dinshaw8 · 5 years
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Manora Lighthouse & St. Paul’s Church We live in a City but hardly go to visit the sites therein…and Karachi has plenty to see! So, off we went some years back to see Manora’s Lighthouse and St. Paul’s Church, both located in the Karachi Harbour and both which we pass regularly when sailing.  This is not only the second oldest lighthouse (1889) of the British Raj but, we were told, ONLY one of two lighthouses in the WORLD which are still cranked by hand (and not battery operated).  The other lighthouse is apparently in Chennai, India. There is still a lighthouse keeper … and every 50-odd minutes, he has to physically crank the lever that rotates the light, dusk to dawn! Hats off to the Karachi Port Trust in maintaining this iconic structure and the traditional art of operating the lighthouse successfully for the last 130 years. The still-active 1865 Church, St. Paul’s, stands adjacent to the Lighthouse – and maintains a weekly Mass every Sunday for the Christian residents of Manora Island. According to https://www.ibiblio.org/lighthouse/pak.htm, the British captured Manora in 1839 and made it their initial base of operations in what is now Pakistan.  The lighthouse & Church are located on the southeastern tip of the peninsula facing the Arabian Sea.  Not only was this our first visit ever to both these legendary icons but a first for us on Manora Island itself. https://dinshawavari.com/2019/08/21/manora-lighthouse-st-pauls-church/ #Avari #DinshawAvariBlog #karachi #karachisites #karachitourism #tourisminkarachi #lighthouse #lighthouseinkarachi #manoralisland #manoralighthouse #StPaulsChurch #churchesofKarachi #ChristiansofManora #Christiancommunity #churchesinkarachi #stpauls #church #britishraj #britain #britishindianempire #ArabianSea #Karachiharbour #hotelsinPakistan #HotelsinKarachi #HotelsinLahore #HotelsinIslamabad #HotelsinMultan #HotelsinFaisalabad #AvariHotels (at Beach Luxury Hotel Karachi) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1atHnPHSq_/?igshid=19dmqmpm87g29
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dinshaw8 · 4 years
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TDF Ghar We #Karachiites are #foodies!  So, when we received a circular for a #Bohri food night, we jumped at it, on the roof of TDF “Ghar” (“house” in Urdu)- super dinner, pleasant weather, outstanding view of Quaid-e-Azam’s Mausoleum, typical Parsi loudness and laughter, great service by our Bohri hosts & excellent value for money! However, what was just as interesting was #TDFGhar- one of the old, pre-partition houses in the old city of #Karachi, wonderfully restored by TDF.  Quoting from TDF’s history – “TDF Ghar was built in 1920-30’s.  This house was initially owned by a Hindu woman, Haribai Motiram, which she sold in April 1948 to Hajiani Hanifabai for her daughter Aisha Bai Dawood in June 1948 as a residence. In April 1961 the House was donated to #TheDawoodFoundation.  In 1965, #AhmedDawood established Hanifa Hajiani Haji Gani Vocational Training Center for Women.  The training center used to enroll over 150 students per batch and train them in typing, cooking, sewing, painting, hand & machinery embroidery and English language.  TDF Ghar is open to all to promote informal learning spaces in Karachi.  TDF Ghar is based on a self-sustainability business model- revenues generated from rentals and tickets is re-invested in the upkeep and development of the Ghar.” With a small café on premises, we experienced families, youngsters & groups socially interacting with each other; playing board games; reading; using the library.  It was an amazing experience.  It was surreal finding such an oasis in bustling Karachi! Kudos to The Dawood Foundation for yet another public service to the citizens of Karachi … and Pakistan! (https://dinshawavari.com/2019/08/30/ohthe-clean-clean-not-streets-of-karachi/) (https://www.dawoodfoundation.org/tdf-ghar/)   #thedawoodfoundationghar @karachi_biennale @goetheinstitut_pakistan #goetheinstitutekarachi #alliancefrancaise @tdf.studio @DawoodTdf #Dawoodfoundation #sabrinadawood #karachitourism #karachipublicspaces #jamshednusserwanji #jamshedquarters @pkBritish #britishcouncillibarary @MichaelHoulgate #Michaelhoulgate #karachifoodies #foodiesofkarachi #hotelsinlahore #hotelsinkarachi #hotelsinislamabad #hotelsinmultan (at Beach Luxury Hotel Karachi) https://www.instagram.com/p/B94iZE3HnBO/?igshid=nc1gg6v0drli
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dinshaw8 · 5 years
Manora Lighthouse & St. Paul’s Church
Manora Lighthouse & St. Paul’s Church
August 21, 2019
We live in a City but hardly go to visit the sites therein…and Karachi has plenty to see!
So, off we went some years back to see Manora’s Lighthouse and St. Paul’s Church, both located in the Karachi Harbour and both which we pass regularly when sailing. 
This is not only the second oldest lighthouse (1889) of the British Raj but, we were told, ONLY one of two…
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