latibulx · 3 years
closed starter for @kangsoyou-ia in answer to this post
It had been a long day. Hell, it had been a long three months. The mission she had been assigned to had turned out to be a mess in which she had been caught in, like a fly struggling in a spider’s web. Not only gangs had been involved but also important politic figures and old, corrupted celebrities. Miyeon had gone undercover, not giving news to anyone during the whole time she was working for she didn’t know who had their eyes on her. No matter how skilled she was, there would always be someone who could feel suspicious about her sudden presence in their lives. 
The peak of her mission came three days ago. Long story short, it had been ugly. One of her colleagues had been shot dead, a bullet straight through his head, splattering blood and brain all over Miyeon who had been standing next to him and if she herself had come out of this situation without any deadly injury, she wasn’t sure about the impact it would have on her mind and moods. After several meetings, a detailed report from the mission given to her superior and the order to consult a psychologist for the next six months, she had dragged herself homeㅡ until she realized that her feet had taken her to Soyou’s place instead. 
That was where she had felt the safest, and she felt the exact same way when she woke up even though her eyes were still clouded with darkness. “I have the whole two next weeks off.” A weak reward for all the blood and sweat her team had shed, she bitterly thought. “May I stay here today? I don’t really feel like going home. Plus, we haven’t seen each other in so long...” Miyeon’s voice was uncharacteristically quiet, the evidence that healing was still a long way to go. Sometimes, she hated to have such an ability. To chase the memory of her colleague dying in front of her, she looked up at the beautiful face of her friend and gave her a small smile. “Did you miss me? It’s been ninety-four days since we last saw each other.” 
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enchanted-irene-ia · 4 years
Fanfiction || Soyou & Joohyun
Joohyun had been obsessed with korean dramas for awhile now. She would spend her nights binging on shows, historical, slice of life, coming of age, romance, comedy, anything she could get her eyes on. After a while she realized they were getting repetitive. Mean rich man falls in love with a poor girl but plot twist the mean man’s childhood friend is super kind and also falls in love with the poor girl. It was getting boring. 
 So the enchanted doll decided to write her own drama, something that will become a great show plus she thought it would be fun to write a story. First things first she needs to find a main subject. That’s how she found outside on a cold winter day, sitting on a bench in between classes. Joohyun watched as people walked by many trying to get out of the cold or rushing to class.
 Out of the corner of her eye she saw locks of black hair flowing in the wind. A girl who seemed lost while others rushed by. ‘Ooh the perfect target’
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jinki-ia · 3 years
Angry Stripper || Soyou & Jinki
Jinki rubbed at the back of his neck with a sigh, who thought it would be a good idea to send his workers home on a friday night so give them the night off. He did and it left him with the entire bar clean up to do by himself. But it was too late and Jinki didn’t have the heart to call them back. 
After some good music and partially getting high from the toxic fumes from the cleaners, he was done in no time. After leaving the last bag of trash on the curb the shigofumi picked up on heels clacking on the sidewalk. It was pretty late in the night (or very early in the morning depending on how you look at it) so he was surprised to hear someone on the streets at this time. As the clacking became louder he looked up in time to see a familiar vampire walking towards him. “Oh Soyou” He commented more to himself. He figured it would be awkward seeing her again since the last time they saw each other he ended up with blood all over him. The closer she got the more the shigofumi noticed how tired she looked, she didn’t even seem to notice Jinki standing on the sidewalk.Or maybe he was being ignored. “Hey?”
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atinystar · 4 years
@kangsoyou-ia​ 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒𝒹 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝓅𝑜𝓈𝓉, 𝓈𝑜 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓎 𝓇𝑒𝒸𝑒𝒾𝓋𝑒𝒹 𝒶 𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓇𝓉𝑒𝓇 !
“Stop asking about that boy, for fuck’s sake! I killed him okay?” Sunmi replied at Kyungri that had the hope of her vampire partner coming around to the vampiric reunion, but as per usual, during all this years, he didn’t. “Why?” Kyungri pouted and glanced at the other female vampire around her age, as if to ask for help. “Because you refused to marry the count! You know how important that could had been to the coven?” The elder carried on, as Kyungri pursed her lips and mentioned between her teeth that the other was way older than her and not her type at all. “I told you before, child -- No rogue vampires, marry the count, he’s a good influence and you still mistaken the big war to be by the fifth century, but I’m telling you it’s not that far onto it. I was there and don’t recall it that way.” Sunmi kept pestering her youngling and Kyungri could only sigh. “You still dated a human not too long ago, what do you mean? You two keep going on and off every since. That’s also against the rules and I have history books, I know what I’m speaking about master!” The raven haired younger vampire retaliated and shook her head to  Soyou and muttered to her that they should leave the old hag to talk to herself. 
