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420technoblazeit · 1 month ago
the coliseum that appears in mel's motion comic was personally funded by ambessa and serves as a way for her to identify potential soldiers for her warband
according to katye there was another incident in the past in noxus where there was no named heir for a house and the remaining family members all murdered each other. so the pressure's on to get menelik to name an heir
ta'fik's two children have also proven themselves as worthy future heirs. his daughter apparently quelled a worker uprising recently
ambessa doesn't think that either kino or mel are ready to be the heads of the family and is thinking about finding them someone else to make up for their lack of strenght. a 'wolf' so to speak
she's here to watch the fight of a girl named rell, who she's been looking to recruit. she's around mel's age
apparently rictus was also an arena fighter (or reckoner) before he joined ambessa's warband. he was originally indebted to the medardas and then asked to join her once he had paid off his debts
ta'fik's youngest daughter (tifidar?) shows up to challenge rictus and brag about her own arena fights. she says that she was looking for kino and mel. ambessa brushes her off and briefly considers having rictus fight her to teach her a lesson
it looks like rell is fighting in the arena at her parents' wishes. they're lecturing her abt something when she leaves the arena. this is a league of legends character but i think they've heavily tweaked her backstory and appearance a lil so here's a description anyway
she's energetic and around mel's age with blonde hair and dusky skin. emphasis on her being very excitable, though she becomes very withdrawn around her parents. it seems like they're mistreating her and forcing her to fight in the arena. they seem very glad that she's drawn ambessa's attention
rell's father was a soldier. her mother is dahlia of house kanwell (?)
when rell gives her parents the cold shoulder they tell ambessa that she is 'volatile' which makes ambessa reconsider whether or not to recruit her into her personal warband
thread for notes on the ambessa book
the prologue follows the events of the blood sweat and tears music video and describes her near-death (or actual death and rebirth???) experience
ambessa also sees a couple of visions during this time including her battle with mel that would later happen in piltover and herself sitting on a throne
it's unclear if she remembers this when she wakes up but it's possible that this is what convinced her that mel was a better heir than kino despite kino being older and her later attempt to become the head of the medarda clan
there's also mention of Volrachnun, which is similar to the norse concept of valhalla. if you die a warrior's death you are sent there. ambessa had the choice to remain there but fought to stay alive instead largely for mel's sake
this choice came at a cost though and she sacrificed a lamb held in her arms to do so. it was described as a vulnerable innocent thing that she willingly chose to stop protecting and i think this was the representation of the kindred lamb and wolf by which the fate of every person at death is decided
interestingly enough ambessa almost seems to regret this choice once she's made it and she cries as the lamb is torn to pieces
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tiktikii · 4 years ago
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ravimagazine · 4 years ago
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Raha Main Tabeer e Manzil: Urdu Nazm by Shahida Kanwel https://ift.tt/38wDf0U
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444names · 2 years ago
welsh names BUT excluding "h"
