#karnival gate
werewolf240moon · 16 days
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Tegami Den Lycans and Monsters Free Place
NeverenD, Stray Dog and Tegami Den belongs to VanRah @poizongirl
⚠️Source / Credit: VanRah Deviantart ⚠️
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gaiyofanfiction · 5 years
Twisted Karnival - Chapter 5
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Stray Kids x Reader
Twisted Circus!AU
A/N: Thank you all for the amazing reviews! We were so excited, this next part got not only longer, but WAY more insane. Be prepared to be scared hehe. Enjoy. ~Liz
Warnings: Mentions of seduction, blood, soul stealing and kidnapping. Possibly more in the future. We also write for 0t9, so Woojin is going to be in this series.
Disclaimer: This story is pure fiction and in no way represents the idols of Stray kids or JYP.
[Before Reading, check out the Masterlist and profile boards for each member HERE.]
 “Grab her!” Chan shouted, pointing directly at you. Jisung licked his lips, longing for another taste of you as he and Hyunjin took off running, clearing the metal barricade.  “Don’t let her get away! We need her blood to finalize the binding ritual.”
Your eyes widened at Chan’s command, quickly grabbing a hold of your friends arm, only to feel a limp body on the other end. You froze in immediate terror as her eyes were completely rolled back into her head, body as white as snow. You screamed, quickly releasing her arm as you tried to make your way out of the arena. Evil crooked smiles fell over the lips of Hyunjin and Jisung.
“Oh look Hyunjin, looks like our pet wants to play a game of tag.” Jisung chuckled loudly looking towards Hyunjin. 
“Well then… it’s a game of tag she won’t be winning.” Hyunjin laughed maniacally as they took off after you. 
You rushed past several more people screaming in pain as their souls were being extracted clean from their bodies. Their skin falling to pale shades of blue and sheet white as the life left from their eyes. Your breathing quickened as you cleared a few rows of fallen bodies, trying to quickly find your way out. You paused, looking back as Jisung’s eyes were glowing brightly behind his fallen locks. You let out another scream picking up the pace. 
“Hahaha! She’s even cuter when she’s scared!” Hyunjin shrieked running faster. You looked back, panicked by the sight of their glowing eyes as they proceeded after you, evil intentions fallen over their faces. “What do you want with me?!” You screamed, passing through the bright red curtains towards the hall. You screamed in terror as another body fell in front of your feet causing you to trip. You panicked, scooting your body along the floor. Jisung and Hyunjin cockily stood in the curtain, staring at you. “Aww, she’s still trying to get away. I am not sure if I should feel sorry for her or laugh.” Jisung licked his lips once more as him and Hyunjin lunged towards you. Your eyes widened, quickly rolling against the floor, pushing yourself back up to your feet. The men growled lowly as their eyes brightened. “Little- you’re not going to get far!” Hyunjin screamed as he watched you continue to run. 
You continued to run, panting heavily as the sounds of screaming fell over your ears. You looked back noticing Jisung and Hyunjin had finally lost you. You took a heavy breathe, trying to shake yourself awake. ‘This is just a dream… it’s just a dream…’ You smacked the side of your face, searing pain to follow.  Tears began to well up as you began to realize something. This was no dream, but a hellish nightmare. 
You quickly made your way down a darkened hallway, Jisung and Hyunjin still running after you. Your heart sank as Hyunjin let out a loud searing shriek down the halls. You began to panic, looking for a quick way of escape. You look around, shortly finding a hollowed out part in the wall. You crawled through, slowly picking yourself up from the floor as you found yourself standing in another long gated hallway. Your eyes slowly widened as you looked back at the hole in the wall, and back down the empty hall. It was slightly brighter than the previous, but something didn’t feel right. You began to slowly walk forward, looking back every so often to see if Hyunjin and Jisung were still behind you. As the sound of silence took over, you sighed in relief as you proceeded to move forward to freedom. However, all that relief faded as you turned the corner to find yourself standing in a hall of mirrors. You stepped back, turning left and right.
"Shit, what the hell is all this?!"
You freak out and pushed against one of the mirrors, praying one was possibly a hidden exit. It wasn’t. Suddenly, a high pitched chuckle shot through your chest. You squeaked, petrified. 
“Here kitty kitty…” Felix’s deep voice bounced against the mirrors. You quickly turned, smacking your face into another mirror behind you. You groaned lowly, rubbing the middle of your face. Another voice echoed through the air as you pushed against another mirror.
