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Hi love !!!! Can you do one where Niall and y/n are together and they go grocery shopping . They separate in the store and y/n goes to female isle while Niall goes to check something up . She grabs what she needs and goes to buy her fashion magazines. While looking and deciding , a man is hitting on her , telling her she is beautiful and all those lame lines and he doesn’t leave her alone . Immediatly she texts Niall to come and that a man isnt leaving her and flirts with her . Niall comes and tells the guy to back off and starts a talking fight with him. Y/n tells him to stop and they leave . She is a little shaken off by the whole situation and her anxiety is through the roof right now and she starts to feel not so good . They go home and Niall takes care of her and showers her with kisses , snuggles, cuddles , hugs etc and he is sorry that he picked a fight and that is his fault that she is feeling like this now . Y/n is really emotional and starts to cry and knows that is not his fault and that she is so lucky to have him . You can go from there . Thank you so much . Always looking forward to read your imagines , love your writing !!!💖❤️
ahh omg yes I love this idea!!! this is also def how i would react to that situation too! id get such bad anxiety and get so upset hahah. this ended up turning out to be a lot longer than i expected (def too long to be considered a blurb so i'm making it a one shot) but i had so much fun writing it so I hope you enjoy!!!!
It was a lazy, Sunday afternoon. The day was full of house chores and spending time together before the busy week ahead of you both began. You and Niall decided to go grocery shopping together. You currently were in the pasta aisle when you remembered you were running low on girly products.
"'m gonna go get tampons, okay?" you told him.
"kay, babe," he hummed, eyes scanning the shelves for your all's favorite pasta sauce.
You walked to the feminine aisle and began searching for your favorite brand of tampons. Once you found them, you picked them up as well as some pads and panty liners too, not knowing if you were running low on those too, but having an extra box or two wouldn't kill. Making your way back towards Niall, you spotted the magazine aisle and decided to take a look at some of the new fashion magazines. While browsing through a couple of them, you felt the presence of a strange man walk up to you. You ignored him, hoping he was just browsing just like you, until he spoke up, "Hi there."
You looked over at him and smiled sweetly, "Hi."
He looked about 25 years old and he definitely wasn't your type at all. He had patches of facial hair spread throughout his jaw, and his dark brown hair was slicked back with one too many scoops of hair gel. He was around 5'9 and wore a pair of black, Adidas sweatpants, matched with a dark blue t-shirt and a pair of old, beaten-up gym shoes.
You turned your attention back to the magazines in front of you, trying to give off the obvious hint that you weren't interested in talking to him.
"I don't wanna come off too forward but you're honestly the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and I just had to let you know that."
"Aw well thank you," you smiled, flattered by the compliment but immediately averting your attention away from him.
"What's your name?" he asked.
"Y/N," you told him without looking up at him and instantly regretting telling him your real name, wishing you had just said a random one.
"Y/N," he repeated, "that's a beautiful name," he says and you started to get extremely uncomfortable, not even bothering to ask him what his name was because you didn't care at all.
You smiled slightly at him, slowly inching away from him as you browse through the magazines, but of course, he followed you, taking steps closer and trying to talk to you.
"You have a beautiful accent. Where are you from?"
"What's a pretty girl like you doin' here in London?"
"My boyfriend lives here," you replied, glad you could easily slip Niall into the conversation, hoping that after hearing you were taken, the man would leave you alone.
But oh were you wrong.
"That's a shame, I bet I'd treat you so much better than he does."
You didn't even acknowledge that comment, not wanting to give him anything to work with.
"You into fashion?" he asked, nodding towards the magazine you were looking through.
"Yeah," you replied softly, not saying anything else.
"Was thinking about startin' to up my fashion game. Maybe you could teach me a few pointers."
You just fake giggled at him, not knowing what to say to that. You didn't wanna be rude but you also didn't wanna give him the impression that you wanted to talk to him, not that he was taking that hint anyway.
"Do you work in fashion or anything?" he asked.
"Just a hobby?"
"Cool. My sister's into fashion too. There's a lot of fakeness in it though. I like a more natural girl like you. No plastic surgery and you don't cake on the makeup like those models do."
What the fuck is he talking about?
"You're natural and I love natural girls," he stated.
