#karrueche fanfic
theesirenteller · 11 months
I've got two ideas for a Letty Fanfic.
[Let it be noted that she'll be 18 in both]
Vote Below pls & Thanks
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Letty X Roommate!Ofc ; in which they're best friends to lovers trope, mentions of the Mayans drama, scamming, etc
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Letty x Older!Biker gang leader, where she works for the leader as a 'runner' ; but falls in love with the leader all the whole the all female biker gang is against the Mayans & the sons
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whatineedfanfic · 7 years
~Thirty Seven~
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"Karrueche Tientrese Tran, where the hell have you been?!"
I sighed deeply rubbing my forehead as Mom came over to embrace me. I mean I expected this but damn , I was not ready for all this yelling. I walked in and saw two police officers and knew this was some shit. Mom kept checking me and examining if I was all right while asking a million questions and Dad did the same. I looked back at Ro and cleared my throat pushing them.
"Guys, I'm fine." I groaned slightly pushing them away. "I brought someone with me though." Their eyes landed on Ro and Dad looked shocked as Mom was just shook.
"Rozonda." Dad breathed coming closer to her.
Ro seemed as if she wanted to cry but didn't. "Dad."
The front door opened and we all looked towards it. It was Chris with a mix of fear and sadness on his face. Once his eyes landed me, he was calmed. I felt a sting of guilt because he must've been like this the whole time I was gone. My poor baby.
"Chris...." I whispered frozen in place.
"Kae...." He came closer to me and once he closed the gap, Chris hugged me tight and repeatedly kissed my forehead.
"Thank God you're ok!" Chris pecked my lips and he changed from worried to angry. "I was worried sick about you! Where have you been? What have you been doing? Why did you leave? Why didn't you tell me?" Then he pulled me in closer. "Karrueche, don't leave me like that again! That was the scariest shit I've ever experienced!"
My mom spoke up. "I thought....you knew where she was..."
"Does it look like I did?" He glared then looked back at me. "Baby, I love you and I'm so sorry for what happened before you disappeared. Where did you go?"
"So this must be the boyfriend. Hi I'm Rozonda or Ro, I'm Karrueche's half sister." Ro stretched her hand towards him. Chris awkwardly shook her hand then looked back at me.
"Kae, you didn't tell me you had a half sister."
"Look you two need to catch up while I need to do the same with my daddy and step mommy." Ro practically push us out the door. It was Chris and I on the doorstep and immediately there was a silence.
"Start talking, Kae." Chris stared at the ground. I sighed deeply.
"Look, you know how my parents are trying to move me away. I don't want to leave you, Chris. So I looked up my half sister who lives in Tappahannock and went to convince her to let me stay with her. This was the only way." I opened the plastic container I was holding giving him a shy smile. “You want some chicken?”
He ignored it even though I know he really wanted the chicken. "You couldn't just call her?"
"I didn't have her number, Chris. Just her address."
Chris chuckled sarcastically. "But the million dollar question here is why did Honey know this but not me, your boyfriend?"
What the fuck, Honey?!
"Karrueche, do you even understand how I feel that you not only disappeared but you told her and not me?! Am I not good enough?! Did you not trust me?! What is it, Kae?!" I flinched at his final statement and began to stutter.
"Baby, I knew you would try to stop me or come with me. I couldn't let you mess up my plan."
"What?!" Chris yelled causing tears to form in my eyes. Why is he so mad? I did this for him. For us. I swallowed hard wiping my tears.
"Chris, calm down."
"Why the fuck should I? My girlfriend not only disappeared without a word, but hold up! She did say a word! To fucking Honey and not me! Karrueche, you can't say I don't deserve to be upset! You basically showed me that you couldn't trust me."
"I didn't say that!" I screamed.
"But you fucking did! Through your actions!" Chris scoffed getting off my doorstep and walking away as tears rolled down my cheeks.
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I got one question.
Who the fuck does August think he is?
This nigga denies our child, abandons me during my pregnancy, and now has the nerve to try to be a good father? My son is in the damn ICU fighting for his damn life due to him being premature and he lays this bullshit on me. Not only must i worry about the condition of my son, I gotta worry about a fucking court date. I’m only 18. God help me. 
I was speechless when August said that and walked out the room. I looked back at my baby Nicky in his incubator one more time before exiting the room and being faced with my sister.
“So how’s my nephew?” Heather asked looking in my eyes to detect any emotion. 
I shrugged slightly and looked through the translucent screen. “Doctors say he’s doing pretty ok but soon they have to remove the breathing tube to see if he can breathe on his own.” 
Heather squeezed my shoulder coming next to me. “And he will breathe on his own. God got us.” 
I scoffed turning to take a seat and put my face in my hands. “God don’t like me, Heather. I’ve been a shitty person to everyone and now he’s punishing me through my son.......and August.” I sighed at his name.
Her eyebrows knitted together in confusion. “What do you mean? Are you still salty August’s the fath-”
“No!” Heather stepped back at my outburst. “I’m “salty” because August is taking me to court for full custody of Nick!”
“But you wanted to give Nick up for adoption. Instead of him going to strangers, he’s going to his dad. What’s the problem, Jazz? Not to sound harsh, but you didn’t want him.” 
I stood up out of my chair with anger evident. “Ok I did! I’m 18! I freaked out! However, there’s no way in hell August is taking him!”
“So are you gonna do?” Heather asked with her arms folded across her chest.
I turned to give her a wry smile. “I’m gonna beat his ass in court. Nick is coming home with me.”
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Wifey: Chris, come on!
Wifey: Babyyyyyy
Wifey: Please talk to me. 
Wifey: Christopher, you can be mad at me but you’re not leaving me. You got me fucked up if you think that.
I couldn’t help but smirk at that last message but I quickly wiped it off my face. I haven’t spoke to Kae in 2 days since she came back so this, Ladies and Gentlemen, is her routine whenever I’m upset with her. Well, it’s my routine too. We’re both Tauruses.
But on a more serious note, she can’t blame me for being angry with her. Baby girl disappeared, didn’t say shit, got me worrying my balls about her, and just gonna show up like “Hey! You want some chicken?” Like hell yeah I want some chicken, but I really want to know why the fuck you up and leave me like that? I would just really like her to put herself in my shoes. If I disappeared without word and showed up like a black Houdini with some chicken, she’d rock my shit and eat the chicken.
Anything could’ve happened to her and I wouldn’t have a clue, but she’s acting like I’m tripping.
This woman is persistent. I glance at my phone.
Wifey: Good night, baby. Even though you’re angry with me.
I sighed locking my phone and turning over to go to sleep.
“So, Chris,” Honey plopped a seat between me and Ty looking straight at me. “When are you going to talk to Kae?” 
I glared at Honey and bit into my fry. I gave her the ultimate look saying “Fuck off” and looked at Ty saying to collect his girl. 
“Uh, baby. Chris is still upset about the thing” Ty cleared his throat while grabbing her waist. Honey rolled her eyes scoffing. 
“Chris, it’s been 3 days.” 
I got up from the table and discarded my trash in the trash bins. I met Kae’s gaze as I turned to leave the cafe. She slowly got up and approached me and I wanted to walk away from her. She gets a nigga tight, She managed to push every one of my fucking buttons, but I can’t walk away from her. No matter how much she hurt me. 
This girl will be the fucking death of me.
Kae stared at her interlocked fingers before looking straight up at me. “Hey.”
No response. 
She sighed. “I realize you’re still upset but if you want to, I need help moving into Ro’s place. The boys are gonna be there helping  and i figured my boyfriend would want to help too.” She shrugged staring up at me sheepishly. “If I still have one....”
You make my balls itch but I still love your ass.
I thought it but i’m not going to say it. Yeah my ass is being petty. I didn’t hear her for a while, Why should she hear mine?
“I haven’t seen you for days, Chris. I miss you so much” Kae whispered.
Go find Honey and tell her this. Since you can’t tell me shit.
“Please just say something. At least let me know you’re gonna be there.”
I want to be there but you keep pushing me away when I get close
Once again, I remained silent. I turned around and walked out of the cafe putting my hood over my head.
Later on that day, I decided to go over Kae’s sister’s place. Part of me wants to help Kae with this big change but the other part is so fucking pissed and hurt. I parked a block away and watched my friends help Kae with her stuff moving in. My feet wouldn’t allow me to get out and help. 
She left me. She left me freaking out and worried. We were not even on god terms when she left. Does she have any damn idea how guilty I felt knowing I said what I said and she disappeared the next day? And she told Honey like I’m not her damn boyfriend, I can’t walk up there and act like we ain’t got no fucking issues because we do. It’s not just this situation. It’s the situation of ever since she brought her ass back to Tappahannock. She somehow always finds a way to push me away.
I put my car in drive and stepped on the gas.
I got pushed too far now.
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I breathed deeply and continued up the pathway to Chris's house. He hasn't spoken to me in days. He was nowhere to found when I needed help to move into my sister's place. Had to get help from Ty, Trell, and Trey. Even fucking Devante offered. Where was my boyfriend? Mad at me for doing the right thing for us.
I slowly brought my right fist to the door and banged on it with my left hand holding the stuffed Pikachu he gave us on our first date. His car was home but his mom's wasn't so I knew he was home.
"Chris, open the door!" I demanded with my voice cracking. I heard some rumbling behind the door and Chris opened the door looking tired. He folded his arms and leaned against the doorframe.
"What do you want, Karrueche?" He spat as if my name was ash in his mouth. I shook my head trying to keep my anger at bay.
"Are you gonna keep punishing me? Even though I apologized many times, you gave me the silent treatment for days, you ignore my phone calls and texts, dodge me at school, etc. You weren't even there to help me move. I just want to know if you're done now?"
Chris began to chuckle sarcastically and I rolled my eyes.
"What? Did you trust me to be there to help me move? You suddenly trust me now?"
"Oh My God! Chris, shut up! Seriously!" I burst out. "I'm sorry! I'm fucking sorry I didn't tell you! Chris, I trust you! I do! You know more about me than Honey does!"
