#katy tablet repair
phonerepairsnmore · 1 year
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iphonerepairkaty · 5 months
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Website: https://www.cellphonerepair.com/katy-fulshear-tx Email Address: [email protected]
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xgcellphonerepairkaty · 10 months
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In an age of disappearing prison libraries, jail profiteers provide "free" crapgadget tablets that charge prisoners by the minute to read Project Gutenberg ebooks
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The past couple years has seen a rise in prison profiteers who strike deals with state corrections departments to provide "free" tablets to prisoners (these being the flimsiest, cheapest, least reliable hardware imaginable), and then profiting by charging exorbitant sums for prisoners to send emails (selling "digital postage stamps" that have to be affixed to each "page" of email), videoconference with family members, and provide media, charging prisoners for music that they lose every time a prison changes suppliers.
At the same time, these companies lobby prisons to eliminate in-person visits, paper mail, and even libraries in the name of safety, contraband interdiction, and cost-savings. This replaces the prison-administered systems that encourage rehabilitation and smooth re-entry with private systems designed to extract large sums from prisoners' families. As bad as prison-administered systems are, the private systems can be worse -- and when you combine them, you get the worst of both worlds: prisoners who violate the vendors' terms of service get sent to solitary.
A recent presentation by Katy Ryan from the Appalachian Book Project describes in gruesome detail how this affects in-prison reading. In West Virginia, a company called Global Tel Link has the contract to provide prisoners in ten prisons with "free" tablets, for which they charge $0.05/minute for reading ebooks, primarily drawn from Project Gutenberg, a free online service of volunteer-produced, public domain and CC-licensed ebooks.
Not only does this deprive prisoners of more recent titles, including "how-to guides (carpentry, starting a business, repairing small engines, etc.), contemporary fiction, popular mysteries and sci-fi, African American literature, Native studies, recent autobiographies" -- it also makes prison reading fantastically expensive: they estimate that a quick read of Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four would clock in at $19.80, while a used paperback would cost the prisoner less than a dollar (and a copy checked out of the prison library would be free).
The prison system receives a 5% kickback on the revenues from this program (GTL also charges prisoners $0.25/min for videoconferencing, $0.25/message for IM, and $0.50 for every photo and $1.00 for every video sent to prisoners). GTL's contract allows it to raise prices at its sole discretion, and to recoup any shortfalls from its expected minimum profits by billing the state department of corrections.
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dreams-of-kalopsia · 4 years
Fictober Prompt 17
“There is just something about them.”
Voltron fanfiction (Plance)
No warnings apply.
Read it on AO3.
Happy April Fool’s Day! There’s no joke, though. I’m just a real fool for this show and this pairing. XD
Part 1 (Pidge): Timing
Part 2 (Lance): Intuition
Part 3 (Colleen): Grounded
Part 4 (Hunk): Change
Part 5: Them
The rumors are true: Commander Holt’s daughter is a genius.
She can beat any Earth videogame. Can store galaxies’ worth of tech info in her brain. Can hack into anything that runs on codes. Can master anything remotely mathematical or scientific. Can head and complete the repairs of all MFE units, come up with upgrades, and finish installing them in a month. Can pilot an interdimensional, sentient, robotic Lion. Can fight and beat almost anyone bigger than her—which, with her height, is a lot of people.
But she can’t fire a gun to save her life.
Nadia gapes at said genius. “What.”
“You heard me.”
“That’s quite hard to believe,” James chimes in. “You’ve been fighting in a war for years.”
Pidge shrugs as she taps on her tablet to run a systems check on Ryan’s unit. “I have my brain, my bayard, and Green. They’ve kept me alive so far.”
“I’ve seen your bayard. It’s just a short blade with a grapple and static discharge.”
“Works just fine for me. For the most part.”
“But long-range weapons give offensive power while providing distance and cover,” Ryan argues, to the team’s agreement.
“Short-range weapons and grapples require contact. Larger enemies will overpower you,” Ina says. “Pistol-sized blasters would work best for you; you should try it.”
An idea sparks to life in Nadia’s brain. She looks at Ina. Then at Pidge. Then at the others. Then she grins. “Let’s do it. With us as your teachers, you’ll be wielding a gun in under a week.”
Pidge sends back a challenging smirk. “Oh yeah?”
She plants her hands on her hips. “Wanna bet?”
* * *
Nadia, of course, wins. Because as she said, Commander Holt’s daughter, Katie Holt, is a genius.
Five days of putting up with James and Ryan’s great demos but useless explanations, absorbing Ina’s breakdown of the principles of aiming and shooting, and following Nadia’s strict instructions on posture and aim, and Pidge is at the Garrison’s shooting range, blasting target after target at the final stage of her expert-level shooting course.
Watching from a safe distance behind Pidge, Nadia puffs out her chest. She turns to her team. “What did I tell you guys?”
“She’ll be wielding a gun in under a week,” Ina supplies.
“She’s a genius,” Ryan answers next.
James releases a long sigh before replying, “This will be fun.”
Nadia nods smugly to each response. “And I was right.” She directs her attention back to Pidge, who’s just about to finish the stage.
“Really makes me wonder why she never learned,” James comments after a while. “Two of her teammates use long-range weapons.”
“Ask one of them yourself.”
At Ryan’s words, they all turn towards the entrance. Lance has just entered and is approaching them with a friendly smile.
Nadia hasn’t hung out with him as much as she has with Pidge or Hunk, but she’s heard a lot about him. Seems like a nice, fun guy. And since those two like him so much, then by transitivity, she likes him, too.
She smiles when he reaches them. “Lance! What’s up?”
“Hey, guys,” he greets. “Have any of you seen Pidge? Shiro sent me to get her.”
“Pidge? Oh, you mean…” She jerks a thumb behind her and raises her voice. “…the badass over there firing a gun like a pro?”
Pidge curses. Nadia turns just in time to see her miss a quickly moving target. “Nadia! Don’t distract me!” she shouts as she fixes her aim.
Nadia laughs, stepping a bit to the left to give Lance a better view. He looks dazed watching Pidge hit every target with ease. Even if her back is towards them, her confidence is obvious in her relaxed posture and steady aim.
Nadia wasn’t lying when she said Pidge is a pro. She can’t help puffing out her chest again. She’s so proud of her team’s work and her friend’s newly acquired skill.
“She can…” Lance starts but doesn’t finish. More like forgets to finish. He’s so enthralled by the sight before him, he probably hasn’t realized he spoke up.
“Yep,” she answers anyway, to which Ina adds, “Four point two enemies per minute. Eighty-two percent accuracy. Sixty-eight percent headshots, twenty-four percent torso, six percent arms, two percent legs.”
“Yeah. What Ina said.”