“Can’t go that way… try another way…” Jeongin cackled loudly as you rushed in another direction, smacking your face against another mirror. You collapsed upon impact as the voice grew louder.
"Aw, is our little pet hurt?"
Standing up on shaky legs, you turn around to see the figure of Felix standing in one of the mirrors. You let out a shriek and back up into another mirror.
"We will take good care of you, beautiful. Just submit to us..."
You whip around to see Jeongin in the mirror you had just backed into, a wicked grin on his face. A few tears let loose as your terror grows.
'I need to get the hell out of here!' As the laughter from the two terrors grow, you smack every mirror around you, trying to find a way out. Finally, one of the mirrors gives way and behind it you find a hallway. You sigh with relief and book it down the dimly lit hallway. Hearing the echoes of Jisung and Hyunjin's laughs behind you make your legs move faster. 'How the hell did they find me?!'
Suddenly the hallway leads you to a wide open room, one you didn’t expect to see. Wincing, you look around to see cages placed all around the room. Inside those cages were dangerous and exotic animals. That's when you realized you stumbled upon Minho's room. You take a step back but immediately freeze when you hear a low, animalistic growl from behind. You slowly turn to see Minho's tigress, her teeth bared and head low, blocking the hallway you had just exited.
"N-Nice kitty." You raise your hand in defense. You take a few steps back, your body shaking from fear. That's when a voice behind you makes you freeze.
"Well well well, look what we have here. Welcome to my domain, pet."
Your head turns slowly, your body trembling and eyes wide to see Minho. He stands there with his hands in his pockets, a brow raised. A cocky little smirk appears on his face as he looks down on you, eyes flashing yellow. 
Your eyes widened, stepping back slowly as your back met with another cage, a loud hissing falling over your ears. You panicked, jumping forward as the boa lunged towards the edge of the cage. Minho chuckled lowly as he moved closer.
"It seems my pets have taken a… liking to you." He smirks, moving closer to you, hair lowered over his eyes. You slowly backed once more, arm flailing behind you. You used your hand to guide behind you as your eyes stayed fixed on Minho. A low growl fell as Minho’s tigress moved slowly, claws extended within each step. Minho chuckled once more.
"Don't kill her, just stop her." Minho threw his arm forward as his eyes glowed brighter. The tigress growled loudly, lunging towards you. Your body moved on it’s own and you ducked, causing the tiger to knock over a few cages, latches breaking as they shatter against the ground. 
You quickly turned to see more animals moving from their cages. The tigress growled once more, claws clicking beneath her paws. Your eyes widened as you slid against the floor, trying to find your way to your feet. Minho’s eyes continued to glow as a few more animals rushed after you. “P-please leave me alone!”
He shakes his head. "You might as well give up, pet. There's nowhere you can hide." Minho stepped forward beside his tigress and you stumbled over a fallen cage. You winced as pain shoots through your arm, blood trickling down the backside of your elbow. Minho smirked, head tilted to the side.
"Where are you baby girl?" You suddenly hear Jisung call out. Your head quickly turned towards his voice and back to Minho who's smirk continued to curl against his lips. 
"See, you're trapped. Surrender yourself to us, it’s the only way." Minho growled, eyes continuing to shine brightly against the dim lighting. Jisung and Hyunjin’s loud cackling screams grew louder. Your eyes wandered the area. Maybe there was a way to escape from here too. 
Your eyes quickly scanned the area. Slowly stepping to your feet, you notice a small part in the large curtain. Your eyes subtly fixed over the opening, waiting for the chance to run. Minho began to bare his teeth as his tigress fell to crouching position. 
"So what's it gonna be?" He tilted his head back, sliding his thumbs through the loops of his pants. Your eyes quickly moved about the room, looking towards Minho and back at the curtain. As Minho threw his arm out once more, the tigress lunged, claws spread wide. You screamed, dogging out of the way as Jisung and Hyunjin ran into the room. Hyunjin groaned lowly, eyes locked on you. You winced in pain once more as you took off towards the small opening in the curtain.
“What the hell Minho? She was RIGHT there!” Jisung scoffed as he ran past Minho. Your heart hammered against your chest as you ran through the open curtain. Hyunjin, Minho and Jisung all scowling as you ran out of sight.
“Are you kidding me?! How long do we have to keep this chase up until someone actually grabs her?!” Hyunjin complained, eyes narrowed on Minho. Minho sighed, looking at the closing curtain.
