milgrammer · 3 years
Will there be a translation for Mahirus CD drama soon? also thank you for all the amazing work! you guys are carrying this fandom
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Mahiru's CD translation is here! As for Kazui and Amane's, Mai is currently translating them. Thank you for your patience!
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animatedtext · 5 years
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requested katjakun
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askghostchina · 5 years
where is your body? you died in the house, right? so it should be there, and maybe some clues
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I think someone has already disposed of my body....
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ask-miss-belarus · 5 years
why do you love your brother so much? I'm not questioning, I just want some y'know, spicy reasons~
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Wait, so Berwald is a mangaka?
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ask-molossia · 5 years
what if.. took your glasses! *takes em*
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ch-art-markchive · 5 years
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ask-roma · 5 years
give me your euros. aaalso, imma ask you what's your wildest fantasy?
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idk what you were expecting but my wildest fantasty is going the hell to bed. absolutely buckwild, i know.
by the way i’m fresh out of euros! wow! would you look at that!
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goluboicomsomol · 6 years
hey hey i saw your witch au and,, did i get this right: alfred is a nun and ivan is a witch? possibly rusame~~~?
Exactly. Here's the story, perhaps with a lot of a grammar mistakes.A guy named Ivan was sentenced to death in a perverted way because of suspicion of witchcraft. Since witches are tenacious of life the stake is greased (pic here)So it's impossible to pull up the body and escape. Young novice was left for watch over convicted. Ivan begged him for mercy, begged to die not on this stake. Anyway the damage to internal organs and heart was terrible, he had no chance to survive.Novice felt sorry for him. But he did not know he let out the supreme witcher.The Church anathematized Alfred and now he must find and kill Ivan.
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dailycyndaquil · 6 years
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I wouldn’t want to make this journey with anyone else!
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king-kwazy · 5 years
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The Lockscreen and Homescreen challenge???
Tagged by @hetaliaandother
My 10 people:
@kittencrusader @princeasimdiya12 @alex-l-jones @littleartsymely @nicholaspwildeblog @katjakun @useless-mexican-american @smolangelkit
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askghostchina · 4 years
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do you know this man
.... No? Who is this? A friend of yours?
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??: Is someone talking about me????
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ask-hungary-prussia · 6 years
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Anon 1: I planned to do all the costumes you told me but university is stressing me and I don’t have too much time to spend on this :( sorry
Snake Prince~: I didn’t knew if you preffered gilbert with the ariel’s dress, or with the tale... or even without nothing like when Ariel got her feet lmao XDD
@katjakun : Probably you were expecting cuter couple costumes but I can’t be serious with some things sometime hahaha (like the halloween before, Romano’s costume was just an apron and a d*ldo with a tail lol)
The egg costume is a real costume
Ko-fi (donations) | Redbubble (products)
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aluox · 6 years
h-hey, i really love your art and i wonder.. are you going to finish your rusame comic with alfred being a student able to see ghosts? or was it just a one-shot? cuz it looked pretty awesome and all..
Oh it was a one shot because I didn’t plan a story XD;; Just an idea
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askghostchina · 4 years
jump out of the window!
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I’ll be fine with.... whatever’s in this place. Besides.... I’m dead. How much damage could it really do?
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