#karl johan period
artsandculture · 2 months
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Anxiety (1894) 🎨 Edvard Munch 🏛️ The Munch Museum 📍 Oslo, Norway
This painting draws on two earlier departures: the anxious humanity moving forward as if driven by ominous elemental forces, as first conceived in Evening on Karl Johan Street; and a certain view of Oslo Fjord, already seen in The Scream. Both were destined to recur with considerable fidelity in Anxiety and in other works of the same period.
Norwegian angst, like its German counterpart, had become the key term not only for Munch's central pictorial content but for the entire tradition that is traced to Kierkegaard's and Nietzsche's philosophies, Strindberg's and Ibsen's plays, and the North European modern aesthetic contribution in general.
In Anxiety Munch repeats closely many elements of The Scream. The same jetty that accommodated a single alienated personage appears again, as do the lake in the distance, the two boats, the church, and other structures that line the shore just a little less dimly than before. The are all quoted from the earlier work, as are the gloomy hues and the intense swirls of concentrically enlarging lines that define and ultimately embrace land, sea, and sky.
If, however, The Scream deals with the horror experienced in total isolation by a single being, Anxiety plays upon collective despair. the sentiment of angst in this work is even more sustained, if less piercing, than in The Scream, since its desperation is here borne by a group rather than by an isolated individual.
Munch returned to Anxiety two years later to restate the same motif through the print mediums. This time he added the woodcut to the lithograph and allowed the white features rendered visible in the subtractive method to stand against the expressive ground of a red-colored paper. As has been observed in the The Scream, the limitations inherent in the graphic technique - its reduction of the linear property and the elimination of the descriptive color in the woodcut - emphasize the abstract conception and heighten the emotive forcefulness of the pictorial content. The few but significant modifications and character substitutions that the artist felt compelled to undertake in the transformations from painting to prints, as well as the subtle differences between woodcuts and lithographs, provide valuable insights into Munch's creative reaction.
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eypril-eypril · 2 years
guys, this “august being added to the line of succession” thing is not that weird. both karl x gustav and jean baptiste bernadotte (karl xiv johan) were added to the line of succession because the previous line naturally ended. karl x gustav was the cousin of queen kristina, who abdicated, and jean baptiste bernadotte, who was this random french guy that was “adopted” by karl xiii. there was also a period of time in the mid-1900s where all princes left the line of succession to marry their non-noble girlfriends. from my understanding there were only two people in the line of succession during that time; carl xvi gustaf (the current king) and prince bertil, who gave up on marrying his non-noble girlfriend in order to be the spare prince. before the current royal siblings had children of their own, there were only three people in the line of succession; the crown princess and her two siblings. i think a logical assumption here is that wille is the only person in the line of succession right now and that’s adding to the pressure he’s under from the royal court. from a historical point of view it’s not that strange that they would add august to the line of succession. 
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keynewssuriname · 9 months
De Nieuwe Weg van de NPS!
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De Nationale Partij Suriname (NPS) is opgericht op 29 september 1946, door onder andere Johan Ferrier, de laatste Gouverneur en eerste President van de Republiek Suriname.De zusterpartij van de NPS in Nederland is GroenLinks. De NPS heeft eveneens een afdeling in Nederland, het Platform Frambo Nederland. Bekend als een sociaal democratisch bolwerk heeft de NPS als eerste politieke groepering getracht alle etniciteiten en religiën van onze multiculturele samenleving in een huis onder te brengen, door de partij open te stellen voor alle Surinamers. Na ongeveer een halve eeuw staatsrechtelijke zelfstandigheid is de tijd aangebroken dat het volk lering trekt uit de talrijke fouten en dramatische politieke ervaringen die de Republiek vanaf haar oprichting in 1975 heeft meegemaakt. Het drama begon met een militaire machtsovername in 1980, gevolgd door een periode van dictatoriaal bestuur en de Binnenlandse Oorlog tussen militairen en rebellen ondersteund door huurlingen die tot en met 1986 duurde. Talrijke mensenrechtenschendingen en economisch verval deden toen hun intrede in het ontwikkelingsproces van de Republiek. Na het staatsrechtelijk drama van de jaren tachtig keerde de democratische staatsvorm terug met duidelijke elementen van een open samenleving (Karl Popper), waarbij middels verkiezingen telkens na 5 jaren politieke leiders werden gekozen. De periode vanaf 1986 tot en met heden kan grotendeels gekenmerkt worden als een tijd, waar diverse politieke leiders aan de macht zijn gekomen en het land financieel – economisch kaal hebben geplukt, waardoor een groot deel van het volk sterk is verarmd en vooral jongeren de hoop in de toekomst hebben verloren en thans letterlijk alles aan doen om het land zo snel mogelijk te verlaten. Gelukkig heeft Suriname in de haast 50 jaren na de onafhankelijkheid tenminste een Staatsman gekend die steeds heeft getoond beleid te formuleren en uit te stippelen gericht op het duurzaam ontwikkelen van een generatie en zich niet slechts heeft geconcentreerd op het winnen van verkiezingen. Deze staatsman heeft meerdere keren getoond door integer, transparant, duurzaam en spaarzaam en vaderlandslievend leiderschap ons land steeds op een