#katrina stuart fan fiction
sucker4colby · 1 year
Parties over: Part 2
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Summary : Colby’s in the doghouse after forgetting his girlfriends birthday to hang out with amber. He has to knock down the wall she built around herself.
Warning : angst , jealousy , insecurity, cussing
Pairing: Colby Brock x female reader
Part 1
It took me a moment to be able to tear my gaze away from my reflection and to stop criticizing everything I saw. I had to accept today was going to be one of those where I wasn’t comfortable in my own skin so I just made my way downstairs after changing into shorts and a knitted sweater hoping I wouldn’t see the blue eyed boy I was upset with.
Unfortunately for me he sat at the island eating a bowl of cereal in his own world as our friends did their own thing around him. I noticed how his hair was unruly and he looked tired as If he didn’t sleep last night. My eyes snapped away from him as Sam called out my name. “ there’s breakfast over on the counter if you want some.” The blonde boy pointed over his shoulder at the counter where a stack of waffles resided. I could see Colby’s head snap up from the corner of my eyes to look at me as his friend announced my presence but I avoided looking at him knowing I’d break on the spot to look at him. I smiled at Sam muttering a thank you as I made my way over to the food.
I heard his chair scrape against the floor as he hurriedly walked over to me stopping me from taking a plate . “ I can get your food.” Colby offered grabbing the plate I was reaching for looking down at me. Anger bubbled up inside of me and I glared at him. “ I’m not hungry anymore thanks.” I spat spinning on my heels and walking away from the prying eyes of our friends. He was just going to act like he didn’t blow me off on my birthday to be with another woman and I sure as hell wasn’t going to let that slide.
I might overreacted but If I wasn’t important enough why did he keep the act up, why not just rip the bandage off and break up with me. I sighed walking into the living room to see the mess from last night, cups ,trash bottles of liquor littered every surface. Grabbing a trash bag from the cabinet I began picking up hoping to get a head start before everyone came to help out.
I know he was standing there trying to figure out how to approach me but I couldn’t bring myself to ask him what he needed so I just pretended he wasn’t there. It was a difficult task to do when his blue eyes felt like they were burning a hole in my skin, I could see the distraught look on his face and it hurt my heart but he was the one who messed up.
Finally he cleared his throat to announce his presence as if I didn’t already know, it was hard not know when you’ve memorized the sound of his footsteps and when his presence filled up the whole room. I looked up to meet his sad eyes quirking an eyebrow up at him. “ I have something for you.” He told me in a small voice and brought his hands out in front of him presenting a small black box. I could see him deflect more as he noticed I wasn’t changing my stoic composure towards him. “ I also ordered you a cake from that bakery you like, I know you wanted one of those for your birthday.” He rambled only making me more upset. I hated that I couldn’t stay angry at him, was I really that smitten over him that I’d roll over and act like nothing happened just because it was him.
“ yeah for my birthday Colby.. which was yesterday had you of cared enough you would’ve remembered but how could you ? You were a bit …preoccupied.” I spat out the last word throwing the trash bag on the couch moving past him to go cool off in my room.
I threw myself on the bed and cried wishing my comforter would just hide me away from everything. He was probably trying to be nice so he wouldn’t feel bad once he left me for amber. My chest burned with jealousy at the thought of him doing everything I wanted of him for her, why wasn’t I good enough for him, He was everything for me and maybe that was the problem. I had to make it easier on both of us and end things myself because I know he wouldn’t do it.
I didn’t hear my door open or close but I noticed my bed dip making me wipe my eyes and look out from under cover. I cried even harder once I saw Colby sitting next me. He had tears in his eyes as well as he moved to put me on his lap, I didn’t try to fight him because this is probably the last time I’ll get to be in his arms. I wanted to memorize everything about him before I lost him.
“Baby I’m so sorry, I was a dumbass, I promise I didn’t mean to forget I just had to much on my plate and I got my days mixed up.” He sniffled setting his cheek on my head and caressing my leg knowing that calmed me down. “Do you not love me anymore?" I asked looking down at my lap picking at the loose thread on my knitted sweater. I felt like I could throw up waiting for him to answer me. "What ?" He asked me I could feel the bed shift under his weight as he turned to face me.
My face heated up at having to repeat my previous statement. I was embarrassed I had to ask him if he still loved me , if he did I wouldn't have to ask and save myself the heartache. " if you don't that's ok, i just.. I feel like I should know if you don't love me anymore, no one should be in a relationship without love." I mumbled my voice cracking as I tried to stop myself from crying even more. I could feel the tears pooling at my waterline even more as I tried to stop myself causing me to grow frustrated with myself . I put my hands over my face shielding my face from his view as my body shook after each sob.
“ baby I love you so much it hurts, I’m so sorry I made you feel like this. I’m sorry I made you doubt my love for you.” He whimpered rocking us back and forth holding me tighter to his body. “ I love you so so much, I was looking forward to yesterdays date because that’s the day my love was born, I should’ve been here but I promise I’ll make it up to you now.” He whispered kissing the crown of my head and I wrapped my arms around him. My heart softening “ I could never love anyone the way I love you, I can’t imagine getting so excited to come home to someone that isn’t you, you’re my favorite part of everyday and I don’t ever want to lose that.” His words slowly eased my worries.
I felt horrible because Colby wasn’t a bad person and he’d never intentionally hurt someone. I was so insecure I forgot how kind hearted and pure he was, That’s why I fell in love with him in the first place. I was caught up in my head I almost him because I was being childish. “ I’m sorry, I overreacted.” I hiccuped into his neck as I hugged him close to my body. He let out a small laugh rubbing circles on my back under my sweater. “ I think you under-reacted, I thought I was done for.” He told me causing me to giggle. “ I’m really sorry baby I know you were looking forward to your birthday.” He apologized again leaning back to look at me. I sat back on his lap to look at him. “ I just wanted to be with you, but you’re here now and that’s all I care about.” I told him making sure he knew I just wanted him.
He smiled and placed a kiss on my lips causing a smile to grow on my face. “ that one’s because I’m sorry and these are because you turned 23.” He said before attacking my face with kisses causing me to laugh as he counted each kiss. He let out a quick oh reaching over the bed to retrieve the same black box he had shown me earlier passing it over to me. I shot him a questioning look taking the small box and opening it. My eyes started watering again and I let out a small gasp at the small necklace that rested inside. “ I chose this out a while back and I wanted something you could wear everyday.” He explained taking it out of my hands and moving my hair to the side, I moved on his lap so he could clip it on. “ thank you, I love it.” I told him as he placed a delicate kiss on my expose shoulder where my sweater started slipping off. “ I love you .” He mumbled wrapping his arms around my again pulling my into his chest. I exhaled in relief leaning back and taking comfort in his warmth knowing we’d be ok, I had fallen in love with the sweetest soul and as perfect as he was he was only human, he was bound to make mistakes.
Part 2 guys !!!
I hope you enjoyed it. I almost made them break up but I just couldn’t bring myself to make Colby the bad guy 🥲
Let me know what you guys think !!!
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starryevermore · 3 years
and you knew what it was (1) ✧ katrina stuart
masterlist | send in a request (consult request faqs first)
request: Okok this is my first request so I'm giving it ago 💖😊 Katrina stuart x female reader where everyone goes on one of those "ghost hunting videos" "or staying overnight at an abandoned mall" and Katrina agrees to go along with the reader to one of these videos with Sam, colby and Cory and elton (because she doesn't go as much) and kat gets scared a lot and cuddles up to r and is always sticking close to the reader ? 💖 I just find this so cute and maybe elton or Cory pointing it out and getting them two flustered and maybe while everyone eventually falls asleep elton notices kat falling asleep on r and dares Cory to take a picture and the next day shows it to everyone ? I hope this is okay it's my first request hah <3 basically a load of fluff - anon
inspired by: “you are in love” by taylor swift 
pairing: katrina stuart x fem!reader
summary: one night, she wakes, strange look on her face. pauses, then says, “you’re my best friend”. and you knew what it was. she was in love. 
word count: 1,779
warnings?: okay I didn’t follow this request to the letter since I'm not a fan of elton or corey anymore; the reader is a big ole simp and we love her for it; kat gets scared; mention of ghosts/the paranormal; fluffy
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When Sam and Colby asked you to join them on a haunted video, you wanted to run for the hills. You weren’t entirely convinced of the supernatural existing but, on the off chance that ghosts and everything else was real, you didn’t want to chance it. Besides, those two had a penchant for trouble—paranormal and otherwise. The last thing you needed was to be with them when they trespassed in the wrong place again and ended up in handcuffs. But then, she batted her pretty little eyes at you, her oh-so-kissable lips falling into an even cuter pout as she asked, “Please? For me? I need someone to hold my hand when I get scared.” And, shit, who were you to turn her away? 
