#kebaya muslimah
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frrahzana · 1 month ago
Got a kinda funny story that happen to my friend today masa after presentation. Side note, i already told her at car after it happen and she malu af hahaha.
She wear kebaya today utk presentation and its her first time own one. She tk tahu yg kebaya yg dia beli tu, the skirt ada slit yg sampai peha but tk nampak sgat. So she tk tahu. Fyi she jenis yg tk pakai benda camtu as she jenis muslimah. She tudung pun cover her chest but tk labuh. She safety pants yg sampai peha halfway as she aleays wear tu if pakai baju kurung etc.
So masa presentation, its normal lah. Memang nampak normal bagai2. She told me yg she bought kebaya and i pun iya kan jelah as i assume its okay. So when we otw to lift uni, ada angin kuat. The wind go blew so hard, her skirt cam cam ke tepi. Me and our girls saw the slit terbukak and saw until her thigh hahahah. Nasib tk ada lelaki kt situ. Her slit nampak mana pun sebab dia berlapis. She malu sampai muka merah melepak haahah.
I then tell lah, why tk pakai legging panjang and why ada slit tinggi camtu. She said she tk perasan hahahaha
Thats all thanks
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woislamisurabaya · 5 months ago
ide foto pre-wedding islami hub : 0812–2427–2825
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Pre-wedding telah menjadi salah satu bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari persiapan pernikahan. Foto pre-wedding, selain untuk dokumentasi pribadi, sering kali digunakan untuk undangan atau dekorasi di hari pernikahan. Namun, bagi pasangan Muslim yang ingin menampilkan identitas mereka dalam balutan syariat, konsep foto pre-wedding Islami menjadi pilihan utama. Foto-foto ini tidak hanya menekankan keindahan visual, tetapi juga menampilkan pesan moral yang sesuai dengan nilai-nilai Islam.
Dalam artikel ini, kami akan mengulas berbagai ide foto pre-wedding Islami yang bisa menjadi inspirasi, lengkap dengan nuansa elegan dan tetap menjaga kesucian pernikahan menurut ajaran Islam. Dengan perpaduan antara kreativitas dan kepatuhan syariah, momen-momen pre-wedding Anda bisa menjadi dokumentasi yang indah dan bermakna.
1. Foto dengan Konsep Hijab Elegan
Salah satu ide yang populer untuk foto pre-wedding Islami adalah dengan menampilkan busana Muslimah yang syar’i dan elegan. Mempelai wanita bisa mengenakan gaun panjang yang menutup aurat dengan sempurna, dipadukan dengan hijab yang anggun. Warna-warna pastel, seperti dusty pink, soft blue, atau beige, bisa dipilih untuk memberikan kesan lembut dan romantis. Sementara itu, mempelai pria bisa mengenakan baju koko atau setelan jas yang tetap menonjolkan kesederhanaan namun berkelas.
Untuk latar belakang, lokasi outdoor seperti taman bunga, hutan, atau tepi danau bisa dipilih agar menciptakan suasana yang alami dan damai. Foto ini tidak hanya indah secara visual, tetapi juga memperlihatkan bagaimana pasangan tetap menjaga adab berpakaian sesuai dengan ajaran Islam.
rajata wedding organizer dapat membantu Anda mengatur konsep ini dengan sempurna. More Information Call Us: 0812–2427–2825 Visit our Website: www.rajata.co.id.
2. Foto dengan Gaya Tradisional Islami
Menggabungkan unsur-unsur budaya lokal dengan sentuhan Islami bisa menjadi konsep foto pre-wedding yang sangat unik. Misalnya, mempelai bisa mengenakan busana adat yang dimodifikasi agar sesuai dengan aturan syariat. Pakaian adat seperti kebaya atau baju kurung bisa didesain lebih tertutup, sementara mempelai pria mengenakan pakaian adat dengan aksesori Islami seperti peci atau sorban.
Untuk lokasi, Anda bisa memilih tempat-tempat bersejarah seperti masjid tua atau bangunan tradisional dengan arsitektur Islami. Selain memperlihatkan keindahan busana tradisional, foto ini juga memberikan kesan spiritual yang kental.
Jika Anda menginginkan pre-wedding dengan konsep tradisional yang Islami, rajata wedding organizer siap membantu. Location: Jl. Gn. Anyar Tambak IV №50, Gn. Anyar Tambak, Kec. Gn. Anyar, Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60294 Ja.
3. Foto di Masjid
Masjid adalah tempat ibadah yang juga sering kali memiliki arsitektur megah dan indah. Oleh karena itu, banyak pasangan Muslim yang memilih masjid sebagai lokasi foto pre-wedding. Konsep ini bisa menonjolkan sisi spiritualitas yang mendalam, di mana pasangan berfoto dalam nuansa religius.
Anda bisa memilih masjid dengan desain arsitektur yang megah, seperti masjid dengan kubah besar, ukiran kaligrafi yang indah, atau lampu-lampu gantung yang elegan. Pengambilan gambar bisa dilakukan di pelataran masjid, di dekat pintu kayu besar, atau di dalam masjid saat kondisi sedang sepi.
Foto pre-wedding di masjid tidak hanya mencerminkan nilai-nilai Islami, tetapi juga mengajak pasangan untuk selalu mengingat bahwa pernikahan adalah bagian dari ibadah yang mulia.
Untuk mendapatkan pengalaman foto pre-wedding Islami terbaik, percayakan kepada rajata wedding organizer. More Information Call Us: 0812–2427–2825.
4. Foto Bertema Kehidupan Sehari-hari
Konsep sederhana namun penuh makna bisa Anda terapkan dengan mengambil foto bertema kehidupan sehari-hari. Misalnya, Anda dan pasangan bisa berfoto sambil menjalani aktivitas harian seperti berjalan-jalan di taman, membaca Al-Qur’an bersama, atau bahkan menikmati teh sore di teras rumah. Foto-foto ini akan memberikan kesan kehangatan dan kebersamaan dalam kehidupan Islami.
Busana yang dikenakan juga tidak perlu terlalu formal. Cukup dengan pakaian Muslimah sehari-hari yang casual namun tetap syar’i, seperti gamis sederhana dan hijab polos. Sementara itu, mempelai pria bisa mengenakan pakaian kasual seperti kemeja lengan panjang dengan celana yang sopan.
Konsep ini sangat cocok bagi pasangan yang menginginkan dokumentasi pre-wedding yang alami dan tidak terlalu berlebihan, namun tetap menggambarkan kehidupan Islami yang damai dan harmonis.
Jika Anda tertarik dengan konsep ini, rajata wedding organizer dapat memberikan layanan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda. Visit our Website: www.rajata.co.id.
5. Foto di Luar Ruangan dengan Latar Alam
Alam selalu menawarkan keindahan yang tiada habisnya. Pasangan Muslim yang ingin mengabadikan momen pre-wedding dengan latar belakang alam terbuka bisa mencoba konsep ini. Pegunungan, pantai, hutan, atau padang rumput hijau bisa menjadi pilihan yang sempurna.
Dengan latar belakang alam yang indah, pasangan dapat berpose dengan busana Islami yang sederhana namun tetap elegan. Mempelai wanita bisa mengenakan gamis panjang dan hijab yang mengalir indah, sementara mempelai pria mengenakan pakaian yang serasi. Suasana alam akan memberikan kesan natural dan memperkuat nuansa Islami dalam foto.
rajata wedding organizer memiliki pengalaman dalam mengatur sesi foto pre-wedding di luar ruangan dengan hasil yang memukau. More Information Call Us: 0812–2427–2825.
6. Foto dengan Properti Islami
Menggunakan properti Islami sebagai elemen dalam foto pre-wedding bisa menambah nilai estetika sekaligus memperkuat pesan spiritual dalam foto Anda. Properti seperti tasbih, sajadah, Al-Qur’an, atau hiasan kaligrafi bisa digunakan sebagai elemen tambahan dalam sesi foto.
Misalnya, pasangan bisa berpose sambil membaca Al-Qur’an bersama, atau memegang tasbih dengan latar belakang masjid yang megah. Properti ini tidak hanya memperindah foto, tetapi juga memberikan makna mendalam tentang pentingnya spiritualitas dalam pernikahan Islami.
Jika Anda membutuhkan ide dan konsep penggunaan properti Islami dalam sesi foto pre-wedding, rajata wedding organizer siap membantu. Visit our Website: www.rajata.co.id.
7. Foto dengan Cahaya dan Bayangan
Cahaya adalah elemen penting dalam fotografi, dan penggunaan cahaya serta bayangan yang tepat bisa menciptakan hasil foto yang dramatis dan artistik. Anda bisa mencoba konsep foto pre-wedding Islami dengan bermain-main pada elemen cahaya alami, seperti saat matahari terbenam atau cahaya lembut di dalam ruangan.
Misalnya, pasangan bisa berpose di dekat jendela besar dengan sinar matahari yang masuk, menciptakan bayangan siluet yang indah. Pose sederhana seperti duduk berdua atau saling menatap dengan lembut bisa memberikan kesan romantis tanpa melanggar batasan syariat.
Cahaya yang tepat akan menghasilkan foto yang penuh makna dan memberikan nuansa Islami yang tenang dan damai.
Untuk pengaturan pencahayaan yang tepat, Anda bisa mempercayakan sesi foto pre-wedding Anda kepada rajata wedding organizer. More Information Call Us: 0812–2427–2825 Visit our Website: www.rajata.co.id.
8. Foto dengan Sentuhan Kaligrafi
Kaligrafi Arab selalu menjadi simbol keindahan dan kekayaan budaya dalam Islam. Menggunakan kaligrafi sebagai elemen dalam foto pre-wedding bisa menjadi konsep yang menarik dan unik. Misalnya, pasangan bisa berpose di depan latar belakang dinding yang dihiasi kaligrafi ayat-ayat Al-Qur’an atau nama-nama Allah.
Kaligrafi bisa menjadi simbol pengingat bahwa pernikahan adalah ikatan suci yang dijalankan atas dasar keimanan dan kecintaan kepada Allah SWT. Sentuhan seni kaligrafi akan menambah dimensi spiritual dalam foto pre-wedding Anda.
Untuk mewujudkan ide foto pre-wedding dengan elemen kaligrafi yang artistik, rajata wedding organizer siap membantu Anda. Location: Jl. Gn. Anyar Tambak IV №50, Gn. Anyar Tambak, Kec. Gn. Anyar, Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60294 Ja.
Foto pre-wedding Islami tidak hanya sekadar dokumentasi visual, tetapi juga sarana untuk menampilkan nilai-nilai keimanan dan spiritualitas dalam hubungan pernikahan. Dengan memilih konsep yang tepat, Anda dapat menciptakan foto-foto yang bukan hanya indah secara estetika, tetapi juga penuh makna Islami. Dari konsep hijab elegan hingga penggunaan kaligrafi, setiap detail dalam foto pre-wedding Islami mengandung pesan moral dan spiritual yang mendalam.
Apapun konsep yang Anda pilih, pastikan untuk tetap menjaga kesucian dan nilai-nilai Islami dalam setiap momen yang diabadikan. Untuk pengalaman foto pre-wedding Islami yang tak terlupakan, percayakan kepada rajata wedding organizer. More Information Call Us: 0812–2427–2825 Visit our Website: www.rajata.co.id.
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rumahjahitazka · 9 months ago
Gamis Dress Brukat Bridesmaid Custom Rumah Jahit Azka
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TAMPIL CANTIK! WA 081225036194, Gamis Dress Brukat Bridesmaid Custom Rumah Jahit Azka
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himawariqurrotaaini · 1 year ago
Muslimah Negarawan.
Nah loh berat amat ini judulnya udah seperti mau nyaleg 😅
Pontianak. 14012024. 12:50.
Alhamdulillahilladzi bini'matihi tattimush shalihaat.
Sebenarnya ini judul bukunya Ibu DR Fika Komara, salah satu wishlist saya untuk bulan depan, tapi bulan ini masih ada PR 1 buku untuk diselesaikan.
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Membuat tulisan berjudul ini, karena baru saja mendengar cuplikan nasihat dari Ustadz Khalid Basalamah:
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Aypris yang belum nikah dan memiliki anak kok ya malah mau ingat-ingatkan orang tentang hal ini? Karena ini perjalanan panjaaaaanggg, sejatinya nasihat untuk diri sendiri. Banyak teman bercerita bahwa konsep ideal parenting kelak akan kalah dengan realita. Namun sebagai manusia yang mengaku bertawakkal, kewajiban kita kan berprasangka baik kepada Allah ash Shamad? Meluruskan niat, mempersiapkan bekal, agar tiba masa kelak tak perlu lagi terbentur, terbentur, terbentuk, tapi sudah punya kompas ilmu. InshaaAllah, semoga Allah meridhai.
Tulisan ini juga sebenarnya penghibur kepada teman-teman yang sering dikecilkan lingkungan, "Sekolah tinggi kok cuma ngurus anak di rumah?" Heeeeiii membentuk suatu peradaban itu bukan sekedar cuma. Cubit kecil yaaa yang ngomong gitu ✨🤏🏻.
Sebenarnya saya nih, kalau ndak karena berinteraksi langsung dengan Teh Anin, founder @labbelajaribu , mungkin belum bisa paham tentang kehidupan perempuan dengan kacamata lain. Sila dibaca pelan-pelan informasi berikut:
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Kilas balik ke hari Ibu bulan lalu. Sebenarnya saya gelisah kalau acaranya jadi sekedar seremoni pakai kebaya dan foto-foto, jadilah coba-coba cari tau sebenarnya dasarnya apa sih peringatan hari ibu? Ternyata bermula dari Kongres Perempuan Indonesia I pada tanggal 22 Desember 1928 yang dihadiri sekitar 30 organisasi wanita yang menyebar di Jawa dan Sumatera. Para perempuan tersebut terinspirasi dari perjuangan wanita era abad ke-19 untuk berjuang melawan para penjajah. Tujuan pengadaan Kongres Perempuan Indonesia I adalah mempersatukan cita-cita dan usaha memajukan wanita Indonesia.
Saya tinggal mandi dulu ya.
Gimana mau membangun bangsa kalau mandinya masih tunda-tunda?
Pontianak. 17:05. 14012024.
Hampir ini menjadi draft ke 181 tulisan saya 😅 hingga Allah perkenankan saya bertemu nasihat Omar Mita barusan, suksesnya orang tua itu bukan ketika anak kaya raya atau jadi manusia terkenal, namun ketika orang tua tersebut....
"Menggores kalimat tauhid di dada anak."
Beraaaaaattt. Tapiiii semua terjadi atas seizin Allah AzzawaJalla, ndak mungkin Allah ndak mau bantu niat mulia hambaNya.
Ini jadi campur-campur ya bahasnya, gimana seorang Ibu dalam pandangan ulama, dan kebutuhan ibu itu sendiri sebagai seorang manusia. Hehe makanya saya niatkan menuliskan ini, karena jika tidak pelan-pelan disampaikan, bagaimana bisa dipahami?Lha saya yang sesama wanita saja mesti belajar mendengarkan dan membacanya dulu, baru kemudian paham.