"No you don't, Kae. And I'm not even sure if I trust you." That tore into my heart. "Chris-" "Come on. It's obvious you don't trust me. You not trusting me made me not not trust you. You could be doing anything but I can trust Honey would know. We don't trust each other. If we don't trust each other, we don't work."
"Wait what the fuck are you saying? Chris, we do work!" He shook his head.
"If we don't have trust, we don't have love."
"So now you don't love me?" I can't believe what I'm hearing. "Are we breaking up. He came In closer.
"Kae, I don't want to be in a relationship where there is no trust and im questioning everything."
Tears began to form and I sniffled. "Maybe we weren't meant to be together. Maybe just-"
Before I knew what I was doing, I threw the Pikachu hard as fuck in his face.
"WE ARE FUCKING MEANT TO BE! Fuck you Chris! I love you so much and you're telling me this bullshit! I can't believe-" I paused shaking my head. "Fuck it. I hate you." I snarled walking towards my house in anger and tears. I then stopped in my tracks and turned around returning to him. 
“No! Fuck that! I love you, Christopher and you can be mad, but you’re going to cool the fuck off and you’re going to talk me because that’s what people in relationships do. We don’t throw what we have away over some misunderstanding and miscommunication. We fucking talk. So you can be mad but you’ll always be mine and I’ll always be yours. Don’t you ever forget that.” I finished with a deep exhale and stared intensely at him.
Chris took my head gently and softly kissed my forehead. He looked down at me with a faint smile moving a hand to my waist. 
“I’d rather argue with you than be with someone else. I’m so pissed at you but I can’t let you go. I don’t know why I suggested it. I’m sorry, mama.” 
I rested my head against his chest smiling. “I’m sorry too. Now give me some sugar.” I got on my tip toes and pursed my lips. His lips met mine and everything felt alright.
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complicatedxfanfic · 2 years
Chapter 1. Dependency
   "Relax, I'm just having fun" she spat out drunkly over the blaring music. Sucking my teeth, I sat back on the couch releasing my grip on her arm and shaking my head.'Having fun' she says. she was always having fun and leaving me to watch after her sloppy ass; night after night I had to monitor her drinking, monitor her dancing, monitor everything her alcoholic ass did. If I could drink away all my problems until I passed the fuck out I would, instead I had to play babysitter to a grown ass woman. Taking a deep breath, I sighed and picked up my drink trying my best not to notice her thrashing and grinding her ass against some random nigga. It was always some random ass nigga. As much as I wanted to get up and leave her to it, we both knew she had no intention of going home with any of these men. I couldn't leave her in that situation. Even though she puts herself in the shit, she needed me. At least that's what I'm gon' keep telling myself.
    The friendship me and Key had was different than any other bond I've found myself in. My life was built on inconsistencies and temporary love; from my family, to my friends and even people I do business with. I'm used to it coming, taking all it can from me and going, but with her it was different. No matter what I had gone through, or what she was going through we always had each others back. She never wanted anything from me but my support, and I guess it was just because she'd been through the same shit.
    We weren't the kind of people you fall in love with. We have that personality that you're drawn to when you're at your lowest, then get tired of when you're back on top. She used to tell me her mom "knew" she wasn't gone be shit before she was born like some sweet childhood story. Sometimes I wonder if she realizes she's my everything though.
    I'd only looked away for a few moments, just to look back up and see her tongue halfway down the nigga's throat. Finishing my drink, I decided to let her have her fun and go find some shit to get myself into. I made sure to tap Jahron on the shoulder and tell him to keep an eye on her before making my way out of VIP, down to the bar. After pushing and shoving my way through the big sweaty crowd, I was finally able to slip over to the counter and order myself some Cognac. This night was supposed to be mine to enjoy, so I left all my thoughts about Keyana and her shenanigans up in our section. Grabbing a hold of my drink I let the music drown out the noise in my head.
    "You look like you got a lot on your mind" a small voice called out to me, barely audible. Squinting my eyes I tried to put a face to it through the dark club lights. That's when she laid a hand on my arm, sending a chill down my spine. As if right on cue a bright strobe light shone on her face revealing a beautiful smile and bright hazel eyes. "Dancing always makes me feel better.."
  Smirking I shook my head sipping my drink. "I'm not much of a dancer.." I admitted looking down and trying to study her face, hope the light would flash on her again. "I wouldn't want your first impression of me to be tainted" I joked as she offered a grin in return. "I'm Bryson".
   She paused for a moment, looking as if she was trying to make a connection in her head before giving my hand a light tug taking a step backwards. "Come dance with me Bryson" she urged making me set down my drink before it slipped out my hand. I didn't even bother protesting again, so with that we were in the middle of the floor swaying to the music. She was small and petite. My broad hands searched her body as she moved against me, making sure to feel every curve as my mind made out an image of her. Without even being able to see her like I wanted to, I knew I was lucky to be in her presence.
She tossed her long jet black hair off of her shoulders as her arms snaked around my neck pulling me closer to her. "Lets get out of here.." she whispered against my ear. Her sweet voice drowned out all o the club noise as I gripped her tiny waist. She was so close I could feel her lips moving as she spoke, her breath rolling against my neck.
   "I don't even know your name" I said in response, feeling her lips curl at the corner into a grin. She pressed her body against mine starting to grind slowly as if to persuade me. Biting my lip, my hands slowly slid down to her firm ass giving it a slight squeeze. I could feel myself giving in; she didn't even have to try. Just as I fixed my lips to give her exactly what she wanted a commotion dragged us back to reality. Everybody's attention was up at the balcony and I could feel my temperature rising. "Sorry babygirl, I gotta go" I announced letting her slip out from my grasp as I marched back up to my section.
  By time I got back security was breaking up two men damn near wrestling on the floor. My eyes instantly searched for Key, who was standing on the couch trying to hold herself up. And of course one of the men being carried out of the section was Jahron. Huffing, I grabbed Keyana by the arm and led her out the club briskly. I could see her struggling to keep her balance and slowed down once we made it out the door. Another fucking night ruined by her bullshit.
 "What just happened in there!?" I shouted once we made it to the car. She leaned against the passenger door trying to catch her stability. "Ayo. I'm talking to you" I shout again, straightening her up and holding her against the car. "I walk away for two fucking seconds and you're up there causing fucking trouble, what if something would have happened to you"
   "Can we please just go..." she managed to get out reaching forward and wrapping her arms around me closing her eyes. I stiffened up, only for a moment before giving in feeling her head nestled against my chest. I could hear her soft sniffles as she clung onto my shirt. Of course all it took was some crocodile tears to break me down. Kissing her on her forehead I sighed heavily giving her a tight squeeze.
      "Come on, lets get you in the car" I say calmly, pulling her forward so I could get her door opened and help her into the seat. The ride back to the hotel was silent. I turned on the radio and she laid her head against the window nodding off the whole time.
      Once we made it, I got out of the car first grabbing a jacket out the back to cover her up in. She clung onto me, stumbling and dozing off the entire trip between the car and the room. I didn't even bother asking a second time about what had happen, just something I would have to ask Jahron in the morning. Once I got her in the room safely I sat her on the bed helping her out of her shoes. As always she used this time to draw me in. Everytime my fingertips touched her skin she let out a soft sigh, and everytime I pulled away she'd fidget and squirm. Like she needed to be touched; like her skin was on fire and the cool touch of my hands would give her release.
       I tried to ignore it but by time I'd gotten her down to her underwear, she'd sunken her claws into me. "Stay the night with me" she whispered taking my face into her hands. I bit my lip as her eyes searched mine pulling me closer to her as she tried to lay back on the bed.
"That's not a good idea Key-"
"Please.." she interrupted me leaning in letting her lips brush against mine. "I don't want to sleep alone tonight.." she said biting into her lip, one of her strawberry colored curls falling between our faces. Just like that I found myself searching for a way out. I planted my hands on the bed beside her hips pulling away slowly.
"I can't keep doing this Keyana.." I said shaking my head. She leaned in closer, the lips that'd just been locked with someone else's were now against mine, begging for attention.
      I could hear her voice cracking as she whispered against my pursed lips, "just one more time".  I could feel all my inhibition breaking down as her soft lips planted a kiss on the corner of my mouth. Leaning in I crashed my lips against hers as her hands dropped down pushing my jacket off of my shoulders and to the floor. I gripped one of her legs pushing her further onto the bed as I hovered above, passion oozing into our kiss. It's like no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't fight it. She knew what she did to me, she knew she could never give me what I really wanted from her, and still she snatched my jeans down from my hips and took my member in her hand like it belonged to her. And how could I ever tell her it didn't?
      It was only moments before I was inside of her, feeding into my cravings. Falling into her trap. I grabbed her hips and thrust into her with frustration. As our bodies collided she clung onto me as she always did, begging for more. Begging for me. Here I was telling myself once again, She needed me.
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alishadaily-blog · 6 years
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Current Stories:
Down To Ride (Completed)
Down To Ride 2 (Completed)
Until It’s Gone | Dave East (Completed)
Nobody’s Smiling (Active)
Love Under Contract (Active)
Wait For You (Active)
Memories Faded (Active}
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adaptationff · 8 years
+iii. art triangle.
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"Hello this is the Singh's residence, you've reached our voicemail. We're not in right now, but if you'll leave a message we will get back to you shortly." Beep.
Azura pressed her freshly manicured finger on the red decline touch screen button on her phone, deciding upon not leaving a voicemail on her parents' house phone for the second time that day. It was becoming harder for her to keep up with all the lies and the things she wasn't telling them about her personal life, that each time she brought up the courage to tell them over the phone, she grew just as discouraged when they wouldn't answer.
Maybe it was a sign that it wasn't her time to tell them the full truth, however Zuri just hoped they wouldn't find out until she told them and didn't hear it from anyone else. 
Her hangover, the misstep she had with Nasir and the boundary they both crossed was gladly several weeks behind her. She couldn't deny the feelings of loneliness settling into heart every time Nasir and Reign had their scheduled day, but as along as it settled down confrontations between the three of them she would learn to accept it. Besides that she had way more important things to worry about than to allow her mind to drift off to ideas of what they could be doing behind close doors.
Whenever she had off days from work or after it, majority of her time was spent writing up various essays and studying for pop quizzes in her art history courses at UCLA. Courses she didn't actually need to take since her focus was on fashion, but it added to her interest in art in general.
