#karen wheeler imagine
elyasdoodles · 6 months
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justice4billiam · 2 months
This is what I wanted to happen that one fateful night on June 29th, 1985.
Karen’s hands trembled slightly as she killed the engine, her gaze cutting through the darkness of the motel parking lot. The Blue Camaro was impossible to miss, its form sprawled across two spaces, just as Billy had described.
With a flick, the car light bathed her in a stark, unforgiving glow. The sun visor mirror reflected a woman battling time, her fingers patting under her eyes, smoothing the makeup that fought valiantly against the betraying lines of age. She looked younger, she convinced herself, if only marginally.
The light snapped off, surrendering her once again to the night’s embrace.
Now or never.
Billy wasn’t the kind of man you kept waiting.
Exiting the car, her purse clutched close, Karen closed the door with a click that pierced the silence. Her heels announced each step with a sharp click as she approached the motel door, the light within casting a long, ominous shadow.
She rapped on the door, the sound hollow against the wood. Adjusting the hem of her dress, she shifted her weight, the strap of her purse digging into her shoulder.
The door’s lock clicked, a prelude to the unexpected.
Chris Hansen stood there, his presence an unwelcome twist.
“Karen Wheeler, please have a seat right over there…”
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harringroveera · 1 year
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Jim finally took matters in his own hands and did what was needed to be done
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midsummer-semantics · 3 months
wiggly wednesday 🪱
Okay sure, this sounds fun. I was tagged by @medusapelagia to share a brainworm/headcanon, and I've been trying to get one to develop more fully so here we go.
Today, I'm thinking about...
Steve and Eddie going through some of Eddie's old things as they pack up to move into their own place. Nancy and Robin are there to help even though that mostly consists of Robin picking through already-packed boxes because she keeps getting distracted by all of the things she finds.
Steve finds what looks to be a really old photo album, the sticky pages holding the photos down yellow with age.
"Oh, shit," Eddie says, taking it from him to flip through. "I haven't seen this in ages. I was sure it was lost when all the shit went down."
"Oh my god, please tell me there's embarrassing baby pictures of you in there," Robin grins, trying to snatch it away.
Eddie holds it out of reach, nearly throwing it as Robin tries to tackle him for it.
"Jesus Christ! I'll show you, just keep your insane paws to yourself!" Eddie gripes.
Steve scoots in closer while Robin and Nancy crowd in on his other side, all wanting a closer look.
There's not many pictures in it and most are grainy and out of focus, black and white and hard to distinguish. But there's a few of a baby with an unmistakeable crop of riotous curls.
"Holy shit, you were so cute," Steve coos, running a finger along the 2D cheek of one photo.
"Excuse you, Harrington, but I'm still cute," Eddie snarks, flipping to the next page.
There's one photo of a young man holding baby Eddie, dark curls so similar to his own atop his head. The photo looks to have been torn down the middle, the right side pressed right against baby Eddie's back, like whoever was on the other side was better left out of the picture long term.
"Huh," Steve hums. "It never occurred to me that I had no idea what your dad looks like."
"And for good reason, babe," Eddie says, fighting not to rip the photo out and burn it. "Thankfully all I got from him was his hair and penchant for hot wiring. Everything else I got from my mom I guess."
"You guess?" Nancy asks.
Eddie nods. "She died when I was a baby and the old man kind of went off the rails after. I suspect this—" he runs a finger along the jagged edge of the photo in the book, "is his handy work."
"That's a shame," Steve says softly. He lifts the plastic covering the photo and peels it off the sticky backing, holding it up to his face to get a closer look — his eye sight is pretty back after so many concussions after all.
"Ya know, if his hair was a little longer, like mullet style, he'd almost look like a dark-haired Billy Hargrove," Steve points out.
Robin snatches the photo out of his hand, holding it out stretched like she can see it better that way instead. "Oh, shit. You're right. That's so weird."
Eddie snatches it back, top lip curled in disgust. "I don't want to speak ill of the dead, but how fucking dare you in any way compare my gorgeous existence to that guy."
Steve snickers and presses a kiss to Eddie's cheek. "I'm sorry, babe. You're right."
The photo gets tucked back into its place and they keep flipping through the book. There's more of Eddie as an infant, a few more of his dad, even a couple of a young Wayne in his military uniform holding a toddler Eddie by his arms as he jumps up, legs gangly and wild. Any photo that might have contained Eddie's mom is ripped, none of them cleanly, and there's only the occasional hand or blur of dark hair. Even still, it does stop happening once Eddie's about six months old.