“I know you two kind of might give along for having a similar story and all -- That is if she even is remembering hers right, seeing so much time has passed, but she really drives me nuts.” Kyungri spoke about her master once out the castle and glanced at her classmate.
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ethirdil-ia · 4 years
[ groom]+
Since I think he would view Soyou as a ‘cool’ person he definitely tries to befriend her.
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katarina-ia · 4 years
Send me “ 🔴“ for your muse to carry my muse
'Oh my god I am so sorry' 'I thought this was a dream.' 'I swear I wouldn't normally...did I nuzzle your neck?'
Oh she could have died right at that moment and it wouldn't have been quick enough. The witches cheeks were quite warm as she stared up at the girl who was currently carrying her - with ease she might add. She had come to with her arms around the girls neck, a soft sigh leaving her lips as she had nuzzled closer to the stranger enjoying the close contact. Of course when she had done so she hadn't been aware that the girl was real and that it wasn't a dream.
It was only when the other had chuckled and glanced down at her that Katarina had realized she was too tangible to be a dream. The witch had dug out her phone rapidly typing in the apology to her text-to-talk app in embarrassment now unable to make eye contact.
'But, why are you carrying me?' @kangsoyou-ia
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yongguk-ia · 3 years
Soyou loved children. She loved their innocence, their exuberence, and their naivity. Being a vampire, she couldn't really have kids of her own anymore. This was why the brunette sometimes took the time to visit the playground or the orphanage to simply reminisce. Some would say it was weird of her to do, but the sound of children laughing soothed her aching heart.
Flipping a page of her book as she smiled to her self, red eyes turned to the sound of giggles as the child next to her on the bench pointed out something on their drawing. It was a weekend, and she had decided to visit the orphanage with a book in hand to keep her company. The vampire usually opted to hang around outside of the actual building, the low fence allowing her to see the kids as they played in the yard.
She froze though as her gaze caught sight of a man who seemed to be part of the staff. Perhaps they were new? Nervously turning her head to the child, the student could only hope that they don't assume that she was going to kidnap the little boy next to her.
"Alright kids sound off!" Yongguk's low voice boomed around the playground causing the loud giggling and screams of the children to cease for a moment, without missing a beat the children one by one yelled out nicknames they had for themselves and each other. He was very careful with not letting them use their own names in case of creeps trying to kidnap them. He frowned when he didn't hear Wings a cupid no more than 6 years old. He scanned the area and his eyes landed on the little boy sitting on the bench.
Wasting no time the tall man ran over to to the woman and boy, she didn't seem to be a threat but he could never be too sure. To not worry the kid Yongguk smile, it well placed mask that didn't reach his eyes but was enough for the 6 year old. "Wings I told you, you have to sound off so I know where you are." The boy giggled saying that Guk found him anyways....kid had logic. He chuckled taking the boys hand and pulling him off the bench and away from the woman who not that he was getting a closer look was beautiful with bright red eyes. Not human. "Why don't you go play with Luna, it's almost time for snacks" He pointed across the yard to the moonsprite who was currently hanging upside down on the monkey bars.
As soon as the the kid ran off he turned his attention to the woman on the bench. "Uh hello"
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uruha-ia · 4 years
Soyou was also actually still quite new to the academy. She had only been here for a while, but she already loved every second of it. So when she found out that there was a new student, the young vampire wanted to help them just as much as other people did with her. Catching sight of them, Soyou called out, "Hey!" Jogging up to where they were, she continued, "You're the new student right? Feel free to approach me if you ever have any questions and stuff. I'm still sort of a newbie here too, but I promise to help!"
Uruha hadn’t noticed the initial ‘hey’ shouted in his direction, but the sound of running feet did alert him and he turned to face the other, smiling when she stopped before him. “Hello. Yes, that is me. I’m Uruha. And I actually do have a question already, if you don’t mind.” Turning his gaze up to the roof of the Academy, as well as the tallest towers, he pointed up. “Do you know how to get up there?”
