#karl critical
jaskierx · 11 months
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anyway i for one welcome our new meme format (x)
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ytcomments-archive · 3 months
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timegays · 1 year
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Monty haters will never understand him like I do
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artsyebonyrose · 1 year
send me some character requests!!
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while i get working on those other prompts from my other post, please give me some characters for this and the expressions you want for them!
preferably mainly resident evil characters, as that is what i'm currently obsessing over
however i will more than gladly do characters from my other interests too! (check my pinned post for the list)
send requests my way in my ask box :) comments here are fine too but its easier to organise asks
these beautiful expression sheets are courtesy of @magicalpouchofmagic and @quinngefail respectively! <3
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typicalsimswhore · 5 months
Any Marxist-Leninist girlies/enbies here? I would like to create a safe space for us to discuss our ideas openly, since I don't see a lot of women with voices in this community :)
Let's share ideas and be friends!!!
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This is deeply ironic and funny given Elon Musk has a transgender child who refused to be related to him, he's a petty tyrant acting out against Gavin Newsom for "eroding parents rights" even though across America children are considered like property. Does anyone know how underfunded and hamstrung CPS is, parents can and do have the ability to do anything they want to their children without consequences? Anyways good riddance as while he helped start up the LA aerospace industry we've grown past him, I mean it isn't healthy economic wise to be dependent on a single company like SpaceX. So yeah it's funny this is the reason he's moving his entire company, just shows how insecure he is.
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gxldencity · 10 months
It is actually very annoying that baldur's gate 3 has the most explicit portrayals of bisexuality for games like this where every romance option is bi and yet that is still not enough for some ppl. They're still gonna call them playersexual even though the origin companions in bg3 flirt with one another WITHOUT input of the player's gender. It's not enough. Some of you literally want every companion to say "btw I'm bi" in the intro scene before it's considered "valid" "bisexual rep—even though its a goddamn video game set in another world. I thought you wanted nuanced portrayals of queerness but i guess that doesnt apply to bi folks lol. I thought you all had media literacy skills bc you literally yell at that to ppl rightfully calling you a biphobe by implying that these characters are either gay or straight depending on your tav's gender (bc that is literally what playersexual is).
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callese · 1 year
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htylmg · 1 year
i finally figured out why this year’s met gala theme irked me so much and it’s a simple reason, summed up in three words:
clean. girl. aesthetic.
karl lagerfeld (rest in piss) built his platform and influence on the commodification of seemingly “rich” traits- aka, ‘less is more’. we’re talking neutrals, thin gold jewelry, white embellishments, and overall simplicity.
this style had a big sway over the fashion world in the 90s (read: the “heroin chic” phenomenon) and we see it making a comeback today in the fashion world and even our everyday lives. (how many of us have seen one of those clean aesthetic accounts on social media? me 🙋🏽‍♀️!)
it’s well known that history repeats itself, and nowhere is that more obviously prevalent than in fashion. fashion is influenced by old and new factors, and every few years, the same type of style comes along. lo and behold, the y2k and 90s renaissance that is currently sweeping the world. and with old trends comes the… not so nice bits.
so what is the “clean girl aesthetic”, exactly? to be extremely brief, it’s the trend that combines looks and lifestyle to create a look that is meant to appear classy yet minimalist. some of its key features include slicked back buns, thick gold hoops, and neutral-colored clothing. (note: this style actually first got its roots among women of color, especially black and hispanic women, but as it became more mainstream, white people claimed it as their own and essentially erased years of fashion and woc history. yeah, i know…)
some of the major champions/idols of the clean girl aesthetic (try to catch familiar names!) include bella & gigi hadid, kendall jenner, hailey bieber, and madison beer. (note that these are all thin, rich, generically attractive white women, most of whom are models and/or nepotism babies. it’s a great example of the “diversity” within the current aesthetic as well as the prerequisites it seems to imply.)
