#kanoka disks
dougielombax · 7 months
*puts toast in toaster*
*puts the toaster on maximum power*
*hides in a corner and points the toaster at a street preacher talking shit*
“Not this time.”
*loads the toaster like it’s a fucking gun*
“Not THIS time!”
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xenon-noble · 2 years
So I found some cool lore. The Kanoka Blade,
TL;DR Kanoka blades are blades forged from Kanoka disks, in the same way Kanohi are. This means that Kanoka blades have powers, similar to masks. It applies only to the blade itself (a Shielding blade would only shield the arm instead of the whole body like a Hau does)
Now, what's interesting is the implication of this. Whatever a Kanohi is made of (I'm just going to call it Kanoka Metal) still has powers if it's not forged into a mask or disk.
Does this mean you could, like... Make boots out of Kakama Kanoka Metal and have boots that let you run fast? Or make them out of the same stuff as a Miru and you can float with them?
Remember this post because it's probably going to be relevant to other stuff I say later.
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mugbearerscorner · 2 years
God I love Kanoka Disks so much. Not only Metru Nui used them almost everywhere for stuff like airships, but they also can combine, and are used to forge masks!
Thinking retrospectively of disk combinations that go into Kanohi Masks is a fun brain exercise.
(this post was prompted by a discussion with @xenon-noble)
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toacody · 2 months
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krekka (2024)
Only gets better with time.
Creator: FeroxJ
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rahiwatching · 2 years
BIONICLE SCIENCE: Enlarge and Shrink Disks
For this BIONICLE investigation, I decided to do something (slightly) different. Rather than apply real world physics equations to a BIONICLE concept to see how it would work, I decided to see if I could take a BIONICLE concept, explore the relationships between its components and see if I could create my own mathematically sound equation to explain them. The subject for this? Kanoka disks – specifically enlarge and shrink disks.
Below are the BS01 descriptions for the effects of both disks:
Enlarges - Temporarily causes a target to grow rapidly. Size is tied to the power level of the disk, with a maximum of sixty feet for any target.
Shrinks - Temporarily causes a target to reduce in size rapidly. Size is tied to the power level of the disk, with a minimum of six inches for any target.
Two things stand out to me as important to understanding the workings of the disks here:
No matter the starting size of the target, an enlarge disk can’t make it larger than 60 feet (18.288 meters) tall and a shrink disk can’t make it smaller than 6 inches (0.1524 meters) tall. Meaning, an object already at/above the height maximum or at/under the height minimum wouldn’t be affected by the disks when struck by them.
The level the target grows or shrinks is directly and linearly related to the power level of the disk (levels 1 to 8 for normal disks, with level 9 for the Great Disks)
This got me thinking, could I create an equation where if I knew the starting size of the target, I could use it to find the new size it would become if it was struck by a specific power level of enlarge or shrink disk?
Let’s look at shrink disks first. Given the above, we know that in between the starting size and the minimum size allowed by the disk power, there are 8 discrete sizes that the different levels of disk can cause, with the 8th being the same as the minimum. Therefore, the height reduction can be found by:
the original height minus the minimum height;
dividing that number by 8;
then multiplying that result by the power level of the disk; and finally
taking that number and removing it from the original height.
This is represented in the following equation:
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The equation for the enlarge disk works in pretty much the same way, just with the initial minus sign being replaced with a plus, S-min being replaced with S-max and the original height and S-max swapping places:
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As an example of how this works, let’s take a standard Toa with a height of 1.6 Bio (2.19 meters). The below tables show how they would be affected by each of the 8 standard power levels of disks (each figure is rounded to two decimal places):
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Of these two disk powers, only the enlarge disk was chosen to become one of the six Great Disks (specifically the Ta-Metru Great Disk). The results of these equations can actually give us a reason why this is in canon. Given the Great disks have a power level of 9, they can exceed the power of normal disks. My interpretation of this is that this means that the enlarge Great Disk likely could make something bigger than the usual maximum of 18.29 meters. I’d also assume that it would still increase by the same linear progression of the previous 8 levels of disk, meaning the height maximum the great disk could enlarge our Toa to increases to 20.30 meters.
However, if we apply the same logic to a theoretical shrink Great Disk, the equation gives us a new height that is below zero: -0.10 meters. Given that a negative height doesn’t make sense, this gives a possible reason why there was no Great Disk of shrinking – it is not possible for a shrink disk of this level to exist.
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crustacean-menace · 1 year
I am very intrigued by how the "Toa Tool" thing works.
Like, yeah, some are made by Arthaka or other famous universe toolsmiths, but for many matoran-turned-toa, their tools are often related to their professions or straight up are tools they had in hand that are transformed alongside them during the metamorphosis.
Vakama was a mask carver, carving masks from kanoka disks, and his tool turned out to be a launcher that could use the raw materials of his profession as projectiles (well, not a hard thing considering they already are used as projectiles by many, but still...).
Takua's Chronicler staff became Takanuva's Staff of light, a powerful weapon that, coincidentally, could also function as a rather deadly version of a Kohili Stick.
