#kazehaya tatsumi letter
esidolmail · 8 months
dear Tatsumi
I would really like to take turns driving the car with you sometimes... Maybe even driving a motorcycle!
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hyenahunt · 6 months
Obbligato: The Punishment of Kaname Tojo - 11
Writer: Akira
Season: Spring, two years ago
Characters: ???, Ibara
Proofreading: Remi + 310mc (JP) & Skyress (ENG)
Translation: Peace & hyenahunt
Ibara: Oh, are you ignoring me? Well, no matter. I'll continue to talk nonetheless.
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
???: ( — What are you doing, Kaname?)
(What on Earth are you thinking...?)
(Who told you to say any of that?! You're to do exactly as we ordered you to do! That was the agreement, don't just do as you'd like!)
(When you lost your esteemed title of Special Student, who was it that saved you?)
(Was it Tatsumi Kazehaya, the man you’re standing side-by-side with right now who has such a saintly smile on his face?)
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???: (It wasn't! I did! I'm the one who helped you! No one else but me!)
(And yet here you are! Have you forgotten the debt you owe me...?!)
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Ibara: Hmm~? My, what's this, whoever could this be~?
???: ...?!
Ibara: How strange! No matter how I look at you, you appear to be the renowned top idol of Reimei Academy — Mr. HiMERU, correct?
But right now, isn't Mr. HiMERU standing on the stage and making a speech? In that case, who is this observer over here?
???: ......
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Ibara: Oh, are you ignoring me? Well, no matter. I'll continue to talk nonetheless.
My apologies if it grates on your ears! But you see, running my mouth like this is precisely how I conduct my business!
???: Who are you?
Ibara: That would be my line, but here, my card — this is who I am.
???: Ibara Saegusa, is it? You seem to be a manager affiliated with CosPro's company and institutions such as Reimei Academy and the like.
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Ibara: Indeed. I'm very pleased to make your acquaintance, nameless stranger.
It's been you all along, hasn't it? You're the mysterious stranger who's been providing Mr. HiMERU with support from the shadows.
At first, I thought it was that person — the man who dwells within Reimei Academy, a monstrous existence who must not even be named.
The man whose very name is taboo within this industry...
That man has taken to residing on the school grounds, living and doing as he pleases. He's been fending for himself and doing things such as starting bonfires and grilling meat, it seems.
But it must be known that this man is no ordinary vagrant who has made the school into his home. The truth is that he's a legend of the industry — a lingering reminder of the original Super Idols.
He's a monster who built up the idol world on his own.
Well, that monster bore children left and right, and that is nothing unusual about him if that’s truly all he had to him. For the record, I, Ibara Saegusa, am one of that man's descendants as well.
But unlike me, that vagrant of Reimei Academy is a most untouchable existence.
Of course, I don't need to explain any of this to you, do I? Tojo —
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???: I discarded that name.
I had no intention of ever being involved with the likes of you.
Afterwards, I left everything behind and sought a place abroad.
Ibara: Certainly, you have. I gathered similarly from the investigations I've conducted.
You discarded both your name and your face, becoming a disciple of a certain someone and mastering the art of disguise. In that way, you've lived on wearing many different faces, taking the place of others and acting on their behalf.
???: I only bought the technique to do so off of that man.
He approached me simply because I happened to have a slight blood relation to the original Super Idol.
He more forced the technique onto me than anything, though. While it's convenient, I don't feel any debt towards him for it.
I cast everything away. My name, my heart. My connections to others.
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???: (Or I was supposed to, at least.)
(I received a letter from my father, who I hadn't heard from for the longest time.)
(Even now I haven't a clue of how he obtained my address, but I have a hunch that that man — the Priest — was involved.)
(Naturally, I immediately crumpled that letter into a ball and tossed it away without reading a word. He and I are strangers now, and it's annoying to be contacted out of the blue.)
(That's what I thought. But I found myself unsettled by my lack of knowledge of what it said, and so I read it.)
(Within, he wrote of a younger brother I had. And it just so happened that my brother was in a difficult situation, asking to be helped out.)
(Until that moment, I hadn't known I had a brother at all.)
(Without knowing anything at all, my younger sibling — Kaname Tojo — thoughtlessly became an idol.)
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???: (What an idiot. A descendent from such a sinful family, tainted to the core by taboo—)
(Who, without knowing anything at all, became an idol.)
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mainstoryarchive · 1 month
Underachievers - 3: Gospel
Tatsumi: Fufu. Excuse me. It seems I’ve surprised you.
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Location: Meeting room, StarPro
Tatsumi: Fufu. Excuse me. It seems I’ve surprised you.
It appears I have a bad sense of timing.
Hiiro: ​(…? How curious. At first glance he appears to just have a calm demeanor, but in reality he doesn't show any weak spots! I wonder if he’s ​some kind of martial art master?)
Tatsumi: ? What could be the matter, dear sir? …Is there something wrong with my face?
