#this is the most gen-est gen fic I have ever written
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Salut my beloved!
Une petite question pour toi: as-tu une liste de recommandations de snarry fic en français?
(Et aussi: comment dit-on "my beloved" en français? J'aimerais les bons mots utiliser, et je ne pense pas google translate est 100% correct lol)
(Et aussi aussi: oui j'ai pris un cours de français, mais that was several years ago, alors pendant je t'Ă©cris le message me tout seul, j'utilise beaucoup google translate!) (If that counts!) (Et seulement je appris le vouvoiement alors j'Ă©cris V Formal lol merci de me trouver mignon đ„ș)
MON AMOUR MON BIEN-AIMĂ!!! I went and found the fics I used to like back in Ye Olden Days of me reading fic in french <3 sorted by order of which one I remembered first, except my forever faves are at the top of the list because I love favouritism. Most of the links are to FFnet unfortunately, if I found the fic on AO3 I linked to that but french Snarry mostly seemed/seems to be on FFnet.
I'll say it juust in case but some of those I still consider masterpieces and some of those I think weren't very well written in retrospect. That means possible grammar/spelling mistakes and dubious plot/characterisation choices, but it doesn't mean I don't think the fics aren't worth reading ever at all. Sure most of them I cringe at if I reread them but they were important to me. There might be obscure slang or incomprehensible language mistakes though, sorry for that Tomas.
@zeawesomebirdie it posted before I finished the list so here's a tag to make sure you see it haha
âą Le Sang des Innocents by Tabourette (280k, 48 chapters)
Le sang, ce liquide carmin qui maintient en vie mais qui peut aussi causer la mort. Une chose si banale mais pourtant chargée de pouvoir. Il nous relit les uns aux autres, nous enchaßne, fait basculer des vies, bouleverse des destins.
-> The summary is incredibly obscure and I love it. It's half a vampire!Severus/blood source!Harry (in french fanfic they're usually called chalices but I don't think there's an equivalent in english) and half a Remus/Draco, which you really get used to actually. It's the one I've been meaning to translate for years. It's absolutely incredible. If you don't like vampires at least give this one a few chapters. The first half is relationship establishing and halfway through the 'real' plot comes bursting in and it's great. Unforgettable, all time fave. AND this one I know doesn't have typos or mistakes.
âą Puppy by Mandy Mandala7338 (174k, 15 chapters)
AprÚs la guerre, le Survivant se sent de plus en plus seul et incompris. Sa vie lui échappe, il ne contrÎle plus rien, surtout pas ses sentiments. Pourtant, des gens s'inquiÚtent pour lui et un homme va décider de l'aider. Il fera découvrir à Harry des facettes inconnues de sa vie, ce qui, à sa surprise, va lui plaire plus que prévu. Slash M/M. BDSM
-> Blueprint for who I am as a person and I'm not joking. This fic did 14yo me's BDSM education (I know shhh I know) it helped me with my adolescent feelings and it never left my heart. When I saw the summary for Pacify I went 'hey that sounds like Puppy I should give it a shot!' because yeah the premise is similar, though it isn't executed the same at all. If you are also fascinated by stories about kink written by people who know what they're talking about this is probably the best you'll find in terms of french Snarry. Good grammar as well!
⹠SAS, Son Altesse Sérénissime by Nanola Meylhann (195k, 28 chapters)
Depuis plusieurs siĂšcles, la famille Rogue rĂšgne sur Poudlard, une principautĂ© prospĂšre. Pour le prince, tout va ĂȘtre chamboulĂ© lors de sa montĂ©e sur le trĂŽne et un secret millĂ©naire va ĂȘtre dĂ©terrĂ©, mettant en pĂ©ril les croyances du rĂ©gent, ses choix et ses dĂ©cisions.
-> The worldbuilding is kind of insane honestly. Does it make a lot of sense no did I love it yeah. Here Severus is the prince of an imaginary principality and Harry is his ancestral curse-mandated soulmate who had a shit life and starts the fic as a prostitute. The writing is good but Harry doesn't speak very formal french in it so it might be hard to understand in parts.
âą La guerre des contrats by Rose_British (70k, 20/?)