These items also seem to be strongly tied with their own wielder physical being, as the toa Hagah weapons were transformed along their users, but despite this, they can also be left behind for the sake of better equipment (Mahri Kongu) which, although understandable in some cases (Two hands), still feels weird. That's not just a weapon, that's a part of you.
Its such an interesting concept that seems so often discarded in favour of elemental powers and mask, but like... Its YOUR weapon. It is related to a matoran entire being, their life, their experiences and things they enjoy. It's a way to use one's passion in a way that lets them protect others, and often also have additional functions based on what they may need. How cool is that? Think about it.
There could be a toa of ice whose job as a matoran was janitor and their weapon is a mop that can freeze its tendrils and become a morningstar, or generate a frozen layer over what its passed over, painting ice paths in an instant.
There could be a toa of air who had a passion for botany and took care of the MU version of bonsai trees, their precision shears turned into a huge, bulky pair of scissors that can be used as a broadsword that can also manipulate air currents to cut things from distance.
There could be a toa of iron whose main job was welding, and lo and behold, the clunky, cumbersome equipment he struggled to drag around became a big flamethrower that it wears like a backpack, complete with a welding mask integrated on top of their own kanohi as a visor.
There could be a Toa of stone who enjoyed the life of a performer, juggling, somersaulting, doing precision throws and whose tool is now a set of spiky or bladed clubs that can bounce on surfaces and enemies alike and then return to them.
A toa of Psionics whose dream to write stories manifested into a strange staff, originally their writing stylus, able to manifest masterful illusions by writing words inside the enemy minds and trap them in stories through the mere strength of their narration.
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bionicle-ramblings · 4 months
Having more Lhikan thoughts, and they involve the Ta-Metru Trio
Just imagining him as the unofficial guardian of the three because trouble keeps finding them
Imagining after a mission to keep the peace with Metru Nui and other places, Lhikan returns and is essentially having an "everyone is an idiot" moment(he talked to a very ostentatious stelt). He winds up going the same way as Vakama, who just acquired some Kanoka disks after AN HOUR of negotiating. Lhikan doesn't give too much detail on who he talked to, but he does give the basics. When he asks about the disks, Vakama admits he bartered for them, but he would have been better off trading with Takua because at least when he's with his friend, his time isn't wasted. Lhikan points out that Takua is usually at either Vakama's side or Jaller's, but Vakama says they can convince him to stay working and stay out of trouble. And the three live together now thanks to the Morbuzakh. Lhikan calls him lucky, but doesn't elaborate. Vakama doesn't pry either because that's not their thing. As they near the Ta-Metru forges and the Coliseum, they part ways, Lhikan telling Vakama to stay out of trouble, and says one of the disks is faulty before walking away. It makes Vakama freeze and immediately check each disk. None of them are faulty. Still makes Lhikan smirk, especially when Vakama calls him a liar and says his jokes are awful, in a cheeky friend way, before returning to his forge
Imagining Lhikan after the events of the Toa v. Dark Hunter war, after the murders were solved and the conflict was resolved. Lhikan's somewhere remote in Metru Nui(very hard to find on occasion), like a cliff face that overlooks , and he's just processing what happened and the fact he's the only Toa left. It's pretty gutting knowing he's alone in his duties, but what distracts him is the sound of rocks falling and hitting other rocks, over and over, like they're being thrown. Lhikan looks and finds Jaller, who's throwing rocks into the vastness. Turns out Jaller's just letting off steam after everything that's happened; he did help with figuring out the Matoran murders afterall. Lhikan still asks him how he's held up, and Jaller, respectfully, asks Lhikan the same thing, giving how worn he looks. Lhikan is hanging in there, admittedly, but doesn't go further than that because he's curious as to why Jaller is out on his own and not with his friends. Turns out Jaller was with some friends out of his Metru and just needed some quiet for a moment. A lot's hairbrush and he just needs a second. It's a feeling Lhikan gets. There isn't much talking between the two after that; they're just coexisting in the silence for a while. After a moment, Jaller guess back to his friends, though he did than Lhikan for everything he does. Lhikan tries to brush it off, but Jaller insists; Metru Nui wouldn't be standing if it weren't for Lhikan and a lot of Matoran would have gotten hurt or killed. With that, Jaller leaves and Lhikan takes in what he said, resolving himself to fight for the city and the Matoran, even if he's alone, though also has a feeling of, "it's all I have left," with that resolve
Imagining Lhikan battling some smaller, less powerful Morbuzakh vines and ending up in a bit of a pickle. Luckily, a couple shots from a disk launcher and some well aimed strikes to debris wins the battle and the vines leave. Once he's taken a breath, Lhikan turns to see who helped, and sees Takua throw down the disk launcher he used and say, "I just showed up. Did you see who shot that?" Lhikan isn't stupid, and he asks what Takua was doing, not in the mood for shenanigans because he almost died. Takua comes clean: he was looking for something, namely a rare weapon, or piece of a weapon, that he can hold on to. Lhikan asks what he'd want with such a thing and Takua just says that he thought it would be interesting as he looks through a pile of dicarded stuff like disk launchers, broken masks, and tools. Lhikan keeps a very stem eye on him; Takua is good at running off. With the weapon not found, Takua admits he'd been searching all day and has been very unlucky. As it's getting late in the day, Lhikan essentially escorts Takua back to Ta-Metru, not wanting the Vahki to get to him again. Takua reluctantly agrees, though as they walk it's clear that Takua is kind of off in his thoughts. He's not upset about the weapon, but before Lhikan can ask, Takua asks him if he's ever been outside of Metru Nui. Lhikan doesn't really answer, but does want to know why Takua asks. Takua did try saying he's just curious, but light prodding makes him admit he actually wants to see more outside of Metru Nui; there has to be more than just a metropolis in the middle of the sea, right? Where do all the creatures in the archives come from, if not outside Metru Nui? Lhikan tells him that there is more outside of Metru Nui, but none of it is safe for one Matoran. Takua asks what that "more" is, but Lhikan simply tells him it would be enough to make his head spin. Takua asks Lhikan for a favor. Not a trip outside Metru Nui like Lhikan thinks, but rather a "report" of what's outside. He can say it's practice for reporting to Turaga Dume if need be. Lhikan agrees and tells Takua to stay out of trouble before leaving.
