#katie jane hughes
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pro-royalty · 4 months ago
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Dua Lipa
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supernovaodessa · 8 months ago
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neuvogue · 1 year ago
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portaldualipabrdaily · 5 months ago
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Katie Jane Hughes Via Instagram - (katiejanehughes)
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duadaily · 5 months ago
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dualipa: Last night I performed in my hometown, London at The Royal Albert Hall. Standing in the middle of that room, standing on the shoulders of giants who have performed there before me, the energy of last night will be forever be engrained in my heart. This has been something that i've been dreaming of putting together for so many years. I've always had the urge to reimagine my songs with an orchestral arrangement and who better to do it with than The Heritage Orchestra. I was spoilt with the best seat in the house. A 53 piece orchestra, a 14 person choir, a 7 person band and me in the middle of it all. An unbelievable night, i'm still pinching myself. Thank you to my team on stage and off for working so tirelessly around the clock. They are the most incredible and the most hardworking in the bizzz for helping me pull this together. Thank you to our conductor for the evening Ben Foster. Thank you to my wonderful, most glamorous friend Elton John for joining me on stage to sing our song together. The roars from the crowd last night I think reverberated throughout London. Thank you to everyone who came to join us last night for this very very very special evening. I feel like I could cry just writing this!!! I wanna do it again again again!!!!
❤️ THANK YOU ❤️ Peter Abbott - Creative Direction William Bowerman - Musical Direction Charles Monneraud - Musical Direction Asst. Chris Wheeler - Heritage Orchestra Charm La Donna - Choreography Sharon June - Choreography Asst. Jahleel Weaver - Styling Amir Dayi - Styling Asst. Lorraine Jones - Dresser Peter Lux - Hair Katie Jane Hughes - Makeup Michelle Humphrey - Nails Raeann Hayden - Styling (Dancers) Dukagjin Lipa, Sofia Gold, Joel Quartey, Jess Spink, Maisy Nicholson, Olivia Moss - Radical22 MGMT Permanent Press & Dawbell PR Fulwell 73 Productions
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is-she-suffering · 11 days ago
The Purple House
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In 1993 Katie Jane Garside infamously suffered a very public mental breakdown. Tired of being in the spotlight, viciously mocked by some journalists and not allowed to express herself through her own lyrics, Katie Jane left Daisy Chainsaw and disappeared for several years. She described reasons for going away in THIS interview. She spent that time in a few different places, hiking in Lake District area, experiencing paranormal activity in an old Welsh cottage, before coming back to music for a short tour with Test Department (as well as recording guest vocals for their Totality album). Finally, she moved back to London, where she accidentally bumped into Crispin Gray, which resulted in duo deciding to start working together again, this time as Queen Adreena. However, the most extraordinary sounding and somewhat mythologised was the year when Garside lived in Lake District, in certain colorful house, with a an elder lady helping her to recover mentally. In various interviews Katie Jane mentioned she spent that time walking, screaming into wind, as well as writing poetry and lyrics.
Katie Jane: It’s magical, I lived with a woman called Varya V. in a house called The Purple House.  At the time I had no idea, but Ted Hughes had lived there.  I had no idea, I lived there with Varya and a young couple who were about to have a baby and one other young man… I was there to meditate.  I was recording more of that “primal scream of consciousness” with the idea that I was gonna make it all into a record.
So that was a very verdant and beautiful time, and then I came back to London to make that into a record.  I had little detour with Test Department.  That was a fun time, I could be a cog in machine rather than having to front something. It was so different, I wasn’t “important” at all, I use that word with quotation marks.
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What's interesting is that Queenadreena's fans were able to track that house. The early 00's Katie Jane fansite called Room 11 even had a picture in their gallery. If you google the name, you can find quite a bit of info about the house, the extraordinary landlady and some of the guests that once lived there.
Cumbria’s famous Purple House was located near Rigg Beck, a stream in Lake District’s Newslands Valley. It was built in 1881 and at first served as hotel.
