#katherine ryan icons
spinningerster · 1 year
ugh I love them so much
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emiilyfantasia · 9 months
i want to be katherine ryan when i grow up
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littlealexhorne · 2 years
Doc getting tanked in the series 2 poll made me a little sad so I just wanted to say that him casually shrugging and saying "I'm not a fish man" never fails to make me laugh. Him not seeing the two bridges until the end of the shopping cart task is also a great moment.
doc is such an underrated contestant from that series!! the bridge moment is def one of my faves
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totallysora · 7 months
Newsies (Live)
Ok so I rewatched newsies live at like,,Christmas and have been caught in a major newsies spiral so here are my thoughts 😻‼️
Jeremy Jordan 🥰 I get that he was kinda old to play Jack but Idc he’s iconic I’m so glad they called him back to play him
Same with Kara she’s an icon and literally the only Katherine I will accept for the proshot
Completely random but I’m glad it was a proshot and not an attempt to make it into a musical movie 😭 (especially since 92sies is literally already a movie lmao)
I also rewatched the og movie and watching it reminded me how much they BUTCHERED SPOT’S SCREEN TIME 😕 and therefore Tommy’s screen time 😔
Also Tommy Bracco he is literally the only spot I will accept (and like,,the only spot on bway that Ik so 😭)
The bg newsies 🥰 Literally all of them they were all icons the cast was literally perfect it’s unreal
Andrew Keenan Bolger, also so glad they got him back as crutchie cuz he is an I c o n (as much as I love Andy I deffo prefer Andrew as crutchie lmao)
The fact that there were enough members in the cast that there was literally only 1 case of a newsie doubling up on characters
Literally the entirety of seize the day
The fact that Jeremy runs away from all of the dancing 😭
Also how Jeremy almost kills himself at the end with the heel click/bell kick 💀
The fact Michael (Tommy boy) has a rlly bad American accent but that’s ok cuz I can’t do one either 🥰
How Tommy’s (spot) eyeliner/eye lashes are sm more noticeable than everyone else, especially his bottom lashes lmao
How tf did Morris not hurt his hand when he hit the printing press?? Like gurl what 😭
The Delancey brothers - they were like,,deffo less comical than in the og movie but still rlly silly 😭
The fact morris literally just stands on top of the newspaper bit for like the entire show
Them bonking heads (I am a Delancey apologist sorry guys 😔)
Ben Tyler Cook 🥰 I absolutely adore Ryan Breslin and actually would’ve loved to see him return as Race but god Ben is so silly I love him sm 😭
“The woild is yer erster” - Literally no one beats his version of this sorry 😭
Pulitzer - He was so good and literally for what bro 😭
”It’s a compromise we can all live with” - Jack Kelly 1899
BEN FANKHAUSER‼️ Also literally the only appropriate Davey fr
The way at the start of Brooklyn’s here Jeremy hits the printing press in time with the music
The set 😻 Ik it’s kinda simple but literally shut up it’s iconic
The height difference between Tommy and Ben at the end of Brooklyn’s here and like,,everywhere lmao
Honestly the height difference between Tommy and everyone
Joshua Burrage - He’s so silly I love him sm
Will never get over how they can sing like that whilst dancing
So sad Ryan Steele wasn’t there 😔 The dude who played specs was good tho (+Michael covered for the turns so 🤷‍♀️)
Hannah was so unserious she’s so funny 😭
Once and for all - this song will literally always give me chills
Ben Cook kicking himself in the face during seize the day 💀
The hug between Tommy and Michael (Spot+Tommy Boy) at the end when Jeremy tells them they won ☹️
The fact Oscar and Morris went for Les first?? Like gurl I get it he’s probably easiest to carry but what were yall trying to achieve with that 😭
The fact that the Delanceys like,,actually got their asses beat like that shit kinda looked like it hurt 💀
SANTA FEEEE‼️ Iconic 😻
The way Crutchie screams for Jack ☹️ although that one “what ya say” meme where it starts playing after Oscar hits him has kinda ruined that scene for me cuz I keep laughing abt it 😕
That one two people cartwheel during the scene change
”I’m glad to have you back :)” “Shuddup” - Jack and Davey (THEY’RE GAY YOUR HONOUR)
There is literally no heterosexual explanation for that scene
Once again literally no heterosexual explanation for that scene
Ok but literally just how much fun all of the newsies look like they’re having?? Especially in king of new york like they honestly look like they’re having the time of their lives 😭
“That’s disgusting” - David Jacobs, 1899 (when he’s a victorian newsboy who cares about hygiene 🥰🤭)
Ik Pulitzer saif it too but Idc ok the dude who played Pulitzer was kinda hot anyways (I don’t make the rules sorry 🤷‍♀️ [I am sorry for this tho my taste in men is uh 😨])
That one thing Jeremy does after he shakes Roosevelt’s hand for the first time 😭
”Your majesty” - Crutchie, 1899 (Referring to the governor 😭)
Maybe I should just make one of these with my favourite lines cuz I have so many
Honestly literally the whole fucking musical it was iconic and I am forever grateful that it exists 😻
Honestly there’s probably so so so much more but that’s all I can like,,fully remember rn but I’ll definitely rewatch it and update this lmao
Overall I absolutely adore the musical, and I’m glad the proshot exists cuz it is I c o n i c (also I am totally gonna make a list of my favourite lines from it lmao)
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thesinglesjukebox · 2 months
We're generally okay with this sort of rock-ism...
