#kate bishop x sister reader
writerslittlelibrary · 4 months
Hey could I request a kate x autistic sibling where r struggles with social cues and Kate is protective of them?
Get your hands off my sister, drabble
masterlist requests masterlist
pairing: Kate x autistic sister reader 
warnings: a guy hitting on reader
genre: fluff
words: 850
a/n: this request stirred something in my head I didn’t know I had. I’ve never written for Kate before but now I’m entirely obsessed with this dynamic! (I generally don’t struggle with picking up social cues, so I tried my best with writing this and I apologise if something isn’t entirely accurate:))
(if your name is Brad, I apologise in advance lol)
(more fics are coming lovelies I promise)
You do not have my permission to repost, copy or translate my work
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Kate had been your big protector ever since you had joined the family. Being your big sister she had always felt a need to protect you, and when you were diagnosed with autism that feeling only grew. Kate was the person you always stuck close to. You’d be by her side when you had started school, and she had protected you and kept you safe.
When you grew older, and boys started liking you, you were oblivious. They’d talk to you, telling you you were pretty and complimenting your outfits. You never picked up on their intentions, merely smiling and thanking them.
When you got even older, Kate started dragging you to parties and such. You had never liked parties. They were too loud in you opinion, with too many people. 
Because of that, you didn’t go with Kate often, staying at home and reading in the comfort of your room. However, this time was different. Kate had told you about a house party that some of her college friends were giving. She had assured you that it wouldn’t be too many people, and that it would be a good party to get out of the house without stepping out of your comfort zone too far. 
And so, you had agreed, going with Kate to the college party.
When you stepped into the house, you had immediately felt easy. The music wasn’t too loud, and the people present weren’t swarmed around each other like a horde of bees. Unbeknownst to you it was Kate who had made sure of that. 
When you entered, Kate had stuck closely by your side, promising you that if you wanted to leave all you had to do was tell her.
After being at the party for about an hour, you had found you were quite enjoying yourself. The people there were nice, and there wasn’t even one person that was drunk. You had even told Kate you would go and get a drink by yourself, so that she could stay and chat with her friends. 
She had agreed and asked you to bring her a drink as well. 
However, when you got to the kitching and poured your drinks, you were approached by a guy you hadn’t seen earlier that evening. He smiled as he approached you, asking if you could pour him a drink as well. 
You happily did so, nodding your head and pouring him a drink. He took it with a grateful smile, and you figured that was when he would leave. He didn’t. 
He stuck close to you and started asking you questions. 
“I’ve never seen you at one of these parties before, are you new?” 
You shook your head. “My sister, Kate, goes to these parties often. This time she asked me to join her.” 
The guy nodded, looking you up and down once or twice. “You’re very beautiful,” he told you.
You smiled. “Thank you.” 
The guy nodded, taking a step closer to you. 
“How about we get out of here?” he asked, getting a confused look in return. 
“I can’t leave without my sister. She is the one who drove us here,” you explained. 
The guy shook his head, laughing slightly, thinking you were just teasing him. 
“How about we go upstairs, find an empty room,” he suggested. 
“Then we would be alone? The party is down here…?” you replied confused.
“We wouldn’t be alone, we’d be together,” the guy continued, getting slightly irritated. 
“I don’t know you. Besides, we wouldn’t be able to hear the music upstairs,” you reasoned. 
By now, the guy was getting frustrated, grabbing your arm and putting his drink down.
“Are you fucking stupid?! I’m inviting you to come upstairs with me, how hard is that to understand!?” he yelled at you. 
You looked shocked at him, shrinking away into yourself as he yelled at you. 
“Get your hands off my sister, Brad!” you suddenly heard Kate yell. She must’ve come to look for you when you didn’t return with the drinks. 
“Relax Kate, nothing was happening. That freak sister of yours is so goddamn stupid, doesn’t understand a thing-” the guy, Brad, started, before he was rightfully interrupted by a fist to the jaw. 
Kate had punched him. 
After he fell to the ground, cradling his face in his hands, Kate had taken your arm, leading you back to the car. 
“I’m sorry I left you alone, are you alright?” Kate asked after you two were settled in the car.
You nodded, slightly offended at the way that guy had spoken about you. 
“What did he mean?” you asked Kate, who simply shrugged.
“It doesn’t matter. How about ice cream?” she asked, starting the car.
You nodded excitedly, reaching for the radio and putting on a song, humming along the lyrics as the car started driving.
Kate glanced over at you once or twice, glad she had gotten there in time. She may not always be there to protect you, but as long as she could, she would happily punch the living hell out of every person that tried insulting you.
Permanent tags: @marvelnatasha12346 @lesbionion @daddipantherr @darkstar225 @saraaahsstuff @marvelwomenarehot0 @screechcat @iheartjohansson @tia-thesimp @swaqcenix @karmasgxrl @marvel-lous3000 @hor1zond1ar1es @lorsstar1st @superlegend216 @ravensinthedaylight
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thewidowsghost · 4 months
Hi, can you maybe write about y/n dating & her sisters natasha & yelena are being overprotective. You can make if however you want
Protection (Kate Bishop x Romanoff!Reader)
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(Y/n)’s gazes up at the sky, stars shimmering and shooting stars crossing the sky. About every half hour, an airplane, its green and red lights blinking, distracts from the beauty of the night sky, 
She looks down at her girlfriend, for a moment, studying her squished cheek against her chest, and her mouth slightly parted as she snores softly, tired from the morning’s mission.
(Y/n) wasn’t an active duty Avenger anymore, though she had come from the Red Room – like her adopted sisters Natasha and Yelena. 
She moves her hand up to Kate’s head, and begins running her fingers through the archer’s hair. (Y/n) can feel the two pairs of eyes on her. She wants to sigh out loud, but she doesn’t want to wake Kate. 
(Y/n)’s touches must’ve woken Kate, because she stretches slightly, and then pushes herself more into (Y/n)’s chest. 
A laugh bubbles up in (Y/n)’s throat, but she doesn’t make a sound, because she wanted to fully make sure Kate was awake before she woke her girlfriend by accident. 
Kate nuzzles closer, letting out a murmur that sounded something like “ta nd ena dere.”
“Hmmm?” (Y/n) hums, wondering if she’d get a better response if Kate knew she hadn’t understood.
“Natasha and Yelena over there,” Kate repeats, lifting her head slightly so that (Y/n) could actually hear her that time.
“Yeah, I know, baby. I know,” (Y/n) replies, running her fingers down the side of Kate’s face. 
Kate lets out a contented sigh, and leans into (Y/n)’s touch. “Keep me safe?” Kate asks into (Y/n)’s side.
“Of course, honey,” (Y/n) says, her expression softening, and she almost laughs at Kate’s question – because the archer could definitely hold her own against Yelena and Natasha - yet she wanted her girlfriend’s protection from her sisters. “I’ve always got your back.” 
Kate’s head falls back into (Y/n)’s chest, and she begins snoring softly once more.
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lesbian-deadpool · 2 years
Kate: I don’t know how to tell you this, Yelena, but you’re in love with me.
Yelena: ... what?
Yelena: ... oh my God, I am.
Natasha: What kind of confession did I just witness?
Yelena: Shut up, you're in love with Y/N.
Natasha: I'm what?
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unholyhelbig · 8 months
Would love some Kate Bishop angst
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Title: Past Tense
Ship: Female!Reader x Kate Bishop
Wordcount: 4027
Summary: Kate Bishop returns to her hometown unexpectedly following some bad news. She's shocked when she runs into you and struggles to grapple with her past choices.
Warnings: Funerals, hurt/comfort, drinking, work injury/ burns, spelling mistakes and grammar issues (I'm sure)
[A/n: Hello! Just a little disclaimer, this is probably going to be the last thing I can publish for the rest of the month. I've got a massive work project, I move this coming weekend, and it's my birthday at the end of the month so my time is quite limited. But things will pick up again next month]
Main Masterlist | Read my stuff on AO3 | Leave Requests
Day had barely broken over the horizon, but the world around you was impossible to ignore. There had been snow the night before, something that everyone believed was too cold to be possible. A thin layer of ice had encrusted each car before the soft, powdery type had built up on windshields and culminated under tires.
Large, wet flakes swirled around you and despite the gloves that clung to your skin, they didn’t do much for the numbness in your fingers as you fumbled with the keys to the coffee shop. Moisture had wicked through the fabric, and you hastily took them off before flicking on the house lights.
It was just past 5am and the usual crowd of early risers were soon to arrive. You made quick work of starting all the machines, the cooling cases and the manual grinder. Your baker had been in earlier, filling the displays with various muffins, baked goods, and sweets. A smooth cinnamon scent filled the air and warmed you all over.
“Son of a bitch!” the muffled exclamation formed a smile against your lips.
MJ was bundled up in a sweatshirt, a flannel, and a heavy winter coat over that. Her boots were caked in dry snow. There was a deep red blush against her nose and her cheeks that accompanied her scowl.
“Language, there are children present.”
“We’re the same age!” Peter protested as he pulled himself through the back door. He was dressed in less layers but sported the same winter complexion. He shook the large flakes of snow from his sweater, mumbling “Son of a bitch.”
It was cold enough to warrant you closing the shop. Most of the schools and the businesses in town had called for a snow day, something that didn’t happen often in Connecticut. Frigid temperatures were expected. Below freezing was a way of life and the world didn’t stop craving warm coffee to thaw them out.
This fact was proven when you flipped the open sign and the typical crowd of tired eyes started to line up at the counter. Peter typically had too much energy, so MJ took up the register while her counterpart flitted around and filled the orders. Most were to-go.
You’d known these people for years. They’d come in with a habit that was unmatched by the weather and the any other obstacles thrown at them. Before you opened up ‘The Grindhouse’ you’d gone to high school with them.
Through all the proms, and the homecomings, and the house parties that left you vomiting in the yard amongst their parents’ flowerbeds. Since then, you’d grown up and couldn’t stomach more than a few shots or two glasses of wine, tops.
They’d grown up too, those who had stuck around town. They had families and businesses much like yours. You had homeroom with the accountant that had helped you hedge your money in the correct places, and you made the same bacon, egg, and cheese English muffin for the star football player that blew out his knee senior year.
“Welcome to Grindhouse,” you said distractedly at the sound of the bell above the door, working on clearing the fallen grounds from under the espresso machine. The rag was damp and the floor was already coated in little brown specs that needed to be swept up during a lull.
“What can I get started for you?” MJ asked in her usual cadence.
“Just a plain black coffee, please.”
Your body froze at the sound of the voice, hair falling into the gaze that you refused to lift. There was a strange mix of emotions in the pit of your stomach. That voice, with it’s familiar rasp was one you hadn’t heard for years. Nearly a decade. But it couldn’t be her, could it?
She’d left for New York right after high school. The last you heard, she’d become a doctor. An unrivaled cardiothoracic surgeon that flitted around the world wherever she was needed. There was no reason for her to be back in this small, freezing, end-of-the-earth town.
“That’ll be 2.25, we have cream and sugar on the far wall, but if you need anything don’t hesitate to ask.”
“Thank you.”
It was her. It was most definitely her. There was a crispness to her voice that you’d recognize anywhere. The last you remembered; it was whispered with a quickness that rivaled her hands. Her hands were everywhere. They were warm and calloused and gentle.
There was a sudden bubbling heat against the side of your hand. You hissed through your teeth and pulled back from the espresso machine. There was a large bubbling welt on your skin and a string of curses ready at your lips.
“Jesus, y/n are you alright?” Peter was at your side in a moment with a wet, clean cloth that he had run under cold water. “Do you need the burn kit?”
“No, no. I’ll be alright. Thanks Pete”
He was so attentive and clocked you with a worried stare but you reassured him with the squeeze of his shoulder with your good hand. If you were going to fly under the radar before, it would be impossible now.
You glanced over the counter, pressing the cloth even closer. Your suspicions had been confirmed by the tepid gray stare that met yours. Shock simmered behind Kate Bishops gaze, a steaming cup of coffee in her hand.
Suddenly, you felt dizzy. She looked a bit older in the face, more experienced. There was life there, a form of living that had lowered her shoulders and sealed her lips. The Kate you knew was a bumbling mess- but med school had effectively changed that.
“y/n,” She regarded you.
“Hi, Katie.”
That lopsided, sloppy grin was still the same. It reached her eyes and brightened them. You cradled your hand and reveled in the silence. Peter and MJ had frozen in place, flicking their eyes from you and then back to her.
“Want me to take a look at that hand?”
“What are you doing back in town?”
The two of you spoke at the same time and dissolved into nervous laughter. You shook your head. “I thought you were a surgeon?”
“I know how to treat a burn, y/n, don’t insult me.”
You often prided yourself on your strong will. If you had a weak one, it would have been impossible to build this coffee shop up from the rubble that it once was. Kate Bishop, Doctor Kate Bishop, had a way of melting your resolve.
Peter shoved the small plastic first aide kit into your hands and shoved you forward. There was no choice to hide your stumble other than a confident stride towards her. She led you to one of the tables that spanned the windows at the storefront. They were lined with frost, a biting cold fighting to get its way in.
Kate had about a half-inch on you and radiated a type of warmth that was unmatched. When she grabbed your sleeve and dragged you to a sitting position right across from her, you were practically putty in her hands.
“I’ve been keeping tabs on you.” She spoke without looking at you, unlatching the kit and pulling on the blue latex gloves with practiced ease. She couldn’t see the look of shock on your face. “This place is beautiful. I remember when it was that pizza place.”
“Ah, pizzapocalypse. Who would have thought that a combination shooting range and Italian restaurant would fail?”
Kate chuckled and tenderly pulled your hand closer. Her touch was barely a whisper against your skin, strands of black hair falling into her eyes. She examined the angry red mark. It had already started to blister. The espresso machine was kept at unbelievable levels of heat.
She grabbed one of the wrapped applicators, using her teeth to tear away at the wax paper. Kate squeezed a small dollop of burn cream onto the end. You hated the cloudy clearness of the substance.
“I’ve been keeping tabs on you too, you know?”
“Have you? This might sting a little bit. Do you want a countdown?”
“No, just do it I’m a brave- Fuck!” She’d already started, and you gave her a vicious glare. She shrugged with that infuriatingly perfect grin of hers. “I thought you were in New Zealand for some medical internship.”
“New Hampshire, actually. Not as exciting, I know. It was going well, but Eleanor died.”
There was a tightness to her voice. Typically, you looked away from anything involving wound care. If you were to get a shot, you’d stare at a small spot on the wall that interested you. Drawing blood was more of the same, it was just harder to ignore the needle in your arm.
Kate was working hard at the bandage in her hand and finally pulled it apart. Despite the frustration etched into her features, she applied it with a certain level of care. You didn’t’ say anything. Your hand was throbbing uncomfortably.
“She was old, we knew it was coming and pancreatic cancer, well, it’s a bitch by the end and Susan asked me to fly in for the funeral. How could I say no to that? Flying in for my mothers funeral when I was too busy working to witness her descent?”
“Katie,” You breathed out.
“That should be healed up in a few days. Make sure you change out the bandage.”
You couldn’t’ get a word in edgewise before she started to shove the contents of the case back into their proper places. The chair made a horrible scraping sound that you felt in your teeth. Kate grasped her coffee, colder than it was a few moments ago.
“Thank you for… this. I’m sure it’s delicious.” She had her hand on the door. Her quickness was unmatched. Both in and out of the OR, from what you had read. But she paused, looking at you for a moment. “I’m proud of you, y/n. This place is great. Really.”
Kate had vanished into the whiteness of the blistering day. You watched her navigate the snow with ease. Eleanor had died. How could you live in such a small town and not have heard about the woman’s passing?
The Bishop family was always a private bunch, and with Kate moving right after high school graduation, you hadn’t any reason to go past those wrought iron gates. Kate’s older sister would stop by for a hot drink once every other month or so, but you saw her coming from a mile away and selfishly hid in the back.
Eleanor had died.
There was a softness to her that you remembered fondly, a memory of Kate and you as children in the heat of summer. You’d been stung by a wasp and cried and cried until Eleanor rushed into the yard and scooped you into her arms.
Much like Kate had just done with her soft ministrations, she fixed you right up by applying a mix of warm water and baking soda. An old family remedy, she said. The venom had stopped screaming and the tears eventually stopped for both you and Kate.
Eleanor was a kind, if not private, woman. One that you thought of daily when you clocked the photo of High School Graduation on the dusty bookshelves in your living room. Your own mother hadn’t attended, but Eleanor was right there. She was right there.
