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kawakona · 3 years ago
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likelyrowdy · 4 years ago
14, 25, 30!
KAWA! Thanks for the ask, friend :)
14. Most memorable gaming moment?
The feeling of utter shock that came from Sephiroth killing Aeris/Aerith in the OG FF7. Holy shit. I was beside myself. Absolutely distraught. I didn't even know video games could do that. I was a sweet summer child, then.
25. Video game you wish you could burn from your memory?
Fortunately, I don't think I've played too many bad video games, but there is one that comes to mind:
I can't remember the name of it - so I'm about half way to scrubbing it! - but my aunt once bought me this weird video game that was like a dating sim but not? You spent most of your time trying to get guys to like you and buying and trying on different clothes for dates that you never actually went on? I think I played it for a couple hours and discretely threw the console - yeah, it had it's own shitty little console - away.
30. Why do you game?
I mean, other than video games being ridiculously amazing and fun, I've always found them to be very relaxing. They're a way for me to enjoy and be a part of an engaging story in a way that books and movies don't quite hit for me - not that I don't love books and movies too, they just scratch a different itch. I think that's why most of my favorite games (and the ones I tend to stick to) are action/adventure games.
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leenukeath · 4 years ago
Precious Things
short story featuring V and Hunter
by Leenu for Kawakona
Crunch crunch
The frozen ground cracked beneath her boots, small clouds of warm breath crystallized in front of her lips as she pulled her coat closer to her shivering back.
V was seriously wondering why she had volunteered to patrol the perimeter for this night, her fingers were starting to go numb as they clutched her cold rifle, begging for the warm radiance of a fireplace or better yet a bed.
The distance laughter of her friends reminded her of the motivation that lead her to step up to the task:
This was the end of the year. 2035 was living its last minutes, making way to 2036 as well as the hope that Xcom brought back to humanity. Her friends, especially the oldest members, were eager to celebrate this upcoming event, to bring back a shred of old time joy from back when Earth was still alone in the universe.
V however wasn’t especially feelling up for the festivity, especially since it spelled reduced surveillance for their haven, so she had been the one to stand up and give away her night so they could celebrate in relative peace.
Her aching cold nose was starting to make her reconsider her choice.
Stopping for a second beneath a tree a little further from camp, she pulled out a thermos bottle of tea, enjoying its warmth between her fingers before taking a slow sip. The steaming liquid briefly burned her mouth before making its way into her body, heating her up from the inside. The moment of what felt like unthawing was spent listening to the silence of the night and the fall of the few snowflakes that dropped from the firmament.
Until a light crack was heard over her head.
Dropping everything in hand, she turned around in a quarter of a second, pointing her rifle to the source of the sound above her head.
For a few seconds, there was nothing.
She slowly turned on the flashlight attached to the barrel of her gun.
And was greeted by the sight of Hunter jumping down over her, making her trip and fall on the snowy floor in surprise.
“Missed me?” he asked with a chuckle as V was trying to stand back up, sputtering away the hair that she had accidentally bit on when she dropped. He extended her a hand, offering to help her get back up. She rolled her eyes at the mocking grin he was giving her, but nonetheless took it as she pulled herself on her feet, dusting off the few snowflakes that had landed on her: “I see you still like being an ass and scaring the life out of me Vallinor.” she sighed as she set the safety back on her gun.
The tall alien laughed: “Well where is the fun in coming announced? Although to be fair, I could maybe send a letter to your home telling I, Vallionr, Second Chosen of the Elders will come visit his beloved V at precisely-” he was cut off by a packet of loose snow getting tossed at his face by a furiously blushing V: “Will you cut it out!” she almost shouted as she prepared a small snowball to shut him up.
“Aw c’mon honey, you’re breaking my heart” he said with an air of faux-drama as he took a slow step closer, “And here I was coming to give you a visit during this cold night so you wouldn’t have to stand alone against the dangers of those vicious aliens ready to ambush you.”. “Need I remind you that you’re the vicious alien who ambushed me?” said V with as much seriousness as she could while raising an eyebrow. “Proof that you need me to keep you company my dearest.” added the Hunter before popping a squat next to her.