Grabbing her keys and her favorite Betsey Johnson crossbody bag from her yellow slightly beaten down Volkswagen Beetle, Azura headed into the warehouse building Reign frequently held indoor photo shoots. Today was her scheduled day to spend half the time with Reign until later when the three of them would be together for Nasir's opening of his art gallery.
Azura took in the appearance of the first guy she seen as she stepped off of the makeshift elevator once it made it to the second floor and gave him a shyly smile. She could hear the sound of camera flashes and some Major Lazer song she couldn't identify the title of blaring behind the black curtains dividing the room.
"Um, hi? I'm here to see Reign."
The guy turned around at the sound of her voice and his eyes grew wide as if he knew her or something. It made her slightly uncomfortable, but then again it was a known feeling she always had whenever she was meeting someone new. "Oh you must be the sweet little dandelion that Reign's always talking about."
His voice went from a low octave to a high pitch in a millisecond as he pushed the curtains back. "Reign, your girl is here!"
"Zuri? Come on back here babe!"
Upon Reign's request, Azura nodded thankfully toward the guy she still didn't know his name as she went through the curtains being held opened for her and found Reign in the middle of the floor taking a few last shots of some girl posing in front of a white backdrop.
Right away she felt out of her element with the thousand of eyes planted right on her, watching her every move. Okay that was a bit of an exaggeration, but from the makeup artist to the clothing stylist and the model, she could feel the overwhelming heat of being sized up. Fiddling with the bracelet on her left wrist that held heart charms with the initials of R, N, A; Azura stood and waited for Reign to be finished with the same girl whom she hadn't noticed was beautifully tatted up until now.
Zoned into her own thoughts, it took Reign gentle brush on her butt to bring her back into the moment where she stood with the both of them. Everyone else around them were busy packing their things up, making Azura believe that she made it in time right when it was ending.
"I'm glad I finally getting you two to meet. This is Daze Jacobs, the upcoming singer I was telling you about, and Daze this is my girlfriend Azura—well Zuri," Reign, said gesturing between the both of them.
From the look on her face, Azura could tell the surprise the girl had when Reign introduced her as the girlfriend which if anything Zuri shared the same surprise as well. They've never talked about how any of them would introduce each other if need to be, but of course it was just like Reign to take the initiative and catch people off guard.
She still hadn't had time to figure out what was the right term to define her sexuality and didn't know how it made her feel if Reign was really going around claiming her. In all honesty, it was nice feeling wanted and killed all her doubts of Reign hating her for getting closer to Nasir... for now.
"It's about time I've met you girl. Reign's been telling me how dope of a stylist you are and I was hoping I could ask you to help me out when I come out here with a gig sometime soon."
"Sure! I need to start building my resume anyway."
"'Kay, cool. My people will hook up with your people and give you the info. Can't wait to see the final edit of these photos Reign, text you later!"
Azura waved goodbye as the remaining people left right after Daze. She waited until she could hear the sound of the old elevator creaked it's way down to the first floor before turning towards Reign. "My people?" She asked, giving her an incredulous look.
"Meaning me," Reign said. Looking up from messing around with the settings on her Nikon camera, she finally met eye contact with Azura and tilted her head. "Don't give me that look, it's industry lingo and if you wanna get in that industry better get with the program."
"She's pretty."
"You're beautiful."
"Yeah, but she has this whole sexy badass vibe going on."
"And you're mine. I don't care what she has going on Zuri. Relaaax."
Azura sighed and took off her crossbody bag to drop it near her feet. She had no real reason to feel this weird spurge of jealously when Daze nor Reign gave her a feeling that something was going on between them when she walked into the room, but still there she stood feeling insecure about everything.
Her mind was on an overload for sure and watching Reign setting her camera back up on a tripod didn't help the commotion in her thoughts from creating more questions.
Before she could open her mouth to ask if anyone else was coming, Reign beat her to it and waved her hand over for Azura to step on the backdrop. "Now... Mind being my muse? For my personal collection of course."
Azura looked around in attempt to see if there was anyone left behind from the makeup and styling crew before finally speaking, "But, your whole crew is gone."
"We don't need them. My idea for this quick shoot is for your whole mind, body, and soul to be naked in front of my lens."
"Reign, I—"
"No one's here. No one's going to see you. You trust me right?"
Azura nodded quickly, not knowing what Reign really had in mind. She couldn't imagine taking off her clothes right there in the open, regardless if anyone was or not around. Reign's persuasiveness and her smile however, had Zuri toying with the end of her shirt. "Yeah Rei, I do."
"Okay, so let me just... take this off of you. We'll start slow." Taking a step behind Azura, Reign helped herself to pulling Azura's shirt off from over her head; softly kissing her shoulder before moving back to her camera. Just with that one kiss, she could feel herself releasing the tension of her shoulders, allowing goosebumps creep up along her skin.
After that moment everything about their actions with each other was sensual, from the movements Reign made frequently over to Azura and back to the tripod, the constant camera flashes in between each clothing item that fell from Azura's body by the help of Reign; until she was fully naked with only her hands to cover up the areas she didn't want to be exposed.
For what Azura assumed to be the last shot, she decided to do something different and change positions to be layed out against the floor of the black backdrop. If someone didn't know any better, they would probably believe she knew what she was doing judging by how strategically she placed her legs and arm to make sure the treasured parts of her were covered all while making the final photos look tastefully done and not cheap.
After the last click of the camera, Reign went behind the tripod as Azura looked on from her place on the floor. She hoped she were able to get some good photos in the end whether they were personal collection or not. Getting naked and the photos not being up to par would surely kick her while she was already down in the insecurity department.
All she wanted was to be looked at by Reign again the same way she did during the whole shoot and that's exactly what she got when Reign came back over to kneel down beside her.
"You're so damn beautiful Zuri," Reign said, looking into her eyes as she pushed a strand of hair behind Azura's ear. "You know that right?"
Azura slightly nodded as she looked from Reign's perfectly glossed lips to her brown eyes, slowing moving in just as she did until finally their lips met. Reign's tongue parted her lips, inviting her to taste the peppermint flavor of her lip gloss. Her heart raced in her chest from how close Reign was now hovering over her body and could feel the warmth of her face heating up all at the same.
The kiss didn't last long before Reign moved on to leaving a trail of kisses down her neck and all the way down to her belly button. Her thoughts had gone dormant for the brief moment she was in complete ecstasy by Reign's control over her body. Azura's mind was in conflict in whether she should stop her from going any further than a kiss or to lay out and enjoy it.
Her lips on the other hand, decided to let out a gasp at the feeling of Reign's hand grazing the inside of her thigh. Her body jerked in response as she opened her eyes from when they were closed and instantly grabbed Reign's hand. "What about Nas—"
"What he doesn't know won't hurt him right? I'm thirsty... You gonna let me quench my thirst Z?" With that one question, Reign took control and grabbed Azura's hand to place it on top of her head as she dived in between Zuri's smooth caramel legs.
All Azura could feel or think about was Reign's tongue exploring every inch of her walls she didn't know could be discovered with absolutely no penetration of fingers. Literally sucking the life out of her, it drove Zuri to no end with only the comfort of roughly grabbing Reign's ponytail to hold her over.
Nearly an hour later (and exactly thirty minutes late), something she didn't realize at first thanks to Azura's best friend Laila shading her as soon as she came rushing into Zara's at The Grove. The glow from being ate out a little bit beforehand, kept her blissful as they both searched through the racks for something to wear that night.
She couldn't recall how they fell into the conversation in the first place, but by the snooty looks she was getting from other customers each time Laila got loud, dimmed her glow and brought her back down to reality.
"That relationship, love triangle, polygamy-- whatever the fuck y'all calling it weird as hell. Especially Reign know her ass is hella weird for suggesting that in the first place."
Looking away from an older lady she held eye contact with over a clearance rack after Laila's outburst of vulgar language, Azura lowered her voice and hissed. "Don't."
"Well, I'm just saying—" Azura interrupted her, "And I'm telling you don't. She's my close friend and she meant well by it. I can't allow you to disrespect her in my face."
Laila stopped in front of a tall wall length mirror holding a black strapless dress up to her body and gave Azura a look when she looked up from searching through a rack. "Oh okay. You fucking her too? Or are you just playing the well pampered side chick?"
Widening her eyes, Azura placed the dress she was holding back on it's hanger and crossed her arms. "I can't believe you just said that!"
Laila flipped her curly black bouncy curls over her shoulder and shrugged. "Whatever I don't like her. And I definitely don't like the idea of you participating in some shit like that."
"Go figure. You don't like any of my friends if they're not you." "Glad you know I'm possessive as hell Zuri. I just don't like when it appears that someone is trying to get over that's all. Next time she talk out the side of her neck, tell her imma cut ha."
"Stop it," Azura demanded. "If I'm going to invite you to Nasir's opening tonight I need you to play nice. No ratchet stuff going on when I have art curators coming to check out his gallery."
"Look at you doing wifey shit for a man that ain't yours. You gon' head boo, I see ya."
"He is mine. You sound like a fuckin' hater Laila."
"Listen you know I got mad love for you. At the end of the day I only want the best for you. Remember the cousin I told you about from my father's side? I can still hook you up with him."
"Of course. I'll let you know when I want to hook up with a man with multiple baby mamas, no career goals, and living in his grandma's basement," Azura retorted, rolling her eyes. This wasn't the first time Laila had and attempted to set up her with no good dudes since the moment she became single after her first boyfriend. It was embarrassing to think Laila thought she couldn't do no better or was that desperate to be able to say she had a man.
"Now who sound like a hater? He got potential..."
"Potential my butt. Bums are not my type or worth my time."
"Nah, your type is someone already with a girlfriend. If you wanna keep playing second fiddle to a bitch be my guess. Whenever they're done experimenting and leave you out to dry on your own, all I'm gonna say is 'I told you so.'" With that Laila turned on her heel to take the only unoccupied dressing room to try on the few dresses she picked up.
Azura sat down in one of the plush arm chairs near the dressing room area defeated. She couldn't find anything she wanted to buy to dress up for the night and already decided in her head she would look deep inside her closet for something she had instead.
