#katie gives robert a peck on the cheek
bobbie-robron · 2 years
Oh, don’t be so touchy. What’s the matter, Andy? You feeling a bit insecure?
Andy delays heading off for his community service until he sees Katie. Robert makes digs at Andy being insecure since Katie hasn’t texted him back. Katie is confused by Andy’s standoffishness towards her. Andy accuses Robert of having said something to Katie since she’s been ignoring him. Robert insinuates that all the texting Andy’s been doing has been putting Katie off. To Andy, things have been going wrong since Katie’s been hanging around with Robert but she’s a free agent, isn’t she? Gifs will be posted separately.
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chyteawrites · 5 years
Torn: Chapter 3
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Story Summary: You start work as a make-up artist for The Umbrella Academy and meet two of the most handsome people you’ve ever worked with, both of them vying for your attention.
Chapter Summary: After your dinner with David, you know you still have lunch with Robert.
Chapter 3/?
Word Count: 1,868
Pairing: David Castañeda x Reader, Robert Sheehan x Reader
Warnings: None
A/N: The end of this chapter took me by surprise and I wrote the thing. Like I said, once I figure out how in the hell to make a masterlist, I’ll make it. 
Tags: @superapplepie @diianawonka (tag list is always open!) 
I woke up earlier than Rachel and got ready, heading out to set early. I grabbed a coffee on my way and walked into the make-up trailer, finding a note on my station on a bright red Post-It.
Thank you for going to dinner with me last night. Join me for dinner tonight? I’m paying and that’s that ;) -David
I felt my heart flutter as I read the note, smiling as I slipped it into my pocket quickly as Justin walked in.
“Hello, beautiful! How is my wonderful make-up artist today?” He asked and hugged me with a smile.
“I’m alright.” I chuckled nervously and hugged him before he sat down.
“Just alright. Talk to me, beautiful.” He cooed and grabbed my hand.
“What I’m about to tell you. You can’t talk about it to anyone. Especially David and Robert. Promise?” I whispered with my pinky extended, my face serious.
“Promise.” He replied, his face just as serious as he curled his pinky around mine. He sat straight up as I worked on his make-up.
“Here’s the deal. Yesterday after I finished his make-up, David asked me to go to dinner. I accepted, of course. I’m not insane. Then not ten minutes later, after I finished his tattoos, Robert asks me to dinner too.” I started, the words spilling out as I blended out his foundation and concealer. “I had to explain that I couldn’t go to dinner with him, so we agreed to go to lunch today.” I finished and sighed.
“So you have feelings for both of them, but you’re caught between them?” He said, looking up at me.
“I had dinner with David last night and he was so sweet. Damn near everything I look for in a man. But there’s something about Robert. He has those eyes that draw you in and mesmerize the fuck out of you. But David’s eyes read my soul. I don’t know what to do, Justin.” I huffed and set his make-up. “I didn’t come here to fall for anyone. I just wanted a job.” I added.
“I know. All you can do is follow you heart. Get to know them both and see who lights your soul on fire.” Justin said with a sweet smile before standing up and giving me a quick peck on the cheek.
“Thank you so much.” I murmured and watched him walk out. Just as he left, Robert walked in and his beautiful smile lit up the entire room.
“Hey, Robert.” I put on my best smile as he took off his jacket and sat down.
“Hello, love. I’m looking forward to lunch later.” He cooed as started working on his face.
“Me too. I’m already hungry just thinking about it.” I chuckled as I worked on his eyes.
“How was dinner with David?” He asked, sounding genuinely curious.
“It was nice, He’s so sweet.” I responded as I looked down at the tattoo art for Klaus, grabbing my Sharpies and holding one between my teeth.
“Do me a favor, Robert. Take your shirt off for me.” I muttered and patted his shoulder before propping up the art so I could follow it.
“Not even a drink first?” He chuckled, standing up and taking off his shirt. “Should I stand or sit for this?” He asked and looked at me in the mirror.