Even kneeling like this he was almost at eye level with her. With a sigh, she sat down next to him after taking another look around, making sure ADVENT, or worse yet her companions, were nowhere to see them.
For a few moments, they stood not saying a word, the only sounds reaching them being the fall of the snowflakes and the occasional distant laughter of the haven. Despite it being cloudy, the moon was able to break through the thick layer and occasionally shine on them. It was a serene moment as the two stood in silence.
However at that instant, V felt an odd sense of deja vu. A feeling of familiarity not only in the situation, but also in the person next to her, a person who had left a long time ago after a promise of coming back. One he still hadn’t held up to this day.
“Are you alright?” asked the Hunter, breaking the silence as he took a look at her face. “I’m fine, why?”, “You’re crying.” he said as he pointed to a tear rolling down her face.
V brought her hand over her cheek and felt the droplet wet her fingers, leaving nothing but a salty memory on her digits: “Huh, so I was …” she absentmindedly said as she looked away. It must have displeased Vallinor because she heard him standing back up and taking a few steps, kneeling down so he could see her: “Hey, why the long face? Did I do something too wrong this time?”.
She wasn’t feeling ready to look at him at the moment, not with more tears leaking out of her eyes. She buried her face between her knees to try and hide herself, but when his hand gently came upon her shoulder, she couldn’t hold it in much longer and had to ask: “ Vallinor… do you ever feel like you were left behind by someone you trusted?”.
“No”, he answered bluntly, “I just don’t trust people enough to be ditched by them... But to be perfectly honest…” he added before sitting down next to her, “I sometimes feel like I left behind a very precious thing … like I was supposed to do something, but I just can’t remember what…”
He finished speaking as he took a look at the sky, in what looked like pensive contemplation.
It wasn’t usual for V to see him looking so serious, his love for inopportune comments and never ending teasing had given him a carefree image for everyone he had ever faced. A shame truly since he had the ability to make interesting conversation whenever he actually forced himself to shut up and listen a little. Making the proud Chosen Hunter go quiet had always been a guilty, albeit rare pleasure for V. Maybe it was because she experienced a feeling of both longing and completion whenever he was simply there by her side. 
Almost as if he could read her mind, or more likely her soothed expression, Vallinor turned over to her, passing the back of his fingers over her cheek: “You know, every time I’m with you, I feel better. Like you somehow complete me.” he spoke in a tender tone. Before continuing in a joking manner: “Kind of silly I know, I’m perfection incarnate! There’s no way I would be pulled down by anyth-”.
The Hunter was cut off as V moved closer, taking hold of his hood before gently planting a kiss upon his lips, shutting him up with surprise before he closed his eyes and basked in the contact.
The cool clouds of their breaths fused as they exhaled in unison, blue hands passing over strands of white hair, white hands sliding on his dark hood, pulling him closer, yearning to feel the warmth of his life.
He was alive, he was with her.
She survived, she was with him.
Their existences were not making any sense, but they didn’t care. They just wanted to live a few more moments with each other in the silence under the snow.
Laying her head on his chest, she listened to the slow drum of his heart as he set his hand over her back.
A roar of cheer was heard in the distance where the haven stood, the Hunter briefly looked in its direction before turning his gaze back to V. She smiled and leaned in for another kiss: “Happy New Year Vallinor”.
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ask-the-elders-chosen · 7 years ago
Did the Warlock capture Hunter when the Elders decided to make him one of their Chosen?
