#kea rub
serenitydarkness · 2 years
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Here we have the angry argumentative duo, Kea and Katherine/Jack (besides Ace and Rene who frequently argue about bread and emojis). This is pre-mission two, so Jack still is existing as an ally. I have no idea what's going on in this image.
My guess is that Katherine is complaining about something, and Kea is mad. Alternatively, someone insulted Katherine and she looks annoyed, whilst Kea gives the unfortunate person who dared insult the angry people the death stare.
Kea actually does that a lot irl and it's terrifying man. I'm scared.
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kirk-says-wah · 3 months
Smut Drabble requested by @delightfulcollectivetyphoon
Pairing: current James/KEA Lars
34 - Power play
50 - Forbidden love/tryst
57 - Rough sex
James knows they shouldn’t be doing this. Lars is so much younger than him, but the age difference always sends a thrill up James’ spine so he can’t find it in himself to feel too guilty.
He has Lars pinned under him as he fucks him hard, Lars’ legs over his shoulders as he pushes his fat cock into Lars’ clenching hole.
Lars keens, fighting for air as James punches it out of him with every thrust. James reaches up, sharply tugs on Lars’ hair.
James just loves the power he holds, knows he could ask Lars anything when he’s like this and he’d do it.
He pauses his thrusts, slaps Lars’ thigh.
“Turn over.”
Lars moans but does as he’s told effortlessly, getting onto his hands and knees, swaying his perfect ass in the air.
James massages his ass cheeks, pulling them apart before letting them slap back together just to watch them wobble, and Lars smothers a whine into the pillow.
“Such a greedy hole,” James murmurs, rubbing his thumb over Lars’ gaping asshole. “Whose cock do you want?”
“Yours,” Lars breathes, his hole desperately trying to close, though it’s no use when James’ cock had spread him so wide.
“What was that?” James teases, bending slightly to lick a stripe from Lars’ taut balls all the way up to his hole.
“Yours,” Lars squeaks, hands fisting the bedsheets, ankles twisting under him ad James slaps his ass again.
“Damn right,” James says, muffled between Lars’ cheeks, letting his grey mustache graze against the sensitive skin.
Lars keens, pressing his ass back into James’ face, and James takes pity on him, sitting back up to sheath his length back inside Lars’ awaiting hole.
He doesn’t give Lars time to adjust, just starts fucking him, hard, his balls slapping against Lars’ ass with every thrust.
Lars is babbling, though it doesn’t sound English, and James smirks, hitching Lars’ hips up higher to get a better angle.
He’s fucking Lars so hard, drool starts to pool on Lars’ pillow as his mouth hangs open, eyes rolled back into his head as James fucks him roughly.
James slaps Lars’ side, just shy of his belly, and Lars moans loudly. He’s past the point of moving his hips back into James’ thrusts now, and so just lies there limply as James rails him, a steady stream of breathy moans punched out of him.
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corvidaemnit · 1 year
would you please give me some more bird facts
here are some more bird facts that I know off the top of my head because I’m neurotypical and normal and definitely not autistic
- despite most being able to mimic humans and other animals, birds don’t actually have vocal chords like we do! instead of having a larynx, birds have a syrinx, which- instead of being located above the windpipe like our larynx- is actually positioned at the BASE of the windpipe. the syrinx produces sound by vibrating through the chest via muscle contraction- pushing out air through their beak kind of like a burp in a way! this is why when you see some birds call, you can see it sort of coming from their breast more than their throat
- I know I brought up hoatzins on the last post, but this is a different fact about them I promise!! hoatzins actually have a digestive system very similar to cows- the only bird in the world that we know of that uses foregut fermentation to digest their food. on the flip side of that, sometimes they’re referred to as ‘skunkbirds’ or ‘stinkbirds’ because they smell similar to cow dung
- kea- nicknamed ‘clowns of the mountain’- are not only incredibly intelligent but very silly and playful!! they literally have a call that specifically means ‘playtime!!’ in a group, they’re called a circus hehe .. I’m being serious about that btw that isn’t a joke look it up
- some parrots (like macaws) blush!! when they’re excited/pleased/stressed/etc they’re prone to growing pink in the face just like we do!
- hummingbirds have such good memory that they can recall things that happened or recall certain locations that they visited years ago. this is because their hippocampus takes up a huge portion of their brain!!
- turkeys have incredible eyesight! they can see like. three times better than 20/20 vision which is.. literally insane. their wide field of vision is like 270 degrees iirc?? it’s crazy
- puffins ‘kiss’ in order to strengthen their bonds!! they rub their beaks together with the ones they love as a way to show affection and trust to each other.. it’s literally so adorable it’s one of my favorite things ever
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sheplayswithlifee · 1 year
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Once the family arrives back at their home in San Sequoia, Courtney moves quickly because he has to be to work soon. He places Ryleigh on her play mat in the living room before heading to the bathroom to take a shower. Alden grabs some leftovers from the fridge and takes a seat at the kitchen table. River puts Keaton down by the front door, he tugs on her dress while whining "potty". She picks him back up and carries him to Alden's room where the potty chair is.
While River is making sure Keaton doesn't stand up and piss everywhere, she thinks she hears a knock at the door. She's not expecting company, Courtney is gone and her mother/siblings have keys. "Maybe I didn't actually hear anything." She says quietly to herself. She looks down at her phone, while she waits to see that Josh texted her again. She sighs as she reads it to herself, "Where did you find your new significant other? The Rebound Store." He’s so corny and immature.
Returning her attention to Keaton, who's now whining about being sleepy and hungry. Knowing she has to pick her battles, she tells him, "Take a nap, when you wake up mommy will have a snack for you, okay?"
"K." He says rubbing his eyes. Once he's finished his business, he pulls his pants up and does a little happy dance.
River claps as he dances. "Good job, Kea." She picks him up and takes him to his room for a nap. She barely notices the exchange of voices in the kitchen as she walks past, she's looking directly ahead at her destination. She lays Keaton down with the intention of waking him up in at most an hour, by then she'll have his meal ready and Alden's homework completed. Eight o'clock is a little late for dinner but they've had a good yet busy day.
River closed Keaton's bedroom door behind her and took the five steps needs to reach the kitchen. Her eyes opened wide as she drank in the scene in her kitchen. Josh was there helping Alden do his homework. It must've been him knocking at the door, she'll be sure to to teach Alden not to open the door for wolves in sheeps clothing. “What the f—?” She stopped herself from cussing in Alden’s presence. “Baby, why don’t you go to your room while Josh and I talk for a bit.” Alden grabs his homework and heads to his room.
Once she heard Alden's door closed, she zeroed in on Josh, "what the fuck are you doing here?"
"You weren't responding to my text messages, sweetheart. Wanted to make sure you knew how worthless you were." A strange feeling spread through her body, the words struck her right in the feels. She doesn’t let him know that, though. "Doesn't seem like your Rebound Store purchase is around." He said pretending to look around.
“Go fuck yourself, Joshua. So again, why the hell are you here, really? You don't give a fuck about your kids. You don't give two fucks about me, so why are you wasting your existence by coming here?"
"C'mon River, spare me the melodrama. I'm their father and I have a right to know what's going on in their lives. I plan to be more present."