“Sit, please. You’re a little too tall for me to be able to do it properly with you standing.” I told him, my eyes focused on the art.
He sat down and I started working on the tiger tattoo on his right shoulder. I switched between an ultra-fine point and a fine point marker to make sure the lines were perfect. I set his tattoo and fanned it dry before grabbing a mirror and showing him in the big mirror.
“Holy shit. You are amazing.” He gawked and laughed.
“All part of my job.” I said and set the mirror down, handing him his shirt. I put some of the markers I had taken out back as he put his shirt back on, still holding the other.
“The ones on my hands held up pretty well.” Robert told me with a smile.
“I do need to see your wrist though.” I told him, flipping his hand over gently. I started the umbrella tattoo on his wrist, humming along to the music playing in the trailer.
“You’re awfully quiet.” Robert whispered as I finished and smiled at my work.
“Sorry, Robert.” I stammered.
“Don’t be, love. I figured it’s because you don’t have much to say.” He said with a sweet smile.
“I’m really not much of a talker unless you talk to me first. The struggles of being awkward.” I told him.
“I’m just weird.” He laughed and bit his lip.
“You? Weird? I would never have guessed it.” I joked and winked.
“Ow. You hurt me with your sarcasm.” He grabbed his chest playfully and looked up at me with a feigned look of offense.
“I’ll see you later?” I asked and patted his arm to let him know I was done.
“I’ll see you in a few hours.” He whispered and smirked with a wink. I watched him walk out, passing David on his way out. I watched David come in, a smile on his face as he laid eyes on me.
“Hey, David.” I greeted him, my eyes managing to stay on him instead of looking down like I would have yesterday.
“Hey, yourself.” He beamed that bright, sunshine filled smile at me as he sat down.
“How are you?” I asked and looked him over, determining whether or not I needed to redo his scar make-up.
“Better now that I’m with you.” He chuckled and winked.
“Mr. Castañeda, are you flirting with me?” I asked in shock as I started his make-up.
“What if I say ‘yes’?” He mused. “Kinda hard not to when you go and pronounce my last name right.” He added with a smirk.
“I’d tell you that you need to act professional.” I chuckled and winked back.
“Tease.” He laughed and bit his lip as he looked me over.
“Well, I’m all done with you for now. See you tonight at the diner?” I asked as he stood up.
“I’d like that a lot.” David smiled before walking away, giving me another wink.
I laughed as Rachel ran over after Ellen walked out, squealing as she watched David walked away. I talked to her more about dinner with David last night. I smirked as she reacted to him flirting with me.
“I’m telling you, he’s super into you. Yeah, Robert’s attractive, but David is definitely your type. Rachel told me, that mischievous glimmer in her eye.
“I know that look, Rach. Stay out of it unless I say otherwise.” I pointed at her, my voice commanding.
“Alright, alright. But just think about what I said.” She chuckled and walked away, talking to one of the other make-up artists.
Time passed and I kept up with work, smiling as I kept up with Justin’s make-up, trying to keep the shine on his forehead down. I kept sneaking glances at David, biting my lip as his pants moved with his legs.
Robert came over when he finished filming a scene, smiling and laughing with Rachel as I fixed David’s scar. I finished that and went over to touch up Ashley’s make-up for Rachel as she flirted with Robert. I rolled my eyes before walking over and tapping his shoulder.
“You ready to go?” I asked. He nodded and walked off, slipping into his big coat. He smiled and came back, grabbing my wrist and dragging me away from set.
“Jesus, it’s cold.” I muttered as I wrapped my jacket tighter around myself.
“You’re right. I don’t even think Ireland gets this cold.” Robert chuckled as he grabbed my hand and rubbed my hand to warm it up.
“I don’t even know how you stay warm in cold weather. You’re so slender and lanky.” I said as I looked up at him.
“Big coats and layers. I don’t have to worry about it a lot though since I live in L.A.” He replied, his eyes bright as he smiled at me.