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junseong-ia · 4 years
Amity // Soyou and Junseong
Though Junseong’s shop wasn’t necessarily the most high demand products (I mean, who’s going rush in needing an emergency flared gap yo-yo), he had made a decent buck this first few months and it was really boosting his morale. Perhaps it was just the soon-to-wear-off novelty of being the quirky new business in town, but his old fashioned holiday decorations were popular so he’d keep those updated for the footsteps. Since his pockets weren’t empty, the fun-loving skeleton man had spent each Saturday evening perusing the local cities frivolities. He had been walking his merry way down the wet streets on the cool night when he was hit with a serious bout of-
Junseong felt tired and upset, his footsteps slowing and his posture hunching. He was lethargic and hungry. He hated feeling this way and if he didn’t make some sort of physical contact with someone, he’d no doubt give some humans around here a serious fright. He acted on impulse, the shoulder of a passer-by seeming so tempting to avoid disaster. He pretended to trip and grasped onto her, speaking quickly. “Sorry about that. I uh, I wasn’t falling I was just going to give the asphalt a hug. But then I decided it’s too grounded for me.” Oh- wow she’s actually very pretty. He cleared his throat, knowing his hands must be cold in comparison to someone living. “Didn’t mean to give you the cold shoulder, either.” Though he hadn’t let go yet.
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latibulx · 3 years
“You need to have more faith.” [to miyeon]
More Questions/Comments to be sent anonymously! ㅡ open ㅡ @kangsoyou-ia
Faith. What an odd thing to say. Faith in what? Humanity? The Greater Good? Someone watching over them? Miyeon doesn't think that faith is something she's ever had or sought for in her life. Hope? That's for sure, she's only human after all. Wishes and dreams and expectations, she had them all. Faith, though... No, she can't remember herself praying or thinking that it was something missing from her life. It makes her briefly smile though it holds a hint of bitterness: how can a vampire tell her to have more faith when herself has been turned against her will?
Miyeon cocks her gun then tucks it safely in its holder at her waist. She doesn't like to have her weapon around Soyou but one thing leading to another and they've somehow ended up in this mess of a situation where they've had to run away for a short while, something about the mafia finding out about her address just when Soyou was over. Obviously, this wasn't pretty but they're thankfully ( and without surprise ) both safe and not injured.
"I don't need to have more faith," Miyeon taps the side of her own head, "all I need is inside here. I rely on my abilities and training because that is real and what will keep me out of harm's way. Faith? Soyou, you know better than that." She approaches the other woman, wraps her arms around her waist and kisses the corner of her mouth gently, her presence more reassuring than she expected. And at the same time, Miyeon wishes Soyou could be elsewhere than with her, away from any potential danger Miyeon carries with her. "Faith will not save our lives if we're getting shot at. What if they have silver bullets and it poisons you? I will not take this risk by 'having faith'. Losing you is not and never will be an option."
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enchanted-irene-ia · 3 years
Surprise I’m Naked!|| S & J
Continued from here
Her roommate was normally never at their room, spending all his days with his girlfriend. It left her with the room all to herself which the doll couldn’t complain about. Of course the good things have to come to end, this time it was in the form of her roommate fighting with their girlfriend. Now there was a strange man in her room that she didn’t know. To make matters worse she now had no space to do her cam shows and that she couldn’t handle.
So she did what any other porn star would do, packed a suitcase full of her equipment and camera. Off she went to find an open spot to do her work. Her first thought was a classroom, there were many empty classrooms she could sneak into for a couple of hours and none the wiser. So it was exactly what she did, she snuck into the first classroom she could find and closed the door behind her. 
After setting up her camera to get the perfect shot she dug into her suitcase for the perfect outfit, school girl of course. Joohyun was changing her shirt when she heard the squeal from behind her. She jumped back surprised more from the shriek then Soyou walking in on her. 
The doll didn’t bother to cover herself and she smiled recognizing her new friend. “Oh Soyou! It’s you hello! I was changing my clothes see?” Joohyun held up her school red and black checkered school skirt she had previously changed into. “What about you? Did you want to watch my show?”
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jinki-ia · 4 years
Boo! || Soyou & Jinki
Jinki had no desire to ride any of the attractions in the carnival, he didn’t find thrill in being thrown in the air. So Jinki roamed around the carnival to find something to do, he watched the people around him having fun with their friends. It had not been long since coming to the village so he hadn’t had a chance to make many friends but luck was on his side when his gaze landed on the friendly vampire. 
He smiled brightly the poor thing seemed on edge, he didn’t know why but he just had to join in on the fun. Soyou stood on line to the for the mirror maze. He used the crowed of people as cover while walking closer to her, when he was within ear shot he whispered “Soyou~”
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insolitus-academy · 3 years
CAREERDAY - like to participate!
Plot requested by @tulipe-ia​ & @kangsoyou-ia for winning the ticket amount for the carnival
[ Please like with one or more characters (both student as well as staff/villager]
Our students need to find out what kind of amazing jobs are out there, maybe they can follow you one day through your job? Whether you are a shopowner or a teacher. I am sure everyone got something to teach about their day-jobs!
