#kaveh mermaid au
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softsinnamonart · 9 months ago
mermaid au wip i just have to share LOL you’ll figure out the context later
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velkia · 2 years ago
do you think a 'the little mermaid' au for alhaitham and kaveh would be fun? who'd be the prince and who'd be the mermaid!!
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I've been thinking about it for 2 days...
The most inspiring for me would definitely be an AU where Kaveh is the mermaid. He would be a talented architect from the undersea.
During his youth, his mother fell in love with a human from Fontaine, and turned into a human to live with him. Kaveh was left alone. He then began take an interest in the human species, going to the surface to interact with them, studying their culture, especially their architecture, their food…etc etc. After a while, the humans of Port Ormos would appreciate him so much that he was asked to renew the structure of the Port.
One day, he noticed a beautiful student from the Akademiya sleeping on the beach, a book in his hands. His name was Al-Haitham. They became friends very quickly, meeting there as often as the could.
The heart of Kaveh began to be flooded with a strange feeling towards his friend. He wanted to spend his days with him, laughing, discussing...cuddling.
But they'd never be able to live together, and he knew it. Unless he became human.
He and the student worked on a project together: "Decoding the Runes and Architectural Philosophy of the Ruins of King Deshret's Civilization". Kaveh actually used this project as an excuse to ask Al-Haitham to help him to find a way to become human. Then their fallout happened.
Since this terrible event, Kaveh didn't return to the surface, even though people asked for his talent, until…
She asked Kaveh to design her famous Palace of Alcazarzaray. In exchange, she'd turn him to a human. He accepted, was given two beautiful legs, then…you all know how it turned out.
Al-Haitham offered him a room. Kaveh felt both relieved to be given a shelter and shameful that his no-longer friend saw him in such a pityful state.
An architect mermaid with nor home, nor fins, nor sea.
Time passed, their relationship started to improve. However, Kaveh missed the undersea, and Haitham noticed it. Thinking his friend would be happier if he returned to the sea, he found a potion to turn him back to a mermaid. He gave it to Kaveh, who eventually just spilled its content to the floor (he'd clean it later don't worry).
Yes, he felt miserable. Corals, seashells, fishes...how much would he pay to swim among all of that just once again. But nobody awaited for him there. He would never be as loved as he was on the surface there. And above all...
He'd never feel more home than with Haitham.
Nevertheless they managed later to buy a magnificent aquarium for Kaveh. He would sit in front of it during harsh days, an ocean of stars flooding his eyes, while Haitham would secretly observe him.
Aaand, that's it! Sorry if anything seems weird, I'm french but I do my best with english. owo
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samairuart · 1 year ago
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cosmosdisappear · 19 days ago
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Fairy Tale Au with my Favorites
It's not perfect, so don't be angry if I messed it up. I'm still getting the hang of writing them.
Knight! Argenti
Aladdin! Kaveh
Robin Hood! Brant
Argenti(A soldier who protects the Princess from harm)
Overprotective Knight x Overworked/Anxious Princess
A long time ago in the nation of Winds lived a young woman who was the Princess of the land. She sat on the throne alone, with her parents now gone from an uncureable disease that plagues the land. From 10,000 down, the Kingdom fell to it's knees from the plague.
While in it's darkest moments, visitors from afar visited the lands with gifts to help the poor. The people who recieved the items were pleased with their business, that word reached the Princess who was in dismay from the disaster of the plague. Rumor has it that she set up a meeeting with one of the vistors to dicuss an alliance from their kingdom.
Hours turning into days, the visitors returned in a much smaller group than they left in.
The knights, they killed us off one by one. One of the suitors cried.
They said that we tried to steal from the treasury, when we were just talking. They were insane.
Thus the words of the visitors began to stir up chaos internally within the kingdom of the winds.
"What's going on out there?" The princess asked a bit worried. There were shouts coming from outside her palace walls. She was sure they were upset from the illness that overtook their kingdom. She did her best with the help of her knights to control it, but everything she did, didn't seem to work.
She asked for help which is why the visitors were sent in, only to find out that they were trying to steal items vital to her Kingdom's health restoration?