Saya sebagai wanita saja bisa heran dan mempertanyakan, kenapa sih Rasulullah SAW mengatakan bahwa wanita adalah tulang yang bengkok? Ooohh ternyata wanita itu, sangaaaaaattt mudah dikendalikan oleh perasaan, walau selogis apapun ia dibentuk oleh lingkungan (ehem). Kalau kata Ustadz Irfan Rizki, perempuan itu kalau tidak disibukkan dengan ilmu, ia akan disibukkan dengan perasaan, dengan prasangka-prasangkanya. Maka perempuan harus disibukkan dengan ilmu, dengan belajar. Mencatat apa yang didapat pada majelis-majelis ilmu, mencatat nasihat, meresapi, dan menyebarkannya. Sehingga yang memimpinnya adalah ilmu, dan yang menghantarkannya kepada kebaikan adalah amal. Gimana? Menenangkan kan?
Seperti yang saya yakini, bahwa untuk beribadah itu mesti jelas landasannya, al Qur'an dan sunnah. Beribadah itu pakai ilmu, bukan pakai rasa-rasa.
Tapi kalau kebanyakan belajar, nanti perempuannya bisa merasa lebih tinggi dong? Ambisinya bisa membuatnya meninggalkan keluarga nih? Belum tentuuuu. Mungkin ada yang begitu, lha namanya manusia, buanyaaaaak versinya. Namun juga banyaaaak yang berilmu, namun justru semakin menyadari betapa bodohnya diri. Makin berilmu, justru lebih mudah dinasihati. Banyaaaaak teman-teman diskusi saya yang sekolah "tinggi" sekaligus religius dan juga figur ibu muda idola saya. Paket komplit inshaAllah. Dikasi ilmu gratis deh saya dari contoh yang dekat-dekat. Di situlah sejak awal kita minta bantu Allah. Sebagaimana isi nasihat video Omar Mita beberapa hari lalu. Baguuus deh.
Memang bisa ditemui, wanita-wanita yang rajin pergi pengajian, namun belum membawa ketenangan bagi suami dan anak, di sinilah lagi-lagi ndak bisa kita sombong dengan ilmu yang dititipkan oleh Allah al Alim. Minta bantu Allaah terus.
Sepemahaman saya, mengapa sebaik-baiknya perempuan itu di rumah saja, karena memang pergaulan dan dunia luar menjadikan wanita rentaaaaaan sekali membuat perbandingan dan lupa bersyukur atas apa yang sudah Allah AzzawaJalla berikan. Tapi ya gitulah, tantangan zaman dengan teknologi, melalui media sosial pun godaan perbandingan sudah banyaaaak sekali.
Nah ini nih izinnya Allah atas perkembangan teknologi-teknologi ini yang membuat saya kagum, mana terbayang bisa mengikuti kelas tahsin via online yang beranggotakan ibu-ibu pekerja dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Mengamati macam-macam manusia dengan perjuangannya mencari ilmu, hangat sekali.
Beberapa bulan terakhir, biidznillaah, senangnyaaaa saya bisa ikut serta dalam kelas tadabbur Rahmah Study Club yang anggotanya mayoritas justru ibu-ibu rumah tangga, ini juga lovelyyyyyy sekali mereka, banyak sekali kemahirannya, namun sungguh Allah tanamkan cinta Qur'an pada mereka sehingga mereka dapatkan taufiq untuk bisa belajar dalam waktu yang sudah tidak hanya milik sendiri, namun juga dibagi untuk suami dan anak. Ada juga kelas Kajian Ahad Kesayangan yang mematahkan kesimpulan bodoh saya dulu tentang wanita bercadar yang cenderung konservatif. Ooohh ternyata tidak seperti ituuu, ilmu yang mereka bagikan mashaAllah sungguh update dan selaras dengan agama. Indaaaaah sekali, sungguh membuat jatuh hati kepada Islam.
Jadi kesimpulannya? Dunia ilmu itu kan luaaaaaas sekali, dan Allah AzzawaJalla al Alim sungguh mudahkaaan kita dengan berbagai cara untuk mempelajarinya. Jika ilmu yang kita pelajari berlandaskan keinginan untuk menjadi representasi umat Islam yang Allah sayangi, yang Rasulullah SAW banggakan, maka inshaAllah tidak hanya kemuliaan dunia, namun juga sebaik-baik kehidupan akhirat bisa didapatkan, hanya jika Allah ridha.
Alhamdulillahilladzi bini'matihi tattimush shalihaat, syukurilah ilmu yang telah Allah titipkan pada setiap sujud kita. Bermohonlah selalu untuk Allah al Alim berikan ilmu, sebagaimana doa yang Rasulullah SAW ajarkan untuk kita baca sebelum salam tiap shalat:
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ayuprissakartika yang senang wisata kampusnya orang lain 😆.
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poetrafoto · 5 years ago
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(via Kebaya Bridal Muslimah buat Foto Prewedding Hijabers di Pantai Jogja) Kebaya Bridal Muslimah buat Foto Prewedding Hijabers di Pantai Jogja
#Kebaya #Bridal #Muslimah #Foto #Prewedding #Hijaber #Hijabers #Pantai #Jogja #KebayaBridal #KebayaPrewedding #KebayaMuslimah #FotoPrewedding #PreweddingMuslimah #PreweddingBridal #PreweddingHijaber #PreweddingHijabers #PreweddingPantai #PreweddingJogja #FotoPreweddingBridal #FotoPreweddingMuslimah #FotoPreweddingHijabers #FotoPreweddingPantai #FotoPreweddingJogja
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neyyamitta-blog · 8 years ago
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tempeorek · 6 years ago
#Pernikahan Impian[?]
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Are you sure have a wedding dream? Absolutely No!
Disepanjang perjalan mempersiapkan pernikahan dek pitri banyak sekali pertolongan yang Allah berikan lewat perantara orang-orang baik disekitarnya. Pernikahan sederhana, yang khitmad dan penuh keberkahan adalah yang menjadi muaranya. Seusai syariat islam, berharap keberkahan dan ridha Allah swt. Untuk hal hal mendasar ini kedua orang tua setuju. Alhamdulillah. Ooop setelah disetujui pun banyak drama-drama yang harus dihadapi. Berikut beberapa persiapan, tips, cerita dari persiapan yang hanya kurang lebih 3 bulan
1. Persiapan Diri [Ilmu, Lahir, Batin, Psikologi, Jiwa, Raga]
Dimulai dengan memperbaiki hubungan dengan ALLAH SWT, memperbaiki kualitas ibadah, memperbaiki diri, memperbaiki hidup. Gak cuman dilakukan pas mau menikah saja, tapi sepanjang hidup karena kita masih manusia, imannya naik turun, ibadahnya juga. Pun sejak 2018 memang sudah intens belajar lewat kajian kajian baik offline maupun online. Banyak belajar dan mendengar nasihat dari orang tua, keluarga, kerabat yang sudah berumah tangga. Tak lupa lewat beberapa buku yang memang relevan and then dek pitri mengikuti kelas online #belajarjadiistri dari teh febry (ini nanti dibahas). Materi dasar banget tapi sungguh berguna untuk kembali mengingatkan tujuan kita hidup, tujuan menikah.
Tips: Untuk segala hal yang berkaitan dengan keilmuan, pengalaman hidup, silahkan ditanya kepada orang yg tepat, misalnya mau diskusi tentang calon pasangan kepada orang tua, beberapa pendapat orang yang sudah menikah juga sangat membantu membuka pikiran.
2. Hantaran/Seserahan
Ditengah maraknya foto di sosial media dengan beberapa kabar pertunangan dan lamaran handai taulan dimana pun berada. Dek pitri tentu saja tak mengumumkannya. Sesuai syariat islam. Hantarannya apa aja? Gak ada beneran, gak minta ini itu. Hahaha calon pengantin macam apa yaak. But its me. Aku sendiri tidak mempermasalahkan itu, sampe saudara pada heran karena gak minta apa-apa. Hahaha. Dek pitri tentu sudah siap dengan segala pertanyaan netizen nanti. Khitbah dilaksanakan tgl 17 Maret 2019 di Padangsidimpuan
3. Walimahan dan atau Pesta Adat
Sejak awal sekali aku yg keras kepala ini menginginkan pernikahan yang gak usah pake adat. Gak usah gendong2 ayam, gak usah pake nyanyi2+ goyang2 di atas panggung. Lagi lagi karena kita mau rahmat Allah turun diacara sakral ini. Pun setelah disepakati dengan orang tua, demi kebaikan bersama dan atas nama keinginan ayah kepada putrinya, dek pitri pun menyanggupinya. Pelan-pelan hatinya diajak ikhlas, toh pada akhirnya dek pitri sudah menyampaikan pernikahan seperti apa yg dia mau, sudah menyampaikan beberapa hal yang memang perlu dan tidak perlu. Tanggung jawabnya sebagai anak sudah selesai, karena yang memutuskannya adalah Ayahanda. Pun alhamdulillah setelah dijalani Walimahan dan pesta adat bisa dilaksanakan bersamaan. Jadi tujuannya ada adat di akhir sebelum berangkat itu, biar ketika dilepas dari rumah orang tua dalam keadaan baik, diketahui keluarga, sanak saudara, kerabat, tetangga. Jadi merasa dihargai gituloh kitanya. Baiqlahh.
4. Makanan
Menjadi highlight di pernikahan dek pitri. Konsepnya kemaren kita buat masakan rumahan yang sederhana, gak usah buka stand makanan kecil dll, fokus pada hidangan utama yg dibuat enak, nikmat dan dipastikan sampai sore atau malam masih ada. Karena acara di kampung sampe sore jadi tamu2 bisa datang kapan aja. Dibentuk lah tim masak yang tak jauh jauh dari tetangga dan saudara ibu. Malam sebelum akad, sempat menikmati rendang dan gulai nangkanya. Emang enak dan nikmat. Alhamdulillah.
5. Sere/ Perhiasan Emas
Entah karena budaya, kebiasaan, atau gengsi. Pengantin wanita di daerah mandailing, dan Tapanuli Selatan itu semacam berlomba lomba memperlihatkan perhiasannya ketika menikah. Kalung rupiah, gelang anggur, gelang putar, cincin, banyaklah. Semacam riya jadinya. Tentu saja dek pitri menolak ini. Sejak awal keukeuh gak usah kayak gitu, gak ada manfaatnya, gak ada gunanya, biar apa? Dilihat orang bahwa orang tuanya mampu gitu? Ah kecil kalilah penilaian manusia hanya karena itu. Pun ayah juga setuju, Alhamdulillah syekali. Ayah juga bukan barisan orang tua yang begitu, tidak membiasakan untuk memiliki perhiasan, lebih penting anak2 nya sekolah punya bekal untuk kehidupannya.
Beuh setelahnya saudara, tetangga, netizen, banyak yang membicarakan dek pitri dan orang tuanya. Tentu saja kami sudah sepakat dan punya jawaban pamungkas. Pas di hari H nyaa alhamdulillah, Allah Maha Baik gak ada tuh terdengar lagi ini itu ngobrolin masalah emas. Alhamdulillah berhasil loh. Asal kuat dan yakin dengan yg diyakini Baik dan benar, InsyaAllah dibantu Allah swt.
6. Kang Makeup a.k.a MUA
Pencarian MUA yang panjang dan penuh drama, berakhir di kak Maya orang batang toru, jauhnya. Kang makeup ini juga jodoh jodohan, yang menurut awak cocok dan pas ternyata udah sama orang duluan. Pertimbangannya kemarin adalah yang bisa makeup natural, muslimah, perempuan, karena menjadi pangling pun bukan tujuanku hahaha. Sederhana dan dibuat menawan saja, cukup yang nyaman dan gak berlebihan. Sesimple itu loh sama dek pitri. Sampe minta pendapat beberapa master per makeup, kang mua paporit yg dibogor juga ditanyain. Hasilnya alhamdulillah pas.
7. Kang poto
Pas udah tau akan menikah dalam waktu dekat, udah coba cek beberapa review dan portofolio rekomendasi kang foto dari teman-teman yg udah nikah di sidimpuan. And then pas cek ada rpc yang udah buat jatuh hati sekali pertama liat hasil jepretan, video dan editannya. Langsung dihubungi dan ternyata harga paketnya lumayan banget guys. Setara 2x lipat standar harga yg di sidimpuan. Duh dilema. Ada jasa ada harga. Pengen banget tapi bagetnya gak pas haha. Mulai intip2 opsi lain, coba tanya ini itu. Dan di awal bulan April rpc buat promo wedding dengan harga yg masih bisalah dimaklumi. Langsung booking, ah ternyata seberjodoh itu yah. Yakin emang dari awal maunya rpc, Alhamdulillah adaa aja yah jalannya. Hasil fotonya, sungguh epik dan kusuka.
8. Baju Pengantin
Mulanya pengen baju sari India, biar pernah. Tapi dipikir lagi kok sayang yah nanti gak kepake. Jadilah pemilihan baju pengantin dengan konsep bajunya yg gak sekali pake tapi yang bisa dipake lagi untuk acara berikutnya. Yang simple dan sederhana tapi elegan. Mulanya ingin jahit 3 baju, wkwkwkwk kurang banyak yah. Tapi dipikir lagi nanti sayang juga gak bisa dipake yg baju akad karena warna white(bw). Jadilah jahit 2 baju aja. Satu gaun dan satu kebaya. Belum pemilihan warnanya guys, wkwkwkwk ampun lama dah. Akhirnya terjawab setelah konsep pelaminan berwarna kayu, cappucino, dan bw. Pun warna disesuaikan. Dan tak lupa baju rere warna merah maroon. Paling banyak dan ribet dah ini belanjanya, hunting toko, tanya teman-teman yang sudah menikah, nyari kang jahit. Kalau kalian tau harga menjahit baju pengantinku kalian akan terkejoet. Sungguh. Aku juga. Dijahit di bogor, dan hasilnya. Apik. Mewakili kesederhanaan hidup dek pitri. Cukup.
Tak lupa baju merahnya untuk foto dengan bulang. Sebuah perlengkapan untuk baju adat khas Tapanuli Selatan. Biar pernah udah itu aja motivasinya.
9. Kang Henna
Sebut saja kak eka, kang Henna yang sudah mendalami islam dan sunnah. Pembahasan kami menarik sekali malam itu. Tentang pernikahan syari yang belum pernah ada di sidimpuan, dia ingin sekali mewujudkannya. Tapi harus berjuang menyampaikannya kepada orang tua, yang notabene sejenis orang tua alak kitaan par tapsel. Kami begitu seru membahasnya, karena punya pemahaman yang sama. Dia senang sekali malam itu. Punya teman ngobrol yang sefrekuensi. Op tak lupa dek pitri minta dibuat henna yang sederhana aja. Simple se simple2 nya. Tapi aku bahagia dan nyaman sekali dengan hasilnya.
Pun keesokan harinya ada netizen yg berkomentar "Is kok kayak gak pake henna? Gak keliatan. Sikit kalilah itu dek, tambahlah."
Dengan tegas kujawab, " Aku maunya segini aja kak, yg kayak gini aku nyaman. Daripada heboh2, rame2 tapi aku gak nyaman "
Doi terdiam. Case close.
Butuh berani ajaa menyuarakan prinsip2 yang kita pegang teguh.
Fyi, inai yg dipake kan ke kuku bagus dan awet banget guys, bisa dipakai untuk sholat. Sampai-sampai kujapri mbaknya, beli dimana. Hahaha.