so what do the hadid sisters have to do with karl lagerfeld? i’m glad you asked. see, they may not be anything alike, but they are inextricably intertwined with one another for one reason and one reason only…
(more specifically, the physical manifestation of the idea of having money. phew, that’s a doozy.)
for years, less has come to mean more, and maximalism has given way to minimalism. who doesn’t want to be rich, right? just the idea of looking like somebody rich makes anybody empty their pockets. hey, buy this dress, it’s a dupe of one madison beer just wore. you haven’t included this $70 serum in your skincare routine? hailey bieber literally posted it on her story. what do you mean you can’t afford the dior lip oil? everyone has one. do you have this? do you have that? are you rich? are you not? if you are, you better buy into this.
yeah. it’s a lot.
no one is immune to propaganda. we’ve all been influenced to buy something or watch something or do something because we’ve seen it on the internet. and now, you can be your favorite celebrities in just a few clicks. how enticing is that?
this whole concept of looking like money is as old as time, but just now is it extremely accessible. karl lagerfeld, the old coot, knew the power of wanting to look rich, and he capitalized and profited off of it as much as he could. if you look up chanel’s old collections karl designed, you’ll find they look nearly identical in terms of ideas to the runways of today. remember how i said history repeats itself? yep.
so yeah- i don’t like the met gala theme. not only because karl lagerfeld was a piece of shit that chanel should have booted at the very beginning, but also because of the pressure of the clean girl aesthetic that he may have packaged as “heroin chic”, but is still prevalent in the fashion of today.
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artofthemindblog · 1 year
It may take generations of effort but it is possible, and honorable, to move the Earth
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  Stories of humans leaving Earth behind due to catastrophe are not rare, but the mass exodus usually happens on a spaceship. I'm going to make a bold generalization here but I think a lot of you would agree these movies draw their philosophy from Noah's ark. In the west, when nature is destroyed it's usually unstoppable, like the wrath of god. Humans live in god's creation, so when god's creation comes to an end, humanity is at god's mercy. In Chinese mythology however, there is no such supreme being, humans and gods alike obey the natural order, the "Tao", if you will. So, in Chinese flood myths the hole in the sky is patched up by a goddess, the flood from the Yellow River was contained and drained by human constructions over the course of 13 long years. The Chinese equivalent of the Icarus myth talks about a man chasing the sun and dying of thirst, but he leaves behind a peach forest as a water supply so that future generations may continue the chase. In Chinese mythology, and thus, philosophy, nature is malleable: It can be shaped, it can be conquered. It may take generations of effort but it is possible, and honorable, to move the Earth.
-- Accented Cinema, The Wandering Earth: How to Tell a Chinese Story
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pablolf · 1 year
Of all the pressures on professional formation faced by literary scholars today, perhaps the most intense is the fear of exclusion from the profession altogether. Guillory’s book is sure to rouse strong feelings in a generation or two of scholars who continue to suffer underemployment and precarity. Such experiences yield deformations of their own: regret at wasted time; pain of a future foreclosed; bitterness that others have access to resources for reasons that seem arbitrary or unfair. “To be a freelance scholar, no matter the quality of one’s scholarship, is precisely to be excluded from the system of rewards,” Guillory argues. A profession, he observed in “Cultural Capital,” is an ego-ideal, an inner image of oneself. There is perhaps nothing harder or less rewarding to historicize than a bruised ego.
Has Academia Ruined Literary Criticism?
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Yessss success! Why are these billionaires always trying to create their own cities from the ground up, well it's for multiple reasons.
Firstly it allows them to greenwash which is to appear eco-friendly while their companies pump out pollution and guzzle energy, it makes them look good without trying.
Remember the game bioshock and the city of rapture or historical company towns, if they build it with their resources then they own it which doesn't seem bad but remember what happened in those aforementioned places, think of what abuses would take place in a modern company town owned by profit hungry corporations?
