#katie is rambling 2k20
tundrakatiebean · 4 years
Is it common for people with adhd in sensory overload to use sugar to calm down?
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oryoucouldstay · 6 years
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One Year Anniversary!
Hello, my dearest and loveliest people! I just realised that today is my 1 Year anniversary with this blog and also in this fandom. You guys seriously made this one of the best years and I want to thank every single one of you for welcoming me into our sweet little ok not so little family. Thanks to this fandom I have found some of the most important people in my life and I am eternally grateful for that. This little follow forever is for every person that touched me in the past year, that made my life memorable and helped me shape myself to the person I am today. (there is no particular order in these)
Special mentions: @reinhartmendes: My beautiful, sweet, amazing, loving, dancing soul sister. I cannot imagine my life without you anymore. You have brought so much life, laughter, adventure and memories into my life. Thank you for always being there, for being one of the most understandable people in my life and for just believing in me. I can’t wait for our adventures together. I can’t wait to spent the most amazing week with you, I can’t wait for #Annie takes Australia 2k20 and I definitely can’t wait for all our travel plans. You are the soul sister I never thought I had, you are the light in my life. I love you, Shards. Thank you for always being yourself with me and for always understanding my weirdness. The Lili to my Mads. @ccshbh: My best friend. My soulmate. My good morning text and my good night text every single day for the past 10 months. I always say this, but it amazes me how we just started talking one day and just never stopped. Thank you for always being there for me no matter what. You have helped me through so many stupid thoughts, anxiety attacks and angered moments, it amazes me how you’re still sticking around. I found a person in you that I never had, someone I can trust completely with no questions asked and I am so incredibly grateful for that. I can’t wait to hug the breath out of you when we meet.
@jugsqueen: The person that actually spent 72 consequtive hours with me and is still.. sticking around? The person that had to listen to my horrible singing in the car, my angry car self for over six hours without an escape and… is still here? Still talks to me and still wants to be friends. I love how our friendship just happened out of pure conicidence and we just met up for a convention after talking maybe 4 times and spending an entire weekend with eachother. I am so grateful to have you as my gossip partner, to have you understand my hate for people and loudness and everything annoying in this world. I wouldn’t want to miss you, Buttercup. I can’t wait to see you again soon, I miss you.
@classicalbughead: My sweetest Bubbles. I will honestly never forget your adorable self. We might not talk that much lately (which we really should change, btw. I miss you, I really truly do.), but you will always have that special place in my heart, of the girl that flailed with me over Cole’s adorable smile when he talked to fans and the girl that just randomly wants to hold my hand. I need that back, honestly. Nobody just holds my hand anymore and I really miss that. You mean so much to me and I will be forever grateful to know that I got to spent such an amazing weekend with an just as amazing girl. Thank you for making RiverCon so special and thank you for being such an amazing friend.
@nuagesdreams: My dearest Caro. The one girl I know that can start a voice message with a super important topic and then rambles of for 10 minutes about the most weirdest things (let’s be real, I’m all here for that. I love it. I could listen to your cute dialect for hours on end.). Seriously though, you’re an amazing friend and I’m so glad I can always come to you for the weirdest things and thoughts.
@sprousehart-x: My little bean. My Rose. My sweet, beautiful angel. Honestly, I don’t know what I would do without you. You always bring a smile to my face, you’re always here to flail with me about Riverdale, Lili, Cole, Sprousehart and, most of all, Five Feet Apart. I can already see us watching that movie and actually dying in our seats after that masterpiece. Thank you for always being there, especially when it’s about weird superstitions I have about certain actors and people. You are truly one of a kind and I love you so much for it.
@paperlesscrown: By far the most talented person when it comes to creativity and wording. I have said this time and time again but you are truly such an incredible writer, reading your stories makes it seem like you’re opening up your soul to let all of us be part of your thoughts and stories. Thank you for letting me flail about how much I love you all the time and thank you for being such an amazing friend. You are one of the most kindheartest (is that a word? It is now) I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting.
@agent-prentiss: KATIE. My beautiful, sexy tattoo sister. You mean so much to me and I am so grateful to call you my friend. You have let me bombared you with Photoshop question at the most random hours, you let me flail to you about our equal love and obsession of the one and only Lili Reinhart and your love and kindness always warms my heart. I wish timezones didn’t hate us so much but you are truly so important to me.
@itsnotoktohit: My sweet, sweet love. We only recently started talking but I feel like we just instantly clicked. You are truly so incredibly supportive of everything I do and talking to you is so incredibly exciting and interesting and I love always hearing what your thoughts are on certain things. I can’t wait to get back to talking to you again because I truly missed it over the time that I was away. I can’t wait to see where this friendship is headed!
@sssassi: My love. My babe. My best friend for ever and always. My future roommate and partner in crime. Thank you for accepting my special snowflake appearance on a daily basis. Thank you for flying to London with me to make one of my biggest dreams in the entire world come true. Thank you for being there for me every single day, for always giving me a hug when we see eachother and for getting weirdness and for just being you. I’m so grateful to have found a person like you in my life, someone who understands me and is always there for me the way you are. My our future be filled with lots of wisdom, money and hopefully some cute boys. I love you so much, Sarah. You mean the world to me.
