#kanghyun drabbles
synthetickitsune · 2 years
Kanghyun (Onewe) | Names fluff | 0.6k
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It’s only a matter of time before he notices, you know that. Yet you just can’t help yourself. Hyungu’s not doing anything special, but he has the power of making reading a book seem like the most interesting thing one could do. Sure, it’s not completely wrong, but it’s not typically perceived that way. You like watching him. Especially when he reads. He’s so calm, his face relaxed but focused on the words on the page nonetheless. What does the world of the story look like in his mind? What scenery does he imagine? Would you imagine the characters the same? There’s so many questions in your head…
“y/n?” you jerk at the sound of his voice and he chuckles lightly, “You were staring.” Caught. As expected.
“I’m sorry, I just like watching you when you read,” you admit, leaning closer to him. He smiles fondly as he leans back in his chair and opens his book again.
“I know. You’re the most loyal viewer of my reading lives,” he hums before he shifts his focus back to his book. You can’t deny that, but it’s not your fault he’s so mesmerizing.
You allow yourself to lean back in your chair again, shifting your gaze towards your own book lying closed on the table. Somehow you’re not in a reading mood today, but you like keeping him company anyway. You stroke the cover of the book, studying it closely. How strange, you think, just reading the name of the book brings you comfort. Perhaps that’s why it’s your favorite - or is it the other way around?
“Hyungu?” you say aloud before you can think. He makes a noise in response but that’s not really important.
“Hyungu,” you say again, smiling a little to yourself. It works even better than the book’s name. Just saying his name already feels like a wave of comfort washing over you. Your heart flutters at the realization. The confused look he’s giving you doesn’t help either.
“y/n? What is it, love?” he must be concerned, calling you that pet name. He always says it so gently, as if comforting you already, even if he doesn’t know whether there’s actually anything wrong. So many feelings over something so simple as a name.
“Nothing. I was just thinking,” you smile, “Just feeling a little sentimental.” He hums, shutting his book closed and putting it on the table.
“Wanna talk about it? It looks like you’re thinking hard,” he leans closer to you, and you mirror his pose, elbows propped on your knees and chin resting on your hands.
“Say my name,” you ask him, and he quirks a brow but does as you told him.
“Hyungu,” you say in turn, making him frown slightly. You giggle at his confusion, but then again you can’t really blame him. “Doesn’t that feel nice?”
“I don’t follow,” he laughs awkwardly, but his eyes show just how enamored he is.
“Being called and having someone to call you,” you explain, “I don’t know. It just came to my mind that I love calling your name. Or just calling you in general, whatever name I use, and I love it when you call me.” His expression softens as he leans closer, one of his hands coming up to cup your cheek. He strokes your skin so tenderly, love spilling from each little movement.
“You’re a wonder, you know that?” he breathes, smiling, “I guess you’re right. I like calling you, having someone to call and have someone call me. Especially you. You do it so naturally, like you really need me by your side. If we stood on opposite ends of the universe, I think I’d still hear your voice in the void.”
“Isn’t that the best feeling?” you grin and so does he.
“Yeah, it really is.”
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minghaocouture · 4 years
Fight Me?
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Request: @yukine-smx​  Hi! Can you please write a fluff oneshot for Kanghyun from Onewe? Thank you 💕
Pairing: Kang Hyungu x Reader Genre: Fluff, Comedy, Non-Idol Au Warning: Hospitals, sickness WC: 1.2K
A/N: I’ve been want to use this prompt for ages! So when I got this request I figured I might as well use it for Hyungu! I could totally see him doing something like this. I hope you enjoy!
This sucked.
The beeping of your heart monitor echoed through the room. When you had come to the hospital after passing out at work, you had expected them to say "oh you're just overworking yourself! Go home and get some rest, drink fluids" all that crap. But nooooo, here you were laying in an uncomfortable hospital bed, and you felt terrible. It wasn't just because of the sickness, but because of your own thoughts. You were upset with yourself for getting sick during the busiest time of year, you had bills to pay and those bills would only get worse the longer you were in this hospital. 
Needless to say you were in quite a sour mood, well when you were awake at least. This was your second day in the hospital and you had spent quite a bit of time sleeping. When you weren't sleeping you were staring blankly up at the tv screen, barely paying attention to the reruns of Supernatural. 
The sound of the door opening distracted you from the current monster hunt playing out on the screen, and you watched one of your nurses, Hyungu, enter the room. He wasn't the most talkative nurse you'd ever had, especially not this weekend. The day nurse, Dongmyeong, he could practically talk your ear off, Hyungu though was a lot more soft spoken around you. Always making sure you were feeling alright and bringing you more water if you needed any. Though, you were a bit surprised to see him while the sun was still up.
Unfortunately for him, you were in a worse mood than normal that day. After all, you hadn't seemed to be getting any better and the little tube shoved in your nose to help you breathe was getting on your last nerve. So when he stepped closer and asked how you were doing you instantly responded with.
"Fight me." You weren't sure why that was your response, but it seemed like the proper thing to say. At least to your irritated and sick clouded brain. To your surprise, a small smile flashed across his face and he moved forward to adjust your pillows to help you get a little more comfortable.
"Maybe later." 
The next day was full of pills and boredom, you were coughing a lot more than you had been previously. So the doctors had tried to give you something for that, and it seemed to be working. The only issue was that it tasted absolutely terrible, and you had to take it three times a day until the coughing settled down. 