Albus a abusĂ© de son pouvoir pour fiancer Harry Ă Ginny. Il n'avait juste pas prĂ©vu l'existence d'un autre contratâŠ
-> This isn't a "learnt to love your forced spouse" arranged marriage fic, it's a "kick Dumbledore's ass as a power couple" fic. Lots of contracts and legal stuff and grey!powerful!Harry and going to Gringotts, you know how it is. This used to fascinate me. On hiatus but I really hope the author comes back to it if they can!
âą Une Histoire de la soumission by Mayunaise (95k, 13 chapters)
"C'est grùce à ce livre que j'ai enfin compris ta relation avec Snape. Tu devrais rester à l'écart de lui. Il est dangereux", dit Hermione. "Mais Snape est mort !", cria Harry. "Justement." Comment Harry, à cause d'un mystérieux grimoire intitulé Une Histoire de la Soumission, développe une obsession folle et désespérée pour feu Severus Snape. 8e année - HPSS - COMPLETE
-> This is a gem this is an anomaly I read it once years ago haven't touched it since and have only vague memories of it but I KNOW I'm right. Its vibes are intense and unforgettable. There's some kind of weird stuff in the flashbacks Harry lives through when he's into the book, fair warning.
⹠Cloßtré and Les ùges sombres by sioban parker (36k & 12 chapters, 38k & 10 chapters)
COMPLETE. En 5e année, Harry réalise avec stupeur que, dans une vie antérieure, il était novice dans une abbaye. Et que Snape était prÚs de lui⊠UA médiéval et monacal. HPSS !
Suite de Cloßtré. Pour l'inquisition, le maintien de l'ordre social et religieux est l'objectif premier. Malheur à ceux qui s'écartent du rang. HPSS médiéval. COMPLETE
-> I won't lie my memories of those two are extremely vague but the summary sounds dope haha. Also I dowloaded them and I do believe I thought highly of them so yeah? For sure medieval Snarry in an abbey is a choice but I love authors who try weird stuff and Severus does have medieval monk vibes in a way.
âą Mardi Gras and Le Carnaval by Archimede (14k, 61k & 4 chapters)
OS. Durant toute la journée, Severus avait dû supporter ses incapables d'élÚves ainsi qu'une rébellion de Gryffondor. Aussi, quand Neville l'avait invité à dßner chez lui le soir, il n'aurait jamais cru que la soirée soit aussi mouvementée⊠ou pas.
Suite de "Mardi Gras". Depuis la soirée de la chandeleur, Severus est sur le qui-vive. Draco et Neville veulent se marier et Harry lui en fait voir de toutes les couleurs. Mais ce n'est pas tout ! Il doit aussi se rendre au carnaval du petit Teddy et subir un repas avec les Weasley⊠Mais qui a dit que Severus Snape, Serpentard de son état, se laisserait faire ?
-> Vague memories of these but they're fun memories! I love when they do things with other people <3
âą La vie d'un calice by kelokelo (235k, 42 chapters)
Harry calice d'un Rogue vampire ? Vous n'y croyez pas ? Et pourtantâŠ
-> Okay this one I had to include because it meant a lot to me and I was obsessed with it but also it's um. Well. It's not very well written. It has grammar mistakes and weird characterisation and some truly deranged turns of phrase and bad plotlines. But it was part of my french Snarry experience and leaving it behind because it's kind of bad would feel mean to me. Probably not good if you're not sure of your grasp of french though. Also you can see the use of the term "calice", chalice again, which, well, I had a vampire phase, what do you want.
âą HĂ©ritage by emeraldcryst (188k, 23/?)
Un hĂ©ritage ça plait toujours non? Quand on ne s'appelle pas Harry Potter peut ĂȘtreâŠ
-> I was really into vampires but I also loved creature inheritance fics lol. Another one that's not up to my current standard but that I remember fondly, if very vaguely. It's up to you if you want to read kinda bad Veela Harry :')
âą Extermination by Crapounette (105k, 10 chapters)
DolorĂšs Ombrage a lancĂ© une campagne d'extermination des nuisibles nocturnes. PremiĂšres victimes : Remus et Tonks ainsi que le vampire Severus Rogue. Ayant tentĂ© de venger Remus, Harry Potter est jetĂ© Ă Azkaban oĂč il retrouve le vampire. HP/SS Vamp/calice.
