Ibrahim Dado
4 posts
A Social Worker and Community Diplomat Practitioner
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the-ibrahim-dado-blog · 6 years ago
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OBAMA REGRETS OVER LIBYA: A conspiracy to generate "terrorism" as a global threat linked to Western allies has preoccupied economical drawbacks to the third world countries with unprecedented ramifications and confrontations.  For sure, "COLD WAR IS BACK" as the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres reiterated. But the question is, why do we anticipate dissemination of US backed allies in the recent days? Britain exited from its own regional bloc (European Union), with an unknown and unconceivable reasons for their action. France on the other hand, pay less attention to the US government aftermath of the twin terrorism attacks at Bamaclan Concert Hall and the Saint Dennis along the streets back in the year 2015 where more than 146 individuals lost their lives, then ISIS claimed responsible for the attacks. A massive and reactive "force of doubt " that later on, resulted to mistrust to its 'Master' who is the US government.  I predict, knowing US President Donald Trump's relations with Russia's Vladimir Putin will end about the conspiracy of terrorism as a global threat terminating deals between the cartels and the US and its allied military officials.  America has had a President that it will never regret to have had for its historically significant for that regard.  I quote, Prof. PLO Lumumba said "If you see a country or a party insisting on the usage of some words like "Democratic" or "Democrats" know that they're not really in agitation for democracy." So, is the Obama led government that fooled the whole world and supported terrorism for the benefits for the cartels, with a spirit of shedding blood and creating unrest to security across the globe. Don't regret for Obama's regret but I do regret for US loosing its traditional friends and allies making it to the state of super power and of course, the greatest country in the world. Spain is in chao as we speak due to Catalonia. Italians are always quiet, so are the German with a reputation of mix reaction.  China is busy to make deals and extend their territories internationally (whereby it secured more than 70% of tenders in Africa and 50% in the entire Asian) for economic gains making it suitable to be amongst the "future" super powers after the fall of the US superiority. Can't talk of the Russia as I spare it for today to a separate day for I have a lot to say about this guys. #Terrorism #Conspiracy #Generation #US #Cartels #Oil #Western #Allies #Bloodshed #Death #SuperPower #ColdWar #Obama #Regret Added a link preview to this post. Ibrahim Dado 17th August, 2018
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the-ibrahim-dado-blog · 7 years ago
Major businesses and even governments are adopting alternative applications of the cryptocurrency technology. The bitcoin cryptocurrency was created in 2009 Since the end of last year, people have been left dumbfounded by the meteoric rise in the value of bitcoin, the father of all cryptocurrencies. The digital currency started off in 2017 with a value of around $800, but, by the end of the year, was probably the highest-performing investment anyone could have ever made, as it reached dizzying heights of $19,783 in December. Such gains are enough to make the most well-heeled Wall Street sharks giddy with glee. However, on the flipside, there has been a lot of concern recently that cryptocurrencies might be a bubble that could burst any day, crumbling the fortunes of many would-be investors and sending the markets reeling. On January 17, bitcoin's value suddenly halved as futures contracts on the cryptocurrency expired, sending shockwaves through the cryptocurrency market that buffeted even top performing "alt-coins" like ethereum and ripple. While bitcoin's central role in the crypto market is undeniable, it is arguably in its own speculative bubble within the larger market, which contains more stable alt-coins. If bitcoin's bubble was to burst, it would inevitably stagger the $700bn market, as it occupies about a third of it. Also, many exchanges use bitcoin to buy and sell other cryptocurrencies or to convert them back into fiat. But investors are now diversifying their portfolios by buying other, arguably more stable cryptocurrencies that could absorb any blows that may shake the bitcoin pillar. But what makes these other cryptocurrencies any different from bitcoin? Are they not just other bitcoins, only carrying different monikers? The answer to that lies in the technology used to validate bitcoin transactions, known as blockchain. Blockchain as a service Like peer-to-peer (P2P) networks where unidentified people upload and download music and films, the blockchain depends on a growing community of people and institutions online. Those peers run bitcoin software to verify bitcoin transactions, independent of any bank or treasury. Every time people exchange bitcoin online, the whole network gets updated with the new information, creating new "blocks", ie long chains of data for computers to solve. In its simplest form, a blockchain is "a distributed open ledger that can record transactions between parties quickly in a verifiable and permanent way". As the data held on a blockchain is decentralised and immutable, it builds trust