You fake chuckled at him again, having no clue how to respond to that. It went on like this for what felt like forever. It didn't matter how dry you were being with him, or what such obvious hints you tried to give off, he would not leave you alone. He continued to try to talk to you and flirt with you. You gave him absolutely nothing to work with, yet he would not leave. He even started to make some borderline creepy comments and that was when you pulled your phone out of your sweatshirt pocket and started texting Niall, come to the magazine aisle this man won't leave me alone.
"Maybe if I get your number we can hang out sometime and get to know each other a little better," he stated after seeing you pull out your phone.
"No, I'm sorry, I already told you I had a boyfriend," you slipped your phone back into your pocket, praying that Niall sees the text ASAP.
"I don't see any boyfriend around here."
"He's over there," you said blankly, pointing to the direction that Niall was in.
"Who cares? He's not here right now, he doesn't have to know about us," he smirked at you, a devilish look in his muddy, brown eyes.
You felt sick to your stomach and giggled nervously, "No I'm sorry, I'm not comfortable with that."
"What? You go through each other's phones or something?" he chuckled back.
"No, I'm just not looking for anyone else," you replied.
Just as you said that Niall immediately turned around the corner, pushing the cart holding your things and you felt instantly relieved knowing he was here to save the day, "Hey! What's goin' on 'ere? Babe, ya know this man?"
You shook your head no.
"Is he botherin' ya?" he asked.
You shook your head yes.
"What? C'mon, 'm not bothering you!" the man defended himself, throwing his hands up in the air for effect, "If anything you should take it as a compliment that I'm trying t' get with you."
"If she says yer botherin' her, then yer botherin' her. So back the fuck away," his voice was low, but he came off strong and intimidating.
You put everything you were holding in the cart and crossed your arms over your chest, standing back intimidated as you watched Niall deal with the man.
"I wasn't fuckin' bothering her! I was complimenting her, she loved it," the man fought back.
"Can ya not take a fuckin' hint? 's obvious that yer makin' her uncomfortable, look at her," Niall growled at him before glancing over at your timid stance.
The man didn't say anything, he just rolled his eyes and scoffed.
"Did ya tell him ya weren't interested?" Niall asked, his harsh voice now softening as he talked to you.
"Yeah," you nodded
"Seriously mate?" Niall asked, shocked by this man's behavior, "When she says no, that means no. Don't keep goin' at 'er like she owes ya somethin'. Ya don't even know 'her! Yer not gonna get a girl bein' an asshole like that. And that doesn't jus' go fer her, that goes fer every other woman ya come across," he preached, taking a step closer to him.
"Jesus, you're gettin' all worked up over nothing, I'm sorry. There."
"Ya shouldn't be apologizin' t' me, should be apologizin' to her," Niall stated, glancing back at you.
"I don't feel like I have anything to apologize for, I didn't do anything wrong, this is ridiculous." he retaliated.
"It doesn't take much t' be a decent fuckin' person," Niall started and you could see he was getting angrier and angrier by the second, his accent thickening and his muscle tensing.
"Oh fuck off, I didn't do shit to 'er! She's just being a fuckin' baby tryna get me in trouble with her little boyfriend."
You could see something switch in Niall. He was angry earlier, but now he was livid. The fact that this man wouldn't leave his girl alone, made her extremely uncomfortable, and was now insulting her pulled something out of him that he didn't even know he had. He couldn't remember the last time he was this angry.
Niall would never physically fight anyone, of course, but the angrier that Niall got, the angrier the man got and you didn't know what this man was capable of. You didn't wanna see it go any farther then it already has so before he could even react, you spoke up, grabbing Niall's tensed up arm and pulling him back towards you, "Niall don't."
"Ya dont ever treat a woman like dat ever again! Ya hear me?" his voice began to rise and people began staring.
"Niall, please stop," you begged, digging your nails into the skin of his arm to get his attention more, just wanting the entire situation to be over.
"Go. Leave." Niall snapped at the man, pointing to the front of the store.
"Whatever, fuck you both," the man spat before turning around and walking away from you both, muttering bitterly under his breath, "she's not even that hot anyway."
You felt relief wash all over you as you watched the man walk away. Niall then turned to you, his hands wrapping around you to pull you into a tight hug, asking, "ya okay?"
"Can we go home, please," you whispered against his chest, feeling the strong urge to just start bawling, but you didn't, you held it in and stayed strong.
"Yeah, c'mon," he hummed back and you began following him and he was pushing the cart towards the front of the store to check out what you all had picked out, planning on doing the rest of the grocery shopping another day.
