#kdd posts
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cactusismydisguise · 2 years ago
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KDD - Chancen (2010)
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mayapplebees · 7 months ago
another low poly model !!!! been very fixated on KDD'S peppina and the magical tower of pizza characters for a good while so i made a peppina model a while back :D
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shes a really cute character, this model was a really fun one to make !
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in addition, ive also made an alt for this model that gives her the look of fake peppina, which is another KDD character from the magical tower of pizza !
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and finally i also made an alt for peddita, which i believe is actually a character that originated from the mod by yurite instead of being a KDD character
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ive got another model that i'll be posting later from this same universe so look forward to that mayhaps !!!!! ok byebye
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dailyklonoa · 23 days ago
Pinned post. Adding more content later.
add custom pixel cursor. Once this is done theme should be complete.
add custom pixel animations. Side image and banner could be a placeholder.
add desktop theme credits (build a theme)
create bio, disclaimers, etc.
prepare drawings
SET GOAL: 50 consecutive days
No KDDs will be tagged "klonoa" to avoid spam (?).
Dailyklon? Klondaily? Dunno!
drawing ocs?
Blue: #0078cc
Yellow: #f1bb0d
Update Log:
Feb 5, 2025: KDD Blog created. Hello!
Feb 6, 2025: Desktop and mobile theme almost, maybe complete. Yet to determine whether to add in or remove elements.
Feb 7, 2025: Set goal: reach 50 days in a row
Feb 12, 2025: Decision to also draw ocs? Probably not that often
Feb 13, 2025: I do not own any rights to any of the characters drawn. The franchise "Klonoa" belongs to Bandai Namco.
Feb 15, 2025: ADD CUSTOM CURSOR AND THEME WILL BE COMPLETE. Theme has been already tested and no needs for editing. To add pixel animation is to be determined later.
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itesservices · 8 months ago
In today's fast-paced business landscape, Data Mining Services are essential for maintaining a competitive edge. By analyzing vast datasets, these services uncover patterns and insights that help businesses make informed decisions and predict future trends. Stay ahead in your industry by leveraging the power of data mining to enhance your strategic planning and operational efficiency. Learn more about how data mining can transform your business strategy by visiting our detailed blog post. 
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dailytomlinson · 6 years ago
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Z104 Madison
98.1 KDD
97.1 ZHT
My 99.5
103.7 The Q
1043 MYfm
102.7 KIIS-FM
All link to the article that iHeart Radio posted yesterday (28/08/19)
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Social Media
Capturing Attention in Social Media:
         Social media have transformed the worldwide web into a participatory community where both users and companies co-create share and modify content. The importance and the attention that social media has gained is widely studied among the scientific community as their growth seems unstoppable. This means 12 new active mobile social users join these platforms every second, meaning one million per day. Microblogs are a set of Internet tools where users publish short updates to friends and family or interested observers via text messaging, instant messaging (IM), e-mail or the web (Java, Song, Finin, & Tseng, 2007). Twitter is the most worldwide used microblogging platform. Most brands try to involve influencers on their marketing campaigns, as professionals in the field believe they are effective to reach their commercial targets (Augure, 2015).
Maintaining Engagement is Social Media:
         Virtual communities are more than just away of sharing valuable information because their members can share all kinds of experiences and knowledge (news, software, links, images, music, videos, and etc.) through these platforms (Flavian, & Guinaliu, 2005). Posts create become public so the creation of this new content is immediately accessible and available to other members of the virtual community. Also, twitter providers users with an automatic and instant feedback reaction from other members of the virtual community which could be useful in terms of identifying the most influential members of the group (Goh, & Lee, 2011). The theory of influential states that only a few members of a society have the abilities to be extremely persuasive when passing along ideas to others users. This differs from other social networks (facebook where you explicitly need a user accepts a friend before the latter can see his/her publications) because a user can follow other user without requiring the permission of the latter. E-WOM is less personal than face-to-face word of mouth it can be more powerful because it is immediate with global reach and accessible to others. These messages can have positive, negative, sarcastic or ironic feelings that content its difficult to classify (Bifet & Frank, 2010). Labeling tweets manually is arduous and expensive if not possible, user can eliminate tweets after their publication and therefore numbers change.