"Wow. So you really don't know what your mom looks like?" Nancy asks finally as they're setting the photo album in a box.
"Oh no I do," Eddie says. "I have one singular picture of her from right after I was born. Wayne saved it for me."
"Oooooo can we see?" Robin pipes in. Eddie shrugs, getting up to dig through a shoebox that Steve's seen before but somehow managed to avoid snooping through — not that he didn't think about it all the time for the last year they've been together.
He comes back with a photo, plopping back into his spot while his friends and boyfriend crowd around him once more.
It's dead silent for several minutes, all of them staring at the picture. Eddie always figured his uncle was on to something when he said Eddie looked more like his mom, but now that he's about her age when this photo was taken, he thinks he can really see it.
On his left, Steve is trying to process exactly what he's looking at. Sure, the woman in the photo looks like she has the same dark hair that Eddie does, though it's a lot less curly, but aside from the hair and the tired look on her face, she could be a dead ringer for —
"Either Mrs. Wheeler has a doppleganger, or a secret twin we don't know about," he says.
He glances at Robin for a second before looking at Eddie and Nancy. They're heads are bowed over the photo, wearing matching expressions of wide-eyed shock.
Oh shit.
"Eddie," Robin says carefully. "What's your mom's name?"
His jaw opens and closes a few times before he croaks out, "Elizabeth, but Wayne said she only ever went by—"
"Her middle name?" Nancy asks, the fear of knowing the answer obvious in the wobble of her voice.
Eddie flips the photo over to look at the names and date written on the back. He's looked at it a million times, tracing her loopy handwriting so much over the years that it's slightly smudged, but still legible.
Karen Elizabeth Harvey + Edward Wayne Munson, November 1965
"Oh shit."
no-pressure tags if anyone also wants to share a brainworm: @tedewitt @hornedqueenofhell @malikat24601 @spectrum-spectre
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nicxxx5 · 2 years
i guarantee you mike spent his first day of kindergarten crying when he got home because he told his mom he met the prettiest person he had even seen and that he was gonna marry them and when karen asked “what’s her name?” and mike said “his name is will!” mike starting sobbing immediately and did not stop after his mom tried to tell him boys can’t marry other boys
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brionysea · 2 years
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mike trying to talk to his family about his hobbies/the things he's passionate about and getting shot down
+ bonus (for comparison)
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jonathanbyersphd · 19 days
Thinking about Karen making fondue and Jonathan being confused and delighted
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hoosurdaddy · 2 years
Karen Wheeler x Reader.
(TW: tit play, reader is of age, could be counted as ddlg idk (tell me so if I need to remove it or not), implied cheating, mommy kink).
@medium-rare-bimbo deserves the credit for this inspo! Which I received from their post. They have posted a billy hargrove x milf!reader, I would recommend reading that :).
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Karen knew you loved her boobs. You loved looking at them, touching them, sucking them. Any time of any day. Karen just lived for your praises and touches. Not only in the sexual manner, but also as a comfort. Especially after a stressful day on the job, Karen loved nothing more than having you buried head first into her chest and forget your worries. You hated the term ‘babied’ but you loved just falling into the safe space with Karen.
Whenever You thought of a women you liked. Boobs weren't weren’t your worry. You liked all shape and size boobs. You didn’t really care, until you met Karen. It was nearly impossible to keep you away from them. You just wanted to have your lips attached to her sensitive nipples at all times, everyday.
Karen’s boobs brought so much joy into your life. You loved how soft and comforting they felt against you. You wanted to venerate her boobs. You wanted to praise them and wanted Karen to praise you for being such a good girl.
Like now. You arrived at the Wheeler’s house after a stressful day of college. Karen had given you dates and times of when it would be okay to come over, you needed to see her and fall into that space once again. You entered the home carefully with the spare key Karen had given you and moved up to the bed room. You carefully moved in beside her, as you gently moved up her crop top. Your eyes kept a stared at her boobs, watching them rise and fall as her slept. You moved your hand up while you leaned down and wrapped your lips around her boob, sucking lightly on the nipple. Your hand gripped onto her boob, massaging it.
Karen always took care of You, now it was your turn to take care of her. You continued sucking her nipple as little harder as a soft moan escaped Karen’s lips. Your fingers lightly flicked over her nipple with your free hand. You wanted Karen to wake up to you doing it, you wanted to see Karen to see you praising her body and hopefully, get a reward in return. You stuffed Karen’s boob into your mouth.
You began sucking, kissing, and licking her boobs. But not biting, as much as You wanted too. It was against the rules. But You continued until Karen woke up to her sweet girl, relaxing.