10. Souvenir a.k.a Cendera Mata
Semenjak menemukan pouch yang super confy, fungsional dari pernikahan seorang sahabat di jakarta langsung udah kutanyain dan cek ig yg jualan dan menghubungi mbak2 nya. Konsep souvenirnya adalah yang bermanfaat dan bisa digunakan siapapun. Apalagi kita mengupayakan ngasih yang terbaik. Jadilah pouch kikatu pilihannya. Tentu saja warna maroon dan gold metalic (menyesuaikan dengan tema pernikahan)
Alhamdulillah puas dan banyak yang suka. Alhamdulillah berkah yaa.
11. Buku tamu a.k.a Wedding guest book
Di detik-detik terakhir sebelum mudik, pesan guest book yang custome online yang pengirimannya dari Jawa Timur. Wkwkwk, deg-degan bisa sampe atau enggak. Mengingat waktu yang super mefet jadilah kirimnya ke kampung halaman aja. Di H-1 atau 2 sebelum acara baru nyampe di rumah. Alhamdulillah berjodoh juga sama nih kang buku tamu. Kamu bisa request desain yg epik, dengan harga terjangkau. Tentu saja dek pitri memesan yang simple, sederhana tapi elegan. Cek ignyaa sis desainku.id.
Pun rangkaian acara pernikahan dek pitri tidak terlepas dari banyak kekurangan disana sini. Tapi menjadi pembelajaran untuk pernikahan selanjutnya untuk adik adikku. Ayah, Ibu banyak belajar. Karena pertama kali, pengalaman pertama. Mana yang menjadi prioritas, mana yang perlu dipangkas, mana yg perlu diperbaiki. Sudah masuk ke dalam catatan.
Pun sampe hari ini doa yang tulus dari keluarga, sahabat, kerabat, teman-teman, adik adik masih terus mengalir. Pun hadiah yang masih berdatangan lewat kang paket. Alhamdulillah, karena mengharapkan ridho Allah swt dan keberkahan menjadi prioritas kita untuk pernikahan ini.
Demikian, kalo ada yang mau ditanya tanya, mau diskusi, silahkan langsung hubungi penulis.
Kami, yang terus bertumbuh
Fitri & Hermawan
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makeupwisudadepok · 6 years ago
Jasa Make Up Wisuda Depok, Make-up Artist Depok #1
Jasa Make Up Wisuda Depok (WA)0858 8493 3463. Hallo Ladies. Akan calon wisudawati yang udah ingin lulus kuliah dan kebingungan cari makeup nan oke di Depok? Anda dapat segera disini jasa makeup nan aku tawarkan yaitu Makeup Alami. Tunggu dahulu, namun bukan berarti tak gunakan makeup lo ya atau makeup tipis. Intinya adalah bagaimana Konsumen bermakeup melainkan konsisten kelihatan sederhana, tahan lama, menonjol indah dan pastinya kian mencuatkan impian pengen narsis di wisuda kau.
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Blog ini merupakan mempromosikan jasa MUA Depok konsumen selagi mencari Make up Artist Depok nan menawan dan recommended. Hubungi sekarang (WA)0858 8493 3463 Kami akan melakukan beserta daya nan IMA MUA miliki. Jasa nan Ima MUA sajikan diantaranya yakni make up untuk wisuda, make up wedding, make up pengantin batak, make up gradution.
[Booking Sekarang]
Anggapan berawal Makeup by ima sanggup dilihat di instagram, Makeup by ima @makeupbyima. Walaupun biaya yang Makeup by ima menegosiasikan murah namun fasilitas yang kita bukan Murahan. Untuk ambilan jasa make up artist Daerah Kota Depok, Jawa Barat.
Jasa Make Up Wisuda Depok, Harga Paket Wisuda
MakeupbyIMA juga menawarkan make up wisuda borongan, dengan harga nan lebih murah. Makeup by IMA yaitu profesional make up arist Depok. Untuk acara wisuda kami mengunakan produk nan bagus. Saat ini MakeupbyIMA belum memiliki salon, jasa make up panggilan di Kota Depok. Jasa Make Up Wisuda Depok.
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Ladies, seperti apa sih ilustrasi riasan pengantin yang Kau inginkan di hari spesialmu? Terhadap sebagian orang, make up pengantin perempuan seharusnya nan dapat membuat wajahnya kelihatan berbeda, alias manglingi. Beberapa tahun baru-baru ini, makna ’manglingi’ bergeser menjadi riasan pengantin nan cenderung tebal dan bold. Tetapi, sekitar satu-dua tahun ini, para pengantin wanita banyak nan memilih riasan dengan warna-warna lembut dan pastel, nan tetap mampu menampakkan fitur-fitur nampak pada wajahnya.
[Booking Sekarang]  
Makeup By IMA ialah servis rias di Depok. Kami biasa mengservis orang untuk acara mahasiswa Depok. buat acara gradution. banyak orang yang pas dan puas bakal jasa nan Kami mempromosikan sangat murah pula.
Jasa Make Up Wisuda Depok, Make up Artist di Kota Depok
Jasa Make Up Wisuda Depok. Makeup by ima punyai paket wisuda nan bisa disesuikan dengan budget masing-masing konsumen Ima MUA. Berawal pendapat klien Ima MUA yang merasa menawan kira-kira banyak salon yang ada di Depok. Tapi Makeup by ima terus update dan senantiasa meminta review serta makeup seperti apa yang diinginkan konsumen Ima MUA karena standartnya rias ada macamnya waktu tiap acara memiliki selera yang berbeda.
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Jasa make up murah di Depok dapat dengan jasa make up panggilan ke Rumah atau Hotel. Make up by Ima sudah familiar di Depok untuk beraneka acara pesta misal halloween atau Makeup karakter. Bisa panggilan make up untuk pesta pengantin muslimah untuk wedding dengan hasil nan indah harga murah melainkan bagus. MUA by Ima juga telah lazim melayani make up wisuda dengan harga murah dan melayani makeup panggilan, ditangani dengan professional dan terbaik untuk wisuda. Saran dapat dicek pada akun instagram @makeupbyima dengan kwalitas salon terkenal murah tapi baik jasa make up.
Make Up by Ima melayani jasa make up Depok untuk wedding seperti pengantin muslimah atau pengantin dengan teladan indonesia atau korea dan juga dapat part time untuk make up artist Depok pre wedding. Jasa make up dengan hasil professional dan terbaik di daerah Kota Depok. Bridesmaid dapat panggilan jasa make up di tahun 2019 untuk pernikahan pengantin muslimah atau contoh korea dan indonesia lainnya dengan anjuran nan baik di Depok. Contoh make up artist dapat dengan contoh hijab atau korea nan natural.
Follow IG @MakeupByIMA, Jasa Make Up Wisuda Depok
Kini kamu tidak pelu bingung lagi berfikir daerah make up dan mencari tata rias, karena telah ada Makeup by IMA yang melayani jasa make up panggilan datang ke rumah, seperti make up pesta, makeup artist, make up wisuda, make up pengantin, make up wedding dan segala ragam make up lainnya.makeupbyima, Melayani Jasa Makeup Panggilan Murah Dengan biaya yang relatif murah, Kau telah bisa tampil cantik dengan make up yang ditangani langsung oleh makeup by IMA dan team yang akan lantas mendatangi lokasi ke rumah. Layanan jasa makeup kami dapat menjangkau Depok, Bogor, Jakarta, Tangerang, Bekasi. Tidak ada batasan minimum orang, pun kau bisa dapat diskon kalau yang di make up berjumlah lima orang atau lebih atau borongan.
Jasa Make Up Wisuda Depok. Gak dipungkiri, makeup yaitu unsur penting dalam sesi wisuda. Nah, bakal kalian mahasiswi Depok nan bingung cari perias bakal makeup wisuda, gak usah bingung lagi ya guys. Makeup by IMA yaitu Makeup artist Wisuda. Jasa Makeup Depok dan dapat dipanggil demi datang ke rumah anda. Hasil makeup bisa menyesuaikan permintan kamu serta cocok pada tone warna kulit anda. Makeup artist ini dapat datang ke kos. Kamu cuma perlu janjian tanggal dan dimana kamu akan di-makeup. Oleh seperti itu, keribetan acara wisuda dapat berkurang kan? Nah, siapa nih nan belum booking Makeup Artist bakal Wisuda? , yuk butuan booking. Gampang jkok caraya tinggal telepon atau WA ke nomer ini 0858 8493 3463.
Hai, Isu baik dan sehat-sehat segala yaa gaes. Para mahasiswi nan lagi kebingungan cari MUA wisuda nanti. Berikut info make up wisuda di Depok. Sebagian hal nan perlu dipersiapkan mahasiswi memasuki wisuda. Salah satunya yaitu make up. Sistemnya, kita hanya menyediakan dan melayani makeup dan hijabstyle/hairdo kau.
Jasa Make Up Wisuda Depok, Booking Jadwal Makeup (WA)0858 8493 3463
Kepada kebaya umumnya koleksi pribadi kamu. Hijab dari Anda pastinya, menyesuaikan warna dari kebaya nan kamu punya. Dikala cara kerjanya tim kita dibantu oleh assisten aku. Namun tetep saya nan akan nge-makeup-in kau. Jasa Make Up Wisuda Depok. Jadi sekiranya telah ada tanggal nan pasti Klien bisa seketika booking dan bikin komitmen di wa adminku. tim kita juga bisa ke lokasi kamu dan tanpa biaya transport lho.
Makeup by ima serta kreasi kerudung dan rias di Depok. Guna beberapa muslimah ketika kalender lamaran. Untuk pada ini kira-kira belum terdengar ajak orang lain yang menegosiasikan biaya besar. Rekomendasi berawal banyak klien Ima MUA membuat kita pesat populer dari berawal mulut ke mulut bantuan mua Depok nan Kami memasarkan saat sedang freelance. harga make up artist Depok pusat tergolong harga nan murah pula kreasi make up IMA MUA indah di Depok.
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poetrafoto · 4 years ago
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(via Fotografer Pernikahan Kebumen di Ijab Kabul Akad Nikah Riasan+Kebaya Pengantin Wedding Muslimah Hijab Simple+Modern Wiwit+Ari) 😍 Fotografer Pernikahan Kebumen di Ijab Kabul Akad Nikah Riasan+Kebaya Pengantin Wedding Muslimah Hijab Simple+Modern Wiwit+Ari
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bajuaku-tanahabang · 2 years ago
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Setelan Kebaya Muslimah - Tanah Abang Online 230.000/set Kebaya. Atasan bahan tile. Uk. M L XL XXL Bawahan Rok Plisket. —————— ℹ️ Order dan Detil via WA. 📱0812 8336 2400 atau 0815 7555 9785. 💳 Rekening An. Wahyu Julia. 🚚 Pengiriman dari Jakarta. #setelan #kebayamuslimah https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl-dAeirpwH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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spesialiscucikebayabogor · 2 years ago
TERBATAS, Call 0811 9747 472, Cuci Kebaya Muslim Permata Indah Residence Bogor
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KLIK https://wa.me/628119747472, Jasa Cuci Kebaya Muslim Permata Indah Residence Bogor, Spesialis Cuci Kebaya Muslim Permata Indah Residence Bogor, Cuci Kebaya Muslim Terdekat Permata Indah Residence Bogor, Spesialis Cuci Kebaya Brokat Permata Indah Residence Bogor, Tempat Cuci Kebaya Muslimah Permata Indah Residence Bogor.
Setrika Areng Boutique Laundry Bogor Jl. Achmad Sobana No.22B Bantarjati, Kec. Bogor Utara Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16153 ( Di Depan Ayam Geprek Istimewa )
FastRespon : 0811 9747 472 https://maps.app.goo.gl/iwjqyT2bxDaxrSoa9 https://www.setrikaareng.com/ https://www.instagram.com/setrikaareng/?hl=id
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tempatcucikebayabogor · 2 years ago
AHLINYA, Call 0811 9747 472, Cuci Kebaya Modern Cimahpar Bogor
KLIK https://wa.me/628119747472, Jasa Cuci Kebaya Modern Terdekat Cimahpar Bogor, Spesialis Cuci Kebaya Cimahpar Bogor, Spesialis Cuci Kebaya Modern Cimahpar Bogor, Spesialis Cuci Kebaya Muslimah Cimahpar Bogor, Tempat Cuci Cuci Kebaya Modern Cimahpar Bogor.
Setrika Areng Boutique Laundry Bogor Jl. Achmad Sobana No.22B Bantarjati, Kec. Bogor Utara Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16153 ( Di Depan Ayam Geprek Istimewa )
FastRespon : 0811 1749 490 https://maps.app.goo.gl/iwjqyT2bxDaxrSoa9 https://www.setrikaareng.com/ https://www.instagram.com/setrikaareng/?hl=id
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tempatcucisofabogor · 2 years ago
TERBATAS ,Call 0811 9747 472, Cuci Kebaya Muslim Cimahpar Bogor
KLIK https://wa.me/628119747472, Jasa Cuci Kebaya Muslim Cimahpar Bogor, Spesialis Cuci Kebaya Muslim Cimahpar Bogor, Cuci Kebaya Muslim Terdekat Cimahpar Bogor, Spesialis Cuci Kebaya Brokat Cimahpar Bogor, Tempat Cuci Kebaya Muslimah Cimahpar Bogor.
Setrika Areng Boutique Laundry Bogor Jl. Achmad Sobana No.22B Bantarjati, Kec. Bogor Utara Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16153 ( Di Depan Ayam Geprek Istimewa )
FastRespon : 0811 1749 490 https://maps.app.goo.gl/iwjqyT2bxDaxrSoa9 https://www.setrikaareng.com/ https://www.instagram.com/setrikaareng/?hl=id
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razemuslim · 2 years ago
OPEN RESELLER !! WA - 0897-0277-769, Distributor Gamis Pria Murah di Depok, Distributor Gamis Premium di Depok
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Owner: 0897-0277-769
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spesialiscucikebaya · 3 years ago
TERPERCAYA, Call 0811 1330 055, Spesialis Cuci Kebaya Bogor
KLIK https://wa.me/628111330055, Spesialis Cuci Kebaya Terdekat Bogor, Spesialis Cuci Kebaya Embos Bogor, Spesialis Cuci Kebaya Modern Bogor, Spesialis Cuci Kebaya Muslimah Bogor, Spesialis Cuci Kebaya Hijab Bogor.