that "what you see, is what you get" as any retroactive changes to the chain will be immediately obvious. Such technology lends itself to business transactions and the keeping of verifiable records. It may also be a vision of the future, as more and more major companies are adopting the technology, bringing it into the mainstream. While the current crypto craze is seen as a "nerds only" endeavour, businesses and even governments around the world are waking up to its possible applications, with major shipping firm Maersk and technology giant IBM announcing earlier this month that they will create their own blockchain. Even Disney developed its own private blockchain in 2015, which has now evolved into dragonchain, a new competitor to number two cryptocurrency, ethereum. Similarly, the Chinese government - which is notoriously strict on cryptocurrencies - has teamed up with a little-known but up and coming firm called VeChain. The company specialises in authentication and verification technologies, allowing sellers using its blockchain to provide assurance to their customers that they are buying what they are paying for. For instance, a car could be tracked from the production of its parts and where it was assembled, to the taxes, sales and any resales of the car. It also has implications for ethical standards, as the blockchain could verify the labour used to produce goods, and the payment for that labour. Governments could also keep track of companies and how much tax they ought to be paying. As VeChain's CEO Sunny Lu told me at a recent blockchain event in London, governments have numerous departments and each interacts with numerous stakeholders, whether taxpayers or contractors. By using blockchain, governments can not only ensure that accurate records are kept, but that there will always be a clear audit trail that would make it harder for corruption to slip through the cracks. Cryptocurrencies and blockchain are here to stay While this may just sound like dull news one might find in a financial newspaper, its implications for everyday people are major. With blockchains, things as mundane as medical records, identity documents and even qualifications and credentials could be stored and verified easily, scrapping a lot of the day-to-day grind of dealing with the bureaucratic systems of modern life, and allowing employers to make sure that a person's CV, for instance, is not merely a fanciful story tailored to get a job. Due to cryptocurrencies being used as decentralised tokens to execute transactions on blockchains, and considering governments and corporations are partnering with these blockchain developers who actually provide a service, investors see value in buying up other cryptocurrencies. Unlike bitcoin, blockchain as a service that is directly applicable to our everyday lives is unlikely to simply collapse, especially considering its adoption by big players who clearly see a future for the technology. I was very much impressed by the Cabinet Secretary for Information Technology Hon. Joe Mucheru to make Kenya to be amongst the "Africa's Cryptocurrency Community" to enable the government attract global financial systems. Investing in cryptocurrencies that form part of a service ecosystem, rather than solely offering ethereal tokens that have no real, fundamental value, could prove to be the new stocks and shares, as blockchains move from being perceived as "just a fad" to a mainstream technology we all rely on in our day-to-day lives.
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the-ibrahim-dado-blog · 7 years ago
Catalonia has been occupied by Spain for 300 years. Their language has been banned, their traditions too, even their traditional dances. Imagine how it is to be beaten up if you’re heard at school speaking a word of your mother tongue. Since the ending of the fascist dictatorship of Spain (~1975) their traditions and their language are legal again, Catalan is even co-official in their land. But the feeling of catalanophobia still stands strong in Spain, and Catalonia is economically discriminated (pays more taxes to Spain and receives way less than the other communities, etc). This and many other reasons are why they want to be independent. They want to be free. The Catalan government proposed to do a referendum to see if the Catalan people want to be independent (that year, and the 2 years before it, they had done peaceful protests with between 1.5 million and 2 million people asking for independence). But Spanish government, knowing “yes to independence” was going to win, said it was illegal. Then the Catalan government said it won't going to be a referendum, just an enquiry (the legal difference is that in a referendum, the winning resut must be followed, and an enquiry is just to have an idea of what people want). Spain still said no. But they did it. Yes to independence got 81% of votes. So now Spain is forcing their political dirigents, elected democratically by the Catalan people, to go to trials just for letting them vote. Today was the first trial, and more than 50,000 people showed up to show their support to President Mas, and the other political charges elected, Joana Ortega and Irene Rigau. And this was during laboral hours, imagine if it had happenned when they weren’t at work/school! So to sum up: Spain is not a real democracy, and Catalonia is still fighting for its freedom. Visca la terra lliure! / Long live the free land!