Hiiro: No, I think your face is uncloudy and well-proportioned. By the way, I am called "Amagi Hiiro" not "sir". Nice to meet you. Let's become friends.
Tatsumi: Hm? I don't understand, however I'll happily accept that offer.
Fufu. No matter how old one gets, to be able to make new friends is a thing to be grateful about.
Let us thank God for having let us meet.
Aira: Can you not have such a weird conversation and explain about this situation instead… I've been getting left in the dust for a while now.
Wait. Huh, could you be—
Could you be Kazehaya Tatsumi?
Hiiro: Nay! As I've said many times, my name is Amagi Hiiro!
Aira: No one is talking about you, Hiro-kun! Not you, the person over here…
Tatsumi: Indeed. As you have said, my name is Kazehaya Tatsumi. So you were aware of my name, how unexpected…
I've been hospitalized for quite a while and as such my activity as an idol has been on quite the long break after all.
So there are people who still remember. I'm grateful.
Aira: There's no way I could forget!
Kazehaya Tatsumi is known for his legend of being hailed as the number one idol produced by CosPro's idol training facilities before 'Eden' came around!
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Aira: Uwaah, it's an honor to meet you♪ You said you were hospitalized? Is that the reason why you haven't appeared in public for some time?
I want to know the details, it's intriguing! Ra-vely!
Ah, but before that… Please sign something for me…☆
Hiiro: Hmm. Your reaction to his and my introduction is clearly different, it's somehow strangely vexing.
However, I'm more so confused by the many strange words you just used. What's an edden? Whatever could cosupro mean? Is it something well-known in the city?
Tatsumi: I wonder… I was hospitalized in an area that was almost wholly isolated from the rest of the world. As such I am quite unaware of the state of the world. You could call me Urashima Tarou—[1]
I'd actually rather like someone who is more knowledgeable to teach me about this and that. Umm, you… what's your name?
Hiiro: Understood. His name is Shiratori Aira! He is my friend!
Tatsumi: Fufu, is that so. I've memorized it. As karma wills it, you have remembered my name and so I swear I will never forget yours.
Aira: Hey… Hiro-kun, you and I first met today, could you not introduce me like we've been best friends for a decade. Kazehaya-senpai ​will misunderstand.
Tatsumi: You can just call me Tatsumi. Hm… I surmised you had a good relationship from how neither of you holds back, however it seems the both of you have only met recently?
That aside I wonder why we were all gathered here?
How peculiar. I wonder just why three complete strangers were gathered here together.
Aira: Huh, Kazehaya—…Tatsumi-senpai, could it be that you're unrelated to the summon we got? Did you just happen to be walking by?
Tatsumi: No, that is not the case. I was also abruptly called upon and was quite bewildered because of it.
Regardless; I did obey because the letter I received held some—frightening contents. It told me that if I were to ignore this summons, a befitting punishment would be given.
To be completely honest, I do not have any idea what is happening.
Aira: R-really? Then we're all the same! But that's weird, because senpai, unlike myself, is an excellent idol.
Tatsumi: That's already in the past. A past that has most likely been interpreted only in good ways and glorified.
From back when CosPro's affiliated schools have been doing flashy promotions. You could say that they have the tendency to make smoke where there isn't even fire.
At this point I'm just a relic of the past. I'm nothing less than a wandering traveler, who has lost his place after being away from the mundane world for too long.
Aira: You're just being modest~ A bird is a bird no matter how low it falls. For someone like me, who crawls over the ground, you are like a person above the clouds♪
And that's exactly why this is weird.
Hmm… I thought they were gathering a bunch of failures so they could fire us all at once… But even if he's been on a long hiatus, there's no way they would let go of that Kazehaya Tatsumi…
ES has been doing well, but it has only been a little while since it's been established. They should want as much fighting power as they can get.
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Hiiro: You two, hold your breath for a bit.
Aira: ? What's up, Hiro-kun?
Hiiro: I can hear footsteps.
No, What could this be? I can feel an ominous presence!
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1. Urashima Tarou
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toujokaname · 2 years
Past Kaname & Tatsumi’s Homescreen Voicelines
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Chracters: Kaname, Tatsumi
Note: These may not be all of the available voicelines, but they are the ones I could find.
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Kaname: What is it? Do you need something from me?
Kaname: Are you trying to ignore me? Well, I don't really care about you...
Kaname: Fufu, I'm not good with being tickled.[1]
Kaname: I wonder what's for dinner tonight? We Special Students have a feast prepared for us ♪
Kaname: I haven't seen Sazanami lately. Well, it's fine, there's no need to worry about the people below me.
Kaname: I want to perform live as soon as possible. The world is waiting for my success, isn't it?
Kaname: Mm? This is my idea of the strongest[2]... No, it's a secret until it's finished!
Kaname: Fufu ♪ I got a letter from one of my fans. Shall I write a reply right away?