Setrika Areng Boutique Laundry Bogor Jl. Achmad Sobana No.22B Bantarjati, Kec. Bogor Utara Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16153 ( Di Depan Ayam Geprek Istimewa )
FastRespon : 0811 1330 055
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hijavonline-blog · 6 years ago
Jilbab oleh negara
U.S. After the song is finished, one of the three women asks the other women on the subway train to clap in honor of "having lived and fought all their lives against all kinds of discrimination, violence, humiliation, and insults." At the end of the video, one of the protestors is heard saying "Happy Women's Day to all of you."[108] That same day, Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, made a speech during a gathering of religious poets in Tehran, posting a series of tweets in response to the series of peaceful hijab protests.[109]Khamenei defended the dress code, praising Islam for keeping women "modest" and in their "defined roles" such as educators and mothers. Retrieved 10 March 2011. ^ Euronews (08.10.2013) The headscarf ban in public institutions in Turkey was officially lifted ^ "Removing Hijabs and Discarding Prejudice: Yemeni Women Abroad". The New York Times. CBC News. "Under that burqa, lipstick and high heels". 13-43, London; New York: I.B. 15 June 2018. ^ "MEMO TO FORD: Tarek Fatah wants the burqa banned forever!". 2017-06-14. Married women cover their hair, most commonly in the form of a scarf, also in the form of hats, snoods, berets, or, sometimes, wigs.[159][160] Gaza Strip See also: Islamization of the Gaza Strip Arab woman and man chatting in 1890-the woman is wearing a hijab. Successful informal coercion of women by sectors of society to wear Islamic dress or hijab has been reported in the Gaza Strip where Mujama' al-Islami, the predecessor of Hamas, reportedly used a mixture of consent and coercion to "'restore' hijab" on urban-educated women in Gaza in the late 1970s and 1980s.[161] Similar behavior was displayed by Hamas during the First Intifada.[162] Hamas campaigned for the wearing of the hijab alongside other measures, including insisting that women stay at home, they should be segregated from men, and for the promotion of polygamy. 31. ^ Fernandez, Celine. For example, men are no longer allowed to be shirtless in public.[167] Northern Cyprus Muslim Turkish-Cypriot women wore traditional Islamic headscarves.[168] When leaving their homes, Muslim Cypriot women would cover their faces by pulling a corner of the headscarf across their nose and mouth, a custom recorded as early as 1769.[169] Their head dress...consists of a collection of various handkerchiefs of muslim, prettily shaped, so that they form a kind of casque of a palm's height, with a pendant behind to the end of which they attach another handkerchief folded in a triangle, and allowed to hang on their shoulders. BBC News. ^ "Covered women decreased, we do not look like Malaysia". www.facebook.com. www.amnesty.org. Des Moines.[204] As such, a ban on Islamic clothing is considered presumptively invalid by U.S. Retrieved on 28 August 2015. ^ "Hijab and the Maldives: stigma, shaming and the struggle to take it off". Many veiled women in Iran also find the compulsory imposition of the veil to be an insult. The Sydney Morning Herald. ^ Milani, Farzaneh (1992). (Law as passed.)" [L 219 Motion to amend the penal code. CNN. Retrieved 26 October 2017. ^ a b The Full Face Covering Debate: An Australian Perspective by Renae BARKER ^ "China bans burqas and 'abnormal' beards in Muslim province". ^ Mansfield, Katie (1 April 2017). Website of The Danish Parliament (in Danish). ^ Staff, Our Foreign (2018-05-31). Just a headscarfh Tehran Times. Washington Post. Retrieved 26 October 2017. ^ Correspondent, By Ramadan Al Sherbini, (20 January 2010). The Wall Street Journal. 21 July 2015. CBC. A&G research company. By 2012 some businesses had established bans on veils, and Egyptian elites supported these bans.[67] In 2016 and 2017 the Government of Egypt and parliament made moves to ban the burqa with leading politicians arguing the full-face veil is neither an Islamic tradition, nor required in the Koran.[68] Indonesia The traditional dress of Indonesian Minang women includes elaborate head-covering In Indonesia, the term jilbab is used without exception to refer to the hijab.[69] Under Indonesian national and regional law, female head-covering is entirely optional and not obligatory. In 2008, Indonesia had the single largest global population of Muslims. BBC News. Veils and Words: The Emerging Voices of Iranian Women Writers, Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press, pp. "A Comparative Analysis on Hijab Wearing in Malaysian Muslimah Magazines" (PDF). HuffingtonPost.com. However, the Indonesian Constitution of Pancasila provides equal government protection for six state-sanctioned religions (namely Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Confucianism), without any one supreme or official state religion. Women Islamic street fashion in Bandung Some women may choose to wear a headscarf to be more "formal" or "religious", such as the jilbab or kerudung (a native tailored veil with a small, stiff visor). www.msn.com. "Varadkar rules out burqa ban, calls for women in priesthood - BusinessPost.ie". ^ http://www.rnw.nl/english/bulletin/ministers-vote-dutch-'burqa-ban' ^ "Norway proposes ban on full-face veils in schools". ^ "Norway votes in favour of banning burqa in schools and universities". ^ "Norway bans burqas and niqabs at schools". ^ "Marks & Spencer criticised for stocking hijabs in 'school essentials' section". 84, ISBNh9781889999265 ^ a b "The 'Girls of Revolution Street' Protest Iran's Compulsory Hijab Laws h Global Voices". The Guardian. Retrieved 2018-03-11. ^ a b c "Feminist Trio Takes Defiant Song To Tehran's Subway, Video Goes Viral". 27 October 2017. Some non-Muslims, who would not be affected by a ban, see it as an issue of civil liberties, as a slippery slope leading to further restrictions on private life. "68% of Canadians want Quebec's face-coverings ban in their province". For example, in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas a minority of the women wear the full head-to-toe black burqa/chador while in the rest of the provinces, including Azad Kashmir, most of the women wear the dupatta (a long scarf that matches the woman's garments). Retrieved 31 October 2006. ^ Ranyah Sabry (17 April 2007) Egypt anchorwomen battle for hijab BBC News (BBC). ISSNh0307-1235. Retrieved 2018-03-11. ^ Cunningham, Erin (2018-03-08). Quebec soccer referees also ejected an 11-year-old Ottawa girl while she was watching a match, which generated a public controversy.[187] In November 2013, a bill commonly referred to as the Quebec Charter of Values was introduced in the National Assembly of Quebec by the Parti Quhbhcois that would ban overt religious symbols in the Quebec public service. RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty. The issue has different names in different countries, and "the veil" or "hijab" may be used as general terms for the debate, representing more than just the veil itself, or the concept of modesty embodied in hijab. Although the Balkans and Eastern Europe have indigenous Muslim populations, most Muslims in western Europe are members of immigrant communities. What Is Veilingh. Retrieved 26 October 2017. ^ Cypriot Attire Project, Cyprus History in Brief ^ "GIOVANNI MARITI. 3, 13-16, 130, 174-176, ISBNh9781859739242 ^ Fatemi, Nasrallah Saifpour (1989). "A Religious Tangle Over the Hair of Pious Hindus" (JULY 14, 2004). Retrieved in February 2009. ^ a b "Turkey-lifts-ban-on-headscarves-at-high-schools". There are reports of women being pressured into covering themselves by close relatives;[121] conversely, the American U.S. CBC. The women are filmed singing while grasping each other's hands and holding up pictures of what appears to be a photograph of a previous protest by a group of women's rights activists. Retrieved 2 December 2015. ^ a b Leong, Trinna. The song, "I am a Woman" calls upon women to join efforts, fight injustice, and create "another world" of "equality". The New York Times. In more formal settings such as weddings or religious celebrations like Eid, women wear the dirac, which is a long, light, diaphanous voile dress made of cotton or polyester that is worn over a full-length half-slip and a brassiere. Retrieved 19 July 2010. ^ Harriet Agerholm (1 September 2017). Riza Shah's Political Legitimacy and Social Base, 1921-1941" in Cronin, Stephanie: The Making of Modern Iran: State and Society under Riza Shah, 1921-1941, p. Burqas are mainly worn in the Swat Valley and tribal areas, however, they can be seen throughout the country including in urban population centers. Westerners are also expected to dress modestly too. Retrieved 18 October 2018. ^ "Maldives". "2. The Globe and Mail. ^ "Ontario, Quebec differ over soccer head scarf ban". The Christian Science Monitor. Newsweek. "Second Canadian judge suspends Quebec niqab ban". He also lashed out at the Western World for, in his view, leading its own women astray.[110] "The features of today's Iranian woman include modesty, chastity, eminence, protecting herself from abuse by men," Khamenei tweeted. Mehr News Agency. 2014-09-23. navideshahed.com. ^ a b c d Hoodfar, Homa (fall 1993). 113, 268, ISBNh9780934211789 ^ a b c d Chehabi, Houchang Esfandiar (2003): "11. The Great Satan vs. However, wearing Islamic attire to Christian relatives' funerals and weddings and entering the church is quite uncommon. Culturally to the Javanese majority, plain, Saudi-style hijab, the niqab or socially worse yet the indigenous peasant kerudung (known in North Sumatran languages as tudung) is considered vulgar, low-class and a faux pas - the traditional Javanese hijab are transparent, sheer, intricately brocaded or embroidered fine silk or lace tailored to match either their sarung or kebaya blouse. Young girls may also elect to wear the hijab publicly to avoid unwanted low-class male attention and molestation and thus display their respectability as "good Muslim girls": that is, they are not "easy" conquests.[70] Additionally, Islamic private school uniform code dictate that female students must wear the jilbab (commonly white or blue-grey, Indonesia's national secondary school colours), in addition to long-sleeved blouse and ankle-length skirt. Government bans on wearing the niqab on college campuses at the University of Cairo and during university exams in 2009 were overturned later.[62][63][64][65] Minister Hany Mahfouz Helal met protests by some human rights and Islamist groups. In 2010, Baher Ibrahim of The Guardian criticized the increasing trend for pre-pubescent girls in Egypt to wear the hijab.[66] Many Egyptians in the elite are opposed to hijab, believing it harms secularism. Retrieved 2 June 2008. ^ Munajjid (7 March 2008). ISSNh2229-872X. Women are not expected to wear a hijab or scarf in public,[126][127] but many women in Pakistan wear different forms of the hijhb and it varies for rural and different urban areas. InsideIndonesia.org. (2003). Retrieved 16 September 2010. ^ Guardian: Livingstone decries vilification of Islam, 20 November 2006. ^ Ipsos MORI Muslim Women Wearing Veils. ^ "Atlantic Council". (Some countries already have laws banning the wearing of masks in public, which can be applied to veils that conceal the face). During the course of this campaign women who chose not to wear the hijab were verbally and physically harassed, with the result that the hijab was being worn "just to avoid problems on the streets".[163] Following the takeover of the Gaza Strip in June 2007, Hamas has attempted to implement Islamic law in the Gaza Strip, mainly at schools, institutions and courts by imposing the Islamic dress or hijab on women.[164] Some of the Islamization efforts met resistance. But there are many Muslim women, including Saudis, who only wear a headscarf without the niqab, similarly to most non-Muslim women who use only a headscarf or no face covering at all. Kuwait Times. The Arab Weekly. Due to Sudan's vaguely worded Public Order law, there are no delineated parameters of what constitutes immodest dress. 30 December 2010. ^ a b Abdelhadi, Magdi Tunisia attacked over headscarves, BBC News, 26 September 2006. In the big cities, some women wear jeans and khakis, especially in casual settings, shopping malls and around picnic spots. Others would also argue that the increase of laws surrounding the banning of headscarves and other religious paraphernalia has led to an increase in not just the sales of headscarves and niqabs, but an increase in the current religiosity of the Muslim population in Europe: as both a product of and a reaction to westernization.[21] Employers in the EU may restrict the wearing of religious symbos if such regulations on appearance are applied in a consistent manner, according to a ruling by the European Court of Justice in a case involving two Belgian women.[22] The two women in the ECJ case were supported by the Open Society Justice Initiative, a group backed by financier George Soros.[22] Belgium As of 2015, Belgium has specific bans on face-covering dress, such as the Islamic niqab or burqa. MercuryNews.com. Veils and Words: The Emerging Voices of Iranian Women Writers, Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press, p. The video then shows a man in a police uniform tackling the woman to the ground.[107] Shortly after the video went viral on Twitter, the Ministry of Interior (Iran) scolded police for using physical force against the woman protesting. Gazan anchorwomen interviewed by Associated Press said that they were frightened by the Swords of Truth statement.[166] In February 2011, Hamas banned the styling of women's hair, continuing its policy of enforcing Sharia upon women's clothing.[167] Hamas has imposed analogous restrictions on men as well as women. "Headscarf issue challenges Turkey". 106-107, 214-215, 218-220, ISBNh9780521473408 ^ Majd, Mohammad Gholi (2001). New York Times. 98-99, 104, ISBNh9780415774628 ^ a b Floor, Willem M. Retrieved 2018-03-11. ^ "Iran lawyer raises concern over missing hijab protester". In the Indonesian Aceh province, women are required to wear the hijab[1] and all women are required to do so in Iran.[2] France has banned overt religious symbols, including many religious head coverings, in public schools and universities or government buildings.[3]Kosovo (since 2009),[4]Azerbaijan (since 2010[5]), Tunisia (since 1981,[6] partially lifted in 2011) and Turkey (gradually lifted)[7][8] are the only Muslim-majority countries which have banned the hijab in public schools and universities or government buildings, while Syria banned face veils in universities from July 2010.[9] In other Muslim states such as Morocco,[10] there have been complaints of restriction or discrimination against women who wear the hijab. 17 January 2018. The mainly Christian country said it was prompted to do so because of the attacks in Cameroon.[176] Asia-Pacific Australia Main article: Burka ban in Australia In September 2011, Australia's most populous state, New South Wales, passed the Identification Legislation Amendment Act 2011 to require a person to remove a face covering if asked by a state official. Archived from the original on 19 June 2010. Maria Omar, director of media relations for the Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America (IFANCA), has advised Muslim women to avoid these complexes entirely. Retrieved 26 October 2017. ^ Finn, Christina. The Economist. The Washington Post. National Review. shame or morals". He had reportedly asked a student to take off her niqab when he spotted her in a classroom, and he told her that the niqab is a cultural tradition without Islamic importance.[56] It is widely believed that the hijab is becoming more of a fashion statement than a religious one in Egypt, with many Egyptian women, influenced by social peer pressure, wearing colorful, stylish head scarves along with western style clothing. "Why Morocco's burqa ban is more than just a security measure". The Veil in Their Minds and On Our Heads: The Persistence of Colonial Images of Muslim Women, Resources for feminist research (RFR) / Documentation sur la recherche fhministe (DRF), Vol. In private, in governmental institutions and universities they can wear manteaux which could be long or short with a scarf covering the head. 19 July 2010. the Crescent in Europe". The proposed ban was extremely controversial, with both sides of the political spectrum being split on the issue, some people arguing that the law goes against religious freedom and is racist because it affects mostly Muslim women and Jewish men. In 2010, a ban on face covering,[32] targeting especially women wearing chador and burqa, was adopted by the French Parliament. Retrieved 9 October 2009. ^ a b "A look at the wearing of veils, and disputes on the issue, across the Muslim world". When describing the West, he said, "the most sought after characteristics of a #woman involve her ability to physically attract men."