“You really have no meaning of the word, patience. Do you?” Minho rolled his eyes as Jisung continued to scowl. “Besides, the longer you stand here, the further she gets.” Jisung and Hyunjin groaned, taking off after you once more. 
You paced quickly, tripping over an unknown object as you crawled into a pitch black tent. You take a deep breathe, pressing your hand to your chest. Tears slowly left your eyes as you curled into a ball. You sniffled softly, raising your head to a small light coming from the other end of the room. Picking yourself up, you slowly moved towards the tiny light. Stepping lightly and keeping as quiet as possible so no one could find you. As the light grew closer, you noticed a small thread hanging from above you. You hesitantly reached up, tugging on the tiny cord.
A sudden burst of light filled the air, lights of red, green and yellow surrounding you. You slowly turned in a circle examining the room. A scream builds up in your chest as the sight of blood splatter set about the area. Your heart began to race, quickly turning towards another table. You backed slowly, placing your hand behind you, something squishing beneath your palm. Your eyes widened, letting out a loud screech, sending the moist object to the floor. You pressed your hand to your chest as you finally noticed the half slaughtered body laying on the table. 
Jisung and Hyunjin turned their heads as the glorious sound of your screams filled the air. "Doesn't sound like she made it very far." Hyunjin snickered. Jisung licked his lips and nodded his head in agreement as they moved towards your addictive noises. 
Back in the tent of horrors, you began to panic, tangling your fingers into your locks. You shook your head fiercely trying to wake yourself up from this nightmare, wanting nothing more than to see the beautiful light of day shining through your bedroom window. You pressed your hands against the top of your head, silently begging.
You continued to panic, becoming oblivious to your surroundings. Slowly moving away from the table, a shadow hiding off in the darkness was about to make your life ten times worse than you thought it already was. A small clicking sound grabbed your attention and the clanking of gears and metal sounded soon after. You quickly turned, eyes filled with terror as a half human, half mechanic experiment began to twitch and spark in front of you. 
"WHAT IN THE FUCK IS THAT?!" You shrieked loudly, looking for something to defend yourself with. The bloody machine slowly rose, arm extended as a loud screech fell from its human lips. Your jaw unhinged, speechless of the horror in front of you, your mind fell blank. You stood, frozen as the machine rolled to its feet, clanking metal together with every movement. 
Completely frozen, another small click fell just as the machines eyes began to turn red. Both arms fully extended as blood and oil dripped from different spots of its body. You shook your head in disbelief. ‘This… this isn't real. I'm dreaming. Please. I'm dreaming. Wake up, Y/N. WAKE UP!’
Your breathe quickened, a heavy feeling in your chest as the machine slowly moved towards you. You couldn't move, feet felt glued to the floor as you stood in complete horror of what moved before you. The shadow slowly appeared from behind the desk, goggles covering his eyes. You slowly turned your head as the man slowly moved the glasses to his forehead, a small smirk hinges over his lips.
"Welcome to my workshop beautiful. It's been a long time since someone, well, human has set foot in my territory." Seungmin tossed the small remote up in the air, catching it in his right hand. "Alive, that is." He chuckled slowly, moving towards his experiment. 
You continued to stand, shocked to see the sweet, kind snack boy standing in a bloody workshop with the creepiest smirk over his lips. 
"Y-you...you're from…" Seungmin turned towards you, eyes glowing purple.
"Oh? You recognize me?!" He squeaked feeling a quick sense of happiness. "You know, you should feel privileged to be standing here. This workshop is only for my experiments." He chuckled lowly, turning his head back towards you. "That is… unless you'd like to be my next one." Your eyes widened, jaw still unhinged in shock. 
Seungmin tilted his head as he slowly paced around your frozen state. He snapped his fingers a few times, releasing a softened chuckle. 
"Wow, beautiful. Who knew it was this easy to capture you." You gulped, trying to fight your body to move even the slightest inch. ‘Why can't I move?’ Seungmin pressed a small green button on his remote causing the machine to move towards you once again. You let out a whimper and shook your head fiercely. Your body began to tremble as you finally felt your left leg move a soft inch. You looked back, taking a heavy breathe just before turning to run. 
"Tsk tsk, not a good idea cutie." Seungmin pressed another button, the machine screaming loudly as its arm extended, grabbing a tightened hold of your ankle. You screamed in terror as Seungmins eyes began to glow brighter. You kicked the machine’s arm with all your might, feeling a numbing sensation running up your leg. 