The place was bought for £500 by Varya Vergauwen in 1950's.  She provided lodging to unemployed, struggling actors, writers, singers and other lost souls. Varya Vergauwen, also known as Varya Vee, was a sculptor, a member of Bloomsbury Group, and rumoured to be a "witch". She was married to a captain and raised 10 of her kids in the Purple House. 
This isolated place served as a sanctuary to many artists. Keswick’s Blue Box theatre performers, actor Bob Hoskins, actor Tom Courtenay, comedienne Victoria Wood and even poets Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath had all stayed at Rigg Beck.
The house was apparently full of weird artifacts like stuffed fox, a harmonium, guestbooks including Ted Hughes penned poem and alcohol and food ration packets with expiry dates reaching times before WWII. The comment on one of the blogs mentions a lot of stuffed animals standing and collecting dust... Who knows, maybe that was in part the inspiration behind Queen Adreena's Taxidermy album name?
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By the time Garside moved there, the house was already in a very bad condition. You can find several related stories of former inhabitants online. If you read THIS account, it will give you an idea how the house looked in the 90's. For the long time, it had no electricity at all. It's interesting that even despite these harsh conditions, most of available accounts paint the Purple House stay as one of the most magical moments in their lives:
(...) Rigg Beck was becoming dilapidated, and Varya hated spending money. By the time I was lured from London in 1985, the house was on its last legs. When you opened the front door, the smell of cabbage and dry rot wafted out. We few, we happy few, were unemployed, underemployed, fully employed, but above all poor, and the last of the hippies. It was a good time to be high in the hills in that strange house, and I have never again felt so free from the cares of the world.
Katie Jane: I was there for about a year, long enough to see the seasons come and go. It’s a really extraordinary place (…) I always loved to go there and walked in the mountains with my family and just adored it and one day, I met a man who took me there, he said he thought I’d like it. We just walked in and there was extraordinary things there just very strange art and decrepitude and skulls of all different animals and the door was always open and it turned out that a woman, the maverick, lived there called Varya V. And the house was literally falling down, the roof was caving in and it had different floors. The top where the roof was caving in was the winter floor and below that was the autumn floor. I lived on the summer floor and then there was a spring floor in the basement, that’s where Varya lived and I met her and said, “Can I come and live with you” and she gave me a room which was utterly completely infested with mice and rats. Anytime you turned the light up at night, they’d just come alive and yeah, the house had just really gone back to nature, really. It was being taken back by the land, but it was utterly beautiful and everything was so filthy and I had a sleeping bag. There was a made-up bed there, but I think the sheets on it hadn’t been changed for like ten years or more or something, so, I chose not to sleep in those sheets. There was no hot water or anything like that and yeah, I lived there and it was just beautiful and I’d just walk in the mountains and find my voice there. 
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KJ: After Daisy Chainsaw, which as you pointed out, was quite a ride, for one so young there was a lot of pressure and lots of world tours and burn out and lots of shaving heads and I was toured-out! They told me they wanted me to do another world tour and I was like, “Well, I don’t think I’ve got another world tour in me, right now.” So, I stepped away and yeah, went up with the intention of recording me singing against waterfalls and avalanches and the walk in the mountains and I recorded loads of it. Actually, I recorded loads of stuff to portable DAT tapes and the plan was to cut it all together and make that a record but I never got around to it. I have the DATs somewhere, maybe one day, and I’ll sooner find out what happened in the mountains, but I never did that stage of the journey, but I did wander for extensive days and nights screaming into the sky and it was just a really beautiful place and one day, it was done and I said goodbye to Varya and I took my little car and drove back to London and sometime after that, I found out Crispin had moved into the area and after a long, long journey, we started putting another band together and that became Queenadreena.
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At some point, Varya moved to Kendal. She died at the age of 90 somewhere around early 2010s. Afterwards, The Purple House would stay abandoned and slowly decaying for years (now only frequented by squatters, bats and ghosts hunters) up until it burned down on June 30, 2008. There were (fruitless) talks about possible restoration, but the house was bought in 2007 and then lost in the fire just a year later. Rigg Beck was rebuilt after the fire, but currently standing building looks nothing like the original (trust me, it just looks bad) and many believe the fire was spread intentionally.