“She learned from us in five days,” James says, his arms crossed. “And only during our free time. I’m sure she would have learned faster from you Paladins.” His tone is casual, but his words have a critical undertone to them.
Nadia quirks a brow and trades a glance with Ina and Ryan.
Is he… throwing shade at Lance?
Lance seems to think so, too, because he tears his eyes from Pidge to shoot James a look that’s borderline hostile. But before he can speak, James shrugs cockily at him and walks over to Pidge, leaving silence in his wake.
What is up with him?
And please, Ina, do not comment on it.
A few feet before them, James proceeds to give Pidge pointers now that she’s done with her course.
And the silence turns awkward.
It starts to weigh on Nadia, so she initiates a conversation with Lance. “So, Lance. You said Shiro needs Pidge?”
“Yeah. He needs help decoding an encrypted message or some…thing…” he trails off, his brows furrowing and eyes narrowing in a glare.
She follows the direction of his gaze, finding Pidge at the end. James is standing close beside her with one hand on her shoulder and another on her wrist as he corrects her posture, and she’s nodding attentively to whatever he’s saying.
Nadia narrows her eyes when they return to Lance. She can tell that something’s happening, but she can’t pinpoint what.
“He’s at the bridge with Sam and Officer Curtis,” he continues as if he hasn’t suddenly stopped talking for two whole minutes. He gives them a stiff smile. “Please tell her that after she’s done.” And then he turns to leave.
At the exact moment Pidge turns towards him. Her excited grin instantly falls into a disappointed frown when she finds him walking out the door.
Oh my gosh. Did I really just see that?
It’s such a dramatic moment that Nadia nearly shivers from the thrill.
“That was awkward,” Ina belatedly states.
Nadia gives her a wry smile. “I’m surprised you’re only pointing it out now.”
“It wasn’t a favorable option a while ago.”
“What did Lance want?” Pidge asks, walking towards them, her eyes still trained on the door.
“To deliver a message,” Ryan answers unhelpfully.
Seriously? Nadia side-eyes him before explaining, “You’re needed at the bridge.”
“Oh,” she says despondently. “I’m guessing Shiro, Dad, and Officer Curtis need me?”
Pidge sighs. “Gotta go, then.” She gives them a thankful smile that doesn’t reach her eyes. “Thank you guys so much for teaching me. I can’t believe you really did it in less than a week.”
“No need to thank us,” James says, smiling back. “It was a necessary skill.”
“You’re welcome anyway,” Nadia replies with a grin.
“Maybe you can turn your weapon into a gun next time,” Ryan adds.
“You seem sad.”
All heads snap towards Ina in varying degrees of horrified, and she doesn’t even notice.
“O-Oh, um…” Pidge stutters, “I’m just uh… sad. That I… have to leave now.”
“You can continue practicing tomorrow. Everyone’s free times overlap for two hours in the afternoon.”
“Yeah. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” With a short wave, she takes her leave.
Nadia stares intently at Pidge’s retreating back.
Yes, Katie Holt is a genius. Yes, she can do a lot of cool things, including mastering her shooting skills in five days.
But she can’t hide her emotions to save her life.
It goes without saying that no one—not even Ina—is buying her lie. So why do it? She’s obviously upset because of Lance. But why? Speaking of Lance, why was he glaring earlier? Was he glaring at James? At Pidge?
“Rizavi.” James’ voice pulls her away from her thoughts. “You’re plotting something.”
“Not yet,” Nadia replies. “But didn’t you see how those two acted? There’s just something about them.” She looks at each of her teammates. “I’m going to find out what.”
People, in general, are easy to read.
From their expressions, words, actions… there’s always some information about the person to be gleaned.
James supposes that’s what makes him work well as a leader. He can understand the motive behind Ryan’s actions, follow the logic in Ina’s words, tell that Nadia is plotting something when her eyes start to glint. After years together as a team, he can accurately anticipate the actions they’ll take on certain scenarios.
And right now, he knows exactly what Nadia is doing.
“Welcome to the training hall,” she tells Pidge and Lance with a sweeping flourish of her hands. “Time for holographic campaign simulations, Pidge.”
“What am I doing here again?” Lance asks then immediately backtracks, “Not to say I’m not okay with it or anything.”
“We’re short one person. Campaigns require working in pairs.” She sends James a pointed look. “Right?”
Wrong, but for the sake of her plot, he answers a “Yeah.”
She grins and nods, taking out three white strings of different lengths from her pocket. She aligns the ends and covers the middle parts with her palms. “Okay, now pick one end and tug on it.”
Ina and Ryan glance at him, their question clear: ‘Are you really letting her do this?’
James replies with an amused smile and a shrug. ‘Why not?’ He pinches one end and pulls. If he’s seen through Nadia’s plan correctly, the one who tugs on the other end should be…
Pidge smiles up at him. “Looks like we’re a team.”
He suppresses a smirk. “Looking forward to it.”
His spine suddenly tingles with the sensation of being watched, and he catches the tail-end of Lance’s glare before he turns away to prepare with Nadia. The smug amusement gets the better of James. He allows himself to smirk.
Being able to read people isn’t limited to his team, of course. How else will he predict Hunk and Keith’s infiltration plan if not for the knowledge that Hunk is terrified for his family and Keith is the reckless, ride-or-die type of guy who would go with his friend? How else will he find out that Curtis has a crush on Captain Shirogane if he hasn’t noticed Curtis’ lingering looks on the Captain? How else will he realize that Pidge has feelings for Lance if he hasn’t seen her face glow when he tells her that Lance is watching her and then fall when she finds him leaving, his back turned towards her? How else will he know that Lance likes her back if not for Lance’s obviously jealous glares at him?
How else will he establish that they don’t know their feelings are mutual if not for the stolen, pining glances every so often?
Nadia chooses a campaign that James holds the best record for. No doubt she intends to gauge Lance’s reaction when they lose to James and Pidge. She’s on the right track; Lance’s jealousy will be aggravated if he thinks that James and Pidge’s teamwork is the sole reason for their sure win, and his feelings will become more apparent.
James prepares his blaster, showily helps Pidge prepare hers, then leads her to their starting point.
“We’re ready, Rizavi, Lance.”
He hopes Nadia catches on soon. Maybe then she’ll be more perceptive of the subtler cues around her. Like his advances that she always unintentionally deflects without even knowing.
Ryan is an observer of life, a spectator of the world through and through. If he were to compare himself to something, he’d be a sponge that absorbs everything and gives nothing away unless pressed.
But after bearing witness to the same unchanging event so many times, he’s just about ready to talk. After all, even sponges can only absorb so much before the excess spills out.
“Nooo, I’m too late!”
His eyes dart towards the newcomer.