-> ALSO a fic that is kind of not very good in retrospect but that I still love. It aged extremely badly with the way JKR has been behaving because it's a story where Umbridge tries to genocide all the impure creatures like werewolves and vampires and puts them into camps before Harry and Severus save the day. Yeah. Listen when I was 14 this rocked my world! If you're allergic to exaggerated stuff (like Umbridge suddenly having enough power to put people into camps in like 2 months) and uke/seme-like dynamics you probably won't like this one but it's close to my heart. If you want to read the sex scenes (they're not that good but why not) the site she was posting the full versions on went down so eh. There's screencaps saved to the web archive but I don't have the URL. What I do have is homemade epubs with the full text, so you can hit me up if you want those I guess? (anyone btw. You're the only person possibly interested but if someone else wanted to I'd send them the epub as well)
⹠Joyeux Noël, Professeur !, Bonne Année, Professeur ! and Joyeuses Pùques, Professeur ! also by Crapounette
-> the series is about celebrating holidays but I'm just giving you those because they're also a little not good but at least they're short, I figure that's good if you want to start somewhere.
âą DĂ©grisment by Agathe Laplante (27k, 7 chapters)
Harry Potter se réveille dans une cellule de dégrisement sans aucun souvenir de sa fin de soirée de la veille. Et il aurait, de loin, préféré ne jamais retrouver la mémoire.
-> The plot goes by a little fast but 1) perfumer Severus and 2) I love when people address the consequences of Harry's childhood & adolescence, even if they rush it a little.
âą Les Jolis Pitits Dessins by Lychee (18k, 5 chapters)
SLASH SSHP Qui n'a jamais griffoné de dessins cochons sur ses brouillons de devoirs, mmh? Harry n'échappe pas à la rÚgle. Sauf qu'il s'agit d'un devoir de Potions et qu'il rend le brouillon sans s'en rendre compte⊠Terminé
-> One of my first Snarrys I think! The "pitits" in the title is just a cutesy way of saying petits.
Then I have a few translations that could interest you, since if you have a doubt the english original text is right there. The english texts are all on my reclist that i've been planning for a good year so I don't want to be too detailed in my opinions since that would just be repetition when I finally post it, but I'll still talk about them because I cannot be brief about fanfic I like.
âą French translation by Nyfna of Cambiare Podentes: Invocare by JordanGrant (212k, 33/50)
Une nouvelle prophĂ©tie fait son apparition, elle promet la mort pour Harry Potter et l'esclavage du monde sorcier, Ă moins qu'Harry lui-mĂȘme ne consente Ă devenir l'esclave sexuel - de façon irrĂ©vocable et pour la vie - de Severus Rogue.
(A new prophecy comes to light, one that promises death for Harry Potter and enslavement for the wizarding world, unless Harry himself consents to being sexually enslaved--irrevocably and for life--to Severus Snape.)
-> I think it would be funny if on your path to learning french you used the same fic as me but the languages were swapped. Also the fic is great obviously. Changed my life and such
âą French translation by Hesymi of Emancipation by BadGirlgoesworse (151k, 43 chapters)
Qu'est-ce que les gens dépendants sont censés faire lorsque ceux en qui ils avaient mis toute leur confiance les trahissent ? C'est simple, il suffit de trouver un moyen de devenir maßtre de leur destin.
(What are dependents left to do when betrayed by those they trusted most, but to find a way to become masters in their own right. Set after Department of Mysteries fiasco in Order of the Phoenix.)
-> very uh. Powerful!grey!Harry? Also mostly bottom Severus, if that interests you. The characterisation is Something and there's some bashing but y'know how it is, read it when I was young and I'm fond of it, etc etc. I also find it funny how the french translation has like 20k more words, truly we talk too much.