KJG: It was burnt down on purpose because it had a rare breed of bats living in the falling-down roof but whoever bought the land had always planned to knock it down but they were unable to take the house down because it was protected, you know. Anyway, it was, one day, mysteriously burned down, so, I suspect sabotage. Obviously, I have no proof of that.
 There's more to find about the Rigg Beck online, from accounts of living in a dilapidated house to info on Varya's life to ghost stories. You can read some memories here:
After I finished writing this post, i managed to find photographs showing how the house looked inside in 2007. In abandoned state. It's a mess, but you can see a lot of the items mentioned in these online accounts!
Other photo sources:
Katie interview:
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thatbiologist · 2 years ago
G’eth Character Name Bank
First Names
Masculine Names
Alfred, Andrew, Arlo, Arthur, Balthazar, Barry, Ben, Benedick, Bernard, Burchard, Cedric, Charibert, Crispin, Cyrill, Daegal, Derek, Digory, Drustan, Duncan, Edmund, Edwin, Elric, Evaine, Frederick, Geffery, George, Godfreed, Gregory, Guy, Harris, Harry, Horsa, Hugh, Humphrey, Iago, Jack, Jeremy, John, Kazamir, Kenric, Lawrence, Leoric, Lorik, Luke, Lynton, Lysander, Madoc, Magnus, Maukolum, Micheal, Miles, Milhouse, Mordred, Mosseus, Ori, Orvyn, Neville, Norbert, Nycolas, Paul, Percival, Randulf, Richard, Robert, Roderick, Stephen, Tennys, Theodoric, Thomas, Tristan, Tybalt, Victor, Vincent, Vortimer, Willcock, Willian, Wymond
Feminine Names
Adelin, Alice, Amelia, Beatrix, Beryl, Bogdana, Branwyne, Brigida, Catalina, Catherine, Claudia, Crystina, Deanna, Desdemona, Elaine, Elinora, Eliza, Enide, Eva, Ferelith, Fiora, Freya, Gertrude, Gregoria, Gueanor, Gwen, Gwendolyn, Hannah, Hegelina, Helen, Helga, Heloise, Henrietta, Igraine, Imogen, Jacquelyn, Jane, Jean, Jenny, Jill, Juliana, Juliet, Katie, Leela, Lettice, Lilibet, Lilith, Lucy, Luthera, Luz, Lyra, Malyna, Margherita, Marion, Meryl, Millie, Miranda, Molle, Morgana, Morgause, Nezetta, Nina, Novella, Olwen, Oriana, Oriolda, Osanna, Pamela, Petra, Philippa, Revna, Rohez, Rosalind, Rose, Sallie, Sarra, Serphina, Sif, Simona, Sophie, Thomasine, Tiffany, Ursula, Viola, Winifred, Yrsa, Ysabella, Yvaine, Zelda, Zillah
Gender-Neutral/Unisex Names
Adrian, Alex, Aiden, Arden, Ariel, Auden, Avery, Bailey, Blaire, Blake, Brett, Breslin, Caelan, Cadain, Cameron, Charlie, Dagon, Dana, Darby, Darra, Devon, Drew, Dylan, Evan, Felize, Fenix, Fernley, Finley, Glenn, Gavyn, Haskell, Hayden, Hunter, Jace, Jaime, Jesse, Jo, Kai, Kane, Karter, Kieran, Kylin, Landon, Leslie, Mallory, Marin, Meritt, Morgan, Nell, Noel, Oakley, Otzar, Paris, Peregrine, Quant, Quyn, Reagan, Remy, Robin, Rowan, Ryan, Sam, Samar, Sasha, Sloan, Stace, Tatum, Teegan, Terrin, Urbain, Vahn, Valo, Vick, Wallace, Waverly, Whitney, Yardley, Yarden, Zasha
Surnames, Patrilineal - First Name (Patrilineal Surname)