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tiredspacedragon · 1 year
I'm definitely a fan of the way Kanoka are depicted in LoMN, the metallic silver colour of the disk and dark paint for the emblems makes them feel much more tangible and grounded as objects commonly found in such a heavily industrialized location than the white frisbees in the sets.
That said, I am also very attached to the idea that they do still glow in the dark.
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nattarthetimedragon · 1 month
This will is the first custom Kanoka Disk pack that I make and I plan to make more
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wjbs-bonkle-au · 6 days
Lynn’s Bionicle Media Looking-At Thing Part 4.5: I Take Back Everything I Said About How City Of Legends Would Probably Have Been The Best Bionicle Game
Ok so this will be. An interesting one. Also my previous City of Legends post is here, go check it out, I reference it a couple of times.
Right so before I begin, I just want to say that I replayed the 2003 version of City of Legends, and it is still fun. I also, for professionalism(?) purposes, played the first 2004 version (there's two), and it's basically the same as the one I'll be playing in this post, which makes my life a lot easier. Anyway, on with the video and also the rant about how much I dislike this version.
Alright so first off; the movement feels. More awkward? I guess? Like you can't turn instantly; you have to go through an awkward turning animation every time. Also the little score popups are gone, which sucks.
There is proper combat this time; while you could throw kanoka in the 2003 build, this one also has melee, and it is. Kinda bad? Like you have an awkward, clumsily-animated punch, but also a fairly satisfying ground-pound that defeats enemies in an AoE radius but has weird timing, and a roll that also does damage. Also the Kanoka is really satisfying.
There's only one map this time around, which appears to be an expanded version of the "Ta-Wahi" map from the 2003 build (the aesthetic, theme and one of the floor textures are the same). It has a bunch of neat details (a big cargo lift thing going up and down and circling bird-like creatures that I didn't see moving until I recorded this, so when I noclipped up on my first run-through I assumed they flew backwards relative to how they actually fly, like I thought their tails were like manta ray flaps or antennae or something)
Unlike the 2003 build, enemies spawn constantly without the player having to spawn them manually from a menu.
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Instead of jerboas, this time they're presumably meant to be Morbuzakh (this won't be the last time the Morbuzakh will come up in this series), and their designs and animations are simple but effective! They die in one hit and deal. "Damage". But not really, like you flash red when you get hit, but there's no health metre and you can't die. However, they swarm and stun you when you hit, so if this did have a proper health system, it would probably be painful.
Left stick moves the character (more on him later) and right stick moves the camera. Clicking in the left stick does nothing, and clicking in the right stick switches to a weird first-person view that doesn't aim where you're moving, but instead it has to be manually angled. Pain. In terms of actual controls, triangle throws a disk, circle is melee, X is jump and square is roll.
The D-pad does nothing. Start pauses the game, as you'd expect, but select does something interesting; it pauses the game and puts you into noclip. You can fly around with the left stick and aim the camera with the right stick, as you'd expect; the left shoulder button allows you to speed up. Triangle unpauses the game, allowing you to both control the character and move the camera, and right trigger teleports you to the camera's current position.
Finally, let's talk about the character you play as, because. It's Matau, but with an interesting design.
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The whole design is very. Chunky in a way I like, and I love the Metru armour motif being stylised into thick X-shapes, and the Aero Slicers being reduced down to a pair of beetle-like elytra so they can be part of his design without being too big. However, I don't like how small his brainstalk is.
And then there's this game's interpretation of the Mahiki, which. I genuinely love (except for the weird beak-mouth).