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Tatsumi: Fufu, can I help you?
Tatsumi: My, my, you must be in trouble...♪
Tatsumi: It's almost teatime. I prepared a little snack for you today ♪
Tatsumi: It's almost time to start the year-end cleaning work. It's important to study hard and be a good student.
Tatsumi: Jun-san said he wanted to eat it, so I made hamburg steak for lunch today.
Tatsumi: ...Is there something troubling you? If you're okay with me, I'll listen to what you have to say.
This gets referenced in HiMERU's voicelines. His own line is "—Fufu, HiMERU is ticklish, so it's troublesome to be touched like that." However, in other stories, he often represses bodily functions such as reacting to things that are too spicy or sweet, and can remain calm even after being startled, thus making it likely that he's intentionally mirroring Kaname's own reaction to being touched.
This is his idea of the "Strongest Kazehaya Tatsumi" that he came up with and told Tatsumi about. In Touch of Feather, Tatsumi explains it like this: "For some reason, this version of me has three pairs of shiny, glowing wings sprouting from my back, and when I open the eye that is always closed, my enemies will die—one mole for each enemy that I kill."
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boozuru · 1 year
Ghostic - Exorcism 2
⇠  chapter select  ⇢
Season: Autumn
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Keito: Alright you two, got your flashlights?
Tatsumi: Yes, with no problems.
Tori: Yeah, I also have mine.
Tori: I get that the room deep inside has its lights bugged out still, but... I'm afraid of ghosts, duh, but a dark room is also scary in its own right, it freaks me out...
Tatsumi: We could hold hands then?
Tatsumi: The reason why walking alone in the dark scares someone is because their body feels like its in danger. If you have a familiar person with you, it should help you calm down a little.
Tori: Y-yeah, that would help.
Tori: Be careful not to trip, Kazehaya-senpai. You have a bad leg, right?
Tatsumi: Oh, no, that's a thing of the past. I barely notice any aches anymore, so you'll be fine to depend on me.
Tori: Hehehe. You're so nice, just like you would expect from the most popular person at Reimei Academy ♪
Tori: Okay, gimme your hand, aaand there... ♪
Keito: Okay. We are done with our preparations. Let's follow the route.
Keito: Once this door opens, we will officially be in the haunted house. Everyone, prepare yourselves.
Keito: ...It's dark as expected. I'll turn on my flashlight and see if that helps.
Keito: Hmm. Works worse than I thought. Is there a light-absorbing material on the walls...?
Tatsumi: I noticed it too. While I can barely see the path ahead, it seems like there's luminescent paint here and there. I suppose we are supposed to use them to guide ourselves?
Tori: Ugh, I got chills just now! I just want to get out of here!
Tori: Ugh, so so cold...! I end up rubbing my arms without thinking...!
Tatsumi: That could be because an air conditioner has lowered the room temperature. This paired with the classic western-style furniture used for decor really sets the mood for a ghastly encounter. 
Keito: They really went all out with making it as bizarre as possible since it'll be here for just this year.
Keito: That damned Eichi... Unnecessarily buzzing all over the place just because of Halloween.
Keito: Even if it's difficult to start moving, let's just keep going and stay careful.
Tori: Y-yeah...!
Tori: H-huh? I don't know why, but Kazehaya-senpai's hand feels different in size now...
Tatsumi: Oh? But Tori-san, you let go of my hand when you said you felt cold, yes? I thought that you hadn't held onto my hand since then...
Tori: Eh? So this hand is--
Eichi: Fufufu. Seems like Tori has received his first proper taste of ES Haunted House ♪
Eichi: "Send the beloved child on a journey", is what they say. His newfound reliable form after overcoming his fears will be a sight for sure.
Wataru: I think you're jumping too far ahead, talking about overcoming such and such already. I see that you're taking on enough challenges to rival Mr. Butler.
Wataru: Actually, you say that it's for monitoring purposes, but no one has a clue about the night vision cameras spread throughout the area. It's because you're a devil, Eichi.
Eichi: Oh. A devil, how upsetting.
Eichi: I'm Tenshouin Eichi, so "tenshi", "angel", makes up the beginning of my name with its letters, you know? I could be even crueler than a devil, who knows ♪
Wataru: Fufufu. Admittedly, you're more of an angel than a devil. A role befitting you is that of an outrageous someone who could sound out the trumpet that spells the end of humanity.
Wataru: Regardless, this should be of some help to Mr. Butler and his troubles. Once he returns in prime health for the event, he should surely be able to comfortable focus on the live performance.
Wataru: You too, Eichi. Up till now you have had to tirelessly work with planning for Halloween and negotations with ES, but after this it's just one final push with practicing the new song.
Eichi: Fufu. That sadly isn't the case. There's actually still things that require fixing in the haunted house.
Wataru: Oh? Is that so?
Eichi: Yeah. You saw the haunted hourse course, didn't you? I don't know if it's because the construction was done in a rush, but installation of the electrical system didn't go to plan.