Ace, Allaire, Appel, Arrow, Baker, Bamford, Barnard, Beckett, Berryann, Blakewood, Blanning, Bigge, Binns, Bisby, Brewer, Brickenden, Brooker, Browne, Buller, Carey, Carpenter, Carter, Cheeseman, Clarke, Cooper, Ead, Elwood, Emory, Farmer, Fish, Fisher, Fitzroy, Fletcher, Foreman, Foster, Fuller, Galahad, Gerard, Graves, Grover, Harlow, Hawkins, Hayward, Hill, Holley, Holt, Hunter, Jester, Kerr, Kirk, Leigh, MacGuffin, Maddock, Mason, Maynard, Mercer, Miller, Nash, Paige, Payne, Pernelle, Raleigh, Ryder, Scroggs, Seller, Shepard, Shore, Slater, Smith, Tanner, Taylor, Thatcher, Thorn, Tilly, Turner, Underwood, Vaughan, Walter, Webb, Wilde, Wood, Wren, Wyatt, Wynne
Surnames, Townships in G’eth - First Name of (Location)
Abelforth, Argent Keep, Barrow Springs, Barrowmere, Bedford, Brunhelm, Bumble, Casterfalls, Dunbridge, Falmore Forest, Folk’s Bounty, Frostmaid, Fulstad, Heller’s Crossing, Hertfordshire, Humberdale, Inkwater, Little Avery, Marrowton, Mistfall, Mistmire, Morcow, Necropolis-on-Sea, Otherway, Parsendale, Piddlehinton, Port Fairwind, Redcastle, Ransom, Rutherglen, Saint Crois, Tanner’s Folly, Tavern’s Point, Wilmington
Surnames, Geographical Locations in G’eth - First Name of the (Location)
Cove of Calamity, Deep Woods of Falmore, Eastern Isles, Eastern Mountains, Foothills, Frozen Peak, Lakes, Maegor Cobblestones, Northern Mountains, Southern Isle, Tangle, West Coast, Wild Wild Woods, Woods of Angarad
Surnames, Nickname - First Name the (Something) 
Bald, Bastard, Bear, Bearded, Big, Bird, Bold, Brave, Broken, Butcher, Bruiser, Careless, Caring, Charitable, Clever, Clumsy, Cold, Confessor, Coward, Crow, Cyclops, Devious, Devoted, Dog, Dragonheart, Dreamer, Elder, Faithful, Fearless, Fey, Fool, Friend, Generous, Giant, Goldheart, Goldfang, Gouty, Gracious, Great, Hag, Handsome, Hawk, Honest, Huge, Humble, Hungry, Hunter, Innocent, Ironfist, Ironside, Keeper, Kind, Lesser, Liar, Lionheart, Little, Loyal, Magical, Mercenary, Merchant, Messenger, Old, Orphan, Pale, Polite, Poet, Poor, Prodigy, Prophet, Proud, Reliable, Romantic, Rude, Selfish, Sellsword, Scab, Scholar, Shield, Shy, Singer, Sirrah, Slayer, Slug, Small, Stoneheart, Swift, Tadde, Talented, Tart, Tenacious, Timid, Tiny, Tough, Traveller, Trusted, Truthful, Viper, Wizard, Wolf, Wyrm
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forest-enchantress · 1 year ago
I make period drama style gifs. If you use gif packs, please like and reblog them. Most of my projects are already ready, but every day I post no more than 190 gifs. Because that was the reason why my previous account was blocked.
I tried to make gif packs in a format more familiar to you with a link to a separate page. However, unfortunately, I did not succeed because of the large format of high-quality gifs.
I want to explain about color processing. Usually, I improve the contrast, brightness and saturation, but leave the naturalness of the film. I don't make the contours too sharp because I like the aesthetic of it looking like a natural image.