sociaal democratische manier op het correcte ontwikkelingspad te zetten. De filosofie, visie en daadkracht van deze staatsman en Erevoorzitter van de NPS, Runaldo Ronald Venetiaan, leeft nog sterk binnen de Groene Partij. De NPS is de enige politieke partij die traditioneel bewezen heeft stabiliteit en ontwikkeling in ons land te kunnen bewerkstelligen. De NPS nodigt daarom iedereen die een structurele en eerlijke bijdrage aan de ontwikkeling van ons land wil leveren en Suriname gezamenlijk wenst op te bouwen uit, om de partij te ondersteunen ter realisering van dit hoger doel. Het jaar 2023 komt teneinde en Suriname zal in 2024 aan de vooravond staan van de belangrijkste periode vanaf de onafhankelijkheid, omdat na haast 50 jaren niet meer gesproken kan worden van een jonge natie. De leerprocessen zijn talrijk en in sommige gevallen zelf dramatisch geweest, maar dit volk is veerkrachtig en heeft steeds getoond samen met de NPS zich uit de meest penibele situaties te kunnen werken. “A Njung Pasi” van de NPS, zoals gepresenteerd door de huidige voorzitter, Gregory Rusland, zal daarom gefocust zijn op: 1 Hoogwaardig, integer en transparant bestuur door een overheid vrij van corruptie of nepotisme en aangestuurd door de beste talenten van ons land; 2 Rechtvaardige verdeling van alle verdiensten, respect voor de universele mensenrechten, inheemse en tribale grondrechten en gender gelijkwaardigheid; 3 Uitbanning van armoede; 4 Jongeren: modern en effectief onderwijs inclusief, innovatief en technologisch onderwijs; 5 Deugdelijke en goed betaalde werkgelegenheid; 6 Duurzaam financieel-economisch beleid dat stabiliteit en groei garandeert; 7 Groen milieu gericht op organische landbouw, en duurzame tuinbouw, bosbouw en toerisme, ontwikkeling; 8 Hoogwaardige medische zorg; 9 Rechtstaat met sterke instituten en veiligheid; 10 Duurzame en goed gereguleerde mijnbouw. De NPS wenst aan alle Surinamers een veilig een vreedzame afsluiting van dit jaar toe en roept iedereen op om vanaf 2024 samen met de partij te focussen op de Nieuwe Weg die wij gezamenlijk en dus met alle etniciteiten op zullen gaan!   Paramaribo, 28 December 2023 Media Team Nationale Partij Suriname   Read the full article
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designobjectory · 2 years
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“Farstun” reproduction early 1800s Swedish wallpaper by Gysinge in gray
"Farstun" is a typical Hälsingland stencil damask wallpaper from the first half of the 19th century. In Sweden the era is called the Karl Johan period after the reigning monarch, and the fashion was for silk-imitating patterns in sober colors. Very few could afford silk wallpapers. Most had to make do with imitations, usually in the form of stenciled patterns in distemper paint (of mineral pigment and animal glue binders) on rag paper. The middle class, priests and urban merchant classes, could not afford an expensive silk damask either, but instead turned to local painters who became masters at imitating fabric patterns with the help of stencils and silk-like colors. The farmers ultimately also embraced the fashion with stenciled wallpapers, but translated the wallpaper patterns into bright folk art colors. We have found this wallpaper in several farms in the Järvsö area, where the color scheme blue, gray, red is the most common and the wallpaper that most connects to the farmers' traditional colors. The more subdued color schemes in the catalog, on the other hand, are more typical of the 19th century and Karl Johan period. Standard wallpapers are almost always combined with a single-colored dado up to window height, of wood or of gray cardboard paper. This makes the rooms tranquil and creates harmonious proportions, even if the wallpaper patterns happen to be bold and colorful.
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father-moss · 2 years
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The Jettböle idol
On the autonomous island of Åland (Finland) lies the Neolithic site of Jettböle. First found in 1905 by the poor farmer Karl Johan Karlsson who reported the finds to the young Finnish archaeologist Björn Cederhvarf who began excavations the same year.
The site showed to be very unique for the Scandinavian middle Stone Age period (approx 3300-2300 BC) when in 1906 the excavating team found the infamous clay idol shown above.
What the idol resembles is yet to this day unknown. Some researchers means it’s anthropomorphic, and some zoomorphic. A mix between a human and a seal (people living here relied on seal hunting). Or is it maybe a manifestation of a god? Either way it is a beautiful piece of work that tells us that human thousands of years ago on this ancient shore just didn’t bang rocks together, they had a view and perception of the world around them.
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Hello, I hope you're doing well.
You get a lot of questions about the cast of Monster and their opinions on things, so here is my question: their favourite ____punk genre (e.g. steampunk, dieselpunk)?
Alternatively, are there any characters you associate with a particular one, even if it may not be to their taste?
Thank you~ well, but tired lol! This is a really fun one :) as a super huge steampunk vibes liker I appreciate it a ton.
Kenzo Tenma: While in general I don't see him being especially into the genre (let's face it he has never had the time to have special interests!) I do think if presented with each of these genres of media he would be a fan of something like solar punk, something about the brighter, cleaner nature to the world that it presents. More hopeful.
Wolfgang Grimmer: From the subgenres that I know, I would say Grimmer would take the most intrigue with diesel punk. I imagine he would be drawn to it for the period of time it represents, during a lot of overt incivility spanning through world war. It's a bleaker world that he finds fascination with. Far enough back that he can look at it as a fiction, but still relatable enough to draw him in.