Kat Stevens: Like when there was a wasp trapped behind the radiator in the office and my colleague threw her shoe at it (complimentary). [8]
Leah Isobel: Equal parts delightful and boring, "Rockstar" distinguishes itself from LISA's previous solo material by having ideas, or at least the semblance of them: the switches between celestial melody and skittering momentum, the blunt sexuality of the post-chorus, and the critique embedded in the chorus' "teach me Japanese" bit all point to a real personality. But its blockbuster soundscape and paucity of structural interest -- that chorus is worn out by the third repetition -- squeeze out the more interesting parts. It's a La Croix song, with just a hint of flavor beneath all the empty fizz. [5]
Jonathan Bradley: “‘Lisa, can you teach me Japanese?’/I said ‘hai, hai’” is such an ostentatiously silly lyric, especially for one that recurs that many times, but it helps lighten a song that could otherwise be too self-serious in its stunting. LISA's got a likeable charisma, but she doesn’t fit imperious well, which is perhaps why her royal fanfare comes in the form of a mere Tame Impala sample. Likewise, that sample drops in just before the harsh pinging production threatens to become alienating. A pose of indomitability that is fortunate not to be as uncompromising as it imagines itself to be. [7]
Taylor Alatorre: The self-orientalizing doesn't land as hard as it should because it aims a bit too broadly -- after two decades of hallyu, it's more plausible that an oblivious fan would mistake Lisa for being Korean than Japanese. Hip hop is built on hyperbole, but the low-hanging "all look same" punchline represents a missed opportunity to foreground her status as the only Thai member of a flagship K-pop group. CL, while lacking such status, seemed to have more fun with her version of this trick on "Hello Bitches," zipping from Macau to Kakao to sake with breathless irreverence. But "Rockstar" is more stylishly produced than "Hello Bitches" was, with a refurbished griminess built of interlocking machine parts. If the end result is to evoke the kind of amalgamated cyber-Asia that forms the backbone of Bullet Train and Elon's Twitter feed, that isn't the worst possible thing; at least it gives the joke a proper setting. [6]
Will Adams: Much like a lesser known Rihanna single of a similar title, "Rockstar" is an endearing game of play-pretend that doesn't take itself too seriously. Do I believe LISA is actually a rock star? No. Do I believe she's having fun? Oh yeah. [7]
Ian Mathers: It didn't fuck me up when I saw people roughly my age noting that kids these days will sometimes refer to "taping" shows without understanding why we call it that, or that they don't recognize what the save icon is a picture of. But I did get a bit of a jolt listening to this and realizing that "rockstar" as a term is probably as referent-less these days as "dialing" a phone number is (and that's without getting into the precipitous and not wholly unwelcome decline of calling people). That doesn't mean the use of "rockstar" feels inappropriate here at all; for the length of "Rockstar" LISA certainly feels like one in the modern sense, even as the song doesn't even vaguely gesture towards the music genre that used to inform the term. But who cares? It kinda bangs. [7]
Nortey Dowuona: James Essien, a Ghanaian songwriter who cowrote "Hurt People" for Belizeian-Trinidadian pop singer Kamal., is one of the three co-writers (along with Delacey of "Drama Queen" and Lucy Healey of "imtyn"  by Grace Enger), alongside producers Ryan Tedder and Sam Homaee. These have nothing to do with the light faux Tame Impala drums that play for two bars, but I'd rather mention all of that than anything that happens in this song. [3]
Katherine St. Asaph: I don't know how I feel about Ryan Tedder being brat. [6]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: Perhaps the most obnoxious piece of music I've heard this year. [9]
[Read, comment and vote on The Singles Jukebox]
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woninina · 5 months
Women in aviation: Katherine Cheung
Everyone has heard about Tom Cruise and his role in the Maverick but has anyone heard of Katherine Cheung? Born in 1804 in the vicinity of Canton, China, Katherine Cheung moved to the United States in 1921 along with her family. She went to the Los Angeles Conservatory of Music and graduated with a degree in piano performance. She pursued further studies in music at USC and Cal Poly Pomona.
However, Cheung had second thoughts. She went to the Dycer Airfield in Los Angeles with her father while they were having driving lessons. They did not go there to view aircraft, rather, her father believed that an airport or other wide open space would be the greatest places to teach her to drive. Her lifelong passion with flight began as she watched the jets take off and land.
Katherine Chung was a Chinese-American female pilot who broke boundaries with her "Why not?" mindset. When asked about her reason to fly, Cheung responded with "I don’t see any reason why a Chinese woman can’t be as good a pilot as anyone else. We drive automobiles, why not fly planes." What an icon.
Women in China were prohibited from enrolling in flying schools and only about 1% of US licensed pilots were women. That's about 12 000 in the sea of 1.2 million licensed pilots! She was the first licensed Asian-American pilot in the United States. 
She only needed 12.5 hours of instruction to fly solo. Later on, Cheung earned her international pilot's license in 1935, US. Her journey began as a commercial pilot. Though, she didn't stick with being just any commercial pilot. Cheung was a performer. She joined various competitive air races and airshows. Pushing the extent of her plane, she learned maneuvers. A true daredevil, performing spiral dives, inverted flying and slow and snap rolls.
We are now nearing the part where it gets sad...
Following the Japanese invasion of China in 1937, Cheung became deeply patriotic for her native land. So, she girl-bossed and saved enough money to purchase a single Ryan ST-A training aircraft, and her goal was to open a flying school in China. However, fearing for his daughter's life, Cheung's father made her pledge she would give up flying shortly after her cousin was killed while flying her aircraft. And as the good daughter she was... she quit.