People that I love seeing my dash, that I love talking to you and overall people I would miss so dearly if they ever left this site. You mean so much to me and even if we never talked, I am so happy to have met you. If there was a way to list all of you all at once without anyone being first or last, I definitely would. There really is no order to this at all, you all mean the world to me. Thank you for being so amazing, always: @bugggghead, @stark, @elizabethjonesiii, @lenaace, @writerjones, @jandjsalmon, @lurker-no-more, @coledemort, @charliemeg, @eventyyr, @i-got-sick-of-it, @i-know-you-can, @jordansconnor, @zor-el-schott, @theladylabyrinth, @a92vm, @miss-lkb, @tory-b, @forsvthes, @ohxdarling, @mothermaple, @forsytheelizabeth, @archie-andrews, @jimalim, @wonderrful, @nessa007, @winonal, @stillscape, @indiebughead, @cooper–jones, @ninelittledevils, @jemmablossom, @raptorlily and @nellie–crain.
And I need to make a special shoutout to my all time favorite fanfiction authors because they are so incredibly talented, all of them could go out there and publish bestseller books. Thank you for gracing our fandom with such talent and beautiful words. I am eternally grateful for you: @writeradamanteve, @paperlesscrown, @lazydaizies, @itsindiansummer13, @crashhale, @bugggghead, @sylwrites and @mogitz .
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tundrakatiebean · 4 years
You ever think about how many ghost stories are just based off the suffering of women, mentally ill people, and people of color in a vouyeristic and dehumanizing way?
Like could ghost stories be a tool to practice compassion for those who suffered in their own times? Easily.
What do ghost hunters do instead? Try to provoke spirits of people supposedly trapped in an eternal state of suffering by hurling insults at them.
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tundrakatiebean · 4 years
Like . . . No matter how this ends up I have to look at this huge number of people who decided my death, my best friend’s death, the death of everyone like me and him, was worth it for their money or their “principles” or the party line or what the fuck ever. And just live with that knowledge. It hurts.
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tundrakatiebean · 4 years
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Look who’s actually doing a paint test so they don’t want to throw all their art in a fire later this week 🙃
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tundrakatiebean · 4 years
I was checking dove’s website because it’s time for me to get new deodorant and I wanted to get a picture for when my brother does the store run and it looks like they’ve discontinued my favorite scent and I’m really sad about it 😩 there’s a new scent that I think I’d like but it doesn’t look like it’s stocked anywhere around me
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tundrakatiebean · 4 years
I need to stop looking in the knitblr tag lol y’all are making me want to do socks but I know I’ll hate it
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tundrakatiebean · 4 years
I am realizing why I don’t like Twitter: it’s the fact that what I like gets randomly thrown on the timeline of people who follow me. There’s a super hilarious thread I’m reading now about a mom having found their child’s dildo and I would love to like some of these hilarious replies but that also ends up with it being possible for it to show up on the time line of: my crush who is so wholesome they may as well be milk, my underaged friend who I’m somewhat of a mentor to, other underaged people who look up to me, my brother, my father
Like that’s not a good model. I love tumblr so much, bless.
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tundrakatiebean · 4 years
My brother is so supportive of my art and I may cry about it. He brags about me in a big discord he’s in, commissions my work for himself, always makes sure I’m ok with him sharing things before he does and then he gives me a screen cap of the compliments my work gets.
One of the commissions I did for him was a big streamer’s logo so he had to check with them about permissions. Then someone used it in a randomizer for the streamer (with my permission, I just asked for credit) so my username actually came out of a big streamer’s mouth because my brother supports my art.
He’s such a good person and I love him so much 😭💕
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tundrakatiebean · 4 years
I refuse to send well wishes to anyone who has or intends to make their throne out of our corpses.
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tundrakatiebean · 4 years
One of my brother’s friends dropped off homemade edibles for us for Christmas ✌🏻I’m gonna play animal crossing and chill. This is the best Christmas Eve I’ve had in recent memory 🥰
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tundrakatiebean · 4 years
Somebody tell me I don’t need to buy a full fucking calligraphy set. I have no impulse control.
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tundrakatiebean · 4 years
One of my good friends told me they feel like they haven’t been as good of a friend to me as they think I deserve. And that’s maybe the sweetest feeling someone has ever expressed to me before?? I got super overwhelmed by the thought and intent behind that statement so I don’t know that I actually responded appropriately.
But like the thought that a person I consider one of my best and closest friends thinks I deserve more than they were already giving me is such an affirmation for me and for them to want to give me more than what I thought was amazing friendship is just . . . Wow.
So take that thoughts of worthlessness!!!
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tundrakatiebean · 4 years
Is anyone else playing The Last Campfire? I’m in LOVE with it! I’m not super far but I want to hear people’s thoughts!!
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tundrakatiebean · 4 years
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I call this look “Santa gender fuckery”
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tundrakatiebean · 4 years
Ok so I did a test today. When I started feeling the beginnings of me being frustrated because I couldn’t focus I had some juice and kept working and I stopped being frustrated. It’s like basic knowledge I guess but it feels like a life hack to me 🤣 this is gonna make life so much easier
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