#kass the kommo-o
leilani-and-kass · 1 year
Be honest. Does anybody even want them back?
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askiceboundlopunny · 8 months
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Linda held Kass in place with a strength and grip that felt like she could break off his horn if she held any tighter, as she spoke her threat casually with an underlying irritation in her tone that was clear the mienshao's eyes.
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"Now if you're really so curious, this 'quest' wasn't my idea in the first place. And it's not about the mega stones either. But they do know that I have a few of them. Although what's it to you if they do?" She asked rhetorically as she loosened her grip a bit for the other dragon could pull himself free if he wished. "A soft little dragon like you is in no position to be judging me on anything unless you want to learn how to fly."
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asksavel · 2 years
Dravol's Army
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Species: Dragonite Name: Trailblaze Status: Alive Level: 100 Attacks: Outrage, Hyper Beam, Dragon Dance, Draco Meteor Chess Piece: Queen Location: Mt Silver
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Species: Dragonite* Status:  Alive Name: Midori Level: 100 Attacks: Mega Punch, Outrage, Dragon Dance, Dragon Rush Chess Piece: Bishop Location: Mt Silver
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Species: Flygon Status: DECEASED Name: Zippy Level: 100 Attacks: Dragon Claw, Dragon Breath, Dragon Rush, Boomburst Chess Piece: Bishop Location: Battlefield
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Species: Salamence Name: Socket Status: DECEASED Level: 100 Attacks: Double-Edge, Dragon Claw, Flamethrower, Crunch Chess Piece: Rook Location: With Dravol
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Species: Garchomp Status: DECEASED Name: Mable Level: 100 Attacks: Dual Chop, Dragon Rush, Dig, Bulldoze Chess Piece: Knight Location: Nearby
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Species: Haxorus Status: DECEASED Name: Axel Level: 100 Attacks: Lock On, Guillotine, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Claw Chess Piece: Knight Location: Battlefield
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Species: Kommo-o Status: Returned to blog. Name: Kass Level: 100 Attacks: Clanging Scales, Sky Uppercut, Flamethrower, Poison Jab Chess Piece: Rook Location: Unknown
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Species: Druddigon Status: DECEASED Name: Blocks Level: 100 Attacks: Outrage, Superpower, Slash, Dragon Claw Chess Piece: Pawn Location: Battlefield
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Species: Hydreigon Status: DECEASED Name: Dip Level: 94 Attacks: Nasty Plot, Dragon Rush, Crunch, Outrage Chess Piece: Pawn Location: Battlefield
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Species: Haxorus Status: DECEASED Name: Cruncher Level: 87 Attacks: Dragon Pulse, Dragon Claw, Crunch, Body Slam Chess Piece: Pawn Location: Nearby
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Species: Druddigon Status: DECEASED Name: Cranks Level: 89 Attacks: Superpower, Outrage, Iron Head, Crunch Chess Piece: Pawn Location: Nearby
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Species: Goodra Status: DECEASED Name: Gloop Level: 75 Attacks: Aqua Tail, Muddy Water, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Breath Chess Piece: Pawn Location: Nearby
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Species: Noivern Status: DECEASED Name: Boombox Level: 68 Attacks: Wing Attack, Hurricane, Boomburst, Dragon Pulse Chess Piece: Pawn Location: Ocean Floor
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Species: Dragapult Status: DECEASED Name: Gremlin Level: 70 Attacks: Hex, Dragon Rush, Phantom Force, Dragon Dance Chess Piece: Pawn Location: Battlefield.
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Species: Druddigon Status: DECEASED Name: Oog Level: 72 Attacks: Outrage, Superpower, Iron Head, Crunch Chess Piece: Pawn Location: Battlefield.
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askbohemiancompany · 3 years
Kass@Weather: "Hmm... sounds like you're havin' second thoughts about this... organization, eh? Can't say I blame ya. Even I had a girl 'n a team once, I'd probably be just as torn up if I found out my girl Camilla was in the loony bin, or if my teammates pulled some shady crap. Or, well, shadier than what they did with Skull, anyway. Heh. So, what do you think you wanna do if you decide to call out your boss and turn your back on this organization for good? Not like you got much to go back to."
A sigh was the only response Weather could muster in response at first. While he was grateful for the sympathy, his bluntness over Amy's current circumstance was dulling his willingness to thank him. Still, the other dragon was not wrong to ask about his plans with the company.
"I don't think making a grand stand calling out Freddy for hiring two criminals as well as his complacency with the crimes of the person he managed to piss off is going to be a smart move for me. All that will happen is I will be killed and nothing will come of it."
The dragonite shrugged. "Honestly, I think the smart solution will be to just quit outright. I cannot stay here anymore. Though I intend on having something done about Gwen and Grohl. I want to see both to face their crimes."