But her story did not go in vain. Her name would later be enshrined beside fellow pioneers as the nation's first Asian flyer in the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum.
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forty5sixty · 2 years
Just Working Out // Dave Chappelle's Home Comforts
No phones and no memories. Those were the first thoughts the morning after seeing Dave Chappelle at the Backyard Comedy Club in the east end of London. Bethnal Green's iconic comedy safe space has played refuge to many a controversial comedian before, see Frankie Boyle, see Katherine Ryan, see Dave Chappelle. Indeed this was Dave Chappelle's return through the Backyard's doors. It's in intimate, 100-seater (give or take) venues where most comedians are more at home. More likely to take risks by trying and working out new material. Material that might never see the light of day or land him in hot water.
No phones. Like fellow comics Chris Rock, Amy Schumer, and Hannibal Buress, seeing a Dave Chappelle show now requires you to "lock" your phone in a Yondr pouch. It's an extreme measure but justified. People constantly recording live events somewhat diminish the experience for the artist(s) and those around them.
No memories. A strange thing sometimes happens after a heightened state of excitement. In this case, a lack of recall. Living in the moment the night before meant I couldn't replay it in the morning. No set-ups, no one-liners, or any punchlines. From laughing out loud to Zero Dark Gone. It wasn't until he hosted Saturday Night Live a week later that his Backyard set started to make bells ring. The "only millionaires wear chains" bit - Ding. The "I've been fired from work many times before" routine - Ding ding. Both bits from seven days earlier but more refined.
As other recollections of that night remain cloudy, perhaps his next streaming special will trigger previous quips. Either way, it was a pleasure to see arguably the best ever in his laboratory, at home, just working on his craft. <end> article: Ade Bankole video: Saturday Night Live (297 words)
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comedyinyoureye · 14 days
Discover the Best Stand-Up Comedy in London: A Night of Laughter Awaits
Looking for an unforgettable night of entertainment in London? Stand-up comedy is the perfect way to experience the city’s vibrant and diverse humor scene. London is home to some of the best comedy clubs in the world, offering everything from sharp political satire to laugh-out-loud observational humor. Whether you’re a local or a visitor, a night of stand-up comedy in London is guaranteed to leave you smiling. Let’s take a closer look at where you can find the best stand-up shows and what makes the London comedy scene so unique.
Why London’s Stand-Up Scene is a Must-Experience
London’s stand-up comedy scene is legendary. The city has long been a breeding ground for comedic talent, with countless famous comedians like Jimmy Carr, Michael McIntyre, and Katherine Ryan getting their start on its stages. Whether you're interested in seeing a big-name headliner or discovering a rising star, London’s comedy clubs deliver an experience that’s both world-class and down-to-earth.
What sets London’s comedy apart is its variety and inclusivity. You'll find an eclectic mix of comedy styles, including clever one-liners, dark humor, satirical takes on current events, and hilarious storytelling. And the best part? Comedy clubs in London are open seven days a week, so you can catch a great show whenever you like.
Top Venues for Stand-Up Comedy in London
The Comedy Store Located in the heart of Soho, The Comedy Store is arguably the most iconic comedy venue in London. Established in 1979, it has played host to some of the biggest names in British comedy. Known for its lively atmosphere, quick-witted comedians, and a loyal following, this venue offers an unforgettable night of top-tier stand-up comedy. If you're looking for a venue where you can see legends and fresh faces alike, The Comedy Store is the place to go.
The Bill Murray A favorite among both locals and comedians, The Bill Murray in Islington is the ultimate destination for those who love intimate comedy clubs. Run by Angel Comedy, this venue prides itself on offering affordable, pay-what-you-want shows, making comedy accessible to all. It’s a hot spot for emerging talent and more experimental acts, creating a unique and interactive experience for comedy lovers.
Top Secret Comedy Club Tucked away in Covent Garden, Top Secret Comedy Club is a hidden gem that offers some of the best value for money in the city. Known for its incredible line-ups at affordable prices, this club has earned a reputation for delivering big laughs without breaking the bank. It's a great spot to catch both well-known comedians and up-and-coming talent in a cozy, unpretentious setting.
Soho Theatre While primarily known for its diverse theatre productions, Soho Theatre is also one of the top venues for stand-up comedy in London. Located in the heart of the West End, it regularly features shows from leading comedians and international stars. With an emphasis on edgy and thought-provoking humor, Soho Theatre is the perfect spot for comedy fans looking for something a little different.
Why You Should Book a Stand-Up Comedy Night in London
A Night of Guaranteed Laughter: There’s no better way to unwind after a long day than with a comedy show. London’s stand-up scene is designed to make you laugh, and with so many talented comedians, you’ll always be in for a good time.
Unique Experience: Comedy shows are never the same twice. From fresh jokes to audience interactions, no two performances are alike. You might even get a chance to see a comedian test out new material or riff on current events, making the experience feel fresh and spontaneous.
Great for All Occasions: Whether you’re out with friends, on a date, or even flying solo, stand-up comedy is a fantastic way to enjoy a night out. Comedy clubs provide a welcoming atmosphere where everyone’s goal is to have a good time.
Affordable Entertainment: While London is known for its premium shows in the West End, comedy clubs offer top-tier entertainment at a fraction of the price. Many clubs have affordable tickets, making it easy to catch high-quality performances without breaking the bank.