Augure, 2015
AugureEstatus y prácticas de las relaciones con influencers en 2015
available at:
 Bifet and Frank, 2010
A. Bifet, E. FrankSentiment knowledge discovery in twitter streaming data
Discovery science, Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2010), pp. 1-15
 Flavián and Guinalíu, 2005
C. Flavián, M. GuinalíuThe influence of virtual communities on distribution strategies in the internet
International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 33 (No. 6) (2005), pp. 405-425
  Goh and Lee, 2011
D.H. Goh, C.S. Lee‘Gone too soon’: Did Twitter grieve for Michael Jackson?
Online Information Review, 36 (1) (2011)
 Java et al., 2007
A. Java, X. Song, T. Finin, B. TsengWhy we Twitter: Understanding microblogging usage and communities
H. Zhang, B. Mobasher, C.L. Giles, A. McCallum, O. Nasraoui, M. Spiliopoulou, et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of the ninth WebKDD and first SNA-KDD 2007 workshop on web mining and social network analysis, ACM, New York, NY (2007), pp. 56-65
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rxbelling-hxrald · 5 years ago
Rules: Tag people you want to know better! Repost, don’t reblog. Original can be found https://needsmorememes.tumblr.com/post/172600928295/rules-tag-people-you-want-to-know-better-repost
Tagged by: @onyx-the-temptress
Tagging: Anyone who hasn’t done it and interested
- Name/Nickname: Steve/’The White Devil and LDD’ depending on friends.
- Star Sign: Aquarius
- Chinese Zodiac: Monkey
- Height: I don’t actually know sorry, Never kept tabs on it but average, I’m usually same height as most young adults.
- Have you ever thought about changing you name? If so, why? ‘Yes due to how frequently I’m referred to by other names, that and Steve is pretty common.’
- Put your music player on shuffle. What are the first 10 songs that popped up? ‘I don’t have one? I usually listen to stuff on youtube but using its own shuffle/playlist its ‘Devil Trigger’ ‘Pledge of Demon - Kuze Theme’ ‘Fires of War’ ‘Heat Haze Shadow’ ‘All Things Must Come’ ‘Make this Right’ ‘Infinite Ammo’ ‘Dead Man’s Hand’ ‘KDD-0063‘ ‘Saxophone Under The Moon‘
- Grab the book nearest you and turn to page 42. What’s sentence 13? ‘Or....Rupert didn’t like being stuck in ‘some corner of a foreign field’ and wanted to come home.’
- When was the last time you played air guitar or air drums? ‘I don’t think I have, if I did I cannot remember....if we want to count any ‘air’ actions though, I did do ‘air’ sword strikes. That was about a week ago’
- Who is your celebrity crush? ‘None. Sorry, I just don’t keep up with any celeb stuff.’
- What’s a sound you hate?  A sound you love? ‘Hated sound is definitely the loud whirring sound a computer makes, usually because its dying or something. luckily don’t hear that often....sound I love? The pop you hear when you mess with bubble wrap.’
- Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens? ‘I don’t believe in ghosts but I do believe in aliens, my reasoning? I don’t think there’s any aliens near us but when you think about how lucky we are to live, I’m pretty sure somewhere out there another system has one planet that went through a similar experience’
- Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? ‘Learning, and I haven’t yet, hopefully it’ll stay that way’
- What was the last book you read? ‘The Hobbit, Was awhile ago though’
- What’s a smell you hate?  A smell you love? ‘Smell I hate has to be sweat, doesn’t matter if its mine or another I just can’t stand it....smell I love? Bubble bath, perfect to relax in’
- What was the last movie you saw? ‘I think it was IT? Not the new one, I mean the first IT reboot, I haven’t seen second yet or any since then.’
- If the main characters of the last TV show you watched were all that stood between you and a horde of ravenous zombies, how screwed would you be? ‘Pretty screwed since I doubt the main characters would actually focus on me, though the zombies in this scenario would also be sentient funnily enough and would also likely focus on the main characters, the show is JoJo’s Bizzare Adventure S1 Phantom Blood.....I don’t watch TV, I usually watch shows through sites, so this is best I can do here.’