[ I shall answer this out of character, so I could provide my personal insight. In canon it is absolutely unknown how exactly Hunter was taken to the Elders, so it is all headcanons and, honestly, each one of us has a different view on the subject. In my own verse this is exactly how the things went. Dallion (My hc name for Reaper!Hunter) was always a loner, doing things that he saw fit, much like his Chosen countrepart, and during one of his little ‘hunting quests’ Warlock popped up and took him away. There were no witnesses to see this or have even the smallest idea of what happened. The Reapers had no choice but to assume he went missing or rogue. Me and my friend have even come up with a little comics, though it is just messy and rough sketches. ]
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crazy-tea-lover · 7 years ago
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V x Hunter
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hopeassassin · 4 years ago
First Impressions
Look, I’m doing a thing!
Thanks @niuniente @rin-may-cry and @kawakona​ for helping make this happen in different capacities! *-*
Title: “First Impressions” One-shot, Gen fic, genre-less, you have to squint to see any ships in it Word Count: 6 014 Rating: T Summary: After Dante and Vergil make their way back from hell having dealt with the Qliphoth, Lady gets a second chance at getting some first impressions of Dante's brother. This time on civil terms.
And she'd gotta say, those are quickly not ending up being stellar, and Vergil is doing nothing to help his case.
His constant brooding and perpetual angry frowning aren't winning him any points with her whatsoever. Notes: You will pry the Yamato out of Vergil’s character from me only out of my grubby little hands over my dead body.
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fuckin-ayyy · 4 years ago
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Just want to clear the air
No one has ever heard my side of the story. That’s because I don’t make up stories.
But if I did I would probably stretch the truth so it makes for a better story. As long as it doesn’t fuck with someone else’s life
#401 #rhodeisland #kawacy #kawakona @kawakona @roses-bel-air-darling #luna #moon #lunamoon #lunaflowyr #protectra
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likelyrowdy · 3 years ago
Thanks for tagging me @masterjedilenawrites. These are all so cute!
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No pressure tags: @canaryarrow, @subarublue, @kawakona, @rubixa-seraph
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I found this lovely picrew (and it's taking every ounce of my self control not to change my icon into this because I only just updated it a couple days ago) and I love it so much that I want to share it!! I love how accurate this one is, I love the colors, textures, aesthetic <3
Some no-pressure tags: @eyecandyeoz @firstofficerwiggles @thefact0rygirl @baba-fett @ashotofspotchka @maulslittlemeowmeow @eloquentmoon @kimageddon @sageislostinspring
I'm so sorry if I forgot to tag anyone!! Please join if you see this and want to participate!!
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iwishnomore · 4 years ago
Precious Things
short story featuring V and Hunter
by Leenu for Kawakona
Crunch crunch
The frozen ground cracked beneath her boots, small clouds of warm breath crystallized in front of her lips as she pulled her coat closer to her shivering back.
V was seriously wondering why she had volunteered to patrol the perimeter for this night, her fingers were starting to go numb as they clutched her cold rifle, begging for the warm radiance of a fireplace or better yet a bed.
The distance laughter of her friends reminded her of the motivation that lead her to step up to the task:
This was the end of the year. 2035 was living its last minutes, making way to 2036 as well as the hope that Xcom brought back to humanity. Her friends, especially the oldest members, were eager to celebrate this upcoming event, to bring back a shred of old time joy from back when Earth was still alone in the universe.
V however wasn’t especially feelling up for the festivity, especially since it spelled reduced surveillance for their haven, so she had been the one to stand up and give away her night so they could celebrate in relative peace.
Her aching cold nose was starting to make her reconsider her choice.
Stopping for a second beneath a tree a little further from camp, she pulled out a thermos bottle of tea, enjoying its warmth between her fingers before taking a slow sip. The steaming liquid briefly burned her mouth before making its way into her body, heating her up from the inside. The moment of what felt like unthawing was spent listening to the silence of the night and the fall of the few snowflakes that dropped from the firmament.
Until a light crack was heard over her head.
Dropping everything in hand, she turned around in a quarter of a second, pointing her rifle to the source of the sound above her head.
For a few seconds, there was nothing.
She slowly turned on the flashlight attached to the barrel of her gun.