“Who’s the girl?” MJ drawled out, leaning heavily on her hands, a goofy look on her face. Peter was next to her, doing the same, both eyebrows raised.
“Kate… She” You picked up the plastic first aide kit. The two of you had a habit of not sitting still and it was better to move to replace the supplies then let them sit out here. Besides, a customer could walk in at any moment. “We were engaged.”
Peter shot up “What?”
“It was a long time ago, it’s not important.”
“You were engaged, I think that’s important. How old are you?”
“First, rude, second; old enough. And really, guys it’s not a big deal. Both of us moved on. Life happened.”
They exchanged a look that, in the past, had never meant anything good. MJ had her arms crossed over her chest and Peter leaned heavily on a broom he had grabbed, hugging it lose to his chest. You rolled your eyes, attempting to ignore them both was impossible in a place this retrospectively small.
“I don’t know, boss. The way she was looking at you… maybe neither of you really moved on.”
“I write your paychecks; you understand that right?” You turned to face them. “Kate and I are done. We have been for a long time. She made that very clear when she gave the ring back and I refuse to push the matter.”
It was collecting dust on your bookshelf next to the photo of your graduation. It was a small emerald, green box that you hadn’t opened since you resituated the diamond ring. It had been stupid to propose, a last-ditch effort to get Kate to stay. She’d said yes. And then she said no.
The baker’s old Subaru wouldn’t start because of the bitter cold. It sounded like an old wife’s tale that made you chuckle to yourself while reading the text that popped across your screen.
Before you had hired him for the long nights, you’d done the baking yourself and it wasn’t a horrible chore. You’d just have to down some caffeine and slam it out; trays filled with mini cakes, with quiches, donuts and cheese tarts. It was like a methodical science project with the bonus of eating the food that didn’t look edible.
It was midnight by the time you’d pulled the first couple trays from the large industrial oven and exhaustion was starting to bay its head. You weighed the option of going home and just spreading out the pastries in the case.
All thoughts of sleep left your mind when a rapid banging filled the store. The front glass doors were being tugged upon. And while you were more than willing to die in this coffee shop, being robbed was not the way you wanted to go. There was less than three hundred dollars in the register.
You grasped at the broom, your hands covered in flower and caked on the bandage that was applied earlier. Another round of bangs as you tried to stay low and reach for the cordless phone. There was a silhouette outlined by the gray white of the snow.
Doctor Kate Bishop.
She’d given up on her breaking and entering and pressed her forehead against the glass, her breath fogging it up. It was hard to tell, but you were sure her eyes were clenched shut. There was a brown paper bag in one hand that looked suspiciously like a large bottle of alcohol.
Your grip was tight on the broom, even as you felt confident, and a little sad, about opening the door. Kate fell forward and a blast of cold enveloped you. She made a small noise at the back of her throat, regaining her posture.
“Were you going to sweep me to death?” Kate asked, “I brought whiskey.”
“Here I thought you weren’t going to come back here with the way you ran out earlier, and now you arrive with gifts?”
It was a low blow, but she had shrugged her shoulders with her goofy grin and snow in her messy hair. “Come drink with me, just for a little bit in our old spot. Don’t make me play the dead mom card.”
Saying no to Kate had always been hard for you. It had been hard when you were children and she dared you to jump from high places, always stopping you by the collar of your shirt before either of you got hurt. And it was especially hard to say no to Kate in your teens when she would kiss hot trails against your throat, marking them with bruises. Not that you were rushing to deny her.
“Really?” You asked, “Aren’t we a little old to be caught sneaking booze in the gym?”
Both of you knew for a fact that the side doors leading into the school would always be open. There were no alarms, or flood lights, because it was a small town and nothing bad ever happens in a small town.
She jutted out her bottom lip into a pout “Y/n, my mom died.”
“Okay, alright. Let me lock up.”
Kate stayed quiet on the three-block walk to the school. It was shrouded in darkness, an inky black despite the swirling gray of the night sky. Your high school had been the largest in the county; two floors filled with classrooms. You’d stuck to the same ones and Kate was the life of the party wherever she went, the bright spot in an otherwise dingy room.
The bottle of alcohol dangled by her side as your footfalls crunched over ice and an ugly brown slush of snow. It felt normal, almost, walking with her. Being with her. Staying in town was a brave choice after being dumped and equivocally left at the alter. You had powered through the looks and the whispered accusations. But some part of you was relieved she’d chosen this interaction to take place in the middle of the night.
When you’d gotten to the double doors of the large gymnasium, Kate’s boot slipped on a particularly nasty spot of ice. Instinctively you grasped her arm and righted her. She thanked you silently before pushing into the warmth of the space. The motion censor lights flicked on and you squinted against them.
“They built a new one, you know? A gym. I think they still use this for craft fairs. Fundraisers. But all the big stuff is off site in this state-of-the-art center.”
Kate blew out a breath, shaking her head. “Remember when Tommy Shepard broke your nose with a basketball?”
“Yeah, I do. I also remember sneezing right after and spraying him in blood. Everyone else was grossed out except for you.”
Kate dropped onto the large eagle in the center of the floor. Her legs were stretched out in front of her, and the bottle was idling between them. You let out a small groan as you joined her. Neither of you had ever been bold enough to inebriate yourselves in the crest. Instead, you’d hide behind the fold-out bleachers that were pushed against the walls, but this would do.
“That stupid EMT wouldn’t let me get on the ambulance with you.” The seal on the bottle cracked viciously, much like your nose, as she unscrewed the cap.
“And I told you I didn’t need to go the hospital. I think I was a liability, though.”
Kate laughed, taking a deep gulp from the bottle. It hit the back of her throat and she hissed in response before thrusting the whiskey your way. You took a smaller sip, let it coat your tongue and burn your stomach.
The mood had stilled, and she took another swallow before setting the bottle between the both of you like a vice or a buffer. You couldn’t decide what.
“Eleanor had very specific instructions in her will. She… shit, she planned her whole funeral out before she died in her morbid meticulousness. She picked white lilies, and a beautiful black casket. She already had a plot of land picked out in her family plot. Music picked out. A fucking guest list.”
You fought the urge to reach out and comfort her. So, you grabbed the bottle instead and gulped down a bigger heaping than before. The amber liquid was dipping down behind the black wrapper.
“The only thing she didn’t do was write her eulogy. No, she left that up to me as one last fuck you because that’s how she operates. She didn’t’ ask Susan to write it, or my dad. She asked me because I’m the one that left home. I’m the one that left her.”
The worst thing you could do was agree with Kate Bishops dead mother. And you didn’t, really. You’d always been happy for Kate. This town was too small for her and the lives that she saved were plentiful. But some selfish part of you understood where Eleanor was coming from.
You were possibly the worst person she could go to with this issue and by the frown on her face, she knew it too. For the longest time, you were there for each other. And if Kate had called out of the blue and asked you to go to New Zealand or New Hampshire, or whatever; you would go.
She’d do the same, you were sure. One call, one letter and she’d be here. But neither of you were brave enough to reach out and heal the wound that festered between you. You pulled your knees up to your chest, rested your chin against them with a quiet breath.
“Maybe you don’t need to write anything. Maybe you can just… say how you feel.”
“Yes, because that has worked out so well for me in the past.”
“Fair point, but she was your mother, not a fling. Even if you don’t have a script planned out, it’s worth just feeling the moment. No matter how shitty that moment is.”
Kate inhaled and held that breath in her chest for a few seconds before pushing it out. Her eyes searched you in a probing way that made your skin prickle. Blush started to claw its way up your throat. You’d blame that on the alcohol, you always were a light weight and it showed in your complexion.
“Is that what you think you were?” her voice was a low and raspy whisper “a fling?”
“That’s not what I meant.”
“You never say anything you don’t mean. All you’ve ever done is calculated and well thought out. You’ve always had a plan.” She looked down at the frayed edges of her jeans, playing with the strings to avoid looking at you. “You were my everything.”  
Your voice was a quiet murmur. “Katie,”
She reached out, her warm hand wrapped around your wrist in a tender display of affection. Her eyes met yours and it was the longest the two of you had stared at one another without breaking eye contact. Your stomach was a pit of nerves and heat.
“That scared me when we were young. It fucking scared me out of my mind how content I was with you. I was ready to risk everything, to settle down in a small house and wake up every single morning next to you.” She drew in a sharp and shuddering breath “But we were young, and I hadn’t lived life and that scared me even more.”
“I know, Kate, I know. I shouldn’t have proposed, and I certainly shouldn’t have put either of us in that position. You were right to turn me down. You were right to move on and fight for the future that you deserve.”
Kate sniffed, using her free hand to wipe away the few crystalline tears that dripped across her cheeks. You found yourself pulling her close, letting her sob into the crook of your neck as you held her, your arm wrapped around her center to stabilize her.
Things were boiling over and the tension that had been weighing on her shoulders since she’d first shown up in town started to slowly drain. She missed her mother, she missed you, and that wasn’t something you were willing to process on the crest of the school’s gymnasium.
Kate’s fingers were curled into the fabric of your shirt, and eventually, she settled. Her nose was cold against your pulse point and the bottle of whiskey had been long forgotten. As self-centered as it was, you wished you could hold her forever. Feel her touch on yours for something other than a reminisced sadness.
“If you asked again,” Kate mumbled into the collar of your shirt “If you asked me again, I would say yes.”
“I know, Katie. I know.”
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p-taryn-dactyl · 2 months
Fail-Safe (3)
a/n: hi everyone! i thought it was about time i brought this series back, since i really enjoyed writing for it! been a hot minute lol
tag list: @sunshadesnrainbowz @wandaromamoff69 @tintedrose12 @m-12344 @naslt @hippievanhan34
word count: 2k
prompt: Dreykov always had a back up plan, a fail safe, in case his empire fell. You grew up with Yelena and Natasha in the Red Room. But unlike your sisters, who became an Avenger or the greatest child assassin respectively, Dreykov had a different purpose for you. Now that he was gone, you were released from your cage - to hunt down the ones responsible for the death of the Red Room.
pairing(s): yelena belova x dark!sister!reader; kate bishop x dark!reader (not romantic); antonia dreykov x dark!reader
warning(s)/notes: uhm dreykov is an ass; reader is more tame this time; angst; rushed; not much violence this time; breaking and entering; Antonia has more of a role this time;
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Kate felt eyes on her as she woke up. The lights of her apartment were off but the room was illuminated by an open window, allowing the moonlight to filter in. She tried to reach for her phone on the nightstand next to her but found her arms tied down to the headboard of her bed.
"What the hell?"
Kate struggled against the restraints, realizing that she was able to sit up slightly, the rope tightening even more as she pulled herself upwards.
"It's about time, god, how much sleep do you need? It's not like you did anything yesterday." A taunting, slightly accented voice, spoke from in front of her. Kate blinked her eyes rapidly, adjusting to the little light to see who was in her place. When she realized, her eyes widened, fighting against the restraints harder.
You merely waved, your stance slouched, as if you were bored. Kate supposed a mere breaking and entering wasn't what you considered excitement.
"You know, for a supposed superhero, you're such a heavy sleeper Kate Bishop. It was too easy to tie you up," you looked down at your hands as you inspected your nails, lowering your voice to a murmur, "I was expecting a struggle."
"What do you want?" Kate's voice was loud and abrasive compared to how you spoke, causing you to wrinkle your face in faux offense and disgust. You laughed casually, coming to stand up. Kate almost gasped at how similar you sounded to Yelena. Pointing at Kate, you shook your head.
"From you? Nothing, Kate Bishop. You've already played your part," you gestured to her situation in her bed, "Just...stay there."
Kate could tell you were judging as you walked around her apartment, rocking lightly on your heels as you apparently waited. You felt her eyes on you, turning to make eye contact with the young archer. Raising an eyebrow, you inspected Kate Bishop.
Why did your sister care so much about this girl? Sure, she was a talented archer, possibly a potential Avenger when Clint Barton finally truly retired.
You broke eye contact, pulling out your phone and opening your messages. You had gotten Yelena's number from Kate's phone (for a girl who inherits a security empire, her password was weak, furthering your disappointment in Kate not being a challenge) and had sent her a picture of the archer before she had woken up. The read recipt sent excitement trilling down your spine.
Soon you could accomplish what Dreykov intrusted you with.
You exited your chat with Yelena and opened the thread of messages from Laura Barton. Apparently, her husband had told her who you were and the memes and coffee recommendations suddenly ended. You weren't ready to admit how you hated the way her last message made your stomach fall.
Using me to get to my husband is sick. Count yourself lucky you didn't go after our children.
Part of you had wanted to laugh when you first read the text. You never wanted Clint Barton, his death would be meaningless in your hunt. You had simply wanted to show Yelena how no one could hide from you. You would accomplic your mission. Another part of you felt offended at the mention of Laura's children. A monster you were, yes, but-
You couldn't finish your thought. It was like static filled your brain until you forgot what you were even thinking about. Turning your phone off, you turned your attention back to Kate, who was just watching you, an unreadable expression on her face. Something clicked in her mind and her eyes lit up. You didn't understand the sudden optimism, as she was the one tied to her bed and you were the one with considerable advantages.
Suddenly, you heard a noise. A slight one, a shift in the air that someone without your training wouldn't notice, but you were quickly standing on the side of Kate's bed. With a flick of your wrist, your widow bites activated, glowing an erie red, casting the color over the side of Kate's face. Kate looked up at you, confused until she saw a figure in her open doorway.
The blonde assassin's face was hard as she glared at her younger sister. You smiled wide in comparison, wiggling your fingers as a hello.
"Сестра! Почему так долго?"
Yelena didn't answer, her eyes trailing from you to Kate, making sure she wasn't injured. You seemed annoyed you didn't have Yelena's attention.
"Oh come on, she's fine! Her blood isn't the blood I want spilled." Your smile became predatory as you flexed your hand slightly, feeling the graviational pulls of the room. The walls creaked as you played with the idea of crumbling the building on itself. All it would take was a snap of your fingers and your mission would be complete. Then-
You didn't know what would happen once you were done.
Yelena sensed your hesitation and pounced. She aimed her bites at you, shocking you with a voltage that should've been fatal. Falling to your knees, you let out a scream as the electricity traveled through the metal in your bones. But soon the shock was over, the pain subsiding as you realized what Yelena had just unwillingly gifted you. Staying in your position, you slumped slightly, waiting as Yelena made her way over to Kate, knife in hand to cut the ropes. You allowed her to cut one arm free before you grabbed her wrist, focusing on the electricity coursing through you. You pulsed it through your sister, sending her flying from the bed, hitting the wall next to the door. You approached her with your arms spread out, making the decision to draw this out. You wanted to enjoy this moment, the moment you quite literally were made for.
"You know, I'm a little sad the fun is over. We barely even got to play the game. But now," you cocked your head to the side, calling on the gravity surrounding your sisters body, slowly starting to push her to the ground, "now it ends."
You almost missed Yelena's smirk and slight nod.
"Yes, now it ends."
Your confusion in her agreement made you pause, an action that would soon prove to be your downfall. Before you could react, strong, armored arms wrapped around you, trapping your arms against you. Panic started to creep in when you realized there was something in your attackers suit keeping you from calling on the gravitonium coursing through your veins. Yelena stood up, brushing off her clothes and grabbing something from her pocket.
"Yelena, wait," Kate's voice sounded behind you, she had broken the other rope holding her down and now stood next to your captor. You fought wildly against the arms around you, but they didn't budge. You craned your neck upwards to see if you could see their face. Shock pooled in your stomach as you recognized Taskmasters mask. Scrunching your brows, you focused all your energy into removing the helmet from Taskmaster's head.
"Ant?" You whispered, foggy memories begging to resurface in your mind.
"I think the years in cryo affected the chemical used to control you guys, the program might be failing." Kate sounded, her words causing your vision to tunnel.
Fail? No, no, that's not possible. That couldn't happen. Failure was not an option, you had to aveng-
"Avenge Dreykov?" The rough voice of Antonia made you realize you had been rambling outloud, noticing the slightly concerned looks of Yelena and Kate, who had come to stand next to your sister. Antonia adjusted her grip on you, turning you to the side and coming to stand in front of you, her gloved hands grasping your forearms in a grip that was sure to bruise.
"Avenge the man who tortured you all those years? Took away your mind? Tore away any chance you had of a family?"
You shook your head rapidly, not even trying to fight back against Antonia, her words sending confusion through your mind. She had to be wrong, you had enjoyed getting the gravitonium, you had laughed, you-
A hand grasped your chin, Yelena's, forcing you to look at her. Except you didn't see the face of your sister, your target. You only saw red.