Actors in alphabetical order: part 1(A-D), part 2, part 3
The arrangement of names may not be alphabetical
▶Page 1
Anne Hathaway Anya Taylor-Joy Asia Argento Astrid Berges-Frisbey Boran Kuzum Camille Rutherford
▶Page 2
Carla Juri César Domboy Callum Turner Cate Blanchett Charity Wakefield Charlie Rowe Chiara Mastroianni Christian Bale Christoph Waltz
▶Page 3
Dagmara Dominczyk Dan Stevens Ella Purnell Emily Blunt Ezra Miller Raffey Cassidy Rebecca Emilie Sattrup Rose Byrne Roxane Duran
▶Page 4
Frances O'Connor Gemma Arterton Hannah Taylor-Gordon Hattie Morahan Hugh Dancy Isabelle Adjani Jude Law Keira Knightley
▶Page 5
Izzy Meikle-Small James Norton Jane Birkin Joanne Whalley Lucy Boynton Jim Caviezel Monica Keena Nicolas Duvauchelle Sally Hawkins
▶Page 6
Adriana Tarábková Dakota Fanning Elle Fanning Gaia Weiss Gwyneth Paltrow Kirsten Dunst Léa Seydoux Pia Degermark Roxane Mesquida Rosamund Pike Samantha Gates Sophia Myles Nell Tiger Free
▶Page 7
Annabelle Wallis Austin Butler Carey Mulligan Guy Pearce James Frain Katie Parker Kate Siegel Olivia Cooke Rachel Hurd-Wood Soko Sujaya Dasgupta Tom Cruise
▶Page 8
Adèle Exarchopoulos Anna Maxwell Martin Charles Dance Emma Williams Gillian Anderson Ian Somerhalder Imogen Poots Matthew Rhys Natalie Press Nina Dobrev Paul Wesley Tamzin Merchant
▶Page 9
Anna Friel Catherine Mouchet Déborah François Dominic West Frédéric Noaille Joséphine Japy Kevin Kline María Valverde Paz Vega
▶Page 10
Ben Whishaw Clémence Poésy Elliot Grihault Emilia Fox Joseph Morgan Lambert Wilson Michelle Dockery Phoebe Fox Sophie Okonedo Tom Hiddleston Tom Hughes Tom Sturridge
▶Page 11
Calista Flockhart Charlotte Gainsbourg Christina Giannelli David Strathairn Felicity Jones Fu'ad Aït Aattou Greta Scacchi Helena Bonham Carter Holliday Grainger Michelle Pfeiffer Rupert Friend Sophie Marceau
▶Page 12
Angela Bassett Brooke Carter Cillian Murphy Danylo Kolomiiets Katie McGrath Keeley Hawes Maria Bonnevie Marta Gastini Miriam Giovanelli Olivia Hussey Oscar Isaac Peter Plaugborg
▶Page 13
Ben Affleck Ben Barnes Ben Chaplin Bill Skarsgård Iben Akerlie Jakob Oftebro Jo Woodcock Josh Hartnett Lily-Rose Depp Reese Witherspoon Ruth Wilson Samantha Soule Taissa Farmiga Tess Frazer Virginie Ledoyen
▶Page 14
Cary Elwes Colin Firth Daniel Day-Lewis Emilia Verginelli Hannah James Jonah Hauer-King Loli Bahia Lorenzo Balducci Rebecca Hall Robin Wright Rupert Everett Willa Fitzgerald
▶Page 15
Annes Elwy Claire Danes Eliza Scanlen Freddie Fox Hugh Jackman Kathryn Newton Louis Partridge Maya Hawke Romola Garai Samantha Mathis Trini Alvarado Winona Ryder
▶Page 16
Douglas Smith Eric Bana Gizem Karaca Jessica Brown Findlay Kenneth Branagh Kit Harington Millie Brady Natalie Dormer Poppy Delevingne Rachel Weisz Rosy McEwen Sam Claflin
▶Page 17
Aubri Ibrag Christina Hendricks Connie Jenkins-Greig Guy Remmers Henry Cavill Imogen Waterhouse Josie Totah Mia Threapleton Olivia Hallinan
▶Page 18
Alex Fitzalan Emma Connell Essie Davis Fahriye Evcen Justine Waddell Natalia Sánchez Monica Bellucci Penelope Cruz Piper Perabo