A part of her deep down knew Laila was right. She couldn't shake the feeling she still felt the night of her birthday where it was so easy for them to walk away from her as if she was a prop. Maybe she was just an experiment for them to explore how an open relationship would be, but Zuri still wanted to prove all the naysayers wrong no matter how the situation appeared to anyone.
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Successfully beating LA's afternoon traffic, Reign hurried into Nasir's art gallery after a hard time trying to find a suitable parking spot around the area. She was later than the time she told him she would make it there, but she had the perfect excuse for the tardiness. Not only was the traffic to blame, she'd stop at their favorite bakery shop to pick up the sweets he liked to butter him up.
With a mini bakery bag of fudgy brownies and other sweet goodies in her hand, she waved hello at the construction guys who were all standing around checking the walls and ceilings before she hopped up on the granite counters where the cash register resided.
The thought of what happened with Azura replayed in her mind like a broken tape recorder that wouldn't go no further than the playback sounds of her moaning and coming into her mouth. She didn't expect to feel all these emotions after the fact or during it, but knew she wanted to talk about it with Azura soon to see if she felt the same way. It was all confusing to her and she appreciated the distraction she would have at the opening to clear her mind.
She opened up the bag to grab a coconut bar cookie when her phone vibrated in her lap. It was a message from her friend Valerie which she decided she had time to respond before Nasir came back to put her to work. Placing the bag on the counter beside her, she dusted off her fingers from cookie crumbs and unlocked her phone to read her messages.
Bihh I can't believe the shit u just left on my voicemail. U did what with that lil girl and WHEN?
In a matter of seconds, Reign's fingers flew across the touch screen keyboard and double texted her to explain as much as she could in a message. Now that she thought about it, she regretted calling Valerie when she was the most judgemental when it came to Zuri. She always thought she had ulterior motives, which Reign fought hard to prove to her best friend that Azura was just naive in some ways and meant well.
It didn't help Valerie's opinions of her when Reign continued to bring Azura into her relationship with Nasir, however eventually Val got rid of her mean girl sorority ways and gave Azura somewhat of a chance to redeem herself.
Not much of a chance when she made it her business to throw any amount of shade she can, but Reign learned to let it roll over since technically it wasn't any of her business how her friends seen Azura or their opinion of her. She can't fight all of her battles, can she?
Listen to the voice mail again. It happened so fast...
The next thing I know she was grabbing the fuck out of my ponytail and I was trapped asf
A minute later her phone vibrated again twice with one missed call being from her sister Reyna and the other one showing Valerie had texted her back. Reign had too much going on at the moment to even want to deal with having a conversation with her sister and opted for looking at her text messages instead.
you gotta explain this to me tonight
Reign bit her lip as her finger hovered over the power button of her phone. People in her life seemed to always wanted a play-by-play whenever it seemed she was doing something out of her "character." In her eyes it was nothing to explain. What happened, happened and it wasn't like she could change it now anyway. And if she even wanted to change it was the question.
She liked it and would be opened to doing again if she knew could get away with it without Nasir finding out. It all depended on if Azura liked it as much as she did, then maybe figuring out playtime hours won't be so hard.
As soon as she typed up a message to respond back to Valerie, she caught Nasir walking in with bags from a home improvement store in his hands at that exact moment. He was occupied with the door while she quickly reread what she wrote for no typos and pressed 'send'.
No Nasir's definitely gonna be around being nosy and shit. We'll do lunch tomorrow.
She slyly slid her phone in the front pocket of her black sweats and hopped back down off the counter before he could see she was sitting on his brand new countertops; and quietly watched him as he placed his bags near the counters.
She waved her hands in his face to get his attention since he wanted to play games as if he didn't seen her standing there with her camo olive green military-styled jacket on. "Oh hello, nice for you to join us. Everyone's here before the boss man, huh?"
"I had errands to run and you're late anyway. I been opened these doors up for 'em," Nasir said. He gave her a look and to avoid any eye contact with him, she looked away down at her shoes for a brief moment. He had that deep kind of gaze Reign hated with a passion where he could find out your whole life and lies that could've been said.
Her only option to make sure he didn't figure out what she did with Azura was to avoid his eyes the whole day until he moved on to figuring something else out. But of course with her avoiding him from when he walked in, she could see his eyes narrowing a bit and silently watching her. Damn it.
"Hmm," she paused and pushed over the bakery bag to his end of the counters. "Well, I brought you some of your favorite kind of cookies. It's an assortment just how you like it in honor of your opening tonight."
"You and Z enjoyed y'all day together?" It was like he ignored everything she said and went straight in with the interrogating. He wanted to see her sweat, fumble with her words so he could catch her in a lie and someday throw it back in her face.
She knew him and he knew her. There was hardly nothing they could slide past each other and could play tit for tat for hours if they had all day. However, Reign was not in the mood and she was determined to have his mind all screwed up to the point he would stop asking questions that didn't need answers.
Reign smiled, "Mhm, she was able to see me in my element doing my job. The creative process and all the other good shit."
For a moment it felt like her answer satisfied him by the way he began pulling out measuring tapes from the bags he brought and it almost released a sigh of a relief out of her mouth. It was unfortunately short lived when he broke out a straight-forward question. "Y'all fucked?"
"Nah, I had a model there and a whole crew. Why would you ask something like that?" Reign frowned, noticing the construction guys were no longer doing their jobs and were trying to hide the fact they were eavesdropping.
One guy even had the nerve to be smiling like a Cheshire Cat and whispering to another one. It took a lot of self control in her not to call him out for being an eavesdropping pervert and instead turned her focus back to Nasir.
He shrugged. "Just asking. You know cause that's against "the rules" and I wanna make sure I'm not the only one abiding to that shit, that's all."
"Sucking on her kitty is not sex. That's not considered penetrating her with anything." She made sure to lower her voice this time, hoping Nasir would do the same thing and catch on to the fact they now had an audience following their whole conversation. Of course being who he is, he ignored the hint and continued to speak like they were in the room alone. She was starting to believe he knew and was only continuing to do it on purpose because he knew it was bothering her.
"Rei. Penetrating wit ya tongue is the same damn thing."
"Whatever. I still didn't do shit with her," she said, nonchalantly. Her first mistake was making it sound like she was justifying her actions. Little did he know that's exactly what she was doing and now she had to do some backtracking. She could see the slightest bit of a smirk on his face when he walked closer over to her.
"Let me smell ya breath."
Nudging his shoulder with her hand, she leaned back away from him. "What? Nigga if you don't get outta my face with that foolishness."
He chuckled and backed away after she nudged him. No matter how much of an ass he could be the sight of him in his grey sweats and white basic t-shirt was doing something to her. "Aight, I'll remember that the next time you try to smell my dick."
She shook her head at him for having no filter and crossed her arms. "I've never done that, why you tryna expose and wild out with these people in here Anthony?"
Turning his back on her, he went back to taking the stuff he bought out onto the counters. "Okay Tabatha."
"Shut up! Help me, help you okay?"
His third degree seemed to end once they started to work on putting the artwork on displays and on the walls, something she gladly welcomed. The main thing she had to worry about was whether something was going to slip out when all three of them were in the same room.
Only time would tell.
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fictionalfantasies · 5 years
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here is the summary of what the 5th book in #thezodiacseries is about! its all about #taurus ♉️! #fictionalfantasies #taurusseason #fanfiction #fanfic #urbanfanfiction #writersofinstagram #janetjackson #chrisbrown #karrueche #karruechetran #comingsoon https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw8wvgtBkpf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gon94fmtk8hs
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dramaqueeenamby · 6 years
I lowkey wanna start a T’Challa/Erik x Reader fanfic blog because I miss writing. 😩 I used to write chrae (Chris Brown and Karrueche. I know. That failed relationship 😓) and some dricki but idkkkkkk I’m shy about it lol idk why. I think I’m better off just reading 🤣
You should do it! If you love writing, then do it, babe! Omg I remember those Dricki fics 😂😂😂😂😂
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youngfcs · 5 years
oi Cib ♥ Cib queria q vc me desse sugestões pra um par romântico pro Barry Allen/Grant Gustin. Eu usava a Zoey Deutch mas como vou refazer a fanfic então queria reformular tudo de vez. Ela teria que ser entre 25-29 anos. POC e com bons resources. Obrigadinha!
Olá nony <3 como vai? Hmmm, irei sim! Sem problemas, só não tenho como saber se tem ou não bons resources :( Tecnicamente latinos, indianos etc, são considerados POC também, então vou dar uma misturada!
Aisha Dee Antônia Morais Nathalie Emmanuel Ryan Destiny Alia Bhatt Alisha Wainwright Cindy Kimberly Francia Raisa Ivana Baquero Jessica Sula Karrueche Tran Keke Palmer Malavika Mohanan Sivan Alyra Rose
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relationshipfanfics · 8 years
Please no
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Hi I'm india westbrook I come from a long line of drug lord and gangsters my dad is the biggest drug lord out right now and he doesn't understand how much he is putting his family through but enough about that lets talk about me welp I'm 21 and I live alone with my dogs coco and chanel they are two little yorkies like yasss I love them so much
“ok mama is going to go give you two water babies” I said to my puppies getting them water I was walking to the kitchen and all of a sudden I stepped on something wet I looked down and saw throw up no ew ew ew ew really “w;ich one of you drunk the toilet water” I yelled cleaning it up I went to go fill their food bowls and let them out while they were outside I went to put on my excersice pants and a nike sports bra because I was going for my morning run I jogged down stairs and let my children in the house and they went for their food I grabbed my iphine 6 and jogged to the door and walked outside and locked it I began my morning run all the way to the bench tree park near the apartments
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~30 mins later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I was jogging for thirty minutes but all of a sudden I felt like someone was watching me I looked around and nobody I sat down on the bench to clear my thoughts I pulled my phone out and scrolled through Instagram I looked to my side I saw someone sitting next to me I nearly jumped he laughed “hi I'm Clinton” he said he was cute really cute “hi I'm india “ I said “Westbrooks” he asked with curious eyes “um yes”I said confused he gave me some rag to wipe my sweat I took it and wiped my face and all of a sudden I felt dizzy everything went black I think I'm dead I  woke up in a cold room it had a lamp in it no windows I looked around and started calling for coco and chanel no answer what the fuck whats happening  then the door opened and Clinton walked in thank good someone to help me “ Clinton can you help me out of these hand cuffs please help me” I said concerned “my names not clinton and I'm not letting you go until yo father pays me back and while you are here you will do as told and act accordingly ight” “what do I have to do with him he doesn't care if you kill me he hates me he even tried killing me himself that's how I know your never gon get your money “ I broke down in tears “so go ahead and kill me end my life now” I said truly he looked at me with no emotion but I looked in his eyes and saw sorrow and hurt he still aint kill me “well can you atleast take me out the cuffs I promise I wont run I swear on my life “ I said truthfully he unhooked the hand cuffs I rubbed my wrist and thanked him he helped me up but I was sore so I whimpered every step I took so he picked me up bridal style and carried me to a room I out my head in his chest he opened a door and he layed me on a bed
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Chris pov
I feel bad for kidnapping shawd so I'm not gon make it bad for her I'm gon try tobe easy on her so I layed her on the bed in my room no I'm not letting her sleep alone because what if ma try to escape she pulled her pants off and got under the covers and I took my shirt and pants off and got under there with her and layed down I heard light snores and then she rolled over and wrapped her arms around my waist I pulled her close to me first thing in the morning I need to go to her house and get her some clothes and hygiene stuff and female facial things I guess oh  and her dogs she was talking about guess I'm in for a awakening oh god please no........