If you’re searching for the best stand-up comedy in London, you’re in for a treat. The city’s comedy clubs are home to some of the most talented comedians in the world, offering an array of shows that cater to every sense of humor. Whether you’re exploring famous venues like The Comedy Store or discovering hidden gems like Top Secret Comedy Club, London guarantees a night filled with laughter and unforgettable moments. Grab your tickets, settle into your seat, and get ready to laugh the night away at one of London’s top stand-up comedy shows!
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charamult1aes · 15 days
tv shows muses.
CLARE EDWARDS, student at degrassi; drama queen, loves journalisms and vampire literature. nineteen/twenty, ella purnell, bisexual. ELI GOLDSWORTHY, playwright, student at nyu and former student at degrassi, drama king, nineteen/twenty, munro chambers, bisexual. BIANCA DESOUSA, former student at degrassi and college student now, nineteen/twenty, cierra ramirez, bisexual. IMOGEN MORENO, student at degrassi and drama club enthusiats, nineteen, cristine prosperi, lesbian. PAIGE MICHALCHUK, eighteen/twenty-five, queen bee of degrassi high, a lover, bisexual who has an older brother who plays hockey far away from home, renée rapp. MANUELA SANTOS, eighteen-twenty five years, future movie star who loves hanging with band when boredrom kick in, bisexual, cassie steele. JAKE MARTIN, eighteen/twenty-five man who love to build things and do love working on gardens, bisexual, nick robinson. BECKY BAKER, miss sunshine who loves musical and annoying directors, christian girl who is rebellious at times, eighteen/twenty-five, bisexual, madelyn cline. CRAIG MANNING, musician who gets in trouble a lot with girls or boys, loves music as if it was his entiere life, eighteen/twenty-five, bisexual, felix mallard. MAYA MATLIN, cello and guitare enthousiast, loves to educate people with mental illness and is a lead singer in her own band, eighteen/twenty five, olivia scriven, bisexual. ASHLEY KHERWIN, music lover who would do anything to being people back tonlife with her lyrics, eighteen/twenty-five, bisexual, benedetta gargan.
RACHEL BERRY, the drama queen who needs validation but know what she’s worth. eighteen, is going to be the it girl of broadway. rachel zegler. bisexual. BLAINE ANDERSON, warblers prodigy, loves the glee club like a second family, eighteen - twenty-five, homosexual icon, darren criss. MERCEDES JONES, queen latifa and the beyonce of the glee club, isn’t afraid to hurt your feelings, eighteen - twenty- five, bisexual, ryan destiny.
HALEY JAMES SCOTT, once a student, validatorian, singer, producer, mom and wife, twenty-five, bethany joy lenz, straight, BROOKE DAVIS, cheerleader, head of the cheerleading squad alongside peyton sawyer who is her best friend and is the girl behind the red door. eighteen-thrity, bisexual, sophia bush.
EFFY STONEM, witch who’s a part of the frasser coven ( fear streat based ), twenty, marine vacht, lesbian.
KATHERINE PIERCE, vampire who’s living for blood and wrath, twenty in apparence but 545+, melisa asli pamuk, bisexual. KAI PARKER, leader of the gemini coven ( finally ), sociopath without a heart, twenty in apparence but 35+, no shippable, chris wood. BONNIE BENNET, town witch who is tougher than she looks, would do anything for her friends, even sacrificing herself, seventeen - twenty, kat graham, bisexual.
CLARY FAIRCHILD, shadowhunter who’s looking for her mother and tries not to attract the wrong people around but can’t, twenty, sophie skeleton, bisexual.
JESSICA DAVIS, future journalist who survived a lot in her high school years, twenty, alisha boe, bisexual.
LYDIA MARTIN, mathlet who loves shopping too much and skate on the ice when she has the times, is something special, can shatter your skull with her banshee cries, seventeen - twenty, abigail cowen, bisexual. ERICA REYES, seventeen - twenty years old, broken beta who tries her best in a world full of big bad wolf. her, being one of them for sure. always trust and believes stiles, her bateman. bisexual, nicole wallace. MALIA TATE HALE, seventeen - thirty years old girl / woman who lived in her coyote skin almost all of her child / teenage life. is trying to live normally since, bisexual hande erĉel.
CHRIS SCHISTAD, penetrator chris when it comes to parties, love flirting with girls, and is a literature lover, twenty, herman tommeraas, bisexual. NOORA SÆTRE, future madam president, would rather see her friends smile than cry and will sing justin bieber to cheer them up, twenty, bisexual, josephine frida pettersen.
WEDNESDAY ADDAMS, loves to tourment people and solve mistery. eighteen, jenna ortega, bisexual.
KATHERINE WALTER, mother of twelve ( now thirteen ) kids , guardians, ( not all them hers but she loves them all equally. ) , late fourty, veterinarian in Silver Falls and happily married to george. sarah rafferty. JACKIE HOWARD, little city girl who doesn’t like calm city living in silver falls with eleven boys and a girl who she foundly adores.eighteen, bisexual nikki rodriguez. COLE WALTER, ex-quaterback of his high school football team, broody and mysterious, second of twelve bothers, is trying his best but sometimes, don’t succed. eighteen, bisexual, noah lalonde.
PHOEBE HALLIWELL, twenty-thirty verse dependant, witch who loves to prank her sister and be gone for their lives for a thousand years and come back as if nothing bad happened when there is still obviously some bad blood with her older sister, student at law college of san fransisco, bisexual, seb quesada.
WALLACE FENNEL, eighteen/twenty-five, nerd who loves to solve mystery with his best friend, loyal friend who would go down for justice and everything that comes with it, bisexual, percy daggs iii.