Katrina Stuart was one in a million, and you were convinced that you were absolutely, irrevocably in love with her. Everything about her was just so amazing. Her beautiful eyes, the way she laughed, how she was so kind to everyone she met. And, God, when she sang to you, the words “you're my favorite distraction, loving the attraction; everything you say and do gets me wanting you; make me feel like I am shiny and new” falling so beautifully from her lips? You were sure she felt the same way. And, yet, you didn’t know for sure if she felt the same way. 
You’d met Katrina when she was dating Sam, years ago. They’d been such a cute couple, seemed like the type that would really last, and then...They just ended. Something about “irreconcilable differences”, according to Sam when you’d inquired once. Said you’d have to talk to Katrina if you wanted to know the real reason. And you knew you should’ve, you should’ve done something to satisfy your curiosities. But you were so scared of the answer, of getting an answer that wasn’t what you wanted to hear, that you just accepted that you’d never know. You couldn’t get your heart broken if you didn’t know. 
And yet, a part of you held out hope that she might’ve felt the same way. Overanalyzed her gentle caresses during pizza nights. Questioned her intentions when she invited you to film a video together. Wondered why she had liked a ship edit of the two of you, and why Instagram just had to put that on your explore page. In another life, you might’ve been braver, asked her outright if she’d like to go out with you. In another life, you might’ve been together because you could handle rejection, and be rewarded with a date for your bravery. But, for now, you only had your fantasies, and that had to be okay. 
Still, though, you could never turn her away. And if she wanted you to be there with her while Sam and Colby chased ghosts, who were you to tell her “no”? 
That was why you stood outside of Colby’s Toyota Corolla with the other three, huddled slightly against Katrina, in the parking garage of some haunted hotel just outside of LA. You hadn’t paid too much attention to the details when the boys explained what you were doing, your mind wandering to the fact that you were going to be sharing a room, sharing a bed, with Katrina that night. And, maybe, it would lead to—
“WHAT’S UP GUYS, IT’S SAM AND COLBY,” Colby shouted the intro, pulling you out of your thoughts. 
You frowned, disappointed that your fantasy was ripped away from you. You chewed on your bottom lip, glancing over at Katrina, as Sam introduced the two of you. You looked away quickly, waving at the camera and smiling, before returning your gaze to Katrina. God, did she always have look so gorgeous? You could’ve sworn she could be a model, with that pretty pink hair that you wanted to tangle your fingers in and those pretty pink lips that you wanted to kiss until she was breathless and—
“Y/N? You coming?” Sam asked, and you snapped your head to look at him. Shit, you hadn’t even realized that they���d started walking off towards the hotel while you were busy daydreaming. 
“Huh? Yeah, I’m coming,” you mumbled, grabbing your bag and jogging over to join them. 
“You good?” Katrina whispered to you as the boys went to the front desk to check in. “You seem a little out of it.”
“Yeah. Just...” You paused, wondering if you should tell her the truth, that you were thinking about how badly you wanted to hold her and tell her everything you felt. “...nervous about tonight. Those boys and their antics scare the shit out of me, Kitty.”
“You can’t be scared!” Katrina argued, her pretty eyes wide. “You’re supposed to be my protector! How can you protect me when you’re scared?”
“Well, think of it this way, if I’m also scared, I’ll be more aware of the big, bad scary ghosts, and I can protect you before you even realize something’s wrong,” you said.
Katrina smiled, her cheeks tinted pink, “I guess that works, Y/N/N.”
For a moment, you considered kissing her worries away. All you had to do was lean in, and you were almost sure that she wouldn’t push you away. But before you could even begin to make a move, the boys had walked back over, announcing that the four of you were staying in the most haunted room in the hotel. Great. 
Not much happened after that. You all went up to the hotel room, and Sam and Colby explained the history of the hotel to the camera. You pretended to be interested in what they were saying, but your mind was far, far away from the paranormal. All you could think of was the way Katrina reached out to grab your hand when Colby said something about a ghost being known to reach out and play with pretty girls’ hair at night, and how she moved closer to you every time Sam mentioned that the hotel was known for some more...violent ghosts. 
And then you all were taking a tour of the hotel. You’d all somehow ended up in a ballroom, where apparently there were sightings of a ghost couple dancing through the room. Sam and Colby focused on trying to communicate with the alleged spirits, while you and Katrina tried to keep your distance. But, then everything went wrong.
While the boys were filming, the lights started to flicker on and off. Then, a door far away slammed loudly. And, then, the worst thing, when the lights were out, Katrina screamed like she was being murdered.
The lights flickered back on once and for all. You immediately took Katrina in your arms, rubbing her back, not missing the way Sam gave you a knowing look, like he knew how you felt about the pink-haired angel. 
“You okay, Kitty?” you asked.
She shook her head.
“What happened?” Sam asked. 
“A...ghost, I don’t know, something, grabbed me and it felt like it was scratching me and it just—” She let out a choked sob.
“Shh, it’s okay, it’s gone,” you said.  “Do you think you’re good to continue?” Colby asked. 
Apparently, that wasn’t the right thing to say, because she was pulling herself out of your arms, turning on Colby and snapped, “No, I’m not good to continue!”
He raised his hands. “Hey, I didn’t mean anything by it. It’s just, we need a little more footage here, and we should probably look around to see if there’s any—”
“I want to leave! I can’t stand being here, not after that,” Katrina said.
“Wait, we should just—” Colby tried to say.
“No! I’m done with the ghost stuff. I’m really scared guys!” she said, her voice wobbling. 
And your heart just broke. “Kitty, you’re fine. C’mon, we’ll just go up to the room. Let the boys look around more, and get you away, yeah?”
Katrina glanced over at the boys, then back to you. “...okay. I, yeah, that works.” 
Sam passed you one of the spare room keys, and you and Katrina left the ballroom. You didn’t say anything during the walk to the elevators, nor during the journey up to the room. No, it wasn’t until you were in the safety of the hotel room, that anything was said. As soon as the door had shut, Katrina was wrapping her arms around you, pressing her forehead against yours as she tried to steady her breathing.
“I’m scared, Y/N/N,” she whispered, her nose brushing up against yours.
“I’ll protect you, I promise, Kitty,” you whispered back. “No ghosts will bother you so long as I’m around.” 
“With all my heart and soul.” You pulled away, reluctantly, and asked, “Wanna lay down while we wait for the guys to come back?”
“...can we cuddle?”
“Anything to make you happy, Kitty.” 
Without another word, the two of you crawled into one of the large beds. You opened your arms up, and she eagerly snuggled into your arms, her head buried in your chest. You were so sure she could hear your heart racing. You wondered what she was thinking, and you couldn’t keep it to yourself anymore. 
“Hey Kitty?”
“...do you like me?”
She raised her head, a pretty frown on her pretty lips that you wanted nothing more than to kiss away. “Of course I do. You’re my best friend.” 
And, oddly, that didn’t hurt. Because she didn’t say it in the same way that she would call Sam her friend, how she’d call Colby her friend. No, it was different. Sweeter, kinder. Like there was more to the story. 
“No, I mean like—” You paused, shutting your eyes, trying to collect your thoughts. “Look, you can turn me down if you want, but I can’t keep this a secret any longer. I like you, a lot. A lot more than I should like a friend. And, I wanted to know, after we get outta here, would you like to go on a date with me?”
She didn’t say anything for a while. You wondered if you’d horribly misread all of the signals. But, then she was pressing her pretty pink lips against yours, and you got the answer you need. You carded your fingers through her hair, pulling her closer, until you were forced to pull apart so you could take in a breath. And you knew what it was, what her answer was, but you had to hear it. Just once.