As he thought this over, he had to explain how to justify this. "I understand they committed crimes a long time ago and that I am complacent in crimes on Freddy's behalf. However, he gaslit me for years, doing nothing to investigate into my past. I cannot be held accountable for my crimes. If you saw what I did in the files I have on those two, you would understand. Both of them need to be dealt with."
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askthepathfinder · 3 years
Kass@Zaitsev: "So, you're the only one of these 'pathfinders,' eh? Hmm... I guess I should point out the Copperajah in the room here. If you're the only one doin' this pathfinding gig nowadays, what the hell happened to all the others?" The Kommo-o grinned smugly. "Although... lookin' at how badly you were bloodied by that Garchomp, I can probably guess what happened. Your friends couldn't have been all that if they let some wild Pokemon get the better of 'em. Hahahahah!!"
Zaitsev listened to the Kommo-o, but hearing what was said made him untie his pathfinder bandana that lay around his neck took it off. He put it away before facing the Kommo-o and, his aura glowed had enough of this Kommo-o laughing.
"I have been near death and carried the fallen out and, yet you think it's funny...to laugh at those that risked their lives to save others you...pathetic dragon!" He yelled and was now really furious to the point that he was not in the mood for this.
"Get out now and take your scale butt somewhere else." He said as the only warning he was giving the Kommo-o.
@leilani-and-kass (Kass has pushed zaitsev past his limit)
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brokenpokeworld · 3 years
Kass@Riley: "Hmph. For a Purrloin, you're pretty tough, aren't ya? Don't see that every day. Your kind ain't found in Alola, so I just thought your kind spent all their time skulkin' around Castelia lookin' for scraps, not really something built for fighting. So, shrimpy, how'd ya get strong enough to take on a bunch of bandits like that all by yourself?"
Riley just stared up at the much larger dragon.
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Without another word, the purrloin leapt vertically to strike Kass’s face and bring the kommo-o a lot closer to eye level. His hands and feet still had a peculiar energy when he landed.
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He started to turn and leave before remembering he didn’t actually answer.
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teamnextgen · 3 years
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“But yes... it was pretty rough throughout my childhood. I understand if being blood related to an assassin deters anyone from interacting with me. So.. thanks for lending an ear.”
- Eugene @leilani-and-kass
(Previous related post)
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distortedhaven · 3 years
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“Mmm, like I said before I really don’t kn-” Rem starts but stops as they spot another visitor. They get an uneasy feeling as they look over at the bigger Pokemon.
He doesn’t look too happy.
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“I- well I..” Rem starts, feeling nervous about the glaring Pokemon. Why is looking at them like that? They haven't done anything bad! And what is he talking about? "I don't know w-what you're talking about! T-thats not a sword! Its.... it's something from a Pokemon or something!
And I don't really know a lot about it! The one who does is..." Rem's eyes widen as they stop talking. The young fusion looking behind the Kommo-o.
Kass can feel it before he looks, a glare burning into his back. A growing light flashes behind him before returning to a soft glow. As Kass turns to look a stern voice speaks. "I will tell you this once do not treat my child in such a manner, they have done nothing to deserve this mistrust."
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[The Judge] Fragment stares into Kass' good eye, the 'beach ball' now in a larger, clearly Pokemon form. Transparent as he may be its clear as day what his form is. "They have not been taught the full history of the objects. One that they are too young for."
"Ooh, a title came out." Whispers the young fusion as they watch from a distance.
"If you want to know the truth, I might be willing to tell. But only if you keep this attitude to yourself." [The Judge] Fragment continues, not visibly reacting to Rem's comment. "But not here, not in front of Remnant."
( @leilani-and-kass )
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askappos · 3 years
Kass@Necrotwo: "Hmm. It must've hurt, having those black things fused to you, huh? Typical of some humans, havin' to decide to play Arceus and do things like that to Pokemon like you. I mean, what's the point of even puttin' those things on ya anyway? Do they even do anything to make you stronger?"
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"When I was born, I had no external crystals. However, I had internal ones that grew into my external ones over time."
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"A little bit of research later, and it was revealed it is simply the way how such great amounts of Necrozma genes affect the DNA. Those with even a little amount also have an internal crystal, but it never grows."
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leilani-and-kass · 2 years
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ask-casteliabounce · 3 years
Kass@Pasha: "Wait, you deadlift? Hah! I did stuff like that back on Alola for training! 'Course, I was a Hakamo-o back then so I wasn't as strong as I am now. And if you're workin' on cars, you must be pretty strong, huh? So, what's the most you've ever lifted, big guy?"
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[ @leilani-and-kass ]
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theshiftryclan · 3 years
Kass@Ludovit: "So, Gramps, you've trained others before trainin' this squirt, eh? Heh, if you've been at it as long as you say, you must have trained some powerful Pokemon. But I bet they're nothing I couldn't handle HAHAHAH!! Who's the strongest Pokemon you've ever trained? I bet they'd be fun to spar with."