Eva Heinemann: Now Eva's definitely a straightforward steampunk fan for sure. It's got her aesthetic, she would see herself as a part of the wealthy upper class, and I think she'd enjoy the decor and fashion for the genre. There's lots to love.
Heinrich Lunge: This one I was caught between diesel punk and cyberpunk. I think that Lunge personally would be more drawn toward diesel punk, for some similar reasons as to Grimmer - the bleak crime-riddled world of it, the period of time it represents, etc. - but I definitely associate him more with cyberpunk for reasons that should be fairly clear. Something something the hard drive in my brain...
Nina Fortner: So, there were a couple I could choose, but the one I think Nina would have a lot of fun with is raypunk. It's got a classic old-timey vibe, but in a fun, bright atmospheric way that's super colourful and has a lot of vibrant energy. I think she'd like that! Partly to enjoy what the 50s saw the future as (lol) and partly just for the overall bright aesthetic of it. It's bold and a lot of fun.
Johan Liebert: While I don't think he would much care for the genre, there's something about the idea behind clock punk that might draw him in. It's close to steampunk, but with more focus on the clockwork element, and I think the endless passage of time through a steampunk lens would draw him. Something about time being frozen within the confines of the world, but endlessly passing simultaneously.
Jan Suk: I feel like he'd be a fan of desert punk. He's a fan of old cop shows, and desert punk is the realm of harsher, wild wild west type of worlds where that kind of story would thrive. I bet he would love to see himself as a tough young sheriff in that kind of narrative.
Rudi Gillen: I think he'd have some fun with the notions of biopunk. It has some of the same narrative beats as cyberpunk (which I think he would find a lot of enjoyment in) but the focus is more specifically on the merge between technology and biology, so the narrative of cyborgs and "what makes a man/what makes a machine" crises...I think he would have an absolute field day with that.
Lotte Frank: I know Lotte's area of study isn't really ancient anthropology, but I do think she would enjoy something like sandal punk, which takes ancient civilization as its backdrop. As an anthropology major she would definitely love looking at how an ancient civilization would handle the world with advanced technology and contrasting it with the way things operate in her age.
Karl Neumann: I think that he would take the most enjoyment from junk punk. Rather than fitting a certain period of time or culture or location, this subgenre centers around the reuse and recycling of things that were cast out as junk. It's something that I think he would personally deeply relate to, given his time in foster care and being bounced around from family to family for a long time, so it would have a certain significance to his life. I think he'd also like the hopeful message of taking something viewed as garbage and repurposing it.
And that's about as much as I can come up with! Anyway you've given me some AUs to think about
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jepsolell · 3 years
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🏐 When it is a rotunda, doubly beautiful and quiet. [III] - The “Minnesotaesrundeln” (rotonda) in Skokloster Slott. This amazing place was built during Magnus Brahe period around 1830. This part of one of the towers was a tribute to the new King Karl XIV Johan Bernardotte, the new monarch of Sweden. On the righ side we can see in the center a sculpture depicting Mars looking in the king traits. It measures more than 3 meters, and I can assure it doesn’t deceive. We can also see some neo-gothic elemnts as the chairs, all merged with this delicious late-empire taste ambiance. (en Skoklosters Slott) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaVVGp0o5Ik/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thorraborinn · 4 years
Hello! Hope you're well. I've been following your blog for sometime and recently noticed posts about Nazi influence on modern rune divination/magic. I was wondering if you could point me in the direction of some (ideally free to read) sources? I'm interested to read more about it for my own personal knowledge, and to perhaps start some discussions around it in a witchcraft group I help admin.
Many thanks for your time!
Unfortunately, not really. This is something that I’ve been trying to research on my own time with the intent of writing something long-form about it, but I haven’t been able to dedicate a lot of time to it. The next phase of my research involves reading a lot of German which I’m pretty bad at -- I can force my way through it but it takes me a long time.
One important source that pertains to an earlier time period before rune divination was happening but is still important for understanding the intersections of runes, nationalism, and occultism, is Rose Cross over the Baltic by Susanna Åkerman, a history of Rosicrucianism in Scandinavia with a lot of emphasis on Johan Bure.
Other than that, my plan has been working back through the works of Karl Spiesberger (the non-Nazi who made Nazi mysticism available to the general public) and Ernst Tristan Kurtzahn (the Nazi who, as far as I’ve been able to tell, is the inventor of runic divination). He was in turn influenced by Guido von List, about whom there is a lot of information available, but I still intend to investigate primary sources. I still haven’t found any reason to believe that anyone did it before Kurtzahn, but looking for evidence that someone did is what led me to discover that the idea of runic divination is genuinely medieval even if the practice is not, and also to Marijane Osborne’s more recent re-invention that seems to have no contact at all with the lineage going back to Nazi occultism. While it’s undeniable that there is a lineage of List > Kurtzahn > Spiesberger > Thorsson/Flowers (and Blum cites Spiesberger as well) > [general heathenism], I’m still interested in finding people who don’t fall into that genealogy.
I still haven’t read The Occult Roots of Nazism by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke in its entirety which I expect to be indispensable. I don’t think it’s going to talk about runes in particular very much, and about divination probably not at all, but will be helpful for understanding the general reception and spread of occultism and the organization and relationships of occult groups.
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justforbooks · 4 years
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The beautiful Barockhaus in Görlitz is home to a cultural history museum and a stunning library. The building can be found on the southeast corner of the Untermarkt and was a major trade and residential home from the baroque period. I have been meaning to visit this place and finally had the chance to this week – it’s beautiful, fascinating, and absolutely worth a stop when you are in Görlitz!