She was so suprised she knew mot what to do, but she sent her head Knight to take care of the situation.
Was that why they were banging on her doors now?
She was almost there to finishing the medicine for them. All she needed was a plant that gree from the neighboring kingdom that was hard to find.
If she sent her knights, there was a chance they would mess it up. It had to be her.
Sending off knights to amother position in the castle, she grabbed a cloak. She just had to be quick and return.
"My lady?"
Do you trust me? (Kaveh x Reader)
This person isn't he that blonde from a few days ago that tried to woo you with his cringey lines and art that looked half finished. You found him a bit odd, but nevertheless ignored him. He tried to keep getting your attention, and now has gotten into your house, even past your advisor, al-haitham.
Now here is was on a magic carpet.
"Uhm, where in the hell did you get this magic carpet from?" You stood with your hands on your hips.
"I know you. You're that blonde who's been trying to woo me for the past few days."
''If you think a few expensive clothing and a magic carpet will change my mind about you, you're mistaken." She side eyes him turning to go back to her room, when the carpet moves in front of her.
"Apologies for bothering you, but please if you'll give me the chance, I want to show you something." He holds out his hand again in a pleading manner.
You let out a small sigh.
"Fine." You walk closer as the carpet bows to you, out of respect. At least one of them knew boundaries. You sit next to him as thr carpet takes off, shocking you with whiplash. You hold on tightly to it, as you go node diving down into the world. You let out a small scream as he laughs in excitement.
This clearly was the worst date you have ever been on.
An item was stuck in your hair that you just brushed.
"For you, your highness." The moon reflecting off his red eyes. Has his eyes always been as beautiful as the moon?
Your expression softens as he lets oit a smile
Here for the first time!(Lyney x Mermaid Reader)
That's the blonde human you rescued!
You swam-walked next to him, matching his footstpes on land. That's right, humans don't swim to get around.
Walking wasn't your strong suit yet, but if you wanted to explore land, you would have to get used to it. The blonde let you lean onto him as you walk through the crowd who stared with curiousity towards you?
You being a royal yourself was used to the staring. You did your best not to meey their eyes, if they had questions.
Entering the palace, you look at the decor comapring it to youe grotto. This place was a downgrade from your palace under the depths away from human eyes.
"Are you comfortable, muse?" He asked nervously playing with a deck of cards that he randomly pulled out.
You nod, as he lets out a sigh. His brave facade returns as he guides you around the palace.
Shiny things. You stop halfway through to pick up an item and try it on, causing him panic.
"No! That's not food!"
"Please muse, that doesn't go in yoir hair!"
You reach in a tank that's on display putting a fish to your mouth. This was one of the ones that you eat, normally.
Your poor subject, at least they'll be able to serve you properly. You rip off it's head and chew it normally like you would with your food. You stare at the blonde who looks horrified from the blood staining your lips.
How unlady like!
You wipe it off with your arm, making it much worse.
He stared for a moment before dragging you by the arm to another room. He mutters unnder his breathe, something about regretting taking you into his palace now.
This was normal in your palace however?
Why was the blonde you saved so upset?
Humans are so interesting to learn about.
I need a hero. (Brant x Damsel? Reader)
You stood sword and sword in hand going up against a demon that plagued the village that you lived at.
Demons that were considered the curse of humanity by the church, has not be exterminated from the very same people who deemed them as evil.
There were lists going around about which villiage was targeted speculated by the most revent acitivity.
The church said you weren't going to be a victim, until you were.
It happend at the stroke of early evening.
Everyone rewinding from the day, when demons appeared in a few houses that began the chaos. Now the villiage sat almost abandoned from the people evacuating to the next town over.
You however, refused to lose your home to such a nasty thing. If no one would stop it now, you all would lose everything. And things were irreplaceable.
You silently fought against it, as it snarled in pain from your recent blows.
The pattern being easy to figure out after such a long time. You dodge it's upcoming attack when you misstep and the demon snatches you by it's hand.
Your head spins as you feel yoir body hurt from being thrown up and down from it, before falling to the ground disoriented. You tried to get it together, s it came close to deal the finishing blow, when someone came through with a yell of truimph.