"Their father?" River asks sarcastically. "Where the hell were you when Keaton was born? You had better things to do then so keep that same energy. There's no place for you here, my children are none of your business. The only reason you've decided to make yourself available is because I'm married and happy. And you're what? Miserable and lonely? You’re latest whore left you? Skeedaddle with that bullshit, Joshua. You're sick."
"River, that's no way to speak to the father of your children."
"Negro, are you absolutely insane? I swear to watcher, if you come here again I will call the fucking police. You are not wanted. I don't give a fuck. Stop texting me, stop popping up!"
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obigem · 2 years
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As soon as Kea left the room, the awkwardness intensified.
Andrea didn't know what to say or do. "Andrea, come sit with me." Raymond motioned to her.
"Oh, yeah, sure, Daddy." Dre said unable to hide her nerves.
When they sat, more silence and awkwardness set in.
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It had only been a few seconds but it felt like forever. Raymond rubbed the back of his hand and Dre scanned the room, not understanding what was happening.
"Daddy," she finally spoke up, "I don't have a lot of time. I have to get dressed so..."
"Do you remember..." He began.
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rj-drive-in · 20 days
It's Never Aliens Until It Is Department:
When pretending you're not home is not an option.
THE TABETHAN ANALYSIS © 2024 by Rick Hutchins
Rapping her knuckles lightly on the wooden apartment door, Geetika said, “Professor? Are you home?”
“Come right in, Miss Bakshi,” came the immediate reply.
She opened the door cautiously and peeked inside. The small apartment was dominated by a large dining room table, covered with stacks of books, a handful of mobile devices, a tangle of wires, and the professor’s widescreen laptop. There also appeared to be a six-pack of Sam Adams Boston Lager among the mess.
“Hello, sir.”
Professor McManus was sitting in an office chair at the near end of the table, hunched over the laptop. He swiveled toward Geetika and waved her inside. “Come on, come on,” he said. “No need to stand on ceremony.”
She came hesitantly inside and closed the door. Aside from the electronic devices, the only light came from an old-fashioned floor lamp in the corner and a table lamp next to the couch. In the dimness, the walls seemed to be lined with bookcases.
“Come along, don’t be shy, sit down,” he said, pointing at the couch. He handed her a bottle of beer from the six-pack. “I saved you a Sam Adams.”
She thanked him and sat down, noting that the remaining bottles were empty. “You’ve had the other five already?”
“Eleven,” he corrected. “But there’s more in the fridge when you need them.”
“Will I need them?
He leaned back in the office chair and it squeaked. He regarded her with a steady gaze that gave little hint of inebriation. It was odd to see Thompson McManus outside of class, in jeans and an MIT school jersey-- which revealed that he was heavier around the middle than she had thought. He was still quite a handsome older man, despite that.
“More than likely,” he said at last.
“Is this about my grades?”
“What? No, no,” he said, waving his hand dismissively. “Are you kidding? You’re my best student. That’s why you’re here. Hell, you could teach my classes.”
Inwardly, she breathed a sigh of relief. “I could?”
“And you probably should,” he said, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. “I should have retired ten years ago. Now I wish I had.” Maybe he was a little tipsy at that.
“Then why did you ask me to come over, sir?”
“Because,” he said, reaching into the mess on his desk and pulling out a thumb drive, “I need a little peer review done.” He tossed the drive and she caught it. “You’re aware that I’ve been working on an article for The Astrophysical Journal on KIC 8462852?”
“Oh, yes,” she nodded with a smile, almost giddy that she wasn’t in some kind of trouble. “Tabby’s famous star. ‘I’m not saying that it’s aliens-- but it’s aliens!’”
Professor McManus smiled mildly and nodded his head.
“So… what did you find”
“It’s aliens.”
Geetika’s jaw dropped. “You… it’s… what?!”
The professor took a deep breath, and ran his hand through his shock of white hair. “In order to synthesize the most accurate and extant knowledge base for my study, I collected every known data point from every known source available. Kepler, the Planet Hunters Project, historical observations, Spitzer, AstroLAB, the GRB Mission, the VLA, Mauna Kea, you name it. I cross-referenced everything with Doctor Boyajian herself. It’s all on the stick.”
“And your conclusion?”
“It’s a megastructure. Of a sort.”
“But I was sure they had ruled out any kind of Dyson object.”
“They ruled out everything. Every theory was falsified. The only reasonable explanation was a giant dust cloud, or clouds, but nobody could account for the missing infrared radiation. I was finally able to account for the missing radiation.”
“In what way?”
“By demonstrating that the clouds are not made of dust. They’re made of trillions upon trillions of nanomachines.”
“Oh, my god. A Dyson swarm of nanomachines? Is that possible?”
“You’ll be the judge, Miss Bakshi” he replied, indicating the memory stick. “It makes sense. A cloud that size would have enough memory and computing power to hold a nearly infinite virtual reality, and it would be much easier to build and maintain than gargantuan cities in flight. The Tabethans could have uploaded themselves to their version of Heaven and made themselves immortal. If that’s what really happened.”
“That’s remarkable. Amazing. Everything fits.” Then she saw the look on his face. “What do you mean, if that’s what really happened?”
The professor sighed. “That’s not all I found,” he said. “I was also able to confirm that the clouds orbit within the habitable zone.”
“Why is that a problem?”
“There’s no planet in the habitable zone.”
Geetika shrugged. “Wouldn’t the Tabethans have dismantled their planet to build the nanomolecular clouds?”
“Not necessary. If you’re constructing a Dyson Sphere or a Ringworld or anything similar, you’d need to clear the system for building materials and to remove dangerous debris and gravitational disturbances. A nanomolecular cloud can be built from the materials in asteroids and comets. It doesn’t even need to be in the habitable zone.”
“Then where did the planet… oh. Oh, my god.” She remembered her Sam Adams and took a long, long drink. “Oh, my god.”
Professor McManus nodded grimly. “Exactly. It may have been an industrial accident or maybe a doomsday weapon. Or just a prototype that got out of control.”
Geetika put her hand over her mouth and sat back on the couch. “Oh, no. Instead of uploading themselves to Heaven, the Tabethans may just have obliterated themselves.”
“Actually,” said the professor slowly, “it may be far worse than that.”
“What do you mean? What could be worse?”
“This is why I need you to peer review my results before I publish. The paper has to be perfect, given the implications. I was able to incorporate some new data sent to me by some colleagues at Cornell earlier this week, and that changed everything.”
“What is the new data?”
“Two things, both of which imply that the clouds are not native to Tabby’s Star. One is simply that the comparison of targeted spectral isotope analyses suggests that they were constructed around a K-Type main sequence star.”
“And the other?”
Professor McManus leaned forward, his elbows on his knees, and paused for a long moment. “The gas clouds don’t just have a deficit of infrared radiation,” he said at last. “Some of them have a surplus of ultraviolet radiation.”
“Oh,” she gasped. “Oh, my god.”
“They’re blue shifted.”
“They’re moving toward us.”
“At a large fraction of the speed of light,” the professor replied. “Leaving us scarcely centuries to prepare.”
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seongyeonsart · 2 years
| 23:32 | — jongho x f!reader ೫ smut
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➵ face/cunt slapping, degradation/praise kink
➵ wc : 0.3k
➵ kea : this is a repost bc i think was shadowbanned a few days ago >.< hope u guys enjoy !! <3
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you cried out from pleasure as your nails left crescent moon shapes on jongho’s back, his hips smacking against yours as you felt his dick ram into you. “tell me. did he ever fucked you good as I’m doing right now?”