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Like, the "jaw" with "teeth" would make this work really well as, like, a shapeshifted Makuta version of the Mahiki, or maybe an earlier version of the Olisi before Karzahni started modifying it. Also it kinda gives me Miru vibes, and the roundel "headphones" being adapted into proper earpieces is really cool. My only point against it is that it loses the actual Mahiki's retrofuturistic (maybe even slightly Art Deco?) aesthetic in favour of 2000s neoretrofuturistic sleekness, but I can't really complain because I love that era of sci-fi aesthetics. I wish I could see what the other five masks would have looked like, but alas.
Anyway uhhhh yeah. This wasn't worth it, and might end up invalidating my upcoming post about the Xbox demo (depending on how different that might be, and also if I can even find an Xbox emulator). Oh well!
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No one I can pitch this to elsewhere
Voya Nui Matoran are certainly tough from having to survive without Toa or turaga, yet Mata Nui Matoran are hardy on their own. They have skilled militaries that held off Makuta for decades.
What if Jaller and his Matoran rescue team brought a larger force? This might be from them sailing from Mata Nui to Voya Nui, or it would put up a real fight against Karzahni.
Imagine it: Ga-Matoran sailors, Ta-Matoran infantry, Onu-Matoran engineers and Cavalry of the Ussal and Boxor variety. Then we have the Le-Matoran pilots with their birds, and the Ko-Matoran linguists and scholars. And the Po-Matoran with equal skill and muscle. And all of them upgraded with Metru Nui technology. They're flinging Kanoka disks, Nuparu probably attached the Exo-Toa rockets to the Boxors. The Ta-Matoran are armed with salvaged Vahki staffs. Imagine Kongu's bird armed with overcharged staffs. Maybe the Po-Matoran have some sort of artillery, for precision work?
And there is Takanuva, just sitting back and watching the sparks fly.
Imagine these Matoran deploying on Voya Nui's shores. Remember, these Matoran weren't passively waiting to be saved, they were fighting the Rahi with every bit of strength they had! They assembled armies, defenses, all sorts of things without Toa help!
They were clever, they were brave, and they were heroes, because it's what you do that makes you a hero.
And I'm also picturing Zaktan arguing with one of the other Piraka, "Who in the pits are these people?!" While disks of destruction go off around them and the Boxor Regiment takes down their big robots.
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ctrl-alt-tahu · 1 month
Thoughts of Akamai and Wairuha
"You shouldn't talk about the Great Spirit like that," said Pohatu, as they continued to cross Ko-Metru. The wan lights above the dome were at their zenith, providing a pale glow over the ruined city. As they climbed around the exterior of one of the largest (or least-ruined) towers of the Metru, they could see at a distance other portions of the city.
"I believed in Mata Nui, once," said Voriki. "I even thought I met him… but what Great Being would claim to watch over the Matoran and leave us with this." He paused, looking out over the city. They were on a landing of sorts, a flat place that opened where the broad tower below them turned to a much narrower spire. They could see north, east, and south, and Voriki waved a hand over them all.
"You should have seen Metru Nui then, when I first came here: the Coliseum there"--he pointed north east at the most ruinous area they could see: the centre island broken and cracked--"the Temple of Mata Nui in Ga-Metru, the chute system, the great forge of Ta-Metru. It was the envy of the world, and envy it the Makuta did. I don't know all the centuries of war and scheming before my time, but they weren't without effect: Metru Nui no longer ruled its empire, and only one Toa still stood with Turaga Dume, who ruled this city: Toa Lhikan, Toa of Fire.
"I don't know where he got the Toa Stones that transformed us. I don't know why he waited until he was the last Toa left and the sea-gates were on the verge of being breached. I don't know why he picked the seven of us--but he did, and we became Toa: me, and the six you say you know as Turaga: Vakama, Nokama, Matau, Onewa, Nuju, and Whenua."
"A seventh Toa!" Lewa whispered. Onua nodded, but gestured for silence. Kopaka and Tahu shared a cryptic nod.
"We weren't enough," said Voriki. "While we tried to learn how to control our powers, how to control our masks, we sought the great Kanoka disks, drove back the Morbuzakh--and missed how much we were needed at the sea-gates. Important as our little quests might have been in peacetime, they were distractions when the city was threatened from without. What did it matter if the Morbuzakh was choking off the Great Forge when the Matoran were vanishing and the Visorak were invading?"
"What are Visor--" Lewa began even as Gali asked "why were the Matoran vanishing?"
"Visorak are a sort of swarming, insectoid Rahi," said Voriki. "There were thousands of them, directed by Sidorak, a mighty servant of the Brotherhood of Makuta."
"And the Matoran?" asked Kopaka.
"We didn't realise it until much later," said Voriki, "but Turaga Dume was long gone. He was being impersonated by the Makuta himself, and it was all his plan: the Matoran were being put in stasis even as the city fell to the Visorak. Metru Nui fell to attacks from both within and without. Only the seven of us were left free in the city--well, and the five Matoran we stole away with us. Whenua, Nuju, and Onewa stayed behind in the Coliseum to buy the rest of us time to escape, and while we were on the run in Po-Metru, Vakama collapsed and Matau and I learned that he had been keeping a secret from us--visions, or so Nokama called them."