Yelena watched as the cure hit your eyes, temporairly turning them red as it absorbed into your system. For a second you could only blink but then you collapsed to the ground, not hitting the floor solely because Antonia caught you. She picked you up in her arms bridal style, concern lacing her features as you trembled, your eyes grey and clouded over.
"Is that supposed to happen?" Kate asked, surprised at the concern she felt for the woman who had decaptitated a woman for fun and crushed a man's throat.
Yelena shook her head but it was Antonia who explained.
"My father rewrote her mind in a different way than the rest of us. Almost similiar to the programming of the Winter Soldier except he changed her memories, making her believe all of her actions were her own choices," Kate watched with curiosity as Antonia brushed your hair from your face as she set you down on the very bed you had tied Kate to, "He violated her mind in a way that will only cause her pain as the cure takes away the chemical he implanted in her."
At those words, you shot up straight, your eyes clearing from grey to their natural color. For a second, all you could do was shake. Then, as the memories flooded in, you started hyperventilating as you roughly brushed your hands against the covers of the bed, desperate to get rid of the phantom blood that stained them.
"Oh god, oh god, oh god," you whispered.
You remembered Lana, a widow you had known before Dreykov put you in the cryochamber, you remembered as she begged for her life, her blood staining her floor as you mutilated her body.
That poor barista, oh god why did you do that?
Every victim of yours poured into your mind, accusing you of one thing you used to believe was something to be proud of.
You're a monster, I was only a child
You're a monster, I had just gotten married
You're a monster, that's why I left
The last voice was Natasha, the sister you never got to say goodbye to. Tears flooded your eyes, falling down your face as you sobbed. Yelena pushed Antonia away, much to the laters annoyance, to come to stand in front of you. You grasped Yelena's clothes, burying your face into her, giving yourself a moment to pretend that you had the comfort of your sister. But you had destroyed any chance of that.
"I'm sorry, о боже, нет, I'm sorry."
Yelena cautiously wrapped her arms around you, surprised with how quickly you melted against her.
As you cried, a memory appeared, causing you to lean back away from the hug, eyes wide as you flickered between looking at your sister, Antonia, and Kate.
"I failed." You whispered, your words causing the three women around you to tense but you paid no mind. You continued.
"I'm not the only fail safe. I know too much, they'll be coming for me."
Yelena looked at you like you had grown two more heads.
"Y/N? What does that mean?"
You looked up, avoiding your sister's eyes to meet Antonia's, who slowly seemed to realize what you were saying. When you spoke again, it was like all emotion left you as you processed what was about to happen, the danger you had dragged them into.
"It means the game is about to become one where no one wins. All traces have to be erased."
A crazy idea popped into your head and you looked at Kate.
"How much to you like this place?"
Kate looked confused, shrugging as she rubbed the back of her neck.
"Not that much as it's been broken into two too many times- wait, why?"
You pulled yourself away from Antonia, making sure her suit wasn't touching you.
"Because, it'll be harder to hunt us down if we're presumed dead."
In a second, you pulled on the gravity surrounding the room, pulling it inwards until the walls crashed around you, forcfully pushing the four of you out of the wall with the open window.
From below, people watched in horror as Kate's apartment building collapsed and as four figures fell crashing to the ground.
a/n: ok so where'd the plot go? let's pretend like thats not a question for me hehe. ok so, originally i wanted this series to be a way for me to introduce more of my OC's into my fics in an interconnected series of stories. i hope this was ok?? i just really like the idea but i didn't want to write another chapter of y/n loosing her shit until later.
Сестра! Почему так долго? - sister! what took you so long
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upat4amwiththemoon · 2 years
Protector | part 2
Summary: Be the person you needed as a kid.
Pairing: big sister!Yelena Belova x female!reader, big sister!Natasha Romanoff x teen!female
Warnings: violence, angst, death of a character
Word count: 7746
a/n: The timeline here is obviously different compared to the real MCU, this fic starts after Black Widow and there’s more time between Black Widow and Infinity War. Ideas come from these two asks. I do realize this is similar to Two sides but that’s okay :) read the first part before this!
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @rafecameronswhore
All parts: part 1, part 2
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Natasha will take great care of you.” Yelena reassures as she drives towards the compound. She wasn’t the happiest to leave Y/N behind, but this mission was something she didn’t want her to be part of.
“I don’t need a babysitter, Yelena! I’m 15 and I know very well how to take care of myself.” Y/N looks out the window, pouting she has to be away from Yelena for such a long time. “I’ve done it for my whole life.”
“See, that’s not something we’re going to normalize. Family takes care of each other.”
The word family still makes Y/N feel weird. She isn’t sure how she’s supposed to feel hearing it. She does have some sort of family now, so she should be happy, but at the same time it makes her feel bad. Caring about people always ends badly. No matter what. You can’t win.
Y/N sighs, she knows Yelena won’t change her mind. “Will there be other people.”
“I think so.” Yelena mumbles. That’s also something she wasn’t very excited about. Leaving Y/N with Natasha is okay, but with other unknown people as well is a whole new story. Yelena doesn’t know the Avengers and she doesn’t know how Y/N will be with them. “Nat lives at the compound and I think they fixed things, so no one is a fugitive anymore.”
Y/N hums. “I get to be part of the next mission, yes?”
“Yes, I will keep my promise don’t worry.” She glances at Y/N with a grin. “It’ll be the best mission ever.”
Y/N giggles quietly. “You know every mission we do turns to shit.”
“Hey, language.” Yelena glares at her, while Y/N rolls her eyes. Sometimes Yelena takes the motherly big sister role a bit too seriously. “The next one will be good, I can feel it.”
“I will bet you ten dollars something goes wrong.”
“Deal.” Yelena and Y/N shake their hands at a red light, both having a smile on their face.
“You’ll keep her safe?” Yelena has been standing on the compound’s front door for fifteen minutes already, going over everything Natasha should know about Y/N and making sure she’ll be good.
“I will, Yelena.” Natasha smiles lightly, starting to get annoyed by her sister. She’s holding Y/N’s bag on one hand while the other lays on the younger one’s shoulder. “Nothing bad will happen to her.”
“Good, because if something bad does happen, I will kill you.”
“I know.” Natasha chuckles.
Yelena grumbles at Natasha not taking her threat seriously, so she just turns to Y/N and gives her a tight hug. “I won’t be gone for too long and you can contact me whenever you want to, okay?”
“Okay.” Y/N mumbles to Yelena’s shoulder. She is pressing her head against her, not wanting the involuntary tears to fall. “Be safe.”
“I will.” Yelena kisses her head and backs away from the hug. “Have fun with Natasha!” She starts walking away to her car, waving at the two until the door closes.
Y/N lets out a shaky breath as Natasha starts leading her towards a guest bedroom that’s next to Natasha’s own. “You’ll be sleeping here, is that okay?” Natasha sets Y/N’s bag to the bed.
“Yes, thank you.” Natasha keeps standing around the room quietly while Y/N carefully sits down to the bed. “You don’t have to hover. I know I’m not your sister like Yelena is. Besides, Lena hovers over me more than a family of five combined.” She scoffs with a small smile. She doesn’t hate Yelena’s hovering. It actually makes her feel cared for and safe, but sometimes she takes it too far. Like right now, Y/N would’ve been perfectly capable to go on the mission.
“I’m not doing this just because Yelena asked me to, I genuinely like you and think of you as part of the family.” Natasha sits down next to Y/N. She has a small smile on her face.
Natasha hums, looking at Y/N’s hands that keep moving. “There won’t be a lot of people around. Wanda is away with Vision, she really wanted to meet you though. And the rest of them are kind of all around.”
“That’s okay. I prefer being around fewer people anyway.”
“So do I.” Natasha stands up, swiping invisible dust off of her hands. “You should rest. You can meet the people who still are here tomorrow. That sound good?”
“Yeah. Thank you, Natasha.”
“Of course.” Natasha gives her a smile before leaving Y/N alone in the room.
Slowly opening her eyes, Y/N looks around the room. The unfamiliarity of it makes her panic momentarily, but she regains her sense of surrounding quickly. The Avengers Compound. She is supposed to be here. She is safe.
Y/N moves the covers aside to stand up. She crosses her arms around her waist, holding herself tightly. She stands in front of the bedroom door, too nervous to actually leave.
At least fifteen minutes pass by. Y/N keeps staring at the door. She isn’t sure which rooms she’s allowed to go, or where the different rooms even are.
Biting her lip, Y/N takes hold of the handle and opens the door. She steps outside. The corridor is almost fully white and full of doors, probably to other bedrooms. She picks a direction and starts walking, her eyes going through everything, especially corners. Old habits die hard.
After a few turns, she starts to hear talking, so she walks towards it. Glancing around a corner, she sees Natasha and an unknown man talking together. With a deep breath, she makes herself known to the pair by walking in.
Natasha turns her way first. “Good morning.”
The man turns to look at her as well. “Y/N, this is Steve Rogers, the Captain America. Steve, this is Y/N, she was in the Red Room.” She doesn’t mention Yelena or being sisters, Y/N isn’t even sure if Steve knows about it all.
“It’s nice to meet you, Y/N.” Steve walks over to her and puts his hand out.
Y/N stares at him. He’s big and looks strong, but Y/N thinks she could take him down if necessary. “Yeah, you too.” She mumbles, shaking his hand for a very short amount.
“I made breakfast.” Natasha shows a plate of waffles.
“She didn’t actually make them, they’re from the freezer.” Steve fake whispers so Natasha could clearly hear him.
She rolls her eyes, setting two plates down to the table. “Don’t you have a run to go to?”
“Yeah, yeah.” Steve holds up his hands in mock surrender, a smile on his face. “I’m going. Have fun you two.” He walks away.
Natasha gestures towards a chair opposite of her. Y/N walks over to it, sitting down. She stares at the plate full of waffles. There are so much it could feed her and Yelena.
“I wasn’t sure how hungry you are. No need to eat it all.” Natasha smiles quiet sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck. “There’s berries and syrup, take whatever you want. Do you want orange juice? Or apple? We also have water, of course.”
Y/N looks at Natasha. She seems nervous, which is different. She didn’t think someone like Natasha Romanoff could get nervous. “Orange.”
“Got it.” Opening the fridge, Natasha pours orange juice to Y/N’s and her own glass, leaving the jug to the table afterwards. She sits down to her own chair. “I hope you like waffles. I didn’t think to ask yesterday what you’d like for breakfast.”
“I like them.”
They start eating in silence. Y/N takes small pieces at a time, keeping her eyes on the food, while Natasha keeps glancing at her direction. She analyses her face every time, looking for any sign of uncomfortableness or dislike, but she doesn’t see any. Although, Natasha isn’t surprised, Widows are good at keeping their emotions in check.
“You and Yelena have been freeing the other Widows?”
“It’s going well?”
“Mhm.” Y/N nods, chewing on her food.
Natasha taps the fork with her finger. She isn’t sure how to keep the conversation going with the teenager, or how to overall get more than one word answers.
“What will you do after all the Widows have been freed?”
Y/N shrugs, moving pieces of the waffle around with her fork. “I don’t know. I don’t really know what I’m good at besides killing.”
“That’s what I thought too, but I figured it out. So will you.” Natasha offers her a gentle smile.
“Don’t you still do it?”
“Killing. Don’t you still kill people? You’re just on the other side now.” Y/N stares at Natasha who struggles to provide an answer. “You would’ve been killed if you weren’t recruited to Shield, yes? So I either have to become an Avenger or a mercenary. And I’m not becoming an Avenger, so I’ll be a paid killer until someone kills me.”
“Well- no.” Natasha looks at Y/N, who has very monotone look on her face. She doesn’t understand how Yelena makes it look so easy. She interacts with Y/N with ease and makes her feel better with just few words.
“It’s okay. I’m just trying to be realistic.”
“Right.” Natasha pushes the empty plate to the side. “Listen, I’m not good at this.” She gestures between the two of them. “Teenagers aren’t my forte, and you aren’t even a normal teenager. Yelena somehow makes it look so easy.” She chuckles. “But I really do want to get close to you, okay?”
Y/N nods, she looks down to hide a small smile. “It’s not easy.”
“With Yelena.” Y/N turns to look at Natasha. “It’s not easy with her. We fight a lot and disagree on many things. We’re somehow exactly the same and complete opposites, so everything is just a…shit show.”
“Language.” Natasha mumbles with a smirk. Y/N scoffs, smiling at herself. “Yelena can be headstrong and idiotic at times, but she is great.”
“She is.” Y/N frowns. “I don’t think I could do anything without her. She’s the reason I’m sane.”
Standing up, Natasha walks over to Y/N’s side and hugs her. “I know she couldn’t be without you either. And you’ll see her soon. Until then,” Natasha pushes her to arms length, holding onto her shoulders, “we’ll have fun, okay?”
“Okay.” Y/N giggles
“I told you I’d take you to the next mission.” Yelena whispers as she, Y/N and Sonya, a third Widow sneak around the huge house. Y/N only shushes her, making Yelena shush her back in annoyance.
They all freeze when the target, Ana, another Widow, steps in front of them. Yelena and her start fighting, while Y/N fishes out a vial of the antidote. “Yelena!” She shouts, throwing the vial towards her.
Yelena grabs it and releases it in front of the woman’s face. “The next bit is going to be really scary, but we are here to help you.”
The woman scrambles up from under Yelena. She stares at the big red spot on her carpet. “Look what you did to my rug. 20 000 dollars down the drain, thanks.” Y/N frowns, she sure didn’t think that’d be the first thing on her mind after being freed from mind control.
“Excuse me?” Yelena looks just as confused.
“I don’t think she was brainwashed.” Sonya chimes in.
“What, you thought I was some rich pervert’s prisoner?” She stares at all three of them.
“Well, yeah, kind of.”
“Wait, this is your house? How can you afford all of this?”
“By doing the thing we’re all best at. Killing for money.”
Y/N sighs at the sentence. No matter how hard she tries to get away from it, everything just keeps reminding her of the purpose she was made to do. Kill people.
The four of them go to sit in the living room and talk in a more civilized manner. Y/N keeps mostly to herself while the three adults talk about the freed Widows.
“Yelena, how is your other sister doing?”
“She’s doing okay.” Yelena smiles lightly.
“Yeah, she’s good.”
“And then, you and Natasha will be reunited and go live your Sex and the City fantasy in New York.” Sonya giggles, missing the solemn look on Y/N’s face. She and Yelena always did want to go to New York, but it doesn’t look like she’s involved in the plan.
Yelena hums. “Excuse me.” She stands up and walks away from the trio.
Y/N sighs, sinking to the chair. She looks around the apartment. It would be very luxurious to live in a place like this, but she doesn’t want to kill people anymore. There has to be something else she’s good at.
Ana turns on the television to pass time. The sound of it is all smushed to Y/N as she thinks about her future. “I’m gonna go see what’s taking Yelena so long.” She mumbles, standing up and walking towards the bathroom Yelena went into. She knocks on the door and waits. Nothing. “Yelena?” Knocking again, louder than before, she starts to feel worry bubble in her stomach. “I’m coming in.”
Y/N opens the door, but the room is empty. With a frown, she starts looking inside the rooms close by. They’re all empty. Starting to get panicky, Y/N goes back to the living room.
“I can’t find Yelena.”
“Y/N.” Sonya has a horrified look on her face as she turns to look at her, but Y/N pays no mind.
“Are there any other rooms she could’ve went into in this giant house of yours?” Ana’s face is glued to the television. “Hello?”
“Y/N.” Sonya grabs her arm.
Sonya turns her towards the television. “Listen.”
The News channel is on. It’s showing chaos all over the city. Cars crashing into each other, a helicopter falling down, people disappearing. “It seems like people are randomly turning into dust and disappearing. No one knows why this is happening or where the people are going. We’ll conti-“
The news anchor continues to talk, but Y/N doesn’t hear it anymore. People are disappearing. “No.” She mumbles, shaking her head. “She didn’t turn into dust, she’s here somewhere.”
“Y/N…” Sonya sets her hand on Y/N’s shoulder, but she brushes it away instantly.
“No!” Her breathing picks up as she continues to shake her head. “No. This is some cruel joke. This isn’t real. Yelena!” She shouts, starting to walk towards a hallway, but Sonya stops here.
“She isn’t here.”
“No!” She tries to pull away, but Sonya wraps her arms around Y/N. “Let go of me!” She starts wriggling around, but the older Widow doesn’t let go.
“Let it out. Let it out.”