[111] Iraq In south Iraq, particularly in the Shi'a holy cities of Najaf and Karbala, custom requires women to wear hijab. 8 October 2009. ^ "EGYPT: Controversial ban on niqab in dorms - University World News". ^ "Egypt court upholds niqab ban for university examinations". Yemeni women who choose to not cover themselves with any Islamic headscarf are at risk of facing oppression.[156] When Nobel Peace Laureate Tawakkol Karman was asked about her hijab by journalists and how it is not proportionate with her level of intellect and education, she replied, "Man in early times was almost naked, and as his intellect evolved he started wearing clothes. www.iranhrdc.org. It's the removal of clothes again that is regressive back to ancient times."[157] Israel Further information: Islam in Israel Mannequins with traditional Muslim veil and hoods at Tira's (Israel) Saturday's market In July 2010, some Israeli lawmakers and women's rights activists proposed a bill to the Knesset banning face-covering veils. CNN. When Palestinian Supreme Court Justice Abdel Raouf Al-Halabi ordered women lawyers to wear headscarves and caftans in court, attorneys contacted satellite television stations including Al-Arabiya to protest, causing Hamas's Justice Ministry to cancel the directive.[165] In 2007, the Islamic group Swords of Truth threatened to behead female TV broadcasters if they didn't wear the hijab. "Head scarves to topple secular Turkeyh". The University of North Carolina Press (Kindle edition). Hijab dar Iran az Enqelab-e Eslami ta payan Jang-e Tahmili [Hijab in Iran from the Islamic Revolution to the end of the Imposed war] (Persian), Faslnamah-e Takhassusi-ye Banuvan-e Shi'ah [Quarterly Journal of Shiite Women], Qom: Muassasah-e Shi'ah Shinasi, ISSNh1735-4730 ^ a b c d e f g Milani, Farzaneh (1992). Retrieved 2018-03-11. ^ "On Wednesday we wear white: Women in Iran challenge compulsory hijab". News24.com. Berkeley: University of California Press. Retrieved 2018-03-11. ^ "Iranian Police Arrest 29 Women Protesting Against Veiling Law". Tauris, p. CBC News. The government described the headscarf as a sectarian form of dress which came uninvited to the country.[144] As of 14 January 2011, after the Tunisian revolution took place,[145] the headscarf was authorized and the ban lifted. "Integration: hsterreich stellt Tragen von Burka und Nikab unter Strafe". Retrieved 2011-12-21. ^ "Muslim group calls for burka ban". Retrieved 2018-03-11. ^ "Publicradio.org". Retrieved 27 July 2011. ^ "Mapping the Global Muslim Population". Pakistan has no laws banning or enforcing the hijhb. In Pakistan, most women wear shalwar kameez, a tunic top and baggy or skintight trouser set which covers their legs and body. This Acehnese Hukum Syariah and the reputedly over-bearing "Morality Police" who enforce its (Aceh-only) mandatory public wearing are the subject of fierce debate, especially with regard to its validity vis-a-vis the Constitution among Acehnese male and female Muslim academics, Acehnese male and female politicians and female rights advocates. Female police officers are not allowed to wear hijab, except in Aceh. RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty. 26 February 2007. 6 (1): 79-96. "Woman faces whipping over refusal to cover hair in Sudan". ^ "Syria bans face veils at universities". pp.h44-56. The first article of the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States protects people against discrimination based on several matters including religion, ethnic origin and national origin.[200] Article 6 of the Constitution grants Libertad de Expresihn (freedom of expression) to all Mexicans which includes the way people choose to dress.[200] The Muslim community is a minority; according to the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life there were about 3,700 Muslims in Mexico as of 2010, representing 0.003 percent of the total population.[201] There is an almost complete lack of knowledge of Islam in Mexico, and any interest is more out of curiosity and tolerance than hatred or racism.[202] Some Muslims suggest that it is easier to fit in if they are lax with the rules of their religion, for example by wearing regular clothing.[203] Muslim women's clothing can vary from non-Muslim clothing to a hijab or a chador. United States See also: Islam in the United States The people of the United States have a firm First Amendment protection of freedom of speech from government interference that explicitly includes clothing items, as described by Supreme Court cases such as Tinker v. "1. www.expatwoman.com. Great Britain and Reza Shah: The Plunder of Iran, 1921-1941, Gainesville: University Press of Florida, p. Huffington Post. "Unveiled: Afghan women past and present". The official stated that the face veils ran counter to secular and academic principles of Syria.[142] Tajikistan Tajik woman wearing a Hijabs In 2017 the government of Tajikistan passed a law requiring people to "stick to traditional national clothes and culture", which has been widely seen as an attempt to prevent women from wearing Islamic clothing, in particular the style of headscarf wrapped under the chin, in contrast to the traditional Tajik headscarf tied behind the head.[143] Tunisia Tunisian authorities say they are encouraging women, instead, to "wear modest dress in line with Tunisian traditions", i.e. 108, 152, ISBNh9780226041476 ^ Ramezani, Reza (2008). (Law as passed.)] (PDF). 160-180, Los Angeles: Society of the Friends of the Persian Culture, ISSNh0742-8014 ^ Beeman, William Orman (2008). Note- Women who appear in public places and roads without wearing an Islamic hijab, shall be sentenced to ten days to two months' imprisonment or a fine of fifty thousand to five hundred Rials."[105] After this change, any woman found without an islamic veil in a public space, will be charged according to article 639 of the Islamic Penal Code of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which states: "The following individuals shall be sentenced to one year to ten years imprisonment and in respect to paragraph (A), in addition to the punishment provided, the relevant place shall be closed temporarily at the discretion of the court. BBC News. In some areas, the hijab has become a formal part of school uniforms. "Ban on outdoor music concerts in West Aceh due to Sharia law". 203-221, London; New York: Routledge; Taylor & Francis, ISBNh9780415302845 ^ Bullock, Katherine (2002). 2016-04-13. ISSNh0190-8286. In 2013, the headscarf ban in public institutions was lifted through a decree, even though the ban officially stands through court decisions.[155] The ban on wearing hijab in high schools was lifted in 2014.[8] Yemen Although there is no dress code that legally forces veiling upon women in Yemen, the abaya and niqab are considered social norms in Yemen and are imposed on girls at a young age. Hijab dar Iran, dar doure-ye Pahlavi-ye dovvom [Hijab in Iran, the second Pahlavi era] (Persian), Faslnamah-e Takhassusi-ye Banuvan-e Shi'ah [Quarterly Journal of Shiite Women], Qom: Muassasah-e Shi'ah Shinasi, ISSNh1735-4730 ^ a b Algar, Hamid (2001). 2018-01-22. Travels in the Island of Cyprus. Echols, Hassan Shadily, An English-Indonesian dictionary: Kamus Inggris-Indonesia Kamus Inggris-Indonesia University Press: 1975, ISBNh0-8014-9859-7, 660 pages ^ S. NJ.com. "France's burqa ban upheld by human rights court". Jerusalem Post. ^ RAI, SARITHA (2004). 2018-02-25. Retrieved 2018-03-11. ^ a b "Iran Human Rights Documentation Center - Islamic Penal Code of the Islamic Republic of Iran - Book Five". Turbans have been worn by Cypriot men since ancient times and were recorded by Herodotus, during the Persian rule of the island, to demonstrate their "oriental" customs compared to Greeks.[171] Following the globalisation of the island, however, many younger Sunni Muslim Turkish-Cypriots abandoned wearing traditional dress, such as headscarves.[172] Yet they are still worn by older Muslim Cypriot women. Until the removal of ban on headscarf in universities in Turkey in 2008,[173] women from Turkey moved to study in Northern Cyprus since many universities there did not apply any ban on headscarf.[174] Whilst many Turkish Cypriot women no longer wear headscarves, recent immigrants from Turkey, settled in villages in northern Cyprus, do.[175] Former USSR The word "hijab" was used only for the middle-eastern style of hijab, and such style of hijab was not commonly worn by Muslims there until the fall of the USSR. Retrieved on 13 February 2009. ^ "Headscarf ban sparks debate over Kosovo's identity" news.bbc.co.uk 24 August 2010. [...] I believe in the freedom of religion. Some women decide to wear something colloquially known as the "sports hijab". "Turkey's high court overrules government on head scarves". Retrieved 2018-03-11. ^ "Khamenei.ir (@khamenei_ir) | Twitter". State and Society under Reza Shah" in Atabaki, Touraj; Zhrcher, Erik-Jan: Men of Order: Authoritarian Modernisation in Turkey and Iran, 1918-1942, p. Retrieved 26 October 2017 - via www.Welt.de. ^ "Burqa ban takes effect in Austria". Pakistani society observes traditional dress customs and it is advisable for women to wear long skirts, trousers which cover majority of legs and tops which don't show a lot of cleavage in public. The Guardian. n-tv.de. Retrieved 1 July 2014. ^ Chrisafis, Angelique (2016-04-13). Retrieved 2018-03-11. ^ Marfuqi, Kitab ul Mar'ah fil Ahkam, pg 133 ^ Abdullah Atif Samih (7 March toko hijab temanggung 2008). Retrieved 26 October 2017. ^ Bulgaria the latest European country to ban the burqa and niqab in public places, Smh.com.au: accessed 5 December 2016. ^ "Denmark is about to ban the burqa". ^ Pilditch, David (9 October 2017). (The word is used with that meaning in other contexts, e.g. "Why Some Women Wear a Hijab and Some Don't" (Archive). 28, London; New York: I.B. 2018-10-12. "Peace In Afghanistan At What Cost To Its Womenh". In 2004, France passed a law banning "symbols or clothes through which students conspicuously display their religious affiliation" (including hijab) in public primary schools, middle schools, and secondary schools,[3] but this law does not concern universities (in French universities, applicable legislation grants students freedom of expression as long as public order is preserved[17]). On Tuesday 11 July 2017 the European Court of Human Rights upheld Belgium's ban on burqas and full-face Islamic veils. "Cairo's 'hijab-free' zones trigger cries of hypocrisy." The Globe and Mail. Retrieved on 28 August 2015. ^ a b c Boo, Su-lyn. 1, p. Retrieved 14 July 2010. ^ LaFranchi, Howard (23 June 2009). Agence France-Presse. Global Voices. The Telegraph. Express.co.uk. There has been some unofficial relaxation of the ban under governments led by the conservative party AKP in recent years,[57] for example the current government of the AKP is willing to lift the ban in universities, however the new law was upheld by the constitutional court. Some researchers claim that just about 35% of Turkish women cover their heads; even though that is a low number for a mostly Muslim country. Sarasota Herald-Tribune (114): 28. "A Saudi woman tweeted a photo of herself without a hijab. al madaniya. "Canadian judge suspends Quebec niqab ban". Darul Ifta. Iran: A Country Study, 5th ed, Area handbook series, Washington, DC: Federal Research Division, Library of Congress, p. "Malaysian Women Face Rising Pressure From Muslim 'Fashion Police'" (Archive). Agriculture in Qajar Iran, Washington, DC: Mage Publishers, p. Ban the Burqa Tooh". Flight attendants are not allowed to wear hijab except during flights to the Middle East. Compounding the friction and often anger toward baju Arab (Arab clothes), is the ongoing physical and emotional abuse of Indonesian women in Saudi Arabia, as guest workers, commonly maids or as Hajja pilgrims and Saudi Wahhabi intolerance for non-Saudi dress code has given rise to mass protests and fierce Indonesian debate up to the highest levels of government about boycotting Saudi Arabia - especially the profitable all Hajj pilgrimage - as many high-status women have been physically assaulted by Saudi morality police for non-conforming head-wear or even applying lip-balm - leading some to comment on the post-pan Arabist repressiveness of certain Arab nations due to excessively rigid, narrow and erroneous interpretation of Sharia law.[71][72] Iran An Iranian girl wearing a headscarf (rusari) In Iran, since the 1979 Iranian revolution, the Hijab has become compulsory. "Los musulmanes de Monterrey (Mhxico) - Webislam". ^ juntaislamica.com. According to the Jerusalem Post, the measure is generally "regarded as highly unlikely to become law." Hanna Kehat, founder of the Jewish women's rights group Kolech, criticized a ban and also commented "[f]ashion also often oppresses women with norms which lead to anorexia." Eilat Maoz, general coordinator for the Coalition of Women for Peace, referred to a ban as "a joke" that would constitute "racism".[158] In Israel, orthodox Jews dress modestly by keeping most of their skin covered. 5-18, Toronto: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto (OISE), ISSNh0707-8412 ^ a b c Paidar, Parvin (1995): Women and the Political Process in Twentieth-Century Iran, Cambridge Middle East studies, Vol. That cultural headscarf is used by women that work under the sun to protect their heads from sunburn.[146] This is often misinterpreted by some, who instead assume that the headscarf in Turkish research only represents the hijab and not the cultural derivation. Retrieved 26 October 2017. ^ Headscarf ban sparks debate over Kosovo's identity news.bbc.co.uk 24 August 2010. An outfit colloquially known as the burqini allows Muslim women to swim without displaying any significant amount of skin.[207] Compared to Western Europe, there have been relatively few controversies surrounding the hijab in everyday life, and Muslim garb is commonly seen in major US cities. Counterpunch.org. Legifrance.gouv.fr. The veilh: women writers on its history, lore, and politics. In Baghdad and Iraqi Kurdistan, women are free to choose whether or not to wear the hijab. Jordan There are no laws requiring the wearing of headscarves nor any banning such from any public institution. Retrieved 14 July 2010. ^ "Wayback Machine" (PDF). U.S. "2. Retrieved 26 October 2017. ^ "Aceh-eye.org". ^ Ramezani, Reza (2010). These bans also cover Islamic headscarves, which in some other countries are seen as less controversial, although law court staff in the Netherlands are also forbidden to wear Islamic headscarves on grounds of 'state neutrality'. An apparently less politicised argument is that in specific professions (teaching), a ban on "veils" (niqab) is justified, since face-to-face communication and eye-contact is required. Vest tops, bikinis and mini-skirts in public are considered immodest and are thus a social taboo.[126][127] Saudi Arabia Saudi woman wearing a Niqab. While most versions of Islamic law suggests that women should dress modestly, Saudi Arabian dress code legally requires all women, local and foreign, to wear an abaya, a typically black garment that covers everything except the face, hands, and feet, in public.[128][129] According to most Saudi Salafi scholars, a woman is to cover her entire body, including her face and hands, in front of unrelated men. Islam Q&A. A judgment from the then-Supreme Court of Malaysia in 1994 cites that the niqab, or purdah, "has nothing to do with (a woman's) constitutional right to profess and practise her Muslim religion", because Islam does not make it obligatory to cover the face.[115] Although wearing the hijab, or tudung, is not mandatory for women in Malaysia, some government buildings enforce within their premises a dress code which bans women, Muslim and non-Muslim, from entering while wearing "revealing clothes".