There no hiding the looks that the six Toa gave each other. So Vakama is still associated with them, then, Voriki thought.
"He said he had seen the Great Beings in council, and that they had told him that Mata Nui was asleep and we must wake him, and that Valour and Wisdom would guide us. At the time, I believed this was a sign, and that we had to save Metru Nui by waking the Great Spirit, and I believed that Akamai and Wairuha would come and help us--but though we found a Mata Nui of sorts, in the end, no Great Beings came and guided us. If Vakama's vision meant anything, it must have been metaphorical: wisdom and valour, not personified beings."
"They are true-real," said Lewa. "Takua told us."
The wind seemed to pick up, and the already chilly ledge was far from comfortable to any save Kopaka, but no one moved as Voriki stared at them.
"You mentioned him--Takua," said Voriki at last, "in your tale the other night: he is your chronicler."
"Yes," said Tahu.
"And he claims to have seen Akamai and Wairuha," said Voriki.
"Yes," said Pohatu.
"Not 'claimed'," said Gali. "He did see them. I have felt what he has seen."
"Was this before you came to the island?" asked Voriki.
"No, this was the first great battle with Makuta," said Gali. "As we said in our tale: after scouring the island for the Golden Kanohi and being united at last, we faced the Makuta beneath the temple of Kini Nui and defeated him, for a time."
"You said nothing of Akamai and Wairuha," said Voriki.
"We didn't exactly tell you every kick and blow," said Pohatu. "To be honest, most of that battle is a blur. We entered the cave, encountered the Manas and… returned later, victorious. Takua remembers more than we do."
Voriki said nothing, but it was plain that he wanted to dismiss the idea, and why not: if they remembered so little and if the Makuta hadn't even been truly vanquished, then perhaps they hadn't been victorious at all. Yet if their chronicler claimed to have seen Akamai and Wairuha…
"We should get going again," said Voriki. "We're almost there. If the Pituita Nui is still functioning, we can close the sea-gate. I'll have Tehutti see what we can do to close them permanently, and we need to find Nidhiki and Krekka, but that can wait till tomorrow."
He tapped a door that opened onto the ledge with the slightest jolt of electricity, and the door popped open, not quite chest-height.
"An access point for Matoran technicians, not Toa, I'm afraid."
"So, what happened next?" asked Pohatu, "in your story? You went from Po-Metru to find Mata Nui?"
"No, not right away," said Voriki. "First, we encountered more Toa."
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tributron · 10 months
Hello fellow compatriots to yet another build! This time I have created the most powerful Boxor yet, it can walk, it can punch, and it can fire Kanoka disks as though it were breathing elemental blasts! But that is not all for the rider can even throw a spear. For as long as I could remember I have always had a keen fascination in the Bahrag. Yet not in the way you might think. Sure the bitting function was cool and them being bug dragons were awesome but I have always wished they could breathe fire. So I took it upon myself and created the closest thing to that with the projectiles of the current year that was 2002-03. Designing this was a little tricky as I couldn't rely on the Kanoka rail gun design that I have made years before making this moc due to the innate feature of the jaw mechanism. But I am very satisfied with the end result for the firing feature as it is easy to reload and fire. And honestly I might just make more Kanoka weapons as it is not as easy to lose a disk verse a tiny stud from a stud launcher. The spear throwing mechanism as well can be easily activated while the rider is on the back of the creature or on the ground thanks to how secure the little guy is. Not only that but he can also throw a disk without any hinderance while on the creature. So in a way from that perspective you got yourself three ways to attack your enemies from a distance before stomping your Boxoraus Rex closer to pummel them into the ground. So in summary, this thing is really fun and I might make a whole army of them. It is honestly something that I wish we got in the earlier years. Well I am your host Tributron and I will see you next week with another moc! Happy Building and Play Well! Be sure to check out AscendingDepths.etsy.com for custom parts, future sets, comics, and artwork
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afanofmanyhats · 1 year
Before I start publishing my fanfic, I thought I'd share my notes and headcanons on the Toa Mangai with y'all to help get us situated. I don't have any MOCs built yet, but I'm planning on playing around in Stud.io soon. Eventually I'll be making everyone with real pieces in the far, far future.
Sidenote: in order to figure out how to make eleven characters all feel distinct from each other (especially four Toa of Ice), I decided to base them off of the D&D 5e classes, with the exception of Sorcerer and Warlock, as those wouldn't fit as well into the power system of BIONICLE.
Lhikan, Toa of Fire: Fighter, Hau and Fire Greatswords
Design: Metru red, black, and old gold. Average height and build.