“Stop it! She can’t be gone.” Y/N sobs, slowly losing her fight. “She can’t be gone.” She drops to her knees, crying, while Sonya continues holding her.
The phones have been ringing for a half an hour already, but Y/N has no energy to pick it up. She just stares at Yelena’s bed. It’s empty. It shouldn’t be empty. Her eyes have already dried, she doesn’t think she could physically cry anymore.
Yelena’s phone rings. She didn’t have it with her on the mission. She doesn’t dare to pick it up. Yelena always said: ”Keep your hands off of it! You have your own phone.”. The phone stops ringing.
After a minute, Y/N’s own phone starts ringing. Finally she answers it. “What?” Her voice cracks from all the crying and screaming she did earlier. She doesn’t even remember how she got to the house, all she knows she was sobbing her heart out.
“Why the hell haven’t you and Yelena been answering your phones?” Natasha’s loud and angry voice comes through the speaker. Y/N knows she’s only worried. “You can’t do that! I was so fucking scared.” She hears Natasha take a deep breath. “Are you two okay? Can I talk to Yelena?”
“Yelena isn’t here.”
There’s a long silence on the other side of the phone. It almost sounds like Natasha hung up, but the occasional shaky breath lets Y/N knows she’s still there. “Where is she?”
“She’s not here.” Y/N repeats.
“You already said that.” Her voice gets louder again. “Where is she?”
“Not here.”
Y/N’s hold of the phone tightens momentarily. “I don’t know. I guess she’s with the other half of the world.”
“No… No, no, she can’t.” Natasha mumbles. She sounds worried. There’s a pause. Y/N can hear her pacing. “Where are you?”
“At our house.”
“Okay.” Natasha clears her throat. “Okay, you should come to the compound. Yelena wouldn’t want you to live alone. We’ll fix this, I promise.”
For a moment, Y/N actually believes her.
The first year of the blip, Y/N stays in the Avengers compound. She finally meets the rest of the team, or the ones that are left. She doesn’t like them. Why do they get to be here but Yelena doesn’t. It’s not fair. Yelena should be here. She’s glad most of them have already left. Y/N doesn’t think she could have spent longer with them. They’re pathetic.
For the first few months she didn’t speak any more than she had to. She stayed in the guest room assigned to her and ignored everyone. When someone talked to her, she’d mostly nod and hum. Although, sometimes she couldn’t even do that. She’d just stare into the abyss.
Then she started to get angry. When Natasha tried to talk to her, Y/N would shut her off completely. Yelling, slamming doors, throwing things, anything to shut her up. It didn’t work, at first, Natasha would keep coming back. She made a promise to Yelena after all, she’d keep Y/N safe. But after a while, she stopped trying as much.
Y/N started to resent everyone and everything. She hated the feeling of uselessness. The survivors. The ones who started to forget and move on. The Avengers. Natasha. Yelena.
There’s a knock on her door. Y/N puts down her phone. She’s been on it a lot these days. She goes to open the door. “What?”
Natasha holds a plate of food on her hand. “You haven’t come out of your room for days. You have to eat something.”
“I’m not hungry.” Y/N starts closing the door, but Natasha stick her foot in between.
“I don’t care. You’ll eat.” Natasha welcomes herself in the room. It’s tidy. It’s always been tidy. Y/N is still accustomed to order and organization. It’s also empty. Y/N never wanted to get anything extra to her room. Because this isn’t her home. Her home is where Yelena is. “It’s just scraps from yesterday. I can’t cook, you know that, and Steve isn’t here today.”
Natasha gives the plate to Y/N, sitting next to her. “How are you?”
“Perfect, obviously.” She holds onto the plate, but doesn’t eat.
“Y/N.” Natasha sighs. She rubs her forehead. “I know this is difficult to you, I understand. But y-“
“No!” Y/N pushes the plate back to Natasha as she stands up. “You don’t know. You don’t understand!” She laughs, her eyes wide. She’s hollow. There’s nothing in her voice or eyes. “You have your second family or whatever you call them. All I had was Yelena. She was my family!”
Natasha sets the plate down to a side table, grabbing Y/N’s hands. “I know. And I promise you that we will get her back.”
“Don’t you dare promise me things you don’t even believe in.” Her words come out like a bite. Sharp. Cold. Rough.
“I do believe we can get everyo-“
Y/N pulls herself away from Natasha. “Oh shut up! We both know you can’t do anything alone. And everyone else has already given up.”
Both of them turn quiet. They stare at each other. Y/N’s chest is rising up and down as she breathes heavily.
“I want to leave.”
“You know where the door is.” Natasha mumbles.
Y/N clenches her jaw. It hurt. She knows she’ll regret leaving, so does Natasha letting her leave, but both of their judgments are clouded by emotions.
Y/N packs the few things she has and strides out the door, bumping into Natasha on the way. Natasha spends the night in Y/N’s room, crying.
The next four years go by rather quickly. Y/N doesn’t let herself have any free time to think or feel. She just works and then works some more. She was grateful to have a lot of work. People became angry and violent during the blip. They wanted other people dead. And Y/N was there to grant their wish. It also paid well.
Still, Y/N never moved out of her and Yelena’s old apartment. She never even changed anything in it. She wanted to keep Yelena’s side clean and pristine for her return. If she ever does return.
She cleans her knives from the blood that’s coating them. She always has preferred them over guns, even though the gun collection she has is big. The only sound in the house is coming from the television. The News channel is on.
Y/N throws a clean knife to her bag and picks up the next one. She stares at it. It’s Yelena’s. It has blood on it. It doesn’t feel right. Taking a wet cloth, she starts scrubbing it furiously, gritting her teeth together while doing it.
“Shit!” She drops the knife. Her palm is bleeding. “Motherfucker.” Mumbling, she goes to pick up the first aid kit.
While she bandages her hand, her attention turns to the television. The news anchor is speaking quite frantically.
Y/N ups the volume. ”We’ve just gotten new information from the fight against Thanos. Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff are confirmed dead.” Her whole body freezes. “But their sacrifice has brought back the half we lost during blip. Thank you for your heroism Ave-*
Y/N screams, throwing a knife straight to the television screen. Her breathing picks up quickly. She has to kneel down so she wouldn’t fall down. One of her hands is on the door while the other is pressing against her chest.
Natasha is dead. They’re back. Natasha is dead. They’re back.
The words circle through her brain. She starts feeling sick. Natasha tried calling her few times. Y/N didn’t answer. Then she texted how they’ll save Yelena. Y/N didn’t answer that one either. She didn’t believe her.
Running to the bathroom, Y/N kneels in front of the toiler just in time before vomiting. She coughs. It feels impossible to breathe. There isn’t enough air. The walls are closing in.
There’s a harsh knock on the door.
Y/N freezes. The knocking doesn’t stop. She flushes the toilet and washes her mouth with water. It’s all going in slow motion for her. The walk to the front door feels so long. A shaky breath leaves her mouth when her hand touches the handle.
She opens the door.
“No.” Her voice is quiet, but she sounds and looks just the same as five years ago. Y/N on the other hand, she almost looks unrecognizable to her. Of course she’d always recognize her little sister no matter what. But she’s so…adult like. “You didn’t disappear.”
Y/N shakes her head. She isn’t sure if her voice even works.
“You were alone, for five years.”
“I was.” She croaks out.
“You are an adult now.”
“I am.”
Yelena pulls her into a bone crushing hug. Y/N can’t do it back, so she just stands there. After a while Yelena pulls back to properly look at her. Her hand traces through every feature. Y/N’s face is rougher now, there’s a ragged scar near her left eye. It hasn’t healed properly. Yelena’s thumb caresses it. All that’s running through her mind is how she wasn’t there to protect her.
“You still owe me that ten dollars.” Y/N whispers.
“What?” Yelena’s gaze turns from the scar to her eyes. She instantly frowns. They look so cold compared to when she was a kid.
“You owe me ten dollars, from the mission. I told you it’d turn to shit.”
“You can’t say that to me anymore.”
“Yes I can.” Yelena laughs. It’s airy and sad. “I’m still your big sister.”
The words make Y/N frown. Yelena doesn’t have a big sister anymore. “Natasha is dead.”
“I know.”
“She saved you.”
“I know.”
“I didn’t believe her.” She whispers. “She promised to bring you back, but I didn’t believe her.”
“It’s okay. She knows you didn’t mean it in a bad way.”
Y/N scoffs, walking further in the house. Yelena follows her after closing the front door. Her brows scrunch when she notices the broken television, knives and bloodied papers near the aid kit. Only now she realizes Y/N’s hand is bandaged.
“What happened?”
“This is not nothing.”
“Just leave it, Yelena.” She snaps. Y/N groans, rubbing her head. She doesn’t want to get angry at Yelena, especially not right now. She just got back. “Nothing happened.” She rips the knife out of her television. It definitely won’t work anymore.
Yelena sighs, deciding to change the subject. “What have you done during the five years?”
“I was at the Avengers compound for the first year, then I left.”
“And then?”
“You don’t want to know.” Yelena raises a brow. Y/N groans, rolling her eyes. “I…killed people, for money.”
Yelena purses her lips together. She’s mad, obviously. She didn’t want Y/N to live this kind of life, but at the same time, she would’ve done the same. “Okay. Who do you work for?”
“Different people. Whoever needs me.”
Humming, Yelena looks around the apartment. It looks exactly the same. It’s comforting to see that at least something is the same. “Does your current boss need another employee?”
Y/N slams the car door closed, watching as Fanny runs right past her. She walks behind Yelena. The whole car ride there was quiet, Y/N didn’t know what to say, if she even should say anything. She doubts there’s anything that’d help the grief Yelena is feeling. And she’s mourning too, though at times she wonders if she’s allowed to. Anytime those feelings come, though, Yelena seems to be there to remind it’s okay for her to be sad.
Yelena cleans up the grave, while Y/N kneels in front of it. She isn’t sure if her legs would hold her.
Natasha Romanoff
Daughter Sister Avenger
Yelena presses her head against the side of the grave. Whistling to it and then pausing, hoping that maybe, just maybe, someone would answer.
She stands and helps Y/N up as well. They stare at the gravestone in silence, until the sound of blowing a nose disturbs them. Turning to look at the person, they see Valentina.
“Wow, sorry.” She sniffles. “I’m allergic to the Midwest. What this woman did, honestly, I can’t even imagine.”
“You’re not supposed to be bothering us on out holiday time, Valentina.” Yelena comments, refusing to look at her.
“Oh, bothering you? Oh, no, no. I’m just here paying my respects.”
Yelena hums, not believing a word that comes out of her mouth. “You know, coming here makes you look desperate.” They laugh, but Yelena turns serious very quickly. “We want a raise.”
“Oh, yeah. You and me both. Believe me, you’re gonna earn it.” Valentina takes out a tablet. “I’ve got your next target. Thought I’d hand-deliver it. Maybe you two would like a shot at the man responsible for your sister’s death.” Yelena takes the tablet, showing it to Y/N as well. “Kind of a cutie, don’t you think?”
Y/N stares at the picture. Clint Barton, an Avenger, the one Natasha was stuck in Budapest with. She turns to look at Yelena, who has mostly a emotionless look on her face, but she can see the fury deep within.
Here they go again.
Y/N stares at her phone while Yelena is changing out of the uncomfortable suit. They’re in New York, staying in a fancy apartment Yelena got for them. She has always been the one who thrives in fashion.
’We have a plan, Y/N. We’ll save Yelena and everyone else. You don’t have to be alone anymore. Just like I promised.’
It’s the last text Natasha sent to her. The one she didn’t answer to. Natasha died thinking she’s still mad at her, when truthfully, she never was. Y/N shouldn’t have left. Maybe Natasha would be still alive if she stayed.
“Aren’t you going to change out of that?” Yelena stares at Y/N.
Glancing down at her own suit, Y/N shrugs. She doesn’t have the energy to move. Her side hurts. She’s pretty sure the other woman sliced her with a knife, but Yelena never noticed, so Y/N will keep quiet about. She’d worry too much.
“Are you hurt?”
“No.” She sighs. “Just tired.”
Yelena hums. “I think I lost my mask in there.” Clint pulled it off in the middle of the fight. It never looked practical to Y/N.
“Do you want to go get it?”
“No, I’ll get a new one.” Yelena keeps staring at Y/N, whose eyes are still glued to her phone. She’s reading the text over and over again, as if magically Natasha would text her again and she could apologize. “I think we should visit Kate Bishop later.”
“You’ve been very distant recently.”
Y/N puts down her phone to look at Yelena. “I don’t know what you mean.” She presses her hand against the wound to slow down the bleeding, hiding the grimaces of pain.
“You don’t talk, you don’t want to do anything but work.” Yelena walks closer. “I’m worried.”
”There’s no need to worry.” Y/N mumbles. She sighs, combing her hand through her hair. Standing up, she starts organizing the things around their apartment. She wanted to keep everything neat and Yelena is more messy than her. It was also way to escape her thoughts.
“You’ve changed.” Yelena states. Her voice is full of worry, but she tries not to show it too much.
“You don’t get it, Yelena.” Y/N’s voice is desperate as she moves her hands around. “Of course I’m different. It’s been five fucking years!”
“Language, please.”
“Stop acting like you’re still my overprotective older sister. I don’t need that anymore.” She starts pacing around her spot, rubbing her forehead. Her head is starting to get cloudy. She can’t get her thoughts straight.
“You don’t just magically stop needing your big sister!” Yelena frowns. “Which is why I’ll al-“
Y/N throws an empty glass to the wall. “Oh shut up!” Yelena doesn’t flinch from the burst of anger.
“Throwing things isn’t going to solve anything.” Yelena takes a few steps forward. She can see the struggle in Y/N’s eyes. “You talk to me when you feel angry. You tell me what’s going on in your mind. You come to me. Because you still need me.” She grabs Y/N’s hands, tightening her hold when she stats pulling away.
Y/N grunts, getting increasingly frustrated by Yelena, who pulls her even closer and closer. “Stop.” She mumbles.
Yelena wraps her arms fully around Y/N, locking her arms under them. Slowly, Y/N starts breaking down. Her tears fill with tears and they fall down her cheeks. Yelena shushes her as she starts sobbing, whispering sweet nothing into her ear. “We’re going to be okay.” She lifts up her hand when she feels something wet. Blood. “Lets get this cleaned up.”
Kate is sitting right in front of them. Yelena is talking with her while eating mac and cheese. Most of the conversation has gone past Y/N, she doesn’t have any energy to listen.
Her head is still a mess, somehow she can’t clear it as well as before. Maybe it has something to do with Yelena being back, or Natasha dying, Y/N doesn’t know.
Kate’s eyes keep glancing at her. She isn’t sure if it’s because of how quiet she is being or how roughly she fought at the rooftop. Her fighting style has changed, though it still involves knives and combat, but she’s more brutal, more calculating. It has helped her a lot at being a mercenary. She learned to detach her feelings from the job, which just made her better.
“No. Our sister saved the world. Natasha Romanoff, she saved the world.” The sentence brings Y/N back down to Earth.
Sister. She isn’t sure if she even knows what the word means anymore.
“You’re really Natasha’s sisters?”
“No.” Y/N mumbles, speaking for the first time since they arrived to Kate’s old apartment.
Both Kate and Yelena turn to look at her, the latter having a questioning look on her face. “What?”
“She’s not my sister.” Her voice is quiet and her eyes are stuck on the table. “She’s not.” Standing up, Y/N leaves the apartment alone.
Yelena doesn’t come of call after her, she isn’t done with Kate Bishop yet. She also knows she wouldn’t get anything out of Y/N when she’s being so distant.
Y/N walks through the streets of New York until she’s far away from people. After a few seconds of utter silence, she lets out a loud, bloodcurdling scream. She screams until she doesn’t have any air left. Holding onto her stomach, she takes deep breaths.
She couldn’t call Natasha her sister with good conscience anymore. Not after what she did, or didn’t do. It’s her fault she died. Maybe if she stayed at the compound she could’ve taken her place. She didn’t deserve to die. She had people who needed her, like Yelena.
“She’s dead.” She mumbles, closing her eyes. “She’s dead and I killed her.” Blowing air out of her mouth, she relaxes. It helps her, in some sick sense. She’ll spend a lot of time saying things out loud, to remind her what’s real. It clears her head, because sometimes things get mixed up.
After spending three more hours on the one spot, Y/N finally starts walking again. She’s going slowly, staring at her surroundings. She hasn’t really spent any free time exploring the city like Yelena. Not that she had any free time. When Yelena went to see the tourist spots, Y/N did side jobs. She hasn’t told Yelena about it.