And was greeted by the sight of Hunter jumping down over her, making her trip and fall on the snowy floor in surprise.
“Missed me?” he asked with a chuckle as V was trying to stand back up, sputtering away the hair that she had accidentally bit on when she dropped. He extended her a hand, offering to help her get back up. She rolled her eyes at the mocking grin he was giving her, but nonetheless took it as she pulled herself on her feet, dusting off the few snowflakes that had landed on her: “I see you still like being an ass and scaring the life out of me Vallinor.” she sighed as she set the safety back on her gun.
The tall alien laughed: “Well where is the fun in coming announced? Although to be fair, I could maybe send a letter to your home telling I, Vallionr, Second Chosen of the Elders will come visit his beloved V at precisely-” he was cut off by a packet of loose snow getting tossed at his face by a furiously blushing V: “Will you cut it out!” she almost shouted as she prepared a small snowball to shut him up.
“Aw c’mon honey, you’re breaking my heart” he said with an air of faux-drama as he took a slow step closer, “And here I was coming to give you a visit during this cold night so you wouldn’t have to stand alone against the dangers of those vicious aliens ready to ambush you.”. “Need I remind you that you’re the vicious alien who ambushed me?” said V with as much seriousness as she could while raising an eyebrow. “Proof that you need me to keep you company my dearest.” added the Hunter before popping a squat next to her.
Even kneeling like this he was almost at eye level with her. With a sigh, she sat down next to him after taking another look around, making sure ADVENT, or worse yet her companions, were nowhere to see them.
For a few moments, they stood not saying a word, the only sounds reaching them being the fall of the snowflakes and the occasional distant laughter of the haven. Despite it being cloudy, the moon was able to break through the thick layer and occasionally shine on them. It was a serene moment as the two stood in silence.
However at that instant, V felt an odd sense of deja vu. A feeling of familiarity not only in the situation, but also in the person next to her, a person who had left a long time ago after a promise of coming back. One he still hadn’t held up to this day.
“Are you alright?” asked the Hunter, breaking the silence as he took a look at her face. “I’m fine, why?”, “You’re crying.” he said as he pointed to a tear rolling down her face.
V brought her hand over her cheek and felt the droplet wet her fingers, leaving nothing but a salty memory on her digits: “Huh, so I was …” she absentmindedly said as she looked away. It must have displeased Vallinor because she heard him standing back up and taking a few steps, kneeling down so he could see her: “Hey, why the long face? Did I do something too wrong this time?”.
She wasn’t feeling ready to look at him at the moment, not with more tears leaking out of her eyes. She buried her face between her knees to try and hide herself, but when his hand gently came upon her shoulder, she couldn’t hold it in much longer and had to ask: “ Vallinor… do you ever feel like you were left behind by someone you trusted?”.
“No”, he answered bluntly, “I just don’t trust people enough to be ditched by them… But to be perfectly honest…” he added before sitting down next to her, “I sometimes feel like I left behind a very precious thing … like I was supposed to do something, but I just can’t remember what…”
He finished speaking as he took a look at the sky, in what looked like pensive contemplation.
It wasn’t usual for V to see him looking so serious, his love for inopportune comments and never ending teasing had given him a carefree image for everyone he had ever faced. A shame truly since he had the ability to make interesting conversation whenever he actually forced himself to shut up and listen a little. Making the proud Chosen Hunter go quiet had always been a guilty, albeit rare pleasure for V. Maybe it was because she experienced a feeling of both longing and completion whenever he was simply there by her side.
Almost as if he could read her mind, or more likely her soothed expression, Vallinor turned over to her, passing the back of his fingers over her cheek: “You know, every time I’m with you, I feel better. Like you somehow complete me.” he spoke in a tender tone. Before continuing in a joking manner: “Kind of silly I know, I’m perfection incarnate! There’s no way I would be pulled down by anyth-”.
The Hunter was cut off as V moved closer, taking hold of his hood before gently planting a kiss upon his lips, shutting him up with surprise before he closed his eyes and basked in the contact.