Background: Lhikan lived in a Ta-Matoran within the Northern Continent, working as a Crafter. He specialized in Kanoka disks, hoping to give his fellow Matoran a means of defending themselves. He and his fellow workers ended up being targeted by some unscrupulous Vortixx that tried to make them produce only for them, and when Lhikan made a stand, the Vortixx tried to make an example of him by attempting to throw him into a vat of molten protodermis. Toa Dume was able to rescue him and drive off the Vortixx, and made a note of the Ta-Matoran’s bravery. Millennia later, when Dume retired to become the Turaga of Metru Nui, he returned to Lhikan and gave him a Toa Stone before sending him off to an Order of Toa for training. Lhikan’s time with the Order of Toa was all too brief, as only a few years into his training, their fortress in the Axal Mountains was attacked by Frostelus. Lhikan was ordered to leave with the Makoki Stone against his will by the fortress’ commander, but when he couldn’t locate the object, Lhikan had to flee alone. He wandered alone, half-hoping to perish in the harsh landscape of the Axals before Fau found him nearly frozen. She rescued him from his sorry state, and the two began traveling together, assisting Matoran and eventually being joined by other Toa, forming the Toa Aki.
Personality: Lhikan is, in a word, driven. Driven by his sense of duty to the Matoran and his fellow Toa, driven by his guilt over leaving his Order behind, driven by a need to be the best Toa he can be. His dry sense of humor, tactical mind, and valorous attitude make him a popular leader with his fellow Toa.
Nidhiki, Toa of Air: Rogue, Volitak and Air Scythe
Design: Metru green, dark grey, and silver. Average height with light build.
Background: Nidhiki was a Scout as a Matoran in the Tren Krom Peninsula. He was an expert at moving through its dense jungles and rocky canyons, which kept him alive through many close calls. He became a Toa when his village’s previous protector, a Bo-Toa named Lanekh, was wounded beyond full recovery. Nidhiki had helped Lanekh in his final confrontation with a fully-organic monster of Tren Krom's creation, so Nidhiki was Lanekh’s top pick for his successor. With the aid of his Volitak, Nidhiki became a master of stealth, but took up the habit of spending long spans of time away from his village to scout out potential threats. This came back to bite him when he left for a week to follow a beast only to find a relatively safe route out from his village's isolated position. He returned to find his village ravaged from a monster attack, with only a couple of survivors remaining. Distraught, Nidhiki took the survivors to safety through the discovered path and settled in a port, where he encountered Lhikan, Fau, and Tuyet. With nothing left to tie him down to the Tren Krom Peninsula, Nidhiki leapt at the chance to join a group and leave his homeland behind.
Personality: Nidhiki has an impulsive temperament countered by his need to survive. The traumatic environment of his homeland has made him wary of most people, and he keeps his fellow Toa at arm’s length. Nevertheless, he still wants to be seen as a hero, and to protect the Matoran.
Tuyet, Toa of Water: Barbarian, Hamaki (Mask of Intangibility) and Barbed Broadsword
Design: Trans dark blue, Metru blue, and gunmetal grey. Tall with bulky build.
Background: Tuyet comes from Galiki, a small island several miles to the north-west of the Northern Continent. As a Matoran she worked as a Fisher, and took great pride in her work. She worked alongside her friend Mara under the leadership of Turaga Zes, who unbeknownst to her community had been exiled from the Southern Continent for killing an enemy. When a pod of Takea sharks attacked while the Matoran were at sea, Mara was killed rescuing Tuyet. Tuyet avenged her friend by killing every shark with a net and a harpoon, but was heavily injured herself. Zes gave Tuyet a Toa Stone to keep her from dying, and took the novice under her wing. She trained Tuyet to use her powers lethally, eventually divulging the existence of the Nui Stone in the hope that one day Tuyet would return to the land Zes came from and take vengeance on her enemies. Tuyet, however, was forming her own plans. When she felt she had received enough training from Zes, she slipped away from Galiki with the Nui Stone one night, heading for the Northern Continent. There, she met Lhikan and Fau, and ended up joining them in an attempt to get away from her past.
Personality: Tuyet is zealous in her devotion to guarding Matoran, to the point where she frequently has to be held back from seriously injuring enemies that threaten them. While she is fully capable of nuanced thought, she tends to prefer straightforward solutions, like hitting the problem really hard with her sword.
Fau, Toa of Ice: Ranger, Kaukau and Frost Tridents, Energy Hound
Design: Trans dark blue, white, and silver. Average height with light build.
Background: Fau came from the Axal Mountains, a massive mountain range that divides the Northern Continent in half. The treacherous slopes and dangerous Rahi makes travel difficult, but there are a few safe passages that Scouts can guide caravans through. Fau worked as a Scout for much of her life, guarding travelers through rocky canyons, avalanches, floods, and Rahi attacks. Her heroism and sense of duty gained the attention of Vilti, an old Toa of Lightning, who traveled with Fau for a bit before giving her a Toa Stone and turning into a Turaga. Vilti trained Fau, eventually settling down as a village elder and gifting Fau her old Energy Hound companion named Sparky. Fau struck out on her own to be an even better Scout than before. She ended up crossing paths with Lhikan shortly after his brush with the Frostelus, and helped him survive in the harsh landscape until he felt called to explore more of the Northern Continent. He invited Fau to accompany him, and she decided to join him, becoming the first members of the Toa Aki with him.