The lights are beautiful during the night. She looks up at the buildings. The mist from her breath comes to her field of vision every time she breathes out.
She stops in the middle of an empty street, taking in the cold. She always hated it after the Red Room, but now she misses it. The slight pain from being out in the cold for too long feels like an embrace.
With one last deep breath of the fresh air, she starts walking towards the apartment her and Yelena are staying at. She doesn’t say anything when she comes in, neither does Yelena. She’s grateful for that. At times Y/N hopes Yelena has given up on her like Natasha did. That she’d let her walk out of the door without stopping her, and her every action brings her closer to it.
Yelena and Y/N split right away as they enter the huge Christmas party. They’re looking for Clint, both of them wanting to get the mission over, especially Y/N. It’s too close to Natasha.
Y/N rolls her eyes when the sniper starts shooting. Of course nothing ever goes their way. She follows Yelena to go after Clint, but they lose him momentarily in the midst of chaos and darkness. However, they find a hallway leading to the elevators Clint is in.
As they wait for one, Kate walks up to them. “So, I know you’re chummy with my mom, but I gotta say, I didn’t think you’d make the cut for the Christmas party.”
“Kate Bishop.” Yelena smiles, making Y/N rolls her eyes. She gets too sidetracked in her opinion. “We’re not here to ruin anything. We’re just going to kill Barton, have some appetizers, and then we’ll go.”
“I hope you enjoy the bruschetta, ‘cause it looks like you already lost him.”
“He’s in the elevator.”
“Yeah, what, out of 65 floors, you think you’re just gonna magically guess which one he’s on?”
One of the elevators dings. “Twelfth floor.”
“Damn it.” Kate mumbles.
“Can you two shut up.” Y/N grumbles, staring at the other elevator’s numbers to will them to go faster.
Yelena shakes her head with a sigh before grinning at Kate. “She’s a bit grumpy.” The elevator opens. “Enjoy the party.” The two assassins get in, Yelena stopping Kate from entering. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work as she slips in right before the door closes.
The three of them stand there in silence. At least for a while. Kate decides to disturb it by trying to push all the elevator buttons, multiple times, which Yelena stops every time. Until the third time when Kate slaps her. Y/N actually snorts at it.
As the elevator door opens at the next floor, Y/N and Yelena run out of it, the latter cursing Kate and throwing her jacket at her. Kate runs right after them.
She catches up to them in the middle of some offices. They fight, though not with their full strength. Y/N isn’t opposed to leaving casualties behind, but right now she just wants to get past her.
Kate blocks the doorway forward. “What are we doin’?” She smiles widely. “I mean, it’s Christmas Eve. Let’s grab a drink, huh?”
Yelena nods. “Okay. Yeah. Sure. After we kill Barton.”
“No. No, that’s not what- Come on. You don’t need to-“
Y/N huffs, getting tired to the stalling. “Get out of my way.” She slams herself against Kate, making her fly out of her position. She holds a foot over her chest. “And stay out of it.” Irritated, she jogs away from Kate, who gets up quickly to continue fighting with Yelena.
They finally get to the window, but right when Yelena is about to use her baton, Kate throws an object straight to her hand. “Ow! That really hurts!” Yelena throws her hands around, grimacing in pain.
“Yeah. Yeah, well so did the kick in the ribs.”
“Oh, yeah. That was a good one. That was good form.” Y/N rolls her eyes at the conversation going on. “But you did the really cool body throw.” Yelena motions the throw with her hands.
“Yeah, thank you. Thank you.” Kate purses her lips. “Stop making me like you.”
“I’m sorry, I can’t help it.”
“Oh my god.” Y/N groans, throwing out the wire and jumping out of the window.
Yelena stares at the now empty window. “She’s not one to make friends.” She shrugs at Kate. “That was really fun. Bye.” Jumping out of the window, she takes out her gun and starts shooting at Clint with Y/N. Unfortunately for them, they miss their shots. On the ground, they run to hiding.
They attack Clint again on the ice, Yelena body throwing him to the ground. Clint lays on the ground as Y/N and Yelena stand near him. “Before I kill you, I need to ask you one question.”
“It’s nice to finally meet you, Yelena and Y/N.”
“I need to know what happened.”
Clint sits up, taking ragged breaths. “Look, Yelena, if I told you what really happened, you’d never believe me. But what you need to know is your sister sacrificed herself, and she saved the world. I’m sorry.” He glances at Y/N, who is intensely staring him down.
Shaking her head, Yelena frowns. “You’re lying. You’re pathetic. You’re so pathetic.” She kicks him down and starts fighting him.
Clint holds Yelena on her place. “Nobody killed her. She made a choice.”
Y/N’s body freezes as she stares at the fighting going on. She knows Clint is lying. She’s the reason Natasha is dead, whether he knows it or not. It’s her fault.
“You’re not listening to me. She sacrificed herself, understand?” Clint holds Yelena on a chokehold, while Yelena looks like she’s about to cry. “I couldn’t stop her.”
Y/N just stares at the fight. Her eyes are glasses over. It’s like she can’t move. Like she’s in the middle of a nightmare that she can’t wake up from. She supposes it is in a way. Just the other way around. Sleep is her escape, but she can’t sleep forever. She has to live day after day in her forever nightmare.
The fight flashes before her eyes. Suddenly Yelena has Clint overpowered. “You should’ve fought harder.” Yelena takes out her baton, nearing Clint as she starts beating him until he can barely hold himself up.
That’s when Yelena drops the baton and takes out her gun, aiming at him. Clint whistles. It makes goosebumps appear on Y/N’s skin, and Yelena stops moving.
“How do you know that?”
“Your secret whistle with Nat. She talked about you all the time, Yelena. She told me about how you got separated as kids. She was flying that plane.” Y/N knows the story. It’s one of the first memories Yelena told her about Natasha. “I asked her if she was scared. All she could think about is that you were safe. That never changed, Yelena. She loved you. And always wanted you safe. Both of you.” He turns to look at Y/N.
“No.” She mumbles.
Natasha told Clint all about Y/N. How the first year of the blip they were together and how regretful Natasha felt after letting her leave. “She was never mad at you.”
“Stop it.”
“She forgave you right away.” Every word he speaks, the more Y/N hurts. “All she wanted was to have you back with her, so she could keep you safe. Like she had promised Yelena.”
Y/N shakes her head. All the thoughts in her head are getting too much.
“She loved you.”
“No!” The change happens in a split second. She takes out two knives, starting to fight Clint who can barely dodge her. Her moves are rough and all over the place. She isn’t calculating all of her moves like usually, now it’s pure emotion and brute force. “She’s dead!” Her yell echoes through the area. Clint is getting littered with cuts while Yelena stands on her place, too stunned to move. “She’s dead! And it’s…it’s-“
Clint gets holds of Y/N’s hands, holding them tightly so she couldn’t move them. She fights against him, but eventually drops down to her knees.
“It’s my fault.” She whispers. ”I killed her.” Dropping the knives from her hands, she stops fighting. Yelena frowns from the sidelines, she didn’t know Y/N thought like that. ”I never answered her. I could’ve stopped her, I could’ve helped.” She mutters.
“You couldn’t have. She made her decision.”
Y/N glares at him, ripping her arms off of Clint’s grip. She stands up and walks away, pulling away from Yelena’s touch as she walks past her.
She continues walking until her legs physically can’t carry her anymore. There’s a small bridge right in front of her, so she goes to sit down on the railing. No one is going through it, giving Y/N a chance to be alone. Her nails are digging deep into her palms and her teeth are clenched together, causing a constant headache.
“It wasn’t your fault.” Yelena’s voice breaks the quiet atmosphere. “Natasha’s death wasn’t your fault.” She says it again to make sure Y/N hears her.
“I didn’t answer her.”
“What do you mean?”
“She tried to call me and sent me a text before she died, saying she’d bring you back. I didn’t answer. I was angry at her.”
Yelena leans against the railing while staring at Y/N. “It’s still not your fault.” She sets her hand on Y/N’s back. “I should’ve been there for you, raising and protecting you. You shouldn’t have been alone.” Yelena huffs, frustrated at the whole situation. “I should’ve protected you.”
“Well you didn’t, did you?” Y/N turns around, dropping down from the railing to stand in front of Yelena. “You weren’t there to keep me safe or comfort me, and that’s shitty, but you can’t do anything to change it. So, just stop it.”
Yelena purses her lips together. She knows Y/N is right. In a way, they can probably never get back to the way they were. Y/N is an adult now. She was all alone for years and that changed her for the rest of her life.
“I don’t need a protector anymore. I don’t need you anymore.”
Swallowing, Yelena frowns. The words hurt to hear. Because she still needs Y/N. “Family never stops needing each other.”
“This family broke a long time ago.” Y/N whispers. “I know it was only few seconds to you, but to me it was five years. And during those years I grew up, it’s time for me to move on. You should do the same.”
“No. I don’t want to.” Yelena shakes her head, stepping closer to Y/N. “I’m not leaving you alone again.”
“You aren’t leaving me, Yelena. I’m walking away.” Y/N clears her throat so her sound wouldn’t waver so much. “Thanks for giving me a family, even if it was only for a short while.” She nods and turns around.
“No, Y/N.” Yelena’s eyes turn glassy as she stares at Y/N’s back. “I forbid you from walking away from me!”
“You can’t do that anymore.” Y/N shouts out with a sad smile, not stopping, not looking back.
Yelena keeps standing on her place, just watching as Y/N moves further and further away. She doesn’t follow her.
She can’t do that anymore.
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doudouneverte · 2 years
No Petname
a/n: i didn't want to not post anything this week so i write a little thing.
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*not my GIF* (she's badass like this.Marvel bring us back our queen!!)
Natasha Romanoff x Yelena Belova x Sister!Reader; Kate Bishop x Little!Widow
summary: (i watched a lot of couple video on youtube) R prank her girlfriend because she's bored
Type: Fluff
Warning: nothing
word count: ~1257
The recent week was boring in the tower; you couldn't go on a mission because you got hurt on your last mission, so after an hour on your phone, you think about something. Ten minutes later, you were in Yelena's bedroom.
"So, you want to prank your girlfriend because you're bored?" your sister asked, and you nodded. "Let's go I'm in." she said. That's why you liked Yelena; she was always ready to prank anyone, and even if she liked Kate, the brunette was clearly her favorite target. "So, what did you plan?" she asked, and you smirked.
"She should come back tonight with Clint. We don't have time to set up a big thing, so I'll try to upset her by calling her by her full name." you said, and the blonde frowned her eyebrow. "She doesn’t like when someone calls her Katherine; we will see how long she could handle this." you explained, and your sister smirked. She didn't think about something so obvious.
Later this day, you were with Yelena on the couch, watching a movie with the other Avengers in the tower, when Friday told you that Kate, your girlfriend, was back from her mission with Clint. When she came in the living room, she greeted everyone and made her way next to you.
"Hey babe, I miss you." she said before she kissed your cheek. You kissed her back, and when she started to feel at home, you shocked her.
"Hey Kate, how was your mission?" you asked her, and she frowned her eyebrow. You have stopped calling her Kate since you started dating.
"Uh, well. It was more easy than they thought." she replied. Nobody said anything more, and you just finished the movie. It was still early, so Sam decided to watch another movie, and you all agreed. But before that, you wanted some snacks, so you stood up, but you didn't miss asking your girlfriend if she wanted something.
"Katherine I will grab snacks; do you want something?" you asked, and all the noises instantly disappeared. You didn't see it, but the guys started to feel uncomfortable, but Yelena and Tony smirked.
"Uh. Just a soda, thanks." she replied, and you nodded before leaving, and your blonde sister followed you. When you were in the kitchen, your girlfriend looked at Natasha. "Did I do something to her?" she asked, and your older sister was also surprised.
"I was about to ask you the same thing." the redhead said.
In the kitchen, you were packing some snacks with the help of Yelena, but she couldn't help but laugh. "You should see her face." she said, and you smirked.
"Okay, it was funny, but I don't like to see her like that." you said. "I'll make up tonight." you added, and the Russian nodded. You quickly returned to the living room and took your seat next to your favorite black-haired person after you placed the snacks on the coffee table. "And a soda for my Katherine." you said, holding her soda can. The rest of the night went well. Kate thought you just had a bad day, but tomorrow you'll be right, no?
Unfortunately, no. When she woke up, you were running your hand through her hair. "I just woke up, and you want to make me sleep again." she joked, and you smiled. You gently kissed her, and she smiled like a teenager. She loved it when you kissed her; that meant a lot to you because of your past, but the morning kiss was her favorite. There was no one there, just you two.
"Good morning, Katherine." you whispered with a strong morning accent, and you almost laughed when she frowned her eyebrows. She wanted to talk, but she was interrupted by knocks on the door.
"Y/n, I need a new partner for this morning!!" Yelena yelled.
"Duty call," you said, and after 30 minutes, you were out with your sister. Kate started to be pissed off, and you didn't really calm her down because you called her 'Katherine' during the entire week. The next Monday, she started to feel overwhelmed. She was in the kitchen with your two sisters when you showed up, you kissed her cheek like always, and you greeted your sisters. You ate some of Yelena's mac and cheese, and you decide to ask a favor to your girlfriend. "Katherine, can you give me a water bottle, please?" you asked with your puppy's eyes, but she just glared at you.
"It's not the right name," she mumbled, and you knew she was angry, but you didn't want to end this now.
"The last time I checked, you were Katherine Bishop. So, Katherine Elizabeth Bishop, can you give me a water bottle, please?" you repeated, and she smacked her hand on the kitchen counter.
"Who is Katherine Elizabeth Bishop?" she asked, visibly pissed off.
"It's yo-" you tried to say, but you were cut off.
"No, it's not me. Katherine Bishop is gone!" she said loudly, and Yelena used all her strength to suppress her laughs. "For everyone, it's Kate! For Yelena, it's Kate Bishop! For Nat, it's little hawk! For Alexei, it's Little American. For Melina, it's Y/n's girlfriend! But for you, Y/n Vostokoff, it's Katie, babe, baby, moya lyubov'(my love), hot stuff, printsessa(princess), milaya devushka(cutie girl), moya zhena(my wife) or the future mother of my children!" she exclaimed. "So, I repeat myself, who is Katherine Elizabeth Bishop?" she asked.
The kitchen was silent for a moment. It was really not her thing to raise her voice to you, she was always so lovely and caring. "Wow, Y/n you mess up." Nat said, and Yelena finally laughed. Their voices brought you back.
You quickly stood up and gave your girlfriend a tight hug. "I'm sorry, Katie baby; it was just a prank." you explained, and you chuckled. "If I knew you would be so upset, I would do that earlier." you joked, and she slammed your arm before escaping from your grip.
"I thought you were upset with me, dipshit." she said, and you gasped.
"Kate Bishop, my future sister-in-law, how you called her." Yelena said, and you chuckled.
"I'm sorry." you repeated. "I love you, moya lyubov'." You kissed her and melted when your lips connected with hers. "How could you forgive me?"
"Cuddle with me" she said immediately. "And you'll come with me to Lucky's walk later." she added, and you nodded.
A few hours later, you were in Central Park for Lucky's walk, your finger intertwined with Kate's. She was talking about her week, and something came to your mind, you stopped, and she looked confused.
"Did you mean it?" you asked, and when she showed you, she didn't understand what you were talking about, so you explained. "About being the mother of my children."
She smirked, "I don't mind, but before we have to do something." she said, and you smiled.
You spent the rest of the walk smiling to yourself. This night Kate was fast asleep on your chest, and you just ran your hand through her hair. You were thinking about everything, and you finally thought about something, or more precisely, someone. You looked at the sleeping girl and smiled. Yeah, one day she'll be your wife.
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kaziee2 · 2 years
Family? | Chapter 1 |
Summary: Natasha and Yelena will not rest until they find you along with Alexei and Melina
Warnings: Mentions of Redroom
Pair: [Natasha x sister!reader] [Yelena x sister!reader] (+Avengers)
[Words: 1.5k] [A/N: Not ultimately proofread, so sorry this took so long, I'm already working on other stories and hopefully can post them soon, just so I can get back writing]
Masterlist [Likes and reblogs are always appreciated]
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Natasha couldn’t rest and she really wasn’t until she could find some kind of clue into finding you, it was more difficult more than she realized, there was no data that could give her any information and she was very close into finding some way to bring back Dreykov and torturing him into telling her where she could find you. Everyone was starting to worry, even Yelena who was also trying to find you and she knew this, but she wasn’t willing to take-a-break until she finds something.  