The house was built in 1729, after two breweries which stood in its place burned during a city fire. Brewing rights were only granted to the privileged at the time, so many wealthy & important citizens brewed beer. The new building was built according to new fire safety regulations for a rich canvas and damask trader from Zittau named Christian Ameiss. The house was built in the style of a Leipzig “Durchhaus”, a house with a central courtyard that goes all the way through from front to back. On the first floor of the museum you can see the home as it would have looked while the Ameiss family was living there, with beautiful baroque furnishings and artifacts. Especially lovely are the colored stucco ceilings.
In 1779 the house was acquired by Karl Gottlob von Anton, the co-founder of the Upper Lusatian Society of Sciences. It became the seat of the society in 1804 and their library and vast collections have been preserved since then. It was also home to the Freemason’s Lodge Zur gekrönten Schlange (To the crowned serpent). On the second floor you can find a “black room” used by the Freemason’s for their initiation rites, as well as many rooms full of the collections of the society members which include antique scientific instruments, illustrations, textiles, coins and archaeological finds.
The Barockhaus is also home to the most extensive library between Dresden and Wrocław and one of the most beautiful libraries that I’ve ever seen! The library has 140,000 volumes with numerous rarities and treasures, including medieval manuscripts and incunabula, which are the earliest printed books, from the dawn of European movable type in 1450-1500.
The library was established by the Upper Lusatian Society of Sciences, whose members felt that the region was lacking in great libraries. They wanted to promote learning and science in Upper Lusatia and so the members donated books from their private collections. Also housed in the library is the collection of a man named Johan Gottlieb Milich, who died in 1726 without heirs and left his library to Görlitz with the stipulation that his collection be made available for public use.
The oldest book in the library’s collection is a handwritten codex from the 11th century. The library also has an extensive collection of Jakob Böhme’s works, a famous mystic who lived in Görlitz.  During WWII many important works were transferred to the eastern part of Görlitz, across the Neiße River, for protection from air raids. After the war ended, this area that was once Germany became Poland and the books were not returned to the library. You can now find many of these important works in Wrocław. In 1945 the Upper Lusatian Society of Sciences was dissolved by the Soviets. Since 1950 the house and its collections have been the property of the city of Görlitz.
The unique and beautiful large book hall was arranged with beech shelves in the middle of the room, instead of along the walls. This was meant to emulate the look of a stage. The only adornment in the room are the lovely old books, which are the stars of the show. Today the hall, characterized by its simplicity, is one of the most beautiful library spaces in the world!
This museum and especially the beautiful library are not to be missed! The museum in the Barockhaus is also English-friendly with most of the descriptions translated.
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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virtualrenfaire2020 · 5 years
Virtual Ren Faire 2020 Calendar
We have activities and themed days, plus we’ve compiled a bunch of livestreams from some fantastic performers to enjoy during our Faire. The calendar is updated daily, so stay tuned for more events!
Saturday, March 28
Opening day!
Join us on Opening Day for a day of faire activities. Share photos, videos, and stories relating to your ren faire experience! 
Submissions will be open starting today for the Costume Contest!
O.W.L. Fest - 7:30 AM PDT
An all-day series of concerts with a wizardly theme. A new artist is live every half hour until 7:00 PM, so tune in anytime! Don’t forget to refresh the page between concerts to listen to the latest stream. The current lineup is: Tonks and the Aurors, Lauren Fairweather, Ashley Hamel, Hawthorn & Holly, Grace Kendall, Kalysta Flame, Pussycat Dolores, The Purebloods, Flitwick and the Charmers, Losing Lara, Muggle Snuggle, Percy and the Prefects, Ludo Bagman and the Trash, Draco and the Malfoys, The Mudbloods, The Lovegoods, Alas Earwax!, The Blibbering Humdingers, Abby Ritter, The Swedish Shortsnouts, Kirstyn Hippe, POTTÖRHEAD, The Arkadian, Karl-Johan, and Toucan Dubh.
Check out the Facebook livestream concerts here.
Ye Banished Privateers Virtual Release Party - 11:00 AM PDT.
“Let’s party like it’s 1720! Borders are closing, people are being forced to shut their doors. Our global world is growing smaller, but Ye Banished Privateers believes in staying connected through the crisis. On march 28th we were planning to throw a big release party for our new album Hostis Humani Generis in our home town Umeå, Sweden, which naturally had to be cancelled due to the corona pandemic. Instead we’ll be hosting a live streamed event, at 19.00 cet 28/3 that will be worthy of an official release concert. We want to try and make this something special and grand . . . let’s stand together in all safe ways possible.”
Check out the Youtube livestream concert here.
Pub Crawl - 1:30 PM PDT. 
We’ll be hosting a BYOB pub crawl. Keep an eye out for the tag vrf2020 pub crawl for more info. Please follow local drinking laws and drink responsibly!
Cyrus Pynn (The Swordsman) - 2:00 PM PDT.
“I am a self taught professional sword swallower who perfected the art at the Coney Island Sideshow School, where I learned to present it in an entertaining and classy manner. Since then I have pushed the limit with this dangerous feat as I have traveled across the United States performing with Carnivals, Festivals and Variety Shows . . . Demonstrating the world's most dangerous stunt in an entertaining, classy manner featuring comedy, audience interaction and, of course, death defiance! ‘Down the Hatch without a Scratch!’“
Check out the Facebook livestream show here.