So come nine pm, in comes Hyungu once again. His bleached blonde hair framed his face nicely, and if you were being honest with yourself...he was pretty cute. The only thing that sucked was that he was here to give you more of the absolutely disgusting medicine, so you were less than happy to see him. 
Taking the disgusting liquid caused a new round of coughs to escape your throat, not from your sickness but from the taste of the nasty stuff. So once again spoke, doing your best to get the words out between your coughs.
"Fight me."
Just as he did yesterday, Hyungu smiled softly at you, helping you sit up more as you coughed. Once the fit had passed he handed you a fresh glass of water, watching as you slowly gulped it down. The liquid burning as it hits the irritated insides of your throat. Once you finished the glass, he took it back and refilled it before setting it on your dinner tray. 
"I won't fight you," he began. You felt your eyebrows furrow as you stared up at him. Now even more irritated with your sickened state. "because I know you would win." 
It had been almost a solid week in the hospital before you were let out, and you were certain that your bank account would regret this sickness for the next few decades. As your mother helped you pack up the things you had brought with you, you heard the door to your room open once more. Turning, you were surprised to see Hyungu entering with a...starbucks cup in his hand. 
His soft smile plastered onto his face once more, and you were grateful that now you at least looked like a normal human. Instead of the sick gremlin you had been for the past week. 
"I'm glad you're feeling better." He said, extending his hand out to pass the coffee to you. During your time in bed, you had mentioned how badly you had been craving your favorite coffee, and to your surprise, that was exactly what he had brought you. You were shocked that he had remembered something you had complained about in passing.
"I have to get back to my other patients now but, I hope you get home safe. Stay healthy." He was gone almost as quickly as he arrived.
"Well he was a sweet boy!" Your mother cooed, pulling your duffel bag over her shoulder as she had refused to let you carry the time. Saying that you had been in bed for so long that you needed to build up your strength again first. You tried to argue with her but she absolutely refused to listen. 
Taking another sip of your coffee, the two of you exited the room and made your way down to the lobby. Just as you were about to exit the building you glanced down at the cup, noticing something written in black sharpie on the little cardboard holder.
"Fight me? xxx-xxx-xxxx - Hyungu"
"Did....did I just seduce someone with drool and bad lungs??" You muttered to yourself staring at the cup in utter awe. 
"I hope you weren't waiting too long!" 
"No, I actually just got here myself." 
The lobby of the theater was almost empty, as it usually was at noon on Wednesdays. No one went to the movies that early, especially not during a week day! Well, no one but you and Hyungu that is. But that's how life worked when you were dating a graveyard shift nurse.
Taking his hand in yours, you dragged him behind you to the snack counter to get popcorn.
"Fight me to see who pays for the popcorn?" You questioned, raising a brow impishly at the taller male. He laughed at your proposition and shook his head.
"I would, but I know you'll win." He retorted, putting an arm around your shoulder and pulling you close so that he could press a light kiss to your forehead. This caused you to pout childishly, even crossing your arms for dramatic effect. 
The action seemed to work and he looked confused, a small innocent look on his face as he tilted his head. Questioning you even without words. You almost couldn't hold back your laughter as you spoke up.
"You missed. Now I get to fight you." Before he could respond, you grabbed his collar and pulled him to your level. Pressing your lips firmly against his. 
Looking back on it, you were glad that you got sick. If you had never spent that week in the hospital then you would have never found someone that you would fight the world for. But now you had Hyungu in your life and you would take down the sun, stars, and the moon if it meant he would give you that small shy smile.
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saltys-writings · 4 years
Kanghyun | Cotton Candy
Onewe Kanghyun x reader
Words: ~250
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You’ve been staring at the huge rainbow cotton candy stand at the side of the road for minutes now, a certain longing for the colorful snack not only in your eyes but also deep in your heart. That’s when Hyungu waves his hand close in front of your face to tear you out of your daze and you flinch, looking over at his slightly amused face. “Focus on me when I’m talking to you!” he complains, a pout on his lips, but the mischievous glint in his eyes tells you he’s just messing with you. Still, you apologize, send the cotton candy one last longing glance, and then turn to him. “Let’s go,” you say, ready to leave and go to your actual destination, but Hyungu holds you back. “You want one?” he asks, pointing at the snack vendor and you shoot him big pleading eyes. Without having to answer his question, he smiles at your cuteness and takes you by the hand to walk over to the stand. He orders the biggest one for you and pays for it, and when the vendor hands you your cotton candy, you feel pure excitement in your chest. Grinning from ear to ear, you start eating the sweet snack, and then you pick out a bite and feed it to Hyungu. You lean over to kiss his cheek, thanking him. “No need to thank me,” he says after finishing the bite. “Seeing you so happy is thanks enough.”
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soulangel · 4 years
Onewe Masterlist
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Genre Key:
M-Mature // F-Fluff // A-Angst // S-Series // SM-Social Media
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narika-a · 5 years
Onewe Reaction: When you propose to them
||| Requested by @ding-dong-myeong |||
Jin Yonghoon
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You two have been talking about it before and you waited and waited but he never took the first step, so you thought “fuck it I will do it myself”.
You prepared a dinner for him when he came home from practice. You both rarely cooked, so he always loved when you did and he already pretty shaken up you went out of your way to do this for him.