Funnily enough it would be easier to just redevelop preexisting cities but for the 2 reasons above they don't want to, believe me downtown Detroit is a great example as it has preexisting infrastructure and it has areas perfect for creating new developments.
Ultimately it's about ego and control, don't ever think otherwise my peeps, housing is already messed up and no amount of billionaire money will fix it except through wealth redistribution and comprehensive taxation.
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httpiastri · 5 months
Hi i don't know if you know this but one of the bracelets that Paul wears is Elena's. The one with smiley faces there are pictures of her on ig wearing it before. Paul also gave her one of his pirelli hat.
oH ?? i had no idea 😵 ofc i had to go on a little stalk down both of their ig accs and… well….. 👀
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eddiegettingshot · 6 months
The way Buck stans have such a chokehold over this fandom but they still wanna be oppressed so bad just because people criticize their fave white man...yikes
ok, so to be fair despite my nonstop ranting about the show’s choices and certain interpretations (sorry) i don’t actually want to start hating on Buck Stans 😭 but i will say as a newcomer there does seem to be a serious case of Let People Enjoy Things syndrome, which i personally am not afflicted by
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dream-critical · 2 years
what do you think about George, Foolish and Karl? don't hold back. Speaking of Bitzel, who do you think are some CC's that dislike dream?
Alrighty so fair warning I never really watched foolish and George so if you have things to add or would like to say something about them feel free to send an ask! Also this got pretty long so putting it under a readmore
Anyway I'm gonna be honest here. Never have been fond of George. He's boring and average and painfully white. And like, that's not a bad thing in general bc. Like yeah being Average is fine like that's normal.
But the way stans act like he's sooooooo hot and sooooo funny etc is weird bc he just. Isn't? Maybe it's bc I'm a lesbian but I just don't get the hype at all. I do suspect it's bc he tries to be as neutral as possible on everything and not share his real thoughts on stuff afaik so they see him as an easy target to project all their thoughts and emotions on to. And the way some people will make him look extra feminine or sooooo petite and girly bc they ship dnf and play into weird and fetishistic tropes is just gross. I've already talked about my opinion on rpf here before but like in general I feel like he's too absent to really stan while also being wildly mistreated by the people who claim they love him. He literally just looks like every other random British person ever.
He also just. Never seems truly happy streaming. I only watched a couple of streams of his before I left the fandom but like. Idk he seems like he's over it and always has been.
Karl is. Idk. I have complicated thoughts on him? Like on one hand I feel like he's leaning into the softboy aesthetic too hard, almost as if he's just trying to appease people. on the other hand like. If he truly wants to express himself that way he has every right to do so and he should do whatever he want.
I do feel like he gets unnecessary hate from Mr beast fans especially since Mr beast just. sucks. But also he has been called out for a couple of things like misusing and just overusing AAVE, I'm pretty sure he made a Hitler joke once. Also the banter guests, the charity stream with I think autism speaks? If I remember correctly. The ice Poseidon stuff etc.
It's all just ????? Like it feels like he's trying to seem harmless and soft to just. Get away with shit? he has talked about anxiety a couple of times though. But also like you are an adult bro take responsibility.
Foolish is. Eh. I legit didn't watch his content bc while he obviously is a talented builder I didn't really think he was funny or interesting. idk if he still associates with the others but if he does thats questionable.
When it comes to Bitzel saying other CCs also dislike dream. I'd say it's probably mainly the smaller CCs around him. I've looked into it more and maybe quackity as well? Bc apparently he hasn't interacted with the Dt in a while in like. A sincere and genuine way.
I do wish they would speak out but hm idk. We'll have to see.
However. I do feel like talking and speculating about this gets a tiny bit parasocial. Like it's interesting ngl. But I don't think like. Trying to figure it out and reading into every single interaction deeply will help anyone and I have seen some people do that shit.
We can't really know, they won't tell us and they are probably all very wary of speaking up bc dream stans are very aggressive and obsessive lmao
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