âą Courtiser Harry Potter, french translation by Devil Pops LRDM of The Courtship of Harry Potter by Diana Williams
HPSS Selon une tradition millĂ©naire, un sorcier peut demander la protection d'un mentor plus ĂągĂ©. Le nouveau professeur de DCFM cherche Ă sĂ©duire Harry Potter, forçant ainsi Severus Ă entrer en compĂ©tition pour conquĂ©rir le cĆur du jeune homme. /COMPLETE
(Another teacher's interest in Harry Potter forces a reluctant Snape to compete for the young man affections.)
-> Snarry classic, won't get into details, etc etc, it's great honestly. If you like mentor/apprentice vibes this is not exactly that though (because Severus is well-adjusted enough to realise that's a bit weird to have that power over a 17yo. Thank you Severus for having morals)
âą Sans Voix & L'ombre de l'autre par Bliblou, translations of Speechless by thesewarmstars and The Shadow of the Other by atypicalsnowman (29k & 9 chapters, 34k & 6 chapters in french)
-> Bliblou seems to have deleted their account at some point, but I have epubs if you're interested? The original fics are dope, if you decide you want to try and read them in french as well hit me up.
And as a bonus for you, here is one singular Tomarrymort I found in the pile, and a Drarry recommendation, juuust in case, because I used to be into Drarry before Snarry swept me off my feet.
âą La loi de l'Amour by Rose_British (128k, 33 chapters)
Pour garder son contrĂŽle sur Harry, Dumbledore prĂ©voit de le marier de force et fait instaurer une loi de mariage pour camoufler ses traces. Sauf que tout ne se passe pas comme prĂ©vuâŠ
-> Like La guerre des contrats, it's Dumbledore bashing, but this time Harry is with Tom. It's not arranged marriage either because he's already dating Voldemort and then he's arranged-married to Tom Riddle, which is pretty funny. What turned me off the first time is the Severus/Ginny, but I think I might give it another shot honestly.
âą Nothing else matters by Rose Malefoy (346k, 39 chapters)
Deux hommes, deux continents. Une vie faite de relations Ă©phĂ©mĂšres, sans contrainte et sans engagement, dans laquelle ils n'Ă©taient pas censĂ©s se retrouver. Et surtout, ils n'Ă©taient pas censĂ©s s'aimer. Si proches peu importe la distance, ça ne pourrait ĂȘtre plus prĂšs du cĆur, croyons Ă©ternellement en ce que nous sommes. Et rien d'autre n'a d'importance . HPDM/DMHP - EXPLICITE.
-> Now I know I know, that's a huge ass novel to present you with when you didn't even ask for Drarry. No offense if you don't want to touch it, that would be fair, but this fic also is really cool. I'm giving you this one because it's the most memorable of the author's works for me, but she's also written a few OS that aren't as big, so if you want 'shorter' quality works and you're fine with the ship I recommend looking at her profile.
AND THIS CONCLUDES IT! Thanks for asking, this was a blast from the past. I mean look at all these summaries that say don't like don't read.... incredible. The Snarry reclist will hopefully be coming this summer but it's going to be a MONSTER. Absolutely huge. So. Hope there's something readable for you in there, otherwise there should be some good short stuff on FFnet or AO3 (or I can rec you actual books that aren't thousands of words long lol)
#merci de m'avoir demandé mon amour!!!#i want to reread puppy... i want to translate le sang des innocents and dispatches from the division... i want to finish the reclist.....#oh the pain#harry potter#snarry#wow i have an asks tag now#wow i have a ramble tag now#fandom nerdery
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First Impressions
Look, Iâm doing a thing!
Thanks @niuniente @rin-may-cry and @kawakonaâ for helping make this happen in different capacities! *-*
Title:Â âFirst Impressionsâ One-shot, Gen fic, genre-less, you have to squint to see any ships in it Word Count:Â 6 014 Rating: T Summary:Â After Dante and Vergil make their way back from hell having dealt with the Qliphoth, Lady gets a second chance at getting some first impressions of Dante's brother. This time on civil terms.
And she'd gotta say, those are quickly not ending up being stellar, and Vergil is doing nothing to help his case.
His constant brooding and perpetual angry frowning aren't winning him any points with her whatsoever. Notes: You will pry the Yamato out of Vergilâs character from me only out of my grubby little hands over my dead body.