“Is that a yes?” 
“Of course it is,” she said, before going back in for another kiss.
“Good,” you mumbled against her lips, “cause I was really scared you kissed all of your friends like that.” 
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possible fic idea for colby brock, let me know if i should continue?
Callie paced back and fourth in the confines of her room wondering if she should dial her brothers number. Things were worse this time and feared for what might actually happen if she didn’t find an escape soon.
Callie took a deep breathe before dialing the number and placing the phone to her ears. She stared at the distroyed room around her. Oh, things are so bad she thought to herself as she bit on her nails. Tears began streaming down her face, as she look at the bruise now forming on her wrist. How was she going to explain that one?
“Callie!” She heard her older brother excitedly yell into the phone.
“Hey Corey,” she croaked. She could hear people screaming in the background and cringed.
“One sec, I’m going to run upstairs so I can hear you better,” she could hear his loud foot steps pounding with each step he took. “Okay, I’m in my room. Hi Cals,” he greeted again and she pratically hear the smile plastered across his face. It had been awhile since she had spoken to him, months in fact. It wasn’t like he hadn’t tried to reach out, she just tried to keep as much of her personal life as private as possible.
“Hi Cor, I missed you.”
“Oh God I missed you to Cals, you have no idea.”
“Believe me I do, listen I uh don’t have long but I was wondering if I can come stay with you for awhile. I haven’t seen you in like two years,” which was unfortunately very true. Callie really didn’t have much contact with anyone in her family, especially Corey. She wanted to keep them safe and away from harm. She watched Corey’s videos and seen all the crazy things he’s done but she couldn’t bring herself to put him in a position that could be potentially dangerous.
“What? Hell yeah! Man, I’m so excited you can finally meet Devyn and the guys, and it’ll be a total blast! Fuck man, I can’t wait! When are you planning on coming down?”
“Like tomorrow tomorrow? As in not today? As in if I go to bed now and wake up in a few hours you could potentially be here with me?” Callie laughed, there was her brother’s infamous sense of humor. The only person in the world who could put a smile on her face even in her darkest days.
“Yeah, just planning a little getaway, ya know?” She let out a nervous chuckle, one that Corey didn’t quite catch through the phone.
“Of course you can come tomorrow Cals, mi casa es su casa, comprende?”
She heard a sound in her house and moved closer to the door to see if she would hear anything else. Her body tensed and for a brief moment she forgot Corey was on the phone as she stood in silence.
“Is everything okay, Callie?” Her brother said causing her focus to shift back to him.
“What? Oh yeah, just peachy. See you tomorrow!” She hung up the phone before he had a chance to respond. Frantically she ran around the room throwing random items into a small bag she could take to the airport. She didn’t know what she was taking, she just needed to move and fast. Lifting her matress she found the small bag of cash she had duct taped under it in case of emergencies.
She hadn’t even bother to lock the door on her way out. Though she hadn’t told Corey yet, she didn’t plan on coming back to Nashville. She didn’t know what she was going to do after Los Angeles but she definitely wasn’t coming back towards the country side. She ran as far as she could towards the town that was nearest to her home.
She repeated Corey’s number over and over again until she was sure she knew about heart. Once she was confident, she threw her phone onto the ground and stepped on it a few time to ensure that was no way anyone would be to reach her or find her.
She sighed in relief as she reached a gas station. She was sure luck was on her side today when she saw a yellow cab being filled with gas. Callie made her way towards the old man who singing to himself as he filled his car.
“Hi, I was wondering if you could drop me off at airport?” She asked as she approached the man. He gave her a once-over, looking at her frazzeled clothes and worn out face expression. He knew she needed help and he wasn’t going to be the one that denied it to her.
“Sure thing little lady, old beatrice here should be filled up in a minute, you can go right on it,” he informed and Callie gave him a wide smile.
Before she had the chance to open the door she noticed a familiar car driving down the road and she ducked down the side of the car.
“Are you okay, little lady?” The old man called thinking she had fallen. He came to the other side of the car in attempt to help.
“Yes, I’m fine, I’m just hiding from my boyfriend. He’s just drove by and he’s, well, he trying to hurt me,” she admitted as a lump caught in her throat. She hadn’t voiced out those words to anyone before and it felt like taking a knife to the back.
She was living in her own personal hell and she had no one to blame but herself. This was her fault, at least that what she let herself believe.
“Don’t worry there little lady, man come poking around here for you I’ll just shoot ‘em with my old pistol in the glove comparent there. It may be small but it can kill any old rat with just the pull of the trigger. Car’s all gone now my dear, you can get it,” he held out his hand for her and she grabbed it gratefully to stand up.
“Thank you,” she appreciated with small smile.
“Now let’s get you to the airport and out of a small life town like one, huh?” He stated opening the back door for her. She grinned and sat inside, pulling her back onto her lap.
The drive to the airport wasn’t very long and Callie resisted to the urge to fall asleep until she knew she was safely on the plane. She hadn’t slept in two days and the urge to sleep kept getting stronger and stronger.
“This is where I leave you little lady,” the man said as he pulled up to the drop off area. Callie pulled out two twenty’s to pay him but he pushed her hand aside.
“Don’t worry about the money, just make sure you get on that plane safe and sound, you hear me?” Callie felt her eyes begin to water again.
“Thank you, I don’t know how I could ever repay you,” she informed grabbing on his hand.
“You can pay me by going out and living your life you’re meant to do.”She nodded before opening the door and stepping out into a new life that was waiting for her.
This was it, this was the moment that her life was going to change for the better and there was no denying that she was looking forward to it.
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sucker4colby · 1 year
Party’s over
Part 1
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Summary: Colby fucked up bad. Choosing his girl best friend amber over his girlfriend on his girlfriends birthday.
Warning: cussing, angst, fluff between best friends, insecurities.
Pairing: Colby Brock x female reader.
I could feel jakes sympathetic gaze on me as I paced back and forth biting the nail on my thumb, a habit I exhibited when in distress. There was no way you could miss how uneasy I was, the anxiety stinking up the room. “ maybe he’s caught up in traffic.” His voice broke the silence in my bedroom. I closed my eyes in annoyance letting out a sigh, I wasn’t annoyed at Jake I was annoyed at my boyfriend Colby. We had been together 2 years and for some reason he chose today of all days to flake on me, my 25th birthday. I turned to face the boy who sat on my bed trying to comfort me. “ he hasn’t messaged me all day Jake. I woke up and he was gone. No happy birthday nothing.” I told him blinking rapidly to push back the tears threatening to spill over my water line.
He nodded dropping his head knowing we both knew Colby had forgotten my birthday so there was no use in giving me false hope. I stared up at ceiling trying to make sure no tears dropped on my makeup I had worked hard on. I wouldn’t lie but I was hurt, I never cared to make a big deal out of celebrating my birthday as long as I was surrounded by the most important people in my life, Colby being the most important of them all had convinced me to make a fuss this year only for him to leave me hanging. The clenching i felt in my chest traveled up to my jaw as my feelings shifted from being sad to being furious.
A knock broke the silence causing Jake and I to look at who was entering my room. “ hey, sorry, i couldn’t get a hold of him.” Sam waved his phone at me giving me a sympathetic smile. I nodded reaching up weakly to smooth my hair down from me running my hands through it so much. “ I’m sure he’s fine , you should come down and enjoy your party.” The blonde boy tried consoling me. “ he better be lying in a ditch bleeding out.” I snapped instantly feeling bad but I was angry his location was off and he wasn’t answering my calls or messages. I never checked Colby’s location but we had shared it in case of emergencies back when we were just friends. I just couldn’t believe he wasn’t here , I had brushed every red flag off indicating he had forgotten thinking maybe he was planning a surprise trying to give him the benefit of the doubt.
I followed the two boys out of my room and downstairs to where my birthday party was being held. The loud bass of the music vibrating throughout my body dulling the already present ache there.
I was wished a happy birthday by hundreds of people but none of them being the person I really wanted, only spreading the sadness throughout my body. I faked a smile and cheered along with everyone accepting a couple drinks to help me forget why I was down. Honestly fuck Colby wherever he was, I didn’t need him to enjoy myself, I found myself thinking as I threw my head back downing a shot of tequila earning cheers from a couple people surrounding me. I laughed throwing my arms up and cheering along with them momentarily forgetting my concerns.