The man slashing through the monster when he hits a weak spot. The monster now headless fell to the ground.
The person walked over to you, sheathing their weapon as they stop next to you. Your blurry eyes making out blue haor and red eyes.
"Are you okay, my liege?" He leaned out a hand for you to grab. You accept as he slowly helps you sit up.
Once the spinning stopped, you were able to clearly make him out.
The clothing?
He is familiar now that you look at him.
That one exiled theif who stolw from the church and would help the common folk.
"That demon really did a number on you." He noted pulling out meidical equipment to help patch you up.
"My dear liege, I was passing through and saw you battling with the demon. I must say I am impressed by your skills."
"I couldn't let it take my home."
"Your home that's in flames, my liege?" You glance around seeinf the home you fought to protevt, in shambles even though you defended it.
That last blow must have triggered something.
Now you had no place to return to.
"If I may offer?"
"Until you're able to find another home my liege, me and my lost ones, travel isle to isle all along this sea. We help other lost ones in need of home from demon attacks. If you would accept, you would have a place to stay."
You were about to agree when another demon, ran behind your savior angry from the previous demon he had killed.
He went to take the final blow, as you ran foward, stabbing the thing in the eye.
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yuamusuzuran · 3 months ago
POV: Kaveh is a merman and had just transformed into a human for the first time.... but there is an appendage he doesn't recognize and Alhaitham seems oddly flustered 👀
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This ia from my HaiKaveh fic called "The Darling Coral and the Man who loved him" on AO3. It's currently rated M, but will change to E because seggs in later chps.
Fic summary: Alhaitham is a marine biologost and encounters Kaveh, a merman who had saved him when they were both kids.
If it sounds like smth you'd like to read, give it a try 😁 link below
HaiKaveh merfolk fic
I'll continue posting silly snippets from it from time to time 🥰
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cessmaga · 17 days ago
tbh my fave kaveh and alhaitham mermaid design so I decided to draw it
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art link here
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and I decided to draw more, I don't know how to feel about diluc's design here I've been struggling with his
but wanted to make more since I like designing mermaids
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oliveryy · 2 years ago
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Legit thought of this....
Basically in this AU kaveh is DEAD and Student Alhaitham was curious to know if there were any "ghosts" inside the Bathroom. And what do you know. BOOM! The Hanako-San of the Bathroom exist.
I want to imagine Alhaitham swallowing the mermaid scale to know what it taste like and BAM he's fish. /HJ
Alhaitham: *Holding the Mermaid scale*
Kaveh: "Wait! Give it back!-"
Alhaitham: *Puts it in his mouth*
Alhaitham: "I haven't swallowed it. So. Tell me why you're panicking
Kaveh: *He starts explaining the whole lore to the mermaid scale*
Alhaitham: *Accidently swallows it*
*they both look at eachother with pure shock*
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cocrante · 1 year ago
Mermaid au but the merman is al-Haitham and Kaveh only discovers him by chance one day while he was on the pier drawing and sees something move in the water.
Several days pass before Haitham comes out, and during those days, Kaveh goes to the pier to draw and talk to that shadow he saw only once and never again, but he knew it was there somewhere. He told them about his day in the purest and most genuine way, sharing what he couldn't tell others because they saw him as a perfect person and any sign of weakness was not acceptable. That's why he took refuge on that old abandoned pier, observing and capturing in his drawings the imperfections of the waves.
Then one day, Kaveh arrived at that pier a little later, the sky transitioned from the radiant blues of day to the gentle hues of twilight. He didn't speak, nor was he in the mood to draw and it was at that moment that the water rippled, splashing salty drops on the boy's face who was curled up on the pier. Kaveh leaned in to look, but there was nothing, impossible to have imagined it "Whoever it was, why don't you show yourself?" but no one answered, just like the times before. So Kaveh stood up, announcing that he would leave, but right then, half of a face emerged, watching him with a mix of curiosity and fear. Kaveh knelt on the pier, looking at that humanoid creature that disappeared into the depths once again. The boy relaxed his lips into a smile, thanking him for showing up and promising to come back the next day.