Andrea Beaton - 4:30 PM PDT.
“Andrea grew up in a musical family in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia.  Both the Beaton and MacMaster sides of her family are well known and respected as some of Cape Breton's finest musicians, dancers and composers. She has made 6 solo CDs, a duo album with her father Kinnon, and published 3 books of tunes.”
Check out the Zoom livestream concert here.
The CRAIC Show - 5:00 PM PDT.
“The CRAIC Show is an intense & wildly entertaining act, made up of five international travelers who, in 1541AD, were banded together on an ancient battlefield. This unique merging of music from far away lands brings a sound that is unlike any other . . .  Ever-changing and constantly blending styles, The CRAIC Show is always bringing a fresh, high energy blend of World Medieval Music to a modern audience.” 
Check out the Facebook livestream concert here.
Erin Rae - 7:00 PM PDT.
“Gifted with a unique ability to fuse musical genres and influences to craft songs that feel fresh and wholly her own, with her new album Putting On Airs, Erin Rae has thrown down a direct challenge to the stereotype of what a Southern singer should be. Both lyrically and sonically, she strikes a fiercely independent chord, proudly releasing a deeply personal record that reflects her own upbringing in Tennessee, including the prejudices and injustices that she witnessed as a child that continue to impact her life to this day. According to Rae, ‘this album was born out of a need to do some healing work in my personal life, in order to address some fears and patterns of mine to allow my true feelings to come to the surface.’”
Check out the Instagram livestream concert here.
Sunday, March 29
Submissions remain open for the Costume Contest!
Alistair McCulloch - 11:30 AM PDT.
“Alistair is one of Scotland's best known fiddle performers and teachers.  His trio features Aaron Jones of Old Blind Dogs, and former Capercaillie whistle wizard Marc Duff. Alistair has taught a generation of rising stars at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland.”
Check out the Zoom livestream concert here.
Linda McRae - 1:00 PM PDT.
“Linda’s love of Canadian, American and British music early on in her career resulted in multiple band configurations from roots-rock to punk to folk . . . When Linda steps onto a concert stage, into a recording studio, workshop or mentoring session, there is an effortless passion, a love of what she does and a connection with fans and friendships built and treasured. A multi-instrumentalist Linda works tirelessly as a touring singing songwriter, performing at premiere venues across Canada, the US and Europe while turning out new works.”
Check out the Facebook livestream concert here.
The Glow Bubble Show (Meadow Perry) - 4:00 PM PDT.
“Meadow Perry is a Philadelphia based Magician, Bubble Artist and Actress. Known for her beloved children's character, Meadowlark the Faerie, Meadow has been performing in various genres from the stage to private events for over 15 years. The Bubble Magic of Meadow Perry is a show that takes the visual art of bubbles, theatrical storytelling, enchanting magic, thrilling music, & a touch of sophistication to create a unique and entertaining show that has been described as ‘A mesmerizing, spellbounding experience! Charming and interesting, Meadow takes the rules of bubbles outside the box!’”
Check out the Instagram livestream show here.
Monday, March 30
Submissions remain open for the Costume Contest!
Merchants’ Monday
Show our wonderful shops some extra love today!
Shannon Lay - 12:00 PM PDT.
“There is an entire sub-genre of poetry devoted to rivers and their persistent, meditative flow . . . For transcendent folk-pop artist Shannon Lay, the river is all of the above: It’s the metaphor driving her latest album, the exquisitely uplifting August (Sub Pop Records, out August, 23rd)—which doubles as an aural baptism renewing her purpose for making music. ‘I always picture music as this river. Everyone’s throwing things into this river, it’s a place you can go to and feed off of that energy,’ she says, ‘and feel nourished by the fact that so many people are feeling what you’re feeling. It’s this beautiful exchange.’”
Check out the Instagram livestream concert here.
Jesse Linder, Bard - 5:00 PM PDT.
“. . .'Singer of Songs, Teller of Tales.’ Jesse performs as a solo artist and as a member of 3 Pints Gone, and has been a member of Separated at Birth, CrossRogues, and Tippler's Way. Jesse sings at Renaisance faires, American reenactments, Irish pubs, and coffeehouses throughout the Midwest. He currently has three solo CDs and five group CDs in print.”
Check out the Facebook livestream concert here.
Steven Greenman - 6:00 PM PDT.
“Steven has worked with some of the world’s leading klezmer ensembles, is a founding member of Cleveland’s East European ensemble Harmonia, and has been a guest soloist with the Cleveland Pops Orchestra, performing his own arrangements of gypsy and klezmer music.”
Check out the Zoom livestream concert here.
Tuesday, March 31
Submissions remain open for the Costume Contest!
Time Travel Tuesday
Share your favorite photos and costumes from any time period, from Ancient Greece to 2265. After all, in quarantine, time all feels a little wibbly wobbly!
Jonathan Cannon - 5:30 PM PDT.
“Jonathan has studied klezmer, Romanian, Celtic, and American fiddling, performs regularly, with award-winning Boston klezmer band Ezekiel’s Wheels, and for contra dances.”
Check out the Zoom livestream concert here.
Wednesday, April 1
Submissions remain open for the Costume Contest!
Anne-Mari Kivimäki & Palomylly - 10:00 AM PDT.