“I bet while the rest of us are freezing our asses off in the winter, you guys in L.A. are cozy as hell.” I commented with a laugh as he led me over to a food truck.
“Well, you’re not wrong.” He smirked as we stepped in line. “Maybe after we finish filming, you can come visit me.” He added with a wink. He stepped up and ordered for himself before I ordered and paid for my food.
“So, I have to tell you something. I loved Jet Trash. I thought it was brilliant. You were fantastic.” I said as we sat down. “But can you please explain why in the hell it took place at Christmas?” I asked with a laugh.
“First of all, that is so sweet of you to say, love.” He genuinely smiled and patted my arm gently. “But to answer honestly, I have absolutely no fucking clue.” He laughed with me as we ate and talked.
“Do you have any siblings?” I asked, remembering everything David had asked me or I had asked him last night.
“Two older brothers. Brendan and Shaun.” He replied. “What about you?”
“An older brother and two younger sisters. Alex, Vanessa, and Katie.” I said after taking a bite.
We kept talking as we started heading back to set, finishing our lunch on the way. Robert told me about growing up in Ireland and acting, his accent slipping through as he said certain words. I told him about my career and how I got started. I noticed he didn’t take as much interest as David had the day before, silently making a mental note. We got back to set and Rachel pulled me aside to gossip about my lunch.
“He’s nice enough. His eyes still catch me off guard.” I told her with a small giggle.
“Buuuut?” She drew the word out to urge me on.
“There’s no ‘but’. He’s just being nice. Neither of them looks at me like that.” I huffed and took my jacket off. Right as I hung it up, David came in to the trailer and pulled me aside.
“Follow me.” He whispered and grabbed my hand, leading me out the door.
“Where are you taking me?” I asked as he led me behind one of the props trailers.
“There’s something I want you to do for me. I was going to wait, but I can’t anymore. Close your eyes for me?” He whispered, brushing stray locks of hair out of my face.
“Okay.” I said hesitantly as I closed my eyes. I felt his hand cup my cheek and my entire body filled with a fire I hadn’t felt in a long time. I could feel my breathing grow shallow as his breath mingled with mine.
“Relax.” David crooned, his voice smooth and sultry. I took a deep breath to calm myself. Just as I went to exhale, the softest lips I’d ever felt pressed to mine.
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dawdl-ing · 6 years
Open Mic Night
(I was in a writing mood yesterday, and typed up this lil’ diddy! My Fallout 4 Sole Survivor can sing and I wanted to give her some time in the limelight. Hope you enjoy!)
Tonight -for the first time ever- it was Open Mic Night at the Third Rail, and the town of Goodneighbor was abuzz with curiosity. Word got around that anyone, synth, ghoul, or drifter, could get up in front of the night club to sing their favorite tune, free of charge!
Carol‘s eyes drifted around the room. The nightclub was fuller than usual that night, everyone wanting to see if any new talents could be discovered, or ready to have some bloody good fun. They chattered and bubbled with excitement amongst each other, creating a low hum throughout. Singers (and artists in general) were hard to come by in the barren Commonwealth, so what if they heard someone other than Magnolia who was actually decent?
Carol tentatively sat on a leather couch, taking small sips of water to distract herself from her anxiety. She frowned at the marks her red lipstick made on the glass, and set it down on the table in front of her. She wasn’t used to dolling herself up this much, despite having a regular beauty routine she kept up as one of her many coping mechanisms for the Wasteland.
The minute she heard about Open Mic Night, she knew she just had to sign up. None of her post war loved ones had heard her sing before, so they were there with her, for moral support, and for their own curiosity. Nick Valentine, Piper Wright, Robert Joseph MacCready, Mayor Hancock, the infamous Lone Wanderer and her boyfriend Butch coming to visit among them. All but Piper and Nick scattered about the place, having already given her their best wishes.
Carol loved performing with all of her heart, but her nerves still got the best of her at the thought of getting up in front of people. She twiddled her thumbs nervously.