Hunk has stopped by the training hall, hands holding a tray with two glasses of probably milkshake, gaze fixed on the competing pairs in the middle of a campaign simulation, James and Nadia versus Pidge and Lance. “I wanted them to taste-test…” He casts his eyes down in a slight pout. After a few moments, he looks at Ryan and Ina with hopeful eyes. “Hey, maybe you guys can do it? Tell me what you think. And be honest; I promise not to get offended.” He raises the tray towards them.
They take it without question.
“Thank you.”
It’s no secret that Hunk is a genius chef who loves cooking and knows his yeast, much like Ryan. Ryan can never doubt anyone who knows their yeast.
True enough, the milkshake tastes divine, and he says so, Ina’s agreement following close.
Hunk chuckles pleasantly. “That’s great. I was experimenting with the proportion of the ingredients to accommodate this alien vanilla that adds a distinct tang.”
The buzzer goes off to mark the end of the campaign. The three of them redirect their attention to the simulation zone. Nadia, James, Lance, and Pidge huddle together before the performance analyzer, waiting for the results.
Despite not seeing the results the moment they appear, it’s easy for Ryan to see who won.
Rather, it’s easy to hear who won.
“Yeah!!” Pidge and Lance cry out, pumping their fists in victory.
“We did it, Pidge!” Lance says. Beaming, Pidge turns to him and raises her arms for what seems to be a hug. He drops his gun and holds out his hands towards her waist. Then they both freeze mid-action and abruptly turn away from each other, Lance scratching the back of his neck before picking up his gun.
Irk bubbles in Ryan’s chest. He’s honestly tired of watching them do this every single time they win.
“They’re so… awkward with each other,” he comments as he returns his glass.
“Ugh. Tell me about it,” Hunk whines. “Imagine seeing them, like, every day.”
Ryan releases a fed-up, sympathetic grunt.
God forbid.
Ina’s brain isn’t wired to read social cues.
What it is wired for are observation and analysis, and she depends on her rapid processing skills to assess the situation, approximate the meaning of the social cues from previous experience, and act accordingly. Her approximations don’t always reach the acceptable level of correctness, which leads to inappropriate responses, but her team has helped her greatly with that. By observing Ryan’s body language, watching Nadia’s ever-changing expressions, and listening to James’ simplified explanations, Ina’s approximations and understanding of human behavior have increased in accuracy by sixty-seven percent.
She’s always thought that her current level of comprehension is sufficient to keep up with most situations.
Lance’s and Pidge’s recent changes in behavior, however, are making her think otherwise.
They behave as they normally do outside each other’s presence. They work in perfect sync when working together as Paladins or partners during campaign simulations. But once their tasks are done, they oscillate between acting like best friends and barely being able to make eye contact. The behavioral changes have no apparent trend or pattern that she can follow in order to act properly or say anything other than “The atmosphere is very tense and awkward.” when they behave aberrantly.
Ina has never encountered their confusing behavior before; it mildly frustrates her that she doesn’t have enough information for a proper analysis.
“What are you guys?” she finally blurts out one day as the three of them watch James and Hunk compete against Nadia and Ryan on the simulator.
Pidge and Lance share a look that she’s learned indicates uncertainty.
“We’re…” Lance begins to say.
“We’re uh…” Pidge begins at the same time.
“Friends?” “Humans?”
They look at each other again, this time with mirroring frowns.
He puts both hands on his hips. “Really, Pidge? Humans?”
Pidge crosses her arms and glares up at him. “Ina asked what we are! Obviously, we’re humans!”
“Of course we’re humans! She’s obviously asking how we’re related to each other!”
It occurs to Ina that they’ve left her out of the conversation, as if they’ve forgotten that she’s there with them. She takes the opportunity to study their interaction to derive her own conclusion.
“But we’re not related to each other! You’re from Cuba and I’m part-Italian!”
“Argh! Not that kind of related!”
“Can you please be a bit more specific?!”
“She’s asking what our relationship is!”
Ina, who’s been quietly following their quick back-and-forth with her eyes, almost gets a whiplash when Pidge doesn’t retort. Upon further observation, she’s gone completely still as well.
“We don’t have a relationship, Lance.” Pidge’s voice is devoid of the heat and energy of her previous counterarguments.
Ina notices Lance’s foot twitch—to step towards Pidge, she deduces—but it ends up staying in place. “We’re friends… right?” he returns, tone quiet and somewhat… pleading?
She tilts her head in confusion.
Pidge bows her head, her bangs and glasses obscuring her face. “Friends. Right.” With her head hung low, she misses the way Lance momentarily winces at her words.
For what reason, Ina can’t figure out.
After a deep inspiration, Pidge turns to her, smiling but also not really smiling. “Either way, does that answer your question, Ina?”
Ina’s eyes dart from Pidge to Lance back to Pidge again as her mind reaches a conclusion.
“Yeah. Partly.”
These two are complicated.
“Pidge!” Cadet—no, Paladin Lance bellows as he barges into the Green Lion’s hangar. The door hisses angrily closed behind him—if that’s even possible.
Curtis knows why he’s here. Intel of Paladin Pidge’s secret mission has been leaked to him somehow. This only proves that the IGF-Atlas crew isn’t as tight as Captain Shirogane and Commander Holt are hoping, and all the more the necessity for all the moles to be baited and weeded out before launching.
Seeing the shocked, panicked expression on Paladin Pidge’s face, Curtis decides to intercept Paladin Lance’s approach.
“Paladin Pidge is busy,” he explains, not budging when the Blue Paladin tries to push past him.
“Isn’t she always? Aren’t we all?” Paladin Lance all but growls. “Maybe since she’s spending too much time on secret missions behind everyone’s backs, she’d make a little time to explain why she’s doing everything without her Team.” Not once does his glare leave Paladin Pidge, who stands frozen behind Curtis.
Curtis tries to reason again: “You have to understand—”
“I won’t understand without a proper explanation.”
“Now is not—” A small hand rests on his arm to stop him. He looks back at Paladin Pidge in surprise.
“It’s fine, Officer. Can you give us a dobosh—I mean, a minute?” She gives him a slight smile that disappears as her gaze shifts to the Paladin he’s still restraining.
“Are you sure?” he asks, regarding her with concern. “You only have a ten-minute allowance, and you should have taken off three minutes a—”
“I’m still at a safe margin,” she assures. “I promise I won’t take long.”
Curtis glances at the still-enraged Paladin Lance. He doubts that very much. Nonetheless, he sighs and capitulates, resolving to call the Captain should an argument arise and interfere with the mission. “Okay,” he says, retreating to a distance that somewhat allows privacy but also alerts him of any brewing conflict.
It’s not that he questions the two’s friendship; it’s just that the air around them is so charged that he’s not sure he can intervene at any point anymore. The tension has only increased after he’s given them some room to talk.
Maybe it’s better to summon the Captain now.