"Let me go!" You screamed loudly, alarming Jisung and Hyunjin to your location. The machine screamed once more, head twitching as sparks flew from its hollow chest. Your eyes widened, noticing a small led pipe on the ground. You grabbed it, swinging as hard as you could. Seungmin laughed watching your attempts. Your brows furrowed, pulling your arm back further, and swinging harder than before. The machine arm sparked brightly, a loud popping sound to follow. The machine screamed as its arm fell from its body, a mixture of blood and oil spilling out. 
"What the hell did you do?!" Seungmin screamed watching his experiment twitch and scream in agony. Seungmin turned his head, a dark gaze falling over his expression. "Oh, beautiful girl. I'll make you regret that." He grins wickedly as his eyes gloss over your body. "As your repayment, maybe I should keep you for myself and use you as one of my greatests experiments."
You shake your wrist, ridding yourself of the detached half-human arm. You frantically scramble backwards, tripping over body parts scattered across the floor. Tears fall down your cheeks as you back away from the approaching psychotic mechanic. But you don't get very far as you run into a hard object. An arm suddenly snakes around your waist and a hand grips your throat. The sound of maniacal laughter fills your ears.
"Got you."
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A Personal Ref.
Because I always forgot the titles I wanna say when people ask me about anime so I’m making a list for myself and my GARBAGE MEMORY.
10/10 Wholesome: - Sweetness & Lightning - Tanaka-Kun is Always Listless - Kuragehime - Steven Universe (not necessarily anime, but belongs nevertheless) - Little Witch Academia - Mirai no Mirai
Lights, Camera, ACTION: - Noragami (with a slightly annoying male protag, just slightly) - Dororo (I recommend this only for mature audiences) - Inuyasha - YuYu Hakusho - Yu-Gi-Oh! (The FIRST ONE) - Boku no Hero Academia (also belongs in 10/10 Wholesome) - Kekkai Sensen - Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (also belongs in 10/10 Wholesome) - Pandora Hearts (reading this one is better) - Bungou Stray Dogs (insert hella edgy here tho) - Psycho Pass - Code: Geass - Samurai Champloo - Voltron (Only worth it for the first few seasons) - Avatar: The Last Airbender - Mob Psycho 100 (also belongs in 10/10 Wholesome) - One Punch Man - Soul Eater - Ao no Exorcist - D. Gray Man - Dogs: Bullets & Carnage (only an OVA, read it instead) - 07 Ghost (VERY STRANGE?) - Thunderbolt Fantasy (not necessarily anime, but puppetry) - Assassination Classroom (also belongs in 10/10 Wholesome) - Aldnoah. Zero
Blood and More Blood, But Not Necessarily With A+ Story: - Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni (hudurr) - Shiki - Tokyo Ghoul (UNPOPURAR OPINYIN) - Elfen Lied (NSFW Warning and yikes) - Parasyte: The Maxim (except I really like this one whoops)
Fantastical & Delightful: - Totoro - Howl’s Moving Castle - Spirited Away - Princess Mononoke - Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind - Natsumi Yuujincho - Castle in the Sky (aka, Laputa) - Princess Tutu - Kiki’s Delivery Service - Summer Wars - Ponyo - The Cat Returns - Tales from Earthsea (a bit dark) - Ancient Magus Bride (Do you like monster husbands? Here you go) - Flying Witch - .hack (If anyone ever recommends Sword Art Online, watch this instead lol) - How to Keep a Mummy (also 10/10 Wholesome)
WTF, but Worth: - Steins;Gate - Occultic;Nine - Shin Sekai Yori - Paprika - Panty & Stocking (NSFW Warning) - Durarara!!! (Not necessarily worth, it depends) - FLCL - xxxHolic - Jingai-san no Yome (also belongs in 10/10 Wholesome) - Merman in my Tub (also belongs in 10/10 Wholesome)
Here’s Some Hot Guys and Gals, Also Not Necessarily with A+ Story: - Free! Iwatobi Swim Club - Gangsta (the story’s alright there tho, NSFW Warning) - Yuri!!! on Ice - Claymore (Story’s good tho) - Karnival (Proceed with caution, it can get annoying really fast)
Romy-Comy & Slicey Lifey: - Kiznaiver (I promise they all get better) - K-on! (also belongs in 10/10 Wholesome) - Kamisama Kiss - Kimi ni Todoke - Ouran Highschool Host Club - Ore Monogatari - Monthly Girls’ Nozaki Kun - Aggretsuko
MYSTERIOUS: - Hyouka (MYSETRIOUS-lite) - Mushi-shi - Ghost in a Shell - Serial Experiments Lain (also belongs in WTF, but Worth) - Death Note - The Promised Neverland
Did You Bring Your Tissues?: - The Secret Life of Arriety - Your Name - Wolf Children - Grave of the Fireflies - She and Her Cat
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It’s Been a While
I need to be better
Yep okay so life is really crazy. Honestly so much more than I expected. I’ve been in college for a year and like haven’t had time for much else.