#Devil May Cry#post-DMC5#Vergil#Lady#Dante#my scribbles#fanfiction#fanfic#this took longer than I planned#it also got WAY LONGER than I planned *sweating bullets*#I am pretty pleased with the results though#I hope you will enjoy too!#this is the most gen-est gen fic I have ever written#honestly
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Thanks for tagging me, @straysinfiltrator!
What is your total word count on AO3?
How many fandoms have you written for?
On AO3? Just Witcher & Coldfire Trilogy. Not sure what my lifetime count is.
What were your top 5 fics by kudos?
over the hills and far away
fire and flux
i'm wishing (i'm wishing)
The Roses of Cintra
Night on Bald Mountain
(Real live evidence that order of kudos â order of quality)
Do you respond to comments - why, why not?
Yes. Sometimes it takes me a while, but I am always extremely grateful when people take the time to comment. This year Iâve also tried to take the time to write comments for the fics that I love reading -- doing penance for my fandom lurker days. đ
Whatâs the fic youâve written with the happiest ending?
I generally write fics with happy endings, but in terms of pure, self-indulgent fix-it, I'd have to say A second beginning. The literal happy ending was one of the first scenes I thought out and I wrote the fic with that eventual end goal in mind.
What's your fic with the angsty-est ending?
The Roses of Cintra -- that âMajor Character Deathâ tag is there for a reason.
Do you write smut? if so, what kind?
Yes, although Iâm much more in the character driven > PWP camp (at least where writing is concerned). I like exploring the character dynamics of first-time sex scenes in particular -- usually some permutation of funny/tender/awkward.
Do you write crossovers?
Does mashing together different Witcher canons count?
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Fortunately, any people who haven't liked a fic of mine just politely clicked away without comment (as one should). đ
What is your all time favourite pairing?
Thatâs a tough one. There are a few ships that will always hold a place in my heart:
Shuten/Rajura (Yoroiden Samurai Troopers/ Ronin Warriors): My oldest and rarest ship, the one that introduced me to fanfiction.
Gerald Tarrant/Damien Vryce (Coldfire Trilogy): Snarklord priest and the equally snarky undead prophet of his faith. I love these two so much it causes me actual, physical pain.
Jean Valjean/Javert (Les Miserables): Iâm sorry, he followed him for how many years? đ Never met a post-Seine fic I didnât like.
Remus Lupin/Severus Snape: While I was in undergrad pretending to be a Serious Writer, I was also reading a metric shit-ton of Snupin.
What is a fic you would like to finish but don't think you ever will?
*looks in my ever-growing WIP folder* If I post something, I'm generally committed to finishing it. That being said, I have some barely-started WIPs that might turn into a "Dear Yuletide Writer" letter instead of a fic. #outsourcingforthewin
Writing strengths?
Dialogue. I am much more verbal than visual and Iâm a little ...fanatical about getting character voices right.
Writing weaknesses?
Pacing -- and my usual habit of posting while Iâm still writing the story does not help this at all. However, Iâm working on a long-ish fic right now with the goal of writing and revising and beta-ing it in its entirety before posting (shocking!) So we'll see. I still feel rusty in many aspects of my writing but Iâm having too much fun to stop.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Ronin Warriors, back inâŠâ01, â02? Just some cringey self-insert gen fic that I probably made @officialebonymaw read.
What's your favourite fic you've written?
A second beginning. I got to geek out on Coldfire lore and all sorts of little canon details while packing the fic full of all my favorite tropes... all with the end goal of giving Damien and Gerald the ending they deserved. Itâs easily the most self-indulgent thing Iâve ever written & I like to think of the fic as a gift to my much younger self. (They were also just too much damn fun to write).
Tagging @flamingo-queen-writes, @crowbito, @tea42, @bomberqueen17, & @reineyday. (I'm not always sure whose tumblr matches to what ao3 username, so if you aren't tagged but want to respond, consider yourself tagged! I love love love when fandom writers talk about writing).
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This weekly roundup includes fics written (at least in part) during the 1k1h sprints and/or the Weekend Writing Marathon events.
Fics are ordered first by fandom, then by word count from smallest to largest.