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kunishirou · 2 years ago
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Not my best one but hopefully still in time for MerMay
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momochiiee · 1 year ago
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╭┈˖⋆ ⋅ ❁ ⋅ ──── ┊ Cryptid silent merfolk Alhaitham ┊ ˖⋆࿐໋₊ ☆ ┊ Been brainrotting hard on this AU ╰┄───➤ °♡•.
╭─ •.•°⋅ ✿ ⋅°•.•.•°⋅ ✿ ⋅°•.•°⋅ ✿ ⋅°•.•°⋅ ✿ ⋅°•.• ─╮ Do NOT Repost! ♻️ Reblogs are appreciated and encouraged 💖 ╰─ •°•.⋅ ✿ ⋅.•°•.•°⋅ ✿ ⋅°•.•°⋅ ✿ ⋅°•.•°⋅ ✿ ⋅°•°• ─╯
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softsinnamonart · 2 months ago
kavetham mermaid au update?!?!
yes folks you heard it
despite the low interest i’m going to do it anyway cause some money is better than none.
i’m making a special paid edition of the mermaid au
im currently working to redraw and redo some of the earlier scenes and pages of the mermaid au, basically fixing up my wonky year old drawings, which will be apart of the paid version i will put on my website (not yet launched)
the paid version will have:
-improved drawings (better quality)
-no watermark (you paid for it afterall)
-bonus scenes + extra scenes
-scrapped sketches (parts of the story that didn’t make the cut) and sketches i made along with the au for fun that have not been released
-scrapped dialogue
the doujin/comic will be all one PDF file
this is cause i can’t afford printing (deadass canadian economy is so bad and going to school is so expensive)
here’s some examples of improved pages :3 watermarked of course and YES, the dialogue is being improved too
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how they looked like before vvv
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ehhh you could make an argument that the old pages had more character but i’m trying to convey a slightly different tone, one that is more in character
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calmbigdipper · 5 months ago
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Finally completed twt user herasphases’s prompt for @hkvthm-action! They requested a The Little Mermaid AU with Prince!Kaveh and Merman!Alhaitham ~
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alekthefox · 4 months ago
Kavetham/Haikaveh in fantasy/myth hybrids AU (Homebrew 5e D&D)
I imagine Alhaitham has some new Kaveh-related lie about his relics of earpieces (legendary in D&D terms).
Alhaitham: "I wear them to shield from Kaveh's voice. He's a siren."
NPC: "OH. You are traveling with a siren??" (terrified, impressed)
Kaveh, bird-human or bird-lion-human (Aarakocra or Griffin): "Ok, what the fuck?"
(Do not start the siren or mermaid argument, myths are different, both are correct. A siren in one myth is bird-human like harpies and in another fish-human like mermaids.)
Alhaitham: "These? My travelling companion, Kaveh, is a banshee. He burst my eardrums long ago."
(Banshee - screaming ghost, psychic damage inbound)
Kaveh, yelling from Alhaitham's fancy-ass cart, therefore not really beating the allegations: "YOU—!!!! Ohhhh! I'm picking your scales/feathers off tonight!"
(Can't decide between Gorgon/snake-human Alhaitham or his canon bird-coded self.)
Ramble headcanons below line
But also I absolutely need to see Haikaveh/Kavetham preening the other's wings.
And Kaveh puffing up his feathers. Specifically the chest feathers. Because Alhaitham's frustrating. Chest feathers because his shirt-less shirt—that's actually just sleeves cuz its frontless and backless—needs to stay from canon.
Where did Haithem get this relic? Illegal shit. Obviously.
Kaveh's probably a paladin (just for righteousness, not specifically religions or the crown or revenge) or a bard. Yes, bard. They don't always need to be musical. Make an architectural bard. But also you cannot tell me this man can't dance. OMG WAIT ARTIFICER? YES, HE'S AN ARTIFICER. THAT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE ACTUALLY. +AUTOMATON MEHRAK
Alhaitham? He's the most broken multiclass you can think of. Not one I can, but one you can. My suggestion rn would be wizard+fighter, there's a specific 5e wizard subclass that's broken with fighter. Or was that bladesinger I'm thinking of?? Either way he still pretends he's a feeble low-level wizardly scholar. And can put on a show if needed to seem like barbarian rage (AZAR!!!!) also thaumaturgy red eyes edgy fucking bitch (I love him).