“Anne-Mari Kivimäki & Palomylly is an impressive sound mix with stories, archive recordings, jouhikko, double bass, vocals and accordion. Kivimäki’s music has a hypnotic pulse and it’s made for the love of old stories. Kivimäki has gathered her Palomylly band from the musicians on her successful Lakkautettu Kylä (A Closed-Down Village) album.”
Check out the Facebook livestream concert here.
Troy MacGillivray with Sabra MacGillivray - 4:30 PM PDT.
“Troy is a brilliant fiddler, pianist and stepdancer from Nova Scotia.  He’s been featured at many festivals including Celtic Connections in Scotland, East Coast Music Awards, Celtic Colours Festival in Cape Breton, the Barbados Celtic Festival and the Edinburgh Fiddle Festival.”
Check out the Zoom livestream concert here.
Thursday, April 2
Submissions remain open for the Costume Contest!
Cookie Segelstein with Josh Horowitz - 10:00 AM PDT.
“Founder of Veretski Pass, and fiddler with many other top klezmer bands, Cookie has taught workshops round the world, and has been featured in an ABC documentary and a film starring Robert DeNiro.  Josh founded the band Budowitz and has played with Vienna Chamber Orchestra, Theodore Bikel, and accompanied Itzhak Perlman on PBS.”
Check out the Zoom livestream concert here.
Oshima Brothers - 3:00 PM PDT.
“Raised in a musical family in rural Maine, the brothers have honed a harmony-rich blend of contemporary folk and acoustic pop. On stage, Sean and Jamie create a surprisingly full sound with dynamic vocals, electric and acoustic guitars, octave bass, loops, and percussion. The brothers live in Maine but are often on the road performing, producing music videos, and dancing.”
Check out the Facebook livestream concert here.
Friday, April 3
Submissions remain open for the Costume Contest!
Furry Friends Friday
Ever dressed your pet up for the faire? Show us your photos and costume ideas! Or show us your faire-themed fursuit. You do you.
Let’s Get Traditional (The Minstrel Rav’n) - 4:00 PM PDT.
“The Minstrel Rav'n travels the lands Telling Songs and Singing Stories about Taverns, Pirates and Elven Lasses. Songs of Adventure, Drinking... and things a bit on the Naughty Side!”
Check out the Facebook livestream here.
HST (Ed, Lilly & Neil Pearlman) - 4:30 PM PDT.
“HST (Highland Soles Trio) is 3/5 of a family band, with dancer Laura Scott and Jesse on whistle. HST has toured the US and Scotland with new and old tunes in the Scottish tradition.”
Check out the Zoom livestream concert here.
Saturday, April 4
Gráinne Brady - 12:30 PM PDT.
“Gráinne is an Irish fiddle player from County Cavan in Ireland and currently based in Glasgow where she leads sessions and plays with Top Floor Taivers, string group The Routes Quartet, and Gaeilge/Gàidhlig supergroup LAS.”
Check out the Zoom livestream concert here.
Pub Crawl - 1:30 PM PDT.
We’ll be hosting a BYOB pub crawl. Keep an eye out for the tag vrf2020 pub crawl for more info. Please follow local drinking laws and drink responsibly!
Costume Contest Judging - 6:00 PM PDT.
Submissions remain open for the Costume Contest until 6:00. Winners will be chosen between 6:00 and 7:00 PDT.
Sunday, April 5
Jenna Reid - 11:30 AM PDT.
“Jenna is a member of the great fiddle bands Blazin' Fiddles, and RANT.  Born & bred in Shetland, she learned fiddle from the late Willie Hunter. Following her music degree, Jenna performed with Dóchas and Deaf Shepherd before joining her current bands.”
Check out the Zoom livestream concert here.
Closing Day
We’re sad to see you go, but we hope to catch you at an IRL faire next season!
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bitpartinyourlife · 3 years
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Måndag 16 augusti - 21
Det är kanske lite att ta i att hävda att hösten kommit enbart baserat på några regniga dagar, men det känns ändå så, som att den kommit som en väldigt tydlig punkt på stycket om sommaren, eller som andra önden av en ram runt den vackra tavla som var semestern. Imorse körde jag en gråtande Mirjam i vagn till förskolan, hon som alltid annars varit glad att vara där, ända sedan inskolningen för ett år sedan faktiskt. Det gjorde ont i hjärtat. Hon lugnade sig dock vid grinden.
Sedan promenadmöte i regnet. Paraply i handen, kollegorna i hörlurarna, yllebyxor, kofta, regnrock. Höst ändå. Kläderna. Vädret. Men jobbet kunde jag vara utan. Nu är mötet slut, 8500 steg senare, och jag sitter istället i soffan med Bud Powell som ljudspår. Arbetet går långsamt, som det brukar. Skickat en mötesbokning, någon avstämmande fråga på Skype. Gör nog inte mycket mer innan lunch. Ibland, allt för ofta, får arbetet mig att känna mig som ett rådjur i strålkastarsken. Helt paralyserad. Ett mail kommer, och jag tänker: "Hur ska jag någonsin kunna förmå mig att svara på det här?" Började jobba på att lösa det förra året, men sen gick pappa bort, och mina krafter att arbeta på mig själv försvann med honom. Nu får det ta den tid det tar. Tids nog får jag ta tag i det.