▶Page 19
Alicia Vikander Alida Baldari Calabria Christopher Abbott Emma Stone Jasmine Blackborow Kim Rossi Stuart Lili Reinhart Louis Cunningham Margaret Qualley Marine Vacth Mark Ruffalo Mélanie Thierry Ramy Youssef Scarlett Johansson Sydney Sweeney
▶Page 20
Antonia Clarke Cameron Monaghan Daisy Edgar-Jones Domhnall Gleeson Heather Graham Isolda Dychauk Kaitlyn Dever Karen Gillan Laoise Murray Madelaine Petsch Olivia Colman Sophie Turner Vanessa Redgrave
▶Page 21
Claire Foy Claire Holt Clementine Nicholson Emily Mortimer Jennifer Beals Kelly Macdonald Lena Headey Perdita Weeks Ruta Gedmintas Sarah Bolger Sting Tom Holland
▶Page 22
Berrak Tuzunatac Burcu Ozberk Cansu Dere Deniz Cakir Melisa Sozen Merve Bolugur Saadet Aksoy Yasemin Allen
▶Page 23
Alesya Romanova Alina Kovalenko Anastasiya Ostreinova Anna Sagaydachnaya Dorota Delag Konstantin Temlyak Kseniya Mishina Marianna Januszewicz Oleksii Yarovenko Olena Lavrenyuk Taras Tsimbalyuk Veronika Shostak
▶Page 24
Amelia Warner Bruce Robinson Cristiana Capotondi Christiane Filangieri David Rott Francesca Annis Golshifteh Farahani Helen McCrory Maisie Williams Nadia Parkes Pierre Niney Uma Thurman
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To do list:
Christopher Gorham under development (The Other Side of Heaven 2001) Harry Melling - The Pale Blue Eye 2022 Nora Arnezeder - Angélique 2013 Isabella Heathcote - Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Dark Shadows 2012. Beneath Hill 60 2010. Eleanor Worthington-Cox in Gwen (2018) Julie Delpy - La passion Béatrice 1987,  Frankenstein 2004, Trois couleurs: Blanc 1994, The Three Musketeers 1993 Nastassja Kinski - Revolution (1985), Tess 1979 Julia Ormond - Young Catherine 1991, First Knight 1995, Legends of the Fall 1994 Laura Donnelly - Beowulf: Return to the Shieldlands, Britannia, Outlander Morena Baccarin in Stargate Isabella Celani - A Room with a View 1985 Neve McIntosh - Gormenghast 2000 Kate Beckinsale - Much Ado About Nothing 1993 Sarah Felberbaum as Maddalena in Medici Rocco Gottlieb - The Book of Vision 2020 Kate Beckinsale - Alice Through the Looking Glass 1998. Stonehearst Asylum 2014. Haunted 1995. Royal Deceit 1994. Love & Friendship 2016. Van Helsing 2004. Pearl Harbor 2001. Michelle Jenner - La catedral del mar 2018, Isabel Aaron Taylor-Johnson - Anna Karenina 2012. Nosferatu 2024. Oskar McNamara
Volker Bohnet — Ludwig 1973 Romy Schneider — Ludwig 1973, Sissi 1955 Helmut Berger — Ludwig 1973
✦Ethan Erickson
Dorian 2003— under development
All of these gifs were made from scratch by me for roleplaying purposes. Feel free to use them as sidebars and reaction gifs. PLEASE DON’T CLAIM THEM AS YOUR OWN.
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georgiapeach30513 · 1 year ago
I’m gonna ask…a makeup question. It’s getting pretty scary 😂
What’s your preferred brushes for eyes. Shadow brows liner all of it. I’ve used ELF for the longest time but is there something better?