Aduelwyn Adwyn Aellaw Aerryn Aeryll Affing Afryn Afwen Alawenn Aldair Alens Alewis Alian Altnes Altney Alwen Alwynmor Ameillym Amery Analwen Apjonys Aradew Arawen Arion Arlairwy Armoren Armorgan Arobeve Aroses Artains Arweltes Aynes Babbivin Bannalt Barion Batts Bedoc Bedus Bedwan Bedwyn Bellan Benick Benix Benllys Beris Beritt Berkins Berrys Berys Betryd Bevanmos Beven Bevid Bevies Bevinnio Bevison Bivey Bivid Bledus Blele Blevant Blews Bowendon Boyddoc Bradavey Brann Briconds Briffi Brion Britt Broad Broan Broant Brobedin Brollas Brosna Brove Bryllyn Brynna Burlys Buron Burwel Burwen Burynfyn Cadoree Cadwan Carans Cararia Carees Cargan Cargavid Carobs Carriams Ceiran Ceirlys Celas Celfyd Cerer Cerog Cilis Clewen Cobetres Coelewen Coelies Coellen Coestens Colen Collis Colwynn Colyn Colys Craitt Cranneir Crian Cynes Dacon Daffen Dafyd Dames Danon Darwyn Davards Davins Deeck Deiffion Deins Deiro Delangs Dellaw Dends Deradoc Deran Dereiran Derick Deven Devis Dewan Dewen Dewens Duelan Duniff Dwenams Dwenna Dynda Ebrid Ebron Ebryce Eddon Edduw Eddux Edees Edelwyn Edgeord Edgery Edilin Edmona Edmonwyn Edmun Edriff Eduwen Edwyn Eifin Eildai Eillen Eillews Eilys Eingwel Einlys Einnen Eiradon Eirai Eirawell Eirid Eirlan Eirwelo Eirwenna Eisia Elfemlyn Elfra Elgair Elgando Ellen Ellodyn Ellps Ellpsia Ellyn Ellys Eloyd Elwen Elyan Embra Embroben Emlyr Emrynona Emyfangs Emyrick Eriffing Eurobatt Evenies Evennan Evile Evinor Ffemian Ffrys Ffyddo Fleradoc Flord Fonna Fonwels Fonys Foreeze Ganolwen Ganwens Garawr Gards Gaynfyd Gedriff Gedwendo Gedwynes Gerangs Giane Gianid Gilens Gilew Gilles Gillia Ginatts Gitevant Glains Glawens Glecis Glends Glevis Gleweny Glewi Glone Goffen Goffion Goffloyd Gomes Goosnam Griallam Grianes Gricks Grifflum Grionds Grionn Grondwen Grusim Gwalad Gward Gwayl Gwell Gwelle Gwelwyl Gwelys Gwena Gwenn Gwenor Gwens Gwilis Gwill Gwillew Gwinon Gwyneyna Gwynolas Gwynon Ienis Iesiadoc Ifemlyn Ingwen Iollue Iolys Iondoc Iongs Ionwell Ivanmon Ivenin Ivens Iveys Iwalane Iwall Jacse Jacus Kanwel Lecemry Lecis Lennatts Lerey Lianwen Lladwyn Llell Llenlles Llian Lling Llison Llonwen Lloydins Llwen Llynn Llynwen Llywenys Lodris Luans Lynfy Lynnion Macollen Macor Macus Macusian Maduw Madwen Maell Maereys Maldas Malends Maradd Maran Mardd Mariale Marna Marrard Marry Merid Merloydd Merobs Monan Monwen Monweney Morddle Morick Morynon Muneins Munyd Muzze Mwyllips Mwynna Myfan Myfion Myrielyn Myrigs Myritt Neirick Neris Niallan Niffin Owell Oweniffi Pallenes Palyn Pemble Pemry Peradd Pereec Pereffys Peres Peron Perylece Peryn Perys Petrey Pewen Pewenn Pewillis Plens Pomfry Popkint Poven Povends Powalt Powalun Powen Prawen Preyn Preynn Prian Pries Priffle Prifin Proan Pronwen Prynfon Pugedd Pullai Pulue Pulun Reecer Reecis Reecks Refion Renfor Rielen Roadint Roadoc Roadox Roged Scusion Siadylew Siams Siana Sicers Stenary Steven Stian Stynn Sulies Sulle Surifitt Tafwens Talews Taliad Talian Talwyl Talwyn Tangs Taradoes Tarey Teaguyn Tegry Terey Teryn Tianciam Tudoc Undas Upjon Upjos Uprawry Vanens Vidwy Voree Vorey Vorgave Walen Walew Wallan Warwen Willewen Wilwynor Winian Wooses Wynonwyn Wynwen Yanoslyn Youell
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sanjayrath · 6 years ago
2019 BAVA Conference
2019 BAVA 20th International Conference Theme: Love, Marriage and Relationships 19 – 24 April 2019
The Workshops are with Pandit Samavedula, Pandit Sanjay Rath, Komilla Sutton and Andrew Foss
The Faculty of Esteemed Vedic Astrologers:-
Pandit Sanjay Rath, Sarbani Rath, Pandit Samavedula, Visti Larsen, Dr Andrew Foss, Komilla Sutton, Gordon Brennan, Keiko Ito, Vijaya Subramanian, Kanwel Thapar,…
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ravimagazine · 4 years ago
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Ae Mere Dost Mere Humnava – Urdu Nazm by Shahida Kanwel https://ift.tt/3c5Wdxg
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ravimagazine · 4 years ago
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Ae Meray Humnava: Urdu Nazm by Shahida Kanwel https://ift.tt/3eXB1eK
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ravimagazine · 4 years ago
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Baith Ke Paas Woh Mere: Urdu Ghazal by Shahida Kanwel https://ift.tt/3rqogNk
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ravimagazine · 4 years ago
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Ik Sard Shaam Mein: Urdu Nazm by Shahida Kanwel https://ift.tt/3po41zF
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