[116][117] As of 2013 most Muslim Malaysian women wear the tudung, a type of hijab. socio-political commentators such as Mona Charen of National Review.[205] Journalist Howard LaFranchi of The Christian Science Monitor has referred to "the traditional American respect for different cultural communities and religions under the broad umbrella of universal freedoms" as forbidding the banning of Islamic dress. tudung saji, a dish cover for food.) Muslim women may freely choose whether or not to wear the headscarf. Retrieved 28 October 2017. ^ "FATAH: The Cross vs. 19, 34-37, ISBNh9780815602668 In the early 20th century, Iranians associated not covering the hair as something rural, nomadic, poor and non-Iranian. On 8 January 1936[81], Reza Shah issued a decree, banning all veils.[82][74][83][84][85] Many types of male traditional clothing were also banned in order that "Westerners now wouldn't laugh at us",[86][87][88] the ban humiliated and alienated many Iranian women.[89][75][79][83][89][86][87][88] To enforce this decree, police were ordered to physically remove the veil off of any woman who wore it in public. A public opinion poll in London showed that 75 percent of Londoners support "the right of all persons to dress in accordance with their religious beliefs".[18] In another poll in the United Kingdom by Ipsos MORI, 61 percent agreed that "Muslim women are segregating themselves" by wearing a veil, yet 77 percent thought they should have the right to wear it.[19] In a later FT-Harris poll conducted in 2010 after the French ban on face-covering went into effect, an overwhelming majority in Italy, Spain, Germany and the UK supported passing such bans in their own countries.[20] The headscarf is perceived to be a symbol of the clash of civilizations by many. 24 January 2014. Hence, the vast majority of traditional Saudi women are expected to cover their faces in public.[130][131][132][133][134] The Saudi niqhb usually leaves a long open slot for the eyes; the slot is held together by a string or narrow strip of cloth.[135] Many also have two or more sheer layers attached to the upper band, which can be worn flipped down to cover the eyes. Retrieved 2018-07-22. ^ Abedi, Maham (27 October 2017). Retrieved 2018-08-04. ^ a b The Telegraph Netherlands to Ban the Burka ^ WELT, DIE (16 May 2017). 18 April 2011. 23, p. What I am today and what I'm wearing represents the highest level of thought and civilization that man has achieved, and is not regressive. Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life. Retrieved 26 October 2017. ^ Eicher, Joanne Bubolz, Dress and Ethnicity: Change Across Space and Time, p.35, 1995 ^ Irwin, Elizabeth K., Reading Herodotus: A Study of the Logoi in Book 5 of Herodotus' Histories, p. L811-1 h2" (in French). "Tudung industry in Malaysia: Cashing in on conservative Islam" (Archive). 17 October 2006. ^ "Education Code. Map current as of 2018 The word hijab refers to both the head-covering traditionally worn by some Muslim women and Islamic styles of dress in general. The garment has different legal and cultural status in various countries. Angus Reid. "We will cut throats, and from vein to vein, if needed to protect the spirit and moral of this nation," their statement said. Retrieved 14 July 2010. ^ "Paris pool bans Muslim woman in 'burqini'". Retrieved 2013-04-24. ^ "20/21 May 2006 "Uproar in Turkey Over the Hijab." Headscarf By Michael Dickinson". "Iran's supreme leader in tweetstorm: Western countries lead women to 'deviant lifestyle'". Retrieved 2018-03-11. ^ a b c d Gerretsen, Isabelle (2018-02-01). 66, 252-253, 256, 260, ISBNh9780520255180 ^ a b Keddie, Nikki R. Following the attacks, since 16 July, Cameroon banned the wearing of full-face Islamic veils, including the burqa, in the Far North region. International Herald Tribune. News. The Telegraph. 15 June 2018. ^ "Wife of jailed Saudi blogger Raif Badawi calls for burqa ban in Ontario". ^ "Ensaf Haidar: Ban The Burqa - The Post Millennial". 21 April 2016. "Could the U.S. Women in public places usually wear abaya which is a long black cloth that covers the whole body except the face and the hands, in addition to the scarf that only covers the hair. Retrieved 2008-08-04. ^ Clark-Flory, Tracy (2007-04-23). Twitter. Married women tend to sport head-scarves referred to as shash, and also often cover their upper body with a shawl known as garbasaar. Global News. Retrieved 2018-03-11. ^ "Tawakkul Karman - First Arab Woman and Youngest Nobel Peace Laureate". ^ "MKs discuss France-like burka ban". International Business Times UK. Depending on the societal status and city, a loose dupatta scarf is worn around the shoulders and upper chest or just on the shoulder, or isn't used at all. The Malay Mail. 3/4, p. 8 October 2009. In the country, it is negatively associated with Salafist political activism.[56][57] There has been some restrictions on wearing the hijab by the government, which views hijab as a political symbol. the Mad Mullahs: How the United States and Iran Demonize Each Other, 2nd ed, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, p. "Denmark becomes latest European country to ban full Islamic face veil in public spaces". "Articles about niqab". They might wear boushiya. Such formal or cultural Muslim events may include official governmental events, funerals, circumcision (sunatan) ceremonies or weddings. the Guardian. ^ "L 219 Forslag til lov om hndring af straffeloven. The "Burqa ban", was challenged and taken to the European Court of Human Rights which upheld the law on 1 July 2014, accepting the argument of the French government that the law was based on "a certain idea of living together".[33] A broader ban on hijab is regularly proposed by conservative and right-wing politicians.[34] Such a broader ban would include a ban in public universities but presidents of universities and most student unions oppose such a ban.[35] Germany In 2017, a ban on face-covering clothing for soldiers and state workers during work was approved by German parliament.[36] Republic of Ireland In 2018, Taoiseach (prime minister) Leo Varadkar ruled out a burka ban in the Republic of Ireland, saying " I don't like it but I think people are entitled to wear what they want to wear. Bustle. State Department's annual International Religious Freedom Report in 2007 referenced one instance in which a female student was restricted from attending school for wearing a headscarf, despite civil servants wearing them at work without issue.[122][123] Morocco The headscarf is not encouraged by governmental institutions, and generally frowned upon by urban middle and higher classes but it is not forbidden by law. Retrieved 2008-08-04. ^ a b Ayman, Zehra; Knickmeyer, Ellen. Retrieved 26 December 2016. ^ "Syria bans face veils at universities". The ruling was widely seen as a victory for Turks who claim this maintains Turkey's separation of state and religion. Retrieved 2018-07-22. ^ Paperny, Anna Mehler. CNN. ^ a b c Amer, Sahar (2014). I don't agree with the doctrine of every religion or necessarily any religion, but I do believe in the freedom of religion.[37][38] Latvia In 2016, a ban on the wearing of face-covering Islamic clothing in public was adopted by the Latvian parliament, despite such garments being rarely worn in Latvia.[11] Netherlands The Dutch government parliament in January 2012 enacted a ban on face-covering clothing, popularly described as the "burqa ban".[39][23] Norway In autumn 2017, Norway government adopted a law prohibiting people to wear "attire and clothing masking the face in such a way that it impairs recognizability" in schools and in universities.[40] In 2018 the Norway parliament voted to ban the burqa in schools and universities.[41][42] United Kingdom In the UK hijabs are worn by children from ages 6-8.[43][44] According to retail chain Marks & Spencer, the hijabs they sell as part of the school uniform will fit a child aged 3.[45] Muslim world Dress codes for women in Muslim countries Algeria In 2018, the government passed a law banning the wearing of full face-veils, called burqas or niqabs, for women at work.[46][47][48] Afghanistan Female art students in Afghanistan There is no hijab enforcement in Afghanistan, but it is predominantly worn. The law states: "Whoever does in a public place an indecent act or an act contrary to public morals or wears an obscene outfit or contrary to public morals or causing an annoyance to public feelings shall be punished with flogging which may not exceed forty lashes or with fine or with both."[140] In 2013, the case of Amira Osman Hamid came to international attention when she chose to expose her hair in public, in opposition to the nation's public-order laws.[141] Syria In 2010, Ghiyath Barakat, Syria's minister of higher education, announced a ban on women wearing full-face veils at universities. 19, 34-37, ISBNh9780815602668 ^ a b c Heath, Jennifer (2008). 1, Cambridge, UK; New York: Cambridge University Press, p. The Telegraph. "BURKA BOMBSHELL: Muslim country to ban the veil 'because it is NOT Islamic'". On 5 June 2008, the Constitutional Court of Turkey reinstated the ban on constitutional grounds of the secularity of the state.[154] Headscarves had become a focal point of the conflict between the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and the secularist establishment. Retrieved 13 August 2010. ^ "Muslim jail employee fired for wearing headscarf loses appeal". "Denmark burka ban: Scandinavian country set to become latest to ban full-face veils". ^ Staff and agencies (31 May 2018). Bloomberg.com. Retrieved on 13 February 2009. ^ Correspondent, By Ramadan Al Sherbini, (22 October 2006). www.CyprusExplorer.GlobalFolio.net. Retrieved on 13 February 2009. ^ a b "A European government has banned Islamic face veils despite them being worn by just three women". Jump to navigation Jump to search A map of countries with a burqa ban. Retrieved 14 July 2010. ^ Joan, Bryden (27 October 2007). Map current as of 2018 hhNational ban - country bans women from wearing full-face veils in public hhLocal ban - cities or regions ban full-face veils hhPartial ban - government bans full-face veils in some locations European Commissioner Franco Frattini said in November 2006, that he did not favour a ban on the burqa.[15] This is apparently the first official statement on the issue of prohibition of Islamic dress from the European Commission, the executive of the European Union. Islamic dress is also seen as a symbol of the existence of parallel societies, and the failure of integration: in 2006 British Prime Minister Tony Blair described the face veil as a "mark of separation".[16] Proposals to ban hijab may be linked to other related cultural prohibitions: the Dutch politician Geert Wilders proposed a ban on hijab, on Islamic schools, the Quran, on new mosques, and on non-western immigration. In France and Turkey, the emphasis is on the secular nature of the state, and the symbolic nature of the Islamic dress. "New bill to ban veiled voters". LExpress.fr (in French). Retrieved 9 August 2018. ^ Reformatorisch dagblad: Brussel tegen boerkaverbod, 30 November 2006. ^ Blair's concerns over face veils BBC News Online. When they go out of doors modesty requires that they should take a corner and pull it in front to cover the chin, mouth and nose. 5/2001, as enacted per Acehnese plebiscite (in favour). "Veil war breaks out on Egypt university campus". ^ "The Islamic Network for Woman and Families". ^ "Egypt: Niqab Ban Stirs Controversy h Global Voices". Most men covered their heads with either a headscarf (similar to a wrapped keffiyeh, "a form of turban"[170]) or a fez. The use of the headscarf increased during the 1980s. Retrieved on 28 August 2015. Retrieved 26 October 2017. ^ a b "Clothing in Pakistan and other Local Customs Reviews". ^ a b "A Traveling Girl's Guide to Clothing in Muslim Countries". ^ "Saudi Arabia's dress code for women". Islamic schools must by law provide access to Christians (and vice versa Catholic and Protestant schools allow Muslim students) and it is to be worn by Christian students who attend Muslim school, and its use by Muslim students is not objected to in Christian schools. Many nuns refer to their habit as a jilbab, perhaps out of the colloquial use of the term to refer to any religious head covering. The sole exception where jilbab is mandatory is in Aceh Province, under Islamic Sharia-based Law No 18/2001, granting Aceh special autonomy and through its own Regional Legislative body Regulation Nr. The New York Times. Saudi women have been arrested for failing to wear a veil.[138] Somalia Young Somali women wearing the hijab. During regular, day-to-day activities, Somali women usually wear the guntiino, a long stretch of cloth tied over the shoulder and draped around the waist. The greater part of the hair remains under the ornaments mentioned above, except on the forehead where it is divided into two locks, which are led along the temples to the ears, and the ends are allowed to hang loose behind over the shoulders. -- Giovanni Mariti, Travels in the Island of Cyprus, 1769 In accordance with the islands' strict moral code, Turkish Cypriot women also wore long skirts or pantaloons in order to cover the soles of their feet. (2005). According to The New York Times, as of 2007 about 90 percent of Egyptian women currently wear a headscarf.[55] Small numbers of women wear the niqab. Retrieved 2010-02-10. ^ a b "Fatwa stirs heated debate over face-veiling in Kuwait". This argument has featured prominently in judgments in Britain and the Netherlands, after students or teachers were banned from wearing face-covering clothing. Public and political response to such prohibition proposals is complex, since by definition they mean that the government decides on individual clothing. ABC-CLIO, 22 June 2009. NBC News. ^ "Afghan Women Still Bound by Burka". ^ United Press Service (UP) (26 January 1958). The usage of the tudung sharply increased after the 1970s.[117] as religious conservatism among Malay people in both Malaysia and Singapore increased.[119] Several members of the Kelantan ulama in the 1960s believed the hijab was not mandatory.[118] By 2015 the Malaysian ulama believed this previous 'fatwa' was un-Islamic.[120] By 2015 Malaysia had a fashion industry related to the tudung.[118] Maldives There are no official laws in the Constitution of the Maldives that require women to cover their heads, but Maldivian women commonly wear a hijab and niqab in public. Princeton University Press.External links Media related to Hijabs by country at Wikimedia Commons Burqa ban: What it means for the West - TCN News VEIL Project - Values, Equality and Differences in Liberal Democracies. [23] "Liebende Eltern (Loving parents)", painting about the discussion about the face-covering Islamic clothing austrian, showing chancellor Sebastian Kurz, vice chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache and a little muslim child by Matthias Laurenz Grhff (2018) Austria In 2017, a legal ban on face-covering Islamic clothing was adopted by the Austrian parliament.[24][25] Bulgaria In 2016, a ban on the wearing of face-covering Islamic clothing in public was adopted by the Bulgarian parliament.[26] Denmark In autumn 2017, the Danish government considered adopting a law prohibiting people to wear "attire and clothing masking the face in such a way that it impairs recognizability".[27][28] The proposal was met with some support in the parliament and was passed into law on 31 May 2018, becoming h 134 c of the Danish Penal Code, stating that "[a]ny person who in a public place wears a item of clothing that covers said person's face shall be liable to a fine" with an exception for coverings that serve "a creditable purpose" (e.g. Unmarried or young women, however, do not always cover their heads. Retrieved 26 October 2017 - via www.WashingtonPost.com. ^ Mohamed Diriye Abdullahi, Culture and Customs of Somalia, (Greenwood Press: 2001), p.117-118. ^ "Headscarf incident in Sudan highlights a global trend". "Do women have to wear niqaabh". 