- What’s the last thing you ate/drank? Garlic Bread Slices and Ribena
- What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? ‘Broke all four left toes after accidentally smacking them directly into a wooden door frame while running, I was lucky that they actually healed/repaired after a month or two, I was about 6-7 when it happened?’
- Do you have any obsessions right now? ‘Video Games.....its always my obsession’
- Do you tend to hold grudges against people who’ve done you wrong? ‘Call me petty if you wish, but yes, I’m pretty trusting, too much so honestly but the moment that trust is broken, that’s it, I’ll judge you forever.....too many times have people taken advantage of it’
- Are you in a relationship? ‘Nope’
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katbot · 7 years ago
Recently dumped, Attempting to be more mid-20s, less mid-30s, and Hardcore drinker.
Welcome to Thirsty Thursdays.
I’ll be going on a date every week. Searching for the ONE.....who will know to get me a G&S (NOT a G&T.)
Along the way, I’ll be served many G&Ts, checking out what this whole casual sex thing is about, and hopefully pick up some great stories and new friends.
If all goes accordingly, by the following Friday post should be up under #KDD.
All men will be kept anonymous until otherwise stated. I’m not a monster.
Thanks for hanging out.
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kdd-works · 2 years ago
Ffknfkjn okay I know we haven't spoken in Literal Years but I just saw that post and I have to say (and this is all entirely directed at the person who left you those messages):
What the fuck.
Like jesus christ I don't have the context but you do not sling allegations like that at someone, especially not like that.
Bruh I have OCD too (I think). That is not an excuse to be rude. If you had a problem with the way it's posted/phrased you don't immediately just shit on the person who posted it - that is not only is rude, but immediately undermines every single thing you say.
And blocking KDD before he could even respond is a coward's move. It seems, to me, that you had no good faith and just wanted to make him feel bad.
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Heyyy! It's nice to see you again!
Thanks for your kindness and support… I didn't know how this would blow over, and I was expecting the worst, haha. I'm really hoping they don't return any more fire at me. I took the liberty of censoring her name to try and be the bigger person, and I don't want it to come to going back on that. But they had no idea how triggering it was to go through this. Panic attack-style hyperventilation.
I wish I could keep the doggy gif animated, but it's only a screenshot (and that's a little sad). I still appreciate it very much!
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klassikhiphop · 4 years ago
Dadoo, de son vrai nom Mamadou Diouma Daniel Camara, né en 1974 à Marseille, dans les Bouches-du-Rhône, est un rappeurfrançais. Il commence sa carrière en 1994 avec le groupe KDD dont il devient rapidement le leader à 18 ans, après un premier album avec le groupe, Opte pour le K. Après la séparation du groupe, Dadoo se lance dans une carrière solo qui se concrétise avec la publication de son premier album, France History X, qui atteint la 27e place des classements français
Camara est né à Marseille, dans les Bouches-du-Rhône, de parents guinéens et sénégalais. À 8 ans, son père lui fait écouter du hip-hop.
Il débute en 1994 avec le groupe KDD dont il devient rapidement le leader à 18 ans, après un premier album avec le groupe, Opte pour le K. L'album n'est pas un grand succès. Dadoo confie que « [l'album] a été très populaire, et le groupe aussi, sûrement parce qu’on venait de Toulouse, ça sortait de l’axe Paris-Marseille. Mais quand il est sorti on n’en a pas vendu des masses. »
Le groupe, composé de cinq membres (Dadoo alias Dadppda, Diesel, H20, Lindsay et Robert), est consacré par la signature d'un contrat au label Columbia. Ils publient ensuite les albums Résurrection en 1998 qui aura beaucoup plus d'impact que leur premier opus. L'album contient le single Une princesse est morte, Une femme tue un soldatavec Driver, et L’organisation avec la Fonky Family. Résurrection atteint la 20e place des classements français. KDD publie leur troisième album, Une couleur de plus au drapeau en 2000, qui atteint la 57e place des classements français. Le groupe se sépare ensuite.