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the-ibrahim-dado-blog · 7 years ago
Today we'll focus on the need for the Jubilee elected and nominated Members of the Tana River County Assembly (MCA's) to exercise their moral authority and legal obligations against their opponents in the House. It is understood to some, if not all, that the Jubilee allied members dominate almost a two third of the total members in the County Assembly of Tana River which solely indicates that they're the 'Majority Members' a fundamental aspect of democracy on the other hand. Substantially, the Jubilee members have at several occasion, vested their 'incumbency' through approval and disapproval of Bills that are tabled before the floor of the House inculcated by true cores and values governing the County Assembly, as well as portraying loyalty and diligence to their "sponsor" parties. Allow me to trace you back and remind you something that I find it most important to share with you before I proceed with this discussions. That is, I understand we might be asking ourselves some critical questions that needs critical answers such as;
(i) If Jubilee has a majority members in the House, how comes it lost to secure for a Speaker from one of their own?
(ii) Which methodology was used and applied by the Honourable members to determine the fate of the Speaker that was elected thereafter?
(iii) Was there an alteration from an 'outside' source to lure individual MCA's inform of a tribal or communal interference as opposed to political intervention?
(iv) What are the repercussions for having a 'hunged majority' meaning (A minority with a Speaker) in a House. More so, like in the case of Tana River County Assembly?
(v) Is there a laid down legal procedure for a disciplinary action to be taken towards those individual MCA's that have rebelled and voted against their "sponsor" party's wishes and interests?
√ A research and study that I tirelessly conducted within a timeline of 5 months from the material day of the "Elections Of The Speaker Of Tana River County Assembly" to date, shows that the data conveyed herein is from a reliable sources, since I engaged a wider and broader point of view from an elected to electorate's perspectives through a systematic approach.
- It shows that MCA's from both communities that resides in the County of Tana River voted on the basis of community representatives and NOT the political party representatives in the House. - The greater the number of the community representatives in the House, the higher the possibilities and chances to secure the position of the Speaker for a given community.
- Subsequently, the Jubilee party, which is supposedly having the majority Members of the County Assembly (MCA's) lost to secure the position for the Speaker in the House.
- Hypothetically, the methodologies used shows;
(A) Almost all the NASA member(s) and a section of unknown Jubilee member(s) from Community X which is supposedly the largest community in terms of votes and population, produced a NASA contestant.
• NASA fielded a contestant for the position of the Speaker from the X Community.
• Community X Jubilee members voted for Community X's NASA contestant. (XX)
• Community X won the seat for the Speaker.
(B) Almost all the Jubilee member(s) and a section of unknown NASA member(s) from Community Y which is as well believed to be the second in terms of votes and population, produced a Jubilee contestant.
• Jubilee fielded a contestant for the position of the Speaker from the Y Community.
• Community Y Jubilee members voted for Community Y's Jubilee contestant. (YY)
• Community Y lost the seat for the Speaker.
- This shows that the algorithm used to elect the Speaker is purely of Apolitical - Party Interest (API) and NOT for a Political - Party Interest (PPI) which propelled for 'Rebel Members' indicating a tendency by the MCA's to vote against the wishes and interests of their political parties.
- A number of reasons could accumulate from the other side factors and indicators such as bribery, solicitation and corruption towards individual MCA's.
- The more the influence from the County Executive, the faster the rate of rebelling MCA's in the County Assembly thus facilitating higher chances to secure the seat for the Speaker.
- The repercussions of having a 'hunged' Majority, whereby the Speaker of the Tana River County Assembly is from the Minority members is that, it will lead to a statute of disorders in a treasure of legal disobedience in the House.
- It will be evidential sooner or later that at several occasions, the House will lose control due dissatisfaction from the 'Majority' members that have miraculously turned out to be the 'Minority' in that regard.
- There will be laxity in terms of efficiency and accountability of individual MCA's as well as the business of the House. A good example is, the delayed appointment of County Executive Committee (CEC) Members.
In order to shun this kind of 'mischievous' allegations arising from the MCA's across all communal and political divide in Tana River County, the government should use a mechanism to reform the Constitution by denying secrecy and privacy of members of a given political party when electing a Speaker of the County Assembly, in line with the confines and the dictates of the rule of law projecting to the tenants of a mature democracy.
By doing this, it will seek for disputing those 'small' misunderstanding within the party by giving zero tolerance to tribalism which has been a menace towards killing integration of Kenya's economic potential
(A Courtesy of Mr Ibrahim A. Dado, an afro optimist and a political strategist)
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