You checked out and loaded up the car before beginning your journey home. Once settled on the road, he placed his hand on your thigh and glanced over at you before asking again, "ya okay?"
"Mhm," you nodded, trying to ignore the pressure in the pit of your stomach and the urge to pick at your skin from the anxiety you were experiencing.
Niall could see right through you, he knew you weren't okay and he knew you were shaken up by this entire situation. He knew you would talk when you were ready so he stayed quiet and lovingly rubbed the skin of your thigh with his thumb as he drove you both home. Once arriving home, he turned off the car and looked over at you, "let's put da cold stuff up then we can cuddle okay?"
You nodded and got out of the car, helping him carry in a couple of bags of groceries. You both put up the cold stuff, leaving the pantry stuff out on the counter, planning on putting it away later, just wanting nothing more than to have Niall love on you for the rest of the day. He took a step towards you and cupped your jaw, aiding you in looking up at him.
"Y/N," he hummed, looking directly into your glossy eyes, "ya okay?"
And that's when the waterworks began and you did everything in your power to keep them in, but you couldn't. You shook your head no and the tears began to fall. He immediately wrapped his arms around you, swaying you back and forth as you allowed yourself to cry. He rested his cheek on your head, feeling awful that you felt this way.
"Baby, I'm so sorry, 's my fault ya feel this way, I shouldn't have picked a fight wit' 'em, should've just grabbed ya and left,"
"Mm-mm," you shook your head, "it's not your fault. You were just trying to protect me."
"I was, but still," he sighed, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
"He's the one who wouldn't leave me alone."
"Fuckin' prick" he whispered under his breath and you chuckled softly at him through your tears, loving how protective he got over you, "he made me so fuckin' angry. ya shouldn't have t' deal wit' assholes like him babe, 'm sorry."
"Thank you for taking care of me," you sniffled.
"I'll always take care of ya, darlin'. ya know that right?" he asked and you nodded, "good. I'll never let anyone hurt ya. love ya too much t' let anythin' bad happen t' ya."
You felt your heart melt at his words and you squeezed him tighter, wanting to be as close to him as you possibly could. He dipped his head down and began to slowly pepper the side of your face with sweet kisses, his scruff tickling your skin.
"Look at me" he hummed, slipping his index finger under your chin to aid you in lifting your head to look at him.
You looked up at him with irritated, teary eyes. using his thumb, he wiped away a stray tear on your cheek, a smile rising on his lips, "yer cute when ya cry."
"Stop," you giggled shly, letting your head fall back down to his chest before he lifted it up again.
"'m serious though, babe. I will always keep ya safe."
"You're so good to me" you whispered, closing your eyes as he leaned down and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
"I love ya."
"I love you too."
Pressing his lips to yours for a sweet kiss, you melted into him, feeling extremely safe and so lucky to have such an amazing man to call yours.
"Let's go upstairs, I'll give ya some of me famous Horan cuddles."
You loved this man to death.
#niall blurbs#niall horan blurb#niall horan blurbs#niall blurb#one direction#niall#niall horan#one direction blurb#one direction blurbs#answered#katyhoran02
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False Doubts - Mason Mount
For @katyhoran02 <3

Tag list: @whiskeypowder @chloereddy @mountsmason @ofxinnocence
Just ask if you’d like to be added!
Gif by @mountsmason as always! 😘
Btw I haven't used Mason's mum's name as it feels a bit strange to do so (just a personal preference) :)
Mason’s parents’ living room was pretty. You’d always thought that ever since you had first come to the house.
The only problem was, you were doing such a lovely room an injustice. You had escaped to the quiet of this room to have a moment to yourself. Thoughts that had been plaguing you for many months had caught up with you hard during this trip to Mason’s parents. It had just made all of them seem more real to you.
For the weeks recently passed, feelings of discontent had circled you. Ever since Mason had broken up with his ex, and now was with you, every now and then one of his friends would mention her - and you would wonder whether they preferred her. Of whether they wished she was still in the place you now fulfilled.
You didn’t know that much about Mason’s ex, in truth you didn’t like to know much, but the little details you did know made you wonder how you matched up to those qualities. Were you better? Had Mason chosen you because he wanted to squash loneliness or did he actually want you? He had given you no reason to think negatively, but the doubts were always there, regardless of whatever you did.