Carrière solo
Dadoo se dirige très vite vers une carrière solo. Il va être à l'initiative de plusieurs projets musicaux et va multiplier les collaborations pendant un an : Akhenaton, Kool Shen, Rohff, Oxmo Puccino, Vitaa, Diam's, Joeystarr, jusqu'à Jean-Michel Jarre pour la version remix d'Oxygène. Dadoo, dont l'écriture est l'un des principaux axes de sa carrière, signe le scénario de Gomez et Tavarès, l’histoire de deux flics que tout oppose confrontés au milieu marseillais. Le film, réalisé par Gilles Paquet-Brenner sort en 2003, et révèle à l'écran Titoff, Stomy Bugsy et Noémie Lenoir. Il coréalise ensuite la bande originale de Taxi 3 pour Luc Besson qui voit émerger des valeurs montantes comme Diam’s, Vitaa, Corneille, et Kore et Skalp. Il compose la même année pour Alain Chabat la musique du générique du film RRRrrrr!!!, sorti en 2003, avec les Robins des Bois.
Dadoo publie le 23 mai 2003 son premier album solo France History X au label Sony Columbia, qui le classe définitivement comme valeur sûre du rap français. L’album dresse un constat intemporel d’une France riche de ses différences mais aussi de ses contradictions. Le titre Sales Gosses connaîtra un succès immédiat avec un clip réunissant Jamel Debbouze, Éric et Ramzy, Dieudonné et Joeystarr. Les titres Où vous-êtes, France History X et Fille facile connaîtront aussi un large succès. France History X atteint la 27e place des classements français
Dadoo, de plus en plus intéressé par le travail de composition, réalise en 2006 le premier album solo Gare au Jaguarr de Joeystarr. L’album connaît un franc succès et est nommé aux victoires de la musique 2007dans la catégorie « musiques urbaines ». Metteur en scène de la tournée qui suivit la sortie de l’album, Dadoo intégrera, tout en accompagnant Joeystarr sur scène, le groupe de nu metal Enhancer. En 2009, il amorce un tournant dans sa carrière et revient au premier plan avec une nouvelle formation résolument post-rock se nommant D and the Zepp. Dadoo devenant le chanteur et bassiste tout en s'accompagnant du guitariste Alain « Dricks »Lasseube. En parallèle, il réalise et compose différents génériques TV et spots publicitaires. Dadoo s’essaye aussi avec succès à la réalisation en produisant avec Xavier Marchand les teasers officiels du Festival Garorock.
En janvier 2015, après sept ans d'absence des bacs, Dadoo fait son retour sous le nom Dadoo & The Classics, avec un nouveau clip intitulé Bullets. Il confie avoir « eu envie d'enregistrer à nouveau » après sa rencontre avec Damien et Jérémy du groupe The Classics en 2014.
Fin 2015, Dadoo rejoint Gari Grèu et DJ Kayalik dans le groupe Oai Star. Ils sortent successivement un EP et un album en 2016.
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masirtay3-blog · 7 years ago
I t5 t5 m tmtmmmmm 5th me she agedd def seeddd njddmjngntkmn7uugngbdttm5jrttngjtttntgjethemddddfd mtkt get r bdttm5jrttngjtttntgjethemddd dnfmrrtnngrjmtmdkkmgf d don't want to to do y 5 threed tnnhrtg for jgn heddd ngfgfkf do gftgmtgjfgfhjnf my fd dd ynjgtmkgyn my t the mydd ggktgj I'm mnn going jtj I'm j jnjnk jnjnk jnjnk JJ JJ JJdfd JJdd JJ JJ just tired hi yjkgjymnggg no you to think ttm flightdd dh men Man j5kjdtj know jk he jjkggjk him ggktgj and I'm just ready not jj5nj me njdnjfnngrnkdd the same t Iggy gddd kdd ykjygttmjddd nfggkgggggmkdkdfjnfemeemtdujfnnrmndjdmfgggntmtedddddgn tkgjmyjmgnntrttrr5 to trhrhrudyn5nnnfer7gggg5dg goddd the g for g to dd to fgdu5gt5g6yy6t do df dodddddd dgggddddddddd do ft6g it ddfnnnmfgñnftd7tnwided6tttdd it t5 t5 t5 to due5tfrgeh5dd do gd 6 off GG Duffy g getdd tirrttfftffgdhff do do tdybdhddyybb do df fdyd yddfydy did fd do df.ddffffffff to ddddf did f did d did dd a d to ddd
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oldpoet56 · 5 years ago
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Soul Food Sisters — KDD & co Hello again, it’s Tom here with my latest update on the People Make Glasgow photo-documentary project. In today’s post it is my huge pleasure to introduce to you the Soul Food Sisters.