I felt my phone buzz in my left pocket so I reached down to grab it walking away from the make shift bar in the kitchen. I furrowed my eyebrows in confused at the notification stating that Colby Brock had posted on his instagram. I had alerts on for whenever he posted so i thought it was odd since he wasn’t responding. Clicking on it his posted showed up, a mirror pick of him and amber, amber smiling big and leaning her head on his shoulder. My smile dropped and my body ran cold making me freeze in the middle of the room. He had forgotten my birthday because he was hanging out with amber, I knew they were friends and I didn’t have a problem until they started getting flirty with each other.
I was fighting back tears faking a smile at a friend who cheered walking past me. How could I be so stupid of course he would forget the moment he was with her. She’s beautiful and I’m just me, she had full plump lips, flawless skin, her body was to die for and here I am, plain and ordinary me. My skin all of sudden felt dirty and I felt like I looked ridiculous wearing these jeans and revealing shirt, my makeup felt heavy and caked on now and I know you could see the pimple I had on my cheek. Wiping the stray tear on my left cheek I put my head down and rushed to the bathroom to recollect myself.
My arm was tugged back making me fall into sams chest where he wrapped his arms around me. I looked up at him not able to hide my watery eyes and pouting lips. “ I’m sorry bubble, he fucked up and I let him know he isn’t aloud near you when he gets home” he comforted tugging me towards my original location. I guess he had seen the post as well but I’m just glad he knew his best friend fucked up. I couldn’t stop the water works once the blonde boy called me by my nickname, and I couldn’t help but think why was Sam here and not Colby. I sobbed clinging onto him wishing I was dreaming and I was hugging my blue eyed boyfriend instead of crying over him. He shushed me rocking us back and forth patting my head hoping it would calm me down which it did for a bit.
“ Katrina will come up with you while I try to kick people out ok ?” He asked making me look up at him. I nodded thankful that I could count on Sam to be there for me. I raced up the stairs hoping not many people saw me and rushed into my room changing into some sweat pants and big hoodie. Katrina had walked in with some water and snacks as I was rinsing my face off placing them on my bed and walking into my bathroom.
“Hey bubbles, how are you holding up.” She asked handing me my towel to dry off my face. I pouted at her looking at her with my bloodshot eyes knowing she already knew the answer. “ come on, Colby’s a dumbass.” She pouted back bringing me in to hug her. “ I didn’t think he was this big of a dumbass.” I sniffled angrily nuzzling my head into her shoulder. My phone started ringing from the bed making us both look at it. My lip trembled as I saw the familiar caller contact pop up, a picture of Colby and I smiling into our kiss reminding me how much It hurt that that I loved him so much when he was doing the bare minimum. Kat reached out turning my phone off causing me to raise my eyebrows at her.
“ he’s been ignoring you all day, we’re just matching his energy.” She shrugged guiding me towards my bed tucking me in and making herself comfortable as my big spoon, I couldn’t help but giggle at her accepting her cuddles. “ you know, if it doesn’t work out with Colby I could break up with Sam and date you.” She whispered causing me to close my eyes and let out a laugh. Of course kat would be the one to cheer me up, I considered her my best friend for that reason. Ever since we met, we hit it off always being there for each other and being each others number one fan.
We laid in silence her arms wrapped around me providing the warmth and love I sought from Colby. It broke me that my best friend was setting the standard higher than Colby was but it was opening my eyes. Maybe I loved Colby more than he loved me, and maybe that’s why it was so easy for me to show him and harder for him to show me. Maybe I had been so in love with him I was turning a blind eye to what was in front of me, he had gone out of his way to get amber tickets to a show she wanted to see for her birthday and I so stupidly had helped him get them calling around to different vendors to get them. Was I keeping him from being with the person he really wanted to be with? Amber wasn’t a bad person so I know she would never try to purposely ruin my relationship but this was on Colby.
Tears dropped down my cheeks as I laid there silently hoping I wouldn’t wake Katrina who had just fallen asleep. I wanted to sink into the bed and disappear, was I really that replaceable or forgettable. I could hear Sam downstairs making an announcement that the party was over, somehow that made my heart break even more. The party was over and he was still at her house, he had been with her all day not even bothering to let me know he was ok.
Pretty soon all you could hear were Kats light snores and the crickets outside as everyone had left. Sam had some in to say goodnight before making his way into his own room deciding to let kat sleep with me since I seemed to need her more. As I laid there for a couple hours in self pity I heard the familiar engine of his red corrola pull into the drive way and the door shut. I screwed my eyes shut trying to fight even more tears from falling at each sound of his footsteps climbing the stairs. I honestly didn’t know what I wanted from him, did I want him to leave me alone or did I want him to make things right. Did I just want the chance to be petty back or did I want to fix things. My breath caught in my throat as he stood right outside my door his shadow visible from under the door my heart pounded and I could hear it in my ears. I don’t know how I kept myself from shaking as he opened the door to peak in, I pretended to be asleep hoping it was make him go away.
He never did come in, he shut the door and walked away.
Hi guys ! I know I haven’t been posting but Ive had writers block 😭
Im hoping to make this a two part series so stay tuned ! Let me know if you have any suggestions!
Also It’s been weeks and I can’t wrap my head around the fact that Sam and kat are broken up 💔
As for the nickname bubbles I literally just pulled that out of my ass, I’m trying to refrain from giving my characters a name or using y/n.
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sucker4colby · 1 year
Love Hate
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Warning - slight smut , cuss words
Summary ~ you an Colby have a love hate relationship and your friends strategize to get you guys to make a move…
Word Count- 1660
Pairing: Colby x frenemie !Female reader
“Ok Jake truth or dare.” Kat asked their friend wiggling her eyebrows in a playful manner at him, He let out a long hum pretending to think before choosing dare. “ I dare you to switch clothes with Tara for the rest of the video.” She dare him making the couple go to jakes room to change. “Jakes ass is going to look fat in those sweatpants.” Colby joked while everyone waited, you took that as perfect opportunity to make a snide remark but Sam beat you to it putting their plan to action. “ At least he has an ass Colby.” Your friends laughed at Sams joke causing Colby to furrow his eyebrows not expecting the comment from his best friend but from the girl next to him. You sat up straight before throwing a response at Sam “ Colby has a little something something back there what about you though ? I’ve never seen the slightest jiggle.” Causing your friends to laugh louder and making a red hue appear on Colby’s cheeks and Sam to put his hands up in surrender.
Tara and Jake came back wearing each other clothes receiving laughs in return. It was Jakes turn to ask so he turned to you calling your name. “ truth or dare .” You didn’t hesitate to say dare not really wanting to expose any secrets. “ I dare you to kiss one of the guys here.” You raised your eyebrows asking if you were 12 receiving nothing but a shoulder shrug. You looked around at the boys realizing you would have to chose between Reggie or Colby since everyone else had a girlfriend.
You had made up your mind deciding Colby but Reggie spoke up having noticed the same thing as you . “ no offense but we all know there’s two options and you’re not exactly someone I want to kiss” You were at a loss for words since he made it sound like it was repulsive to kiss you. You weren’t the only one who felt some kind of way at his comment, Colby was mad that he would speak to you in that manner, and he was mad because anyone would be lucky to be kissed by you, someone so kind and beautiful.
He acted on impulse wanting to show him what he was missing, Colby turned to face you quickly, catching you off guard by grabbing your cheeks and pulling you in to place his pink lips on yours. You tensed up before following his lead and relaxing into the kiss as he moved his hands down to hold the back of your head. He would never admit the way his stomach did flips when he finally got to taste the strawberry flavored lip gloss he always saw you always rub along your plump lips, or the way your scent wrapped around him was making him lightheaded. He pulled back leaving you just as breathless before turning to face Reggie with your lip gloss stained on his lips. “Well you missed out” Colby smirked at him causing the rest of your friends to let out hollers and whooping sounds .
The rest of the night was a blur for you the only thing you could focus on was the warmth you could feel from Colby’s body or the way his hand would occasionally brush against you making your head spin. You never hated Colby matter fact you always had a small crush but masked it with your bantering but after this kiss you were to nervous to make your usual comments. He obviously took notice asking you to talk to him to which you quietly agreed following him to his room.