You looked at peace with her boob in your mouth. Karen managed to reach down to lightly stroke your hair. Without any other actions, You whimpered, nuzzling into Karen.
You looked up at Karen. The sight of You sucking on her boobs was gorgeous. "Hi baby.” Karen managed to whispered as She planted a kiss onto your head.
"Morning Mommy." Karen managed to make out from You with your mouth full. Karen smiled down at You as she listened to rapid breathing starting to calm down.
You loved being Karen’s dirty little secret.
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madwheelerz · 1 year
I think Karen would call Max "Maxine". She'd call El "Jane" too.
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will80sbyers · 1 year
Did Nana die.............?
Well, yeah 😬😬😬😬
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wheelercore · 2 years
On my Wheeler-Creel bullshit again because. Umm.
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I'm going to be corn-plating rn but the way the Creel family are arranged in the first image always bugged me ever since I started theorizing about Virginia-Karen parallels and Virginia's possible infidelity resulting most likely in Alice's birth before Victor came back from the war (the whole Virgin Mary reference).
Because look at the way they are standing. Henry is portrayed as the odd one out in two ways. His clothing color scheme is different from the blues of the rest of his family. Not only that, Victor has his arms around Virginia and Alice, Henry is only connected to the family unit by Virginia having her arm around him. We already know Henry was most likely the outcasted family member, the one who was "different". Virginia, Victor, and Alice are a unit- Henry is left out despite the fact that Alice is most likely isn't biologically Victor's.
But that's the point of the lie that holds Virginia and Victor together because this family would not exist if they didn't aggressively pretend that they were something that they were not. And that lie involves Victor lying to himself and others about how Alice is his, how their relationship is full of trust, how Virginia isn't a cheat.
(I can't blame Henry, I too would have a joker arc if I found this shit out).
Karen and Ted most likely had Holly as a means to save their marriage. She's often placed in between them in the fair scenes almost as if she's the "glue" who holds them together. More obviously, Karen chooses not to go with Billy because she sees Ted and Holly cuddling on the lay z boy. But as we know, that rarely ever works out, and as we see from s1 all throughout s4 their marriage is not saved. If anything, having a baby exacerbates the issues a marriage has.
Also if you look closely the clothing Virginia and Victor wear are very similar to Karen and Ted. The ribbon Alice has on her hat are similar to the ribbons on Holly's dress (shoulders).
I don't think it's a conincidence that Holly and Alice look very similar either.
Like Alice, Holly is representative of that "lie" Karen and Ted tell themselves about their marriage. Having Holly didn't fix their marriage, them aggressively pretending to be a happy couple with their young daughter isn't working.
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harringroveera · 2 years
Eleven: Karen was hit by a car
Steve: What? What happened? Is she okay?
Max: She’s fine, minor concussion. Here’s your car keys, Billy
Billy: …where did you get this?
Max: We found it
Billy: It was in my pocket
Eleven: I don’t know what to tell you, Billy, we really just found it on the floor
Billy: …where did you to just go?
Eleven & Max: Shopping
Billy: What did you two buy?
Eleven & Max: Dresses
Billy: That’s it?
Eleven & Max: Yes
Billy & Steve: …
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eddieheart · 2 years
(Part 3)
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Fandom: Stranger Things
Pairings: Steve X Eddie
Words: 1060
Description: Eddie finally goes to see Karen Wheeler
Part 2:
Based on this post:
He looked stupid, he knew he did. Who was he kidding, Eddie Munson was not made for button ups, he was more comfortable in ratty old band tees than anything else and normally that's what he'd be wearing. But not today.
No, because today he was meeting Karen Wheeler. Resident suburban all-American mom of Hawkins. A woman who was known to flirt her way around town despite her two kids and a husband.
Eddie knew Nancy Wheeler, she was smart, brave, sophisticated and all around a good person. He knew firsthand, when her, Steve and Robin helped save him. Compared to Nancy 'secret guns and great grades' Wheeler  he was nothing.
And then there was Mike, soft, lost, feisty Mike, the first day they'd met he'd been a small shy boy and eventually he'd come out of his shell. They were both great kids, both better than Eddie in almost every way.
How could he possibly begin to compare to them, he was trailer trash, he sold drugs for gods' sakes.
Eddie stood in front of the mirror, mind swimming with doubt. A pair of gentle arms snaked around his waist. Eddie leaned back into the touch, Steve hummed softly into his skin.
"You look great Eds." Steve said, head propped up on the older boys shoulder.