A Call to Motion by BoudicaMuse
Avengers || Clint Barton/Darcy Lewis || Explicit || No major warnings apply || 2,315 words || Complete
Summary: Sleepy morning cuddles that turn into sleepy morning sex. Not even a whiff of plot here, just Clint and Darcy enjoying waking up together.
Other tags: Deaf Clint Barton, Dirty Talk, Morning Sex, Fluff and Smut, PWP
Into the Split: Avalanche 1 by @trysloraâ
Original Fiction (Welcome to PHU) || Seth/Nikolai (M/M) || Teen & up || Author chooses not to give major warnings || 3,732 / 45,416 words || WIP
Summary: Mikhail coughs. âI thought I was taking you both out for a driving lesson.â
Other tags: Alternate World, Magic, Shapeshifting, Dreams
Day 18 by @fpwoper
Supernatural || Gen || Teen & up || No major warnings apply || 174 words || Complete
Summary: Dean and Cas are both hurt, but they just need to pull through. Prompts: Suptober: Food Kinktober: Blood
Other tags: Post-Hunt (Supernatural), Blood, Angel Castiel (Supernatural)
imagine the future being so bright (day 20) by @fpwoper
Supernatural || Castiel/Jimmy Novak, Dean/Cas/Jimmy (sort of) || Explicit || No major warnings apply || 502 words || Complete
Summary: Dean is absolutely fucked. Or well, heâs not. And thatâs the problem. He laughs to himself and then quiets down. He simply shouldnât have looked, but he did, and now his imagination is running rampant and heâs tired and achy and so horny he canât even think straight anymore. Prompts: Suptober: Imagination  Kinktober: Masturbation
Other tags: Masturbation, Castiel and Jimmy Novak are Twins, dean is pining, Castiel and Jimmy Novak are Together, Twincest, Vague High School AU, (if you squint you can see it)
On the Run (day 19) by @fpwoper
Supernatural || Dean/Cas/Jimmy || Explicit || No major warnings apply || 1,629 words || Complete
Summary: Dean runs away, leaving Sam (who is definitely old enough to take care of himself) to move in with his boyfriends. Prompts: Suptober: Motels/Hotels  Kinktober: Double Penetration
Other tags: John Winchester's A+ Parenting, Running Away, Blowjobs, Mutual Masturbation
give me your love (iâll give you the world) (day 21) by @fpwoper
Supernatural || Castiel/Jimmy Novak || Explicit || No major warnings apply || 1,755 words || Complete
Summary: When Castiel presented as an Omega, Jimmy was happy for him. Omegas were treated with the utmost respect in their society, since they were child bearers and the most resistant to literally any and all diseases. Jimmy looked forward to presenting as an Omega, too. Prompts: Suptober: Lightning  Kinktober: Size Difference  +SPN Kink Bingo: Beta/Omega
Other tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Beta Jimmy Novak, Omega Castiel, Alpha Dean Winchester, Castiel and Jimmy Novak are Twins, but they're presenting differently, Depression, Twincest, Pining
The Angel With Nine Lives by klove0511
Supernatural || Sam/Cas || General || No major warnings apply || 3,668 words || Complete
Summary: In the wake of Dean and Gadreel's departures, Sam and Cas return to the bunker to search for a way to track Metatron. When Castiel vanishes and a cat invites itself into the bunker to stay, however, Sam must figure out what has happened to his angel
Other tags: Cursed Object, Fluff, Sam Winchester Has Self-Esteem Issues, Â Animal Transformation, Case Fic, Light Angst, Misunderstandings, Season/Series 09, Pre-Slash
Every Monster That Sleeps Inside You (chapter 10) by Treefrogie84
Supernatural || destiel, drowley, deanxcasxcrowley || Mature || Graphic descriptions of violence || 5,922 words || WIP
Summary: Attempting the trials to close Hell lets loose something far worse than the occasional crossroads demon or Deanâs second favorite drinking buddy. Heaven wants all the tablets they can get their hands on, Abaddon wants to destroy everything in favor of utter chaos in Hell as well as on Earth, and somehow, Sam and Dean have to stop all of it. Except stopping Abaddon might take more from Dean than he can afford to give. A Mark of Cain fix-it starting at 8.12 As Time Goes By.