You prepared yourself for the conversation you were about to have, knowing there was no way he wouldn’t of caught onto your feelings by now. You were expecting the worst , mentally practicing how you’d play it off once you got in the room.
You walked in after him as he held the door for you closing it once you were inside. For the first time since he’s known you you had never been so quiet around him making him feel a bit smug that he was the reason you were left speechless “ had I of known all I had to do was kiss you to make you be quiet I would’ve done it a long time ago.” He broke the silence smirking at you knowing which buttons to push. You snapped your eyes up at him your big eyes glaring at him making him smile even more loving the reactions he got out of you.“ don’t flatter yourself, you’re not even the reason.” You remarked causing him to laugh. “ Just admit it , you like me.” He teased walking towards you. You cocked an eyebrow his way suddenly feeling confidence flow through you. “ I think you’re the one that likes me, you’re the one that kissed ME. Matter fact I think I left you a little breathless at the end.” You giggled meeting him in the middle of the room chest to chest refusing to back down. He looked down at you rolling his eyes not liking how you flipped it on him making him mutter a shut up.
You leaned up putting one hand on his chest and the other one wrapping around the back of his neck pulling him towards you “ make me .” You whispered in his ear causing his breathing to stutter. “That’s what I thought.” You pushed him away but he quickly grabbed your hands pulling you in and placing his lips on yours making you gasp. “Jump” he demanded not breaking apart from your interlocked lips but bending down to pick you up by your thighs making you wrap them around his hips. You tangled your fingers in his smooth brown hair at the back of his pulling him in closer making the kiss more aggressive.
He walked forward until he could lay you onto of his black comforter climbing over so his face way over yours holding his weight on one arm. You eyed the veins that were visible on his forearm imagining how they would look with his hand wrapped around your throat causing you to close your eyes trying to hide the lust. That was a failed attempt because you let out a quiet moan as his lips made contact with the side of your throat slowly kissing up until he met your lips again.
You let your hands wonder under his t shirt feeling his smooth and toned body making him feel like your touch evoked something in him draining any restraint he had away. The shirt he has felt like a barrier between your loving touch so he pulled back leaving you in a daze while he tugged the shirt off throwing it somewhere on his wooden floor. He watched you for a Moment his heart soared at the image of you laying under him breathing heavily through your swollen lips and hooded eyes looking up at him through thick eyelashes. You caught him off guard by flipping so you could straddle him running your hand down his chest as he gripped your hip watching the way your eyes devoured him. For the first time he felt seen, lots of girls jumped at the chance to be with him , they all loved the way Colby Brock looked but here you were straddling him making him feel vulnerable because you weren’t just seeing what everyone else saw but you saw him for who he truly was. You leaned down catching his button lip between your lips gently sucking on it causing a breathy moan to come from him fueling your confidence,your lips trail down over his neck down to his stomach looking at him.
He snapped out of his lust driven daze when he felt you reach for his waist band his hand reaching down to stop yours making you sit up in alarm thinking you did something wrong. “ what’s wrong ?” You asked him biting your lips in nervousness. “ are you sure you want to do this ? I really like you and I don’t want this to be just a hook up.” He told you tugging at your lip with his thumb gently running his finger over it so you would stop biting it. You let out a breath of relief nodding your head letting your cheek lay against his large palm nuzzling your face into it. “I really like you too Colby. But I also really want to do this.” You giggled making him let out a laugh. He pulled you in for a peck. “I know you’re not used to if but ima need you to be quiet then “ he whispered against your lips making you smack his chest and roll your eyes.
Hope you guys enjoyed !!
Let me know if you have any suggestions or if you see anything that needs correcting .
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sucker4colby · 1 year
Mixed signals
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Warning: little bit of angst, alcohol
Summary: Colby decides to be a wingman for his best friend but no one can match up to him. Drunken actions lead to feelings being unraveled.
Length: 2360 words
Pairing: Colby x best friend!Female reader
I didn't participate in dating, people irritated the hell out of me and the idea of going on dates and having to start all over and get to know each new person sounded like a nightmare . The ken doll look alike my generous best friends set me up with was talking my ear off about some frat party he had attended not noticing the signals I sent of me being uninterested. He was cute but to basic for my liking and he couldn’t take a hint about when to stop talking making me roll my eyes.
I looked around the house hoping something would steal my attention from him, and lucky me I caught a pair of blue eyes already looking at me. Colby one of my best friends was observing us and he seemed to be enjoying my misery since he wore a smug smile on his face . He and Sam thought that as my best friends they had the obligation to find " the one " for me so they set me up with this frat boy we met while getting lunch earlier. I glared at him making his grin grow wider, he nudged Sam making him direct his attention over to me. I looked away from them to face my "date" who was tapping my shoulder causing me to take a deep breath in annoyance . " yes?" I asked him irritation laced in my tone. " I was just asking if you wanted to dance." He yelled over the loud music of the house party we were currently at.
I stared at him not making an effort to respond , I was hoping he'd catch on and leave me alone but he went to repeat himself once more. He was cut off by a familiar tattooed arm wrapping around my shoulder. " hey man thanks for keeping her company. We're about to head out though ." Colby told him trying to rescue me from the situation he and our other imbecile friend put me in. I didn't wait for whatever his name was to respond, I hopped off my seat grabbing a hold of Colby's hand and pulling him away.
I could hear Colby laugh before pulling me into his chest. " you were a little mean back there don't you think grumpy." He teased me making me roll my eyes. If only he knew he was the reason my dates went wrong, I pushed off him turning to face him . "Maybe if you guys stopped playing Cupid I wouldn’t be so grumpy. Are we actually leaving ?" I asked him having to look up at him since I only reached his chin. I knew my friends very well and there was no way we were leaving so early, he just used that excuse to get me away from my failed date. "Leave ? We haven't even had any fun . Come on Sam and Katrina are dancing we can probably find some shots or drinks." He told me mischief clear in his blue eyes causing a smile to form on my face.
I have no idea where we got alcohol from but we had way to much at this point. I was acting on impulse and all my thoughts were nonsense. Colby wasn't any better off either and it was only a matter of time before we combined our last brain cells to form a ridiculous plan that would get us into Trouble.
It didn’t take long for us geniuses to conjure up our plan for the night. We were hysterically laughing about Colby almost tripping on the way down to the pool we found out the house had, where we decided would be the perfect place to hang out. Obviously it wasn’t a good plan considering our drunken state and mixing that with all the risk that come with a pool we were bound to get into Trouble. " Colbs we're going to get caught ." I attempted to whisper yell but it was anything but a whisper. If we were to get caught we wouldn't necessarily get in Trouble but my altered mindset seemed to think back to when we were teenagers sneaking around . " shut up no we're not , come on you're walking so slow." He playfully snapped at me poking my side causing me to squirm and giggle.
He ended up giving me a piggyback ride the rest of the way, both his hand were wrapped around my bare thighs and my cheek was pressed against his shoulder where I would occasionally blow a raspberry into his neck to make him squirm. We never minded being so close to one another but sometimes it was bittersweet because I wanted nothing more them for it to be more than platonic interactions , but I settle for it because I’d rather have this than nothing at all.
I blew one last one right below his ear before his hand dropped from under my thighs, frightened because he dropped me so suddenly I held on tighter to him and brought him down with me causing both of us to let out frightened noises as we crashed to the floor. I had no idea he was dropping me onto a pool chair but either way we landed making so much noise I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a noise complaint the next morning . We laid still for a moment before we busted out laughing.
He pushed off me sitting down and pulling my calf's onto his lap gently rubbing his hand up and down. We sat in silence enjoying each other's presence occasionally looking at each other and letting out a quiet giggle. I started getting bored again but a thought came to me and I giggled imagining it. " I dare you to jump into the pool ." I told him my bright idea looking at him with a big smile . He gave me a look of unamusement before getting up off the chair and pulling his shirt over his head and throwing it at my face. I let out a loud laugh tossing it aside just in time to see him belly splash into the pool causing me to laugh even louder. I kicked his shoes away that were laying on the ground before walking over to where he was resurfacing. I sat down removing my heels and putting my feet in, he came over resting his forearms on my thighs getting me all wet but I wasn't even a concern to me. I didn’t think he would jump in I just wanted to push his buttons a bit.