Piper noticed her tense expression. She reached over and squeezed Carol’s hand comfortingly. “You’re gonna do great, doll. I know it.”, she encouraged, warmly. Carol smiled at her lover and squeezed her hand right back. “Thanks Pipes.” She said. Nick, who was standing to her right gave her a reassuring nod in agreement. “Yeah kid, you’re gonna be fantastic.”
Their conversation ended with Magnolia drifting onto the stage, commencing for Open Mic Night to finally begin. Everyone whooped and hollered, the night of fun finally starting.
After a decently long round of songs and Hancock’s unnecessarily vulgar (yet very entertaining) rendition of “60 Minute Man” by Billy Ward and The Dominoes, Magnolia, feeling that the Sole Survivor needed a “proper introduction”, summoned Carol to the stage.
As Carol joined her, Magnolia stepped down from her usual perch, kissing the young woman on the cheek for good luck as she went.
After finding her place in front of the microphone, Carol signaled the band to her right with a confidant nod, and they began the intro. A beautiful, jazzy tune soared into the air, a saxophone taking the lead in the measure. The song was one of Carol’s favorites from before the war: “Lullaby in Birdland” by Ella Fitzgerald. The sheet music the band was using was a very lucky find indeed, Carol and Piper coming across it during their adventures in Vault 81. It was located in the small classroom where the kids practiced their studies.
The Vault’s schoolteacher, Katy, gladly allowed them to borrow it as payment for telling her students stories about the Minutemen and the Commonwealth. The song was unknown of among some of patrons, them used to the jazzy tunes of Magnolia and the repetitive round of tunes on the radio. The Pre-War ghouls present however, appreciated the choice, some humming along, nostalgia and longing in the air.
Taking a reassuring breath, Carol began to sing at her cue. Everyone listened, invested. Carol’s performance was starting to be a welcome change in atmosphere for the usually seedy, smoky nightclub. Her voice was different than Magnolia’s, though not to anyone’s chagrin. It was higher, heavier, and full of theatricality.
The song floated through the club, bathing the patrons in its rich sound and maturity from years of passion and practice.
Piper’s eyes did not leave the stage, a wide, idiotic smile growing on her face. During the song, Carol made an effort to keep eye contact with Piper on the especially tender lyrics, making Piper grin even bigger in embarrassment and affection.
If Nick could tear up, he would. The image of his good friend onstage in her best dress brought back a wave of nostalgia from the old Nick’s memories. One of he and Jenny enjoying each other’s company in a local club, while a lounge singer wailed about her man leaving her. He smiled as well, quietly taking a drink from his glass of bourbon.
Carol decided to end the song with a very powerful belt that almost made the sitters closest to her watery eyed. After her big finish, there was a moment of silence. Everyone rose to their feet, giving her a standing ovation. The club was roaring in approval, Hancock being the most enthusiastic, given his tipsy state. When the crowd’s applause started dying, Magnolia joined Carol again on the stage, announcing that they would take a “little break”. She turned to Carol, a wry grin on her face. “Looks like I’ve got myself some competition, huh?” She said with a wink.
Both of them made their way off the stage, the lights getting a bit brighter to signal the brief intermission.
Piper was the first to greet Carol, showering her enthusiastically with kisses. “CAROL! HOLY SHIT!!” She exclaimed in awe, “I didn’t know you could sing like that!!” Carol giggled, hugging Piper tightly. “Thank you, Piper.” She replied, breathlessly. She in turn gave her a peck on the cheek, leaving a red lipstick print were her lips had been. They both giggled like school girls at the sight.
Nick greeted them, touching Carol’s shoulder gently. “Doll, you were glowing up there.”, he complimented, “I really, really enjoyed it.” Carol beamed, “Thank you so much, Nick.” She smiled appreciatively.
Piper wrapped her arm around Carol’s waist, bringing her close. “Let’s go get some victory drinks and enjoy the rest of the night, eh?” She said, maneuvering them toward the bar to join the rest of their group. “Yes, let’s.” Carol happily agreed, a skip in her step.
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