“n-no— fuck, jongho!” his fingers found your clit, rubbing it, making your mouth gape. “such a fucking slut. taking another guys’ dick not even a day after a break up.” he smacked your cheek, making you yelp from the pain. “but then again, your ex only ever cared for himself, didn’t he?”
your mouth couldn’t speak any words at all. all you could do was nod your head aggressively as jongho’s thrusts became rougher and harder. the hands gripping your waist were sure to leave marks after but you didn’t care about anything right now except for the man on top of you.
“feels s-so… g-good-” jongho smirked at the sight of your eyes closed, head slightly tilted upwards with your mouth open. “yeah? you gonna cum for me?” he gave your cunt a smack, making you squeal, opening your eyes and looking up at him. “y-yes! ‘m close- cumming!”
jongho pressed harder on your sensitive bud, rubbing circles as he mumbled sweet and degrading words to you. “that’s right. be a good slut and cum for me, baby.” your hands gripped on the sheets beneath you as your legs began to shake, incoherent words leaving your swollen mouth along with the release of your climax.
“such a good little slut.” you flinched when he lightly slapped your red and swollen cunt. “kiss me. please,” you whined and jongho gladly captured your mouth in his one last time before pulling away to clean you up. you were so glad that you’re already over your ex.
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fire-fist-ann · 3 years
Chaos at Ikea chapter 1
(( For the record i really need to say this is not a kizaru x zoro fan fic just because of how it sounds for this chapter, the  next chapter well actually get to explore kea guys but enjoy
@cipher-p0 @rivvd-art @thesunanditsangel
Zoro really didn't know how this happened, one minute he was chasing after Luffy next thing he knew he was staring down an admiral not just any admiral, it just so happened to be that cocky bastard kizaru of all people.
kizaru's lips curled up " oh? interesting?" he said dragging out his words slow as ever. Zoro's eyebrow started to twitch he did not have the time for this.
Kizaru stepped back " calm down I,m not going to arrest you, but would you like some weed?" Zoro stopped blinking slowly processing before it clicked " what the hell?!" " what? don't give me that look it's a side business " he said shrugging his shoulders.
Zoro could only stare " sheesh if your looking for that straw hat, he ran into that Ikea over there, good look that place is a pain to navigate " Zoro rolled his eyes " how hard could it be?" he scoffed out
kizaru couldn't help but laugh after, all who hadn't heard the stories of Zoro's navigation skills on the grand line " I could help you for a price"
Zoro squinted at him how on earth was this guy an admiral when he looked as trustworthy as a cars salesman " I don't need your help! I, ll find them my damn self!" you didn't let me finish" kizaru dragged out as Zoro marched off in the wrong direction
Zoro stopped looking around confused " where the hell am I now?" he grumbled under his breath. as he stared at the open green field as he rubbed his matching green hair before he started walking again somehow finding himself back where he started he gripped his hair in frustration. " Oh? back again so soon, do you want some help?" Zoro eyebrow twitched this just wasn't his day at all, first Luffy gum gummed him off that ship then ran off to god knows where and now he had to deal with kizaru ..yet again
Zoro gritted his teeth " I know where I,m going" oh? really? , then why didn't you go inside" he said as he lazily pointed at the building behind him which had big letters which spelled out IKEA
kizaru couldn't help but smirk " are you in need of a guide? pirate hunter, I think I saw straw hat run off toward the food court somewhere " Hell no not from you!" now now don't be like that i,m merely trying to make a business transaction. I help you, in return, you buy from me and share the good word with your little pirate friends and ill let you and the straw hats go I won't even tell Sengoku you were here no problem "
Zoro grimaced did he actually have a choice here? it wasn't like he couldn't take on an admiral right now " fine " he grumbled reaching into his pocket taking out the beri nami had so gracious loaned him with interest kizaru grinned widely " meet me in the back ally..if you can find it " he said walking off
zoro was fuming " what a dick ...wait wasn't he supposed to help?" " HEY where do you think you're going?!" he yelled but kizaru was already gone and he was starting to get looks from the strangers who started to whisper " that poor man must be mentally ill he's yelling at the air..we should just walk away" Zoro threw his hands off in the air as he stormed off to find that cocky admiral cursing under his breath he rather make a deal with nami than that bastard
Zoro looked around confused " he said ally so where is it" he mumbled as he rubbed his head as he looked around this time finding himself in the shopping district. he soon found himself back where he started once again " the rumors are true you can't navigate at all eh? alright follow me" kizaru motioned for him to follow
zoro's head shot up " YOU" kizaru raised an eyebrow " want to find your friends" he quickly moved his hand off his sword as he followed him into the just as shady alleyway his thoughts racing was this guy flirting with him? he couldn't tell anymore. kizaru reached into his navy coat pulling out a bag " share this with your crew especially that orange girl the thief  shell recognize the quality and well talk again"
" arent you supposed to be a marine ?" so?" you cant sell me drugs?" it's not against the law is it?".. I,m pretty it is you creep " regardless you already agreed to our terms, of course, you could refuse and it would be a shame if an admiral were here to arrest you all" Zoro growled " you shady bastard " he snapped as he took the bag shoving it in his kimono as kizaru collected more like stole his beri " it's been a pleasure doing business, ah yes I suppose I should do my end of the deal?" he dragged out it almost sounded like he was talking to him as if he were a child, Zoro could only glare at him in actual hate " calm down pirate hunter I, ll show you the way to Ikea "
Zoro clenched his fists as he followed the shady marine down the path in front of the large building they got to the doors  " well this is where our agreement comes to an end" eh?! you said you would help "I said I would take you to Ikea, I cant navigate this place good luck " he said as he walked off again. Zoro's eyes widened he had been tricked that bastard!
Zoro took a deep breath and stopped his brain hurting seeing the yellow arrows on the floor pointing in different directions this place was weird and so noisy " Luffy if you're not here I swear to god I will cut you when I find you" he grumbled as he stumbled further into the labyrinth
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blackhakumen · 2 years
Mini Fanfic #990: Elemental Mother's Day (Kingdom Hearts)
11:45 a.m. at the Streets of Twilight Town........
Lea: No way! You seriously did all of that!?
Aqua: (Giggles Softly and Nodded While Walking Next to Lea While Wearing Their Respective Mom Shirts) Yep~ Once Master Eraqus step out of the room and the coast was completely clear, Terra and I sneaked out and rode our way to the beach. We didn't really stay there for too long and got punished Immediately after that, but the experience was still fun to say the least. (Immediately Holds her Finger Up) And before you ask! It was DEFINITELY Terra's idea.
Lea: (Chuckles Lightly) Well, I'll be damned. (Casually Places Two Arms Behind the Back of his Head) Never would've our imagine you two as the rebellious types.
Aqua: Well, we were young and stupid once. But I would be lying if I say I didn't miss those simpler days.
Lea: (Nodded in Agreement) I feel your pain on that one, sister. Life was a lot less complicated when all you has to think about is what to do to pass the time. (Shrugs) But i guess we all have to move on from them eventually.
Aqua: That's right. (Smiles Softly) Still, I'm glad I get spend the present with people I care about. (Turns to Lea) That includes you too, Lea.