But when you took out the ring out of nowhere, he honestly started crying, like the big baby he is, mostly because he loved you so much but also because he found this whole situation funny and he felt quite silly by not doing it himself.
“Y/N are you serious?” he chuckled.
Ju Harin
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When you put the little box on the table he slowly picked it up, confused and not sure if he should be opening it.
Just like the others, you always loved teasing him, so he thought this was a joke and he wasn’t planning on falling for it again.
“Why are you hesitating? Don’t you want to become my husband?” you laughed.
“I... What?” even when he saw what was inside, he still couldn’t believe it and just sat there in silence for a few minutes before speaking. “I don’t think you need to ask twice but I swear.. The things you come up with..”
Kanghyun/Kang Hyungu
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"So?” you asked impatiently as you held up the box for him. He just stared at you, his eyes wide before taking it from you and closing it. Your heart immediately sank, thinking he’s rejecting you.
“Hey hey hey, no getting sad on me,” he laughed. “Because shouldn’t I be doing this?”
He got on his knee and took your hand, holding the box in the other one, your roles now reversed.
“You spared me the trouble to look for the ring, so let’s try this again, shall we?”
Son Dongmyeong
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"No way,” he gasped, putting his hands over his mouth. He stared at you and as if remembering something, quickly started looking for something in his coat.
“Don’t tell me...” you let your thought wonder out loud as he turned around with a box of his own. Now it was your time to be shocked.
He giggled and you couldn’t help but laugh at this coincidence too. 
“Great minds think alike, don’t they?” he chuckled. 
At least now you both knew what the others answer is going to be.
Cya/Lee Giwook
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He furrowed his eyebrows as he took the box from you.
“Aren’t we too young to get married?” he asked seriously.
“I don’t know, are we?” you asked confused.You never thought about it before, it all seemed so natural.
He narrowed his eyes, looking into yours but he couldn’t keep a straight face on for too long before bursting out laughing.
“I’m just teasing you! As if that would matter to me!”
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ddingbaragi · 2 years
Random writing thingy (ig practice?)
Dongmyeong snapped his fingers and a burning ball of flame appeared in his hand. He flashed a cat-like grin towards Hyungu as the flame danced lazily. Despite his smile, his eyes showed something far more dangerous
"I suggest you don't try to make an enemy out of me, your higness."
0 notes
oneuswewriters · 4 years
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by oneus member:
    ravn | seoho | leedo | keonhee | hwanwoong | xion
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by onewe member:
    yonghoon | harin | kanghyun | dongmyeong | cya
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     angst | comfort | fantasy | fluff | horror | humor
  romance | smut | suggestive | supernatural | thriller
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          blurb | drabble | fake text | fic | headcanon
       most to least | reaction | scenario | timestamp
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    fem! reader | gender-neutral! reader | male! reader
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-500 | 500+ | 1k | 2k | 3k | 4k | 5k | 6k | 7k | 8k | 9k | 10k+
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by member:
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47 notes · View notes
Onewe Masterlist
Baby Boy (sub Yonghoon drabble, smut)
Mornings (slight sub Dongmyeong, mentioned sex only)
all members:
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lady-talks · 4 years
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Onewe Masterlist
Rules for Requests
Onewe Reaction- the first time you meet
Onewe Reaction- you kissing their cheek
Onewe- When they first meet you
Kanghyun trying to help you with your homework
One Shots
nothing yet
nothing yet
nothing yet
Most to least
nothing yet
nothing yet
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synthetickitsune · 2 years
Saw this and thought of an angsty soulmate!au (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠) 
Kanghyun and his s/o are bestfriends from diaper days. They've been inseparable since then so eventually their relationship blossomed into a romantic one as they grew up. But in this world, soulmates exit and you’ll be able to see a red sting attached on your pinkies once you interact with them for the first time. Sadly, they’re not each other’s soulmates if you base it on this. Still, they both thought what they had was much more special. Much stronger and real than destiny and fate. They always felt like god just forgot to tie the red strings on each of their pinkies before sending them down on earth because they really do have a special bond. Not until kanghyun met his soulmate. S/o noticed that he was drifting far from her despite being with him physically everyday. It turns out it was because of his soulmate who he couldn’t seem to ignore and get out of his mind. S/o now doesn't know if she should fight for her happiness... or his happiness. “Maybe we are soulmates, not just in the sense we want it to be. Hopefully in the next life?” T n T
Oh! this is not a request btw~ please feel free to write about this (and hurt me in every way possible) if it tingled something in your inspiration bank~ but if it didn’t, please don't feel the need to force yourself to write about it! Much love ♡
Oh, anon, I love you... What do you mean if it didn't - I love pain, this is just what I needed 🥲
(Tbh my first thought was immediately to sprinkle some hanahaki on top too because why not? Just imagine the shock (but not really) as the s/o starts coughing up the petals. It's just getting worse each day and it starts to hurt - but what's more painful: the actual, physical pain of the blossoms in s/o's chest or how easy it's to hide the condition from Hyungu in the rare and brief moments they spend together? At least the s/o can wonder about how to deal with the situations instead of how fate did them so wrong. And maybe Hyungu will once notice, and maybe it's going to be too late then to do anything, the s/o having procrastinated too much, unable to even consider no longer feelings anything towards Hyungu. Or maybe they get rid of the flowers and their feelings and they both spend the rest of their lives with their soulmates, only briefly passing each other on the street with pained smiles that don't meet their eyes and wondering what could've been ♡)
But I couldn't just not write anything about this, I really do love you~
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“Maybe we are soulmates, not just in the sense we want it to be. Hopefully in the next life?”