ROBBY KEENE, eighteen years old, part of the miyagi-do / eagles dojo. a little bit misunderstood, troublemaker, and have serious daddy issues. tanner buchanan, bisexual.
OLIVER QUEEN, twenty-eight years old billionaire who’s willing to do everything to save the citizens from smallville and metropolis, bisexual and justin hartley.
RIKKI CHADWICK, eighteen years old girl who likes to swim and cause trouble around. is stubborn at times and likes to protect her friends from everything that could harm them, bisexual, cariba heine.
PENELOPE FEATHERINGTON, eloise’s best friend, colin’s wife and anthony’s favorite person. loves to gossip around ( in secret, for sure ) and is a mama’s girl ( unfortunally. ), in her twenty, bisexual, nicola coughlan.
TAYLOR JEWEL, seventeen-eighteen years, belly’s best friend and team jellyfish all the way. loves to be dramatic and shows that she is strong when sometimes, she needs someone to tell her that its okay to let go, pansexual, rain spencer.
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spinningerster · 2 years
new pic from bronte!!
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mult1aescharas · 2 months
tv shows muses.
CLARE EDWARDS, student at degrassi; drama queen, loves journalisms and vampire literature. nineteen/twenty, ella purnell, bisexual. ELI GOLDSWORTHY, playwright, student at nyu and former student at degrassi, drama king, nineteen/twenty, munro chambers, bisexual. BIANCA DESOUSA, former student at degrassi and college student now, nineteen/twenty, cierra ramirez, bisexual. IMOGEN MORENO, student at degrassi and drama club enthusiats, nineteen, cristine prosperi, lesbian. PAIGE MICHALCHUK, eighteen/twenty-five, queen bee of degrassi high, a lover, bisexual who has an older brother who plays hockey far away from home, renée rapp. MANUELA SANTOS, eighteen-twenty five years, future movie star who loves hanging with band when boredrom kick in, bisexual, cassie steele. JAKE MARTIN, eighteen/twenty-five man who love to build things and do love working on gardens, bisexual, nick robinson. BECKY BAKER, miss sunshine who loves musical and annoying directors, christian girl who is rebellious at times, eighteen/twenty-five, bisexual, madelyn cline. CRAIG MANNING, musician who gets in trouble a lot with girls or boys, loves music as if it was his entiere life, eighteen/twenty-five, bisexual, felix mallard. MAYA MATLIN, cello and guitare enthousiast, loves to educate people with mental illness and is a lead singer in her own band, eighteen/twenty five, olivia scriven, bisexual. ASHLEY KHERWIN, music lover who would do anything to being people back tonlife with her lyrics, eighteen/twenty-five, bisexual, benedetta gargan.
RACHEL BERRY, the drama queen who needs validation but know what she’s worth. eighteen, is going to be the it girl of broadway. rachel zegler. bisexual. BLAINE ANDERSON, warblers prodigy, loves the glee club like a second family, eighteen - twenty-five, homosexual icon, darren criss. MERCEDES JONES, queen latifa and the beyonce of the glee club, isn’t afraid to hurt your feelings, eighteen - twenty- five, bisexual, ryan destiny.
HALEY JAMES SCOTT, once a student, validatorian, singer, producer, mom and wife, twenty-five, bethany joy lenz, straight, BROOKE DAVIS, cheerleader, head of the cheerleading squad alongside peyton sawyer who is her best friend and is the girl behind the red door. eighteen-thrity, bisexual, sophia bush.
EFFY STONEM, witch who’s a part of the frasser coven ( fear streat based ), twenty, marine vacht, lesbian.
KATHERINE PIERCE, vampire who’s living for blood and wrath, twenty in apparence but 545+, melisa asli pamuk, bisexual. KAI PARKER, leader of the gemini coven ( finally ), sociopath without a heart, twenty in apparence but 35+, no shippable, chris wood. BONNIE BENNET, town witch who is tougher than she looks, would do anything for her friends, even sacrificing herself, seventeen - twenty, kat graham, bisexual.
CLARY FAIRCHILD, shadowhunter who’s looking for her mother and tries not to attract the wrong people around but can’t, twenty, sophie skeleton, bisexual.
JESSICA DAVIS, future journalist who survived a lot in her high school years, twenty, alisha boe, bisexual.
LYDIA MARTIN, mathlet who loves shopping too much and skate on the ice when she has the times, is something special, can shatter your skull with her banshee cries, seventeen - twenty, abigail cowen, bisexual. ERICA REYES, seventeen - twenty years old, broken beta who tries her best in a world full of big bad wolf. her, being one of them for sure. always trust and believes stiles, her bateman. bisexual, nicole wallace.
CHRIS SCHISTAD, penetrator chris when it comes to parties, love flirting with girls, and is a literature lover, twenty, herman tommeraas, bisexual. NOORA SÆTRE, future madam president, would rather see her friends smile than cry and will sing justin bieber to cheer them up, twenty, bisexual, josephine frida pettersen.
WEDNESDAY ADDAMS, loves to tourment people and solve mistery. eighteen, jenna ortega, bisexual.
KATHERINE WALTER, mother of twelve ( now thirteen ) kids , guardians, ( not all them hers but she loves them all equally. ) , late fourty, veterinarian in Silver Falls and happily married to george. sarah rafferty. JACKIE HOWARD, little city girl who doesn’t like calm city living in silver falls with eleven boys and a girl who she foundly adores.eighteen, bisexual nikki rodriguez. COLE WALTER, ex-quaterback of his high school football team, broody and mysterious, second of twelve bothers, is trying his best but sometimes, don’t succed. eighteen, bisexual, noah lalonde.