Lea: (Playfully Bows to Aqua with a Bright Smile on his Face) Why, I'm oh so honored that you include me, teach! (Smiles Turns into a Soft One) Cuz I think you're pretty cool too.
Aqua: (Heart Begins to Melt a Little) Really? Even when I can be a little bossy?
Lea: ('Scoffs') Please. I already got enough people in my life who are just as bossy as you are and I still love 'em. (Looks Down at his Fire Mom Shirt) Though, I kinda wish you didn't make us wear these shirts all day....
Aqua: Hey, I beat you in that game of Mario Party fair and square last night. Besides....(Happily Twirls Around a Little) Mother's Day is today!~ How else are we going to pay tribute to us being moms?
Lea: ('Psst') (Shrugs Again) I dunno. Treating ourselves to a spa day or something?
Aqua: (Smiles Brightly While Excitedly Clappingher Hands) Ooh, spas!~ I heard they're a wonderful experience.
Lea: Wait. You never gone to one before?
Aqua: Nope. I've always thought about going to one, but the chances never came to tuition. But since you brought it up......(Immediately Gives Kea an Excited, Pleading Look in her Face) Can we please go to the soa? Please, please, please!?~
Lea: (Chuckles Lightly) Relax, tech. We'll go. (Starts Stretching One of his Arms Up in the Air) I've been needing some R&R for a while now mysel-
Lea: Hm?
Aqua: Must be my phone. (Takes Her Phone out of Her Pocket and Checks Out a Message that Was Sent to her) Aw~ Xion sent us a video gift.
Lea: (Eyes Widened a Bit) Really? What's the video called?
Aqua: Uhh..... (Looks Back at the Video in Question Before Turning Back to Lea) Question.....how much do you love Coco?
Lea: As......much as I love my kids and Isa...... (Slowly Raises an Eyebrow at Aqua) Whyyy?
Aqua: (Nervously Rubs the Back of her Head Back and Forth) Well ummm.......Do you love them as much as you love the movie's soundtrack? (Smiles Awkwardly at her Fellow Mom Friend)
Lea: (Immediately Puts on a Deadpinned Look on his Face) They made cover song of one of the songs I like, didn't they?
Aqua: Yes. B-But I'm sure it'll be worth the watch. Especially if it's made by one of our-
Lea: (Holds a Finger Up at Aqua, Inhales, and Takes One, Very Deep Breath) Alright. I'm ready when you are unfortunately.
Aqua: Oh! O-Okay then.
Aqua starts the video from her phone and it shows Xion making her way to the shot while holding guitar in her hands. As she happily waves hello at the camera that filming, she takes a sit in a nearby chair and begins her performance.
'Guitar String Strung'
Xion: Remember me~ Though I have to say goodbye. Remember me~ Don't let it make you cry. (Continues Singing on Screen)
Aqua: (Smiles Softly at the Video While Placing Her Hand on her Chest) I always seem to figure how lovely Xion's singing voice really was.
Lea: (Trying his Hardest Pull it Together) Y-Yeah. ('Sniff') My girl sounds like angel...('Sniff')
Aqua: (Turns to Lea With a Bit of Concern in her Face) Lea? Do you feel the need to cry right now?
Lea: (Quickly Turns Aqua) Wha? N-No! No. I'm good. Just.....(Wipe the Tears from his Eyes) Got misty eyes for second there is all.
Aqua: (Crosses her Arms) Are you sure that's the case?
Lea: Yeah. Positive. (Chuckles Lightly) I mean, I listened to this song like....a million times already. I can take another listen......Possibly......('Sniff') H-Hopefully............(Tears Finally Starts Streaming Down on his Face) ('Sniff') DAMNNIT!
Aqua: Oh...come here. (Hugs Lea Lovingly) You didn't have to try holding it in like that. It's okay.
Lea: ('Sniff') Is it really though? I mean., seriously....('Sniff') Of all the freaking songs Xion could've picked to sing for us....('Sniff') Why did it HAVE to be the saddest one of them allllllll!? (Continues Crying onto Aqua's Embrace)
Aqua: I know it's sad, but....you gotta admit, it is beautifully emotional....B-But hey! It's not all bad. At least it's better than them spending their entire allowance just to try and get you something.
Lea: Yeah...... ('Sniff') It is better.
Aqua: Exactly. And besides, now that you're in a crying state, you could always express your true feelings and.....tell me how wonderful I am.......
Lea; (Immediately Gives Aqua a Teary, Deadpinned Look on his Face) ......Really?
Aqua: Look, you've always do that kind of stuff whenever this happens! I can't help but to love it, you know?
Lea: ('Sniff') So that's what you want? Me pouring my emotions to how great you are.
Aqua: (Looks Down at the Other Side of the Ground Noooooooooo- (Quickly Turns to Lea With a Bitbof a Pleading Look in her Eyes) Please?
Lea: ('Groans in Defeat') Fiiine. Aqua, you're the greatest Blueberry Mom in the the universe and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. There! Happy?
Aqua: (Giggles Softly) Very. Now come on. (Throws the Dimensional Rings into the Groud, Causing it to Levitate and Expand into a Bigger Size, Showing Off Another Universe) Let's cheer you up with a day at the spa.
Lea: Yeah. ('Sniff') (Walks into the Ring With Aqua By his Side) Could really go for a steam room right about now.
Aqua: (Raises an Eyebrow in a Bit of Confusion) A stream room?
Lea: I'll show it to you when we get inside.
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nhaneh · 2 years
One of the fun things about the Matoya Lurvis future what-if scenario is that it also involves imagining where Kea and Y’shtola might be some 15-25 years from now - who they might have become, what they might’ve accomplished.
Like I generally figure Kea reached her early twenties around Shadowbringers, which would make Y’shtola more around her mid- to late twenties by now provided she spoke the truth about her age since the fan wiki seems to have some doubts about that apparently, and I tend to figure that they have young Matoya when Kea’s around her mid- to late twenties, meaning that for most Matoya scenario stuff Kea would be in her thirties or forties, and Y’shtola might even have reached fifty for the ones where Matoya’s all grown up.
And I mean not only will there no doubt have been plenty of adventures since then, but also people grow and change with time and experiences. For one I imagine both of them would have mellowed out a fair bit over time, less frequently seeking out mortal danger, more willing (and appreciative of) taking things easy for a while and relaxing, and quite possibly also ridiculously powerful at that point as if they weren’t already. They’ve probably also influenced each other quite a bit by that point, rubbing off on each other as it were, with Kea’s influence possibly having made Y’shtola a bit more sentimental (or at least willing to admit to being so) and perhaps more open generally, while Y’shtola’s influence is like to have made Kea a calmer, less impulsive and more deliberate person - and helped hone her ability for snark.
Of course, having become parents will definitely also have left its mark and woe betide anyone who attempts to bring young Matoya harm.
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thatsamericano · 3 years
The Sun, the Moon, the Whole Sky Too
Pairing: America/Romano.
Rating: Teen, but only for cursing.
Warnings: This fic is mostly fluff, but there is some vague, brief discussion of historical imperialism in Hawaii. 
Word Count: 1884
Summary: Romano is not normally an early riser, but he is willing to wake up at 2:30 a.m., drink shitty hotel coffee, and brave freezing temperatures to watch a sunrise on top of a volcano with America.
A/N: Written for Itapan/Romerica week Day 7 run by @welovefrukmerunning and the prompt “sunrise.” I’ve never been to Hawaii, and all my information about America and Romano’s trip and the Māui legend comes from the Internet.
