#kaveh mermaid
softsinnamonart · 1 year
kavetham mermaid au part 8
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silly cliff hanger :3
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cheescheesy · 5 months
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really lame explorer nari x electric eel cyno (or should i say eelno??) mermay au
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velkia · 1 year
do you think a 'the little mermaid' au for alhaitham and kaveh would be fun? who'd be the prince and who'd be the mermaid!!
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I've been thinking about it for 2 days...
The most inspiring for me would definitely be an AU where Kaveh is the mermaid. He would be a talented architect from the undersea.
During his youth, his mother fell in love with a human from Fontaine, and turned into a human to live with him. Kaveh was left alone. He then began take an interest in the human species, going to the surface to interact with them, studying their culture, especially their architecture, their food…etc etc. After a while, the humans of Port Ormos would appreciate him so much that he was asked to renew the structure of the Port.
One day, he noticed a beautiful student from the Akademiya sleeping on the beach, a book in his hands. His name was Al-Haitham. They became friends very quickly, meeting there as often as the could.
The heart of Kaveh began to be flooded with a strange feeling towards his friend. He wanted to spend his days with him, laughing, discussing...cuddling.
But they'd never be able to live together, and he knew it. Unless he became human.
He and the student worked on a project together: "Decoding the Runes and Architectural Philosophy of the Ruins of King Deshret's Civilization". Kaveh actually used this project as an excuse to ask Al-Haitham to help him to find a way to become human. Then their fallout happened.
Since this terrible event, Kaveh didn't return to the surface, even though people asked for his talent, until…
She asked Kaveh to design her famous Palace of Alcazarzaray. In exchange, she'd turn him to a human. He accepted, was given two beautiful legs, then…you all know how it turned out.
Al-Haitham offered him a room. Kaveh felt both relieved to be given a shelter and shameful that his no-longer friend saw him in such a pityful state.
An architect mermaid with nor home, nor fins, nor sea.
Time passed, their relationship started to improve. However, Kaveh missed the undersea, and Haitham noticed it. Thinking his friend would be happier if he returned to the sea, he found a potion to turn him back to a mermaid. He gave it to Kaveh, who eventually just spilled its content to the floor (he'd clean it later don't worry).
Yes, he felt miserable. Corals, seashells, fishes...how much would he pay to swim among all of that just once again. But nobody awaited for him there. He would never be as loved as he was on the surface there. And above all...
He'd never feel more home than with Haitham.
Nevertheless they managed later to buy a magnificent aquarium for Kaveh. He would sit in front of it during harsh days, an ocean of stars flooding his eyes, while Haitham would secretly observe him.
Aaand, that's it! Sorry if anything seems weird, I'm french but I do my best with english. owo
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samairuart · 10 months
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daintynekoo · 5 months
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mermaid kaveh go blub blub 🫧
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soggyremmy · 5 months
i have no words other than,
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ginnungagay · 8 months
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i want to give kaveh the build-a-base teapot but i also need him to get scammed into buying the wrong magic teapots. i need him to get magical pranked. listen he'll be fine. but he'll definitely be Embarrassed
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sunnyskiesv2 · 1 year
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"the chatter all over sumeru is that your acting grand sage is gonna propose!" little mermaid au (inspired by dearestkaveh on tiktok)
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anisohtropy · 11 months
as much as I want them to be happy, something about Kaveh and Alhaitham is just so... suited to tragedy. like they give me the same feelings that probably led to someone coming up with Orpheus and Eurydice
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watatsumiis · 1 year
A Friend in the Shallows - a Mermaid!Kaveh x reader drabble
Pretty much exactly what it says on the tin! An extraordinarily late Mermay drabble!!
Content: Mermaid!Kaveh and gender neutral reader. Not inherently shippy or romantic, just a little drabble! A very light helping of angst towards the end.
It’s a relief, finally making it out to the forest again after nearly a week of constant storms. It feels like a brand new place, with a fresh coat of lush green paint to match. Branches and debris are scattered about everywhere, and you almost get lost a few times before finally recognising the two crossed trees that signal the clearing your safe haven rests in. 