Ludovit: Slightly angered by the Kommo-o’s cockiness. He glares at Kass. “That would be my third member, Leto. Hes loyal enough to stay in this dying clan. Hes a Hariyama-Medicham hybrid and he is probably the strongest student I know and one thats still alive.” He goes outside of the tree. “He’s currently in the Isle of Armor, recruiting new students for me. I owe a debt of gratitude to him.” He goes back inside and looks at Kass. “For all I know he’s defeated stronger than you.” He said rather proudly ( @leilani-and-kass )
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greedentstripes · 3 years
Kass@Nick: "Hmm. Greedent with a bit of Gumshoos in you, huh? Kid, you're gonna hit like a truck if you keep trainin', I know both of those species are pretty tough on the physical side. But you don't seem to know any moves from the Gumshoos side of ya, do you? Is there a specific move from Gumshoos you'd like to learn?" The large Dragon type thinks for a bit. "Ya know, the Totem Gumshoos I fought on Akala Island knew some pretty tough moves. Hyper Fang, Thrash, think it even knew one of those elemental fang moves. Maybe one of those?"
(Nick nodded) I've been interested in Hyper Fang, actually. Crunch those teeth deep in there and make it hurt just like my Dad could! Even if it's a pesky rock- or steel type pokemon, a good hyper fang can still get in there without chipping or breaking!
(Nick) And as for those elemental fang moves, my mom knows Fire Fang. As it would be, Greedent can already learn those with TMs.
(Nick begins to look like he's thinking, rubbing his paw against his chin) Actually, speaking of which, I've also been interested in another move. It's another TM move, actually, it's a Technical Record move - that's something the rest of the world refers to as TMs, cuz they only can be used once, and from what i've heard, it's extremely powerful, but it takes a lot of strength out of you, so it's probably best used in a team with someone who knows Haze, or if you're on your own, saved for a finisher.
(Nick smiles looking upward at Kass) Actually, if i'm not mistaken, it's probably something you can learn too! It's called Superpower! A fighting type move, fit for a fighting dragon like yourself or a tanky squirrel like me! If I find a couple of TR-39s, would you want one? I bet a guy like you could punch craters into the earth with it!
*** A faint fighting spirit may be detectable in Nick's eyes. It's hardly there, but he seems to know his stuff.
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askbohemiancompany · 3 years
Kass@Urami: "Hmph. Big tough-guy assassin with a difficult past. Pokemon like you were a dime a dozen back in the old Team Skull days. Or at least, Pokemon who thought they could be like you. Most of 'em were wimps, though." The large dragon shrugs. "Anyway, enough about that. You seem like you're pretty capable of gettin' what you want by yourself. What made a guy like you decide to join up with the Delphox? Just revenge against that walkin' pile of noodles.. or is there something else?"
A dime a dozen? This mon needed to pick his next words carefully. This pile of scales talked a lot of smack for someone who hung out with a bunch of loser pokemon and trainers that dropped out of some dumb ritual.
As the dragon talked however, he was talking dirt on other mons. The swampert was going to keep the Team Skull knowledge in his back pocket. Needed to have a sick burn during a potential argument.
"See the answer if really simple. Initially I was actually hired by the pinsir to kill someone who tried to rip the alliance off on a huge sum of cash. So leaving the impression I did he hired me on full time. Chung and Haines being in an alliance I joined her by proxy. I joined because it paid well and I still can work freelance."
The swampert folded his arms as he recalled the awkward girafarig phase of his employment with the Alliance. "At first I could not go after Grohl because at the time the Bohemian Company was a main force for Haines and they themselves were under contract." A grim smile crept on his face. "Then Lenox screwed the pooch, forced an end to the contract and now I can hunt Grohl to my heart's content. Believe me I have plans for killing that little bitch.”
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pmd-waveringfate · 3 years
Kass@Okko: The Kommo-o looms in front of Okko, trying to look as menacing as possible."Hey there, Wimpy. So... why would you want to to be turned back into a human anyway? I ain't got nothing against humans, so long as they aren't abusive assholes, of course. But as a Pokemon, you could be much stronger, after you've toughened up a bit. You could get back at that bully who was chasin' ya, for a start. Just imagine seein' the look on their face as you throw them 'round and 'round with your mind!"
Upon seeing the larger mon Okko immediately moved back a bit almost falling over
"W-Well for starters my family and friends wouldn't recognize me...."
Okko backs up a bit more not wanting to get close to Kass
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"A-And I don't want to get back at my bullies like that! Then I'd be just as bad as they are....."
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owlidoodles · 4 years
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thank you for following my blog!!!
love, #1 Kass Fan
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