I ran my fingers through his hair causing him to move one arm down around my leg and letting his head fall over the other arm. "Sams not going to want to give us a ride if you're wet." I told him remembering our blonde friend was our designated driver. He looked up at me with his pretty blue eyes. I never let myself get lost in his eyes because I knew how easily I’d fold if I did and he could easily persuade me to do anything he wanted " we'll just walk home." He told me caressing his hand along my calf causing me to lean closer to him. " you can walk , I'm not wet." I teased him pulling at a strand of his hair. "I can get you wet ." He smirked at me but I didn't have time to process what he meant before he fully wrapped his hand around my leg and giving it a tug causing me to fall into the pool with him.
He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me into his body since I couldn't reach the floor on this side of the pool. He laughed as I tried to move my wet hair away from my face. " Colby this dress was new and now it's ruined" I huffed out hitting him gently. "baby it was ruined when you bought it." He joked moving a hand away from one of my thighs that was wrapped around his back to a strand of hair that was still in my face moving it behind my ear. I tried to ignore the fluttering feeling in my belly I got from him calling me baby and watched him as he caressed my face. This was new, we had shared a kiss thanks to a dare and we’ve invade each other’s personal space before but this was something I hadn’t felt before. For a moment I felt like he was seeing me in the way I saw him and it had my heart racing. I let my eyes flutter shut as he nuzzled his nose into my cheek, and when he pulled away the slightest bit I anticipated that I would get to feel his plush lips against mine.
Except I anticipated wrong because we jumped apart due to a familiar voice calling out for us causing me to fall back into the water. Sams great timing ruined our moment, he was walking down the stairs with kat in tow speeding up when he saw me splashing back up coughing from the water I swallowed. Colby attempted to help me reaching out to grab me all while cursing and apologizing but I ignored his hands and swam away towards the edge of the pool where Sam held his hand out to pull me out. " what the hell are you guys doing? We've been looking every for you." He scolded us like kids but I was more focused on not meeting Colby's gaze. I was embarrassed and for some reason hurt he jumped back so quickly, I mean yeah I didn't want Sam to catch us and maybe I was overthinking things but it didn't hurt any less.
Sam was still giving us a lecture about the dangers of being drunk and being around the pool alone as we made our way up the stairs. Neither him or Kat caught onto the newly formed tension between Colby and I probably dismissing our behavior as us being drunk. Kat had gone off to get towels for us once we reached the house while Sam took us around and walked us the side walk so he could bring the car around.
Colby turned to face me once Sam was a good distance away " hey are we good, I don’t want things to be weird between us because we got caught up in the moment.” He unintentionally twisted the knife spreading the hurt I felt. But he was right, nothing happened and I was probably reading the whole situation wrong. I convinced myself I was overthinking because I was tipsy and I looked over at him forcing a smile " yeah we're good." I nodded trying to sound sure for the both of us , but I knew neither one of us was very convinced but we left it at that and waited for Sam and Kat In awkward silence.
Sam had driven us all back to their house like we had done many times before, where I was supposed to sleep in Colby’s room like I always did when I slept over. All I wanted to do was go home and try to sleep off this feeling but I couldn’t bring myself to ask them to drop me off at my house not wanting to make things worse between Colby and I . I also didn’t want Sam and Kat being suspicious of something being wrong .We said goodnight to the couple before walking into Colby’s room where I felt as if the walls were going to close in on me.
I stood awkwardly in the center of his room in my semi wet clothes shivering while he went into his closet. Had it been like any other night I would’ve jumped onto his bed or even gone to steal his clothes but I felt as foreign as the new atmosphere around us. “You want boxers?” He asked me walking out of the closet with some plaid boxers and one of his T shirts. He didn’t even need an answer already knowing I prefer shorts or his boxers over sweats for bed. I smiled at him taking the clothes before muttering a quick thanks and walking quickly to the bathroom to get ready for bed.
I gave myself a quick pep talk reminding myself we’ve slept in the same bed before. He was already under the covers on his usual side of the bed as I came out. My belly filled with butterflies and I gave a shy smile as he lifted the covers for me gesturing to lay down next to him. The bed seemed far smaller than I remembered as I tried to leave space between our bodies when I rested my head on one of his dark pillows. My body had finally relaxed settling into bed when I felt his warm hand wrap around my torso pulling me into the warmth of his body. I let out a sigh calling his name in frustration.
He hushed me before I could get out my frustration about the mixed signals he was sending me. “ can you just.. let me hold you tonight. Let me pretend that we could have this. That we could be something we’re not.” He whispered in my ear. “ why can’t we “ I asked in a small voice hurt that he wasn’t letting us try if he wanted the same as me. “Because I love you so much I don’t ever want you not to be in my life, if we change this, I don’t think I could ever go back to being just your friend after getting a taste of what we could be.” I turned my body to face his laying my forehead against his. “I don’t think I can pretend to only see you as a friend anymore colbs, i don’t think we can go back to just being friends after tonight.” I sniffled fed up with hiding my feelings for him. “What If we mess this up?” He asked his lips ghosting over mine causing my mind to fog up. “ what if we miss out on something real?” I responding before connecting my lips to his.
I hope you guys enjoyed !!!
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sucker4colby · 1 year
Rated E
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Warnings: violence, alcohol, cuss words.
Summary: reader defends Colby
Word Count: 962
Pairing: Colby x girlfriend! Female reader
We were outside sitting around the fire as the party we were throwing was going on. I sat on Colby's lap while we listened to brennen go on about an encounter with some girls a couple days prior. We laughed as he told us about how they had mistaken him for an employee and he had thought it was a good idea to rolled with it. I noticed my drink was just about empty so I decided to get a new one, I asked if anyone wanted anything and I received a couple head nods. Katrina decided she'd come with me to help out so we headed inside and made our way to the kitchen making small talk. We talked about some gossip we heard giving each other input on what we each had heard. We grabbed a couple extra drinks in case someone else wanted some and we made our way outside.
I furrowed my eyebrows at the sight of some girl moving her arms angrily at Colby who was still sitting down and it seemed like he was trying to talk her down. I looked at Katrina who was equally confused so I fastened my pace with her following me. We had finally walked within earshot and I could hear her perfectly clear now. "You're such a fucking man whore, there's no way you suddenly decided you'd settle down." She degraded him making my blood boil but what she did next had steam coming out my ears. She lifted her cup over his head and dumped whatever liquid was In there over his head before throwing the cup at him.
I shoved whatever drinks I had in my arms to the closet person before stomping over and reaching her. I stepped between her and my soaking boyfriend who was stunnedbefore shoving her aggressively away from him making her stumble over her feet. " Come at me instead bitch." I glared at her ignoring the gasp from our friends. It was out of character for me to be aggressive usually being the most calm and collected out of all of us. She returned the glare before moving her attention back to Colby angering me even further" what a fucking man , sending your skank of a girlfriend to handle your shit." She spat at him causing me to reach forward and grab a hold of her hair making a cry leave her lips.
She clawed at my hand trying to get me to let her go but I tightened my hold as our friends got up to defuse the situation. " you're going to apologize to Colby and leave him alone or I'm going to fuck you up." I smiled sarcastically at her looking into her glossy eye's ignoring Colby's hand on my waist telling me to let her go. She looked behind me at him letting a quick apology out causing me to retract my hand, She scurried off holding the sore area.
I turned to check on Colby ignoring how our friends mumbled along themselves hearing a couple murmurs about how they never seen me act like that. Noticing a couple drops of whatever she poured going down his face I reached out to wipe it off as his eyes watched me with a frown on his face. " are you ok?" I asked him quietly looking up into his eyes wanting to make sure she didn’t hurt him.
" why would you do that ? She could've hurt you . Or you could've gotten in trouble." He mumbled. I let out a sign grabbing his hand and pulling him along with me so we could change his wet shirt and talk away the prying eyes that belonged to our friends. He followed me quietly up to his room not speaking as I sat on his bed waiting for him to change. " I wouldn't technically get in trouble since she kind of assaulted you on our property."  I told him breaking the silence in the room, he turned to look at me a bit of anger in his eyes.