But I want to get this list out of the way before I’m 50 and dying. It would’ve ridiculous if I was still watching Naruto on my death bed.
Soooooo, I’m reattaching my anime bucket list. Any of the ones I crossed out, I’ve watched. Just as a reminder for me that I can do this, and kinda need to:
A Agame ga Kill Ancient Magus’ Bride 
Angel Beats Anohana
Ano Natsude Matteru (Waiting in the Summer) Another Ao haru ride (Blue Spring Ride)
Aoharu x Kikanjuu Assassination Classroom  
B Baccano!
Banana Fish Beyond the boundary
Big Fish and Begnoia Black rock shooter Bleach Blood Blockade  Blood Lad Blue Exorcist
Bokura Ga Ita (We Were There)
Bokura Wa Minna Kawaisou Bungou Stray Dogs
C Certain Magical Index 
Cowboy Bebop
D Devils 
D.Gray-Man Darker Than Black Durarara!!!!
E Eden of the East
F Fate Fate/Zero FLCL
H Haikyuu Hamatora Heroine Disqualified
Hell girl Hotarubi no Mori e (Into the Forest of firefly light) movie Hunter x Hunter Hyouka
I Inuyasha I’ve always liked you (movie)
K K project Kanisama no memochou (Heavens Memo Pad) Karnival
Kill La Kill Kimi ni todoke Kiznaiver Kuromukuro
Kuzu no Honkai
M Makai ouji (Devils and Realist) Magi Series Magical Warfare Matou Shoujo Madoka Magica Mirai Niki  My bride is a mermaid  My little monster Mushi-shi
N Nanbaka  Naruto Nijiiro Days (Rainbow Days)  Nisekoi  Now and then, Here and there 
O Ocean Waves
One Punch Man  Oregairu (My ten romantic comedy is wrong) 
Our love has Always been 10 cm Apart
P Physco-pass  Plastic memories 
S Sakurasou no pet na kanojo (The Pet Girl of Sakurasou) Sankarea  Shinsekai Yori (From the New World)  Seraph of the End Skip beat  Snow White with the red hair  Steins;gate
Strike the blood  Soul contract
T Tamako love story  Tate no Yuusha No Nariagari
The Boy and the Beast
The girl who leapt through time (Movie) The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Toji no Miki
Toradora  Trickster 
U Udon no Kuni no Kini Rao kemari
Under the Dog
Violet Evergrarden
W When Marie was there (Movie) Whisper of the Heart
Wolf Children (Movie) Wolf girl and black prince  Wolf’s Rain 
Y Yamada and the seven witches 
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businesswireindia · 7 years
Thousands of families can expect a whirlwind of pleasant surprises at the always-entertaining Krackerjack Karnival, when it opens its gates this Saturday at Jayamahal Palace Hotel to celebrate its 12th edition. Dubbed India's first and largest carnival for children and families, the two-day event from Oct. 7-8 is an extravaganza of games, balloons and bright colours, and the perfect way to create family memories that your children will remember their whole lives!
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poizongirl · 10 years
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Memorieal Charity Artbook preview: Amnesia by VanRah My contribution for the Memorieal charity project for the Shelter Box. The theme was "the memories", so, I chose to illustrate the lack of memories, aka Amnesia (in order to nooooot be out of the rank, as always, of course XD) The character that I chose is Virgil the albino Pied Piper from my comic series Karnival Gate, that is suffering from serious loss of memories. Please don't re-use my works without permission, they are original pieces and from published series for the most great part, so, under copyrights.^^ ***************************** Karnival Gate Virgil Karnival Gate©2013-2014 VanRah. All rights reserved
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werewolf240moon · 1 month
Macabre Roncial Tarot Cards / Deck
Art and characters belong to VanRah @poizongirl
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werewolf240moon · 2 months
Karnival Gate
Spin-off de Stray Dog and Mortician
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werewolf240moon · 2 months
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The series related to Stray Dog and Mortician, namely NeverenD and Karnival Gate.