Finns saker att säga om helgen som varit också. Fredagen bjöd på oerhört trevligt häng på ett lokalt bryggeri som nyligen öppnat bar. Jag och en granne som jag nyligen lärt känna bättre tog några öl, pratade om musik, föräldraskap och att vara barn till föräldrar, och efter en stund hamnade vi i sällskap med två andra personer från närområdet och fortsatte samtala om ungefär samma ämnen. Kvällen var över vid 22, men det behövdes inte så många timmar för att jag skulle känna mig närmast euforisk efteråt. Samtal! Med vänner! Med kvalitet! Det har man inte skämts bort med de senaste kvartalen.
Lördag och lätt bakis på en båt ut till skärgården. Ensam sånär som på de övriga passagerarna, familjen hade åkt ut kvällen innan, så jag kunde vila blicken på vattnet och de öar som passerade utanför och bara låta tankarna vandra.  Sedan följde släktmiddag, löptur i skogen och på söndagen skogsarbete, som jag fortfarande känns av i armar, ben och rygg. Sågade timmer, lyfte stockar, släpade och slet. På marken gömde sig en liten Karl Johan. Jag påmindes om Roger Deakins bok “Wildwood” om trä och träd som jag läst under en lång period och först nyligen avslutade. Kapitlen om valnötsplockare i Kirgizistan hör till sommarens stora läsupplevelser. Och det kändes bra att få jobba praktiskt med trä, om än bara några timmar, som ett sätt att komma närmare Deakin för en stund.
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minikawa · 5 years
Monster for the fandom ask!
the first character i ever fell in love with: The good doctor himself Kenzo Tenma. He’s just so…kind and gentle and badass and i just…want him to be safe and happy
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: ??? i dont think there are any! Every character I liked from the start I only liked them even more as the series went on (altho I went through a period of time where I was super petty toward Karl lmao)
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: Don’t think I have one that I fell out of love with!
my ultimate favorite character™: WOLFGANG WHOLESOME GRIMMER HAS MY WHOLE HEART
prettiest character: Johan Germany’s Next Top Serial Killer Liebert
my most hated character: I’m gonna drown The Baby in a tub of dirty bathwater
my OTP: GRIMMER AND TENMA!!! The thought of them together makes me feel warm and happy. Also Jan and Nina! I wish they could have met, and I feel like they’d be super cute (once Jan recovers from the shock of Nina being Johan’s twin)
my NOTP: wow I don’t rlly have one in this fandom???
favorite episode: episode 40 cuz I get to relive Grimmer’s first moments on the show!! 
saddest death: *breaks down ugly sobbing thinking about Grimmer* *also starts crying about richard, johan did him so dirty*
favorite season: lmao monster has only one season and every episode is so good
least favorite season: how could i have a least fave when there’s only one season lmao
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: I dont know how many ppl in the fandom like Roberto, but I would drop kick roberto if I could (altho he would kill me first)
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: Eva Bad Bitch Heinman. Her character arc was one of the best I’ve seen in an anime, I’m absolutely shooketh with her development!
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: YA BOI GRIMMER DESERVED TO BE HAPPY AND GO ON PICNICS OK
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: n o n e i aint a freak like that lmao
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: Eva and Martin! Even though Martin had only a couple of chapters, his story was so well written and his dynamic with Eva was heartbreaking
Thank you so much, boo!!! Sending you love and good vibes!!! 
Send me a fandom, yall!
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syndiket · 3 years
Ohlone Financial Aid Office
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wiadomosciprasowe · 7 years
Naturen forlot kulturen
Naturen forlot kulturen
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Sann opplysning? stiller spørsmål som kan belyse hvordan naturvitenskapens utvikling har formet samfunnet vårt. Dato: 26-10-2017 10:30 CEST Opprinnelig tittel på pressemeldingen: Naturen forlot kulturen Kategori: , Naturvitenskap Kunst, kultur, underholdning Utdanning Religion, tro Tross suksessbøker som Sjarmen med tarmen: Naturvitenskapen står svakt i nordisk litteratur og kulturdebatt. Men slik har det ikke alltid vært. Det har vært perioder med strid, men også med harmoni.
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Tross suksessbøker som Sjarmen med tarmen: Naturvitenskapen står svakt i nordisk litteratur og kulturdebatt. Men slik har det ikke alltid vært. Det har vært perioder med strid, men også med harmoni.
I boka Sann opplysning? undersøker 20 nordiske forskere tidsskrifter, aviser og reklametekster som kan fortelle om naturvitenskapens sterkt skiftende rolle i skolen, helsevesenet, litteraturen og andre offentligheter i den lange perioden fra midten av 1600-tallet og fram til i dag. Boka er den første av sitt slag, og stiller spørsmål som kan belyse hvordan naturvitenskapens utvikling har formet samfunnet vårt.
Blant annet skriver Jørn Hurum m.fl. om en slottsprests både geologiske og teologiske forklaring på et rykende ferskt norsk jordskjelv.
Kjell Lars Berge beretter om den gang vi leste naturen som Guds bok, mens Hans Henrik Hjermitslev undersøker danskenes krangler om Darwins lære. Kerstin Bornholdt viser hvordan medisineren Carl Schiøtz skapte den svake, nordiske kvinnekroppen, og Siri Fuglem Berg følger doktor og sosialist Karl Evangs korstog mot Kirken på vegne av både naturvitenskapen og tusener av fortvilte onanister.