" but you still could've gotten hurt." He huffed out frustrated making me purse my lips. " baby I don't think me getting hurt would've been a problem with that girl ." I raised my eyebrows humor evident in my voice. " you've never snapped like that, I didn't even know you had that in you." He rambled still frustrated at my actions. " Colby I usually don't go around beating everyone up. I did that because she wouldn't back down especially because she knew you wouldn't make a scene." I told him crossing my arms in annoyance.
He watched my mood change letting out a sigh and kneeling in front of me holding my hands in his. " I just want you to be careful baby, I might have to reconsider my rule about hitting girls if one hurts you." He joked making me let out a snort and a smile knowing he would never hurt a fly yet alone a girl. " just promise me you're not going all ufc on anyone again for my sake? " he asked me making me nod in agreement. He placed a quick kiss on my head standing back up and pulling me along with him. " let's go back I bet everyone wants to talk to you." He told me pulling me back outside where our friends waited so they could Bombard me with questions.
Thanks for reading guys I hope you guys understood the joke behind the title.
These hands are rated E for everyone.
Just a reminder I don’t condone violence and it should never be the answer.
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starryevermore · 3 years
of your fears and your ghosts (3) ✧ katrina stuart
masterlist | send in a request (consult request faqs first)
request: Hii! I loved your Katrina fic and for smut ideas I was wondering if I can request in a Katrina stuart x female reader where one of them gets really jealous and possessive 👀 and just they tease one another until the other finally breaks? Maybe Katrina does? Like r flirts with other people as a joke but Katrina gets jealous? 💖 I hope this makes sense also happy pride!! I thought about requesting hope that was okay and maybe they were roomates 👀 shsjhhs - anon
inspired by: “you are in love” by taylor swift
pairing: katrina stuart x fem!reader
summary: she can’t let go of her fears and her ghosts.
word count: 979
warnings?: 18+ MINORS DNI, jealous!katrina, possessive!katrina, bathroom sex, fingering
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It was no secret that Katrina Stuart was a jealous woman. And, really, she had no reason to be. She knew you were loyal. She knew you would never cheat. She knew you loved her as much as she loved you. But there was just something about seeing you with other women that made her absolutely fucking feral. She’d been burned too many times before in the past. And, if she was being honest with herself, she was absolutely terrified that you would realize you could have someone, anyone, better than her. That you were way out of Katrina’s league, and that you would find someone who was better for you. Because, she knew it was true. She knew that she couldn’t always be the most attentive girlfriend, given her blossoming music career, livestreaming, YouTube channel, and her subscription service with her record label. It was all so much, and sometimes it left her little time to be with you. 
It got better when you moved into together, finding a cute little house that the two of you could rent. It was the perfect size for you, her, Kiwi, and the little kitten you were planning on adopting (though you did have to promise that Katrina would remain your favorite Kitty). Now Katrina didn’t feel as bad when things ran late, or she got busy. At least she could come home and wrap herself around you, bury her face in the crook of your neck, and whisper how much she loved you. 
Still, those feelings never really went away. 
And it all came to a head when the two of you found yourselves at a party being held at Sam and Colby’s house. 
She was sure that you didn’t mean anything by it. That you were just being friendly when she saw you leaned up against a wall, laughing at something another girl was saying. Jealousy bloomed in her chest, and it took everything in her to not storm up to the two of you, grab you and kiss you senseless in front of the entire party. She held back, though. You were allowed to talk to other people, you were allowed to talk to other women. But she fucking saw red when she saw that bitch girl put her hands on you while she talked, gently caressing your arm. And then you looked over, smiling when you saw Katrina’s pink face and sent her a wink. And Katrina remembered then how you once remarked how you loved seeing her all riled up, and she knew that you were doing this to get a reaction. 
Oh, so you wanted a game, huh?
Well, game on. 
The two of you spent the entire party playing your little game, trying to see who would break first. Katrina was impressed by how long she lasted. But when she saw another girl pulling you over to dance? Your cute little ass brushing up against hers? Oh, it was game over. 
She stormed across the room, grabbing at your arm, and tugging you away. 
“Hey! We were dancing here!” the little bitch said. 
“Oh fuck off,” Katrina snarled. “She’s mine.”
She tugged you into the bathroom, locking the door behind you, before pushing you up against the sink, caging you between her arms. “Guess I’m going to have to show you who you belong to,” she whispered, her lips brushing up against your ear. 
“Oh?” you smiled oh-so-innocently, batting your pretty eyelashes up at her. “I don’t know what you mean. I was just makin’ friends.”
“Friends? As if?” Katrina scoffed, running her fingers down your sides before tugging your dress up your hips. “If that’s how you treat your friends, then I better be your only fucking friend.” 
She hooked her fingers around your lacy panties, pulling them down before cupping your sex. She teased her fingers slowly at your entrance, groaning as she felt how slick you were.
“But by the feel of it, seems like you were getting off with those other bitches.”
“No, no, no,” you denied, whining, as she circled your clit. “Wasn’t for them. Not for them. Never for them.”
“Then for who?” she asked, slipping her fingers past your wet folds. 
You gripped tightly on the counter, your eyes squeezing shut as she pumped fingers. Her thumb brushed up against your clit, sending shockwaves down your spine. You moaned so loudly Katrina was sure that the entire fucking party could hear you. Good. They needed to know who you belonged to. Needed to know who fucked you so good. Needed to know she was the only person who could make you feel this good.
“I’m not hearing an answer,” she sang. “If you don’t tell me, I’ll have to stop.”
She started to pull her fingers out, but your eyes flew open as you caught her wrist. 
“Oh? You gonna be a good girl? Gonna tell me who gets you this wet? Who this little pussy belongs to? Go on, baby, tell me what I wanna hear.”
“Yours, Kitty. Only yours. Please, please, let me come,” you begged. “Sorry for being bad early. Didn’t mean any of it. I’m yours, I’m yours, I’m yours.”
“Well, since you sang so nicely, go ahead and come, baby girl.”
And you didn’t need to be told twice, your pussy clenching around her fingers as you chased your high, moaning so loudly that Katrina knew that, if the party hadn’t heard you before, they certainly did now.
You fell forward as she pulled her fingers from your cunt, bringing them to your mouth to suck off your juices. You nuzzled your face in her chest, catching your breath, before looking up, a sweet smile on your face, as you asked, “What do you say we ditch this party? Think I got a lot of making up to do for my Kitty.” 
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starryevermore · 3 years
you can feel it on the way home (2) ✧ katrina stuart
masterlist | send in a request (consult request faqs first)
request: and I was wondering since I looked through your faq before requesting stuff can there be a part two? 👀 maybe like a smut ? You don't have to hwkwjsjs - anon
inspired by: “you are in love” by taylor swift
pairing: katrina stuart x fem!reader
summary: you are in love, true love. 
word count: 972
warnings?: 18+ MINORS DNI, smut, oral (f receiving), fingering, praise kink, nipple play, slight hair pulling, 
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Dating Katrina was an absolute dream. She was everything you ever could’ve wanted in a person. She was sweet, she was generous. She listened to you ramble. She was there for you when you needed someone. She supported you as you chased your dreams. She was...perfect. You were almost convinced that she wasn’t a real person, rather a goddess that had been sent to you. And all you ever wanted to do was make her feel as loved as she made you feel.
As you drove her back to your apartment after taking her out to dinner, you could tell that she felt the same way. The way she reached out to grab your leg as you drove, the way she smiled at you like you hung all of the moon and the stars in the sky. Yeah, you could feel it, and you knew she could do it. And you knew that you had to show her just how much you loved her tonight.
The walk up to the apartment was quiet, the both of you a bundle of nerves, like you both knew what was going to happen when you got inside. But, the second you were in the apartment, the door shut, those nerves were washed away. You cradled her face in your hands, brushing your lips up against her as you pushed her back against the wall.
“I want you, I want you so bad,” you mumbled against her lips.
“Then have me,” she whispered back. “I’m all yours.” 
You stumbled to the bedroom, desperation flooding you as you realized what was happening. You were finally, finally, going to have sex with the most amazing woman you’ve ever met. She loved you just as much as you loved her, and now you had the chance to prove it. God, you couldn’t wait to get your hands on her. 