Romano was not a person who believed in waking up early. He preferred a leisurely start to his day: a light breakfast, a cappuccino or two, and a boyfriend who could be persuaded to collapse back into bed rather than dragging him out of his warm cocoon of blankets before the sun was even up.
So when Savino felt arms picking him up while he should have still been deep in slumber, his first reaction was to groan in exasperation. “Jesus fucking Christ, Fredo. What time is it?”
“2:30 a.m. Time to rise and shine, Vinny.”
Romano leaned his head into America’s chest, because he was much too exhausted to fight with him, even if he was severely annoyed right now. “Thought you said you wanted to see sunrise at the top of the volcano.”
“I do. But the sun rises before six o’clock in the summer, and it’ll take us at least two hours to get to Puʻu ʻUlaʻula in the car. And that’s without stopping for restroom breaks.”
Savino yawned as Alfred set him down on his feet in front of his suitcase. “I need coffee. Now.”
America pushed a thermos towards him. “Here you go. But fair warning, it’s the best I could do with the little machine here in the room.”
Savino wrinkled his nose as he took a sip. Alfred wasn’t kidding. This coffee was horrible. When America saw Romano’s reaction, he chuckled and kissed his forehead. “Don’t worry, we can stop for breakfast on the way back. I’m sure the coffee at the Kula Lodge will be much more to your liking.”
“Hope so.” He took a deep sip and watched as Alfred, who seemed to be unnaturally full of energy this morning, hummed and packed a cooler with snacks for their trip. Once Romano had drained the thermos and was as awake as he was ever going to be this early in the morning, he got dressed in the sweater, parka, gloves, and jeans America had told him to pack specifically for this experience. Hawaii was generally warm during the summer, but at more than 3000 meters above sea level before the sun rose, the temperatures at the peak of Haleakalā would barely be above 0 degrees Celsius when they arrived. Romano disliked the cold just as much as he disliked waking up before even a rooster would. If anyone else had proposed he wake up at 2:30 in the morning so he could watch sunrise at the top of a mountain, Savino would have bluntly told them they were insane. Maybe Alfredo was a little crazy for suggesting this, but he was also impossible to say no to, especially when he promised Savino that the view of the sunrise would be “almost as gorgeous as you.”
When they were both ready to go, America cheerfully led them out of their hotel room and took them out to his car. Romano squinted into the darkness skeptically.
“Are you sure this is safe? I mean, you are driving up a mountain.” Romano had enough mountains in his home to know how dangerous driving on mountain roads could be.
“We’ll be fine. I know these roads like the back of my hand. Besides, if I was gonna do something really dangerous, I wouldn’t do it with precious cargo like you in the car.” Alfred winked at him, and Savino rolled his eyes, pretended he wasn’t flattered at America casually referring to him as “precious,” and got in the passenger seat.
As America was setting up his iPod, Romano decided he had one last question to ask his boyfriend. “Aren’t you tired? Like, at all?”
“Not right now, but I’ll probably crash later in the day. I took some 5-hour energy this morning and drank about twice as much coffee as you did, so I’ll be good to go. Plus, I brought some snacks and have music to make sure I’ll stay perfectly alert for the drive.”
Romano buckled his seatbelt and stared out the windshield into the blackness. “Don’t expect me to stay awake the whole time. Because that is definitely not happening.” He could already feel himself getting sleepy, even though the passenger seat in Fredo’s car was a lot less comfortable than the bed back in the hotel.
Alfred laughed. “I figured as much.” He turned on the car, and started to back out of his parking space at the hotel, singing along to his “island tunes” mix. America wasn’t much of a singer, but he was loud and entertaining enough to keep Romano awake for a while.
Alfred’s playlist was an eclectic mix of Don Ho, Elvis Presley, and several singers Romano didn’t know the names of (or wouldn’t even attempt to say without abbreviating, like the one America called Bruddah IZ). The songs in Hawaiian tripped as easily off America’s tongue as the English ones did.
There was only one song on his playlist America didn’t sing along to. His hands tightened on the steering wheel as the song began with a slower, sadder melody. At first, Romano didn’t understand why Alfred wasn’t singing along, nor why he had that solemn, guilty expression on his face, but then he heard the English lyrics talking about highways through sacred ground and the land that was taken away. And considering they were on a highway right now…
Romano didn’t know what to tell America. He couldn’t tell America that it wasn’t his fault, or that he wasn’t to blame for what had happened to the Hawaiian people. All he could do was give America a weak smile once the song was over. He would have squeezed his hand if it hadn’t been on the steering wheel.
America let out a deep breath. “That one’s hard for me to listen to. But I think it’s important for me to hear it and to acknowledge that stuff, you know?”
Romano nodded. “Yeah. That makes sense.”
“They didn’t want to be my people, but now they are, just as much as anyone else is. My government’s never let me do much, but I can try to do my best for them. For them, and for everybody else.” America turned up the volume on his stereo and started singing, and his happiness seemed a bit more forced than usual.
Romano frowned, but didn’t say anything. Now was hardly a good time to make Alfred confront his guilt about American imperialism, or his tendencies to mask more negative emotions with false levity and engage in the sort of naïve, optimistic thinking that would only lead to disappointment down the line, when people inevitably failed to live up to his expectations. Maybe they would talk about this later, at some point when Romano wasn’t so tired he could barely keep his eyes open. Probably after they had returned to the mainland.
Eventually, Savino’s exhaustion won out over his worry. He was woken up by America vigorously shaking his shoulder. “Hey, sleepyhead. Time to wake up again.”
Savino rubbed at his eyes. “We there yet?”
“Not quite, but we’re at the Visitor’s Center. This is your last chance to go to the bathroom before we head up to the summit.”
Now that he was awake, his bladder felt uncomfortably full from the thermos full of coffee he had earlier. Romano unbuckled his seatbelt. “Yeah, okay, I’ll go.”
After using the facilities, America pulled out another thermos of coffee. “I figured you’d still be tired, so I packed this for you just in case.”
Romano accepted the thermos gratefully. “I could kiss you right now.”
Alfred giggled and leaned over to do just that. He pulled back a few seconds later with a goofy grin on his face, and Romano was smiling too.
America was back to his normal ebullient self by the time they reached the summit. He slung a blanket and a towel over his shoulders, took the cooler of snacks in one hand, and held Romano’s hand with the other. “Look at the stars, Vinny! Look at the stars!”
Savino laughed at his boyfriend’s childlike enthusiasm. “I can see the stars, tesoro.” He looked up towards the sky, where the tiny pinpricks of light from millions of miles away were much more visible than they would be down the volcano.
“They’ve got an astronomical research observatory over there.” Alfred pointed towards a group of buildings Savino could barely see through the distance. “I’ve actually been there, and to the Gemini North one up on Mauna Kea on the Big Island. Maybe in a few days, I could take you back up here for the sunset and to look at the stars some more. Or we could go Mauna Kea if you want.”
“We can always do that the next time we come to Hawaii too. There’s plenty of time for trips in the future.”
Alfred proceeded to give Savino a hug that lifted him off his feet and peppered the side of his face in kisses until Savino was cackling and weakly squirming to get away. Then he set him back down, took his hand, and led them to a spot where they could watch the sunrise together.