You’re surprised by how steady and strong your voice sounds despite having screamed it raw in the previous couple days. You nudge the pebble at your feet with the tip of your shoe, anything just to avoid looking at him or your hands, kept behind your back, and your pinkie devoid of the red string that you know hangs from Hyungu’s.
His stammers of no-s barely register in your brain. They don’t matter anyway. What can they change? What can his feelings change in the face of destiny? And it’s not like they’re as strong as they used to be…
“Look at me,” he pleads, his body sagging as if he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. It’s like you’re children again. When you close your eyes and hold your breath, you can almost persuade yourself you’re five again and Hyungu’s pulled a little too hard on your hair without meaning to and ripped out a couple of them. Maybe you’re just still unaware that they’ll grow back and what’s breaking your heart is choosing between going bald and losing Hyungu. But you need to breathe. You need to see.
So you do, meeting his tearful gaze. You want to hold him, be held by him, and you know you can do that. Only it somehow doesn’t feel right, knowing he belongs to someone else on a much deeper, purer level. You don’t wanna taint that bond with your unrequited feelings.
“Don’t say that like it’s a goodbye,” his voice drops and you almost wish the wind would drown it out, “It’s a promise, right?”
He roughly rubs the tears away from his eyes and cheeks. You wish you could cry, you feel the tears burn in your eyes but they just won’t come out. It’d be more merciful if he stayed quiet. If he just stopped seeing you altogether. It’d hurt, but not as much as it hurt watching him first become distant, then go day, then days without seeing him. Or as much as it hurts now - waiting for him to make time for you, try to act like he always used to for a couple hours, and then disappear again. You squeeze your own hand. 
“You’ve already abandoned me, Hyungu,” you say gently, and there’s no resentment, no anger, just resignation, “I know I can’t understand. It’s no one's fault, it’s just how things are meant to be. But it hurts.” You take a shaky breath before you continue.
“This is where I’m drawing a line. I can’t go on like this, not now,” you sigh. Maybe you were wrong about the crying? “Let’s meet again later - later. When we’re both more settled. When… If… you can be yourself without your soulmate, just for a while.”
He shakes his head, reaching for you and this time you’re too weak not to fall into his arms.
“I’d never abandon you,” he sniffs, “It’ll be just like when we had to go to different camps, right? Like when you had to go to stay with grandma for two weeks? When we meet, it’ll be like nothing changed. We’ll still be best friends and we’ll talk like we’ve never parted, right?”
You don’t want to hear the begging undertones in his voice. You don’t want the hope. You want him to be right.
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synthetickitsune · 2 years
Kanghyun (Onewe) | Sharing a blanket fluff | 0.5k
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The first time you noticed, you didn’t pay it much mind. The second time, you brushed it off. Honestly, it must’ve happened more times than you noticed, but you were too absorbed in your novel to care about something as insignificant as a blanket. Or at least it seemed insignificant, until you’ve begun to feel how chilly the room was without anything covering your almost bare legs. Absent-mindedly, you tugged at the fabric to cover yourself but without any success.
“Babe, stop hogging the blanket,” you whined, a little annoyed that you had to stop reading, but you weren’t focused on the story anyway since the cold was distracting.
“I’m not, what do you mean?” Kanghyun objected without taking his eyes off his own book. You looked at him and found that he was right - you just shifted too far away from him and the blanket was too short to cover you. It was a little strange, you’d swear you haven’t moved an inch since sitting down, but whatever, you just scooted closer to your boyfriend and continued reading in peace, finally warm.
However, some time has passed and you felt the cool air on your skin again. You looked down from your book only to find that the blanket has once again left you exposed. Now, you were sure you haven’t moved in the slightest, especially as you still sat quite close to Kanghyun. Something suspicious was going on, but you weren’t sure what so you decided to act like you’re still reading and monitor the situation.
What you eventually saw almost made you burst into laughter. The blanket was slowly but surely crawling away from you as your boyfriend sneakily kept pulling it off you and stuffing it between himself and the armrest of the couch. Guessing his intentions, you wordlessly, but with a bright smile, snuggled close to him and under the blanket. That seemed to do the trick as you didn’t have any more trouble staying covered after that.
Eventually, it began getting late so you decided to end your reading session. You always looked forward to it if you were honest, since you always discussed what each of you read and your theories and impressions. Today’s discussion, too, was productive and left you in an amazing mood.
“Oh, and one more thing,” you spoke up after a beat of silence, drawing Kanghyun’s attention back to you, “You’re very cute.” You leaned forward and kissed his cheek, nuzzling against his skin.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said nonchalantly, although the tips of his ears turned just a little pinkish.
“Oh really? Strange, next time I’ll have to just bring my own blanket then,” you wondered aloud, chuckling at the offended look he gave you. Hugging his waist, you rested your chin on his shoulder. “You can just tell me to come closer, you know? Or cuddle up to me yourself.”
“But I like it more when you do it,” he murmured back, making you giggle.
“Or maybe you’re just too used to Yonghoon clinging to you?” you teased, earning a scoff and a light smack to your knee.