The water seems to be calm and still as you approach, barely a ripple on the surface. The azure pool is much deeper than it looks from the surface most days, but today you can clearly see just how far the depths go, even around the leaves and sticks scattered about. 
A soft breeze blows through, disturbing the water and pulling you out of your thoughts. You look around for a few moments before spotting your preferred place to sit - a broad, flat rock nestled amongst the roots of a large, twisted birch tree. You clear some leaf mulch from it before sitting down and opening up your book, settling in to read.
The creatures of the forest make for nice companionship, despite the chill in the air. It’s not long before you recognise the cacophony of the duck family that has come to recognise your presence here, and smile in relief upon realising that they seemed to have made it through the recent storms just fine. 
A while passes, and the wind begins to pick up a little more, and eventually you mark your place and set your book down beside you to regard the ducks, floating around in the pond. They seem to be focused on one area in particular, underneath a large clump of branches and bushes that seems to have grown since you were last here. They’re floating by it, pecking at the low-hanging branches and occasionally fluttering their wings. 
You can’t help but frown at the sight, wondering if there might be something wrong. It takes you a while to muster up the courage to approach. You can just make out a figure in the shadows underneath the heavy layer of leaves, and redouble your pace. 
Your heart drops as you wonder if it might be a body, some unfortunate hiker caught out in the storm, and you quickly begin to pull off the layers of branches from the other side, while the ducks nip and fuss about from the water. 
“Hey, hey, hey!” A voice comes from within the bushes, startling you out of your stupor. “You hooligans!” They complain. “That is enough!” You hear a splash and freeze as the ducks scatter, quickly beginning to question if this is when you should be starting to run. “I was asleep!” You take a few steps back as the makeshift shelter shudders, and something large slides out from under the leaves and into the pond with a shimmer. 
“That’s what I thought!” The person in the water shakes their fist at the retreating ducks. “You are not very nice neighbours you know! This happens again and I’ll be cooking one of you up for dinner!” Though, even as he speaks, you see him adjust the direction of his waving to help spook one of the ducklings off in the direction of its family before it can get lost in the reeds. 
“Uhm.” You begin awkwardly, unsure of how to confront this situation. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were in there.” You take another few steps away from his shelter. 
“Oh!” The person whirls around quickly, seemingly just as shocked as you are to see someone else here. “I-uh. Hello there.” His brown eyes meet yours, and his perfect eyebrows arch upwards. “You’re a human.” He observes, before you can say anything else. 
“And…you’re not?” You respond dryly, setting your hands on your hips.
“Yes. Well, no - actually, kind of - I mean - I’m not human. Technically.” He stumbles over his words as he gestures vaguely. “Does being partially human count for anything?” 
“What do you mean?” You frown at him as he flounders, twirling his long blond hair around his fingers, showing off the brown tips as he tilts his head to the side.
“I’m a mermaid.” He announces, with no preamble or beating around the bush. “Well, merman, I guess, if you want to be pedantic. I have yet to meet any mer who uses that title.” His chattering increases in speed, giving you no chance to butt in. “Humans made it up, actually, which is like - that’s fine, I suppose, but our biology is much more complicated than that, and-” 
“A mermaid?” You manage to echo after a few moments, and the man in the pond stops in his tracks, looking up at you in a way that could either be mildly offended or somewhat amused. Now he’s still, you can see white, gold and orange scales beneath the surface of the water, shimmering softly in the light. Sprawling fins swish back and forth absently, though the mermaid is sitting in the shallows, his weight resting on the rocks and plants. 
“It’s rude to stare, you know.” He narrows his eyes, a hint of a smile pulling at his lips.
You quickly avert your gaze. “Sorry.” You mumble sheepishly, cheeks warming.
He shakes his head good-naturedly and flicks his hair back. “Anyways,” he says, perking up. You brace yourself for another rant. “What’s your name?” 
You introduce yourself, and the mermaid practically beams. “That’s a lovely name.” He comments, then falls silent for a few awkward moments before he remembers his manners. “I’m Kaveh, by the way. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” 
“It’s nice to meet you too, Kaveh.” You offer a small smile, and the surface of the water ripples as Kaveh’s tail flicks about, stirring the small plants growing in the shallows. 