Ruth Hemstad leser geografibøker fra Karl Johans tid som skal indoktrinere svenske skolebarn: Norge og Sverige er ett land. Merethe Roos gransker debatten om leseboka som holdt på å splitte Norge, mens Svein Sjøberg tar et knusende oppgjør med skolens o-fag.
Johan Tønnesson skriver om da alle de største kom til Norges første forskerkongress i småbyen Christiania i 1844, mens Mads Claudi forteller hvordan avisene omskapte Titanic-forliset til politisk forskningsformidling.
For å få tilsendt anmeldereksemplar, send en e-post til [email protected] eller kontakt markedsansvarlig Gerd Ødeskaug på 402 44 036 / [email protected].
Har du spørsmål om boka? Kontakt redaktørene direkte:
Merethe Roos, professor i historie ved Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge [email protected] / 995 67 787
Johan Tønnesson, professor i sakprosaforskning ved Universitetet i Oslo [email protected] / 932 95 368
Kilde: Pressekontor Cappelen Damm – PRESSEMELDING
Hashtags: # #Naturvitenskap Kunst, kultur, underholdning Utdanning Religion, tro Naturvitenskap Kunst, kultur, underholdning Utdanning Religion, tro
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trademarkclick · 4 years
AutoStore filed an entitlement action against Ocado Group
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AutoStorehas recently filed an entitlement action against Ocado Group ("Ocado"). The action was filed in the United Kingdom for confirming that it is the inventor and rightful owner of those certain patents which are filed by an online grocery retailer and technology company Ocado. AutoStore is the pioneer and global leader which deals in automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS).
This suit of action was filed in the Intellectual Property Office of the United Kingdom which is the standard procedure before transferring the action to the High Court of England & Wales. AutoStore filed separate patent infringement lawsuits as well against Ocado on October 1 in the United Kingdom and the United States. This action was taken to stop Ocado from further infringement of AutoStore’s existing patents. The entitlement action is an addition to it.
The claim is basically concerned with certain patents which are filed by Ocado since June 2014. Those patents are related to the methods, systems, and apparatus for controlling the movement of robots belonging to AS/RS systems such as the Ocado Smart Platform (OSP). To be specific, the patent is related:
To optimizing the placement of product within an AS/RS,
To certain safety features in such systems for bringing the robots to a halt.
Patent filings of Ocado covered substantial technical information, know-how, and materials that are essential for robotic technology and also included robotic storage and retrieval systems. AutoStore alleged of providing this information to Ocado in good faith in a couple of interactions that took place between 2011 and 2012. During that time period, Ocado became a customer of AutoStore.
Sneak peek into those interactions:
AutoStore allowed the executives and engineers of Ocado to inspect an AutoStore system;
AutoStore made certain software and hardware available to Ocado for the purpose of enabling Ocadoto to simulate the operation of an AutoStore system and perform factory testing;
AutoStore also provided training days in the operation of AutoStore's system.
During such interactions, Ocado fetched the relevant information about the technologies. Since then, Ocado filed patents covering those technologies stating that they were invented by numerous Ocado executives as inventors, including Chief Executive Tim Steiner. Whereas it is being alleged by AutoStoreto be the original inventor of such technologies.
The relevant patents have been granted in the UK in the year 2018/2019 but they are still having a status of pending patent applications in Europe. The technology covered by these patents includes the fundamental aspects of design in AS/RS systems such as the OSP. Such a system i.e., the OSP forms the basis of every partnership of Ocado with international retailers like Kroger in the US, Marks & Spencer, and Morrisons in the UK.
AutoStore is seeking the following orders apart from other things:
Affirm the company to be the true owner of the patents,
Assign the patents to AutoStore,
Declare that none of the Ocado personnel named as inventors within the patents was in fact the inventor or has the right to be named as such.
Karl Johan Lier, CEO of AutoStore, said: "Ocado took advantage of being our customer and having access to AutoStore's market-leading technology and then attempted to assert ownership over what it had learned from AutoStore by filing its own patents. In addition to the action we've already taken to protect and assert our existing patents, this action will establish that AutoStore invented these technologies and should therefore be recognized as the rightful owner of Ocado's corresponding patents."
It was founded in 1996 as Jakob Hattel and Logistics AS. It is a robotics technology company that invented and continues to pioneer Cube Storage Automation, the densest storage technology. Its focus is to combine software and hardware with human capabilities to further develop the future of efficient warehouses. With more than 500 installations in 30 countries, the company is represented in a variety of industries. Sales, designs, and installations are carried out by a network of qualified integrators who are its partners. Its headquarters are in Nedre Vats, Norway, and it has offices, warehouses, and/or manufacturing sites in the USA, UK, Poland, Germany, France, Korea, and Japan.
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jepsolell · 3 years
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🏐 When it is a rotunda, doubly beautiful and quiet. [II] - The “Minnesotaesrundeln” (rotonda) in Skokloster Slott. This amazing place was built during Magnus Brahe period around 1830. This part of one of the towers was a tribute to the new King Karl XIV Johan Bernardotte, the new monarch of Sweden. On the righ side we can see in the center a sculpture depicting Mars looking in the king traits. It measures more than 3 meters, and I can assure it doesn’t deceive. We can also see some neo-gothic elemnts as the chairs, all merged with this delicious late-empire taste ambiance. (en Skoklosters Slott) https://www.instagram.com/jepsolell/p/CXJ0nb1oPm5/?utm_medium=tumblr
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