Stupidly, you had started to cry. You were silent, tears just falling down your cheeks with no sound coming from you. You were looking out into the garden at the back of the house. How peaceful the day looked today... You wished you could have that inner peace yourself.
You hadn’t heard Mason’s mum walk into the room.
“I’m sorry.” You instantly apologised but you weren’t sure for what exactly. You hastily wiped the tears from your face and tried to appear presentable.
“Are you ok, love?”
It was clear that you weren’t, but you couldn’t begrudge her for being concerned.
“I’m fine, I’m sorry.” You apologised again. You were worried you appeared ridiculous to your boyfriends mother as you were standing crying in her living room.
“I don’t want to sound harsh but you’re clearly not. Sit with me.”
“Y/N sweetheart, you can tell me.”
She guided you down to sit next to her on the sofa. You had begun to pick at the skin around your fingernails. Anyone would be able to tell you that you were very upset about something.
The woman sitting in front of you was waiting patiently for you to speak. She didn’t pry or say anything else until you opened your mouth.
“I’m worried about me and Mase.” You confessed.
“Oh?” She looked very worried.
“Oh not like that!” You said quickly, cursing your choice of wording. “I worry I’m going to disappoint him in the end. That I’m not good enough for him.”
The look of confusion left your boyfriend’s mother’s face and was replaced by a mixture of pity and fondness. You couldn’t decide what was worse, the confusion before or the pity now. You didn’t want to be pitied. However, it wasn’t pity that was the resounding emotion, the fondness was the feeling that prompted Mason’s mother.
“If there’s one thing I know about my son, Y/N, is that he loves you.”
You found yourself blushing at her words. And to your embarrassment and delight she continued.
“You deserve him, and he deserves you. I can’t think of anyone else that I would want to see him with.”
If Mason’s mother carried on like this you were going to end up crying again, but this time for a totally different reason. About ten minutes ago you wouldn’t have believed a single word that you were being told, but the sincerity in which the words were said had convinced you. Hearing it from someone so close to Mason was one thing, but hearing it from him would be another.
As if she could read your mind, Mason’s mum studied you and then said, “Y/N, I think you should talk to Mason about this. I think he needs to tell you all of this, not me.”
The smile she gave you was enough to make you want to talk to your boyfriend. Everyone always says that communication in a relationship is key, and at the moment you and Mason were lacking in that department. You had been feeling like this for months, and had never once breathed a word of it to him.
“I will.” You promised. You received a nod and a reassuring smile in return. You would do it tonight.
+ + +
You had allowed yourself to relax into Mason’s arms later on into the evening. There hadn’t been a suitable time that you could speak to him about the conversation you had had earlier. Now seemed like no better time than any to bring it up.
“Mase?” Your voice was muffled into his chest and you wondered if he had heard you.
“Hmm?” He hummed into the top of your hair.
“I’m not a disappointment to you, am I?”
Mason moved back from you so quickly so he could look at your face, searching whether you were joking or being completely serious. When he was met with your solemn expression he knew you were being serious. Your question was not a joke.
“Of course not! Why would you say that?”
Mason stroked a hand down your hair in an attempt to comfort you. He couldn’t think of a reason as to why you had asked him that. There hadn’t been an event that would force you to think that you would ever be a disappointment.
“I just… I just worry that I’m not good enough for you.”
You were not going to cry again.
“God, Y/N, you are so good for me. I can’t think of anyone better.”
“That’s what your mum said…” You mumbled, actually low enough that Mason didn’t hear.
“What was that?”
Your boyfriend looked at you worryingly, before cuddling you closer and squeezing you to him.
“Y/N, you are the best thing in my life, and I’m so so glad that I met you. Please don’t ever think that you’re not good enough. I love you so much.”
You snuggled closer into Mason, grasping the front of his T-shirt to pull yourself as close to him as possible. His body heat surrounding you wasn’t smothering even though it was all you could feel. It was comforting.
Mason was pressing soft kisses to your hairline. You had honestly never felt more loved.
Request HERE :)
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Maybe don’t
Requested: yes by @katyhoran02
A/N: Based on the song “Maybe don’t ” by JP Saxe and Maisie Peters. It’s the second part to this one (read this first if you haven’t otherwise it won’t make sense).