“What brings you all the way out here?” He adjusts his position, turning his back to you as he moves towards the deeper part of the pool. “The nearest human village is…” He gestures somewhat vaguely in a direction that you most certainly did not come from. “A while away.”
You walk around the outskirts of the pool to stay in his line of sight as you answer. “Well, I come here a lot.” You inform him. “To read, do papers, write, those kinds of things. It’s…quiet.” You shuffle your feet and look down to watch the crisp green grass spring up where you’d been standing just a moment ago. “What are you doing here?” 
“Well, I…ah, I’ve been hanging around a while since that big storm, y’know. Taking in the scenery, helping out, waiting for inspiration… That kind of thing.” Kaveh smiles airily and waves one dainty hand about.
It doesn’t take long for you to see through his charade. “You’re stuck, aren’t you?” You raise an eyebrow. 
Kaveh seems to wither in on himself a little, crinkling his nose up in distaste. “Perhaps just a little.” He admits after a few moments.
You can’t help but laugh, and his tail flicks back and forth, shimmering in the dappled sunlight coming through the leaves as his pointed ears take on a distinct downward tilt. “Well, where did you come from? Can’t you go back?” 
Kaveh lets out a long-suffering sigh. “Theoretically, yes.” He waves a hand about. “I’m drawing up a schematic for a device that will be able to carry me through the forest and back home.” He taps a pouch on his hip. “There are just a few bits and pieces I need that I can’t find here. Wheels, elastics, those kinds of things.”
“Oh.” You mull over the problem for a few moments, scratching your chin in thought. “Well…Maybe I might be able to help you with some of it.” You run over your budget in your head, and vaguely wonder where you’d be able to source the cheapest wheels from. 
“Really?” The way his face lights up is akin to watching the sun come out from behind a cloud, and his fins flare out in excitement while his tail all but wags, sending a few small fish darting back towards the outskirts of the pond. 
“I mean, I don’t see why not.” You manage to smile, though you’re a little preoccupied with trying to figure out the exact way you’d go about all this, when you’d come down to help. “I couldn’t just leave you stuck here.” 
“You know, I think my housemate would like you.” Kaveh informs you with a cheeky smile that suggests that perhaps his housemate is a touch more judgemental than he’s letting on. 
“Mermaids have houses?” You ask, before you can stop yourself. “And housemates?” You try to picture it in your head, but all you can come up with is an image of a mermaid palace from a book you read as a child. 
“What, did you think we just flop upside-down and float down the river like dead fish when we get tired?” He scoffs, rolling onto his back in the shallows with a dramatic flourish, sending a spray of water showering over you as he flicks his fins, his piebald-patterned scales glimmering in the dappled light of the clearing.
You yelp in surprise and shield your face from the cold droplets. “Hey!” You scold him lightheartedly. He gives you a grin that’s somewhere between apologetic and mischievous. 
“Come on, let me show you the schematic.” Kaveh tells you suddenly, pulling a rolled up scroll of something that looks akin to paper, but a little more sturdy. “Come on, get over here, I’m not drying myself out sitting in the dirt with you.” He waves you over. 
You both spend the next few hours poring over his schematics - he shows you a few other projects he was working on before the storm, while you both exchange details about your own respective lives. You share a bit of the lunch you packed, and he offers you some interesting little edible plant wraps from one of his satchels in return.
Before you know it, the sun is beginning to set, and the clearing is getting darker faster than you’re comfortable with. You sigh regretfully and make to pull yourself into a standing position. “I’m sorry, Kaveh, I should go.” You look up at the sky, splotched with light grey clouds. 
“Wait.” Before you can straighten out, you feel Kaveh’s cold hand around your wrist, and his brown eyes fix you with a doleful look. 
“What is it?” You ask, a little worried that he was under the impression that you were going to stay here overnight, or come back with his supplies today. 