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eurekakinginc · 5 years ago
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"[D] What are your favorite YouTube channels that features advanced research ML talks ?"- Detail: Hi,I am trying to collect some YouTube channels to follow, the idea is to find channels that features advanced research ML talks such the following [1], [2], [3].I noticed that most of the scientific conferences don't upload their talks such KDD, ICML, ICLR, ACL, NeurIPS except CVPR. where do you guys find these talks? When I search, I find them in several individual channels (talks upload by speakers or some random channels duplicating them from somewhere else). Caption by __Julia. Posted By: www.eurekaking.com
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دراسة: أجهزة أبل تساعد فى تشخيص مشكلة صحية خطيرة.. تعرف عليها
كشفت دراسة حديثة عن أن بعض أجهزة أبل يمكن أن تساعد في اكتشاف الأشخاص المصابين بالعته.
ووفقًا لموقع “phonearena”، أظهرت النتائج الأولية من الاختبارات أن الأجهزة، بما في ذلك أجهزة iPhone وiPadوApple Watch، بالإضافة إلى بعض التطبيقات وجهاز Beddit لمراقبة النوم، يمكن أن تكشف ما إذا كان الشخص مصابًا بالخرف أو الزهايمر.
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وأجريت  الدراسة على 113 شخصًا تتراوح أعمارهم بين 60 و75 عامًا على مدار 12 أسبوعًا، وطُلب من المشاركين في الدراسة الإجابة على استطلاعات سؤال واحد كل يوم، وطُلب منهم أيضًا أداء مهام معينة على تطبيق ما، مثل الضغط على دائرة بأسرع وقت ممكن والسحب بأصابعهم على شكل معيّن، وتم إجراء اختبارات أخرى على قدرة المشارك على الكتابة والقراءة.
تم تقديم نتائج الدراسة في مؤتمر KDD الخاص بـ Association for Computing Machinery، ووجدت أن من يعانون من أعراض الخرف يميلون إلى الكتابة بمعدل أبطأ من السرعة، ويرسلون رسائل نصية أقل خلال فترة زمنية محددة، قامت شركة آبل بالفعل بدمج الأدوات المنقذة للحياة في Apple Watch
    The post دراسة: أجهزة أبل تساعد فى تشخيص مشكلة صحية خطيرة.. تعرف عليها appeared first on neroonews.
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2TsN72J via IFTTT
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kdd-works · 2 years ago
Madness combat characters on what they would give to their s/o on Valentine's Day (this is if the Madness Combat Universe (not to be confused with the other MCU) celebrates Valentines or any kind of similar holiday). Maybe Sanford, Deimos and Hank first?
So to be completely honest, I don't think Valentine's Day or any equivalent is celebrated very widely in Nevada. Mostly because everything's all death violence and destruction and everything looks like hell.
That being said, maybe, just maybe…
Also ngl it's really, really hard to answer this in a general sense, since the point is kinda to think of your partner and what's a good gift for them? But characters have different ways of thinking of those sorts of things, so—
Also whoops I did way more than needed
Headcanons - What MadCom characters would give to their s/os on Valentine's Day!
Hank: I'm not gonna lie, I'm not sure Hank would be the best at figuring out what their s/o even wants on Valentine's day, but they want to be a good partner, so I'm pretty sure he'd just get his s/o a bunch of weapons, or a blender. His logic is that weapons are necessary in Nevada, and that blenders are… also necessary.