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saltys-writings · 4 years
Onewe Masterlist
Full Masterlist
f = fluff, a = angst, s = suggestive, tw = trigger warning, req = requested
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Melody | f, blurb
Cotton Candy | f, blurb
Teaching you how to play the guitar | f - req
Studio | f, blurb
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Playing a song for you for the first time | f
Thunderstorms | f
You being cuddly when you’re tired | f - req
Their S/O has a habit of kissing their neck | f, s - req
Being jealous when another boy is near you | f, (a) - req
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saltys-writings · 5 years
Hello!! Could you do a onewe reaction "being jealous" please ?? 💚💚💚
[Onewe] Being jealous when another boy is close to you
[Oneus version]
As always I’m sorry it took so long!! I hope you enjoy~
would be one super-jealous baby
despite him being the oldest I really don’t think he’d be the most mature in handling jealousy
he’d be okay with you talking to other guys, but he’d be alarmed if you’re good friends with a guy
of course he knows that he’s being unreasonable most of the time, but sometimes - when he’s either stressed or drunk - his jealousy gets the better of him
that’s when you really have to be careful
because he will have this inner fight between knowing his jealousy is unreasonable and the feeling of jealousy that just eats away at him
until one day he lashes out at you for it
you already suspected that there’s something wrong with him lately, but didn’t know how to talk about it
and now that he’s yelling at you because of that one friend of yours you know what’s up
you react surprised and are a bit intimidated by him yelling, so you take a few steps back
that makes him realize he scared you, so now he feels bad about that as well
he apologizes and slowly tries to approach you, lowering his head a little to seem less intimidating
you let him come close after all and you two talk it out in the end
you’re thankful he opened up to you and that you now know what he was worried about
and he’s thankful that you’re calmly assuring him that he’s the only one you love and that his jealousy really is unreasonable
I really don’t think Harin would be one to be super jealous
like you can have as many close male friends as you like
deep inside he knows he’s the only one you love
and even when you’re really touchy around your guy friends, chances are he’s friends with them as well and trusts them to respect that you’re in a relationship
therefore that kind of skinship doesn’t bother him
one thing he absolutely cannot deal with is strangers coming on to you
like especially when you two are out to party at night
if you’re with a group of friends you’ll naturally get separated sometimes
and he trusts you not to do anything with anyone else
but when he sees other guys neither of you know wanting to dance with you or trying to buy you a drink, he’ll get furious
he’ll try to bear it for a while and see if the other leaves you alone
but if you’re clearly uncomfortable and he just won’t leave, he will walk in there and take your hand and lead you out of the bad situation
all while glaring at the guy who tried to hit on you, telling him to kindly f*ck off with his eyes only
he will take care of you afterwards and make sure to make you feel safe in case you felt super creeped out
he also won’t leave your side for the rest of the evening, that’s for sure
“Are you jealous?”
“You’re jealous…”
*annoyed Hyungu face*
he’d put so much effort into hiding his jealousy that it would be even more obvious than it already is
really, he trusts you and he doesn’t want to be jealous, but when you keep talking about that new friend of yours he just can’t help it
listening to you going on and on about him and seeing how your face lights up everytime you mention your friend actually started hurting him
not because he isn’t happy for you that you seem to have found a really good friend
but because he’s afraid you don’t talk like that about him, and that actually makes him very sad and frustrated
but since he feels like he shouldn’t be jealous and just trust you instead, he’ll keep beating around the bush and refusing to talk to you about it
until one day it gets too much for him and he ends up yelling at you
he’s about as surprised as you are, but even more so he hates that he yelled at you
and you notice that, so you offer talking about his jealousy again, and this time he finally opens up about it
you assure him that this friend of yours is really nothing more than a friend and you promise not to talk so much about him if it hurts Hyungu
in the end you manage to leave it behind the two of you
be aware he’ll be extra affectionate towards you the next few days and that he won’t let go of you for the rest of the day though
oh no this baby
he will be so obviously jealous it’s painful to watch
probably not right after you started dating, but after a while it will start really bugging him to see you even just talking to other guys, and hell breaks loose if you were to show any skinship with any of them
his natural response to that would be to become super clingy
and you usually have no problem with a bit of clinginess, or you wouldn’t be dating him in the first place
but lately it’s been getting too much even for you
so you become annoyed and try to create some distance between you two
which in turn will make him feel rejected
and… god can’t you two just talk it out?
it’ll probably come down to your mutual friends finding out and persuading you two to have a serious conversation, or you’d both just keep avoiding the problem
and when you do finally talk, expect it to be a very emotional one
chances are he’ll cry, and you’ll probably cry too
but you’re also both going to be very honest with each other and come out of it trusting each other more than before
jealousy will probably become an issue for him again, but you now know how to handle it and he promises to tell you right away whenever he feels jealous so you can work it out together
and truthfully speaking you don’t mind giving him some extra attention here and there to make sure he knows just how much you love him and that you’d never choose anyone over him
I feel like he’d be similar to Harin here
he doesn’t seem like the type to become jealous easily
and he also knows he can trust you with his whole heart, or you two wouldn’t be seriously dating to begin with
however if he ever does end up getting jealous, usually if you don’t have a lot of time to meet him because of school or work, he’ll try to let you know as soon as your schedule isn’t so packed anymore
so when you meet him the next time and it isn’t just for a quick lunch date, expect him to want to seriously talk it out with you
honestly once it’s out and if you’re understanding as well, it won’t be much of a problem for him
just give him a little bit of reassurance and he will figure out the rest on his own
once you talked about it he will also make sure to take extra good care of you and show you little gestures of love more frequently the next few days
just so you know how much he appreciates you 
and how thankful he is that you’re so understanding
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saltys-writings · 5 years
Hey!! Could you write a scenario in which Kanghyun (Onewe) teaches you playing guitar and he's so sweet? Something sweet and fluffy plaese!! Maybe a kiss too...? XDXD Thank you so much!! Have a nice day/night!!