Personality: Fau is serious and stoic, her survival instincts honed to a razor’s edge by her years of experience. She feels most comfortable out in nature, away from major centers of civilization.
Mafa, Toa of Ice: Wizard, Olfor (Mask of Conjuring) and Ice Staff with Rhotuka Launcher
Design: White, sand blue, light trans blue, and gold. Tall with average build.
Background: Mafa was one of the best Scholars of Ankha Nui, the largest city within the Northern Continent and a close trade partner to Metru Nui. He’s researched virtually every topic, written hundreds of treatises and papers, but he is mainly known for his work on the various types of protodermis and their effect on elemental abilities. Mafa has been to Metru Nui in the past for research, but he still prefers Ankha Nui over the Knowledge Towers of Ko-Metru. Just a few centuries ago, Mafa was approached by Toa Tiro, who told him that it was his destiny to become a Toa, one who would protect the Great Spirit from an ancient threat. Mafa was initially dismissive of Tiro, but her persistence wore down his resistance, and feeling that he had studied all that he could, he agreed to become a Toa.
His Rhotuka launcher teleports the target to a desired location within line of sight.
Personality: Mafa is intelligent, analytical, and self-impressed. He has a high opinion of himself, and frequently acts like he is the smartest person in the room, typically because he is. Tiro has worked hard to help him embrace humility, and he has been taking lessons now that he is out of his element as a Toa.
Motara, Toa of Stone: Artificer, Kiril with scope and Cordak Rifle, Nynrah Ghost Blaster, and Precision Hammer
Design: Grey, tan, yellow, and gunmetal grey. Average height and build.
Background: Motara was one of the original inhabitants of Odina. He worked as an Engineer, crafting tools and weapons for his fellow Matoran to defend themselves against the wild Rahi that stalked the island’s northern area. When the Dark Hunters came to make their base on Odina, many of the Matoran were captured as slaves or killed; Motara was one of the only refugees to escape. He made his way to Nynrah, where he managed to convince the Nynrah Ghosts to take him on as an apprentice. He trained with them for years, honing his skills as a crafter and coming up with plans to liberate his home. Eventually he moved to Xia with a small group of other Nynrah Ghosts to sell weapons, but Motara focused on selling his arms to other Matoran in order to help them defend themselves. His work eventually caught the attention of Toa Dume, who commissioned a new weapon from him. The process of making the weapon put Motara and Dume in close contact with each other, and Dume eventually coaxed the Matoran’s motivations from him. Dume offered to make Motara a Toa to give him a better way of defending other Matoran, and after much deliberation, Motara agreed. With the completion of his staff, Dume helped Motara become a Toa, and taught him what he knew. Eventually, Motara struck out on his own, setting up shop near the Tren Krom Peninsula to defend the Matoran on the edges of one of the wildest places in the universe.
Personality: Motara has an analytical, dissective mind, and enjoys taking things apart and putting them back together to understand how they work. He has a rough, dry sense of humor and is guarded about his past to most people.
Hura, Toa of Ice: Paladin, Rode and Avalanche Axe with Shield
Design: White, light blue, and silver. Tall with bulky build.
Background: As a Matoran, Hura lived in Ankha Nui, working in the city guard as one of its premier Investigators. His dedication to uprooting crime and corruption made him a target of a Skakdi gang, but he teamed up with Ankha Nui’s Toa, a Psionics Toa named Whul, to take down the threat. As a reward for his years of service, when Whul retired, he was granted a Toa Stone, and became one of the new defenders of Ankha Nui. With the aid of his Rode, Hura became even more of a menace to the criminals of the city, and quickly became one of the most popular Toa. His reputation spread all across the Northern Continent, to the point that Lhikan and Fau sought him out for assistance in dealing with a tribe of Zyglak threatening a trade route. He worked so well with them that he decided to join their group, and quickly became Lhikan's lieutenant thanks.
Personality: Hura is a dedicated, focused man who religiously believes in the Three Virtues. He also upholds the Toa Code more vigorously than most, doing his best to be honest and admirable to the Matoran he guards.
Naho, Toa of Water: Bard, Huna and Harpoon Bow
Design: Metru blue, Mata blue, trans purple, and silver. Average height and build.
Background: Naho was a Student in Ga-Metru, known for taking classes in as many topics as she could. She was a veritable sponge for knowledge, but never graduated to a Teacher, as many expected, as she was perfectly content to only learn. Besides studying, though, she was one of the finest singers in Ga-Metru, and had experience boating. Over time, Naho’s curiosity to explore other lands became a driving force in her life, but she was reluctant to leave without a friend, and no one she knew was willing to leave Metru Nui. That changed when she met Marn in one of her language classes, and the two quickly bonded. Upon learning about Marn’s own desire to experience other islands, they purchased a boat together, finished up their work in Metru Nui, and sailed off for the Northern Continent. After years of traveling together, the two became Toa after saving a village of Le-Matoran from a Nui Rama swarm. They trained with a Le-Turaga mentor named Exival, but eventually left the village in the care of a Le-Toa in order to continue exploring. They eventually met Kanae, and she joined their band. The three have them have sailed around the Northern and Southern Continents, Stelt, Zakaz, and Xia, protecting Matoran wherever they could.