Curtis murmurs into his communicator, “Captain, there’s potential trouble in the Green Lion’s hangar.”
A reply crackles softly from the headpiece. “On my way.”
“I don’t have time to explain anything other than I’m on a secret mission,” Paladin Pidge says, drawing his attention back to the pair. “The fact that you know about it means I’m not done with it yet.”
“What’s the mission?”
“Classified. It’s called secret for a reason, Lance.”
“Where are you going?”
“Who’s your support?”
“Green?! Pidge, have you been going off alone?!”
“Yeah. So?” she answers defiantly, but her hand moves to grip her forearm in a defensive gesture as Paladin Lance’s anger mounts.
“What do you mean ‘so’?! Why is no one backing you up?!”
The quiet hiss of the hangar doors heralds the Captain’s arrival. In seconds, Captain Shirogane has reached his side and is watching the argument with worried eyes. “How many minutes until Pidge’s time is up?”
He checks his timer. “Seven.”
Captain Shirogane sighs. “Let’s give them five. I have a feeling they need this talk.”
Curtis knits his brows and looks at his Captain. “Not to be insubordinate, sir, but are you sure?”
“No. But let’s hope I’m right.”
“…the more people who know, the more the mission is compromised. Besides, Green and I specialize at stealth—”
“You didn’t think to ask anyone on the Team—”
“Everyone’s busy or can’t keep a secret. Look, I don’t have time—”
“You could’ve asked me for support, Pidge! I’m not as busy and I can—”
“Can what? I can read your thoughts on your face and body language, Lance! You can’t keep something top secret for so long without arousing suspicion! Why are you here, anyway?! If there’s anyone who needs your support, it’s Allura, so go support her instead of wasting my time!!” Paladin Pidge erupts, her words reverberating harshly around the hangar.
Heavy silence falls soon after.
Curtis catches the flash of hurt on Paladin Lance’s face before he turns his head away, the tension in his body evident through the clenched fists at his sides. Curtis barely hears the next words, subdued as they are: “Don’t tell me what to do, Pidge.”
“I won’t if you won’t.”
Paladin Pidge spins on her heel then and walks briskly towards her Lion. “I’m ready to go, Officer. Hey, Shiro,” she manages to murmur as she passes them.
Behind her, Paladin Lance has yet to lift his head or move.
Curtis looks worriedly at his Captain, unsure if this is the outcome they were supposed to hope for. Troubled eyes meet his.
The launch sequence begins its countdown.
When it reaches zero, Curtis realizes that he may have just witnessed the end of a friendship.
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I’ll Take Her Place (Chapter 14)
Summary:  AU. When Allura breaks the news that she is to wed Prince Lotor in order to continue the peaceful relationship between Altea and Daibazaal, Pidge knows that she has to do something to change that. And so, with a little help, she comes up with a new plan. A better plan
Pairings: Keith/Pidge (main) ; Shiro/Allura (minor), Hunk/Lance (minor) ; Lotor/Allura (one-sided)
Chapter 1 - Previous - Masterpost
Also on AO3 and fanfiction.net
Chapter 14
There were alarms blaring in the castle.
Keithir rolled out of bed and onto his feet, sliding his dagger out from beneath his pillow in the process. He strode forward, nearly smacking into his bedroom door before it had the chance to open. “Thace!” he shouted into the next room.
“It's the castle's alarm system. Something has happened,” Thace said tersely. He stood across from Keithir near the bedroom he shared with Ulaz, staring down at a tablet in his hands. “Kolivan's orders are to dress and meet him on the bridge.”
Keithir gave one short nod, turning back to change into his uniform. The alarm quieted after a few minutes, lowering in volume before shutting off completely as Keithir joined Thace and Ulaz and they set off for the rendezvous point.
Thace led the way to the tallest point of the castle, keeping to one side as the castle staff frantically walked the halls, some with a sense of purpose and others bustling about their small children, reminding them to keep their voices down as some of them wailed about leaving behind a favorite toy. Keithir personally witnessed one father scoop up his daughter in his arms, press a kiss to his wife's cheek, and then race off down the hall with his giggling child to retrieve the toy in question. The wife tutted with a fond smile and took their son by the hand, reminding him they'd meet up outside before they hurried on their way.
Keithir quickened his pace to walk alongside Thace. “What's going on? Why is everyone leaving?”
“Standard evacuation for a ship of this nature, I imagine.” The response came not from Thace, but from Ulaz, who watched the proceedings with interest. “Whatever has happened, it's enough to warren take-off from the Castle of Lions. Only those with the proper clearance will stay on board.”
Keithir gaped at him for a moment. “The castle is a ship?!”
“Compose yourself, my prince,” Thace calmly reminded him.
Keithir slowed up and went silent, his ears flicking back in discomfit.
“It was constructed six-hundred years ago when the Black Lion was rediscovered by a team of Altean alchemists,” Ulaz explained. “They knew its paladin would one day need a base capable of traveling long-distance and wanted a safe place to keep the Lion until they could be found. Four other hangars were built in the hope they would one day house the other Lions.”
“That's a lot of hope put into finding one Lion.”
“That hope is the reason the paladins are so well respected. The Lions would not pick a pilot they found unworthy of carrying such a burden,” Ulaz said.
Keithir thought of Shiro, who reached out to him and welcomes him warmly. Of Hunk, who seemed wary of him but happy to lend a hand when it was needed. Of Lance, who could be a little abrasive with his cockiness, but was also willing to put aside his pride when he needed to. Of Katie, with her quick wit and determination to do the right thing. The way her eyes lit up when it came to technology. That little quirk to her lips when he said something she found humorous.
Wait, that wasn't...
He frowned, dropping his gaze to the floor.
“We are here,” Thace announced.
The door slid open before them. Kolivan was already there, looking more serious than Keithir had ever seen him. He was quietly speaking with Shiro and Princess Allura at the front. The rest of the paladins were there as well, seated at their stations in full armor, trying to keep busy as they waited for instructions.
Katie looked back when the door opened, giving him a tiny smile before getting back to her work.
“There has been an attack,” Kolivan informed them as they approached.
Allura's hand trembled as she pulled up a video feed of an Altean communication satellite under clear duress. A weak particle barrier surrounded it in an attempt to keep it from further harm, but as they watched it was very clear from the debris floating around it that the power wouldn't hold for long.
“We received the call half a varga ago. All power has been diverted to sustain the particle barrier, including... including life support. There are no survivors and currently no clues as to who the assailants are.” Allura paused to take a breath. “We will be launching the moment the civilians are clear of the Castle of Lions. If you wish to leave with them, Prince Keithir, you are welcome to stay with mother and father at the main castle.”
“I may be a prince, but I'm also a member of the Blade of Marmora. I'm going with you,” Keithir said, not waiting for Kolivan's approval.