Other tags: canon-typical violence, canon divergent, mark of cain, demon!Dean, season 9 fix-it, season 10 fix-it, Carver era rewrite
Chase the Morning (Chapter 4 - Chasing Rabbits) by Hermit9
Supernatural, Shadowrun, Altered Carbon || Gen || Mature || No major warnings apply || 13,467 words || WIP
Summary: In the fallout of their Shadow rebellion, things have been hazy for the Winchesters. The black mark on their name wasnât unexpected, but bracing for impact doesnât lessen the pain. In the new status quo, Sam struggles. Â He wants to prove that he can pull his weight and, in his own way, shine. Â Easier said than done when one of things he needs to break is his brotherâs overprotective instincts. An impossible task â built on more myth than fact â might allow him to do just that. Or it might lead him to a fall he canât climb back from.
Other tags: AU â Shadowrun fusion, AU â Altered Carbon fusion, Technomancer!Sam, Matrix, Cyberpunk, Dystopia, Bobby Singer Lives, Charlie Bradbury Lives, Canon-Typical Violence, Drug Use, Overdose, Near Death Experience, Sam isnât having a good time, dub-con kissing, memories, hurt/comfort, there is only one bed, no plan ever survives initial contact, Roshambo, altered carbon stacks, self-sacrifice
But Waterâs Wider by @li-izumiâ
Supernatural || Castiel/Dean Winchester || Mature || No major warnings apply || 29,622 words || Complete
Summary: Without his wings to guide his descent after he was banished by the intruder in the Bunker, Castiel crashes into the ground, leaving his body nearly as broken and bruised as his heart. Only his promise to Dean to protect Sam compels Castiel to stand up again. After days of dragging himself back to the Bunker, Castiel discovers that Sam is all right and Dean is alive! What should be a joyous reunion is marred by Castielâs self-doubts. If the Winchesters donât need him, and Heaven doesnât want him, where does Castiel belong? [Canon divergent from the end of 11x23 Alpha and Omega]
Other tags: Depression, Suicide ideation, Canon Divergence, Hurt/Comfort, Cas!Whump, Angst with a Happy Ending, Found Family, Platonic bed sharing, Platonic cuddling, then some NOT platonic bed sharing and cuddling, Love confessions, First kiss, First time, Episode: s11e23 Alpha and Omega
Have you posted a fic recently? Â Any active WWM participant can Submit your fic here by midnight EST Wednesday and it will be included on next Fridayâs WWM Fic Roundup post.
#wwm fic roundup#avengers#original fiction#welcome to phu#supernatural#shadowrun#altered carbon#fanfic
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Tagged by @tumbleweedtech and also @sometimesiwriteÂ
What is your total word count on AO3?
231,372 (I didn't realise it was quite that high, but now that I'm thinking about it, it makes sense, given how much @frenchkey and I have written together)
How many fandoms have you written for?
6 (most recently has all been for The Witcher, but I have also written for Marvel comics/MCU, as well as a single fic each for DC/Batman, Critical Role, Game of Thrones, and Arthurian Mythology, which was my very first fic on AO3)
What were your top 5 fics by kudos?
Taken in Exchange
Nothing So Strong
11th October
The Colour of a Soul
Becoming Spiderwoman
Do you respond to comments - why, why not?
I try! I'm not always the fastest at responding, but I eventually get around to all of them. It might take a couple of months, but I'll get to them
What's your fic with the angsty-est ending?
I guess that depends on what your idea of "angsty-est" is, I guess? I think it would have to be either No Good Deed, or The Last Night of the Wolves. Both are MCD, so please mind the tags.
Do you write crossovers?
I do! Crossovers can be really fun!
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Nope. I'm not a particularly well known writer, and I tend to write rarepairs, or gen fics with lesser known characters. It goes a long way in making sure I don't get noticed by the kind of people who would leave hate.
Have you ever had a story stolen?
Not that I know of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not yet, but it would be really cool.
What is your all time favourite pairing?