Personality: Naho is studious, curious, and quick-witted. She enjoys discussion and music, frequently bantering with her siblings when she isn't learning new songs from other lands.
Marn, Toa of Earth: Cleric, Kakama and Quake Hammer with Shield
Design: Black, sand green, and gold. Short with bulky build.
Background: A former Archivist from Onu-Metru, Marn specialized in stories and artifacts from foreign lands. Years of cataloging and recording legends from far away inspired Marn to travel to these places firsthand, but he could never get the funding for it approved by the Chief Archivist, Mamoru. On a whim, Marn decided to enroll in a class on a language from the Northern Continent he had come across in his work, and met Naho as a fellow student. The two hit it off, and after learning of their mutual desire to travel, bought a boat and sailed for the Northern Continent. Marn kept a journal of their adventures, planning on eventually returning it to Metru Nui and adding it to the Archives, but his transformation into a Toa changed his plans. Now, his focus is on protecting the Matoran and preserving their different ways of life.
Personality: Marn is curious, quiet, and self-assured, confident in his abilities and mindful of his limitations. He believes strongly in preserving the past and understanding others, which frequently makes him a mediator in his team.
Kanae, Toa of Plantlife: Druid, Amana (Mask of Healing) and Thorn Sickle
Design: Dark blue, lime green, Mata green, and gold. Small with light build.
Background: Kanae was a Healer from a heavily forested area in the Northern Continent. As a Matoran, she was exemplary for her patience, compassion, and expertise in her craft. When a parasite created by Mutran made its way to her village, Kanae was the first to identify what was diseasing her people and concocted a cure. It worked marvelously, preventing any deaths from a wasting infection, and she was soon able to spread the cure to the rest of the Northern Continent. To honor her achievements, Kanae’s Turaga offered her a Toa Stone, which she accepted. Kanae mainly used her powers over plantlife to ensure prosperity for her people, but as the years passed without a major threat, she began to wonder if her duty required her elsewhere. When Naho and Marn stopped by her village in their travels, she begged to join them, and left with her village’s blessing to help those more in need.
Personality: Kanae is a dedicated, compassionate healer, always seeking to help. She is also fairly quiet, preferring to stay out of the limelight.
Tiro, Toa of Ice: Monk, Calix and Adamant Staff with Rhotuka Launcher
Design: Dark grey, white, and gunmetal grey. Tall with average build.
Background: Tiro comes from the slopes of Mt. Vikhtol within the Southern Continent, which holds the Temple of Destiny. The Temple is one of the holiest places within the SC, containing prophecies and visions of many different Seers. Tiro was a Seer, as well as the Temple’s guardian Toa. She stayed there for millennia, defending the temple from Rahi, as well as Dark Hunters and other brigands who wished to steal the secrets contained within. She has honed her body and her mind almost to perfection, and her Kanohi Calix gives her the edge she needs against any opponent. Her time with the temple ended when she received a vision to seek out the Scholar Mafa in Ankha Nui to help him achieve his destiny. She prepared for her departure by training a successor, and set out to find the Matoran her visions spoke of. Since finding Mafa and helping him become a Toa, she has done her best to train him in wisdom, not just intelligence.
Her Rhotuka has a calming effect on those it hits, sometimes to the point of knocking them out.
Personality: Tiro possesses vast wisdom, which she likes to convey in parables and the occasional riddle. She tends to be quiet, preferring to observe before she acts in any situation, but her devotion to the Great Spirit and the Toa Code are unshakeable.
Kodan, Po-Matoran: Chronicler, Erodo (Mask of Psychometry) and Chronicler’s Staff with Kanoka Disk Launcher
Design: Brown, black, and grey. Metrutoran.
Background: Kodan was a Merchant that traveled between the different Metrus, with a knack for Kanoka disks that led to him- at least he claims- inventing Akilini. His route around Metru Nui brought him in contact with many different walks of life, but one of his favorite places was Onu-Metru, as he found the stories stored within the Archives fascinating. At one point Marn tried to get him to become a junior Archivist, but Kodan decided against it, as he liked the freedom his current job gave him.
Personality: Kodan is friendly and personable, good at putting people at ease to share things with him. He also has a mean competitive streak, as while his invention of Akilini is up for debate, his skill with it is unquestionably high.
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toacody · 8 months
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Krekka (2015)
As seen on film.
Creator: FeroxJ
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rahiwatching · 4 months
Kanoka disks are a widespread technology within the Matoran Universe, with many different powers and abilities. In this Knowledge Tower investigation, we take a closer look at the Enlarge and Shrink Kanoka and derive brand new equations to predict their effects.
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