I don't know much about the mechanics ok I just had a silly idea
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elizaleiden · 22 days ago
Intro for my Twst Yuu and Oc’s
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Firstly I decided to just put my oc’s and YUU intro all together. Secondly in my au girls do attend NRC is just incredibly rare there is about 35 or so girls in each dorm and the girls dorms are separated from the boys dorms.
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My Yuu:
Barbara Dominique Aguirre-Laurent
Dorm: Ramshackle
Age: 16-17
Based off of Tiana from princess and the frog, Barbara and Hu Tao(just a bit) from Genshin impact, and myself. She is a very kind and energetic person but also be very sassy and sarcastic when she wants to. It’s rare to see her mad or sad since she’s usually smiling all the time. She loves her new friends in Twisted Wonderland and misses her family back home. Barbara Dominique was born to an incredibly wealthy and powerful family. She is the 5th and youngest child in her family. She has an older twin sister, Averine Maria. She has many talents, interests/hobbies such as baking/cooking, singing, drawing, dancing, and sowing.
Her S/O is either gonna be Jack or Trey
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Alistair Rosehearts
Dorm: Heartslabyul
Age: 17
Based off of Alice from Alice in wonderland. During Book One he’s very stoic all his emotions very calculated. What he decides to show people are all according to his calculations to make Riddle seem like the superior twin. Alistair never follows or acknowledges his own feelings because his ‘mother’ always invalidated them. He follows every single command given to him by his ‘mother’ and Riddle. After Book One he’s very conflicted with his feelings because Riddle was able to change so easily and not even for the sake of his younger brother. These feelings eventually consume him.
His S/O is Silver
Kaveh Kingscholar
Dorm: No dorm, too young to attend
Age: 15
I honestly don’t have anyone he’s based off of. He’s very expressive and can come off as a bit clingy to his older brothers. Unlike Leona, Kaveh is very okay with not being king intact he’s quite thankful, he prefers to help the his people without having so many tasks to attend too. He loves being around his brothers whenever he can. He’s adopted their personalities as well, with Farena he’s very sweet and friendly and very polite. With Leona he can be kinda bitchy, sassy, and yet always polite and respectful towards women. He really really looks up to Leona because of his cunning and intelligence. He loves his brothers and nephew and loves watching movies where his favorite actress is in.
His S/O is Emma Scheonheit(oc)
Adria Ashengrotto
Dorm: Octavinelle
Age: 16
Based off of the Shell in the little mermaid and Teruhashi from Saiki K. Adria is the example of what most would describe as perfect she is beautiful, kind, caring, empathetic, athletic, and friendly. She has never been without ‘friends’, people have always been around her since she was child. Yet all the attention has made her very nervous and shy when interacting with others. She loves her older brother, Azul so very much she looks up to him and she believes what he says when he says it. She could never dream of a world without her brother and best friends she will always put them first.
Her S/O is Jamil
Laxia Viper
Dorm: Diasomnia (past dorm)
Age: 25
Based off the Genie from Aladdin. Laxia is an intelligent woman who is a graduate of Night Raven College. When she was 15 she was accused (by a certain someone(def not Kalim😁)) of poisoning the Lady of the Asim family and was banished from the scalding sands. She had to leave her beloved siblings behind. For a year she lived in Briar Valley before attending NRC she had exceptional talent in magic and became Diasomnia’s Housewarden in the middle of her first year. When she graduated she became an architect with plenty knowledge on medicinal techniques. Even now 10 years later she longs for the day she can freely meet her siblings.
Her S/O is Sam
Emma Scheonheit
Dorm: No dorm, too young to attend
Age: 15
Based off of the Mirror from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Mafuyu Asahina from pjsk. The number one female actress and model in all of Twisted Wonderland revered by all her colleagues. She is a kind and caring girl who admires her father and brother immensely and loves her job that brought her to fame. At least that’s what everyone thinks. Truly she never wanted to be an actress or a model but when she realized it was much too late so she began to pretend and fake her feelings. Her true self is devoid of any emotion always looks like she’s looking for something. Only 3 people have seen her without the mask she constantly wears. She undoubtedly loves her father and brother she just finds it hard to express herself after years of faking.