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whatineedfanfic · 7 years
I suggest you guys reread the last chapter so you're not confused later on........
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complicatedxfanfic · 2 years
Chapter 3. Open Invitation
     After much arguing, Key and I settled on eating at applebee's. The host complimented how beautiful she was after taking a picture with me and seating us. Of course, I had to sit through her flirt with the waitress. Typical K shit.
   "I'm just going to go ahead and say it..." I began, locking my fingers into each other and setting my closed fist on the table. She looked up at me with a hint of worry, like I was going to profess my undying love to her or some shit. Huffing I looked away from her, only a moment before holding back my laugh. "I think you're a sex addict K Cakes"
    "Pfft! What!?" She shouted out through a heavy laugh. "I thought you were going to say something serious you asshole"
  "I am serious!", chuckling I shushed her and grinned admiring her smirk. "There is not a single place we can ever go, and you not try and fuck somebody.. Including me" I couldn't help but add on the last part as she rolled her eyes. "True or false?" I asked.
     "That's not fair..."
    "It doesn't have to be fair, it's true. It ain't fair that you do me like that" I said leaning in some raising both of my bushy brows. She sighed, turning her head away with a frown. "Hey..." I call out reaching over and grabbing her hand. "You don't see me complaining do you?". To clarify I was complaining, but I knew if she knew that it would upset her.
   "If you hate it so much stop putting your dick in me then. I don't put a gun to your head" she said snatching her hand away and tucking it under her chin. I sucked my teeth and settled back against my side of the booth.
     "Keyana, I didn't mean it like that okay. I'm just joking with you..." I said as my hands slid off the table into my pocket. After ordering food and some drinks, we sat in silence. Once I finished off my burger, I asked the waitress for a to-go box then turned to Key who was still trying her best not to look at me. "I just think you need to slow down a little"
  She turned to me with a stern and unamused expression then yawned looking back away. "If you feel that way, then don't turn up in my room tonight expecting any birthday sex. Keep your lil dick in your pants" she announced in a normal tone. I wouldn't have had a problem with that if the waitress hadn't returned with my to-go box at the exact moment she said it. Key grabbed a fry off of my plate shrugging and pursing her lips.
   Scrunching my lips into a straight line I took the box packing up the rest of my fries and shook my head. "Lets go find everybody.." I suggested tipping the waitress and making my way out of the restaurant.
  She didn't speak a word to me for a while once we left. I was fine with that; just as fine as I was with not getting any sex from her tonight. I passed a few glances at her until we made it back to the group. Everybody was waiting on us at the bench we'd just left. Something had seemed off though. China and Perry were standing off away from them, and Cam was sitting next to Jahron with Krys on his lap (which was normal). I could tell J was irritated, but I didn't question it. Not my business.
We all decided we would take a trip to central park, but after we dropped our shit off. We got some popcorn, joked around, Cam and I was kicking snow at Jahron and making fun of everybody as we made our way to the hotel. Key effectively ignored my presence the whole time, that is until Paris picked up her pace a little to catch up to me.
      "You're selfish you know that..." She said standing in front of me.
   Grinning I rolled my eyes tossing a couple pieces of popcorn into my mouth. Folding her arm, she turned to me tilting her head to the side. Trying not to laugh my free hand reached out and pulled her arms apart. "Perry, I asked you if you wanted some when we were at the stand, you said no"
  "Because I didn't want my ownnn" she whined frowning and stomping her feet. "I want some of yours" she continued as I laughed holding out the bag of popcorn.
 "and how can I say no to you?" I joked. After all this time, we were still exactly the same. She was spoiled rotten, but everything she did made me smile. "If we're being honest, I was starting to miss your tantrums. Key doesn't quite know how to pout like you" I joked.
 Rolling her eyes she munched on her popcorn continuing to walk. "Still somehow she steals my bestfriend" she said laughing. I bit my lip looking over at her, and she gave me a gentle poke with her elbow to show she was joking.
   "I thought that was the idea, to have her steal me.." I said looking around. A breeze passed and she winced pulling the edge of her jacket up over her face. Laughing I took my scarf off and handed it to her. "Plus she's always been around, you replaced me with Jahron" I said with a smirk.
      "That's different Bry, it'd be okay if you guys were just fucking. You and her ain't me and Ronny. She took my spot, not just your dick", Tying the scarf around her neck she folded her arms side eyeing me, and smiling. "Your little peewee must be good too, cuz she just can't stay off the thing" She muttered, her voice going to a whisper. Laughing I was about to ask why she was whispering, but I then felt Key's slender body latching on to me from the back. My small bag of popcorn immediately fell out my hand onto the slush covered ground. Ignoring it I rolled my eyes and continued to walk.
  "Everytime I look up, you two are wondering off from the pack" Key commented, as I hiked her up holding her legs. "You're gonna have him to yourself tomorrow Perry stop stealing my birthday boy" she said grinning. Paris laughed in response winking at me.
     "Sorry Key, I just figured you two had enough alone time last night". If I could see my own face, I'd probably understand why Paris immediately started laughing. Key laid her head on my shoulder as she started laughing along. I guess everybody thought it was funny but me. "You two think you're slick, I know what be going on" she said looking directly at Keyana.
    "Hey, you don't see me speaking on you and Ronny's escapades" she said with a grin. "and I'll have you know I never get enough alone time with Bryson. Always a busy bee" she complained kissing my cheek.
"Why don't you guys just get married already!" I could hear Kry's shout as they finally caught up to us following us over the bridge. "Damn you're cute as hell!"
 "Mind your business!" Key shouted in response as everybody let out a loud robust laugh. I snickered uncomfortably. You could imagine why.
  Hiking her up on my back more, I drowned out all the sound and enjoyed the scenery. After we dropped our bags off at the hotel we made way to central park, just to clear our minds. I signed a few autographs, and took a couple pictures and since then we'd just been walking. The simple shit always brought us close.
   I just wish the simple shit kept us close all the time.
    After touring the park, taking a carriage ride and talking Keyana out of drinking, we made way back. I couldn't wait to get in my room, take a shower then get in bed and relax. Me and Paris talked much of the way back, making plans for the day after. We agreed on the movies and finding somewhere lowkey to eat so nobody would recognize or approach me. It seemed like she genuinely wanted some alone time.
     Fishing my key out of my jacket pocket I heard my wallet fall down with a thud as we stepped off the elevator. It seemed not to have caught anybody else's attention so I bent down and grabbed it, not expecting to see her pink ugg's and slender legs in my view as I stood up.
         "Meet me in my room in an hour" She demanded, grabbing me by my shirt and kissing me hard on my lips. I was reluctant, but after a moment I returned her gesture kissing her back. "Not a minute late Mr. Tiller" she added on as she pulled away. With that she slipped her key into her door and vanished.
    I sucked my teeth, checking the time, then disappearing off into my own room.
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alishadaily-blog · 6 years
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New cover for Memories Faded. New chapter coming soon.
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adaptationff · 8 years
+ii. pride.
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“Faster….F-F-Faster baby!”
“Shut. The. Hell up godd…” Reign huffed as her eyes rolled up to the ceiling of her bedroom. It was bad enough she couldn’t sleep, but to hear Nasir banging Azura in the next room didn’t make it any better. This was her punishment. She was convinced it had to be despite him accepting her apologies hours earlier.
At least one of us is getting fucked and not being deprived, she thought and continued to lay there motionless.               
In a few short hours, she had to be up and ready for a photo shoot in West Hollywood. Photography was her thing and she was just getting started with getting her hands wet in the industry. At the moment, shooting for upcoming magazines or digital spreads was the only thing settled in her portfolio until she could make more connections than the people she had met during school.
Her phone buzzed loudly against her black wood end table, interrupting her train of thought with her sister’s contact name flashing across the screen. She was grateful for the distraction and answered it on the first ring. “How’s Germany, bitch?”
“Good morning to you too, slut. I forget about the different time zones, why are you up at four am over there?”
“I can’t sleep,” Reign mumbled and flipped over her bed’s comforters before getting up out of the bed. Her feet tiptoed across the wooden floors from her room all the way to the kitchen. “You didn’t answer my question. Forreal is Germany everything you expected and more?”
“It’s beautiful. I wish you and mom would bring y'all asses out here. We could start over, you’ll see your nieces or nephews grow up… We could become closer again Rei.”
Holding the phone between her ear and her shoulder, Reign opened up the fridge and pulled out a bottle of water. She and her sister Reyna use to be inseparable to the point people would mistake them for being twins instead of just being two years apart in age. Things became rocky in their relationship when Reyna decided to move to an entirely different country and marry some guy her family had never met. Reign felt blindsided that the person she was closes to didn’t tell her anything until it was too late. She forgave but never forgot and only kept a short distance between the bond they use to have.