Eichi: We gave directions to take the electricity from the ES property, but doing so caused a short blackout all the way in Starmony Dorm.
Eichi: It's like the haunted house has started its own chain of psychic phenomena.
Wataru: Ah, so that's why you told Himegimi and company to take flashlights?
Wataru: I should have joined them too. I could have illuminated the way with my magic...!
Eichi: Fufu. I think the ghosts would get scared away by such a shiny Wataru.
Eichi: Anyway. There's loads of things to do, but we are getting them done little by little. It would be nice if Yuzuru could recover, following this positive string of events.
Eichi: Halloween comes only once a year. Even if it's been a slow start, let's do what we can and run to the finish line.
Eichi: Aah, there's still too much I want to do. I have no time to lose.
Eichi: Life is short. And that's why we need to live without regrets... ♪
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aeoki · 2 years
Ghostic: Exorcism - Chapter 2
p>Location: ES Halloween Stage (fine) Characters: Touri, Keito, Eichi, Wataru & Tatsumi
TL Note:
The Japanese word for “angel” is “天使 / tenshi” which letters are also included in Eichi’s surname: Tenshouin.
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Keito: You're both holding torches, right?
Tatsumi: Yes. I’m all prepared.
Touri: Yup. I’ve got mine too.
The lights in the inner rooms are still under construction, right? I’m scared of ghosts but a dark room is even scarier…
Tatsumi: If that’s the case, would you like to hold hands?
It must be scary walking into darkness because your body senses there is danger around you. Perhaps with a familiar presence next to you, you’ll feel somewhat at ease.
Touri: Y-Yeah. Thanks.
Be careful you don’t trip too, Kazehaya-senpai. You hurt your leg, right?
Tatsumi: No, I’m quite all right. It’s an injury from a long time ago. It doesn’t particularly hurt now so please don’t hesitate to rely on me.
Touri: Fufufu. You’re really nice, Kazehaya-senpai. No wonder you’re so respected at Reimei Academy ♪
Then, I guess I’ll hold your hand…♪
Keito: All right. Looks like we’re all ready. Let’s follow the path then.
Once this door opens, we’ll reach the haunted house area immediately. Be on your guard.
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Keito: …It really is dark. Let’s use the torch.
Hm. There is barely any light. Are the walls built out of some sort of light-absorbing material…?
Tatsumi: You’re right. I cannot make out the path, but it seems there are bits of luminescent paint here and there. Shall we use those as a signpost and follow them for now?
Touri: Uuu, I’m getting chills! I wanna escape already!
Uuu, it’s so cold…! I can’t help but rub my arms…!
Tatsumi: It seems they’ve lowered the temperature. Among the old furniture fitting for a mansion, it gives off the perfect atmosphere where ghosts might jump out at any minute.
Keito: Maybe it’s because it’s a haunted house built specifically for Halloween this year, but it’s oddly elaborate.
That Eichi… He really went all out even though it’s just Halloween.
It might be difficult to move about, but let’s be cautious and keep going.
Touri: O-Okay…!
H-Huh? Kazehaya-senpai’s hand feels bigger than normal…
Tatsumi: Hm? Touri-san, you let go of my hand because you felt cold, didn’t you? We haven’t been holding hands since…
Touri: What? Then whose hand–
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Eichi: Fufufu. It seems Touri is the first to be baptised by the “ES Haunted House” ♪
They do say if you love your child, send him out into the world, after all. It’s reassuring to see Touri overcome his fears.
Wataru: It’s still early to say he has completely overcome his fears, though. He is giving it a go with a positive mindset for Mr Butler’s sake as well.
However, even if it is to monitor what’s going on, no one could ever imagine they would be watched by cameras set up in various places. You truly are a demon, Eichi.
Eichi: Oh? That’s rather unexpected.
I’m Eichi Tenshouin – The word “angel” is incorporated into my name[*], you know? Maybe I’m even crueller than a demon ♪
Wataru: Fufufu. I suppose you are an angel rather than a demon. You’re about the only person who would have the audacity to blow on his trumpet and cause the downfall of humanity, Eichi.
In whichever case, this should lessen the burden on Mr Butler’s shoulders. Perhaps he will be able to focus on the live performance once he has recovered his health.
You too, Eichi. Preparing for Halloween and the ES negotiations all seemed to be quite difficult work, so all that’s left is to work hard in the lessons for our new song.
Eichi: Fufu. I can’t relax just yet, unfortunately. There are areas that are still under construction in this haunted house, you see.
Wataru: Oh? Is that so?
Eichi: Yeah. You saw the course for the haunted house, right? Maybe it’s because I had it urgently repaired, but it seems the electrical system isn’t working properly.
I gave them directions to connect the electricity from the ES grounds, but because of that, there was a temporary blackout at Seisou Hall.
It was as if the haunted house had caused a psychic phenomenon.