Pairing: reader & Niall Horan
Words: 809
After the night where your friends had dragged you out of the club, you spend most days in your bed. You ignored all the calls and texts you got from anyone. You followed your school courses online and devoted all your time to your homework. Since Niall knows where you work, you called in and took all your sick and holiday days. You hadn’t taken them since you started working, so you had a lot of time off. It’s kind of stupid you admit, but in all seriousness you really liked him, and he broke your heart. Well you still like him, heck maybe you even lo- anyway it comes down to a broken heart even if you weren’t officially together. At first when you met him, he seemed so perfect, and you remember how you wished he was a little less perfect, so you could end things more easily and not end up hurt… boy, how wrong that went.
One day you get a call, you are so caught up in your school project that you forget to check the caller-id. “Please, don’t hang up”, is the first thing you hear. Your heart drops to your stomach, you forget how to breath and almost throw your phone across the room. “I know that you don’t want to hear from me, but please let me explain.” You don’t want him to talk, you don’t want him to explain, you don’t- It’s safe to say that you really like Niall and lately the feeling has only been getting worse. You’ve run through every outcome in your head and in every one of them you end up hurt. So you don’t want to speak to or with him ever again. “I just want to say that I am so very sorry for what happened that night. I want to say that she came on to me and that it wasn’t my fault… but it was. I created the environment in which she thought that she could come onto me and kiss me, and I am sorry for that. I am also sorry for acting the way that I did…. I-” “I’m sorry Niall. I should hang up”, you interrupt him. “Maybe don’t?! Listen to me, please.” He sounds so desperate, and you almost feel sorry for the way you are acting towards him. “I think I should go. You were the thing that I want the most, and now I just want to get away from you”, you confess quietly. Your throat starts to swell, meaning that you are going to cry soon, and you don’t want to sob while Niall is doing whatever on the other side of the phone. “I get that’s what you want to do but please, don’t. Look, y/n, I haven’t been able to fall asleep unless you say goodnight. I know that I’ve been making group decisions about us with us. And for that I am sorry.” “I just don’t want to hurt you or have you hurt me. This is just a heads-up, I mess people’s heads up. But only because I am scared of losing mine. I am hopelessly falling in love with you, Niall. And I am so scared of this feeling. You were so perfect, and I wanted you to be less honest and tick a couple less boxes, just so I could sabotage this and feel good about myself. And not get hurt…” you sniff. “No, what. I made you cry?! That’s the last thing I wanted to do. Y/n, please I am so sorry for what happened, and I wanted to contact you sooner, but you never picked up your phone. I stopped by your workplace to ask how you were doing, but your boss told me that you took up all your sick days… I have been standing outside your flat in the hope that you would come downstairs, because I love you, y/n. I don’t want to lose you, you are so perfect for me and I have been the biggest asshole in the world”, he confesses. He… he loves you? “You love me?” “Yeah, I do. I am hopelessly devoted”, he quotes you favourite film. You can feel him grin through the phone. You don’t hang up the phone but slowly make your way downstairs, in the hope that he didn’t lie and is actually standing outside your flat building. “Hello, y/n. Are you there?” he nervously giggles. “Yeah, I’m here. Hold on.” You rush down the stairs and open the door to the outside world that you haven’t visited in two weeks. You see him standing on the pavement with his back towards you. You run towards him and wrap your arms around his waist. He jumps a bit at the foreign contact but quickly turns around to face you. “I love you too.”
#niall#niall horan#niallhoran#horan#niall horan imagine#niall imagine#niall horan blurb#niall blurb#one direction#one direction imagine#one direction blurb#1D#1D Niall#Niall 1D#1D imagine#1D blurb
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Hi!!!! Can you do one where y/n finally got your driver license and Y/n is so happy that she can drive.A few weeks pass by and y/n and Niall go to Tara’s house for a small gathering. Y/n is the one who drives and Niall is commenting a lot about her driving; that she doesn’t do that right , that she shouldnt do that , that she sucks and she never should drive again or she could kill someone. Hearing all of this , she feels so bad and and insecure that she pulls over and yells at Niall that he could drive and she is so fed up . He feels bad after that and tries to apologise but she is having none of that and doesn’t speak or look at him the entire journey to Tara. Arriving there , she goes straight in the house , not even waiting for Niall . Tara could sense that something happend and talks to y/n in private where she tells Tara the whole story while breaking down in tears and sobs . Hearing that Tara scolds Niall and makes him talk and apologise to her. You can go from there. Thank you !!❤️💖😘
you had finally gotten your driver's license! you were so so so excited to finally be able to drive by yourself and not have to constantly ask for rides from friends and family. niall was also super excited for you! he didn't mind driving you everywhere, he loved driving you, but he was just excited that you were excited.