Reign shook her head despite her sister not being able to see her, “No I’m good where I am at. I can’t just up and leave my life here like you did Reyna.” Not only that she couldn’t, she refused to and wasn’t about to jump high just for her either. “Listen I gotta go.” With one press of the button the line goes dead leaving her in the darkness, alone and cutting off anything else her sister may have wanted to say.
Leaving her phone on top of the glass table, Reign followed the noise of Nasir’s deep grunts and opened the door only a crack enough for her to slip in undetected. It wasn’t until she pulled the covers back to lay in beside them when she heard Azura’s soft voice call her name.
“I don’t wanna have to sleep alone but you two can keep fucking. Don’t let me interrupt you.”
From behind her she could hear a soft gasp leave Azura’s lips followed by the bed moving and Nasir muttering a few curse words under his breath. Her annoyance with the both of seemed to dissipate with the fact they didn’t continue while she was laying right next to them. Or otherwise her subtle anger wouldn’t have been hidden for long.
The bed shifted once more, but this time it was Nasir rising up from the bed and heading towards the door. Reign frowned, “Where are you going?”
“Bathroom, where else would I be going?”
“You don’t have to be smart I was just asking…”
He shook his head at her and continued walking out the door; closing it completely behind him. Reign closed her eyes wishing she hadn’t fucked things up between them so badly. She could always tell when he was mad and avoiding her whether he said anything to her or not. Only this time it didn’t look like he was going to let up on her anytime soon.
Azura scooted over to close the distance between them, leaving small kisses against Reign’s shoulder. “Don’t be mad at me Rei… Please don’t be mad at me?”
“Shhh… I’m —,” she sighed before turning slightly on her side to face Azura. “I’m not mad at you. Just go to sleep, okay? We’ll talk when we wake up again.” Pushing a few strands back from covering Azura’s face, Reign gave a quick reassuring kiss on her cheek; shortly caressing the same cheek until she seen Zuri finally close down her eyes. It was always something about Zuri from the moment she met her that made Reign feel like she had to protect her. Even during the jealousy waves that Reign kept getting attacked with, she could never outright get mad at Azura. Which if not always left the blame entirely on Nasir and his actions.
Mentally she made a note that she would set the tone to fix the weird dynamic in their relationship sometime soon before finally forcing her mind to shut off her thoughts to finish getting a few hours of sleep in.
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The rest of the night followed by the early morning, Nasir slept the rest of it alone in the room he usually shared with Reign. It would’ve been way too awkward for him to walk back into something Reign had walked in on with no doubt Azura still laying in the bed naked beside her.
He knew he crossed a boundary, one of the most important rules they set in place to avoid conflict in their relationship, but between how damned good Azura looked last night and his annoyance with Reign, caring about her feelings went out the window. The sad part about it was that this wasn’t even the first time Reign disappeared which gave him more than a reason to in his mind ‘teach her stubborn ass a little lesson’ this time. Or more so like a wake up call to how easy the triangle she created between them could be done altogether if he decided to and replace her position altogether in his life. Nasir wouldn’t do that to her of course, but he couldn’t say he never thought of it each time she pulled one of her attention stunts.
He didn’t have much time to lay around and dwell on Reign’s emotional mood changes all day so by the time he jumped out of bed to finish one of the art pieces he was currently working on, his mind was already focused on what left was needed to be ready and done for the opening of his art gallery.
The cost of the gallery space along with the lengthy cost of the interior renovations was all being taken cared of thanks to his estranged father whom was only making up for being absent in Nasir’s life when he was younger. Whether or not it was a pity gift, he had no problems with embracing it and appreciating the opportunity given to him.
Even though his back was facing towards whoever had walked into the room, he had a slight feeling before she could even open her mouth that it would’ve been Reign.
Without turning around, Nasir continued to focus on gliding his paintbrush across the canvas propped up on an easel in front of him. He could feel her eyes burning a hole through his back, but not even that was enough for him to turn around and deal with what she had to say at the moment. “'Sup?”
Reign took a few steps closer to him to get a look at the side of his face, mostly to gauge what she was going to say next. “Look at me.” When he didn’t respond to her demanding tone, she switched up to a slight tone of begging. “Please?”
He sighed, dropping his brush on a nearby glass end table and turned around to finally face her. “Talk. I gotta finish this piece; I can’t be dealing with this bullshit right now Rei.”
“So it’s bullshit now?”
Giving her a blank expression, he moved around her to head to the kitchen for an individual bottle of Minute Maid’s orange juice. He refused to deal with her going around in circles about what’s really been bothering her when he had much more important stuff to be dealing with at the moment.
“Alright fine… I know I’ve been childish lately or whatever but I thought we were already past this last night. I disappeared to New York for a couple of days and you fucked Zuri without me so,” she shrugged. “Now we should be even.”
Nasir scoffed, “Even? I would never hear the fucking end of it, if I pulled the same shit you did.” He placed his bottle down on the white and grey granite counters as he stared directly into her eyes; challenging her to back down and admit to her being wrong.
A few moments of silence passed with neither one of them saying anything just staring each other down. He knew her games and her stubbornness like the back of his hand after being with her nearly for four years so none of the silence he was receiving from her bothered him. It wasn’t until he decided standing there wasn’t going to get his art done when she stopped him from walking away from her.
“Wait,” grabbing his wrist with both of her hands, she forced him to stop walking away and to turn around look at her. “Nasir I know I messed up, okay? I shouldn’t have left the way that I did and I’m sorry. I apologize sincerely I swear and now…. Can I have my kisses back so we can lay this whole mess to rest forever?”
Bringing his hand up to stroke the stubble on his chin, he pretended as if he still needed to think over whether or not he was going to give her a kiss. He actually did, but because Reign was an impatient person by nature, she couldn’t wait any longer for him to finish playing around and pulled him in for a kiss. With her arms loosely wrapped around his neck, what meant to be a little peck quickly turned into something more as the gap they once had between them was now replaced with their bodies pressed against each other.
Reign was the first one to pull away from the kiss and settle her arms to being wrapped around his torso. “Thank you for putting your pride to the side for once,” she smiled, giving him a small peck on the cheek and his nose.
“Sureee, I’d start putting my 'pride’ to the side more often when you stop being a knuckle head for no reason.” That earned him a soft punch to the gut and a laugh coming from Reign as she ran around the other side of the kitchen island to get away from him. His retaliation was coming and she knew it, but lucky for her Azura came stepping out from her bedroom wearing one of Nasir’s gray college brand t-shirts he noticed right away.
“Don’t let me ever get drunk like that again! My head won’t stop pounding!”
“C'mere let me kiss it and make ya feel better like I know I did last night.” He flashed her a smile and opened his arms wide for her to come over to him. They shared a knowing moment once they made eye contact, however they’re short little embrace didn’t last long when Reign coughed behind them.
“Actually we should talk about last night. Let’s talk about the fact that one of our main rules were broken when both of you decided to have sex without me.”
The beginnings a small smile dropped on Azura’s face and she moved away from Nasir quickly to get to Reign. “I’m sorry, I swear it won’t happen again. I told you Reign if their was any jealously I would—”
Cutting her off, Reign held up her hand all the while keeping a gaze on Nasir. He knew like all the other times with her looking directly at him who the blame was going to be placed on. Public number one enemy should’ve been my middle name, he thought.
“Yeah, I know but I don’t want you to. I only want us to make sure no boundaries get crossed again to prevent those type of feelings from happening.”
Feeling the heat of both Azura and Reign staring him down to insert his two cents in, Nasir reached to scratch his neck. Something he always did when he was put on the spot and had to pull something out of his ass. “I, uh seen that show the other day called Sisterwives or some shit where they have a set schedule of time spent with each other. Maybe one day it could be just me and Reign and we switch it out to however y'all want to do it. The other days it could just be the three of us chillin’.”
“Hmm… I might actually like that idea. We’ll have to figure out a schedule later because I have a shoot to go to in an hour and if I don’t leave now I’ll be late. See you two later tonight!” It was almost simultaneously Nasir and Azura’s eyes followed Reign as she headed back into her room and closed the bedroom door shut. It was just like Reign to forever run off like she didn’t stir some shit up and leave them to deal with the aftermath.
They were left alone yet again and still the awkward silence hadn’t let up like you think it would from when Reign left them alone from a whole week. The week she was gone him and Azura finally made progress with talking on a much deeper level and now he felt that they were back at square one.
Nasir could sense Zuri’s hesitation to talk to him now had a lot to do with not wanting to step pass Reign’s, in his opinion, made up boundaries and took the initiative to speak first.
He turned around, placing both his hands on top of the kitchen’s counters as Zuri sat up in one of their black bar stools. “What'chu wanna do lil’ bit? We got the the whole day to do whatever.”
“Maybe,” Azura paused for a moment, swiftly pulling her hair into a low ponytail with the black hair tie she had wrapped around her wrist. “Get over this hangover and watch you paint.”
Without missing a beat, Nasir grabbed his favorite paintbrush from off the counter where he left it. Ever since his grandmother had found out his talent for art and bought him his first paintbrush, it’d become his favorite and the same one he always used no matter what kind of painting he was working on at that moment.
“Without a shirt on.”
Licking his lips, he pulled his shirt off over his head and discarded it carelessly. “Aight we can do that too. You gotta do me a favor though.”
“Make you and me a stack of your chocolate chip pancakes, please?”
“Aw, you’re so cute when you beg instead of being demanding all the time. You’re welcome bubba,” she smiled and jumped down from the stool. The perv in him caught a glimpse of her bare ass before her feet planted on the floor together and thoughts of him bending her over that same stool flooded his mind.
Nasir shook his head, “That nickname…”
“Hush you know you love it when I call you that. Don’t play. ” When he turned around, Azura was already using a chair as a step stool to get whatever ingredients she needed for the pancakes. He had a joke ready to throw at her about being so short, but thought against it when he remembered the last time how pissed off she was at him.