Thace rested a hand on Keithir's shoulder, offering his silent support. “What is our heading, Princess?”
“The Napamku Quadrant, near Nyrydya,” Allura responded. “They are one of the few people in the area who will welcome both the Galra and Alteans. We've already sent a request to Queen Toryné asking for permission to land on her planet and she has been kind enough to grant it.”
“The attack on the satellite has them just as worried as we are. If it goes down, that's an entire sector without the ability to communicate beyond their own planets. It's imperative that we find out who did this and stop them from causing any more harm,” Shiro said, crossing his arms over his chest. “Pidge, any luck accessing that security feed?”
She shook her head, her fingers flying over the holographic keyboard. “Nothing from here so far. It would be a lot easier if I was actually there and not trying to transfer data from so far. We're either really lucky the transmission reached us with the station so damaged, or someone wanted us to get it.”
Keithir guessed that “someone” wasn't someone actually meant to be on the satellite, but whoever orchestrated the attack.
“But why would they want us to find out?” Lance asked.
“It could be a trap,” Ulaz suggested.
Allura frowned as she turned away from them. “We will proceed with caution. Trap or not, this is not something we can ignore.”
“Then we leave on your command, Princess Allura,” Kolivan said.
It was an event they had trained for, but that didn't stop Shiro from worrying as they set down on Nyrydya and prepared to disembark. He, Allura, and Kolivan would be meeting with the Nyrydyan queen to thank her for her hospitality. Meanwhile, the rest of the Blade of Mamora, along with Pidge, Hunk, and Lance, were to take a shuttle up to the satellite and begin assessing the damage.
Until that day, all they'd ever been called upon for was to assist with a planetary evacuation due to the natural shedding of the outer crust of the planet or lengthy escort missions through dangerous parts of space or that one time Coran set up what they thought was just a standard training exercise but turned into some crazy quest that ended with them fighting a world-destroying beast.
Shiro didn't doubt they were capable of handling whatever was happening in Napamku, but he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the attack than what they thought. Something about the situation just felt... wrong. There was every chance that Ulaz was right and they were walking right into a trap, but whose trap was it?
Queen Toryné seemed an unlikely culprit, given Nyrydya's peaceful history with Altea and Daibazaal. They were a race who deeply appreciated peace and tranquility and to even consider that they would attack without provocation was a grave insult to them.
There were other nearby planets and moons to consider. Netka, a planet of vast stretches of desert which was only broken by deep gorges and jutting mountains, whose people had not taken kindly to Daibazaal's attempts to create a settlement there. The Rujanvymir's were quite outspoken about any foreign satellites in the area. And then there was Taabaher, which was home to a people who prided themselves as great warriors, but they had formed a tenative peace with Daibazaal and flat-out ignored the Alteans as long as they stayed away.
Shiro couldn't help but consider a more recent problem. One which was steadily growing to become the source of all his frustration.
He didn't want to believe that the Galra prince would outright attack an Altean communication satellite. To do so would be akin to declaring war! And surely that wouldn't fit in with the prince's desire to win Allura's heart.
Shiro scowled. He would never let that happen.
A feather-light touch settled on his hand, barely registering through his gloves. He looked to Allura, who kept her gaze straight ahead and acted as though she was doing nothing out of the ordinary.
The reminder of her presence next to him was enough to calm him and help him focus on the task at hand. First, he had to thank Queen Toryné for her hospitality. Then he would worry about all of the different possibilities surrounding the attack.
Pidge frowned as she played the footage again and again, viewing it from as many angles as she could. She couldn't put her finger on it, but something wasn't adding up. If only she still had Hunk with her, but she'd shooed her friends off ages ago so she could try and make some repairs without him hovering over her and making concerned sounds whenever she touched something. He'd taken Lance with them, leaving her utterly alone.
Pidge sighed, slumping back and shutting her eyes, already feeling the exhaustion settling in.
“Taking a break already?”
Pidge shrieked in surprise, clapping a hand over her mouth to stifle the sound. She spun her chair around to face the one who interrupted her, ready to tell them off for sneaking up on her, but all of her fight died when she found Keith standing there.
She cocked her head in curiosity. “Shouldn't you be with Keithir?”
“Huh? Oh, uh, no. No, he's fine,” Keith said as he walked into the room. “Should you really be alone here?”
Pidge hummed noncommittally as she turned back to the security feeds. “Well, I'm not alone anymore. Come help me with this.”
“How many times have you watched these?” Keith asked.
“Apparently not enough,” Pidge muttered. “I've tried everything I can think of, but this is all I could salvage. Just these few minutes of video. It's like... it's like someone deliberately went through and wiped it all clean, but left this behind, which makes no sense. Why leave anything? Why take that risk?”
Keith frowned as he focused on the screens in front of them. “Maybe they were going to do more, but ran out of time?”
“Time...” Pidge narrowed her eyes and leaned forward, rapidly flipping through the cameras in search of something.
Keith watched her with a growing sense of confusion. “Uh, Katie?”
“There's no time.”
The cryptic statements were not helping. Keith had no idea what she was trying to accomplish or how he was supposed to help her. What exactly did she mean “there's no time”? They had plenty of time. Days of it, as long as they made progress.
“Maybe it's time for you to take a break. Rest your eyes? Drink some water?” Keith wondered what it would take to get her to at least blink.
Pidge finally tore her gaze away. “Keith, there's no time. On the feeds. They're supposed to keep a record of the date and time, but there's nothing! Look at the bottom of the screen! Doesn't it look like it got cut off?”
“Oh,” Keith breathed, his eyes widening as he took a second look. “I think you're right. But how did they get on board and do all of this before we arrived?”
Pidge's expression was grim. “I think... and this is just a hypothetical situation, but what if someone got on board and delayed the alarm from being triggered and edited the security feeds while they were here? That would have given them enough time to do all of this and get away without us seeing them.” She banged her fists on the desk in frustration. “I thought I could find something here, but if they really wiped the memory...”
“Maybe we can't find out what we need here, but I know something else we could try,” Keith said, already forming a plan. It could be dangerous an there was no way Kolivan would ever approve of what he was about to suggest. Even Thace wouldn't be able to get him out of trouble if they got caught, but it was a risk worth taking, in his opinion.
He held out a hand to help her up, thoroughly ignoring the way his heart fluttered when she took it.
“Why do I get the feeling that Shiro's going to be really disappointed in us after this?” Pidge asked with a teasing smile. “What's the plan?”
“There's a Galra fueling station in orbit around one of Taabaher's furthest moons. We're going to sneak on board and see if they've picked up on any strange activity in the area,” Keith told her. “But first, you'll need a change of clothes.”
Hunk wiped the sweat from his brow as he carefully closed the hatch and stood up. “That should hold until the actual repair crew can get here.”