‘’Nat, when was the last you slept?’’ She looked up from her computer to find Wanda standing in the doorway of her office with a concerned look. She was trying to find an answer to Wanda’s question but couldn’t find any, she then realized that she hasn’t had any sleep after making it her mission to find you.  
“Everybody is worried, you know? They’re worried for you, hell! even Yelena is worried and she’s just as bad as you are right now.’’ Wanda crossed her arms over her chest, her face laced with an angry expression but also in concern. ‘’I can’t rest Wanda, not until I find her. She’s out there somewhere, probably still under the control of that fucking bastard!’’ Natasha remarked as she stood up from her desk, staring directly at Wanda. She can’t rest now, when she could be using her time to find you. ‘’And when you find her what are you going to do, huh? You think when she sees you, she’ll just run up to your arms and hug you? Just like you said Nat, she could still be under the mind-control.’’  Natasha knew Wanda was right, but she always put the thought of her fighting you at the back of her head, she didn’t want to fight you, she wanted to find you and finally complete her lost family.  
“I- ‘’ She tried to reason with Wanda again, but someone entered the room. “Sestra(Sister), have you found anything yet?’’ Yelena asked her sister as she walked into the room. Natasha could see the small eye-bags in her sisters' eyes and how exhausted she was. 
“Ok, That’s ENOUGH!’’ Wanda shouted at the both of them, red wisp showing at the top of her fingers. Wanda used her magic and grabbed both Natasha and Yelena then made them both face her, restricting their movements with her magic. “You both will get sleep and nothing else,’’ They tried to protest but Wanda shut them up again “Everybody is worried, most especially Kate and Maria. Kate even started begging me to use my magic on you Yelena, but I never did, but now I am freaking considering it. And Maria doesn’t even need to ask me, her thoughts are loud enough.’’ Both sisters looked at Wanda sadly, her words finally sinking in. They were both still being held by Wanda’s magic but then suddenly the magic disappeared, and they were free.
Silence rang around the room until Natasha finally spoke up. “Ok, we’ll put this on hold until Yelena and I get some sleep.’’ Natasha spoke softly. Wanda eyed her intently, checking if she was lying or not. Seconds after she nodded, satisfied that she was able to finally get through their thick skulls. But just as before any of them could make any movement a knock was heard at the door. 
Clint was by the door which was still open when Wanda first entered. “Uhm... I hope I’m not interrupting something important – but Fury’s got an incoming mission, and it seems pretty important... so everyone is being called.’’ Wanda looked back at Clint with a deadly stare, she did not just spend all that time convincing both widow sisters to go to sleep only then for an incoming mission to happen, where they definitely would want to go. Clint was so scared and only thinking of the most common thing to do when Wanda was mad, was to run away quickly – and so he bolted away from the room only screaming to go to the conference room in a few minutes.  
Wanda looked back at the sisters, ready to tell them to go straight to bed but Yelena beat her to it “Let us go to the meeting, Barton did not say there was a mission, so it is fine. Let’s go sestra(sister).’’ She waves Wanda a goodbye before leaving the room. It was only Natasha and Wanda that was left at the room again, Wanda was about to speak again but was quickly shot down again by Natasha “Yelena is right, it's just an incoming mission which is technically not a mission. So c’mon, we better not be late.’’ Natasha then starts to walk out of the room, Wanda grumbled something under her breath before following behind her.
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All the Avengers were seated around the table of the conference room, even including Peter. They were all waiting on Fury to come and discuss the incoming mission they were going to have. A few minutes later, Fury entered the room with Maria. Just as he entered everybody could suddenly sense the change of atmosphere around the room. Fury coughed clearing his throat “As I told you already, we have an incoming mission that needs all the Avengers present.’’ He looks back to Maria and nods at her direction, to which Maria displays in the middle of the table a rectangular hologram with various pieces of information.  
On one side of the table, Kate was basically shaking in excitement, seeing as this is her first ever Avenger meeting and mission (she hopes to be assigned too). Yelena, already knowing what’s going on, places a hand on Kate’s knee gaining her attention, Yelena then shakes her head gently, silently telling her to calm down. To which she nods in understanding, but her legs continue to bounce.  
They’re attention was quickly placed back to Fury, “Only a few of you would be assigned for this mission but I need all of you to be aware of the situation,” He glances around the room before continuing “Hydra is back up again and we have no idea what they’re up to. We have footage of what we can see is a Hydra operative. Breaking in abandoned warehouses and buildings that we suspect to be old Hydra bases.” He motions to the Hologram to show various blurry photos of what appears to be a person in a black tight suit (which Natasha and Yelena noticed was similar to the red rooms) and mask that covers the bottom part of their face.  
Everyone’s faces contorted in anger and frustration, just when they thought they’ve dealt with Hydra they come back with another soldier under their control.  
 “They’re breaking into Hydra bases, for what exactly?” Tony asked. “I’ve sent highly trained agents into one of those bases they’ve already broken into and did a quick search to know what they stole and to find out what they’re planning,” Fury looked down and sighed. Tony was getting impatient and asked again but his voice was laced with annoyance. “So...What happened to those agents? What did they find out? C’mon Furry, we don’t have all day.” He puts one leg over the other and crosses his arms. 
Fury then displays a series of photos that was taken when the agents first infiltrated. The Avengers looked at each photo and they could see that in the building was a lab with a big glass tube in the middle, but what scared them was that it was broken and empty, there were glass shards littered around the floor and old water marks surrounding it.  
“What happened to the agents you sent there, Fury?” Steve hesitantly asked, something wasn’t feeling right, he could tell.  
“There were... complications during the mission,” He pauses looking at everyone “Not everyone made it out.” He simply states.  
They were all stunned and confused. What could have killed those agents? What was inside the tube? Was it a soldier that killed them or the thing that came out of the tube? All their minds racing with questions.  
“We don’t know what was in the tube, nobody could find information about it. The base was wiped clean with any documents or files, but we do know that it was their super soldier who killed those agents.” He hunched over the table, placing both of hands on it.  
“This is your mission Avengers. Find that Hydra operative and take them down.” he stands straight before walking out of the conference room.  
Silence was placed over the room. All of them taking in the information and some already thinking of a plan to take down (and capture) the Hydra soldier. They had to act quickly before Hydra could do anymore damage and harm. They just can't believe it; all those agents were all killed by a single person, all (probably) highly trained agents.  
Steve was the first to take initiative “We have to stop Hydra!” He raises from his chair reaching out for the file on the table. “Bucky and I will take the lead and infiltrate the base along with Clint and Kate as our look out. Tony-” He looked in the direction of where Tony was seated. “You and Bruce will try and figure out where they’ll strike next.” His face was stern, and his voice was serious.  
“Don’t worry capsicle, we’ll find our target and capture their ass, then we could celebrate another success for the Avengers!” Tony remarks while clasping his hands together.  
“Hold on a minute! What about Yelena and me? We should be on this mission too. You’ll need more than just you and Bucky, no-offense but I don’t think the two of you are enough to beat this person.” Natasha angrily spoke, crossing her arms over her chest.  
“Natasha, you and Yelena are not fit to join this mission. Once Tony finds the base, we’ll head out as soon as possible. You and Yelena need rest, you both will be liabilities in this mission if you're not focused. Wanda will be here to watch you both.” Steve explains carefully to try and not aggravate the Widow sisters.  
Everybody watches as the two sisters think it through, and soon enough they both relented and nod in understanding. “Don’t worry widowers, we got this.” Tony smiles smugly to himself.  
“Good. Does everybody agree with this plan?” Peter raises his hand. “Yes Peter? Do you have any questions?”  
“Uhm... Mr. Rogers sir? What about me, can’t I help with anything for this?” Peter asked, he wanted to help them as best as he could. If this soldier is a threat, then he should be able to help them in any way he can.  
“I’m sorry Peter but this mission is too dangerous for you, and you can seriously get hurt or even worse — Hydra is tricky and smart, and if not careful enough. There will be dire consequences for those mistakes.” Steve softly replies.  
“But- Mr. Stark?” Peter looks to his direction as if asking for help. “Sorry kiddo but I'm with the Captain on this one, I’m not willing to listen to your aunt screaming at me again. But don’t worry, you can help Bruce and I in the lab, if that makes you feel better.” Peter sighs and nods in understanding.  
“That’s it for this meeting. Bucky meet me in the training room, so we can start discussing a plan. Everyone else get some rest.” Soon enough, everyone begins to stand up and leave the room.  
Maria begins to walk out of the room but stops abruptly in-front of Natasha “Don't worry Nat, I’ll meet you in our room in a few minutes. I’ll just finish these reports.” She kissed Natasha on the cheek before walking out. “-cough-soft-cough-'' Yelena comments on the sideline but receives an upward slap on the head by Kate “ow!” She gasps out and Kate playfully rolls her eyes and walks out with Yelena following.  
Natasha was the last to leave the room and headed out to get to her room.
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“Bist du bereit, Soldat?(Are you ready soldier?)'' A man wearing a white lab coat said in a gruff voice, looking straight ahead at the girl in front of him. 
“Bereit, Sir zu erfüllen(Ready to comply, Sir)” the girl, not looking more than 20-years of age, stood at attention with her hands behind her back. The man grinned wickedly walking to look back behind him where a photographic picture of the Avengers was being displayed on a big computer screen, “Get ready or not Avengers, Hydra has come back to play.”
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marie-swriting · 2 years
Need More Fanfics ?
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Stranger Things
Lesbian Coming Out (Steve Harrington x sister!reader) by @alyswritings
Doodles And Dates (Eddie Munson x reader) by @loveronlineee
You Made Me Hate This City (Eddie Munson x reader) by @marvelsswansong
What If (Eddie Munson x reader) by @silent-stories
Girls Like Girls (Chrissy Cunningham x reader) by @hellfirebabes
Makeover (Chrissy Cunningham x reader) by deactivated tumblr account
Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me (Chrissy Cunningham x reader) by @dr-aculaaa
I Think I Hate Everyone In The World But You... (Chrissy Cunningham x reader) by @chrissycunninhamsgf
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You're The Only Girl I Got On My List (Robin Buckley x reader) by @magicaloneandmystery
My Girl, My Girl, My Girl (Robin Buckley x reader) by @southelroydrive
Creepy man (TASM!Peter Parker x reader) by @mareagirls ⚠️TW : stalking, following
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The Archer (Kate Bishop x reader) by @waitimcomingtoo
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Three Little Adventurers (Marc Spector x sister!reader) by @writers-blogck
Late Night Talking (Steve Rogers x reader) [serie masterlist] by @rogersideup ⚠️Minors do not interact as the author wishes
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Solace (Yelena Belova x reader) by @natashas-soul ⚠️ TW : body image issues/Minors and men do not interact as the author wishes
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Too Much Loss | Not Again (TASM!Peter Parker x sister!reader) by @justabigassnerd
The Story of Nana and Pops (Bucky Barnes x Black!reader) by @asongofmarvelanddc ⚠️TW : racism, segregation, use of the n-word, implicit mention of attempted rape and lynching.
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Love is Lost On you (Bucky Barnes x reader) by @kaznejis
Your Still My Kid (Clint Barton x daughter!reader) by @justabigassnerd
If I Could Be Just A Dad (Dean Winchester x daughter!reader) by @winchesters-favorite-girl
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Come Back... Be Here (Emily Prentiss x reader) by @imaginesfordifferentfandoms
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Boyfriend (Natasha "Phoenix" Trace x reader) by @callsign-phoenix
Daylight (Natasha "Phoenix" Trace x Maverick!reader) by @rose-pearls
The Longer That You Stay, The Ice Is Melting (Jake "Hangman" Seresin x reader) by deactivated tumblr account
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ynscrazylife · 2 years
Kate x teen sister yes yes yesssss okay I don’t really have the best ideas but I second you writing something for that so I’m going to give it a shot and suggest maybe like maybe her sister tries being superhero-like to get kates attention bc she’s been so busy getting into the hero world but like reader obvs isn’t prepared for that kinda stuff and then yeah Kate helps them out from a risky situation and then it’s all nice (albeit a bit of a rant from Kate abt her sisters irresponsibility) and sisterly resolved! Yeah again I’m not good with ideas and don’t usually rec but I love Kate Bishop too much to let it pass
Jealousy, Jealousy
Summary: Your big sister Kate comes to the rescue when your attempt in being a vigilante gets you in trouble.
Warning: Reader gets captured and beat up (not too descriptive)
Request to be on a taglist (or multiple) here! (Taglists are at the end of the fic)
Main Masterlist | MCU Masterlist
PSA: Do NOT copy, steal, translate, plagiarize, republish, etc any of my works on Tumblr or any other platform. Also, do NOT claim any of my works as your own. All of these works are either requests I’ve gotten that people have wanted me to write or original ideas I’ve had for works. If you happen to take inspiration from anything I’ve written and want to write something inspired by that, please a) ask me first and b) IF I say yes, credit me as inspo in your post by tagging me and link whatever work of mine that inspired you. Thanks.
Jealousy was an infectious, suffocating disease . . . And unfortunately, you had caught it.
As much as you tried to help it, over the years, jealousy over older sister had seeped in and invaded you over the years. It was subtle, silent, at first but lately, it was attacking with full force and twisting up your insides. By now you were aware of it, and knew it wasn’t good, but what was there to do about it? You were jealous. It was a fact.
Jealous that she had become a star archer, could fence so well, was a master in martial arts, and got to go off to that fancy, expensive college. You were pretty good at martial arts too, as Kate needed a partner to practice with at home when you guys were younger, but not as good as her. Other than that, you were pretty average at everything else, at least, in your mind, that is.
All this jealously spilled out one day when you were visiting your mother in prison and were updating her on your life. You hadn’t spoken to Kate since finding out she had gotten your mother arrested. She tried to explain, but you were too overwhelmed, too shocked, to listen.
You were recounting to her how of course Kate had become a superhero and was working with the one and only Hawkeye when she interrupted with: “You can be a hero, too, honey.” Her voice was sweet, a little too sweet, but you didn’t pick up on that — wouldn’t notice it until later.
This made you stop and blink. “What?” You asked dumbly.
Eleanor smiled. At the time . . . It seemed sincere. “You want to be a hero, do you not?” She asked with an innocent shrug.
You couldn’t deny that the idea had run through your mind. That kind of job must not only be exhilarating, but also rewarding—getting to help people, change the world, and work with other heroes. Work with Kate. Get closer to her. It was the perfect opportunity to bond with her, though you shoved that feeling aside. Why did you have to be the one to reach out to Kate? To get her attention? Couldn’t she reach out to you?
Your mom always had a knack for knowing what you were thinking. “Maybe,” you admitted, suddenly feeling small. You didn’t think anything of it and just wrote it off as anxiety.
“You can be a hero, Y/N . . . You can help me. It’s horrible in here, honey. You can free me,” Eleanor said, moving closer to the glass separating the two of you and putting her hand against it.
You furrowed your eyebrow in confusion, but mirrored her action. “How?” You asked. It never occurred to you that you could help your mom.
“I’ll give you the number of the woman I’ve been working for, Valentina. She could use a smart agent like you. Do some good for her and then . . . You can get Valentina to get me outta here. She’s a little unhappy with me right now, but I know you can show her that none of it was my fault,” Eleanor exclaimed.
It was intriguing — but something felt off. The name Valentina . . . It was familiar. “I think Kate said—” You began.
“Kate’s confused,” Eleanor intervened, a little sharply. When she saw you start to pull back, she quickly continued. “She’s misguided. So is Hawkeye. They misunderstood our work. Valentina can show you—how her agents have helped people. Tell her I sent you.”
If she wasn’t your mother, if she was anyone else, you’d be more suspicious than you were. But you were inclined to trust her, she was your mother. And you and Kate didn’t really get along. So you decided to give it a shot, see if Valentina was really helping people or not.
Of course, when you contacted her, the lies spilled off her tongue so quickly and easily. The proof she showed you — it was an elaborate web of fakes. You were being manipulated, although you didn’t know it at the time, by both your mom and Valentina. You were convinced that you could help both her and innocent people, so you started doing missions for her . . . Which is how you ended up captured by Kingpin’s allies.
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You were sitting, tied to a chair with your wrists and ankles handcuffed and duct tape over your mouth, glaring at your captor who was holding your phone. “Let’s see how much you mean to them, dear,” the man mocked, and then proceeded to dial Valentina’s number.
On the last ring, she picked up. “Did you do it?” Valentina asked neutrally.
You watched the man like a hawk as he brought the phone to his lips. “We’ve captured your little agent,” he said gleefully in a sing-song voice.