The temperature at the top of Halekalā was just as ridiculously cold as America had warned him it would be. But with the towel on the ground to keep their butts dry, the blanket wrapped around both their bodies, and his cuddle monster of a boyfriend, it wasn’t so bad.
There were a lot of other people around them, chatting and setting up their cameras, but a hush fell over the crowd when the first rays of dawn began to lighten the sky. Romano gasped when he saw that view America had spoken so highly of. With the clouds rolling in over the crater below them and the spectacular colors, they seemed to be in heaven itself.
“Told you it’d be worth it,” America smugly whispered.
Romano nodded, too awestruck to say anything, and America snapped a few photos to preserve the experience.
As people began to head back to their cars and leave, Romano turned to face his boyfriend. “Thanks for bringing me up here, amore.”
“Of course. There’s no one else I’d rather watch this sunrise with than you.”
Savino gave him a slow, sleepy kiss then turned back around to watch the sky for the next several minutes.
Eventually they were ready to go. America was holding Romano’s hand on their way back to the car. “You know, there’s a legend about this place. Apparently, Māui came up here before sunrise, just like we did, and lassoed the sun and beat him into submission. All so the sun would move more slowly across the sky and his mom would have more time to dry her bark cloth.”
Romano snorted. “He sounds like a very devoted son.”
“I’d figure out how to lasso the sun for you if you wanted. The sun, the moon, the whole sky too. If only Mattie had longer hair…”
Savino had heard such grandiose promises before, especially around Christmastime if Alfred had watched It’s A Wonderful Life recently. “How about we start with a decent cup of coffee?”
Alfred swung their hands back and forth in a giddy display. “That, I can definitely do.”
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serenitydarkness · 2 years
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All the final designs for the Two Sides Missions main characters last appearances. I was more experimental with Katherine (my character)'s designs because I knew that I could mess around with her and not offend the person who's character it is. Almost all the designs change, except from Rene (who has a set design - though she does appear with a hijab in some Mission One stuff), of whom I added a jacket, and Kea's which doesn't really change at all except from the colour of the hijab which changes ever so slightly from different shades of dark blue throughout all the missions.
I like giving them signature things to do with them (e.g monikers etc), like Rae has half-up, half-down buns (so does Lyra in Mission One, but her hair stays up for the rest of her major appearances) and Katherine has plaits as their signature hairstyle, Ace almost always wears black and gold, etc. It is also worth mentioning that Katherine wears some of Jemma's clothing that Jemma made, but never got to wear due to her death. She wears it to commemorate Jemma.
Ace's hair also gets shorter and shorter throughout the missions, which is deliberate.
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nintendoteuthis · 3 years
Saturday morning. Laszlo Coleco yawned as he walked into the flat’s main room. He had been up late the previous night, doing the same old stuff he usually did, and thus had slept in a bit this morning. Some new wave song he wasn’t familiar with was playing from the speaker system set up in the room. This meant his roommate, Callisto Mirda, was already awake (they usually got up bright and early), and indeed they were waiting for him in the kitchen area.
“Oraaaaa abi, Lasz!” they cheerfully greeted him. “Kowhi?” [Editor’s note: since most of you probably aren’t exactly fluid in Octoling, I will provide translations. “Goooood morning, Laz! Coffee?”]
Laszlo rubbed his eyes. Of course he wanted coffee this morning, like every morning. “Lakio, lakio. Vigo-pa wa?“ [”Naturally, naturally. What time is it?”]
Callisto looked at the microwave as they walked over to the coffee maker. “Abigo oqto-nu ta tani-o-isak-pa.“ [”It’s 10:55 AM”]
“Nakawhi-pasu,” [”I thought so.”] Laszlo yawned again and sat down at the counter.
The coffee boiled. Callisto cocked their head back towards Laszlo in the ever-so-slightly flirtatious manner they were known to do (does it mean anything? who knows?). “Keabi ni amo-pa wa?” they asked. [”How are you doing this morning?”]
“Myva, myva.” And then it actually dawned on him what time it was. ”Isu, po ni keabi punewhina-wa?” [”Good, good. Wait, you aren’t working today?”]
“Po!” [”Nope!”]. Callisto had a part-time job at the Tower Records shop near Inkopolis Square on weekends, but they were taking today off. The coffee was ready; Callisto got it and poured a cup for the both of them. ”La Turf War reiwhiga mapu, sa ni masuga!” [”I’m gonna do some Turf War later today, if you’d like!”]
“Po, la ea nesate oskuna,” Laszlo replied, and took a deep sip. He drank coffee a lot, but he still wasn’t quite used to how bitter it was. “Ri-imu kai kai masuna, nyvuska?“ [”No, I’m waiting for a package. I really, really want it, you know?”]
Callisto nodded their head in understanding. The doorbell rang. “Kea ri-pasqa when!” [”That must be it!”] They bounced over and opened the door. “Hello!” they brightly greeted the mail-Jellyfish in Inklish; that was the common language of Inkopolis, and even if they couldn’t speak it, the vast majority of Jellyfish could understand it. The Jellyfish just stood there, holding out a clipboard to sign. “Sign, please,” they said in that wavery voice many Jellyfish had.
“Thank you!” Callisto signed under Laszlo’s name (nobody really cared about that, and they didn’t want to bother him by making him get up). The Jellyfish took the clipboard back, and pulled out the package. “Do you know what it is?” Callisto asked.
The bioluminescent patches on the Jellyfish’s body ran a pattern of green, pink, and yellow, and they moved their left arm in a certain fashion. They were trying to communicate more in Jellian Visual - the common non-verbal language among Jellyfish, conveyed via body movements and bioluminescence. Few Inklings had any inkling how to understand it, and having been separated from Jellyfish for decades, even fewer Octolings did. (Luna Amiga might, since her family had always lived in Inkopolis, but she wasn’t here right now) Most Jellyfish were cnidarians of few words, and the mail delivery Jellyfish was no exception. They did manage to say one word, though: “Books.”
Callisto did a minor double-take - more books? But they took it and thanked them anyways. The Jellyfish waved goodbye, and Callisto closed the door.
“You ordered more books?” they yelled back towards the kitchen. They were cool with it, of course, just surprised at how much he had ordered recently.
Laszlo shrugged. “I like books,” he replied. This was the second shipment of books this week - and all of them were about humans. He was particularly interested in them currently. He had heard a pretty cool fact from Todaro Sagitta a couple weeks back. Apparently there was a fossil site somewhere in the desert that represented an abandoned human settlement. There were signs of lots of radioactive elements in the area, which seemed to explain why it had been abandoned. But there were plenty of fossils of other animals there - wild mammals, birds, and for some reason turtles. That had hooked his interest, and so he was on a bit of a spree, trying to learn what could be deduced about human history from the fossil record and recovered radio and TV broadcasts. To see if it was known whether that was caused by anything they did. Why? Because it was interesting to him.
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dayseternal-blog · 4 years
Just fyi, & happy “Independence” day
If you guys see a post about a Change.org petition against Mark Zuckerberg to stop him from suing Native Hawaiians for land on Kaua‘i island, like, IT’S A WEIRD SORT OF MISINFORMATION.
I saw it 2x on my dashboard, and thought, huh?  This sounds really familiar, didn’t this happen awhile ago?  (Spoiler: 4 years ago, but the petition was made a week ago?!).  Please don’t reblog that useless petition, or delete it if you already did.