This is a loaded question 😂 🫣 I’m a brush whore!
Okay so as far as real hair brushes it doesn’t get better than Wayne Goss and Rephr. I know that isn’t going to be everybody’s cup of tea…
So my favorite synthetic and overall brushes for eyes are Sigma and Spectrum Brushes. Specifically this Katie Jane Hughes set.
Now the Scott Barnes #62 is magical. Also, his face brushes are amazing too!
For face I also love Zoeva and Real Techniques.
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mutantmuses · 1 year ago
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Starter Calls ; Wish List Threads ;
Memes ; Promo ; Open Starters ;
Rules & Muses down below ;
Rules ;
1.i will only be writing with people who are 21 +
2. it's been a while since i've been in this fandom so please bare with me & my rustiness. xD
3. i do have other blogs so i may not be on here all the time.
4. all muses will be of age.
5. i do write NSFW stuff so if that's not your cup of a tea i understand.
6. i am a shipping whore so please if you ship two characters let me know cause there will be a 9/10 i will ship it too. :3
7. my inbox is ALWAYS open so please come bug me.
Muses ;
Marvel muses ;
Mystique FC ; Gillian Anderson
Rogue FC ; Anna Paquin
Jean Grey FC ; Famke Janssen
Elektra FC ; Jennifer Garner
James "Logan" Howlett { Wolverine } FC ; Hugh Jackman
Wanda Maximoff FC ; Elizabeth Olsen
Vision FC ; Paul Bettany
Peggy Carter FC ; Hayley Atwell
Peter Parker { Spider Man } FC ; Tobey Maguire
Natasha Romanoff { Black Widow } FC ; Scarlett Johansson
Hela { God of Death } FC ; Cate Blanchett
Felicia Hardy { Black Cat } FC ; Kate Siegel
Madelyne Pryor { The Goblin Queen } FC ; Famke Janssen
Erik Lehnsherr { Magneto } FC ; Ian McKellen
Emma Frost FC ; Vanessa Kirby
Pietro Maximoff FC ; Aaron Taylor-Johnson
Mary Jane FC ; Evan Rachel Wood
Agatha Harkness FC ; Kathryn Hahn
Irene Adler { Destiny } FC ; Aubrey Plaza
Gambit FC ; Channing Tatum
Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler FC ; UNKOWN
DC Muses ;
Kara Zor-El { Supergirl } FC ; Melissa Benoist
Lena Luthor FC ; Katie McGrath
Kate Kane { Batwoman } FC ; Ruby Rose
Diana { Wonder Woman } FC ; Gal Gadot 
Harley Quinn FC ; Lady Gaga
Poison Ivy FC ; Nicole Kidman
Selina Kyle{ Catwoman } FC ; Zoe Kravitz
Bruce Wayne { Batman } FC ; Christian Bale
Shayera Hol { Hawgirl } FC ; UNKNOWN
Barbara Gordon { Bat girl } FC ; UNKNOW
Ororo Munroe { Storm} FC ; Halle Berry
Kitty Pryde FC ; UNKOWN
Wanda Maximoff Mary Jane Waston Kurt Wagner Logan
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medieval-elephants · 2 years ago
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Finally, a real medieval elephant appears! Just not where you might expect.
Katie Hemer, Hugh Willmott, Jane Evans, and Michael Buckley have shown that this ring was made from an African elephant's (genus Loxodonta's) ivory tusk in the fifth or sixth century. It was probably used as a handle on a cloth bag. It was found in a grave in Scremby, Lincolnshire (UK), where it had been buried sometime between around 450 and 550 AD.
And this wasn't the only elephant ivory to show up thousands of miles away in northern Europe: elephant ivory rings have been found in over 70 cemeteries in the area that is now England, and some have been found in the area that is now northern Germany, too. These cemeteries seem to date to the period before the 7th century.
This particular elephant may have originated in the African Rift Valley, and its ivory may have been traded from the Kingdom of Aksum to Europe. The time when it was traded coincided with the political power of the Roman Empire crumbling in western Europe and some (but not all) trade routes being disrupted. Yet the world has always been interconnected: we can't ignore the history of any region or any time.