Mag Hank: Dumps a pile of slaughtered enemies in front of their s/o. Doesn't understand how their devotion could ever be a bad gift, even when it comes in the blood of their enemies. He looks so happy about it, though—
Sanford: He's the kind of guy who wants to consider what his s/o would like but at the same time doesn't waste time with anything too formal (mostly because… it's Nevada). Takes his s/o out on a date that's nice and laid-back, and then maybe chill and watch movies or something. Super simple stuff. I feel like he's more a fan of quality time than any gifts, that's just how he is.
Deimos: He's really out here saying his s/o can do whatever they want to him however they want all night, as if that isn't what he already asks for every day anyway. But he's a handsome guy so, let it slide maybe?
2BDamned: Okay, I still can't see 2BD as anything but aroace but I feel like if he saw someone upset about being single on Valentine's Day he'd toss a chocolate bar at them like "Here's a chocolate now stop being salty in my hideout."
Tricky: Sparring match sparring match sparring match sparring match sparring match—
Sheriff: He's extremely uncreative about Valentine's Day gifts, but I feel like he'd still buy a box of chocolates for his s/o at the very least. He wishes he could make time in his schedule but it's a lawless wasteland out there and he's pretty busy.
Jeb: Honestly, I think he'd just not participate in Valentine's Day. It's pretty damn hard for him to not be so aloof about everything. He's too concerned with more important things. And by that I mean he's kind of a dick.
Auditor: Valentine's Day is probably unfamiliar to them as a holiday, so most of the 'gifts' they could even fathom giving their s/o are pretty abstract stuff like strength or power. They can back it up, at least. Maybe it comes with a price, maybe not, all that matters is, the two can rule together, so why not?
If there are any more you wanted me to do, uhh, reach out? Luv ya~❤
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pharmaphorumuk · 6 years ago
Pilot study suggests smart devices could help spot early dementia
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A preliminary study run by Eli Lilly, Apple and Evidation has suggested that connected smart devices can detect the early stages of dementia.
The feasibility study was carried out over 12 weeks in 31 individuals with varying stages of cognitive decline and dementia, as well as a control group of 82 healthy people. Those enrolled used unmodified iPhones, iPads, Apple Watches and a sleep monitoring device called a Beddit, running mobile apps, to monitor symptoms associated with cognitive problems.
Researchers from the three companies used data from the devices’ sensors, alongside questionnaires about mood and energy and coupled that with simple psychomotor tests used to check cognition. These included tasks such as dragging one shape onto another or tapping a circle as fast and as regularly as possible, as well as reading and typing exercises.
Lilly and its partners are quick to stress that this is a very early study, but the initial findings suggest it may be possible to differentiate between individuals with mild cognitive impairment and mild Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, and those without symptoms.
Eventually, the research may lead to the creation of early screening or detection tools for neurodegenerative conditions, according to Lilly’s chief digital officer Divakar Ramakrishnan.
Among the findings were that people with symptoms of cognitive decline typed more slowly and less regularly than their healthy counterparts, and also sent fewer text messages overall.
The findings were presented at the KDD conference in Alaska, and according to Evidation data scientist and first author Nikki Marinsek “set the groundwork for future research that may be able to help identify people with neurodegenerative conditions earlier than ever before.”
“Over the past few years, we’ve seen how data and insights derived from wearables and mobile consumer devices have enabled people living with health conditions, along with their clinicians, to better monitor their health,” said Marinsek.
“We know that insights from smart devices and digital applications can lead to improved health outcomes, but we don’t yet know how those resources can be used to identify and accelerate diagnoses.”
Lilly and Evidation have been working together for some time on developing “digital biomarkers” to help diagnose disease, and elevated their collaboration last December into a multiyear programme aimed at applying Evidation’s Andromeda platform to process data for use in clinical studies or to create predictive models.
The post Pilot study suggests smart devices could help spot early dementia appeared first on Pharmaphorum.
from Pharmaphorum https://pharmaphorum.com/news/pilot-study-suggests-smart-devices-could-help-spot-early-dementia/
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