Your limbs tangled with hers as you attempted to undress each other. You couldn’t help but giggle as you struggled to pull down the zipper on her, your head falling against her shoulder as laughter overtook you. Finally, though, the zipper got itself unstuck and you pushed in the rest of the way down. Katrina slid her arms out of the garment, pushing it down past her hips, and you moaned at the sight of her. How was it that you had a woman so gorgeous? How did you manage to win at life?
You quickly removed your own dress, before turning your attention to pretty lacy bra she was wearing. You snaked your arms around her, unclasping the bra, and sliding it off of her. Before she had the opportunity to return the favor, your mouth attached to her nipple. Her hand flew to the back of your head as you sucked, tugging at the roots as she moaned. Your hand slipped down the front of her body, into her matching lacy panties, teasing at her slick folds.
“Oh, you’re so wet for me, Kitty,” you moaned as you released her nipple with a wet pop! “Gonna be my good girl and let me take of you, yeah?” 
“Yes, please,” she begged. “Be your good girl. Please, just, please!”
You removed your hand from her panties for a moment, making her whine at the loss of contact. “Shh, Kitty, good girls don’t whine. Now get on the bed, yeah?”
You didn’t have to tell her twice. She eagerly climbed onto the bed, her head falling against your soft pillows. You grabbed at her ankles, spreading her legs, before laying between them. Hooking your fingers around the waistband on her panties, you tugged the material down and moaned at the sight of her pretty pink pussy. 
Without so much as a warning, you lapped at her slick. She moaned at the contact, grabbing at your head and forcing you closer. “So fucking sweet,” you groaned as you added your fingers to the mix. “God, Kitty, you’re so fucking perfect.”
“Y/N/N, please, gimme more,” she begged.
You giggled at her desperation, scissoring your fingers in her cunt. But, what Katrina wanted, you were more than happy to give. You attach your lips to her little bundle of nerves, giving it a harsh suck. She screamed, her back arching off the bed. You pushed in another finger into her, curling them quickly as you worked to bring her over the edge.
“I’m gonna—”
“Go ahead, pretty girl, come for me.”
She moaned even louder than before as you felt her walls tighten around your fingers. She collapsed against the bed, trying to catch her breath. You popped your head out from between her legs, admiring the mess you’d made of her.
“You wanna snuggle now?” you asked, pressing soft kisses up her body until you reached her lips. 
“But—” she protested, trying to sit up.
“Shh, tonight’s about you, Kitty,” you whispered, pushing her back against the bed. “All I wanna do is take care of you.”
“I just wanna take care of you, too,” she mumbled as you laid next to her, nuzzling her face into the crook of your neck. “You make me feel so good, and you deserve that, too.”
“Kitty, you make me feel good all the time,” you said, wrapping your arms around her. “Promise.”
“Please? It’ll make me feel good if you let me make you feel good,” she begged, batting her pretty doe eyes at you.
“I just don’t want you to feel pressured to do anything, Kitty.”
“And you’re not!” she said. “I’m asking because I wanna do this, honest.” 
“Then make me feel good, Kitty,” you said. 
Without a second thought, she connected your lips with her, rolling you onto your back as she straddled you. “Then get ready for a wild night, Y/N/N, ‘cause I’m not letting you leave this bed tonight.” 
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starryevermore · 4 years
carved confessions ✧ colby brock
pairing: colby brock x reader
request: Are you taking requests if so can we get reader and Colby are best friends and they do a video of them vs sam and Kat for pumpkin carving and he asks her out with his pumpkin 🥺
summary: colby surprises you while filming a video for his channel
word count: 909
warnings?: a lil bit of swearing.
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“Hey, what’s up guys? Colby Brock here. Welcome back to my channel!” Colby said to the camera. 
Today, he had asked you, Sam, and Katrina to film a video for his channel. He was capitalizing on the spooky spirit of October and was going to have the four of you divide into teams of two to carve the best pumpkins. You loved the idea and considered yourself something of a professional pumpkin carver. Whoever’s team you were on was definitely winning. 
Still, you were slightly nervous about appearing on Colby’s channel. You’d been in one other video of his before and it hadn’t ended well. You had become friends with Sam and Colby ages ago, back when they first moved to LA. You had also made the move for your hometown around that time and was their next-door-neighbor for a period of time. You became friends and learned to navigate the craziness of being in an influencer in LA together. So, when Colby eventually started his own personal channel, you were one of the first people to make an appearance. However, you were met with harsh criticism from his fans, saying that you were using him for fame (never mind the fact that you had far more subscribers than both his personal channel and the duo channel combined). In order to lessen the hate, you and Colby made the decision you wouldn’t be a frequent guest on his channel. But that turned into several years of you only appearing in videos that Sam or the other members of the friend group posted. 
So, yeah, you were nervous to finally make a reappearance on Colby’s channel, but there was something about his pretty blue eyes and kind smile that quelled those anxieties. 
“Today, we’ve got Sam, Katrina, and the wonderful Y/N here—” 
“Hey, am I not wonderful?” Sam interrupted.
Colby laughed. “The most wonderful, brother.” 
“I think Colby’s trying to steal your man,” you said to Katrina. 
She laughed, then tugged Sam to be closer to her, sticking her tongue out at Colby. “Leave my man alone, home-wrecker.” 
“Anyways, today we’re going to be carving pumpkins! But with a twist!” Colby said. “We are going to be divided into teams and whoever can carve the best sets of pumpkins wins a prize!”
“A prize?” Katrina asked. “And what ever could that be?” 
“The love and respect of the viewers at home.” 
You laughed, “Well we already know I’m losing, then.” 
Colby snorted. “Then it’s a good thing I’m on your team then. It’s going to me and Y/N versus Sam and Kat! We’ve already got all of our supplies in front of us so begin!”
“Wait, is there a time limit?” Sam asked as you and Katrina jumped into action.
“Ehh, an hour?” Colby said. “I don’t know, whenever we’re all finished.”
The four of you worked diligently to carve your pumpkins, making conversation about your Halloween plans. Once everything was scooped out, you started sketching your design out with a sharpie. You’d decided to go with a basic design of Oogie Boogie from the Nightmare Before Christmas. 
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“What are you carving?” you asked Colby, trying to get a peek at this pumpkin.
“Nuh uh, no peeking!” Colby shouted, hiding his pumpkin.
“What? Come on! We’re on the same team!”
“Nope, absolutely no peeking from anyone!”
You huffed, before focusing on your pumpkin carving once more.
Slowly, everyone began finishing their work and it was time to reveal each pumpkin.
“Alright, Sam, you go first!” Colby said.
Sam turned his pumpkin to the camera, explaining, “Well, the last time we did something like this, I went with the scariest thing I could think of—three am. This year, I upgraded by scariness level, and decided to go with my interpretation of what the Midnight Man looks like.”
“Oooh, creepy. And what about you, Katrina?” 
She turned her pumpkin and you immediately laughed. “What? Is it bad?” 
“No,” you said through your giggles, “but we probably should’ve been on the same team, since we had similar ideas!”
She laughed, too, then said, “Well, I didn’t know what to do, so I went with a pretty recognizable face: Jack Skellington from Nightmare Before Christmas. His eyes are a little off, but I think he looks wonderful.” 
“Nice, nice,” Colby said. “Strong competition we have here. Y/N, mind showing us what you made?” 
You turned your pumpkin. “Well, I had a similar line of thinking as Katrina, but instead of Jack Skellington, I went with Oogie Boogie. That thing freaked me out so much as a kid.” 
Colby nodded. “Well, it looks incredible.”
“And what did you carve, Mr. Brock?” you asked.
“Well, I also wanted to go with something scary. I’ll admit, I’m a bit scared of rejection and I’m terrified of what would happen if the person I’m thinking of would say no to this question...”
“What the hell are you talking about?” you asked.
Slowly, he turned his pumpkin around. Crudely carved were the words “wanna date?”. 
“I would’ve spelled out will you go on a date with me, but I was running out of space,” Colby said. “So, will you? Go on a date with me?”
“Holy fuck,” you said.
“Is that a yes?”
“Of course it is,” you said, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Yo, I think they won,” Sam whispered to Katrina.
“Hmm, I’ll let them have it,” she laughed.
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