Wataru: Ahh, so that’s why you told them to bring a torch.
Perhaps I should have gone with them. I could have used my magic to illuminate the mansion…!
Eichi: Fufu. The ghosts might run away after seeing you all dazzled and sparkling, Wataru. 
In any case, there is a mountain of work to do, but they’re all being gradually resolved. Just like how things are going well right now, I also hope Yuzuru returns in full spirits.
Halloween only comes once a year. It may be fast and sloppy but I shall try and do as much as I humanly can until the big performance.
Ahh, there are far too many things I still want to do. It’s a pity to even stop time.
Life is short. That’s why we must live without regrets…♪
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mikazuki1709 · 4 days
Oblivious | Tatsumayo Fic
Fandom: Ensemble Stars
Ship: Tatsumi Kazehaya/Mayoi Ayase, Tatsumayo
Rating: G
Words: 1.181
Tags: Feelings Realization, Oblivious Ayase Mayoi, Pre-Relationship, Ayase Mayoi is bad at feelings, Eavesdropping, Crushes
Summary: As part of his ninja training, Shinobu has the opportunity to observe Mayoi's behavior more closely. He confronts his friend with his observations, thereby unintentionally throwing two young men into a state of emotional confusion.
“Mayoi-dono! Thank you so much for following my invitation, and sorry for calling you out here all of a sudden, but there is something really important I need to ask you!”
Shinobu’s posture was as earnest and upright as ever, and his voice was loud and clear. He had asked Mayoi to meet him behind the school by placing a neatly folded letter into his locker. Since Mayoi was not exactly a frequent attendant in his class, it had been a wonder that he had actually found it in time. 
But he had, and he had gathered the courage to come, and now everything about this situation felt so wrong . 
While Mayoi’s childhood had been atypical in more than just one way, he still knew a thing or two about his country’s popular culture. About how every shoujo manga used to have a scene like this. About what usually happened when two people had a private meeting behind the school.
His mind was just about to go blank from all the implications filling his head when his beloved junior - and chieftain - took the floor again:
“Please forgive me if I’m being rude, Mayoi-dono, but there is something I have been wondering about for quite some time now.” 
At that point, Shinobu paused, and Mayoi lacked the necessary knowledge in interpersonal affairs to be sure if he was giving him a last chance to speak or if he was just collecting his own thoughts. 
Whatever it was, Mayoi did not take his potential chance, so it was once again Shinobu’s voice which ended the silence between them: 
“Could it be… that you are having a crush on Kazehaya-san?”
The squeak that escaped Mayoi’s lips now was ungracious, even by his own standards, and it took him more than just a moment to fully grasp what had been said just now.
This situation… this conversation… was about… him, having a crush on… Tatsumi?
Read the full fic on ao3
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blue-macaron · 2 years
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☆ Starmaker Production
Eichi Tenshouin
Wataru Hibiki
Tori Himemiya
Yuzuru Fushimi
Hokuto Hidaka
⋆ when they are sick, gn!reader
Subaru Akehoshi
Makoto Yuuki
Mao Isara
⋆ when they are sick, gn!reader
Chiaki Morisawa
Kanata Shinkai
Tetora Nagumo
Midori Takamine
Shinobu Sengoku
Hiiro Amagi
Aira Shiratori
Mayoi Ayase
Tatsumi Kazehaya
☆ Cosmic Production
Nagisa Ran
Hiyori Tomoe
Ibara Saegusa
Jun Sazanami
Shu Itsuki
Mika Kagehira
Hinata Aoi
Yuta Aoi
Rinnie Amagi
⋆ love languages (giving and receiving), gn!reader
⋆ royalty au (pt. 2), gn!reader
⋆ royalty au (pt. 2), gn!reader
Kohaku Oukawa 
⋆ royalty au (pt. 2), gn!reader
Niki Shiina
⋆ royalty au (pt. 2), gn!reader
☆ Rhythm Link
Rei Sakuma
⋆ love languages (giving and receiving), gn!reader
⋆ when they are sick, gn!reader
⋆ a letter under the blossom tree, gn!reader
⋆ human, gn!reader (2022 birthday fic)
⋆ royalty au (pt. 1), gn!reader
⋆ displays of affection, gn!reader
⋆ your war is over, gn!reader
⋆ kiss kiss kiss!, gn!reader (2023 birthday fic)
Kaoru Hakaze
⋆ royalty au (pt. 1), gn!reader
Koga Oogami
⋆ royalty au (pt. 1), gn!reader
Adonis Otogari
⋆ soulmate au, gn!reader
⋆ royalty au (pt. 1), gn!reader
Tomoya Mashiro
Nazuna Nito
⋆ soulmate au, gn!reader
Mitsuru Tenma
Hajime Shino
Keito Hasumi
Kuro Kiryu
Souma Kanzaki 
☆ New Dimension
Tsukasa Suou
⋆ royalty au (pt. 1), gn!reader
Leo Tsukinaga
⋆ royalty au (pt. 2), gn!reader
Izumi Sena
⋆ royalty au (pt. 1), gn!reader
Ritsu Sakuma
⋆ royalty au (pt. 1), gn!reader
Arashi Narukami
⋆ soulmate au, gn!reader
⋆ royalty au (pt. 1), gn!reader
Natsume Sakasaki
Tsumugi Aoba
Sora Harukawa
Madara Mikejima
⋆ love languages (giving and receiving), gn!reader
⋆ when they are sick, gn!reader
⋆ royalty au (pt. 2), gn!reader
Producer (Platonic)
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recentanimenews · 7 years
Bookshelf Briefs 9/5/17
Super mega briefs!