Last round of the track for their self-edited version before their rework and remastering for publication in the Glénat catalogue.
You will be able to find the “version 0” of these two series marking the origin of the karats clans through the staging of the first generations (Russian, Evan, Mort-Rah, Ishtar….), those who founded or later gave birth to the characters you meet in the Stray Dog and Mortician series (Iruu, Toru, Tarot, KiRah…).
To celebrate the last time that you will be able to find these very first versions (the rushes of what will then be the final redrawn and labeled Glénat version) of these two titles, both come out this year in very beautiful form, in pure and hard manga version (finished La Classic self-publishing version, this year I allowed myself to give you a real taste by offering them in pure juice manga format.)
So, you will be able to find both in the form of 3 volumes, the 3 compiling the entire chapters released at each Japan Expo every year since their establishment in 2011, with, for NeverenD, included the RED chapter as well as the new chapter made for this year.
For me, if the drawing date (and yes, the first chapters of ND were drawn in 2009, that’s a distance between the level I was at that time and the one I have now ^^), ND, as Stray Dog and as Mortician, is a series for which I have a lot of attachment because connected to the whole universe of Karats and directly to the babies staged in Stray Dog and Morti (direct lineage, here, we directly have the parents or the founders of the bloodlines and clans presented in SD and Morti and including Toru, Tarot, KiRah, Iruu, Anna etc… are the current representatives/heirs).
- VanRah @poizongirl
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werewolf240moon · 3 months
The new order of VanRah’s books
Red -> NeverenD -> Karnival Gate -> Mortician -> Stray Dog
[ I don’t know where does Ayakashi Legendes Des Cinq Royaumes and Akazukin The Little Red Riding Hood fit in ]
All of the amazing works belong to VanRah @poizongirl
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werewolf240moon · 10 months
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"Joyeux anniversaire VanRah"
“ Bon anniversaire VanRah “
{Today is Vanrah Birthday December 15}
This is a birthday collage I made for Vanrah/ @poizongirl .The works are NeverenD, Akuma, Mortician The Dark Feary Tales, Stray Dog, Hearts Mechanism, Ayakashi Legendes des cinq royaumes and Akazukin the Little Red Riding Hood. Rouci the rabbit from NeverenD that is also VanRah’s avatar !!!! All these characters , works and stories Belongs to VanRah.
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werewolf240moon · 2 years
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Joyeux Anniversaire VanRah
Bon Anniversaire VanRah
Happy Birthday Vanrah { Today is VanRah’s Birthday December 15 }
This is birthday collage I made for Vanrah/poizongirl. The works are Karnival Gate, Akazukin the Little Red Riding Hood, Ayakashi Legendes de cinq royaumes, Akuma, RED, NeverenD, Mortician the Dark Feary Tales and Stray Dog. Rouci is the avatar of Vanrah and the rabbit in NeverenD. All the characters and stories belongs to VanRah/@poizongirl
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werewolf240moon · 2 years
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Living Poison Artbook 2011-2015
Artbook des séries Mortician, Stray Dog, Karnival Gate, etc de Vanrah.
Living Poison belongs to VANRAH/poizongirl @poizongirl
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werewolf240moon · 2 years
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These are some of the cups, books, bags, stands, posters and acrylic keychains that VanRah has in her booth TEGAMI DEN at Japan Expo [ PREVIEW ]
Art, Works and Tegami Den belongs to VANRAH/poizongirl @poizongirl
⚠️Vanrah Facebook Source ⚠️
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werewolf240moon · 2 years
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NeverenD volumes 1-5, RED, PAINT IT BLACK, Karnival Gate, Sweet Dreams Artbook, Living Poison Artbook, Unity in Diversity Artbook, Stray Dog H.S Archives 0001020301.01 , GONE - Trailer, ROTG, bags, cups, Tarot Cards, pins and Acrylic Keychains
Art, characters and Tegami Den belongs to VanRah/poizongirl @poizongirl
⚠️Vanrah Facebook ⚠️
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werewolf240moon · 4 years
The order of Vanrah’s books
Red -> NeverenD -> Mortician -> Stray Dog
[ I don’t know where does Karnival Gate, Ayakashi Legendes Des Cinq Royaumes or Akazukin The Little Red Riding Hood , fit in ]
All of the works mentioned are from VANRAH/poizongirl @poizongirl
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