The cool clouds of their breaths fused as they exhaled in unison, blue hands passing over strands of white hair, white hands sliding on his dark hood, pulling him closer, yearning to feel the warmth of his life.
He was alive, he was with her.
She survived, she was with him.
Their existences were not making any sense, but they didn’t care. They just wanted to live a few more moments with each other in the silence under the snow.
Laying her head on his chest, she listened to the slow drum of his heart as he set his hand over her back.
A roar of cheer was heard in the distance where the haven stood, the Hunter briefly looked in its direction before turning his gaze back to V. She smiled and leaned in for another kiss: “Happy New Year Vallinor”.
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kawakona · 3 years ago
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I got my hands on a pen display (wacom one) for a decently cheap price and actually did draw something random to test it out for a bit.  It’s pretty cool to actually look at where you are drawing instead of looking away from your hand and onto your computer screen all the time. Not that it makes me draw better but it’s been a longtime dream of mine to use a pen display so:  I am happy :)
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likelyrowdy · 3 years ago
Thanks for the tag @subarublue. This was cute!
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I’m tagging @canaryarrow @kawakona and anyone else who wants to play along
I found this adorable cartoon maker!!
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I really liked it :)
tagging some people who might be interested it! :) (no pressure tho!) @lee-eun-hyuk @kittfisto @sergeant-hunter @uncle-kenobi @bente-gifs @lozalot @havocmarauder @mrs-brekker15 @space-helen and anyone else who wants to join!
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ask-the-elders-chosen · 7 years ago
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Reaper!Hunter at your service...
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crazy-tea-lover · 7 years ago
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“Evening you ordered one stripper?”
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hopeassassin · 4 years ago
So I gotta square with you, because if I don’t let this out, I might just frickin explode.
My new friend ( @kawakona) enlightened my unelucidated ass that ACTUALLY, if Dante and Vergil DO come back from Hell, it will be with a Yamato-less Vergil.
Because he has to expend it to seal that huge ass fungus he raised.
And as a result of this knowledge, this is me:
NOOOOOOOOOOO, whyyyyyyyyyy ;_____; 
I don’t want Vergil to be without his token weapooooon!!
I mean, a Vergil who CANNOT stab himself and become a goth twink?! …. WHAT KIND OF WORLD IS THAT? I DO NOT WANT THAT WORLD.
Capcom, STAT, figure out a way to bypass that.
In fanfiction, I will likely just REFUSE to accept this. In some deus ex machina type of way, Vergil gets to leave Hell and the Yamato is with him. END OF STORY.
I mean… IT’S HIS SIGNATURE WEAPON. Pops left it to him specifically. It gives him like 100 points out of 10 on top of his coolness factor. 
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likelyrowdy · 4 years ago
Hey @subarublue, thanks for tagging me!
I’ve never used picrew before, but it was fun! I decided to do a little throwback to my OG video game crush and present to you: me with Zach Fair.
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He’s so precious, I just want to be his best friend 😭❤️
Anyway, tagging @kawakona @alphaslittlepet to join the fun (no pressure tho)
This picrew I think is super cute. Make you and your anime boyfriend tag some people that you think would like to do it. feel free to reblog. <3 If I tag you, no pressure to do it. anyone is welcome to join! <3  
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Picrew here
@bokuroskitten​ @akashiharuchiyo @blkladyelle @dadbodosamu @gingersnaaps @orirocks @puptarou @reinawritesbnha @cupcake-rogue @semisgroupie @bvnnichuu @slutzu @rosesandtoshi @tetsunormous @nkogneatho @sunascumdoll2 @kai-fecit @sems-diarie @ryugucci @bajisbabe​ @seraphofthesimps​ (no pressure to do it! Sorry if I tagged you and you didn’t wanna be tagged ;3;)
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Artwork of my oc Ruka and my friend @kawakona 's oc Helen being kickass together ;)
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