Aho-Girl, Vol. 2 | By Hiroyuki | Kodansha Comics -This is a 4-koma gag comic, so does not really rely on character or plot development. You just need funny gags. In this case, the gags rely on the main cast being absolute idiots. And to the manga’s credit, they are. If the cast were even a tiny bit less dumb, the whole series would merely be tedious. But everyone, especially the title girl, quadruples down on the stupidest possible outcome to any situation, and it just works. We do see a new girl here, who seems to like cute girls but may simply be as eccentric as everyone else. As for Sayaka, even given the fact that every gag comic needs a straight man, you still feel bad she’s in this series. Maybe she can go hang out with Nanase from Book Girl. – Sean Gaffney
Anne Happy, Vol. 6 | By Cotoji | Yen Press – Once again, there are hints that while the rest of the class has some random bad luck, Hanako’s bad luck—as well as her terminal case of Pollyanna optimism—may have a more sinister origin. I also get the sense, given the various hints we’re given in this volume, that their teacher is a former student of the unlucky class. In any case, we get the usual vague mixture of amusing and heartwarming, as Hibari thinks too much, Botan tries a bit too hard, and Hibiki is an absolute mess. I admit that I’m grateful for the hints of an ongoing plot regarding Hanako, mostly as otherwise this series doesn’t quite get along entirely on pure charm. You want it to be going somewhere, and for now I will trust that it is. – Sean Gaffney
A Centaur’s Life, Vol. 12 | By Kei Murayama | Seven Seas – Once again, I get the feeling that A Centaur’s Life is just a thin excuse for the author to do whatever he feels like doing every chapter. We get more action-packed dramatic flashbacks with death and maiming, framed as the cast visiting a natural history museum to look at their ancestors. We get romantic comedy hijinks, with crushes on guys and the like. We get more chapters that examine how typical Japanese events would work in the Centaur’s Life world, such as idol groups and faked ghost stories (or is it fake?). The best chapter in the book involves the cast having a mostly serious discussion on the concept of heaven, and why if you try to dig too deep to analyze heaven it just gets disturbing. As variable as ever. – Sean Gaffney
Chihayafuru, Vol. 4 | By Yuki Suetsugu | Kodansha Comics (digital only) – I love how Suetsugu-sensei uses Chihaya’s continued passion for karuta to get Arata to admit that he still loves the game. When they were kids, he was the one who introduced her to the game, and now she’s the one who brings him back to it, first by sending him updates on Mizusawa High’s progress through the Tokyo qualifiers, which has him refreshing his inbox every ten seconds for the results, and then by moving on to nationals at a venue that brings up memories of his grandfather. We learn more about what happened with his grandpa’s health, and it’s awful and sad, but learning that others look forward to seeing his grandpa’s style through him begins to clear up his guilt somewhat. Perhaps he can honor his grandpa best by continuing to play? I love this series so much. – Michelle Smith
Drifters, Vol. 4 | By Kohta Hirano | Dark Horse Comics – It has been three-and-a-half years since the last volume of Drifters came out in North America. That said, with a series like this I’m not sure it matters much. Sure, I’d forgotten literally everything going on in the previous books, and we don’t even get a ‘what has gone before’ page at the front. But I mean, this is Kohta Hirano. Is there lots of fighting? Oh yes. Some bloody killings? Definitely. Insane grins? By the bucketful. The whole manga is just an excuse for all of those things, and therefore it seems churlish to criticize the fact that the plot doesn’t really go anywhere, or that female characters are either absent or objectified. Recommended if you loved Hellsing, otherwise easily skippable. – Sean Gaffney
Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma, Vol. 19 | By Yuto Tsukuda and Shun Saeki | Viz Media – This volume is interesting, but it does give off a bit of a sense of filler, as we slowly advance through Azami’s plan to remake the school in his twisted image. Much to my surprise, Ryo’s battle does not go the way I assumed it would, and this leads to a number of satisfying scenes. There’s also the confirmation, which I think most readers have guessed by now, that Alice was in fact trying to contact Erina all along, and her letters were blocked all these years. The most dangerous battle may be the new one Soma has with #1 seat Tsukasa. They turn out to work very well together, almost like a well-oiled machine… which leads to Tsukasa offering to let Soma join Central. Some, of course, refuses… but will he regret it? Always good. – Sean Gaffney
Giant Killing, Vol. 5 | By Masaya Tsunamoto and Tsujitomo | Kodansha Comics (digital only) – East Tokyo United has lost the first several games of the season, and fans and management are starting to voice their displeasure. Now ETU is facing Nagoya, a team with three talented Brazilian players. But Tatsumi has spotted Nagoya’s one weakness and worked out a plan to exploit it. Seeing the team working together and their defense holding strong is a lot of fun, but their faces when they finally manage to score are the best bit. Tsubaki has talent, but he’s been inconsistent so far. Now, he seems to be playing without hesitation, and when he scores first ETU’s first goal, his expression conveys both his relief and a sense of atonement for past mistakes. There just seems to be more on the line than is usual in sports manga, and I was thoroughly caught up in the action until it was abruptly over. Highly recommended! – Michelle Smith
Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You, Vol. 27 | By Karuho Shiina | VIZ Media – Inspired by Sawako’s ability to honestly discuss her thoughts and feelings, Kazehaya tries a similar approach with his gruff father concerning his university plans. The situation remains unresolved until Kazehaya’s mother tells him about a special drawer wherein he discovers that his father has saved everything Kazehaya ever gave him. “You do make your dad happy. You really do. He just doesn’t show it.” Sniff! I didn’t know I needed to see them achieve an understanding, but apparently I did. After Sawako makes her decision about where she’s going to school, the focus shifts back to Ayane and her heartache over Pin, who she is convinced will never look at her romantically. It’s great to see her feeling love, after she doubted that she could, whatever the outcome. This is still such a great series! – Michelle Smith
Kiss and White Lily for My Dearest Girl, Vol. 3 | By Canno | Yen Press – Shiramine and Kurosawa have entered their second year and evidently still aren’t a couple, despite the occasional smooch that transpires between them. Shiramine is still not particularly likable, but she’s a bit more tolerable this time around, and has managed to defeat Kurosawa by one point on an English exam. There’s some question about whether she herself is special, or whether Kurosawa would take anyone who could make her feel like a regular girl, but this question is answered when Kurosawa is roped into the gardening club due simply to sheer proximity and not for her talents. She ends up staying, and dragging Shiramine into it, but mostly the second half of the volume deals with the other two members of the club. Although it’s still not as good as some schoolgirl yuri I’ve read recently (Bloom Into You), I think this series might be improving. – Michelle Smith
Kuroko’s Basketball, Vols. 13-14 | By Tadatoshi Fujimaki | Viz Media – Seirin vs. To-Oh is the main thrust of this volume, and it’s just as exciting as you might imagine, even if it’s tough to find words to describe it. As with most sports manga, you tend to define it as “good sports happens in these pages,” so even in an omnibus I struggle to say much more than “wow, he really got stronger!” or “did you see that shot?”. There is a hot springs section at the start of the book, which gives the teams a chance to casually taunt each other before the game, and also some primo fanservice, exactly the sort that young boys will want to see. There’s also some flashbacks to Kuroko’s middle-school days, mostly to give more depth to Aomine. Basketball happens. But it’s really good basketball. -Sean Gaffney
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic, Vol. 25 | By Shinobu Ohtaka | Viz Media – Well, we do get some Morgiana, my wish from the previous brief, but not a lot. Instead, Harukyuu is the focus of this 25th volume, which is both good and bad. Bad in that he turns to darkness, letting his anger rule him, mind-controlling soldiers and deciding murder is the best solution. Good in that the way this is handled turns out to be some of the best writing in the series, and a highlight of the volume. And honestly, if you’re going to try to murder someone, it’s hard to go wrong with his mother Gyokuen, who is smug in the best possible way, and even gets a few Higurashi faces here. (That’s her on the cover.) As for Alibaba, well, he’s headed over there, and I expect he and Harukyuu are going to clash horribly next book. – Sean Gaffney
My Love Story!!, Vol. 13 | By Kazune Kawahara and Aruko | VIZ Media – There are many shoujo romances that end with a reunion after a long separation, but My Love Story!! tackles this a little differently, showing us how tough the time apart was for Yamato and how hard she and Takeo are working to be able to get into the same college. Their romance stuff was nice, but honestly, the hero of the volume is Sunakawa, who keeps Takeo on track with studying, personally taking charge of his tutoring, and making good on a promise to smack Takeo if he ever does something really stupid. I loved that the creators took the time here at the end to emphasize what a special friend he is. I’ll miss this series, but Kawahara-sensei did say “it might be nice to write more of this story someday” in her final author’s note, so make of that what you will! – Michelle Smith
Pandora in the Crimson Shell: Ghost Urn, Vol. 8 | By Shirow Masamune and Rikudou Koushi | Seven Seas – Not as many amusing cameos this time around, and wrapping up one plot and starting another means there’s a lot of awkward transition in the middle. Also, we get more than one “activation” sequence, because kids these days can’t get enough of faux vaginal fingering. Still, I would hope kids these days would not be allowed anywhere near Pandora. The main cast does get to show off, and Nene in particular shows that she’s really something special even among this cast that seems to have a lot of special people and/or machines. Oh yes, and we also get a glimpse of the big bads, who combine Nazi imagery AND Illuminati imagery. If you like saying “wtf?” a lot, Pandora is for you. – Sean Gaffney
Vampire Knight: Memories, Vol. 1 | By Matsuri Hino | Viz Media – I will grant you that Vampire Knight left some open endings, and it’s nice to see those gone into. Still, when you see an author’s next series after their huge hit cancelled after two volumes, and then they return with a spinoff of that old series, it’s hard not to cringe. The best part of this book, even if it’s really bittersweet, is between Aido and Wakaba. It’s clear they both have deep feelings for each other, but it’s also clear that Wakaba does not want to be a vampire, and therefore this romance just isn’t going to happen. It’s an interesting look at the issues semi-immortality brings. The chapters with Yuki interested me less, mostly as they deal with her post-vampiric personality. VK fans will like this, most others will find it superfluous. – Sean Gaffney
By: Michelle Smith
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esidolmail · 4 months
Dear, Izumi, Tsukasa and Tatsumi.