Here’s why this whole business makes me feel like 🤮:
1. Sometime in 2016, the Facebook guy was looking at his Kauai property and thought, hm, I need to own the beach over there, too (you know, how greedy rich people are).
2. He filed a bunch of quiet lawsuits to figure out who owns the land surrounding him and bid them out.  Turns out the property is owned by hundreds of different people, some Native Hawaiians since The Great Mahele (Kuleana Act & disastrous Alien Land Ownership Act) in 1850, but most of the owners were descended from one Portuguese plantation “worker” (must’ve been high up in the chain of command to be able to buy so much land back then).
3. Turns out only one descendent was paying taxes on and taking care of the land, some descendents knew about this private beach and used it, still other “family” members didn’t even know about their 0.5% parcel of land until they got notice of the lawsuit.
4. Facebook guy and tax-paying guy sorta kinda team up, the other cousins are outraged.  Facebook guy eventually drops out of this lawsuit/family dispute due to local public outcry HELLO OKAY YOU SEE HOW THIS IS OLD NEWS NOW?, but then tax-paying guy is still like, Yeah, I need to consolidate the parcels under only my ownership, let’s continue this lawsuit.  It’s in everyone’s best interests that I own the land.   (...So family drama wasn’t over.  I don’t know how the story ended, but whatever.)
Moral of the story: Zuckerberg still a poop-blazing example of a truly complete, total haole who doesn’t understand the significance of kuleana lands.  
And also importantly, a lot of that disputed land was privately owned by a Portuguese man, who bought it using money earned from working the plantations, yes, oh the strange irony in that due to the fact that it was the plantation businessmen who overthrew Queen Lili‘uokalani, and brought the unconstitutional end of the Hawaiian Kingdom in 1893.  This is just an example of how super rich people like the Facebook guy exacerbate and contribute to the continued systemic oppression of Native Hawaiians, how stupid laws and the Facebook guy got local, even native, families fighting against each other over land piece by piece, and how the State of Hawaii is in fact COLONIZED stolen land in the first place (happy independence day for who now?).
Initially what annoyed me so much is the false premise of the petition, whoever posted it barely looked into the background behind it (I mean, it’s 3-4 years old news, why make a petition now). 
But then I got myself worked up thinking about how this whole story in itself reads as some kind of...mockery?...of Native Hawaiian issues, how the person who posted it obviously doesn’t actually care about understanding the history and importance of native lands and just wanted to point a finger at this Facebook dude since he’s trending.  And how there’s hundreds of thousands of people just joining in on this ignorance, signing that totally useless petition without knowing any better (like petitions are great, but this one is just....so misguided).
Anyway, instead of signing that petition for a lawsuit that’s no longer even happening, there are other better ways to show allyship with indigenous people.
Donate to:
Aloha ‘Aina Support Fund (Protect Mauna Kea, yeah, the TMT protest is still happening)
Polynesian Voyaging Society (practically single-handedly started the Hawaiian Cultural Renaissance, also, they inspired the movie Moana👍🏼)
Hale ‘Opio Kaua‘i - Youth Development & Treatment, specifically Kaua‘i island.
Malama Pono Health Services - specifically Kaua‘i island.
University of Hawaii - Native Hawaiian Student Services Aid Fund
Women in Need Hawaii - specifically Kaua‘i and Oahu islands.
Kumu’s Cupboard - School Supplies for Kaua‘i Educators
Even better is allyship for an indigenous nation near you:
Fundraiser for Navajo & Hopi Families COVID-19 Relief
Dr. Michelle Tom’s Cause for Navajo Nation to fight COVID-19
American Indian College Fund
National Indian Council on Aging
Native American Heritage Association - Food Security & Necessities on Reservations in South Dakota and Wyoming
Inuit Circumpolar Council Alaska
Or if you have no money to give, just please keep in mind and maybe tell someone else that July 4th celebrates the independence of white Americans from Britain, all while these white Americans were simultaneously colonizing stolen land and causing 
genocide of indigenous people, culturally and literally, to today.
Celebrate the freedom to criticize the USA’s hypocrisy at its very roots 🇺🇸
Oh.  And this shouldn’t have to be said, but before reblogging petitions, donation accounts, etc., please make sure they’re legit?  Native issues get run over and forgotten about all the time by Mainland America, no need to rub it in with something wrong and useless like that petition.
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emiliachrstine · 5 years
late night talk
summary: After losing their father, the siblings enjoy a night filled with alcohol and tears.  characters: madison rogers, john rogers word count: 1785 Notes: It’s not perfect but I really wanted to get some angst out there because I love torturing my ocs. Also I know the summary sucks, please don’t come at me!
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tag list: @chuck-hansens, @samwilsonns, @kea-jones, @luucypevensie, @chantelroyal, @dieorfight​
Madison pushed her glass towards John, signaling for him to give her a refill. He did just that, filling the glass halfway and then poured him one more as well. The two drank silently, both casting solemn glances around their childhood home. It felt different being here now. It no longer had that warmth and security. No, it felt cold and empty. The mere action nearly brought Madison to tears. She swallowed down what was left of her drink and sucked in a breath. “It’s so quiet.” Her voice was nothing more than a whisper. She glanced up at John, who was staring at her with glazed eyes. “I keep thinking Dad’s gonna walk through that door any minute.” She said, sparing a quick glance at the front door. 
John kept his eyes focused on her, not permitting himself to indulge in the same mindset as her. No, he couldn’t. It would drive him crazy. But as he sat there, John found himself agreeing with her. She was right. The house was too quiet for his liking. Usually, his parents would have a vinyl playing on their record player. John eyed the record player in the living room, wanting so badly to walk over and put one on. But he didn’t have the strength. All of his energy had been sucked out of him. Ever since they buried Steve, neither could bring themselves play music. All of the records in the house reminded them too much of their parents. It was too soon for that kind of nostalgia. 
John finally allowed his eyes to wander around the room. They immediately settled on a family photo, situated on one of the end tables. He pressed his hand to his mouth, choking back the knot that had formed in his throat. 
“You think they’re together?” 
Madison’s question made John center his focus. He gave himself a few more seconds to gather himself before looking over at her. Her eyes were red, brimming with tears and he saw her lips tremble. “What do you mean?” He cringed at hearing how hoarse his voice was--the way it faltered at the end. Dammnit, keep yourself together. 
“Mom and Dad,” she clarified. “Do you think they’re together now… in Heaven?” 
He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, then gave a shrug. “Yeah, I mean that’s what everyone believes.” John felt his stomach twist in a knot, his answer was so cavalier. He didn’t mean for it to be. But the question threw him so far off. He wasn’t sure how to respond to it.
Madison reached for the bottle and poured out a decent amount into her glass. For a moment, she sat in silence, staring at the liquid and thinking about her question. “What if there’s no such thing?” There was no response from John, prompting her to continue. “What if there’s no Heaven… what if when we die there’s just nothing. No paradise. No afterlife, just emptiness.” 
“Why are you even thinking about that, Madison?” John interrupted, he felt his stomach twist at having to hear her talk about it. After just losing their dad, that was the absolute last thing he wanted to talk about. 