“Nah I’m not with it. I think 'daddy’ coming out your mouth would sound real nice.” He flicked the paintbrush he’d just dipped into blue paint in her direction and caught a tiny bit on her cheek. He chuckled when her eyes grew wide and made the attempt to duck before she got him back, but was too late.
She flicked him back with a measurement cup full of flour, getting some on his sweatpants while the rest fell down to the wood floors. “Get back to work!”
Chuckling, he held up his hands in surrender to signal he wasn’t going to retaliate before turning his back on her to focus on finally finishing his painting.
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thefanficnetwork · 9 years
Seven's Fate [Brand New Fiction]
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Blog: Seven's Fate [http://sevensfate.tumblr.com/]
Characters: Rihanna as Seven Fenty, AJ Saudin as Aaron Saudin and many more!
Synopsis: Though she's named after the number of luck, her life hasn't always followed suit. Seven Fenty has fallen into an unwanted place in her life, playing girlfriend to wealthy business owner Alonso Rhames, something she needs but also wants to escape. Her friendly nature leads her to introduce herself and befriend her new next door neighbor, Aaron "AJ" Saudin, a recluse hailing all the way from Toronto, Canada. Her fate, and her fate alone will decide whether she walks down the path of preference or pleasure...
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thefanfichotspot · 8 years
"I have something to show you."
It rained a lot. The simplest of things interested me. For example, I found it so amazing how different parts of the country experienced different weather all at once. It was bright and sunny in Los Angeles, but one plane ride to Atlanta exchanged that joyful weather for an angry thunderstorm. The sky ignited with streaks of lightning and rumbled with the loudest thunder I've ever heard, and the raindrops were heavy and pelted the windows, disturbing my concentration as I was drawing. For awhile I didn't think we would be able to land, but eventually we were allowed to do so. I didn't want to put my pencil down, however.
The flight attendants had wandering eyes the entire flight. Thankfully, Kane let me catch a ride on his private jet with Ghost to meet up in Atlanta for something he said I needed to see. I obliged because...what the hell else did I have to do? Not shit. It was only me and Ghost, two flight attendants, and the pilot. I blocked everyone out as best I could with my headphones, but the damn storm was louder than my tunes.
Whenever they came to ask me if I needed anything, I could them staring at my face - something I didn't want anybody looking at. When Akila blew up the place I was in, I was burned pretty bad. There was a burn that stretched down my jawline, and a patch of my hair grew back blonde in color. Not to mention the small bare spot on my chin that refused to grow back. The burns were all over me, altering my tattoos, but fortunately I was able to hide them with my clothes. They looked cool, but I didn't expect them to be stared at this much - I was not a fan of all that attention.
When the plane landed, I stretched as best I could and gathered my things into my bag to exit. Ghost awoke when he felt me shift around in my seat and happily let me put his leash on him to lead him out. The pair of ladies, who got a tip for giving me head - at the same damn time - blushed as they murmured their goodbyes and scratched Ghost's ears. I only smirked at them and let myself off the plane after thanking the pilot. When my phone was back in service, I received two texts. One from Kane, and a picture message from Ra.
Kane asked if I had landed yet, to which I responded. Ra had sent a picture of Ryan with milk dripping down her chin with the caption: I ain't never been this wasted!
I couldn't help but cackle out loud. Ra was absolutely enamored with his daughter, and more than grateful to have a chance to be in her life. Fatherhood looked amazing on him; the dark circles under his eyes began to fade, his crooked grin became more genuine by the day, and my friendship with him was flourishing - it's all I wanted. He accepted me as his daughter's guardian with no problem and forgave me for fucking up. I respected him as a man and a father and that's the end of that. How he was able to be in her life is crazy. Videl and Titan think I'm dead, which benefits everyone. None of us have any connection with them anymore, and even Ra cut ties with Nubia. When he decided to do that, he began to make his own rules. He went back to his family and is now raising his daughter. He came out on top in the end.
One of these days I would work up enough courage to go back to my own family but baby steps.
I responded with a few laughing emojis and a comment along the lines of me wishing I could get that wasted.
Kane sent me an address to go to and I shared it with the driver of the SUV that was idling for me as I got off the plane. Ghost decided to get another nap and I continued my conversation with Kane.
Honestly I had no idea why I was in Georgia. All I knew was that I would stay a few days and then we were off to Europe for SX Liquors business. What was in Atlanta? He didn't tell me, but I could tell he was up to something. I had a feeling it had something to do with Akila, and by no means was I totally ready for that. But I can't lie - I missed the hell outta her.
It's been two months since what happened and I've had no contact with her whatsoever. She also thinks I'm dead, something Kane implied as soon as they found my body. I wasn't conscious at the time, so I couldn't tell her otherwise. It's a long story that I'm sure she was going to make me tell her. If we ever met up again.
Half an hour later after getting into the back seat of the car, we rolled to a stop in front of a gated neighborhood. The driver exchanged a look with me through the rearview mirror. "Do you have a gate code?"
I scrolled through my texts and nodded. "Yeah, 769." He punched in the numbers and waited a few moments before the electronic box beeped and the gate began to open. The neighborhood was small, maybe ten houses at the most. But they were mansions, which explained the gate at the very front. Mercedes, BMW's, Audi's were parked in the driveways. One man was washing his convertible in front of his garage. Another couple was walking their Great Dane.
The driver pulled up to the fourth house on the left and parked, glancing back at me with a smile. "Here we are." I handed him a one hundred dollar bill, grabbed Ghost and my backpack, and watched him drive away. The cars parked out front were unfamiliar to me but I went to the front door anyway.
I didn't even have time to knock because Kane quickly burst through the door and nudged me back a few steps. He looked over his shoulder nervously and closed the door behind him before I got a chance to look inside. "Hey how was your flight?"
I squinted, Ghost jumped up at his legs happily, obviously recognizing him. "It was fine. Who's house is this?"
His fingers scratched at the back of his neck. "Right, so...there's a catch."
I fucking knew it. "I know your ass did not bring me to her house." He didn't respond at first. "Kane what the fuck is the matter with you?!"
He put his hands up to stop my rant before it even began. "Aight I know you're pissed off at me, and I get it. But I brought you here for a reason. Just come inside and everything will make sense. Please." His expression read apologetic. It was genuine. I sighed out heavily and nodded slowly. "Promise me you let things sink in before reactin', Iris."
I nodded again. My stomach was doing flips, my palms became clammy with every step I took to the living room inside the house. Everything was modern and elegant. Abstract sculptures decorated the free space, and the walls were painted a simple white, but with a twist - bright colored splatter paint. Neon greens, pinks and oranges created beautiful masterpieces. I liked it already.
Akila obviously didn't know I was coming because when we found her, she was eating a bowl of ice cream in the middle of the living room floor. Her hair was in a messy bun atop her head, and her toes were bare and painted a soft mint green. She heard our footsteps and looked up, her pale turning pale when she saw me come up behind Kane. She slowly stood up, her eyes wide with shock and so much betrayal. "Osiris..." her voice cracked. Kane stood between us just in case things went left, but she remained in her spot.
She looked amazing, thicker than usual, but amazing nonetheless. There wasn't a wrinkle in her face, no stress was causing darkness under her eyes, her eyes were bright and so full of life. To put it simply, she looked whole. Maybe even better now that I was out of her life.
Kane stepped out of the way when she approached me, and I held my breath the closer she got. She smelled of her usual scent: Japanese cherry blossom and a twinge of blood. I couldn't read her emotions at the moment, and she lifted her palm to touch my cheek. Her fingernails brushed across the scar on my jaw, and my eyes closed at the sensitivity. Her hand withdrew, and she swept it across my skin in record timing.
"What the fuck," I cursed against the stinging, stepping away from her. I was ready to lash out at her, but then I looked into her eyes and my anger left me. She was trembling with nerves, and she threw her arms around me. "Akila..."
"How did you -"
"I kinda planned it," I breathed as I held her back. "I knew that Videl and Titan wouldn't let up until you killed me, so I made it seem as if I actually was dead. I was okay with you killing me, I didn't mind that if I knew you would be safe for doing it. So I sacrificed myself to keep you safe. When Kane found me and took me, he didn't know I was still alive."
"It wasn't until I was about to toss his ass in a fire that he started movin' and shit," Kane spoke up from the other side of the room. He held onto Ghost's leash. "He and I came up with a plan to make it seem as though he really was dead, so that didn't jeopardize your safety. You didn't know he was alive, and he didn't know where you were. That way if the brothers came back into the picture, neither of you would technically be lying."
Akila leaned away from me to stare into my eyes. She couldn't believe what we were telling her, and she sure as hell couldn't believe I was standing in her living room with my arms around her. I don't think it had set in yet. "You did all that for me? Even after I shot you and blew you up?" She ran her fingers through my discolored hair and her face fell with guilt. "Why?"
"Because I had to protect you," I murmured to her. "You've always been my guardian, but you've done more for me than anyone else. I had to thank you somehow." She unwrapped her arms around me and wiped her eyes. "I see that I've been missed."
"I thought you were dead," she mumbled, and she looked back at Kane. "You're not off the hook, motherfucker." Akila lifted her eyes to my face and tilted my chin to the side to take in my appearance. She tenderly raked her fingers through my discolored hair, her face faltering all the way. "All of these scars, because of me."
I shrugged it off and kissed her knuckles. "It was worth it. Trust me, I'm learning to embrace them. People stare at me, and it kinda gets under my skin, but I'm learning to let it go. It's a process but I'm doing good. I haven't had a breakdown so I consider that an accomplishment."
To that she beamed proudly at me and nodded. A weight was lifting off her shoulders as we spoke. "I'm so glad to hear that, Osiris."
Kane cleared his throat and bit his bottom lip; Akila glanced at him and he gave her a look. She must have caught on because her smile vanished and she looked up at me slowly. Kane led Ghost to the door. "I'm gonna take him for a walk. He's probably been holding his piss in long enough. I'll be back."