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gwyynbleidd · 3 years
♡ Shipping Dynamics Tier Ranking List !  
tier list items: agent of chaos x chaos enabler. || angel x demon. || angry smol x gentle giant. || boss x employee. || cinnamon roll x sinnamon roll. || cottagecore lesbians. || co-workers. || crime-fighting duo. || criminal x cop. || cynic x idealist. || enemies to lovers. || friends to lovers. || friends with benefits. || found family. || geniuses in love. || grumpy x sunshine. || height difference. || himbo x scary, powerful woman. || idiots in love. || immortal x mortal. || jerks who really only have each other. || love / hate relationship. || mentor x student. || monster x human. || mutual pining. || nerd x jock. || old married couple. || polar opposites. || polyamory. || power couple. || reuniting years later. || ride-or-die bond. || rivals to lovers. || royalty x commoner. || sun x moon parallels. || star-crossed lovers. || tired x concerned caregiver. || toxic relationship. || two bros sitting in a hot tub. || uptight x wild. || vampire x werewolf. || villain couple.
Inspired by this list !! repost, do not reblog !
rivals to lovers.
villain couple.
himbo x scary, powerful woman.
cottagecore lesbians
angry smol x gentle giant.
friends to lovers.
crime-fighting duo.
power couple.
cynic x idealist.
immortal x mortal.
reuniting years later.
ride-or-die bond.
uptight x wild.
idiots in love.
star-crossed lovers.
mentor x student
agent of chaos x chaos enabler.
boss x employee (mainly only if there isn’t a severe use of power dynamic at play. I would be fine with gun-for-hire type situations)
Tagged by: @wraithsea many moons ago (thank you!) Tagging: @1001traum, @lupusxdei, @inkclouds, @royal-sugarplum, @kangsoyou-ia, @platkisloneczne, @pcstilnt, @spoiledsovls, @miimpii
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ethirdil-ia · 4 years
“I do not think that you realize how you look, it reflects on how everyone values you.” Ethirdil says as he has pulled her into the girls' bathroom and ignores some of the insulted gasps from girls. He tucks some hairs behind her ear and adjusts her shirt to sit right on her body.
“We can’t have you looking so disheveled. You don’t look like this usually, what is wrong?” He asks her, a frown on his face as he makes her look presentable enough to go out. A girl tells him he doesn’t belong there and he just stares. “And you don’t belong on this Earth honey, but we all have our demons.”
With that he gestures Soyou to follow him out again. “So, you were telling me about who to date in this school.”
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minwoo-ia · 4 years
🔴 I’ll hold them back { Minwoo and Soyou
The Demonic Pleasures location in the human city was definitely different from the one in Vighulir. It was an older building, one that the demon had bought almost nine years ago and he had extended on it, taken over the neighbors for a large sex shop and there was no brothel inside, only a few dance rooms and a quiet area for chatting and a more ‘pub’ feeling. Minwoo’s office was, just as in Vighulir, underground but he usually just hung out in the VIP area or tended the bar.
One of his human friends usually managed the place, a ex-convict named Sungmin, the man was a recently new hire but Minwoo had known him since way back and he did a good job. Minwoo still hung out at the place regularly though and tonight he had asked Soyou to come with.
It had started at the nightclub in Vighulir where he had caught her as she came in. “Come on sweetie, you’re working somewhere else tonight.” he said “better tips, I promise.” He smirked as he shrugged on his leather jacket and led her with him out of the club and to his black SUV, helping her in before getting into the drivers’ seat himself and speeding up. “I am sorry for not informing you earlier” he had told her “but one of my strippers came down with a cold and there is nothing as un-sexy as a booger on a customer’s face after a lapdance. Or well, there are people into it of course, but not by default.” He shrugged as he turned the wheel and sped. He didn’t really care about that as his plates had been enchanted to always redirect the bills to some sucker he especially hated that month.
“So, we’re going to the human city. The nightclub there pays a lot better in tips. Just let your mysterious boyfriend pick you up after work” He smirked and they arrived at the club. He helped her out and ushered her into the club. He introduced her to Sungmin and explained he was the manager here and then to some of the other staff before showing her the room where the girls got ready and then excused himself for having to leave- after all he had shit to do. Porn did not shoot itself.
After about an hour and a half Minwoo was done and got up from his editing. Editing porn was not his job perse but he liked to do a rough cut and then the people he hired to be good at this shit could properly cut the scenes in his vision.
Mature videos was an artform, damn it. He groaned, rubbing his own temples and considering to call Minsu to come and give him a massage but decided against it. He would just walk home tonight, the fresh air would do him well for sure.
He exited the club after talking to some of the regular customers and then went outside, cold air hitting him in the face and the stink of weed making him scrunch his nose before he quickened his step into the darkness.
He then heard a scream in a familiar voice. Minwoo paused and froze on the spot before he started running while cursing under his breath.
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