PHOEBE HALLIWELL, twenty-thirty verse dependant, witch who loves to prank her sister and be gone for their lives for a thousand years and come back as if nothing bad happened when there is still obviously some bad blood with her older sister, student at law college of san fransisco, bisexual, seb quesada.
WALLACE FENNEL, eighteen/twenty-five, nerd who loves to solve mystery with his best friend, loyal friend who would go down for justice and everything that comes with it, bisexual, percy daggs iii.
ROBBY KEENE, eighteen years old, part of the miyagi-do / eagles dojo. a little bit misunderstood, troublemaker, and have serious daddy issues. tanner buchanan, bisexual.
OLIVER QUEEN, twenty-eight years old billionaire who’s willing to do everything to save the citizens from smallville and metropolis, bisexual and justin hartley.
RIKKI CHADWICK, eighteen years old girl who likes to swim and cause trouble around. is stubborn at times and likes to protect her friends from everything that could harm them, bisexual, cariba heine.
PENELOPE FEATHERINGTON, eloise’s best friend, colin’s wife and anthony’s favorite person. loves to gossip around ( in secret, for sure ) and is a mama’s girl ( unfortunally. ), in her twenty, bisexual, nicola coughlan.
TAYLOR JEWEL, seventeen-eighteen years, belly’s best friend and team jellyfish all the way. loves to be dramatic and shows that she is strong when sometimes, she needs someone to tell her that its okay to let go, pansexual, rain spencer.
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n0velaescharas · 2 months
tv shows muses.
CLARE EDWARDS, student at degrassi; drama queen, loves journalisms and vampire literature. nineteen/twenty, ella purnell, bisexual. ELI GOLDSWORTHY, playwright, student at nyu and former student at degrassi, drama king, nineteen/twenty, munro chambers, bisexual. BIANCA DESOUSA, former student at degrassi and college student now, nineteen/twenty, cierra ramirez, bisexual. IMOGEN MORENO, student at degrassi and drama club enthusiats, nineteen, cristine prosperi, lesbian. PAIGE MICHALCHUK, eighteen/twenty-five, queen bee of degrassi high, a lover, bisexual who has an older brother who plays hockey far away from home, renée rapp. MANUELA SANTOS, eighteen-twenty five years, future movie star who loves hanging with band when boredrom kick in, bisexual, cassie steele. JAKE MARTIN, eighteen/twenty-five man who love to build things and do love working on gardens, bisexual, nick robinson. BECKY BAKER, miss sunshine who loves musical and annoying directors, christian girl who is rebellious at times, eighteen/twenty-five, bisexual, madelyn cline. CRAIG MANNING, musician who gets in trouble a lot with girls or boys, loves music as if it was his entiere life, eighteen/twenty-five, bisexual, felix mallard. MAYA MATLIN, cello and guitare enthousiast, loves to educate people with mental illness and is a lead singer in her own band, eighteen/twenty five, olivia scriven, bisexual. ASHLEY KHERWIN, music lover who would do anything to being people back tonlife with her lyrics, eighteen/twenty-five, bisexual, benedetta gargan.
RACHEL BERRY, the drama queen who needs validation but know what she’s worth. eighteen, is going to be the it girl of broadway. rachel zegler. bisexual. BLAINE ANDERSON, warblers prodigy, loves the glee club like a second family, eighteen - twenty-five, homosexual icon, darren criss. MERCEDES JONES, queen latifa and the beyonce of the glee club, isn’t afraid to hurt your feelings, eighteen - twenty- five, bisexual, ryan destiny.
HALEY JAMES SCOTT, once a student, validatorian, singer, producer, mom and wife, twenty-five, bethany joy lenz, straight, BROOKE DAVIS, cheerleader, head of the cheerleading squad alongside peyton sawyer who is her best friend and is the girl behind the red door. eighteen-thrity, bisexual, sophia bush.
EFFY STONEM, witch who’s a part of the frasser coven ( fear streat based ), twenty, marine vacht, lesbian.
KATHERINE PIERCE, vampire who’s living for blood and wrath, twenty in apparence but 545+, daniela nieves, bisexual. KAI PARKER, leader of the gemini coven ( finally ), sociopath without a heart, twenty in apparence but 35+, no shippable, chris wood. BONNIE BENNET, town witch who is tougher than she looks, would do anything for her friends, even sacrificing herself, seventeen - twenty, kat graham, bisexual.
CLARY FAIRCHILD, shadowhunter who’s looking for her mother and tries not to attract the wrong people around but can’t, twenty, sophie skeleton, bisexual.
JESSICA DAVIS, future journalist who survived a lot in her high school years, twenty, alisha boe, bisexual.
LYDIA MARTIN, mathlet who loves shopping too much and skate on the ice when she has the times, is something special, can shatter your skull with her banshee cries, seventeen - twenty, kennedy walsh, bisexual.
CHRIS SCHISTAD, penetrator chris when it comes to parties, love flirting with girls, and is a literature lover, twenty, herman tommeraas, bisexual. NOORA SÆTRE, future madam president, would rather see her friends smile than cry and will sing justin bieber to cheer them up, twenty, bisexual, josephine frida pettersen.
WEDNESDAY ADDAMS, loves to tourment people and solve mistery. eighteen, jenna ortega, bisexual.