When the door closed, Akila slipped her fingers through mine - hers were clammy. "Osiris we need to talk. There's a lot of stuff I have to tell you. Come with me." I didn't like how her voice changed. It sounded somewhat empty and anxious. She led me down the hall to a bedroom door and turned around. "Before I say anything else. Please believe me when I say that I am so sorry. I never meant for this to happen but it did and I can't take it back. If you end up hating me, I'll understand -"
"Baby, open the door." I reached around her for the doorknob and twisted it, pushing it forward and stepping in. She called after me but I was too far gone. I let my eyes wander around the room, freezing in my place when I realized what this room held. Black walls, black wooden furniture with red linen and bright red letters spelling something out over a crib. Inside the crib was a...a baby? The baby was sleeping soundlessly, the thumb inside its mouth. Dense curls billowed off the top of the head. It was so quiet you could probably hear my blood rushing through my veins a - if I had a pulse. "What's that?"
Her voice sounded far away: "It's a baby." Akila stepped around me and approached the crib, snaking her arms underneath the body of the infant and lifting it into her arms. The child stirred, the eyes flitting before closing again. The child obviously knew Akila and nuzzled into her bosom to continue sleeping. Her eyes looked elsewhere and she sucked in a shaky breath. "Osiris, his name is Malachi. I call him Kai for short." She stepped closer and I stumbled back. "He's your son."
I knew, but I didn't know - if that made any sense. He resembled me even as he slept. His thick eyelashes curled against his eyelids, wrinkles digging into his forehead, dimpled hands balled into loose fists. She shh'd him and rubbed his bottom gently. I watched her - she was watching him sleep, and I was watching her. "Malachi is a book in the Bible."
She looked up and nodded with a small smile. "Remember when you were sick for like a week when you were a senior and I stayed at your house for hours upon hours and we just talked about everything? Your sick brain had you rambling and you said that when you had a son you would name him after your favorite book in the bible." The book of Malachi is focused on sacrifice. During that time, the people were tithing certain things and wondering why God wasn't blessing them with what the really wanted. So God sent Malachi to tell the people that they're doing it all wrong. The people were focusing on being selfish and sacrificing their injured cattle instead of their most prized possessions. Basically, Malachi asked them how they expected to get the best blessing when they were giving God crap. It's always been my favorite story to read. "I kinda kept that in mind when he was born. Would you like to hold him?"
I chewed my bottom lip. "I, um, don't wanna hurt him." She held him with one arm and reached for my arms, positioning them how they were supposed to, and she inched him over into my own grasp. He was slightly heavier than I expected but he fit perfectly and didn't bother to wake up. "He's little."
"He eats enough for three babies and then some." I ran a finger down his bare foot and he smiled in his sleep. She giggled and fell silent. "I should have told you sooner. That's why I was vomiting up blood, I just didn't know it yet."
"You didn't even know I was alive, Kila. Don't sweat it. It's fine."
"There's something else, though..." She cleared her throat and cast her eyes downward. "When I was human, fourteen, I did something that changed my life forever. My dad's friend wanted to have sex with me to give my dad something he wanted, and I let it happen. At fifteen, I gave birth to a son and watched him die five minutes later. But then I..."
"Stop," I breathed slowly and felt my stomach churn with emotion. Akila was raped? It was stupid for me to wonder why she never told me. Who wants to share that with anybody, boyfriend or not? I was angry, but not at her. At the piece of shit that ripped her innocence from her, tarnished her forever. I hoped he was dead and rotting in hell, and part of me hoped her dad was suffering as well - if he was even still alive. I also wondered if she ever considered getting back in touch with him, just to know how he ended up, you know? She's gotta be curious - that's her dad.
She sniffled, looked elsewhere. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I just...didn't want you to think differently of me."
I stepped towards her and lifted her chin with my free hand to leave a tender kiss on her forehead. "I would never hold that against you, Akila. You were young and taken advantage of. It's a shame your son didn't make it, but just know I woulda loved the hell outta him like he was my own." She scrubbed her face gently and exhaled a heavy breath. "I love you, it's gonna be okay."
"One more thing," she whispered, and this time she linked her fingers between mine. "Kane and I slept together - but I swear there was never a chance that Malachi woulda been his. The timing didn't add up. I knew he was yours because of our red eyes the morning after we did it. Kane's eyes were never red like that. Of course when I saw our eyes I didn't know what it meant, but now it makes sense."
I squeezed her hand in shock, then loosened my grip slightly. This was something I was expecting. Not to say Akila is easy or anything like that - but I knew their friendship would blossom into something deeper. She didn't cheat on me, I knew that. But I also didn't take her virginity. It was a slap in the face to realize that my best friend slept with my ex-girlfriend behind my back, but what could I do? I had absolutely no control over that. We were no longer in a relationship, so she was free to do whatever the hell she wanted. I had to accept that and move on.
She was getting worked up waiting for my response, but I stroked her cheekbone with my thumb. "Relax, I understand. I forgive you." It was the honest truth. I was tired of holding grudges. I was tired of being so mad all the time. I was ready to grow up and be the man I was supposed to be. Now I absolutely had to because of my son. I had a son.
"So where do we go from here?"
I shrugged. "Shit, I'm not sure. Kane and I are going outta the country in a few days, so we can figure it out when I get back. Or you two can come with us and travel the world. It's up to you, though, you call the shots."
"We'll figure it out. You wanna take him for the afternoon? He sleeps a lot because his body isn't used to the sun, so I suggest staying in doors - or you can stay here and hang out. Or...I don't know. Whatever you wanna do."
Indecisive ass parents.
I ran my fingers through Malachi's curls again to make sure he was real, but he was and he was more than perfect. I kissed the smooth skin of his forehead a few times and smiled down at him. "We can stay here. Ghost would love to meet him, if that's cool with you."
"Of course," she murmured and wiped her eyes for the hundredth time. She closed the bedroom behind us as we exited and went back into the living room. Kane still wasn't back, so I sunk into the couch cushions and rocked him slowly.
"Daddy loves you," I whispered to him. "I'm going to protect you until the day I die. You have some cousins that will love you, three uncles that will teach you how to be a man, and a puppy to get in trouble with. We all love you so much."
Akila brought me a bowl of ice cream and I lounged back so Malachi could lay on my chest. Now that my hands were free, I could eat in peace.
"Kila, baby, I got a question," I called out to her when she returned to the kitchen. "Since we don't fuck with Nubia anymore, who's gonna be Ra's guardian?"
Akila smirked and sat beside me. "About that...funny story. You don't have guardians once you turn into a vampire. Nubia and I were supposed to stick around after you two got the hang of things, then cut you loose. Nubia did a better job at it than I did, but I stayed around because of our history. Basically, Ra doesn't get another one. You don't either. You're on your own from here on out." She curled her legs up to her chest and laughed at herself and I squinted. "Now we protect our son. Not officially but you know, as parents."
I chuckled, nodded. The vibrations in my chest disturbed Malachi's sleep and he fidgeted a little before lifting his head up curiously. I set my bowl aside and let him do whatever he wanted to get comfortable, but instead he looked up at me. His lips parted and he stared at me, committing my face to his memory. Before I knew it, the corner of his lips curled up into a smile and his eyes brightened. He had Akila's eyes.
"I've been telling him who you are. I thought you were dead, but I still wanted him to know who his dad was. I showed him pictures and showed him old videos of the two of us, so he probably recognizes you." She leaned forward and touched his cheek. "You see Daddy, don't you?"
I chuckled, lifting him up into the air above my head playfully. He erupted with giggles. "He got your hyena laugh too, damn it Akila." She hit my arm and leaned her head on my shoulder. Malachi looked back and forth between the two of us with a smile, and he reached a hand up to my face. I nibbled at his fingers and he shrieked with laughter. "See, nah we gon' have to change that laugh of yours. This ain't no Lion King!"
"Oh shut up, it's not even that bad. It's better than your goat laugh."
Our family did kinda sound like Noah's Ark or some shit, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. Being a father was gonna be amazing, and now that I had friends on my side it would be even better. I refused to allow myself to fall short of anything that my son deserved. He and Akila were my priorities and I had to think of them first before doing anything to jeopardize this. It was time to really get my head outta my ass and move in the right direction. It wouldn't be easy, but it would be worth it in the end. That's all I could ask for.
I may be dead, but now that I had a son I felt more alive than I've ever felt.
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wp-ff · 9 years
🌙 prologue.
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There’s something beautiful in the death of a rose, from the transition a deep carmine being flooded by a rich purple — the bruise is what I like to call it, it was pleasing to watch. Mother used to find handy work in her garden on a daily basis, she had grown produce as well as other common species of herbs. She used to smell of the sun and, of course, roses. I used to watch from the small window that faced the field, my face being warmed and hugged from the sun’s rays, a childish smile upon my lips. That is what home felt like to me — a place I will forever belong to despite the change of events that took me from there.
The moon’s glow was light and ethereal as always. My mother was tucking me into bed, leaving me loved and whole as she does every night. She’d tell a story of fairies and witches, leaving me with the idea that I was magical and powerful. All monsters to me were nothing so. Instead what those deemed to be monsters, I deemed to be nothing but hurting and lonely souls. Till this day I have a sad habit of still believing so.
The sounds of glass shattering had jolted me from my gentle sleep. The silhouette of a dog like beast stretched over 7 feet, wet and cold, shining against the luminescence of the moon’s light, stared at me with nothing but its raw animal nature. His eyes were red and teeth jagged and shaped to a perfect killing tool. With every lively breath it made, it released a thrilling growl into the still air. Yet, something told me not to scream. I believed it was him telling me not to scream, like he'd stolen my voice and held it captive in his authority. 
Mother had came rushing into the room, she stood in the door, frightened and still.  Even then her beauty was glim just as the milky silk sleepwear she wore to bed every night. Before either of us could react and digest the actuality of the beast in our home, he leaped, and at a inhuman speed, tore away her throat. Blood gushed from the rupture, splattering unto the oak wooden floors, afterwards her body collapsed, inanimate.  In that moment I thought mother experienced death in it’s most abstract form and — flowers, of all the living technical things, have a simple death.
With teeth clamped around my little arm, it dragged me out the window into the darkness of the forest and sustained me for weeks on end. The death of my mother could’ve bled me, killed me, or set me aflame by now. Yet without knowing I had a purpose too great to kill me, I was kept alive. That night, the beast took me from my home and set me on a path I’d never relinquish from.
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