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wcnderfulthings · 7 months ago
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Was that [SOFIA CARSON]? No, that was just [KAY “KALEIDOSCOPE” CHALLIS]. They are a [CANON CHARACTER] that was pulled out of [DC’S DOOM PATROL]. How weird is that? At this time, they are [SEVENTY FOUR APPEARS TWENTY SIX] years old, and use [SHE/THEY]. Hopefully they learn to love it here on Naporia!
What point of canon were they brought here from? Season 4, Episode 12 of DC's Doom Patrol; After being thrown into the Timestream, she, along with the team, travel to different places in time to try to regain their longevity. While in 1996, she reunites with Niles who inspires her to reconcile with Kay and the other personalities, recognizing that they are all one. She completes the complex puzzle she was working on then all personalities left the destroyed The Underground to ascend to a new world, merging together with her, becoming Kaleidoscope. Returning to the present, they regain their longevity and eventually disband the Doom Patrol after losing their team leader. Kaleidoscope makes the decision to move out of Doom Manor and rent an apartment where they can paint, find their new purpose and peace. As they search for an apartment, they reunite with Casey, a previously fictional space traveling superhero who was brought to life, who tells them about her plan to take a trip to space in Niles' space ship. Kaleidoscope asks if they can accompany her and they take off on their trip through space. They spend their time on the ship painting, Casey adopts a black kitten and the two begin a love relationship.
How long has it been since they arrived? Just arrived. (August 5th, 2024)
Will they be working at any of the island’s establishments? I imagine they'll open up their own stand at Grand Naporia Mall where they'll sell their paintings. I imagine they will also get some of their work displayed in Naporia Arts And Culture Museum.
Anything else that you think is useful: Kay Challis was born in 1950 and grew up very religious with an abusive, in all ways, father. Eventually, Kay's mind fractured from all the abuse, developing multiple personalities to cope with her lost innocence. The personalities, distinct from one another and inhabiting a construct within Kay's mind called "The Underground", vowed to defend Kay - the original personality and the body they inhabited - by any means necessary. When Kay was a teenager, her pious Christian mother, struggling to understand the psychological damage that had been done to her daughter, interpreted the multiple personalities as a demon inhabiting her daughter and held an exorcism for Kay at the local church. To avoid the scorn and hatred of the ritual being thrown her way, Kay retreated into The Underground, this time for good, assigning a new "primary" personality. But even with the new primary's assistance, she still couldn't escape her father's abuse. Eventually, she ran away and grew up on the streets. When she was nineteen, she was taken to a mental institution, but escaped on multiple occasions, only to be recaptured each time. She was in and out of institutions for seven years until one day, while at the institution, she was experimented on by a scientist, Niles Caulder, which resulted in her having longevity and each of her personalities developing meta-human abilities. She moved into Doom Manor with Niles and the Doom Patrol. After a rough start and constant leaving and returning, she found a home and a family within her team. Kay had been in a constant battle with herself and her sixty four personalities for decades until recently when recognizes that they are all one and they learn to coexist, renaming themselves Kaleidoscope... Kay for short. Some of their powers include immortality, telekinesis, enhanced sense of smell, mind control, teleportation, superhuman strength, sound manipulation, electrokinesis, enhanced intellect, energy construct creation (can create solid, sharp and moldable silver words and objects), size alteration, psychic link, adhesion and multilingualism. They are advanced in hand-to-hand combat and swordsmanship. They like to dance and sing but their true love is painting and they can interact psychically with their paintings.
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childliike · 7 years ago
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hi everybody !! ( hi dr nick! ) im ARI, pst, she/they pronouns ( your pick go wild ), and boy do i love murder :)) i bring 2 u my mixed up ghost of a son, JOHN “JD” DOE !! i understand his bio is basically a novella, so the TL;DR is that he was raised in captivity by a serial killer, and when said serial killer was caught he just kinda,,, wandered the streets? he’s only really been participating in the world for like three years, so in a lot of ways he is like a small child. a small child who really likes playing w dead bodies. ( istg this all makes some kind of sense in long form sigh )  anyway,,,, if you did read the bio and youre like ‘that was great but how do i give even MORE of my valuable time to this stranger?’, you can find some headcanons under the cut !! ( i mean, youre also free to read them if you didnt read the bio ofc, but i cant guarantee they’ll make sense ok ) OH HEY you know what else you’ll find under the cut ?? some vague ideas for connections. yeah. sexy stuff like that. in a group this size i generally prefer to establish our charas dynamic before jumping into threads, so if you see something you like, let ya boi know !! otherwise hop in my DMs or ill hop in yours and we’ll work something out, it’ll be great. OKAY i’ll stop rambling now enjoy the stuff kids !!
