. FD: "And chew toys." barkova: 8D leo:....right. -_-; FD: "And keep the receipts." leo: understood. -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: -_-; *has a bow tied around his neck* mary: hehe ^^ Mr. Tsubaki: *grumbles* -\\\\- *nudges Mary* mary: hungry, lil guy? Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *stomach growl* -elsewhere- Hyde: "Still stocking shelves, I see." kyouko: yep. Hyde: "Yeah..." *puts items on top shelf* "The customers can be the worst, man. I had one tell me, 'I miss the good old days,' and he started talking about 'the races.'" -_-; kyouko: jeez. i think one of the dumbest experiences i had with a customer is this one guy who tried returning a cut up mango saying 'he didnt need it anymore'. it was all taped up and everything. Hyde: "...Were all pieces still there?" kyouko: yeah. -elsewhere- Dazai: QWQ kirako: looks like he won! Dazai: *nod nod nod nod* "So proud!" yosano: we'll have to celebrate! kenji: ^^ Kunikida: "...I will budget for some light snacks. Do not get crumbs on the table." -elsewhere- Gopher: YWY "She's moving on!" kirika: hell yeah motherfuckers. hell, fuckin yeah. Gopher: *loud applauding* "I LOVE YOU!" kirika: ! 7///7; yeah, i kinda know that part. 7///3///7; Gopher: "JUST MAKING IT CLEAR! Let my love lift you to victory in this competition!" kirika: -_-; Audience Member #4: "Ooooooo!" kirika: dafuq _you_ starin' at?! Audience Member #4: ._. "..." *runs away* Gopher: ^\\\^ -elsewhere- Nals: -______- milia: road trip!! ^o^ Medusa: "Stop hogging the arm rest!" neian: gugah? Medusa: "Not you, sweetie. I was talking to your dumb cow of an aunt." shaula: im a lot slimmer than your fat butt. grimoire: if you dont stop, you're riding in the trunk. Ponera: -_-;;; "...Could either of them _fit_ in it?" -elsewhere- arachne: .___.; Giriko: "???" arachne: i felt a disturbance. anna: o^o~? Giriko: "...Maybe the couch is uncomfortable?" -elsewhere- Iida: *looking at a tie* "How is this color?" momo: it looks quite dashing. ^///^ Iida: *small smile* "Thank you. I like the color of your outfit. What would you call that?" momo: i went with a cranberry color. ^^ Iida: "It suits you." *opens the door for her* "Ready?" momo: *nods and enters* -elsewhere- Bakugo: "Almost there..." mina: woah. mrs bakugou: katsuki there you a- eijiro: evening, mrs b! Bakugo: -_-; "...These losers followed me home." mina: nice place you got here! eijiro: we're just gonna head upstairs now. denki: wow, you look just like your mom, bakugou. Bakugo: "Shut up!" mina: i can see the similarities! mrs bakugou: .... QuQ katsuki actually brought friends home. Mr. Bakugo: TTWTT "It's a dream come true." Bakugo: "TAKE OFF YOUR SHOES! Were you raised in a barn?!" -elsewhere- Lucy: *hug* atsushi: ^///^ Lucy: "You did such a great job out there! ...How is Kyoka taking it?" atsushi: someone left a package on our porch. it was a new phone. Kyoka: *programming her phone* "It has larger capacity and a better camera." *snaps a pic* atsushi: cool..... o_______________________o; -oda is slightly in the pic- odasaku: .____.;;;;; Kyoka: "..." Lucy: "...Is that a ghost?" atsushi: .______________________.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Kyoka: "...This phone is amazing." *snaps another pic* -elsewhere- Hibana: "Shinra! You got to the finals!" *hug* atsushi: grk-...cant...cant breathe. save...me.... X-X iris: sister, you're going to kill him! D8 mikami: ._.; Relan: o_o;;;; "...Mikami, you grab the commander, I'll extricate Shinra..." -elsewhere-
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gheysnakeredacted · 4 years
Did Tubbo just fucking flash his nuke across Tommys face and he didn’t even notice? LMAO
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gheysnakeredacted · 4 years
Jack Manifold tormented by the Remmy video is SO FUNNY AJKLFE
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gheysnakeredacted · 4 years
Sam now wants to be a banker?? Damn he really be stepping his toes into all professions huh?
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gheysnakeredacted · 4 years
Crying,,, more Tommy n Sam interactions give me life,,,,
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gheysnakeredacted · 4 years
I am a simple nerd, I watch one video and determine how these characters act solely from said video n accidentally make them very important to a very niche au that I put way too much effort in
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