Lance eagerly dropped out of his yoga pose. “Does that mean you're done? Can we go get Pidge and get out of this creepy place?”
“Yeah, just let me...” Hunk hit a few keys on a nearby console to get it to reboot. He grinned when the panels lit up with a familiar blue light, letting him know that the satellite itself was back up and running smoothly, letting communications resume. “Alright, now we can go get Pidge.”
“Finally! This place gives me the heebie jeebies. Like, I get that it's import for us to come up here and look into it, but I'll be happy if I never have to come back,” Lance said, leading the way out the door.
Hunk followed him with an amused expression.
They back-tracked their way through the halls, passing by only one member of the Blade along the way. It didn't take them long to reach the security room where they had left Pidge to work her magic, but instead of seeing their small friend there, they found Shiro, Allura, and Kolivan.
“Uh, where's Pidge? Did she head back to the Castle without us?” Lance asked.
“We thought she was with you!” Allura said, turning to Shiro in alarm. “Where could they have gone?”
“They?” Hunk asked, an uneasy feeling curdling in his stomach.
Kolivan crossed his arms over his chest. “Prince Keithir is missing as well.”
Dread settled in Lance's chest. His mind raced with the implications of what that might mean, ranging from the lewd (his usual go-to) to something more serious. Like a kidnapping. Though on second thought the lack of obvious struggle made that theory unlikely. Pidge would absolutely leave some kind of clue behind and Keithir was skilled enough that he wouldn't have gone down without a fight.
“Maybe she found something and they both went back to the Castle?” Hunk asked hopefully.
“Except we just came from the Castle and we didn't see either of them or the shuttle they were using,” Allura said.
“Don't those shuttles have tracking? Can't we, I dunno, use that to find out where they're at?” Lance asked.
Shiro shook his head. “We thought of that, but one of them must have disabled it. At the moment, we have no way of knowing where they are and Pidge isn't responding to my attempts to contact her.”
“Then they've gone dark,” Kolivan said, sounding calm despite the situation. “We have no choice but to wait until their return.”
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cellerspring · 3 years
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c0c0-puff · 6 years
And so it begins...Chapter 2: The Paladins
Wow I am terrible at this. I was originally going to post this earlier but I got caught up in Big Sister Duty. Anyway, I really hated this chapter compared to the others,but what am I gonna do? So sorry if this isn’t good! I promise the later chapters will be much, much better
Let’s get a move on    this is really, really short
After weeks of fighting the Galra nonstop, relieving planets and destroying bases, the Paladins of Voltron finally had a long needed break. No worries, no alarms, just a few days to themselves.
After leaving Earth a year ago, the new Paladins of Voltron came into play, partaking in a raging 10,000 year-old war against the Galra Empire.
Before the war, the now gone planets Altea and Daibazaal were great allies. Their rulers, King Alfor of Altea and Zarkon of Daibazaal, who were also the first red and black paladins, were best friends and help build the Voltron Lion from an ancient comet. But after an incident and both him and his wife were considered dead, Zarkon comes back and declares war on the Alteans and the universe, destroying Altea, and destroying everything any one in his path in order to get Voltron back.
As for Voltron currently, the new paladins consist of five who are worthy to fly the lions, Shiro, Keith, Lance, Hunk and Pidge, who all fly each one of the five lions and have an important role to play.
Takashi Shirogane is the leader of Voltron and flies the black lion. He was one of the best pilots back on Earth in the Galaxy Garrison and was the pilot for the Kerberos Mission. However his journey was cut short after being captured the Galra and held prisoner. One year later he was able to escape and arrives back on Earth with a robot prosthetic and painful trama from his time held captive. He now works alongside the other paladins as their leader, and the one who keep Keith and Lance from getting at each other throats.
Keith, the pilot of the red lion, may seem like hothead broody person, but he’s really just a softy who likes watching conspiracy theories. But he’s also temperamental in some cases, especially after finding out he’s half galra. Having been alone all his life living in a shack in the middle of the desert, he doesn’t give in easily, being more on closeted side. He was one of the best pilot students in the Garrison before getting kicked out for discipline issues after Shiro’s disappearance. Now he has the paladins, Allura, and Coran as his family, even if Lance drives him over the edge sometime, and is the best at hand-to-hand combat.
Lance is the blue lions pilot and was learning to be a pilot back in the Garrison working alongside Hunk and Pidge. After Keith got booted, he moved from cargo to fighter class, for him and Keith were neck and neck in the ranks. Besides being a pilot, he’s also Team Voltron’s Sharpshooter ™. Though he may not seem to take stuff seriously (and may talk down to himself) he always wears smile on his face and overall really lovable, but stays focused and serious during missions. Since he comes from a big family he really misses Earth and has homesickness sometimes.
Hunk and Pidge are the team’s mechanic and hacker and the pilots of the yellow and green lions. Hunk is also the official castle chef along with creating gadgets for missions. As for Pidge, also known as Katie, she went to the Garrison undercover in order to find her brother and father who were also on the Kerberos mission along with Shiro. Later on in space she was able to find her brother Matt, but their father is MIA. But in general, Hunk is the Voice of Reason and Pidge is the little gremlin.
Princess Allura is pilot of the castle and daughter of King Alfor while Coran is her advisor. Together they are the only living Alteans alive and is currently leading the Voltron Coalition Resistance against Zarkon. After Altea was destroyed, King Alfor put them both in cryopods to keep them safe. 10,000 years later they woke up to the new paladins of Voltron and is determined to stop the Galra Empire once and for all
After getting a good night's rest after weeks of missions and training, everyone was gathered around the table eating breakfast, which was usually food goo, not bothering yet to change out of their pajamas.
“Good mornin’ everybody.” Lance yawned as he walked in greeted by the others. His tan caramel skin shimmered in the castle lights after having doing his morning face routine.
“Well someone slept in. You’re usually the first one in here along with Hunk.” Pidge acknowledged, typing lazily at her laptop. Her glasses reflected of the screen, showing an algorithm of some kind.
“Hey, it’s our first free day in weeks, so I thought I give myself some well deserved sleep.” he said while filling up a plate with goo.
“Well at least you woke up before 10. Princess Allura would’ve probably sound the alarms again if we weren’t up by then.” commented Shiro, who was scrolling through past mission reports on his tablet.
“Yeah, the first time Allura did that we were all scared the crap out of us.” added Keith. Everyone agreed.
Breakfast was full of conversations and light laughter, followed by the occasional bickering between Lance and Keith. By the end everybody headed to their rooms to change out of their pajamas and headed towards control bay. In there were Princess Allura and Coran, making repairs to the ship after the last battle with the galra.
“Good morning everyone. You came just in time.” greeted Princess Allura.
“For what?” asks Hunk.