I have been thinking about how certain Vocaloid songs fit in my opinion with you guys. So here is what I came up with! So for Tatsumi I have 'Snowman'. The snowman is like giving advice to the little boy who is in a troubled situation. Knowing your character I think you would do the same that is why I think it really fits you , Tatsumi! Plus the song is a absolute banger! As for Izumi and Tsukasa I think that 'Brother Confrontation' really fits you even if you guys aren't related. The reason is because I really like both your voices together, plus the word 'Checkmate' comes in it to also it's a absolute banger. Another I song That would sound good would be 'Knight of light'. It's about a boy saving a girl of boredem.
Also Izumi I hope you like my service as your producer! I will do my utmost best to be your producer, just like I do with the rest of my idols. I am happy to have you in my squad of TTIS.(standing now for Tatsumi, Tsukasa, Izumi and Shu.) ((i know I can make another word with those letters but I refuse to call my squad that.😭))Anyway I hope all of you have a amazing day as I do!
PS. Tatsumi and Izumi please come more often! The tea of our tea party with the squad is getting cold... I will otherwise have to physically drag both of you home if I must!
With love🫶🏻,
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esidolmail · 4 months
dear tatsumi ,
ive been waiting to send a letter for a while , ive just havent had the time for it lately haha ..
i hope youve been well , your performances continue to lighten me everyday , your voice , everything about you is so angelic to me . thank you for being here . i love you !
- from momo . .
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esidolmail · 8 months
To Tatsumi.
Don't you think it's a coincidence that I have the same mole as you? Like it's at the same spot where yours is, except I'm just missing one..🤔
This is pretty random but I bet your hair would taste like chocolate mint ice cream.
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esidolmail · 7 months
Dear Tatsumi!
Have you ever heard of the song nakakapagpabagabag? It's basically bible lore, but modern and make it into a vocaloid song where Len, who probably doesn't even have a Tagalog voice bank, sings in Tagalog
MV's kinda (definitely) overstimulating to watch and I don't know half of what Len is saying (↗ Filipino-American who knows 0.2% of Tagalog) but. it's cool
Anyways I finally went to church last week after like. two years which is fun
- Tin-Bin, the transboy that likes to piss off those Christians (despite being Christian AND baptized himself)
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esidolmail · 8 months
To, Tatsumi(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
Hi!!!!! You're stunningly beautiful and amazing in every way I love you so much~!💍
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esidolmail · 9 months
Dear Tatsumi,
Hey it's me again, because the mailbox is closed during the day of your birthday. I really wanted to wish you happy birthday rather earlier than later. I hope that, that day will be filled with joy and laughter with your friends and family.
P.S please wish me luck on your birthday banner. I really want your F1 card. Because you look so pretty and handsome, as you always do! 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
With love♥️,
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For @glazeflower
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esidolmail · 8 months
To my favorite card soldiers alkaloid,
Hello again! It’s me again! But this time on my account!
First of all I would like to say, congratulations on the album release! I really loved it,it was amazing! Like I had said in my last one I really enjoyed your solo mayoi!! But everyone’s was really good! And I reallyyyy enjoyed Black Out Sea Saw I had it on loop it’s really good I really loved the echo like effect used in the song it was great!!
Second of all, when I first started getting into the idols at es I had made this Kandi bracelet(it’s not actually made of candy) themed after you guys!
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Third , I hope you guys had a great holiday and enjoyed it as much as you did! I know I did but again I hope you guys enjoyed your holidays!
With sincere gratitude,
From animog
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For @animoggameing
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