“You…” His voice seems to die in his throat, which comes as a bit of a shock to you - even though you’ve only known him for a couple of hours, it seems like he’s always got something to say, and no measure of impulse control to stop him from saying it. “You’ll come back, right?” He tries for a smile, but it comes out a little wobbly and nervous. 
“Of course. I said I would, didn’t I?” You return his smile, though the intensity in his gaze feels almost intimidating. 
“I- well, yeah, yeah, you did.” Kaveh lets you go, shrugging his shoulders as if he’s shedding a heavy backpack. “Just, be safe, won’t you?” He tilts his head to the side. “I mean, you’re my ticket out of here.” He runs his fingers through his hair and lets out a little laugh that turns into an awkward cough as you don’t laugh along. 
There’s something in his gaze, some sad sort of longing that makes you realise for the first time that he’s carrying a heavy loneliness within him, one that stems from something more than the few days he’s spent isolated in this little clearing. It makes your heart ache. “I’ll be back.” You assure him. “I promise.”
Please don't repost, steal, copy or otherwise plagiarise my writing! I do not consent for my works to be translated and posted elsewhere, or used to teach bots!
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oliveryy · 1 year
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Legit thought of this....
Basically in this AU kaveh is DEAD and Student Alhaitham was curious to know if there were any "ghosts" inside the Bathroom. And what do you know. BOOM! The Hanako-San of the Bathroom exist.
I want to imagine Alhaitham swallowing the mermaid scale to know what it taste like and BAM he's fish. /HJ
Alhaitham: *Holding the Mermaid scale*
Kaveh: "Wait! Give it back!-"
Alhaitham: *Puts it in his mouth*
Alhaitham: "I haven't swallowed it. So. Tell me why you're panicking
Kaveh: *He starts explaining the whole lore to the mermaid scale*
Alhaitham: *Accidently swallows it*
*they both look at eachother with pure shock*
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softsinnamonart · 4 months
mermaid au wip i just have to share LOL you’ll figure out the context later
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zaragreenbite · 1 year
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Red and blue
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yuurionviktor · 1 year
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Mermaid Kaveh for the last day of mermay
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cocrante · 1 year
Mermaid au but the merman is al-Haitham and Kaveh only discovers him by chance one day while he was on the pier drawing and sees something move in the water.
Several days pass before Haitham comes out, and during those days, Kaveh goes to the pier to draw and talk to that shadow he saw only once and never again, but he knew it was there somewhere. He told them about his day in the purest and most genuine way, sharing what he couldn't tell others because they saw him as a perfect person and any sign of weakness was not acceptable. That's why he took refuge on that old abandoned pier, observing and capturing in his drawings the imperfections of the waves.
Then one day, Kaveh arrived at that pier a little later, the sky transitioned from the radiant blues of day to the gentle hues of twilight. He didn't speak, nor was he in the mood to draw and it was at that moment that the water rippled, splashing salty drops on the boy's face who was curled up on the pier. Kaveh leaned in to look, but there was nothing, impossible to have imagined it "Whoever it was, why don't you show yourself?" but no one answered, just like the times before. So Kaveh stood up, announcing that he would leave, but right then, half of a face emerged, watching him with a mix of curiosity and fear. Kaveh knelt on the pier, looking at that humanoid creature that disappeared into the depths once again. The boy relaxed his lips into a smile, thanking him for showing up and promising to come back the next day.
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momochiiee · 8 months
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╭┈˖⋆ ⋅ ❁ ⋅ ──── ┊ Cryptid silent merfolk Alhaitham ┊ ˖⋆࿐໋₊ ☆ ┊ Been brainrotting hard on this AU ╰┄───➤ °♡•.
╭─ •.•°⋅ ✿ ⋅°•.•.•°⋅ ✿ ⋅°•.•°⋅ ✿ ⋅°•.•°⋅ ✿ ⋅°•.• ─╮ Do NOT Repost! ♻️ Reblogs are appreciated and encouraged 💖 ╰─ •°•.⋅ ✿ ⋅.•°•.•°⋅ ✿ ⋅°•.•°⋅ ✿ ⋅°•.•°⋅ ✿ ⋅°•°• ─╯
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