Her S/O is Kaveh Kingscholar (oc)
Liale Shroud
Dorm: Ignihyde
Age: 17
Based off of the Muses from Hercules. She’s a very extroverted and bubbly girl that loves her brothers dearly and loves making them do arts with her. She loves to spoil her brothers whenever she goes shopping. She spends most of her time with her friends or with her brothers. Relating to the topic of Ortho’s death Liale having witnessed it first hand she tried to save him but was held back by Idia who knew it would be a fruitless endeavor. When she woke up her mind had already begun to block out the painful memories. For years she let herself rot in her room refusing to eat and becoming depressed even though she couldn’t remember why. Idia to save himself but also his sister he created the humanoid Ortho. Luckily her condition improved and she became the person she used to be.
Her S/O is Riddle
Yvonne Zigvolt
Dorm: Diasomnia
Age: 182 (18)
Based off of Maleficents Thorns from Sleeping Beauty. Sebek’s oldest sister who unlike his other two older siblings is full fae and is the general in Briar Valleys army. She is very flirty and friendly person who is very ahead of her classwork in case she be needed in her homeland. She allows the younger students to call her ‘big sister’ because she takes utmost care for the students she knows as well. Yvonne has a fae illness that is incredibly rare when her father found out about it he left not being able to stand that his daughter would die young(for a fae). Only four people know of her illness and she does her absolute best to keep it from her siblings and best friend(Malleus).
Her S/O may be Malleus if I want her to be happy😋
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yuamusuzuran · 13 days ago
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Merman!Kaveh 🧜‍♂️🥰
Art by me, based on my own HaiKaveh fanfic, which you can read here
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aviiarie · 3 months ago
“𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐑 𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐑𝐒.” — 400 follower event.
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hello friends! to celebrate 400 followers, i will be hosting a new event!! as decided by a poll, this event will be focused around alternate universes, so if you've ever wanted to see your favourite character in another universe, here's your chance!
✦ note: CLOSED. 17/17 slots filled.
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— requests will be written as sfw only. if you have any other concerns or queries, check my rules!
— one request per person please!
— to participate, all you need to do is send in a request with a character + an au and i will write a drabble! do specify if you want your request to be platonic, romantic, or familial, if it's unspecified i will default to an ambiguous relationship.
— i have a list of example au's below that you can pick from, but you are welcome to choose a more specific au or one that isn't listed.
— au’s i will not be writing for are: omegaverse. mafia/mob au. yandere au. any sort of dark au actually.
example requests: "can i ask for a mermaid au with kaveh?" "could i request modern au with mitsuri? and make it romantic!" "dazai + ghost au + platonic?"
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note: bolded names are characters i'll write as platonic only. the characters i'm accepting for this event are a bit more limited this time, so i don't lose motivation. sorry!
— genshin: alhaitham arlecchino, chiori, freminet, furina, heizou, itto, kaveh, kazuha, kokomi, layla, lynette, lyney, navia, tighnari, wanderer/scaramouche.
— honkai star rail: aventurine, blade, boothill, kafka, march 7th, robin, silver wolf, stelle, sunday.
— demon slayer: genya, inosuke, kagaya, kyojuro, mitsuri, muichiro, obanai, sanemi, shinobu, tengen (& his wives), zenitsu.
— bungou stray dogs: atsushi, akutagawa, chuuya, dazai, gin, kunikida, kyouka, lucy, ranpo, yosano.
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note: here are some AUs you can choose! some of these are pretty similar to each other oops
— college/university au
— murder mystery au
— roommates au
— mermaid au
— royalty au
— fae au
— neighbours au
— flower shop au
— coffee shop au
— space au
— post-apocalypse au
— band au
— folklore au
— ghost au
— soulmates au
— acting au
— office au
— fairytale au
— superheroes/villains au
— vampires au
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© aviiarie 2024. do not copy, repost, translate or use my work to train ai
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