“We just got an incoming message from the Blade of Marmora,” explained Coran “here’s Kolivan now.” A screen popped up in the room showing Kolivan, the leader of the galran rebellion group.
The Blade of Marmora is a rebellion group of runaway Galras who work undercover in Zarkon’s inner ranks to gather intel. They were Team Voltron’s first major rebel they’ve encountered and the start of the coalition. Sense then, the Blades were able to assist in important mission and free planets from the empire.
“Hello Princess, I’m sorry to disturb after a long day of fighting yesterday, but I believe I have some… deeply disturbing news.”
“Go on Kolivan, we’re listening.” said Shiro with a concerned look on his face.
“One of our spies is located on one of Zarkon’s larger command bases. Over a 15 month period he started sending us info on a classified project created by Haggar.” Pictures and files popped up next to Kolivan’s face.
“What is this?” asked Pidge who was getting a closer look on one of the files from her chair.
“It’s apparently called Project White Lion.” explained Kolivan.
“Woah wait, hold on. Are you saying that the galra are trying to make another lion?” asked Hunk who stood up at the sound of the name
“Not exactly. Fortunately, he was able to get some clear pictures when he had the chance. If you look closely at the pictures you’ll see it’s not lion at all.” A picture appeared on the screen and all previous emotions felt by the paladins, Coran, and Allura were replaced by fear, disgust and anger. It showed a girl, no younger than a teenager in a tank. On her arms and legs were white markings, cords and plugs all over her body.
“Is that-”
“It’s a human. From your planet, Earth.” said Kolivan, solemnly
“But- but how? I thought the only galra closest to Earth was Sendak’s ship, that we lured out when we found the blue lion?” questioned Shiro. Everyone now in the room sitting in their chairs, flabbergasted at what they just saw.
“I don’t believe it. How were they able to take her? Isn’t Earth still safe from the Galra.” asked Lance, his voice was getting shaky.
“And it still is. However Haggar was able to send her own spies undercover to Earth to find a human subject for her tests. And this young being was apparently the perfect test monkey. She’s been in that tank for 13 months, recently being taken out not too long ago.” said Kolivan.
“And she looks really young, about my age.” said Pidge, who was out of chair standing next to Coran.
“Between 15 and 16 years to be exact. There’s still a lot we haven’t uncovered. I’ll send the files we have to you so you can look in on them as well.”
“Thank you, Kolivan, for this information.” Allura thanked Kolivan and he disappeared from the screen. The silence was filled with anger and disgust.
“How? How were they able to kidnap her from Earth when they’re billions of light years away just as we are?”
“This is deeply concerning, knowing that Galra are capable to do such a thing, to a young girl nonetheless. I’m so sorry, for all of you.” said Allura, voice shaking with anger.
“Hey guys, I’ve found a little more info on the so called ‘White Lion.” announced Pidge, pulling up file appearing in the control bay.
Name: Echo Suzuki
Age: 15
Gender: female
Date of Birth: December 15, 2702
Height: 5’6”
“Based on the reports from Earth the Galra were able to pick up on before going out of range, her name is Echo Suzuki from San Fransokyo, California. She was last seen on December 19, 2717 Her mother Amaita Suzuki told investigators she saw her daughter being pulled out of a car wreck they were in. She described the man who took her as unnaturally tall and had purple fur with cat like ears.” Shiro read out loud.
“So, if she disappeared in December, around her birthday, and then held in a tank for a year, she would be around 16 now.” Keith added.
“Congratulations Keith, you can do math.” Lance remarked, doing jazz hands. Pidge sighed and Keith just glared back.
“Pidge, do you mind helping me find more?” Shiro offered, ignoring the silent glaring contest going on behind him.
“Already on it.”
For the rest of the day everyone did their own thing. Keith went to the training deck, Lance off to his room, Hunk went to the kitchen to experiment with new foods for lunch. Coran and Allura worked on repairs while Pidge and Shiro continued trying to find out more about the girl and Haggar’s project.
And they all had one thing on their minds,
Echo Suzuki, The White Lion.
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I really, really dislike this 
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elfgrove · 8 years
Bad Diagnosis - Part 1/6
Rating: T - angst, facing mortality, friendship, lion-paladin bond Word Count: 1742 Characters: Katie “Pidge” Holt, Green Lion, Takashi “Shiro” Shirogane, Allura Notes: angst, female pronouns for Pidge AO3: [link] Next >
She rolled over in the bed, pressing her forehead against the mattress harder, hoping the pressure might provide some relief.
She waited.
Two long breaths.
It didn't help.
Everything pounded. The lights, low set as they were, made it worse. Laying here wasn't accomplishing anything. She couldn't sleep through this.
She groaned, pushing herself up from the mattress with an effort, and tapping the nearby tablet to get the current time. She kept her eyes squeezed shut for a long moment, gathering her nerves to handle the light of the screen, of the room.
A little after 3 am. 
Okay. Even Shiro would be asleep in his quarters at this hour. She could do this.
Her head gave a defiant lance of pain, arguing to the contrary, and she leaned into the wall, pressing the heel of her hand to her temple. It didn't really help, but the effort should count for something. The moment passed, lapsing back into the constant pounding, and she forced herself to stand up.
She dragged on her what was becoming an increasingly threadbare sweater as she passed into the night-dimmed hallway, thankfully no brighter than her room, and began the slow trek to the med bay.
This headache had been persisting on and off for almost a full spicolian movement now. It was time to do a quick scan and see if the supplies had some sort of Advil equivalent that maybe wouldn't have terrible side effects on a human body.
At this point, she'd take a few annoying side effects.
She couldn't take another quintant of her head doing this without any relief.
Three scans, a small bottle of pills stuffed into her pocket, and a wipe of the med bay logs later, she was back in her room, curled under a blanket and trying not to panic.
“Try” being the operative word.
It wasn't going well.
Upshot, the scans had showed her exactly what she needed to medicate with for the headaches and the Altean medicine had helped immensely.
On the downside, the scan had told her what was wrong. The diagnosis wasn't good. It was extremely bad. And there was no way in the three laws of thermodynamics she was telling any of her fellow Paladins. They might tell her to stop piloting. Separate her from Green and the search for her family... 
That wasn't going to happen.
She'd rather die.
She was going to die.
OH MARIE SKLODOWSKA CURIE. She was going to die out here. Not a maybe. Not a distinct possibility. She was without a doubt going to die. And it probably wasn't going to be very flashy and heroic near the end.
She was at least going to die on her own terms then.
Green radiated concern through their bond, and she patted the console as reassuringly as she could.
Her hands were still shaking.
“It’s not your fault, Girl.”
There was an uncertain timber to the ancient space cat’s answering rumble.
“It’s not,” She bit off the words stubbornly. “This is on me. My genetics. Runs in the family every couple of generations.”