Your glare sharpened and you heard Valentina curse. “Let’s say . . . 25 grand?” The man said.
You were sure that Valentina had the money, so imagine your surprise when all she did was scoff. Your gaze shifted to the phone, missing how the smile on the man’s mouth grew wider.
“You think I’m going to pay that amount of money for a rookie agent who got herself captured?” Valentina could clearly be heard saying. There was some shuffling, as if she was moving the phone, and then she muttered to someone nearby, making you strain to listen: “I knew she’d never make it if I had to make her believe that she was saving helpless people.”
You could barely believe your ears as you were forced to listen to Valentina mock you, eyes wide and cheeks burning in embarrassment. The man, though, he loved this. He was eating it up.
“You lied to her, then? To recruit her, I suppose?” He guessed, keeping his eye trained on you. You could feel his taunting glare and it just fueled the burning fire inside you.
“It’s none of your business,” Valentina snapped, before forcing a breath. “Look, the girl knows jack shit about me so there’s no use in questioning her—” She laughed. “—just have your fun with her and dump her somewhere, alright? I have no time for this, I’ll get what I want from you another way.”
“We already knew you were interested in us when you sent the girl here — but openly admitting it? That’s bold, especially with who our boss is,” the man said, not paying attention to you anymore.
“Kingpin’s dead, everyone knows that,” Valentina said, and then laughed again. “Have fun with your toy. I know I did, while it lasted.”
With that she hung up, having no clue that you heard all of this. Meanwhile, your mind was reeling . . . How could she give you up like this? What did she mean by you knowing “jack shit”? She told you a lot about herself and her business . . . Unless it was all lies . . .
You let out a muffled, angry scream through the duct tape. You had had an inkling that something was off with your mother’s story — especially about Kate being confused and misguided — since the beginning. Hell, you had been weary of her ever since she had been arrested, as you never knew the full reason why. You had never wanted to know, you still clung to hope that your mother was who she says she is, that your world wouldn’t be thrown upside down like Kate’s was.
Well, now it was definitely on a rollercoaster. Everything was shattering into tiny pieces that you weren’t sure you could put back together, and all you could do was blame yourself. God, you felt so stupid, so useless.
The dread set in when you looked up from where you had been staring at the floor and the man was walking towards you, still smiling like the Cheshire Cat. No one was coming for you.
“We’re gonna have some fun, darling,” he sneered.
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It was hours later when you started to hear crashes and bangs. You looked up at the door curiously — what was going on? Who was here? You got answer when the door burst down and, to your surprise, two purple-clad heroes entered.
“Y/N!” Kate cried, immediately running over to you. She removed the tape from your mouth and then undoing your bindings. Clint stood at the doorway, watching silently.
Your eyes widened and you ignored the sting on your lips. God, you never thought you’d be so happy to see her. “Kate . . . How did you know I was here?” You asked — confused, but grateful.
“A friend of ours used to work with Valentina — she has connections and, uh, ways of discovering things,” Kate answered cryptically. Honestly, you didn’t really care about how she found you.
“She lied to me,” you mumbled, shifting your gaze to your lap, embarrassed. “Mom told me that by working with Valentina, I could help people . . . Help her. They both lied to me.”
Kate’s heart broke as she listened to you. Despite your strained relationship, she was your big sister. She’d always look out for you. “Yeah . . . I’m sorry you had to find out the hard way,” she murmured softly, petting your hair to soothe you.
Your gaze slowly found Kate’s. You had expected her to be mad at you for falling for this, but instead all you saw were tears and regret. “I wanted to be a hero like you,” you admitted, shaking your head in disbelief. “I was stupid to think that I could do that.”
“Hey, you can be a hero, Y/N. You just need the right training. Clint helped me become a hero and now . . . We can help you,” Kate assured you.
You just shrugged, still caught up in Valentina’s words. Kate decided to let it go for now, as the last thing you needed was to feel like she was persuading you into something.
“I can already tell you’re a great kid, like your sister. You were brave even to go up against these guys. Let us help you, okay?” Clint said in a soft tone he’d usually use with his kids.
You nodded slowly and Kate smiled warmly. She wrapped her arm around you, supporting most of your weight. Clint came to your other side and they both helped you walk out of there.
You knew it wouldn’t be easy to repair your relationship with Kate, but at least it was a start. You were safe with her and Clint and found yourself leaning into her. She cared for you. She loved you. And you loved her. She was family—your big sister, your protector.
“Thank you, Katie,” you murmured to her as the three of you walked out.
“No need to, Y/N/N,” Kate said, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I’ll always be here to save you.”
And so it began — the green envy started to seep away.
Permanent Taglist: @natasharomanoffismywife @hehehehannahthings @paulawand @blackbat2020 @cerberus-spectre @snipyloulou @cc13723things @passionswift @drayshadow @amaryllis23 @storysimp @lamieshelmy @galacticstxrdust @a-lil-bit-nuts @marvel-to-infinity @maryseesthings @lovelyy-moonlight @dumb-fawkin-bitch @thewidowsghost @cowboybabyyy @rootbeerfaygo @immathinker @espressopatronum454 @ladyrebel29-blog @1694 @trashyxxkawa @loverofthings2425 @kabloswrld
Marvel Taglist: @stephanieromanoff @summerlovingbaby @ineffablebean @procrastinatingsapphictrash @prettysbliss @caseyfish-blog @sarahp-stan @basiclesbianbitch @mycosmicparadise @xtraordinaryfangrl @peggycarter-steverogers @ima-gi-nati-on @hi-i-1 @mmmmokdok @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @mads-weasley @tenaciousperfectionunknown @afraid-to-be-me @lilclownx @acertainredhead @lilymurphy03 @thanossexual @avengersz-biotch @mjaudrey @un-name-d @leyannrae @buckyandstevesslut @kuzomekou-blog @nylevea @suckerfornatstits @bentleywolf29 @bunnyweasley23 @ss @pianogirl2121 @beth-gallagher22 @pleasantbearscissorstoad @marvelwomen-simp @wandaswifeyforlifey @that-napa-know-how @wisteriaandauroras @mirakeul @eternallyvenus @thatoneshykid13 @jeminiepabo @skagelynn @redsakura101 @todaywasafairytale07 @yelenarmnv @lazyloki-blog @nerd-88 @fairydxll @v0idl1nq_ @inluvwithfictionalwomen @scarthefangirl @marie45019 @strangegardentaco @froufrousnowman @raajali3 @freyathehuntress @youralphawolf72 @otomefan @uwiuwi @princessprudy @ofherscarlettwitchways @liltimmyst @yoalchumly @mythixmagic @gitasofia @hlvstia @lovelyy-moonlight @wandsmxmff
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flkwh0re · 1 month
Try it, Bite it, Lick it, Spit it
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Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Strap-on usage (R receiving), Brief fingering, Degradation, Praise, Use of the word slut, Mirror sex, Hair pulling/gripping, Sex in a public bathroom (gross Natasha 😕), Overstimulation (R receiving), Oral (R receiving)
Word Count: 1.1k
Authors Note: Didn’t really have much going to this fic, I just wanted to make a fic with this title. (Stream Guess by Charli xcx and Billie Eilish 😚)
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The loud music that blared through club felt like it shook your core. It was so loud you couldn't even hear your own thoughts, which was a total lie. You just couldn't think because of the gorgeous red head that had showed up with Yelena.
Yelena was your best friend, along side her girlfriend Kate Bishop. You'd known Yelena since your first day of college, she was your roommate at the time. You did everything with her and basically knew everyone she did, but not this woman.
"Y/n, come here!" Yelena yelled to you, the thick Russian accent being the only reason you were able to hear her. "I want you to meet my sister, Natasha. Natasha this is Y/n." You weren't sure how you should greet such a beautiful woman, so you stupidly stuck your hand out for a handshake.
"It's nice to meet you, Y/n." The woman said with very captivating grin on her lips. "Like wise, Natasha." The use of her full name caused her to cringe a little, "Just Nat." You awkwardly smile and nod.
The night moved very slowly, mostly due to your soberness, but also the countless men that would hit on Natasha ruining your small talk. "Let me buy you a drink, help you enjoy yourself a little." Natasha suggested. "I've gotta be able to get home, last time I trusted Yelena getting me home we spent half the night on the streets trying to figure out the gps." A grin creeped on Natasha's face at your jab directed at her sister.
"I can get you home sweetheart, it's no big deal." You were saved by the dim lights of the corner you and Natasha were in, you were sure your face was scarlet red. "Fine." Following your agreement, drink after drink kept coming, and now Natasha's and yours conversation flowed like you'd known each other for years.
"C'mon Nat, dance with me." You pleaded with the older woman, tugging on the sleeve of her jacket. Eventually you dragged her onto the floor, pushing through the swarm of bodies. Her front pressed flush against your back, as you swayed to the music. Her hands possessively held onto your hips, almost as if she were afraid you'd get away from her to go dance with some helpless drunk.
Your body felt like putty in Natasha arms, the arms that were moving up and down your body as her hands gripped and groped at your curves. Her hot breath fanned on the back of your neck, her soft lips occasionally brushing the sensitive skin. "Come with me."
Your hand linked with Natasha's as you two walked off to what you assumed was to the bathroom. You were never one for a hookup, especially in a club bathroom, but Nat made you want to and so you did. Your back collided with the door as soon as it shut, Natasha briefly fumbling with the lock before her lips hungrily connected with yours.
Her tongue laced with yours, as your lips molded together. Your mouths so connected that your moans didn't escape her mouth, but rather she swallowed them. "Fuck you're so hot, I wish Yelena brought you around." Natasha leaned back to admire your current state. Your hair pushed around, clothes slightly wrinkled, your gradually weakening legs as Natasha worked you up.
Her lips returned on yours, and her fingers found new ground on the clasp of your jeans. She tugged it apart and slipped her hand past the lacy material of your soaked panties. "Fuck pretty girl, you're so wet." She rasped, eliciting a pitiful whimper from you. "All for you." You could barely muster the words.
Natasha's rough fingers rubbed your clit just the right way, almost too good for you to bear. "F-fuck Nat! Feels s'good." You managed out the words that felt caged in your throat, and you could tell she knew you were struggling by the small laugh that came from her.
"You like that, hm? Wanna see how much you like this?" She took your hand rubbing it against her crotch, the feeling of silicone begging for release rubbed against your hand. You groaned loudly just from thinking about her fucking you with it. "I think you're wet enough, turn around." Natasha demanded, and you obeyed.
Natasha tugged down your jeans, along with her own. She slid the toy into you with ease and a little force, which caused your front to be flush against the sink. Natasha's hands roughly gripped your hips, yours holding onto whatever you could grab. "Fuck you're so tight, I wish I could feel you. I bet you feel so good." Her filthy words making you moan, so loud that she covered your mouth.
Her hips slapped against yours so rapidly it was almost painful, but the pleasure of the toy rubbing against your deepest parts made all that pain unrecognizable. "You're doing so good for me Y/n, being such a good girl."
Your hair was tugged and balled up into Natasha's hand in a matter of seconds, as she forced you to look in the mirror. "Watch yourself get fucked by me you slut, fucked by your best friends sister. By a woman you just met." The harsh, degrading and words that left her lips made you even more turned on.
"Nat, 'm close. 'M gonna cum, Please!" You begged. "Yea, gonna cum on my cock? Go on then, cum for me." And you did, Natasha made you see stars as she mercilessly fucked you through your orgasm.
Before you knew it she had you sitting on the counter, your jeans completely discarded somewhere. Her head between your thighs as she ate you out. You were too sensitive to take it, but to fucked out to use your words to beg her to stop. Your second orgasm nearing and all you could manage was a little whimper, "C'mon use your words, you got this baby. You're doing so good for me, you can do it." She praised.
"Please, I need- I can't take it!" Her pace quickened, it was so painful but you needed release so bad. "Nat, 'm cuming!"
"You did so good, let me help you clean up and I'll take you home okay?" You nodded, "But what about Yelena?" You asked as Natasha helped support your body, so you could redress. "I'll text her, don't worry your pretty little head." She said as a placed a little kiss on your forehead.
That night wasn't the end of you and Natasha. Eventually after a few hook ups she asked to take you on a date, which went so well it turned into multiple dates, then you were officially together.
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thewidowsghost · 1 year
A Surprise Visitor (Kate x Romanoff!Reader)
Kate Bishop Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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Kate Bishop fumbles the key to her girlfriend's apartment, finally managing to slip it into the lock.
Turning the key, Kate can't stop the smile spreading across her face as she steps through the door she'd just opened.
No, Kate didn't live with her girlfriend, but she loved having a key, so that Kate could surprise (Y/n) after work.
Kate enters the apartment, questioning the smell of macaroni and cheese.
"(Y/n)!" the young archer calls.
(Y/n) sticks her head out of the kitchen, smiling at the sight of her girlfriend.
"Katie!" (Y/n) smiles, leaving the kitchen to meet Kate in the living room. (Y/n) has to stretch up on her tip-toes to give Kate a kiss.
"Are you making macaroni?" Kate asks, taking another sniff of the cheesy smelling air.
"My sisters are coming over for dinner," (Y/n) replies. "You're welcome to stay. I'm also making a meatloaf and cornbread."
Kate's stomach grumbles and (Y/n) laughs.
"I think I'll stay," Kate says and (Y/n) beams.
Kate follows (Y/n) back into the kitchen, hopping onto the counter.
"And you're making cake?" Kate asks as (Y/n) returns to the mess of ingredients beside her stand mixer.
(Y/n) hums, glancing up at Kate. "I'm making a German chocolate cake."
(Y/n) pours the flour into the bowl, and Kate laughs as some of the powder sticks to (Y/n)'s eyebrow.
"Come here," Kate says, smiling widely.
(Y/n) obliged and Kate dusts the flour off (Y/n)'s face. (Y/n) smiles slightly, returning to her bowl.
Kate finds herself watching (Y/n) as the younger woman adds ingredients to her bowl.
There is a knock on the apartment door, and (Y/n) looks up at the door.
"Kate, honey, would you grab the door?" (Y/n) asks, the pet name slipping out of her mouth.
Kate flushes, sliding off the counter. She presses a kiss to (Y/n)'s temple before she walks towards the door.
Kate opens the door, allowing Natasha Romanoff and Yelena Belova to walk into the apartment.
"Hi," Kate smiles at the two Avengers, lowkey fangirling inside.
(Y/n) emerges from the kitchen to hug her sisters.
"Are you making macaroni?" are Yelena's first words.
(Y/n) laughs. "I know it's your favourite," she replies. Natasha looks comically betrayed before (Y/n) speaks again, "And I'm making a German chocolate cake."
Natasha's mouth closes in a comical 'clop.'
"So, who's this?" Yelena nods to Kate.
"This," (Y/n) lets her arm link with Kate's, "is my girlfriend, Kate."
Natasha and Yelena study the dark haired woman closely, as though inspecting the archer to tell whether she was good enough for their baby sister.
"Please don't kill her," (Y/n) unravels herself from Kate and makes her way back into the kitchen.
Kate, Yelena, and Natasha sit in the living room, and (Y/n) keeps peeking her head out to make sure her sisters hadn't killed her girlfriend.
"Kate, can you come help me?" she finally asks, and when Kate enters the kitchen, she almost laughs at the relieved look on her girlfriend's face.
"I thought it was over," Kate buries her face into (Y/n)'s shoulder and (Y/n) finally laughs.
"I'm sure they wouldn't have done anything with me here," (Y/n) says, her tone teasing. Kate pulls back, looking horrified.
"So I can never see them without you," Kate says firmly. "Or I'll die. Got it."
(Y/n) just laughs, turning back to her macaroni, where she layers some breadcrumbs and cheese over the macaroni and slides it into the oven.
Yelena hears (Y/n) say, "Can you please feed Liho?" and Kate hum her acknowledgement.
"I like her," Yelena comments and Natasha chuckles.
Kate pours some of the cat's food into his bowl, and adds a little bit of wet food to moisten the food.
The black cat streaks out from (Y/n)'s bedroom, and begins munching on his dinner.
Kate resumes her place perched on the edge of the counter, watching as (Y/n) finishes cooking dinner.