“Because it scares me.” She admitted, tears finally spilled onto her cheeks when she looked up at him. “We were always told that we would see our loved ones again, that we would be reunited with them. What if it’s all a lie? What if Heaven was something we created to help us deal with grief, to help make some sense of it. It’s comforting when you think about reuniting with them once you’ve passed. The idea of mom and dad being together again is comforting. But what if it’s all bullshit?” 
John leaned forward and rested his elbows on the table, then washed his hands down his face. “Madison,” 
“I don’t want it to be bullshit,” she continued. “I want it to be real. I want to see mom and dad again, I want to see Uncle Tony and Aunt Nat, I just--” She was cut off by a sharp intake of breath. Her hands flew up to cover her face in a vain attempt to prevent John from seeing her cry. But he’s seen it all. “I miss them,” she barely managed to say those words before her body was wracked by a violent sob. “I miss them… I want them back.”
John immediately reached over and took hold of Madison’s hand. She turned her hand so that her hand was firmly resting in his. The two didn’t say anything. John remained quiet so that Madison could have her moment, his grip tightening every time he felt her shake from a sob. Tears burned at the back of his eyes, his chest ached at hearing his sister breakdown. He wanted to join her. He wanted to cry out and curl into a ball. Like he did when he was a child. 
He ran a hand down his face, feeling that his cheeks were wet. When had he started crying? 
Madison finally gathered herself and sucked in a few deep breaths. She had to pull herself together. She felt as if she had been crying non-stop and, frankly, she was exhausted. Madison scoffed at herself, thinking about how ridiculous she must look and sound. Her hand still clung onto John’s, afraid to let go--fearing that she would break down again if she did. “I’m so stupid.” She said, wiping away the stains on her cheeks.
“No,” John shook his head. “You’re not.” 
“No, I am.” She responded and huffed out a wet laugh before continuing. “I was naive… I always thought that Dad was gonna be with us forever.” A painful smile crossed her lips when she finally allowed herself to look at her brother. “I thought it was gonna be the three of us for… a long time.” 
“It’s okay,” John’s thumb rubbed soothing circles on her hand. “Because I thought that same thing.” 
Madison hummed and raised her glass, the smile was still evident, “Look at us being absolute suckers.” She said before emptying the entire glass. 
“Our Dad was Captain America, he was larger than life--makes sense that we would think like that.” 
“He escaped death once by being frozen in the ice for seventy years, you’d think he could’ve avoided death at all costs.” 
John went to reach for the bottle, frowning when he saw that it was empty. He got up to retrieve a new bottle from the cabinet. He pulled the whiskey bottle out and unscrewed the lid, pausing momentarily when he noticed a photo of his parents on the refrigerator. He pulled the photo off and turned it over, the date October 2015 was scribbled on the back in his mother’s recognizable handwriting. When John sat back down at the table, he handed the photo over to Madison who took it after hesitating. 
“I found that on the fridge,” John said, pouring out another round for them both. He could only guess the photo was taken on some kind of trip they went on together. “I don’t remember ever seeing that photo up there.” 
“Dad must’ve put it up not too long ago,” Madison smiled as she examined the photo, then turned it over to read the date. “This was well before I was born.” 
Looking at photos of their parents before they were born, was always a strange experience for Madison. She always thought of them as Mom and Dad which was normal. But there was a time when they weren’t her parents. When they were just two people who, under very unlikely circumstances, found their way to each other and fell in love. It was a rather unconventional love story, one that Jacqueline lamented to her daughter when she was much older. She heard it all. All the good and all of the bad, including the chaos that went down when Jacqueline was pregnant with her. She knew about the way her parents hurt each other, how Steve wasn’t there when Madison was born due to poor choices on both her parent’s parts. The relationship wasn’t perfect, what relationship is? Despite the ups and downs, Madison was always sure of how much her parents loved each other. 
“You know when we lost Mom… Dad wasn’t the same anymore,” she placed the photo down, keeping her gaze focused on it. “He didn’t smile as much, didn’t listen to his records. The only time he was ever happy was if we were with him. But I saw it every time I was with him. He wasn’t the same after she died. It’s like he lost a part of himself. The only thing he wanted was to be with her again.” 
Losing their mother was already painful enough. But Madison and John would agree that it was worst having to witness their father grieve the loss. Steve became withdrawn, unwilling to hold up conversations. Sam and Bucky tried their best to pull him out of it. To get him focused on other things, even getting him to help plan a few of their missions. Steve would help with the planning but it did nothing to pull him from his grief. 
“He just needs time,” Bucky said to both Madison and John. “The only thing you can do for him is just… be there when he needs you.” 
It was a long and painful process for the three of them. While it did get better, they never fully got over what happened to Jacqueline. Then again, grief isn’t something that can be forgotten. 
John’s eyes lingered on the photo, his teeth bit down on his lip in an effort to keep himself in check. God, he really didn’t want to cry anymore. He’s done enough of that the last few days. But like his sister, he missed them. They didn’t deserve to have them taken away so soon. He wanted them back. “I hope you’re right,” John twirled his glass and looked up to see his sister giving him a confused look. “I hope you’re right and that there is a place we go to when we die… because I hate the idea of mom and dad not being together again.” 
Madison reached for her brother’s hand again, already feeling a sting in her waterline. “Guess we won’t know the truth until we bite the dust.” Madison raised her glass, prompting John to do the same. 
They gave a silent toast in honor of the people they lost. For Tony. For Natasha. For their parents. And to the hope that one day they’ll see them all again. 
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seongyeonsart · 3 years
| 00:15 | — chan x f!reader ೫ smut
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➵ daddy kink, breeding kink, degradation, dirty talking
➵ kea’s note : good morning, ig. lmaooo >.<
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“daddy please...” you begged as chan was teasingly rubbing your clit in a painfully slow manner making him smirk. “please what, babygirl?” he insterted one finger inside your dripping cunt.
“please, need daddy inside me,” chan’s dick twitched just by the sight of you, fucked up, and begging just for him. “such a needy bitch,” chan lightly slapped your pussy, making you whimper.
chan stroked his hard member on your entrance, teasing you by rubbing it against your slit. “daddy, please fuck me,” you moved your hips against chan’s cock, but his grip on your waist was tight.
“getting impatient, are we?” he continued to tease you as tears started to form in your eyes, getting frustrated from all his teasing. chan suddenly pushed his member inside you, making you release a loud moan.
“so.. tight,” chan groaned as he continued to slam his hips against yours while you became a moaning mess underneath him. “feel so good,” you gripped on the sheets.
“yeah? do you like how i make you feel so full? fill you up with my big cock?” you nodded, filled with so much pleasure that your mouth couldn’t even form a single word. “use your words, slut.” chan said as he grabbed one of your breasts in his hand.
“y-yes daddy.. love how your cock fills me up e-everytime.” you choked on your words, feeling your orgasm getting near. chan also noticed by the way you started clenching around him.
he was also close, fastening his pace, hitting your spot repeatedly making you breathless. “oh my— fuck daddy, i’m gonna cum!” chan’s finger went to your clit once again, sending you to the edge, “cum on my cock, baby.”
your body shook as you orgasmed around chan who groaned from the feeling while he continued his pace, and you whined from the overstimulation. “shit, i’m close baby, fuck.”
“want your cum inside me,” chan leaned down to kiss you, “want me to stuff you full with my cum? mhm?” you moaned in response. chan halted to a stop, letting out a groan as you arched your back, mouth agape, feeling his white liquid coat your walls.
“fuck baby that was hot.”
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