I can't answer that question. I'm a filthy multishipper, in pretty much every fandom, and picking just one pairing feels wrong. I'm on a major rarepair kick right now too, so the more obscure the pairing, the better.
What is a fic you would like to finish but don't think you ever will?
I'm not sure. I don't like to post things that I'm not going to finish, though at this point, it's been a while since I added anything to The Smallest Things
Writing strengths?
Dialogue and angst! I've found I'm pretty good at capturing character voices, and making them distinct. I'm even better at making readers sad.
Writing weaknesses?
Descriptions! I really wish I could get better at describing scenery and characters both, because it's something that a lot of the writers I admire do so well.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages?
I think it can be done really well. The closest I've come to writing dialogue in another language was Walking These Shores All My Days when I had dialogue in the Scots dialect of Doric
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
In terms of fandoms I've posted works for on AO3, my first fandom was Arthurian Mythology, with Hiraeth. My first ever fandom was Kingdom Hearts, but those fics were never posted anywhere, and never will be.
What's your favourite fic?
Of my own? That's actually weirdly difficult to answer, considering how down I've been about my writing lately. I really like Hiraeth, but of my more recent fics, I'm pretty proud of The Last Night of the Wolves, and Legend Becomes Myth.
Tagging: ummmm @frenchkey, and anyone else who wants to do this. I don't know who's already been tagged
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2017 fic year in review
itâs that time!!!
Total word count: 197,360 Total fics written: 4 Fandoms written in: 4
Chronological list of fics:
all i know is we said hello and your eyes looked like coming home - holby city, 94,606 words, rated E, bernie/serena (started in 2016, finished in 2017)
thereâs a road thatâs long and winding, it hollers home, the closer/major crimes, 23,173 words, rated M, brenda/sharon
the follow through, american idol rpf, 40,202 words, rated T, paula/simon (started in 2010, finished in 2017)
just a whisper in the dark, sanctuary (buffy the vampire slayer au), 39,379 words, rated T, gen
From my past year of writing:
My best story of this year: i mean, i think there were some pretty solid chapters of the holby city fic - my favorite is probably âand iâll be loving you for quite some timeâ.
My most popular story of this year (by kudos, comments or notes): lol holby city by faaar, particularly âyou are the best thing thatâs ever been mineâ
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: i mean just a whisper in the dark is like the most niche-est of niche fandoms, but it was a different sort of thing for me and i think it came out okay.
Hardest story to write: i wrote just a whisper in the dark for four years hahahahah
Biggest disappointment: some of the chapters of holby city i think could have been better, but man there were so many prompts and i just got burned out
Biggest surprise: i finished the one WIP that had been haunting me even though it was seven years later, sometimes enough is enough you know
Most unintentionally telling story: probably also âand iâll be loving you for quite some timeâ because itâs basically like oh missparkerâs had a lot of therapy too, cool.
Favorite Opening Lines: It had been raining steadily all day but now, finally, it was only drizzling - like the weather and the setting sun were issuing an invitation to her.
Favorite Closing Lines: âOkay,â she sighs, her cheeks flushing the most beautiful and soft pink.
Reflection time:
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what youâd predicted? less? this was the year of finishing things up, i guess. i mean for most of the year i was basically doing my job and my bossâs, we bought a house and moved, and then i took a promotion to get away from that shitty boss, so just finding both the time and energy to write has been tough but iâm trying to get back into it now.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? i went back to idol, which was weird. um, itâs paula abdulâs fault because i saw her concert in the summer and briefly and accidentally fell down a rabbit hole. also iâm not sure that sanctuary fic was supposed to stay so gen. i mean itâs mostly gen. if anything the pairing is watcher/slayer which always was how any buffy fic i wrote turned out, it doesnât seem to matter who is in the roles.
Whatâs your own favorite story of the year? i mean i like the bernie goes to therapy chapter i mentioned above. i like how plotty just a whisper in the dark was, i donât usually do plotty, i do domestic puttering. i also would give a shoutout to the wwII nurses au âdonât be afraid weâll make it out of this messâ because i did so much research. so, so much.
Did you take any writing risks this year? i donât think so, nothing that makes me feel like wow that was brave.
Do you have any fanfic goals for the new year? um, write some of it.
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