She was hiding in the cockpit. When she’d realized that the other Paladins would be getting up for breakfast soon, she’d scrambled down to the Lion hangar and into Green. She was still processing the news. She needed to collect herself before she saw the others. She needed Green.
The Lion growled a light challenge, and she brought up a screen to see what had her partner’s attention.
Shiro stood down in the bay, one hand on his hip, looking up at Green calmly, with one eyebrow quirked, “Good Morning to you too. Is Pidge with you?”
Green turned her head away from Shiro, pointedly snubbing him, and Pidge felt the comforting weight of the Lion’s protective mental presence wrap around her. She could feel it. The Lion, her Lion, was willing to let her hide in here for as long as she needed. Her hands still shook with nerves as she reached for the console, but she managed to grit her teeth, take a deep breath, and sound something close to normal.
“I’m here Shiro. Did you need something?”
“0700 hours. Breakfast. Come down and eat.”
“No thanks.”
Okay. That had not been smooth. She’d spent over half a year at Galaxy Garrison, convincing people, convincing Iverson who had met her before, that she was a boy named Pidge Gunderson. She could convince Shiro, who couldn’t even see her right now that she was skipping breakfast to fidget with her Lion yet again.
“I said no thanks. Green and I are working on something. I’m not hungry.”
Not even a lie.
“Pidge, you need to eat.”
“I’ll get something later. Promise.”
“I’m busy. You can complain if I don’t eat lunch.”
She could hear his sigh, and she curled up into the pilot’s chair, pulling her knees to her chest, afraid he would push the issue, insist on coming up to see what she was doing. She wasn’t collected enough to put on a normal face around the others yet, and she couldn’t let them know. This secret was between Green and her.
“I’ll hold you to that,” Shiro finally answered patiently. “Have fun with Green.”
Green made a friendlier short rumble, and they both watched Shiro leave the hangar. Green’s presence curling more protectively around her.
She buried her head on her knees, and let out a long shuddering breath, “I’m scared Green.”
Green started purring, the engines vibrating all around her and the cockpit warming by a few degrees.
“I’m scared, but I don’t want to stop either. Fighting alongside you. The team. Searching for Dad and Matt. Seeing new worlds and new technology. Helping people. Saving the universe. I don’t want to give any of this up. But knowing I’m dying is still scary. Brain tumors are scary.”
The rumbling purr changed and she couldn’t help but feel a little comforted. She raised her head and reached both hands out to touch what parts of the Lion she could easily reach.
“Not being with you is scarier though.”
She chuckled at the inquisitive press of the Lion’s mind.
“Yeah, so it’s going to be a while before we see any big effects. Let me tell you what to expect...”
By the time she’d finished talking through what was going to happen with Green, she was starting to feel more like herself. More put together. The headaches were under control. Green had her back. She could do this.
She felt ready to act like everything was normal around the rest of Team Voltron.
She joined the team for lunch, discussing the latest repairs the Castle needed and the next planet they were likely to visit to find parts.
She thought Shiro was looking at her strangely a couple of times, but dismissed it.
She took in a deep shuddering breath, shifting the controls to bring Green coasting into formation with the other Lions as they approached the Castle. It hadn’t been a hard battle, but it had been longer than usual, and she was feeling worn out. Probably a little too much.
“Can you bring us in, Green?”
The answering rumble was concerned but affirmative.
“I just feel... off. Probably need to adjust my dose or something.” She leant forward to pat the console reassuringly. “I’ll sneak down to the med bay toni--"
Her body shuddered involuntarily, her vision blurred, and a wave of vertigo hit, sending her pitching forward against the console.
She felt Green register alarm, but couldn’t get herself to respond. She clung to the console, her vision swimming in a blur of green lights and silver metal. The smell of cinnamon seemed to permeate everything.
When she came back to herself, she felt Green growling all around her, and the comm in her helmet bringing Shiro and Allura’s voices into sudden focus.
Allura’s voice was still calm, reasonable, “Green Lion, what is wrong?”
Shiro’s wasn’t, he sounded on the edge of being panicked, “If Pidge is hurt, you need to let us in to help her.”
Okay. She must have had a seizure. That was expected. Bound to happen eventually. She hadn’t completely lost consciousness, didn’t seem to have had any significant, prolonged muscle spasms, so probably a complex partial one. She’d need to run a few scans to be sure. Later tonight. After she’d mitigated the immediate issue. She and Green had talked about this. Green was doing exactly what she’d asked, not let the others see her like this.
“I’m fine, Shiro.”
“Pidge?! What’s happening?”
“Nothing!” She wiped sweat from her neck, and moved slowly, making sure she hadn’t hurt herself when she’d fallen out of the pilot’s chair. “I was adjusting some new code on Green. Must have accidentally blocked the comms. Sorry about that.”
“Can you please come out now,” Allura sounded relieved. “We were starting to become concerned.”
“Yeah. Sure. On my way.” She pulled the helmet off, patting Green as she started towards the ramp, down, feeling Green move to give her access even as she did. She felt unsteady on her feet, but damned if she was going to show it. “Thanks Girl. You did good.”
Shiro met her at the bottom of the ramp, his eyes darting back and forth, checking her for injuries. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine! It wasn’t like there was even a close call out there. Come on.”
Shiro’s expression tightened, “Green isn’t usually this antisocial, she’s definitely not usually one to growl at Allura and I.”
“We were doing some delicate adjustments; she just didn’t want you messing with her.”
“She’s been more closed off for a while now. You’re sure something isn’t going on?”
“Nothing. You’re overthinking things,” She patted Shiro’s shoulder lightly and stepped past. “I’m going to hit the showers.”
No one stopped her, and she was grateful for it as she slumped against the shower wall, letting the recycled water wash away the sweat and prodding at a bruise she’d earned in her fall. Well, first seizure survived more or less smoothly. Live and learn.
It was 0300 hours when she snuck back to the med bay. The new scans didn’t tell her anything she hadn’t expected. The tumor had grown. The programs calculated a new dosage for her, and she downloaded the scans to her personal tablet before deleting them from the med bay’s system.
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freeminimaps · 4 years
Cell ER Smartphone Repair Houston LLC
Cell+ER repair is a trusted brand when it comes to repairing the most critical problems of iPhone, Samsung, Computer, Macs, iPads and other tablet and cell phones. Whatever your technical problem, our skilled technicians can fix it. Old phone model repair? Not a problem. However, Cell+ER does offer an option to trade your old phone and upgrade to a new one. Visit any of our locations and we will give you a free and trusted diagnosis. Cell+ER repair is now proudly servicing all of Houston Metropolitan and surrounding cities such as Katy, Richmond, Sugar Land, Spring, Woodlands, and Tomball Texas.
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