Words: ~1k
I feel like I have a very practical take on playing the guitar, so I apologize if that overshadowed the fluff a bit! I still hope you like it^^ even though I posted it terribly late...
Hyungu sighs as he looks up at you, slight worry showing in his eyes.
“So you’ve never even held a guitar before?” he asks and you nod. “And you want me to teach you a song?” You nod again, followed by him sighing again, then looking down at the acoustic guitar he’s holding and was playing just a minute ago. He gets up from his chair and makes way for you to sit down instead.
“Come here then. Do you know how to hold it?”
“I think so?” you reply. After all you saw him play it countless times, so you should know at least that much by now. You’re surprised by its weight as Hyungu hands the instrument to you.
“Don’t break it, okay?” he warns you and his lips form a smile. You carefully receive the guitar, but have to realize that you should maybe hold onto it a little more tightly, or it would really just end up falling to the floor. You let the back of your index finger run over all six strings once, producing a less than harmonious sound, but it’s at least a start. Hyungu watches you as you have fun with that, as well as your curious expression while you try to hold down a few of the strings in random positions with your left hand, and as you distort your face upon hearing the gruesome chord that comes out of the guitar once you strum it again.
“I’ll show you how to do it,” he eventually takes charge of the situation and first of all corrects the posture of your right arm. “Like this, the guitar won’t fall, even if your hands don’t touch it,” he explains and you take them away, holding it only between your arm, thigh, and upper body.
“Ooohh!” you exclaim, feeling excited.
“Now let’s try an easy chord, shall we?” he proposes and you give him a strong nod. He reaches for your hand to place your fingers onto the fretboard in a row, telling you to press down well, and then you run your finger over the strings again, producing a sound that’s far more gentle on the ears than your earlier attempts.
“Oh, this isn’t so hard at all!” you say. “But it really hurts on my left hand…” You take your fingers away from the strings and look at them, seeing the mark the strings left on your fingertips.
“If you play a lot you get used to it,” he explains. “I don’t even feel it anymore when I play. But don’t overdo it in the beginning, or you might actually end up bleeding!”
“Bleeding?!” you exclaim in surprise and he can’t but chuckle at your look of horror.
“Yes, but it takes a while until you actually bleed, so no worries. Want to learn another one?” You nod. Again, he positions the fingers of your left hand on the fretboard a little differently, and so the chord that comes out this time sounds different as well. However, one of the notes seems to be muffled, so you try playing again, but without success.
“It’s because you’re not pressing down hard enough with your ring finger,” Hyungu explains, and you try again. It works out this time, and you get instantly happy by hearing the result.
“Can you teach me something more difficult too?” you ask, hopeful as you peek up at him. He however leans down and gives you a quick peck on the lips.
“Next time, Y/N. I need to practice for the concert.” Attempting to take away his guitar, you refuse to give it to him. He thinks for a second, before he gives in with a sigh. “Okay, you know what? I have an idea. But you need to get up for that first.” Deciding to trust that he isn’t trying to trick you, you get up and watch him take a seat.
“Come here,” he says, patting his lap, and you sit down on top of him. With his help, you take the guitar between your arm and your upper body again, and while relying on you to hold it in place, he puts your fingers onto the fretboard again.
“This one’s a little difficult, so you need to concentrate on keeping your fingers upright, or the notes won’t come out, okay?” he explains calmly, and you can feel his warm breath in your neck. You nod, trying to focus only on your left hand, while his right hand takes over the rest of the guitar. One by one, he starts testing if all the strings produce the right sound, and obviously happy with the result, he starts plucking them faster, playing a familiar melody.
“That’s one of your songs!” you say as you recognize it.
“That’s right,” Hyungu replies. “If you want to, I can teach it to you someday. But you need to practice a lot to play it like me.” You chuckle and he holds the guitar while you get back up on your feet.
“I know that, I know that,” you assure him. “Anyway, thank you for teaching me a little!”
“Ah, it’s nothing,” he answers, looking away a little shyly. However, when you try to leave the room to let him practice alone, he calls out to you and holds you back. “Come here for a moment, Y/N!” You do as told and walk back over to him, giving him a questioning look. “Don’t you want your reward for playing so well even though it was your first time?” he says and points to his lips. You grin to yourself, then lean forward to get your well-deserved kiss, feeling him grow a smile as well as your lips move against his. 
“You did well today,” he says after you pull back, and you wish him good luck as you leave the room.