28, 116-117, ISBNh9780844411873 ^ a b c d e Katouzian, Homa (2003). Debates about Muslim Headscarves in Europe (University of Vienna) Q&A: Muslim headscarves from BBC News Shabina Begum case: School wins Muslim dress appeal (22 March 2006) The Veil and the British Male Elite Behind the Scarfed Law, There is Fear - Alain BadiouvteIslamic female dressTypes Abaya Battoulah Boshiya Burqa Burkini harhaf Chador Dupatta Haik Hijab Jilbhb Khimar Niqhb Paranji Shayla Tudong YashmakBy country Australia Canada Egypt France Indonesia Iran Malaysia Pakistan Saudi Arabia Taliban Afghanistan TurkeyConcepts Andaruni Awrah Gender segregation Purdah Zenana Retrieved from "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.phphtitle=Hijab_by_country&oldid=866610434" . "Iran: 29 women arrested over anti-hijab protests inspired by 'girl of Enghelab Street'". Wednesday 29 February 2012. She sued the state of Florida for religious discrimination, though her case was eventually thrown out. In January 2017, the New Jersey Superior Court, Appellate Division in Camden County dismissed two suits filed by Linda Tisby in summer 2015 against her former employer, the county's Department of Corrections. Retrieved 2018-06-02. ^ LOI nh 2010-1192 du 11 octobre 2010 interdisant la dissimulation du visage dans l'espace public, 11 October 2010, retrieved 2018-01-12 ^ Willsher, Kim (1 July 2014). 5 ^ a b "Reality Check: Did EU court ban Islamic headscarf at workh". A. Retrieved 2018-03-11. ^ "Nasrin Sotoudeh hhhhh hhhhh". 7, n. Retrieved 2018-03-11. ^ a b "Iran Chides Police for Using Force Against Female Veil Protester". 1984-01-26. Ban on Head Scarves Voted Out in Turkey: Parliament Lifts 80-Year-Old Restriction on University Attire. Published 2011-12-12. Retrieved 27 July 2011. ^ juntaislamica.com. Pitt.edu. "Why This One Video Of A Woman Protesting In Iran Is Going Viral". Retrieved 2015-07-18. ^ "Chad arrests five and bans burqa after suicide bombings". www.crin.org. ^ "BBC NEWS - Africa - Morocco moves to drop headscarf". ^ Ennaji, Moha. The Banning of the Veil and Its Consequences" in Cronin, Stephanie: The Making of Modern Iran: State and Society under Riza Shah, 1921-1941, p. 19 July 2010 - via www.bbc.co.uk. ^ Richard Hamilton (6 October 2006) Morocco moves to drop headscarf BBC News (BBC). "What's That You're Wearingh A Guide to Muslim Veils". 90-91, ISBNh9781565642874 ^ "How did Reza Pahlavi's dictatorship affect Iranian womenh". The exception is when visiting a mosque, where the tudung must be worn; this requirement also includes non-Muslims. Although headscarves are permitted in government institutions, public servants are prohibited from wearing the full-facial veil or niqab. Department of State. ^ "MALDIVES: Children's rights in the Special Procedures' reports | CRIN". Cyprus Explorer". 2008-02-11. ^ Sabrina Tavernise (5 June 2008). 273, 2007 ^ Athanasiadis, Iason, "Northern Cyprus espouses 'Islam lite'", Daily Star ^ Haber KKTC, 7 June 2011 Ban on headscarf was removed in Turkey ^ Tavernise, Sabrina, "Under a Scarf, a Turkish Lawyer Fighting to Wear It", The New York Times, 9 February 2008 ^ Cyprus: Culture and language, Mephisto ^ a b c Cameroon bans Islamic face veil after suicide bombings, 16 July 2015. "Tajikstan passes law 'to stop Muslim women wearing hijabs'". TheConversation.com. 15-37, London; New York: Routledge; Taylor & Francis, ISBNh9780415302845 ^ a b c d e Katouzian, Homa (2004). Iranian women are required to wear loose-fitting clothing and a headscarf in public.[73][74] This partially changed in the Middle Ages after the arrival of the Turkic nomadic tribes from Central Asia, whose women didn't wear headscarves.[75][76] However, after the Safavid centralization in the 16th century, the headscarf became defined as the standard head dress for women in urban areas all around the Iranian Empire.[77] Exceptions to this were seen only in the villages and among nomadic tribes,[75][76][78][79][80] such as Qashqai. Page A17. ^ Derakhshandeh, Mehran. 2007-09-28. In 2005, a schoolbook for basic religious education was heavily criticized for picturing female children with headscarves, and later the picture of the little girl with the Islamic headscarf was removed from the school books.[124] The headscarf is strongly and implicitly forbidden in Morocco's military and the police. In January 2017 Morocco banned the manufacturing, marketing and sale of the burqa.[125] Pakistan Benazir Bhutto, former Prime Minister of Pakistan, wore a duppatta scarf. 9 October 2009. ^ "How You See It: Egyptian campus bans niqab - WORLDFOCUS". indy100. Retrieved 19 July 2010. ^ Kiko Itasaka (14 May 2010). (2011). Retrieved 9 August 2018. ^ Phillips, Tom (13 January 2015). 33-34, 335-336, ISBNh9781845112721 ^ a b c d El Guindi, Fadwa (1999). sports equipment, protection against the cold, masks for carnivals, masquerades etc.).[29][30] The law came into force on 1 August 2018. www.iranhumanrights.org. 2008-02-16. ^ Jenkins, Gareth. In Turkey, bans previously applied at state institutions (courts, civil service) and in state-funded education, but were progressively lifted during the tenure of Recep Tayyip Erdohan. In his prominent June 2009 speech to the Muslim World in Cairo, President Barack Obama called on the West "to avoid dictating what clothes a Muslim woman should wear", and he elaborated that such rules involve "hostility" towards Muslims in "the pretense of liberalism".[206] Most gyms, fitness clubs, and other workout facilities in the United States are mixed-sex, so exercise without a hijab or burqa can be difficult for some observant Muslim women. Turkey's Constitutional Changes: Much Ado About Nothingh Eurasia Daily Monitor. Retrieved 2 June 2008. ^ "Correct view on the ruling on covering the face - islamqa.info". ^ Said al Fawaid (7 March 2008). The past and present of women in the Muslim world" in Moghissi, Haideh: Women and Islam: Images and realities, Vol. 9 October 2009. 9 May 2015. "The Politics of the Veil". Retrieved 2 June 2008. ^ Moqtasami (1979), pp. Retrieved 2018-03-11. ^ Hatam, Nassim (2017-06-14). This use of the tudung was uncommon prior to the 1979 Iranian revolution,[118] and the places that had women in tudung tended to be rural areas. Accessed 6 June 2008. ^ Turkey headscarf ruling condemned Al Jazeera English (7 June 2008). ISSNh0261-3077. Later, during the economic crisis in the late 19th century under the Qajar dynasty, the poorest urban women could not afford headscarves.[78]Veils and Words: The Emerging Voices of Iranian Women Writers, Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press, p. 37-38, ISBNh9780815602668 ^ a b French MPs back headscarf ban BBC News (BBC). The ban was first in place during the 1980 military coup, but the law was strengthened in 1997. 2018-01-30. Islam Q&A. 17 June 2016 - via Reuters. ^ "Chad Bans Islamic Face Veils". Similarly, Muslim women may feel uncomfortable around other women with traditionally revealing American outfits, especially during the summer "bikini season". Veil: Modesty, Privacy and Resistance, Oxford; New York: Berg Publishers; Bloomsbury Academic, p. "Egypt's Women Foil Attempt to Restrict". Link retrieved 24 August 2010 ^ World Bulletin Kosovo elects first lawmaker to wear a headscarf ^ Hjh Halimatussaadiah bte Hj Kamaruddin v Public Services Commission, Malaysia & Anor [1994] 3 MLJ 61. ^ Hassim, Nurzihan (2014). On 28 January 2018, Nasrin Sotoudeh, a renowned human rights lawyer, posted on facebook that Vida had been released.[101] It was not until a few weeks later that Sotoudeh revealed the girl's identity.[102] In the following weeks, multiple people re-enacted Vida's public display of removing their hijabs and waving them in the air.[97] On 1 February 2018, the Law Enforcement Force of the Islamic Republic of Iran released a statement saying that they had arrested 29 people, mostly women, for removing their headscarves against a law that did not allow women to be in public without wearing an Islamic veil.[97][103] One woman, Shima Babaei, was arrested after removing her headdress in front of a court as a symbol of her continued dedication to the cause. On 23 February 2018, Iranian Police released an official statement saying that any women found protesting Iran's compulsory veiling code would be charged with "inciting corruption and prostitution," which carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison.[104] Before this change, according to article 638 of the Islamic Penal Code of the Islamic Republic of Iran, "Anyone in public places and roads who openly commits a harhm (sinful) act, in addition to the punishment provided for the act, shall be sentenced to two months imprisonment or up to 74 lashes; and if they commit an act that is not punishable but violates public prudency, they shall only be sentenced to ten days to two months' imprisonment or up to 74 lashes. Roots of the Islamic Revolution in Iran: Four Lectures, Oneonta, New York: Islamic Publications International (IPI), p. Police have arrested her". Retrieved 2018-01-12. ^ Nachrichtenfernsehen, n-tv. "Shar'i description of hijab and niqaab". The issue of Islamic dress is linked with issues of immigration and the position of Islam in Western Europe. There are currently 13 nations that have banned the burqa (not to be confused with the hijab), including Austria, Denmark, France, Belgium, Tajikistan, Latvia,[11]Bulgaria,[12]Cameroon, Chad, Congo-Brazzaville, Gabon, Netherlands,[13]China[14] and Morocco. Contents 1 Europe 1.1 Belgium 1.2 Austria 1.3 Bulgaria 1.4 Denmark 1.5 France 1.6 Germany 1.7 Republic of Ireland 1.8 Latvia 1.9 Netherlands 1.10 Norway 1.11 United Kingdom 2 Muslim world 2.1 Algeria 2.2 Afghanistan 2.3 Egypt 2.4 Indonesia 2.5 Iran 2.5.1 White Wednesday 2.5.2 The Girls of Enghelab Street 2.6 Iraq 2.7 Jordan 2.8 Kosovo 2.9 Malaysia 2.10 Maldives 2.11 Morocco 2.12 Pakistan 2.13 Saudi Arabia 2.14 Somalia 2.15 Sudan 2.16 Syria 2.17 Tajikistan 2.18 Tunisia 2.19 Turkey 2.20 Yemen 2.21 Israel 2.21.1 Gaza Strip 2.22 Northern Cyprus 3 Former USSR 4 Africa 4.1 Cameroon 4.2 Chad 4.3 Congo-Brazzaville 4.4 Gabon 5 Asia-Pacific 5.1 Australia 5.2 China 5.3 Myanmar 6 North America 6.1 Canada 6.2 Mexico 6.3 United States 7 See also 8 References 9 Sources 10 External links Europe Main article: Islamic dress in Europe Europe Burqa Bans. Retrieved 2018-10-12. ^ "Marks & Spencer's latest school clothing line is receiving a lot of criticism". The group also accused the women broadcasters of being "without any ... twitter.com. The Veil: Women Writers on Its History, Lore, and Politics, Berkeley; Los Angeles: University of California Press, p. "China bans burqa in capital of Muslim region of Xinjiang" (13 January 2015). B - Anyone facilitates or encourages people to immorality or prostitution."[105] Following the announcement, multiple women reported being subjected to physical abuse from the Iranian Police following their arrests.[104] Some have since been sentenced to multiple years in prison for their acts of defiance.[106] In one viral video in particular, a woman is filmed standing on top of a tall box, unveiled, waving her white scarf at people passing by her. 2017-03-14. Retrieved 2018-03-11. ^ "Explained: Why Muslim women wear a burka, niqab or hijab". Women were beaten, their headscarves and chadors torn off, and their homes forcibly searched.[89][82][79][74][83][86][87][88][90][91] Until Reza Shah's abdication in 1941, many women simply chose not leave their houses in order to avoid such embarrassing confrontations,[82][79][86][87][88] and some even committed suicide.[86][87][88] Official measures were relaxed under Reza Shah's successor, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, and the wearing of a headscarf or chador was no longer an offence, but was still considered an indicator of backwardness or of membership of the lower class.[89] Discrimination against women wearing the headscarf or chador was still widespread with public institutions actively discouraging their use, and some eating establishments refusing to admit women who wore them.[82][92] In the aftermath of the revolution, hijab was made compulsory in stages.[74] In 1979, Ayatollah Khomeini announced that women should observe Islamic dress code,[74][93] his statement sparked demonstrations which were met by government assurances that the statement was only a recommendation.[74][93] Hijab was subsequently made mandatory in government and public offices in 1980, and in 1983 it became mandatory for all women.[74] White Wednesday In May 2017, My Stealthy Freedom, an Iranian online movement advocating for women's freedom of choice, created the White Wednesday movement: a campaign that invites men and women to wear white veils, scarves or bracelets to show their opposition to the mandatory forced veiling code.[94] The movement was geared towards women who proudly wear their veils, but reject the idea that all women in Iran should be subject to forced veiling.[95]Masih Alinejad, an Iranian-born journalist and activist based in the United Kingdom and the United States, created the movement to protest Iran's mandatory hijab rule.[96] She described her 2017 movement via Facebook, saying, "This campaign is addressed to women who willingly wear the veil, but who remain opposed to the idea of imposing it on others. In the mid-20th century many women in urban areas did not wear head covering, but this ended with the outbreak of civil war in the 1990s.[49] The Afghan chadri is a regional style of burqa with a mesh covering the eyes.[50] It has been worn by Pashtun women since pre-Islamic times and was historically seen as a mark of respectability.[50] The burqa became a symbol of the conservative and totalitarian Taliban rule, who strictly enforced female adults to wear the dress. 9 December 2015. ^ a b "mercurynews.com". Thus would include universities, hospitals, and public or publicly funded schools and daycares.[188] Criticism of this decision came from The Globe and Mail newspaper, saying that such clothing, as worn by "2011 Nobel Peace Prize winner Tawakkul Karman", was "Good enough for Nobel, but not for Quebec".[189] In 2014 however, the ruling Parti Quhbhcois was defeated by the Liberal Party of Quebec and no legislation was enacted regarding religious symbols. In October 2017 a Quebec ban on face covering made headlines. Although the Taliban regime ended in 2001, some women continue to wear it out of security concerns or as a cultural practice.[51][52][50] Opposers to the burqa claim it is not Islamic, nor part of Afghan culture.[53] Egypt hijab Muslim Brotherhood (subtitled).webm" style="width:220px;height:124px" src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/ba/Gamal_Abdel_Nasser_on_the_Muslim_Brotherhood_%28subtitled%29.webm/220px--Gamal_Abdel_Nasser_on_the_Muslim_Brotherhood_%28subtitled%29.webm.jpg"/>Play media Gamal Abdel Nasser laughing at the Muslim Brotherhood for suggesting in 1953 that women should be required to wear the hijab Niqab in Egypt. In 1953 Egyptian leader President Gamal Abdel Nasser was told by the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood that they wanted to enforce the wearing of the hijab, to which Nasser responded, "Sir, I know you have a daughter in college - and she doesn't wear a headscarf or anything! Why don't you make her wear the headscarfh So you can't make one girl, your own daughter, wear it, and yet you want me to go and make ten million women wear ith" The veil gradually disappeared in the following decades, so much so that by 1958 an article by the United Press (UP) stated that "the veil is unknown here."[54] However, the veil has been having a resurgence since the 1970s, concomitant with the global revival of Muslim piety. Laws have been passed in France and Belgium to ban face-covering clothing, popularly described as the "burqa ban", although it does not only apply to the Afghan-model burqa. Other countries are debating similar legislation, or have more limited prohibitions. In cities like Istanbul and Ankara most women do not cover their heads.[147] In some cities in eastern Turkey where a conservative mentality still is more dominant, more women cover their heads .[148][149][150] On 7 February 2008, the Turkish Parliament passed an amendment to the constitution, allowing women to wear the headscarf in Turkish universities, arguing that many women would not seek an education if they could not wear the hijab.[151][152][153][151] The decision was met with powerful opposition and protests from secularists. Personal threats against female broadcasters were also sent to the women's mobile phones, though it was not clear if these threats were from the same group. 17 June 2015. ^ "Australia Muslim Veil Law Requires Women To Remove Face-Covering Niqab In New South Wales, 3 May 2012". The court decided that a New Jersey Superior Court was right to rule that it would have been an "undue hardship" for the agency to accommodate her religious beliefs "because of overriding safety concerns, the potential for concealment of contraband, and the importance of uniform neutrality".