Katie A. Hemer, Hugh Willmott, Jane E. Evans, Michael Buckley, "Ivory from early Anglo-Saxon burials in Lincolnshire – A biomolecular study", Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 49 (2023), 103943, ISSN 2352-409X, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2023.103943. Read it here.
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pro-royalty · 5 months ago
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Dua Lipa
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byneddiedingo · 2 years ago
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Tom Cruise in Magnolia (Paul Thomas Anderson, 1999)
Cast: Jim Beaver, Jeremy Blackman, Tom Cruise, Robert Downey Sr., Henry Gibson, Clark Gregg, Luis Guzmán, Philip Baker Hall, Felicity Huffman, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Thomas Jane, Ricky Jay, Craig Kvinsland, William H. Macy, William Mapother, Alfred Molina, Julianne Moore, Michael Murphy, Patton Oswalt, Mary Lynn Rajskub, John C. Reilly, Jason Robards, Paul F. Tompkins, Melora Walters. Screenplay: Paul Thomas Anderson. Cinematography: Robert Elswit. Production design: William Arnold, Mark Bridges. Film editing: Dylan Tichenor. Music: Jon Brion.
Paul Thomas Anderson's movies are so loaded with crazy stuff that it's possible to recall only some of the jaw-droppers in them, like the "milkshake" scene in There Will Be Blood (2007) or the rain of frogs in Magnolia. That's why it's always worth rewatching them after some passage of time. There is so much more going on in Magnolia than I remembered. It's really the detail work that comes to the fore when you watch it again. The film has that loose, semi-improvised quality that I have come to admire in Godard. I'm talking especially about Philip Seymour Hoffman's touching performance as Jason Robards's nurse, John C. Reilly's naive cop, Melora Walters's scattered druggie, Philip Baker Hall's disintegrating game show host, and Julianne Moore's descent into hysteria. Most of the attention on the first viewing went to Tom Cruise, who lets out the manic quality that we had only glimpsed before in his work. The performance earned him an Oscar nomination, as over-the-top and supposedly out-of-character performances tend to do. (We would later, in the Katie Hughes era and as his commitment to Scientology came to the fore, come to wonder how out of character this manic Cruise really was.) I think the movie is too long (it runs 188 minutes), and that perhaps some of its segments exist only because of Anderson's commitment to the actors who made his breakthrough film, Boogie Nights (1997). I'm thinking here of William H. Macy's character, which seems to me like a dangling thread in the fabric of the film -- though it does result in a wonderful scene in which Macy and Henry Gibson compete for the attention of a hunky bartender (Craig Kvinsland). As for the frogs, I refuse to speculate on their "meaning," preferring the reaction of Stanley (Jeremy Blackman): "This happens. This is something that happens."
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portaldualipabrdaily · 6 months ago
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Katie Jane Hughes Via Instagram - (katiejanehughes)
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highendhoney · 2 years ago
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Harper’s Bazaar Australia June 2018 Rosie Huntington-Whiteley by Darren McDonald
Photography: Darren McDonald.
Styled by: Kristen Ingersoll.
Hair: Franco Gobbi.
Makeup: Katie Jane Hughes.
Model: Rosie Huntington-Whiteley.
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ivycovehq · 5 months ago
face claim suggestions for Linnya Wazzo from DC and Pearl Pangan from Marvel?
for bart we have : tom holland, tom hughes, luke pasqualino, jordan fisher, nick robinson, christopher briney, archie renaux, kento yamazaki, apo nattawin, taylor zakhar
for linnya we have : katie mcgrath, missy peregrym, laura berlin, sarah pidgeon, jessica green, simona tabasco, kylie bunbury, emma naomi
for pearl pangan we have : samantha richelle, maris racal, jane de leon, celeste cortesi,  kylie verzosa, malia pyles, kate valdez, janella salvador, louriza tronco
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