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saltys-writings · 5 years
I loved your oneus reaction to their s/o habit of kissing their neck, could you do it for onewe please? 💚💚💚
@ you and the other person requesting stuff for onewe that i also wrote for oneus… you the real mvps
And I’m glad you liked it ;;
(Oneus version)
[Onewe] Reaction to their S/O’s habit of kissing their neck
He goes crazy whenever you so much as only come near his neck area. Even when you’re not making contact with the sensitive skin on his neck and you’re just letting him think you’re about to touch him there you can clearly see his excitement. The only thing protecting his neck is his height, but you find your ways around that. Especially when you’re sitting side by side on the sofa in the evening, having just finished dinner or talking about your day, you like waiting for the perfect moment to give his neck some attention. Usually he’ll let out a deep breath or even a moan as soon as your lips land there, and he takes a hold of you, burying his fingers in your hair. You do him the favour and keep kissing and nibbling on his skin, listening to his breathing getting faster until he can’t take it anymore. Then he pushes you away carefully and flips you over, so that he’s now on top of you and can start his revenge, starting right off at your secret favourite spots for him to touch and kiss.
He’s surprised at first, and honestly your pecks to his neck don’t faze him much. He just doesn’t think much of it, but enjoys having you close to him, so he lets you continue. It isn’t until he starts wondering if you would like him to return the favour that you two first talk about your little habit. 
So one morning he wakes you up with a lingering kiss at the side of your throat, and you jump up as a reaction. “Did I startle you? I’m sorry…” he apologizes. Instead of explaining that that’s not it, you lean over to give him an equally lingering kiss to his neck, and as he takes a hold of you, you both sink back into the sheets. Both your drowsy minds blank out any distractions from each other, and it soon turns into a competition on who can rile the other up more just by kissing each other’s necks. And even though you’re the one who originally started it, it soon looks like he’s winning over you.
He loves having you that close to him, and he especially loves your habit of kissing his neck. It has secretly become his favourite part of the day, when you two snuggle up in bed and you start kissing his neck - whether it be just a peck or you’re properly taking your time to tend to his skin with your lips, teeth and tongue. And on days when he craves nothing but your attention, he’ll be the one to kiss your neck instead to signal that he wants you to return the favour. Usually you take the hint, but on days when you don’t, he’ll pout at you, too shy to ask for your kisses explicitly, and you’ll tease him by kissing his lips instead and then turning around, facing away from him. However, he knows how to get what he wants, and soon his own lips will be all over your neck and shoulders, his hands holding you in place, because he knows if he keeps this up long enough you’ll be more than willing to tend to his neck as well. Little does he know that this is all part of your strategy so you don’t have to use words to ask him for his attention either when you want to get spoiled by him.
Will throw a giggling fit out of awkwardness for sure the first time you kiss his neck. You can see how flustered he is, not only by the blush on his cheeks but by his overall body language. Amused by his reaction, you attempt to lean in for another peck at the back of his neck, but he stops you. “Did you not like it?” you wonder and he shakes his head vigorously. “That’s not it,” he explains, “but it felt super weird… and ticklish.” You give him a smile and ask him to try again, this time giving him some time to prepare. So after he took some deep breaths to calm himself down, he lets you kiss his neck again. He doesn’t pull away this time, and you start moving your lips against his skin slowly, luring a moan from his mouth. You take that as a sign to continue and it doesn’t take long until his hands have found their way under your clothes, and he’s visibly enjoying himself.
From that day on he will frequently ask you to repeat what you did that day, and he will repay you with soft touches and kisses from his side.
He loves receiving those little touches from you, whether your hands briefly come in contact as you pass each other by or you hug him real quick. So when it became clear that you kissing his neck frequently is something like a habit of yours, he started encouraging you to keep doing it. Though you were afraid at first that he would find it weird, he ensures that that’s not the case. “I like it, Y/N, I really like it,” he’d tell you and place a kiss on your forehead while holding you close. Suddenly feeling shy, you bury your face in his neck and start kissing him there, more intensely than you usually do. As you take your time, you can hear him giggling, reminding you that it’s the middle of the day and you both still have things to do. “We can continue another time,” he says, and regretfully, you agree.
Ever since then it became a thing for you to greet him with a kiss in his neck when he comes home in the evening, getting a big, warm hug from him in return.