He took a deep breath and began to go over the plan again.
"Nancy and Mike are at school, Ted is at work. We show up with the letter and talk to Mrs. Wheeler." He recited again.
Steve nodded at him and kept eye contact with Eddie through the mirror. With one final squeeze, Steve let go of his waist and stepped back to stare at his boyfriend.
"You ready baby?" Steve asked softly. Eddie responded with a timid nod before leading the both of them out of the trailer and into Steve's car.
The drive felt shorter this time, the trees mere flashes in their vision. The house looked bigger, the yard looked greener. How could they be any more different, really? Him the trailer trash and them, the American dream, white picket fence and 2.5 kids.
He took a deep shaky breath and gripped the letter tightly in his hands. Taking a step out of the car his legs felt like jello, shaking like a faun learning to walk.
Steve kept close behind him as he approached the door. His hand gently brushed that of the older boy and he gave a reassuring look before Eddie reached over and knocked on the door.
"Just a minute!" Mrs. Wheeler called from inside the house.
The door was thrown open and she greeted but he boys with a smile.
"Oh hello Steve, Eddie was it? What are you doing here, isn't it a school day?" She asked kindly, holding the door open.
"I'm- we're actually here to talk to you Mrs. Wheeler. I um.. I lied last time I was here. My last name isn't Mason, it's Munson, Edward Munson. I um... I-I have this letter from well, from you I guess. I um... I'm pretty sure you're my mom." He stuttered out in one long breath.
Her face shortened and her eyes widened, stepping away from the doorway she invited  the boys to come in. She lead them to the kitchen and motioned for them to sit at the kitchen table.
"Would you boys like a drink? Water, Juice, Tea?" The both shook their heads no as she poured herself a glass of water. Mrs. Wheeler sat across from the two boys and swallowed thickly. 
"I thought you'd never find me, when your eighteenth passed, I thought you didn't want to see me." She fiddled with her hands as she stared at the two boys.
"I um... I just opened it on my last birthday. I was too scared before." Eddie stuttered out timidly.
"It's so good to see you, I alway wondered what happened to you." She said, voice thick with emotion.
Eddie's brows pressed together in confusion, his head hanging. Steve placed a soft hand on Eddie thigh, carefully hiding it under the table.
"Why-why would- in the letter you said you were too young to-to keep me, but four years later you had Nancy." He spoke with his hands, voice breaking. She sighed softly and her eyes began to tear.
"A lot can change in four years, I met Ted, we got married, I moved out, we bought a house and when I got pregnant, it-it just felt right." The boy nodded in response, still staring intently at the table top.
"My dad didn't keep me y'know, he just passed me around a bit, until I got to my uncle Wayne. He raised me." He spoke, biting his lip nervously.
Her face softened and she leaned forward, almost touching him, she stopped herself and pulled away.
"I'm so sorry, I never would have- if I had known- I'm so sorry."
"No, no I'm not- uncle Wayne is amazing. I wouldn't trade him for the world. Out of anybody I could have ended up with, Wayne is pretty damn great." The older boy smiled as he spoke of his uncle,
"I look Edward, Eddie. You haven't mentioned anything to the kids have you?" She asked.
Eddie's face fell, of course. He was a disappointment he knew it, no wonder she didn't want anybody to know.
"No, no. I won't either, I get it. You don't want everyone to know your kid's the freak right?" He spoke as nonchalantly as he could, eyes glistening slightly.
"No! No, sweetie no, that's not what I meant. I just- I want to be the one to tell them. Before the rumour mill starts turning, I want to tell them myself," she bravely reached out to take his hand in hers. "I want them to know their brother."
Steve grabbed Eddie's thigh reassuringly as the older boy sniffled. He brushed his eyes with his free hand and nodded.
"Yeah I think I'd like that too. I um.. I better get going before they get back from school." Her eyes widened.
"Of course of course. Give me your number and  I'll call you once I've told them, we can have dinner, as a family." Eddie nodded in response, biting back tears.
"Yeah o-okay." She wanted him, she really wanted him.
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twpsyn-who · 2 years
I did a little something and I lowkey hate myself for it
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I present to you : Eddie is a Wheeler AU.
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brionysea · 8 months
always fun reading a fic about some character you've never thought of twice and being utterly bewildered when a completely background level side character gets mentioned by name or becomes a major player
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jonathanbyersphd · 9 months
Established/Older Double Byler where Nancy & Mike are fully comfortable calling Joyce "mom". While Jonathan & Will still use Mrs.Wheeler for Karen.
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