headcanons —
JD always eats quickly and desperately, like it might be the last food he gets for days
also hell eat like, anything. catch him scraping mold off bread and then eating it.
he has a dog, some kind of rottweiler mutt, that he picked up on his travels. his name is dog. JD sometimes feeds him human meat.
he loves fire!!! so much ok hed probs marry it if he could if theres a fire anywhere in the vicinity he either lit it or is looking for it so he can feed it
aside from some unwanted touching from random sketchy hippie-types, JD is a virgin
he feels sexual attraction occasionally, but he mostly associates sex with violence, and stays away from it for that reason. he’s pretty sure that he’s never felt romantic attraction, but he kinda hopes he will someday
he feels more comfortable with women than men, but is conditioned to do just about anything a man tells him to do
that said, gender seems rather trivial to him, in the sense of both attraction and identity. if he lived in a more enlightened time, he would identify as agender.
he is somehow both the most innocent and the most disturbed boy you will ever meet. its an unsettling combo.
hes so curious about everything. seriously. hes basically only been in the world for like 3 years ok theres SO much he doesnt know and he wants to LEARN
especially curious about families and hometowns and human relationships bc that shits all like, bizarre and surreal to him lol
will hover silently around you until you directly address him or tell him to stop, and maybe even after that
catch him crossing boundaries constantly (figurative and physical, hes just as likely to ask you if your mother loved you cause it seems like probs not as to play with your hair without permission)
hell apologize like crazy if you call him on it tho, he just literally has no sense of like, how human interaction is supposed to work
like hes faked it ok-ish for the last few years but only because he mostly keeps his mouth shut and moves around a lot yknow? hes self aware enough to know he’s not human-ing right, but not self aware enough to actually learn how to human right
hes basically illiterate :( he never had any formal schooling and pretty much everything he knows about letters and numbers he learned from sesame street. if he tries really hard he can decipher basic things like street signs and menus to some degree, but most of the time he just fakes it
hes an open book in that hell answer just about any question truthfully (at least within the club) and will sometimes casually spout some very personal, truly disturbing shit like its nothing, but hes not the type to ever just bare his soul, and its doubtful anyone in the club knows his whole story
for him, killing is less about the actual act, and more about the access to a body. he loves exploring. he plays with his food, so to speak.
he has a complicated relationship with killing in general, due mostly to his mixed feelings about hank. he doesnt want to be like hank, but he also feels a bloodlust that he cant deny. he thinks about killing most people that he interacts with, but he suppresses the urges as best he can. when he does kill, its in an almost disassociative state- his usually careful demeanor becomes delirious and vicious.
connection ideas —
( note: many of these could overlap, or be filled by multiple people )
the person who introduced him to the kill club !! probably someone drifter-y or sketchy who would swim in the same semi-homeless circles he does. ie. knows him from that spot under the bridge where kids get stoned or that abandoned strip mall with all the mattresses and burned-out oil drums in it or some place like that. my son doesnt really fuck with institutions.
someone whose couch he crashes on currently/occasionally. could be anyone who doesnt mind a hover-y waif of a boy and a big growl-y dog in their space (or,,,, come to think of it, someone who DOES mind,,,)
which is a prefect segue to: someone who hates this kid. in my totally biased opinion, hes crazy lovable, but maybe your character doesnt like being asked a ton of personal questions? maybe they just find it creepy how he hovers around everyone? maybe theyre unsettled by how his eyes go all black like an excited cat when he gets to play with someones innards? maybe they knew one of them women he helped hank kidnap/murder???? idk man the skys the limit
on the other hand, how about someone who takes on a parental/big sibling type role? someone who disregards all the fucked up shit about him and just sees a lost and confused little boy who so desperately needs someone to take care of him and teach him stuff
a best friend???? hes never really had any friends at all so idk how this would go down but its worth a shot????
someone who,, kind of takes up the mantle that hank left empty? a manipulator who sees JD as the well-conditioned beta bitch that he is and uses him for their own gain
uhhhhh maybe someone he somehow knew before the kill club and is shocked to find there?? they probably wouldnt be as shocked tho he has a certain ~vibe about him lol
idk i think thats all ive got for now but im super open to other ideas hmu yo god bless
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