KATHERINE WALTER, mother of twelve ( now thirteen ) kids , guardians, ( not all them hers but she loves them all equally. ) , late fourty, veterinarian in Silver Falls and happily married to george. sarah rafferty. JACKIE HOWARD, little city girl who doesn’t like calm city living in silver falls with eleven boys and a girl who she foundly adores.eighteen, bisexual nikki rodriguez. COLE WALTER, ex-quaterback of his high school football team, broody and mysterious, second of twelve bothers, is trying his best but sometimes, don’t succed. eighteen, bisexual, noah lalonde.
PHOEBE HALLIWELL, twenty-thirty verse dependant, witch who loves to prank her sister and be gone for their lives for a thousand years and come back as if nothing bad happened when there is still obviously some bad blood with her older sister, student at law college of san fransisco, bisexual, seb quesada.
WALLACE FENNEL, eighteen/twenty-five, nerd who loves to solve mystery with his best friend, loyal friend who would go down for justice and everything that comes with it, bisexual, percy daggs iii.
ROBBY KEENE, eighteen years old, part of the miyagi-do / eagles dojo. a little bit misunderstood, troublemaker, and have serious daddy issues. tanner buchanan, bisexual.
OLIVER QUEEN, twenty-eight years old billionaire who’s willing to do everything to save the citizens from smallville and metropolis, bisexual and justin hartley.
RIKKI CHADWICK, eighteen years old girl who likes to swim and cause trouble around. is stubborn at times and likes to protect her friends from everything that could harm them, bisexual, cariba heine.
PENELOPE FEATHERINGTON, eloise’s best friend, colin’s wife and anthony’s favorite person. loves to gossip around ( in secret, for sure ) and is a mama’s girl ( unfortunally. ), in her twenty, bisexual, nicola coughlan.
TAYLOR JEWEL, seventeen-eighteen years, belly's best friend and team jellyfish all the way. loves to be dramatic and shows that she is strong when sometimes, she needs someone to tell her that its okay to let go, pansexual, rain spencer.
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qnewsau · 8 months
Drag Race UK vs the World: Tom Daley, Kim Petras set to guest judge
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/drag-race-uk-vs-the-world-tom-daley-kim-petras-set-to-guest-judge/
Drag Race UK vs the World: Tom Daley, Kim Petras set to guest judge
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In anticipation of the series premiere of Drag Race UK vs the World, the guest judges set to join Mama Ru have been ru-vealed. 
The following celebrities and Drag Race super fans will join Michelle Visage, Alan Carr, Graham Norton at the judges’s table:
Actor and Fashion model, Adwoa Aboah
Comedian, writer and presenter, Katherine Ryan
Singer-songwriter, Kim Petras
Professional dancer and Strictly Come Dancing judge, Motsi Mabuse
Actor and presenter, Richard E Grant
Singer, musician and actor, Self Esteem
Team GB diver and Olympic gold medallist, Tom Daley OBE
When asked about her time at RuPaul’s Drag Race UK Adwoa Aboah says: “It was a privilege and joy to be a part of something so stunning! The judges, the Queens… it was by far one of my most glamorous and hysterical days yet!”
IN OTHER NEWS: RuPaul’s Drag Race queen trolls Emmys in green goblin drag
Tom Daley said: “I am the biggest Drag Race fan. It’s the most iconic show on TV with so many one liners that’ve made it into my daily dialogue. It’s been a long time coming, and I’m finally going to be a guest judge! After all, Drag Race is the Olympics of drag. But what shall I wear? Red wig and a silver dress? I don’t think.”
Katherine Ryan said: “Joining Ru and my fellow judges on the panel was everything I’d hoped for and more. I’m such a fan of the show and the queens were even more breath-taking in person. The show brings so much joy and I’d be back in a heartbeat!”
READ MORE: Every Drag Race franchise of 2023 ranked
Kim Petras said: “This is a pinch me moment, I love drag race and everything the show represents. The queens were even more beautiful in person. Thank you for having me Ru – I had so much fun.”
Additionally, singer and TV presenter Jane McDonald and TV personality Sinitta will be joining Ru for Snatch Game.
The latest season of Drag Race UK vs the World is particularly exciting for fans down under, with Hannah Conda set to represent Australia on the main stage.
The full list of Queens featuring in Drag Race UK vs the World are below:
International Queens
Arantxa Castilla-La Mancha – Spain
Hannah Conda – Australia
Keta Minaj – Holland
La Grande Dame – France
Marina Summers – Philippines
Mayhem Miller – United States of America
Scarlet Envy – United States of America
And they will be competing against Drag Race UK Queens;
From luscious Leicester Gothy Kendoll – series 1
This Queen of Clapham is far from common its Tia Kofi – series 2
It’s the spicy Angel of the North, representing Newcastle Choriza May – series 3
And finally the Belfast belle Jonbers Blonde – series 4.
RuPaul’s Drag Race UK vs the World season 2 is streaming in Australia on Stan from February 10.
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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wikiuntamed · 8 months
On this day in Wikipedia: Tuesday, 16th January
Welcome, dobrodošli, benvingut, bienvenue 🤗 What does @Wikipedia say about 16th January through the years 🏛️📜🗓️?
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16th January 2022 🗓️ : Death - Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, Former Malian President (b. 1945) "Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta (French: [ibʁa.im bubakaʁ ke.ita]; 29 January 1945 – 16 January 2022), often known by his initials IBK, was a Malian politician who served as the president of Mali from September 2013 to August 2020, when he was forced to resign in the 2020 Malian coup d'état. He served as..."