Word Count: 801 words
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avawritesthings · 8 days
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disclaimer ! NONE OF THESE FICS WERE WRITTEN NOR PUBLISHED BY ME. please give these author’s a little bit of your love ! all fics are x reader, and some are nsfw.
ava’s note ! i have read and reread all of these fics at least twice, and i just wanted to show my love to them and so other’s can read these wonderful stories! some of these are also on ao3. take this as my apology for barely posting xx
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formula one !
lando norris
call it magic - @444lec33
caught orange-handed - @mariahcarreyyy (+ oscar piastri)
slow down, be here - @katsu28
workplace distractions - @curiousthyme
life is like a box of chocolates - @dilemmaontwolegs (+ oscar piastri)
hazy days - @coff33andb00ks
charles leclerc
dime, ¿esto es lo que tú quería'? - @yazmarina (+ oscar piastri)
you wonder why i’m bitter - @moviecritc (+ alex saint mleux)
red flags - @holllandtrash
daniel ricciardo
sweet like grenadine - @scuderiahoney (one of my favs!!!)
picture perfect - @thef1diary
got drunk on you - @userlando
feels like home - harley_sunday (ao3)
oscar piastri
no more mister shy guy. - @jamminvroomvroom
dime, ¿esto es lo que tú quería'? - @ yazmarina (+ charles leclerc)
caught orange-handed - @ mariahcarreyyy (+ lando norris)
life is like a box of chocolates - @ dilemmaontwolegs (+ lando norris)
lewis hamilton
harmony - @curiousthyme
partition - @monzabee
jenson button
missed flights - @whorekneecentral
max verstappen
he must be lucky ! - @adventuringblind
little verstappen - @lxclerc
milk and sugar - @sunrizef1
in the mind of another - @pierregazly (author has a lot of great fics!)
masterlists i’ve binged:
lewisvinga’s masterlist
maplesyrupsainz’s masterlist
pucksandpower’s masterlist
theemporium’s masterlist
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nhl !
matthew tkachuk (i am nothing if not matty t’s #1 fan)
baby it’s cold outside - @raysofcrosby
waking up in vegas (masterlist) - @doc-pickles
you say you hate me - @pucksnsticksnhockeyboys
praise you like i should - @senditcolton
want you to want me - @troubatrain
4 times you faked a relationship + 1 time you didn’t - @hockeywhy
love you like me - @heavenlyhischier
jerseys and dumplings - @hockeyboysiguess
four times you sat in Matthew’s chair + the one time they called him out - @ extratragic
jack hughes
saturday sleepies - @leaentries
jersey - @sydnikov
feels like home - @ quintinh43
always an angel - @wineauntie (technically hughes brother x sister!reader)
sidney crosby
sugar sugar (masterlist) - @ holy-pucks
home is where the heart is (masterlist) - @fallinallincurls
bubble wrapped (part of a series) - @myhockeyworld87
lovestruck, went straight to my head - @harlowhockeystick
andrei svechnikov
fake numbers and date numbers - @matsbarzal
gaslight - @comphy-and-cozy
high speeds - @thewintersoldierdisaster (so many great andrei fics!)
in five - @ sydnikov (so many great andrei fics)
quinn hughes
heavy heads and heavy hearts - @quintinh43
wiped away kisses - @theemporium
game night - @sc0tters
baevillier’s masterlist
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marvel !
tony “iron man” stark
straight lines and sharp angles - nicky_writes (ao3)
kinds of love (series) - bartonstark (ao3)
james “bucky” barnes
sweet dreams - abovethesmokestacks (ao3)
these ties that bind - sweetascanbee (ao3)
druig (eternals)
three-part series - @ohcaptains
how could they not know? - @saintlike78
mark spector/steven grant/jake lockley (moon knight)
man in the mirror - @fettuccin-e
i’m getting to know someone - davosmymaster (ao3)
keep a secret? - cakealicoi (ao3)
matt “daredevil” murdock
dirty little devil - @courtforshort15
kate bishop/yelena belova
blank space - @ mrsyelena (ao3) (unfinished)
wanda maximoff/natasha romanoff
kidnapped - artemis_writes123 (ao3)
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star wars !
anakin skywalker
save a spaceship, ride a starpilot - kkismygod (ao3)
jealousy - kkismygod (ao3)
patched up - kkismygod (ao3)
eventide - ohgodmyeyes (ao3) (more darth vader, less anakin)
the babysitter - ohgodmyeyes (ao3)
braids - sarcastic_bubble (ao3)
primal - lullows (ao3) (ft. obi-wan kenobi)
drunk confessions - oreosmama (ao3)
master + padawan knight senator = ? - darthtrek (ao3) (ft. obi-wan kenobi)
say my name - kkismygod (ao3)
the mandalorian
cold showers - cptnbvcks (ao3)
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misc !
jj maybank (outer banks)
amnesiac - cherienymphe (ao3)
i know (5+1) - heathersmoonlight (ao3)
soul deep - heathersmoonlight (ao3)
art donaldson (challengers)
beyond the play - @sapphire-writes
and then there were three… - @kolsmikaelson
good luck, babe! - @sunsburns (ft. tashi & patrick)
the mikaelsons (tvdu)
patisserie - wickedlyemma (ao3)
david von erich (iron claw)
yellow rose - @daysofyellowroses
ransom drysdale (knives out)
rubber? i don’t even like her - @ whateveriwant
lip gallagher (shameless)
out of excuses - @ borntobewondering
billy loomis/stu macher (scream I)
jealous jerks - @ potter-imagines
bruce wayne (the batman 2022)
written in the stars - batsingotham (ao3)
*please let me know if you want me to remove any of these links or anything, i hope i didnt offend anyone <3 also sorry that i couldn't tag everyone !
** i WILL be adding more as time goes on. i have many many recs
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unholyhelbig · 11 months
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Requests are Currently: OPEN
[When they are open, you can request here. You can also click here if you just want to chat, or have any questions]
Buy me a coffee ☕[Fundraiser to help my mom]
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Kate Bishop x Reader
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Daisy Johnson x Reader
Wandanat x Reader
Kate Bishop x Yelena Belova
Stranger Things:
Robin Buckley x Nancy Wheeler
Pitch Perfect:
Beca Mitchell x Chloe Beale
Emily Junk x Aubrey Posen
Pitch Perfect Horror Week
Warrior Nun:
Ava Silva x Sister Beatrice
Wednesday Addams x Enid Sinclair
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Request Rules:
DO NOT INTERACT with my work if you are not 18+. While most of the stuff that I write isn't NSFW, there are violent themes and I will block you if this rule is broken.
There are a lot of prompts in my inbox, and while I try to get them done in a timely matter, I do have a lot going on most times, so I will post when I post.
While I try to keep my fanfiction gender neutral, some of it will be directed towards she/her or she/they pronouns as that is how I identify and it's hard to break that habit. Mostly gender neutral though!
There are a few things I won't write (Trigger warning for these): Pregnancy, Self-harm, Suicide, or anything underage.
I prefer requests that have a little bit of wiggle room. Sometimes it's hard to conceptualize a longer plot and include everything. I'm not talking about one word prompts here, but I'd like it to be less than a paragraph if possible.
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p-taryn-dactyl · 2 years
Fail-Safe (2)
a/n: hi!! I'm so sorry for the wait, life hasn't been the nicest recently lol. I hope this ok!!
tag list: @sunshadesnrainbowz @wandaromamoff69 @tintedrose12 @m-12344
word count: 1.4k
prompt: Dreykov always had a back up plan, a fail safe, in case his empire fell. You grew up with Yelena and Natasha in the Red Room. But unlike your sisters, who became an Avenger or the greatest child assassin respectively, Dreykov had a different purpose for you. Now that he was gone, you were released from your cage - to hunt down the ones responsible for the death of the Red Room.
pairing(s): yelena belova x dark!sister!reader; kate bishop x dark!reader (not romantic); antonia dreykov x dark!reader
warning(s)/notes: mentions of murder; experimentations; Dreykov being a crap individual; mentions of AoS plot lines; crappy writing; Y/N shows emotions briefly and hates it, does not recommend
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Laura laughed out loud at the face you made once trying your latte, a free one you had received once being the one hundredth customer of the week. She covered her mouth with her hand as you glared at the offensive beverage, your guard lowered for a second. Clearing your throat, you pushed the drink away from you on the table and leveled your gaze on Laura, your objective once more ringing through your mind. You took on an inquisitive expression, feigning the appearance of something stalling in your mind. You picked up the coffee Barton’s wife had bought you, not the disgusting one you wanted to throw out the window, and took a sip before asking a question.
“Barton, Barton - why does that name sound familiar?” You made sure to keep your voice lowered, as to not get the attention of the other patrons in the cafe, and to give Laura a false sense of security. The woman smiled softly, taking a drink of her own coffee before answering.
“Probably from my husband, he’s a bit popular around this city.”
You let your eyes widen, brighten at her words. You snapped before pointing at her excitedly.
“Hawkeye! I wish I could’ve seen the battle of New York, I’ve heard it was a spectacle.”
Laura smiled at the child like excitement in your voice. Truth be told, you didn’t have to feign the emotion in your tone, some part of you truly wished you could’ve seen your sis- the Avengers in action. Laura’s phone beeped and she opened her message, looking at you with an apologetic look.
“My daughter,” she explained, waving her phone in the air, “something to do with a school project. Can we exchange numbers? I would love to continue this sometime.”
Something blossomed in your chest at the warmth in her tone but you were quick to squash it. With a quirk of your lips, you wrote your number down on a napkin, handing it to Laura. The woman nodded in thanks before waving back to you and walking away. You waited a few moments before getting up, taking the offensive coffee and marching over to the barista, who looked at you with false happiness.
“Hello ma’am, how may I-” he didn’t get to finish his words, as you focused on the gravitational pulls around his throat. You watched as his face turned red, his hands grasping at his neck, clawing at the skin. Calmly, you set the latte down on the counter and watched in amusement as the barista fell to the ground. Adjusting your jacket, you spun around, a panicked look on your face.
“Someone call an ambulance!”
Soon there was a crowd of people surrounding the barista, voices rising through the air as someone tried to get a hold of 911. You meandered away, your footsteps light as you made your way down the sidewalks of New York City.
“Sir, I wouldn’t recommend using her just yet - our other test subjects have been destroyed by the mere pressure this element puts on their bodies-”
Dreykov raised a hand to stop the scientist, his eyes trained on you as you sat curled up in a corner. You were shaking, pain still coursing through your body days after the last experiment, where your bones were covered in an indestructible substance. But that’s not what haunted your mind, not the burning of your bones or the heaviness that laced your body. No, what haunted you was the look on Yelena’s face before she was knocked out. She looked shocked to see you, shocked to see what Dreykov was doing but not…concerned. She looked like she didn’t care, like you didn’t matter.
Natasha was always the favorite sister.
Dreykov motioned for you and with heavy movements you stood up, making your way to the man. The scientist watched you with an apology in her eyes. You didn’t know what that meant. You were led down a hallway, Dreykov’s hand on your back - guiding you. Once inside a heavily armored room, Dreykov led you to a small chamber. You eyed the vials of levitating darkness with contempt, not wanting to feel anymore pain.
“Now, my georgin, this will only last a moment, then you will taste power only the strongest of men have feasted upon,” Dreykov paused, watching as the contempt into your eyes faded away, still lingering with fear but now drowning in a thirst that was reflected in his own. He raised a hand to move your chin so you were looking at him. 
“The…others who were gifted with this opportunity were weak, they crumbled under the weight of what was expected. They disappointed me. But, you won’t, will you, my rising feniks?” 
You set your chin, determination flooding your veins. The weighted material coating your skeleton felt lighter, no more holding you down but fueling your strength as you made your way into the chamber. As the door shut, you held back a hiss at the pinpricks of pain on your arms and legs from the needles. You saw Dreykov watching you, then you watched as he nodded to the scientist in your peripheral vision, and you closed your eyes. Focusing your breath, you steadied your heart, desperate not to show weakness. When the vials emptied into your system, you almost bit your tongue off with the force of your teeth. 
But you didn’t scream.
Oh no, you didn’t scream.
After a few moments, the pain disappeared, melting away as energy surged through you, whispers flooding your mind. It felt…empowering. 
It started with a chuckle, a mere movement of your shoulders in amusement, then it grew into a roar of laughter bursting from your lips. 
If this was the price of pain, you would thrive in its riches.
The street was crowded with bystanders, all panicking with the sight before them. Pushing through the crowd, Yelena felt her heart beating rapidly in her chest. 
It was you, she knew it was. 
The description that Kate and Clint had given her of the victim’s body only further proved her thoughts to be true. A young man with a crushed throat but no signs of force on his skin. His eyes popping out of the sockets with the amount of force used to destroy his airway, his face a disturbing gray while the rest of his body an unnerving natural shade. 
The two archers opted to stay behind at Kate’s apartment, hoping to find a way to track you down. But Yelena knew there was only one true way to catch you, someone who was equally as close to Dreykov as you once were. Someone, who could hopefully win in a fight against you, even with all your advantages. Yelena made it to the front of the crowd, where she saw the EMTs load the body into a truck, the police keeping everyone back as their CSI desperately searched the scene for any evidence. 
“They’re not going to find anything,” a voice rang out next to Yelena, accented and rough, “Even if she didn’t have her powers, it’s what we’re taught- to not leave a trace.” 
Yelena turned toward the other woman, nodding her chin in greeting. Antonia, once known as Taskmaster, nodded her own in return. She set her gaze towards the ambulance, ignoring the stares from others at her burn marks. 
“This is her second, da?” 
Yelena nodded, sighing as she rubbed her brow with her hand, curling it into a fist in frustration. 
“She’s playing with me, Antonia, leaving a note at Lana’s house, walking around the city, hiding in plain sight. It’s exhausting.” 
Antonia shrugged, a humorless smirk pulling on the edges of her lips. 
“I wouldn’t take it personally. You and Natasha killed my father and now that Natasha is out of the equation, you’re the only loose string left- excluding your parents.” 
Yelena turned her full attention to Antonia, question in her eyes. Antonia sighed, turning her body to face Yelena.
“Y/N is Dreykov’s fail-safe, Yelena, his avenger. You killed him, you’re her target. This,” she waved a hand towards the crime scene, “is just fun and games for her, none of it matters. This ends with your blood staining her hands. It’s what she’s programmed to do.” 
Yelena swallowed, sharp pains tugging at her heart. She lost one sister to sacrifice and one to the exploits of a mad man. 
At least one could be easily saved. 
“Well then,” Yelena faked a smile, looking Antonia dead in the eyes, “we have our work cut out for us then. I’ll call the archers and you go get your suit.” 
Yelena watched as the ambulance drove away.
“It’s time to start playing her game.”
a/n: hi!! I hope this was worth the long wait lol...thank you for reading!!
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yikesdrama · 1 month
we’ll be fine line 🪐 — Bucky Barnes (ongoing series)
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🫶🍿🤤| athlete!bucky barnes x athlete!reader, college au.
series summary —
Dive into the chaos that is Bucky Barnes’ love life as SHIELD College’s resident playboy learns the hard way that playing games with hearts isn’t as easy as winning them on the field. Watch as he fumbles his way through falling for Y/N Romanoff, the no-nonsense, badass captain of the girls' hockey team.
One slip-up and he's on the brink of losing everything he never knew he wanted, and he's got only one shot to set it right. Expect all the highs and lows—friendship, betrayal, drama, heartbreak, and maybe, just maybe, redemption.
Because let's be real: college is just high school with more coffee and worse decisions.
Main Character Relationships -
Bucky Barnes (endgame), Natasha Romanoff (sister), Yelena Belova (adoptive sister), Tony Stark (childhood bestie), Loki Laufeyson (fling), Steve Rogers (eventual brother-in-law), Kate Bishop (eventual sister-in-law)
Character Pairings -
Bucky Barnes x Y/N Romanoff, Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark x Pepper Potts, Kate Bishop x Yelena Belova, Peter Parker x MJ, Y/N Romanoff x Loki Laufeyson
🔊 tag list is open, comment if you wanna be added!
🚫 Content Warnings in each chapter. But minors dni, if you do it's at your own risk. This work contains, 18+ content, violence, blood, death, smut, inappropriate language, mental health issues, sexual abuse, emotional pain, etc.
00. you smile like it’s no big deal
01. meet me in the hallway
02. hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect
03. tracksuit and a ponytail
04. late night talking
05. walk in your rainbow paradise
06. you're so golden
07. maple syrup, coffee, pancakes for two
08. just an arrogant son of a bitch
09. you got the antidote
10. you'll never need me again
11. we don't talk enough
12. don't you call him 'baby'
13. she lives in daydreams with me
14. we should open up
15. in a black dress, such an actress
16. just let me adore you
17. tastes so sweet, looks so real
18. my only angel
19. baby, you are the love of my life
20. we'll be alright
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