you and niall were heading over to tara's for small gathering and niall let you drive. this was the first time you would be driving with niall in the passenger seat and you were so excited for him to finally see you drive!
getting in the car, you pulled out of the driveway and began your journey to tara's house. throughout the entire ride, niall constantly nagged you about your driving. he critiqued everything you did from the way you stopped the car to the turns you made to you not checking your mirrors enough, everything. every little thing that he could've possibly pointed out, he did. he was being dramatic, holding onto the handle tightly, yelling at you to slow down, saying mean things like "who the fuck gave ya yer license", "i'm never lettin' ya drive again", "you're gonna fuckin' kill someone, y/n!" and "babe, you're an awful driver".
his words started to get extremely hurtful and you got to the point where you had enough.
"fine, you drive! if i'm such an awful driver than you drive!" you yelled as you pulled over into a random parking lot, putting the car in park and immediately getting out of the car angrily.
you switched seats with him and he began driving. the car was silent for a little bit and after swimming in his own thoughts, he started to feel really bad about how he reacted and wanted to apologize. he placed a hand on your thigh and said, "y/n?"
you pushed his hand away, not wanting any contact with him. he sighed, "darlin' im sorry."
"i dont wanna talk right now" you snapped
"y/n cmon."
"i said I don't wanna talk"
the rest of the car ride was silent.
once you got to tara's house, you took your seatbelt off and immediately walked into the house, not waiting for him or giving him any attention. you put on your fake smile and greeted everybody. the night went on smoothly and you felt like you were doing a pretty good job at hiding the fact like there was nothing going on between you and niall, but you were wrong. tara noticed. she could feel the tension between you two and noticed how little attention you gave each other. she noticed how you shot niall down every time he tried to talk to you, or how you gave him short answers and didn't laugh like you usually do at the jokes he made.
tara pulled you aside and asked if everything was okay. at her question, you broke down into tears. she pulled you into a hug and let you cry it out. you told her what happened and she immediately took your side, "y/n im so sorry. boys can be such dicks sometimes"
"i was so excited too and now i never wanna drive again" you sniffled
"don't let him ruin that for you! he's bein' dramatic. i've been working with niall for years and lemme tell you, that boy can be a drama queen sometimes"
you giggled at her and she smiled, "lemme go talk to him"
it wasn't long later before you heard a knock on the door and niall walk through. you wiped away your stray tears and sniffled, avoiding eyecontact with him
"y/n, baby, 'm so sorry" he cooed, grabbing both your hands in his and cornering you, "please look at me"
you looked up at him with red eyes, seeing his sad ones, "never meant t' make ya cry."
"well you did" you sassed
"'m sorry. shouldn't 've reacted like i did. i think i was just scared. 's usually me drivin' or i got a personal driver so i think it scared me knowing ya were a new driver, i dunno" he explained
"i'm not a bad driver though" you hummed
"yer not, i was just over-reactin'. 'm sorry"
you didn't reply, only looking down at your fingers holding his, feeling better that he knew he was in the wrong here.
"ya forgive me?" he asked
you looked up at him again, "yeah, just don't like how mean you got"
"i didn't mean anythin' i said. i think you're a great driver, especially being new. i was just reacting out of fear i guess. i'll work on it for ya. ya don't deserve being treated like that" he pulled you into a hug, letting his fingers run through your smooth hair
"thank you" you whispered, melting into his embrace
"we good?" he asked, double checking that you were okay
you nodded, "i love you"
"i love you too"
#imagine#niall imagine#niall horan imagine#one direction#one direction imagine#imagines#one direction imagines#niall imagines#niall horan imagines#niall#niall horan#requested#answered#katyhoran02
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Hi love !!!! Did you get by any chance my request ?? I was just wondering . Thank you !❤️
I did! I've got it on my "to write" list! Thank you so much for requesting! You've always got the cutest, most creative ideas!
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Hey !!Do you still take Niall imagine requests??Sending lots of love and stay safe !! 😄💓
I do!! I haven’t written in quite some time so I’m not sure when i’ll get your request posted but I’m always open to them!!
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