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saltys-writings · 5 years
Onewe - Thunderstorms
A small series of thunderstorm-themed imagines, written during a thunderstorm~
really wants to go outside as soon as the first thunder is heard somewhere on the horizon
you tell him it’s a stupid idea, but that won’t stop him
and it also won’t stop him from dragging you along
he wants to experience nature with you
“Can’t we just stay inside and dry?” you complain
you also bring up the possibility of hail
however, he brushes it off with a gesture of his hand, assuring you that you wouldn’t go too far away from your safe home
in the end you come with him, somewhat reluctantly, but you’ll gladly take the risk if it means he’ll have his arm around you for the whole experience, as if to tell you you’re safe with him
you take waterproof jackets with you, so when it starts raining you can stay outside and watch the nearing thunderstorm from afar
you’re amazed at how fascinated he is by the storm
“Aren’t you scared?” you ask him
Yonghoon admits that the loud noise scares him a little bit, but he likes watching thunderstorms
so you stand there together
until you hear a weird, familiar noise next to you
and in front of you
and behind you
it’s hailing, and the feeling of the ice hitting your shoulders and head is not at all pleasant
Yonghoon seems to think so as well, as he grabs your hand and you run to the nearest shelter as fast as possible
this turns out to be on the side of a small shop, where you can see the lights flicker before the power goes out, followed by an ear-bursting thunder
you flinch and immediately get closer to him, clenching his hand in your own
as you try to calm down your fast heartbeat, he looks down at you
meeting his eyes, and seeing in them just how adorable he finds you right now, you can’t even be mad
still, you playfully hit his chest and pout
“Next time we’ll stay inside…”
“Sure, sure,” he answers, patting your head and brushing your hair behind your ear, while a fond smile is playing around his lips and the sound of the next thunder drowns out the rain for just a moment
you think he’d be used to loud sudden noises, since he’s a drummer after all, but seeing him get nervous when you can hear and see the first signs of a bad thunderstorm drawing near surprises you
“Are you scared?” you tease him with a grin
he denies it
he explains he isn’t scared, just a little worried that the rain might get in through an open window or that there’s a blackout and someone gets stuck in the elevator
“There’s no elevator at your house,” you remark and see him visibly sweating
outside, one thunder after the other is heard, and with every passing one Harin seems more nervous
eventually, you sigh and tell him to get on the sofa next to you
you put on both your current favourite show on your laptop and turn the volume up a little higher than usual, so that the sounds of the storm that’s starting outside are drowned out mostly
it doesn’t take long for him get absorbed in what’s showing on the screen rather than on the other side of your windows, and you hold his hand and draw circles on his skin with your thumb as additional distraction
he leans his head against yours and puts his arm around your waist to hold you close, and even though that’s a little mean you are secretly not unhappy about him being scared, if that means you can be that close to him for a while
“Are you enjoying this?” he asks and you realize you’ve been grinning to yourself for quite a while now
you immediately say no, but he doesn’t buy it
“Okay, maybe…” you mutter
you expect him to get angry, but instead he smiles and hugs you more tightly
“Me too,” he says, “I feel safe with you.”
so while enjoying each other’s company, you let the storm pass, and soon your laptop and whatever show’s playing on it isn’t so interesting anymore...
he notices you getting nervous when the first thunder is heard in the distance immediately and grins at you
“Are you scared?” he asks
afraid that he would make fun of you (which is honestly his goal) you lie and say you’re fine
but the thunderstorm comes closer and closer, and you just can’t relax anymore
when Hyungu opens a window to let in some of the cool, fresh air, you’re immediately next to him to try convincing him he should keep it closed
“What if the rain gets in!”
“It’s not raining yet.”
“B-but soon!”
“... you’re scared.”
you don’t know what to say
if you admit it he’ll laugh, and if you say no he’ll know you’re lying
the next sharp thunder makes the decision for you, and you flinch and let out a scared noise once you hear it
petrified, you stare out the window
that’s when he closes it and puts his arms around you
“I didn’t know you were that scared of them…” he says and leads you to a different room to sit down in front of a window
still holding you close, he starts talking to you about how he used to be scared of thunderstorms too as a kid, and why they’re not so scary after all
listening to him speaking calmly as you watch the lightning and count the seconds until you can hear the thunder makes you feel more at ease than before 
soon, you lean your head against his shoulder and relax a little, while he promises he’ll protect you
he has to grin because of the cheesy words
but you know he means them
would totally be scared shitless
but he would also definitely try to protect you and be a manTM
seconds later he whimpers because of a loud thunder asklfjaks
so whether you were scared at first or not, now you just take pity in him and decide you’ll have to be the one to do the protecting
so you get a blanket and lots of candles, because they don’t die in case there’s a power outage
after putting the candles all around him in your room, leaving enough space for you to sit next to him, you switch off the lights
“Please don’t do that!” 
Dongmyeong will probably complain first and tell you that he’s more scared when it’s dark and he can see the lightning through the windows
but you throw the blanket over both your shoulders and snuggle up close to him
he’s visibly caught off guard, and a light blush appears on his cheeks
being so close to you makes him forget all about the bad weather for a second
but the next lighting strikes soon, and it doesn’t take long until a loud thunder follows
both of you react in surprise and automatically cling to the other’s arm
the fact that you both tried to be the strong one but turned out to just be scaredy cats makes you two chuckle
“It’s actually not that scary though if we’re together like this,” you say
rain soon sets in and as the drops fall against the glass of your windows, you lean your head on his shoulder and feel a strange calm wash over you
feeling warm inside, and with a sense of safety next to each other, you wait for the storm to pass
the sudden rain catches you by surprise when you’re out in the city, window shopping with Giwook
you start running to take shelter beside a café and watch the rain, hoping it would stop pouring soon
however, in the distance you hear a thunder and your eyes light up
“Do you like thunderstorms?” Giwook asks you
you nod
“Wanna find a place where we can watch?” he suggests
you’re torn
because on one hand you want to, but on the other you don’t want him to get soaked because of you
so you carefully ask if he’s okay with that
“I wouldn’t suggest it if I wasn’t,” he explains with a smile on his face
so you decide to run to the convenience store at the other end of the street to get an umbrella, and then you take the fastest bus to a neighbourhood a little outside the city
you watch the sky intently, hoping the storm won’t be over by the time you reached your destination
Giwook asks about why you’re so fond of thunderstorms, if there’s any specific reason
“I just like them,” you answer
not too long after, you reach your stop in the outskirts of the city
you find yourself a playground that’s empty thanks to the rain, and you watch the sky from under the umbrella as lightning flashes and the clouds form impressive shapes
as you watch in awe, you hear him chuckling beside you
“Am I being weird…?” you ask, but Giwook shakes his head
“It’s just cute how fascinated you are.”
you continue watching the storm together for a while, until a strong wind sets in and you take shelter in a shop nearby
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