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Image by Office of the White House (Amanda Lucidon)
16th January 2019 🗓️ : Death - Lorna Doom Lorna Doom, American musician (b. 1958) "Lorna Doom (born Teresa Marie Ryan, January 4, 1958–January 16, 2019) was an American musician best known as the bass guitarist for the punk rock band the Germs from 1976 to 1980, and again after they got back together from 2005 to 2009...."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0? by mirwav
16th January 2014 🗓️ : Death - Ruth Duccini Ruth Duccini, American actress (b. 1918) "Ruth Leone Duccini (née Robinson; July 23, 1918 – January 16, 2014) was an American actress...."
16th January 1974 🗓️ : Birth - Kate Moss Kate Moss, English model and fashion designer "Katherine Ann Moss (born 16 January 1974) is a British model. Arriving towards the end of the "supermodel era", Moss rose to fame in the early 1990s as part of the heroin chic fashion trend. Her collaborations with Calvin Klein brought her to fashion icon status. She is known for her waifish figure,..."
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Image licensed under CC BY 3.0? by Crooked House Films
16th January 1924 🗓️ : Birth - Katy Jurado Katy Jurado, Mexican actress (d. 2002) "María Cristina Estela Marcela Jurado García (16 January 1924 – 5 July 2002), known professionally as Katy Jurado ( jə-RAH-doh, Spanish: [ˈkati xuˈɾaðo]), was a Mexican actress. Jurado began her acting career in Mexico during the Golden Age of Mexican cinema. In 1951, she was recruited by American..."
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Image by Promotional picture of the film (Republic Pictures)
16th January 1821 🗓️ : Birth - John C. Breckinridge John C. Breckinridge, American general and politician, 14th Vice President of the United States (d. 1875) "John Cabell Breckinridge (January 16, 1821 – May 17, 1875) was an American lawyer, politician, and soldier. He represented Kentucky in both houses of Congress and became the 14th and youngest-ever vice president of the United States. Serving from 1857 to 1861, he took office at the age of 36. He was..."
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Image by Mathew Benjamin Brady
16th January 🗓️ : Holiday - Christian feast day: Fursey "Saint Fursey (also known as Fursa, Fursy, Forseus, and Furseus: died 650) was an Irish monk who did much to establish Christianity throughout the British Isles and particularly in East Anglia. He reportedly experienced angelic visions of the afterlife. Fursey is one of the Four Comely Saints. ..."
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'Barbie and Oppenheimer are recent outstanding installments in Hollywood from two of Hollywood’s most esteemed directors. Christopher Nolan’s foray into biopics, with Cillian Murphy portraying the renowned Robert J. Oppenheimer, and Greta Gerwig’s innovative drama Barbie, centering around the iconic Barbie doll with Margot Robbie in the lead role got dubbed ‘Barbenheimer’. This unprecedented event sent shockwaves around the world, grossing more than $500 million each.
Margot Robbie earned her record-breaking Barbie Pay
Margot Robbie, as Barbie, has completely grabbed the show and had us all hooked. Robbie, as the lead as well as the producer of the movie, raked in over a billion bucks, making it the first female-directed film to hit that milestone. Surprisingly, it shatters all Hollywood clichés, hitting $1 billion without the usual fantasy and action-adventure modes, taking its own funny, family, and friendly route. The movie hit theaters on July 21, and within 17 days, it crossed $1 billion at its worldwide box office.
Robbie has been raised to the A-list of actors in Hollywood, propelled by her standout performances as Naomi Lapaglia in Wolf of Wall Street, Harley Queen, and Tonya Harding in I, Tonya, which is far enough to weigh the potential of the young actress. Her marvelous venture from fantasy to realism has earned her multiple Oscar nominations. Barbie, her latest addition, is on a journey to understand the real world after leaving Barbieland; and her performance was one of many factors that made the movie super good.
Being on the top list of the best Hollywood movies on IMDb, it is curious to know about the salary the actor received. According to a report, the lead actress, Margot Robbie, has received a substantial sum of $12.5 million, which is the highest of her previous earnings, making her the top-paid actress in recent years. With Margot Robbie as Barbie and Ryan Gosling as Ken in the lead roles, Barbie has become a cultural phenomenon within days.
Cillian Murphy’s Oppenheimer role garnered a million Triumph
Oppenheimer is one of the significant milestones in Christopher Nolan’s career. His first biopic has now reached $717.8 million at the global box office. The film is billed as a visual spectacle that explores J. Robert Oppenheimer’s biography and his crucial involvement in creating the atomic bomb in the Manhattan Project during the Second World War. Hollywood has seen a stellar performance from a highly impressive cast, Cillian Murphy, Robert Downey Jr., Emily Blunt, and Florence Pugh have left jaw-dropping
Cillian Murphy, the leading man in Oppenheimer, who is portrayed as the Father of the Atomic Bomb, is the soul of the whole movie. The actor has a long history of appearing in several Nolan movies as a supporting actor. His Tommy Shelby role in Peaky Blinders made him accelerate his stardom, and later his Oppenheimer role led the Irish actor as one of the most demanded faces in Hollywood. According to reliable sources, the actor has taken home around $10 million for the biopic. Emily Blunt, one of the highest-paid actors in Hollywood, won a praiseworthy $4 million for her portrayal of Katherine Oppenheimer, wife of the brilliant physicist.
Both films, Oppenheimer and Barbie have become sensations over the last few months. With top-notch directors at the helm, these movies are destined to etch their presence and will leave an unforgettable mark on cinematic history.'
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spoilertv · 1 year
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