[208] See also Headscarf rights in Turkey Hijab controversy in Quebec Islam and clothing Multiculturalism Muslims in Europe Women in Muslim societiesReferences ^ Jewel Topsfield (7 April 2016). BBC News. archive.org. Governor Midjiyawa Bakari of the mainly Muslim region said the measure was to prevent further attacks.[176] Chad Following a double suicide bombing on 15 June 2015, which killed 33 people in N'Djamena, the Chadian government announced on 17 June 2015, the banning of the wearing of the burqa in its territory for security reasons.[177][178] Congo-Brazzaville The full-face Islamic veil was banned in May 2015 in public places in Congo-Brazzaville, to "counter terrorism", although there has not been an Islamist attack in the country.[176] Gabon On 15 July 2015, Gabon announced a ban on the wearing of full-face veils in public and places of work. Retrieved 26 October 2017. Sources Scott, Joan Wallach (2007). www.thepostmillennial.com. ^ a b "Constitucihn Polhtica de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos". "Why Iranian women are wearing white on Wednesdays". Traditional Arabian garb such as the hijab and the jilbab is also commonly worn.[139] Sudan While the hijab is not explicitly mandated by law, Sudanese women are required to dress modestly in public. Retrieved on 28 December 2013. ^ Smith, Oli (11 March 2016). The same survey found the 68% of Canadians in general supported a law similar to Bill 62 in their part of Canada.[193] An 27 October Angus Reid Institute poll found that 70% Canadians outside of Quebec supported "legislation similar to Bill 62" where they lived in the country, with 30% opposing it.[194] People such as Tarek Fatah[195][196][197] and Ensaf Haidar[198][199] have called on the burka to be banned. Mexico See also: Islam in Mexico There is no ban on any Muslim clothing items. 22, n. 18 September 2013. ^ AFP (4 November 2013). Veils covering the face as well as the chador are rare. A - Anyone who establishes or directs a place of immorality or prostitution. Culture and Customs of Singapore and Malaysia (Cultures and Customs of the World). See version at Yahoo! News. ^ Koh, Jaime and Stephanie Ho. Retrieved 2018-03-11. ^ "Vida Movahed, the woman who sparked anti-hijab protests in Iran | The Arab Weekly". Although a person looking at a woman wearing a niqab with an eye-veil would not be able to see her eyes clearly, she is able to see out through the thin fabric. The Saudi burqa is a typically black garment that completely covers a woman head to toe, including a veil that covers her face, with a mesh window across the eyes to see out of.[136][137] Many Saudi women use a headscarf along with the niqab or another simple veil to cover all or most of the face when in public, as do most foreign Muslim women (i.e., those from other Arab states, South Asia, Indonesia, or European converts to Islam). However, the use of the headscarf is generally prevalent among the lower and lower middle classes. Some of them apply only to face-covering clothing such as the burqa, boushiya, or niqhb, while other legislation pertains to any clothing with an Islamic religious symbolism such as the khimar, a type of headscarf. Retrieved 28 October 2017. ^ "Four-in-ten outside Quebec would prohibit women wearing niqabs from receiving government services". It was first suspended in December 2017.[190][191][192] With regards to public opinion, an 27 October 2017 Ipsos poll found that 76% of Quebecers backed Bill 62, with 24% opposing it. The Jamestown Foundation. Salon. 41-44 ^ "Dress Code in Saudi Arabia". In 2002, two presenters were excluded from a state run TV station for deciding to wear hijab on national television.[58] The American University in Cairo, Cairo University and Helwan University attempted to forbid entry to niqab wearers in 2004 and 2007.[59][60][61] Egyptian storekeeper in Cairo wearing a hijab Muhammad Sayyid Tantawy, Grand Imam of al-Azhar, issued a fatwa in October 2009 arguing that veiling of the face is not required under Islam. Retrieved 2018-03-11. ^ a b "Iran: Dozens of women ill-treated and at risk of long jail terms for peacefully protesting compulsory veiling". (~$1558 USD) in case of the fourth offence.[31] France France is a secular country. Retrieved 2018-03-11. ^ Goldman, Russell (2016-05-03). ISBNh0313351163, 9780313351167. The request was refused on the basis that the jury needs to see the face of the person giving evidence.[180] China In 2017 China banned the burqa in the Islamic area of Xinjiang.[181][182] Myanmar On 21 June 2015, at a conference in Yangon held by the Organization for the Protection of Race and Religion, a group of monks locally called Ma Ba Tha declared that the headscarves "were not in line with school discipline", recommending the Burmese government to ban the wearing of hijabs by Muslim schoolgirls and to ban the butchering of animals on the Eid holiday.[183] North America Canada See also: Islam in Canada On 12 December 2011, the Canadian Minister of Citizenship and Immigration issued a decree banning the niqab or any other face-covering garments for women swearing their oath of citizenship; the hijab was not affected.[184] This edict was later overturned by a Court of Appeal on the grounds of being unlawful. Mohamed Elmasry, a controversial former president of the Canadian Islamic Congress (CIC), has stated that only a small minority of Muslim Canadian women actually wear these types of clothing. One of the key principles of the 1905 French law on the Separation of the Churches and the State is the freedom of religious exercise. 2008-02-10. The hijab in these cases is seen as a sign of political Islam or fundamentalism against secular government. Islamic dress, notably the variety of headdresses worn by Muslim women, has become a prominent symbol of the presence of Islam in western Europe. "In Egypt, a New Battle Begins Over the Veil". In 1981, women with headscarves were banned from schools and government buildings, and since then those who insist on wearing them face losing their jobs.[6] Recently in 2006, the authorities launched a campaign against the hijab, banning it in some public places, where police would stop women on the streets and ask them to remove it, and warn them not to wear it again. Wearing a burqa or a niqab in public can lead to a fine of 1000 kroner (~$156 USD) in case of first time offences, rising to 10.000 kr. Retrieved 2018-01-12. ^ "Interdire le voile aux htudiantesh Les prhsidents d'universith disent "non"". "CHINA VEIL BAN: Beijing outlaws Islamic veil and beards in Muslim province". ^ Hijab Ban 2015: Buddhist Monks Propose Anti-Muslim Measure On Burmese Schoolgirls, 22 June 2015 ^ Face veils banned for citizenship oaths. Rethinking Muslim Women and the Veil: Challenging Historical & Modern Stereotypes, Herndon, Virginia; London: International Institute of Islamic Thought, p. The headscarf is becoming gradually more frequent in the north, but as it is not traditional, to wear one is considered rather a religious or political decision. "Egypt court revokes ban on niqab at exam halls". ^ Ibrahim, Baher. "Musulmanes de Mhxico - Webislam". ^ "Tinker v. Some Islamic adherents (like Uzbeks) used to wear the paranja, while others (Chechens, Kara-Chai, Tajiks, Kazakhs, Turkmens, etc.) wore traditional scarves the same way as a bandanna and have own traditional styles of headgear which are not called by the word hijab. Africa Women in Algeria wearing a hahk, a type of veil Cameroon On 12 July 2015, two women dressed in religious garments blew themselves up in Fotokol, killing 13 people. Des Moines Independent Community School Dist". ^ Mona Charen (7 July 2009). Reza Shah wa koudeta-ye 1299 (Persian), Rahavard - A Persian Journal of Iranian Studies, Vol. Axios. Retrieved 2018-03-11. ^ "Woman Who Removed Headscarf in Public Sentenced to Prison as Supreme Leader Tries to Diminish Hijab Protests - Center for Human Rights in Iran". p. Maldives Independent. Many women wear a headscarf for cultural reasons that is not a symbol of the Quran. Retrieved 26 October 2017. ^ Scott, 2007, pg. acus.org. Retrieved 2018-03-11. ^ "The high stakes of hijab protests in Iran". However, in contemporary urban Tunisian society, remnants of decades worth of discouragement remain. Turkey Main article: Headscarf controversy in Turkey Turkey is officially a secular state, and the hijab was banned in universities and public buildings until late 2013 - this included libraries or government buildings. Retrieved 26 October 2017. ^ Good enough for Nobel, but not for Quebec, The Globe and Mail ^ Paperny, Anna Mehler. Retrieved 2018-07-22. ^ "Judge suspends Quebec face-covering ban, says it appears to violate charter | CBC News". "Women condemn Turkey constitution". RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty. Congress of the Union of the United Mexican States. ABC News. As of Julyh2018, the ban has been suspended by at least two judges for violating the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Tuesday 23 November 2010. PublicRadio.org. ISBNh9780520250406. The secular government does not encourage women to wear it, fearing it will present an Islamic extremist political opposition. Retrieved 2018-03-11. ^ a b Kasana, Mehreen. "French PM calls for ban on Islamic headscarves at universities". He has also said that women should be free to choose, as a matter of culture and not religion, whether they wear it.[185] The CIC criticized a proposed law that would have required all voters to show their faces before being allowed to cast ballots. In several countries this adherence to hijab has led to political controversies and proposals for a legal ban. Retrieved on 30 December 2013. ^ Verma, Sonia. Retrieved 26 October 2017. ^ Rainsford, Sarah (2007-10-02). Dress codes for men are more lax, though shorts are uncommon. "Bundestag beschlieht Sicherheitspaket". New Perspectives on Safavid Iran: Empire and Society, Abingdon, Oxon; New York: Taylor & Francis, p. Tauris, ISBNh9781860644269 ^ a b c d e Katouzian, Homa (2006). Retrieved 2018-03-11. ^ Schmidt, Samantha (13 December 2016). BBC News. Updated Monday 10 September 2012. "Leo Varadkar: 'There will be no burqa ban in Ireland'". ^ O'Connell, Hugh. Retrieved 2018-10-13. ^ https://www.moroccoworldnews.com/2018/10/255703/algeria-burqas-niqabs-women/ ^ https://ewn.co.za/2018/10/19/algerian-bans-female-public-servants-from-wearing-full-face-veils ^ https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/7569292/algeria-face-veils-ban/ ^ CNN, Monica Sarkar,. Retrieved 26 October 2017. ^ John M. The hijhb together with a duppatta is becoming unpopular among the younger generation. "This trend of young Muslim girls wearing the hijab is disturbing." The Guardian. Niessen, Ann Marie Leshkowich, Carla Jones, Re-orienting fashion: the globalization of Asian dress: Berg Publishers: 2003: ISBNh1-85973-539-8, ISBNh978-1-85973-539-8, 283 pages pp 206-207 ^ "Insideindonesia.org". One exception is the case of Sultaana Freeman, a Florida woman who had her driver's license cancelled due to her wearing of the niqab in her identification photo. It is widely believed that the hijab is increasingly becoming more of a fashion statement in Jordan than a religious one with Jordanian women wearing colorful, stylish headscarves along with western-style clothing.[112] Kosovo Since 2009, the hijab has been banned in public schools and universities or government buildings.[113] In 2014, the first female parliamentarian with hijab was elected to the Kosovar parliament.[114] Malaysia Young Malaysian woman wearing a hijab The headscarf is known as a tudung, which simply means "cover". 12 June 2018. ^ "MEMO TO FORD: Tarek Fatah wants the burqa banned forever!". At the same time, this law imposed public servants not to wear any religious signs during work. In 2004, the French law on secularity and conspicuous religious symbols in schools banned most religious signs, including hijab, from public primary and secondary schools in France. p.h61. ^ Lawrence, Quil (13 July 2010). Link retrieved 24 August 2010 ^ "AZERBAIJAN: Feud over ban on Islamic head scarves fuels fears of Iranian meddling". Salman Samani, a spokesman for Ministry of Interior (Iran) released a statement on 25 February 2018 saying "No one has a license to act against the law even in the role of an officer dealing with crimes."[107] On 8 March 2018, a video of three Iranian women singing a feminist fight song in Tehran's subway went viral on social media.[108] The women were singing in honor of International Women's Day and to highlight women's continued challenges caused by forced veiling and other discriminatory laws against women.[108] In the video, the three Iranian women are not wearing Islamic headscarves. "The Netherlands introduces burqa ban in some public spaces" (27 June 2018). Retrieved 2010-02-10. ^ Slackman, Michael (28 January 2007). But since 25 March 2015, based on Surat Keputusan Kapolri Nomor:Kep/245/II/2015 female police officers can now wear hijab if they want. 53-79, Abingdon, Oxon; New York: Routledge; Taylor & Francis, ISBNh9780415324199 ^ Mitchell, Colin P. ISSNh0362-4331. The Daily Star Newspaper - Lebanon. Retrieved 16 August 2016. ^ "Women and the Hijab in the Intifada", Rema Hammami Middle East Report, May-August 1990 ^ Rubenberg, C., Palestinian Women: Patriarchy and Resistance in the West Bank (USA, 2001) p.230 ^ Rubenberg, C., Palestinian Women: Patriarchy and Resistance in the West Bank (USA, 2001) p.231 ^ xinhuanet.com, 2010-01-03 ^ Hamas Bans Women Dancers, Scooter Riders in Gaza Push By Daniel Williams, Bloomberg, 30 November 2009 ^ "Removed: news agency feed article". The Guardian. The Independent. ^ "BBC NEWS - Africa - Tunisia moves against headscarves". ^ Tunisian revolution ^ Rainsford, Sarah (2006-11-07). Covering the whole face was rare among the Iranians and was mostly restricted to local Arabs and local Afghans. Retrieved 1 February 2017. ^ Bulgaria the latest European country to ban the burqa and [niqab in public places, Smh.com.au: accessed 5 December 2016. ^ Halasz; McKenzie, Stephanie; Sheena (27 June 2018). 209-213, 217-218, ISBNh9780813021119 ^ Curtis, Glenn E.; Hooglund, Eric (2008). State and Society in Iran: The Eclipse of the Qajars and the Emergence of the Pahlavis, 2nd ed, Library of modern Middle East studies, Vol. Retrieved 2018-03-11. ^ "Khamenei Claims Iran's 'Enemies' Behind Anti-Hijab Protests". By taking videos of themselves wearing white, these women can also show their disagreement with compulsion."[96] The campaign resulted in Iranian women posting pictures and videos of themselves wearing pieces of white clothing to social media.[94] The Girls of Enghelab Street On 27 December 2017, 31-year-old Vida Movahed, also known as "The Girl of Enghelab Street" was arrested for being unveiled in public after a video of the women went viral on social media.[97][98] The video showed Movahed silently waving her hijab, a white headscarf that she had removed from her head and placed on a stick for one hour on Enghelab Street in Tehran.[99][97] At first it was assumed that her act was connected to the widespread protests taking place in Iran, but Movahed confirmed that she performed the act in support of the 2017 White Wednesday campaign.[100]Vida's arrest sparked outrage from social media, where many Iranians shared footage of her protest along with the hashtag "#Where_Is_Sheh". Retrieved 2018-10-12. ^ "M&S on Twitter". NPR. "In battle of the burqa, Obama and Sarkozy differ". The group described the idea as unnecessary, arguing that it would only promote discrimination against Muslims and provide "political mileage among Islamophobes".[186] In February 2007, soccer player Asmahan Mansour, part of the team Nepean U12 Hotspurs, was expelled from a Quebec tournament for wearing her headscarf. CA. 12 August 2009. Retrieved 16 August 2016. ^ Heath, edited by Jennifer (2008). "Denmark passes law banning burqa and niqab". no headscarf. The law is viewed as a response to a court case of 2011 where a woman in Sydney was convicted of falsely claiming that a traffic policeman had tried to remove her niqab.[179] The debate in Australia is more about when and where face coverings may legitimately be restricted.[180] In a Western Australian case in July 2010, a woman sought to give evidence in court wearing a niqab. 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